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Teaching English to Young Learners: More Teacher Education and More Children’s Literature!

  • Nord University (main affiliation) and OsloMet University


This paper explores the demanding and complex nature of English language teaching with young learners. The paper begins with the challenges of the young learner classroom, then goes on to argue that the low estimation of teaching languages in primary education can seriously impact the confidence and efficacy of primary-school teachers. The popular myth that English for young learners is a simple matter requiring neither advanced language skills nor a deep knowledge of educational affordances and pedagogy is interrogated. While it is acknowledged amongst informed teacher educators that language education theory is well served by a synthesis of applied linguistics, education psychology and pedagogical perspectives, the discipline of children’s literature is mostly ignored. In this paper, the role of children’s literature in teacher education is highlighted and the relevance of high-quality language input is foregrounded. Further, the availability of focused pre-service and in-service teacher education, as well as teacher educators with the necessary expertise, is discussed. Finally, the teacher’s role in providing linguistic accommodation to the young learners with storytelling and creative teacher talk is explored. A case is made that the role of the teacher is pivotal, and the opportunities the teacher could share with the children, if sufficiently well prepared, include the collateral-learning educational goals of English for young learners, such as the pleasure of story, multiple literacies and intercultural learning.
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
Teaching English to Young Learners: More Teacher Education and More
Children’s Literature!
Janice Bland
This paper explores the demanding and complex nature of English language teaching with
young learners. The paper begins with the challenges of the young learner classroom, then
goes on to argue that the low estimation of teaching languages in primary education can
seriously impact the confidence and efficacy of primary-school teachers. The popular myth
that English for young learners is a simple matter requiring neither advanced language skills
nor a deep knowledge of educational affordances and pedagogy is interrogated. While it is
acknowledged amongst informed teacher educators that language education theory is well
served by a synthesis of applied linguistics, education psychology and pedagogical
perspectives, the discipline of children’s literature is mostly ignored. In this paper, the role
of children’s literature in teacher education is highlighted and the relevance of high-quality
language input is foregrounded. Further, the availability of focused pre-service and in-
service teacher education, as well as teacher educators with the necessary expertise, is
discussed. Finally, the teacher’s role in providing linguistic accommodation to the young
learners with storytelling and creative teacher talk is explored. A case is made that the role
of the teacher is pivotal, and the opportunities the teacher could share with the children, if
sufficiently well prepared, include the collateral-learning educational goals of English for
young learners, such as the pleasure of story, multiple literacies and intercultural learning.
Keywords: Teaching English to young learners; teacher education; teacher educators;
creative teacher talk; children’s literature; quality input
Janice Bland (Dr phil., University of Jena) is Professor of English Education at Nord
University, Norway. Janice focuses in her teaching and research on creative processes in
English language and literature teaching and learning at primary and secondary school.
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
I discuss in this article the challenges of teaching English to young learners (TEYL), and the
corresponding implications for teacher education. In this context, it will be outlined how
children’s literature is relevant and highly recommended (for example, Bland, 2018; G. Ellis,
2018; Mourão, 2016 and Narančić Kovač, 2016). In spite of this, there seem to be difficulties
and barriers towards including children’s literature in teacher education. In this paper,
teacher education (TEd) refers to university-based pre-service teacher preparation, and
teacher training refers to, for example, the school-based mentoring of student teachers in the
practicum. A variety of policies across the globe have been developed with the aim of
building the linguistic resources of primary-school children (Enever, 2018). But as, among
others, Emery (2012), Rich (2018) and Rixon (2017) have argued, the policies on TEYL are
often simplistic, ignoring the complex nature of teaching English to children. I put forward
findings from applied linguistics and subject pedagogy research to argue that policy makers
should pay more attention to the pivotal position of the teacher in early language learning,
and the relevance of quality input, and take note of the burden placed on teachers and
children and their opportunities for success when the complexity of English for young
learners (EYL) is underestimated.
My focus here is on TEYL in the age range from circa six to twelve, which is an age
group in which child development progresses rapidly. On the one hand, I have experienced
six-year-olds who wonder aloud whether the puppet I am using in storytelling is somehow
alive. Twelve-year-olds, on the other hand, are already autonomously acquiring more
English out of school than in school in some contexts (though without the language-related
educational opportunities of English lessons), often through watching subtitled films
(Lindgren & Muñoz, 2013) and spending hours on English-language video games
(Sundqvist & Wikström, 2015). Due to the substantial out-of-school English in such
contexts, distinctions between English as a foreign language (EFL) and English as an
additional or second language (L2) have already become blurred (Graddol, 2006, p. 110).
