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Repeatable approaches to work with scientific uncertainty and advance climate change adaptation in US national parks

  • National Park Service, Ft Collins, CO


The US National Park Service has embraced participatory scenario planning as core process for conducting climate change adaptation. Here, we describe how NPS uses scenario planning, use of climate futures, and a range of approaches from "scenario lite" through an intensive, deep-dive scenario driven adaptation process.
UC Berkeley
Parks Stewardship Forum
Repeatable approaches to work with scientific uncertainty and advance climate change
adaptation in US national parks
Parks Stewardship Forum, 36(1)
Runyon, A. N.
Carlson, A. R.
Gross, J.
et al.
Publication Date
2020 Powered by the California Digital Library
University of California
Climate Change and ProteCted PlaCes:
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Place-Based Conservation | volume 36/1 | 2020
AdApting to
new ReAlities
Runyon, A.N., A.R. Carlson, J. Gross, D. J. Lawrence, and G.W. Schuurman. 2020. Repeatable
approaches to work with scientific uncertainty and advance climate change adaptation in US
national parks. Parks Stewardship Forum 36(1): 98–104.
PSF 36/1 | 2020 98
A.N. Runyon, National Park Service
A.R. Carlson, National Park Service
J. Gross, National Park Service
D.J. Lawrence, National Park Service
G.W. Schuurman, National Park Service
Corresponding author
A.N. Runyon
National Park Service
Natural Science and Stewardship
Climate Change Response Program
1201 Oak Ridge Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Repeatable approaches to work with scientific uncertainty and
advance climate change adaptation in US national parks
Managers and scientists widely acknowledge climate
change as one of the greatest threats to protected
areas in the US and worldwide (Gross et al. 2016).
The US National Park Service (NPS) began addressing
climate change as early as the 1990s, and in 2010 NPS
Director Jonathan Jarvis stated that “climate change
is fundamentally the greatest threat to the integrity
of our national parks that we have ever experienced”
(NPS 2010). Today, parks throughout the NPS system
experience impacts of human-caused climate change
(e.g., Monahan and Fisichelli 2014; Gonzalez 2018)
that threaten iconic park resources. Climate-related
impacts include: melting glaciers (e.g., Glacier National
Park, Kenai Fjords National Park; Burgess et al. 2013);
thermokarst formation effects on archaeological sites
(Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve; Gagli-
oti et al. 2016); loss of Joshua trees (e.g., Joshua Tree
National Park; Sweet et al. 2019); and sea-level rise
threatening historic lighthouses (e.g., Cape Hatteras
National Seashore; Schupp et al. 2015), historic arti-
facts (Anderson et al. 2017), and seaside forts (e.g., Dry
Tortugas National Park; Schupp et al. 2015). Droughts,
heat waves, floods, smoke, and fires associated with
increasing temperatures and altered hydrological re-
gimes now routinely affect park resources and visitors,
and these impacts are in no way unique to US parks—
protected area managers worldwide are challenged to
rapidly adapt their management to address ongoing
and projected climate change.
NPS established its Climate Change Response Program
(CCRP) in 2009 to support climate-informed manage-
ment for all resources,1 assets, and values across the
US national park system. However, this system of over
400 individual park units is immense and diverse, and
therefore requires an efficient, repeatable, and custom-
izable process for developing adaptation strategies.
Through numerous collaborations with park managers,
planners, climate scientists, scenario experts, and oth-
ers, CCRP has refined methods for developing and ap-
plying climate futures and scenarios to support nation-
al park management (NPS 2013; Star et al. 2016). Here,
we describe a range of scenario-based approaches that
range from simple to complex, and can be adopted and
widely used to support climate change adaptation for
parks and other protected areas.
Using climate change scenarios
to support adaptation in US national parks
Scenarios are an important tool to support manage-
ment strategies and decisions in situations of conse-
quential and irreducible uncertainty, and their applica-
tion is called scenario planning. Scenario planning has
a rich history of use by industry and the military (van
der Heijden 1997), and more recently in conservation
and climate change adaptation (Peterson et al. 2003;
Rowland et al. 2014). It is a flexible tool that is useful
for understanding potential climate change implica-
tions and uncertainties by using a structured process
to examine a range of possible futures that managers
may face (IPBES 2016). It also provides a foundation
PSF 36/1 | 2020 99
for adaptation, including conducting vulnerability
assessments and updating current management goals
and strategies to ensure feasibility and effectiveness.
The purpose of scenario planning is to consider not
just what is thought to be most likely, but instead to
challenge and move beyond preconceived notions
about the future and consider the full range of plausi-
ble conditions so that management decisions are better
informed and actions are more likely to succeed (Fig-
ure 1; NPS 2013). Scenario planning has wide potential
application in resource management planning and
decisionmaking, including not just addressing climate
uncertainties but also others of consequence.
When engaging with parks to support resource man-
agement decisions, CCRP works iteratively with park
staff and resource experts to (1) create climate futures
from climate model projections; (2) develop climate–
resource scenarios based on climate futures; and (3)
use these scenarios to inform decisionmaking (Fig-
ure 2). The number of park resources addressed in a
climate change scenario effort can range from a single,
highly consequential resource to a broad set of resourc-
es (see case studies below). Scenarios developed from
these engagements also span a range of depth—from
general implications to full vulnerability assessments.
Development of climate futures and scenarios
It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the
—Yogi Berra
Successful resource management requires anticipat-
ing the future as much as possible, but climate change
is inherently complex and frequently impossible to
reduce to a single useful forecast. The best available
sources of information to support climate change
adaptation are projections made by general circulation
models (GCMs), which use scientific understanding of
Earth’s climate system to predict future climatic con-
ditions under multiple plausible levels of greenhouse
gas emissions (emissions pathways are defined by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as repre-
sentative concentration pathways, or RCPs;2 IPCC 2014).
Because our understanding of Earth’s climate is incom-
plete, multiple GCMs produced by various institutions
worldwide provide differing—yet plausible—projec-
tions of future climate.
To work with model- and emissions-related uncer-
tainties, we developed a standardized, quantitative
method for expressing the range of individual model
projections for a particular park in terms of a limited
set of discrete climate futures. The method is designed
for rapid implementation and ease of interpretation,
with opportunities to tailor the approach to a park’s
planning needs. We use a modified quadrant approach
(Rowland et al. 2014) in which we plot each projection,
in terms of degree of change relative to a historical
baseline, on one or more two-dimensional plots with
axes representing key climate variables (Figure 3).
