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A Hands-On Cybersecurity Curriculum Using a Robotics Platform

A Hands-On Cybersecurity Curriculum Using a Robotics
Bernard Yett
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA
Nicole Hutchins
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA
Gordon Stein
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA
Hamid Zare
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA
Caitlin Snyder
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA
Gautam Biswas
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA
Mary Metelko
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA
Ákos Lédeczi
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN, USA
This paper presents a study where high school students were taught
computing and cybersecurity concepts using a robotics platform. 38
students attended a week-long summer camp, starting with projects
such as a simulation-only game and a simple autonomous driving
program for the robots to learn and apply computational thinking
(CT) and networking skills. They were then assigned a series of
challenges that required developing progressively more advanced
cybersecurity measures to protect their robots. This culminated in
a nal challenge that required implementing defensive measures
such as encryption, secure key exchange, and sequence numbers to
prevent cyber attacks during robot operations. We used an evidence-
centered design framework to construct rubrics for grading student
work. The pre- and post-test results show that the interventions
helped students learn cybersecurity and CT concepts, but they
had diculties with networking concepts. These results correlate
with scores from the game and the nal challenge. Overall, surveys
show that the competition-based robotics learning framework was
engaging to students, and it supported their learning. However, our
intervention needs to be modied to help students learn networking
Applied computing Interactive learning environments
Security and privacy
Social and professional topics
Computational thinking;
block-based programming, robotics, computer science education,
computational thinking, cybersecurity, networking
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SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
©2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6793-6/20/03.. .$15.00
ACM Reference Format:
Bernard Yett, Nicole Hutchins, Gordon Stein, Hamid Zare, Caitlin Sny-
der, Gautam Biswas, Mary Metelko, and Ákos Lédeczi. 2020. A Hands-On
Cybersecurity Curriculum Using a Robotics Platform. In The 51st ACM
Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’20), March
11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages. https:
There has been a lot of emphasis on introducing computer sci-
ence (CS) and computational thinking (CT) concepts and practices
into K-12 curricula [
]. Educators, researchers, and industry stake-
holders have recognized the importance of this integration, not
only as a means for better preparing students for the 21st century
workforce [
] but also for helping them to develop the abilities
to create the next wave of computing innovations [
]. In particu-
lar, cybersecurity has become an important topic that is featured
widely in multiple studies [
]. In this work, we develop a set
of curricular tasks that focus on learning cybersecurity concepts.
Our hypothesis is that students will be more engaged in learning
cybersecurity and other CS topics through hands-on activities and
competitive projects. To facilitate such learning, we have adopted a
robotics platform along with a block-based programming language
(BBPL) [
] to develop a curriculum with a sequence of tasks that
start by teaching CT concepts and practices, and then expand to
cover advanced topics in networking and cybersecurity.
In the summer of 2019, we ran an exploratory research study
with 38 high school students to evaluate their ability to learn about
cybersecurity, networking, and CT topics during a week-long camp.
As discussed, our intervention starts with networking and CT con-
cepts to enable students with minimal previous experience to es-
tablish baseline knowledge similar to their peers. Then students
transition to the cybersecurity problem-solving modules on rel-
atively equal footing and progressively learn to implement new
attack and defense strategies on the robotics platform. The platform
allows for creating BBPL code, running experiments, and observing
results. If a student’s program does not work correctly, the BBPL
allows for easy debugging by the students and their teachers who
may not be well-versed in programming. Our overall study with
Paper Session: Paper Security B
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA Bernard Ye et al.
the intervention included concept-based pre-post-tests, a survey
of students’ past programming experiences, and a self-assessment
of the students’ task values and motivation. We also modied the
curriculum and assessments from a past study to accommodate
new evidence-centered design (ECD)-based rubrics that allowed
for the tracking of student understanding of relevant concepts over
In this paper, we analyze data collected during the study to
answer the following research questions:
(1) [Student learning]
Did the intervention help students learn
the targeted CT, networking, and cybersecurity concepts as
determined by their pre-post-test learning gains?
(2) [Eectiveness of intervention]
Did performance on com-
ponents of our intervention, such as game development,
autonomous driving, encryption methods, and combining
security methods correlate with students’ pre-post-test learn-
ing gains?
(3) [Student interest and self-ecacy]
Did the answers to
the survey and self-assessment questions indicate that stu-
dents showed engagement and interest in the intervention
activities and the topics of study?
The rest of this paper discusses our intervention and the results of
our data analyses. Section 2 reviews background work in computing
and CT education, and previous work on use of robots to teach CS
topics. Section 3 outlines our intervention, providing a day-by-day
breakdown of the activities that students completed during the
cybersecurity camp. This is supplemented by descriptions of the
rubrics used to evaluate several of the projects that the students
undertook during the intervention. Section 4 presents our analyses
of the student data and discussion of the results. Finally, section 5
presents the conclusions and directions for future research.
The advent of CSforAll and the accompanying increase in school
districts in the USA implementing required CS standards have re-
sulted in a surge in eorts to engage K-12 students in CS and CT
education. Curricula such as Exploring Computer Science [
] and
the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course [
] have
targeted broadening participation in CS by introducing students to
constructs - such as networking and the internet, computing, and
data analysis - while also promoting important practices such as
creativity, abstraction, decomposition, and debugging. Courses such
as The Beauty and Joy of Computing [
] oer innovative and en-
gaging ways to implement CS and CT curricula in K-12 classrooms.
