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Együtt oktatunk és kutatunk! Inkluzív megközelítés a felsőoktatásban



Amint e rendhagyó kötetből hamarosan kibomlik Olvasóink előtt, a szerzők által elméletben és gyakorlatban művelt terület két fundamentális eleme: az emberi méltóság és a helyes határoltság kérdése. A participatív (egyetemi) oktatás ma, a 21. század második dekádjának végén, külföldön és hazánkban is unikális kezdeményezés. Legegyszerűbben fogalmazva annyit tesz, hogy közösen oktatnak professzionális, többnyire doktori fokozattal rendelkező tanárok és azzal nem feltétlenül bíró, ám fogyatékossággal élő személyek. Aki tanított, vagy akit tanítottak már iskolarendszerű képzésben, tisztában van vele, hogy a tanári tér – hatalmi tér. Az oktatás, különösképpen a frontálisan és hierarchikusan működtetett, tekintélyelvű és alkalmanként elnyomó, monolit formát öltött oktatás hatalmi terében, ahol a tanár áll a középpontban, sok tekintetben ő gyakorolja a hatalmat. Ezzel a logikával megy szembe számos olyan demokratikus és nemritkán projektközpontú oktatási módszer, amelyet külföldön és Magyarországon egyaránt alkalmaznak. Mi a Bárczin átvettük és alkalmazzuk őket. Olyanok is szép számmal vannak, amelyeket mi fejlesztettünk ki és alkalmazunk is. Ezek a módszerek progresszív környezetként hozzásegítenek egy olyan emberi és oktatási környezet megalkotásához, amely támogatja az oktatás terének demokratizálását. Kötetünk két fontos üzenetet hordoz. Az egyik az emberi méltóság fogalmának fogyatékosságtudományi területen megvalósított újraértelmezése. A másik pedig annak a kérdése, ahogyan azt egyik mesterünktől, Gilles Deleuze-től megtanultuk: hogy mivé válunk mi együtt mindeközben. Könczei György
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... Továbbá Goodley (2011) is kiemeli munkájában, hogy a szereplők átélt tapasztalatainak közvetítése milyen nagy jelentőséggel bír abban, hogy a társadalom megismerhesse őket. A részvételen alapuló kutatások célja "első sorban a közös tudás konstruálása és a pontosabb megismerés" (Katona et al., 2019, p. 22), valamint lehetőséget teremt a tudományos diskurzus kiegészítésére tapasztalati "szakértelemmel" (Katona et al., 2019). Az eljárás előnye, hogy beavatkozásmentes, vagyis nem a kutató által kínált szempont-és feltételrendszer mentén bontakozik ki a kutatási folyamat, hanem a participatív kutatótárssal közös konstruálás alapozza meg a kutatás egészét. ...
... A participatív kutatás megvalósításához támpontokként szolgáltak Katona és munkatársai (2019) módszertani ajánlásai: az érvényesség megvalósulásában kiemelt szerepű a kutatási célok többszöri megvitatása, a kritikai és reflektív szubjektivitás (Csillag id. Katona et al., 2019), a kutatásban résztvevő személyek között létrejövő folyamatos, akadálytalan interakció. A megbízhatóság megvalósulását segíti elő a kutatási tér értelmezése, a kutatási folyamat (lépések, döntések) átláthatósága és koherenciája (Géring, 2015), a kutatói gyakorlat, az ellentmondások keresése, az önismeret és az önreflexió, a trianguláció szem előtt tartása. ...
... Mindent meg kell tenni a hatalmi viszonyok kiegyenlítésének érdekében. Az ilyen kutatásoknak a részt vevő személyeket érintő valós és releváns problémával kell foglalkozniuk és kézzelfogható eredményekkel szolgálniuk (Heiszer, 2019;Katona & Sándor, 2019). ...
... Participatory instructors are colleagues with disability who primarily pass on their life history and life experiences in university courses. An inclusive/participatory methodology is an approach in which the method used in the project, the use of ICT tools and the involvement of participatory teachers are applied in a multi-teacher model (Katona, 2019;. ...
