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Strategy in Improving the Quality of Vocational High School Graduates

Strategy in Improving the Quality of Vocational High
School Graduates
Siti Maria Ulfah*, Sururi Sururi, Silmi Amrullah
Educational Departemen, School of Post Graduates
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
AbstractBased on data from the Central Statistics agency
noted that the education level of vocational high school becomes
the highest contributor to the open unemployment rate in
Indonesia. This can encourage the improvement of the quality of
education in order to improve the quality and competitiveness of
human resources. In an effort to raise the quality of education
will not fulfil the expected goal if not focus on improving the
quality of students or the quality of graduates. Therefore, quality
is the most important part of the school's strategy and requires a
systematic approach by using a strategic planning process. Based
on this, the research focuses on analysis and determines
appropriate strategic planning to improve the quality of
graduates. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach
with a type of case study research. Data collection uses
observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Where
the sample from this research is a strategy to improve the quality
of graduates of Vocational Texar. The results showed that to
improve the quality of graduates focus on curriculum
development, improvement of facilities and infrastructure,
improving the human resources of educators and education,
using teaching factory (TEFA) learning models, in cooperation
with DU/DI to synergize in efforts to improve the quality of
graduates in accordance with market demands and
absorption/distribution of graduates. The impact of these
graduates ' quality improvement strategy, can be used as a
reference for schools to improve the quality of vocational high
school graduates to be better prepared in the business and
Keywordsgraduate quality improvement strategy; vocational
high school
The development of science is determined by the
development of education. Education has a very strategic role
in determining the forward direction of the quality of
knowledge of society. Education is key to the progress of a
country. Based on the results of education quality control in
Nana Syaodih stated that education plays a key role in human
resource development and quality people. The better the
quality of education is organized, the better the welfare and
prosperity of the people in a country. Thus, the process of
quality improvement of graduates is the first step to realize the
welfare and prosperity of people [1].
The quality of graduates according to the purpose of
national education is to develop capabilities, forming a
character of a dignified nation civilization in order to educate
the life of the nation, aiming for the potential development of
learners to become Human beings who have faith and fear to
the Almighty God, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable,
creative, and self-reliant, and become democratic and
responsible citizens.
Quality is conformity to the needs of the market or
consumer. In general sense, quality contains the significance
of the degree of excellence of a product or work, either in the
form of goods or services. In the context of education, the
sense of quality refers to input, process, output, and impact
Currently, vocational hight school is seen as the most
appropriate to face the challenges of globalization which is
expected to be key to victory in the competition in the global
era, especially in empowering human resources. Global
transformation towards a knowledge-based economy, lead to
higher quality demands of human development as a resource
of international and regional competitions in various parts of
the world [3].
The relevance of education to the needs of the work market
becomes a requirement for vocational high school that is
prepared to master certain skills in various business sectors and
national development industries. Vocational high school
graduates are still not able to answer the labor problem that the
world needs. Job opportunities offered by the job market are
still unallocated [4]. According to the Central Statistic Agency,
in February 2018 the education level of vocational high school
became the highest contributor among other education levels,
which amounted to 8.92% higher compared to high school
graduates by 7.19% and college graduates of 6.31%.
The results of interviews with the party of the competition
showed that in general, the industry feels there is a gap with the
output of vocational high school that many do not have the
competency of expertise according to Industry needs today.
This reflects the gaps in demand of manpower from vocational
education institutions and encourages the improvement of the
quality of education in order to improve the quality and
competitiveness of human resources using the approach of the
strategic planning process.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 400
3rd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2019)
Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license ( 163
According to Fred R. David, "Strategic management can be
defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing,
and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an
organization to achieve its objectives." [5]. The right strategy
will have an impact on goal achievement. To get the right
strategy, the school requires knowledge of information related
factors that can support success in achieving goals. Therefore,
it needs analysis. By conducting analysis is expected to provide
information that can be used as reference material in the
process of drafting a strategy to improve the quality of
Based on the identification of problems and issues and
findings in the field that have been displayed earlier, the
research related strategies in improving the quality of
vocational high school graduates are very important, so that
the research done can provide benefits for educational
institutions in minimizing unemployment at the vocational
high school level.
