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Framework for Green Search Engine Design



Traditional search engines use a thin client, distributed model for crawling. This crawler based approach has certain drawbacks which could be removed with a proposed rich client based model. The rich client based search engine offers faster crawling and better updation time using lesser resources than thin client model, and it covers more of the World Wide Web than normal crawler based search engines. Although modern day search engine giants have improvised on various features such as ergonomics and utilities, along with several added goodies, little work is done to improve energy efficiency of such Large Scale Search Engines. As the Internet is increasing exponentially the search engines will involve more and more servers thus costing more and more energy. This ever increasing demand of search engines needs to be curbed down. Rather than multiplying server resources it is better to use existing servers which work in a congenial environment, using communication methods to reduce redundant downloading of data from different servers by the crawlers.This paper proposes a rich client based architecture for search engines along with analysis and comparison with present search engines. This could help into reducing the challenges of global warming, keeping up the speed and efficiency requirements. General Terms Search engine optimization.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
National Conference on Knowledge, Innovation in Technology and Engineering (NCKITE 2015)
Framework for Green Search Engine Design
Kapil Kumar Nagwanshi
RCET Bhilai
Praval Kumar Jha
HCL Technologies Bangalore
Sipi Dubey
RCET Bhilai
Traditional search engines use a thin client, distributed model
for crawling. This crawler based approach has certain
drawbacks which could be removed with a proposed rich
client based model. The rich client based search engine offers
faster crawling and better updation time using lesser resources
than thin client model, and it covers more of the World Wide
Web than normal crawler based search engines. Although
modern day search engine giants have improvised on various
features such as ergonomics and utilities, along with several
added goodies, little work is done to improve energy
efficiency of such Large Scale Search Engines. As the Internet
is increasing exponentially the search engines will involve
more and more servers thus costing more and more energy.
This ever increasing demand of search engines needs to be
curbed down. Rather than multiplying server resources it is
better to use existing servers which work in a congenial
environment, using communication methods to reduce
redundant downloading of data from different servers by the
crawlers.This paper proposes a rich client based architecture
for search engines along with analysis and comparison with
present search engines. This could help into reducing the
challenges of global warming, keeping up the speed and
efficiency requirements.
General Terms
Search engine optimization.
Search engines, thick client, rich client, updation delay, and
Typically search engines use a crawler to crawl through
URL’s, extract links, and index mined data from the web-
pages to build a web repository [1]. Huge Search engines
maintain a gigantic web repository of web pages. This
repository is indexed with help of data mining tools for faster
searches. The crawlers reside on high performance servers
spread throughout the world and crawling the web 24x7.
When they find an un-indexed page they store it in repository
and index it. Whereas when a web page is revisited during
crawling, if the content is changed an update is made and the
old page in repository is replaced by new page. Commercial
search engines have periodic update policies for maintaining a
relevant web repository [2].
The update frequency of search engine database for a
particular site depends on number of parameters such as, (i)
priorities decided by search engine, (ii) page rank of the site,
(iii) frequency of occurrence in queue, and (iv) availability of
the site on the WWW. The search engine may decide its
priority for updating different sites which may be based on
diverse criteria such as, (i) how popular the website is, (ii)
what is the size of website, (iii) how often does site content
transforms, and (iv) how many links point to that particular
web site (which partially depends on the page rank) [6] The
content change frequency and page-rank are used to schedule
updates. Content changes are observed and an optimum
refresh policy is obtained by ignoring too frequently changing
pages [7].
Fig. 1. Change frequency vs refresh frequency for
freshness optimization
Fig. 2. Study result on URL Ordering with various
methods of scheduling [10].
1.1 Traditional Search Engines
The drawbacks of traditional search engines includes (i)
update delays, (ii) wastage of Storage space, (iii) incomplete
data & less coverage, (iv) performance impacts on websites,
and (v) contribution to global warming.
1.1.1 Update delays
The update delay is a major drawback to the traditional search
engines. The update might be either steady or periodic [5]; in
case of steady crawling we have to wait for a changed page to
come again in the crawl path to be updated in the repository.