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In many countries, funding for higher education institutions is insufficient and requires the search for new financial instruments and financing models. One such financing model could be the issuance of social impact bonds aimed at improving the efficiency of higher education institutions. The study focuses on the use of financial instruments as social bonds for additional funding of higher education institutions. The peculiarities of social bonds and the possibilities of their application in the field of higher education are explored in the paper. The results of the study comprise three proposed innovative approaches to the development of a mechanism for the issuance of bonds. The first approach assumes that the issuer of social bonds in favour of the university is a bank or other financial institution. The second approach is based on the methodology of issuing social bonds by a university with the participation of the state. The third approach to the use of social bonds is the creation of a platform for financing long-term educational programs; it can be done with the participation of a large company implementing large-scale socio-economic projects. Such platform will have a great social and economic effect.
... Participatory instructors are colleagues with disability who primarily pass on their life history and life experiences in university courses. An inclusive/participatory methodology is an approach in which the method used in the project, the use of ICT tools and the involvement of participatory teachers are applied in a multi-teacher model (Katona, 2019;. ...
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Due to the traditionally highly hierarchical nature of science, close connection with praxis is not always smooth. Participatory approaches can significantly support the balancing of power and the connection of academic theory with practice. In (Critical) Disability Studies, it is particularly important that user needs are met through co-productive design, and implementation. In this chapter after providing the theoretical foundation of (Critical) Disability Studies, our experiences are summarized in research, teaching, and service development, highlighting the strengths and challenges of the participatory approach to enrich the social innovation ecosystem. Finally, the chapter points out the adaptation and many possibilities of the participatory method that might create inclusive networks and communities in higher education.
... Participatory instructors are colleagues with disability who primarily pass on their life history and life experiences in university courses. An inclusive/participatory methodology is an approach in which the method used in the project, the use of ICT tools and the involvement of participatory teachers are applied in a multi-teacher model (Katona, 2019;. ...
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Social innovation as a potential way of looking for new ways to combat the most challenging social problems is underdeveloped in Croatia and Europe. This chapter assesses the contribution of specific Higher education institute (HEI) to developing a social innovation ecosystem in the Zagreb agglomeration area (and beyond) in several dimensions: (a) research and evidence that informed social innovations (SI) and wider policies; (b) education; (c) creating networks and advocating, and (d) community engagement. Additionally, the introduction of the service-learning program is presented to illustrate that contribution. The capacity of the higher education institutions in fostering the development of the social innovation ecosystem is discussed through the prism of the local and national education, science and public (social) policy development in Croatia.
... Participatory instructors are colleagues with disability who primarily pass on their life history and life experiences in university courses. An inclusive/participatory methodology is an approach in which the method used in the project, the use of ICT tools and the involvement of participatory teachers are applied in a multi-teacher model (Katona, 2019;. ...
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The purpose of this chapter is to introduce a higher education social enterprise program and explore how it is shaping the field of social entrepreneurship. Social enterprise related university programs are an emerging trend. Entrepreneurial university theory and ecosystem framework are used to illustrate how the university social enterprise program, in turn, develops the field of social entrepreneurship. An example of an existing social enterprise program is discussed to highlight how it can be designed. Cases of social enterprises emerged as the result of the program are used to outline the different impacts that such support to social entrepreneurship might have. The research chapter reveals the multi-dimensional nature of the social enterprise program and its impact on students establishing their own social enterprises. It suggests that the incubation and other support activities should expand beyond the university program including a variety of network partners. The chapter provides empirical evidence of social enterprise development in a higher education institution and contributes to the global body of knowledge about fostering social enterprise development. As the provision of social entrepreneurship education is new in Estonia and the discussions on social enterprises are premature, the number of social entrepreneurship development partners is limited and hence the empirical data is currently scarce. The journey towards an entrepreneurial university is limited due to the lack of legal support and suitable infrastructure which would enhance project-based learning, support ‘spin-offs’ and patenting and rather engenders a more traditional academic learning environment.
... Participatory instructors are colleagues with disability who primarily pass on their life history and life experiences in university courses. An inclusive/participatory methodology is an approach in which the method used in the project, the use of ICT tools and the involvement of participatory teachers are applied in a multi-teacher model (Katona, 2019;. ...
