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Call Structure and Activity Period of Pristimantis festae, a High-Elevation Anuran in Ecuador

Herpetological Review 50(3), 2019
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Herpetological Review, 2019, 50(3), 479–483.
© 2019 by Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
Call Structure and Activity Period of Pristimantis festae,
a High-Elevation Anuran in Ecuador
Perhaps the most well-studied aspect of anuran communica-
tion, vocalizations play an integral role in mate attraction (Lit-
tlejohn 1977; Gerhardt 1991; Tobias et al. 1998), demarcation of
territory (Wagner 1989; Byrne 2009), and myriad other social in-
teractions (Wells 1977; Wells and Schwartz 2007). Environmental
factors such as temperature and humidity, as well as individual
intrinsic factors such as size, are known to cause variations in
call frequency and duration (Lingnau and Bastos 2007; De To-
ledo et al. 2009; Costa and Toledo 2013). However, the majority of
variation is caused by changes in behavioral context.
The genus Pristimantis (Craugastoridae) has undergone ex-
tensive taxonomic revision and contains ca. 530 currently rec-
ognized species (Hedges et al. 2008; Frost 2019). As with most
members of this group, species of Pristimantis are highly cryp-
tic, reclusive, and almost exclusively nocturnal (Lynch and Du-
ellman 1997). For this reason, species data on calls and behavior
are sparse (Duellman and Lehr 2009).
Included within the Pristimantis myersi group (Hedges et al.
2008; Padial et al. 2014), Pristimantis (Eleutherodactylus) festae
(Fig. 1) has received physical, distribution, and phylogenetic re-
lationship descriptions (Lynch and Duellman 1980; Heinicke et
al. 2007; Padial et al. 2014); however, vocalizations and period of
activity have not been well documented. Pristimantis festae is
a small, high-elevation anuran distributed in páramo and sub-
páramo Andean habitats, and primary and secondary forests
in the Napo, Imbabura, and Tungurahua provinces of northern
Ecuador at elevations between 2360 and 3650 m (Lynch and Du-
ellman 1980; Yánez-Muñoz et al. 2014). Although listed by the
IUCN as Endangered (Coloma et al. 2004), AmphibiaWebEcua-
dor Red List has it marked as Least Concern with major threats
being habitat destruction and degradation (Ron et al. 2011).
With 9.865 million hectares of total forested area in 2010 (Ba-
hamondez et al. 2010), Ecuador has experienced a 60% reduc-
tion of forest habitat since the early 20th century (Cabarle et al.
1989; Mosandl et al. 2008; Bahamondez et al. 2010). Because P.
festae is endemic to Ecuador and unlikely to occur in heavily dis-
turbed habitats (Yánez-Muñoz et al. 2014), deforestation along
with climate abnormalities and the spread of infectious disease
Galo Plaza Lasso Foundation, Conservation Department,
Hacienda Zuleta, Zuleta, Ecuador
Museo de Zoología, Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas,
Ponticia Universidad Católica del Ecuador,
Avenida 12 de Octubre y Roca, Apartado17-01-2184, Quito, Ecuador
*Corresponding author; e-mail: Fig. 1. Pristimantis festae found in Ecuador.
Herpetological Review 50(3), 2019
(Bustamante et al. 2005; Pounds et al. 2006; Lips et al. 2008) may
have led to population fragmentation as it has in other species of
the Ecuadorian highlands. Although chytrid fungus has not been
directly linked to this species, most likely because of a lack of
testing, it has been detected in other species of Pristimantis and
is a likely factor in their declines (Lips et al. 2008; Cusi et al. 2015;
Narvaez 2015). Therefore, it is imperative to document the call
behavior of P. festae so biologists may easily identify and docu-
ment populations in the field, thereby facilitating future popula-
tion assessments and conservation efforts.
Materials and Methods
Study Site.—San Pedro de la Rinconada, within the Haci-
enda Zuleta property, Zuleta Valley, Imbabura Province, Ecuador
(00.19223°N, 78.05978°W; NAD 27) is a high-elevation Andean
habitat at 2900 m. Although no official measurements have been
taken of this valley, Zuleta falls within the equatorial subpáramo
and páramo habitats (Buytaert et al. 2006) and is characterized
by seasonal stability with large, yet consistent, daily temperature
fluctuations (Hedberg 1964; Sarmiento 1986).