Steady crawlers use page-rank to prioritize crawling. Periodic
crawling is used along with change frequency estimation
0 1 2 3 4 5
Refresh frequency f
Change frequency x
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
National Conference on Knowledge, Innovation in Technology and Engineering (NCKITE 2015)
details to schedule updating. Even then if a page is updated
more than once between two updates only latest page is
copied to repository [6]. And if a page change misses an
update interval it will have to wait for more time.
1.1.2 Wastage of Storage Space
The pages crawled by the search engine are downloaded and
saved into the web repository, and then indexed [2]. If the
data already exists online what is the need to save it into
repositories maintained by search engines doing this we are
unknowingly wasting storage resources. A large scale search
engines need not save all pages into its repository; but only
abstract of the pages will do work.
1.1.3 Incomplete data & less coverage
Only very small no. of web pages is indexed amounting about
6-12 % [2]. This is due to following reasons:
Search engines have limited bandwidth
Crawlers may not reach important pages
because they are too far.
Depth of crawl is fixed, and page is located too
Fig. 3. Invisible web
The part of World Wide Web which is not restricted by
dynamic content is also amalgamated into deep web due to
inability of the crawler to find a link to it from the set of page
it is crawling. This may be visualized from given Fig. 1.
1.1.4 Performance impact on websites
When the crawler revisits a website to gain updates, the web
server uses its network bandwidth to serve the crawler; also it
has to spend its CPU time and memory to entertain crawlers
[5]. These resources could have been better utilized to serve
users by the web server. All above resources are wasted if the
site does not change frequently.
1.1.5 Contribution to global warming
When the crawlers are indefinitely crawling and downloading
web pages a lot of energy is wasted in fetching of web pages
from the World Wide Web as it involves transmission of
packets all over the route from source to destination (i.e. Our
Server)[7]. The pages are completely downloaded even when
they are of the same date as of one we have in our repository.
[8] , [9].
A Page-rank is calculated based on number of pages that point
to it. This is actually a measure based on the number of back-
links to a page. A back-link is a link pointing to a page rather
than pointing out from it. Measure is not purely a count of
number of back-links because a weighting is used to provide
more importance to back-links coming from important pages.
Given a page p, it uses Bp to be the set of pages that point to
p, and Fp be the links set out of p. Page-rank [3] of page p is
defined as eq. (1)
Here c is a constant used for normalization whose value is
between 0 and 1.
A problem called rank sink that exists with above page-rank
calculation causes R value to increase for a cyclic reference. It
is removed by adding additional term in eq. (1) and improved
page rank R’ is obtained as eq.(2)
Here c is maximized, E(v) is a vector that adds an artificial
link. This simulates a random surfer who periodically decides
to stop following links and jumps to a new page. E(v) adds
links of small probabilities between every pair of nodes. This
page-rank calculation takes place after the firing of a query,
and sorted results are displayed with pages with highest page
ranks first [4]. The update is scheduled after observing the
frequency by which a site content changes. The pages
changed daily are updated daily, while weekly changing sites
are updated once in a week.
2.1 Reduced Time Complexity
The time required by the traditional crawlers to crawl a
particular website will be as given below.
np is the no. of pages
k is a constant defined by the techniques used for
Sp is the average web page size
B is the bandwidth of the channel
Dn is the network delay involved.
Our time required to crawl the given website will be
T )(*)('
Here Bf = bandwidth of local browsing
Since the XML sitemap file size increases with no. of pages
using our technique, the Dn should be changed with the
increase in size of file transferred. But for ease of simplicity we
can omit this part, as there is no significant change in our
Comparing these two equations we see that the Network delay
is multiplied each time, so for a practical channel the time
required by a traditional search engine will be much higher
than our proposed crawler.
Invisible Web
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
National Conference on Knowledge, Innovation in Technology and Engineering (NCKITE 2015)
The crawling of the site is said to be fruitful only if the content
has changed, therefore the equations 3 & 4 need to be modified
to find fruitful time aseq (5) and (6)-
Where λ is frequency of change and n is the no. of arrivals
(change events).
