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The Evolutionary Game Analysis of Multiple Stakeholders in the Low-Carbon Agricultural Innovation Diffusion


Abstract and Figures

Encouraging the adoption and diffusion of low-carbon agricultural technology innovation is an important measure to cope with climate change, reduce environmental pollution, and achieve sustainable agricultural development. Based on evolutionary game theory, this paper establishes a game model among agricultural enterprises, government, and farmers and analyzes the dynamic evolutionary process and evolutionary stable strategies of the major stakeholders. The impact of innovation subsidies, carbon taxes, and adoption subsidies on low-carbon agricultural innovation diffusion is simulated using Matlab software. The results show that the government’s reasonable subsidies and carbon taxes for agricultural enterprises and farmers can increase the enthusiasm of agricultural enterprises and farmers to participate in low-carbon agriculture. This study can be used as a basis for the government to formulate more targeted policies to promote the diffusion of low-carbon agricultural innovation.
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Research Article
The Evolutionary Game Analysis of Multiple Stakeholders in the
Low-Carbon Agricultural Innovation Diffusion
Lixia Liu ,
Yuchao Zhu,
and Shubing Guo
School of Economics, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China
College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Lixia Liu; and Shubing Guo;
Received 20 September 2019; Revised 12 December 2019; Accepted 27 January 2020; Published 22 February 2020
Academic Editor: Yan-Ling Wei
Copyright ©2020 Lixia Liu et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Encouraging the adoption and diffusion of low-carbon agricultural technology innovation is an important measure to cope with
climate change, reduce environmental pollution, and achieve sustainable agricultural development. Based on evolutionary game
theory, this paper establishes a game model among agricultural enterprises, government, and farmers and analyzes the dynamic
evolutionary process and evolutionary stable strategies of the major stakeholders. e impact of innovation subsidies, carbon
taxes, and adoption subsidies on low-carbon agricultural innovation diffusion is simulated using Matlab software. e results
show that the government’s reasonable subsidies and carbon taxes for agricultural enterprises and farmers can increase the
enthusiasm of agricultural enterprises and farmers to participate in low-carbon agriculture. is study can be used as a basis for
the government to formulate more targeted policies to promote the diffusion of low-carbon agricultural innovation.
1. Introduction
With the rapid development of the global economy, global
warming has become an issue of great concern to the in-
ternational community. According to the IPCC’s fifth as-
sessment report, excessive carbon dioxide emission from
human activities is the leading cause of climate warming [1].
For a long time, governments have been developing low-
carbon economy with practical actions and taking the
second and third industries as key sectors of carbon emission
management [2]. In recent years, with the acceleration of
agricultural modernization, the impact of agriculture on
global climate change is increasing. According to statistics,
agriculture directly contributes 10%–12% of global green-
house gas emissions [3, 4]. Low-carbon agriculture is a new
development mode featuring low energy consumption, low
emission, and low pollution. e development of low carbon
agriculture is the inevitable choice to realize the sustainable
development of agriculture [5].
Research and development, promotion, and application
of low-carbon agricultural technologies are the key measures
to achieve carbon sequestration and emission reduction in
agricultural production [6]. In recent years, many countries
have adopted policies to stimulate the innovation and dif-
fusion of low-carbon agricultural technologies, such as
subsidies, tax incentives, and public loans [7–12]. However,
the diffusion of low-carbon agricultural technologies is still
slow, especially in developing countries. is situation is
mainly due to the following two reasons. First, as demanders
of low-carbon agricultural technologies, farmers are not
enthusiastic about adopting low-carbon agricultural tech-
nologies affected by their knowledge level, income level, land
size, and external environment [7–11]. Second, as providers
of low-carbon agricultural means of production and tech-
nical services, agricultural enterprises are less motivated in
low-carbon innovation due to the long cycle, high cost, and
high-risk characteristics of low-carbon agricultural tech-
nology innovation [12]. erefore, the obstacles to low-
carbon agricultural technology innovation and technology
promotion and the implementation effect of the govern-
ment’s low-carbon agricultural policy have attracted much
attention [11–15].
Although the importance and value of low-carbon ag-
ricultural innovation diffusion has been confirmed, there are
Volume 2020, Article ID 6309545, 12 pages
very limited literatures on the diffusion of low-carbon ag-
ricultural technology innovation from the perspective of the
dynamic system [16]. Different from the existing literature,
we analyze the diffusion of low-carbon agricultural inno-
vation based on evolutionary game theory. We consider the
roles of key stakeholders in the process of low-carbon ag-
ricultural innovation diffusion, analyze the relationship
between agricultural enterprises, farmers, and the govern-
ment, explore the causes of the slow diffusion of low-carbon
agricultural innovation, and reveal the evolutionary mech-
anism of low-carbon agricultural innovation diffusion. On
the basis of theoretical analysis, the complexity scientific
method was introduced and the evolutionary game model of
low-carbon agricultural innovation diffusion was established
[17, 18]. en, we use the numerical simulation method to
examine the dynamic evolution path of the game system and
to analyze the impact of low-carbon policies on the behavior
of agricultural enterprises, government, and farmers. is
paper explains two issues that are not fully addressed in the
previous literature. First, what is the diffusion mechanism of
low-carbon agricultural technology through agricultural
enterprises and farmers? Second, how does the government’s
low-carbon policy affect the diffusion of low-carbon agri-
cultural innovation? Based on the findings, the paper pro-
vides recommendations for low-carbon scholars and
e remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 reviews the literature related to low-carbon ag-
ricultural innovation diffusion. Section 3 describes these
problems in the diffusion of low-carbon agricultural tech-
nology, puts forward the theoretical hypothesis of the model,
and provides the parameters and variables of the model.
Section 4 establishes a trilateral evolutionary game theory
model of the interaction among agricultural enterprises,
government, and farmers and assesses the stability of the
model. Section 5 describes the results of evolutionary game
simulation. Section 6 presents the conclusion and some
policy suggestions.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Obstacles to the Diffusion of Low-Carbon Agricultural
Innovation. Rogers first put forward the theory of inno-
vation diffusion [19]. He defines innovation diffusion as a
process in which innovation can spread over time among
members of the social system through certain channels.
Innovative technology will affect economic and social de-
velopment only when it is diffused and widely applied [20].
Since the theory is proposed, it has attracted significant
scholarly attention in the past decades [21, 22].
In recent years, this theory has also attracted the at-
tention of agriculturists and environmentalist. Mannan et al.
believed that innovative attributes play an active role in the
promotion and adoption of green fertilizer technology in
rice cultivation in Malaysia [23]. High-input agriculture not
only increases greenhouse gas emissions but also causes
huge economic losses and environmental damage in many
countries [24]. For example, excessive use of nitrogen fer-
tilizer has resulted in excessive nitrate in groundwater and
surface water, which has a negative impact on human health
[25]. e management of aquatic ecosystems with excessive
nitrates will cost a lot of money [26]. It is generally accepted
that the use of low-carbon technology in agriculture is of
great significance to agricultural progress. Reducing carbon
in agriculture and improving soil nutrients and productivity
of agroecosystems through the use of organic fertilizers and
low-carbon technologies are crucial for developing sus-
tainable, low-carbon, and climate-adaptive agriculture
[27, 28].
However, there are great obstacles on the development
and popularization of low-carbon agricultural technology.
From the perspective of farmers, individual characteristics,
family characteristics, information channels, and psycho-
logical characteristics are considered to be important factors
affecting farmers’ low-carbon behavior [9, 29, 30]. On the
one hand, the adoption of low-carbon technology requires
capital investment, and insufficient funds are an important
factor restricting farmers to adopt low-carbon technology
[31]. On the other hand, farmers’ enthusiasm for using low-
carbon technologies is low due to lack of awareness or
knowledge [7]. Furthermore, time and learning costs re-
quired to use new technologies also reduce the adoption of
low-carbon technologies by farmers to a certain extent
[8, 9, 32]. From the perspective of agricultural enterprises,
due to the long cycle, high cost, and high risk of low-carbon
technology innovation, the low-carbon innovation enthu-
siasm of agricultural enterprises is not high [11]. erefore,
the development of low-carbon agricultural technology
cannot be separated from the support of government pol-
icies [10].