Moreover, the development of BBPEs, such as Scratch, Snap!, and
App Inventor, have been integral in increasing dissemination. Their
ease-of-use has lessened diculties students face in introductory
programming (e.g., syntax [
]), promoting engagement, condence,
and creativity in working on authentic projects [4, 21].
The growth of CS education research has also led to the develop-
ment of innovative tools for introducing computer science topics,
such as encryption and cybersecurity in K-12 classrooms. PNW
GenCyber [
] and SecurityEmpire [
] utilize game based learn-
ing approaches, and have produced promising learning gains in
K-12 participants. Similar gains were experienced by approaches
that integrate robotics and cybersecurity (e.g., Junior Cyber Dis-
covery [
] and Roboscape [
]). However, in order to integrate
these tools and approaches into K-12 classrooms, it is important to
include methods for assessing students against key standards and
teacher-dened learning objectives.
Recent eorts have targeted approaches to assessing student
learning during programming tasks, such as those utilizing BBPEs
to support programming projects that are creative and personally
meaningful [
]. Catete, et al [
] used ideas from auto-graders to
create rened rubrics and aid high school teachers, some of whom
had no CS background, in oering courses such as The Beauty and
Joy of Computing. Basu [
] decomposed Scratch projects down
to their component parts to create multi-dimensional evaluation
rubrics. Grover [
] focused on the language used by participants in
her study, looking for them to better express complex ideas using
relevant jargon and knowledge. This allows the learning and assess-
ment to go beyond a pure programming focus. For this paper, we
extend this approach by mapping student work to rubrics dened
by concepts and practices that are assessed on our pre-post-tests.
To do this in a systematic manner, we adopt an ECD approach [
so that we can track students’ learning gains temporally as they
perform their assigned tasks.
Thirty-eight high school students (50% female) participated in our
week-long, cybersecurity and robotics summer camp. Students
worked about 6 hours per day on their assigned tasks. A pre-survey
question asked about prior CS knowledge, and only 11 students
said that they had completed one or more CS courses in the past.
However, 22 students indicated they had worked with BBPEs. Other
experience listed included prior web-programming experience (17
students) and experience with programming languages, such as
Python (12 students) and Java (8 students). Three students claimed
that they had no programming experience.
The curriculum of the 5 day camp was rened based on our
design-based research approach using feedback and observations
from a previous pilot implementation [
]. The curriculum targeted
key standards from the K-12 CS Framework [
] and NGSS [
Students worked individually on introductory CS units targeting
key programming and CT skills as well as system tools needed to
be successful in implementing the cybersecurity tasks on Day 1.
The goal for this unit was to minimize the impact of dierences in
students’ prior knowledge (as seen with this cohort) and helping
students gain condence in the environment and programming the
robots. For the remainder of the camp students worked in dyads
or triads. On days 2 and 3 students performed tasks to become
familiar with Roboscape commands. The tasks were designed to
support skill development and to use CT constructs learned on Day
1 in programming the robots. By the end of Day 3, students were
implementing rudimentary security measures, such as observing a
count of both commands sent to and commands received by their
robot to detect possible attacks.
On Day 4, students incorporated stronger defensive measures
using encryption. They rst utilized a simple Caesar’s cipher, then
defended against brute force and overheard key attacks with se-
cure key exchange and stronger encryption methods, such as the
Paper Session: Paper Security B
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
A Hands-On Cybersecurity Curriculum Using a Robotics Platform SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
Vigenère cipher. The tasks were designed for students to not only
plan and implement methods for protecting their robots, but also to
test their algorithms with their robots. On Day 5, students worked
on a comprehensive project to defend their robot against replay
attacks, which allowed other student groups to capture and reuse
an encrypted command being sent from a student to the robot. To
do so, students were introduced to sequence numbering, and tasked
with adding this measure together with their existing defensive
strategy to create a much stronger defense against attackers.
Our exploratory study (no control group) primarily focused on
evaluating students learning gains in CT, networking, and cyberse-
curity using a summative, pre-post-test and formative evaluations
of student projects based on predened rubrics. We implemented
an ECD approach to assessment development to map key CT, net-
working, and cybersecurity constructs addressed in the curriculum
to the evaluation measures.
Our pre-post-tests consisted of 8 questions. The two networking
questions were free response, while the four cybersecurity ques-
tions and the two CT pre-test questions were multiple-choice. For
the post-test, we changed the CT format to one multiple choice and
one ll-in-the-blank question. In the CT section, the question about
loops tasked students with choosing the correct output for two
sections of pseudo-code containing repeat loops; partial credit was
awarded for correctly choosing the correct output for one of the
two cases. The CT question on conditionals consisted of an "if-then,
if-then" structure on the pre-test but an "if-then-else" structure on
the post-test. This question will be standardized from pre-post in
the future to remove any possibility of inconsistent results. The
rst networking question presented a message passing scenario
with identier tags, and asked students to explain the consequences
of removing those identiers (it would cause a network overload).
The second networking question dealt with cooperating armies at-
tempting to send attack and conrmation messages back and forth
through enemy territory. The key idea was that it was impossible to
guarantee messages were successfully received from both sides no
matter how many messages were sent. The cybersecurity questions
(1) What makes cryptographic algorithms secure?
(After describing a denial of service attack) Which of the
following is the name for this kind of attack?
Which of the following would allow you to decrypt a long
message containing English text encrypted by Caesar’s ci-
If the key is known, is encryption or decryption more di-
We found the normalized change [
] between each student’s
pre-post-test scores with the following set of equations:
post pre
1pre post >pre
drop post =pre =1
0post =pre ,1
post pre
pre post <pre
This scoring system shows a student’s improvement relative to
room for improvement. Students who achieve perfect scores on
both pre- and post-tests are dropped because of the ceiling eect.
