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Synthesis of a Vocal Sound from the 3,000 year old Mummy, Nesyamun ‘True of Voice’


Abstract and Figures

The sound of a 3,000 year old mummified individual has been accurately reproduced as a vowel-like sound based on measurements of the precise dimensions of his extant vocal tract following Computed Tomography (CT) scanning, enabling the creation of a 3-D printed vocal tract. By using the Vocal Tract Organ, which provides a user-controllable artificial larynx sound source, a vowel sound is synthesised which compares favourably with vowels of modern individuals.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:45000 |
Synthesis of a Vocal Sound from the
3,000 year old Mummy, Nesyamun
‘True of Voice’
D. M. Howard1*, J. Schoeld2*, J. Fletcher2, K. Baxter3, G. R. Iball4 & S. A. Buckley
The sound of a 3,000 year old mummied individual has been accurately reproduced as a vowel-like
sound based on measurements of the precise dimensions of his extant vocal tract following Computed
Tomography (CT) scanning, enabling the creation of a 3-D printed vocal tract. By using the Vocal Tract
Organ, which provides a user-controllable articial larynx sound source, a vowel sound is synthesised
which compares favourably with vowels of modern individuals.
e sound of a vocal tract from the past has been synthesised to be heard again in the present, allowing people
to engage with the past in completely new and innovative ways. e precise dimensions of an individuals vocal
tract produce a sound unique to them1. If the tract dimensions can be scientically established, vocal sounds can
be synthesised by using an electronic larynx sound source2 and a 3-D printed vocal tract3. Since the restoration of
an exact vocal sound requires the perfect preservation of the so tissues, this is impossible for individuals whose
remains are only skeletal. Even where so tissue does survive, for example in mummied remains4, the vocal tract
can either be missing or distorted5. e process is only feasible when the relevant so tissue is reasonably intact, as
in the case of the 3,000 year-old mummied body of the Egyptian priest Nesyamun6, whose ‘in death’ vocal tract
acoustic output has been scientically synthesised. is acoustic output is for the single sound for the extant vocal
tract shape; it does not provide a basis for synthesising running speech. To do so would require knowledge of the
relevant vocal tract articulations, phonetics and timing patterns of his language. e synthesised vowel sound
based on the precise dimensions of his unique vocal tract is here compared to modern vowels as proof of method
and to demonstrate future research potential.
Having established the scientic recreation of a 3-D printed vocal tract unique to a living individual, the
‘Voices from the Past’ Project was set up to investigate this possibility for those long dead in cases where their
remains are suciently well preserved. With the need for optimum preservation of the vocal tract an essential
requirement, combined with the practical necessity for precise CT-imaging in close proximity to the individual
selected, the mummied body of Nesyamun was a highly appropriate choice. is was also true for archaeological
e Egyptian Nesyamun (Fig.1) lived during the politically volatile reign of pharaoh Ramses XI (c.1099–1069
BC) over 3000 years ago, working as a scribe and priest at the state temple of Karnak in ebes (modern Luxor).
His voice was an essential part of his ritual duties which involved spoken as well as sung elements7.
With his mummied remains now displayed in Leeds City Museum, the current project is only the most
recent to examine Nesyamun, whose remains have been at the forefront of mummy studies for almost two centu-
ries. Following the unwrapping of his body in 1824, it was examined by members of the Leeds Philosophical and
Literary Society including three surgeons and a chemist whose multidisciplinary scientic investigation published
in 18288 was the rst of its kind. Following the development of X-rays, the body underwent radiological exam-
ination in 1931 at the University of Leeds’ School of Medicine, in 1964 by the University of Sheeld School of
Dentistry, and in 1990 at the University of Manchester by a team using endoscopy, histology, X-ray and early CT
scanning techniques9,10. ese combined studies revealed that Nesyamun had died in his mid-50s9 and had suf-
fered from gum disease and severely worn teeth, yet nonetheless “had a strong well-developed mandible, which,
like the maxilla, was ‘prognathic, and “clearly Nubian blood had once coursed through his veins”11.
1Department of Electronic Engineering, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom.
