Conference PaperPDF Available

Clinical Human Gait Classification: Extreme Learning Machine Approach


Abstract and Figures

This study reports a novel approach for biometric gait pattern classification using Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm. Clinical gait analysis can be used for early detection of gait abnormality in brain or neurological disorder subjects. In many cases gait abnormality cannot be detected through visual observation alone, but becomes apparent only in a quantitative analysis of subject’s gait. This can also help us understand the neuro-muscular mechanics associated with brain disorders. Human gait is also of profound interest to the research community in the field of biometric identification and bipedal robot locomotion due to its uniqueness and efficiency. This paper explores multi-class gait classification using four machine learning methods (KNN, SVM, ELM, MLP) and evaluates their performance for multi class gait classification. The proposed method achieves very good results. TheELM is used first time in to analyses the neuromuscular of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis and stroke .
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Clinical Human Gait Classification: Extreme Learning Machine Approach
Prithvi Patil,
K.Shusheel Kumar,
Neha Gaud and
Vijay Bhaskar Semwal*
National Institute of Technology, Srinagar
B.I.E.T. Jhansi
Vikram University Ujjain
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal,,,*
This study reports a novel approach for biometric
gait pattern classification using Extreme Learning Machine
(ELM) algorithm. Clinical gait analysis can be used for early
detection of gait abnormality in brain or neurological disorder
subjects. In many cases gait abnormality cannot be detected
through visual observation alone, but becomes apparent only in
a quantitative analysis of subject’s gait. This can also help us
understand the neuro-muscular mechanics associated with brain
disorders. Human gait is also of profound interest to the
research community in the field of biometric identification and
bipedal robot locomotion due to its uniqueness and efficiency.
This paper explores multi-class gait classification using four
machine learning methods (KNN, SVM, ELM, MLP) and
evaluates their performance for multi class gait classification.
The proposed method achieves very good results. TheELM is
used first time in to analyses the neuromuscular of patients
suffering from multiple sclerosis and stroke
Keywords: Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), Biometric
identification, Gait classification, Bipedal walk, Multiple
sclerosis, Stroke gait, Clinical gait analysis, Cerebral palsy,
Crouch gait, Anthropomorphic robot.
Human gait is a complex locomotion for forward
propulsion of center of gravity of the human body. It is achieved
through a process of continuous learning as a child interacts
with his environment [1]. It is highly nonlinear and complex
due to varying configuration during different sub phases of
human gait [2]. The human walk is designed as 8 discrete sub
phases [3] with continuous behavior and researchers have
started considering it as hybrid system [4]. Fig.1 shows the 8
different phases of bipedal walk. It is inherently unstable and
nonlinear due to high degrees of non-linearity, high
dimensionality, under actuation (in swing phase) and over
actuation (in stance phase) [5]. Human gait is also unobtrusive
compared to other biometric identifiers such as fingerprint [6].
Many Researchers have used human gait for purposes such as
biometric identification, understanding the problem of elderly
people, to understand the biomechanics of human walk,
artificial limb development and bipedal walk [7] [8].
As on today, due to its inherent complexities, bipedal
robots are not efficient to work outside laboratory environment
i.e. unstructured environments designed for humans and are
controlled as fully-actuated system, which is not energy
efficient [9]. Among various types of humanoid locomotion,
bipedal walking is the most natural, energy efficient and
interesting, since bipedal robots have more potential to move in
rugged terrains or complex environments, where wheeled or
tracked robots cannot operate. On the other hand, bipedal robots
are less stable and prone to falling down. To meet this
challenge, over the years, many solutions have been proposed
Gait can be studied as non-linear time series of
kinematic trajectories [11],[12]. The analysis involves the
investigating sensory motor interaction and understanding the
biomechanics of locomotors system [13]. Gait classification
allocates walking patterns into groups that can be identified and
differentiated from one another based on a set of defined
variables or features. We believe the problem being addressed
so far using conventional mechanics based model and
automated control theory can effectively be addressed using
data driven computational theory. Throughout this work we
tried to validate this hypothesis using machine learning
techniques including ELM for patients suffering from multiple
sclerosis and stroke. The ELM is used first time in to analyses
the neuromuscular of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis
and stroke
The paper is organized as follows. Section II is about
methodology. Section III introduces ELM and briefly describes
other machine learning approaches used in this study. Section
IV discusses performance evaluation and results achieved by
different machine learning algorithms. Section V is about
Conclusion and Future work.