This paper refers to TEYL in primary school in countries where English is not the majority
language. Like the controversial term ‘native speaker’, the related construct ‘English as a
foreign language’ can be considered misleading, for the concept of foreignness suggests
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
English belongs to some nations and peoples, and not to others. Therefore, the more neutral
phrase English language teaching (ELT) will be used.
Recent scholarship has indicated that TEYL is not simply a matter of building
linguistic resources, but has important educational consequences, for example in the area of
literacies (G. Ellis, 2018; Mourão, 2016), intercultural learning and global issues (Bland,
2016). Researchers recommend motivating usage-based practices, ‘activities such as
interactive games, songs, reading aloud, and storytelling’ (Muñoz & Spada, 2019, p. 238).
However, Achilleas Kostoulas (2019, p. 46) has referred to ‘the folk linguistic confidence
that an early start in language education will always lead to better educational outcomes’. In
opposition to the misconception that teaching English to YLs is a simple matter, Rich (2018)
argues that the younger the child, the more demanding the task: ‘TEYL is a demanding and
skilled process, particularly with children in the early grades of primary school’ (p. 49). This
goes further, for the impact of TEYL has deep implications for teachers at secondary level,
tertiary level and beyond: ‘Not least this is because increasingly older learners will be those
who have already encountered formal second and foreign language learning as children and
will carry the impact of this, whether positive or negative, into their further studies’ (Rich,
2014, p. 1).
The consequences of underestimating the many complex aspects of TEYL result in
a lack of success for many early start programmes. Rixon has argued ‘even the most carefully
planned, widely welcomed and feasibly scoped of policy innovations may still be a complex
matter, adding that, above all, ‘fundamental shifts in attitudes, teacher knowledge and
teacher skills’ are required (2017. p. 82). Ortega (2019) points to the ‘drip-feed learning
situation’, when there is very little access to the new language, and limited to the classroom,
as responsible for disappointing results in early start programmes. Muñoz and Spada (2019)
expound that the number of hours devoted to primary English, as well as teacher
qualifications and motivation across the transition between primary and secondary sectors,
are the factors that most count with regard to TEYL. These are vastly more significant than
the age of the learner: ‘in some FL [foreign language] situations it is difficult to find teachers
with adequate levels of oral proficiency in the TL [target language] who can offer learners
the rich and extensive input needed to trigger language development’ (2019, p. 241).
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
The Challenges of Teaching Young Learners
The role of the teacher is key with young learners (YLs). Ideally the teacher functions as
language and intercultural awareness model, the teacher models as a reader, as a learner and
– crucially – models the language to be learned. Wilden and Porsch argue that ‘the teacher
is very much at the centre of the FL classroom as opposed to the generally more learner-
centred approach of primary education’ (2017, p. 20). Young language learners are highly
dependent on the teacher as they have not yet acquired a language repertoire in English,
confident general learning strategies (Enever, 2015, p. 22) or, usually, the opportunity and
maturity for responsible learner autonomy. In order to support inexperienced learners, TEYL
researchers recommend focusing on ‘learning literacy’ (G. Ellis & Ibrahim, 2015; G. Ellis,
2018, p. 97), which can help to avoid the potentially turbulent consequences of children who
are over-challenged, unfocused and unsettled. As Nguyen writes, ‘classroom management
is a challenge in a primary English class’ (2017, p. 65), and Zein (2018, p. 164) suggests
‘misbehaviour such as lack of respect and rudeness as well as attention seeking in the EYL
classroom’ are infrequently explored topics in the research, though see Kuloheri (2016).
Copland, Garton and Burns have shown in an expansive study with respondents from Africa,
Asia, Europe and Latin America that maintaining discipline is very much a concern among
teachers of YLs (2014, pp. 746-747).
The repetitive scenarios requiring classroom management with YLs – setting up
tasks, handing out materials, or giving feedback, for example – could supply opportunities
for realistic target-language use – an additional reason why teachers of YLs should have the
advantage of in-depth training to learn to use English flexibly, in order to verbalize as many
actions and learning processes as possible. There is no longer any doubt that the plurilingual
identities of the children in our classrooms must be acknowledged and valued, in order to
support what Jim Cummins defines as their ‘linguistic, intellectual and cultural capital’
(2014, p. 2). Investigating plurilingual children who are learning English as a third language,
Cutrim Schmid and Schmidt recommend ‘creating and supporting positive attitudes towards
pupils’ home languages [… and] integrating migrant children’s knowledge background into
school activities’ (2017, p. 49). There is, however, evidence that there is a strong tendency
to overuse the majority language in many mainstream TEYL classrooms. Deters-Philipp’s
survey of teachers in the German primary school has shown that in this context classroom
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
routines and management are conducted mostly in German; while she also makes the case
that in Germany only 20 to 30 per cent of current teachers of EYL have had the opportunity
to study English at tertiary level (2018, p. 21). It is therefore scarcely surprising that
secondary-school teachers in Germany quite commonly doubt the advantages of an early
start to ELT (Porsch & Wilden, 2017, p. 59).