2Department of Archaeology, University of York, The King’s Manor, York, United Kingdom. 3Leeds Museums and
Galleries, Leeds, United Kingdom. 4Medical Physics Department, Old Medical School, Leeds General Inrmary,
Leeds, United Kingdom. 5Institute for Prehistory, Early History and Medieval Archeology, University of Tübingen,
Tübingen, Germany. *email:; john.scho
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:45000 |
His con inscriptions give the name Nesyamun (Fig.2)7, but as one of the rst ancient Egyptian names to
be translated following the decipherment of hieroglyphs in 1822, this was initially read ‘Natsif-Amon8 with at
least nine later variants9,12 until eventually corrected to Nesyamun9. is was a vital clarication within ancient
Egyptian culture in which the name was regarded as essential to an individual as their physical (mummied)
body and their soul (ka) and spirit (ba). It was also a fundamental belief that ‘to speak the name of the dead is
to make them live again’ (alternatively translated: ‘a man is revived when his name is pronounced’13), both by
living relatives and by the deceased themselves when appearing before the gods of judgement. Only those able
to verbally conrm that they had led a virtuous life were granted entry into eternity and awarded the epithet
‘maat kheru’, ‘true of voice14, as applied to Nesyamun himself throughout his con inscriptions. In these texts,
Nesyamun asks that his soul receives eternal sustenance, is able to move around freely and to see and address the
gods9 as he had in his working life. erefore his documented wish to be able to speak aer his death, combined
with the excellent state of his mummied body, made Nesyamun the ideal subject for the ‘Voices from the Past’
project for which his body was re-examined using state-of the-art CT scanning equipment.
Since human remains have unique status not as ‘objects’ but as the remains of once-living people (see SI), it
was also necessary to consider the ethical issues raised by the research and its possible heritage outcomes15,16. e
team concluded that the potential benets outweighed the concerns, particularly because Nesyamuns own words
express his desire to ‘speak again’ and that the scientic techniques used were non-destructive.
e CT images conrmed that a signicant part of the structure of Nesyamun’s larynx and throat remains in situ
as a result of the elaborate mummication process, thus enabling the vocal tract shape to be measured. e
tongue, however, has lost its muscular bulk over time and the so palate is not present as illustrated in Fig.3. e
dimensions of Nesyamuns tract are 81.4 mm between the external front of the upper lip and the hard/so palate
boundary and 68.4 mm between the thyroid notch and the hard/so palate boundary. Comparable measurements
for two living adult males are 103.6/111.0 mm and 80.0/86.0 mm respectively. Nesyamun’s tract therefore appears
notably smaller than those of contemporary adult males.
Following the scans, a 3-D printed tract was created for Nesyamun and designed to be used with the Vocal
Tract Organ17 which provides an appropriate acoustic larynx source as a time domain waveform synthesis of
the Liljencrants-Fant (LF) larynx source which is commonly employed in speech synthesis18. e fundamental
frequency, loudness and vibrato rate and depth can be individually controlled. e tract incorporates a coupler at
its larynx end that is designed to t snugly over the output end of an Adastra model 952-210 (16 ohm, 60 Watt)
loudspeaker drive unit.
Figure4 shows long-term average spectra for (1) the source signal from the Vocal Tract Organ via the Adastra
loudspeaker alone (dotted line) and (2) the output from the 3-D printed vocal tract for Nesyamun placed atop
the Adastra loudspeaker (solid line). e joystick controlled version of the Vocal Tract Organ was used to create a
larynx input to the 3-D printed vocal tract of Nesyamun and the joysticks were not altered during the sound. Four
Figure 1. e mummied body of Nesyamun laid on the couch to be CT scanned at Leeds General Inrmary.
© Leeds Teaching Hospitals/Leeds Museums and Galleries.
Figure 2. Nesyamun’s name in hieroglyphs as shown in his con inscriptions.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:45000 |
formant peaks are evident in the output spectrum for Nesyamun’s 3-D printed vocal tract which are indicative of
four resonances in Nesyamuns vocal tract within this frequency range.