2.2. e Impact of Low-Carbon Policy on the Diffusion of
Agricultural Low-Carbon Innovation. e theory of market
failure has occupied a central position in public policy re-
search [33]. According to the theory, the pursuit of private
interests will lead to inefficient outcomes due to monopoly,
externality, and information asymmetry [34]. erefore, the
government intervention is needed to solve these problems.
Freibauer et al. showed that increasing the organic input of
cultivated land, encouraging farmers to grow organic crops,
and strengthening the government’s low-carbon policy can
improve the carbon sequestration function of the agricul-
tural land [35]. Adzawla et al. indicated that the adoption of
agricultural technologies can increase production while
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. erefore, in addition to
greenhouse gas reduction initiatives or climate stabilization
policies, carbon tax policies should be deemed as a strategic
choice to promote the diffusion of low-carbon technologies
[36]. Innovation subsidy for emission reduction is an ef-
fective measure to achieve food security and reduce agri-
cultural pollution in China [37]. Qiao et al. found that
government subsidy has a significant positive effect on the
low-carbon agricultural technology adoption [38]. However,
Liu et al. believed that the current economic incentives have
not greatly improved the adoption rate of sustainable ag-
ricultural practices at the farm level, and technical training
for farmers can increase the likelihood of low-carbon
agricultural technology adoption [13]. Some scholars sug-
gested that farmers are the main body of the diffusion of low-
carbon agricultural innovation, so it is more important to
change farmers’ views on environmental issues and climate
change [7, 32]. Lybbert and Sumner argued that national and
international policymakers must incorporate a global per-
spective into agricultural policies in order to better address
global climate change. From innovation to technology
transfer and access to agricultural innovation technologies
for small farmers in developing countries, agricultural
policies play an important role at all levels [6].
2.3. Application of Evolutionary Game in Low-Carbon In-
novation Diffusion. As an analytical tool, game theory has
been applied to various fields of research studies to explain
social phenomena [39–42]. Evolutionary game theory
originated as an application of game theory to evolving
populations of life forms in biology. e evolutionary game
model based on the bounded rationality assumption might
have more realistic significance than the game theory model
based on the complete rational assumption. In recent years,
the application of evolutionary game theory in the field of
low-carbon economy has been increasing. For example,
Mahmoudi and Rasti-Barzoki established the evolutionary
game models between government and enterprise and an-
alyzed the impact of government policies on enterprise
behavior [43]. Zhang et al. examined the impact of low-
carbon policies on green technology diffusion in enterprise
alliances [44].Wang and Zheng studied low-carbon diffusion
from the perspective of network characteristics and con-
sumer environmental awareness [45]. Fan and Dong
established an evolutionary game model between enterprises
and consumers and discussed the impact of government
subsidy policies on the diffusion of new energy vehicles [46].
As can be seen from the abovementioned literature
review, the evolutionary game model has been applied to the
study of low-carbon diffusion, but the related research
mainly focuses on the industrial sector and pays less at-
tention to the agricultural sector [47]. Prior studies mainly
considered the relationship between government and
manufacturing enterprises or between consumers and
manufacturing enterprises. However, few scholars analyzed
the diffusion of low-carbon agricultural innovation from the
perspective of multistakeholder relationship. It is difficult to
see the application of evolutionary game in low-carbon
agriculture [15].
3. Problem Description and Assumptions
3.1. Problem Description. e process of diffusion of low-
carbon agriculture innovation is also the process of adoption
of low-carbon agricultural technology. is is a long process,
which requires the joint efforts of agricultural enterprises,
farmers, and the government [12, 15]. e government is the
promoter and beneficiary of innovation diffusion in low-
carbon agriculture. e government can promote low-car-
bon innovation of agricultural enterprises and encourage
farmers to adopt low-carbon technology through the
implementation of policy tools such as low-carbon subsidies
and tax rebates [14].
Agricultural enterprises that provide low-carbon agri-
cultural means of production and technical services are the
main body of low-carbon agricultural technology innova-
tion. Agricultural production materials mainly include ag-
ricultural machinery and equipment, semimechanized
agricultural tools, small and medium-sized agricultural
tools, pesticides, fertilizers, and agricultural plastic film.
Low-carbon innovation of agricultural enterprises is to
improve the energy efficiency of resource utilization of
agricultural enterprises and achieve effective management of
all aspects of agricultural production through the R&D of
energy-saving technologies, waste recycling technologies,
and biotechnology [48–51]. Due to the high cost, long cycle,
high risk, and uncertain benefits of agricultural low-carbon
technology R&D, the innovation enthusiasm of agricultural
enterprises is not high [13]. Agricultural enterprises avoid
risks and seek to maximize their own interests. ere is great
uncertainty about whether agricultural enterprises choose
low-carbon innovation strategy. erefore, effective gov-
ernment policies need to be formulated and implemented in
order to guide and standardize the low-carbon innovation of
the agricultural enterprises.
Farmers are users of low-carbon agricultural technolo-
gies. Farmers’ adoption of low-carbon innovative technol-
ogies is essential for promoting the development of
low-carbon agriculture [52–56]. For the farmers, the main
determinant of low-carbon technology adoption is the
profitability and feasibility of greenhouse gas emission re-
duction measures. In particular, the early use of low-carbon
agricultural technology may not bring about a rapid increase
in farmers’ income, but a decline in farmers’ output and
income [47]. At the same time, due to farmers’ lack of
awareness of low-carbon agriculture and the high cost of
barriers to adopting low-carbon agricultural technology, the
diffusion of low-carbon agricultural technology is facing
greater resistance from farmers [7–9]. us, it is more
important for the government to increase publicity on low-
carbon agriculture and compensate for the decline in
farmers’ income by subsidizing the adopters of low-carbon
agricultural technologies. In addition, while providing low-
carbon technology and products to farmers, agricultural
enterprises are required to provide corresponding technical
services to farmers.
In short, the government, agricultural enterprises, and
farmers are the main stakeholders in the process of low-
carbon agricultural innovation diffusion [15]. ese stake-
holders are all bounded rationality. ey choose their own
behavioral strategies from the perspective of maximizing
their own interests, thus forming a complex game rela-
tionship. is will be a long-term and complex game process.
3.2. Model Assumptions. We assume that the strategies of
agricultural enterprises are {Low-carbon innovation, Not
low-carbon innovation}. e strategies of government are
{Regulation, Not regulation}, while the strategies of farmers
are {Adoption, Not adoption}. x, y, and zrepresent the
Complexity 3
probability of agricultural enterprises’ choice of low-carbon
innovation, government regulation, and farmers’ adoption
low-carbon technology, respectively. Correspondingly, 1
x, 1y, and 1 zrepresent that the probability that agri-
cultural enterprises do not choose low-carbon innovation,
that the government does not regulate, and that farmers do
not adopt low-carbon technology, respectively.
H1represents the benefit obtained by the agricultural
enterprises, when they do not choose low-carbon innovation
strategies. Δh11 and Δh12, respectively, represents the benefit
increase that the agricultural enterprises can obtain through
low-carbon innovation, when the government chooses the
“Regulate” strategies and the “Not regulation” strategies. C
represents the cost of agricultural enterprises when they
choose low-carbon innovation strategy.
H2represents the social benefit obtained by the gov-
ernment, when the enterprises do not choose low-carbon
innovation. Under the case of enterprises choosing low-
carbon innovations, Δh21 and Δh22, respectively, represent
the benefit increase of the government, when the govern-
ment adopts the “Regulate” strategies and the “Not regu-
lation” strategies.