The normalized change is applied when establishing connections
between project and test results. To study learning gains, we used
the averages and standard deviations.
The analysis of student work during the intervention presented
in this paper involved the scoring of three projects: (1) the "cat-and-
mouse" game (Day 1); (2) the autonomous robot driving problem
(Days 2-3); and (3) the nal project incorporating replay attack
defense on top of other security measures (Day 5). All of the rubrics
went through an iterative development process to ensure grading
consistency. The "cat-and-mouse" game targeted CT constructs
assessed on the pre-post-test (e.g., loops and conditional logic)
through the implementation of a game in which a player needed to
avoid an adversary sprite.
Students were asked to implement code to move all sprites, han-
dle sprite collision events, implement a game end sequence, and
increment a score variable. A maximum score of nine was possi-
ble and was achieved by two students. For the autonomous robot
project, students were tasked with creating a program that would
allow the robot to drive in a square autonomously (Figure 1). CT
constructs including loops were required to successfully implement
this task - mapping it to the "cat-and-mouse" task from Day 1. A
sample rubric is provided in Table 1.
Figure 1: Example autonomous driving program
No project submission 0
Submission with inconsistent timing, trying to complete the
task with a circle around the obstacle, or incorrect implemen-
Submission with correct implementation but lacking loops or
other conditional usage 2
Submission with correct implementation including loops 3
Submission with correct implementation including loops plus
additional features such as well used custom blocks or side
lengths controlled by a variable
Table 1: Square Rubric
The nal project was based around replay attack defense – de-
scribed previously – and required students to build a comprehensive
defense strategy against various attacks. Four categories made up
the grade for the nal project. Coding best practices deals with
Paper Session: Paper Security B
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA Bernard Ye et al.
an initialization process, proper variable usage and naming, and
the (hopeful) absence of unused blocks and duplicated scripts. The
CT score is linked to the proper use of conditional statements, and
a "repeat until" loop to guarantee the robot receives a changed
encryption key. A custom block category required the proper use
of the indicated blocks, and correctly updating them to use the ad-
vanced encryption and sequence numbering implementations. The
nal and most important category, cybersecurity, is displayed as an
example rubric in Table 2. The majority of concepts were graded
for their presence (meaning some attempt was made to use the
relevant concept), completeness (meaning the concept was applied
everywhere that it should have been applied, though not neces-
sarily correctly), and correctness (meaning the concept was used
correctly everywhere that it was applied, though not necessarily
applied everywhere that was required).
The maximum score achievable for this project was 39 points.
The highest score achieved by a group was 27.5 points. It is possible
that students had the knowledge to obtain perfect scores, but the
time constraints imposed by the camp did not provide them with
sucient time on the tests. We hypothesized that students doing
well on the cybersecurity section of this project would also show
larger pre-post-test gains for the other sections of the tests. Consid-
ering the all-encompassing nature of the project, we also compared
the overall project scores with the pre-post-test learning gains.
Finally, self-assessment surveys administered to students asked
them to indicate their condence in acquiring particular skills. They
were also asked how highly they valued the dierent topics covered
in the intervention. The questions were designed carefully so that
they would not bias the answers [
]. Student responded on a scale
from 1 to 10, with 1 indicating "Strongly Disagree" and 10 indicating
"Strongly Agree." The same self-assessments were administered on
the rst and last days of the camp for comparison purposes.
Research Question 1: Pre-post-test analysis for Learning Gains.
A two-tailed t-test was conducted to test for signicance in learning
gains from pre- to post-test. Table 3 reports the pre- and post-test
scores along with the computed p-scores and the eect sizes (Co-
hen’s d measure). Overall, students had signicant learning gains
01), but the eect size of the overall learning gains was small
26). The learning gains were signicant (
01) for the CT
and the cybersecurity questions with moderate eect sizes of 0
and 0.33, respectively.
Students did not seem to improve on the networking questions;
on average, their scores from pre- to post-test did not change. It
is possible that the lack of improvement in the networking scores
could be attributed to a disparity between the concepts covered
in the intervention in comparison to what was on the test. From
our discussion with the students, it seems that they developed
an overly simplistic view of the networking concepts from the
materials presented to them and the tasks they performed during
the intervention.
Table 4 presents a more detailed analysis of the individual pre-
and post-test questions. The rows in blue text represent questions
where students showed an increase in the pre- to post-test scores,
and the rows in red text represent questions in which the students’
scores decreased or showed no change. Improvement was signi-
cant (
01) with a large eect size (1
26) for the "Attack Type"
question. Improvement was signicant at the
05 level, with
moderate eect sizes for the "Loops" (0
41), "Conditionals" (0
and "Encryption vs. Decryption" (0
38) questions. The "Cryptogra-
phy Algorithms" question showed a signicant (
01) decrease
from pre- to post-test, indicating a problem with how we discussed
that material with the students. These ideas were not specically
taught, and the terminology used in the question was not explicitly
discussed during the intervention. On the other hand, the Caesar
cipher was covered quite thoroughly through instruction during
the camp. In this case, the lack of a signicant learning gain may
be attributed to a ceiling eect. For the "Attack Type" question,
students understood that a described scenario with no relation to
robotics matched up with the Denial of Service attacks they had
been taught.
Research Question 2. Correlations between Intervention Task
Scores and Pre-Post-test Learning Gains.