Based on the problems that will be researched then the
method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive
method. Sugiyono said Qualitative research method is a
method of research used to examine on the condition of natural
objects, where researchers are the key instruments, data
collection techniques are done in a triangulation (combined),
Data analysis is inductive, and the results of qualitative
research further emphasize the meaning of generalization [6].
The data sources in this study consist of primary data and
secondary data sources. The data source is the principal of
Texar Vocational High School, deputy principal, educator and
education personnel and the company. The data collection
techniques in this study were conducted in three ways:
observation, interviews, and documentation studies.
A. Results
This study was conducted using quantitative method. Data
In line with the growth of the problem and the magnitude of the
demands on education, especially in the development of
science and technology, the educational institutions, especially
vocational high school, are required to be more able to develop
the potential In cooperation with stakeholders in efforts to
improve the quality of school graduates who have the
competence in accordance with PP 32 year 2013 on the
standards of competency of graduates and in the regulation of
the Minister of Education and The knowledge number 54 year
2013 on the competency standards of primary and secondary
education graduates. The efforts/strategies conducted by Texar
vocational high school in improving the quality of graduates
are by several stages, namely:
Planning, at the planning phase, includes formulating the
vision, mission, and objectives of the school. The formulation
of the vision and mission is carried out by analyzing the
environment by looking at the fundamental needs of the
environment and education that the school can provide. After
fulfilling the vision and mission in detail, further, formulate the
objectives. After formulating the objectives, the achievement
strategy is made through a number of programs as a strategy
activity using SWOT analysis, the results of the analysis are
curriculum development, improvement of facilities and
infrastructure, and human resource improvement.
Implementation, the second stage of implementation or
implementation of the previously made planning so that what
has been previously completed can be achieved with
Curriculum development, that is by combining
productive subject matter with the material of the
partner company by using teaching Factory learning
model, it is aimed to the graduates that are produced
according to the needs of DU/DI. According to Tracey
Allen and Marilyn J. Amey, the concrete result of the
partnership cooperation is expected to provide benefits
mainly in supporting the implementation of academic
and professional education programs [7].
The fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure, namely
in cooperation with the participation of students and
DU/DI with the aim of improving the skill skills of
learners in support of teaching and learning activities.
Improving the quality of human resources educators and
education by attending workshops and pieces of training
according to the taken field.
Evaluation, evaluate the performance that has been done
according to the program that was planned in advance. In this
case, the school collaborated with DU/DI with the aim of being
able to produce competent graduates. Evaluation functions to
measure and interpret program achievements during
implementation and at the end of the program in the form of
outputs. stated by Cohen and Uphoff community involvement
in decision-making processes, program implementation, gain
benefit and evaluate program is a concern that is very valuable
for education world [8].
B. Discussion
Strategic management According to Igor Ansoff & Edward
J. Mc Donnell is a systematic approach to a major change in
key responsibilities of the main managers, how to place and
adapt its organization in order to successfully conclusive in the
face of a rapidly changing environment, so its organization
survives [9]. In addition to adjustments to organizational
environment change, in strategic management, there are
formulating, implementing and evaluating strategic decisions
between functions that enable an achieve future goals [10].
1) Strategy formulation: The stages of formulating or
formulating a strategy include establishing a vision and
mission, identifying the opportunities and challenges facing
the Organization from an external standpoint, establishing
weaknesses and advantages that the organization has from An
internal perspective, devise a long plan, create alternative
strategies and choose specific strategies to be achieved.