H3represents the utility obtained by the farmers,
when they do not adopt low-carbon technology. Δh3
represents the utility increase of the farmers, when they
adopt low-carbon technology. When agricultural enter-
prises select “Low-carbon innovation” strategies, the
farmers can gain wthe social effect, regardless of whether
they adopt low-carbon technology.
In the case of government regulation, the amount of
innovation subsidies for the agricultural enterprises is αC1,
when the agricultural enterprises choose low-carbon in-
novate strategies. e government levies βFcarbon tax on
agricultural enterprises, when the agricultural enterprises do
not choose low-carbon innovation strategies. e amount of
adoption subsidies for the farmers is cC3, when the farmers
adopt low-carbon technology. According to the actual sit-
uation in economies, we suppose that Δh11 >Δh12,
Δh21 >Δh22, and 0 α,β,c1. e corresponding param-
eters are shown in Table 1.
According to the abovementioned analysis, the payoff
matrix among agricultural enterprises, government, and
farmers is established, as shown in Table 2.
4. The Evolutionary Game Model Solution
and Analysis
4.1. e Replicated Dynamic Equation. Let Ue1 and Ue2
represent, respectively, the expected earnings of “Low-car-
bon innovation” and “Not low-carbon innovation” for ag-
ricultural enterprises. According to the payoff matrix, the
fitness of agricultural enterprises with two different strate-
gies can be calculated as follows:
Ue1 H1C1+Δh12z+αC1y+Δh11 Δh12
 􏼁yz,
Ue2 H1βFy. (1)
e average expected earnings of agricultural enterprises
can be calculated as
UexUe1 +(1x)Ue2 .(2)
e replication dynamics equation for agricultural en-
terprises can be achieved as follows:
F(x) � x(1x)Ue1 Ue2
 􏼁x(1x)αC1+βF
 􏼁y
+Δh12z+Δh11 Δh12
 􏼁yz C1􏼁.
Similarly, the expected earnings of “Regulation” and
“Not regulation” for government can be calculated as
Ug1 H2+βF+Δh21 αC1βF
 􏼁xcC3z,
Ug2 H2+Δh22x. (4)
e average expected earnings of government can be
calculated as
UgyUg1 +(1y)Ug2.(5)
e replication dynamics equation for the government
can be achieved as follows:
F(y) � y(1y)Ug1 Ug2
􏼐 􏼑y(1y)βF+Δh21 Δh22
e expected earnings of “Adoption” and “Not adop-
tion” for farmers can be calculated as follows:
Uc1 H3+Δh3C3+wx +cC3y,
Uc2 H3+wx. (7)
e average expected earnings of farmers can be cal-
culated as
UczUc1 +(1z)Uc2.(8)
e replication dynamics equation for farmers can be
achieved as follows:
F(z) � z(1z)Uc1 Uc2
 􏼁z(1z)Δh3C3+cC3y
 􏼁.
e replication dynamics equation of each stakeholder
has the following form:
F(x) � x(1x)αC1+βF
 􏼁y+Δh12z+Δh11 Δh12
 􏼁yz C1
 􏼁,
F(y) � y(1y)βF+Δh21 Δh22 αC1βF
 􏼁xcC3z
 􏼁,
F(z) � z(1z)Δh3C3+cC3y
 􏼁.
4.2. Model Analysis. To seek the system’s stable strategy, let
the replicated dynamic equation of agricultural enterprises,
government, and farmers be zero, that is, F(x) � 0,
F(y) � 0,and F(z) � 0. According to the evolutionary
game theory, we obtain nine local equilibrium points
of replicated dynamic equation: U1(1,1,1),U2(1,1,0),
U8(0,0,0), and U9(x, y, z).U9(x, y, z)is the solution
 􏼁y+Δh12z+Δh11 Δh12
 􏼁yz C10,
βF+Δh21 Δh22 αC1βF
 􏼁xcC3z0,
e equilibrium points are not necessarily the evolu-
tionary stable strategies (ESS). According to research by
Friedman [53], the stability of the equilibrium points can be
judged from the Jacobin matrix. e Jacobin matrix of
replication dynamics equation and its eigenvalues are as
F11 F12 F13
F21 F22 F23
F31 F32 F33
Table 1: Parameter descriptions.
Stakeholders Parameters Descriptions
xe probability that agricultural enterprises carry out low-carbon innovation
H1e benefits when agricultural enterprises do not carry out low-carbon innovation
e benefit increase when the government chooses “regulation” strategies and the farmers adopt low-
carbon technology
e benefit increase when the government choose “not regulation” strategies and the farmers adopt
low-carbon technology
C1e costs increase when agricultural enterprises carry out low-carbon innovation
ye probability that government regulates low-carbon innovation
H2e social benefit when the agricultural enterprises adopt general innovation
e benefit increase when the government adopts “regulation” strategies and the agricultural
enterprises carry out low-carbon innovation
e benefit increase when the government does not regulate and the agricultural enterprises adopt low-
carbon innovation
Fe amount of carbon taxes levied on agricultural enterprises adopting “not low-carbon innovation”
αe ratio of innovation subsidies to agricultural enterprises’ low-carbon innovation input cost
βCarbon tax rate
ce ratio of adoption subsidies to farmers’ low-carbon technology purchase cost
ze probability that farmers adopt low-carbon technology
H3e benefits when farmers do not adopt low-carbon technology
Δh3e increase benefits when farmers adopt low-carbon technology
C3e costs increase when farmers adopt low-carbon technology
we benefits increase when agricultural enterprises carry out low-carbon innovation, regardless of
whether farmers adopt low-carbon technology
Table 2: e payoff matrix among agricultural enterprises, government, and farmers.
Agricultural enterprises Government Farmers
Adoption (z) Not adoption (1 z)
Low-carbon innovation (x)
Regulation (y)
H1+Δh11 − (1α)C1H1− (1α)C1
H2+Δh21 αC1cC3H2+Δh21 αC1
H3+wΔh3− (1c)C3H3+w
Not regulation (1 y)
H1+Δh12 C1H1C1
H2+Δh22 H2+Δh22
Not low-carbon innovation (1 x)
Regulation (y)
H1βF H1βF
H3+Δh3− (1c)C3H3
Not regulation (1 y)
Complexity 5
F11 zA(x)
zx� (12x)αC1+βF
 􏼁y+Δh12z
+Δh11 Δh12
 􏼁yz C1􏼁,
F12 zA(x)
zyx(1x)αC1+βF+Δh11 Δh12
 􏼁z
 􏼁,
F13 zA(x)
zzx(1x)Δh12 +Δh11 Δh12
 􏼁y
 􏼁,
F21 zB(y)
zxΔh21 Δh22 αC1βF
 􏼁y(1y),
F22 zB(y)
zy� (12y)βF+Δh21 Δh22 αC1βF
 􏼁
F23 zB(y)
zz� − cC3y(1y),
F31 zC(z)
F32 zC(z)
F33 zC(z)
zz� (12z)Δh3C3+cC3y
 􏼁.
According to Lyapunov’s indirect method, the equi-
librium point is an evolutionary stable strategy (ESS),
when F11,F22, and F33 are negative; the equilibrium point
is an unstable point, when F11,F2 2, and F33 are positive; the
equilibrium point is a saddle point, when there are one or
two positive numbers in F11,F22 , and F33 . We only
consider the equilibrium points U1to U8because the
equilibrium resolution of three-party evolutionary game is
a strict Nash equilibrium. e main eigenvalues of the
Jacobian matrix at different equilibrium points are shown
in Table 3.