We compare scores
on the individual project tasks against students’ pre-post-test learn-
ing gains to demonstrate the eectiveness of our intervention. Ta-
ble 5 displays the average scores and standard deviation for each
project. The nal cybersecurity project grade is displayed separately.
The relevant pre-post section or question scores are also listed as
average normalized changes (see equations in Section 3). To study
the relationships, we computed the Pearson product-moment cor-
relation coecient,
, between each project scores and the relevant
pre-post gain. It should also be noted that we only included the
pre-post results of students who had made an attempt at the project.
This number is denoted by n.
We rst analyze the "cat-and-mouse" game results. Out of the
38 students who completed the camp, we were able to nd saved
projects for this game at various stages of development for 31 of
them. It is impossible to say how much of the project the remaining
seven students completed. Therefore, we completely excluded them
from the calculations. There was a direct correlation between CT
concepts and the game task (high value of
60 between game
score and CT pre-post learning gains). In fact, the high scoring
students also had high pre-post learning gains overall (moderately
high value of
52 for this pairwise correlation). These results
can be seen graphically in Figure 2 after separating students into
"Complete", "Semi-Complete", and "Incomplete" groups based on
project performance, then comparing to pre-post-test results. This
is a clear indication that the CT-focused starter units are very im-
portant for success in overall learning during the intervention. In
the future, we will ensure students do not fall behind in these units,
as they form the core for all subsequent work.
For the autonomous robot driving project, we compared scores
with pre-post results on the question on loops for the
students who submitted a project. Similarly to the previous game
project, ve students had no saved version of this project and are
excluded from calculations. It appears that there is only a very weak
positive correlation (
05) between these two scores across all
students who completed the project. Those students who learned
and applied knowledge of loops successfully for this project did not
seem to perform noticeably better on this pre-post question than
their peers who used less ecient or incorrect approaches. Loops
Paper Session: Paper Security B
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
A Hands-On Cybersecurity Curriculum Using a Robotics Platform SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
Category 0 points 1 point 2 points 3 points
Only using basic level encryp-
Incorrect attempt at using im-
proved encryption
Correctly using improved en-
cryption in some locations, or
incorrectly using improved en-
cryption in all locations
Completely and correctly using
improved encryption
Sequence num-
No attempt at sequence number-
Incorrect attempt at sequence
Correctly implementing se-
quence numbering but not for
all commands
Correctly implementing se-
quence numbering everywhere
Replay attack No attempt at a replay attack
Incorrect attempt at a replay at-
tack N/A
Completely correct replay at-
Key changing No attempt at changing keys
Incorrect attempt at changing
Slightly incorrect attempt used
in appropriate locations
Completely correct implementa-
tion used appropriately
Attack vulnerabil-
Vulnerable to replay attacks,
overheard keys, and brute force
Vulnerable to two of those at-
Vulnerable to one of those at-
Not vulnerable to any of those
Table 2: Final Project Rubric - Cybersecurity Section
Section Pre Post P-Score Eect Size
average (SD) average (SD)
Overall 0.64 (0.17) 0.74 (0.14) <0.01 0.26
CT 0.70 (0.32) 0.84 (0.20) <0.01 0.42
Networking 0.60 (0.26) 0.59 (0.24) 0.89 -0.02
0.64 (0.22) 0.79 (0.18) <0.01 0.33
Table 3: Pre-Post-Test Results
Question Section Pre Post P-
Topic average average
(SD) (SD)
Loops CT 0.75 (0.28) 0.86 (0.23) 0.04 0.41
Conditionals CT 0.66 (0.48) 0.83 (0.30) 0.03 0.44
the Network NET 0.51 (0.27) 0.51 (0.25) 1 0
Receiving Con-
rmation NET 0.68 (0.41) 0.67 (0.41) 0.86 -0.03
Algorithms CYBER 0.87 (0.34) 0.71 (0.46) 0.01 -0.39
Attack Type CYBER 0.34 (0.48) 0.87 (0.34)
Caesar’s Cipher
CYBER 0.87 (0.34) 0.89 (0.31) 0.71 0.08
Encryption vs.
Decryption CYBER 0.5 (0.51) 0.68 (0.47) 0.03 0.38
Table 4: Individual Question Results
are an important CT construct, so we will have to address this topic
in a more systematic way in future studies.
Finally, we discuss the nal project results in Table 5. One com-
parison involved just the cybersecurity section of the project as
compared to the pre-post cybersecurity results. Those two data
sets were weakly positively correlated (
25), indicating a small
trend upward for students that were able to properly apply cy-
bersecurity concepts. On the other hand, our second comparison
between the overall project grades and the overall pre-post normal-
ized learning gain showed a very weak (
08) correlation in the
positive direction.
n Topic
Game 31 CT 5.69 (2.11) 0.46 (0.48) 0.60*
Game 31 Overall 5.69 (2.11) 0.23 (0.29) 0.52*
Square 33 CT - Loops 2.33 (1.14) 0.36 (0.61) 0.05
Final 38
8.05 (2.32) 0.39 (0.45) 0.25
Final 38 Overall
(3.36) 0.25 (0.29) 0.08
* indicates result is statistically signicant
Table 5: Selected Project Results
Figure 2: Students are sorted into categories depending on
their game scores. The average normalized change in CT and
overall results from the pre-post-test is calculated and dis-
played along the y-axis for each category.
Research Question 3: Student Interest and Self-Ecacy.
the self-assessment surveys conducted before and after the inter-
vention, we found students’ responses to be generally positive.