Of vital perceptual importance in recreating a natural vocal sound is the application of some form of funda-
mental frequency variation. Nesyamuns duties included speaking as well as chanting or singing the daily liturgy7,
so the vocal tract organ was used to provide a falling intonation in the male speech fundamental frequency range.
Narrowband (30 ms window) and wide-band (5 ms window) spectrograms for a few vibrato cycles of the output
are shown in Fig.5 and formant frequency values averaged throughout the sound measured using Praat19,20 are
shown in Table1.
e measured lower three formant values for the vowel of Nesyamun fall between the vowel in ‘bed’ and the
vowel in ‘bad’ within the formant data quoted in the classic 1952 work by Peterson and Barney21, based on the
closeness in frequency of the second and rst formants respectively. By way of a modern comparison, the rst
four formant frequencies averaged for six adult male English speakers for the vowels in ‘bed’ and ‘bad, measured
using Praat, are given in Table1 and plotted in Fig.4. e match for F1 and F3 is remarkably good but there are
dierences for F2 and F4. ere will not be an exact match because: (1) no two vocal tracts are exactly the same
so there will always be formant frequency dierences between speakers, (2) any acoustic similarity between a
modern English pronunciation of ‘bed’ and bad’ and the language of Nesyamun cannot be assumed, and (3)
Figure 3. Final segmentation view (upper) and sagittal section of the two halves of 3-D printed Nesyamun’s
vocal tract (lower). e lack of tongue muscular bulk and so palate is clear.
Figure 4. Long-term average spectra for (a) the Vocal Tract Organ output larynx source (dashed), and (b) the
output from the 3-D printed vocal tract for Nesyamun acoustically excited by the Vocal Tract Organ output
(solid). e rst four formant positions averaged from six male English speakers are shown for the words ‘bad
(+) and ‘bed (x).
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:45000 |
Nesyamun’s vocal tract posture is not set for speaking any specic vowel; rather it is set appropriate for his burial
position. In addition, his tongue has lost much of its muscle bulk and his so palate is missing.
Aside from the archaeological possibilities based on the relatively rare survival of intact vocal tract so tissue
as in the case of Nesyamun, it is possible to estimate vocal tract shapes purely from skeletal information22 via, for
example, ellipses of dispersion for skull bony landmarks23. Making use of 3-D printed vocal tracts is one way to
recreate the sound output; it is also feasible to calculate the acoustic output based on digital waveguides24 and this
oers a future possibility of producing a dynamic acoustic output of spoken or sung utterances.
Previous attempts to recreate the voice of an ancient individual have employed soware techniques to animate
a facial reconstruction image to give an approximation of the original voice25,26. Recordings do exist of individ-
uals with extraordinary voices who died soon aer the introduction of sound recording, such as the last castrato
(Alessandro Moreschi - recorded in 1902 and 1904)27, but here is oered a vocal recreation that is based on an
extant vocal tract preserved over three millennia. is innovation has implications for the way in which the past
is presented to the public, either through conventional heritage interpretation displays or via digital interventions.
As a rare witness to a cataclysmic period in Egypt’s ancient history, Nesyamun also has a pre-eminent place
in the history of Egyptology. His body and con have been on permanent display in Leeds Museum for almost
two centuries, and although few visitors can read his cons hieroglyphic texts for themselves, the possibility of
transmitting their vocalisation would not only full Nesyamun’s own wishes as he himself expressed, but make
them accessible to all28. Having considered and accommodated all ethical implications, the transmission of sound
resulting from his actual vocal tract aer a three millennia silence would mean that those who come to see him
would also be able to hear a sound from his vocal tract as an initial step, emphasising his humanity with the
potential to excite and inspire.