Since C1>0 and βF>0, the equilibrium points (1, 0, 0)
and (0, 0, 0) may be a saddle point or an unstable point. e
equilibrium points (1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0),
and (0, 0, 1) may be the potential evolutionary stability
strategies of the three-party game model. Among these
potential stabilization strategies, the strategies that agri-
cultural enterprises carry out low-carbon innovation and
farmers adopt low-carbon technology are ideal stabilization
strategies. erefore, we only discuss the equilibrium points
(1, 0, 1) and (1, 1, 1).
e equilibrium point (1, 0, 1) is the ESS, when
Δh12 C1>0,Δh21 Δh22 αC1cC3<0 , and Δh3C3
>0. e equilibrium point (1, 0, 1) is an unstable point,
when Δh12 C1<0,Δh21 Δh22 αC1cC3>0, and
Δh3C3<0. And the equilibrium point (1, 0, 1) is a saddle
point, when C1Δh12,Δh21 Δh22 αC1cC3, and C3
Δh3have one or two positive numbers. Under the conditions
of government nonregulation, the agricultural enterprises
adopt low-carbon innovation strategy, when their earnings
of nonlow-carbon innovation are less than those of low-
carbon innovation. e government chooses “Not regulation”
strategy, when its regulatory benefit is less than the on-
regulatory benefit. e farmers select “Adoption” strategy,
when their benefits of adopting low-carbon technology are
higher than the benefits of adopting nonlow-carbon tech-
nology. Combined with the current social reality, the social
benefits of the government adopting “Regulation” strategy
must be greater than the gains from the choice of “Not
regulation” strategy. erefore, we will not consider this
situation in depth.
e equilibrium point U8(1,1,1)is also analyzed with
this method. When (Δh11 +βF− (1α)C1)>0, Δh21
Δh22 αC1cC3>0 , and Δh3− (1c)C3>0, the equi-
librium point (1, 1, 1) is the ESS. When (Δh11 +βF
(1α)C1)<0, Δh21 Δh22 αC1cC3<0 , and Δh3
(1c)C3<0, the equilibrium point (1, 1, 1) is an unstable
point. When Δh3− (1c)C3<0, Δh21Δh22 αC1cC3,
and Δh3− (1c)C3have one or two positive numbers, the
equilibrium point (1, 1, 1) is a saddle point. e results
indicate that the agricultural enterprises adopt low-carbon
innovation strategy, when its earnings of nonlow-carbon
innovation is less than that of low-carbon innovation; the
government accept “Regulation” strategy, when its regula-
tory benefit is higher than the nonregulatory benefit; the
farmers choose “Adoption” strategy, when their benefits
adopting low-carbon technology is larger than the benefits
adopting nonlow-carbon technology.
5. Simulation Analysis
e numerical simulations are carried out using Matlab
software. We only discuss the equilibrium point (1, 1, 1) and
consider the effect of initial strategy selection and influence
factors on evolution results. According to Section 4, when
(Δh11 +βF− (1α)C1)>0, Δh21 Δh22 αC1cC3>0,
and Δh3− (1c)C3>0, the system finally achieves to the
ideal state, that is, the ESS is the strategy set {Low-carbon
innovation, Regulation, Adoption}. We set Δh11 6,
Δh21 5, Δh22 2,Δh12 5,Δh30.8, C14, C30.5,
F1, α0.3, β0.2, c0.3, and ω0.1. e time is set
to t20.
5.1. Effect of Initial Strategy Selection. When the initial value
of the strategy combination (x,y,z) is set as
U0� (0.5,0.5,0.5), the strategy selection results of stake-
holders are shown in Figure 1. From the two-dimensional
and three-dimensional simulation diagrams, we can find
that the probabilities of participants choosing strategy 1
increase with time. Ultimately, the agricultural enterprises
choose “Low-carbon innovation” strategy, the government
chooses “Regulation” strategy, and the farmers choose
“Adoption” strategy, and thus reaching ESS point
U1� (1,1,1).
5.2. Effect of Government Behavior on the Strategy Selection.
Government subsidies to agricultural enterprises and
farmers, as well as government carbon tax requirements for
nonlow-carbon innovative enterprises, may have an effect
on the strategy choices of agricultural enterprises and
farmers. We discuss the influence of the abovementioned
factors on the evolutionary results.
5.2.1. Innovation Subsidies for Agricultural Enterprises.
In order to examine the impact of innovation subsidies for
agricultural enterprises, we set the parameter αin the in-
terval [0, 1], while fixing the value of the other parameters.
e simulation results shown in Figure 2 suggest that when
the ratio of innovation subsidies to agricultural enterprises’
low-carbon innovation input cost increase from 0.1 to 0.9,
the “Low-carbon innovation” strategy ratio of agricultural
enterprises and the “Adoption” strategy ratio of farmers will
increase, but the “Regulation” strategy ratio of government
will decrease. e results of simulation coincide with the
explanation that market failure is the fundamental reason for
the government to subsidize low-carbon innovation activ-
ities, which creates a gap between private interests and social
interests [33]. e government can obtain more societal
benefits through supporting firms’ innovation. However, the
government will select “Not regulation” strategy, when the
amount of government subsidies is greater than the social
benefits obtained by the government. From abovementioned
analysis, we can see that government subsidies may have a
substitution effect in the initial stage and reduce the en-
thusiasm of low-carbon innovation of agricultural enter-
prises, but with the passage of time it will play an incentive
role and promote low-carbon innovation of agricultural
enterprises. At the same time, innovation subsidies have an
incentive effect on farmers to adopt low-carbon technolo-
gies. However, if the amount of financial subsidies is too
large, it will affect the enthusiasm of government subsidies.
5.2.2. Carbon Taxes for Agricultural Enterprises. Carbon tax
policy is an important measure to reduce carbon emissions
[54, 55]. In order to examine the effect of the carbon tax rate,
Table 3: Main eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix.
x,y,zF11 F22 F33
1, 1, 1 − (Δh11 +βF− (1α)C1) − (Δh21 Δh22 αC1cC3) − (Δh3− (1c)C3)
1, 1, 0 − (βF− (1α)C1) − (Δh21 Δh22 αC1)Δh3− (1c)C3
1, 0, 1 − (Δh12 C1)Δh21 Δh22 αC1cC3− (Δh3C3)
0, 1, 1 Δh11 +βF− (1α)C1− (βFcC3) − (Δh3− (1c)C3)
1, 0, 0 C1Δh21 Δh22 αC1Δh3C3
0, 1, 0 βF− (1α)C1βFΔh3− (1c)C3
0, 0, 1 Δh12 C1βFcC3− (Δh3C3)
0, 0, 0 C1βFΔh3C3
Note: F12 F13 F21 F23 F31 F32 0.
400 20 60 80 100
Time (t)
Strategy ratio
P0 (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
P1 (1, 1, 1)
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.4
0.4 0.2
Figure 1: e dynamic evolution of the tripartite game model when x0.5, y 0.5,and z0.5. (a) Time evolutions of x,y, and z; (b) time
evolutions of (x,y,z).
Complexity 7
we set the parameter βin the interval [0, 1], while fixing the
other parameters. e results shown in Figure 3 indicate that
when the carbon tax rate increases from 0.1 to 0.9, the “Low-
carbon” strategy ratio of agricultural enterprises and the
“Regulation” strategy ratio of government increase, while the
“Adoption” strategy ratio of farmers decreases. e results
suggest that the higher the carbon tax rate, the higher the
willingness of agricultural enterprises to carry out low-
carbon innovation and the higher the probability of gov-
ernment choosing regulatory strategies. However, the in-
crease of the carbon tax has a negative impact on farmers’
adoption of low-carbon technology. e reason may be that,
on the one hand, the increase of the carbon tax has led to the
decrease in the supply of nonlow-carbon technology and the
increase in the price of nonlow-carbon technology. e
inertia of farmers in choosing agricultural technology has
stimulated the increase of market demand for nonlow-
carbon technology. On the other hand, the farmers do not
have sufficient awareness of the importance of the envi-
ronment, and the diffusion of low-carbon agricultural
technology will take longer. erefore, it is difficult to im-
prove the speed and scope of agricultural low-carbon
technology in the short term by relying solely on the carbon
tax policy. Carbon tax policy needs are combined with other
low-carbon policy tools to promote the popularization of
low-carbon technology in agriculture.