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The ambition for this book is to demonstrate how higher education institutions (HEIs) can respond to societal challenges, support positive social change and influence the international public discourse on social innovation. It attempts to answer the question, ‘how does the present higher education system, in different countries, promote social innovation and create social change and impact’. In answering this question, the book identifies factors driving success as well as obstacles. The book offers suggestions about how the present system can be improved both based on existing data and international literature on social innovation in higher education. The book presents a selected set of peer reviewed chapters presenting different perspectives against which relevant actors can identify and analyse social innovation in HEIs.
... Participatory instructors are colleagues with disability who primarily pass on their life history and life experiences in university courses. An inclusive/participatory methodology is an approach in which the method used in the project, the use of ICT tools and the involvement of participatory teachers are applied in a multi-teacher model (Katona, 2019;. ...
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The European Commission identifies entrepreneurship as one of eight competences necessary for all members of a knowledge-based society. The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp framework) is a tool that European citizens and organisations can utilise to improve entrepreneurial capacity. Social entrepreneurship in particular, has been gaining momentum for numerous reasons. None more so than it being seen as an approach to offer solutions to worldwide social problems. Despite the increasing demand for social entrepreneurship, mainstream internationalization literature for social entrepreneurs remains underdeveloped and little is known about competences social entrepreneurs require to become successful with their internationalization efforts. In this chapter, the social innovation competence framework is presented; empirical work focusing on educating social entrepreneurs to acquire and improve upon competencies needed for going international. The framework, which uses the EntreComp framework as a foundation for its descriptions of the competences, was developed as part of the Erasmus+ project ISSA.
... Participatory instructors are colleagues with disability who primarily pass on their life history and life experiences in university courses. An inclusive/participatory methodology is an approach in which the method used in the project, the use of ICT tools and the involvement of participatory teachers are applied in a multi-teacher model (Katona, 2019;. ...
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The chapter discusses the concept of socially responsible innovations and links it to the third mission of universities, understood in terms of social engagement of the higher education institutions. It presents the case study of the EIT Food RIS Consumer Engagement Labs project (funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT, in the framework of Regional Innovation Scheme, RIS). The project has been rolled out to 14 European countries. It serves as a successful example of universities orchestrating the process of co-creation of new products, which involves consumers and producers. The process aimed to address societal challenges and serve the needs of a vulnerable group of senior citizens by developing new food products, proposed by the elderly consumers and matching their specific needs and requirements. It looks at the project experiences through the lenses of inclusion and responsiveness, which allow the universities to combine social responsibility with commercially attractive innovations. Universities involved in the project were playing the role of “interpreters”, linking companies and consumers, facilitating the creative activities and ensuring the methodological and ethical soundness of the co-creation processes.
A 21. század általunk megélt évtizedeiben meglehetősen összetett feladat a tudományos tartalomszolgáltatás. Egyrészt amiatt, mert erős a verseny a sokféle akadémiai lap között, másrészt pedig azért, mert kifejezetten összetett menedzsment feladat a szükséges erőforrások szervezése, előteremtése az ebben való helytálláshoz. In the decades of the 21st century, the task of providing scientific content is a complex one. On the one hand, because of the fierce competition between the different academic journals, and also because it is a particularly complex management task organising and mobilising the resources needed to do so.
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What is Qualitative Interviewing? is an accessible and comprehensive ‘what is’ and ‘how to’ methods book. It is distinctive in emphasizing the importance of good practice in understanding and undertaking qualitative interviews within the framework of a clear philosophical position. Rosalind Edwards and Janet Holland provide clear and succinct explanations of relevant philosophies and theories of how to know about the social world, and a thorough discussion of how to go about researching it using interviews. A series of short chapters explain a range of interview types and practices. Drawing on their own and colleagues’ experiences Edwards and Holland provide real research examples as informative illustrations of qualitative interviewing in practice and the use of creative interview tools. They discuss the use of new technologies as well as tackling enduring issues around asking and listening, and power dynamics in research. Written in a clear and accessible style the book concludes with a useful annotated bibliography of key texts and journals in the field. What is Qualitative Interviewing? provides a vital resource for both new and experienced researchers across the social science disciplines.