Changes in key climate variables are averaged over
a future period relevant for park management deci-
sions (i.e., typically 10–40 years out). Then, quantile
limits are used to group GCM/RCP projections into
ranges for these variables (black box, center of Figure
3). Projections representing the more extreme ends
may be grouped into nominal categories representing
projection divergence, such as “Warm” vs. “Hot” for
temperature, and “Dry” vs. “Wet” for precipitation.
This method of using the GCMs to produce the climate
futures was derived from an approach pioneered by the
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Lee et
al. 2015).
The purpose of defining climate futures is to consider
plausible changes in climate variables so that potential
effects on resources may be anticipated, and adaptation
strategies developed. Certain components of climate
future development require expert judgment. For ex-
ample, we may choose to focus on a subset of divergent
futures that are most relevant for a particular park,
such as by comparing the “Warm Wet” with the “Hot
Dry” climate future in a park where water scarcity is,
or may become, a key issue. We may also define cli-
mate futures using climate variables tailored to specific
resources, particularly when developing more targeted
FIGURE . Forecast-based approaches to planning (top panel) use predictions of a
single future within a (typically relatively narrow) range of probability (gray shading).
Scenarios (bottom panel) characterize a (typically wide) range of distinct future
conditions that are all plausible (dashed lines), and provide a framework to support
decisionmaking under conditions that are uncertain and uncontrollable. Graphics
adapted from Global Business Network (GBN).
PSF 36/1 | 2020 100
or detailed scenarios. Furthermore,
for some applications it may be
more appropriate to consider indi-
vidual projections representing the
“most extreme” futures as opposed
to considering (less divergent)
multi-projection averages. Select-
ing individual projections requires
expert assessment of model
suitability for a particular planning
purpose, geographic location, and
climate variable.
Although the CCRP approach is
standardized, it is not static—cli-
mate change science continues to
advance and parks continue to present new manage-
ment concerns and climate vulnerabilities. We there-
fore iteratively improve our methods for calculating
climate variables (e.g., in response to improved down-
scaling and bias correction methodologies) and expand
our set of derived climate variables (e.g., number of
freeze–thaw cycles/year, which is relevant to historical
structures; Schuurman et al. 2019). Updating methods
for calculating variables enhances our ability to address
new vulnerabilities and enrich scenario relevance to
park concerns.
FIGURE . Full process of using climate-resource scenarios to support climate
change adaptation. The process includes the development of climate futures,
addition of resource implications to create climate-resource scenarios, and,
ultimately, application in decisionmaking. An example from the Devils Tower National
Monument scenario planning process illustrates steps in the process (gray box; also
see case study below).
FIGURE . Climate futures plot demonstrating divergence among projections of average annual precipitation and temperature, relative to a historical baseline. Dashed lines
indicate the mean value of all projections for each axis and the box indicates a central tendency, in that it includes projections inside of the 25th and 75th percentiles for both axes.
For each climate future, the average of all projections in those quadrants is represented by a star, and the most extreme projection in the quadrant (i.e., that with the greatest
change in precipitation or temperature relative to the average of all projections) is indicated by a black circle.
PSF 36/1 | 2020 101
In the case studies below we describe a flexible ap-
proach to climate future and scenario development
that can be tailored to address park managers’ needs.
Scenario-based vulnerability assessment for
Big Bend National Park
On one end of the spectrum is a scenario planning
activity focused on a specific location, resource issue,
and management question. Responding to a technical
assistance request from staff at Big Bend National Park
(BIBE), CCRP evaluated changing climate conditions
to provide supporting information for water develop-
ment decisions in the Chisos Basin. The basin is one of
the most visited areas of BIBE, given that its high eleva-
tion offers milder temperatures and the developed area
there contains a visitor center, general store, lodge, and
the only restaurant in the park. Over the past 10 years,
Oak Spring, the current (and sole) water source for the
basin, experienced intermittent drought-related re-
ductions in flow, which in turn led to a need for water
conservation measures by concession operators and
visitors. Infrastructure supporting the acquisition and
delivery of water from Oak Spring to the basin is also
aging and BIBE plans to replace/repair this 1950s-era
drinking water system in fiscal year 2022 at an estimat-
ed cost of $8–10 million. Before proceeding with the re-
development of Oak Spring, park staff contacted CCRP
to evaluate the implications of a changing climate on it.
Park staff wished to analyze how changing climate con-
ditions could affect the reliability of this water source,
which depends in large part on annual precipitation for
Using a statistical model relating local precipitation
to Oak Spring discharge, we developed quantitative
projections of Oak Spring flow intended to bracket
the plausible range of conditions from “best-case”
to “worst-case” climate projections. Flows below a
threshold of 20 gallons per minute (gpm) challenge
BIBE operations in the Chisos developed area, and
may invoke a drought conservation plan. We analyzed
climate projections against this threshold, focused on
two extreme projections of plausible climate futures
(i.e., a Warm Wet and Hot Dry future). These two pro-
jections met our overall scenario selection criteria (i.e.,
plausible, relevant, divergent), essentially providing
a “no surprises” examination of potential conditions
that may affect water availability at Oak Spring. Using
the model relating precipitation to Oak Spring flow,
we examined how precipitation projections under each
climate future may change the spring’s flows. We cen-
tered the analysis on the 2060s (2050–2080) because
park staff identified this period as most relevant to
their decisions.
Under the (best-case) Warm Wet scenario, climate pro-
jections for the 2060s indicate that both annual precip-
itation and the extremes of precipitation increase (i.e.,
the highs will be higher, and the lows generally lower).
Although the total amount of precipitation increases
under the Warm Wet scenario, the average number
of months per decade where Oak Spring falls below
20 gpm remains similar to the historical (1950–2000)
average. This is due to the increasing precipitation vari-
ability projected under this scenario, which oscillates
between years with high annual precipitation relative
to the historical period followed by relatively low-pre-
cipitation years.
Under the (worst-case) Hot Dry scenario, 2060s pro-
jections indicate the number of months per decade in
which Oak Spring flows fall below 20 gpm is more than
double the historical average (a statistically signifi-
cant increase from 14 months per decade to 33 months
per decade). For reference, Oak Spring fell below the
20-gpm threshold during 35 months over the observed
period from 2007–2017, in large part reflecting the
hydrological drought of 2012. Under this scenario, the
reliability of Oak Spring as a water source may be espe-
cially compromised.