Similarly, the well-preserved temple of Karnak in which Nesyamun undertook his duties is the destination for
over a million visitors each year, providing further exciting possibilities for heritage interpretation within Egypt’s
tourist economy.
is innovative interdisciplinary collaboration has produced the unique opportunity to hear the vocal tract
output of someone long dead by virtue of their so tissue preservation and new developments in technology,
digital scanning and 3-D printing. While this approach has wide implications for heritage management/museum
display, its relevance conforms exactly to the ancient Egyptians’ fundamental belief that ‘to speak the name of the
dead is to make them live again’. Given Nesyamun’s stated desire to have his voice heard in the aerlife in order
to live forever, the fullment of his beliefs through the synthesis of his vocal function allows us to make direct
contact with ancient Egypt by listening to a sound from a vocal tract that has not been heard for over 3000 years,
preserved through mummication and now restored through this new technique.
In September 2016 Nesyamun’s mummified body was transferred from Leeds City Museum to the nearby
Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning Department at Leeds General Infirmary. Once within the scan-
ning room it was removed from its con and transferred onto the couch of a Siemens Denition (Erlangen,
Germany) multi-detector CT scanner. Positioned on the couch in a head-rst supine orientation (Fig.1), a high
resolution helical CT scan was performed from which contiguous axial images of 0.6 mm slice thickness were
Figure 5. Wide band 30 ms window (upper) and narrow band 5 ms window (lower) spectrograms for a quasi-
spoken falling intonation generated using a joystick controlled Vocal Tract Organ driving the 3-D printed vocal
tract for Nesyamun.
F1 (Hz) F2 (Hz) F3 (Hz) F4 (Hz)
Nesyamun tract 690 1870 2560 3420
Mean for 6 males ‘bed’ 594 1821 2578 3350
Mean for 6 males ‘bad’ 783 1542 2559 3227
Table 1. Measured average frequencies for formants one to four (F1–F4) throughout the sound created with the
3-D printed vocal tract for Nesyamun excited by the Vocal Tract Organ. Comparison data of averaged rst four
formant frequencies for six adult male English speakers for the vowels in ‘bed’ and ‘bad’ for comparison.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:45000 |
reconstructed covering the range from cranial vertex to hallux. Images were acquired at a tube voltage of 120kVp,
tube current-time product of 180mAs, detector coverage of 64 × 0.6 mm and helical pitch factor of 1.0 and were
reconstructed using a so tissue convolution kernel and a 450 mm reconstructed eld of view. In order to improve
visualisation of the vocal tract, a further set of axial, coronal and sagittal images covering cranial vertex to lung
apices were reconstructed using a 0.6 mm slice thickness and 220 mm reconstructed eld of view. All image sets
were exported in uncompressed DICOM format for further manipulation and processing.
ITK-SNAP29, which allows a three-dimensional structural representation of human tissues to be observed,
was used to view the airway between the larynx and lips which is itself isolated as a solid shape to enable the 3-D
printing process. On-screen, air is generally represented in black, with volumes of so tissue and bone being
represented in grey to white. e process of creating the vocal tract model itself involves semi-automatic growing’
of user-dened starting spheres within the black (air) volumes outwards to stop at so tissue/bone boundaries
which are denoted by a change in contrast. is process involves trial and error alongside close observation of the
determined boundaries. Making changes to the starting positions of the user-dened spheres and repeating the
process as necessary is a core element of this process. Post-processing hand-editing of the nal airway with direct
reference to the original CT data enables nal minor changes to be made as appropriate. In particular, the lack of
a so palate (see Fig.3) meant that its position had to be estimated prior to printing.
e resulting airway volume represents the inside of Nesyamuns vocal tract as it is preserved. Whilst the
vocal tract so tissue is essentially intact and the oral and pharyngeal cavities are well represented (see Fig.3), the
tongue is desiccated therefore losing the majority of its bulk. In addition, the so palate is missing and the tract
boundary it normally forms has therefore been estimated. A virtual sheath is created around the airway to which
a loudspeaker coupler is added. e resulting vocal tract model is 3-D printed (Stratysys Connex 260 machine –
200 micron maximum linear printing error at this scale).
Data availability
e data supporting the ndings are fully available without restriction. Relevant data are available from the
corresponding author upon request.
Received: 4 June 2019; Accepted: 29 November 2019;
Published: xx xx xxxx
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We thank Steve Alty for technical support with tract measurements. Support for this research has been provided
by the Centre for Digital Heritage, University of York and Pharos Research. anks to Mengli Feng and Alex
Clarke for help with the 3-D printing process.