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For three semesters during 2014 and Fall 2015, Laurea University of Applied Sciences organized an experimental course on e-Service competences in cooperation with Tallinn University. The objective of the course was to improve the ability of participants to innovate and develop e-Services by generating new e-Service ideas or service processes in the field of health and social services. We followed the Learning by Developing action model for creating a space for independent development works. Students were supported through the e-learning feature of Laurea University of Applied Sciences after a face-to-face orientation day both in Espoo Otaniemi and Tallinn. The course also combined the knowledge of contemporary e-Services with the usage of CANVAS business development tool. Over the last three semesters, participants came up with creative e-Service ideas and the best ones were encouraged to be put into motion.
A tanulmány egy sajátos helyzetben lévő kisebbségi csoport, a fogyatékossággal élő, felsőoktatási intézményekben tanuló fiatalok helyzetét elemzi a hazai, az amerikai és néhány európai ország gyakorlatának összehasonlításával. Az írás ismerteti a hetvenes évektől kezdődően egyre nagyobb számban megjelenő publikációk szemléletbeli alakulását; a fogyatékos hallgatók létszámának változását; a különböző országokban alkalmazott definíciók különbségeit. Tisztázásra kerül a hazánkban még ritkán használt „ésszerű alkalmazkodás” fogalma. A szerző legfontosabbnak a fogyatékos hallgatók számára nyújtott szolgáltatások minőségét és az egyenlő esélyű hozzáférés eszméjének megvalósulását tartja. A tanulmány rávilágít a hazai szabályozás pozitív elemire éppúgy, mint a közoktatás és a felsőoktatás törvényi hátterében meglévő ellentmondásokra is.
Nothing about us without us has been a core principle of American disability rights activists for more than half a century. It represents a response by people with disabilities to being treated with scorn and abuse or as objects of pity, and to having the most fundamental decisions relating to their lives-where they would live; if and how they would be educated; if they would be allowed to marry or have families; indeed, if they would be permitted to live at all-made by those who were, in the parlance of the movement, "temporarily able-bodied." In What We Have Done: An Oral History of the Disability Rights Movement, Fred Pelka takes that slogan at face value. He presents the voices of disability rights activists who, in the period from 1950 to 1990, transformed how society views people with disabilities, and recounts how the various streams of the movement came together to push through the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the most sweeping civil rights legislation since passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Beginning with the stories of those who grew up with disabilities in the 1940s and '50s, the book traces how disability came to be seen as a political issue, and how people with disabilities-often isolated, institutionalized, and marginalized-forged a movement analogous to the civil rights, women's rights, and gay rights movements, and fought for full and equal participation in American society. Copyright © 2012 by University of Massachusetts Press All rights reserved.
Grouped around four central themes - illness and impairment, disabling processes, care and control, and communication and representations - this collection offers a fresh perspective on disability research, showing how theory and data can be brought together in new and exciting ways. Disability Research Today starts by showing how engaging with issues around illness and impairment is vital to a multidisciplinary understanding of disability as a social process. The second section explores factors that affect disabled people, such as homelessness, violence and unemployment. The third section turns to social care, and how disabled people are prevented from living with independence and dignity. Finally, the last section examines how different imagery and technology impacts our understandings of disability and deafness. Showcasing empirical work from a range of countries, including Japan, Norway, Italy, Australia, India, the UK, Turkey, Finland and Iceland, this collection shows how disability studies can be simultaneously sophisticated, accessible and policy-relevant. Disability Research Today is suitable for students and researchers in disability studies, sociology, social policy, social work, nursing and health studies.
The book introduces the principles of hardware design and describes the tools and techniques required to begin hacking. The DVD contains hack instructions for over 20 game consoles and hardware devices from Nintendo, Apple, Sony, Microsoft, Palm and more. The presentation of these 20 projects on DVD media provides users with benefits and options not available on the printed page. All images are hi-res color that can be enlarged or printed, the text is easily searched, and the user can copy the contents to their hard disk and add comments directly into the PDF files. The DVD media also lends itself well to group projects (it includes a 10 user license). The 160-page book includes chapters on hacking tools and electrical engineering basics, along with chapters on the background, design and functionality of each hardware device. * Packed full of high resolution colour images that reveal the smallest details of each step in a hack * Includes in depth coverage of the tools of the hacking trade and the basics of electrical engineering * DVD includes a "Using the Tools" video starring Joe "kingpin" Grand.