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Evaluation of Occult Hepatitis B Infection in Individuals with Chronic Hepatitis C Before Treatment with Oral Direct-Acting Antivirals

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Hepat Mon. In Press(In Press):e92317.
Published online 2019 December 17.
doi: 10.5812/hepatmon.92317.
Brief Report
Evaluation of Occult Hepatitis B Infection in Individuals with Chronic
Hepatitis C Before Treatment with Oral Direct-Acting Antivirals
Nathalia Alves Araujo de Almeida 1, Jose Junior F de Barros1, Catarina Goes de Santana 2, Natalia Spitz
1, Leticia Bomfim Campos 1, Marcia Amendola Pires2, Carlos Eduardo Brandao Mello 2and Vanessa
Salete de Paula 1,*
1Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Oswaldo Cruz Institute/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2Gaffrée and Guinle Universitary Hospital, Ambulatory of Liver Disease, Rio de Janeiro State Federal University/UniRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
*Corresponding author: Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Oswaldo Cruz Institute/Fiocruz, CEP 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro,Brazil. Email:
Received 2019 April 15; Revised 2019 September 20; Accepted 2019 September 27.
Occult hepatitis B virus infection (OBI) is one of the most challenging entities in the field of viral hepatitis. The virological and
clinical relevance of OBI in patients treated with novel direct-acting antivirals (DAA) for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections is currently
a topic of hot debate. In cases where hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is not detected, DAA treatment is often initiated without
examining for the presence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA. In this study, the incidence of OBI was investigated in 114 HCV patients
prior to application of DAAs who did not respond to pegylated interferon and ribavirin (PEG-INF and RBV) treatment. Serum samples
were screened for HBV serological markers (antibody to hepatitis B core antigen [anti-HBc] and HBsAg). Samples positive for anti-
HBc without HBsAg were further examined via real-time PCR (qPCR), nested PCR and S-gene mutational analyses. Overall, anti-HBc
was detected in 37.7% chronic HCV patients and 2.6% had OBI with a baseline HBV DNA viral load < 2000 IU/mL before DAA therapy.
One patient was identified as HBV genotype A1 without mutations in surface protein. Our collective data highlight the importance of
clinicians being aware of potential anti-HBc positivity in patients with hepatitis C and the issues surrounding OBI screening before
initiation of treatment with novel DAAs.
Keywords: Hepatitis C, Occult Hepatitis B, DAA Treatment
1. Background
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a global pub-
lic health problem, even following the development of an
effective vaccine. Brazil is classified as a region with low
to intermediate prevalence of HBV surface antigen (HBsAg)
carriers (< 2%), including areas of high HBV endemicity (>
8%) (1). Occult HBV infection (OBI) is the most challeng-
ing issue in the field of viral hepatitis, with its virological
and clinical relevance in patients undergoing treatment
for hepatitis C being a hot topic of debate at present. Occult
HBV infection is determined by the absence of HBsAg and
presence of HBV DNA in liver or serum of infected patients
(2,3) and classified as: (1) seropositive OBI (positive for anti-
body to hepatitis B core antigen [anti-HBc] and/or antibody
to hepatitis B surface antigen [anti-HBs]), (2) seronegative
OBI (negative for anti-HBc and anti-HBs), and (3) “false” OBI
due to the presence of HBV variants with mutations in the S
gene (escape mutants) producing modified HBsAg that are
not recognized by some or all commercially available de-
tection assays (2,3). The frequency of OBI in Brazil ranges
from 0% to 24% (4-9) and has significant relevance in a clin-
ical context, since it can lead to the development of severe
hepatic diseases, such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular car-
cinoma, and eventually, death. Viral factors of OBI induc-
tion may be associated with mutations, especially in the S
protein, and co-infection with other viruses such as hep-
atitis C virus (HCV) (10). Reactivation of HBV has been re-
ported in patients with chronic HCV or resolved HBV in-
fection under treatment with newer direct-acting antivi-
rals (DAA) (11), resulting in fulminant hepatitis, liver failure
and in some cases, death. According to the Brazilian Clini-
cal Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines for Hepatitis C and
Coinfections, individuals detected with HBsAg prior to ini-
tiation of DAA are recommended HBV therapy to prevent
reactivation owing to hepatitis C treatment. However, in
cases where HBsAg is not detected, treatment with DAAs is
released without examining for the presence of HBV-DNA
(12). Although hepatitis B reactivation in patients is known
to occur during hepatitis C treatment with direct-acting
antivirals, only a few cases have been described to date.