Call Structure.—We collected call samples from July to
August 2015 using a digital Olympus LS-10 linear PCM recorder
with a Sennheiser K6 microphone attachment. Calls were
analyzed using Raven 1.3 software (
raven) at a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz and a frequency
resolution of 10.8 Hz. All calls were recorded within 2 m of the
subject. Measured call variables are defined using the definitions
found in Kok and Kalamandeen (2008). All acoustic parameters
are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The call recordings
have been deposited at the Museo de Zoología (QCAZ) of
the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and are available
through their web platform Bioweb Ecuador (https://bioweb.
Because variability exists between acoustic intensities, lower
intensity harmonics were not always visible in the spectrogram for
every note. To describe these instances, we used the terminology
outlined in Costa and Toledo (2013) of “visible harmonics” to
identify the harmonics with sufficient intensity to visibly register
in the spectrogram, and “nonvisible harmonics” for those with too
low of an intensity to appear in the spectrogram (Fig. 2). We used
only harmonics visibly differentiated by spectral analysis in the
description of acoustic parameters.
Statistical Analyses.—We recorded temperatures using a
HOBO Pendant© Temperature Data Logger (UA-001-64) at a
sampling rate of 15 minutes located 1.5 m above ground in the
table 1. Average amplitude, frequencies, and duration measurements ± one standard deviation.
Parameter Average
Amplitude (u), simple call 178993.890 ± 568780.748
Amplitude (u), compound call note-1 7864.804 ± 3597.313
Amplitude (u), compound call note-2 8563.568 ± 4475.707
Fundamental and dominant frequency (Hz), simple call 2230.416 ± 195.179
Fundamental and dominant frequency (Hz), compound call note-1 2232.159 ± 109.583
Fundamental and dominant frequency (Hz), compound call note-2 2235.495 ± 106.602
Call duration (s) simple note 0.181 ± 0.038
Call duration (s) compound call 1.025 ± 0.101
Note duration (s) simple call 0.181 ± 0.038
Note duration (s) compound call, note-1 0.202 ± 0.033
Note duration (s) compound call, note-2 0.173 ± 0.030
Inter-call interval (s) 9.090 ± 2.990
Inter-note interval (s) compound call 0.651 ± 0.082
Call rate (call/min) 8.147 ± 1.498
Fig. 2. Spectrogram of a typical Pristimantis festae call illustrating visual harmonics, the dominant and fundamental frequency, and the range
of nonvisual harmonics. With P. festae, the dominant frequency is always the same as the fundamental frequency (Kok and Kalamandeen
2008; Costa and Toledo 2013).
Herpetological Review 50(3), 2019
recording site. Analyses were conducted using R software (R Core
Team 2015). We used linear regression to calculate the possible
relationships between temperatures and call characteristics.
We recorded both simple and compound advertisement
vocalizations for P. festae. All calling individuals were recorded
during the day between 1114 h and 1626 h in primary forest un-
der fallen logs, leaf piles, and collections of general detritus in
shaded to well-lit primary forest, and within 20 m of a flowing
stream. Of the 20 individuals recorded, we analyzed 11 resulting
in a total of 186 notes. The values of each individual’s call were
averaged together then averaged with the values of the other 10
individuals. The nine individuals not analyzed were omitted due
to call-overs from other individuals or ambient distortions lead-
ing to poor-quality recordings. Only advertisement calls were
registered. Surveys were also conducted after sunset (1830 h)
however no calls were heard.
Calls may be composed of one to several notes, with the note
being the smallest contained unit of the call. The vocalizations
are considered simple when formed by a single note, and com-
pound when formed by two or more distinct notes (Kok and Ka-
lamandeen 2008). Of the 11 individuals analyzed, five performed
compound calls consisting of two notes, all of which vocalized at
least one simple call at some point during the recording session,
while the remaining six performed exclusively simple calls. The
simple advertisement call is a single high-pitched whistle with
a mean call and note duration of 0.181 ± 0.038 s and comprised
66.2% of the total calls recorded. While the compound call con-
sists of two high-pitched whistles with a mean call duration of
1.025 ± 0.101 s, and a mean inter-note interval of 0.651 ± 0.082
s. The first note of the compound call has a mean duration of
0.202 ± .033 s, and the second note has a mean duration of 0.173
± 0.030 s. Compound calls comprised 33.8% of all recorded calls.