The education unit is required to continuously revitalize its
strategy to ensure the suitability of environmental demands and
competition with its internal powers. Given the inability of an
education, unit to respond to opportunities and external threats
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 400
will result in decreased competitiveness and performance
achievement [11].
A potential management tool to help analyze opportunities
and such threats can use SWOT analysis techniques (Strength,
weakness, opportunity, and threat), with this method of
analysis of the vocational middle school Texar analyzing the
environment Around in accordance with the strengths and
weaknesses of the institution, in addition to seeing the current
challenges and several years in which vocational high school
graduates become the most donors compared to high school
graduates and Higher education, this is a trigger for the
Institute to prepare competent graduates and ready to dive in
the world of business and industry, on the other hand, the
agencies see benefit companies who can help the institution in
supporting the objectives Schools in improving the quality of
graduates. The results of the analysis of the institutions are
curriculum development, facilities and infrastructure
fulfillment, and improvement of human resources. The stage in
the planning stages of the school is systematic starting from the
determination of the vision, mission, objectives, and analysis in
accordance with the theory.
2) Strategy implementation: Implementation of strategy in
school management involves a large effort that aims to
transform strategic objectives into the action of the
implementation of school programs [12]. The hardest part is in
this section, which an institution leader performs operational
strategies, establishes short-term and long-term goals,
motivates and empowers available resources to realize the
plan Strategies that have been formulated can be implemented
in improving the quality of school graduates.
Curriculum development, the school in cooperation
with DU/DI in the method of learning using the
Teaching Factory (TEFA) method so that learners have
the selling price. In addition, in the development of the
curriculum of Vocational secondary school, Texar also
collaborated and was elected to be one of the
representatives of the private vocational high School of
Karawang in the program KEIZEN (make people
before making the product) PT. Toyota Manufacturing
Indonesia in Change Ambassadors Program and Kama
Goes to School.
The fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure, not only
focus on the development of the curriculum, the school
continues to improve and improve infrastructure
facilities in the school in support the creation of quality
graduates who cooperate with the business world and
the world of industry and students ' parental
participation such as giving infaq to the mosques,
cement, AC, fan, etc.
Increase in human resources, the process of improving
the quality of human resources by involving educators
and education and students to various workshops held
by the Government and DU/DI. Not only that, but a
Texar Vocational High School also follows the PT.
Toyota "Ecoyouth" which displays the works of
Indonesian vocational high school students. In this case,
Texar Vocational High School created a jamming tool
and was chosen as the 25 majors of 4,500 schools that
signed up for Indonesia. In implementing the strategy of
improving the quality of graduates, the Texar
Vocational High School in collaboration with the
business world and industrial world such as cooperation
with the company that offers training, this opportunity
schools take as one of the Strategy in order to improve
the competence of the Texar Vocational High School,
so that the public school is designated by the
government as one of the private vocational high
schools who get assistance in the 3D Printing program
that carries Students to participate in the training at
Gajah Mada University. At the implementation stage,
the school implements management functions and
environmental analysis by taking advantage of existing
3) Strategy evaluation: The main focus of strategy
evaluation is the performance measurement and creation of an
effective feedback mechanism. Performance measurement is
an important step to see and evaluate the achievement or
outcome of the work that is targeted by the job [13].
Evaluation is an activity showing an assessment of the
success or failure of execution according to the advice and
objectives set in the formulation of the strategy. The evaluation
held at the Texar Vocational High School in accordance with
the programs that runs are evaluation every week, month, and
year by making ongoing improvement. However, at this stage,
there is a shortage where the school only evaluates programs
that run without giving more motivation to educators and
education personnel who directly participate actively in the
process of implementing the program.
The stages of strategy compiled by the Texar Vocational
High School systematically aim to improve the quality of
graduates according to customer expectations. The quality of
education is relative because everyone has an exact size [14].