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de Almeida NAA et al.
Moreover, no data are available on OBI/HCV coinfection in
patients scheduled for DAA treatment in Brazil.
2. Objectives
In this study, we evaluated the prevalence of anti-HBc
and examined for OBI via real-time and nested PCR analy-
ses in patients with chronic hepatitis C before commence-
ment of DAA therapy. We additionally investigated the
presence of mutations in the S gene associated with cases
of false OBI.
3. Methods
Our retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted
in patients prior to commencement of DAA treatment who
had attended the Outpatient Clinic of Liver Disease at the
Gaffrée and Guinle University Hospital (Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil) from January to December 2018. Clinical, demo-
graphic as well as HBV and HCV treatment data were ac-
quired from medical records. Serum samples were col-
lected from a cohort of 114 consecutive HCV patients. The
patients included for study had failed pegylated interferon
and ribavirin (PEG-INF and RBV) therapy. All serum samples
were HCV RNA-positive and examined for total HBc and HB-
sAg via immunoenzymatic assays (EIA). Samples positive
for anti-HBc with no HBsAg were further examined using
real-time PCR (qPCR) and nested PCR (13). The HBV DNA
was additionally sequenced for genotyping and detection
of S gene mutations. Notably, the presence of OBI was cor-
related with aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine
aminotransferase (ALT) levels.
4. Results and Discussion
In a serological test, 37.7% (43/114) patients were iden-
tified as positive for anti-HBc, consistent with a previ-
ous report of antibody prevalence of up to 35% in HCV-
infected populations (11). Occult HBV infection was de-
tected in three (2.6%) male patients with a mean age of
69.3 years classified as HCV genotypes 1 and 3. The pa-
tients had received treatment with pegylated interferon
(80 mcg) and ribavirin (1.0 g per day) for 24 weeks without
HCV clearance. No patients developed ALT and AST flare-
ups and all were anti-HB-positive, with viral loads rang-
ing from 207.14 to 1547 IU/mL (1.16 ×103to 8.51 ×104
copies/mL) (Table 1). Patients with the highest viral loads
were positive for S-region amplification (GenBank acces-
sion number MK360178) via nested-polymerase chain re-
action (nested-PCR) and HBV in these cases was classified
as genotype A1 (Figure 1), the most prevalent in Brazil (14).
Deletion or insertion of nucleotides in the S region was not
associated with non-detection of HBsAg with commercial
kits or non-expression of HBV surface antigen. The patient
had chronic active hepatitis C, grade 4, with cirrhosis (F4,
38.5 kPa; fibroscan). All patients were re-treated with sofos-
buvir (400 mg) + daclatasvir (60 mg) + ribavirin (1.0 gram),
following which HCV remained undetectable. The pres-
ence of HBV DNA has been reported among patients with
hepatitis C treated with DAAs. However, in patients with
resolved (anti-HBs and anti-HBc) HBV infections, no HBV
reactivation-related hepatitis is documented (3). In the
current study, all three patients had HBV DNA viral loads
< 2000 IU/mL before DAA therapy. A systematic review
and meta-analysis published in 2018 provided evidence of
significantly lower relative risk of HBV reactivation-related
hepatitis in patients with HBV DNA below the lower limit
of quantification at baseline than those with quantifiable
HBV DNA (11).
Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of the HBV S-gene inferred using the neighbor-joining
method. Values in the branches indicate the percentage of 1000 bootstrap repli-
cates supporting the group. The sequence generated in this study is represented by
a black dot (GenBank accession number MK360178). Reference sequences are indi-
cated by their accession number,followed by subgenotype and geographical origin.
Since the patient populations at risk for HBV reactiva-
tion and management options are currently unclear, these
cases clearly highlight the importance of HBV DNA testing
prior to initiation of DAA therapy. Several studies assess-
ing the prevalence of OBI in patients with chronic HCV in-
fection have reported dissimilar rates of HBV DNA positiv-
ity, which may be explained by differences in the preva-
2Hepat Mon. In Press(In Press):e92317.
