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Bedroom design orientation and sleep electroencephalography signals

© 2019 Acta Medica International | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 33
Original Article
The built environment has some effects on human’s physical
and mental well‑being.[1] Improvements in housing can enhance
well‑being and the quality of life. Issues of the design layout in
houses have been shown to affect inhabitants, for example, the
high rise can cause psychological distress,[2] different interior
forms can affect stress and emotion,[3] and bedroom design
style affects comfortability and pleasantness.[4] Other lines of
evidence suggested that orientation can have some effects on
inhabitants’ health and well‑being.[5]
Orientation is one of the design factors that most were the subject
of energy studies. Usually, a compromise between building’s
function and location and the environmental factors of heat,
light, humidity, and wind as well as religious and practical
issues in some regions are the issues for building orientation.[6]
Furthermore, there are some methods in east architecture
to orient the building[7] that may increase inhabitants’
well‑being,[8,9] especially the bedroom orientation.[10] Overall,
the effects of the building orientation on well‑being have
not been proved yet. Hence, this study tried to assess it in
neuroarchitecture eld to see the effects of orientation on
inhabitants’ brain dynamics. Neuroarchitecture is a new eld
that is focused on the neural effects of the built environments
and users.[11,12] Studies showed that the different spaces of daily
life can change brain dynamics and behaviors.[13] Recent studies
using electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic
resonance imaging in architecture,[14] interior design,[4,15]
and urban design[16] indicate the usage of neuroscience in
architecture. As one‑third of our lives are spent sleeping[17]
Background: Orientation is a signicant factor in architectural design that may affect well‑being. Body direction does not change during
sleeping, and sleeping is sensitive and affected by environmental factors. Aims: This neuroarchitecture study aimed to assess the effects of bed
orientation on sleep quality to enhance bedroom design. Materials and Methods: To do so, the effects of earth’s electromagnetic eld (EMF)
on sleep electroencephalography (EEG) signals were evaluated using signal processing techniques. In this cross‑sectional study, a total of 21
healthy volunteer participants slept for two consecutive naps, at two rooms with identical interior design and different bed orientations, toward and
against earth’s EMF in a sleep clinic. Statistical Analysis: In this experiment, discrete wavelet transform extracted ve subfrequencies of EEG
data as delta, theta, alpha, beta1, and beta2. In addition, the energy signals were computed by measurement of wave frequencies. The mean total
sleep time was 1.63 h in North–South (N‑S) earth’s EMF orientation and 1.38 h in the other direction. Results: t‑test results showed signicant
changes in delta, theta, and alpha frequencies in terms of bed orientation. There was a signicant result in the alpha energy ratio over the whole
signal energy. Furthermore, there were increases in the average energy of delta, theta, and alpha bands in N‑S versus East–West (E‑W) bed
directions. Conclusions: This study indicated that sleep in N‑S direction could be more benecial than E‑W and the sleep EEG signals can be
sensitive to earth’s EMF. The results show the importance of considering orientation in bedroom design and its benets on inhabitants’ well‑being.
Keywords: Bedroom design, earth’s electromagnetic eld, neuroarchitecture, sleeping orientation
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How to cite this article: Hekmatmanesh A, Banaei M, Haghighi KS,
Naja A. Bedroom design orientation and sleep electroencephalography
signals. Acta Med Int 2019;6:33‑7.
Bedroom Design Orientation and Sleep Electroencephalography
Amin Hekmatmanesh, Maryam Banaei1, Khosro Sadeghniiat Haghighi2, Arezu Najafi2
Laboratory of Intelligent Machines, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland
1School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2Occupational Sleep Research Center, Baharloo Hospital,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
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Hekmatmanesh, et al.: Bed orientation and sleep EEG
Acta Medica International ¦ Volume 6 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-June 2019
and the body direction does not change during sleeping in the
bedroom, bedroom orientation is chosen to examine its effects
on brain dynamics and sleep quality in this study.
Orientation related to the earth’s electromagnetic eld (EMF)
is the one that can inuence a human’s life like an animal’s
migration or bird’s nest.[18,19] Studying on cattle and deer showed
that they align their body axes in a roughly North–South (N-S)
direction for grazing and resting.[18] In addition, the effect of
EMF on mood and behavior was studied.[20] Another study
showed that those who were instructed to sleep with head in
south direction for 12 weeks had the lowest systolic blood
pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and serum
Specifically for the field of sleeping, ample of evidence
suggest that EMFs can affect sleep. Besides, spectral analysis
revealed qualitative alterations of the EEG signal during
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep with an increased spectral
power density that the alpha frequency range was mainly
affected.[20] Furthermore, another research regarding orientation
and sleep indicated that the REM latency is shortened in the
East–West (E-W) direction during sleep compared to the N-S
position.[22] There were statistically signicant differences in
the EEG of normal individuals, depending on whether the
individuals sit facing the N-S or E-W direction.