The Proposed System:
Proposed system consists of eight phases which is shown in
the Fig.1. They are gait data collection, gait data detection,
trajectories smoothing, feature extraction, feature selection and
classification using ML algorithms [14]. Figure 2 depicts a
systematic approach for proposed gait recognition process.
1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology 2019 (ICASERT 2019)
978-1-7281-3445-1/19/$31.00 c
2019 IEEE
Fig.1. Breakdown of Human Gait into different Discrete Sub Phases
Fig.2. Proposed Architecture of the System
The Gait is divided into 2 phases, namely stance phase and
swing phase. The swing phase is critical since only one leg
needs to carry the entire body load. We consider it as discrete
phase and the configuration during this phase will be over
actuation. The swing phase can be considered as continuous
phase as well. The configuration is under actuation during this
phase.The Percentage-wise distribution of gait time series as
Stance phase:
1. Initial Contact– IC[0-2%]
2. Loading Response– LR[2-10%]
3. Mid Stance– MS[10-30%]
4. Terminal Stance– TS[30-50%]
Swing phase:
5. Pre Swing– PS[50-60%]
6. Initial Swing– IS[60-73%]
7. Mid Swing - MS[73-87%]
8. Terminal Swing – TS[87-100%]
B. Data Collection:
For class Multiple sclerosis and Stroke gait, data was collected
and recorded using accelerometer for capturing acceleration in
all the three planes for the 6 joints (left hip, right hip, left knee,
right knee, left ankle, right ankle).This was later converted into
joint angles using inverse kinematic solution [17].
C. Data Smoothing:
To remove unwanted noise from the data collected through
accelerometers, we have cubic spline interpolation.
D. Dimension Reduction:
After data smoothing, we employed PCA (Principle
Component Analysis) and IFA(Incremental Feature Analysis)
to compute covariance between different features
E. Feature selection:
After analyzing covariance between different set of features,
we then proceed to select set of 6 features out of 10, which
have highest covariance. This not only reduces the chance of
over fitting, but also leads to improved generalization and
classification accuracy as discussed in [15],[16].Table-1 below
shows all the 10 kinematic features. F1-F6 represents the
selected features.
Table 1:
List of 10
kinematic features
A. Extreme Learning Machines(ELM)
ELM was proposed by Huang [18], [19]. It is different from
MLP and SVM. MLP used to consider many hidden layer
neuron and considered whole networks as a black box. ELM
theories show that hidden neurons do not need tuning because
its hidden nodes parameters (c
) are randomly assigned [20].
For N arbitrary distinct samples
, the
single ELM classier with N hidden nodes becomes a linear
system as,
. (1)
where c
€ Rn and a
€ R are the learning parameters of hidden
nodes and randomly assigned weight β
connecting the ith
hidden node to the output node, xk are the training examples,
is the target output for k = 1, ..., N, and G (x
; c
; a
) is the
Feature Category Feature Name
F1 Left Ankle
F2 Right Ankle
F3 Left Knee
F4 Right Knee
F5 Left Hip
F6 Right Hip
F7 CoP*
F8 CoG*
F10 Velocity
output of the i
hidden node with respect to the input xk. The
output weights can be described in matrix form as
Equation (1) can be rewritten as:
Hβ=T (3)
Where H (c
, a1 ……, x
, ….., x
) =
The weights β can be obtained using equation 6 by
taking the least-square solution:
T (6)
Here, H† is the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse [21] and
H is the output matrix of the hidden layer. The ELM used to
implement the multi-class classification using a network
architecture which has output nodes equal to the number of
pattern in the classes. The network output can be written as O
= (O
; O
; …O
. For each training example say x, the target
output tg is coded into n bits: (tg
; --- tg
.For a pattern of
class k, only the target output t
is “1” and the rest is “-1”
B. MLP, SVM and KNN Classifiers:
Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is the simplest neural network
architecture which is used most frequently. It has configuration
flexibility, good representational capabilities and
programmable algorithms. The Complexity of neural network
depends of no. of hidden layer and no. of neurons. The best
model of neural network is derived by trial and error. The
major challenge of neural network is to decide the no. of
hidden layer and no. of neurons, as there is no as such
mechanism of optimal selection of neurons and hidden layers.