Their self-ecacy in the CT and networking topics improved as
a result of the intervention. This provides a contrast between our
Paper Session: Paper Security B
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA Bernard Ye et al.
test-based assessments and student self-assessment for networking.
Two questions specically related to networking - "I understand
what computer networking is" and "I use networked applications
on a daily basis" - saw signicant positive gains in self-ecacy
001). Another question that asked if students recognized
that they use network messaging applications daily also saw sig-
nicant gains (
005). This does not provide clarity between
the disparities of what was taught and what was tested. However,
it does point to a simplistic student understanding of network-
ing concepts while further indicating a need for more applicable
Other key areas of growth included recognition of computer
scientists and the importance of their professional work, as well as
distributed computing skills gained from working specically on
related projects. In contrast, we saw no growth among students for
the following statements: "I am interested in computer science" and
"I am interested in a career that involves computer programming".
These issues will have to be probed in greater detail in future work.
Statement Pre Post P-Score
I understand the types of projects that com-
puter scientists work on and the skills they
use in their careers
5.65 7.24 <0.001
Computer scientists play an important role
in solving many of the global challenges we
face today
8.46 8.92 0.030
I understand what computer networking is 5.54 7.65 <0.001
I use networked applications on a daily basis
7.54 9.03 <0.001
I regularly use applications that send or re-
ceive network messages on a daily basis 8.59 9.38 0.005
I know how to build a distributed application
3.11 6.49 <0.001
Table 6: Selected Survey Results
Limitations of current study.
Many topics that were covered
during the camp were not tested due to the limited time that was
allocated for these tests. Lists, variables, custom blocks, events,
message passing (in a more explicit way), dierent types of blocks
(reporter, command, etc.), programming eciency, Unicode, binary,
and replay attacks are all areas that were not included in the tests
this summer but could potentially be included in the future. In
addition, we can include formative assessments with our units
to facilitate self-assessment by the students, thereby providing
mechanisms for them to overcome their diculties with certain
concepts and become better learners.
For networking, improvements could be made by introducing a
visual representation of how the commands are passed from (for
example) user to robot, along with a better theoretical framing of
the subject as opposed to the more implicit current structure. Key
networking concepts such as message latency, delivery failures,
types of networks, and networking protocols could be introduced
to students in an interesting way with the help of our robotics
platform. We plan to create a specic networking curriculum to
encompass these ideas, and we expect that this would reproduce the
strong self-assessment results while helping students show more
improvement in applying their knowledge of this domain.
Looking at some other responses from the post-camp survey, a
few areas stand out. Almost half of respondents cited issues with
communication between themselves and their robots or between
each other during collaboration, with comments such as “Server
not always reliable; blocks of script known to work in Scratch did
not yield the same results (or any at all); problems with saving or
editing” and “We had trouble collaborating using NetsBlox which
made it challenging to code the robots. The program would often
not let one person edit and would show dierent versions of the
same project to dierent people.
Additionally, many students took issue with nding the blocks
they wanted to use at any particular time. Comments such as “It
(NetsBlox) was somewhat confusing to use, and I didn’t always un-
derstand exactly how to set the blocks up in a way that would make
my code work.” support this, along with many students requesting
features such as help sections for the blocks or a search bar to more
easily locate them. These features are already present in the system,
but they were not always mentioned to students.
Overall, our results indicate that a hands on robotics platform con-
nected to a BBPE helps K-12 students learn basic CT and cyber-
security concepts while also keeping them engaged and retaining
their interest in computing. There is also evidence to suggest that
some of the initial projects, particularly the "cat-and-mouse" game,
helped students develop their basic CT skills, which made it easier
for them to go through the more dicult parts of the curriculum.
It also helped students who had lower levels of prior knowledge
catch up with the class.
Despite these promising results, many improvements can be
made to the intervention, some of which we have already discussed
as limitations in the previous section. In the future, we plan to spend
more time in giving students an understanding of the theoretical
concepts in networking and cybersecurity. More learning opportu-
nities can be created by providing feedback that help students reect
on their projects at the end of each unit. Formative assessments
should also provide students with more learning opportunities.
We are interested in implementing our system on dierent hard-
ware platforms. Less costly robots, drone systems, or simulation-
based options can be assimilated into our framework to increase
deployment in K-12 school settings. Additionally, there is some
space to branch out into collaborative problem solving with robots.
Cheaper robots would make it an easier to provide multiple robots
to a group or even an individual, and they could then develop pro-
grams that implement cooperative problem solving by the robots.
We also plan to work with teachers on implementing variations
of our curriculum in classroom settings for middle and high school.
Some of the teachers we worked with this summer expressed con-
cern that their wireless networks - or even general computer access
- may not be suitable for supporting our curricular tasks in their
current form. While simulation-based work is one option, there can
also be value in designing an oine executable environment for
students to develop and test their algorithms before they implement
them on physical robots. Finally, an automated grading or feedback
generation system [
] would be a useful supplement to our
current selection of example projects and rubrics, both to reduce
the load on teachers and to detect bad programming habits.
Paper Session: Paper Security B
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
A Hands-On Cybersecurity Curriculum Using a Robotics Platform SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
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curity Agency Science of Security Lablet H98230-18-D-0010 and Na-
tional Science Foundation grants CNS-1644848, CNS-1521617, and
DRL-1640199. Any opinions, ndings, and conclusions expressed
in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reect the views of the US Government.