Assuming the change of page content is a Poisson process [6]
the crawler will be effective only when the crawling is
scheduled so that P (Change) is maximum which is exactly at
1)()(** ChangePChangePD
P (change) in above equation become = 1, as the crawl event is
fired by a change of content. These equations can be plot, and
then the area covered by each curve gives the successful effort
applied by each of them. The traditional crawler’s performance
varies with probability of change.
Fig. 1.Time Expenditure Comparison
2.2 Space Complexity
Our sitemap reduces the text content of the website by
abstraction. Thus the space complexity will be reduced, the
sitemap may be further space optimized by using text
compression for large websites.
2.3 Lesser power consumption
While the traditional steady crawlers continuously crawls the
web, further more continuous running of multiple servers too
affects [6]. Using our architecture the updates become event
fired and are analogous to Poisson’s process [5]. Thus
unnecessary wandering of crawlers, which wastes power, is
removed. [8] , [9] .
Fig. 2.Change in probability function with maxima at λ [6]
2.4 Better Coverage
The Deep web problem will be solved using this architecture.
As each crawl is limited to a local resource, broken links will
be less frequent. For dynamic contents the site administrator
may provide URL to focus crawler on certain pages he wants
to be indexed in the search engine.
Practicality of above architecture can be checked by a parallel
run with traditional search engine. A multithreading enabled
language should be used with the user agents; we suggest that
Java should be the language for its implementation. With Java
the user agent will become platform independent and could
run on any type of web-servers. Database may be clustered for
better performance and access time.
Our sincere thanks to the RCET-Bhilai management for
providing us essential infrastructural requirements and
[1] Guckian K., 2011. “Internet 202: The Invisible Web -
Beyond Google”,
[2] Brin, S. & Page, L., 1998. “The anatomy of a large-scale
hypertextual Web search engine”, Computer networks
and ISDN systems, Elsevier, Vol. 30(1-7), pp. 107-117.
[3] Dunham, M.,2003. “Data Mining: Introductory And
Advanced Topics”, 1/e , Pearson Education,.
[4] Brandman, O., Cho, J., Garcia-Molina, H. &Shivakumar,
N., 2000. “Crawler-friendly web servers” , ACM
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, ACM,
Vol. 28(2), pp. 14.
[5] Cho, J. & Garcia-Molina, H.,2003. “Estimating
frequency of change” , ACM Transactions on Internet
Technology (TOIT), ACM New York, NY, USA, Vol.
3(3), pp. 256-29.
[6] Boswell, D.,2003. “Distributed high-performance Web
crawlers: a survey of the state of the art”, Department of
Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of
California, San Diego, Citeseer.
[7] Wissner Gross, 2009. “A. Environmental Footprint
Monitor For Computer Networks” , WO Patent
No. of pages (Np)
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
National Conference on Knowledge, Innovation in Technology and Engineering (NCKITE 2015)
[8] Connolly, M. ,2009. ”What Does A Google Search
Really Cost?”, Association of Small Computer Users in
Education “Our Second Quarter Century of Resource
Sharing”, pp. 84.
[9] Junghoo, C., Garcia-Molina, H. & Page, L. ,1998.
“Efficient crawling through URL ordering“ , Computer
Networks and ISDN Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 30(1), pp.
[10] Arasu, A., Cho, J., Garcia-Molina, H., Paepcke, A.
&Raghavan, S. , 2001. “Searching the web” , ACM
Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), ACM, Vol.
1(1), pp. 43.
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Full-text available
Introduction Introduction Related Concepts Data Mining Techniques Core Topics Classification Clustering Association Rules Advanced Topics Web Mining Spatial Mining Temporal Mining Appendix Index Salient Features Covers advanced topics such as Web Mining and Spatial/Temporal Mining. Includes succinct coverage of Data Warehousing, OLAP, Multidimensional Data, and Preprocessing. Concise coverage on distributed, parallel, and incremental algorithms. Provides case studies. Offers clearly written algorithms to better understand techniques. Algorithms are presented in a pseudocode. Includes a reference on how to use Prototypes and DM products.
