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Rapid assessments of wildlife in Turkmenistan 2018


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this report is to provide a record of our activities from 2018, with details of large mammals, birds and reptiles seen in the different ecosystems. An appendix provides a short summary of large mammals seen during similar expeditions in 2015. Furthermore, we provide a brief summary of the situation of kulan and leopard based on the combined survey effort from 2014-2018 (and 2019). Our methods were based on collecting all possible information; including direct observations of animals and their tracks / signs, interviewing protected area staff and shepherds about wildlife observations, and collecting the data from camera traps that had been distributed in previous years. Summarized information is given about the birds seen during the expeditions with accent on the globally threatened birds and the Important Bird Areas. Very detailed and up to date information is provided about the reptile fauna.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Rapid assessments of wildlife in Turkmenistan
Petra Kaczensky, Eldar Rustamov, Shirin Karryeva, Petar Iankov,
Nurmuhamet Hudaykuliev, Jumamyrat Saparmyradov, Atamyrat Veyisov,
Aleksandr Shestopal, Shaniyaz Mengliev, Hojamyrat Hojamyradov,
Aknabat Potaeva, Aman Kurbanov, Arazmyrat Amanov, Garly Khekimov,
Charymyrat Tagiyev, Tatjana Rosen, John D. C. Linnell
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Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Rapid assessments of wildlife in Turkmenistan
Petra Kaczensky
Eldar Rustamov
Shirin Karryeva
Petar Iankov
Nurmuhamet Hudaykuliev
Jumamyrat Saparmyradov
Atamyrat Veyisov
Aleksandr Shestopal
Shaniyaz Mengliev
Hojamyrat Hojamyradov
Aknabat Potaeva
Aman Kurbanov
Arazmyrat Amanov
Garly Khekimov
Charymyrat Tagiyev
Tatjana Rosen
John D. C. Linnell
NINA Report 1696
Kaczensky, P, Rustamov, E., Karryeva, S., Iankov, P.,
Hudaykuliev, N., Saparmyadov, J., Veyisov, A., Shestopal, A. A.,
Mengliev, S., Hojamyradov, H., Potaeva, A., Kurbanov, A.,
Amanov, A., Kekimov, G., Tagiyev, C., Rosen, T. & Linnell, J. D. C.
2019 Rapid assessments of wildlife in Turkmenistan 2018. NINA
Report 1696. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research.
Trondheim, August, 2019
ISSN: 1504-3312
ISBN: 978-82-426-3446-7
© Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
The publication may be freely cited where the source is
Digital document (pdf)
Jan Ove Gjershaug
Research director - Signe Nybø
© Petra Kaczensky
Asiatic wild ass
Eurasian lynx
asiatisk villesel
persisk leopard
NINA Report 1696
Kaczensky, P, Rustamov, E., Karryeva, S., Iankov, P., Hudaykuliev, N., Saparmyadov, J.,
Veyisov, A., Shestopal, A. A., Mengliev, S., Hojamyradov, H., Potaeva, A., Kurbanov, A.,
Amanov, A., Kekimov, G., Tagiyev, C., Rosen, T. & Linnell, J. D. C. 2019. Rapid assessments
of wildlife in Turkmenistan 2018. NINA Report 1696. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research.
Although Turkmenistan supports many wildlife species there is very little up-to-date and acces-
sible information on its status. Since 2014 we have been conducting a series of expeditions to
protected areas throughout the country. The primary objective has been to clarify the status of
Turkmen kulan (Equus hemionus), however, we have also had a secondary focus on other large
mammals, especially the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus) and its potential prey species, urial
(Ovis orientalis), goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa), markhor (Capra falconeri), bezoar
(Capra aegagrus), and wild boar (Sus scrofa). In addition, several expeditions have been ac-
companied by ornithologists and herpetologists availing of the platform to obtain up-to-date rec-
ords of these species. Finally, the expeditions have been used to assist networking and experi-
ence exchange between the staff of the different protected areas.
The purpose of this report is to provide a record of our activities from 2018, with details of large
mammals, birds and reptiles seen in the different ecosystems. An appendix provides a short
summary of large mammals seen during similar expeditions in 2015. Furthermore, we provide a
brief summary of the situation of kulan and leopard based on the combined survey effort from
2014-2018 (and 2019). Our methods were based on collecting all possible information; including
direct observations of animals and their tracks / signs, interviewing protected area staff and shep-
herds about wildlife observations, and collecting the data from camera traps that had been dis-
tributed in previous years.
In 2018 we conducted a series of expeditions in April, May, June and December which covered
most of the ecosystems and major protected areas in Turkmenistan where kulan, leopard, urial,
goitered gazelles, bezoar and markhor have occurred in recent years. In total, we visited 5 Na-
ture Reserves, 5 Wildlife Sanctuaries and 18 Important Bird Areas using 39 days of activity.
During the expeditions we recorded observations of all target large mammals (kulan, leopard,
urial, goitered gazelle, markhor, bezoar, wild boar) along with records of other large and medium
sized mammals, particular wolf (Canis lupus), striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena), Eurasian lynx
(Lynx lynx), smaller cats (caracal (Caracal caracal), wild cat (Felis lybica), jungle cat (Felis
chaus), Pallas’ cat (Otocolobus manul)) and honey badger (Mellivora capensis). We opportunis-
tically also recorded golden jackal (Canis aureus), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), corsac fox (Vulpes
corsac), Eurasian badger (Meles meles), steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii), and porcupine
(Hystrix indica). In addition, we observed a total of 191 species of birds and 38 species / sub-
species of reptiles.
The status of kulan is serious. They have become functionally extinct in Badhyz Nature Reserve,
with no confirmed observations since 2015. Some few individuals (<15) persist in the Tersakan
valley west of Sunt Hasardag Nature Reserve and the Gury Howdan Wildlife Sanctuary, and a
group of 15-25 individuals occupy the border security zone and adjacent areas of Uzbekistan to
the north and west of Sarygamysh Lake. There may be a handful of other individuals ranging
around Meana Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary and Gaplangyr Nature Reserve. It is highly likely that
the species will become totally extinct in Turkmenistan in the near future because none of these
isolated remnants is likely to be viable. The situation for leopard and their prey is better. Leopards
are widespread in the mountains along the Iranian border (from Badhyz in south to Sunt
Hasardag in west), and through the Balkan range. Urial were found in all mountain protected
areas visited, and markhor were present in Koytendag Nature Reserve. Gazelles were also pre-
sent in many protected areas, and occasionally outside. However, the scarcity of urial outside
protected areas, and the general low density of gazelles point to targeted poaching as being the
main driver of decline of all the large herbivores (kulan, urial, gazelles).
NINA Report 1696
The expeditions have provided a broad impression of the current state of Turkmenistan’s wildlife,
using rapid assessments and camera trapping. The country is home to an amazing diversity of
species and ecosystems which are clearly deserving of more study and better protection. There
is a need for more detailed and targeted follow-up studies of all the species that we have docu-
mented in this report to better understand their ecology and the required actions needed for their
long-term survival. However, unless serious action is taken to address poaching and improve
the investment in protected area and rangeland management many other species could soon
follow the kulan into decline and extinction.
Petra Kaczensky, Researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Nature Research, Norway; e-mail:
Eldar Rustamov, Scientific Manager of the Project "Improvement of the conservation status of
birds and all biodiversity in Turkmenistan" RSPB/Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Shirin Karryeva, Project Manager on "Improvement of the conservation status of birds and all
biodiversity in Turkmenistan" RSPB/Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Petar Iankov, Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds - BirdLife Bulgaria; e-mail:
Nurmuhamet Hudaykuliev, Head of Scientific Department, Badhyz Nature Reserve
Jumamyrat Saparmyradov, Head of Environment Protection and Hidgometeorological
Devision, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Atamyrat Veyisov, GIS Expert on "Improvement of the conservation status of birds and all
biodiversity in Turkmenistan" RSPB/Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Alexandr A. Shestopal, Chief Specialist, Center for the Prevention of Hazardous Infections,
Zooparasitology Department, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Shaniyaz Mengliev, Head of Scientific Department, Koytendag Nature Reserve; e-mail:
Hojamyrat Hojamyradov, Chief Specialist of Scientific Department, Sunt Hasardag Nature
Reserve; e-mail:
Aknabat Potaeva, Head of Scientific Department, Kopetdag Nature Reserve;
Aman Kurbanov, independent experts, biologist, driver;
Arazmyrat Amanov, Head of Scientific Department, Gaplangyr Nature Reserve; e-mail:;
Garly Khekimov, Head of Sarygamysh Wildlife Sanctuare, Gaplangyr Nature Reserve
Charymyrat Tagiyev, Head of Scientific Department, Sunt Hasardag Reserve
Tatjana Rosen, Head of Ilbris Foundation, e-mail:
John D. C. Linnell, Senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Nature Research, Norway;
NINA Report 1696
Kaczensky, P, Rustamov, E., Karryeva, S., Iankov, P., Hudaykuliev, N., Saparmyadov, J., Vey-
isov, A., Shestopal, A. A., Mengliev, S., Hojamyradov, H., Potaeva, A., Kurbanov, A., Amanov,
A., Kekimov, G., Tagiyev, C., Rosen, T. & Linnell, J. D. C. 2019. Rapid assessments of wildlife
in Turkmenistan 2018. NINA Raport 1696. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA).
Selv om Turkmenistan har mange viltarter, foreligger det svært lite oppdatert og tilgjengelig in-
formasjon om deres status. Vi har siden 2014 foretatt en rekke ekspedisjoner til verneområder i
landet. Hovedformålet har vært å klargjøre statusen til turkmensk kulan (asiatisk villesel) (Equus
hemionus), men vi har også hatt fokus på andre store pattedyr, særlig persisk leopard (Panthera
pardus) og dens potensielle byttedyrarter , urial (steppesau) (Ovis orientalis), svarthalegazelle
(Gazella subgutturosa), markhor (skruegeit) (Capra falconeri), besoargeit (villgeit) (Capra aega-
grus) og villsvin (Sus scrofa). I tillegg har flere ekspedisjoner hatt med ornitologer og herpetolo-
ger som har bidratt til å fremskaffe oppdaterte funn av disse artene. Og ikke minst, har ekspedi-
sjonene blitt brukt til å hjelpe med nettverksbygging og erfaringsutveksling mellom tilsatte i de
ulike verneområdene.
Formålet med denne rapporten er å presentere data fra vår aktivitet i 2018, med detaljer på store
pattedyr, fugler og reptiler sett i de ulike økosystemene. Et appendiks gir en kort oppsummering
av store pattedyr sett på lignende ekspedisjoner i 2015. Vi gir videre en enkel oppsummering av
situasjonen for kulan og leopard basert på en samlet undersøkelsesinnsats fra 2014-2018 (og
2019). Våre metoder var basert på å samle all mulig informasjon; inkludert direkte observasjoner
av dyr og deres sportegn, intervjue ansatte i verneområdene og gjetere om viltobservasjoner,
og innsamling av data fra viltkameraer som var satt ut i tidligere år.
I 2018 foretok vi en rekke ekspedisjoner i april, mai, juni og desember som dekket det meste av
økosystemer og de viktigste verneområdene i Turkmenistan hvor kulan, leopard, urial, svartha-
legazelle, besoargeit og markhor har forekommet i de siste årene. Totalt har vi besøkt 5 natur-
reservater, 5 viltreservater og 18 viktige fugleområder (IBA) i løpet av 39 dager med aktiv felt-
innsats. Vi har i løpet av ekspedisjonene registrert observasjoner av alle fokusartene av store
pattedyr (kulan, leopard, urial, svarthalegazelle, markhor, besoargeit, villsvin) sammen med re-
gistreringer av andre store og mellomstore pattedyr som ulv (Canis lupus), stripehyene (Hyaena
hyaena), gaupe (Lynx lynx), , mindre katter (caracal (Caracal caracal) afrikansk villkatt (Felis
lybica), jungelkatt (Felis chaus), pallaskatt (Otocolobus manul)) og honninggrevling (Mellivora
capensis). Vi observerte tilfeldigvis også gullsjakal (Canis aureus), rødrev (Vulpes vulpes), step-
perev (Vulpes corsac), grevling (Meles meles), steppeilder (Mustela eversmanii) og indisk hule-
piggsvin (Hystrix indica). Vi har i tillegg observert i alt 191 fuglearter og 38 arter/underarter av
Situasjonen for kulan er alvorlig. Den er funksjonelt utryddet i Badhyz naturreservat, med ingen
bekrefta observasjoner siden 2015. Noen få individer (<15) er tilstede i Tersakan-dalen vest for
Sunt Hasardag naturreservat og Gury Howdan viltreservat, og en gruppe på 15-25 individer hol-
der til i sikkerhetssonen på grensen og tilstøtende områder i Uzbekistan til nord og vest for inn-
sjøen Sarygamysh. Det kan være en håndfull andre individer i området rundt Meana Chacha
viltreservat og Gaplangyr naturreservat. Det er høyst sannsynlig at arten vil bli totalt utryddet i
Turkmenistan i nær fremtid da ingen av disse isolerte restbestandene er levedyktige. Situasjonen
for leoparden og dens byttedyr er bedre. Leoparder er vidt utbredt i fjellene langs den iranske
grensen (fra Badhyz i sør til Sunt Hasardag i vest), og gjennom Balkan-fjellkjeden. Urial ble
funnet i alle fjellverneområder som ble besøkt, og markhor var tilstede i Koytendag naturreservat.
Gazeller var også tilstede i mange verneområder, og av og til utenfor. Imidlertid peker knapphe-
ten på urial utenfor verneområder og den generelt lave tettheten av gazeller på målrettet kryps-
kyting som viktigste driver for nedgangen av alle store herbivorer (kulan, urial, gazeller).
Ekspedisjoner har fremskaffet det første brede inntrykk av staten Turkmenistan’s viltfauna. Lan-
det er hjem for en fantastisk diversitet av arter og økosystemer som klart fortjener flere studier
NINA Report 1696
og bedre vern. Det er behov for mer detaljerte og målretta oppfølgingsstudier av alle arter som
vi har dokumentert i denne rapporten for bedre å forstå deres økologi og de tiltak som kreves for
deres langsiktige overlevelse. Dersom ikke alvorlige tiltak settes inn mot krypskyting, og at det
bevilges mer penger til verneområder og forvaltning av beiteland, så vil andre arter snart følge
etter kulanen med bestandsnedgang og utryddelse.
Petra Kaczensky, Researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Nature Research, Norway; e-mail:
Eldar Rustamov, Scientific Manager of the Project "Improvement of the conservation status of
birds and all biodiversity in Turkmenistan" RSPB/Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Shirin Karryeva, Project Manager on "Improvement of the conservation status of birds and all
biodiversity in Turkmenistan" RSPB/Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Petar Iankov, Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds - BirdLife Bulgaria; e-mail:
Nurmuhamet Hudaykuliev, Head of Scientific Department, Badhyz Nature Reserve
Jumamyrat Saparmyradov, Head of Environment Protection and Hidgometeorological
Devision, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Atamyrat Veyisov, GIS Expert on "Improvement of the conservation status of birds and all
biodiversity in Turkmenistan" RSPB/Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Alexandr A. Shestopal, Chief Specialist, Center for the Prevention of Hazardous Infections,
Zooparasitology Department, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan; e-mail:
Shaniyaz Mengliev, Head of Scientific Department, Koytendag Nature Reserve; e-mail:
Hojamyrat Hojamyradov, Chief Specialist of Scientific Department, Sunt Hasardag Nature
Reserve; e-mail:
Aknabat Potaeva, Head of Scientific Department, Kopetdag Nature Reserve;
Aman Kurbanov, independent experts, biologist, driver;
Arazmyrat Amanov, Head of Scientific Department, Gaplangyr Nature Reserve; e-mail:;
Garly Khekimov, Head of Sarygamysh Wildlife Sanctuare, Gaplangyr Nature Reserve
Charymyrat Tagiyev, Head of Scientific Department, Sunt Hasardag Reserve
Tatjana Rosen, Head of Ilbris Foundation, e-mail:
John D. C. Linnell, Senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Nature Research, Norway;
NINA Report 1696
Качински П., Рустамов E., Каррыева Ш., Ианков П., Худайкулиев Н., Сапармурадов Д., Вейисов
A., Шестопал A., Менглиев Ш., Ходжамурадов Х., Потаева А., Курбанов A., Аманов А., Хекимов
Г., Тагиев Ч., Розен Т. И Линнел Д. 2019 Быстрая оценка дикой природы Туркменистана, 2018.
Отчет 1696, Норвежский институт исследований природы (NINA).
Хотя Туркменистан поддерживает многообразие видов дикой природы, но современной и
доступной информации о ее статусе очень мало. С 2014 г. мы провели серию экспедиций в
охраняемые природные территории по всей стране. Главная цель заключалась в
определении современного статуса туркменского кулана (Equus kulan), во вторую очередь
других крупных млекопитающих, особенно, переднеазиатского леопарда (Panthera
pardus) c его потенциальными видами-жертв – уриал (Ovis orientalis) и безоаровый козёл
(Capra aegagrus), а также винторогого козла (Сарrа falconeri) и джейрана (Gazella
subgutturosa). В нескольких экспедициях принимали участие орнитологи и герпетологи,
которые использовав нашу возможность, также получили современные данные о птицах
и рептилиях территории страны. Наконец, экспедиции использовались для налаживания
связей и обмена опытом между сотрудниками различных ООПТ Туркменистана.
Цель данного отчета предоставить результаты нашей деятельности с 2018 г. с
подробным описанием состояния крупных млекопитающих, а также птиц и рептилий в
различных экосистемах Туркменистана. В Приложении изложено краткое состояние крупных
млекопитающих, отмеченных во время подобных экспедиций в 2015 г. Кроме того, мы
предоставили краткое резюме ситуации с куланом и леопардом, основанной на объединенном
усилии деятельности за 2014-2019 гг.. Методы работы были основаны на сборе всей
возможной и доступной информации, в том числе прямые наблюдения за животными
и/или следами их жизнедеятельности, интервью сотрудников ООПТ и пастухов об их
наблюдениях в дикой природе, а также сбор данных с фотокамер-ловушек.
В 2018 году мы провели наиболее масштабные экспедиции в апреле, мае, июне и декабре,
которые охватили большинство экосистем и крупных ООПТ. За 39 дней работы посетили
5 заповедников, 5 заказников и 18 Ключевых орнитологических территорий. В ходе
экспедиций регистрировались все особи не только указанных выше видов крупных
млекопитающих, но кроме того: лисица (Vulpes vulpes), корсак (Vulpes corsac), волк (Canis
lupus), шакал (Canis aureus), полосатая гиена (Hyaena hyaena), степной (Felis lybica) и
камышовый (Felis chaus) коты, медоед (Mellivora capensis) и степной хорь (Mustela
eversmanii). Из птиц и пресмыкающихся было зарегистрировано, соответственно, 191 и 38
Состояние кулана оказалось очень серьёзным: он практически вымер в Бадхызе, с 2015 г.
мы не смогли получить никаких подтвержденных фактов его присутствия там. Несколько
особей (<15) сохраняются пока в долине Терсакана к западу от Сюнт-Хасардагского
заповедника (за его пределами) и в заказнике Гуры-Ховдан, а группа из 15-25 особей
обитает в пограничной зоне и прилегающих участках Узбекистана к северу и западу от
Сарыкамышского озера; наконец, возможно единичные особи ещё встречаются в районах
заказника Меана-Чача и заповедника Гаплангыр.
Весьма вероятно, что в ближайшем будущем этот вид полностью исчезнет в
Туркменистане, поскольку ни одна из указанных групп не может считаться
жизнеспособной. Ситуация с леопардом и их объектами питания лучше. Леопарды
распространены в горах вдоль туркменско-иранской границы (с юга от Бадхыза и на запад
до Сюнт-Хасардага), а также в горах Большие Балханы. Уриалы обнаружены во всех
горных заповедниках, а мархур только в Койтендагском. Джейраны также отмечались в
ряде ООПТ, однако, отсутствие джейранов и уриалов за пределами ООПТ и их очень
NINA Report 1696
низкая численность указывают на браконьерство как основной фактор сокращения диких
копытных животных в стране.
Экспедиции впервые обеспечили информацией о статусе дикой природы Туркменистана.
Туркменистан является домом для удивительного разнообразия видов и экосистем,
которые явно заслуживают большего внимания, изучения и лучшей защиты. Существует
необходимость в более детальных и целенаправленных исследованиях всех видов,
чтобы лучше понять их экологию и осуществлять необходимые действия, необходимые
для их выживания. Если не будут приняты серьезные меры по борьбе с браконьерством
и улучшению инвестиций в управление ООПТ и пастбищами, многие виды вскоре
окажутся на грани исчезновения.
Milking a camel. Photo: P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
Gysgaça beýany
Kaçinski P., Rustamow E., Garryýewa Ş., Iankow P., Hudaýgulyýew N., Saparmyradow J.,
Weýisow A., Şestopal A., Meňliýew Ş., Hojamyradow H., Potaýewa A., Gurbanow A., Hekimow
G., Tagyýew Ç., Rozen T., Linnel J. 2019. Türkmenistanyň ýabany tebigatyna çalt baha bermek.
1696-njy hasabat, Norwegiýanyň tebigaty barlamak instituty (NINA).
Türkmenistanyň ýabany tebigatynyň görnüşleriniň köpdürlüligini gorap saklaýandygyna
garamazdan, onuň häzirki ýagdaýynyň derejesi baradaky elýeterli maglumatlar azlyk edýär.
2014-nji ýyldan başlap biz ýurduň dürli künjeklerindäki aýratyn goralýan tebigy ýerlere köpsanly
ekspedisiýalar, meýdan saparlaryny gurnadyk. Türkmen gulanynyň (Equus kulan) häzirki
wagtdaky derejesini anyklamagy öz öňümizde esasy wezipe hökmünde belledik, ikinji nobatda
bolsa beýleki iri süýdemdiriji haýwanlaryň, aýratyn-da alajagaplaňyň (Panthera pardus) we onuň
esasy iýmitlenýän görnüşleri bolan aýragyň (Ovis orientalis) we umganyň (Capra aegagrus),
şeýle hem burma şahly umganyň (Сарrа falconeri) we keýigiň (Gazella subgutturosa)
tebigatdaky ýagdaýyny kesgitlemegi maksat edinip goýduk. Birnäçe ekspedisiýalara ornitologlar
we gerpetologlar gatnaşdylar we olar guşlar hem-de süýrenijiler barada täze maglumatlary
toplamaga mümkinçilik aldylar. Galyberse-de, bu gurnalan ekspedisiýalar Türkmenistanyň dürli
goraghanalarynyň işgärleriniň arasyndaky özara gatnaşyklarynyň has ysnyşykly alnyp
barylmagy we tejribe alyşmaklary üçin hem ýaramly boldy.
Şu hasabatyň maksady – Türkmenistanyň dürli ekoulgamlaryndaky iri süýdemdirijileriň, şeýle
hem guşlaryň we süýrenijileriň ýagdaýyny doly beýan etmek bilen, biziň 2018-nji ýyldan bäri
geçiren işlerimiziň netijelerini açyp görkezmekden ybarat. Goşundyda 2015-nji ýylda gurnalan
şeýle ekspedisiýalarda hasaba alnan süýdemdirijileriň gysgaça ýagdaýy beýan edildi. Şeýle
hem, 2014-2019-njy ýyllarda bilelikde alnyp barlan işleriň netijelerine esaslanyp, gulanyň we
alajagaplaňyň ýagdaýy baradaky gysgaça maglumatlar beýan edildi. Işiň usulyýeti elýeterli bolan
ähli maglumatlara, şol sanda haýwanlara göni ýa-da olaryň işjeňligine gözegçilik etmek,
goraghanalaryň işgärleri we çopanlar bilen olaryň ýabany tebigatda gören täsin zatlary barada
geçirilen gürrüňdeşlik esasynda, şeýle hem herekete duýgur surata düşüriji enjamlar arkaly
alnan maglumatlara esaslanandyr.
2018-nji ýylyň aprel, maý, iýun we dekabr aýlarynda biz ýurduň esasy ekoulgamlaryny we iri
goraghanalaryny öz içine alýan has uly möçberli ekspediýalary gurnadyk. 39 günüň dowamynda
5 goraghana, 5 sany çäkli goraghanalara we 18 sany guşlar üçin möhüm ähmiýetli ýerlere
(möhüm ornitologik ýerlere) baryp gördük. Ekspedisiýalaryň dowamynda diňe bir ýokarda
sanalyp geçilen görnüşler däl-de, eýsem iri süýdemdirijileriň ähli duş gelen görnüşleri, ýagny tilki
(Vulpes vulpes), garsak (Vulpes corsac), möjek (Canis lupus), şagal (Canis aureus), syrtlan
(Hyaena hyaena), ýabany (Felis lybica) we gamyş (F. chaus) pişikleri, itaýy (Mellivora capensis)
we agymtyl porsugüzen (Mustela eversmanii) hasaba alyndy. Guşlaryň we süýrenijileriň
degişlilikde 191 we 38 görnüşi/aşaky gşrnüşi hasaba alyndy.
Gulanyň ýagdaýynyň örän çynlakaýdygy anyklandy: Bathyzda doly ýitip barýar diýen ýaly, 2015-
nji ýyldan bäri ol ýerde gulanyň bardygyny tassyklaýan maglumatlary alyp bolmady. Häzirki
wagtda birnäçe gulanlar (<15) Sünt-Hasardag döwlet tebigy goraghanasynyň günbatar
tarapynda (goraghananyň çäginden daşarda) ýerleşýän Tersakan jülgesinde we Köpetdag
döwlet tebigy goraghanasynyň Guryhowdan döwlet çäkli goraghanasynda duş gelýärler, 15-25
gulandan ybarat bolan topar bolsa Sarygamyş kölüniň günbatar we demirgazyk taraplarynda,
Özbegistan bilen araçäkleşýän serhetýaka zolagynda saklanýar, şeýle hem gulanlaryň
käbirleriniň Mäne-Çäçe çäkli goraghanasynda we Gaplaňgyr döwlet tebigy goraghanasynda duş
gelýän bolmagy mümkin.
Ýakyn geljekde bu görnüşiň Türkmenistanyň çäginden doly ýitip gitmegi mümkin, çünki agzalyp
geçilen toparlaryň hiç birini hem ýaşaýşa ukyply diýip hasap edip bolmaýar. Alajagaplaňyň we
onuň iýmit obýektleriniň ýagdaýy gowurak. Alajagaplaňlar türkmen-eýran serhetýakasy bilen
NINA Report 1696
uzalyp gidýän dag ulgamlarynda (günorta-gündogarda Bathyzdan günbatarda Sünt-Hasardaga
çenli), şeýle hem Uly Balkan daglarynda ýaýran. Aýraklar daglyk ýerlerdäki ähli goraghanalarda,
burma şahly umga bolsa diňe Köýtendag goraghanasynda hasaba alyndy. Keýikler hem birnäçe
goraghanalarda hasaba alyndy, emma keýikleriň we aýraklaryň aýratyn goralýan tebigy ýerleriň
çäginiň daşynda duş gelmezligi we olaryň sanynyň pes derejede bolmagy ýabany toýnakly
haýwanlaryň bikanun awlanmagynyň esasy sebäpleriň biridigini görkezýär.
Gurnalan ekspedisiýalar Türkmenistanyň ýabany tebigatynyň häzirki ýagdaýy barada giňişleýin
maglumatlary toplamaga mümkinçilik berdi. Türkmenistan görnüşleriň we ekoulgamlaryň örän
özboluşly dürlüliginiň mekanydyr, şonuň üçin hem aýratyn üns berilmäge, öwrenilmäge we has
oňat goralmaga mynasypdyr. Ähli görnüşler boýunça olaryň ekologik aýratynlyklaryna göz
ýetirmeklik we saklanyp galmaklary üçin zerur çäreleri geçirmek maksady bilen, has düýpli we
maksadalaýyk geçirilmegi wajyp bolup durýar. Eger-de bikanun aw awlanylmagynyň garşysyna
göreşmek hem-de aýratyn goralýan tebigy ýerleriň ulgamyny we öri meýdanlaryny
dolandyrmaklyga maýa goýumlaryny çekmek boýunça düýpli çäreler geçirilmese, gulan bilen
birlikde beýleki köp görnüşleriň ýitmek howpy artýar.