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Paper Session: Paper Security B
SIGCSE ’20, March 11–14, 2020, Portland, OR, USA
... Mostly in K-12 schools, cybersecurity education embraces constructionism via "block-based" programming tools like MIT's Scratch and Google's Blockly that let learners "program" without learning code (see Appendix 1). For example, the Cybersecurity Lab from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (2022) uses Blockly to teach middle and secondary students about personal cybersecurity (see also Yett et al., 2020). Block-based programming focuses on general computing concepts (such as the idea of recursion, where a function calls on itself) rather than the actual code used to program computational functions. ...
... Block-based programming focuses on general computing concepts (such as the idea of recursion, where a function calls on itself) rather than the actual code used to program computational functions. Constructionism also influences cybersecurity education via computational thinking (CT, Yadav et al., 2018;Yett, 2020). CT is strongly associated with block-based programming. ...
... The call for cybersecurity education in K-12 education has given rise to the need to develop teachers' capacity and find innovative ways to educate the workforce of tomorrow better on cybersecurity. In keeping with this, researchers have been adopting approaches, such as game-based learning methods to introduce cybersecurity concepts and practices to secure online behavior of elementary and middle school (Tseng et al., 2022) including students in high school (Jin et al., 2018;Yett et al., 2020). Relatedly, Handeli and Robila (2018) developed a high school-level curriculum on cybersecurity due to curricular constraints, while Mourning et al. (2023) conducted workshops to prepare teachers for cybersecurity lessons owing to a dearth of teacher education programs. ...
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The increasing technology reliance in today’s world has amplified the need for cybersecurity education for all. Hence, initiatives regarding the integration of cybersecurity education within the pre-college level have begun to emerge in recent times. However, limited research exists regarding in-service or pre-service teachers’ perspectives on this phenomenon. More importantly, the need to understand pre-service teachers’ perceptions; since their perceptions may significantly influence how the prospective teachers respond to cybersecurity issues and also affect their behavior toward learning and promoting cybersecurity education in the future. Consequently, in order to gain insight into how candidates entering the teaching profession regard cybersecurity, 451 pre-service teachers were sampled in a major public university in Lesotho. The prospective teachers recruited across various departments in the faculty of education responded to an online survey that comprised 33 items gauged from five constructs which include personal cybersecurity awareness, perceived self-efficacy of learning cybersecurity, personal relevance of cybersecurity knowledge, behavioral intention towards learning cybersecurity and actual learning of cybersecurity. We analyzed the response from the survey by utilizing the structural equation modelling approach. Our findings showed that our hypothesized model was mostly accepted. The result suggests that practitioners and researchers in the related field need to raise the pre-service teacher’s behavioral intention to learn cybersecurity by helping them realize the implication for their personal lives and society. We discussed our findings in relation to the proposed research model and highlighted the implication for teacher education programs. Finally, the article concludes with limitations and identifies future research agenda.
... Extant research has supported experiential learning indicating that using hands-on instructional tools like robotics, labs, and simulations can lead to higher engagement levels, practical knowledge application, knowledge retention [52], and increased self-efficacy and cybersecurity knowledge among high school students [35]. STEM education research reported that using robotics can aid in students' learning of basic computational thinking and cybersecurity concepts, increasing engagement, enjoyment, and creating, and retaining learners' interest in computing fields [53]- [57]. ...
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A robust cybersecurity workforce is critical for protection against a range of malicious attacks. However, it has been noted that there are many vacancies and a shortage of individuals entering the cybersecurity workforce. The workforce shortage has been partially attributed to the lack of diversity in the cybersecurity domain, with women, African Americans, and Hispanics remaining underrepresented in educational and professional settings. Using a qualitative approach, this work sought to investigate what led underrepresented minorities currently involved in cybersecurity to the industry, with the goal of determining methods to attract underrepresented minorities and diversify the workforce. A thematic analysis was conducted using data collected during interviews with 23 participants including underrepresented minority (URM) students, URM professionals, college instructors, and a high school administrator. The interview questions aimed to address (a) what attracted URMs to the field, (b) how they overcame educational and professional roadblocks, (c) How they built general knowledge skills and attitudes, and (d) how they maintained engagement. Findings revealed 17 themes that were related to the characteristics of the (a) learner, (b) the instruction, and (c) the environment. Based on these findings, recommendations are presented to illustrate how these themes can be implemented by instructors with the goal of increasing the participation and involvement of URMs and fostering diversity in the cybersecurity field. Keywords-training and education, underrepresented minority engagement in cybersecurity, diverse cybersecurity workforce, women and minorities in cybersecurity
... These tools have developed a special interest in the research community, and their objectives generally involve creating challenges and to bring hands-on experience around specific concepts [22]. For example, [23] has focused on creating cybersecurity curriculum challenges that include defensive measures such as encryption, secure key exchange, and sequence numbers to prevent cyber attacks during robot operations. Video games for cybersecurity are also considered one of the effective techniques to provide cybersecurity training to children [24]- [26]. ...
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We have designed and developed a simple, visual, and narrative K-12 cybersecurity curriculum leveraging the Scratch programming platform to demonstrate and teach fundamental cybersecurity concepts such as confidentiality, integrity protection, and authentication. The visual curriculum simulates a real-world scenario of a user and a bank performing a bank transaction and an adversary attempting to attack the transaction.We have designed six visual scenarios, the curriculum first introduces students to three visual scenarios demonstrating attacks that exist when systems do not integrate concepts such as confidentiality, integrity protection, and authentication. Then, it introduces them to three visual scenarios that build on the attacks to demonstrate and teach how these fundamental concepts can be used to defend against them. We conducted an evaluation of our curriculum through a study with 18 middle and high school students. To evaluate the student's comprehension of these concepts we distributed a technical survey, where overall average of students answering these questions related to the demonstrated concepts is 9.28 out of 10. Furthermore, the survey results revealed that 66.7% found the system extremely easy and the remaining 27.8% found it easy to use and understand.
