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Abstract and Figures

Les nocicepteurs à terminaisons libres ont longtemps été considérés comme les seuls senseurs nociceptifs dans la peau. Abdo et al. réévaluent le rôle des cellules de Schwann (CSs), cellules gliales de soutien du système nerveux périphérique, dans la perception de la douleur chez la souris. Après observation de la morphologie et de la localisation des CSs et des fibres nociceptives dans la peau, les chercheurs s’intéressent à leur relation fonctionnelle. Ils génèrent des souris exprimant des canaux ioniques photosensibles à la surface des CSs. Cela leur permet de les stimuler spécifiquement (par optogénétique) tout en mesurant la réponse électrique du nerf palmaire. En combinant l’excitation ou l’inhibition des CSs avec des tests comportementaux, ils mesurent la capacité des CSs à sensibiliser les souris à la douleur thermique et mécanique. Enfin, des CSs sont isolées pour évaluer leur capacité à répondre à un stimulus mécanique. Les observations par microscopie électronique et à fluorescence révèlent que les nocicepteurs se trouvent entourés par le cytoplasme des CSs dans le derme et accolés à ces dernières dans l’épiderme. Ce complexe glioneural se ramifie au niveau subépidermal. Les chercheurs décident ainsi d’appeler ces cellules gliales « cellules de Schwann nociceptives » (CSn). Leur stimulation par optogénétique révèle une augmentation de l’activité électrique des fibres nociceptives, des comportements « de douleur » chez la souris, et augmente la sensibilité des souris aux stimuli douloureux mécaniques et thermiques. L’inhibition via optogénétique des CSn diminue leur sensibilité aux stimuli mécaniques mais ne modifie pas leur sensibilité aux stimuli thermiques. L’enregistrement unicellulaire des CSn révèle qu’elles sont hautement sensibles aux stimuli mécaniques. Les auteurs de cette étude ont découvert un nouveau type de cellule de Schwann nociceptive jouant un rôle important dans la genèse et modulation de la nociception cutanée.
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Nociception in the Skin: nociceptors are no longer the only actors*
La nociception cutanée par les cellules de Schwann
M. Cherpi · A. Delage · T. Paul · M. Renard
© Lavoisier SAS 2020
Résumé Les nocicepteurs à terminaisons libres ont long-
temps été considérés comme les seuls senseurs nociceptifs
dans la peau. Abdo et al. réévaluent le rôle des cellules de
Schwann (CSs), cellules gliales de soutien du système ner-
veux périphérique, dans la perception de la douleur chez la
souris. Après observation de la morphologie et de la locali-
sation des CSs et des fibres nociceptives dans la peau, les
chercheurs sintéressent à leur relation fonctionnelle. Ils gén-
èrent des souris exprimant des canaux ioniques photosensi-
bles à la surface des CSs. Cela leur permet de les stimuler
spécifiquement (par optogénétique) tout en mesurant la
réponse électrique du nerf palmaire. En combinant lexcita-
tion ou linhibition des CSs avec des tests comportementaux,
ils mesurent la capacité des CSs à sensibiliser les souris à la
douleur thermique et mécanique. Enfin, des CSs sont isolées
pour évaluer leur capacité à répondre à un stimulus mécani-
que. Les observations par microscopie électronique et à fluo-
rescence révèlent que les nocicepteurs se trouvent entourés
par le cytoplasme des CSs dans le derme et accolés à ces
dernières dans lépiderme. Ce complexe glioneural se rami-
fie au niveau subépidermal. Les chercheurs décident ainsi
dappeler ces cellules gliales « cellules de Schwann nocicep-
tives » (CSn). Leur stimulation par optogénétique révèle une
augmentation de lactivité électrique des fibres nocicep-
tives, des comportements « de douleur » chez la souris, et
augmente la sensibilité des souris aux stimuli douloureux
mécaniques et thermiques. Linhibition via optogénétique
des CSn diminue leur sensibilité aux stimuli mécaniques
mais ne modifie pas leur sensibilité aux stimuli thermiques.