The simple and compound calls have a mean inter-call interval
of 9.090 ± 2.990 s, and a mean call rate of 8.147 ± 1.498 calls per
minute (Table 1).
Although the majority of calls were uniform, we encoun-
tered one individual that vocalized a unique call. In addition to
the standard whistle, one to two short auxiliary notes were often
added immediately after the main note (Fig. 3). These auxiliary
notes had a mean duration of 0.008 s, and a mean inter-note in-
terval of 0.004 s with no difference in frequency from the main
note. This individual was collected and then stored in the Mu-
seum of Zoology (QCAZ) at Pontificia Universidad Católica del
Ecuador, reference number QCAZ-A 62034.
During the analysis we identified eight distinct harmonics,
however none of the 186 notes contained all eight visual har-
monics at once (Fig. 2). The most common pattern was three
to four visual harmonics at 66.14%, while 24.87% had five to
six harmonics, and 8.99% had two. In every note, the first har-
monic had both the lowest frequency and the highest intensity
and therefore forms the fundamental and dominant frequency.
table 2. Note duration (s) and frequency harmonics (Hz) followed by one standard deviation of the simple call, and notes 1 and
2 of the compound call.
Simple call Compound call, note 1 Compound call, note 2
Note duration (s) 0.181 ± 0.038 0.202 ± 0.033 0.173 ± 0.030
Harmonic (Hz) - 1 2230.416 ± 195.416 2232.159 ± 109.583 2235.495 ± 106.602
2 4300.932 ± 230.250 4405.335 ± 220.525 4437.537 ± 220.724
3 6148.740 ± 343.842 6370.324 ± 226.512 6433.227 ± 181.588
4 6977.910 ± 73.612 6976.358 ± 40.711 7008.166 ± 66.536
5 8189.713 ± 279.887 8221.0714 ± 0.000 8674.814 ± 0.000
6 10151.914 ± 594.674 10099.100 ± 0.000 9873.000 ± 0.000
7 13055.870 ± 776.393 12031.650 ± 0.000 11784.057 ± 0.000
8 15027.475 ± 0.000 14899.167 ± 0.000 14747.157 ± 0.000
Fig. 3. Oscillogram (top) and spectrogram (bottom) of the standard
compound call (A), simple call (B), and simple call with auxiliary
trailing note (C). The auxiliary note only occurred in one individual
(QCAZ-A 62034).
Herpetological Review 50(3), 2019
The average fundamental and dominant frequency (harmonic 1)
of the simple call was 2230.416 ± 195.416 Hz, and harmonic 1
of the first and second notes of the compound call had a mean
frequency of 2232.159 ± 109.583 Hz and 2235.495 ± 106.602 Hz,
respectively (Table 2).
When vocalization recordings were taken, the lowest temper-
ature registered was 11.53°C and the highest was 15.09°C with
an average of 13.23 ± 1.24°C. Call rate (calls/minute) showed a
significant positive correlation with air temperature (P = 0.02).
Other call characteristics such as call duration (P = 0.22), inter-
call interval (P = 0.25), dominant/fundamental frequency of the
single call, and compound call note 1 and note 2 (P = 0.76, 0.76,
and 0.75, respectively) showed no significant correlation with air
The call frequencies and durations of P. festae are fairly uni-
form and predictable between individuals. However, certain ex-
ceptions occur. The majority of calls consisted of a single note,
but a double note call was not uncommon, as it comprised ap-
proximately 1/3 of all calls. With respect to duration, the single
call was most similar to the second note of the compound call,
however the mean harmonic 1 frequencies for all three types of
notes fell within 5.079 Hz of each other. Harmonics 2–8 of the
simple and compound notes demonstrate frequency similarities
as well, with harmonic 7 showing the largest variation between
It is possible the simple, compound, and auxiliary note calls
have a behavioral context that was not observed in this study.