This evaluation explored plausible scenarios of climate
change to assess implications for the future projected
discharge of a critical water supply in BIBE. Accurately
forecasting the most probable climate future is im-
possible, thus the tool of scenario development and
analysis assists decisionmaking: by evaluating differ-
ent scenarios of plausible and divergent conditions
suggested in climate change scenarios, managers can
stress-test water development decisions related to Oak
Spring, while considering how climatic changes influ-
ence long-term reliability of this water source.
Considering the scenario information in concert with
other factors, park management decided to undertake
measures to proactively enhance reliability of Oak
Spring as a water source into the future (B. Krume-
naker, BIBE superintendent, personal communication).
These measures include work to (1) use water more ef-
ficiently; (2) improve infrastructure to decrease water
loss due to leaks; and (3) increase the storage capacity
of water tanks that temporarily store Oak Spring water,
so that it is available in drought periods. A full report is
being prepared (Lawrence and Runyon 2019).
Informing resource stewardship planning
with climate futures
Our “scenario-light” approach is the most basic appli-
cation of climate change scenarios to support adapta-
PSF 36/1 | 2020 102
tion in resource management, where implications for
a broad set of resources are considered in relation to
general climate futures, as described above. We use
this approach to help NPS meet an ambitious goal
to produce a new or updated Resource Stewardship
Strategy (RSS) for managing natural and cultural re-
sources for over 200 national parks. An RSS is intended
to help park managers achieve and maintain desired
natural and cultural resource conditions over time.
For each RSS, we present information on historical
(observed) and projected climate trends, park-specific
impacts, and climate change adaptation. For such a
large number of plans and workshops, a streamlined,
scenario-light approach is practical and effective in
introducing the concept of divergent climate futures.
This is a good starting point for those new to climate
change scenario planning who seek to develop and use
climate futures to inform and support decisionmaking.
Presenting climate futures allows us to introduce the
concept of scenarios without the full effort required to
build them into climate–resource scenarios (Figure 2).
Climate futures are central to the support we provide
to park plans in addressing climate change. For most
RSSs, we analyze the two most relevant climate futures
in detail. For example, where fire or water scarcity is
important, we may select Warm Wet (best-case) and
Hot Dry (worst-case) futures to examine in depth.
At a minimum, these climate futures include projected
changes in annual and seasonal temperature and pre-
cipitation, as well as extremes of these variables (e.g.,
days per year >100F, days per year >32F). Because it can
be difficult to infer resource impacts from temperature
and precipitation changes alone, especially where both
increase simultaneously, we also model water balance.
Changes in water availability, which reflect changes in
both precipitation and temperature, are almost always
important to park resources. We therefore integrate
temperature and precipitation using a simple water
balance model that estimates changes in soil mois-
ture, evapotranspiration, and ecological water deficit
(Lutz et al. 2010), where water deficit is the difference
between the amount of water available to plants and
the amount of water that plants could use if it were
available. Depending on a park’s circumstances (wet
or dry climate, etc.), changes in water balance can have
implications for surface and/or groundwater flows, fire
hazards, plant distribution and growth, forage availabil-
ity, and other processes important to park management
(Bonan 2008). Furthermore, water deficit may also
serve as a measure of drought.
The scenario-light approach is useful for reducing
the daunting volume of climate change information
into two or three credible, easily understood stories
about future climates. Using this approach, we can
compare historical observations to projections for
best- and worst-case futures. As an example, for the
Bandelier National Monument RSS, we used our sim-
ple water balance model to calculate changes in soil
moisture and drought. Model projections showed that
plant-available moisture would remain about the same
only under the best-case climate future. In contrast,
plant-available moisture under the worst-case future
is greatly reduced, with “good years” under this future
being equivalent to historical drought years. In this
worst-case climate future, droughts are projected to be
more severe and more frequent in just a few decades,
far exceeding anything experienced in the 20th century.
These results, which emerged from a streamlined sce-
nario-light approach, portend important changes to the
park’s ecosystems and challenges to the management
of vegetation, fire, and critical cultural resources. The
climate futures presented helped Bandelier National
Monument managers develop climate-informed goals
and strategies.
Integrating scenarios into strategic planning
at Devils Tower National Monument
The Devils Tower National Monument (DETO) 2017–
2019 RSS development process—a “scenario-heavy”
process—illustrates application of climate change
scenario planning for the same spectrum of resources
as the scenario-light RSS case study above, but with
greater depth in terms of: (1) generating resource-spe-
cific climate futures; (2) developing climate–resource
scenarios; and (3) integrating scenarios into the RSS
process to inform decisionmaking; encompassing all
activities in Figure 2. The scenario-heavy approach
emphasizes understanding climate sensitivities of
priority resources—i.e., the climate variables for which
a change would be most consequential for the park
and its management priorities—in more detail and
therefore yields climate futures expressed in terms
of specific aspects of climate that are tightly linked to
those climate sensitivities (for details, see Schuurman
et al. 2019). The scenario-heavy process also included
park staff, resource experts, and climate adaptation
specialists in a workshop where they developed the
climate futures into robust climate–resource scenarios
that included resource impacts and identified potential
management responses.
By including climate–resource scenarios in the RSS
process, DETO managers developed climate change-in-
formed goals and activities that address implications
PSF 36/1 | 2020 103
(resource responses) common to all or most scenarios,
as well as highly consequential implications unique to
specific scenarios (referred to as “red flag” implica-
tions). For example, three of the four climate–resource
scenarios would result in loss or severe decline of
riparian forests due to changes in flooding regimes and
streamflow, and managers responded to this impli-
cation by modifying their goal of improving riparian
habitat to acknowledge likely changes to woodlands,
including accepting the loss of cottonwoods. In con-
trast, under just one scenario—the wettest—woody
encroachment into culturally significant meadows
was anticipated, but this is a “red flag” implication
because this change would be highly consequential for
ethnographic resources. Therefore, DETO resource
managers modified their current actions by updating
their vegetation monitoring to focus more strongly on
early detection of woody encroachments and shifts in
the woodland–meadow boundary (for more details, see
Schuurman et al. 2019).
Using variables relevant to key park resources also
helps vulnerability assessments identify a broad range
of ways that climate change may affect management.