Limited evidence exists regarding the effect of bed orientation
on sleep parameters and quality of sleep. This study aimed
to assess the differences between sleeping toward or against
earth’s EMF on sleep EEG to shed new light on orientation
in architectural design and enhancing the bedroom design
quality. Bedrooms are ruled by bed size and its location[23]
that orientation is part of it. This study tried to achieve better
residential design solutions by scientic evidence, especially
for small apartments, which inhabitants do not have the
opportunity to change the bed orientation. Furthermore, it can
be useful in a hotel and hospital designing that room orientation
has a signicant effect on the whole design. Thus, we designed
a study to compare bed orientation in terms of EEG signals in
two similar bedrooms at a standard sleep clinic.
MatErials and MEthods
A total of 94 volunteer individuals were evaluated to participate
in the current study. A written informed consent form was
obtained from all eligible study participants. The study was
approved by the Ethical Committee of Tehran University of
Medical Sciences. The participants with a history of sleep
problems, taking alcohol or smoking, and problems with
recorded polysomnography were excluded from the study.
Participants were completely evaluated regarding sleep
problems using validated sleep questionnaires including
the Stanford Sleepiness Scale, Epworth Sleepiness Scale,
STOP-BANG questionnaire, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,
and Insomnia Severity Index. Participants were advised not to
use caffeine at least 4 h before the test. Furthermore, they did
not use any drugs affecting sleep. The beds were positioned
in two different directions: N-S, in the direction of the earth’s
EMF, and E-W, perpendicular to the earth’s EMF [Figure 1].
The rooms were equipped identical ones standardized for
light and acoustic characteristics; room dimensions were
3.0 m × 4.0 m × 2.8 m (W × L × H). Participants were divided
into two groups: N-S orientation with six male and ve female
participants and E-W orientation with six male and four female
participants. Participants of the two groups were asked to sleep
for two consecutive afternoon naps. The duration of each nap
was 1 h and 30 min on average, and after 24 h, participants
of each group underwent a second nap. The two groups were
then compared regarding sleep EEG characteristics.
In the day of the rst nap, participants attended in the sleep
clinic around 12:30 PM. After having lunch, EEG electrodes
were installed and they prepared for sleeping around 1 PM.
Participants were told to sleep as much as they wanted.
Polysomnography was recorded by Embla device
(N7000 version) at Baharloo Hospital, a sleep clinic. Sleep
signals were recorded according to 10–20 standards with
ten channels monopolarly with reference to both mastoids.
Channels included C3-M2, C4-M1, Cz-M1, F4-M1,
F3-M2, Fz-M1, T3-M2, T4-M1, O2-M1, and O1-M2.
Two channels for electrooculography and two for chin
were used to record signals. Sleep scoring was performed
according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
(AASM guideline 2007) by a trained sleep physician.
Frequency sampling and impedance check were adjusted
200 Hz and 10 KOhm, respectively.
To extract delta, theta, alpha, beta1, and beta2 frequency bands,
discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was used. First, signals
were ltered by 32 Hz low-pass lter, Chebyshev type 2 with
order 16. This innite impulse response lter makes phase
distortion – this distortion eliminated by applying zero-phase
digital ltering by processing the input data in both forward
and reverse directions.[24]
Signals were divided into 30-s windows, and then, DWT with
Daubechies mother wavelet with order 10 (db10) was applied
on the signals. The signals were divided into seven bands based
on their frequencies and then the energies were calculated. The
specic bands were delta (0–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12
Hz), beta1 (16–24 Hz), and beta2 (24–32 Hz). Furthermore,
Figure 1: Two similar rooms with different bed orientations. Left: toward
the electromagnetic field, Right: against electromagnetic field
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Hekmatmanesh, et al.: Bed orientation and sleep EEG
Acta Medica International ¦ Volume 6 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-June 2019 35
the spindle and K-complex frequency ranges were (8–16
Hz) extracted. All these energy bands were calculated and
normalized between 0 and 1. Recorded data were analyzed using
(The Mathworks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA) MATLAB software
version 2014. P < 0.05 was considered statistically signicant.