Lenregistrement unicellulaire des CSn révèle quelles sont
hautement sensibles aux stimuli mécaniques. Les auteurs de
cette étude ont découvert un nouveau type de cellule de
Schwann nociceptive jouant un rôle important dans la gen-
èse et modulation de la nociception cutanée.
Mots clés Nociception · Douleur · Peau · Schwann ·
Nocicepteurs · Souris
Nociceptors are specialized high-threshold sensory neurons
that allow living organisms to recognize and react to poten-
tially or currently damaging stimuli for the body. Unmyelin-
ated nociceptive fibers (also called C fibers) transduce and
conduct noxious stimuli from the periphery to the central
nervous system. An intensely unpleasant or painful sensa-
tion and a behavioral response are then triggered by the cen-
tral nervous system to preserve the bodys integrity [1].
Cutaneous nociceptors are sensitive to mechanical, ther-
mal, and chemical stimuli [2]. In the dermis, unmyelinated
nociceptorsaxons are ensheathed by a specialized type of
glial cells called Remak Schwann cells in a Remak bundle of
axons [3].
So far, nociceptive fibers were thought to lose their
Remak Schwann cell ensheathment in the dermis, reaching
the epidermis as free nerve endings[4]. Therefore, few
studies have analyzed the involvement of non-myelinating
Schwann cells in nociception.
M. Cherpi
BSc in Molecular and Cellular Biology,
University of Nantes, France
A. Delage (*)
BSc in Physiology, University of Lyon, France
e-mail :
T. Paul
BSc in Biochemistry, University of Rennes, France
M. Renard
BSc in Molecular and Cellular Biology,
University of Bretagne Sud, France
M. Cherpi · A. Delage · T. Paul · M. Renard
École universitaire de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la douleur
(EURIDOL Graduate School of Pain), Joint Master in
université de Strasbourg, faculté des sciences de la vie,
28, rue Goethe, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
* JC report written from Abdo et al., Science (2019) 365:69599.
Douleur analg. (2019) 32:217-220
DOI 10.3166/dea-2020-0081
Abdo et al. [5] in their recent report has focused on the
morphology of non-myelinating Schwann cells at the der-
misepidermis border, and on their role in cutaneous noci-
ception in the mouse.
Morphological characterization of a new glial
cell type in the skin: the nociceptive Schwann
The authors first studied the morphology and localization of
non-myelinating Schwann cells (SCs) in mice skin sections.
Genetically modified mice producing fluorescent proteins in
non-myelinating SCs and nociceptive fibers were used.
Immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and immuno-
electron microscopy studies were performed on mice hind
paw and back skin sections. Unmyelinated nociceptors and
glial cell markers were used to study the localization of these
cells at the dermis/epidermis border.
With these visualization techniques, the authors found
SCs ensheathing nociceptive fibers in the dermis. This
glio-neural complex resembles that of the Remak bundle of
axons [3]. At the epidermal boundary, Abdo et al. has also
observed SCs penetrating into the epidermis, abutting the
long-thought freenerve endings of nociceptive fibers [4],
in both hairy and glabrous skin (Fig. 1A). A layer of fibrillar
collagen was seen to be structurally oriented in the glio-
neural complex direction: it may act by supporting and insu-
lating the complex.
Thus, a morphologically distinct type of SCs has
been discovered by Abdo et al. As these SCs are in close
relationship with nociceptive fiber terminals in the dermis
and epidermis, the authors decided to name them nocicep-
tive Schwann cells.
