
Effect Of Yogurth Adduction In Blood Pressure Degression On Pregnant Woman With Hypertension

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The immediate factor causing high maternal mortality rate was bleeding (30,3%), especially post partum bleeding. In addition, hypertension (27.1%), infection (7.3%), and long handled parturition (1.7%) and based on pre-survey data on 27-4-2018 at public health working regency of Pesawaran occurring 2 people death due to eclampsia. This study aims to determine the effect of giving yogurt to pregnant women with hypertension in the Area of Health Service District Pesawaran Year 2018. This type of research is quantitative by using the experimental approach (pre experiment) with pretest-posttest approach with control group. The population in this study were all pregnant women with hypertension. Data in this research taken by simple purposive sample with primary data and data analysis using pretest dependent.. The results of this study showed that there was an effect of yogurt on blood pressure reduction, which mean score of sitole blood pressure before yogurt adduction was significantly higher than after yogurt adduction (p value 0,000 <0.005) and the effect of yogurt on blood pressure diastole, where scores on average diastolic blood pressure measurements before yogurt adduction were significantly higher than after adduction of yogurt. There was a significant difference in mean systole and diastole blood pressure in mothers given yogurt than not given yogurt. Hopefully, from this research should be advised so that could prevent the occurrence of pre eclampsia for pregnant women.

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... Pregnant women who consume yogurt have lower blood pressure than pregnant women who do not consume yogurt (Nita, 2019). In addition to the consumption of yogurt, eating fruits and vegetables can also lower blood pressure. ...
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Hypertension is a disease with a systolic blood pressure of more than 140 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of more than 90 mmHg. Yogurt and red beet (Beta vulgaris) have been known as foods containing potassium which is associated with lowering blood pressure. This study aims to determine the effect of giving yogurt with the addition of red beet on the blood pressure of college students in the Carolina Dormitory. This research was conducted with True Experiment Design, Pretest – Posttest with Control Group. The subjects used were 24 Carolina Dormitory students who were divided into 3 groups, including the control group (consuming yogurt), treatment group 1 (consuming yogurt and 50ml red beetroot), and treatment group 2 (consuming 100ml yogurt and red beetroot). The intervention was carried out in the afternoon for 6 days. Different test before and after intervention using paired t-test. Test the differences between groups using the One-Way ANOVA test. Potassium levels in each formulation were not significantly different (p>0.05). Yogurt products with 100 ml of red beet have the highest potassium content. After receiving treatment for 6 days, all groups experienced a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p<0.05) compared to before treatment. Consumption of 100 ml of yogurt and 100 ml of red beetroot was able to reduce systolic blood pressure by 9.63 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of 9.00 mmHg, but had no significant difference (p>0.05) when compared to other groups. It can be concluded that the consumption of yogurt can lower blood pressure while the addition of beets to yogurt does not provide a significant difference in the effect of decreasing systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Pregnancy is a natural and physiological process. Pregnancy can develop problems or complications at any time. Every pregnant woman has possible risks associated with her pregnancy that require care. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of pregnant women with preeclampsia at Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital, Bandar Lampung in 2022. This type of research is quantitative, namely the type of research to get an accurate description of a problem characteristic in the form of clarifying a data. Based on research at Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital, the number of mothers who experienced preeclampsia on July 27 2022 was 40 respondents. In this study the sampling technique used was the total population, data analysis used univariate analysis.The results showed that 30 respondents were not at risk (20-35 years) 21 respondents (52.2%), 33 respondents (82.5%) who did not work, 27 respondents with higher education (67, 5%), respondents with the number of births more than once (multigravida) were 34 respondents (85.0%), respondents with gestational ages who were not at risk were 34 respondents (85.0%), respondents with a history of complications were 38 respondents ( 95.0%), respondents with high blood pressure were 36 respondents (90.0%), respondents with a history of preeclampsia were 31 respondents (77.5%). It can be concluded that various characteristics of pregnant women can influence the occurrence of preeclampsia and it is hoped that health workers can assist pregnant women in detecting and preventing preeclampsia from an early age. Keywords: Characteristics Of Pregnant Women With Preeclampsia ABSTRAK Kehamilan merupakan suatu proses yang alamiah dan fisiologis. Kehamilan dapat berkembang menjadi masalah atau komplikasi setiap saat. Setiap wanita hamil memiliki kemungkinana risiko yang berhubungan dengan keadaan kehamilannya yang memerlukan asuhan tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahui karakteristik ibu hamil dengan preeklampsia di rumah sakit pertamina bintang amin bandar lampung tahun 2022. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif yaitu jenis penelitian untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang akurat dari sebuah karakteristik masalah yang berbentuk mengklarifikasikan suatu data. Berdasarkan penelitian di rumah sakit pertamina bintang amin jumlah ibu yang mengalami preeklampsia pada 27 juli 2022 sebanyak 40 responden,dalam penelitian ini teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah total populasi, analisa data yang digunakan analisa univariat.Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebanyak 30 responden dengan umur tidak beresiko (20-35 tahun) sebanyak 21 responden (52,2%), responden yang tidak bekerja sebanyak 33 responden (82,5%), responden dengan pendidikan tinggi sebanyak 27 responden (67,5%), responden dengan jumlah kelahiran lebih dari sekali (multigravida) sebanyak 34 responden (85,0%), responden dengan umur kehamilan yang tidak beresiko sebanyak 34 responden (85,0%), responden dengan adanya riwayat penyulit sebanyak 38 responden (95,0%), responden dengan tekanan darah tinggi sebanyak 36 responden (90,0%), responden dengan adanya riwayat preeklampsi sebanyak 31 responden (77,5%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa berbagai macam karakteristik ibu hamil dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya preeklampsia dan diharapkan tenaga kesehatan dapat membantu ibu hamil dalam melakukan pendeteksian dan pencegahan preeklampsia sejak dini. Kata Kunci: Karakteristik Ibu Hamil Dengan Preeklampsia
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