A total of 94 participants were entered for primary evaluation
in this study and 73 were excluded due to underlying sleep
problems and/or technical problems of recorded EEG; among
them, 21 participants had eligible data for nal analysis. The
mean age of participants was 23.5 years.[21-25] Signals were
recorded and the average energy of specic bands extracted.
T-test was used to compare the results of N-S and E-W
orientations, which is represented in Table 1. Table 2 represents
energy ratio (ER) bands such as delta ER over delta and theta
energies, theta ER over delta energies, and alpha ER over
delta and theta energies calculated in average, to assess the
signicance of differences between these two groups. The
mean total sleep time was 1 h and 38 min in earth’s EMF (N-S)
orientation and 1 h and 23 min in the other group.
The percentage of alpha, delta, and theta signal activity ratio
to total energy showed that they have signicant results in
t-test according to the EMF [Table 2] (P = 0.006, 0.007, and
0.01, respectively). In addition, the only signicance frequency
band ER over the whole signal energy was alpha (P < 0.05).
The REM latency and slow-wave sleep (SWS) latency
increased toward the EMF, but it was only signicant for
the REM latency (P < 0.04). The number of arousals and
awakenings during sleep increased signicantly in the E-W
orientation (P < 0.01).
For the E-W orientation, the time for the second sleep stage
and SWS decreased, but the P values were not statistically
signicant (P > 0.05). Furthermore, the whole period of
sleeping time decreased for the E-W orientation (P < 0.001).
The current results provided evidence that sleeping toward
N-S direction or toward earth’s EMF could improve sleep
quality. The results could be used in the design of bedrooms
subsequently. Sleeping toward the EMF (N-S) inuenced
alpha and delta signals of sleep. The average of energy bands
increased in the N-S orientation, especially in terms of alpha
and delta signals.
The length of the time that a person was in bed to the whole
time of sleeping is dened as sleep efciency.[25] The alpha
signal affects sleep quality; thus, the length and depth of each
sleep stage can change by alpha alterations.[26] The present
findings showed more awakening and arousals in E-W
direction which subsequently increases alpha changes and
decreases sleep quality. However, Ruhenstroth-Bauer et al.
Table 2: Different ratio of the signal’s energy in terms of North‑South and East‑West directions
Signals energies Frequency range (Hz) Normalized average energy N‑S orientation Normalized average energy E‑W orientation P
Alpha/(delta+theta) Alpha ratio to delta and
0.8685 0.6425 0.412*
Delta/(theta+alpha) Delta ratio to theta and
0.6149 0.3144 0.008**
Theta/(delta+alpha) Theta ratio to delta and
0.4615 0.8545 0.289*
Alpha/total energy Percentage of alpha
0.8673 0.7195 0.022*
Theta/total energy Percentage of theta
0.3669 0.8460 0.251*
Delta/total energy Percentage of delta
0.4713 0.7119 0.272*
Spindle and
k-complex/total energy
Percentage of spindle
and k-complex activity
0.4713 0.6889 0.272*
*Statistically signicant at P<0.05, **Statistically signicant at P<0.01. N-S: North-South, E-W: East-West
Table 1: Signal’s energy of North‑South and East‑West bed‑oriented groups
Signal energies Frequency range (Hz) Normalized average energy N‑S orientation Normalized average energy E‑W orientation P
Delta 0-4 0.6905 0.9892 0.007**
Theta 4-8 0.6088 0.2792 0.006**
Alpha 8-12 0.6811 0.2893 0.010*
Beta116-24 0.5257 0.2742 0.083*
Beta224-32 0.5215 0.1394 0.185*
Spindle and
8-16 0.4922 0.2445 0.016*
*Statistically signicant at P<0.05; **statistically signicant at P<0.01. N-S: North-South, E-W: East-West
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Hekmatmanesh, et al.: Bed orientation and sleep EEG
Acta Medica International ¦ Volume 6 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-June 2019
did not report signicant different arousals and awakenings
in the two sleep directions (N-S vs. E-W; Ruhenstroth-Bauer,
1987). Different methods of the two studies (daytime nap in
present study vs. night sleep in the aforementioned study) may
interpret the different results. The other explanation of the
different results in terms of arousals and awakenings and/or
other sleep parameters between these two studies may be the
number of studied EEG channels. In the current study, more
EEG channels were studied and the evaluation of sleep studies
was performed by a trained sleep physician manually; thus, the
number of detected arousals and awakenings could be more
compared to the study by Ruhenstroth-Bauer et al.
Moreover, in this research, REM latency of participants increased
during sleeping in N-S direction. Consistent with this study,
Ruhenstroth-Bauer et al. indicated shortened REM latency in
E-W direction. This evidence conrms Ruhenstroth-Bauers
assumption that the geomagnetic eld inuences human sleep
EEG depending on the sleeping orientation (N-S vs. E-W).