Author contributions
Original concept: J.S. Project design: J.S. and D.M.H. Historical and archaeological background: J.F. and S.A.B.
Heritage and ethical considerations: J.S., J.F. and K.B. Performed the experiments: D.M.H. and G.I. Analyzed the
data: D.M.H. and G.I. Contributed to the writing of the manuscript: D.M.H., J.S., J.F., K.B., G.I. and S.A.B.
Competing interests
e authors declare no competing interests.
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... Unfortunately, this is not always the case in high-profile mummy studies. Howard, et al. (2020) created the 'sound' of Nesyamun, a 3,000-year-old mummy from Egypt, by using CT scanning to produce a 3-D printed vocal tract. The researchers highlighted that there were ethical implications of this research but decided to go forward with the study as they believed that 1.) it would inspire and enthuse the public, 2.) the methods employed were non-destructive, and 3.) Nesyamun 4 In order to conduct scientific research on the Capuchin mummies, evaluation of proposals is carried out by the scientific curator (Dr Dario Piombino-Mascali), after which time, permission is requested to the Superintendence for the Cultural and Environmental Heritage of Palermo. ...
... The researchers highlighted that there were ethical implications of this research but decided to go forward with the study as they believed that 1.) it would inspire and enthuse the public, 2.) the methods employed were non-destructive, and 3.) Nesyamun 4 In order to conduct scientific research on the Capuchin mummies, evaluation of proposals is carried out by the scientific curator (Dr Dario Piombino-Mascali), after which time, permission is requested to the Superintendence for the Cultural and Environmental Heritage of Palermo. wanted to 'speak again' (Howard, et al., 2020). The justification for conducting this research was weak, particularly as the researchers did not recreate speech, but produced acoustic output. ...
The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo (Sicily) are a unique and culturally rich site utilized from the late sixteenth to mid-twentieth century. The Catacombs are home to the largest collection (n = 1,284) of partly or completely mummified remains in Europe, and the largest assemblage of juvenile mummies (n = 163) in Sicily. As a result, the site attracts thousands of visitors every year. This raises a number of ethical concerns in terms of the preservation, display, and scientific analysis of these mummies. This article will investigate the ethical challenges associated with the display and analysis of juvenile mummified individuals in the Capuchin Catacombs. Initially, ethical issues that arise when displaying mummified children at a visitor site will be explored. Subsequently, the value of adopting non-invasive techniques to answer highly focused, ethically grounded research questions will be addressed. Furthermore, this article will demonstrate the importance of transparent, open dialogue with religious groups and cultural heritage bodies in the study of juvenile mummies. Recommendations for best practice are provided at the end of this paper. These guidelines aim to ensure that juvenile mummies are displayed and analysed appropriately, whilst simultaneously respecting the beliefs and wishes of the living and deceased.
... More recently the Vocal Tract Organ was used to create a vowel sound from the 3,000-year-old Egyptian Mummy, Nesyamun. 4 Since then, a number of iterations to the design and implementation of subsequent Vocal Tract Organs have occurred as practical and musical experiences have been gained with it as a musical performance instrument, as a tool for encouraging youngsters into engineering, and as a research tool for investigating pitch production and perception where naturalness of its pitch variation compared to natural human uttered vowels is a basic requirement that is not easy to satisfy. This paper describes the basic concepts behind the Vocal Tract Organ, its various subsequent implementation iterations and its development from initial prototype to the various versions that followed. ...