Most MLP are based on gradient descent techniques that
require iterative tuning which makes MLP extremely slow and
the algorithm can also converge to local minima and provide
sub optimal results.
Fig.3. SLFNarchitecture of ELM
The objective of next classifiers SVM is to find the
optimal decision boundary with maximum margin between
classes in higher dimension feature space. It used to map the
lower dimension data into higher dimension feature space
using kernel function. The kernel function used to take linear
time for this transformation. It converts the nonlinearly
separable data into linearly separable data in high dimension
feature space. Using SVM, an optimal separating hyper plane
in the higher dimensional feature space can be computed by
using kernel functions in the input space. In this study, we
have used a Support Vector Machine classifier based on
LibSVM. It uses a RBF(Radial Basis Function) kernel.
KNN used to match the similarity measure to classify the
new class. It is simple algorithm. It is a simple non-parametric
technique for classification. When the new testing data is fed,
KNN computes the distance between the query data and
training samples. Based on the defined threshold, number-k, k
samples with least distances are selected and the class with
more samples in the boundary is the result.
Our experiments were conducted on a Windows 10 machine
with a 2.50-GHz 7200U i5 CPU and 8.0-GB RAM. To find the
best parameters for each of the classifiers, a grid search was
run exhaustively with 10-fold cross validation to reduce
variation associated with randomness of data shuffling and
arrive at mean scores. KNN, SVM and MLP were
implemented using scikit-learn python module. The best set of
parameters was found to be as under. Table 2 represents the
best set of parameters for MLP.
Table2: Set of Parameter for
Hidden Layer Neurons 50
Activation function ‘relu’
solver ‘Lbfgs’
alpha 0.0001
momentum 0.9
iterations 1000
‘relu’ is an activation function such that,f(x)=max(0,x).‘lbfgs’
is an optimizer in the family of quasi-Newton methods.‘alpha’
is the L2 penalty parameter.‘multiquadric’ is an Radial basis
activation function suchthat,f(x)=1+( x)2. table 3,4 and 5
represents the best set of parameters for KNN, SVM, ELM.
Table 3:Set of Parameter for
Neighbors 4
weights ‘uniform’
metric ‘manhattan’
Table 4:Set of Parameter for
Parameter C 32768
kernel ‘rbf’
gamma 0.001953125
Table 5: Set of Parameter for
Hidden neurons 370
Activation function ‘multiquadric’
Rbf-width 0.4
To evaluate results we computed confusion matrix,
precision, recall, f1 score for each of the four classifiers and
calculated overall classification accuracy. Overall accuracy is
simply number of correct predictions divided by total number
of predictions. F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and
recall. Additionally, we also recorded time taken for each
classifier to train and predict labels on testing set. All
performance measures were generated using scikit-learn
python module. In order to eliminate high variation from
results we have employed a 10-fold cross validation.
The data set consists of 5 classes namely,(Normal,
Crouch1,Crouch2) obtained from OpenSim [22], Multiple
sclerosis and Stroke. Data for classes Multiple sclerosis and
Stroke were collected clinically capturing the same kinematic
features as in the first three classes. Subjects didn’t suffer from
any other medical condition besides the said diseases. There
are, a total of 945 samples across all 5 classes with their
individual numbers given under ‘support’ column in the
classification report tables. Crouch gait is a common
movement abnormality among children with cerebral palsy,
decreases walking efficiency due to the increased knee and hip
flexion during the stance phase of gait [23][24].Crouch gait is
of four types, out of which we have included type 1 and type 2
for classification. Table 6 and 7 represents the confusion
matrix and classification report for ELM.
Table 6:
ELM Confusion Matrix
Normal Crouch1 Crouch2 MS Stroke
Normal 202 0 0 0 0
Crouch1 0
54 19 0 0
Crouch2 0 25 45 0 0
MS 0 0 1 299 0
Stroke 0 9 7 0 284
Table 7: Classification Report using ELM
Precision Recall F1-
Normal 1.00 1.00 1.00 202
Crouch1 0.61 0.74 0.67 73
Crouch2 0.62 0.64 0.63 70
MS 1.00 1.00 1.00 300
Stroke 1.00 0.95 0.97 300
The Overall classification accuracy using ELM is 93.54%.