Turkmen yurt in the Karakum. Photo: P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
Table of contents
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Sammendrag ............................................................................................................................... 5
Резюме ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Gysgaça beýany ......................................................................................................................... 9
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... 11
Foreword ................................................................................................................................... 13
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 14
2 Overview of expeditions in 2018 ........................................................................................ 15
2.1 Expedition #1: April-May 2018....................................................................................... 15
2.2 Expedition #2: June 2018 .............................................................................................. 18
2.3 Expedition #3: December 2018 ..................................................................................... 21
3 General area descriptions .................................................................................................. 23
3.1 Glossary of Russian terms ............................................................................................ 23
3.2 Landscapes of Turkmenistan ........................................................................................ 25
3.3 Biogeographic regions ................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Regions and protected areas visited 2014-2018........................................................... 26
3.4.1 Central Karakum ................................................................................................. 27
3.4.2 Southern Ustyurt & Gaplangyr ............................................................................ 30
3.4.3 Western Kopetdag mountains ............................................................................ 34
3.4.4 Central Kopetdag mountains .............................................................................. 38
3.4.5 Gury Howdan & Meana Chacha steppes ........................................................... 39
3.4.6 Badhyz & Garabil foothills ................................................................................... 41
3.4.7 Zeit & Kelif wetlands ........................................................................................... 44
3.4.8 Koytendag mountains ......................................................................................... 44
3.4.9 Tallymerjen plains ............................................................................................... 46
4 Observations of kulan and other large mammals in 2018 .............................................. 47
4.1 Meana Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary ................................................................................ 47
4.1.1 Kulan observations ............................................................................................. 47
4.1.2 Water and pasture situation ................................................................................ 48
4.2 Badhyz Nature Reserve ................................................................................................ 48
4.2.1 Kulan and other wildlife observations ................................................................. 48
4.2.2 Human impact ..................................................................................................... 49
4.3 Garabil hills and southeast Karakum desert ................................................................. 52
4.4 Gury Howdan Wildlife Sanctuary ................................................................................... 52
4.4.1 Kulan observations ............................................................................................. 52
4.5 Animal Breeding Centre of Kopetdag Nature Reserve at Novrekcheshme ................. 53
4.6 Western Kopetdag – Tersakan valley ........................................................................... 53
4.7 Western Kopetdag – Sunt Hasardag and Central Kopetdag Nature Reserves ............ 55
4.7.1 Sunt Hasardag Nature Reserve ......................................................................... 55
4.7.2 Central Kopedag ................................................................................................. 55
4.8 Sarygamysh lake / Gaplangyr Nature Reserve ............................................................. 58
4.8.1 Kulan situation .................................................................................................... 58
4.8.2 Other ungulates and rare mammals ................................................................... 58
4.9 Sarygamysh lake – southern and western shore .......................................................... 61
4.9.1 Kulan situation along western shore and border security zone ......................... 61
4.9.2 Other ungulates .................................................................................................. 61
4.9.3 Kulan situation along the southern shore ........................................................... 61
NINA Report 1696
4.9.4 Situation in adjacent parts of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan ................................ 61
4.10 Tallymerjen IBA and area in direction of Hojaburjibelent Wildlife Sanctuary ................ 63
4.11 Koytendag Nature Reserve ........................................................................................... 63
4.12 Summary of status of rare large mammalian wildlife in Turkmenistan ......................... 65
4.12.1 Kulan ................................................................................................................. 65
4.12.2 Goitered gazelle ................................................................................................ 67
4.12.3 Urial ................................................................................................................... 67
4.12.4 Markhor ............................................................................................................. 67
4.12.5 Leopard ............................................................................................................. 68
4.12.6 Wolf ................................................................................................................... 68
4.12.7 Striped hyaena .................................................................................................. 69
4.12.8 Eurasian lynx ..................................................................................................... 69
4.12.9 Small cats .......................................................................................................... 69
4.12.10 Honey badger ................................................................................................... 70
4.13 Available habitat ............................................................................................................ 70
4.14 Protected area infrastructure ......................................................................................... 70
5 An update on birds in a selection of Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs),
protected areas, and other parts of Turkmenistan ............................................................... 72
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 72
5.2 Methods ......................................................................................................................... 72
5.3 Summary results ............................................................................................................ 72
5.4 List of the observed bird species ................................................................................... 74
5.5 Globally threatened species .......................................................................................... 80
5.6 General conclusions ...................................................................................................... 80
6 Rapid assessment of the reptile fauna in April-June 2018 ............................................. 81
6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 81
6.2 Methods ......................................................................................................................... 81
6.3 Summary results ............................................................................................................ 82
6.4 Species descriptions ...................................................................................................... 91
6.4.1 Order Testudines ................................................................................................ 91
6.4.2 Order Squamata Suborder Lacertilia (Lizards) ................................................... 92
6.4.3 Order Serpentes (Snakes) ................................................................................ 101
7 References ......................................................................................................................... 103
8 Appendix: Summary of 2015 expeditions to Badhyz Nature Reserve, Gury Howdan
Wildlife Sanctuary and Meana Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary ................................................ 108
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 108
8.2 Badhyz field investigations - March 2015 .................................................................... 109
8.3 Badhyz field investigations - September 2015 ............................................................ 110
8.3.1 Observations of kulan ....................................................................................... 110
8.3.2 Evidence of poaching of wild ungulates ........................................................... 111
8.3.3 Evidence of kulan presence elsewhere ............................................................ 112
8.3.4 Other large mammalian wildlife ........................................................................ 113
8.3.5 Summary of kulan situation in Badhyz 2015 .................................................... 113
8.4 Meana Chacha field investigation - September 2015 ................................................. 114
8.4.1 Kulan and gazelle observations ........................................................................ 115
8.5 Gury Howdan field investigation 2015 ......................................................................... 117
NINA Report 1696
In 2012, at the instigation of the President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, the
Turkmen Government decided to nominate Koytendag Nature Reserve as the country’s first
UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site. The first stage in this process was the organisation of a
major scientific expedition and conference in spring 2012. With the participation of experts from
over 20 countries this provided an opportunity to highlight and review the international
importance of the site. A major outcome of this expedition and conference was the signing of a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Nature Protection of
Turkmenistan (now the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan) and
the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). Under this MoU the RSPB has provided,
and continues to provide, technical support to several Nature Reserves, including Koytendag
and Badhyz, assisting with the preparation of the World Heritage nomination dossiers for both
these sites, production of up to date site management plans, and the provision of resources and
training for key reserve staff. All of the subsequent work in Turkmenistan detailed in this report
was carried out under this Memorandum of Understanding within the Project on “Improvement
of the status of birds and other biodiversity in Turkmenistan”. The RSPB provided funding for the
Turkmen team, equipment, transport, travel and field logistics, while the salary for the Norwegian
participation was covered by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research & the Research
Council of Norway, and travel costs in 2018 by the Fondation Segré. A total 49 camera traps
deployed in 2018 and 2019 and related field equipment and expenses, including the participation
of T. Rosen were financed by the Any Hope for Nature fund and the National Geographic Society.
The authors are especially grateful to Stephanie Ward, Mark Day and Geoff Welch (RSPB) for
their long term commitment to making these expeditions possible. We are all exceptionally
grateful to the Turkmen government for giving us permission to visit so many parts of their
beautiful country and to the many staff of the protected areas who shared their knowledge of the
areas to whose protection they have dedicated their lives.
John D. C. Linnell, NINA for the authors & Stephanie Ward for RSPB (August 2019)
Local herder with flock. Photo: P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
1 Introduction
Central Asia constitutes an extremely biodiverse region because of the close proximity of diverse
habitats (mountains, deserts, steppes) and its location at the intersection of several
biogeographic regions (Asian Development Bank 2010). However, nature conservation in the
region as a whole suffers from a general lack of up to date knowledge about the distribution,
status and ecology of the biodiversity (e.g. Jacobsen et al. 2016). This is especially true for
Turkmenistan from which there is almost no information available to the outside world since the
break-up of the Soviet Union (Atamuradov et al. 2008; Fet & Atamuradov 1994; Rustamov &
Rustamov 2007).
During the last decade, the UK based Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has
negotiated an MoU with the Turkmen government to provide assistance with biodiversity
conservation. Under this MoU the RSPB has facilitated and sponsored a series of expeditions to
Turkmenistan by international experts. Most of these recent expeditions have focused on two
sites, Koytendag and Badhyz Nature Reserves, with the objective of helping the Turkmen
government prepare nomination dossiers for World Heritage Site status. The presence of intact
ecosystems with large mammal communities has been a central component of both sites’ value.
Since 2014 we have been engaged in efforts to produce up-to-date information on these species.
The initial focus has been on Asiatic wild ass, or kulan (Equus hemionus) which has been a key
species for the Badhyz ecosystem, and was the main motivation for its initial protection in the
1940’s. Following our initial assessment of Badhyz based on an expedition in 2014 (Kaczensky
& Linnell 2015) we expanded our surveys to cover all areas in which kulan have occurred in
Turkmenistan in recent decades. At the same time as clarifying the distribution of kulan in
Turkmenistan we have collected available information on other wildlife species, especially the
large herbivores (urial Ovis orientalis, bezoar Capra aegagrus, goitered gazelle Gazella
subgutturosa, markhor Capra falconeri) and large carnivores (leopard Panthera pardus, wolf
Canis lupus, lynx Lynx lynx, stripped hyaena Hyaena hyaena) with a special focus on leopards
and their prey.
As the series of expeditions has continued, every effort has been made to ensure the maximum
knowledge gains by inviting other experts to join, allowing the registration of a wider range of
species. The lack of accessible knowledge from the region implies that all species distribution
registrations represent a significant value. This report summarises our series of expeditions
conducted in 2018. While the focus was on kulan and other large mammals, we also recorded
observations of birds and reptiles. We also include a short summary of similar expeditions
conducted in 2015 as an appendix. Combined with our initial report from 2014 (Kaczensky &
Linnell 2015) and parallel reports on camera trapping studies (see Welch & Stoev 2019) we hope
that these reports will be of value to create a wider appreciation of the wildlife of Turkmenistan
and stimulate strengthened efforts to conserve it for the future, as well as providing some
documentation of species distribution and status.
NINA Report 1696
2 Overview of expeditions in 2018
In 2018 we conducted our most ambitious series of expeditions yet in Turkmenistan, visiting all
areas where kulan have occurred in the country in recent decades, as well as other important
wildlife areas, including Nature Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Important Bird Areas. The
following sections detail the participants, travel routes and main activities of these expeditions
(Tables 1-6 and Figs 1-5).
2.1 Expedition #1: April-May 2018
Table 1. Overview of expedition participants, April-May 2018.
Participants April 2018 May 2018
26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Petra Kaczensky X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Petar Iankov X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Eldar Rustamov X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Atamyrat Veyisov X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Aman Kurbanov X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Aleksandr Shestopal X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Shirin Karryeva X X X X X X X X
Charymyrat Tagiyev X X
Arazmyrat Amanov X X X X X
Garly Khekimov X X X X X
Yashin Atajanov X X X X X
NINA Report 1696
Table 2. Expedition travel routes and main activities, April-May 2018.
Date Expedition travel route April-May 2018
26 April Ashgabat – Central Karakum – village Erbent (refuelling) – Rustamov memorial site
Garajulba – water crater near Darvaza – inselberg Oyligizil (overnight).
27 April
Oyligizyl – village Atagui – depression of Akdjagaya (IBA) – village Rukhybelent
(refueling) and meeting with the car and representatives of the Gaplangyr Nature
Reserve – chink (cliff) Tarimgaya (overnight at its northern corner).
28 April Tarimgaya (future IBA) – Butentau – Goyungyrlan.
29 April Along the eastern and then southern shore of Lake Sarykamysh (IBA) to the
Dusheklidash ranger station (overnight).
30 April
Arazmyrat, Sasha & Garly attempt to registration for ungulates survey north of frontier
outpost Burchliburun; but fail to get permission. The remaining team surveyed the
Prisarykamysh plain, the plateau of the Gaplangyrsky Nature Reserve with the southern
half of the chink and IBA Karashor.
1 May Survey of the plateau of the Gaplangyr Nature Reserve and the northern chink of
Karashor (IBA) – 15 km to the east of northern chink Karashor (overnight).
2 May
Plateau Gaplangyr – tomb Shaltay (trigpoint 185.5m) – eastern part of plateau Gaplangyr
– fishermen camp Vepa near Atabayshor lake (lunch) – to the south along the canal
Malyab – village Balaishem (refueling and overnight 3 km south–east of the village).
3 May Village Balaishem – village Gyzyljaburun – village Islam – village Atagui (the same we
visited 27 April, lunch) – village Beary – village Bokurdak – Ashgabat.
4 May Ashgabat – rest and administration day.
5 May Ashgabat (refuelling) – village Artyk – village Babadurmaz – village Soltandesht – to the
north – Garajaovlak tract (IBA) – Singerly lake (IBA) – village Adjical (overnight).
6 May Adjical – to the north–west – Mollakurban lakes (future IBA) – to the south – village
Chorly & Bozkol – game reserve Mergen (IBA) – Ashgabat.
7 May Ashgabat (refueling) – Serdar (meeting with Hojamyrat)– village Iskander – spring
Egshem – well Annapolat – 17 km to south-west (overnight).
8 May Overnight stop – Khodjaguly well – village Bekibent (lunch) – Kemendere ravine
9 May
Kemendere – Shirbekir shrine – village Madau (lunch) – village Karaagach – village
Gyzylbair – frontier outpost – Tersakan valley (meeting with Charymyrat Tagiev) –
Kulmach crest (overnight at the foothills).
10 May Foot survey of Kulmach crest and suroundings – 12 km from Koshan well, Tersakan
valley (overnight).
11 May
Tersakan valley & monticulate area – frontier outpost (not allowed to travel beyond
village ofMakhtumkuli) – Igarly spring at the mountain foothills. Drive Khasardag – Serdar
– Ashgabat.
NINA Report 1696
Fig. 1. Spring expedition to northern Turkmenistan. From left to right: Hojamyrat Hojamyradov,
Petar Iankov, Garly Khekimov, Arazmyrat Amanov, Petra Kaczensky, Shirin Karryeva, Eldar
Rustamov, Aman Kurbanov, Aleksandr Shestopal, Atamyrat Veyisov.
Fig. 2. The team of the June 2018 expedition. From left to right: Aziza Beshimova, Aleksandr
Shestopal, Petar Iankov, Nurmuhamet Hudaykuliev, Jumamyrat Saparmyradov, Atamyrat
Veyisov, Aman Kurbanov, Eldar Rustamov, Shaniyaz Mengliev.
NINA Report 1696
2.2 Expedition #2: June 2018
Table 3. Overview of expedition participants, June 2018.
Participants June 2018
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22
John Linnell X X X X X X X X X X X X
Petar Iankov X X X X X X X X X X X X
Eldar Rustamov X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Atamyrat Veyisov X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Aman Kurbanov X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Aleksandr Shestopal X X X X X X X X X X X X
Shirin Karryeva X X X X
Hojamyradov X X X X
Saparmyradov X X X X X
Hudaykuliev X X X X X X X X X X
Kurban Geldyev X X
Byashim Rejepov X X
Aknabat Potaeva X X X
Aziza Beshimova X X X X
Shaniyaz Mengliev X X X X
Arazmyrat Amanov X X X
Garly Khekimov X X X
NINA Report 1696
Table 4. Expedition travel routes and main activities, June 2018.
Date Expedition route(s) June 2018
5 June World Environment Day Conference in Ashgabat
6 June
Leave Ashgabat – visit Gury Howdan Wildlife Sanctuary, Animal Breeding Centre of
Kopetdag Nature Reserve at Novrekcheshme, and arrive Meana Chacha Wildlife
Sanctuary. Stay overnight in Meana. Meeting with Azat Pranov (Director of Gury Howdan
Wildlife Sanctuary) and rangers at Meana Chacha.
7 June Travel through Meana Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary from Meana to Gannaly. Stay
overnight in Gannaly.
8 June Travel to Badhyz Nature Reserve. Arrive at Agarcheshme ranger station. Camp
overnight on escarpment edge with view over Yeroylanduz.
9 June
Travel through Badhyz plateau and Gyzyljar canyon. Leave for reserve HQ at Kuska.
Stay overnight in Serhetchi. Meeting with Gurbannazar Kuliyev (Director of Badhyz
Nature Reserve)
10 June Leave Serhetchi. Travel through Garachop IBA and area between Kuska and Kashan.
Visit Saryyazy IBA and reservoir. Spend night camping next to reservoir.
11 June Travel through Garabil foothills and South-eastern Karakum. Spend night at Arap.
12 June Cross the Arap-Obruchev steppe. Follow Karakorum canal. Visit Kelif lakes and Zeit
reservoir. Arrive Kerki. Stay overnight in Kerki.
13 June Visit Tallymerjen IBA. Travel to Koytendag Nature Reserve. Stay overnight at reserve
HQ. Meeting with Nurmuhammet Imamov (Director of Koytendag Nature Reserve).
14 June Travel to Maydan ranger station visit Koytendag. Spend day walking through area.
15 June Leave Koytendag. Visit landscape between Hojaburjibelent Wildlife Sanctuary and
Tallymerjen IBA. Stay overnight in Dowletli.
16 June Examine area between Tallymerjen IBA and Hojaburjibelent Wildlife Sanctuary. Stay
overnight in Dowletli.
17-18 June Return to Ashgabat.
19 June Rest and administration day. Flight from Ashgabat to Dashoguz.
20 June Dashoguz – Burchliburun.
21 June Border security zone north of Burchliburun.
22 June Southern shore of lake Sarygamysh – Malyab canal towards lake Zengibaba.
23 June Return to Ashgabat.
NINA Report 1696
Fig 3: Track of the summer expeditions in April-May and June 2018.
NINA Report 1696
2.3 Expedition #3: December 2018
Table 5. Participants of the December 2018 expedition.
Participants December 2018
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
John Linnell X X X X X X X
Tatjana Rosen X X X X X X X
Shirin Karryeva X X X X X X X
Aman Kurbanov X X X X X X X
Aknabat Potaeva X X X X X X X
Nurmuhamet Hudaykuliev X X X X X X X
Shaniyaz Mengliev X X X X X X X
Hojamyrat Hojamyradov X X X
Charymyrat Tagiyev X X X
Table 6. Expedition travel routes and main activities, December 2018
Date Expedition route December 2018
10 December Ashgabat – Serdar – Magtymguly (formerly Kara–Kala; HQ of Sunt Hasardag Nature
11 December Day trip to Sunt Hasardag – hike from Galalygouz ranger station – visit to tomb of
Abubekir Shibli pilgrimage site.
12 December Hike along valley to crest of the Sunt Hasardag ridge.
13 December Horse ride along canyon in eastern section of Sunt Hasardag Nature Reserve.
14 December Drive to Kopetdag reserve – hike into mountains.
15 December Hiking through Kopetdag Nature Reserve.
16 December Hike along canyon rim in Kopetdag – Return to Ashgabat.
NINA Report 1696
Fig 4. Track of the winter trip in December 2018.
Fig 5. Part of the December expedition team in the Kopetdag mountains. From left to right: Aman
Kurbanov, John Linnell, Shaniyaz Mengliev, Aknabat Potaeva, Tatjana Rosen, Shirin Karryeva.
NINA Report 1696
3 General area descriptions
Because of the lack of accessible literature on Turkmenistan the following sections provide an
overview of the landscapes and ecosystems of the country, gathered from various sources. Most
data has been gathered from Fet & Atamuradov (1994), Zon & Kostianov (2014), Rustamov &
Rustamov (2007) and the work associated with the designation of the Turkmen network of
Important Bird Areas (Rustamov et al. 2009). However, we have also used knowledge provided
by local experts for which no accessible references are available.
3.1 Glossary of Russian terms
Because there are no direct translations for many common Russian / Turkmen terms for habitats
and landscape features used by our local colleagues we have retained many such original
language terms in the text (see Fig 6). The following is a brief explanation of the most common
Adyrs = a landscape with many small, low hills arranged in a complex pattern.
Barkhan = crescent-shaped sand dune.
Chink = sandy cliffs as a result of erosion of outcrops of limestone and chalk, shaped in the form
of steep slopes with many niches and small caves or incisions and landslides with ravines
of temporary watercourses.
Jaram = dry river bed.
Jar = ravine.
Kyr = open areas devoid of vegetation.
Sais = a dense network of ravines.
Serozems = a type of grey desert soil.
Solonchaks (shors) = Solonchak is a reference soil group of the World Reference Base for Soil
Resources. It is a pale or grey soil type found in arid to subhumid, poorly drained conditions.
The word is Russian for "salt marsh".
Takyr = meaning "smooth, even, or bare", is a type of relief occurring in the deserts of Central
Asia, similar to a salt flat in the southwestern United States. A takyr is usually formed in a
shallow depression with a heavy clay soil, which is submerged by water after seasonal rains.
Tugai forests = deciduous forest along river (poplar, ash-tree, tamarisk, willow etc.)
Uzboy = ancient river beds of the Amu Darya river.
Zakaznik = generally translated as “Wildlife Sanctuary”, is equivalent to the IUCN categories IV
or VI (Habitat & Species Management Area or Protected Landscape).
Zapovednik = generally translated as “Nature Reserve” or “State Nature Reserve” is equivalent
to the IUCN category Ia *Strict Nature Reserve).
NINA Report 1696
Fig. 6: Some biomes and their Russian terms frequently used in the species description section.
Photos: A. Shestopal
NINA Report 1696
3.2 Landscapes of Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan can be roughly divided into two unequal parts, the northern lowlands (85% of the
surface area) and the southern uplands / mountains (15% of the surface area). The lowlands
primarily consisting of deserts (73%), intermixed with oases, wetlands, and irrigated areas
(Rustamov 2014, Fet and Atamuradov 1994). The lowest point of the country is found in the
Trans-Unguz Karakum in the north (Akchagaya basin: -92 m) and the highest points in the
Kopetdag mountains (Chopan Mountain: 2,889 m, Shakhshakh Mountain: 2,912 m) in the south
and the Koytendag mountains (Ayry Baba Mountain: 3,139 m) in the extreme southeast. The
plains of Turkmenistan have a general declination in western and northerly directions towards
the Caspian Sea and the Sarygamysh lake, respectively. This gradient (intersected by river
basins, natural oasis, and irrigated lands), contains three major bio-geographic regions which
are further subdivided into regions (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7 : Landscapes and biogeographic regions and sub-regions referred to in this report.
[Names of major rivers and canals are given in italics. *The Uzboy and Ungaz fault are ancient
NINA Report 1696
3.3 Biogeographic regions
(1) The lowland plains include the Karakum desert (Central, Trans-Unguz, South-eastern), the
South-western deserts, the Sandykly desert, the Obruchev steppe, and four main river valleys
(Amu Darya, Murgab, Tedjen, Etrek/Sumbar) and their associated irrigation canals and
irrigation drainage water collectors (subsequently referred to as collector) network. The Central
Karakum desert stretches from the ancient Uzboy river channel in the west (currently occupied
by the Altyn Asyr channel in its upper course) to the Kelifs Uzboy in the east (currently
occupied by the Karakum canal valley in its upper reaches), and from the Unguz depressions
in the north to the central section of the Karakum canal in the south. The Trans-Unguz
Karakum is delineated in the west and south by a narrow chain of small depressions along the
Unguz fault, in the east by the Amu Darya valley, and in the north by the Sarygamysh
depression. The Trans-Unguz Karakum desert is a vast area with large, overgrown sand
dunes, and rather narrow vegetation-free gravelly ridges. The South-eastern Karakum desert
stretches from the middle reaches of the Karakum Canal in the north to the Badhyz and
Garabil hills in the south-east. The Eastern Karakum or Obruchev Steppe is located east of the
Murgab delta and stretches to Unguz in the north, and the Amu Darya and Karakum canal in
the east and south, respectively. In the west, the South-western or coastal deserts stretch to
the west of the Kopetdag mountains and south of the Balkan mountains.
(2) The elevated plains in the north and north-west were formed from Tertiary plateaus and
include the Trans-Uzboy north-west region (also known as the Krasnovodsk plateau), the
South Ustyurt plateau (Gaplangyr) and associated smaller uplands, namely the Butentau,
Duzgur, Tarimgaya, Kangakyr, Zengibaba, Eshchekankrenkyr uplands (north of Akchagai).
The Trans-Uzboy north-west region covers the peninsula and extends to the northwest to the
Oktumkum sands, to the north to the Kara-Bogaz-Gol bay and depression, and to the
southeast to Chilmamedkum. To the northeast, it reaches into the Tuarkyr uplands with the
Ersarybaba and Babashi mountains, and the Begenjalykyr, Tyuverkyr, Akkyr, Tekedykik and
Koymatdag chinks. The Southern Ustyurt Plateau covers the central part of northern
Turkmenistan and includes uplands plateaus (Chelyungkyr, Gaplangyr) alternating with
depressions occupied by the Uchtagankum and Kumseshen sands and the Kazakhlyshor and
Karashor salt pens (planned to become the future Turkmen Altyn Asyr lake).
(3) The main mountain ranges of Turkmenistan are the Kopetdag mountains in the south-west
of the country (highest peak 2,889 m; part of the Turkmen-Khorasan mountain system). In the
south are the Badhyz (highest peak 1,267 m) and Garabil hills (highest peak 984 m; the
Parapamiz spurs), and in the far southeast the Koytendag mountains (highest peak 3,139 m;
the spurs of the Gissar ridge of the Pamir-Alay mountain system). The mountains of
Turkmenistan are considered low and medium altitude. They are devoid of permanent
snowfields, and are strongly influenced by the neighbouring desert climate.
3.4 Regions and protected areas visited 2014-2018
Our expeditions in May, June, and December 2018 crossed the following areas: Central
Karakum, Trans-Unguz Karakum, South Usyurt with Karashor depression, Sarygamash
depression, irrigation areas, Western Kopetdag, South-Western plains, Meana Chacha steppe,
South-East Karakum, Badkyz & Garabil foothills, Tallymerjen, and Koytendag (Fig. 8). The
expeditions visited multiple protected areas, including Nature Reserves and their associated
Wildlife Sanctuaries, as well as Important Bird Areas (IBAs; In the following
sections we provide a brief description of each area.
NINA Report 1696
Fig. 8: Track-log of the 2018 expeditions and codes for protected areas and Important Bird
Areas (IBAs) which are used in later sections of the report as spatial references for species
3.4.1 Central Karakum
Our expedition visited the Unguz region between the Garacolba and Oyligyzyl remnant
mountains, as well as the area of the southern water-collector of the planned Altyn Asyr lake.
The central Karakum is characterized by large dunes, reaching 3-15m, with a predominant
north-south direction. Takyr-like soil forms on the clay plains. Takyr-like soils are found in
combination with sandy areas especially in the southern part of the central Karakum. Salt pans
(Solonchaks) are formed at the the bottoms of basins where the groundwater is located close
to the surface.
The southern water-collector of the Altyn Asyr lake was constructed from 2008-2010 and
primarily runs from east to west (Zon & Kostianoy 2014). Due to precipitation in winter and
spring, temporary spills occur which flood nearby salt pans and takyrs. Groundwater is
predominantly saline and mineralized, and in sandy areas located at depth of up to 20m and in
depressions at depths of 0.4-1.0m. Freshwater wells are scarce.
The Central Karakum is characterized by a continental climate with high temperatures (annual
mean: 15oС), low humidity (monthly relative humidity varies from 17% in July to 64% in
January), low precipitation (99-124mm), and a high annual temperature range of 80oC between
maximum and minimum temperatures).
The flora of the Central Karakum (Fig. 9) consists of 293 species, of which 210 are higher
plants. The main plant communities are formed by a combination of 16 species of trees and
NINA Report 1696
shrubs, 19 species of dwarf shrubs and dwarf shrubs, 57 species of perennial and 118 species
of annual grasses. The following plant communities are typical: Haloxylon persicum-Carex spp.
and Calligonum spp. are found on overgrown sands; in lower parts Calligonum caput-medusae
predominate; on weakly overgrown sands Ammodendron spp., Aristida spp. and Astragalus
spp. are mainly found; on takyr-like soils and around takyrs groups of Salsola orientalis and
Artemisia kemrudica predominate. In the spring, ephemeral forbs are found interspersed
among the plant communities described above. Salt pans are devoid of vegetation.
Almost all animal species which are characteristic of the Karakum desert as a whole, are found
in the Central Karakum, including more than 1,200 species of invertebrates and 250 species of
vertebrates, many of which are endemic. Many species originated from the arid expanses of
the Turan Plain, particularly sand loving (psammophile) insects, lizards and rodents. Although
Turanian and Iranian-Turanian species and subspecies prevail in the fauna (Rustamov 2011),
there are additionally species of African, Persian and Central Asian origin (Rustamov 1954;
Rustamov 1994).
We visited two Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) in the Central Karakum, both of
which are located in the zone of the southern collector of the Altyn Asyr Lake, and an additional
one on the plains that border onto the Kopetdag foothill.