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Objectives The Vocal Tract Organ has had a number of iterations resulting from advances in available technology as well as requirements of perceptual experiments and performance paradigms. The objective of this paper is to relate the development history of the Vocal Tract Organ from the original vision to what it is today as a modern version of the Vox Humana pipe organ stop for application in voice production and perception research. Study Design Descriptive Methods/design The latest Vocal Tract Organ is a polyphonic eight-channel eight-stop one manual Vocal Tract Organ that enables tab stop selected three-D printed vocal tracts to be used to create sound. This version includes eight stops (four for female vowel oral tracts and four for male vowel oral tracts). The stops are implemented using conventionally engraved pipe organ stop tabs labeled “Vox Humana Female” or “Vox Humana Male” followed by the three-D printed vowel: “EE”, “AH”, “ER” or “UU.” This is described alongside the development stages from which it emerged and covers all previous versions of the Vocal Tract Organ. At the heart of the latest instrument is a Bela BeagleBone Black with a Bela cape audio expander board which incorporates eight 16-bit audio outputs at 44.1 kHz sampling rate (earlier versions based on the Arduino Mega board were limited to 8-bit audio at an audio sampling rate of 16.384 kHz which limited the overall output spectrum). The latest Vocal Tract Organ is programmed using the audio graphical programming language Pure Data which is directly compatible with the Bela system. The Pure Data patch creates eight larynx outputs at the pitches set by the keys depressed on the keyboard and these are routed to Vocal Tract Organ loudspeakers with three-D printed vocal tracts attached. Results The Bela system has enabled real-time synthesis of eight-note polyphonic sounds to eight separate three-D printed vocal tracts, each being selectable via an organ tab stop switch. The instrument has been cased in a purpose-designed and built prototype laser-cut enclosure that incorporates the eight tab stops, a MIDI keyboard input, a pipe organ style swell (volume) pedal connection, four stereo (eight channels) audio amplifiers and terminal connections for the eight loudspeakers. Conclusions The Vocal Tract Organ functions as a musical instrument for performance and as an instrument for vowel and pitch perception research. Implementing it with the Bela family of processors allows for low audio latency of 1 ms and rapid prototyping due to being able to program directly with the high-level graphical audio programming language, Pure data (Pd).
... Obviously, the dead cannot speak: we cannot listen to Shakespeare reading A Midsummer Night's Dream, we cannot elicit verb conjugations from Cicero, and we cannot even get Tutankhamun to say 'aaah' … The furthest we could get-which is incontestably a tour de force-was to CT-scan the mummified body of an Egyptian scribe and priest, Nesyamun, from about 3000 years ago, print a three-dimensional reconstruction of his vocal tract, and produce a creepy sounding [ae:::] [1]. That, and the various attempts to simulate Neanderthal vowels based on debatable reconstructions and assumptions, leading to endless debates about their capacity (or lack thereof ) to articulate the 'full modern' vowel space, with a particular focus on [u] [2][3][4][5][6]. ...
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While speech and language do not fossilize, they still leave traces that can be extracted and interpreted. Here, we suggest that the shape of the hard structures of the vocal tract may also allow inferences about the speech of long-gone humans. These build on recent experimental and modelling studies, showing that there is extensive variation between individuals in the precise shape of the vocal tract, and that this variation affects speech and language. In particular, we show that detailed anatomical information concerning two components of the vocal tract (the lower jaw and the hard palate) can be extracted and digitized from the osteological remains of three historical populations from The Netherlands, and can be used to conduct three-dimensional biomechanical simulations of vowel production. We could recover the signatures of inter-individual variation between these vowels, in acoustics and articulation. While ‘proof-of-concept’, this study suggests that older and less well-preserved remains could be used to draw inferences about historic and prehistoric languages. Moreover, it forces us to clarify the meaning and use of the uniformitarian principle in linguistics, and to consider the wider context of language use, including the anatomy, physiology and cognition of the speakers. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Reconstructing prehistoric languages’.
Fascination with the exceptional survival of human remains has been of fundamental significance cross‐culturally for millennia. This chapter discusses reflections on two contrasting assemblages that offer valuable insight into curation practice – The ‘National Museum of Ireland Bog Bodies Research Project’ and the ‘Wellcome Collection Mummy Project’, in combination with experimental observations of mummification and desiccation at the Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research. They each highlights the importance and wide‐reaching benefits of a carefully planned multi‐disciplinary approach to the examination of well‐preserved remains and highlights the importance of public interest in preserved bodies. Radiographic imaging has long been used in clinical practice, pathology, and the study of preserved human bodies. The biomolecular integrity of preserved bodies is now considered as important as the physical evidence, with the information potential of bioarchaeological evidence an important stimulus for research.