Participants in the E-W group had decreased total sleep time
comparing to the ones slept toward the geomagnetic eld.
Shortened sleep for a long period negatively affects data
processing (decoding) during the sleep.[27-30] Thus, designing
bedrooms in which beds are oriented toward earth’s EMF may
be associated with improved sleep and a higher quality of life.
More investigation in standard equipped sleep laboratories
with manual analysis of sleep EEG by experts is warranted
and recommended for future studies. Although improving
sleep without medical intervention and just by changing bed
orientation with the least complication and investment when
compared with medical interventions seems more sophisticated,
this study shows the importance of considering orientation as a
factor that can inuence well-being. Using and implementation of
neuroarchitecture is a new evolving research area that needs more
elucidation in the eld of sleep medicine. As such, interventions
in architecture may be used for the treatment of different sleep
disorders or as preventive measures in the sleep medicine world.
Available data regarding the effects of bed orientation in the
treatment of sleep disorders or as preventive measures are lacking
and require more elucidation and interdisciplinary collaboration.
The present ndings also indicated that the participants who
were in the N-S orientation had more K-complexes and
spindles, but only the increase of spindles was signicant.
Furthermore, the energy of specic bands extracted and studied
and the results show that the changes can be because of the
orientation toward the EMF during the sleep. This nding is
not reported by Ruhenstroth-Bauer et al. study. Although the
methods and time of sleep studies were different, apparently
more EEG signals and manual analysis by a sleep physician
could represent more accurate ndings in terms of sleep stages
and number of detected sleep spindles and K-complexes.
The present study findings provide evidence that bed
orientation inuences sleep EEG signals and sleeping toward
the EMF (N-S) can have some positive effects on the sleep
EEG. The results can be used to enhance bedroom design.
Further investigation in this eld and also the inuence of
geomagnetic eld in the prevention and treatment of various
sleep disorders are recommended.
This study sheds new light on the importance of orientation
and its effect on brain dynamics. It is one of the rst studies
in neuroarchitecture that used sleep EEG for bedroom design.
Unlike many neuroarchitecture studies, the results of the
current study are practical. According to the limitations of this
study such as region of the experiment, age, and the number of
participants, further studies with more sample size are required
to recommend some principles and rules for improving
bedroom design and having better sleep. Furthermore, the lack
of similar studies in EMF and sleep EEG in healthy individuals
is another important limitation of the current study.
This work was supported by Baharloo Hospital, and all data
recording was performed in the sleep clinic of Baharloo Hospital
in Tehran. We would like to thank Mr. Saman Syfpour for his kind
assistance in data recording. This manuscript is the full version
with some revision on data analysis of the study that was accepted
for the poster presentation at the Congress of the European Sleep
Research Society. The abstract was published in the Journal of
Sleep Research volume 23, supplementary 1, Special Issue:
Abstracts of the 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research
Society, 16–20 September 2014, Tallinn, Estonia, p. 159.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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... In a cross-sectional study by Hekmatmanesh et al, 73 21 participants slept for two consecutive early afternoon naps in rooms with identical interior design but with the bed in one room oriented with body aligned to magnetic north/south and in the other with body aligned with head to magnetic east/west. ( Figure 2). ...
... The study proposes that head direction is an important new factor that should be considered by architects, suggesting that head direction "could explain variability in education research-the orientation of the desks in classrooms may influence student alertness and so learning; and variability in business research-the orientation of work stations-could affect alertness and so productivity." (See Table 4, Row 5) The results of four independent studies by Rajeswari et al. 70 Travis et al, 74 Shrivastava 72 , and Hekmatmanesh et al 73 provide consistent evidence supporting the MVA thesis that to improve mental health homes be designed so that beds are oriented with their headboard to the east or south, whereas sleeping with head to the north equates with a stressful environment. (See Table 4, Rows 1-4) ...