Wagner (1989) demonstrated that the duration and number of
pulses per call of Acris crepitans changed significantly in relation
to the proximity and intensity of the nearest calling neighbor,
while Gerhardt (1991) showed dramatic alteration of a male’s
call as a female approached. This last behavior has also been ob-
served in Pristimantis unistrigatus, another Ecuadorian Andean
species, in the presence of other males (Merino-Viteri, unpubl.
data). Temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors
have also been shown to cause alterations in call structure and
duration (Costa and Toledo 2013). We recommend that future
studies be conducted to discern the behavioral and environ-
mental influence on call structure for this species.
Temperature effects on note duration have been well
documented in other species (Lingnau and Bastos 2007);
however, only call rate showed significant correlation during
this study. This is to be expected, as there was only a difference
of 3.6°C between the warmest and coolest recording period.
More observations should be conducted with a larger sample
size and a wider range of temperatures to better determine any
significant correlations.
All calls of P. festae were recorded during the day in both shad-
ed and well-lit areas. Call observations were also documented,
but not recorded, from individuals calling in the páramo from
clump grass during the day, and never at night. It is possible that
significant shade and humidity might mimic conditions required
for nocturnal activity and prompt diurnal calling, but as the
Páramo lies above the tree line, recordings were taken at lower
elevations in well-lit areas, and recordings were attempted from
1830 to 2200 h with no success, this does not appear to be the
case for P. festae. Therefore, P. festae is most likely a diurnal spe-
cies. Although diurnal species of Pristimantis are not unheard of,
the majority of species of this genus are nocturnal (Lynch and
Duellman 1997; Arroyo et al. 2008). Additional attempts to record
calls should be conducted after sunset throughout the lunar cy-
cle to verify this observation.
There are three close relatives to P. festae: P. ocreatus, P. phyr-
romerus, and P. leoni (Pinto-Sánchez et al. 2012; Padial et al. 2014;
Yánez-Muñoz et al. 2014). Pristimantis leoni was described in
Lynch and Duellman (1997) as having a distinct tink” call; how-
ever, only the call of P. phyrromerus has been spectrographically
analyzed (Guayasamin 2000). Pristimantis phyrromerus has a dis-
tinctly different call from P. festae; the average call duration lasts
0.207 ± 0.129 s and contains 1–8 notes, each with a mean duration
of 0.032 ± 0.007 s and a mean inter-note interval of 0.035 ± 0.031
s. The dominant and fundamental frequencies of P. phyrromerus
are also separate with the mean fundamental frequency register-
ing 82.5 ± 28.831 Hz, and the dominant at a much higher 2830 ±
117.501 Hz. It is interesting to note that P. phyrromerus was fre-
quently recorded during the day. This may indicate further diurnal
tendencies in other closely related members of this group. Addi-
tional testing and observation is recommended.
The single high-pitched whistle of the simple call of P. festae
sounds similar to the call of Hyloxalus jacobuspetersi (Dendrobati-
dae), a sympatric species. However, H. jacobuspetersi has a slightly
longer duration at 0.23–0.31 s, with a lower fundamental frequen-
cy between 1300 and 1500 Hz, and higher dominant frequency
between 2900 and 3400 Hz (Coloma 1995). These measurements
were taken from two individuals in Pichincha and Bolívar Prov-
Acknowledgments.—We thank the Galo Plaza Lasso Foundation,
the Hacienda Zuleta, T. Luxner, Y. Potaufeu, X. Pazmiño, and S. Ron for
their assistance and advice with this project. Santiago Ron provided
advice on call structure analyses. Specimens were collected under
permit 009-2015-FAU-DPAP-MA issued by Ministerio del Ambiente
del Ecuador.
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aspx?Id=3419>, accessed 31 January 2016.
... nov. relative to P. festae vary only slightly, unlike the timbres, which exhibit up to eight series of harmonic frequencies (Holzheuser and Merino-Viteri 2019). It is worth mentioning that the vocalisations of P. donnelsoni sp. ...
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The explosive diversity of rainfrogs (Pristimantis spp) reaches its highest levels in the mountains of the Tropical Andes, with remarkable cryptic species mainly in unexplored areas of Ecuador. Based on phylogenetics, morphometric traits, skull osteology and bioacoustics, we describe two new species of Pristimantis, previously confused with Pristimantis gladiator, that belong to the subgenus Trachyphrynus traditionally known as the Pristimantis myersi species group. The two new taxa are closely related, but have allopatric distributions. We discuss the importance of the Quijos and Pastaza River valleys in the diversification along Amazonian slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes.