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de Almeida NAA et al.
Table1. Viral Load of HBV, Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Levels in Patients Infected with HCV and Occult Hepatitis B
ID Copies/mL IU/mL ALT AST HCV Genotype HBV Genotype Fibrosis Stage
001 1.16 ×103207.14 59 102 1a ND F4
042 8.5 ×1041517.8 87 137 3a A1 F4
268 1.29 ×104230.357 74 100 1b ND F4
Abbreviation: ND, not determined
lence of HBV infection in different geographic regions, de-
tection limits of HBV DNA assays and/or the biological ma-
terial analyzed (liver tissue or serum) (9). Low levels of
anti-HBs and decrease to < 12 mIU mL after treatment are
significant risk factors for HBV reactivation or reappear-
ance (15). We observed no differences in anti-HBs levels be-
fore and after treatment with DAAs and the small eleva-
tion of ALT/AST observed in patients with OBI HBV reactiva-
tion could be prevented with pretreatment screening and
prophylactic treatment where necessary (16). It can occur
spontaneously but is triggered by various factors and often
transient without clinical symptoms in most cases other
than causing a hepatitis flare. Moreover, HBV reactivation
may occur regardless of HCV genotype and type of DAA reg-
imen (16).
While OBI and risk of HBV reactivation are relatively
rare, it is important to account for the possibility that in
some instances, subjects undergoing new treatments are
infected with HBV viral DNA, since HCV and previous treat-
ments can inhibit HBV replication and influence evolution
of the disease. Based on findings from the current study,
we recommend that clinicians should be aware of possible
anti-HBc positivity in patients and examine for hepatitis B
infection along with the issues surrounding OBI screening
before initiating treatment with novel DAAs. To our knowl-
edge, this is the first study in Brazil to focus on OBI in in-
dividuals with chronic hepatitis C before DAA treatment.
Our collective results should contribute to formulating ef-
fective therapeutic guidelines for treatment of hepatitis C
and concomitant infections and support routine evalua-
tion of OBI/HCV coinfections before and during treatment
with DAAs.
Conflict of Interests: The authors declare that they have
no conflicts of interest.
Ethical Approval: The study protocol was approved by
the Research Ethics Committee of the Institute Oswaldo
Cruz (CAAE 34246914.4.1001.5248 number 2.927.747/18).
Funding/Support: This work was supported by Coordina-
tion for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
(CAPES) and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.
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4Hepat Mon. In Press(In Press):e92317.
Brazilian prison complexes are characterized by overcrowded cells and precarious conditions, leading to chronically low vacancy. Brazilian studies involving overt and occult infection (OBI) in this population are still scarce despite the vulnerability of people deprived of liberty to hepatitis B. Therefore, this study estimated the prevalence of HBV infection (overall and OBI) in individuals deprived of liberty in prisons in Central-Western Brazil. In addition, factors associated with HBV infection were evaluated. This cross-sectional study was conducted with a total of 1083 prisoners who were tested for serological hepatitis B markers and HBV DNA from 2017 to 2020. Factors associated with lifetime HBV infection were investigated using logistic regression. An overall prevalence of HBV infection of 10.1% (95% CI: 8.42-12.11) was detected. Only 32.8% (95% CI: 30.08-35.76) had isolated anti-HBs positivity (serological evidence of HBV vaccination). Indeed, more than half of the population was susceptible to HBV infection (57.1%; 95% CI: 54.15-60.13). HBV DNA was detected in one HBsAg-positive sample (n=1/9; 11%). Also, HBV DNA was detected in five HBsAg-negative samples (n=5/1074), resulting in a prevalence of 0.5% (95% CI: 0.15-1.08) for occult infection. After the multivariate analysis, sexual intercourse with a partner living with HIV was a predictor independently associated with HBV exposure (OR: 4.3; 95% CI: 1.26-14.55; p<0.020). These data demonstrate the need for preventive measures, mainly aimed at health education and better strategies for hepatitis B screening to control this infection in prisons more effectively.
Occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is characterized by the detection of HBV DNA in serum or liver but negativity for HBsAg. OBI, which is thought to be maintained by host, immunological, viral and/or epigenetic factors, is one of the most challenging clinical features in the study of viral hepatitis. Currently, there is no validated detection test for OBI. It is believed that OBI is widely distributed throughout the world, with a higher prevalence in populations at high‐risk Hepatitis B virus (HBV), but the detailed worldwide prevalence patterns are unknown. We conducted a survey of recently published studies on OBI rates across all continents. High prevalence rates of OBI are observed in some specific groups, including patients with hepatitis C (HCV) or HIV co‐infection or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In 2016, the WHO adopted strategies to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030, but the difficulties in detecting and treating OBI currently challenge this goal. Subjects with OBI can transmit HBV, and episodes of reactivation can occur. Further studies to understanding the mechanisms that drive the development of OBI are needed and can contribute to efforts at eliminating viral hepatitis.
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The recent introduction of direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs) for treatment of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) has greatly improved the management of HCV for infected patients. These viral protein inhibitors act rapidly, allowing HCV clearance and increasing the sustained virological response rates. However, hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation has been reported in HCV/HBV co-infected patients. Hepatitis B reactivation refers to an abrupt increase in the HBV and is welldocumented in patients with previously undetected HBV DNA due to inactive or resolved HBV infection. Reactivation can occur spontaneously, but in most cases, it is triggered by various factors. Reactivation can be transient, without clinical symptoms; however, it usually causes a hepatitis flare. HBV reactivation may occur regardless of HCV genotype and type of DAA regimen. HBV screening is strongly recommended for co-infected HCV/HBV patients before initiation and during DAA therapy regardless of HBV status, HCV genotype and class of DAAs used. HBV reactivation can be prevented with pretreatment screening and prophylactic treatment when necessary. Additional data are required to evaluate the underlying mechanisms of HBV reactivation in this setting.
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The influence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes in the natural history of the disease and its response to antiviral treatment have been addressed in many studies. In Brazil, studies on HBV genotype circulation have been restricted to specific population groups and states. Here, we have conducted a nationwide multicentre study with an unprecedented sample size representing all Brazilian regions in an effort to better understand the viral variants of HBV circulating among chronic carriers. Seven HBV genotypes were found circulating in Brazil. Overall, HBV/A was the most prevalent, identified in 589 (58.7 %) samples, followed by HBV/D (23.4 %) and HBV/F (11.3 %). Genotypes E, G, C and B were found in a minor proportion. The distribution of the genotypes differed markedly from the north to the south of the country. While HBV/A was the most prevalent in the North (71.6 %) and Northeast (65.0 %) regions, HBV/D was found in 78.9 % of the specimens analysed in the South region. HBV/F was the second most prevalent genotype in the Northeast region (23.5 %). It was detected in low proportions (7 to 10 %) in the North, Central-West and Southeast regions, and in only one sample in the South region. HBV/E was detected in all regions except in the South, while monoinfection with HBV/G was found countrywide, with the exception of Central-West states. Our sampling covered 24 of the 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District and is the first report of genotype distribution in seven states. This nationwide study provides the most complete overview of HBV genotype distribution in Brazil to date and reflects the origin and plurality of the Brazilian population.
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Occult hepatitis B virus infection (OBI), characterized as the persistence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg) seronegativity and low viral load in blood or liver, is a special form of HBV infection. OBI may be related mainly to mutations in the HBV genome, although the underlying mechanism of it remains to be clarified. Mutations especially within the immunodominant "alpha" determinant of S protein are "hot spots" that could contribute to the occurrence of OBI via affecting antigenicity and immunogenicity of HBsAg or replication and secretion of virion. Clinical reports account for a large proportion of previous studies on OBI, while functional analyses, especially those based on full-length HBV genome, are rare.