This study aims to examine the current experiences of high school students in computer science (CS) courses and the factors that motivated them to continue their future enrollment. The participants were 603 high school students in grades 9 through 12 in Indiana, all of whom enrolled in at least one CS course during the 2020-2021 academic year. This research revealed that fun and meaningful CS pedagogy, knowledgeable CS teachers, and relevance to their lives and future careers enabled high school students to hold positive experiences in their CS classes. These experiences impacted students to take additional CS courses. In addition to these positive experiences, gender and early exposure to CS emerge as predictors to pursue CS courses. The findings will carry significance for policymakers and educators offering insights to enhance and broaden students’ participation and engagement in the CS course.
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This study highlighted the role played by digitalization elements, such as information and communication technology (ICT) adoption, the social internet of things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI), in e-learning systems. It also examined the mediating role of digital literacy (DL) and pedagogical digital competence (PDC) and the potential moderating role of technostress (TS). A total of 262 responses to survey questionnaires were received from the IT administrators who worked under the directorate of information technology in top QS ranking Malaysian universities; the survey data was then analyzed through PLS-SEM. The study findings revealed that ICT adoption and the social IoT considerably impact e-learning systems and highlighted that artificial intelligence also has a partial impact. Digital literacy and pedagogical digital competence also significantly mediated the relationships between ICT adoption, artificial intelligence, and e-learning systems. Social IoT and technostress did not show a significant impact. The study developed a new theoretical concept for adopting innovative technology in e-learning systems through 'Four Tier Technology Gears', such as start-up, boost-up, smooth-up, and speed-up technology gears. From a theoretical perspective, the study has built-up a theoretical affiliation with the TAM and UTAUT models, which are especially proposed for technology adoption in real-life. The study provides remarkable and valuable recommendations to researchers, designers, policymakers, IT instructors, and structural developers in the context of awareness of key facts for e-learning systems in practical life – especially in an emergency condition, such as the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia.
Computational thinking (CT) education has drawn increasing attention from educators and researchers. This study conducted a meta-analysis of 27 empirical studies to examine the effectiveness of game-based learning (GBL) for fostering students’ CT. The effects of various factors on the learning process for acquiring CT were also examined. The results showed that (a) conducting GBL can foster students’ CT, and the overall effect was at the upper-middle level (Hedges’ g = .600, 95% CI [.465, .735], p < .001). (b) Furthermore, conducting GBL can improve students’ CT concepts (Hedges’ g = .916, 95% CI [.410, 1.423], p < .001), CT skills (Hedges’ g = .494, 95% CI [.389, .600], p < .001), and CT perspectives (Hedges’ g = .927, 95% CI [.039, 1.816], p < .05). (c) Additionally, game mode, teaching context, and participant characteristics have positive effects on CT. Based on the findings, it is suggested that using more unplugged games and video games, designing collaborative game activities, and tailoring approaches according to gender difference and programming experience can effectively promote CT. The results have significance for fostering students’ CT in GBL; it is further suggested that instruction processes be rationally designed.
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The paper presents RoboScape, a collaborative, networked robotics environment that makes key ideas in computer science accessible to groups of learners in informal learning spaces and K-12 classrooms. RoboScape is built on top of NetsBlox, an open-source, networked, visual programming environment based on Snap! that is specifically designed to introduce students to distributed computation and computer networking. RoboScape provides a twist on the state of the art of robotics learning platforms. First, a user's program controlling the robot runs in the browser and not on the robot. There is no need to download the program to the robot and hence, development and debugging become much easier. Second, the wireless communication between a student's program and the robot can be overheard by the programs of the other students. This makes cybersecurity an immediate need that students realize and can work to address. We have designed and delivered a cybersecurity summer camp to 24 students in grades between 7 and 12. The paper summarizes the technology behind RoboScape, the hands-on curriculum of the camp and the lessons learned.
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Game based learning is a new game play mechanism that the players explore various aspects of game play in a learning context designed by the instructor or the game designer. Nevertheless, general acceptance of game based learning as a new learning paradigm was deferred by a lack of well-controlled, large sample efficacy studies. To address the increasing need of cybersecurity workforce, this paper introduces a game based learning method for high school cybersecurity education. Purdue University Northwest launched GenCyber high school summer camps to about 200 high school students in Chicago metropolitan area. The survey conducted after the summer camp indicated that the game based learning for cybersecurity education was very effective in cybersecurity awareness training. Further analysis of survey data revealed that there is a gender difference in raising students’ interests in cybersecurity and computer science education using game based learning method.
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Programming in block-based environments is a key element of introductory computer science (CS) curricula in K-12 settings. Past research conducted in the context of text-based programming points to several challenges related to novice learners' understanding of foundational programming constructs such as variables, loops, and expressions. This research aims to develop assessment items for measuring student understanding in introductory CS classrooms in middle school using a principled approach for assessment design. This paper describes the design of assessments items that were piloted with 100 6th, 7th, 8th graders who had completed an introductory programming course using Scratch. The results and follow-up cognitive thinkalouds indicate that students are generally unfamiliar with the use of variables, and harbor misconceptions about them. They also have trouble with other aspects of introductory programming such as how loops work, and how the Boolean operators work. These findings point to the need for pedagogy that combines popular constructionist activities with those that target conceptual learning, along with better professional development to support teachers' conceptual learning of these foundational constructs.