Although more precise analyses may be warranted for
particularly high-value resources, this approach gave
DETO an integrated understanding of resource vulner-
ability to strategically plan most management activi-
CCRP has supported and led numerous scenario plan-
ning efforts to help parks prepare for future conditions
under climate change. As evidenced by case studies
reported here, climate change scenario planning spans
a range of complexity and effort, supporting analysis of
multiple plausible, divergent futures in order to devel-
op adaptation strategies. As a result, parks may identify
robust management approaches that work under any
future scenario (i.e., “no regrets” options), manage-
ment approaches likely to be ineffective under any sce-
nario (i.e., “no gainers”), as well as proactive approach-
es that specifically respond to a subset of scenarios that
are highly consequential to achieving parks’ goals.
Partnerships are a key element in the success of
scenario planning efforts. Scenario development is a
process of iterative engagement among CCRP, park re-
source and facility managers and superintendents, NPS
regional staff, climatologists, US Geological Survey
regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers, sub-
ject-matter experts, and professional planners.
Through sustained collaborations over the past decade,
CCRP developed and refined the use of climate futures
and climate–resource scenarios to support repeat-
able, science-based climate adaptation in parks. As the
program moves into its next decade, scenario planning
will continue to support robust resource and facility
management planning and decisions for climate change
For more examples of CCRP scenario planning work,
We thank and acknowledge Nicholas Fisichelli, Aman-
da Hardy, Cat Hawkins Hoffman, the North Central
Climate Adaptation Science Center, the NPS Denver
Service Center, Brian Miller, Imtiaz Rangwala, Jonathan
Star, Amy Symstad, Don Weeks, and Leigh Welling,
among other numerous colleagues and partners for
their contributions to the development and evolution
of using climate change scenarios to foster adaptation
in national parks.
1. NPS management concerns include natural and
cultural resources, facilities, and the visitor experience,
and climate change scenario planning can be effective
in helping managers address all of them. For brevity,
we use the term “resources” throughout.
2. RCPs are often referred to as “pathways” and “sce-
narios” interchangeably. To avoid confusion with
climate–resource scenarios, here we refer to them
exclusively as “pathways.”
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tion. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
... Over a decade ago, the US National Park Service (NPS) identified CC as "fundamentally the greatest threat to the integrity of our national parks that we have ever experienced" (NPS, 2010). To respond to this urgent and complex problem and inform adaptation in US national parks, the NPS developed a range of SP approaches (Runyon et al., 2020). This set of approaches has fostered consideration of diverging but realistic future climates when developing management strategies, incorporating the uncertainty of the future into the decision-making process. ...
... The CC SP project team (i.e., those facilitating the process, hereafter referred to as "the project team") then identifies a set of two to four downscaled global climate model projections that captures the broadest possible range of plausible values for these climate metrics (see Lawrence et al., 2021 for details on climate future divergence and methodological tradeoffs). These projections are used to develop "climate futures" (CFs)-detailed summaries of resource-relevant climate conditions under each projection (Runyon et al., 2020). Collaborating with climatologists who understand the study area can help select projections and interpret data. ...
... First was ensuring that scenarios were indeed plausible. Second was developing climate futures (CFs)-summaries of resource-relevant climate conditions under each projection (Runyon et al., 2020)-primarily around the aspects of climate to which a park's most critical resources were sensitive and secondarily around the aspects of climate with the greatest uncertainty, rather than the other way around. Third was shifting the objective from simply increasing awareness of CC to providing managers a concrete basis for modifying, and justifying, their management activities, decision making, and perhaps even management goals in the face of a changing climate. ...
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The impacts of climate change (CC) on natural and cultural resources are far‐reaching and complex. A major challenge facing resource managers is not knowing the exact timing and nature of those impacts. To confront this problem, scientists, adaptation specialists, and resource managers have begun to use scenario planning (SP). This structured process identifies a small set of scenarios—descriptions of potential future conditions that encompass the range of critical uncertainties—and uses them to inform planning. We reflect on a series of five recent participatory CC SP projects at four US National Park Service units and derive guidelines for using CC SP to support natural and cultural resource conservation. Specifically, we describe how these engagements affected management, present a generalized CC SP approach grounded in management priorities, and share key insights and innovations that (1) fostered participant confidence and deep engagement in the participatory CC SP process, (2) shared technical information in a way that encouraged informed, effective participation, (3) contextualized CC SP in the broader picture of relevant longstanding or emerging nonclimate stressors, (4) incorporated quantitative approaches to expand analytical capacity and assess qualitative findings, and (5) translated scenarios and all their complexity into strategic action.
... Such states would ideally be sustainable, at least for a while, under ongoing climate change and other directional stressors. This three-part concept of deciding to resist, accept, or direct ecological transformation (box 1) is the resist-accept-direct (RAD) framework for natural resource management (Schuurman et al. 2020, Thompson et al. 2021, Lynch et al. 2021a). This framework We aim to inspire new science to support the full breadth of potential decisions in the RAD framework. ...
... Scenarios can provide such storylines and support decision-making in situations of consequential and irreducible uncertainty (Peterson et al. 2003). Use of scenarios is well developed in natural resource management, generally as part of a scenario planning process, to address the challenges of understanding and managing resources under a diverse set of possible climate change outcomes (Rowland et al. 2014, Gross et al. 2016, Star et al. 2016b, Runyon et al. 2020, USNPS 2021. Guidance about how to craft scenarios to support resource management planning processes is proliferating, and typically focuses on selecting and using downscaled climate model projections and other climate data to develop divergent and plausible climate futures (figure 2; Runyon et al. 2020, Albano et al. 2021, Lawrence et al. 2021. ...
... Use of scenarios is well developed in natural resource management, generally as part of a scenario planning process, to address the challenges of understanding and managing resources under a diverse set of possible climate change outcomes (Rowland et al. 2014, Gross et al. 2016, Star et al. 2016b, Runyon et al. 2020, USNPS 2021. Guidance about how to craft scenarios to support resource management planning processes is proliferating, and typically focuses on selecting and using downscaled climate model projections and other climate data to develop divergent and plausible climate futures (figure 2; Runyon et al. 2020, Albano et al. 2021, Lawrence et al. 2021. As a result, climate futures that underlie natural resource management decisions are increasingly sophisticated. ...