For quantification of hepatitis B virus DNA (HBV DNA), commercial assays are used with serum or plasma samples, but oral fluid samples could be an alternative for HBV diagnosis due to ease of collection. This study aims to develop in-house real time PCR using synthetic curve for HBV DNA quantification for serum and oral fluid samples. Samples were collected from 103 individuals (55 HBsAg reactive and HBV DNA reactive by commercial assay and 48 without HBV markers) and submitted to two in-house real time PCR assays for HBV pre-S/S region with different standard curves: qPCR plasmidial and qPCR synthetic. A total of 27 serum samples were HBV DNA positive by qPCR plasmidial and 40 with qPCR synthetic (72% and 85% of concordance, respectively). Quantitative PCR synthetic presented efficiency of 99% and sensitivity of 2log10 copies/mL. Among oral fluid samples, five and ten were detected using qPCR plasmidial and synthetic, respectively. This study demonstrated that qPCR synthetic using serum samples could be used as alternative for HBV DNA quantification due to its sensitivity. In addition, it was possible to quantify HBV DNA in oral fluid samples suggesting the potential of this specimen for molecular diagnosis of HBV.
Background: Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection might pose a risk for hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation in patients coinfected with chronic or resolved HBV infection. The need for HBV antiviral prophylaxis during DAA treatment remains controversial. We aimed to analyse the absolute risk of HBV reactivation in patients with active or resolved HBV infection treated with DAAs for HCV infection. Methods: For this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Web of Science from Oct 1, 2010, to Sept 30, 2017, to identify studies of patients with chronic or resolved HBV infection at baseline treated with DAAs for chronic HCV infection. Conference proceedings, abstract books, and references from relevant reviews were also examined for potential studies. Two independent researchers extracted data and assessed quality and risk of bias. Data were pooled by use of random-effects models. The primary outcome was HBV reactivation defined by standardised nomenclature. This study is registered with PROSPERO, number CRD42017065882. Findings: We identified 17 observational studies involving 1621 patients with chronic (n=242) or resolved (n=1379) HBV infection treated with different DAAs. The pooled proportion of patients who had HBV reactivation was 24% (95% CI 19-30) in patients with chronic HBV infection and 1·4% (0·8-2·4) in those with resolved HBV infection. In patients with chronic HBV infection, the pooled proportion of patients with HBV-reactivation-related hepatitis was 9% (95% CI 5-16) and the relative risk (RR) of HBV-reactivation-related hepatitis was significantly lower in patients with HBV DNA below the lower limit of quantification at baseline than in those with quantifiable HBV DNA (RR 0·17, 95% CI 0·06-0·50; p=0·0011). Three major clinical events related to HBV reactivation in patients with chronic HBV infection were reported (one patient had liver decompensation and two had liver failure, one of whom required liver transplantation). In patients with resolved HBV infection, no HBV-reactivation-related hepatitis was reported. Interpretation: HBV reactivation occurs frequently in patients with chronic HBV and HCV coinfection receiving DAA therapy but is rare among patients with resolved HBV infection. Use of antiviral prophylaxis might be warranted in patients who test positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), particularly those with quantifiable HBV DNA. Funding: None.
BACKGROUND: The role of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and Torque teno virus (TTV) infection in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in chronic hepatitis C patients is still uncertain. AIM: The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and significance of OBI and TTV infection, and to examine the genetic diversity of these viruses, in chronic hepatitis C patients with and without HCC. METHODS: Sera from 151 hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients (49 patients with HCC and 102 without HCC) negative for HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) were tested for the presence of OBI and TTV infection by semi-nested and group-specific multiplex PCR assays, respectively. Nucleotide sequencing of HBV S region was further performed. RESULTS: OBI and TTV infection were detected in 5 (3.3%) and 68 (45%) patients, respectively. HBV isolates were classified into genotypes A (4/5, 80%) and D (1/5, 20%), and no HBsAg escape mutation was observed. TTV phylogenetic group 3 was the most prevalent among both HCC and non-HCC patients. OBI and TTV infection were significantly more frequent in patients with HCC than patients without HCC (p=0.003, and p=0.009, respectively). Moreover, TTV infection was associated with HCC (OR=2.23, 95% CI=1.04-4.80, p=0.040), independently of liver cirrhosis. CONCLUSIONS: A low prevalence of OBI was observed in patients with HCV-related chronic liver disease, and TTV infection was an independent factor associated with the occurrence of HCC. Whether TTV influences the progression of liver disease in chronic hepatitis C patients remains to be elucidated.