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This article explores the technological affordances of vocal production software in performance through a case study of Shibuya Keīchirō's The End (2012). In the performance of this ‘humanless opera’, desires for pliability and fantasies of control are realised through the affordances of a singing voice synthesis software known as Vocaloid. By reflecting on The End 's thematic focus on death and existentialism and on notions of vocal virtuosity, and by exploring the socio-technical processes by which the protagonist, virtual pop star Hatsune Miku, was constructed, the article provides an alternative narrative to vocal production and intermundane collaboration as it relates to the fluid and reversible configurations between voices, bodies and technologies in performance.
This Element addresses the cultural production of ancient Egypt in the museum as a mixture of multiple pasts and presents that cohere around collections; their artefacts, documentation, storage, research, and display. Its four sections examine how ideas about the past are formed by museum assemblages: how their histories of acquisition and documentation shape interpretation, the range of materials that comprise them, the influence of their geographical framing, and the moments of remaking that might be possible. Throughout, the importance of critical approaches to interpretation is underscored, reasserting the museum as a site of active research and experiment, rather than only exhibitionary product or communicative media. It argues for a multi-directional approach to museum work that seeks to reveal the inter-relations of collection histories and which has implications not just for museum representation and documentation, but also for archaeological practice more broadly.
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What kind of research goes into the design, creation, and maintenance of a museum dedicated to the culture and history of sound? Now’s your chance to find out, as we unlock our Research Library and present the Museum of Portable Sound Research Library Catalogue: 1,400 books, articles, patents, manuals, audio recordings, and more – including links to those available online – organised into over 50 subject areas. These are the items we have collected so far for our own reference since our museum opened in November 2015, and cover a diverse range of cross-disciplinary topics from the worlds of sound studies, museum studies, and beyond.
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The paper examines epistemological problems behind a recent study claiming to provide a synthesis of a vocal sound from the mummified remains of a man named Nesyamun and behind racial designations in Egyptian mummy studies more generally. So far, responses in the media and academia concentrated on the ethical problems of these studies, whereas their theoretical and methodological backgrounds have been rarely addressed or mentioned only in passing. It seems that the media reaction has targeted the synthesis of a sound rather than other, equally problematic, assumptions found in Egyptian mummy studies. By focusing on the epistemological problems, it will be demonstrated that the issues of greatest concern are endemic to a general state of a considerable part of the discipline of Egyptology and its unreflective engagement with the material remains of the past, especially human remains.
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The advent and now increasingly widespread availability of 3-D printers is transforming our understanding of the natural world by enabling observations to be made in a tangible manner. This paper describes the use of 3-D printed models of the vocal tract for different vowels that are used to create an acoustic output when stimulated with an appropriate sound source in a new musical instrument: the Vocal Tract Organ. The shape of each printed vocal tract is recovered from magnetic resonance imaging. It sits atop a loudspeaker to which is provided an acoustic L-F model larynx input signal that is controlled by the notes played on a MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) device such as a keyboard. The larynx input is subject to vibrato with extent and frequency adjustable as desired within the ranges usually found for human singing. Polyphonic inputs for choral singing textures can be applied via a single loudspeaker and vocal tract, invoking the approximation of linearity in the voice production system, thereby making multiple vowel stops a possibility while keeping the complexity of the instrument in reasonable check. The vocal tract organ offers a much more human and natural sounding result than the traditional Vox Humana stops found in larger pipe organs, offering the possibility of enhancing pipe organs of the future as well as becoming the basis for a 'multi-vowel' chamber organ in its own right.