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Earth is experiencing widespread ecological transformation in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems that is attributable to directional environmental changes, especially intensifying climate change. To better steward ecosystems facing unprecedented and lasting change, a new management paradigm is forming, supported by a decision-oriented framework that presents three distinct management choices: resist, accept, or direct the ecological trajectory. To make these choices strategically, managers seek to understand the nature of the transformation that could occur if change is accepted while identifying opportunities to intervene to resist or direct change. In this article, we seek to inspire a research agenda for transformation science that is focused on ecological and social science and based on five central questions that align with the resist–accept–direct (RAD) framework. Development of transformation science is needed to apply the RAD framework and support natural resource management and conservation on our rapidly changing planet.
... Climate futures are projections of consequential climate variables for a specific place and time. These climate futures represent the range of plausible climate projections and are a basis for developing more detailed assessments of the consequences of climate changes (Star et al. 2016;Runyon et al. 2020;Lawrence et al. 2021). ...
... Many sources of information relevant to a VA originate and are managed outside of the NPS, emphasizing the benefit of working with partners familiar with sources of information and the skills to process it. Some planning approaches, such as "deep dive" scenario planning (Runyon et al. 2020), require considerable expertise in the planning process itself, and participants with sufficient knowledge of the resources and their relationships to climate drivers. ...
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Vulnerability assessments of National Park Service units and resources including infrastructure, natural resources, and cultural resources were evaluated to better understand the “state of the science” among these resource groups. While approaches are diverse, methods for evaluating infrastructure and natural resource vulnerability assessments were found to be more well established than what is known or available for design and development of cultural resources assessments. Consistent challenges were identified along with best practices and recommendations based on the literature reviews in each chapter and this synthesis.
... Interviewees from Colorado credited the NCCASC with convening meetings with climate scientists, impact modelers, and agency personnel with helping them generate and use climate change information in the Colorado SWAP (c.f., Morisette et al., 2017). During interviews, SWAP planners in other states expressed interest in working more closely with the NCCASC during upcoming revisions, particularly in moving towards scenario-based planning approaches used successfully in other state and federal agencies (c.f., Runyon et al., 2020). Our study highlights the key role that boundary organizations like the US Geological Survey Climate Adaptation Science Centers (USGS CASCs), the NOAA RISAs, or USDA Climate Hubs can play in facilitating engagement between managers, planners, and climate scientists and supports previous findings and recommendations to improve SWAPs (Lackstrom et al., 2018;Paskus et al., 2016). ...
... This could be done by selecting two or more models representing challenging futures in the CCVI or another tool, or qualitative scenarios focused on the directionality of projected change (e.g., warmer and drier, cooler and wetter, etc.). Either strategy would support scenario planning, which seeks to manage uncertainty, as described in a burgeoning literature on scenario planning in natural resource management (Lawrence et al., 2021;Runyon et al., 2020;Symstad et al., 2017). ...
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Assessing how climate change information is used in conservation planning is an important part of meeting long‐term conservation and climate adaptation goals. In the United States, state agencies responsible for fish and wildlife management create State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) to identify conservation goals, prioritize actions, and establish plans for managing and monitoring target species and habitats. We created a rubric to assess and compare the use of climate change information in SWAPs for 10 states in the Intermountain West and Great Plains. Interviews with SWAP authors identified institutional factors influencing applications of climate change information. Access to professional networks and climate scientists, funding support for climate change vulnerability analysis, Congressional mandates to include climate change, and supportive agency leadership facilitate using climate change information. Political climate could either support or limit options for using this information. Together, the rubric and the interview results can be used to identify opportunities to improve the use of climate information, and to identify entry points to support conservation planning and natural resource managers in successful adaptation to climate change. This research is directly relevant to future SWAP revisions, which most states will complete by 2025, and more broadly to other conservation planning processes.
... -112.140143) in the South Rim District. We worked with climate uncertainty by considering a range of plausible climate futures [33,34] represented by 28 projections. These 28 projections consisted of two simulations each of 14 downscaled CMIP5 global climate models, in which one simulation used a moderate greenhouse gas emissions pathway that assumes lower future emissions rates due to technological advancements and policy change (Representative Concentration Pathway [RCP] 4.5) and the other used a high emissions pathway (RCP 8.5) [35]. ...
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Background: The climate crisis is the greatest public health threat of the 21st century. Excessive heat is responsible for more deaths than any other extreme weather event, and the frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme heat events are increasing globally due to climate change. Exposure to excessive heat can result in heat related illnesses (HRIs) and long-term poor health outcomes. Physical exertion, sudden exposure to excessive heat, and the lack of physical or behavioral adaptation resources are all associated with greater HRI risk, which is expected to increase for visitors to Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) and other public lands as climate change worsens. Objectives: Our objectives were to understand 1) the relationship between weather and HRI in GCNP visitors, 2) how future HRI rates may change, and 3) how land management agencies can update risk mitigation strategies to match changing risk and better manage an increased HRI burden. Methods: We utilized previously published data on HRI in GCNP visitors, and records of daily visitation, temperatures, and maximum and minimum daily humidity from the same study period to develop a model estimate for HRI risk. We then used future climate projections from the World Climate Research Programme's Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 multi-model dataset to model future HRI risk under different climate scenarios. Results: The incidence of HRI was significantly associated with maximum daily temperature and minimum relative humidity, and was more common in the shoulder season months. We estimated that HRI will increase 29%-137% over 2004-2009 levels through 2100, assuming no change in visitation. Discussion: Climate change will continue to increase HRI risk for GCNP visitors and poses risks to public land managers' mission to provide for safe recreation experiences for the benefit of this and future generations in places like GCNP. Excessive risk during the shoulder season months presents an opportunity to increase preventative search and rescue and education efforts to mitigate increased risk.
... In order to better understand the spectrum of potential future conditions, we utilized a qualitative scenario planning framework. Scenario planning examines a range of plausible future states and does not assign probabilities to any particular outcome (Runyon et al., 2020), which allows for consideration of multiple likely options. We selected two scenarios (low and high) based upon future projections of threats (altered fire regimes and invasive plants, climate change, habitat loss due to land use change) most likely to affect Joshua trees through the end of the 21st Century. ...
... Summarized quantitative information associated with climate scenarios, either as one-to-two-page tables [17,55,56] or reports with graphics and short text [50,57], are increasingly used for impact assessment by resource managers and scientists. Tables S1 and S2 in the Supplementary Materials provide examples of climate scenario summary tables developed for the SECR project (Case Study 1 in Appendix A; [17]) and the southern white-tailed ptarmigan Species Status Assessment (SSA; Case Study 2 in Appendix B; [55]). ...