TM032 IBA Ayrakyly-Garajavak (
consists of two sections - Ayrakly (eastern) and Garadzhaovlak (western). The entire IBA area
consist of alternating flooded inter-ridge depressions and elevated sections of ridge-hilly,
overgrown, sometimes semi-overgrown, sands. On sandy areas there is a silt cover and
bushes of Salsola richteri, Haloxylon spp., Calligonum spp., Astragalus spp. occur (Fig 10).
Along the water edge and in low areas there are reed beds. No ornithological experts have
visited this IBA since 2009.
TM030 IBA Deryatakyr ( is located
in the Deryadakyr depression running south to north for 32 km. The IBA is a flooded area in the
hilly-takyr complex and is fed by drainage waters from agricultural land in the foothills of the
Central Kopetdag. The relief is defined by hilly fixed sands, with takyr-desert soils. The main
vegetation consists of Salsola-grass, Calligonum-Salsola with grasses, grasses with
ephemerals, and Karelinia-Alhagi-Phragmites communities.
We also visited TM031 IBA Mergen
(, located on the border between the
Central Karakum and the plains adjacent to the Kopetdag foothills. Mergen covers 6 km2 on the
territory of the Mergen hunting and fishing concession, established in 1998. The habitat
consists of flat, undulating and overgrown sands, pastures and wetlands. The drainage system
from the Karakum Canal feeds two reservoirs. Access is limited as the entire area is fenced.
Typical vegetation cover is: Salsola-grass, Calligonum-Salsola with grasses, grasses with
ephemerals, and Karelinia-Alhagi-Phragmites communities. The hunting concession allows a
license based hunting for waterfowl in the autumn-winter period, but it also feeds birds,
especially in extreme winters.
NINA Report 1696
Fig 9. Central Karakum, 26 April 2018. Photo: P. Kaczensky
Fig 10. IBA Ayrakyly-Garajavak, 6 May 2018. Photo: P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
3.4.2 Southern Ustyurt & Gaplangyr
The Sarygamysh depression is a shallow basin with gentle slopes. The northern part is
occupied by the Sarygamysh lake (3,470 km2) (Fig. 11, Fig.12), the southern part by a series of
small wetlands (Zengibaba, Uzinshor). Saline clay and gravelly-sandy areas are widespread
throughout the depression. To the west, the depression borders the Gaplangyr Plateau of the
Southern Ustyurt. The dominant landscapes are flat and sometimes undulating clay or sandy-
clay plains. Along the western edge, the plateau drops more than 200m to the Karashor
depression (Fig. 13). The northern border is formed by the Sarygamysh soil-sandy cliffs
(chinks). In the east, the Sarygamysh depression meets the Amu Darya river delta, which is
composed of ancient alluvial and modern sediments, both sandy and sandy-clay. The Amu
Darya delta is developed for agricultural land. In the south, the Sarygamysh depression
borders the Trans-Unguz Karakum desert.
The vegetation falls into the desert-steppe subregion and consists of almost 400 species. Main
plant communities consist of Salsola arbusculiformis. Considerable areas of the Gaplangyr
Plateau are occupied by Anabasis salsa, Salsola gemmascens and Haloxylon aphyllum
homogeneous communities with presence of Artemisia spp. In depressions or along ravines,
thorny bushes – Salsola arbuscula, Caragana spp., Atraphaxis spp. – can be found. The
Haloxylon aphyllum communities are widespread, mainly in the Sarygamysh depression,
where the species composition of communities changes depending on the soil cover. The
habitat mosaic is more pronounced here than in other areas of the surveyed territory, which is
very important for species richness.
The Gaplangyr Nature Reserve was established 1979 with an original size of 5,700 km2, but
in 1991 was reduced to 2,828 km2 (by removing the areas on the Gaplangyr Plateau, which
have significant environmental value (Chernov and Chernova 1990)). Nevertheless, the
Gaplangyr Nature Reserve remains the largest reserve in Turkmenistan (Herman et al. 1990).
Adjacent to the reserve are two wildlife sanctuaries: Sarygamysh (2,120 km2 established in
1980) and Shasenemsky (2,700 km2, established in 1983). The Gaplangyr Nature Reserve,
together with Sarygamysh and Shasenem Wildlife Sanctuaries, TM022 IBA Sarygamesh
( and TM021 IBA Karashor
( ), which cover the chinks along the
Karshor depression), form a large network of protected areas, which we crossed or touched at
several points.
Two additional IBAs in northern Turkmenistian which we visited are located at the border with,
or along the edge of, the Trans-Unguz Karakum desert.
TM026 IBA Akjagaya ( is located in
a 48 km2 depression in the north-western Trans-Unguz Karakum (Fig. 14). The lowest
elevation in the western part is -92 m (being the lowest point in Turkmenistan) and in the
eastern part -30 m. The northern border of the IBA, the edge of the Eshekangyrankyr Plateau,
consists of gravelly-clayish cliffs with numerous gullies and ravines (and steep chinks in two
places), which descend into a vast salt pan depression. The length of the slopes are from 80 to
200 m, with no vegetation, creating badlands. The southern part of the IBA is a flat sandy-loess
plain with sparse ephemeral Salsola spp. vegetation. In the depressions, the vegetation is also
represented by Salsola communities. Although the elevated parts of the southern part are
fixed, the vegetation is very sparse consisting of Haloxilon spp., and rare areas with Salsola
richteri. In the eastern part of the depression there are small streams resulting from an artesian
well with bitter-salty water.
NINA Report 1696
TM025 IBA Goyungyrlan The IBA
covers a 15 km long chain of small lakes formed as a result of irrigation overflow water filling
the Goyungyrlan depression (7 km north-west of Zengibab upland) with collector-drainage
water coming from irrigated agricultural areas around Shasenem (Fig. 15). The northern edge
is steep, but the southern and eastern edges are flat. The lakes regularly freeze in winter for up
to 40 days. On the sandy sites of the southern and eastern shores xerophytic vegetation
grows, mainly Artemisia spp., with the participation of Salsola richteri and other salt tolerant
species. On the depressions and near the shore, the moisture-loving vegetation is Phragmites
spp., in places Karelinia spp. and Alhagi pseudalhagi.
Fig 11. Along Dashoguz collector in the Gaplangyr Nature Reserve, 30 April 2018. Photo: P.
NINA Report 1696
Fig 12. Gaplangyr Nature Reserve, Sarygamysh lake shore, 29 April 2018. Photo: P.
Fig 13. Karashor depression from Gaplangyr chink, 1 May 2018. Photo: P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
Fig 14. IBA Akjagaya, 27.04.2018. Photo: P. Kaczensky
Fig. 15. IBA Goyungyrlan with chink (top) and chain of lakes (bottom), 28.04.2018. Photo: P.
NINA Report 1696
3.4.3 Western Kopetdag mountains
The western Kopetdag was mainly formed in the Pliocene-Quaternary periods and consists of
Paleogene and Neogene sediments. Ancient chalk rocks are exposed particularly in the
northern and eastern parts. The relief is highly dissected and in places forms a complex
mixture of hilly relief (adyrs), badlands, canyons and depressions. In the lower part of Sunt-
Hasardag, Montjukly, Doyran mountain ranges and other areas, Paleogene sediments occupy
most of the territory. Elevations range from 600 m (Torgoy mountain) to 1,900 m (Uchkui
mountain) and the relief is dominated by high hills, low foothills (inter-ridge) and medium
altitude mountains, which in places are intersected by gorges and canyons (Figs. 16-18).
The low-mountain areas are protected from cold and dry northern winds by latitudinal and
sublatitudinal ridges, and towards the west they are open to the influx of moist and warm air
masses. As a consequence, the south-western part of the Sumbar and Chendyr river valleys
have a dry, subtropical climate and many subtropical plants grow here naturally or are
cultivated. The middle mountains and low mountains between the Sumbar floodplains,
Chendyr, Ajider and Tersakan are represented by loess and clay plain areas with low hills.
The climate of the Western Kopetdag is characterized by dry and hot summers and mild
winters, especially in the southern part. Snow cover tends to be shallow and quickly
disappears, and heavy snowfalls are rare. Annual rainfall averages 330mm and peaks between
November and April. In some years, heavy rainstorms occur in the summer. The main water
source of the region is the Sumbar River, which begins at the confluence of the Dainesu and
Kulankasi rivers. The width of the river floodplain in the upper reaches is 10–25 m and then
varies between 40–100 m. The Sumbar water is used for irrigation, especially below the city of
Makhtumkuli, and for 2–5 months a year the river is dry. The Sumbar river has three tributaries
- Chendyr (the largest), Aydere and Tersakan. In the middle sections, the Chandyr is
completely utilised for irrigation. Almost all suitable areas of floodplains are occupied by
The vegetation of the hilly lowlands is mostly semi-desert, Artemisia - ephemeral, with the
participation of Salsola spp., there are also rare sections with Zygophyllum spp., Paliurus
spina-christi, etc. The steep hillsides are sometimes devoid of vegetation. Rarely there are
patches occupied by Juniperus spp. and Tamarix spp. The former grows along the slopes
mixed with deciduous trees and in places forms thick juniper plots. The upper parts of the
middle elevations have a smoother relief. Here, the smallest amount of precipitation and good
soil cover favour the formation of meadow vegetation and the growth of Crataegus spp., pear,
apple, almond, etc. In some areas of the middle elevations, ancient farming methods are still
employed, such as rainfed grain cultivation.
The Western Kopetdag is extremely rich in biodiversity with about 2400-2500 invertebrates
and 392 terrestrial vertebrates (4 amphibians, 36 reptiles, 276 birds and 76 mammals)
identified so far (Rustamov 2011).
The Sunt Hasardag Nature Reserve was established in 1979, initially covering 398 km2.
However, it was gradually reduced to its current size of 265 km2 and is fragmented into three
disjunct parts: the 134 km2 Central part (covering the southern slopes of the Sunt Hasardag
ridge), the 36 km2 Ayderinsky part (covering a gorge of the same name) and the 95 km2
Chendyrsky part (covering the northern slope of the Palvan ridge). A small part of the territory
is represented by low foothills, but the foothill plains and the upper belt of mountains are
practically not covered (Fig. 16). This latter area also overlaps with the TM020 IBA Sumbar
( We additionally visited small parts
of the TM014 IBA Kurendag-Garagoz
NINA Report 1696
( and touched the TM019 IBA
Chokrak-Tutly (
Fig 16. Sunt Hasardag Nature Reserve and IBA Sumbar, Western Kopetdag mountains,
11.05.2018 and 12-13.12.2018 Photos: J. Linnell and P. Kaczensky (top left)
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Fig 17. Tersakan valley and area around Kulmach ridge, 9.05.2018. Photos: P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
Fig 18. Kemendere ravine at the southern edge of the IBA Kurendag-Garagoz, 8.05.2018.
Photo: P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
3.4.4 Central Kopetdag mountains
The Kopetdag Nature Reserve covers 497 km2, is located in the central Kopetdag Range,
and was established in 1976. The reserve is located in the middle mountain belt and the
landscape is characterized by deep gorges with many springs. Elevations range from 700 to
2,800 metres (Fig. 19). The cool climate on the high plateau results in meadow vegetation,
even during the summer heat. The flora is extremely diverse, containing more than 40% of the
total plant biodiversity of Turkmenistan. In addition, many relic, rare and endemic plants can be
found which are included in the Red Book of Turkmenistan and the IUCN Red List; (Potayeva
Kopetdag-Khorasan endemic taxa include the evergreen Turkmen juniper or archa (Juniperus
turcomanica), the main forest forming tree. Its sparsely distributed trees cover more than 200
km2, constituting more than half of the total area of archa forests of the Kopetdag mountain
range. The tree grows slowly, but can reach ages of 600-800 years at which heights may be
20m and trunk girths 3m. Other trees include wild walnut, Persian and Turkestan mountain
ash, and wild Turkmen pears and apples. The understory and meadows of the Kopetag
mountains are rich in grasses and many wild ornamental and medical plants are found.
Fig 19. Kopetdag Nature Reserve, central Kopetdag mountains, 15.11.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
NINA Report 1696
3.4.5 Gury Howdan & Meana Chacha steppes
The landscapes are characterized by slightly hilly foothill plains, talus and stony-gravelly areas,
stony peaks and slopes, flat plains and open intra-mountain valleys. The river network is poor
with watercourses drying up in summer and only a few springs. The area has a desert climate.
Parts of the floodplains are used for agricultural crops (irrigated), as well as fruit and vegetable
production. We visited two IBAs in this region.
TM029 Gury Howdan IBA (
overlaps the Gury Howdan Wildlife Sanctuary, which borders the network of Kopetdag
nature reserves. The IBA covers the lower zone (up to 1,100 m) of the Central Kopetdag and is
dominated by relatively low mountains with round tops and slightly inclined plains dissected by
a network of small gorges and ravines (Fig. 20). Water in the form of springs and rivers is rare,
with most watercourses drying up in summer. The climate is characterized by a large
temperature amplitude, with hot summers (up to 48oC) and cold winters (as low as -29oC). The
annual precipitation is 180–220 mm. The dominating vegetation types are communities of Poa
bulbosa, Carex spp., Salsola spp., and Artemisia spp. In the floodplain of the Keltechinar River
there are Tamarix spp. and riparian vegetation. Large parts of the plain are used for agricultural
crops, tree plantations, and vegetable plantations.
The TM034 IBA Tedjen ( / Meana Chacha
Wildlife Sanctuary consists primarily of a plain situated in the foothills of the Eastern
Kopetdag mountains. The southern part runs along the Turkmenistan-Iran border, in the west
the border crosses the plain around Chacha (Fig. 21). The northern border follows the channel
of the Karakum canal, and in the east the valley of the Tedjen river. The plain (200-350 m)
consists of loess loams, neogene and anthropogenous sandy loams and clay divided by
mudflows. Soils are dominated by light sandy-loams (sierozems) with small saline depressions.
The vegetation consists of sod forming Poa-Carex ephemeral communities and Haloxilon-
halophytic forbs. The climate closely resembles that of the desert with an average annual
temperature of 15oС and extremes between -36oC and 48oC. Precipitation falls primarily during
the winter-spring season and the annual average is 143 mm. The Tedjen and several small
rivers (Meana, Chehelkaman, Chacha and Sarygamysh) cross the area but dry-up in summer.
The flow of the Tedjen is controlled by a transboundary dam further upstream such that it
doesn’t flow in many years. There are a few wells (Kemek) and springs (Zarmi, Sad). The
majority of settlements are located on the northern edge of the plain. The land is used mainly
for livestock grazing and small areas of croplands, irrigated land for cotton and vegetables, and
dry farming of wheat and barley (BirdLife International (2019)). The dominating vegetation
types are communities of Poa bulbosa-Carex spp., Salsola spp., and Artemisia spp. as well as
low grass communities with Haloxylon spp. and Salsola spp. On the flood plain of the Tedjen,
riparian forest (tugai) vegetation is found with a variety of deciduous species (Tamarix spp.,
Populus euphratica) and reed-beds Phragmites spp. In the northern part of the IBA, there are
fields of grain and crops, occasionally cotton; smaller areas are used for orchards and to grow
melons and vegetables. In the drier parts, the area is used for livestock grazing.
NINA Report 1696
Fig 20. Gury Howdan Wildlife Sancturay and IBA, 6.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
Fig 21. Meana Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary / IBA Tedjen, top: 5.09.2015 Photo: P. Kaczensky,
bottom: 8.06.2018 Photo: J. Linnell.
NINA Report 1696
3.4.6 Badhyz & Garabil foothills
Badhyz Nature Reserve was established in 1941 to protect the unique relict pistachio
woodlands and Turkmen kulan population. In 1951, the original area of the Nature Reserve
was reduced from 8,000 km2 to 750 km2. In 1962, and again in 1970, some adjacent areas
were added to the west and south expanding the reserve to 877 km2 ha. In 2014 the reserve
was again enlarged to its current size of 1,404 km2. Including the buffer zone, the three
adjacent wildlife sanctuaries, and an ecological corridor, the Badhyz ecosystem complex
covers a total area of 2,893.5 km2. There are five main landscapes features in Badhyz, the 18
km long Gyzyljar canyon, the Badhyz plateau (grasslands), a 45 km long escarpment with
chinks, the Yeroylanduz and Namakar depressions, and the Pistachio savannah of the
Gezgadik hills (Rustamov and 2007, Kaczensky and Linnell 2015; Fig. 22). The formal aims of
the Badhyz Nature Reserve are the study, protection and rehabilitation of the unique
ecosystems of the territory (Sokolov et al. 1990).
The Badhyz region, which includes the Badhyz Nature Reserve, the IBA Badhyz, as well as
Gyzyljar and Chemenabat Wildlife Sanctuaries is characterized by mountainous areas (800–
1000 m) in the west, rolling hills and plains in the north and drainless saline depressions in the
south, of which the largest is Yeroylanduz (106 km2 at an altitude of 500m). In the east, the
Gyzyljar canyon runs for 18 km. The sides of the canyon are steep with 40–60 m high chinks
and ledges with large gravel-loess deposits. There are very few water sources within the
ecosystem. Around 5-6 natural springs produce salty water at the base of the chinks in
Gyzyljar and Yeroylanduz. Another 2-3 natural springs are also found in the hills in the west of
the reserve. In addition, artificial sources (pumps and tanker provided water) are present at
several locations in the reserve. The river Tedjun flows year round to the west of the reserve,
and the Egrigek and Kushka rivers flow for most of the year to the southeast and east, outside
the protected areas. Furthermore, there are multiple pumped water sources provided for
livestock in the area surrounding the reserve. The climate is dry, but slightly wetter than the
typical desert climate. The average annual temperature is 16oC, with monthly means of 29oC in
July and 3oC in January. The word Badhyz means "the country of the winds", which mostly
come from a northern and northeastern direction. The main vegetation communities are Poa
bulbosa-Carex spp., Salsola spp. with a variety of herbal species as well as Artemisia spp.
mixed with shrubs like Salsola spp. The area features one of the largest remaining remnants of
wild pistachios savannah habitat (including the 760 km2 Pulihatum grove). In drier regions,
sparse stands of Haloxylon spp. are also found. In the summer, fires occur. TM038 IBA
Badhyz ( overlaps with most of the Badhyz
Nature Reserve.
TM041 IBA Garachop ( is the southernmost
IBA in Turkmenistan and Central Asia. It covers the highest elevation hills along the frontier
with Afghanistan between the Kushka and Kashan rivers. The landscape typically consists of
bare hills, dissected by large and small, sometimes deep, ravines (Fig. 23). These ravines are
flooded by runoff water during heavy rain events. The main feature in the west of the territory is
the pistachio savannah habitat with the largest stand covering 150 km2. Due to the artificial
planting of pistachios, the border of the pistachio forest has extended considerably to the north.
There are practically no water sources. The climate is dry and hot with an average annual
temperature of 18oC and monthly means of 30oC in July and 2oC in January. The vegetation
communities consists of Carex spp., Poa bulbosa-Salsola spp. with a mixture of herb species,
as well as Artemisia spp. In the low shrublands. In the summer fires occur and shape the
vegetation, along with heavy livestock grazing.
NINA Report 1696
TM042 IBA Saryyazy ( is located in the
Murgab river valley, slightly north of the Badhyz-Garabil foothills (Fig. 24). It covers the
Saryyazy reservoir and its shoreline. We surveyed the area on the way from the Garabil
foothills through the South-Eastern Karakum to Zeyit. The southern part of the Saryyazy
reservoir is shallow (up to 2 m) and the northern part has the greatest depth (at the dam up to
10–12 m). Filling of the reservoir usually occurs in winter and spring, with discharge happening
in summer-autumn. The climate is under the influence of the surrounding South-eastern
Karakum. The vegetation along the shore is mainly hygrophilous – Phragmites spp., Tamarix
spp., Salsola spp., Alhagi pseudalhagi, and also desert vegetation - Carex spp. cover with the
participation of Calligonum spp. and Salsola richteri.
Fig 22. Badhyz Nature Reserve. Yeroylanduz depression (top) and wild pistachio savannah,
8.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell.
NINA Report 1696
Fig 23. IBA Garachop with planted pistachios and bare hills, 10.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
Fig 24. IBA Saryyazy, 10.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
NINA Report 1696
3.4.7 Zeit & Kelif wetlands
TM048 IBA Zeyit-Kelif ( is partly located
(26%) within the Kelif Wildlife Sanctuary. The area is a typical wetland of Central Asia, which
was artificially formed in the 1980s by diverting the Amu Darya river into the Kelif Uzboy and
flooding the neighbouring Uynshor. This created the Zeyit reservoir (ca. 700km2) which is the
largest in Turkmenistan at the start of the Karakum canal. The IBA consist of an extensive
network of big and small lakes, marshlands, and pools; it also includes multiple islands. The
IBA consists of two parts: The large Zeyit in the southeast and the smaller Kelif in the north-
west (characterized by shallow, silted and overgrown lakes). The two parts are connected by
the Karakum Canal.
Winters are relatively mild with average temperatures of -2oC to 4oC; cold spells with
temperatures dropping to -20oC can occur, but are very rare. The vegetation season lasts up to
240 days. The wetland vegetation is dominated by reed-beds of Phragmites spp., with the
participation of the Tamarix spp., Karelínia spp., Alhagi pseudalhagi; to a lesser extent, Salsola
richteri and other Salsola spp.; in some places in the north-western part Elaeagnus spp. and
Turanga (Populus spp.) occur. On the sandy areas of the communities of Carex spp.-Poa
bulbosa-Salsola spp. cover with undersized Calligonum spp., rarely Salsola richteri and
Haloxylon spp. Some areas are used for agriculture. The area provides good conditions for
nesting and wintering wetland birds.
3.4.8 Koytendag mountains
The Koytendag region is located close to the border with Uzbekistan in southeastern
Turkmenistan (Fig. 25). The highest peak is Ayry Baba and with 3,137m it is also the highest
point in Turkmenistan. The region is famous for the Umbar Dere canyon with its 28m
waterfalls, the Plateau of Dinosaurs, with 438 fossilized dinosaur footprints, its sulphate hot
spring and karst caves (Welch & Stoev 2019). The Koytendag Nature Reserve was
established in 1986. It is situated on the western slopes of the Koytendag mountains. The
reserve covers 2,714 km2 of mountain habitat. The main aim of the reserve is the protection of
the unique nature of the Kugitang mountain range and its bordering territories with its canyons,
caves, waterfalls, springs and fossilized dinosaur tracks. The Koytendag Nature Reserve is
also the only place in Turkmenistan where markhor are found and hence the protection of this
rare species of mountain ungulate is a high priority (Welch & Stoev 2019).
The TM050 IBA Koytendag ( is partly (36%)
located within the Koytendag Nature Reserve. The IBA covers the southwestern slope of the
Koytendag Mountains at the southwestern tip of the Gissar Range of the Pamir-Alay mountain
system in the middle and high mountain zone at elevations from 900 to 3,139 m. Depending on
the altitude zone the region is characterized by a hot desert to moderately cold mountain
climate, with an annual precipitation of up to 350mm.
The main source of water is the Koyten Darya river, with additional small streams originate in
snowfields located at altitudes of about 3,000 m. Other water bodies include karst lakes and
dips (Kattakul, Khurzhumkul, Garlyk, etc.), freshwater springs (Bulakly, Koyten) and hydrogen
sulfide springs (Khodjakainar, Hojapil, Bazartepe). Juniper (Juniperus seravschanica) forest is
found at elevations between 1700–2800 m, occupying a total area of 108 km2. Human use in
the area includes transhumant animal husbandry and some smaller scale agriculture in the
lower areas.
NINA Report 1696
Fig 25. Koytendag Nature Reserve and IBA, 14.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
NINA Report 1696
3.4.9 Tallymerjen plains
TM049 IBA Tallymerjen ( is dominated by
agriculture (Fig. 26). Tallymerjen consists of two parts, the Amu Darya river plain in the south
and the foothill plains of the Gissar-Kugitang (Koytendag) mountain system in the remaining
much larger area. The IBA is an alluvial-proluvial clay plain developed for agriculture (mainly
arable farming). Developed a network of irrigation channels. The southern edge of the territory
covers the valley of the Amydarya river with associated oasis vegetation. Observations of large
numbers of Sociable Lapwings (Vanellus gregarious) in autumn 2015, suggest that Tallymerjen
is a globally important migration staging site for this Critically Endangered bird (Donald et al
2016, Iankov 2017). The climate is strongly continental, with long hot summers and short
winters with little snow. The vegetation before ploughing was the same as that preserved in
tiny virgin areas: Halocnemum spp. community with the participation of various ephemerae. At
present, almost the entire territory is occupied by agricultural fields mainly growing wheat and
cotton, but alternating with fallow lands.
Our expedition, also passed through the Hodjaburdjibelent Wildlife Sanctuary, located
between Koytendag Nature Reserve and IBA Tallymerjen. This landscape consists of rocky
hills and valleys and is subject to intensive livestock grazing (Fig. 27).
Fig 26. IBA Tallymerjen, 13.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
Fig 27. Hodjaburdjibelent Wildlife Sanctuary, 15.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
NINA Report 1696
4 Observations of kulan and other large mammals in
Concerning large mammals the 2018 field expeditions had a number of different objectives.
(1) To clarify the status of kulan in all potential areas where they have been known to occur in
Turkmenistan. Kulan have been the main driver of the series of expeditions conducted since
2014, so these 2018 expeditions were intended to wrap up the countrywide survey.
(2) Continue to build up a an overview of the distribution and status of other large mammals,
especially the large ungulates (goitered gazelle, urial, markhor, and bezoar) and large carnivores
(with an emphasis on leopard).
(3) Collect the latest camera trapping data from Badhyz and Koytendag Nature Reserve (which
has been ongoing since 2013), and initiate new camera trapping surveys in other areas.
In order to reach these goals the expeditions recorded all mammal species seen, conducted
interviews with knowledgeable individuals encountered (science officers from the nature
reserves, protected area field staff, and shepherds), and examined camera trap images (which
will be presented in more detail in another report).
This report documents our observations from 2018 in detail, and then presents a summary of
what we have learnt during the entire period 2014-2018 for some of the key species.
4.1 Meana Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary
Meana Chacha was visited from 7th – 8th June, during which we crossed the whole sanctuary.
4.1.1 Kulan observations
Two fresh tracks were observed when we drove through the reserve that could possibly be kulan.
However, there are also domestic donkeys and domestic horses in the wildlife sanctuary; the
dung samples were collected for genetical analysis (analysis still pending).
There were no regular sightings of kulan according to the rangers, although a number of single
observations had been made:
Rangers reported a single track observed at a salt lake in April 2018.
Border guards reported sighting a group of unknown size in 2017 from a helicopter, but
it was unclear which side of the border fence this was.
Shepherds reported a group of 4-5 animals in March-April 2018 north of the Mary-
Tedjen road.
One ranger reported a group of 31 kulan inside the sanctuary in June 2017, but this
was never registered in the wildlife sanctuary’s reports, so remains unconfirmed.
Very few gazelles are resident in the parts of the sanctuary that lie north of the border fence and
we saw only one track at a salt lake. Rangers report the presence of jackal, wolf, wild boar and
recently again leopard presence (with reported reproduction), but mainly from the dry (and now
heavily overgrown with shrubs) riverbed of the Tedjen.
As in many areas, 80% of the wildlife sanctuary lies in the border security zone beyond the border
fence and is thus rarely visited. Unfortunately this is also the part of the sanctuary where there
is most water. The day after our visit, science officer Aknabat Potaeva and some rangers visited
the Chacha water source in the border security zone on the other side of the border fence. They
NINA Report 1696
reported many tracks from gazelles and wild boar, but no kulan tracks. Border guards report that
many urial are present in the area.
4.1.2 Water and pasture situation
The area was very dry and there were no natural water sources. Although we passed many
shepherd camps, none were occupied, apart from one camel station. The area has been very
heavily grazed. The Tedjen river that flows to the east of the sanctuary has not flowed since
1998, apart from the occasional spring flood. The former Tedjen reservoirs have now become
covered in shrubs, and now provide cover for wolves and leopards. The only water available is
from intermittent open irrigation canals that pump water in the south close to border fence and
send it northwards to the fields. Some natural springs apparently still flow from the mountains in
the border security zone which is fenced off by the border fence.
4.2 Badhyz Nature Reserve
We spent 8th 10th June in Badhyz Nature Reserve, entering from the north to Agarcesme,
passing across the plateau to the escarpment rim above Yeroylanduz and then to Gyzyljar
canyon, before exiting to the east.
4.2.1 Kulan and other wildlife observations
There had been no sightings of kulan in Badhyz and the surrounding wildlife sanctuaries or
wildlife corridors in recent years. On our visit we encountered many old kulan dung piles. There
were no recent reports of kulan in the surroundings, although they also reported the same
account that we heard from Meana Chacha about the observation from the military helicopter.