Table 8 and 9 represents the confusion matrix and
classification report for MLP.
Table 8:
MLP Confusion matrix
Table 9: Classification Report using MLP
Precision Recall F1-
Normal 0.99 0.98 0.98 202
Crouch1 0.37 0.36 0.36 73
Crouch2 0.34 0.37 0.36 70
MS 1.00 1.00 1.00 300
Stroke 1.00 1.00 1.00 300
The Overall classification accuracy is 89.84% achieved using
MLP. Table 10 and 11 represents the confusion matrix and
classification report for KNN..
Table 10:
KNN Confusion matrix
Normal Crouch1 Crouch2 MS Stroke
Normal 191 5 6 0 0
Crouch1 20
20 33 0 0
Crouch2 19 50 1 0 0
MS 0 0 0 300 0
Stroke 0 0 0 0 300
Table 11: Classification Report using KNN
Precision Recall F1-
Normal 0.83 0.95 0.88 202
Crouch1 0.27 0.27 0.27 73
Crouch2 0.03 0.01 0.02 70
MS 1.00 1.00 1.00 300
Stroke 1.00 1.00 1.00 300
The Overall classification accuracy=85.92% using KNN.
Table 12 and 13 represents the confusion matrix and
classification report for SVM.
Normal Crouch1 Crouch2 MS Stroke
Normal 197 2 3 0 0
Crouch1 0
26 47 0 0
Crouch2 2 42 26 0 0
MS 0 0 0 300 0
Stroke 0 0 0 0 300
Table 12:
Confusion matrix:
Table13: Classification Report using SVM
Precision Recall F1-
Normal 1.00 1.00 1.00 202
Crouch1 0.78 0.73 0.75 73
Crouch2 0.73 0.79 0.76 70
MS 1.00 1.00 1.00 300
Stroke 1.00 1.00 1.00 300
We have achieved the overall classification accuracy 96.29%
using SVM.
Comparative analysis
We have used three figures as shown below to bring out a
comparative analysis of the four classifiers. From figure-4 we
can see that although numerically the poorest performing
classifier-KNN, achieves a good overall accuracy of 85.92%,
but it’s classification is very poor in the case of Crouch 1 and
Crouch2.MLP too, fails to have a decent f1 score in the same
two classes, while SVM and ELM have evidently performed
well across all 5 classes. The overall accuracy comparison is
provided by figure-5.Interestingly, although KNN is the fastest
of all four algorithms, it’s also the least accurate, while ELM,
despite having a far more complex Neural network of 370
neurons against MLP’s 50, predicts labels in less than 1/10
the time.
Fig.4. Comparison across classes
Fig.5. Different Classifier Classification Accuracy
Fig.6. Different Classifier Classification time in
This paper presented the performance of ELM based classifiers
with other machine learning classifiers named SVM, MLP and
KNN for multi class gait classification. The paper has used
kinematic features. The results show that ELM performs very
good classification accuracy compare to other classifiers. The
ELM has achieved the 93.54% overall classification accuracy.
As the performance of machine learning algorithms dependent
on the selected feature and parameter used, to improve the
performance the paper has implemented increment feature
analysis technique for kinematics features selection and
various parameters is adjusted. In the future one could
experiment with dynamic and kinematic features as this study
was limited to kinematic gait characteristics alone.
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... Vision-based systems with deep learning approaches have high computation costs. Hence wearable systems are designed to monitor and observe the patient's behaviour, for example, fall detection, breathing disorders, etc. Wearable-based monitoring approaches require the patient to wear sensors or other monitoring equipment on their body or clothing, which can be invasive [9,18,19]. Sometimes, it can be uncomfortable for the patient. There is no general-purpose non-invasive monitoring system that identifies the general activities of the patients to monitor their well-being and improvements without their direct contact. ...
... Deep learning evolved as a potential tool for 2D pose estimation. Several machine learning-based techniques have been developed to identify and classify human gait [19]. Joint heatmaps are used to train the signals for performance improvement. ...