The quality of education is said to be good if the education can
provide services that fit the needs of the customers. In relation
to the strategy, quality and quality of education as outlined
above, TQM (Total Quality Management) is a continuous
improvement effort, which can provide a set of practical tools
to each educational institution in Meet the needs, desires, and
expectations of its customers, current and future [15].
Based on the research results of the strategy to improve the
quality of vocational high school graduates can be concluded
that the strategy to improve the quality of graduates in Texar
Vocational High School includes strategy formulation by
formulating vision, mission, The purpose and the quality
improvement of the graduates with the use of SWOT analysis.
The formulation of strategy focuses on the development of
curriculum, fulfillment of facilities and infrastructure,
increasing human resources, and conducting learning with a
teaching factory (TEFA) model that cooperates with DU/DI.
The formulation phase that has been formulated is
implemented in the control of the principal, the technical
related is handed over to the respective responsibilities of each
section. The supervision of the graduates quality improvement
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 400
strategy is conducted through performance evaluation on each
program that works with the business and industrial world in
order to produce graduates who are ready to work in the
business and industry.
In this case, a precise and accurate strategy in service
quality is an important factor affecting competitive advantage
when planned and implemented appropriately. Thereby, the
benefits obtained by the institution of the implementation of
strategic management is to make the organization more
dynamic, effective and efficient, facilitate and agree on
changes in the development of strategies implemented and can
be used sustainable quality improvement.
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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 400
... Based on the results of the author's observations, it was found that in implementing strategies to improve the quality of graduates, careful planning and analysis was carried out. (Ulfah et al., 2020) Improving the quality of graduates can be focused on curriculum development, improving facilities and infrastructure, improving human resources for educators and education by using the teaching factory (TEFA) learning model. This planning includes identifying goals, threats and opportunities, analyzing organizational resources, identifying weaknesses and strengths, and formulating strategies to be implemented. ...
This research is a field research, which was conducted at STAI Ibnu usyd Kotabumi. The samples in this study included university administrators, 3 lecturers, 3 students, 3 alumni, industry and stakeholders. In improving the quality of graduates with good outcomes, the strategy undertaken is not only to pay attention to qualified and competent lecturers, but to several aspects, such as content standards, processes, graduate competencies, facilities and infrastructure, management, financing, and educational assessment. Moreover, what must be considered is the implementation of a strategy to improve the quality of graduate outcomes at STAI Ibnu Rusyd Kotabumi which is expected to have a positive impact in producing graduates who are competent and ready to face the demands of the world of work and society.
Current UK education policy favours collaborative models of school improvement. This article explores the potential for school improvement through a specific partnership initiative involving specialist secondary schools in England. Findings are based on interview data collected from nine partnerships involving 20 schools from the Specialist Schools Achievement Programme (SSAP). This article highlights key barriers and facilitators of partnership and evidence of partnership as a tool for improvement. The discussion critically reflects on wider implications of partnership in the context of specialist schooling in the UK and the role of partnership in system-wide change.
Sumario: I. Evolution of challenges and management systems -- II. Planning strategic posture -- III. Matching capability to environmental turbulence -- IV. Managers, systems, structure -- V. Real-time strategic response -- VI. Managing strategic change -- VII. Overview.
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Vocational High School Cooperation with P. T. Astra Honda Motor to Prepare Skilled Labor in Industries
  • Widiyanti Yoto
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Curriculum Development In Vocational and Technical Education
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Implementasi Manajemen Stratejik Berbasis Kemitraan Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu SMK
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Manajemen Corporate dan strategi pemasaran jasa pendidikan fokus pada mutu layanan prima
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A. Bukhari, Manajemen Corporate dan strategi pemasaran jasa pendidikan fokus pada mutu layanan prima, Bandung: CV. Alfabeta, 2009.
Manajemen Strategik dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan
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S. Sagala, Manajemen Strategik dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan, Bandung: CV. Alfabeta, 2013.
Strategic Management for Educational Management (Manajemen Strategik untuk Manajemen Pendidikan)
  • Akdon
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