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Background and objectives: The evolution of healthcare from 18th-century reductionism to 21st-century postgenomic holism has been described in terms of systems medicine, and the impact of the built environment on human health is the focus of investigation and development, leading to the new specialty of evidence-based, therapeutic architecture. The traditional system of Vāstu architecture-a design paradigm for buildings which is proposed to promote mental and physical health-has been applied and studied in the West in the last 20 years, and features elements absent from other approaches. This review critically evaluates the theory and research of a well-developed, standardized form of Vāstu-Maharishi Vastu® architecture (MVA). MVA's principles include development of the architect's consciousness, universal recommendations for building orientation, siting, and dimensions; placement of key functions; and occupants' head direction when sleeping or performing tasks. The effects of isolated Vāstu elements included in MVA are presented. However, the full value of MVA, documented as a systematic, globally applicable practice, is in the effect of its complete package, and thus this review of MVA includes evaluating the experience of living and working in MVA buildings. Methods: The published medical and health-related literature was systematically surveyed for research on factors related to isolated principles applied in MVA as well as on the complete system. Results: Published research suggests that incorporating MVA principles into buildings correlates with significant improvements in occupants' physical and mental health and quality of life: better sleep, greater happiness of children, and the experience of heightened sense of security and reduced stress. The frequency of burglaries, a social determinant of health, also correlates. Potential neurophysiological mechanisms are described. Conclusions: Findings suggest that MVA offers an actionable approach for managing a key social determinant of health by using architectural design as preventive medicine and in public health.
... In recent years, there has been ever-evolving literature on using neuroscience approaches in architecture and built environment studies (Azzazy et al., 2020;Higuera-Trujillo et al., 2021;Karakas and Yildiz, 2020) that enables us to understand the human experience at psychophysiological and neural levels. The most recent researches include; investigating the impact of glass floors using a combined version of EEG, galvanic skin response (GSR), heart rate variability, eye-tracker and a questionnaire (Erkan, 2021), the investigation of the human reactions toward different space geometries using EEG measurements (Shemesh et al., 2017) and the combination of EEG, GSR and eye-tracking measures (Shemesh et al., 2021); the Human experiences in VR evaluation of the impact of interior forms on emotions and the affective states of inhabitants using a virtual version of SAM questionnaire (Banaei et al., 2020), and using mobile EEG (Hekmatmanesh et al., 2019); the quantitative relations between geometric properties of rectangular rooms and the architectural experience using questionnaires and scaling techniques in VR technologies (Franz et al., 2005). It is evident in the literature that the triangulation of the data through the multi-method approaches raises the study's reliability, objectivity, credibility and validity. ...
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Purpose The present study investigates human behavioral and emotional experiences based on human-built environment interaction with a specific interest in urban graffiti displaying fear and pleasure-inducing facial expressions. Regarding human behavioral and emotional experience, two questions are asked for the outcome of human responses and two hypotheses are formulated. H1 is based on the behavioral experience and posits that the urban graffiti displaying fear and pleasure-inducing facial expressions elicit specified behavioral fear and pleasure responses. H2 is based on emotional experience and states that the urban graffiti displaying fear and pleasure-inducing facial expressions elicit specified emotional fear and pleasure responses. Design/methodology/approach The research design is developed as a multi-method approach, applying a lab-based experimental strategy (N:39). The research equipment includes a mobile electroencephalogram (EEG) and a Virtual Reality (VR) headset. The behavioral and emotional human responses concerning the representational features of urban graffiti are assessed objectively by measuring physiological variables, EEG signals and subjectively by behavioral variables, systematic behavioral observation and self-report variables, Self-assessment Manikin (SAM) questionnaire. Additionally, correlational analyses between behavioral and emotional results are performed. Findings The findings of behavioral and emotional evaluations and correlational results show that specialized fear and pleasure response patterns occur due to the affective characteristics of the urban graffiti's representational features, supporting our hypotheses. As a result, the characteristics of behavioral fear and pleasure response and emotional fear and pleasure response are identified. Originality/value The present paper contributes to the literature on human-built environment interactions by using physiological, behavioral and self-report measurements as indicators of human behavioral and emotional experiences. Additionally, the literature on urban graffiti is expanded by studying the representational features of urban graffiti as a parameter of investigating human experience in the built environment.
... Frequent correlates include reports of vivid, bizarre, and prophetic dreams [143,144]. Orientation of the head during sleep relative to magnetic North is a determinant of the duration of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep [145,146]. There may even be a relationship between geomagnetic activity and sleep paralysis [147]. ...
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Identifying a complete, accurate model of brain function would allow neuroscientists and clinicians to make powerful neuropsychological predictions and diagnoses as well as develop more effective treatments to mitigate or reverse neuropathology. The productive model of brain function, which has been dominant in the field for centuries, cannot easily accommodate some higher-order neural processes associated with consciousness and other neuropsychological phenomena. However, in recent years, it has become increasingly evident that the brain is highly receptive to and readily emits electromagnetic (EM) fields and light. Indeed, brain tissues can generate endogenous, complex EM fields and ultraweak photon emissions (UPEs) within the visible and near-visible EM spectra. EM-based neural mechanisms, such as ephaptic coupling and non-visual optical brain signaling, expand canonical neural signaling modalities and are beginning to disrupt conventional models of brain function. Here, we present an evidence-based argument for the existence of brain processes that are caused by the transmission of extracerebral, EM signals and recommend experimental strategies with which to test the hypothesis. We argue for a synthesis of productive and transmissive models of brain function and discuss implications for the study of consciousness, brain health, and disease.