Yet, children are cognitively stimulated when offered opportunities for developing
language-learning strategies, their curiosity and interest in languages are awakened. The
potential benefits of TEYL are widely recognized amongst informed circles, but also the
crucial point that the teaching must be ‘appropriate to the social, psychological, emotional
and cognitive needs of children (Rich, 2014, p. 6). This relates to Dewey’s concept of
collateral learning and the formation of enduring attitudes, which is often to be found in
national curricula for TEYL. Read (2003, p. 7) points to this too, ‘we need to keep the richer
picture in mind and embrace language training as an integral part of children’s whole
development and education’. Referring to EYL contexts in China, Japan and South Korea,
Jin and Cortazzi write that ‘children learn English for fun and through play, but they are also
encouraged to use the language to discuss and solve problems and thus develop foundations
of critical and creative thinking’ (2018, p. 477). They refute a public perception in East Asia
as a ‘popular myth that EYL involves simple language and therefore does not need special
skills or advanced knowledge of pedagogy’ (p. 482).
Unfortunately, this is an uninformed myth that persists worldwide, and has
exacerbated serious gaps between the rhetoric of the syllabus – that frequently includes the
expectation of a creative and holistic approach to TEYL, with cognitive, affective and
sociocultural benefits for the children and the reality of the classroom. What actually
happens in the classroom is greatly constrained by the persistent misconception that children
can learn a new language just because they are young, and without the support of research-
led, qualified and reflective teaching. Second language acquisition (SLA) research shows
how this exaggeration of the age factor is mistaken, instead the conditions and context of
learning are the factors that count:
the availability of teachers with a high level of proficiency in the target language
and professional training, rich opportunities for authentic communication in the
language, ample instructional time, teaching methodology geared to the learning
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
needs of young children, as well as consistent and well-designed follow-up
instruction in the higher grades. (Hu, 2005, p. 18)
Dynamic pre- and in-service preparation for TEYL, with a focus on quality of input in the
classroom (Muñoz & Spada, 2019) should be the key to overcoming these challenges, for,
as Read indicates, ‘no one ever suggests postponing the age of starting to learn maths because
it will be easy to catch up later’ (2003, p. 6).
Preparation for TEYL – Developments and Constraints
Due to the relatively recent introduction of TEYL in many contexts, experience is in short
supply, both among primary-school teachers (Emery, 2012; Enever, 2014; Zein, 2017, p. 61)
and, even more seriously, among teacher educators as well as practicum mentors (Rixon,
2017; Zein, 2015, 2017). Butler (2019, p. 17), asserts that ‘both pre- and in-service teacher
training in many countries are carried out by trial and error. In China, for example, Hu
(2005, p. 15) describes ‘outdated preservice preparation and inadequate in-service support’
and ‘a naive conception of the professional qualities required of primary foreign language
teachers […] creating more problems than it is meant to solve’ (p. 20). Such constraints are
common in East Asia (Jin & Cortazzi, 2018), Southeast Asia (Butler, 2019), sub-Saharan
Africa (Kuchah, 2018, pp. 79-80), Latin America (Miller, Cunha, Bezerra, Nóbrega, Ewald
& Braga, 2018) as well as Europe (Enever, 2014; Rixon, 2018). At the same time, the
motivating and interest-engaging practices such as topic-based and story-based teaching that
are recommended by research into TEYL pedagogy fortunately, as Copland and Garton
suggest, no longer a Cinderella area of scholarship (2014, p. 223) magnify the already
complex demands on teachers of YLs.
Once in the classroom, even well-prepared teachers are often disadvantaged due to
lack of institutional support, or ‘unsupportive school culturesas Rich calls them (2018, p.
49). It is highly problematic, for example, when English is consistently timetabled at the end
of the busy school day, or repeatedly cancelled, as my student teachers have reported,
because the value of EYL, and the demands on the children as well as on the teacher, are
misunderstood. As a teacher educator, I have been privileged to observe student teachers
conducting inspiring work in their practicum in Germany and Norway; but when university
tutors attend, school timetables are quite often rearranged and the language class given a
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
sheltered slot so that the YLs are neither too excited nor too tired to concentrate. Given
generally these more auspicious conditions, well-prepared teachers could achieve learning
for life, as TEYL is meant to be.