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A new locality, range extension and record of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the endangered terrestrial breeding frog Pristimantis katoptroides Flores, 1988 (Anura: Craugastoridae) in Peru Abstract: We provide a new record of the poorly known and endangered Pristimantis katoptroides from the Cor-dillera Central in Peru, based on a specimen collected in the Alto Mayo Protected Forest, San Martin Department. We provide notes on the morphology and color-ation of the species and two other specimens previously collected in Peru, as well as photographs and an updated map indicating the known localities of P. katoptroides. This record represents an extension of 210 km in the southern limit of the geographic range. Additionally, we report the presence of the chytrid fungus in this species.
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The most common defensive vocalization in anurans is the distress call. However, few descriptions of this type of call are available in the literature, especially for the Neotropics. We therefore described the defensive calls of 31 anuran species and evaluated correlations between anuran size and call physical structure (sound pressure level, dominant frequency, and call duration). Defensive calls are most likely an ancestral character in anurans, as this character is widespread over several genera and families. A positive relationship may exist between the physical characteristics of distress calls and chances of avoiding predation, i.e., only larger (than a certain size) frogs produce defensive vocalizations and the larger the frog, the higher the sound pressure level of its screams. This study strengthens our knowledge about defensive vocalizations in anurans and will hopefully instigate new challenges for future research.
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Kaieteur National Park is a protected area covering ca. 63,000 ha located at the eastern edge of the Pakaraima Mountains, in a largely unexplored region of west-central Guyana. Next to providing description of the area, its vegetation and climate, an overview of the equipment and appropriate techniques needed to study amphibian taxonomy, this manual also provides a brief summary of our current knowledge of the amphibian systematics in the region, key features useful to identify amphibians, and the very first field guide dealing with the amphibian fauna of Guyana, notably with the amphibians of Kaieteur National Park. A total of 48 species (46 anurans and 2 caecilians) are treated and illustrated in colour. Field keys, field identifications, brief information on natural history, calls, tadpoles and distribution within and outside the Park are also included. This work also reports the microhylid Synapturanus salseri Pyburn, 1975 for the first time from Guyana
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Temporal patterns of anuran reproduction fall into two broad categories: prolonged breeding and explosive breeding. The spatial and temporal distribution of females determines the form of malemale competition. Males of explosive breeders in dense aggregations engage in ‘scramble competition’, attempting amplexus with every individual and struggling among themselves for possession of females. Males of prolonged breeders usually call from stationary positions to attract females and often maintain some sort of intermale spacing. Many aspects of vocal behaviour and chorus organization can be viewed as consequences of intrasexual competition. Males of some prolonged breeders defend allpurpose territories, oviposition sites, or courtship areas against conspecific males. Males with high quality territories may enhance their attractiveness to females and obtain several mates in one season. The social organization of some species resembles the lek behaviour of other vertebrates. Males or females of some tropical species care for eggs and tadpoles, but the evolution of parental care has not yet been studied in detail.
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In this study we analysed the acoustic activity of Hylodes heyeri in areas of Atlantic Forest, in southern Brazil. Observations were made in November 2001 and from January to April 2002, at Estação II Instituto Agronô mico do Paraná, municipality of Morretes, State of Paraná. Males displayed three different vocalizations: advertisement calls, territorial calls, and courtship calls. Temporal and spectral parameters of advertisement and territorial calls were analysed, along with call intensity. The duration of the advertisement call showed a negative correlation with air temperature, with males decreasing the duration of advertisement calls at higher temperatures. Male body size was not correlated with any of the acoustic parameters. Details on habitat use, distances to nearest vocalizing neighbour, and daily calling activity are also included.
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I studied variation in male calling behavior and its social correlates in Blanchard's cricket frog, Acris crepitans blanchardi. Calls were produced in distinct call groups, and they increased in duration and complexity from the beginning to end of a call group. Dominant frequency was the only character of 18 quantified consistently correlated with male snout‐vent length. Calls from the beginning of a call group varied independently of calls from the middle and end of a call group, and only calls from the beginning of a call group exhibited significant variation among males, thus relative consistency within males. Other characters varied greatly within individual males. Unlike most other anurans, dominant frequency also exhibited tremendous within‐male variation. The relative influence of caller density, local caller density, nearest neighbor distance, and nearest neighbor sound pressure level on variation in male calling behavior was examined. Nearest neighbor distance, mediated through the sound‐pressure level of neighbor calls, appeared to have the greatest influence on variation in male calling behavior. The most profound changes in calling behavior occurred during aggressive encounters; males altered their calling behavior in a manner suggesting that they respond to competitors with graded aggressive signals. Furthermore, the structure of the communication system suggests that calls are graded not only in response to the level of social competition, but graded over a call group as well.