... Some of these features have been explored empirically. For example, Hekmatmanesh et al. (2019) s tudied sleep patterns and northsouth/eas t-wes t orientation in Iran, and Travis et al. (2005) inves tigated burglaries, mental health, and sleep patterns in south and eas t-facing homes in the United S tates. In summary, according to Fazeli & Goodarzi (2010, 100), Vās tu Vidya is "a traditional guide to architecture [which] aims to design buildings in harmony with the natural laws of the universe", although there have been s trident critiques of such traditional guides because they are "increasingly in conflict with the privatizing logic of the 'neoliberal city'" (Birtchnell, 2016(Birtchnell, , 2348. ...
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ABS TRACT: The his tories of architectural design and town planning are replete with references to creating a better quality of human life. One of the approaches to enhancing human exis tence is Vās tu Vidyā, the knowledge of design and building from the ancient Vedic tradition. More recently, Vās tu Vidyā has been repurposed to include not only architectural practice and cons truction but also considered in light of the consciousness of the designer and builder and the need for a more 'enlightened' approach to design. Such a consideration is called Maharishi Vedic Architecture (MVA). Some of the features of MVA include a concern for orientation of the building to cardinal eas t, the position and proportion of rooms within the dwelling, and considerations of slope and relation to the early morning sun. Such features are said to enhance the creativity, health, and happiness of occupants. The purpose of the present s tudy is to explore the experiences of individuals who reside in homes designed according to the principles of MVA. Triangulated quantitative and qualitative results from an international mixed-methods survey of 158 individuals in 14 countries indicate this approach to architectural design contributes to individual and family quality of life, specifically as it has been operationalized to mean changes in well-being, health, personal development, and success. On a quality-of-life scale, the s tudy found a s tatis tically significant difference between those living in MVA for more than three years compared to those living in MVA for less than three years (F = 1.89, p = .02).
... During judgment in open-enclosed contrast, the left middle temporal gyrus and right superior temporal gyrus were activated. Enhancing sleep quality to compare the east-west (E-W) bed direction versus the north-south (N-S) direction to propose the best bedroom design, Hekmatmanesh et al. (2019) [32] investigated the effects of bed orientation on human wellbeing while the sleep EEG signals were being recorded. The results demonstrated that the average energy of the frequency band in the N-S direction increased more than the E-W one, and sleep in the N-S direction was more beneficial than the E-W one. ...
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With the expansion of urban life and technological development, human interaction with civil environments became inescapable. Yet, less is known about the psychological and cognitive consequences of human contact with buildings, constructions, and urban environments. In this study, we propose a systematic review of the recent attempts and experimental studies elaborating upon the emotional and perceptual influences of architectural environments on the human brain with an emphasis on the experimental procedures and techniques. To do so, the primary experimental studies were selected among the recent peer-reviewed literature, based on the PRISMA systematic review protocol. The pruned experimental articles contain a wide range of techniques and recording instruments for quantification of behavior and brain activities including Electroencephalography (EEG), eye tracking, functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) techniques, and psychological measurements. We categorized the task-space of selected articles based on the environment and its stimuli properties into six subfields of “interior design”, “urban design”, “formal and spatial organization”, “facade design”, “energy and building”, and “natural scene”. Following this context-based categorization, the distribution of employed recording techniques was distinguished for each task-space division. Accordingly, more than 50 percent of the experimental studies were incorporated into the first two divisions. Surprisingly, our survey indicates there is a lack of multidisciplinary studies for the “Formal and Spatial Organization” category despite the obvious effects of the environment’s spatial organization on the occupant’s behavior, emotions, and performance. Among the existing literature, the EEG recording was the most frequently employed neuroimaging technique due to the technical efficacy of its recording setup and the high temporal resolution of its electrophysiological signals. In contrast, the fMRI studies were scarce probably because of restrictions in the implementation of some of the space-tasks. Although fMRI techniques have low temporal resolutions, this limitation does not make an issue in architectural tasks, where the temporal dynamics of the task have a slow pace. Moreover, the implication of fMRI imaging can provide higher spatial resolutions comparing to EEG techniques. Higher spatial resolutions are essential for advanced studies in the field of neurobehavioral architecture as it can lead us toward precise localization of brain circuits involved in complex neuro-architecture tasks. The extracted distribution of neuroimaging techniques suggests consideration of fMRI and eye-tracking techniques for future studies. In this review with extracting distribution of current literature and employed techniques, we provided an experimental framework for the field of neuroarchitecture and we aimed to shed light on vacancies and gaps that need to be filled in future studies.