5.2.3. Adoption Subsidies for Farmers. In order to examine
the effect of adoption subsidies for farmers, we set the pa-
rameter cin the interval [0, 1], while keeping all other
parameters constant. e simulation results shown in
Figure 4 indicate that the ratio of government subsidies to
farmers’ low-carbon product purchase cost increases from
0.1 to 0.9, the “Low-carbon innovation” strategy ratio of
agricultural enterprises and the “Adoption” strategy ratio of
farmers increase, while the “Regulation” strategy ratio of
government decrease. e results indicate that government
subsidies increase farmers’ enthusiasm for adopting low-
carbon technology. e more subsidies farmers receive, the
higher is their demand for low-carbon technology products
and the higher is the enthusiasm of agricultural enterprises
for low-carbon innovation. Similar to the analysis of gov-
ernment subsidies for agricultural enterprises, the larger the
Time (t)
α = 0.1
α = 0.3
α = 0.6
α = 0.9
0 102030405060708090100
α = 0.1
α = 0.3
α = 0.6
α = 0.9
Time (t)
0 102030405060708090100
α = 0.1
α = 0.3
α = 0.6
α = 0.9
0 102030405060708090100
Time (t)
Figure 2: e effect of innovation subsidies on the evolutionary strategies.
Time (t)
100 2030405060
β = 0.1
β = 0.2
β = 0.6
β = 0.9
Time (t)
100 2030405060
β = 0.1
β = 0.2
β = 0.6
β = 0.9
100 2030405060
Time (t)
β = 0.1
β = 0.2
β = 0.6
β = 0.9
Figure 3: e effect of the carbon tax rate on the evolutionary strategies.
Time (t)
0 102030405060708090100
γ = 0.1
γ = 0.3
γ = 0.6
γ = 0.9
Time (t)
0 102030405060708090
γ = 0.1
γ = 0.3
γ = 0.6
γ = 0.9
Figure 4: Continued.
Complexity 9
amount of adoption subsidies is, the lower the enthusiasm of
government subsidies is.
6. Conclusions and Suggestions
Developing low-carbon agriculture is an inevitable choice to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve agricultural
ecological environment, and realize agricultural moderni-
zation. e innovation and diffusion of low-carbon agri-
cultural technologies cannot be separated from the
participation of relevant stakeholders such as agricultural
enterprises, government, farmers, and intermediaries.
However, current research on the interrelationship of
multiple stakeholders in low-carbon agricultural technology
innovation and diffusion is very limited. Different from
previous studies, this paper establishes a tripartite game
model involving agricultural enterprises, government, and
farmers using evolutionary game theory. en, simulation
analysis based on MATLAB software is implemented to
explore the impact of government policies on the innovation
diffusion of low-carbon agriculture. e results show that
(1) e cost of low-carbon innovation, the increased
revenue from low-carbon innovation, and govern-
ment regulation (including carbon taxes and inno-
vation subsidies) are the main factors affecting the
low-carbon innovation of agricultural enterprises.
(2) Low-carbon production costs, additional benefits
from low-carbon production, and adoption subsidies
for low-carbon are the principal factors affecting
farmers’ adoption of low-carbon technologies.
(3) e probability of government regulation is mainly
affected by the cost and benefit of low-carbon reg-
ulation, which decreases with the increase of regu-
lation costs and increases with the increase of
regulatory benefits.
(4) Government subsidies for low-carbon innovation,
carbon taxes, and government subsidies for low-
carbon technology adoption are effective means to
promote the diffusion of low-carbon technologies in
agriculture. High-level of innovation subsidies and
adoption subsidies inspires the enthusiasm of agri-
cultural enterprises for low-carbon innovation and
farmers for low-carbon technology adoption. e
high level of carbon taxes arouses the enthusiasm of
low-carbon innovation of agricultural enterprises.
However, it inhibits farmers’ adoption of low-carbon
technologies in the short term.
is study contributes to the present literature on in-
novation diffusion theory in two areas. First, evolutionary
game theory is utilized to study the diffusion of low-carbon
agricultural innovation based on multiple stakeholders. e
reduction of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions depends
not only on farmers’ low-carbon production but also on the
innovation of low-carbon agricultural technology. It is
significance to reveal the mechanism of the interaction
between agricultural enterprises and farmers in low-carbon
agricultural innovation diffusion. is study compensates
for the current lack of application of innovation diffusion
theory in agriculture [47]. Second, the effects of low-carbon
policy instruments (innovation subsidies, carbon taxes, and
adoption subsidies) on low-carbon agricultural technology
innovation diffusion are studied, which is of great value in
the formulation and implementation low-carbon agricul-
tural policies.
is study also has policy implications. First, the gov-
ernment should increase the propaganda of the importance
of low-carbon agriculture and low-carbon agriculture pol-
icies through training, meetings, and public service adver-
tisements and strengthen the awareness of agricultural
enterprises and farmers to low-carbon agriculture. In order
to reduce the cost of government regulation, the public,
media, and nongovernmental organizations should be fully
mobilized to participate in the production regulation of
agricultural enterprises. Second, the appropriate subsidy
level should be committed to prevent agricultural enterprises
and farmers from defrauding low-carbon subsidies caused
by excessive subsidies. is policy can be combined with
other policies such as carbon trading market to avoid
marketing problems caused by insufficient supply of
0 102030405060708090100
Time (t)
γ = 0.1
γ = 0.3
γ = 0.6
γ = 0.9
Figure 4: e effect of adoption subsidies on the evolutionary strategies.
10 Complexity
nonlow-carbon production materials in the short term.
ird, a communication platform should be built for agri-
cultural enterprises, scientific research institutions, farmers,
and financial institutions, which can promote the R&D and
industrialization of low-carbon agricultural technologies.
e farmers can get the latest market information of low-
carbon agricultural technologies and choose the applicable
low-carbon agricultural technology.
Data Availability
e data used to support the findings of this study are
available from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
e authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the
publication of this paper.
Authors’ Contributions
All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
is paper was supported by the Tianjin Planning Leading
Group Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences under Grant
no. TJYY17-017.
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12 Complexity
... Tan et al. (2020) used evolutionary game theory as a means to improve pricing strategies, maintain freshness, and optimize the quality grading of greens in the context of an agricultural supply chain consisting of agricultural product processors and retailers. In addition, Liu et al. (2020) conducted a study to examine the feasibility of incorporating low-carbon farming technology in an agricultural supply chain involving farmers, agricultural enterprises, and the government. The study employed a three-party evolutionary game approach and revealed that the adoption of suitable government subsidies and carbon taxes for agricultural companies and farmers can serve as effective incentives for their involvement in low-carbon agriculture. ...
... Farmers engage in the production of numerous goods and employ cost analysis and sharing mechanisms to establish a fair market price when selling these products to different participants within the supply chain. In this procedure, many farmers depend on governmental aid and incentives, including subsidies, crop insurance initiatives, price stabilization measures, and efficient taxes (Kang et al., 2019;Liu et al., 2020;Hamidoglu, 2024). In the event that low-carbon technology is adopted, the government provides subsidies and reduces carbon taxation to establish a market environment that is both economically accessible and operationally effective for farmers. ...
... They receive fresh or non-fresh agricultural products from farmers and consider their share and expenses when determining the market price. In this case, the government partially intervenes in the supply chain by providing subsidies and reducing carbon taxation in order to promote low-carbon applications in their market (Kang et al., 2019;Liu et al., 2020;Hamidoglu, 2024). ...