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... Gait analysis plays an integral role in the treatment plan by providing useful information for rehabilitation protocol design. In addition, gait analysis allows for the investigation of sensory-motor interaction to understand the locomotor system functioning [5]. With the emergence of machine learning techniques, automated gait classification [6,7] became an evolving research area in developing smart healthcare systems. ...
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Gait disorder is common among people with neurological disease and musculoskeletal disorders. The detection of gait disorders plays an integral role in designing appropriate rehabilitation protocols. This study presents a clinical gait analysis of patients with polymyalgia rheumatica to determine impaired gait patterns using machine learning models. A clinical gait assessment was conducted at KATH hospital between August and September 2022, and the 25 recruited participants comprised 18 patients and 7 control subjects. The demographics of the participants follow: age 56 years ± 7, height 175 cm ± 8, and weight 82 kg ± 10. Electromyography data were collected from four strained hip muscles of patients, which were the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus. Four classification models were used—namely, support vector machine (SVM), rotation forest (RF), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), and decision tree (DT)—to distinguish the gait patterns for the two groups. SVM recorded the highest accuracy of 85% among the classifiers, while KNN had 75%, RF had 80%, and DT had the lowest accuracy of 70%. Furthermore, the SVM classifier had the highest sensitivity of 92%, while RF had 86%, DT had 90%, and KNN had the lowest sensitivity of 84%. The classifiers achieved significant results in discriminating between the impaired gait pattern of patients with polymyalgia rheumatica and control subjects. This information could be useful for clinicians designing therapeutic exercises and may be used for developing a decision support system for diagnostic purposes.
... The gait that is different for each person can be used in the knowledge of recognizing someone. This knowledge has been eventually combined with the science of biometrics to develop gait identification [1]. One of the important things in building a biometric system is high accuracy with minimal effort [2] [2]. ...
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Smart shoes have ushered in a new era of personalized health monitoring and assistive technology. The shoe leverages technologies such as Bluetooth for data collection and wireless transmission and incorporates features such as GPS tracking, obstacle detection, and fitness tracking. This article provides an overview of the current state of smart shoe technology, highlighting the integration of advanced sensors for health monitoring, energy harvesting, assistive features for the visually impaired, and deep learning for data analysis. The study discusses the potential of smart footwear in medical applications, particularly for patients with diabetes, and the ongoing research in this field. Current footwear challenges are also discussed, including complex construction, poor fit, comfort, and high cost. Significance Statement This study presents the recent innovations in footwear, particularly the integration of smart technology, that have transcended traditional expectations. The focus on healthcare applications not only enhances user experience but also opens new avenues for preventive and personalised healthcare. The synergy between technology and footwear has the potential to revolutionize healthcare practices, offering proactive solutions for individuals across various demographics.
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Functional assessment is fundamental in the evaluation and monitoring of musculoskeletal and neurological pathologies, as it allows understanding a person's gait, balance, and muscular strength. This facilitates the prescription of rehabilitative treatments or surgical interventions. In the case of older adults, this assessment becomes even more important, as the World Health Organization (WHO) considers that health in older individuals is measured in terms of function, which is a fundamental part of a comprehensive geriatric assessment and allows evaluating frailty in older adults based on their ability to perform daily activities. Through early and continuous functional assessment, healthy aging can be promoted, and possible declines in function can be prevented and diagnosed early, thus improving quality of life and maintaining independence in older adults for as long as possible. This doctoral thesis presents the development of an instrumented methodology for functional assessment in older adults, which is an agile and portable tool that, far from being a diagnostic methodology, can support clinical decision-making regarding multiple pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It enables classification and prediction of the degree of impairment based on the functionality of the musculoskeletal system. A series of studies have been conducted involving different groups of older adults: those with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and frail older adults at risk of falling. The main objective of these studies was to objectively determine the ability to perform functional activities such as balance, gait, turning to sit and stand from a chair, in comparison with healthy individuals of the same age. The secondary objective was to study the reliability of the procedure in these populations and to generate a series of mathematical models based on both traditional statistical methods and neural networks, combining different types of data. The most notable aspects of this methodology are, firstly, the inclusion of assessment of activities of daily living within a shortened testing duration of less than 2 minutes, making it more practical and feasible in a clinical setting. Secondly, it involves a simple instrumentation consisting of a single sensor embedded in a smartphone, capable of managing the entire registration process and performing the necessary calculations to analyze the obtained measurements. All of this highlights the usefulness of the procedure and the feasibility of the developed models for functional assessment of older adults in a clinical environment.