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The built environment provides a habitat for the most sophisticated mammal in our universe, the human being. Developments in science and technology are forcing us to reconsider the priority of human needs in current theories of architecture and the built environment. Newly developed theories and methodologies in neuroscience have allowed us to improve and deepen our knowledge of human experience in the built environment. The potential of the relationship between neuroscience and architecture for knowledge creation generates an increasing interest in theoretical and methodological approaches to explore this intersection. Thus, a common ground on which to conduct interdisciplinary studies investigating developing and emerging concepts at the intersection must be established. However, few reviews in the literature have systematically examined developing and emerging concepts at the intersection of neuroscience and architecture. The present review aims to examine the existing literature systematically to explain the influence of the built environment on human experience by using approaches from neuroscience by examining the conceptualizations in the field. The study is conducted as a systematic qualitative review that analyzes and synthesizes the developing and emerging concepts that have appeared in the ever-evolving literature. The study concludes with an overall discussion about these concepts as a means of deeply understanding the influence of the built environment on human experience, responses to the environment based on approaches from neuroscience, and their potential for providing further directions for future research.
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Images of iconic buildings, such as the CN Tower, instantly transport us to specific places, such as Toronto. Despite the substantial impact of architectural design on people’s visual experience of built environments, we know little about its neural representation in the human brain. In the present study, we have found patterns of neural activity associated with specific architectural styles in several high-level visual brain regions, but not in primary visual cortex (V1). This finding suggests that the neural correlates of the visual perception of architectural styles stem from style-specific complex visual structure beyond the simple features computed in V1. Surprisingly, the network of brain regions representing architectural styles included the fusiform face area (FFA) in addition to several scene-selective regions. Hierarchical clustering of error patterns further revealed that the FFA participated to a much larger extent in the neural encoding of architectural styles than entry-level scene categories. We conclude that the FFA is involved in fine-grained neural encoding of scenes at a subordinate-level, in our case, architectural styles of buildings. This study for the first time shows how the human visual system encodes visual aspects of architecture, one of the predominant and longest-lasting artefacts of human culture.
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Over the last few years, the efforts to reveal through neuroscientific lens the relations between the mind, body, and built environment have set a promising direction of using neuroscience for architecture. However, little has been achieved thus far in developing a systematic account that could be employed for interpreting current results and providing a consistent framework for subsequent scientific experimentation. In this context, the enactive perspective is proposed as a guide to studying architectural experience for two key reasons. Firstly, the enactive approach is specifically selected for its capacity to account for the profound connectedness of the organism and the world in an active and dynamic relationship, which is primarily shaped by the features of the body. Thus, particular emphasis is placed on the issues of embodiment and motivational factors as underlying constituents of the body-architecture interactions. Moreover, enactive understanding of the relational coupling between body schema and affordances of architectural spaces singles out the two-way bodily communication between architecture and its inhabitants, which can be also explored in immersive virtual reality settings. Secondly, enactivism has a strong foothold in phenomenological thinking that corresponds to the existing phenomenological discourse in architectural theory and qualitative design approaches. In this way, the enactive approach acknowledges the available common ground between neuroscience and architecture and thus allows a more accurate definition of investigative goals. Accordingly, the outlined model of architectural subject in enactive terms—that is, a model of a human being as embodied, enactive, and situated agent, is proposed as a basis of neuroscientific and phenomenological interpretation of architectural experience.
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Feng shui is a philosophy of setting and placing buildings and elements in an environment. It aims to realize physical environments that encourage well-being through the utilization of flowing energy. Environmental psychology is a scientific discipline that studies how to design environments that can meet the needs of their occupants and facilitate their activities in order to promote their well-being. Although feng shui is very popular and is used around the world, its effects have not been scientifically evaluated. Objective and systematic methods are still needed to test the effects of feng shui on people's well-being. This paper starts with an overview of the basic principles and schools of thought of environmental psychology and feng shui and then focuses on the comparison between these two disciplines, with particular references to two aspects of psychological impacts of the physical environment: restorativeness and control. Copyright © 2010, Locke Science Publishing Company, Inc. Chicago, IL, USA All Rights Reserved.