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How robust is our assessment of impacts to ecosystems and species from a rapidly changing climate during the 21st century? We examine the challenges of uncertainty, complexity and constraints associated with applying climate projections to understanding future biological responses. This includes an evaluation of how to incorporate the uncertainty associated with different greenhouse gas emissions scenarios and climate models, and constraints of spatiotemporal scales and resolution of climate data into impact assessments. We describe the challenges of identifying relevant climate metrics for biological impact assessments and evaluate the usefulness and limitations of different methodologies of applying climate change to both quantitative and qualitative assessments. We discuss the importance of incorporating extreme climate events and their stochastic tendencies in assessing ecological impacts and transformation, and provide recommendations for better integration of complex climate–ecological interactions at relevant spatiotemporal scales. We further recognize the compounding nature of uncertainty when accounting for our limited understanding of the interactions between climate and biological processes. Given the inherent complexity in ecological processes and their interactions with climate, we recommend integrating quantitative modeling with expert elicitation from diverse disciplines and experiential understanding of recent climate-driven ecological processes to develop a more robust understanding of ecological responses under different scenarios of future climate change. Inherently complex interactions between climate and biological systems also provide an opportunity to develop wide-ranging strategies that resource managers can employ to prepare for the future.
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With the onset of rapid climate change and the legacy of past forest management and fire suppression policies, the capacity for forested landscapes to maintain core functionality and processes is being challenged. As such, managers are tasked with increasing the pace and scale of management to mitigate negative impacts of future large disturbances and improve resilience and climate adaptation of large landscapes. Such efforts require consensus building, with partners and stakeholders to determine where to allocate scarce resources. We present a methodology to identify strategic (where to go) and tactical (what to do) priorities across large landscapes to assist in project level planning. The model integrates a spatial assessment of current ecosystem resource conditions and spatial outputs from a landscape succession and disturbance simulation model (LANDIS-II) to assess the potential to achieve desired conditions under climate change with ongoing disturbances. Based on the expected trajectory of landscape conditions over time, the model applies fuzzy logic modeling to provide quantitative support for four management strategies (Monitor, Protect, Adapt, and Transform) across the landscape. We provide an example application of these methods targeting sustainable carbon loads across a 970,000 ha landscape in the central Sierras in California. By including future landscape conditions in the model, decisions made at the stand-level are inherently tied to and influenced by larger landscape-level processes that are likely to have the greatest impact on future landscape dynamics. The methods outlined here are able to incorporate multiple metrics to capture the many resources targeted by management. Model outputs could also be used as inputs into spatial optimization models to assess tradeoffs and synergies among treatment options and to aid in long-term planning.
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With the onset of rapid climate change and the legacy of past forest management and fire suppression policies, the capacity for forested landscapes to maintain core functionality and processes is being challenged. As such, managers are tasked with increasing the pace and scale of management to mitigate negative impacts of future large disturbances and improve resilience and climate adaptation of large landscapes. Such an effort will require consensus building, with partners and stakeholders to determine where to allocate scarce resources. We present a methodology to identify strategic (where to go) and tactical (what to do) priorities across large landscapes to assist in project level planning. The model integrates a spatial assessment of current ecological and resource conditions and spatial outputs from a landscape succession and disturbance simulation model (LANDIS-II) to assess the potential to achieve desired conditions under climate change with ongoing disturbances. Based on the expected trajectory of landscape conditions over time, the model applies multivalent reasoning (aka, fuzzy logic) to provide spatial decision support for four management strategies (Monitor, Protect, Adapt, and Transform) across the landscape. We apply these methods to a 970,000-ha landscape in the central Sierra Nevada Mountains of California with a focus on managing for improved carbon sequestration. By including future landscape conditions in the model, decisions made at the stand-level are inherently tied to and influenced by larger landscape-level processes that are likely to have the greatest influence on future landscape dynamics. Evaluations are adaptable to incorporating multiple metrics to capture the many resources management can influence such as forest resilience, fire dynamics, biodiversity conservation, and carbon sequestration. Model outputs could also be used as inputs into optimization models to assess tradeoffs and synergies between these conditions and resources, technical and economic feasibilities, and to develop long-term management plans.
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U.S. national parks protect a natural heritage of global significance; those parks, especially those in the arid southwest, are threatened by climate change. Identifying climate refugia within our national parks using not only statistical models, but also validating predictions using robust field data should provide focus for managers in their stewardship of parks' biological resources. In the region surrounding Joshua Tree National Park (JTNP), which straddles the Colorado and Mojave deserts in southern California, previous research has predicted the widespread demise of its namesake iconic species, the Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) due to climate change. In order to assess whether climate refugia exist for Joshua trees in the future at JTNP, we employed both field measurements and statistical models. We used current distribution point data together with historic climate data, to match conditions when the existing Joshua trees established, in order to predict the distribution of continuously suitable conditions (refugia) at the end-of-century. While the high and moderate mitigation could result in refugia for approximately 19% and 14% of the original area within JTNP, respectively, the business-as-usual scenario indicated an almost complete elimination of Joshua trees from the park. In order to validate model predictions, using teams of community scientists, we measured the demographic patterns of Joshua tree stands from low to upper elevations within JTNP. Recruitment within stands shows a strong concordance with modeled climate refugia; high-recruiting stands were within or closer to modeled refugia and in areas with lower climatic water deficit , higher precipitation, and lower maximum temperature than low-recruiting stands. These findings most importantly indicate the importance of regional to global mitigation strategies for carbon emissions, as reflected in the difference between maintenance of refugia vs. an almost complete elimination of the species from the park by the end-of-century. This also underscores the need to protect areas predicted to support refugia from multiple management threats. Rather than an ominous prediction of extinction, climate refugia provide land stewards with targets for focusing protective management, giving desert biodiversity places to weather the future.
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Anthropogenic climate change is altering ecological and human systems globally, including in United States (US) national parks, which conserve unique biodiversity and resources. Yet, the magnitude and spatial patterns of climate change across all the parks have been unknown. Here, in the first spatial analysis of historical and projected temperature and precipitation across all 417 US national parks, we show that climate change exposes the national park area more than the US as a whole. This occurs because extensive parts of the national park area are in the Arctic, at high elevations, or in the arid southwestern US. Between 1895 and 2010, mean annual temperature of the national park area increased 1.0 °C ± 0.2 °C century−1 (mean ± standard error), double the US rate. Temperature has increased most in Alaska and its extensive national parks. Annual precipitation of the national park area declined significantly on 12% of national park area, compared to 3% of the US. Higher temperatures due to climate change have coincided with low precipitation in the southwestern US, intensifying droughts in the region. Physical and ecological changes have been detected and attributed mainly to anthropogenic climate change in areas of significant temperature increases in US national parks. From 2000 to 2100, under the highest emissions scenario (representative concentration pathway [RCP] 8.5), park temperatures would increase 3 °C–9 °C, with climate velocities outpacing dispersal capabilities of many plant and animal species. Even under the scenario of reduced emissions (RCP2.6), temperature increases could exceed 2 °C for 58% of national park area, compared to 22% of the US. Nevertheless, greenhouse gas emissions reductions could reduce projected temperature increases in national parks by one-half to two-thirds.