Teacher Educators for Students of TEYL
The AILA Research Network in Early Language Learning (,
launched in 2015, has now 130 members actively researching YL language education
worldwide indicating a healthy and robust international research community. Attitudes
outside this community, however, seem to be changing only slowly in many contexts,
including universities. Compared to the ever-increasing need for English in the primary
school, involving around ‘six million teachers working in a wide range of contexts’ (G. Ellis
& Knagg, 2013, p. 131) and ‘more than 130 million primary school children’ in China alone
(Zein, 2019, p. 2), still comparatively few teacher educators and applied linguists specialize
in TEYL and early language learning, and the breadth and complexity of the area is not
widely understood among SLA researchers generally. This has led to relatively low respect
in the academic community for the teacher education of student teachers preparing for the
primary school – teachers who will clearly influence the lives of millions of children
(Copland & Garton, 2014, p. 229). This lack of understanding and respect for TEYL echoes
the positioning of children’s literature research as the poor relation of traditional canonical
literature scholarship with its long history and well-established research community.
Solidifying the position of children’s literature in language teacher education as a source of
‘richness in the linguistic environment’ (Muñoz & Spada, 2019, p. 248) specially designed
for the target audience (children), might help to overcome this prejudice.
But the lack of researchers working in this area, compared to the vast numbers of
children learning English, poses problems. When, as often necessarily happens, there is no
colleague on university search committees with expertise in TEYL, there is the danger that
new staff recruitment privileges applicants with ELT competences for older teenagers and
adults – for such competences are more easily recognized and understood due to the many
years of research in the field of adult language learning. This in turn leads to ill-informed
decisions on TEd course design for students of TEYL, an important area that Enever has
identified as requiring investigation (2014, p. 241). When no specialized pre-service classes
can be offered for student teachers of TEYL due to the lack of qualified teacher educators,
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
the alternative is generic teacher education for ELT. Here teachers are prepared to teach
language for all school types (primary, lower secondary and upper secondary). This happens
worldwide and is not ideal (Enever, 2014; Zein, 2015). We then observe how the student
teacher for the secondary-school becomes the default student for those teacher educators
who only know this context; thus, frequently the needs of primary-school student teachers
are neglected. Finally, a lack of potential supervisors for students keen to write MEd and
PhD theses in areas of TEYL perpetuates the vicious circle of only few researchers
specializing in this area in the foreseeable future.
Teacher Education for TEYL
If we accept that the first steps of ELT must fully embrace child-centred pedagogy, the state
of affairs noted by Pinter (2015, p. 4) as to ‘almost no concern for teaching quality. In many
contexts around the world, almost anybody can teach English to children’ cannot be justified.
Zoltán Dörnyei maintains that language researchers ‘would agree that the teacher is not
merely one of the many factors of the educational setup but is one of the most important
factors – if not the most important one’ (2018, Foreword). While a great deal of political and
media attention is paid to the speed (or lack of speed) of SLA with YLs, less attention is paid
to whether the teachers of YLs receive the support and training they need, and this despite
Rixon’s recent worldwide investigation that reported on the ‘high number of contexts in
which provision of suitable teachers is problematic’ (2013, p. 19). On this there is consensus
in the research community:
There is a widespread consensus that currently there is a shortage of qualified
teachers to address the needs of the huge numbers of children engaged in EFL
worldwide, not only in countries with relatively short histories of TEYL, such
as a number of Asian countries, but also in countries where English has been part
of the primary curriculum for some time. (Rich, 2018, p. 48)
Researchers have emphasized that teacher expertise for TEYL must embrace confident
language fluency (but not based on a native-speaker norm) as well as age-appropriate
methodology. Rixon mentions ‘the high levels of language competence required on the part
of the teacher in order to sustain […] flexible exchanges with pupils’ (2018, p. 502). Copland
and Garton write of teachers needing ‘a strong understanding of children’s social and
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
cognitive development as well as a good understanding of theories of second language
acquisition in order to teach effectively’ (2014, p. 225). Similarly, G. Ellis and Knagg
maintain that the YL language teacher ‘needs to have the knowledge, skills and sensitivities
of a teacher of children and a teacher of language and to be able to balance and combine the
two successfully’ (2013, p. 132).
A McKinsey report (Barber & Mourshed, 2007), investigated how what is
happening at the level of the school system impacts what is happening in the classrooms, in
terms of enabling better teaching and greater learning’ (p. 8). The results of the worldwide
survey indicate the importance of the status of the teaching profession, and that countries
with top-performing schools, such as Finland, Singapore and South Korea, accord teachers
high status. The results also demonstrate that the quality of an education system cannot
exceed the quality of its teachers’ (p. 16). Thus, the insufficient time and resources allocated
for continuing professional development (CPD) for English teachers at the primary level is
manifestly detrimental. There is little doubt, moreover, that teacher efficacy, which is closely
connected to teacher confidence, is also undermined by the wide-spread societal attitude that
undervalues the work of primary-school teachers in many countries and the lack of status of
TEYL – despite the high status of the English language. Enever writes of ‘an urgent need to
substantially increase the provision and availability of in-service courses and workshops for
teachers if quality is to be improved and sustained(2014, p. 241). While both TEd and CPD
are still underdeveloped, many researchers of TEYL strongly urge that not only how to teach
YLs, but what to teach and why in EYL should belong to the repertoire of the primary-school
language teacher for meaningful learning, the ‘the whats, hows and whys of our professional
existence’ as Kostoulas (2019, p. 34) puts it.