The area west and south of the border fence remained virtually off limits apart from two visits
that were made by science officer Nury Hudaykuliev. In 2017 he was briefly able to visit the
border security area on the south side of the border fence along the Afghan border where the
Islim river crosses the border. Apparently, the river was dry due to being diverted for agriculture
in Afghanistan, and the landscape offered little grazing. There were no signs of kulan. In
November 2018 he was able to visit the border security area on the west side of the border fence
along the Iranian border. Multiple gazelle, urial and wild boar were seen, but no kulan.
We saw 13 urial and 18 goitered gazelle, and tracks from both species in many locations. Three
red foxes were also seen. Because this visit was in a different season to previous visits, and the
weather was very hot - which clearly reduces animal activity - it is impossible to say anything
about changes in abundance since our last visits in 2015. Camera trapping data (2016-2019)
and observations document that leopard, wolf and stripped hyena are still present, in addition to
multiple images of urial, gazelles, and wild boar. However, the lack of systematic monitoring
makes it impossible to document trends.
Camera trapping (Figs. 28-30) and direct observations also confirmed the presence of wild cat
(Felis lybica). No images of caracal (Caracal caracal) or honey badger (Mellivora capensis) have
been taken so far, but this may be may be entirely the result of camera placement and the limited
number of cameras available in the first place (≤20). Red foxes were also commonly
The two artificial water sources in Gyzyljar were both in operation. There was very heavy grazing
pressure from livestock in both Gyzyljar and Chemenebat Wildlife Sanctuaries (Fig. 31) between
Badhyz and the west bank of the Kuska river which was reduced to a trickle of water and some
NINA Report 1696
There were 5 captive kulan in a set of two interconnected enclosures at the headquarters of the
Badhyz Nature Reserve in Serkhetchi (Fig. 32). These consisted of an adult female that had
been rescued from the wild in Badhyz in 2013, her female yearling (1.5 year old) a male foal,
and an adult male and adult female that had been brought from Ashgabat zoo (both of which
had parents which had been caught in the wild in Badhyz).
4.2.2 Human impact
Poaching is apparently still a problem. One poacher was even observed from a distance waiting
at a waterhole in Yeroylanduz.
Fig 28 Camera trapping images of goitered gazelle, urial, and Persian leopard in Badhyz 2016-
NINA Report 1696
Fig 29. Camera trap images of other large or medium sized carnivores in Badhyz. From top left
to bottom right: Wolf, stiped hyena, red fox, and wild cat.
Fig 30. Urial encountered in Yeroylanduz and Gyzljar canyon on 9.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
NINA Report 1696
Fig 31. The lack of vegetation suggests heavy grazing pressure in the surrounding of the Badhyz
Nature Reserve and inside Gyzyljar and Chemenebat Wildlife Sanctuaries, 9 June 2018. Photo:
J. Linnell
Fig 32. Captive kulan at the Badhyz Nature Reserve headquarters, 6.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
NINA Report 1696
4.3 Garabil hills and southeast Karakum desert
During 10th12th June we drove through the Garabil foothills and the south-eastern Karakum,
from the east bank of the Kuska river through to the Karakum canal. The landscape immediately
east of Kuska in and around IBA Garakachop offers good potential habitat as the rangelands /
pistachio forests are in good condition, however there are no obvious natural water sources and
few livestock wells that might provide an alternative source. In the area further to the northeast
there are vast area of rangeland with frequent livestock camps. The livestock are watered from
a large network of deep wells. However, all wells were associated with sheep camps and
livestock guarding dogs were present at all sources, making it challenging for wildlife to access
water. There was also heavy grazing pressure. None of the shepherds we interviewed had ever
seen kulan, although they reported gazelles and wolves as being present. We saw 6 gazelles
and 2 corsac foxes on our drive.
4.4 Gury Howdan Wildlife Sanctuary
Half a day was spend in Gury Howdan on 6th June 2018 during which we visited the main kulan
range and interviewed both present and former rangers. This was the site of one of the early
reintroductions in 1986-1987.
The situation seems to have changed little since 2015. The area available to kulan remains rather
small because of agriculture and large-scale tree plantation as part of afforestation programs.
Construction also appears to be ongoing along the northern edge.
4.4.1 Kulan observations
6 kulan (no young) were observed on wheat fields outside the sanctuary (Fig. 33). The rangers
reported that this group consisted of 1 adult male 5 adult females. Rangers reported at least one
other group of three kulan (reported as all males) that lived in higher areas, and possibly some
roaming single individuals. There were conflicting reports about if a foal had been born this year
or not. Overall it was estimated that between 9 and 12 kulan are found in the area.
Fig 33. Kulan on wheat field on 6.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
NINA Report 1696
4.5 Animal Breeding Centre of Kopetdag Nature Reserve at
The breeding centre had urial and gazelles in one enclosure, in addition to various birds. One of
the Kopetdag kulan releases was conducted here in 1976. Apparently, the population increased
after release and began to cause conflicts with local agricultural in the 1990’s. The centre’s
director mentioned that they were then “chased away” in 1995-96 and none had been seen in
the area since. It was mentioned that urial and gazelles were relatively common in the adjacent
mountains and border area.
4.6 Western Kopetdag – Tersakan valley
The Tersakan valley is not part of the Sunt-Hasardag Nature Reserve or Wildlife Sanctuary, but
a hunting ban has been issued annually by ministry order on an area of 500 km2 since the 1990s.
In 1995, the population of kulan in the Tersakan valley was estimated at 58-60 animals. In 2012,
V. Kuznesov estimated that there were no more than 20 kulan left (Kuznesov 2013 unpubl.
We visited the Tersakan valley (Fig. 34) and area to the west and south during 7th 11th May
and encountered:
Old tracks and scats of several kulan in the most remote part of the area (Kulmach
ridge), where there currently were no livestock camps or people. The pasture condition
there was good, with recent green vegetation and multiple flowers.
One kulan was seen on 10th May when the team split up into three groups and walked
the ridges to cover as much ground as possible. Tracks of the animal - which ran away
at high speed - suggested it was alone (likely a single stallion).
Fresh, and older tracks of 3-5 kulan were seen during a 4-hour hike in the area of the
kulan observation.
Interviews with six local shepherds revealed the following recent kulan observations (see Fig.
No kulan were observed outside the Tersakan valley in recent years
2 years ago (2016), 11 kulan were seen on several occasions
1 year ago (2017), 7 kulan and one single stallion were seen on several occasions
This year (2018), 3 kulan were seen in April at a well close to the area we later saw the
single kulan
NINA Report 1696
Fig. 34: Kulan and other wildlife observations in the Western and Central Kopetdag mountains
in 2018.
NINA Report 1696
4.7 Western Kopetdag – Sunt Hasardag and Central Kopetdag Nature
These mountain areas do not contain any kulan, but are known for their rich biodiversity. The
primary objectives of the visit were to gain a first impression of the landscape and wildlife
situation, conduct training in camera trapping, and deploy additional camera-traps in the area
(Fig. 35).
4.7.1 Sunt Hasardag Nature Reserve
From the 10th14th December be visited the Central and Ayderinsky sections of the Sunt
Hasardag Nature Reserve on foot and by horseback.
Tracks of mammals observed included: jungle cat, striped hyaena, leopard (female with kitten),
urial and wild boar. Mammals directly observed included: one jackal and one jungle cat.
The few camera traps that had been deployed earlier in autumn 2018 recorded images of jungle
cats. Currently (2019) there are 10 camera traps deployed in the Sunt Hasardag Nature Reserve.
The first leopard was camera trapped in March 2019.
The science staff reported the presence of the following wildlife species in the Sunt Hasardag
Nature Reserve: leopard, wolf, golden jackal, red and corsac foxes, badger, honey badger,
striped hyaena, Pallas’ cat, jungle cat, caracal, otter (Lutra lutra), porcupine, urial, bezoar,
gazelle and wild boar. The staff had also recently received a photograph of a bear track from the
southern part of the reserve that lies in the border security zone, along the Iranian border.
4.7.2 Central Kopedag
From 14th –16th December we visited the Central Kopetdag Nature Reserve, covering large areas
by driving, hiking and scanning from vantage points.
Tracks of mammals observed included: leopard, porcupine, urial, bezoar. Mammals directly
observed included: 13 urial.
The science staff reported the presence of the following wildlife species in the Kopetdag Nature
Reserve: leopard, wolf, Pallas’ cat (Otocolobus marul), red fox, stone marten (Martes foina),
porcupine, striped hyaena, urial and bezoar with goitered gazelles occasionally present in lower
New camera traps were deployed following training. Leopards were already detected within a
few weeks / months of deployment (Figs 36-38). In 2019, the camera in Dushak confirmed the
presence of a Pallas’ cat.
These mountain areas represented good habitat, with grasslands in the upper areas and scrubby
forests in the valleys. Year round water sources were present in most valleys. The complex
topography provides good escape terrain for mountain ungulates. The protected areas are quite
fragmented, and the wider landscape is grazed by livestock and subject to patchy agriculture,
however the human impact appears to be low. A large proportion of the protected areas are in
the border security zone along the Iranian border and are therefore beyond the border fence.
The science staff have intermittent access to the border zone and report high densities of urial
and bezoar in the area.
NINA Report 1696
Fig 35. Setting up the first camera trap in Kopetdag Nature Reserve (from left to right: Shaniyaz
Mengliev, Nury Hudaykuliev, Aknabat Potaeva, Dortguly Seyitmuhamedov), 14.12.2018. Photo:
J. Linnell
Fig 36. First leopard photographed in the Central Kopetadg Nature Reserve on 23.12.2018, just
9 days after deployment. Photo: A. Potaeva
NINA Report 1696
Fig 37. First leopard photographed in the Sunt Hasardag Nature Reserve in March 2019. Photo:
H. Hojamyradov
Fig 38. In the Central Kopetdag, camera traps were placed in Markow, Dushak Erikdag and in
the border zone. The camera trap in Dushak Erikdag recorded a leopard in May 2019. Photo: S.
NINA Report 1696
4.8 Sarygamysh lake / Gaplangyr Nature Reserve
4.8.1 Kulan situation
From 27th April – 2rd May 2018, field research failed to observe any kulan or find fresh tracks or
recent droppings on the Gaplangyr plateau between the Shasenem sector of the Altyn Assyr
canal and the Karashor depression and the southern shore of Sarygamysh lake. We did
however, encounter some old signs and heard about kulan observations from third parties (Fig.
In several locations, old droppings were found which are proof of past presence. In
addition, the team came upon the remains of a dead kulan obviously poached in
autumn 2017 or spring 2018 (the legs had been cut off and the remains of the skull had
been crushed by vehicles; Fig. 40).
Questioning of local herders and fishermen encountered did not reveal any recent
sightings of kulan and very few sightings of gazelles. The last kulan observations date
back to February 2018, when 4-5 kulan (of which one was said to be pregnant) were
seen by local people along a canal breaking the ice to access water
Prior to the trip, the team had also heard rumors of one kulan killed by poachers in
February 2018 and this information was confirmed by local people (and it may have
been the animal whose remains we found, because it was on a dirt road where it could
be easily found). Additional rumors were later heard that during January and February
2018 many people who were hunting on the Gaplangyr plateau came back without
killing any wild ungulates (particularly gazelles and possibly kulan).
4.8.2 Other ungulates and rare mammals
The field team did not observe any gazelles or urials and only found very few fresh tracks of
these species. In contrast, fresh tracks and droppings of wild boar were regularly seen near
water bodies (Uzynshor and Atabyshor) and one group of wild boars with young was observed
while driving.
On 1 May, the team saw a steppe polecat obviously hunting for rodents (Fig. 41) and on 2 May,
found a dead honey badger (Fig. 42), close to the dirt track where the remains of the poached
kulan were found (Fig. 40).
In 2019, newly placed camera traps confirmed the presence of caracal (Caracal carcal) in the
Gaplangyr Reserve.
NINA Report 1696
Fig. 39: Evidence of kulan presence and other rare mammals during two expeditions in Mai 2018
and June 2018.
Fig. 40: Remains of a kulan found next to the main dirt track on 2.05.2018. Photo: P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
Fig. 41: Steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) on 1.05.2018. Photo: P. Kaczensky
Fig. 42: Dead honey badger on next to a digging near the main dirt track on 1.05.2018. Photo:
P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
4.9 Sarygamysh lakesouthern and western shore
During a second trip in June 2018, it was possible to visit the border security zone north of
Burchliburun for one day on 21st June as well as revisit the area south of Sarygamysh lake.
4.9.1 Kulan situation along western shore and border security zone
During the 148 km drive in the border security zone along the western shore of Sarygamysh
lake, the team came upon kulan and their signs at multiple locations:
Observation of 2 adult male kulan.
Piles of fresh dung in several locations (13 + several + several + 1 + 8 + 41) and
collected 10 dung samples for subsequent genetic assessment (analysis pending) (Fig.
Tracks in multiple locations of groups of kulan (10-12 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 (older) + 7).
The border security staff member that accompanied them further reported the following
12 June 2018: 15 kulan (half of which were young ones).
4.9.2 Other ungulates
The team also documented:
Observation of 31 goitered gazelles in 11 groups (1 female with 2 young, 1 male, 1
female, 3 individuals, 1 male, 1 female with 2 young, 2 adults, 2 young, 1 adult male,
10 individuals (incl. 2 males), 4 individuals).
Tracks of multiple gazelles.
Observation of 4 urial.
4.9.3 Kulan situation along the southern shore
The team did not see any kulan or their signs on the southern shore of Sarygamysh lake.
However, they did encounter a few isolated gazelles.
4.9.4 Situation in adjacent parts of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
Some information on the status of kulan and other large herbivores on the Uzbek and Kazak
sides of this transboundary ecosystem have recently become available due to a series of
expeditions covered by the CADI (Central Asian Deserts Initiative) program. We include a
summary of their findings here.
First kulan observations in 2004 by border guards. Fishermen periodically see herds of
kulan numbering 7-8, 10-30, and once even 100 (September 2013) individuals.
Fishermen have seen kulan wander on the ice in winter (possible crossing between
Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan!)
Field expeditions 2012-2014 documented kulan especially along the western shore of
Sarygamysh lake, but also on the Uztyurt plateau all the way to the border fence to
Kazakhstan. For details see Marmazinskaya et al. (2012-2018).
NINA Report 1696
Although kulan are not permanently present on the Kazak part of the Ustyurt plateau, 1
kulan was observed on the Kazakh part of the Ustyurt next to the Kazakh / Ustyurt
border fence on 27th April 2019 (CADI News 3 May 2019, https://cadi.uni-
A total of 142 gazelles were observed (2011-2014). Gazelles are widespread
throughout this area, but the greatest gazelle density was recorded in the south-
western part along the shore of Sarykamysh lake (western border with Turkmenistan).
For details see Marmazinskaya et al. (2012-2018).
During the CADI expedition in April 2019, 119 goitered gazelles were observed, which
also underlines the significance of the southern Ustyurt for gazelle and the need for
cross-border cooperation for conservation.
Fig 43. Kulan scats in the border security zone on 21.06.2018; in the background is the chink
which delineates the border between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Photo: E. Rustamov
NINA Report 1696
4.10 Tallymerjen IBA and area in direction of Hojaburjibelent Wildlife
This landscape was very dry and very heavily grazed by livestock. There were many shepherd
camps, but few livestock to be seen in this season.
There was no evidence of wild ungulates, although the cliffs closer to Hojaburjibelent Wildlife
Sanctuary offered potentially good urial habitat and some salt water sources were present.
4.11 Koytendag Nature Reserve
Koytendag has been the target of multiple expeditions under the umbrella of the RSPB project
to help the reserve prepare its World Heritage nomination dossier (see Welch & Stoev 2019). In
2018 our expedition spent 2 days in Koytendag (13th 15th June), staying at the park
headquarters and the Maydan ranger station, as well as spending day in the associated
Hojaburjibelent Wildlife Sanctuary.
Kulan have never been present in Koytendag and the area does not represent suitable kulan
habitat. The mountainous habitat is also not suitable for gazelles. Rather the reserve is known
for its mountain ungulates urial and markhor – and large carnivores wolves and lynx.
Leopards have not been seen in the area for more than 20 years. During an afternoon hike we
saw 12 urial and 29 markhor, including both males, females, and young of the year of both
species (Fig. 44). Ongoing camera trapping has confirmed the continual presence of lynx and
wolves in the area. The habitat appears to be in very good condition, although there is some
limited livestock grazing. The behaviour of the wildlife was much more tolerant of humans than
in the other areas that we have visited, providing indirect evidence that disturbance and poaching
are low.
The landscape of the Holaburjibelent Wildlife Sanctuary consisted of alternating hilly steppe and
cliffs and would therefore have been suitable for both urial and gazelle. However, our brief visit
produced no signs of their presence. The area was extremely heavily grazed by livestock.
NINA Report 1696
Fig 44. Markhor (upper photo) and urial (lower photo) in Koytendag Nature Reserve,
14.06.2018. Photo: J. Linnell
NINA Report 1696
4.12 Summary of status of rare large mammalian wildlife in
The following summaries are based on the entire series of large mammal focused expeditions
that have been conducted since 2014 (Kaczensky & Linnell 2015, Kaczensky et al. 2016,
Kaczensky et al. 2018, and this report), plus all other expeditions conducted under the umbrella
of the RSPB projects (e.g. Welch & Stoev 2019), camera trapping conducted mainly in Badhyz
and Koytendag, and our conversations with the science officers and rangers of the relevant
protected areas. As such it represents the most up-to-date impression of wildlife status on the
ground in Turkmenistan.
4.12.1 Kulan
The existing evidence suggests that the population of Turkmen kulan in Turkmenistan has been
decreasing over several years, including a decrease during the period since our surveys began
in 2014, and is in very bad shape. The best possible estimate suggests a national total of 50-55
individuals, fragmented into 3-5 isolated areas (Fig. 45, Table 7). Without urgent and targeted
conservation measures, the species will likely disappear from the territory of Turkmenistan within
the next few of years. Of special significance is the functional extinction of the Badhyz population
which was the largest and only source population for Turkmen kulan in the region. All other
populations in Turkmenistan (plus those in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) are descended from
animals captured in Badhyz and transported elsewhere (Pavlov, 1996; Lukarevskiy & Gorelov
2007, Kaczensky et al. 2016, Kaczensky et al. 2018). Furthermore, most of the remaining kulan
in Turkmenistan are cut-off from the main area of the country by the border security fences.
Kulan are apparently absent from the border areas on the Iranian side of the border, although
the population in the north around Sarygamysh lake appears to be transboundary with
Uzbekistan (Arebaevich & Asenovich 2016, Marmazinskaya et al. 2012-2018).
NINA Report 1696
Fig. 45: Kulan distribution in Turkmenistan and adjacent areas in neighboring countries.
Table 7. Summary of kulan situation in Turkmenistan as of the end of 2018.
# Region Population
Assessment based on
Own data / observations
1a. Badhyz <10 Scientific staff estimate
Rapid assessment 2014, 2015,
2018, camera trapping, genetic
1b. Badhyz border security zone* ? Rumors A short visit in 2017 & 2018 did
not confirm kulan presence
2. Meana Chacha* <5 Ranger estimate 2018
[Rumors of sporadic
kulan presence in the
border security zone]
Rapid assessment 2015, 2018
3. Gury Howdan 9-12 Ranger estimate 2018 13 seen on 4.09.2015 & 6 seen
on 6.06.2018; genetic results
4. Western Kopetdag – Tersakan
10-15 Scientific staff estimate
1 seen on 10.05.2018 & tracks,
observations by shepherds and
5a. Sarygamysh lake / Gaplangyr <5 Rapid assessment 2018
5b. Sarygamysh lake in the border
security zone*
15-25 Border security
2 seen and signs encountered on
21.06.2018, Observations by N.
Marmazinskaya 2012-2018 on
the Uzbek side of the border
Total estimate for 2018 50-55
*Kulan are unable to cross the border security fence and hence if kulan are present in the border security zone, they are
cut off from kulan in the main territory of Turkmenistan.
NINA Report 1696
4.12.2 Goitered gazelle
The most recent update on the status of goitered gazelles states “The former population in
Turkmenistan has virtually disappeared.” (IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group 2017). This
statement is certainly not true as gazelles or their tracks were encountered in all reserves we
visited (Kopetdag, Sunt Hasardag, Badhyz, Meana Chacha (very rare), Sarykamysh lake /
Gaplangyr (very rare), and in parts of the Central and South-eastern Karakum (very rare), the
Kopetag foothills (e.g. Tersakan valley), and the Karabil foothills (very rare). Gazelles seem
absent from the Koytendag Nature Reserve. However, numbers encountered were generally
small and signs not overly abundant. Gazelles were present in the border security zone on the
western side of Sarykamysh lake, which is also in line with observations on the Uzbek side of
the border (for a summary see Marmazinskaya et al. 2012-2018). No population estimates,
based on systematic monitoring are currently available. In summary, gazelles mainly occur in
the protected areas with only scattered individuals present outside.
4.12.3 Urial
Urial are present in the protected areas along the mountains that constitute the border with Iran,
from Badhyz, through the Kopetdag range to Sunt Hasardag; they are also present in the Uly
Balkan. In Meana Chacha they are only present in the area beyond the border fence (in the
border security zone) whereas in Badhyz and Kopetdag they are present on both sides of the
border fence. Numbers are reported as being higher in the border security zone. Urial are present
in parts of the Balkan range. In the north, urial are found in low densities along the large chinks
along the Gaplangyr, Karashor, and Kazakhlyshor depression. These occurrences in north-
western Turkmenistan are in line with sightings of urial on the Uzbek and Kazakh side of the
Ustyurt plateau and on the Uzbek side of Sarykamish lake (Marmazinskaya et al. 2012-2018,
Pestov et al. 2017). In the southeast urial are only present in an isolated population in Koytendag.
In summary, urial mainly occur in the protected areas with only scattered individuals or small,
remnant populations present outside.
4.12.4 Markhor
The markhor population on the border between Koytendag in Turkmenistan and the
neighbouring ranges in Uzbekistan represents an isolated outlier of global markhor distribution.
Based on past counts and population trends on the Uzbek side of the Koytendag mountains, the
markhor population in Turkmenistan has been estimated to number about 250 individuals in the
most recent IUCN assessment from 2017 (Michel and Rosen Michel 2015) based on older counts
(Weinberg et al. 1997). The reserve staff currently estimate almost 900 markhor in the Turkmen
side of Koytendag (unpubl. Data 2015). Observations of large males and regular evidence of
reproduction is supported by images from camera trapping and suggests the markhor population
in Koytendag is doing well and may be increasing.
NINA Report 1696
4.12.5 Leopard
The available data indicates that leopards are found throughout the mountainous regions of
southwestern and western Turkmenistan (Table 8), from Badhyz in the south along the Iranian
border through the Kopetdag range to Sunt Hasardag in the west. Furthermore, they are also
present in the Balkan ranges to the northwest. Our data does not permit any estimate of
numbers, but tracks and signs are common in the areas of distribution, and we can confirm that
reproduction is occurring throughout this distribution. Leopards are abundant on the Iranian side
of the border (Farhadinia et al. 2015, 2018) so that the animals in Turkmenistan are part of a
much larger transboundary population shared with Iran. To the north there seem only a few
incidental, the northernmost record being from the Ustyurt plateau in Kazakhstan (Pestov et al.
2019). However, based on what is known about Persian leopard ecology from studies conducted
in Iran and in the Caucasus (Gavashelishvili & Lukarevskiy 2008; Farhadinia et al. 2014, 2018)
the habitat and presence of prey throughout many parts of southwestern and western
Turkmenistan seems to make these areas highly suitable for leopards. There is no up-to-date
information on the extent of leopard livestock conflicts in the region which was a significant issue
in the recent past (Lukarevskiy 2002).
Table 8. Summary of leopard situation in Turkmenistan as of the end of 2018
# Region Population
Assessment based on
Own data / independent
1. Badhyz Present Scientific staff Rapid assessment 2014, 2015,
2018, camera trapping 2013-18
2. Eastern Kopetdag - Meana
Present Ranger information None
3. Gury Howdan* Present Scientific staff None
4. Western Kopetdag – Sunt
Present Scientific staff Tracks & sightings, camera
trapping 2018-2019
5. Central Kopetdag Present,
assumed to
Scientific staff Camera trapping 2018-2019,
tracks & sightings, telemetry from
Iran (Farhadinia et al. 2018).
6. Sarygamysh lake / Gaplangyr Not present Scientific staff None, but closest camera trap
record from KZ Ustyurt (see
Pestov et al. 2019).
7. Koytendag Absent for
>20 years
Scientific staff Camera trapping since 2013
8. Balkan range Present Scientific staff Fresh scrapes, scat, herder
testimony of encounter; camera
trap image in 2019
*in border security zone in the mountainous part of the reserve
4.12.6 Wolf
Wolves are apparently present across the whole landscape, but likely have strongholds in the
protected areas where the prey base is better and where conflicts over livestock depredation
should be lower. Wolf population estimates based on the assessment of hunters and shepherds
are 2,500. However, no systematic, evidence based monitoring exists and numbers are likely
Wolves were regularly documented on camera traps in Koytendag. They were rarely seen on
camera traps in Badhyz, although we once observed 5 animal and regularly encountered their
tracks and scats.
NINA Report 1696
4.12.7 Striped hyaena
According to the latest IUCN assessment, the striped hyaena is distributed throughout the
southern part of Turkmenistan, including the Kopetdag and Koytendag mountains, the Badhyz
and Karabil foothills and the central and south-eastern Karakum (AbiSaid and Dloniak 2015).
The species is also found in the Balkan mountain range and long-distance dispersal brings the
species throughout the flat parts of the country with animals documented in the Trans Uzboy,
the Ustyurt, and the Amu Darya region (e.g.
in-Turkmenistan) and along the coast of the Caspian sea (Rustamov 2011, 2016). More detailed
information on recent sightings is available, but compiling and verifying these information was
beyond the scope of this report.
Striped hyaenas are regularly observed and show up on camera trap images in Badhyz and their
presence is documented in the Kopetdag mountains (including camera trap images from 2019).
Striped hyaenas did not show up in camera trapping images in Koytendag, but potentially the
area covered by cameras is outside the preferred range of the species. On May 5, 2018 we learnt
from local residents (village Ajikyal, Central Karakum) that in 2016 one hyena was caught in a
trap 20 km away; supporting the aforementioned presence in the central Karakum.
Future camera trapping could confirm the species in other reserves. Using the stripe pattern of
individuals would also allow to identify different individuals and get minimum estimates present
(Harihar et al. 2010). The species is rather unknown and under-appreciated and could do with
awareness raising to avoid accidental or intentional killing.
4.12.8 Eurasian lynx
Lynx (Lynx lynx) in Turkmenistan are apparently confined to the higher areas of Koytendag. They
have been present in the Kopetdag mountains, with records from the central Kopetdag from
2002-2011 (Agryzkov and Fateev 2011), but have been absent from the western Kopedag for
decades. Lynx observations have also been reported from the lowlands, but these were likely
misidentifications of caracal or jungle cats. Lynx are frequently picked up by camera traps in
Koytendag, but videos make it hard to identify individuals to get population estimates. The large
number of hares in the camera trap videos suggests that Koytendag may be a lynx-hare system
similar to that found in Turkey (Mengulluoglu et al. 2018) which may result in relatively high lynx
4.12.9 Small cats
Five small cat species are reported to occur in Turkmenistan, namely the caracal (in deserts and
foothills), sand cat (Felis margarita; in deserts), wild or steppe cat (throughout the country), the
jungle cat (in southern Turkmenistan) and the Pallas’ cat or manual (in the higher reaches of the
Kopetdag mountains; Kitchener et al. 2017, Rustamov 2011).
Small cats are regularly observed in the protected areas and show up on camera trap images
from Badhyz and Koytendag. In Badhyz these small cats tend to be characterized as wild cat,
whereas observations in the Kopetdag range seem to stem from both wild and jungle cats.
In 2019, a camera traps confirmed manual presence at Dushak in the Kopetdag mountains and
caracal presence in the Gaplangyr Reserve. The caracal observation is in line with recent camera
trap images of caracal from Uzbekistan (Gritsina 2019) and camera trap images from the Ustyurt
State Nature Reserve in Kazakhstan (see: -
CADI Expeditions findings III: Animals of the Ustyurt Plateau).
More awareness for the conservation and monitoring of small cats is needed. Future camera
trapping should ideally aim at small cat species distribution throughout Turkmenistan.