Full-text available
In this paper we study in what order a crawler should visit the URLs it has seen, in order to obtain more “important” pages first. Obtaining important pages rapidly can be very useful when a crawler cannot visit the entire Web in a reasonable amount of time. We define several importance metrics, ordering schemes, and performance evaluation measures for this problem. We also experimentally evaluate the ordering schemes on the Stanford University Web. Our results show that a crawler with a good ordering scheme can obtain important pages significantly faster than one without.
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We o#er an overview of current Web search engine design. After introducing a generic search engine architecture, we examine each engine component in turn. We cover crawling, local Web page storage, indexing, and the use of link analysis for boosting search performance. The most common design and implementation techniques for each of these components are presented. We draw for this presentation from the literature, and from our own experimental search engine testbed. Emphasis is on introducing the fundamental concepts, and the results of several performance analyses we conducted to compare di#erent designs.
Web Crawlers (also called Web Spiders or Robots), are programs used to download documents from the internet. Simple crawlers can be used by individuals to copy an entire web site to their hard drive for local viewing. For such small-scale tasks, numerous util-ities like wget exist. In fact, an entire web crawler can be written in 20 lines of Python code. Indeed, the task is inherently simple: the general algorithm is shown in figure 1.However, if one needs a large portion of the web (eg. Google currently indexes over 3 billion web pages), the task becomes astoundingly di cult.
In this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext. Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems. The prototype with a full text and hyperlink database of at least 24 million pages is available at To engineer a search engine is a challenging task. Search engines index tens to hundreds of millions of web pages involving a comparable number of distinct terms. They answer tens of millions of queries every day. Despite the importance of large-scale search engines on the web, very little academic research has been done on them. Furthermore, due to rapid advance in technology and web proliferation, creating a web search engine today is very different from three years ago. This paper provides an in-depth description of our large-scale web search engine -- the first such detailed public description we know of to date. Apart from the problems of scaling traditional search techniques to data of this magnitude, there are new technical challenges involved with using the additional information present in hypertext to produce better search results. This paper addresses this question of how to build a practical largescale system which can exploit the additional information present in hypertext. Also we look at the problem of how to effectively deal with uncontrolled hypertext collections where anyone can publish anything they want. Keywords World Wide Web, Search Engines, Information Retrieval, PageRank, Google 1.
Many online data sources are updated autonomously and independently. In this paper, we make the case for estimating the change frequency of the data, to improve web crawlers, web caches and to help data mining. We first identify various scenarios, where different applications have different requirements on the accuracy of the estimated frequency. Then we develop several "frequency estimators" for the identified scenarios. In developing the estimators, we analytically show how precise/effective the estimators are, and we show that the estimators that we propose can improve precision significantly. 1 Introduction With the explosive growth of the internet, many data sources are available online. Most of the data sources are autonomous and are updated independently of the clients that access the sources. For instance, popular news web sites, such as CNN and NY Times, update their contents periodically, whenever there are new developments. Also, many online stores update the price/availab...
In this paper we study how to make web servers (e.g., Apache) more crawler friendly. Current web servers o#er the same interface to crawlers and regular web surfers, even though crawlers and surfers have very di#erent performance requirements. We evaluate simple and easy-to-incorporate modifications to web servers so that there are significant bandwidth savings. Specifically, we propose that web servers export meta-data archives decribing their content. 1
  • K Guckian
Guckian K., 2011. "Internet 202: The Invisible Web -Beyond Google", mber=2347.
A. Environmental Footprint Monitor For Computer Networks
  • Wissner Gross
Wissner Gross, 2009. "A. Environmental Footprint Monitor For Computer Networks", WO Patent WO/2009/076,667.
Association of Small Computer Users in Education "Our Second Quarter Century of Resource Sharing
  • M Connolly
Connolly, M.,2009. "What Does A Google Search Really Cost?", Association of Small Computer Users in Education "Our Second Quarter Century of Resource Sharing", pp. 84.