Full-text available The impact of changing climate on terrestrial and underwater archaeological sites, historic buildings, and cultural landscapes can be examined through quantitatively-based analyses encompassing large data samples and broad geographic and temporal scales. The Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA) is a multi-institutional collaboration that allows researchers online access to linked heritage data from multiple sources and data sets. The effects of sea-level rise and concomitant human population relocation is examined using a sample from nine states encompassing much of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of the southeastern United States. A 1 m rise in sea-level will result in the loss of over >13,000 recorded historic and prehistoric archaeological sites, as well as over 1000 locations currently eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), encompassing archaeological sites, standing structures, and other cultural properties. These numbers increase substantially with each additional 1 m rise in sea level, with >32,000 archaeological sites and >2400 NRHP properties lost should a 5 m rise occur. Many more unrecorded archaeological and historic sites will also be lost as large areas of the landscape are flooded. The displacement of millions of people due to rising seas will cause additional impacts where these populations resettle. Sea level rise will thus result in the loss of much of the record of human habitation of the coastal margin in the Southeast within the next one to two centuries, and the numbers indicate the magnitude of the impact on the archaeological record globally. Construction of large linked data sets is essential to developing procedures for sampling, triage, and mitigation of these impacts.
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Scenario planning is a technique used to inform decision-making under uncertainty, and is increasingly applied in the field of climate change adaptation and policy. This paper describes applications that combine previously distinct scenario methods in new and innovative ways. It draws on numerous recent independent case studies to illustrate emerging practices, such as far stronger connections between researcherdriven and participatory approaches and cycling between exploratory and normative perspectives. The paper concludes with a call for greater support for, and collaboration among, practitioners with the argument that mixed methods are most effective for decision-making in the context of climate change challenges.
Technical Report
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Innovative and unique solutions are being devised throughout the national park system to adapt to climate change in coastal parks. This report includes 24 case studies of adaptation to coastal changes. The adaptation efforts described here include historic structure preservation, archeological surveys, baseline data collection and documentation, habitat restoration, engineering solutions, redesign and relocation of infrastructure, and development of broad management plans that consider climate change. Each case study also includes a point of contact for park managers to request additional information.
Technical Report
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Executive Summary Conservation professionals face unprecedented challenges arising from changes in land use, invasive species, biodiversity, climate, and more. These changes interact in complex ways, introducing an array of uncertainties that confound natural resource decision-making. While uncertainty is not new to natural resource management, limitations in our ability to confidently predict the direction, rate, and nature of the effects of climate and other drivers of change on natural and human systems has reinforced the need for tools to cope with the associated uncertainties. Scenario planning is one approach used to help inform natural resource management decision-making in light of uncertainties. With a long history of successful application in military strategy and land-use planning, scenario planning is particularly applicable in situations of high uncertainty and complexity. As a decision support method, it can inform a conscious approach to risk management, through the identification of strategies that are robust to uncertainty in future conditions. Applying scenario planning to a natural resource management challenge can provide insights into future trajectories that may unfold, and prepare managers to respond appropriately in the near and long term. In this guide we present a broad synthesis of scenario planning concepts and approaches, focused on applications in natural resource management and conservation. The guide is intended to help natural resource and conservation professionals, including managers, planners, and researchers to: n Understand the core elements of scenario planning; n Identify situations for which scenario planning could be a valuable tool, and what distinguishes it from other decision support frameworks and methods; n Understand the range of options for implementing scenario planning and identify approaches that fit their needs; n Get started on their own scenario planning effort; and n Find additional resources to support the application of a given scenario planning approach. The guide includes numerous examples of how natural resource professionals are using scenario planning to consider the direct and interacting effects of climate change on conservation goals and actions. Scenario Planning and its Application Scenario planning is a comprehensive exercise that involves the development of scenarios that capture a range of plausible future conditions. That development is then followed by an assessment of the potential effects of those scenarios on a focal resource or decision, and the identification of responses under each scenario, with a focus on those that are robust across scenarios. Whereas predictions and forecasts are statements about what will happen in the future with some degree of certainty, scenarios are plausible, alternative characterizations of the future not intended to be associated with probabilities. Scenarios can be constructed as qualitative narrative storylines or quantitative expressions of future conditions, depending on the outcomes needed to achieve the goal of the planning effort. While there are a variety of ways to use scenarios in planning, this guide focuses specifically on the use of multiple future scenarios to embrace uncertainties in decision making as a means for managing risk and maintaining flexibility in current and future decisions. Scenario planning is particularly appropriate in complex situations where uncertainties about future conditions and the effectiveness of management actions are uncontrollable and irreducible. This can be the case when elements of socio-ecological systems that provide the context for natural resource management have the potential to greatly influence decision outcomes. These elements, or drivers of change are external to the resource and beyond the direct control of managers (e.g., environmental factors, population growth and demographic changes, land use patterns, the availability of financial resources, etc.). Uncertainties that cannot be reduced within a decision timeframe because they are beyond managerial control or outside current scientific knowledge make it difficult or even impossible to develop informative predictive models. Scenario planning offers an alternative approach to considering future conditions as uncertainties and the level of complexity of a situation increases, the longer one looks into the future, and when there is a relatively low level of understanding about the issue. Scenario planning has received increased attention as a tool to inform natural resource management decisions in light of climate change. Climate change uncertainties range from gaps in our understanding of how climate systems function; whether and how much humans reduce or increase greenhouse gas emissions; what the rate, direction and magnitude of climate changes might be; how natural and human systems may respond to those climate changes; and what will constitute effective management actions in light of those changes. There are also uncertainties surrounding how climate change will interact with other social, economic, political, and technological changes. Scenario planning is just one method to support planning and decision making under uncertainty, and it can be used in complementary ways with other decision frameworks, methods and tools, such as adaptive management, structured decision making, and iterative risk management. It can be used to serve multiple