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Nowadays there is the hope that neuroscientific findings will contribute to the improvement of building design in order to create environments which satisfy man's demands. This can be achieved through the understanding of neurophysiological correlates of architectural perception. To this aim, the electroencephalographic (EEG) signals of 12 healthy subjects were recorded during the perception of three immersive virtual reality environments (VEs). Afterwards, participants were asked to describe their experience in terms of Familiarity, Novelty, Comfort, Pleasantness, Arousal, and Presence using a rating scale from 1 to 9. These perceptual dimensions are hypothesized to influence the pattern of cerebral spectral activity, while Presence is used to assess the realism of the virtual stimulation. Hence, the collected scores were used to analyze the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the EEG for each behavioral dimension in the theta, alpha and mu bands by means of time-frequency analysis and topographic statistical maps. Analysis of Presence resulted in the activation of the frontal-midline theta, indicating the involvement of sensorimotor integration mechanisms when subjects expressed to feel more present in the VEs. Similar patterns also characterized the experience of familiar and comfortable VEs. In addition, pleasant VEs increased the theta power across visuomotor circuits and activated the alpha band in areas devoted to visuospatial exploration and processing of categorical spatial relations. Finally, the de-synchronization of the mu rhythm described the perception of pleasant and comfortable VEs, showing the involvement of left motor areas and embodied mechanisms for environment appreciation. Overall, these results show the possibility to measure EEG correlates of architectural perception involving the cerebral circuits of sensorimotor integration, spatial navigation, and embodiment. These observations can help testing architectural hypotheses in order to design environments matching the changing needs of humans.
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Memory consolidation involves a complex series of molecular, cellular and network-level processes that take place on time scales from millisecond to months. Evidence from a wide range of experimental observations supports the hypothesis that parts of these processes occur during sleep when the brain is not engaged in processing and encoding incoming information. Indeed, sleep seems to be favorable for brain plasticity. Experience-dependent cortical plasticity observed during sleep has been hypothesized to be part of the global process of memory consolidation. Thus, studying task-dependent regionally specific reactivation of neuronal assemblies during posttraining sleep may make important contributions to elucidating the role of sleep in memory trace processing. A new methodology—low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA)—offers the possibility of localizing electrical activity produced by cortical neuronal generators under normal (undisturbed) sleeping conditions. The high time resolution of brain electrical data can be exploited to produce neuroimages for specific EEG spectral frequency bands (e.g. delta, theta, or spindle bands). This makes it possible to investigate, dependent on the type of memory, when—in which sleep stages (S2 sleep, SWS, REM sleep)—and where—in which cortical brain regions (primary sensory cortex, higher association cortex)—experience-dependent reactivation occurs.
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Background Researchers in environmental psychology have consistently shown the restorative potential of natural – over urban-settings using video/photographic experiments in laboratory settings applying subjectively rated scales. But few studies have employed objective indicators of emotional response. This study investigates the use of electroencephalography (EEG) as a method to understand how the brain engages with natural versus (vs) urban settings – in tandem with subjective preferences.
Clinical practice related to sleep problems and sleep disorders has been expanding rapidly in the last few years, but scientific research is not keeping pace. Sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless legs syndrome are three examples of very common disorders for which we have little biological information. This new book cuts across a variety of medical disciplines such as neurology, pulmonology, pediatrics, internal medicine, psychiatry, psychology, otolaryngology, and nursing, as well as other medical practices with an interest in the management of sleep pathology. This area of research is not limited to very young and old patients-sleep disorders reach across all ages and ethnicities. Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation presents a structured analysis that explores the following: Improving awareness among the general public and health care professionals. Increasing investment in interdisciplinary somnology and sleep medicine research training and mentoring activities. Validating and developing new and existing technologies for diagnosis and treatment. This book will be of interest to those looking to learn more about the enormous public health burden of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation and the strikingly limited capacity of the health care enterprise to identify and treat the majority of individuals suffering from sleep problems. © 2006 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
We know as architects that the ability to measure human response to environmental stimuli still requires more years of work. Neuroscience is beginning to provide us with an understanding of how the brain controls all of our bodily activities, and ultimately affects how we think, move, perceive, learn, and remember. In an address to the American Institute of Architects convention in 2003, "Rusty" Gage made the following observations that set the core premise for this book: (1) The brain controls our behavior; (2) Genes control the blueprints for the design and structure of the brain; (3) The environment can modulate the function of genes, and ultimately, the structure of the brain; (4) Changes in the environment change the brain; (5) Consequently, changes in the environment change our behavior; and (6) Therefore, architectural design can change our brain and our behavior.