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In recent decades, there has been a noticeable increase in the recognition among professionals of the importance of human acts. The identification of human activity has gained significant prominence because of its wide-ranging applications in several domains, including healthcare and recreational activities. Moreover, a substantial body of research in the field of machine learning has been dedicated to the development of methodologies aimed at automating the identification and analysis of human behavior. This increased interest is mostly due to the fact that there are now more tools that can collect information about how people live their daily lives. The data utilized in this study is readily available for public access on the Internet. The data set under consideration comprises sensor readings from several components integrated inside the smartphone, including the global positioning system (GPS), accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope. The data sets are indifferent to the categories, positions, or alignments of the items. The data set is of considerable magnitude due to its collection from several sensors, including GPS, accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope. Consequently, we are employing the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique to diminish the dimensionality of the data and enhance its precision. Our recommendation is to utilize the XGBoost classifier in combination with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The recommended model had a total identification rate of 97.58%. In order to demonstrate the flexibility of the proposed method, we employ a 10-fold cross-validation technique, together with the utilization of a confusion matrix and ROC curve. These evaluation metrics serve to provide a tangible illustration of the recommended strategy. The proposed methodology might have encouraging outcomes in effectively discerning human behaviors, thereby potentially facilitating the restoration of walking and pushing gaits into a Bipedal Robot and other Parkinson’s diseases.
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Lower-limb motion intent recognition is a crucial aspect of wearable robot control and human-machine collaboration. Among the various sensors used for this purpose, the electromyogram (EMG) sensor remains one of the most widely employed. However, EMG signals are highly susceptible to electrical noise, motion artefacts, and perspiration, which can compromise their quality. To address these challenges, we designed an air-pressure mechanomyography (PMMG) sensor and developed a wearable multi-modal sensor system that incorporates PMMG thigh-ring, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and force-sensitive resistor (FSR). To enhance gait phase and locomotion mode recognition performance, we proposed a gate multi-task TSK fuzzy inference system (GMT-TSK-FIS) algorithm that enables simultaneous handling of multiple recognition tasks. This approach enabled the development of a lower-limb motion intent recognition system that can simultaneously recognize gait phase and locomotion mode based on GMT-TSK-FIS. The experimental results showed that the accuracy of gait phase and locomotion mode recognition was 98.28% and 99.96%, respectively. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that multi-modal sensor fusion outperformed single-modal sensor fusion, while multi-task recognition exhibited better performance than single-task recognition.
Plant disease detection and management is one of the pivotal areas in the agriculture sector, which needs attention to abate the crop loss. The recent trends in machine learning and deep learning have played a significant role to reduce the crop loss with the help of early plant disease detection. For the plant disease detection prior information of soil moisture, ambient temperature, relative humidity, leaf wetness (LWS), rainfall are crucial parameters. In this work, the objective is to identify the source of leaf wetness on leaf canopy, which can arise due to irrigation, rainfall or dew. To identify the source of wetness on the leaf canopy, either rainfall or humidity/mist sensors are used, which substantially increase the cost of the system. For this purpose, we have used the LWS, which is deployed in the field and various patterns for the irrigation, rainfall or dew has been analysed by using the in-house developed IoT-enabled sensor system. The data collected from the field is used as a learning dataset for the proposed ensemble neural network developed to identify the source of leaf wetness. Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) has been employed to enhance data representation by transforming numerical data from the LWS into informative images. The provided ensemble model incorporates CNN and MLP, which process image and numerical data (ambient temperature, relative humidity, leaf wetness duration and maximum magnitude of frequency of images) as input. Their outputs combined in an ANN sub-model for precise leaf wetness event detection ( dew , rainfall or irrigation ). The proposed model achieved an accuracy of 96.13% with average precision, recall, and F1 score for the leaf wetness events is about 84%, 85%, and 83%, respectively.