Themes of TEYL
At a 2018 international conference entitled Early Language Learning (Institute of Foreign
Languages, University of Iceland), 120 researchers presented on a wide range of themes with
a young-learner focus, encompassing:
plurilingualism – support of diverse home languages of the school community,
language awareness and language development,
teaching the four skills,
formative and summative assessment,
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
Content and Language Integrated Learning scenarios,
making use of out-of-school English,
inclusion and mixed-ability teaching,
the role of parents,
corrective feedback,
materials development,
task-based learning,
drama and whole-body learning,
reading in a second language.
This gives an initial idea of the complex range of relevant issues and approaches that teachers
of YLs should be able to master – and which are in most cases at least as difficult to manage
both well and in a time-efficient way with YLs as with secondary-school students. Themes
directly concerning quality of input and intercultural learning were, however, not represented
at the conference.
The Relevance of Quality Input and Context
For most contexts where English is not the majority or school language, the main sources of
children’s language input are the teachers themselves and the materials they use in the
classroom: Because in FL instruction the input is limited to the classroom setting, the
language to which learners are exposed is restricted to what is provided in the teaching
materials, textbooks and teacher talk’ (Muñoz & Spada, 2019, p. 241). The materials may
include EFL textbooks, worksheets, audio-visual recordings, picturebooks and poems,
drama and stories for oral delivery. The relevance of quality input and context in SLA with
children is increasingly highlighted by applied linguists. Referring to children younger than
eight, Nicholas and Lightbown suggest: ‘differences between first and second language
development may depend more on context than on abstract cognitive mechanisms’ (2008,
pp. 28-29). Whereas learners in their teens and older are usually able to master explicit
metacognitive strategies to support their language learning, younger children mostly make
use of the language in their environment with the aid of implicit learning mechanisms (Cook
& Singleton, 2014, p. 28; Murphy, 2014, p. 5). Rather than an innate language-learning
ability, it is increasingly recognized that it is a domain-general strong predisposition for
social interaction and learning that enables and encourages language development in young
children. This naturalistic language learning comes about through the receptive usage of
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
listening (and later reading) and productive usage of speaking (and later writing). As Kersten
writes, ‘usage-based approaches to L1 and L2 development hold that rules are abstracted
solely from the input using general learning principles’ (2015, p. 135).
But if language-learning ability is not latent in the brain, not a hard-wired, instinctual
capacity of YLs, but is a context-bound phenomenon, it follows that the language
environment of the classroom is key to children’s language learning. This is a huge challenge
for the teacher when there is so little time, with classes typically just once or twice a week,
and when – particularly for YLs – ‘adequate exposure to the language is one of the essential
conditions for successful language learning’ (Rixon, 2013, p. 29). Paradoxically, if children
are implicit learners, but language acquisition is not innate, focus on form in TEYL – such
as making multi-item chunks in literary texts salient through meaningful repetition and
recycling in child-centred and striking contexts – is crucial for ELT in YL instructed
contexts. Above all, the input must excite YLs so that they are motivated to understand
(Kaminski, 2019) and also keen to adopt multi-item chunks in their own communications,
using them according to Nick Ellis as ‘phrasal teddy bears’ (2012, p. 29).
Recycling of accessible language is important for implicit learning – perception and
memory are affected by frequency of usage, helping children to tune into the system and
notice patterns. This non-analytic processing mode means that YLs can potentially ‘develop
more native-like grammatical intuitions’ (Saville-Troike & Barto, 2017, p. 89). However,
only with high quality input can YLs acquire an inventory of grammatical categories and
lexical patterns, and with the limited time available for teaching this means every input
opportunity must count. Serratrice argues:
Quantity and quality input are strong predictors of children’s early lexical skills,
which in turn are closely related with emerging grammatical skills. Cultural
practices like book reading, story-telling, and singing songs that are associated
with larger vocabularies in monolingual children have also been found to be of
importance in bilingual children (2019, p. 35).
Psycholinguistically salient, curiosity-inviting language, with sentences that are
simple or sometimes compound but avoiding syntactical complexity, will help the children
notice the patterns. Whereas formulaic sequences semi-fixed expressions or multi-item
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
chunks – raise awareness of underlying patterns (Wray, 2005), many teachers of YLs focus
on introducing single-word items, which is known as ‘the noun problem’ (Kersten, 2015, pp.