purposes, including education and outreach, decision support, and research. While there are key steps in the process, there is no single established methodology for conducting scenario planning, or even discreet types of scenario planning approaches. It is a method that can be tailored to meet a wide variety of needs and available time, capacity, and financial resources. Breaking Down Scenario Planning and Designing A Process While scenario planning is a flexible decision support method, there is a standard set of elements essential to organizing and conducting a scenario planning effort. This guide groups the basic steps to scenario planning in three phases: n Phase I: Preparation & Scoping; n Phase II: Building & Refining Scenarios; n Phase III: Using Scenarios. Phase I (Preparation & Scoping) sets the stage for a scenario planning exercise, and involves four steps: identify the issue and establish a project team; articulate the purpose of using a scenario planning approach and anticipated outcomes; select or formulate a suitable approach; and complete the design and staging of the process. While generally common to most planning efforts, there are some special considerations for scenario planning. Outputs from this first phase are likely to include an improved understanding of the problem or issues to be addressed, a conceptual model of the key drivers in the focal system, a synthesis of available information, and a workplan, scoping documents, and budget. These steps and outputs help confirm that scenario planning is an appropriate approach, and provide information that feeds into the next two phases of scenario construction and application. Phase II (Building & Refining Scenarios) distinguishes scenario planning from most other decision support methods, by seeking out and embracing uncertainties about the future. Steps include refining the scope and aim of the effort; identifying, assessing and prioritizing critical drivers; exploring and selecting scenario logics; developing scenario outlines and narratives; and evaluating scenarios. If quantitative maps or numerical simulations of the scenarios are deemed useful, this phase can also include a step to quantify the scenarios. The key outputs from this phase are scenario sets that may be represented by some combination of narratives, tables of comparative descriptions, visualizations (e.g., drawings, maps), or quantitative model outputs. Phase III (Using Scenarios) uses the scenarios created in Phase II to support planning and decision-making. Steps include evaluating the potential implications of the scenarios for the focal resource, identifying potential actions options under each scenario, prioritizing and selecting actions for implementation, and designing monitoring and research to track changes and action effectiveness. There are a few aspects of this phase that differentiate scenario planning from many other decision-support methods. For one, the effects of future conditions on resources and the appropriateness of new and existing action options are examined for multiple scenarios, rather than the one most likely future. Scenario planning also helps explicitly articulate future decisions and their triggers, in addition to choosing some near term actions. Outputs for Phase III include summaries of scenario impacts on resources and implications for management decisions, a list of research needs and knowledge gaps, and an implementation plan which includes actions to take in the near term, a timeline for future decisions and contingencies, and a monitoring plan. Examples of Scenario Planning in Natural Resource Management and Conservation The guide provides 12 case studies of scenario planning for natural resource and conservation from across the United States. They represent a range of scenario planning approaches and issues. Although climate change is considered in each case study, it is often not the only driver of future scenarios. Most of these case studies represent “exploratory” exercises focused more on developing a clearer understanding of an issue and strategic-level planning than on making specific decisions. In these examples, there is widespread recognition of the role scenario planning plays in enhancing both social and institutional adaptive capacity to deal with uncertainty in general, and climate change specifically. This is arguably one of scenario planning’s greatest strengths, as opportunities to increase understanding and foster creative thinking on climate change move organizations closer toward implementing climate-informed management strategies. Further application and refinement of scenario planning approaches in conservation and natural resource management is warranted given the challenges represented by climate change and its interaction with other stressors.
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US national parks are challenged by climate and other forms of broad-scale environmental change that operate beyond administrative boundaries and in some instances are occurring at especially rapid rates. Here, we evaluate the climate change exposure of 289 natural resource parks administered by the US National Park Service (NPS), and ask which are presently (past 10 to 30 years) experiencing extreme (<5th percentile or >95th percentile) climates relative to their 1901-2012 historical range of variability (HRV). We consider parks in a landscape context (including surrounding 30 km) and evaluate both mean and inter-annual variation in 25 biologically relevant climate variables related to temperature, precipitation, frost and wet day frequencies, vapor pressure, cloud cover, and seasonality. We also consider sensitivity of findings to the moving time window of analysis (10, 20, and 30 year windows). Results show that parks are overwhelmingly at the extreme warm end of historical temperature distributions and this is true for several variables (e.g., annual mean temperature, minimum temperature of the coldest month, mean temperature of the warmest quarter). Precipitation and other moisture patterns are geographically more heterogeneous across parks and show greater variation among variables. Across climate variables, recent inter-annual variation is generally well within the range of variability observed since 1901. Moving window size has a measureable effect on these estimates, but parks with extreme climates also tend to exhibit low sensitivity to the time window of analysis. We highlight particular parks that illustrate different extremes and may facilitate understanding responses of park resources to ongoing climate change. We conclude with discussion of how results relate to anticipated future changes in climate, as well as how they can inform NPS and neighboring land management and planning in a new era of change.
Our poor understanding of tidewater glacier dynamics remains the primary source of uncertainty in sea level rise projections. On the ice sheets, mass lost from tidewater calving exceeds the amount lost from surface melting. In Alaska, the magnitude of calving mass loss remains unconstrained, yet immense calving losses have been observed. With 20% of the global new-water sea level rise coming from Alaska, partitioning of mass loss sources in Alaska is needed to improve sea level rise projections. Here we present the first regionally comprehensive map of glacier flow velocities in Central Alaska. These data reveal that the majority of the regional downstream flux is constrained to only a few coastal glaciers. We find regional calving losses are 17.1 Gt a(-1), which is equivalent to 36% of the total annual mass change throughout Central Alaska.
This book introduces an interdisciplinary framework to understand the interaction between terrestrial ecosystems and climate change. It reviews basic meteorological, hydrological and ecological concepts to examine the physical, chemical and biological processes by which terrestrial ecosystems affect and are affected by climate. The textbook is written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying ecology, environmental science, atmospheric science and geography. The central argument is that terrestrial ecosystems become important determinants of climate through their cycling of energy, water, chemical elements and trace gases. This coupling between climate and vegetation is explored at spatial scales from plant cells to global vegetation geography and at timescales of near instantaneous to millennia. The text also considers how human alterations to land become important for climate change. This restructured edition, with updated science and references, chapter summaries and review questions, and over 400 illustrations, including many in colour, serves as an essential student guide.