NINA Report 1696
4.12.10 Honey badger
According to the most recent IUCN assessment, the honey badgers should occur in the southern
and western, and north-western part of Turkmenistian (Do Linh Sanet al. 2016). It is listed to
occur in the Western Kopetdag (presence recently confirmed by a dead specimen) and Badhyz
(only historical records). We confirmed the species presence based on a dead individual also in
the Southern Ustyurt. This find is also in accordance with the recent documentation of the
species on the Uzbek Ustyurt (Marmazinskaya et al. 2012-2018). The species seems to be very
secretive and occur at low densities, but potentially over a large range. Although honey badgers
were documented in Badhyz in Soviet times we have not detected the species in camera traps
in the period from 2013 to 2018. The species is believed to be subject to poaching and attacks
by shepherd dogs.
4.13 Available habitat
The entire area travelled represents a vast area of potential wild ungulate habitat of grasslands
and desert. There is very little anthropogenic fragmentation of the landscape within Turkmenistan
apart from the Karakorum canal, the parallel highway, and the associated agricultural land, two
two-lane and lightly trafficked roads (Mary to Gushgy and the side road to Tahtabazar), a low-
speed railway (Mary to Gushgy), and a few villages and some highly limited areas of agriculture
along the Kuska river, its tributary the Kashan river. However, towards all neighboring countries,
the border fence poses an impenetrable barrier for most large mammals, particularly the large
The biggest constraint is access to water sources. Natural springs are limited, and unfortunately
the rivers are where human activity is concentrated. Along the Kopetdag range, wildlife is often
cut-off from springs and rivers in the mountains by the border fence. The same is true for Badhyz,
where the border fence cuts kulan and other wild ungulates off the Tedjen river and numerous
springs along the Iranian border. In some areas, wild ungulates can potentially drink from the
troughs at wells operated for livestock if they can get past the herders and guarding dogs at
Livestock grazing pressure appears very high in many parts of the landscape. However, by all
accounts wild ungulate populations were much higher in the recent past (despite similar
anthropogenic pressures). This and hard evidence encountered during several trips indicates
that there is probably widespread illegal hunting both outside the protected areas and also inside
protected area, including the prestigious Nature Reserves.
With political will and sufficient funds, there appears to be plenty of scope for wildlife conservation
in Turkmenistan’s multi-functional rangelands if (1) illegal killing can be brought under control,
(2) livestock stocking densities can be kept to sustainable levels, and (3) access to water can be
4.14 Protected area infrastructure
Considering the apparent importance of protected areas for conserving wildlife in Turkmenistan
it is important to assess their ability to conduct this task. All protected areas visited show clear
signs of underfunding. Vehicles are few, old, and often of very poor quality. Many remain out of
action due to lack of spare parts. Petrol budgets are insufficient to cover even a fraction of the
necessary patrolling or monitoring activities.
The ranger stations are generally basic, often in poor condition and lacking maintenance. Radio
communication equipment is generally absent. Basic equipment like binoculars, tents, sleeping
bags and GPS units are generally absent apart from cases where donations have been made
by foreign funded projects. Even uniforms and field clothing for staff are old and of poor quality.
NINA Report 1696
Research and monitoring equipment is also primitive, with research staff only having limited
access to computers, and no access to the internet. Overall, the level of equipment, infrastructure
and economic investment is at a fraction of what is needed for the protected area staff to
safeguard the natural heritage of Turkmenistan.
In contrast, everywhere we went we encountered rangers and research staff who were
dedicated, highly skilled, and doing the best they can with the limited resources available. Most
seemed to be investing some of their private funds from their limited salaries into fuel and basic
NINA Report 1696
5 An update on birds in a selection of Important Bird
and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs), protected areas, and
other parts of Turkmenistan
5.1 Introduction
The main purpose of the survey was to expand on existing knowledge (Bukreev 1995+1997;
Rustamov 1994; Rustanov 2015; Rustanov et al. 2009) and collect fresh field data about the
birds of the IBAs in Turkmenistan with special attention to species of particular conservation
interest: Globally threatened species (categorized by the IUCN Red List as Critically
Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable), Biome-restricted species (the group of species whose
distributions are largely or wholly confined to one biome), and Congregations (seasonal
congregations of any waterbird, seabird or terrestrial bird species) (BirdLife International 2019).
This was necessary to assess the current state of the visited IBAs and to update the information
about them in the BirdLife International World Bird Data Base. In addition we collected data about
the birds included in the Red Data Book of Turkmenistan (2011).
5.2 Methods
Data were collected by visual and acoustic observations of the sites during the expeditions,
especially the summer expeditions. Specific areas to be surveyed were planned by the
Turkmenistan experts but to large extend they were determined by the possibility to get access
to the most important parts of the sites. Due to the large distances and difficult terrain, we were
unfortunately not able to visit many areas of great ornithological interest. Observations were
made during the whole time of the journey. On the overnight sites special efforts were paid in the
morning hours to reveal as much as possible of the breeding bird fauna. Observation was
continued while travelling between sites, covering on average 500m belts on both sites of the
track concerning middle-sized and large birds. At some points of interest more time was spent
with an attempt to achieve maximum surveyed area. Binoculars and spotting scopes were used.
All records were entered in a notebook on the spot. During the night some birds were identified
by sound. Whenever possible, a subjective assessment of the size of the population within the
particular IBA or area was done.
5.3 Summary results
All records of the Globally threatened, Biome-restricted species and Congregations with their
geographical coordinates and other attributes have been provided to the representatives of the
Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan for decision making
purposes. Assessments of the population size of these species within each particular IBA are
entered into the BirdLife International World Bird Database. Some of the results of general
ornithological and conservation interest are presented below (Fig. 46, Table 9).
NINA Report 1696
Fig. 46: Birds encountered in 2018: 1 = Egyptian vulturs Neophron percnopterus (adult &
juvenile), 2 = Steppe eagle Aquila nipalensis (Photos: P. Iankov & P. Kaczensky), 3 = Cinereous
Vulture Aegypius monachus, 4 = Bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus, 5 = Eastern Rock
Nuthatch Sitta tephronota, 6 = Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach (Photos: P. Iankov).
NINA Report 1696
5.4 List of the observed bird species
Table 9: Bird species observed in April-June 2018. [B=breeding, M=migrant, V=vagrant,
Scientific name Status Presence in
Protected Areas* Presence in IBAs
Presence in
Alectoris chukar B R4, R2, S6 TM020, TM026,
TM038, TM050
1, 14, 17 abundant at
Ammoperdix griseogularis B R2, S6 TM050 14, 17 locally common
Phasianus colchicus B TM032 2 very scarce
Cygnus olor B S1 TM022, TM025,
8, 2
Anser anser M? TM032 2
Tadorna tadorna B S1 TM032, TM022 8, 2
Tadorna ferruginea B, M TM025, TM048 4, 8, 5, 0
Marmaronetta angustirostris B TM032 0, 2
Netta rufina B TM031, TM032,
8, 5, 0, 2
Aythya nyroca B TM025, TM031,
8, 0, 2
Aythya fuligula M? TM025 8
Spatula querquedula M? S1 TM022, TM025 8
Mareca strepera M? TM025 8
Mareca penelope M? S1 TM022 8
Anas platyrhynchos B TM025 8
Tachybaptus ruficollis B TM025, TM032 8, 0, 2
Podiceps grisegena B? TM025 8
Podiceps cristatus M? TM025, TM031,
8, 0, 2
Columba livia B R4, S4, S5 TM034, TM038,
TM048, TM049,
1, 14, 4, 8, 3, 5,
0, 6, 17, 19, 14,
Columba livia f. domestica B 4, 8, 0, 6, 2 everywhere in
Columba palumbus B R3 TM050 17 very scarce
Streptopelia turtur M TM031 0 two single
Streptopelia decaocto B S5 TM020, TM031,
TM048, TM049,
1, 14, 4, 7, 8, 3,
5, 0, 6, 17, 14,
widespread and
numerous in
Spilopelia senegalensis B TM031, TM048,
TM050 14, 4, 7, 5, 0, 6,
17, 14, 18
widespread and
numerous in
Pterocles orientalis B single record
Caprimulgus europaeus M TM025 8 single record
NINA Report 1696
Caprimulgus aegyptius B 8, 2
Tachymarptis melba M R2 TM021, TM025,
TM026, TM038,
1, 14, 4, 8, 0,
17, 15
Apus affinis B? S2 TM038 14
Apus apus B R4, R3
TM020, TM021,
TM025, TM026,
TM031, TM034,
TM038, TM042,
1, 14, 8, 0, 6,
17, 14, 17, 9
Cuculus canorus M TM020, TM031,
14, 0, 2
Gallinula chloropus B S5 TM031, TM048 5, 0 very rare
Fulica atra B TM025, TM031 8, 0
Grus grus M 0
Otis tarda M 8 single record -
fresh footprint
Chlamydotis macqueenii B R1 TM034 6 R1-pers.comm. of
the Reserve staff
Plegadis falcinellus B? TM025, TM032 8, 0, 2
Nycticorax nycticorax B? TM031 0 very rare
Ardeola ralloides B? 0
Ardea cinerea B? TM025, TMO31,
TM032, TM048
8, 0, 14, 18
Ardea purpurea B? TM025, TM031,
8, 5, 0, 2
Ardea alba B? TM031, TM032 14, 0, 14, 18
Egretta garzetta B? TM025 8, 0
Microcarbo pygmaeus B? TM025, TM031 8, 0
Phalacrocorax carbo B? S1 TM022, TM032 8, 0, 2
Himantopus himantopus B S1 TM019, TM022,
TM025, TM026,
TM032, TM049
8, 3, 0, 6, 2
Charadrius dubius B TM025, TM032,
14, 8, 5, 0, 14,
Charadrius alexandrinus B S1 TM022, TM025,
TM032, TM048
8, 0, 2
Charadrius leschenaultii B TM034 6
Vanellus gregarius M 0 one seen on
11.05.2018 NW
of Akdepe
Vanellus leucurus B TM025, TM032 8, 0, 2
Calidris pugnax M TM032 2
Calidris temminckii M 0 single migrant
Calidris alpina M TM032 2
Calidris minuta M TM032 14, 2
Phalaropus lobatus M S1 TM022, TM032 14, 8, 0, 2
Actitis hypoleucos M 8, 0, 2
Tringa ochropus M TM025 14, 8, 0, 2
Tringa erythropus M TM032 2 few on migration
Tringa glareola M TM025, TM026,
1, 14, 7, 8, 0, 2
Tringa stagnatilis M
NINA Report 1696
Glareola pratincola B TM019, TM032 8, 0, 2
Glareola nordmanni B 8 single record of 5
Larus genei B S1 TM022, TM032 8, 2
Larus ridibundus B? TM025 8, 0, 2
Larus ichthyaetus B
Larus michahellis B TM025 8
Larus cachinnans B S1 TM022, TM025 8, 0
Sternula albifrons B TM025, TM031,
TM032, TM048
8, 0, 2
Gelochelidon nilotica B S1 TM022 8, 0
Chlidonias hybrida M S5 TM025, TM031,
7, 8, 5, 0
Chlidonias leucopterus M TM025 8
Chlidonias niger M TM031, TM032 8, 0, 2
Sterna hirundo M S5 TM025, TM048 8, 5, 0, 2
Athene noctua B R4, S1 TM020, TM021,
TM038, TM049
14, 4, 7, 8, 3, 5,
0, 6, 14, 17,
widespread and
Otus scops B 8
Asio otus M single record
Pernis apivorus M 0
Gypaetus barbatus B R4, R3 TM038, TM050 14, 17, 18
Neophron percnopterus B R4, R2, S6
TM020, TM021,
TM025, TM038,
TM041, TM049,
14, 4, 7, 8, 0, 6,
17, 17, 9
Circaetus gallicus B R4, R2, B1 TM038, TM050 14, 17, 18
Gyps fulvus B R4, R2, B1, S6 TM021, TM038,
TM049, TM050
14, 4, 17, 17, 9
Aegypius monachus B R4, R2, B1 TM021, TM038,
14, 3, 0, 17, 19,
Aquila nipalensis M R2 TM021, TM038 1, 7, 8
Aquila heliaca M? R2 TM038 14, 18 single immajure
Aquila chrysaetos B R4, R3 TM021, TM025,
TM026, TM038,
1, 14, 8, 0, 17,
17, 9
Hieraaetus pennatus B R3 TM050 0, 17, 18
Circus aeruginosus B, M S1, S5
TM022, TM025,
TM031, TM032,
TM042, TM048,
1, 7, 8, 3, 5, 0, 2
Circus cyaneus M S1, S6 TM022, TM050 8, 17, 2
Circus macrourus M 0
Accipiter badius B TM048 14, 5, 0, 6, 14,
Accipiter nisus M
Milvus migrans M S1 TM021, TM022 14, 8, 17, 9
Buteo buteo M TM021 14, 9
Buteo rufinus B R4, R2, B1, S3, S6 TM020, TM021,
TM025, TM038,
TM049, TM050
1, 14, 4, 8, 3, 5,
0, 6, 17, 19, 14,
the most
numerous bird of
Upupa epops B, M TM049, TM050 14, 8, 3, 0, 17,
14, 14
NINA Report 1696
Merops persicus B, M S5 TM019, TM031,
TM034, TM042,
14, 4, 7, 8, 3, 5,
0, 6, 19, 14, 18
Merops apiaster B, M R4, B1, S3, S6
TM020, TM031,
TM034, TM038,
TM042, TM048,
14, 8, 3, 5, 0, 6,
17, 19, 14, 18
Coracias garrulus B, M R4, S5
TM019, TM025,
TM029, TM032,
TM034, TM038,
TM041, TM042,
TM048, TM049,
14, 4, 8, 3, 0, 6,
17, 19, 14, 18 widespread
Alcedo atthis B S5 TM031, TM048 5, 0, 2
Falco naumanni B, M R4, R3 TM038, TM050 4, 0, 17, 18
Falco tinnunculus B R4, S1 TM021, TM025,
TM026, TM038,
TM049, TM050
1, 14, 4, 7, 8, 0,
17, 14, 17, 9
Falco subbuteo M R3 TM050 8, 0, 17
single migrants,
breeding on
buildings in
Falco cherrug B R2 TM021, TM025,
14, 4, 8, 17, 17,
Falco pelegrinoides B R2 TM038, TM050 0, 17, 18
Psittacula krameri V? E? 0 single flying bird
in Ashgabat
Oriolus kundoo B, M TM020, TM041,
14, 0, 17, 14, 18
Lanius collurio B, M TM019 14, 7, 0, 2 scarce
Lanius phoenicuroides B R2, S6 TM050 0, 17, 19, 2
Lanius isabellinus B R2, S6 TM050 17
Lanius schach B TM049, TM050 0, 17, 2
Lanius minor B, M R3 TM020, TM050 14, 7, 17
Lanius excubitor M R4, S1 TM025, TM038 8, 3, 0, 14, 18
Podoces panderi B TM026 1, 8, 2
Pica pica B R2, S5, B1 TM030, TM034,
TM038, TM048,
14, 3, 5, 0, 6,
17, 14, 18 relatively scarce
Corvus monedula B 14, 0, 14, 18 locally only
Corvus frugilegus M 0
Corvus corax B R2 TM019, TM029,
TM038, TM049,
14, 4, 0, 6, 18
Corvus ruficollis B S1 TM021, TM022,
1, 8, 19, 14, 9 nests on
electricity pylons
Corvus corone B TM025, TM048 8, 5 scarce
Corvus cornix B TM048 14, 5, 0 scarce
Periparus rufonuchalis B R3 TM050 17
Parus bokharensis B 0
Ammomanes deserti B 14, 17
Melanocorypha bimaculata B S1 TM021, TM022,
TM025, TM026
1, 14, 8, 14, 9
Melanocorypha calandra B? 14
Calandrella brachydactyla B S1 TM021 14, 4, 8, 9
Calandrella cheleensis B TM026 1, 14, 8
NINA Report 1696
Eremophila alpestris M 14
Alauda arvensis B, M TM020 14
Alauda gulgula B R3 TM050 1, 14, 0, 17
Galerida cristata B all all all
including desert
Panurus biarmicus B TM032, TM048 8, 5, 2
Iduna rama B, M TM025 8, 0
Iduna pallida B, M TM025, TM048 1, 14, 7, 8, 5, 0,
Hippolais languida B, M TM025 8, 0
Acrocephalus scirpaceus B, M TM032 8, 0, 2
Acrocephalus stentoreus B S5 TM025, TM031,
TM032, TM048,
8, 5, 0, 17, 2
Delichon urbicum B R3 TM050 17 single migrant
Hirundo rustica B, M R4, S1, S5
TM020, TM021,
TM025, TM026,
TM030, TM031,
TM032, TM038,
TM048, TM049,
1, 14, 4, 8, 5, 0,
6, 17, 14, 17, 9
Hirundo rupestris B 14
Riparia riparia B R2, S5 TM025, TM032,
TM048, TM049,
1, 14, 7, 8, 3, 5,
0, 17, 14, 18
Phylloscopus trochilus M 0
Phylloscopus collybita M 1, 14, 0, 2
Scotocerca inquieta B R4, S6 TM038, TM050 17, 18
Sylvia atricapilla M TM031 0
Sylvia nana B S1 TM032 8, 3, 2
Sylvia crassirostris B R3 TM050 17
Sylvia curruca M R3 TM050 14, 17, 2
Sylvia communis B, M 0
Sylvia althaea B R3 TM050 17
Sitta tephronota B R4, R3 TM038, TM050 14, 17, 18
Sturnus vulgaris B S5 TM031, TM034,
TM048, TM049
14, 8, 5, 0, 6, 2 scarce
Pastor roseus B, M TM021 14, 7, 8, 3, 0,
Acridotheres tristis B S5 TM034, TM048 all everywhere in
Turdus viscivorus M R3 TM050 17
Turdus merula B 0 rare, local
Cercotrichas galactotes B, M R4, S5 TM038, TM048 14, 7, 5, 0, 14,
Muscicapa striata M 2 single migrants
Cyanecula svecica M TM025 8
Luscinia luscinia M TM025 8
Luscinia megarhynchos M TM031 0 rare, local
Ficedula parva M 0
NINA Report 1696
Phoenicurus phoenicurus M S1 TM022 8
Monticola saxatilis V single record
Saxicola caprata B, M S5
TM019, TM031,
TM032, TM042,
TM048, TM049,
4, 3, 5, 0, 6, 14,
Oenanthe oenanthe B, M 14, 4, 8, 0, 19,
14, 1
Oenanthe isabellina B R4, B1, S1
TM020, TM021,
TM025, TM029,
TM038, TM041,
TM049, TM050
1, 14, 4, 7, 8, 3,
5, 0, 19, 14, 17,
abundant in most
of the habitats
Oenanthe deserti B R4, S1 TM021, TM038 8, 19, 17, 9
Oenanthe pleschanka B R3 TM021, TM050 14, 17, 9
Oenanthe picata B S2 TM038 0, 18
Oenanthe finschii B R4, R2, S6 TM021, TM026,
TM038, TM050
1, 14, 4, 8, 17,
14, 17,
Passer domesticus B R4, R2, S5
TM020, TM021,
TM025, TM029,
TM034, TM038,
TM041, TM048,
TM049, TM050
1, 14, 4, 7, 8, 3,
5, 0, 6, 17, 19,
14, 17, 9
P. d. Indicus -
everywhere in
Passer hispaniolensis B S1 TM022, TM025,
8, 0, 2
Passer montanus B S5 TM048, TM049,
14, 4, 7, 5, 0,
17, 14, 1
Petronia petronia B R2 TM020, TM038 14, 18
Anthus trivialis B R3 TM050 17 single record
Anthus richardi M TM021 9 single record
Anthus campestris B, M R3 TM050 1, 14, 17, 2
Motacilla flava M, B S1 TM019, TM022,
TM025, TM026,
TM032, TM050
1, 8, 0, 17, 2 1 M. f. feldegg in
Motacilla citreola M, B TM048 5 locally numerous
Motacilla alba B, M TM025, TM026 1, 8, 0
Motacilla personata B TM029, TM049,
14, 7, 3, 0, 6, 18
Carpodacus erythrinus B, M R3 TM050 17
Bucanetes githagineus B 14
Rhodospiza obsoleta B R2 TM021, TM025,
TM029, TM031,
TM038, TM049
14, 4, 8, 0, 14,
17, 9
Linaria cannabina B 14
Carduelis caniceps B R3 TM050 14, 17
Emberiza bruniceps B R3 TM020, TM050 14, 7, 0, 6, 17, 2
Miliaria calandra B R2 TM019, TM020,
14, 7, 3, 19, 18
Emberiza stewarti B R3 TM050 17
*Nature Reserves (see Fig. X – Chapter X Area): R1: Gaplangyr, R2: Badhyz, R4: Sunt Hasardag, R3: Koytendag, B1:
Badhyz Buffer Zone, B2: Koytendag Buffer Zone
Wildlife Sanctuaries: S1: Shasenem, S2: Sarykamysh, S3: Gyzyljar, S4: Chemenabat, S5: Kelif, S6: Hodjaburjibelent
**Geographical regions (also see Fig. x – Chapter X Area): 0: Oasis, rivers, irrigated areas, 1: Zaunguz Karakum, 2:
Central Karakum, 3: South East Karakum, 4: Tallymerjen, 5: Obruchev steppe, 6: Meana-Chacha steppe, 7: South West
Turkmenistan, 8: Southern Ustyurt, 9: Trans-Uzboy North-west region, 14: Western Kopetdag Mountain, 16: Eastern
Kopetdag Mountain, 17: Koytendag Mountain, 18: Badhyz Foothills, 19: Garabil Foothills
NINA Report 1696
5.5 Globally threatened species
Marbled Duck Marmaronetta angustirostris. Single individual recorded 6.05.2018 at a
marsh in TM032 IBA Ayrakyly-Garajavak.
European Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur. Two records only: singing bird on 6.05.2018 at
TM030 IBA Mergen and one flying bird on 8.06.2018 at border checkpoint Tejen.
Great Bustard Otis tarda. Fresh footprints of one bird, 22.05.2018 at the chink Tarymgaya.
Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii. We recorded the species once: 1 individual in
an area suitable as breeding habitat on 30.04.2018 to the south of Sarygamysh Depression.
According to the rangers, the species breeds on the territory of Kaplankyr Nature Reserve.
According to Gurban Geidyew 180 ind. have been observed on 13.08.2013 and 5 ind. on
28.05.2018 at TM034 IBA Tedjen.
Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius. One bird, probable a migrant, was seen on
11.05.2018 between Akdepe and Garagan.
Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus. Presented with visibly healthy population in all
of the visited parts of Turkmenistan, where number of occupied nests and pairs were seen.
Particularly numerous in the Western Kopetdag mountains, the areas between Koytendag
and Tallymerjen and at Badhyz and Garachop, where 8 immature individuals were seen
during the period 8-10.06.2018.
Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis. Observed in both western (15 ind.) and eastern (3 ind.)
parts of the country. In western Turkmenistan mostly adult birds (most probably migrants)
were seen between 30.04. and 09.05.2018 in the regions between Sarygamysh Depression
and the south-eastern edge of the Caspian Sea. In eastern Turkmenistan 3 immature birds
were seen on 8-9.06.2018 in the Badhyz Nature Reserve. Our previous research in eastern
Turkmenistan (Iankov 2017) showed intensive migration of this species over other areas of
the eastern part of the country (especially Tallymerjen and Koytendag). This suggests the
existence of two migration flyways: In the west from the Sarygamysh Depression to the
southeastern edge of the Caspian Sea and in the east along from Tallymerjen to Badhyz.
Further investigations should reveal the obviously important role of Turkmenistan for the
conservation of this globally threatened species.
Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca. One immature eagle was seen on 8.05.2018 at
Western Kopetdag and one juvenile bird was recorded on 8.06.2018 in the Badhyz Nature
Saker Falcon Falco cherrug. In total 24 records, out of them 13 individual birds, 9 nests, 1
pair and 1 family group of a pair with 3 fledglings. The species was observed in Western
Kopetdag, Northern, Southern and Eastern Turkmenistan.
5.6 General conclusions
The general impression is of a quite healthy bird fauna and a very low level of impact of
agriculture chemicals or other pesticides on the wildlife in general. Most of the habitats appear
to be in good condition. Although the avifauna seems to be in a good situation there appears to
be very little investment in monitoring or protection of birds. This avian diversity makes
Turkmenistan a potentially attractive birdwatching destination. Trip reports of birdwatchers can
fill out the very significant gaps of bird information for most of the territory of the country and can
contribute to better preservation of the bird fauna. Even more valuable can be some research
projects between Turkmenistan experts and research institutes from Europe, targeting specific
areas or scientific questions.
NINA Report 1696
6 Rapid assessment of the reptile fauna in April-June
6.1 Introduction
The reptile fauna in Turkmenistan is very diverse and includes numerous endemic species and
subspecies (details can be found in: Ananjeva et al. 2006, Ataev 1985, Bannikov et al. 1977,
Bogdanov and Sudarev 1988, Chkhikvadze et al. 1990, 2009, 2010, Nazarov and Poyarkov
2013, Rustamov et al. 2013, Shammakov 1981, Sindaco and Jeremcenko 2008, Solovyeva et
al. 2012, Suniyev et al. 2009, Tuniev et al. 2009).
However, recent surveys are lacking from most parts of the country. To start closing this
knowledge gap, we opportunistically recorded the reptile fauna during two expeditions between
April and June 2018, visiting 12 regions throughout Turkmenistan. The work encompassed
searching for reptiles during stops and describing numbers and species encountered, and
counting individuals along transects for rough density approximations. The main aim of this
survey was to update and verify the existing reptile database of the regions.
The outcome of these two trips were summarized in Russian language in Shestopal and
Rustamov (2018). In summary, the two expeditions:
(1) Added records to clarify the distribution area of a number of reptiles in Turkmenistan.
(2) Document for the first time the presence of the Afghan Awl-header Lythorhynchus
ridgewayi in the Southern Ustyurt.
(3) Documented for the first time the presence of the nominate form of the Sunwatcher
Toadhead Agama (Phrynocephalus helioscopus helioscopus) in northern Turkmenistan.
(4) Obtained density indices of the more common species. It documents how changes in the
ecosystem (e.g. irrigation and collection channels, increase in water levels) seem to have
resulted in a 2-fold increase of certain desert species in the Sarygamysh depression,
namely the Steppe Agama Trapelus sanguinolentus aralensis and the Aralo-Caspian
Racerunner - Eremias intermedia, as well as a 20-fold increase in the Striped Racerunner -
Eremias lineolata.
6.2 Methods
The areas visited during the first expedition were: Trans-Unguz Karakum (26-27 April),
Sarygamysh depression (27-29 April), Southern Ustyurt (Gaplangyr plateau; 30 April, 1-2 May),
Central Karakum (26 Aprel; 3, 5-6 May), Western Kopetdag (7-11 May), and South-western
deserts (incl. the Messerian plain; May 9). The areas visited during the second expedition were:
Eastern Kopetdag (6 June), Tedjen-Murgab river valley (6-7 June), Badhyz foothills (8-9 June),
Garabil foothills (11 June), South-eastern Karakum & Obruchev steppe (11-12 June), and
Koytendag-Gaurdak mountains (13-16 June).
For descriptions of the main landscape units see chapter 3. Information on the species
composition and their distribution are provided in table format (see Table 10). The data on
biotope (see Fig. 6 for example) and density estimates are provided in the species description.
We chose to use the Russian terms for biotopes for which no single term exists in the English
language. Illustrations of most species are given in Fig. 47, referenced in the text by their photo
The expedition was not primarily focussed on recording reptiles and hence reptiles were
recorded opportunistically during stops, largely aimed at recording birds, ungulates or to cook,
NINA Report 1696
eat, and camp overnight. When recording reptiles, the route and area method was used for which
the time of the beginning and the end of the route, all encounters with the species, and changes
in habitat were noted. In addition, most species were photographed and measured. On average
(including the time it takes to detect, observe, and write down species), 1 hour of walking
corresponds to roughly 2 km of transect route.
For the more common species, minimum density indices were calculated based on transect
length and two times the distance (transect width) at which an observer can be expected to
reliably detect a reptile. Based on previous experience, the transect width is estimated to be 20
meters for large reptiles (e.g. turtles and lizards), 6 meters for medium sized reptiles (e.g. for
agama, skinks, racerunners, and venomous snakes), and 2-3 meters for smaller species (e.g.
night geckos and small species of night snakes). However, if the specimen was seen while
driving or the stop was too short, only time and place were recorded. No density indices were
calculated when less than 3 individuals were encountered.
The short species description section gives the range of species / subspecies across
Turkmenistan, a brief description of the main habitats they inhabit, and the general abundance
(rare, sporadic, common, numerous). Subsequently, the date, number, and where possible
status (e.g. sex, age group) of specimens encountered is given, followed by a site specific
description where the species was encountered during the trip: landscape, habitat, substrate.