Fig. 1 Specialized Schwann cells form a sensory organ in the skin A. Specific Schwann (nSCs) cells engulf free nerve endings and form
a mesh-like network. B. Genetically modified nSCs expressing rhodopsin (ChR2) or archaerhodopsin (ArchT) channels. Specific wave-
length modulates the cells activity. C. nSCs optogenetic stimulation elicits nociceptive fibers compound action potential (Palmar nerve
recording). D
. nSCs subthreshold optogenetic: stimulation results in potentiation of mechanical and thermal stimuli. D
. Control: mice
behavioral response to thermal or mechanical stimulation without optogenetics. D
. nSCs optogenetics: inhibition results in lower
response to mechanical stimuli
218 Douleur analg. (2019) 32:217-220
Stimulation of nociceptive Schwann cells
triggers an electrical response in nociceptive
fibers and nocifensive behaviors
As nociceptive Schwann cells (nSCs) seem to form a struc-
tural complex with nociceptors, Abdo et al. then studied the
role they could play in nociception. They decided to use an
optogenetic strategy to stimulate them in mice palmar skin of
the hind paw. Using a virus to infect the cells of this region,
they made nSCs produce a specific light-sensitive ion chan-
nel called Channelrhodopsin 2 (ChR2) at their membrane
surface. By this way, they were able to specifically activate
nSCs using blue light (Fig. 1B).
During optogenetic activation of nSCs, they measured the
extracellular electrical response of the palmar nerve. They
showed a dose-dependent increase in nociceptive fibers fir-
ing activity following nSCs stimulation with blue-light trains
(Fig. 1C). They also observed an increase in pain-like beha-
viors after specific stimulations of nSC: paw withdrawal,
licking, shaking, and guarding (Fig. 1D
Hence, this study provides direct evidence that nSCs
induce pain-like behaviors by stimulating the nerve endings,
which then convey the information to the central nervous
system to trigger behavioral responses.
Nociceptive Schwann cells contribute to skin
mechanosensitivity and potentiate skin
Abdo et al. went further and studied the specific sensory
modalities that nociceptive Schwann cells could modulate.
They measured if the stimulation of nSCs could elicit a sen-
sitization of mice to mechanical or thermal noxious stimuli.
For doing this process, they stimulated nSCs with blue light,
exposing mice to a stimulation not sufficient enough to
induce pain-like behaviors and simultaneously conducted a
stimuli on skin. They also created mice-expressing Archae-
rhodopsin receptors, called ArchT receptors, at the nSCs
membrane. These light-sensitive proteins, instead of activat-
ing Schwann cells, inhibit them when exposed to yellow
light. They looked at the effect of nSCs inhibition in mice
pain sensitivity.
Mice sensitivity to mechanical stimuli was increased
by nSCs activation in a dose-dependent manner: a longer
stimulation of nSCs resulted in an increased sensitivity
to mechanical stimulation (Fig. 1D
) compared to control
(Fig. 1D
). Conversely, the mechanical sensitivity was sig-
nificantly decreased when nSCs were inhibited (Fig. 1D
Researchers carried on the study by figuring out on what
extent these nSCs were affected by mechanical stimuli.
They measured their electrical response to mechanical sti-
muli performing electrophysiological recordings of single
nociceptive Schwann cells ex vivo. Abdo et al. showed
that a mechanical stimulation elicits a fast-electrical
response. From these experiments, they concluded that noci-
ceptive Schwann-cells are inherently mechanosensitive and
contribute to the sensation of mechanical stimuli in the skin.
Both heat and cold sensitivity was increased by the nSCs
blue light stimulation (Fig. 1D
). However, thermal sensitiv-
ity was not significantly reduced in mice expressing the
ArchT receptors compared to the control mice. This means
that, contrary to mechanical sensitivity, activation of nSCs
only potentiates thermal sensitivity. Indeed, the contribution
of nociceptive Schwann cells is not required for this modal-
ity: nociceptors could be sufficient for the detection of ther-
mal stimuli in mice skin.