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The "Beauty and Joy of Computing" Computer Science Principles class has inspired many new teachers to learn to teach creative computing classes in high schools. However, new computer science teachers feel under-prepared to grade open-ended programming assignments and support their students' successful learning. Rubrics have widely been used to help teaching assistants grade programs and are a promising way to support new teachers to learn how to grade BJC programs. In this paper, we adapt general coding criteria from auto-graders to a lab where students write code to draw a brick wall. We tested the rubric on student assignments and showed that we can achieve high inter-rater agreement with the refined rubric.
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Using the Scratch environment as a tool to teach programming skills or develop computational thinking is increasingly common in all levels of education, well-documented case studies from primary school to university can be found. However, there are reports that indicate that students learning to program in this environment show certain habits that are contrary to the basic programming recommendations. In our work as instructors with high school students, we have detected these and other bad practices, such as the repetition of code and object naming, on a regular basis. This paper focuses on verifying whether these issues can generally be found in the Scratch community, by analyzing a large number of projects available on the Scratch community website. To test this hypothesis, we downloaded 100 projects and analyzed them with two plug-ins we developed to automatically detect these bad practices. The plug-ins extend the functionality of the Hairball tool, a static code analyzer for Scratch projects. The results obtained show that, in general, projects in the repository also incur in the investigated malpractices. Along with suggestions for future work, some ideas that might assist to address such situations are proposed in the conclusions of the paper.
Conference Paper
Free-choice, open-ended projects are commonly used to assess student learning in introductory block-based programming (BBP) environments. They are generally assessed in school based on criteria such as the social impact conveyed, whether the projects work without errors, and whether they are creative and engaging. Additionally, researchers have assessed such projects based on the frequency of use of various coding constructs like variables, conditionals, and iterations. This paper presents a novel multi-dimensional rubric for analyzing open-ended BBP projects that integrates assessment of front-end project design and back-end sophistication of use of coding constructs. Further, the novelty of the rubric lies in the fact that instead of relying solely on frequencies, it uses scaled scores based on sophistication of rubric components. Using this rubric, 160 Scratch and App Inventor projects were scored and analyzed. The paper establishes external validity of the rubric and examines what we can learn about student learning from this analysis. Our findings will help K-12 CS educators and curriculum developers recognize what aspects of CS middle school students need most support on, and how to leverage programming environments to provide this support.
The number of students taking high school computer science classes is growing. Increasingly, these students are learning with graphical, block-based programming environments either in place of or prior to traditional text-based programming languages. Despite their growing use in formal settings, relatively little empirical work has been done to understand the impacts of using block-based programming environments in high school classrooms. In this article, we present the results of a 5-week, quasi-experimental study comparing isomorphic block-based and text-based programming environments in an introductory high school programming class. The findings from this study show students in both conditions improved their scores between pre- and postassessments; however, students in the blocks condition showed greater learning gains and a higher level of interest in future computing courses. Students in the text condition viewed their programming experience as more similar to what professional programmers do and as more effective at improving their programming ability. No difference was found between students in the two conditions with respect to confidence or enjoyment. The implications of these findings with respect to pedagogy and design are discussed, along with directions for future work.
This paper describes an innovative partnership that was developed between high schools and their feeder middle schools in an effort to foster collaboration and mentoring among faculty while immersing rising 7 th grade students in a week-long, project-driven day camp to develop interest and skills in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The middle school teachers received professional development and mentoring from their high school peers in addition to hands-on training with their students throughout the program. The students participated in activities that explore artificial intelligence and virtual reality which in turn cultivated their interest in the science and engineering aspects of cyberspace through interactive hands-on robotics and 3-D modeling. Socratic discussions concerning the social implications of the concepts presented were explored in depth through the use of movies that directly related to artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Examples from the camp will be presented along with lessons learned. The United States faces an unprecedented challenge in foreign competition in math, science, and engineering. Locally, we face the challenge of preparing a workforce versed in cyber issues as well as math, science, and engineering to fulfill the needs of the region. The problem over the last decade is that there has been a 50% decline in the students' interest in engineering and a 14% decrease in engineering degrees with only 2.1% of high school graduates likely to earn an engineering degree. This project cultivates an interest in cyber, computer programming, math, science, and engineering by exposing middle school teachers and their students to the new technology. The Cyber Discovery model was developed through a collaboration of mathematics, science, engineering, and liberal arts faculty from Louisiana Tech University and by staff from Cyber Innovation Center. The total immersive experience was aimed at high school teachers and their student teams. The culminating week-long residential camp exposed student participants to multiple topics of cyberspace including: history of cyberspace, ethical and social issues, applications, and the need for and use of security in cyberspace. Similar to Cyber Discovery, where the focus is on building relationships between university and high school faculty; Junior Cyber Discovery is a collaboration between teams of STEM and humanities teachers at the high school and middle school levels. Junior Cyber Discovery model engages middle school students.
The authors collaborate with cybersecurity faculty members from different universities to apply a five-step approach in designing an evaluation for education interventions. The goals of this exercise were to show how to design an evaluation for a real intervention from beginning to end, to highlight the common intervention goals and propose suitable evaluation instruments, and to discuss the expected investment of time and effort in preparing and performing the education evaluations.