136-137). Language development can be accelerated by promoting adaptive-productive
imitation of language patterns, for, according to Larsen-Freeman (2011, p. 49): ‘These
patterns subsequently become part of learners’ language resources, available for further use
and modification’. If the teacher has knowledge of and access to meaningful materials to
share with YLs, such as complex picturebooks set in different cultural contexts, the
competence areas of the secondary school, including critical thinking, multiple literacies,
sociocultural learning and language awareness, can be prepared already in the YL classroom.
Children’s Literature as High-Quality Input in TEYL
There are important reasons for including a focus on children’s literature in language teacher
education. These often include providing
entrancing repetition of multi-item chunks, to be used as ‘phrasal teddy bears’ (Ellis,
2012, p. 29),
phonological repetition, typically ‘strong sound patterning: dynamic rhythm and
rhyme, parallelism, assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia and refrains’ (Bland,
2015a, p. 151),
high quality language input, characterized by stylistic cohesion through marked
lexical repetition and lexical chains, parallelisms and the melodic tricolon – the
rhetorical rule of three (Bland, 2013, p. 8),
opportunities for retellings – providing more essential repetition,
comprehension support, through motivating story and stimulating images,
motivation for dynamic and genuine interpersonal communication,
typographic experimentation (Bland, 2013, pp. 122-124) and creative word choices,
encouraging children’s own creative writing,
freedom from coursebook-driven ELT and one-size-fits-all materials,
opportunities for intercultural learning and changing perspective when entering
storyworlds and discovering different ways of living – children’s ‘weaker group
identity’ (Saville-Troike & Barto, 2017, p. 90) means they are often open to
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
opportunities for connections across children’s languages and their literacy
development generally,
children’s own perspectives, noting that, as Peter Hunt writes:
Even at its most abstract and it can be very abstract children’s literature
scholarship recognizes the essential presence of the child in the book, and
equally recognizes the sophistication of even the apparently simplest text and
the complexity of children’s responses to texts (2018, p. xiii).
Last but not least, language teachers can also learn new ideas and new language
through children’s literature.
In this way, children’s literature can provide high-quality input and strong roots for
children’s emerging language learning:
Figure 1: Stories as the roots of TEYL
(see also Figure 5 in Becker & Roos, 2016, p. 22)
Children’s Literature in English Language Education ISSN 2195-5212
CLELEjournal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019
We know that formulaic language is used extensively in the L1: ‘corpus linguists
have been able to show that language users make use of prefabricated language far more
often than previously thought’ (Kersten, 2015, p. 130). However, YLs with meagre L2 input
need support in perceiving and memorising multi-item chunks. The frequent use of
picturebooks rich in patterned language, poems and rhymes with highly repetitive and
interest-igniting content, if both accessible and appealing to the YLs, will strongly support
the necessary repetition, frequency and salience (Bland, 2015a, 2018).
While children need help noticing the language patterns in the stories the teacher
brings into the classroom, teachers need help in discovering and selecting the materials that
are most conducive to supporting children’s receptive and productive language
development, as well as their intercultural understanding. Arizpe, Farrar and McAdam argue
that a key purpose of teacher development is to prepare,
an understanding of the central tenets of how to decode, encode, and make
meaning across a range of modes. Knowing how picturebooks work and how to
make multimodal meaning will lead to confident educators, mediators and other
professionals who can critically select texts that develop ‘literacies’ required for
twenty-first-century life. (2017, p. 377)
Unfortunately, suitable literary texts are little known by applied linguists, who typically
design pre-service TEYL courses, and in most contexts children’s literature plays an
extremely limited or non-existent role in pre-service TEd for language teachers. The newly
published CEFR Companion Volume with New Descriptors lists 83 scholarly sources as
references (Council of Europe, 2018, pp. 224-7). The references are drawn from recent
scholarship in the areas of intercultural competence, SLA, assessment and L2 pedagogy.
However, there are just three sources that relate to language and literature learning: one
unpublished text, one article published in 1994 and one in 1971. This is a serious flaw,
because the CEFR-related publications are very influential for language curricula
developers, particularly in Europe. Teacher education for TEYL should profit from an
inclusive interdisciplinary approach. Kostoulas (2019, p. 33) usefully identifies three
research areas: ‘the informing disciplines of applied linguistics, language education
psychology, and pedagogy’. Yet this still disregards the discipline of children’s literature,
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despite the fact that in countries such as Austria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the USA pedagogical research into literature in language
education has developed immensely in recent years. The understanding of children’s literary
texts today strives to be global and inclusive, around themes such as cultural diversity,
intercultural citizenship education, the environment and social justice, featuring children
with disabilities, in minority and refugee situations (Bland, 2016). Moreover, children’s
literature appears in English, beside books published in indigenous languages, in very many
countries around the world, including Nigeria and South Africa, Hawai’i, India, Singapore,
Malaysia and Jamaica (see Stephens, Belmiro, Curry, Lifang & Motawy, 2018).