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In this research article, we have reported periodic cellular automata rules for different gait state prediction and classification of the gait data using extreme machine Leaning (ELM). This research is the first attempt to use cellular automaton to understand the complexity of bipedal walk. Due to non-linearity, varying configurations throughout the gait cycle and the passive joint located at the unilateral foot-ground contact in bipedal walk resulting variation of dynamic descriptions and control laws from phase to phase for human gait is making difficult to predict the bipedal walk states. We have designed the cellular automata rules which will predict the next gait state of bipedal steps based on the previous two neighbour states. We have designed cellular automata rules for normal walk. The state prediction will help to correctly design the bipedal walk. The normal walk depends on next two states and has total 8 states. We have considered the current and previous states to predict next state. So we have formulated 16 rules using cellular automata, 8 rules for each leg. The priority order maintained using the fact that if right leg in swing phase then left leg will be in stance phase. To validate the model we have classified the gait Data using ELM [1] and achieved accuracy 60%. We have explored the trajectories and compares with another gait trajectories. Finally we have presented the error analysis for different joints.
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The paper presents comparison analysis of two approaches in defining leg trajectories for biped locomotion. The first one operates only with kinematic limitations of leg joints and finds the maximum possible locomotion speed for given limits. The second approach defines leg trajectories from the dynamic stability point of view and utilizes ZMP criteria. We show that two methods give different trajectories and demonstrate that trajectories based on pure dynamic optimization cannot be realized due to joint limits. Kinematic optimization provides unstable solution which can be balanced by upper body movement.
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The classification of humanoid locomotion is a troublesome exercise because of non-linearity associate with gait signals. The classification using the different machine learning technique leads for over fitting and under fitting. To select the optimized feature is a difficult task. The high dimension feature vector requires a high computational cost. The hand craft feature selection machine learning techniques performed poor. We have used the incremental feature selection strategy for feature selection. In this paper we first selected the feature and identify the principle feature then we classify gait data using different machine learning technique (KNN, ANN, SVM, DNN and classifier fusion) and shown the performance comparison. Experimental result on real time datasets propose method is better than previous method as far as humanoid locomotion classification is concerned and the generalization accuracy provided by new feature selection method i.e. incremental feature selection (IFS) with analysis of variance (ANOVA) [1]. During the feature extraction, 17 features were selected from the existing literatures [2]. Using all the features could lead to over fitting, information redundancy and dimension disaster. Thus, a system with optimal features was selected using ANOVA combined with IFA. These selected features were then fed as an input to the ANN, SVM, KNN and DNN model. These individual classifiers were combined to produce classifier fusion model. The 5-fold cross-validation was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed model. Based on the empirical results it may be concluded that classifier fusion provides satisfactory results (92.23%) compared to other individual classifiers. One-way analysis of variance test, Friedman's test and Kruskal-Wallis test has also been conducted to validate the statistical significance of the results. The proposed system can be used as recommender system based on behavioral gait pattern about the performance of player of Indian cricket team, Biometric and help to diagnosis Parkinson disease.
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Modelling the joint trajectories of a biped locomotion correctly is a highly challenging problem due to the complex nature of biped locomotion. In human as well as in biped humanoids the periodic walking pattern which is known as gait, consists of both discrete (known as stance phase) and continuous phases (known as swing phase). The system is highly nonlinear and modelling using conventional kinematics has not proved to be very effective. Several compelling assumptions to make model simple makes it unrealistic. In this research work we present a computational model for prediction, formal verification and analyses of joint trajectories of bipedal locomotion using powerful theoretical computer science framework which is known as automata theory-more precisely here hybrid automata technique has been used for modelling. We argued that hybrid automata is more suitable to model a biped locomotion which is inherently hybrid (consisting of discrete and continuous phases) in nature. One of the major contributions of the paper is developing the hybrid automata model for automatic generation of joint trajectories for different sub phases of a bipedal gait. Other contributions include the development of generic equations for seven sub interval phases of a gait cycle which has been divided into eight equal parts and verification of its correctness by comparing the model with one existing standard model of OpenSim named as GAIT -2354 [1]. Through rigorous simulations we have established that the hip and knee joint trajectories generated by our hybrid automata based model closely matches with OpenSim model and that of captured data driven model of normal walking. Hence it is effective, robust and generic. We conclude that since the hybrid automata based model has a strong theoretical basis, it can be used for generating hip and knee trajectories for any biped robot for subsequent execution level control.