Occult hepatitis B (OHB) is characterized by the presence of HBV-DNA in the absence of HBsAg in the serum of patients. Hemodialysis patients are at high risk for hepatitis B virus and there are few data on the prevalence of OHB in this population, mainly in Brazil. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of OHB in patients undergoing hemodialysis. A cross-sectional study was performed, including 301 patients on chronic hemodialysis at two dialysis centers in São Luís (Maranhão), northeast Brazil. Serological tests were performed for HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, and anti-HCV using enzyme immunoassays (ELISA); HBV-DNA and HCV-RNA were studied by real-time PCR. The mean age was 49 ± 15 years, and 128 (42%) were female. Serological tests confirmed that all samples were HBsAg negative. Anti-HBc was positive in 114 (38%) patients, anti-HBc and anti-HBs were simultaneously positive in 104 (35%), and anti-HBc alone was positive in 10 (3%). Tests were negative for anti-HBc and anti-HBs in 55 patients (18%). Anti-HBs was the only positive marker in 132 (44%) patients. Anti-HCV was positive in 15 (5%) patients with HCV-RNA present in 14 of them (93%). HBV-DNA was positive in seven cases (2.3%). There was no association of HBV-DNA with age, gender, time on dialysis, previous kidney transplant, or HBV serological pattern, but there was a positive correlation with the presence of anti-HCV (P < 0.001). OHB in chronic renal failure patients on hemodialysis appears to be a relevant finding, suggesting that studying HBV-DNA in this population using sensitive molecular tests should be a recommended course of action, especially in candidates for renal transplant. © 2015 International Society for Hemodialysis.
Occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection (OHB) may exist in patients experiencing hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroclearance. We examined the clinical and virological features of OHB in patients who lost HBsAg post-treatment or spontaneously. We collected 44 patients with HBsAg seroclearance: 15 patients with dual HBV/hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection who lost HBsAg after peginterferon alfa-2a (PEG-IFN) plus ribavirin therapy; 13 HBV mono-infected patients who lost HBsAg after various oral antiviral therapies; and 16 patients who lost HBsAg spontaneously. OHB was defined as detectable serum HBV DNA in the absence of HBsAg. Viral mutations associated with OHB were identified by comparison with matched controls that remained positive for HBsAg, and further characterized in vitro. The prevalence of OHB was 34.1% (15/44) in all patients, which was not significantly different among three groups. One mutation in surface promoter/polymerase region, C3050T (preS1T68I), was identified to be associated with the seroclearance of HBsAg in six cases. This mutation does not change the amino acid sequence of the polymerase protein. The S promoter activity was significantly lower in the construct containing C3050T mutation as compared with the wild-type (P = 0.0008). However, this mutation did not affect HBV replication, transcription and translation in the context of the full-length HBV genome. OHB was not rare in patients with HBsAg seroclearance. One mutation, C3050T (preS1T68I), decreased S promoter activity; nevertheless, other factors may play more important role in the clearance of HBsAg in these OHB patients.
Patients undergoing hemodialysis are at risk of infection with both hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Occult HBV infection is usually associated with low levels of HBV and is frequently detected in HCV-infected patients. The aims of the present study were to compare the prevalence of occult HBV infection among anti-HCV-positive and anti-HCV-negative patients undergoing hemodialysis, and characterize the molecular patterns of HBV isolates from patients with occult infection. Serum samples from 100 patients negative for hepatitis B surface antigen undergoing hemodialysis, half of whom were positive for anti-HCV antibodies, were tested for the presence of HBV-DNA using semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR products of the S gene were directly sequenced. HBV-DNA was detected in 15 samples. There were no significant differences in HCV status, sex, age, time of dialysis, alanine aminotransferase levels or HBV serological markers between patients with or without occult HBV infection, with the exception of antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc)-only serological marker (P = 0.003). All six HBV isolates that could be sequenced were of genotype A/subgenotype A1. Four of these six HBV isolates contained mutations associated with lamivudine resistance in the DNA polymerase (two with L180M/M204V and two with rt173V/180M/204V) and a specific substitution (Y100C) in the HBV small surface protein. HBV isolates with the identified substitutions have the potential to spread silently by nosocomial transmission within the hemodialysis unit. These results have potential implications for the management of patients with occult HBV infection undergoing hemodialysis.