The transition to low-carbon agriculture is seen as essential for accelerating the implementation of ecologically friendly and climate-smart agricultural supply chain management strategies. Success in these efforts depends on robust policy frameworks, effective stakeholder participation, and the availability of agricultural products to customers. This study introduces a conceptual and operational structure for the incorporation and management of an agricultural supply chain with a low-carbon scheme through the establishment of a collaborative market environment involving farmers, agricultural enterprises, and consumers. Within this framework, agricultural enterprises and farmers engage in a cooperative Nash game to determine the extent to which they are willing to employ low-carbon practices in response to collaborative market prices and government policies, including subsidies and carbon taxes. The Nash game yields a unique Nash equilibrium, suggesting the possibility of cooperative negotiations among the parties with the goal of improving their financial gains. The proposed model is applied in two Brazilian sugarcane supply chain case studies, integrating with traditional biorefinery mills to produce and market ethanol as a gasoline alternative. Our results suggest that (1) successfully allocating government subsidies and taxes motivates low-carbon adoption; (2) the government taxation policy stabilises the low-carbon supply chain, improving stakeholder market pricing and consumer affordability; and (3) reduced cost gaps between low-carbon and non-low-carbon alternatives increase low-carbon adoption. As a result, this study provides fresh insights on the Nash collaboration of stakeholders in accordance with government policies to create a cleaner and more affordable agricultural supply chain market.
... In line with the numerical results, the government's initiative to reduce taxes and increase subsidies to other parties positively affected sustainability in the agricultural supply chain, selecting high-value agricultural products in the blockchain of agricultural enterprises and creating higher market demand for quality encouraged tripartite cooperation. In addition, to answer whether low-carbon farming technology should or should not be used in the agricultural supply chain, a three-sided game in which the players are telecommunication operators, agricultural enterprises, and the government is examined in [25]. The numerical results exhibit that the government's reasonable subsidies and carbon taxes for agricultural enterprises and telecommunication operators would encourage them to participate in low-carbon agriculture. ...
... Actually, this is one of the contributions of this work, which considers a supply chain controlled by the government by means of subsidies. Although there are plenty of research studies that consider the government as a player in the supply chain [24][25][26], this study provides a novel perspective in the construction of the IoT-enabled agricultural supply chain in that the government tries to control the whole market through subsidies to persuade both sides to participate in the blockchain application. In this regard, the government takes on this responsibility, and a cooperative Nash game is proposed between stakeholders to investigate collaborations towards the adoption of blockchain applications by means of subsidies. ...
... Expected reply functions for agricultural enterprises and telecommunication operators are described as ( 1 − ) and ( 1 − ), respectively. These functions quantify the expected decisions made by each stakeholder depending on their acceptance of the application [24,25,35]. Within the framework of this perspective, the following maximization problem is investigated. ...
Establishing a reliable, cost-effective, and data-accessible supply chain is a requirement for all administrations. The significance of such a supply chain lies in its ability to strengthen national resiliency, ensure economic security, and foster sustainable growth. Governments know financial investments and subsidies in infrastructure, logistics, and technology are necessary for a robust supply chain. This paper proposes an IoT-enabled agricultural supply chain that integrates with a cooperative Nash game between two parties: telecommunications operators and agricultural enterprises. The aim is to establish cooperative decision-making procedures in advance of the integration of blockchain technology into the supply chain, which is regulated by the subsidy policy of the government. The Nash game yields a unique Nash equilibrium, indicating that both parties can engage in cooperative negotiations regarding their participation in the blockchain application to maximize their financial profits. To illustrate the efficacy of Nash collaboration in blockchain adoption, this study presents two scenarios where non-cooperative behavior is explored to analyze stakeholder responses in competitive contexts. Numerical results justify the theoretical findings and suggest Nash cooperation among stakeholders instead of competition in the blockchain-based agri-food market, which leads to a more accessible market environment that ultimately benefits consumers. Moreover, the positive and negative aspects of the deployment of the government-supported blockchain application are derived through sensitivity analyses conducted on subsidy rate, agricultural market price, subsidy amount, and blockchain market. Practical managerial implications are derived from the findings and observations to help policymakers formulate blockchain policies in agricultural supply chains supported by governments.
... The objective is to mitigate carbon emissions by optimizing the utilization of transport vehicles for product transportation. Liu et al. (2020) conducts a study on a tripartite game involving farmers, agricultural enterprises, and the government to address the inquiry regarding the potential implementation of low-carbon farming technology within the agricultural supply chain. Moreover, a three-echelon fuzzy green vehicle routing problem is considered in Giallanza and Puma (2020) to create a regional agrifood supply chain over time to reduce costs and carbon emissions. ...
... • The analysis of the Nash equilibrium over the three-week duration reveals that the likelihood of collaboration and integration between farmers and the agricultural enterprise is higher within the context of tomato supply in the GBASM. • The GBASM could be integrated with the agricultural supply chain model studied by Liu et al. (2020) where government subsidies for low-carbon innovation, carbon taxes, and low-carbon technology adoption are provided for farmers and agricultural enterprises to promote the diffusion of low-carbon technologies in agriculture. It is shown by Liu et al. (2020) that high levels of government subsidies in innovation and adoption inspire the enthusiasm of agricultural enterprises for low-carbon innovation and farmers for low-carbon technology adoption. ...
... • The GBASM could be integrated with the agricultural supply chain model studied by Liu et al. (2020) where government subsidies for low-carbon innovation, carbon taxes, and low-carbon technology adoption are provided for farmers and agricultural enterprises to promote the diffusion of low-carbon technologies in agriculture. It is shown by Liu et al. (2020) that high levels of government subsidies in innovation and adoption inspire the enthusiasm of agricultural enterprises for low-carbon innovation and farmers for low-carbon technology adoption. Within this particular context, the GBASM has the potential to function as a framework for establishing stability in market prices pertaining to low-carbon innovation and technology. ...
In this study, a novel government-backed agri-food supply chain model (GBASM) is introduced among farmers and agricultural enterprises in their respective market. In the GBASM, the government provides subsidies to each member of the supply chain to encourage them to collaborate on a common economic platform. A game-theoretic perspective is established among farmers and agricultural enterprises to determine whether or not they should participate in this new model for their economic benefits. In this regard, a Nash game is proposed in which the Nash equilibrium is derived as the mixed equilibrium strategy, assuming that farmers and agricultural enterprises are two rational actors cooperating over market price in the GBASM. In numerical experiments, two sample models are examined based on the parameter values of each participant, and the grey wolf optimizer algorithm is utilized to derive mixed decision-making strategies from a variety of scenarios considered for each sample model. Sensitivity analyses are conducted to assess the impact of the GBASM on the decision-making processes of farmers and agricultural enterprises. The integration of the GBASM into a case study of the tomato supply chain in Buenos Aires, Argentina, confirms the robustness of the model and creates economically feasible and consistent pricing structures within the local area.
... In 1997, the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China identified the sustainable development strategy as a strategy that must be implemented in China's modernization construction. Many scholars have solved a series of major problems related to social and economic development with the help of the theory of sustainable development, providing a new direction and new thinking for getting rid of the dilemma of resource-exhausted cities (Liu et al., 2020;Ma & Xu, 2023;Ma, et al., 2020). Hu & Zhang (2018) made a comparative analysis of Sdzz and Lnfx from the perspective of institutional evolution and regional economic resilience. ...
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As suppliers of basic energy and raw materials, resource-based cities have played an important role in China's induzzstrialization process. However, with the high intensity of resource development and utilization, many resource-based cities are faced with economic and social problems such as resource exhaustion and economic stagnation. How to achieve sustainable development of resource-based cities has become a hot topic both in government and academia in recent times. Zaozhuang City of Shandong Province (Sdzz) was once a famous coal resource-based city in China, but after more than half a century of mining, coal resources have been almost exhausted. Taking Sdzz as an example, based on the theory of complexity, this paper analyzes the development situation of the major industries in Sdzz by using location entropy. On this basis, we use system dynamics to analyze the economic development of Sdzz from the perspectives of resources, environment, population, technology, economy, etc. The research results indicate that prioritizing the development of high-end manufacturing and strengthening financial and technological investment are effective ways to improve the efficiency of Sdzz's economic development. Finally, several constructive countermeasures and suggestions are put forward based on balancing the interests of all parties.