Abdo et al. characterized a new type of glial cells present
into mice skins dermis and epidermis. In the dermis, these
non-myelinating Schwann cells resemble the previously
described Remak Schwann cells, as they ensheath nocicep-
tive fibers [3]. Contrary to Remak Schwann cells, they were
shown to penetrate the epidermis abutting the long-thought
freenerve endings of nociceptors [4]. Hence, they named
them nociceptive Schwann cells (nSCs). Their stimulation
generates an electrical response characteristic of the activity
of nociceptive fibers and nocifensive behaviors. A lighter
stimulation of nSCs increases mice sensitivity to mechanical
stimuli while their inhibition lowers mice mechanosensitiv-
ity. Abdo et al. also showed that nSCs are inherently
mechanosensitive and hypothesized that they could detect
noxious mechanical stimuli and stimulate nociceptive fibers
in return, directly contributing to mechanical nociception.
Activation of nSCs also sensitized mice to noxious thermal
stimuli, but their activity is not required for this modality.
Nociceptors could be sufficient for thermal nociception,
and nSCs activation could only potentiate thermal nocicep-
tion in mice skin. More research is needed to clarify the role
of nSCs in thermoception.
This article challenges the perspective we had of skin
nociception. Nociceptive Schwann cells have a singular
morphological and functional relationship with nerve fiber
terminals. These glial cells are able to activate nociceptors
and trigger pain-like behavior. They are inherently mechan-
osensitive and potentiate thermoception. The contribution of
nSCs suggests a broader response profile of nociceptors: the
sensory modality that they encode is not only dependent on
their molecular profile [6,7] but also on their glio-neural
complex. Further research is needed to characterize nocicep-
tive Schwann cells more precisely and maybe to evaluate
their involvement and therapeutic potential in some neuro-
pathologies such as chronic pain.
Douleur analg. (2019) 32:217-220 219
Acknowledgments This journal club report has been written
in the course of the Joint Master in Neuroscience training
program (teaching unit: fundamental in neuroscience) with
the support of the French National Research Agency (ANR)
through the Programme dInvestissement dAvenir (contract
ANR-17-EURE-0022, EURIDOL graduate school of pain)
Conflicts of interests: The authors declare that they have no
conflict of interest
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... In the animal experiments, the sensor was subcutaneously inserted into the dermis layer directly below the skin. This has the advantage that pain receptors and nerves are not present in the dermis and subcutaneous fat layer [44], [45], [46]. It was observed that the sensor frequency changed according to the change in BGL during the in vivo GTT experiment. ...
italic xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">Objective : Continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) is growing popular and preferred by diabetes over conventional methods of self-blood glucose monitoring (SBGM) systems. However, currently available commercial CGMS in the market is useful for few days to few months. This paper presents a durable, highly sensitive and minimally invasive implant type electromagnetic sensor for continuous glucose monitoring that is capable of tracking minute changes in blood glucose level (BGL). Methods : The proposed sensor utilizes strong oscillating nearfield to detect minute changes in dielectric permittivity of interstitial fluid (ISF) and blood due to changes in BGL. A biocompatible packaging material is used to cover the sensor. It helps in minimizing foreign body reactions (FBR) and improves stability of the sensor. Results : The performance of the proposed sensor was evaluated on live rodent models (C57BL/6J mouse and Sprague Dawley rat) through intravenous glucose and insulin tolerance tests. Biocompatible polyolefin was used as the sensor packaging material, and the effect of packaging thickness on the sensitivity of sensor was examined in in-vivo test. Proposed sensor could track real-time BGL change measured with a commercial blood glucose meter. High linear correlation (R <sup xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">2</sup> > 0.9) with measured BGL was observed during in vivo experiments. Conclusion : The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed sensor is suitable for long term CGMS applications with a high accuracy. Significance : Present work offers a new perspective towards development of long term CGM system using electromagnetic based implant sensor. The in vivo evaluation of the sensor shows excellent tracking of BGL changes.
Full-text available
The mammalian nervous system executes complex behaviors controlled by specialized, precisely positioned, and interacting cell types. Here, we used RNA sequencing of half a million single cells to create a detailed census of cell types in the mouse nervous system. We mapped cell types spatially and derived a hierarchical, data-driven taxonomy. Neurons were the most diverse and were grouped by developmental anatomical units and by the expression of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Neuronal diversity was driven by genes encoding cell identity, synaptic connectivity, neurotransmission, and membrane conductance. We discovered seven distinct, regionally restricted astrocyte types that obeyed developmental boundaries and correlated with the spatial distribution of key glutamate and glycine neurotransmitters. In contrast, oligodendrocytes showed a loss of regional identity followed by a secondary diversification. The resource presented here lays a solid foundation for understanding the molecular architecture of the mammalian nervous system and enables genetic manipulation of specific cell types.