Times in round parentheses provide the encounter time and time in square parentheses the
duration and time span in which a transect was walked, which was subsequently used to
calculate densities per hectare. Transects with longer photograph breaks were marked with *
and the time for photographing was deducted from the overall transect time; in this case the
transect period is longer than the recorded transect time (e.g. 1:00 transect from 11:00-12:20;
20 min were spent for photography). English species names were taken from Ananjeva et al.
(2006) and
6.3 Summary results
We encountered a total of 578 reptiles belonging to 38 species or subspecies from 3 orders and
11 families throughout the five regions (Table 10, Fig. 47).
Table 10: Reptile species and subspecies encountered by region. For photos see Fig. 47. [Numbering corresponds with numbers before the species
name in the species description section]
Species or subspecies
Trans-Unguz Karakum
Sarygamysh depression
Central Karakum (CK)
Southern Ustyurt
(Gaplangyr) (SU)
Western Kopedag
Messerian Plain (MP)
Eastern Kopedag (EK)
Tedjen - Murgab river
valley (TMR)
Badhyz foothills (BF)
Garabil foothills (GF)
SE Karakum &
Obruchev steppe
Mountains (KY)
Total individuals
1 Agrionemys horsfieldii horsfieldii (Photo 1) 4 4
2 Agrionemys horsfieldii kazachstanica / kuznetzovi
(Photo 2) 12 9 21
3 Agrionemys horsfieldii rustamovi (Photo 3-4) 20 20
4 Mediodactylus russowii russowii (Photo 5) 1 3 4
5 Mediodactylus spinicaudus (Photo 6) 1 1
6 Tenuidactylus caspius caspius (Photo 7) 1 1 4 9 2 17
7 Tenuidactylus turcmenicus 7 7
8 Tenuidactylus fedtschenkoi 7 7
9 Teratoscincus scincus scincus (Photo 8) 1 2 3
10 Trapelus sanguinolentus aralensis (Photo 9-11) 4 32 2 30 1 1 3 9 14 19 9 33 157
11 Phrynocephalus helioscopus helioscopus (Photo 12) 4 8 12
12 Phrynocephalus helioscopus turcomanus (Photo 13) 2 1 3
13 Phrynocephalus raddei raddei (Photo 14) 2 2
14 Phrynocephalus raddei boettgeri 4 4
15 Phrynocephalus interscapularis (Photo 15) 1 10 12 23
16 Phrynocephalus mystaceus galli (Photo 16-18) 4 9 13
17 Paralaudakia caucasia caucasia (Photo 19) 5 5
18 Paralaudakia erythrogastra erythrogastra 1 1
19 Paralaudakia lehmanni 1 1
20 Pseudopus apodus apodus (Photo 20) 1 1
21 Ablepharus pannonicus 3 3
22 Eumeces schneideri princeps (Photo 21) 1 1 2
23 Eurylepis taeniolatus pathiranicus (Photo 22-23) 1 1
24 Eremias grammica (Photo 24) 2 6 4 12
25 Eremias intermedia (Photo 25) 5 15 2 5 27
26 Eremias lineolate (Photo 26) 111 1 2 27 141
27 Eremias persica (Photo 27) 1 1
28 Eremias scripta scripta (Photo 28) 2 2
29 Eremias velox velox (Photo 29-30) 7 15 8 1 3 19 53
30 Mesalina watsonana 2 2
31 Varanus griseus caspius (Photo 31) 2 4 4 1 11
32 Typhlops vermicularis (Photo 32) 2 1 3
33 Eryx miliaris miliaris (Photo 33) 2 2
34 Platyceps karelinii karelinii (Photo 34) 2 2
35 Lythorhynchus ridgewayi (Photo 35) 3 3
36 Psammophis lineolatum (Photo 36) 1 1 1 3
37 Spalerosophis diadema schiraziana (Photo 37) 2 2
38 Echis carinatus (Photo 38) 2 2
Total reptile individuals (all species) 25 185 38 69 56 3 3 15 35 19 14 116 578
NINA Report 1696
Fig 47: Reptile species and subspecies encountered in different parts of Turkmenistan from 26
March to 11 May 2018. Photos: A. Shestopal
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6.4 Species descriptions
6.4.1 Order Testudines Family Tortoises – Testudinidae
Central Asian tortoise (also known as Russian tortoise, Afghan tortoise, Horsfield's tortoise, and
Steppe tortoise). There is disagreement on the taxonomic status of the Agrionemys horsfieldii
taxon regarding species and subspecies status. Opinions range from accepting only one species
with no subspecies to three species (e.g. Chkhikvadze et al. 2010). Until more information is
forthcoming, we list the different morphological types as subspecies.
1. Central Asian Tortoise - Agrionemys horsfieldii horsfieldii (Photo 1). Widely distributed,
found in deserts, mostly in overgrown sand and clay sites. Found throughout the sandy Karakum,
common in Badhyz and numerous in Garabil. We encountered the 4 specimens in the Trans-
Unguz Karakum:
TUK: 27 April, 1 specimen (10:10) 1.5 km north of Tyumkdag village [during a 0:45 transect from 9:35-
TUK: 30 April, 1 specimen (17:30) on the slope of a sand ridge at Atabai shor; 1 [during a 01:16 transect
from 16:46-18:02].
TUK: 3 May, 1 specimen ca. 4 km east of the village of Islam on a sand dune on semi-fixed sands.
NINA Report 1696
2. Kazakhstan Tortoise - Agrionemys horsfieldii kazachstanica / kuznetzovi (Photo 2).
Found in the northern regions of Turkmenistan and probably the Southern Ustyurt. Encountered
on the plateau of Southern Ustyurt (including Gaplangyr) and the Sarygamysh basin. Common,
in places numerous, occurs on sandy, clay and clay-gravelly plains. We encountered a total of
21 individuals.
SD: 28 April, 1 specimen (9:13) at the foot of the Tyrimgaya chink, ca. 1 km south of height 102.7, on the
clay plain with low black saxaul [during 0:26 transect from 9:05-9:31]; 1 specimen (10:21) ca. 1 km east of
Yurshlydzha village on a sandy kyr [during a 0:15 transect from 10:10-10:25]; 2 specimens (13:19, 13:30)
on the remnant of mount Kaykyrylan [during a 0:30 transect from 13:00-13:30], 3 specimens while driving
22 km along the foot of the Tyarkimkaya Chink.
SD: 29 April, 4 specimens (8:36, 8:57-9:18) in the Cukurlyk tract, ca. 1 km north of the height 10.7, on fixed
slightly wavy sands [during a 0:46 transect from 8:36-9:22; suggesting a density of 1.3 individuals/ha].
SD: 30 April, 1 specimen (14:00) ca. 18 km south-west of Cape Burchlyburun on the loess low-hilly plain
[during a 0:19 transect from 13:54-14:13].
SU: 1 May, 1 specimen (8:13) in the Karra-Mazarchalyk tract, ca. 1.5 km east of height 61.0, on the loess
plain [during 0:21 transect from 8:28-8:49]; 1 specimen near the Gussas tract, ca. 1.5 km south of elevation
116.0, on a slightly hilly loess plain [during 0:20 transect from 11:50-10:10]; 3 specimens, one of which was
a juvenile, (11:14, 16:47, 17:45) along the Gaplangyr chink [during a series of short surveys totalling 2:00
which were distributed over a distance of 42 km at heights of 218-247m between 11:00-12:44 and 16:40-
18:32, suggesting a density of 0.4 individuals/ha].
SU: 2 May, 1 specimen near the West Uzboy riverbed, ca. 1 km north of altitude 59.4, on takyr-like soil; 2
specimens on Gaplangyr at height 185.5, on a slightly hilly loess plain [during 0:20 transect from 9:20-9:40];
1 specimen near the West Uzboy riverbed, ca. 1 km north of height 72.4, on takyr-like soil.
3. Rustamov Tortoise - Agrionemys horsfieldii rustamovi (Photo 3-4). Mountain species
which reaches from the base to the upper altitudes, but avoids rocky areas and cliffs. Found in
the Kopetdag range and the sand massif of Mashat on its western foothill plains. Common, in
places numerous. We recorded a total of 20 individuals in Western Kopedag.
WK: 7 May, 2 specimens (17:47) at the Eysham spring, on loess hills with rocky outcrops [during a 0:40
transect from 17:47-18:27].
WK: 8 May, 1 specimen (08:29) on the dry mudflats, ca. 1.5 km north of Amannazar [during a 01:16
transect from 8:29-9:45].
WK: 9 May, 1 specimen (18:45) at the north-eastern side of the Maly Kulmach Ridge [during a 0:25
transect from 18:45-19:10].
WK: 10 May, 3 specimens (10:41) south of the Kulmach Range, ca. 2 km west of the Keshan well at the
foot of high loess hills.
WK: 11 May, 3 specimens at the foot of the hills in the Tersakan Valley, ca. 1.5 km south-east of the
Doyran spring [during a 0:16 transect from 8:30-8:46; suggesting a possible density of 3 individuals/ha]; 10
specimens on a hilly plain at the Kurbanniyaz well [during a 0:34 transect from 9:46-10:20; suggesting a
density of 5.0 individuals/ha]
6.4.2 Order Squamata Suborder Lacertilia (Lizards) Family Geckos – Gekkonidae
4. Transcaspian bent-toed or Grey thin-toed gecko - Mediodactylus russowii russowii
(Photo 5). The species is widespread in the plains of Turkmenistan. It can be found in habitats
with semi-fixed sands and takyr-like soils, where it lives on tree-shaped shrubs. Common,
sometimes numerous. We recorded 4 individual.
TUK: On 26 April, 1 specimen (22:30) in the Trans-Unguz Karakum near the Egriptakyr tract at altitude
marker 128.1m, on a sand dune.
SKO: On 11 June, 3 specimens at the Arapkui well on the branches of the desert acacia (Ammodendron
sp.) and wooden construction, on dense small-hilly sands [during 1:00 transect from 22:00-23:00;
suggesting a possible density of 5 individuals/ha].
NINA Report 1696
5. Kopet Dagh bent-toed gecko or Spiny-tailed thin-toed Gecko - Mediodactylus
spinicaudus (Photo 6). In Turkmenistan distributed in the Kopetdag range, Badhyz and the
valley of the Murgab river. The species inhabits stony slopes and hills, mudflow gullies, and
riverbeds. Sporadic occurrence. We recorded 1 individual in the Western Kopedag.
WK: 1 May, 1 specimen (22:00) near the Annapolat well on the clay slope of a hill [during a 01:35 transect
from 22:00 to 23:35].
6. Caspian thin-toed gecko - Tenuidactylus caspius caspius (Photo 7). It is distributed
throughout Turkmenistan, except for the upper altitudes of the mountains. It inhabits mountains,
plains, and will also willingly settle in human habitations. Numerous, can form large clusters. We
encountered a total of 17 individuals.
TUK: 3 May, 1 specimen, ca. 2 km to the south of the village Balaish, on ridge-hummocked, semi-fixed
sands with small takyrs.
SD: 29 April, 1 specimen (18:40) in the Sarygamysh depression in the area of the Duschekidash tract, on
the adobe wall of a building (47.8 m) located on a rubble-bearing plain with shell rock.
SU: 1 May, 1 specimen (12:26) along the Gaplangyr chink near the Goklenkui solonchak (Karashor at 229
m), under a tile among the plate material, during a series of short surveys which were distributed over a
distance of 42 km at altitudes of 218-247 m over several short transects totalling 01:11 (between 11:00 and
SU: 2 May, 1 specimenon the Gaplangyr loess plain, ca. 1 km to the south of the map height 80.7 m in a
gerbil burrow [during a 0:30 transect from 10:30-11:00].
SU: 2 May, 2 specimens in the Kaplanyk area, in the Atabay tract on a well located on a small hill on the
loess plain.
WK: 7 May, 1 specimen on the Annapolat well [during a 01:30 transect from 22:00 to 23:35].
WK: 8 May, 2 specimens (8:35) ca. 1.5 km north of Amannazar in the mudflow in the Amannazar tract
[during a 01:16 transect from 8:29-9:45]; 3 specimens (22:25, 23:54, 00:20), in a deep ravine southwest of
Kemender at a colony of large gerbils, 0.5 km to the northwest of height 145.2 [during a 02:00 transect from
WK: 9 May, 3 specimens on the north-eastern side of Maly Kulmach ridge on a colony of large gerbils
[during a 01:30 transect from 22:45-00:15].
SKO: 11 June, 2 specimens at the Arapkui well on the walls of brick and wooden buildings on dense, fine-
hilly sands [during 1:00 transect from 22:00-23:00].
7. Turkmen thin-toed gecko - Tenuidactylus turcmenicus. The species is found in southern
Turkmenistan, namely in Eastern Badhyz. It lives on slopes and rocky outcrops, and walls of
buildings. Mostly rare, but sometimes locally common. We recorded a total of 7 individuals in
BF: 9 June, 7 specimens (22:24, 22:35, 22:39, 22:46, 22:57) in the village of Serkhetchi (formerly
Morgunovka) on the walls of the Badhyz Nature Reserve administration on the Kushka river floodplain
[during 0:42 transect from 22:17-22:59; suggesting a density of 17.5 individuals per hectare].
8. Turkestan thin-toed gecko - Tenuidactylus fedtsсhenkoi. The species is found in south-
eastern Turkmenistan, namely in Koytendag and its foothills. It lives in rocky, dissected areas
(precipices, caves, sheer cliffs), and walls of buildings. Common in many places. We recorded a
total of 7 in Gaurdak-Koytendag.
KY: 16 June, 2 specimens (16:16, 16:40) on the top of hills along the Sakyrtma ridge, on the rocky outcrops
of the southern exposure [during short transects totalling 0:38 from 15:57-16:16, 16:27-16:31, 16:36-16:50];
5 specimens (16:59, 17:16) along the Aktau mountains, on the coarse material in the form of easterly
exposure boulders [during short transects totalling 0:33 from 16:50-17:06, 17:10-17:16, 17:27-17:38;
suggesting densities of 15.2 individuals/ha].
NINA Report 1696
9. Common Wonder or the Frog-eyed Gecko - Teratoscincus scincus scincus (Photo 8).
The species is widespread throughout sandy plains of Turkmenistan. It mainly lives on sand
dunes and semi-hardened sands, and sometimes goes onto takyrs. Numerous. We recorded a
total of 3 individuals.
TUK: On 27 April, 1 specimen (6:52) near the Egriptakyr tract, on a sandy ridge of a dune field at height
128.1 [during a 00:42 transect from 6:30-7:12].
CK: On 5 May, 2 specimens, one dead and one alive (22:30), at the Adzhikel well, in an area of dunes and
takhyrs. Family Agama Agamidae
10. Steppe Agama - Trapelus sanguinolentus aralensis (Photo 9-11). In Turkmenistan, the
steppe agama is found everywhere, excluding the upper altitudinal zones of the mountains.
Common, in places numerous. We encountered the species throughout all visited regions and
recorded a total of 157 individuals.
TUK: 27 April, 1 specimen (7:00) near the Egriptakyr tract, on a sand dune (128.1m) [during a 0:42 transect
from 6:30-7:12]; 1 specimen (9:40) at Tyumekdag on sandy hill.
TUK: 30 April, 2 specimens (16:46, 17:41) at Atabay Shorra.
TUK: 3 May, 1 specimen (17:41) ca. 2 km to the south of the Balaish village, on ridge-hummocked semi-
fixed sands with small takyrs.
SD: 27 April, 2 specimens (11:40, 12:45) along the bottom of the Achchagaya basin ca. 1.5 km north of
height 44.0m, in an area of mudflow and sandy mounds [during a 0:24 transect from 11:36-13:00]; 1
specimen (19:22) at the foot of the Tyrimgaya chink, ca. 1 km west of a height of 60.5 [during 1:04 transect
from 19:15-20:19].
SD: 28 April, 1 specimen (9:13) at the foot of the Tyrimgaya chink, ca. 1 km south of height 102.7 [during
0:26 transect from 9:05-9:31]; 1 specimen (9:13) ca. 1 km east of the town of Yurshlydzha at the beginning
of the Kangakyr hill chain, on sandy substrate [during 0:15 transect from 10:10-10:25]; 1 specimen (13:50)
ca. 1 km north of Mount Kaykyrylan, in black saxaul on soft soil.
SD: 29 April, 4 specimens (8:46, 8:52) in the tract Cukurlyk 1 km north of height 10.7, on fixed weakly wavy
sands [during 0:46 transect from 8:36-9:22; suggesting a density of 4.4 individuals/ha]; 10 specimens (4
juveniles) on the shore of Sarygamysh lake, on fixed small-hilly sands near Gulanly Bay [during 0:50
transect from 9:58-10:48, suggesting a density of 6.7 individuals/ha]; 1 specimen (11:46) in the
Dusheklidash tract, at height 29.6, on ridge-small-hilly fixed sands; 11 specimens (9 juveniles) ca. 3.5 km
south-west of Dortkak at height of 10.3, on small-grained fixed sands [during 1:15 transect from 13:23-
14:38, suggesting a density of 6.1 individuals/ha].
SU: 30 April, 2 specimens (12:05, 12:08) ca. 8 km to the south-west of Burchlyburun, on a hilly loess plain
[during a 01:15 transect from 11:21-12:36]; 1 specimen (13:54) ca. 18 km to the south-west of Cape
Burchlyburun, on the loess slab-hilly plain [during a 0:19 transect from 13:54-14:13].
SU: 1 May, 1 specimen on the Gaplangyr plateau near the Gusassu tract ca. 1.5 km to the south of height
116.0, on a loess plain [during a 0:20 transect from 11:50-10:10].
SU: 1 May, 11 specimens (including 5 juveniles; 11:00, 11:02, 11:10, 11:25, 11:28, 11:53, 12:44, 16:40,
16:44, 16:47, 18:32) along a 42 km stretch of the Gaplangyr chink (228.4-296.5m) in the Goklenkui
solonchak (Karashor) [recorded during a series of short transects over a total 2:00 between 11:00-12:44
and 16:40-18:32, suggesting a density of 4.6 individuals/ha]; 1 additional specimen (13:53) was found at
height 231.7, where in an area of 80x600m the tile material was turned over (13:40-14:40) – the low
encounter rate was due to the animals seeking natural shelters (rodent burrows) during this hottest part of
the day.
SU: 2 May, 1 specimen (10:35) on Gaplagyr near the Sardjakel ca. 1 km to the south of height of 80.7, on
the loess plain [during a 0:30 transect from 10:30-11:00]; 12 specimen in the Atabay tract, ca. 2 km west of
Atabay village on a well located on the slightly hilly loess plain; 1 more specimen near the western Uzboy
river bed ca. 1 km north of height of 72.4, on takyr-like soil.
CK: 5 May, 1 specimen (11:10) in the vicinity of the Bukreolen well.
CK: 6 May, 1 specimen (8:15-8:48) ca. 3 km east of the Katya well.
MP: 9 May, 1 ♀ specimen at the ruins of the Shirkebir mosque.
NINA Report 1696
WK: 11 May, 1 specimen (9:46) near the Kurbanias dam, on a hilly plain [during a 0:24 transect from 9:46-
EK: 6 June, 1 specimen (9:40) ca. 3 km north of the village of Halaz, at a height of 367.0, in the hills; 1
specimen (11:25) ca. 1 km east, at a height of 262.2 ,on the foothill plain.
EK: 7 June, 1 specimen (9:45) ca. 2 km north of Ptichy, on clay takyr plain.
TMR: 7 June, 1 specimen (10:07) ca. 1 km east of altitude 240.7, on fine-grained, semi-fixed sand; 2
specimens ca. 1 km to the north of the town of Barkhan at height 249.2, on fine-grained, semi-fixed sand
[during 0:10 transect from 10:14-10:24]; 2 specimens 1 km to the north of the village of Barkhan at height
249.9 [during 0:10 transect from 10:36-10:46]; 1 specimen (11:57) by the Durnali shore, ca. 1 km west of
height 242.8, on fine-grained, semi-fixed sand [during 0:10 transect from 11:50-12:00].
TMR: 8 June, 3 specimens (10:07, 10:08) ca. 40 km north of the cordon Akarcheshme on a large, hilly plain
with dense sandy ground.
BF: 8 June, 5 specimens (10:07, 10:08) ca. 1 km west of the Kyariz well, on a clay hilly plain, near the
colonies of a large gerbil [during a 0:10 transect from 10:00-10:10; suggesting a density of 10
individuals/ha]; 2 specimens (10:42, 10:45) ca. 3.5 km northeast of the village of Jumaji, on a clay hilly
plain, near the colonies of a large gerbil [during 0:18 transect from 10:38-10:56]; 8 specimens (14:43,
14:48, 15:10, 15:14, 15:43, 15:45) on a clay-gravelly slope on the border ridge, at a height of 843.4 [during
a 1:02 transect from 14:43-15:45, suggesting a density of 6.7 individuals/ha].
BF: 9 June, 1 specimen (11:50) at height 751.6 [during 1:15 transect from 10:35-11:50].
GF: 11 June, 1 specimen (7:50) at the Saryyazy reservoir on the road to Gumly, on a large hilly plain of
fixed sands; 1 specimen one the road to the Salamguy well, on a large hilly plain of fixed sands [during 0:05
transect from 8:21-8:26]; 14 specimens (10:14-2, 10:19, 10:21, 10:23, 10:31, 10:35, 10:44, 11:03, 11:07,
11:18, 11:20, 11:22, 11:32) at the Salamguy well, on fixed, dense and coarse sand [during 1:20 transect
from 10:12-11:32, suggesting a density of 5.8 individuals/ha]; 1 specimen near the village of Aymak, on a
large hilly plain of fixed sands; 1 specimen (12:07) at the Yakhbil well, on coarse hilly fixed sand; 1
specimen further along the way.
SKO: 11 June, 1 specimen (14:17) at the Agayusup well, on coarse hilly fixed sands; 1 specimen at the
Goshasyuyi well, on coarse hilly fixed sands; 1 specimen (17:34) at the Gayalbaba well, on large hilly fixed
sands; 1 specimen (17:44) at the Kulach well, on the large hilly fixed sands; 1 specimen at the Eresh well,
on large hilly fixed sands.
SKO: 12 June, 1 specimen (7:00) at the Arapkui well, on dense, fine-hilly sands; 2 specimens (7:58, 8:05)
at the Khtai well, on dense, fine grained sands; 1 specimen (9:55) at the Karametniyaz well, on dense,
finely grained sands.
KY: 13 June, 4 specimens (17: 52-2, 18:05, 18:54) ca. 10 km south-east of Amu Darya town in the foothills
of a saline, sandy plain [during two transect totalling 0:39 from 17:51-19:15 & 18:26-18:41, suggesting a
density of 1.6 individuals/ha].
KY: 14 June, 3 specimens (11:10, 11:32-11: 39, 11:41) ca. 3 km north of Khodjaguluk village, near the
Shuvakkum sands [during 0:14 transect from 10:46-11:56 & 11:16 -11:20].
KY: 15 June, 2 specimens (8:12, 8:14) ca. 2 km south of the Khodjakaraul gorge ,on a clay plain.
KY: 16 June, 1 specimen (15:57) along the Sakyrtma mountains, on a hill slope in a large gerbil colony
[during 0:19 transect from 15:57-16:16].
KY, 17 June, 18 specimens (10:53, 11:05, 11:06, 11: 36-2, 11: 47-2, 12: 05-3, 12:06, 12 : 09-2, 12:17,
12:21, 12:40, 12:50, 12:54) ca. 3 km east of Khojaheiran village [during multiple transects totalling 1:09
from 10:53-11:08, 11:36-11:47, 12:03-12:09, 12:17-12:54, suggesting a density of 8.7 individuals/ ha]; 2
specimens (16:42, 17:39) ca. 5 km south-east of Amu Darya town [during a 0:58 transect from 16:41-
17:39]; 3 specimens (17:57, 18:35, 18:36) ca. 7 km south-east of the Amu Darya town [during 1:12 transect
from 17:57-19:26 & 19:06-19:23; suggesting a density of 1.4 individuals/ha].
11. Sunwatcher Toadhead Agama - Phrynocephalus helioscopus helioscopus (Photo 12).
It is widespread in northern Turkmenistan (Southern Ustyurt / Gaplangyr, Sarykamysh
depression, Sarygamyshsky delta and Amu Darya delta). Found in deserts in areas with a
dense substratum (hills, takyrs, clay plains, less often in solonchaks). Rare, but locally
common. We recorded a total of 12 individuals.
SD: 27 April, 1 specimen ca. 1.5 km east of the point 43.0 near the southwestern chink of the Achchagaya
Depression, on the loess plain; 3 specimens (12:05♂, 12:13♀, 12:38♂) along the bottom of the
NINA Report 1696
Achchagaya basin ca. 1.5 km north of height 44.0, at a takyr [during a 1:24 transect from 11:36-13:00,
suggesting a density of 3.6 individuals/ha].
SU: 30 April, 1 specimen (13:58) ca. 18 km to the south-west of Cape Burchlyburun, on the loess slab-hilly
plain [during a 0:19 transect from 13:54-14:13].
SU: 1 May, 2 specimens on Gaplangyr plateau in the Karry-Mazarchalik tract, ca. 1.5 km to the east of the
height 61.0m, on the loess plain [during a 0:21 transect from 8:28-8:49]; 2 specimen on Gaplangyr plateau
near the Gusassu tract, ca. 1.5 km south of height 116.0, on the loess plain [during a 0:20 transect from
SU: 2 May, 2 specimens (10:35) on Gaplangyr plateau, ca.1 km to the south of the height of 80.7, near the
Sardjakel, on the weakly hilly loess plain [during a 0:30 transect from 10:30-11:00]; 1 specimen on
Gaplangyr plateau, near the bed of the Western Uzba ca. 1 km to the north of height of 72.4, on takyr-like
12. Turkmen Sunwatcher Toadhead Agama - Phrynocephalus helioscopus turcomanus
(Photo 13). Western and southern (foothills and clay plains of Kopetdag) Turkmenistan. Desert
species which can be found on areas with a dense substratum (takyrs, clay plains, less often
solonchaks), hilly foothills, through valleys which penetrate into the lower belt of mountains.
Common, in places numerous. We recorded a total of 3 individuals in Western Kopedag.
WK: 8 May, 1 specimen ca. 1 km south-west of Beki-bent ,on a clay plain; 1 specimen south-west of
Kemender ca. 0.5 km to the west of height 145.2, on a loess plain near a deep ravine.
MP: 9 May, 1 specimen on the Messerian plain near the Shirkebir mosque, on takyr.
13. Transcaspian Round Head Agama - Phrynocephalus raddei raddei (Photo 14). The
species is found in the western and central regions of the Karakum desert of southern
Turkmenistan. It lives on clayey parts of the desert, but occasionally ventures into sandy areas.
Common, in places numerous. We recorded a total of 2 individuals in the Central Karakum.
CK: 7 May, 2 specimens (8:25, 8:33) ca. 3 km to the east of the Katya well, on takyrs in a complex with
ridge-finely sands [during a 0:33 transect from 8:15-8:48].
14. South-eastern Transcaspian roundhead Agama - Phrynocephalus raddei boettgeri.
Occurs in the South-Eastern Karakum desert, from the PriAmu Darya sands to Kelif Uzboy
(settlement of Karametniyaz) and the foothills of Koytendag. It inhabits areas with compacted
soil and is found on clay plains, saline deserts, and overgrown sands. Common. We recorded 4
individuals of this subspecies in the Gaurdak-Koytendag region.
KY: 17 June, 4 specimens (18:32, 18:46, 18:50, 19:26) ca. 7 km south-east of the Amu Darya town, on a
salt plain [during 1:12 transect from 17:57-19:26 & 19:06-19:23, suggesting a density of 3.7 individuals/ha].
15. Lichtenstein's Toadhead Agama - Phrynocephalus interscapularis (Photo 15). Sand
dunes and sandy plains. Distributed widely. Numerous. We recorded 23 individuals.
TUK: 3 May, 1 specimen west of the Kyzylja-Burun mountain, on a sand dune on semi-fixed sands.
CK: 5 May, 1 specimen ca. 1 km south of the village of Adzhikel, on takyr with separate small sandy
mounds among semi-fixed sands [during a 0:49 transect from 16:58-17:47].
CK: 6 May, 4 specimens (8:25, 8:33) ca. 3 km east of the Katai well, on takyr in a complex with small ridged
hilly sands [during 0:33 transect from 8:15-8:48, suggesting a density of 13.3 individuals/ha]; 5 specimens
ca. 5.5 km east of the Karaaji well, on the dunes of semi-hilly, semi-fixed sands [during 1:11 transect from
10:24-11:35, suggesting a density of 8.3 individuals/ha].
KY: 17 June, 12 specimens (17:51, 17:54, 18:02, 18:03, 18:04, 18:05), ca. 10 km south-east of Amu Darya
town, on a foothill saline plain with silty sands [during 0:39 transect from 17:51-19:15 & 18:26-18:41;
suggesting a density of 11.6 individuals/ha].