... Additionally, Luo et al. [40] apply this theory to examine the impact of government subsidies and carbon pricing on farmers' adoption of green planting practices, thereby contributing to the broader discourse on sustainable agriculture. Liu et al. [41] contribute to this body of work by examining the diffusion of low-carbon agricultural innovations through an evolutionary game analysis, focusing on the dynamics among multiple stakeholders. Their study underscores the complex negotiations and alignments needed to foster the adoption of sustainable practices in agriculture. ...
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Organic agriculture is a sustainable form of farming that can protect the environment. However, the high production costs of organic agriculture deter farmers from switching to organic farming. To support the development of organic agriculture, many governments offer subsidies to farmers or retailers. We develop an evolutionary game model to investigate the effect of government subsidies on organic agriculture and the conditions under which the government should subsidize farmers or retailers. We find that subsidizing farmers or retailers can promote agricultural development. Government subsidies lower the requirement for social responsibility and the premium that retailers offer. Furthermore, if the consumer’s social responsibility is sufficiently low, the government’s best choice is to subsidize retailers. If the social responsibility premium is medium, the government’s best choice is to subsidize farmers. Finally, higher subsidies motivate more farmers to produce organic products when the government subsidizes retailers. Conversely, if the government subsidizes farmers, it is more conducive to reducing the burden on retailers to purchase organic products.
... The relationship between agricultural technology and food security is a complex one, and output indices cannot be the sole focus (Magrini and Vigani, 2016). With the development of information, communication, and automation technologies respectively, scholars have begun to explore the application of agricultural technology to enable the high-quality development of low-carbon agriculture (Liu et al., 2020). ...
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Against the background of global climate change, agricultural science and technology play a vital role in achieving a low-carbon economy and sustainable development. Based on the research data of agricultural science and technology in Web of Science and China National Knowledge Infrastructure, adopting the bibliometric method, a knowledge graph was drawn using CiteSpace software; this paper analyzes the hotspot distribution, structural relationship and evolution process context while also comparing the difference between China and abroad from 1998 to 2023. The results indicate that existing research is mainly distributed in the following core modules, namely, agricultural science and technology, industrialization, modern agriculture, low-carbon agriculture, etc. The evolution of the research context features three stages: the traditional agricultural, current agricultural, and high-quality agricultural stages respectively. Research in China and abroad demonstrates both overlaps and differences in terms of knowledge structure, and such differences are related mainly to the concept of low-carbon agriculture, a variety of research perspectives, and the agricultural science and technology system. To expand the knowledge structure, deepening the research on, respectively, the evaluation and measurement of agrarian carbon footprint, micro-production entities, and strengthening international agricultural science and technology cooperation are innovative directions for future studies. This article systematically reviews agricultural scientific research from the perspective of a low-carbon economy, providing a reference point for the green and low-carbon transformation of agriculture in every country.
... Among the subjects involved in the evolution of negative public opinion, there is a game relationship among social platform operators, opinion leaders, and ofcial media. Based on the doctrine of limited rationality and the premise of information asymmetry among subjects, game players will adjust their strategies to maximize their interests in response to changes in the strategic choices of other subjects [20]. Among them, operators, as commercial organizations with a proft motive, will strictly or loosely monitor and regulate the behavior of opinion leaders and media in the balance of proft and loss. ...
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The reach of online information transmission has expanded due to the rapid growth of social software and Internet technology, and the negative information generated during the COVID-19 outbreak can confuse the public. Therefore, a new challenge in the prevention and control of epidemics is how to supervise negative public perceptions. This study differentiates negative public opinion communication stages through practical cases and is based on the life cycle hypothesis. In order to examine the evolution and stability tactics of each game subject in each stage of the evolution of public opinion, a three-way evolution game model comprising social platform operators, official media, and opinion leaders is created on the basis of prospect theory. Finally, the advanced epidemic model is used to verify the important impact of cooperation between official media and opinion leaders on curbing the transmission of negative public opinion. It is found that the perceived value of game players on income and loss will significantly affect the trend of the tripartite game strategy, and the cooperative behavior of official media and opinion leaders can effectively promote the benign development of online public opinion.
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Welcome to the world of agriculture, where the age-old practice of cultivating the land meets modern innovation and sustainability. "Basic Principles of Agriculture" is a comprehensive guide that seeks to demystify the intricate tapestry of agricultural science, from its historical roots to its cutting-edge developments, this book is designed to be your trusted companion on the journey to understanding and mastering the art of agriculture. Throughout these pages, you will find a balanced blend of theory and practical insights, drawn from the collective wisdom of generations of farmers, scientists, and agricultural enthusiasts. We emphasize the importance of sustainable practices, environmental stewardship, and the responsible use of resources to ensure that agriculture remains a force for good in the world. Whether you are studying agriculture as an academic discipline, pursuing a career in the field, or simply seeking to enrich your understanding of the food you consume, this book is your gateway to a world of discovery and opportunity. As we embark on this educational journey together, I encourage you to approach each chapter with curiosity, an open mind, and a commitment to applying the knowledge gained in ways that benefit both humankind and our planet. Thank you for choosing this book as your companion in the exploration of the timeless and ever-evolving field of agriculture.
Considering the coupling of the differential carbon tax and subsidy policies, this paper constructs a tripartite evolutionary game model. Then the factors influencing the behavior of each party are analyzed. Results show that the increasing rate of manufacturer income and retailer income when taking low‐carbon strategy can affect their enthusiasm to adopt low‐carbon behavior. In terms of the external regulation, the combination of differential carbon tax policy and subsidy policy can effectively restrain manufacturer's free‐riding behavior and encourage the manufacturer to complete the low‐carbon transformation. However, such policy combination has poor supervision effect on retailer's free‐riding behavior.
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This paper studies a dual-channel apparel supply chain faced with strategic consumers and uncertain demands, where the dominant retailer decides its service level and offline price first, and the manufacturer decides the online price later on. This paper develops a framework to examine the impacts of quick response on the system’s short-term profitability and long-term stability. To make comparisons, two scenarios are considered, in which the supply chain system adopts and does not adopt quick response, respectively. The optimal decisions and profits of the firms are first analyzed in two scenarios, and dynamic game models are then developed to study the complex characteristics. Comparisons in supply chain outputs and system stability are further made between these two scenarios. The results show that the imbalance of risks in two channels affects the performance of quick response that tends to benefit the retailer more, while it benefits the manufacturer only when the return rate is extremely high and consumers care much about the purchase channels. However, quick response certainly contributes to the system stability, which not only provides a larger stable region for firms to adjust their decisions, but also makes the system less sensitive to the consumers’ valuation for the product. Along with this, it is easier for the chaotic system with quick response to restore the stability.
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Notwithstanding the lesser contribution to global warming, sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remained one of the most vulnerable to climate change due to low economic development, high dependence on natural resources for agricultural production and low technological advancement. There is also limited information on the nexus between economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the region. Therefore, this study applied the Environmental Kuznets hypothesis to test the relationship between economic growth and GHG emissions in SSA and also test the effect of global GHG emission on economic growth of SSA. Using an aggregated panel data for the period of 1970 to 2012, a Vector Autoregressive and an Ordinary Least Square regression were estimated. From the result, although the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality was established in the short run, there are no clear turning points for the greenhouse gasses. Generally, there is a monotonic decreasing relationship between economic growth and environmental quality in the long-run. Interestingly, this study showed that global GHG emission levels have a long-run effect on the economic growth of SSA. We concluded that to ensure that economic growth leads to an improvement in environmental quality, there must be a global effort to introduce innovations and technologies that can lead to increase production with little GHG emissions. The study recommended that, SSA should consider carbon tax policies other than stringent GHG emission reduction initiatives or climate stabilization policies that would negatively affect production in the region
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In the article titled “The Trilateral Evolutionary Game of Agri-Food Quality in Farmer-Supermarket Direct Purchase: A Simulation Approach” [1], there was an error in reference 18, which should be corrected as follows: J. Ma and X. Ma, “Measure of the bullwhip effect considering the market competition between two retailers,” International Journal of Production Research, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 313-326, 2017.