Learning How to Use the Picturebook in TEYL
Teachers could benefit in motivation, confidence and teacher efficacy from comprehensive
training in using children’s literature in ELT, however, this is seldom a part of TEd. An
exception is to be found in an innovative study programme of primary English at the Faculty
of Teacher Education in Zagreb, Croatia (Narančić Kovač, 2016), which aims to provide the
experience of a wide range of children’s literary texts,
the theory of children’s literature, for example the picturebook,
the ability to evaluate the potential of a book for ELT and design activities for young
Systematic support like this can make a huge difference, but without it, teachers are unsure
why to use children’s literature, what the criteria are for the most suitable materials, where
to access them, and how to exploit them for language and literacy learning as well as
intercultural learning.
To support the use of children’s literature, researchers in northern Italy devised a
small-scale study reporting on a short training course in using picturebooks with YLs of
The overall aim was to address teacher anxieties about the use of picturebooks
in an L2, enhance teacher perceptions of how picturebooks may be used in FL
teaching, facilitate their critical reading of picturebooks and consider how
picturebooks may be used to promote intercultural learning or be used in a
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content-based programme. (Mair, 2018, p. 102)
However, the teachers’ reflections in the study evidenced that, following what was
recognized as an extremely brief training – two three-hour workshop sessions – the teachers
focused only on vocabulary learning affordances. It was found that teachers fear both
speaking freely and reading aloud, and
there was not much attention given to the imaginative and artistic possibilities
of language or to the role picturebooks might have in developing understanding
of literary conventions, raising awareness of techniques of illustration or
stimulating children’s output, even in the L1. (Mair, 2018, p. 107)
This highlights that expertise, time and resources must be devoted to TEd and CPD, if more
success is to be achieved for TEYL, for as Butler declares, ‘it is apparent that short-term,
one-shot trainings/workshops have limited effects (2019, p. 34)’.
Primary-school children have concepts and interests well beyond their narrow
English-language skills, which creates a challenge for the teacher. Children’s ideas and
aspirations can be highly developed, so that teachers need the knowhow to bridge the gap
between the cognitive level and the less developed linguistic skills of YLs by selecting the
‘right’ story. Vivienne Smith (2011, p. 117) expounds the importance of a ‘literary and
musical understanding of what language is doing’ in picturebooks:
A careful evaluation of the language will help teachers match texts to the linguist
and emotional needs of the children they teach, and so help them find the right
texts for the right child. What better way is there to help children understand that
reading is worthwhile than to give them wonderful texts that fully meet their
needs? […] Teachers who can hear and analyse what a text is doing are well
placed to help children get the most out of what they read. […] Finally, a critical
analysis of text and how it works can help teachers raise children into a greater
awareness of how text works in the political world in which we live.
It is thus imperative that teachers are given the opportunity to learn that ‘Real success
depends on having the right story for the linguistic and cognitive ability and interests of the
children in order to maximize their enjoyment, involvement and learning’ (G. Ellis, 2018, p.
84). It is apparent that, to be able to make effective use of children’s literature, teachers need
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in-depth guidance in extending their own literary competence, their own visual literacy,
critical literacy and response to multimodal texts, in order to learn how to support, scaffold
and reformulate YLs’ responses to pictures. Teachers are often unsure how best to steer the
classroom discourse around the pages of a book – which must surely be considered a
fundamental competence of teachers in TEYL.
Linguistic Accommodation to YLs
Symbols and patterns are vital for children’s search for meanings in the world about them,
their daily lives, the stories they hear, and the languages they learn. Interpreting symbols and
pattern matching are integral to the pleasures of narrative, and a basic way that humans
process meanings and acquire new information, as well as fundamental to language learning.