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Different physical and chemical stimuli are detected by the peripheral sensory receptors of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, and the generated inputs are transmitted via afferent fibers into the central nervous system. The gene expression profiles of DRG neurons contribute to the generation, transmission, and regulation of various somatosensory signals. Recently, the single-cell transcriptomes, cell types, and functional annotations of somatosensory neurons have been studied. In this review, we introduce our classification of DRG neurons based on single-cell RNA-sequencing and functional analyses, and discuss the technical approaches. Moreover, studies on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying somatic sensations are discussed.
A newly discovered cell type for pain perception Pain has been thought to be initiated by activation of free nerve endings without end organs in the skin. In contrast to this paradigm, Abdo et al. discovered a previously unknown meshlike organ covering the skin that senses dangerous environmental stimuli (see the Perspective by Doan and Monk). This organ is built from specialized glial cells located in the epidermal-dermal border and is sufficient and required for initiation of mechanical pain transduction. Science , this issue p. 695 ; see also p. 641
The CNS contains relatively few unmyelinated nerve fibers, and thus benefits from the advantages that are conferred by myelination, including faster conduction velocities, lower energy consumption for impulse transmission, and greater stability of point-to-point connectivity. In the PNS many fibers or regions of fibers the Schwann do not form myelin. Examples include C fibers nociceptors, postganglionic sympathetic fibers, and the Schwann cells associated with motor nerve terminals at neuromuscular junctions. These examples retain a degree of plasticity and a capacity to sprout collaterally that is unusual in myelinated fibers. Nonmyelin-forming Schwann cells, including those associated with uninjured fibers, have the capacity to act as the "first responders" to injury or disease in their neighborhoods.
The human hairy skin was investigated electron microscopically and histochemically in 22 individuals aged 11 mth to 54 yr. The free penicillate endings are derived from nonmyelinated nerve fibers. Their origin in the superficial corium is marked by the perikaryon of a modified Schwann cell which constitutes the terminal cell of the Schwann sheath. This cell is the only source of the cytoplasmic sheaths to all endings and their branches. The endings are poor in axoplasmic organelles. They give negative reactions to acetyl and butyryl cholinesterases. They do not seem to be designed for effective mechanical stimulation. Their main characteristic is the extensive neural surface area that is distributed in the corium next to and inside the epidermis. This arrangement secures their efficiency in collecting the appropriate stimuli, but renders them inefficient in precise localization or 2 point discrimination.
In order to deal effectively with danger, it is imperative to know about it. This is what nociceptors do--these primary sensory neurons are specialized to detect intense stimuli and represent, therefore, the first line of defense against any potentially threatening or damaging environmental inputs. By sensing noxious stimuli and contributing to the necessary reactions to avoid them--rapid withdrawal and the experience of an intensely unpleasant or painful sensation, nociceptors are essential for the maintenance of the body's integrity. Although nociceptive pain is clearly an adaptive alarm system, persistent pain is maladaptive, essentially an ongoing false alarm. Here, we highlight the genesis of nociceptors during development and the intrinsic properties of nociceptors that enable them to transduce, conduct, and transmit nociceptive information and also discuss how their phenotypic plasticity contributes to clinical pain.
Kelley and Firestein's textbook of rheumatology
  • C I Svensson
  • L S Sorkin
Svensson CI, Sorkin LS (2017) Neuronal regulation of pain and inflammation. In: Firestein GS, Budd RC, Gabriel SE, et al (eds) Kelley and Firestein's textbook of rheumatology, 10th edn, pp 461-74. Kelley and Firestein's