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In this paper, we study the pricing decisions stability when a retailer adopts bundling strategy for complementary products. We firstly explore whether or not the decision maker will adopt bundling strategy, finding that bundling strategy benefits retailer’s profit by improving sales of both products. Considering demand uncertainty, we focus on a bounded rational decision maker adjusting decisions in each period, build a dynamic pricing system and study its stability based on chaos theory. According to different pricing strategies for the bundling products, we propose two game models, i.e., simultaneous and sequential game, and compare the performance on the bundling strategy and system stability. The results show that both game models can reach the same optimal decisions, but sequential game has a better performance in keeping system stable. We also show the joint influence of parameters on the system stability and find that the retailer can control a chaos system caused by uncertain demand by slowing down the speed of decision adjustment. This paper’s theoretic contribution is to compare the performance of two or more systems’ stabilities based on Jury criteria.
Adoption of sustainable agriculture practices (SAP) has the potential to mitigate climate change’s effects, while at the same time minimize degradation of natural resources and increase food production. However, recent policies based on economic incentives alone have largely failed to increase SAP adoption rate at farm level. Understanding farmers’ perceptions towards environmental issues and climate change is essential to change this situation. This study aims to categorize farmers in different types, according to their perceptions on environmental issues and on climate change in a sample of Brazilian farmers (n=172). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis were used. Results showed four clusters of farmers: “Worried”, “Apathetic”, “Anthropocentric” and “Ecocentric”. Contrasting to “Worried” and “Apathetic”, farmers in “Anthropocentric” and “Ecocentric” clusters presented pro-environmental behavior, which suggests a high likelihood to adopt SAP. While farmers with an anthropocentric view are oriented to increase their economic gains, ecocentric farmers are motivated by environmental concerns i.e. non-economic factors. Insights of this paper can be used to facilitate effective policy development and strategies to increase the adoption rate of SAP
More than a decade ago, the Chinese government created several agricultural programs with the objective to promote food security and to foster environmental sustainability via the adoption of more eco-conscious practices in agriculture. While the overall application rate of chemical fertilizer has significantly declined, the adoption of low-carbon technologies promoted through these initiatives remains relative low—partly due to the lack of a wide-reaching systems to implement the recommended practices and farmers' lack of awareness and knowledge about the technologies. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of technical training on low-carbon management practices, specifically on the adoption of soil testing and formulated fertilization technologies. We hypothesize that technical training and education facilitates the adoption of promoted technologies. Data for this research come from a random sample of 1115 rice farmers in Hubei, China. Using a logistic regression, we empirically examine the effect of having received formal technical training within the last 12 months on the likelihood of adopting low-carbon technologies. To account for potential heterogeneity and selection bias, we employ counterfactual framework and propensity score matching and estimate the average treatment effect for those who have received formal technical training. Our results revealed a positive and significant association between formal technical training and rice farmers’ adoption of low-carbon technologies, with an average treatment effect of 0.2078. Males, younger farmers, and members of agricultural cooperatives were more likely to adopt soil testing and formulated fertilization technologies. Further, a gender analysis, conducted only with those who indicated having received technical training on low-carbon technologies, showed that trained females were more prone to adopt these technologies than trained males. Our findings provide and discuss meaningful implications for the development of future efforts to promote the adoption of low-carbon agricultural technologies in China.
Green technology is the means of improving towards the rising environmental concern. The implication of green fertilizer technology (GFT) is the need for the modern development of environmentally friendly technology, also to increase the production level among all the agriculture crops. It is especially needed for paddy production, as it has always been considered as an important commodity because it is the main staple food for the nation. Paddy production in Malaysia using GFT allows for sustainable development and boosts the yield. Nevertheless, the adoption rate of GFT is unsatisfactory in most of the developing countries, including in Malaysia. The fact that the cost of production is considerably higher results in low-level perception regarding the adoption of GFT. Hence, the integration of communication and technology factors could become one of the main elements for the further development of the paddy sector in Malaysia. The overall objective of this research study will identify the factors that determine paddy farmer's adoption decision on GFT in Malaysia. To do so, a literature review was compiled on the topic of agriculture innovation-based adoption decision theories such as Diffusion of innovation (DOI), Theory of reasoned action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology acceptance model (TAM) and communication channels to study paddy farmers’ adoption decision of GFT. The results of the review revealed that this framework highlights adoption as an intricate behavior, interweaving aspects such as communication channels, socio-psychological and innovation attribute considerations. The conceptual framework illuminates the decision towards adoption as a self-motivated process, assumes a composite interaction among groups of variables coming from two different theories. The combination of DOI, TRA, TPB, TAM and communication channels overcome some limitations that arise when the only theory is used to examine the adoption decision among paddy farmers in Malaysia. Correspondingly, there has been limited empirical research done on the decision of adoption toward GFT use among paddy farmers in Malaysia.
Internal vulnerabilities and insider threats top the list of information security (InfoSec) incidents; prompting organizations to establish InfoSec policy (ISP). Yet, mitigating user's ISP non-compliance is still an arduous task. Hence, this study aims to minimize user's ISP non-compliance intention by investigating their perception and attitude toward ISP non-compliance. Specifically, protective measures drawing upon the protection motivation theory - perceived severity of ISP non-compliance, rewards and familiarity with ISP - analyze users' attitude toward ISP non-compliance. Further, the new construct, information technology (IT) vision conflict, is the mismatch between the values that users hold and those embedded in the ISP. The misalignment of the two conflicting values moderates the relationship between the protective measures and attitude toward ISP non-compliance. Findings show that IT vision conflict weakens the negative relationship between perceived severity of ISP non-compliance and attitude toward ISP non-compliance; indirectly affecting ISP non-compliance intention.
This paper constructs a multi-channel supply chain that includes a manufacturer, a dual-channel retailer and an online retailer. The dual-channel retailer has a traditional channel and an online channel, while the manufacturer cooperates with the retailers and opens a direct channel simultaneously. The horizontal and historical price discount sensitivities are taken into account to establish the price-sensitive demand functions. A price game model with the heterogeneous expectations is proposed and analysed with the methods of the stability domain, the bifurcation diagram and the maximum Lyapunov exponent. The complexity and bullwhip effect of each channel are investigated with respect to the price adjustment speed and historical price discount sensitivity. The results show that a moderate or low price discount sensitivity keeps the system stable and a high price discount sensitivity brings the system into the twofold cycle state or chaotic state. It is interesting that if both online channels increase the adjustment speeds with similar strategy the system will enter chaos through the Neimark–Sacker bifurcation. The bullwhip effect is affected by the price adjustment speed and the price discount sensitivity, especially in the double-period or chaotic state, where the bullwhip of the overall supply chain is increased significantly. The results show that controlling price discount sensitivity is useful for supply chain node companies.
China has launched a series of low-carbon policies that promote the diffusion of green technologies, in order to advance what is now the world's largest manufacturing area toward more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Specifically, alliances between manufacturers (as one of the policy initiatives) have been set up to expedite technology diffusion. What are the patterns of technology diffusion in the alliance, and what are the effects of low carbon policy on the diffusion of technology in the alliance? Using game-based theory, this paper builds an evolutionary game model of technology diffusion between enterprises in the context of a complex network. In particular, it simulates the effects of a carbon trading market, environmental taxes, and innovation subsides, on green technology diffusion of manufacturing firms in a BA scale-free network (Barabási–Albert model) in China. The results show that various levels of policy-implementation (especially the market-based policies) lead to different rates of diffusion. This study provides insights on green diffusion policies and the effectiveness of their implementation in inter-firm alliances.