NINA Report 1696
16. Secret Toadhead Agama - Phrynocephalus mystaceus galli (Photo 16-18). Half-
overgrown sand dunes. Widley distributed and common. We recorded 13 individuals.
TUK: 26 April, 1 specimen near the Egritakyr tract near height 128.1, on a sand dune.
TUK: 27 April, 1 specimen (10:17) ca. 1.5 km north of the Tyumkdag village on a sandy kyr [during 0:35
transect from 9:35-10:10]; 1 specimen (15:15) ca. 1 km south of height 100.1, at Garagash takyr.
TUK: 3 May, 1 specimen ca. 1 km west of Kyzylca-Burun mountain, on a sand dune in the semi-fixed
CK: 3 May, 1 specimen (12:20) ca. 3 km north-west of the village of Atakui.
CK: 5 May, 1 specimen (12:34) near the village of Kyrkkui, on a sand dune in the ridge-small-hilly semi-
fixed sands; 2 specimens ca. 1 km south of the village of Adzhikel, on takyr with small mounds, sands
among the ridge-hilly semi-fixed sands [during 0:49 transect from 16:58 to 17:47]; 1 specimen (juvenile) ca.
3 km east of the Kataoy well, on takyr in a complex with ridge-small-hilly sands [during 0:33 transect from
CK: 6 May, 3 specimens ca. 5.5 km east of the Karaaji well, on a sand dune in semi-hilly semi-fixed sands
[during 1:11 transect from 10:24-11:35, suggesting a density of 2.5 individuals/ha]; 1 specimen ca. 4 km
north of Bozkel village on a sand dune in the ridge-hilly semi-fixed sands.
17. Caucasian Agama - Paralaudakia caucasia caucasia (Photo 19). It is widespread in
southern Turkmenistan, except for the extreme South-East. Found in the Garabil (Pelenhovali
gorge), Kopetdag, Uly and Kichi Balkan mountains, and also introduced to Karadag, where it
penetrates into Kubadag. It can be found in the mountains and foothills - rocky areas, rocky
screes, clay-loess cliffs, ruins of buildings, valleys, and gullies. Common, in places it is
numerous. We recorded a total of 5 individuals in the Western Kopedag.
WK: 7 May, 1 specimen (18:17) at the Eishem spring, on loess hills with rock outcrops [during a 0:40
transect from 17:47-18:27].
WK: 8 May, 3 specimens (9:34, 9:45) in the mudflats of the Amannazar tract, 1.5 km north of Amannazar
[during a 1:16 transect from 8:29-9:45 for a possible density of 2.0 individuals/ha].
WK: 10 May, 1 specimen (10:45) ca. 2 km west of the Keshan wel,l in the mudslide at the foot of the high
loess hills south of the Kulmach ridge.
18. Redbelly Rock Agama - Paralaudakia erythrogastra erythrogastra. Occurs in the
Garabil and Badhyz foothills. It inhabits the foothills, rocky and stony slopes, old clay bricks.
Common. We recorded 1 individual in the Badhyz foothills.
BF: 8 June, 1 specimen (15:06) on the Pogranichny Range at height of 843.4, on a clay-gravelly slope
[during 1:02 transect from 14:43-15:45].
19. Turkestan Rock Agama - Paralaudakia lehmanni. Occurs in Koytendag and its foothills.
Found in rocky habitats, e.g. rocky plains, stony slopes, cliffs along dry river channels, and in the
ruins of buildings. Common. We recorded 1 individual in Gaurdak-Koytendag.
KY: 15 June, 1 specimen (8:26) ca. 2 km south of the Khodjakaraul gorge, on a foothill clay plain.
Family Glass- and Alligator lizards Anguidae
20. European Glass Lizard (Scheltopusik) - Pseudopus apodus apodus (Photo 20). Inhabits
southern Turkmenistan: Kopetdag, Badhyz, Garabil, Koytendag, and the valleys of the Kushka
and Murgab rivers. Found in mountain gorges, hollows, foothills and also gardens and vineyards
on river floodplains. Common. We recorded 1 individual in the Western Kopetdag.
WK: 9 May, 1 specimen (19:48) in the mudflow channel of the intermontane depression, on the north-
eastern side of the Maly Kulmach Ridge.
NINA Report 1696
Family Skinks – Scincidae
21. Asian Snake-eyed Skink - Ablepharus pannonicus. Widespread in southern
Turkmenistan, namely the Uly and Kichi Balkans, Kopetdag, Badhyz, Koytendag, and the the
Murgab valley. Inhabits grassy and tree-shrub vegetation of the mountains and river valleys.
Common. We recorded 3 individuals in Gaurdak-Koytendag.
15 June, 1 specimen (12:51) near the Maidan ranger station on a mountain plateau with small bushes
[during 4:33 transect from 9:42-14:45/10:45-11:28); 2 specimens (18:33, 18:37) [during 1:30 transect from
22. Gold Skink - Eumeces schneideri princeps (Photo 21). Occurs in southern Turkmenistan:
Kopetdag, Badhyz, Garabil, Koytendag, and the valleys of the rivers Murgab and Tedjen. In
inhabits mountains areas with dense grassy vegetation, foothill plains and river valleys, including
cultivated land and riverine forests. Numerous. We recorded a total of 2 individuals.
WK: 11 May, 1 dead specimen (11:00) on the wormwood plain with ravines at the Kurbaniasz well.
BF: 8 June, 1 specimen (15:02) on a clay-gravelly slope on the Pogranichny Range, at al altitude of 843.4
[during 1:02 transect from 14:43-15:45].
23. Ribbon-Sided Skink - Eurylepis taeniolatus pathiranicus (Photo 22-23). It is widespread
in southern Turkmenistan: the Kopetdag, Badhyz, Garabil, and in places along the Murgab,
Tedjen, and the upper reaches of the Amu Darya river. The species inhabits rocky mountain
slopes, gorges with woody-shrub thickets, and river valleys. Numerous. We recorded 1
WK: 11 May, 1 specimen (11:20) at the Kurbaniasz well, under a stone on a slope with rocky outcrops
[during a 0:34 transect from 9:46-10:20].
Family lizardsLacertidae
24. Reticulate Racerunner - Eremias grammica (Photo 24). Distributed widely throughout the
plains of Turkmenistan. Inhabits mostly semi-overgrown areas and areas with loose sands and
sparse vegetation. Numerous. We recorded 12 individuals.
TUK: 27 April, 1 specimen (10:05) ca. 1.5 km north of the Tyumkdag village, on sand hill [during 0:35
transect from 9:35-10:10].
TUK: 3 May, 1 specimen ca. 1 km east of the village Islam, on ridge-hilly semi-fixed sands
CK: 5 May, 1 specimen [17:00] ca. 1 km south of the village Adzhikel, on takyr with small hillocks and
sands among the ridge-hilly semi-fixed sands.
CK: 6 May, 3 specimens ca. 3 km east of the Kataoy well, on takyrs in a complex with ridge-small-hilly
sands [during 0:33 transect from 8:15-8:48].
CK: 8 June, 2 specimens (10:42, 10:45) ca. 3.5 km northeast of the village Jumaji, on a clay hilly plain, near
a colony of a large gerbils [during 0:18 transect from 10:38-10:56].
KY: 13 June, 2 specimens (18:03, 19:11) ca. 10 km south-east of Amu Darya town, on the foothill saline
plain with sandy sands [during 1:24 transect from 17:51-19:15 & 18:26-18:41].
KY: 17 June, 2 specimens (19:02, 19:26) ca. 7 km south-east of Amu Darya town, on a salt plain [during
1:12 transect from 17:57-19:26*].
25. Aralo-Caspian Racerunner - Eremias intermedia (Photo 25). Widely distributed
throughout the plains of Turkmenistan. Inhabits overgrown, compacted sands and clay-gravel
sites in the desert. Common, in places numerous. We recorded 27 individuals.
TUK: 27 April, 2 specimens (9:35, 9:45) ca. 1.5 km north of Tyumkdag village, on sandy hill [during 0:35
transect from 9:35-10:10).
TUK: 30 April, 3 specimens (17:20, 17:24, 17:25) at Atabai shor [during 1:16 transect from 16:46-18:02,
suggesting a density of 4.0 individuals/ha].
NINA Report 1696
SD: 27 April, 1 specimen (pregnant ♀; 12:46) along the bottom of the Achchagaya depression, ca. 1.5 km
north of height 44.0, on sandy hillocks [during a 0:24 transect from 11:36-13:00].
SD: 28 April, 2 specimens (10:10) ca. 1 km east of the town of Yurshlydzha, on the sandy substrate at the
beginning of the Kangakyr hills [during 0:15 transect from 10:10-10:25].
SD: 29 April, 1 specimen (9:18) in the Tukurlyk tract, ca. 1 km north of height 10.7, on takyr in fixed weakly
wavy sands [during 0:46 transect from 8:36-9:22]; 10 specimens on the shore of Sarygamysh lake at a
height of 10.3, on fixed small-hilly sands near Gulanly Bay [during a 0:50 transect from 09:58-10:48,
suggesting a density of 13.3 individuals/ha]; 1 specimen (12:06) in the Dusheklidash tract at a height 29.6,
on the ridge-covered fine sands.
CK: 5 May, 1 specimen ca. 1 km south of the village of Adzhikel, on takyr with small hillocks [during 0:49
transect from 16:58-17:47].
CK: 6 May, 1 specimen ca. 3 km east of the Kataoy well [during 0:33 transect from 8:15-8:48].
KY: 13 June, 5 specimens (18:05, 18:42, 18:54, 19:03, 19:15) ca. 10 km south-east of the Amu Darya
town, on a foothill saline plain with silty sands [during 1:09 transect from 17:51-19:15*, suggesting a density
of 4.8 individuals/ha]
26. Striped Racerunner - Eremias lineolata (Photo 26). Distributed widely throughout the
plains of Turkmenistan. Lives on overgrown ridge-hilly sands, and areas of dense, compacted
sands, and in the clay desert. Common, in places it is numerous. We recorded a total of 141
SD: 27 April 4 specimens (12:37, 12:45) along the bottom of the Achchagaya basin on the loess slopes at
the junction with the takyrs at the bottom and on the sandy hillocks 1.5 km north of height 44.0m [during a
01:24 transect from 11:36-13:00; for a density of 4.8 individuals/ha].
SD: 29 April, 9 specimens (8:41, 8:57-9:18) in the Tukurlyk tract near the Sarygamysh spill, 1 km north of
the height of 10.7 on fixed weakly wavy sands [during 0:46 transect from 8:36-9:22, suggesting a density
was 15.9 individuals/ha]; 76 specimens on the coast of Sarygamysh, on fixed small-hilly sands near
Gulanly Bay, at a height of 10.3 [during 0:50 transect from 09:58-10:48, suggesting a density of 101.3
individuals/ha - The proximity to lake Sarygamysh resulted in increasing moisture levels, stimulating
vegetation growth and in turn resulting in high numbers of insects which provide an excellent food base]; 1
specimen (12:06) in the Dusheklidash tract, at a height of 29.6 on the ridge-small-hilly fixed sands; 21
specimens ca. 3.5 km south-west of Dortkak at the Sarygamysh spills at a height of 10.3 on small-grained
fixed sands [during 1:15 transect from 13:23-14:38, suggesting a density of 18.7 individuals/ha].
CK: 5 May, 1 specimen ca. 1 km south of the village of Adzhikel on takyr with small hillocks, sands among
the ridge-hilly semi-fixed sands [during 0:49 transect from 16:58-17:47].
TMR: 7 June, 2 specimens [11:12] ca. 1 km north of height 249.9, in Barhan desert on a hill with small-
grained fixed sands.
KY: 13 June, 3 specimens (17:53) ca. 10 km south-east of Amu Darya town, on the foothill of a saline plain
with fine sands [during 1:09 transect from 17:51-19:15*, suggesting a density of 2. 9 individuals/ha].
KY: 14 June, 20 specimens (10:48, 10:52, 10: 58, 11:00, 11: 02-2, 11:04 , 11: 07, 11:10, 11:11, 11:16-
11:20, 11:24, 11: 26, 11:30, 11:31, 11:46) ca. 3 km north of the village of Khodjagulluk, near the
Shuvakkum sands in the foothill of a slightly hilly loess plain [during 0:59 transect between 10:46-11:56,
suggesting a density of 22.2 individuals/ha]
KY: 17 June, 4 specimens (17:57, 18:23, 18:40, 19:26) ca. 7 km south-east of Amu Darya town [during
1:12 transect between 17:57-19:26, suggesting a density of 3.7 individuals/ha]
27. Persian racerunner - Eremias persica (Photo 27). In Turkmenistan, it is found in Badhyz,
namely in the Yeroyulanduz depression and the Kuska floodplain. It occurs in sandy,
compacted overgrown areas, on cliffs and ravines, and on similar areas on river floodplains –
often in an admixture with pebbles. Common. We recorded 1 individual in Badhyz.
BF: 8 June, 1 specimen (15:34) on the Pogranichny Range at an altitude of 843.4, on a clay-gravelly slope
[during 1:02 transect from 14:43-15:45].
NINA Report 1696
28. Sand Racerunner - Eremias scripta scripta (Photo 28). Widely distributed in the sand
deserts of Karakum and Sandykly, except for the foothills (Badhyz and Garabil) areas. The
species inhabits weakly fixed sandy hillocks and sand dunes with sparse vegetation. Common,
in places it is numerous. We recorded a total of 2 individuals in the Central Karakum.
CK: 6 May, 2 specimens on the sand dunes ca. 5.5 km east of the Karaaji well [during a 01:11 transect
from 10:24-11:35]. The anthropogenic changes due to waste waters collectors in the surrounding of the
sand dunes has resulted in the emergence of unusual vegetation, which reduced the available habitat and
likely resulted in a decrease in densities
29. Rapid Racerunner - Eremias velox velox (Photo 29-30). In Turkmenistan, it is widely
distributed along coastal waters, river valleys and oases, and on gravelly deserts, hills and
mountains. In places common and even numerous. We recorded a total of 53 individuals.
SD: 27 April, 2 specimens (11:27, 11:37) at the foot of the Kangakyr highland ca. 1 km south-east of the
height 103.0, on the powdery soil in a colony of a large gerbil [during 0:32 transect from 11:05-11:37]; 7
specimens (11:37, 11:41, 11:44, 11:48, 12:22, 12:26, 12:48) in two locations in the Achchagaya basin
mudflow channels (one in a colonies of large gerbil) [during a 01:24 transect from 11:36-13:00, suggesting
a density of 8.3 individuals/ha].
SU: 30 April, 11 specimens (11:45-12:05) ca. 8 km south-west of Cape Burchlyburun, on the loess weak-
hilly plain [during 1:15 transect from 11:21-12:36, suggesting a density of 18.3 individuals/ha]; 2 specimens
(14:08, 14:13) ca. 18 km south-west of Cape Burchlyburun, on the loess low-hilly plain [during 0:19 transect
from 13:54-14:13].
SU: 1 May, 1 specimen at Gaplangyr near the Gusassu tract, ca. 1.5 km to the south of height 116.0, on
the loess plain [during a 0:20 transect from 11:50-10:10]; 1 specimen (12:30) along the Gaplangyr mound
near the Goklenkui solonchak (Karashora) over a stretch of 42 km (228.4- 296.5m) and a series of
transects over 02:00 (11:00-12: 44, and 16:40-18:32).
WK: 7 May, 1 specimen (17:47) at the Eishem spring, on loess hills with rocky outcrops [during 0:30
transect from 17:47-18:27].
WK: 8 May, 2 specimens (8:29, 8:35) in the Amannazar tract ca. 1.5 km north of Amannazar, on the loess
plain. [during a 01:16 transect from 8:29-9:45]; 1 specimen (10:57) ca. 1.5 km north of height 359.0, on
loess hills [during 0:22 transect from 10:44-11:06]; 1 specimen ca. 1 km south-west of the Bekibent village,
on a clay plain.
WK: 10 May, 2 specimens ca. 1.5 km south-east of the Doyran spring, at the foot of the hills in the
Tersakan Valley [during 0:16 transect from 8:30-8:46]; 1 specimen (10:45) ca. 2 km west of the Keshan
Well at the foot of high loess hills south of the Kulmach Range
WK: 11 May, 1 specimen (10:10) at the Kurbaniasz well, on the hilly plain [during a 0:34 transect from 9:46-
MP: 9 May, 1 specimen at the ruins of the Shirkebir mosque, on takyr near the dry bed of the artificial
BF: 8 June, 1 specimen (10:42) ca. 3.5 km northeast Dzhumadzhi village, in the foothills of Gyaz-
Gyadyk on hilly plain clay in colony of the large gerbil [during 0:18 transect from 10:38-10:56].
BF: 9 June, 2 specimens (7:42, 9:32) ca. 1 km north of the Western spring at the Kizyljar chink at height
797.6, on sandy soil [during 3:05 transect from 6:05-9:35].
KY: 13 June, 1 specimen (18:42) ca. 10 km south-east of Amu Darya town, on the foothill saline plain with
sandy sands [during 01:09 transect between 17:51-19:15].
KY: 16 June, 5 specimens (15:04, 15:05, 15:10, 15:12, 15:20) along the Aktau ridge, on the slopes of the
hills on the colony of the large gerbil [during 0:19 transect from 15:57-16:16, suggesting a density of 10.5
KY: 17 June, 12 specimens (11:03, 11:04, 11:07, 11:08, 11:36, 12:03, 12:04, 12:06) ca. 3 km east of the
village of Khojaheiran, along the slopes of hills [during a series of transects of a total of 1:09 from 10:53-
11:08, 11:36-11:47, 12:03-12:09, 12:17-12:54, suggesting a density of 11.6 individuals/ha]; 1 specimen
(17:17) ca. 5 km south-east of Amu Darya town, among the residual mountains [during 1:00 transect from
NINA Report 1696
30. Persian Long-Tailed Desert Lizard - Mesalina watsonana. Found in southern
Turkmenistan, namely Kopetdag and its foothills, Badhyz, Tedjen and Murgab river valleys. A
single find has been made in the Eastern Karakum (near the Uchadzhi railway station). It occurs
on areas with clay and takyr-like soils, less often on semi-overgrown sands. It is also found in
gorges, stony foothills, and on hills in the mountains. Common. We recorded 2 individuals in
9 June, 2 specimens (8:11, 8:35) ca.1 km to the north of the Zapadny spring at the Kizyljar chink at an
altitude of 797.6, on a dense sandy soil [during 3:30 transect from 6:05-9:35].
Family Monitor Lizards - Varanidae
31. Desert Monitor - Varanus griseus caspius (Photo 31). Widely distributed in Turkmenistan,
but not recorded from Southern Ustyurt. In the mountains it is found as high 2000m. It prefers
sandy-clay plains, overgrown sands, foothills, and steppe-like areas in the mountains. Common
in places, rare on the plains, and very rare in the mountains. We recorded a total of 11 individuals.
CK: 5 May, 1 specimens (12:00) ca. 1 km north of the Hoshan well.
CK: 6 May, 1 specimen (9:50) ca. 5 km west of the Dawali reservoir.
TMR: 7 June, 1 specimen (11:57) by the Durnali shore ca. 1 km west of height 242.8, in small-hilly dense
fixed sands [during 0:10 transect from 11:50-12:00]; 1 individual on an asphalt road 2 km south of the
village Gangala.
TMR: 8 June, 1 specimen ca. 9 km south of the Khan-Yap village, on hilly dense-sandy gray soils; 1
specimen 23 km south of the village of Khan-Yap, on hilly dense-sandy grey soil.
BF: 9 June, 2 specimens (10:35, 10:56) on Kizyldzhar chink at height 751.6 [during 1:25 transect from 10:
35-11: 50]; 1 specimen (12:41) on Kizyldzhar chink at height 746.1; 1 specimen (17:39) on country road
from Kizyldzhara. 7 km north of Chemenabat village
KY: 16 June, 1 specimen (17:38) along the Aktau ridge, on the top of the hills in the crevice of rocky
outcrops [during 0:28 transect from 17: 10-17: 38].
6.4.3 Order Serpentes (Snakes)
Family Blind Snakes – Typhlopidae
32. Eurasian Blind Snake - Typhlops vermicularis (Photo 32). The species is widespread in
the mountains and lower hills of Turkmenistan: Kopetdag, Badhyz, Garabil, Koytendag. It is
found in stony areas with sparse vegetation in the foothills and slopes of mountains. Common,
in numerous. We recorded a total of 3 individuals.
WK: 9 May, 2 specimens (22:45, 22:55) on the spur on the north-eastern side of the Maly Kulmach Ridge,
one on a clay slope, the other on a mudflow channel [during a 01:30 transect from 22:45-00:15].
BF: 9 June, 1 specimen (22:30) in the village of Serkhetchi (formerly Morgunovka), on a concrete platform
near the garden in the headquarters of the Badhyz Nature Reserve, on the Kushka river floodplain [during
0:42 transect from 22:17-22:59].
Family BoasBoidae
33. Desert Sand Boa - Eryx miliaris miliaris (Photo 33). It inhabits practically the whole of
Turkmenistan, excluding the upper belt of the mountains and foothills of Koytendag. It is found
on various types of sandy ground in the foothills and mountains (in hilly areas and ravines) where
it is found in close association with colonies of large gerbils, or other species of common rodents.
Common. We recorded a total of 2 individuals in Western Kopedag.
WK: 8 May, 1 specimen (22:20) southwest of Kemender ca. 0.5 km northwest of height 145.2, in a colony
of common voles in a deep ravine [during a 01:00 transect from 22:20-00:20].
NINA Report 1696
WK: 9 May, 1 specimen (23:28) on a spur from the north-eastern side of Maly Kulmach Ridge, in a large
gerbil colony [during a 01:30 transect from 22:45-00:15].
Family Racers - Colubridae
34. Spotted Desert Rancer – Platyceps karelinii karelinii (Photo 34). The species is
distributed throughout the plains of Turkmenistan, and lives in the lower belt of the mountains.
In can be found on various types of sand, clay-rubble plains, foothills, hills and gorges, and along
the high banks or cliffs along river floodplains. Common. We recorded a total of 2 individuals in
the Sarygamysh depression.
SD: 28 April, 1 specimens (11:30) one at the foot of the Kangakyr among the coarse clastic material of the
chink [during a 0:32 transect from 11:05-11:37]; 1 specimen (18:17) at the foot of Tjirimgaya chink ,at an
uninhabited large gerbil colony.
35. Afghan Awl-header - Lythorhynchus ridgewayi (Photo 35). The species is widely
distributed in the southern and eastern plains of Turkmenistan, penetrating the lower belt of the
mountains. It inhabits hilly terrain in the foothills, sites with clayey-gravel and compacted sands
alternating with takyrs on the plains and deeply gorges and high in the mountains. Rare. We
recorded a total of 3 individuals in the Southern Ustyurt – which are the first records for this
SU: 1 May, 3 specimens (13:52, 14:28, 17:52) along a 42 km stretch of the Gaplangyr chink (228.4-
296.5m) in the Goklenkui solonchak (Karashor). The first specimen was recorded during a series of short
transects over a total of 2 hours (between 11:00-12:44 and 16:40-18:32). The other two specimens were
found at height 231.7, where in an area of 80x600m the tile material was turned over (from 13:40-14:40).
36. Steppe Ribbon Racer - Psammophis lineolatum (Photo 37). The species is distributed
throughout Turkmenistan, excluding the upper belt of the mountains. It can be found in a wide
variety of habitats, including various types of sands: overgrown, half-fixed, loosely fastened. It is
also found on takyr-like, clayey and solonchak areas of deserts and hilly foothills and
intermontane plains, river valleys. Common, in places numerous. We recorded a total of 3
SD: 29 April, 1 specimen (11:46) on the sandy clay plain of the Duschekidash tract.
WK: 8 May, 1 specimen (12:30) was seen by Hojamyrat Hojamyradov in the mudflow channel ca. 1.5 km
north of the height of 359.0.
BF: 9 June, 1 specimen (18:36) on an asphalt road from Kizyldzhara to Chemenabat.
37. Diadem Snake - Spalerosophis diadema schiraziana (Photo 36). Distributed throughout
the plains and the lower altitudial zone of the mountains throughout Turkmenistan. It inhabits
overgrown and semi-fixed sands, takyrs, clay plains, hills. Common. We recorded a total of 2
individuals in the Trans-Unguz Karakum.
TUK: 30 April, 2 specimens (18:02, 19:06) at the Atabai Shorra inter-ridge depression, on fine hilly sands
[during a 02:24 transect from 16:46-19:10].
Family Vipers - Viperidae
38. Saw-scaled Viper - Echis carinatus (Photo 38). The species is distributed throughout the
plains of Turkmenistan (except for the Northern Pri-Karabugazie) and the lower altitudial zone of
mountains. It inhabits habitats with semi-fixed sands, clay and solonchak areas, river valleys,
hilly foothills, intermontane plains, ravines, mudflow channels. Common. We recorded a total of
2 individuals in Western Kopedag.
WK: 8 May, 2 specimens (23:15, 23:43) southwest of Kemender, near our camp in a deep ravine at a large
gerbil colony, 0.5 km northwest of height 145.2m [during a 2:00 transect from 22:20-0:20].
NINA Report 1696
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First camera trap record of Persian leopard in Ustyurt State Nature Reserve, Kazakhstan. Cat
News 69:14-16.
Potayeva, A. 2016 Kopetdag State Nature Reserve is fourty years old.
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Rustamov, A. K. & Rustamov, E. A. 2007. Biodiversity Conservation in Central Asia: on the example
of Turkmenistan. Nagao Natural Environment Foundation, Tokyo, Japan.
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tographic Analysis and Problems of Conservation. Pages 265-280 in: Fet V., Atamuradov K.I.
(eds). Biogeography and Ecology of Turkmenistan. Monographiae Biologicae, vol 72. Springer,
Rustamov, A. K. 1994. Ecology of Birds in the Karakum Desert. Pages 247-263 in: Fet V. & Atamu-
radov K.I. (eds) Biogeography and Ecology of Turkmenistan. Monographiae Biologicae 72.
Springer, Berlin, Germany.
Rustamov, E. A. 2014. Turkmenistan: Landscape-Geographical Features, Biodiversity, and Ecosys-
tems. Pages 9-22 in: The Turkmen Lake Altyn Asyr and Water Resources in Turkmenistan. The
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany 28.
Rustamov, E. A. 2015. An annotated checklist of the birds of Turkmenistan. Sandgrouse 37:28-56.
Rustamov E.A. 2016. On the current status of large predatory mammals in Turkmenistan. Pages
310-314 in: Large Predators of Holoarctic. U Nicitskich vorot press, Moscow, Russia. [in
Rustamov, E. A., Welch, G. R. & Brombacher, M. 2009. Important Bird Areas in Turkmenistan. Ash-
gabat 195 p. Also see:
Rustamov, A. K., Shammakov, S. M., Shestopal, A. A. 2013. Abstract of the modern fauna of am-
phibians and reptiles of Turkmenistan. Pages P.113-124 in Studying the biodiversity of Turkmen-
istan. Moscow-Ashgabat. Available from:
tion%20of%20articles.pdf [in Russian]
Rustamov, E. A. 2014. Turkmenistan: Landscape - Geographical Features, Biodiversity, and Eco-
systems. Pages 9-22 in: Zon, I. S. & Kostianoy, A. G. (Eds.) The Turkmen Lake Altyn Asyr and
Water Resources in Turkmenistan. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 28, Springer-Ver-
lag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
Rustamov, E. A., Welch, G. R., Brombacher, M. 2009. Important Bird Areas in Turkmenistan. Ash-
gabat 195 p. Also see:
Shammakov, S. M. 1981. Reptiles of the plains of Turkmenistan. Ashgabat. [in Russian]
Shestopal ,A. A. & Rustamov, E. A. 2018. New data on the distribution and numbers of reptiles in
some landscapes of Turkmenistan. Pages 43-58 in Herpetological and Ornithological Research:
current aspects. Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of A.K. Rustamov (1917-2005). [in Russian]
Sindaco, R., Jeremcenko V. K. 2008. The reptiles of the Western Palearctic Volume I. Edizioni Bel-
vedere, Latina, Italy.
Sokolov, V. E., Gorelov, Y. K., Drozdov, A. V. & Kamelin, R. V. 1990. Badhyz reserve. Pages 198-
214: Reserves of the USSR. Reserves of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Mysl, Moscow. [in Rus-
Solovyeva, E. N., Dunaev, E. A., Poyarkov, N. A. 2012. Subspecific systematics of the complex of
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Suniyev, B., Orlov N. L., Ananyeva N. B. & Agasyan A. L. 2009. Snakes of the Caucasus: taxo-
nomic diversity, distribution, protection. TNI KMK, St. Petersburg – Moscow.