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In this research we have designed the vector fields for all the six joints (Hip, Knee & Ankle) of bipedal walking model. The bipedal gait is the manifestation of temporal changes in the six joints angles, two each for hip, knee and ankle values and it is a combination of seven different discrete sub phases. Developing the correct joint trajectories for all the six joints was difficult from a purely mechanics based model due to its inherent complexities. To get the correct and exact joint trajectories is very essential for modern bipedal robot to walk stably. By designing vector field correctly we are able to get the stable joint trajectory ranges and able to reproduce angle ranges from theses designed vector fields. This is purely a data driven computational modeling approach which is based on the hypothesis that morphologically similar structure (Human-robot) can adopt similar gait patterns. To validate the correctness of the design we have applied all the possible combination of joint trajectories to HOAP-2 bipedal robot which could walk successfully maintaining its stability. The vector field provides joint trajectories for a particular joint. The results show that our data driven computational model is able to provide the correct joints angle ranges which are stable.
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Human walk is the combination of seven different discrete subphases. It is difficult to express the one gait cycle as a whole. To develop the human like bipedal robot, the walk cycle is divided into seven discrete subphases. Each subphases has its own continuous dynamics. To express this discrete behavior for the development of the more accurate bipedal robot, the hybrid automata are proposed. The bipedal walk is configured as the rocking block model. It is the first attempt to express the bipedal walk as a rocking block. During double support phases, it is configured as a vertical rectangular plane, and during the left and right leg swing, it is configured as the tilt of the rectangular rocking block in the left and right direction. In this paper, we have configured the bipedal robot as the rocking block before and after impact. The novelty of work is the configuration of bipedal walk as the rocking block and the development of hybrid automata. We configured the hybrid automata dynamic walk model for individual subjects. The trajectory generated by the model is compared with the two models of OpenSim bipedal Gait2354 and normal walk. This paper presents a new modeling technique of bipedal locomotion using hybrid automata. The hip, knee, and ankle trajectories have been synthesized from the model. The stability margin has been defined analytically. Similarly, these trajectories have been fed to a real humanoid robot HOAP2, which were able to perform the stable walking with these trajectories.
It is clear that the learning speed of feedforward neural networks is in general far slower than required and it has been a major bottleneck in their applications for past decades. Two key reasons behind may be: (1) the slow gradient-based learning algorithms are extensively used to train neural networks, and (2) all the parameters of the networks are tuned iteratively by using such learning algorithms. Unlike these conventional implementations, this paper proposes a new learning algorithm called extreme learning machine (ELM) for single-hidden layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs) which randomly chooses hidden nodes and analytically determines the output weights of SLFNs. In theory, this algorithm tends to provide good generalization performance at extremely fast learning speed. The experimental results based on a few artificial and real benchmark function approximation and classification problems including very large complex applications show that the new algorithm can produce good generalization performance in most cases and can learn thousands of times faster than conventional popular learning algorithms for feedforward neural networks.1
The authors retrospectively reviewed a series of 492 consecutive cerebral palsy patients undergoing computerized motion analysis. The prevalence of 14 specific gait abnormalities was evaluated and compared based on involvement (hemiplegia, diplegia, or quadriplegia), age, and history of previous surgery (lower extremity orthopaedic surgery or rhizotomy). Stiff knee in swing, equinus, and intoeing were all seen in more than 50% of the subjects in each of the hemiplegic, diplegic, and quadriplegic groups. Increased hip flexion and crouch were also present in more than 50% of the subjects in the diplegic and quadriplegic groups, and hip adduction occurred in more than 50% of the quadriplegic subjects. The likelihood of having stiff knee in swing, out-toeing, calcaneus deformity, and crouch increased with prior surgery. The likelihood of having rotational malalignment of the leg (internal hip rotation with out-toeing), calcaneus, out-toeing, varus and valgus foot deformities, and hip internal rotation increased with age. These findings provide important information for counseling ambulatory children with cerebral palsy and their families.