New World frogs recently placed in a single, enormous family (Brachycephalidae) have direct development and reproduce on land, often far away from water. DNA sequences from mitochondrial and nuclear genes of 344 species were analyzed to estimate their relationships. The molecular phylogeny in turn was used as the basis for a revised classification of the group. The 882 described species are placed in a new taxon, Terrarana, and allocated to four families, four subfamilies, 24 genera, 11 subgenera, 33 species series, 56 species groups, and 11 species subgroups. Systematic accounts are provided for all taxa above the species level. Two families (Craugastoridae and Strabomantidae), three subfamilies (Holoadeninae, Phyzelaphryninae, and Strabomantinae), six genera (Bryophryne, Diasporus, Haddadus, Isodactylus, Lynchius, and Psychrophrynella), and two subgenera (Campbellius and Schwartzius) are proposed and named as new taxa, 13 subspecies are considered to be distinct species, and 613 new combinations are formed. Most of the 100 informal groups (species series, species groups, and species subgroups) are new or newly defined. Brachycephalus and Ischnocnema are placed in Brachycephalidae, a relatively small clade restricted primarily to southeastern Brazil. Eleutherodactylidae includes two subfamilies, four genera, and five subgenera and is centered in the Caribbean region. Craugastoridae contains two genera and three subgenera and is distributed mainly in Middle America. Strabomantidae is distributed primarily in the Andes of northwestern South America and includes two subfamilies, 16 genera, and three subgenera. Images and distribution maps are presented for taxa above the species level and a complete list of species is provided. Aspects of the evolution, biogeography, and conservation of Terrarana are discussed.
Padial et al. (2014) applied the name Pristimantinae Ohler & Dubois, 2012 to a taxon including the genera Ceuthomantis, Dischidodactylus, Pristimantis, and Yunganastes. However, Ceuthomantidae Heinicke, Duellman, Trueb, Means, MacCulloch & Hedges, 2009, type genus Ceuthomantis Heinicke, Duellman, Trueb, Means, MacCulloch & Hedges, 2009, has priority over Pristimantinae Ohler & Dubois, 2012, a fact that we overlooked and correct herein. Ceuthomantinae is thus the correct subfamily name for the taxon including Ceuthomantis, Dischidodactylus, Pristimantis, and Yunganastes, and Pristimantinae Ohler & Dubois, 2012 is its junior synonym. We provide an amended Figure 22 (page 50) reflecting the current classification of Brachycephaloidea as now listed in Frost (2014) and provide the pertinent correction to page 125 of Appendix 2, which should read as follows:
Acoustic communication constitutes an important and conspicuous part of the breeding biology of most anurans: in the establishment and maintenance of territories by males, in facilitating the attraction of conspecific mates to males, in courtship, and in the identification of sex and reproductive state. The aim of this review is to examine the long-range acoustic communication system of anurans through an integrated and evolutionary approach, and to consider the constraints on the system in the context of reproduction. A useful framework on which to build such an approach is provided by the model of a communication system initially developed by Shannon and Weaver (1949), and applied to biological systems by Cherry (1957), Johnston (1976), Moles (1963) and others. This biocommunication system consists of four main elements: the common repertoire (set of signs), the source (emitter or transmitter),the communication channel and associated noise, and the destination or receiver (Fig. 1). Each functional subsystem, emitter complex and receiver complex, is normally contained within the structure of one individual. A message is selected from the common repertoire, encoded and introduced into the channel as a signal. Perturbations of the channel (noise) tend to reduce the intelligence of the signal (information content), which is subsequently accepted by the receiver, decoded and compared with the contents of its repertoire. The result is an output that completes the bio-communicative sequence. The incorporation of redundancy into the message, through synonymy or repetition, helps to overcome the problem of a noisy channel, but at the expense of energy, time and transmission rate.