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Introduction It is only over the last quarter of the twentieth century or so that significant advances in knowledge of the acoustics of human voice production have been made, most notably due to the now very widespread use of multimedia personal computers. Today’s PC is capable of carrying out acoustic analyses that were only previously possible in specialised speech science laboratories, but nowadays such analyses can be carried out on a standard PC using programs that are freeware. This chapter introduces the acoustics of the human singing voice in a manner that makes no assumptions about previous knowledge apart from a motivation to learn and some familiarity with musical notes. This acoustic introduction is not solely applicable to the singing voice; the speaking voice uses the same instrument and the acoustic principles are identical. Where appropriate, suggestions are provided for supplementary reading for those interested in taking their study of voice acoustics further. The focus of the chapter is the acoustics of the castrato singing voice and this is considered in general terms in relation to the singing voices of men, women and children. Then the singing voice of Alessandro Moreschi is subjected to acoustic analysis; this is made possible since there are recordings available that were made in the Vatican in 1902 and 1904. Twelve tracks were made at that time of Moreschi himself and five choral records were made on which his voice is clearly audible. These are the only recordings ever made of a castrato. The total playing time of these 17 records is 52 minutes and 50 seconds and the complete set has been made available on compact disk. The chapter concludes with a summary of the creation of electronic castrato sounds for the film Farinelli in 1994 and for a BBC television program on the music of the 18th century in 2005. It is hoped that through these discussions of the acoustics of the castrato singing voice a greater understanding of what they were able to achieve with their vocal instruments when they sang is apparent. The underlying well-documented magic of their sound as perceived by listeners of the time is, if anything, enhanced by this acoustic treatment. The recordings of Moreschi do not give everything away about their vocal sound due to their huge lack (by today’s standards) of acoustic fidelity resulting from the recording techniques available at that time. This means that we do not really know what the castrato singing voice sounded like and therefore the electronic recreations that have been attempted are themselves impoverished by the lack of detailed acoustic knowledge. Musical satisfaction, communication and reward cannot be gained just from an understanding of the acoustics of the source of musical sound; they are in the mind’s ear of the beholder.
Middle Egyptian introduces the reader to the writing system of ancient Egypt and the language of hieroglyphic texts. It contains twenty-six lessons, exercises (with answers), a list of hieroglyphic signs, and a dictionary. It also includes a series of twenty-five essays on the most important aspects of ancient Egyptian history, society, religion and literature. The combination of grammar lessons and cultural essays allows users to not only read hieroglyphic texts but also to understand them, providing readers with the foundation to understand texts on monuments and to read great works of ancient Egyptian literature in the original text. This second edition contains revised exercises and essays, providing an up to date account of current research and discoveries. New illustrations enhance discussions and examples. These additions combine with the previous edition to create a complete grammatical description of the classical language of ancient Egypt for specialists in linguistics and other fields.
Speech intelligibility (SI) has been a longstanding concern in relation to speech disorders including reductions that occur secondary to total laryngectomy and the use of alaryngeal voicing methods. Because of the loss of the larynx and the requirement that one acquires a new voicing source, SI will always be reduced in this population. It is well-recognized that SI will be impacted by a variety of factors specific to the speaker, as well as the listener. However, while SI has been widely considered in those who have undergone total laryngectomy and use either the artificial electrolarynx or esophageal speech or have undergone tracheoesophageal voice restoration, consideration of collective factors on assessments of intelligibility has not yet been fully addressed. Thus, this chapter provides information pertaining to SI in alaryngeal speakers. In doing so, a variety of factors that underlie fundamental changes in alaryngeal speech production that will have a direct impact on SI are discussed. This information is designed to further our knowledge related to unique aspects of alaryngeal speech and the potential impact of such changes on SI.
Re-publication of the mummy of Baket-en-her-nakht (Twenty-second Dynasty) in the Hancock Museum, Newcastle upon Tyne. Results of recent investigation with X-ray and C.A.T.-scan techniques are presented and compared with the previous radiological examination of 1964.
Relationships between a listener's identification of a spoken vowel and its properties as revealed from acoustic measurement of its sound wave have been a subject of study by many investigators. Both the utterance and the identification of a vowel depend upon the language and dialectal backgrounds and the vocal and auditory characteristics of the individuals concerned. The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the control methods that have been used in the evaluation of these effects in a vowel study program at Bell Telephone Laboratories. The plan of the study, calibration of recording and measuring equipment, and methods for checking the performance of both speakers and listeners are described. The methods are illustrated from results of tests involving some 76 speakers and 70 listeners.