NINA Report 1696
Tuniev, B. S., Orlov, N. L., Ananyeva, N. B. & Agasyan, A. L. 2009. Snakes of the Caucasus: taxo-
nomic diversity, distribution, protection. St. Petersburg – Moscow. [in Russian]
Weinberg P. I., Valdez R., & Fedosenko A. K. 1997. Status of the Heptner's markhor (Capra falcon-
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Welch, G. & Stoev, P. (Eds.) 2019. A report of RSPB-supported scientific research at Koytendag
State Nature Reserve, East Turkmenistan. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia.
Zon, I. S. & Kostianoy, A. G. (Eds.) 2014. The Turkmen Lake Altyn Asyr and Water Resources in
Turkmenistan. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 28, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidel-
berg, Germany.
NINA Report 1696
8 Appendix: Summary of 2015 expeditions to Badhyz
Nature Reserve, Gury Howdan Wildlife Sanctuary and
Meana Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary
8.1 Introduction
We conducted two expeditions in Turkmenistan in 2015. The first in March-April to Badhyz
Nature Reserve and the second in September to Gury Howdan Wildlife Sanctuary, Meana
Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary and Badhyz Nature Reserve. The itineraries for both trips are below
(Table A1). The main objective of these expeditions was to assess the status of kulan, and to
opportunistically develop an overview of the status of other large mammals. These expeditions
expand on the results from 2014, summarised in Kaczensky et al. (2015).
Table A1: Itinerary for field expedition to Badhyz, March –April 2015.
Distance driven
Distance walked
Leaving Vienna / Trondheim
Arrive Ashgabat. Meetings and planning.
Ashgabat hotel
25.03.2015 Drive to Badhyz Nature R
headquarters in Serhetchi via Mary
Reserve HQ in Serhetchi
Meetings at reserve HQ with Islam
Ishanov, Kadyr Anngulyev and Nury
Khudaykuliyev. Shopping and registration.
Reserve HQ in Serhetchi
Leave for Badhyz along eastern ecological
corridors to Yeroylanduz
Yeroylanduz ranger post 89 4
Hiking around Yeroylanduz
Yeroylanduz ranger post
Drive to east side of Gyzyljar canyon, hike
across canyon and along escarpment rim
back to Yeroylanduz campsite
Yeroylanduz ranger post 36 21
Drive to Agarcheshme ranger post
Agarcheshme ranger post
31.03.2015 Drive through pis
tachio savannah, hike
around station
Agarcheshme ranger post
65 12
Drive to Kepele and Dashgui, hike around
Agarcheshme ranger post
67 11
Drive to escarpment rim via Dashgui and
hike rim
Agarcheshme ranger post
99 19
Morning hike, drive back to Ashgabat
Ashgabat hotel
Meetings in Ashgabat with Valery
Ashgabat hotel
Return to Vienna / Trondheim
7 field days
NINA Report 1696
Table A2. Itinerary for field expeditions to Gury Howdan, Meana Chacha and Badhyz, September
Distance driven
Distance walked
Leave Trondheim
Arrive Ashgabat
04.09.2019 Travel from Ashgabat to
Gury Howdan
Wildlife Sanctuary and then onwards to
Meana Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary
Driving around Meana Chacha
161 km
Driving around Meana Chacha
140 km
Driving around Meana Chacha
Driving around Meana Chacha
107 km
Travelling towards former river bed of the
Tejen river, east of the Tejen
Sarakhs road
Gannaly 140 km
Drive from Gannaly to Badhyz
Agarcheshme ranger post
10.5 km
2.5 km
Drive from Agarcheshme to escarpment
rim, descent to Namakser water point,
drive to Gyzyljar ranger post via Kepele
ranger post
Gyzyljar ranger post 86 km 5.5 km
Hiking Gyzyljar canyon, drive to
Yeroylanduz ranger post
Yeroylanduz ranger post 36 km 9 km
Hiking Yeroylanduz and checking
waterpoints at base of escarpment
Yeroylanduz ranger post 24 km
Drive to livestock camps to south of
protected area, then to Gyzyljar via
Camping on escarpment
overlooking Yeroylanduz 88 km
Hiking along rim of Yeroylanduz and
Gyzyljar canyon escarpments
Camping on escarpment
overlooking Yeroylanduz
24 km 7.7 km
Driving to livestock camps north of Badhyz
and return to Kepele
Kepele ranger post 89 km
Drive to Agarcheshme, Pynham and
Kerlek rangers posts and surrounding
Agarcheshme ranger post
28 km 4 km
Return to Ashgabat
Return to Trondheim
13 field days
8.2 Badhyz field investigations - March 2015
The trip to Badhyz was scheduled from 25th March until 3rd April, plus two days of debriefing in
Asgabat both prior to, and following, the expedition. In total we spent 7 days in the field, covering
439 km by car and 82 km on foot (Table 1). Upon arrival at Badhyz Nature Reserve headquarters
in Serhetchi we learnt that the Badhyz plateau, Gyzyljar canyon and the Gyzyljar wildlife
sanctuary had been closed to visitors due to increased security concerns along the Turkmen –
Afghan border. Consequently, all field activities were concentrated around the Yeroyulanduz
depressions, the escarpment, and the Pistachio savannah in the west around Agarcheshme and
Kepele ranger stations.
The field team consisted of Shirin Karryeva, Atamyrat Veyisov (RSPB / IBA team), Islam Ishanov,
Nurmuhamet (Nury) Hudaykuliev (Reserve Director and Head of Science Department, Badhyz
Nature Reserve, respectively), Kadyr Annagulyev (Head of the Flora and Fauna Protection
Division, the Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan), Petra Kaczensky (Research Institute
of Wildlife Ecology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria), John Linnell (Norwegian
Institute for Nature Research, Trondheim, Norway) and photographer Jeremy Holden.
NINA Report 1696
Observations of kulan and other key wildlife
During the 7 days in Badhyz Nature Reserve, we had 206 observations of urial, 205 observations
of goitered gazelles, 20 of red foxes, 4 of wild cats, and saw very fresh leopard tracks on at least
3 occasions (numbers do not exclude double counts!). We additionally saw fresh wolf and hyena
tracks at several locations (Table A3).
We also encountered domestic horses on multiple occasions (253 sightings – but including many
re-sightings of the same individuals), a group of 17 cattle and 1 camel (and tracks of several
more camels). We failed to see any kulan and only came across a few fresh tracks; all of single
animals, pairs or triplets.
Table A3: Observations of large mammals and livestock by P. Kaczensky and J. Linnell during
the 7 day field expedition in Badhyz Nature Reserve in March 2015.
Wildlife and livestock observed
Date Urial Gazelle
Fox Wild
8.3 Badhyz field investigations - September 2015
We spent 5 days, from 5th to 9th September 2015 in Meana Chacha wildlife sanctuary, and 7
days, from 11th to 17th September 2015, in Badhyz Nature Reserve. The team consisted of Petra
Kaczensky, John Linnell, Jumamyrat Saparmyradov, Nurmuhamet (Nury) Hudaykuliev, and
Aman Gurbanov.
8.3.1 Observations of kulan
During our 7-day visit the only evidence of kulan presence came from:
Two kulan spotted in the distance at Yeroyulanduz on 13.09.2015 at ~9:00 (by
Jumamyrad Saparmyradov)
A set of fresh tracks from one kulan on the mudflats at Yeroyulanduz on 13.09.2015
(Fig. A1)
A set of somewhat older tracks from two khulan in the surroundings of Yeroyulanduz on
A set of fresh tracks from one kulan in Gyzyljar canyon on 15.09.2015.
NINA Report 1696
We did not find any recent kulan scats or tracks at the 3 artificial water points near Gyzyljar, or
at the 5 natural water points along the base of the escarpment (Namaksar, Gunbatar, Merkezi,
Gundogar, Baskinkar), Kepele, and Kerlek.
Interviews with shepherds at several wells (Chai Nuri, Eschred, Jagimemet, “Well #3”) in the
buffer zone of Badhyz Nature Reserve did not reveal any kulan sightings during 2015. One
shepherd reported that a few sightings had been made in 2014 (e.g. 19 kulan at “Well #3”).
Other observers have also failed to record many kulan observations during 2015:
No kulan had been seen by Nury Hudaykuliev, head scientist of Badhyz Nature
Reserve, since December 2014 (when the last observation of 16 kulan was made on
the plateau).
No kulan were recorded on any of the ca. 20 camera traps that have been deployed
during 2015, including at several key water points.
The only kulan observation by park rangers in 2015 was a single observation of 4
animals in April 2015 at a water point in Gyzyljar canyon.
No kulan had been observed coming to drink at the Kuska river during 2015.
8.3.2 Evidence of poaching of wild ungulates
During our 7 day visit, we found signs of poaching at the following locations:
Many motorbike tracks criss-crossing the entire area of the Badhyz Nature Reserve
[although some may have come from rangers].
On 12.09.2015 near Yeroyulanduz: the remains of an urial ram (head, 4 cut off lower
legs, gut pile, motorbike tracks).
On 13.09.2015 at Bashinkar waterpoint: a hunting blind overlooking the spring (Fig.
A2), 2 shotgun cartridges, water bottles, motorbike tracks, and a pile of dried stomach
On 14.09.2015 at Merkezi waterpoint: three hunting blinds overlooking the spring, one
place with blood on the branches, 3 piles of dried stomach contents, many water
bottles, a large plastic tarp, a used motorbike battery, multiple fire places.
On 14.09.2015 at Gunbatar waterpoint: one hunting blind overlooking the spring.
Spikes (nails) set by poachers to destroy the tires of the rangers' vehicles set on the
way to reach the Merkezi waterpoint.
Another shotgun cartridge found on the escarpment rim, overlooking Yeroyulanduz.
Dried gut pile from one ungulate along the Yeroyulanduz escarpment rim and another
along the Gyzyljar canyon rim.
All animals were extremely shy (running at up to 1 km) of both people on foot and
vehicles, indicating negative experience of human disturbance.
NINA Report 1696
Fig. A1: Set of fresh tracks of 1 kulan on the salt pan at Yeroyulanduz.
Fig. A2: a) Dried gut pile from slaughtered ungulates, b): Nury Hudaykuliev standing next to
hunting blind at Bashinkar waterpoint.
8.3.3 Evidence of kulan presence elsewhere
In May 2015, Nury Hudaykuliev was allowed to visit the area west of the border fence for a day
trip. He saw large groups of urial and gazelles and also believes to have spotted a group of kulan
in the far distance.
NINA Report 1696
There are some unconfirmed rumours of kulan presence at wells to the NE and S of Badhyz
Nature Reserve. Nury Hudaykuliev is very sceptical about these reports, but wants to check with
the herders directly.
8.3.4 Other large mammalian wildlife
Although kulan have almost disappeared from Badhyz Nature Reserve, we saw urial primarily
(at least 103 individual observations) in Gyzyljar Canyon, the pistachio forest and Yeroyulanduz,
and we frequently encountered urial tracks at many locations, especially around waterpoints. We
saw relatively few gazelles (19 observations), but encountered their tracks and droppings
throughout the reserve and at all water points. Wild boar tracks were observed in the pistachio
forest. Hyaenas were observed twice in Gyzyljar canyon, and tracks were seen in many
locations. Wolf tracks were commonly observed. We also found tracks from leopards and
porcupines in Yeroyulanduz (Table A4). Camera trap photographs from 2015 confirm the
continued presence of urial, gazelles, wolves, leopards, hyenas, and wild cats, along with wild
boar, foxes, porcupines, and a variety of smaller mammals.
Table A4: Observations of large mammals and livestock by P. Kaczensky and J. Linnell during
the 7 day field expedition in Badhyz Nature Reserve in September 2015.
Wildlife and livestock observed
Date Urial Gazelle
Fox Hyaena
8.3.5 Summary of kulan situation in Badhyz 2015
Based on our own observations during 14 days in Badhyz and discussions with Islam Ishanov
and Nury Hudaykuliev it became clear that very few kulan remained in Badhyz. No kulan groups
had assembled in the reserve during winter-spring 2015 which had been their previous habit and
that the spring counts had therefore been cancelled. In fact, that had been very few observations
of kulan at all. It was clear that there were far fewer kulan using the reserve than had been
estimated in previous years (last official estimate was 420 in 2013). The methodology used in
previous years remains unclear, so it is not clear to what extent the current situation is due to a
dramatic decrease in the last two years or due to methodological issues that led to overestimation
in previous years, or both. Although we were not able to apply any formal survey methodology
on our two visits in 2015 to the reserve, the very few observations of animals and signs in October
2014 (Kaczensky et al. 2015) and the total absence of observations in March / April 2015 would
indicate that a few tens of animals at most are currently using the reserve on an occasional basis.
NINA Report 1696
Discussions with Valery Kuznetsov (former director of Badhyz Nature Reserve in the mid-1970s)
in Asgabat upon our return confirmed these concerns. Based on his own estimations (200-250
kulan in April / May 2013) and our failure to see any kulans he estimated that the population may
be as low as 100 animals and not more than 300 animals.
Based on what we saw in 2014 and l 2015, we feel that the staff of the Badhyz Nature reserve
are genuinely concerned about wildlife and kulan in particular. Within the boundaries of the
reserve they are doing whatever is possible to combat poaching, providing additional water and
even provide emergency feed for kulan in winter. They are, however, fully aware that Badhyz
Nature Reserve has become an “island” of safety. Kulan leaving the reserve are subject to
harassment and poaching outside their area of influence. The poor status of kulan is experienced
as very frustrating by the reserve staff, as they feel they are made responsible for a conservation
failure which is caused by circumstances (outside the reserve) that are outside their control.
Seeing that they are about to lose an important icon of the Badhyz Nature Reserve, the reserve
staff is even considering a captive breeding facility to increase kulan numbers in Badhyz in the
hope of breeding a population that would stay inside the reserve.
The question remains open concerning what has happened to the kulan population. It is widely
perceived that they have been subject to frequent poaching outside the reserve that could explain
their decline. However, given what we know about the extreme mobility of kulan it is also possible
that some portion of the population is using areas beyond the reserve that have not yet been
Finally, many different views have been expressed concerning the potential presence of kulan
in the border security zone to the west of border fence (in Pulhatyn Wildlife Sanctuary and the
western part of Badhyz Nature Reserve). There is currently no recent information on the status
of kulan in this area.
In conclusion, the kulan population in Badhyz Nature Reserve appears to be at an all-time low,
bordering on extinction. Urgent action is needed to upgrade and integrate conservation actions
within the reserve with those in the surrounding landscape. If issues such as poaching and over-
grazing by livestock outside the reserve can be dealt with, it should be possible for the population
to recover by itself given sufficient time. The World Heritage site nomination of Badhyz could be
a key process to motivate these necessary actions.
8.4 Meana Chacha field investigation - September 2015
We spent 5 days, from 5th - 9th September 2015, in Meana Chacha Wildlife Sanctuary. The team
consisted of Petra Kaczensky, John Linnell, Eldar Rustanov, Shirin Karryeva, Charymyrat
Durdyev and Aman Gurbanov.
During our visit, no natural water sources were available for kulan or other wildlife within the
sanctuary. No water was left in the Tedjen riverbed, Reservoir #2 was dry, and even the Durnali
salt lake had dried up. The dried lake surface had conserved animal tracks since spring (e.g.
multiple tracks of cranes), but lacked any tracks from kulan or gazelles; only domestic cows and
camels had crossed the surface during recent months.
Access to water also seems to restrict livestock presence. The pasture around the well near the
main ranger station of the wildlife sanctuary is totally consumed for several kilometers because
of the heavy use by livestock (grazing & trampling; Fig. A4 left). Herders in a nearby camp are
forced to only water their sheep every other day as the trip between the pasture and the well
takes over 4 hours. Our impression was that the only intact pastures (Fig. A4 right) were left in
areas too far from water to be useable. Consequently, where grazing was good for wild ungulates
(good pasture, low disturbance by livestock & herding dogs) there was no access to water. The
only reliable water sources are in irrigation canals to the north of the wildlife sanctuary, or in
natural wells in the area of the sanctuary behind the border fence in the border security zone.
NINA Report 1696
8.4.1 Kulan and gazelle observations
The last observations of kulan were from spring 2015 when a group of 7 kulan and a
group of 15 kulan were seen and photographed along the border fence.
Interviews with herders suggested that no kulan had been seen in the area during the
summer anywhere near wells or along the irrigation channels in Meana Chacha and the
surrounding buffer zone.
Several observations by herders, rangers and border guards (e.g. in 2011 a group of
45 kulan) suggest there may be kulan on the other side of the border fence in the
border security zone. Although the fence constitutes an absolute barrier for kulan and
gazelles, floods of the local rivers (e.g. in 2002 and 2009 along the Meana and Chacha
rivers and in 1976, 1991 and 1998 on the Tedjen river) temporarily open holes in the
border fence and may have allowed wildlife movements across the border fence.
We failed to see any gazelles or find their tracks in Meana Chacha and the buffer zone.
According to Charymurat, poaching remains a huge problem, and even if poachers are
caught, the case is not followed up by the local police.
A 1-day trip to the former (ancient) Tedjen river course east of the buffer zone confirmed the lack
of surface water (Fig. A5, A6). Along an old irrigation channel we saw a few gazelle and wolf
tracks. Currently there were almost no herders with livestock in the area and the only herder we
met was new to the area and did not know about kulan presence.
Fig. A4: Left photo: The pasture around the main well near the main ranger station of the wildlife
sanctuary. Right photo: Largely ungrazed pasture far from water.
NINA Report 1696
Fig A5. Overgrown shrubland behind Tedjen dam which does not often receive water,
3.09.2015. Photo: P. Kaczensky.
Fig A6. Dry bed of the Meana river, 6.09.2015. Photo: P. Kaczensky
NINA Report 1696
8.5 Gury Howdan field investigation 2015
We spent half a day, on 4th September 2015, in Gury Howdan Wildlife Sanctuary. The team
consisted of Petra Kaczensky, Shirin Karryeva and Aman Kurbanov.
According to Pranov Azat (head of Gury Howdan Wildlife Sanctuary) the population numbered
13 adult individuals of which 11 roam as a group which includes 2 foals, and 2 additional stallions
roam separately.
During our half-day visit we saw the group of 11 animals and were able to collect scat samples
from a place nearby, where they had obviously spent some time (tracks and scat piles). The
group was wary, but not overly shy, and it was possible to approach within 100m on foot (Fig.
A7). Poaching does not seem to be a problem in Gury Howdan.
Fig. A7: Kulan at Gury Howdan on a wheat stubble field. Only part of the group is seen in this
According to Pranov Azat, there are many complaints by local people about kulan damaging
crops and consequently chasing kulan out of wheat fields and tree plantations has become a
major part of the rangers’ work. According to Pranov Azat, there are no natural water sources
for kulan on this side of the border fence and thus kulan have to drink from livestock wells or
from irrigation canals. The area south of the first mountain ridge of the Kopetdag range until the
fence (ca. 8 km) seems to constitute poor kulan range due to its hilly terrain and the lack of water.
There seems to be very little potential to increase the size of this kulan population and it will not
be viable in the long term. Genetic analysis of the scat samples showed low variability and high
inbreeding, but also show that this group has some rare alleles which could contribute towards
the overall variability of the subspecies (Kaczensky et al. 2018).
NINA Report 1696
ISSN: 1504-3312
ISBN: 978-82-426-3446-7
Continuing wide-scale habitat degradation and species extinctions indicate that existing plant conservation practices are inadequate and new approaches are needed. I briefly summarize the major principles of a previously proposed concept called conservation- oriented restoration and compare it with two other approaches to tackling ecosystems' degradation and biodiversity loss: traditional restoration and species-targeted conservation. I then present my perspective on how this concept can be applied in Central Asia as a possible solution to the regional biodiversity crisis.
Full-text available
Continuing wide-scale habitat degradation and species extinctions indicate that existing plant conservation practices are inadequate and new approaches are needed. I briefly summarize the major principles of a previously proposed concept called conservation-oriented restoration and compare it with two other approaches to tackling ecosystems' degradation and biodiversity loss: traditional restoration and species-targeted conservation. I then present my perspective on how this concept can be applied in Central Asia as a possible solution to the regional biodiversity crisis.
Full-text available
Intra-specific variation in key traits of widespread species can be hard to predict, if populations have been very little studied in most of the distribution range. Asian populations of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), one of the most widespread felids worldwide, are such a case in point. We investigated the diet of Eurasian lynx from faeces collected Mediterranean, mixed forest-steppe, and subalpine ecosystems of Turkey. We studied prey preferences and functional responses by using prey densities obtained from Random Encounter Modelling. Our analysis revealed that the main prey was brown hare (Lepus europaeus) in all three areas (78-99% of biomass consumed) and lynx showed a strong preference for brown hare (Chesson’s selectivity index, α= 0.90-0.99). Cannibalism contributed at least 5% in two study areas. The type II functional response of lynx populations in Turkey was similar to the Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and daily food intake in grams per lynx matched that of Canada lynx and Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), both lagomorph specialists, rather than those of Eurasian lynx from Europe. Therefore, lynx in Turkey may be better described as a lagomorph specialist even though it co-exists with ungulate prey. We suggest that ungulate-based foraging ecology of Eurasian lynx in Europe may be a recent adjustment to the availability of high densities of ungulates and cannot be representative for other regions like Turkey. The status of lagomorphs should become an essential component of conservation activities targeted at Eurasian lynx or when using this species as a flagship species for landscape preservation.
Full-text available
Loss of genetic diversity due to drift and inbreeding reduces a population’s ability to respond to environmental change and may result in inbreeding depression. The Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus), regionally also known as Gobi khulan, Turkmen kulan, or Persian onager, has become confined to less than 3% of its historic distribution range. Remaining populations in Central Asia outside of the Mongolian Gobi are small and fragmented. Questions concerning subpopulation status remain disputed and concerns over the viability of these populations have been raised because of small size, past bottlenecks, or recent founder events. We used non-invasive faecal samples to assess the genetic diversity and divergence among Turkmen kulan and Persian onager from five free-ranging and one captive population from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Iran and compared their genetic constitution to the large autochthonous population in the Mongolian Gobi. We observed loss of genetic diversity (drift and inbreeding) in the captive and reintroduced populations as well as in one rapidly declining autochthonous population. Population differentiation and structure using microsatellites and mtDNA based phylogenetic analysis do not support the current separation of the autochthonous populations of Turkmen kulan and Persian onager into different subspecies, but rather suggest a cline with the Iranian population in Bahram-e-Goor at the southern end and the Turkmen population in Badhyz at the northern end falling into two distinct clusters, and the northern Iranian population in Touran being intermediate. We compare our findings to other population genetics studies of equids and discuss the implications of our findings for the future conservation of the Asiatic wild ass in the region.
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Describing predation patterns and especially estimating kill and consumption rates is essential for understanding the functional responses of predators. An understanding of the carrying capacity of the landscape, based on prey availability, also helps to formulate recovery plans for persecuted species. We studied the feeding behavior of the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Tandoureh National Park (355 km2) in northeastern Iran, near the Turkmenistan border. Between September 2014 and May 2017, we collared and monitored 6 adult leopards (5 males and 1 female) using GPS-satellite Iridium collars. We investigated 310 clusters of fixes as likely to be kill sites. In total, 130 kills were identified to species, suggesting a mean kill rate of approximately 3.3 ± 0.3 (SE) kills/month per adult male leopard, which is higher than reported by most previous studies. The leopards varied considerably in the time they spent outside the national park; only 1 individual appeared to subsist mainly by raiding livestock. The availability of medium-sized ungulates at adequate densities is likely to be important for future leopard conservation efforts. The management of problem individuals also may promote coexistence of humans and leopards, even in prey-rich areas.
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Understanding the space use and movement ecology of apex predators, particularly in mosaic landscapes encompassing different land-uses, is fundamental for formulating effective conservation policy. The top extant big cat in the Middle East and the Caucasus, the Persian leopard Panthera pardus saxicolor, has disappeared from most of its historic range. Its spatial ecology in the areas where it remains is almost unknown. Between September 2014 and May 2017, we collared and monitored six adult leopards (5 males and 1 female) using GPS-satellite Iridium transmitters in Tandoureh National Park (355 km2) along the Iran-Turkmenistan borderland. Using auto-correlated Kernel density estimation based on a continuous-time stochastic process for relocation data, we estimated a mean home range of 103.4 ± SE 51.8 km2 for resident males which is larger than has been observed in other studies of Asian leopards. Most predation events occurred in core areas, averaging 32.4 ± SE 12.7 km2. Although neighboring leopards showed high spatiotemporal overlap, their hunting areas were largely exclusive. Five out of six of leopards spent some time outside the national park, among human communities. Our study suggests that a national park can play an ‘anchoring’ role for individuals of an apex predator that spend some time in the surrounding human-dominated landscapes. Therefore, we envisage that instead of emphasizing either land sharing or land sparing, a combined approach can secure the viability of resilient large carnivores that are able to coexist with humans in the rugged montane landscapes of west and central Asia.
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New data about threatened and poorly known bird species from some of the less known regions of Turkmenistan are presented. Numbers of some of the species are given.
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1. The current classification of the Felidae was reviewed by a panel of 22 experts divided into core, expert and review groups, which make up the Cat Classification Task Force CCTF of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group. 2. The principal aim of the CCTF was to produce a consensus on a revised classification of the Felidae for use by the IUCN. 3. Based on current published research, the CCTF has fully revised the classification of the Felidae at the level of genus, species and subspecies. 4. A novel traffic-light system was developed to indicate certainty of each taxon based on morphological, molecular, biogeographical and other evidence. A concordance of good evidence in the three principal categories was required to strongly support the acceptance of a taxon. 5. Where disagreements exist among members of the CCTF, these have been highlighted in the accounts for each species. Only further research will be able to answer the potential conflicts in existing data. 6. A total of 14 genera, 41 species and 77 subspecies is recognised by most members of the CCTF, which is a considerable change from the classification proposed by Wozencraft (2005), the last major revision of the Felidae. 7. Future areas of taxonomic research have been highlighted in order to answer current areas of uncertainty. 8. This classification of the Felidae will be reviewed every five years unless a major new piece of research requires a more rapid revision for the conservation benefit of felid species at risk of extinction.
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The kulan (Equus hemionus kulan) is the only odd-toed ungulate left in the wild in northern Eurasia. In the 1930s, the kulan survived in southern Turkmenistan only. In the 1940s, kulans were found only in an area named Badkhyz in Turkmenistan. To conserve the last natural population of this subspecies of kulan the Badkhyz Natural Reserve was established in 1941. The historical and contemporary distribution, fluctuation in numbers, conservation and sci research of kulan populations in the Badkhyz Natural reserve are reviewed in this paper.
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The leopard’s (Panthera pardus) broad geographic range, remarkable adaptability, and secretive nature have contributed to a misconception that this species might not be severely threatened across its range. We find that not only are several subspecies and regional populations critically endangered but also the overall range loss is greater than the average for terrestrial large carnivores. To assess the leopard’s status, we compile 6,000 records at 2,500 locations from over 1,300 sources on its historic (post 1750) and current distribution. We map the species across Africa and Asia, delineating areas where the species is confirmed present, is possibly present, is possibly extinct or is almost certainly extinct. The leopard now occupies 25-37% of its historic range, but this obscures important differences between subspecies. Of the nine recognized subspecies, three (P. p. pardus, fusca, and saxicolor) account for 97% of the leopard’s extant range while another three (P. p. orientalis, nimr, and japonensis) have each lost as much as 98% of their historic range. Isolation, small patch sizes, and few remaining patches further threaten the six subspecies that each have less than 100,000 km2 of extant range. Approximately 17% of extant leopard range is protected, although some endangered subspecies have far less. We found that while leopard research was increasing, research effort was primarily on the subspecies with the most remaining range whereas subspecies that are most in need of urgent attention were neglected.
This article provides information about 27 records of the Caracal Caracal caracal in Uzbekistan, particularly in the Kyzylkum Desert and the Ustyurt Plateau. The data collected between 2011 and 2017 were based on information from literary sources, field research, and interviews with local people. At least 11 individuals of the species were killed intentionally and one was run over by a car. Basic threats to the species in Uzbekistan are negative interactions between herders and Caracal, lack of knowledge about its protected status among local people, and lack of conservation measures. The preconditions for the protection of Caracal are the existence of remote unpopulated areas close to state borders between adjacent countries and socio-economic factors that prompt people to move from rural to urban areas. Caracal habitats are protected in Kyzylkum State Reserve, Saigachiy Landscape Sanctuary, and six wildlife sanctuaries. To conserve Caracal, it is necessary to strengthen the network of protected areas in deserts and raise the awareness of local communities and decision-makers in the national government. It is important to continue research on Caracal and develop a government-approved action plan for its conservation.