In TEYL, the teacher is also a major source of language input, as Muñoz and Spada write
(2019, p. 246), ‘the quality of input (e.g. teachers’ language proficiency) is crucial at this
very early age’. Thus, an important goal of YL TEd must be to help teachers master fluent
language skills, as well as skills to cunningly scaffold YLs by using pattern-rich teacher talk
that is modelled on child-directed speech, supporting children as seekers of meaningful
Qualified primary-school teachers are frequently skilled storytellers in the common
classroom language (CCL), but it is very far from simple to employ creative verbal
scaffolding in the L2 spontaneously. Due to the damaging misconception that only basic
English is needed for the primary school, teachers’ English language skills, and specifically
their development in the competence of verbal scaffolding and linguistic accommodation to
YLs, frequently plays next to no role in pre-service TEd. Even when student teachers are
fluent academic speakers of English, they will still need training in learning to emphasize
the language patterns in classroom interactions as implicit focus on form in order to
render them both comprehensible and noticeable to young learners. If children experience
template-like exemplars in a stimulating context, this is likely to result in language
emergence over an extended period of time. Time, after all, is the one asset that YLs
definitely have – but with minimal weekly input only a long view of their language learning
is purposeful. On the other hand, mostly due to regular participation in video games and non-
dubbed television, some children acquire more lexical items and associated syntactic
constructions than their language teachers. Copland, Garton and Burns have shown how this
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can affect teachers’ confidence – a primary teacher in their study reports, ‘Korean students’
English proficiency is getting higher. I feel some burden about my own English proficiency’
(2014, p. 753).
According to Bland (2015b, pp. 190-2), ‘creative teacher talkis an important teacher
skill for TEYL, for oral storytelling, picturebook readalouds and classroom discourse
generally. Creative teacher talk is interactive, highly repetitive and with chant-like routines
and expressive prosodic features, including carefully modulated pitch, tempo, volume and
rhythm to attract attention and underline meanings. Depending on the topic, the YL teacher
may make use of dramatic pauses and exuberant intonation. In addition, creative teacher talk
is accompanied by the scaffolding of gestures and facial expressions, elaboration, a slower
speech rate, additional contextual cues and realia as well as comprehension checks. The
teacher extends and recasts children’s incomplete responses, and maintains teacher-to-
learner eye contact, shaping the talk to the audience, for we cannot expect children to adapt
to the teacher.
When the teacher shares a picturebook with YLs, the children will offer many
interjections in the CCL, or if encouraged sometimes in their home language if that
differs from the CCL. YLs will often quite naturally echo the teacher if she recasts their
interjections into English; they will also echo the words of the story. This murmured echoing,
like young children’s private speech, increases productive language usage in the very little
time available and can help build up a repertoire of language patterns for imitation and
adaptation (see also Kaminski, 2019). Language teaching in the primary school is far from
a one-size-fits-all simple matter. Primary school teachers are responsible for the whole
development of the child, and children thrive on varied pathways and at individualized rates
as Larsen-Freeman maintains, ‘humans bring with them unique starting points. Even our
brains are different. Humans then shape their own contexts in a unique manner’ (2011, p.
Considering the constraints on early language teaching, the extremely restricted time
available, limited opportunities for pre-service TEd and in-service CPD, and teachers’
consequent lack of awareness of (or access to) motivating resources such as high-quality
picturebooks, the goals of ambitious TEYL curricula are currently decidedly difficult to
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realize. TEYL research acknowledges that the teacher’s role is vital and hugely challenging.
Practising teachers of YLs need the support of CPD in order to extend their pedagogical
content knowledge and craft repertoire, but the low status of TEYL is impeding the necessary
opportunities. Frequently, there is also a shortage of expertise for TEYL among university
teacher educators and school mentors. Teachers have an important role as an intercultural
and language awareness model, they model as reader and learner themselves, and model the
language the children are learning.
TEYL researchers report that in many contexts the language input is extremely thin
and classroom routines and management, for example, are not conducted in the target
language, so that YLs are not able to build up a language repertoire. In some contexts, out-
of-school learning partly, but unevenly, compensates for the drip-feed input in the classroom.
However, relying on out-of-school learning will mean that language-related educational
goals including intercultural awareness, multiple literacies, the pleasure of sharing stories
from around the world and critical thinking are being missed. An important step in
alleviating these critical issues is for the demands on the teacher as well as the pivotal but
still underdeveloped role of teacher education to be better understood and supported. Both
academic fields, EYL and children’s literature, need to be appreciated in their complexity in
order to facilitate bridging the two research areas. For TEYL, as a highly valuable and
challenging phase of language and literacy learning, has a great deal to offer both children
and society in our increasingly interconnected world, just as Arundhati Roy has written in
her recent essay (2018):
As the wrecking ball of the new global economic order goes about its work,
moving some people toward the light, pushing others into darkness, the
‘knowing’ and the ‘not knowing’ of English plays a great part in allocating light
and darkness.
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... Pre-service English language teachers are required to successfully complete their practicum they take for two semesters in their final year. Upon graduation, they are entitled to teach at any level (from kindergarten to university) and any age group, which is considered as problematic by many researchers because teaching English to young learners requires different skills, competences and qualifications than teaching English to teenagers and/or adults (Bland, 2019;Enever, 2014;Kic-Drgas & Comoglu, 2017;Öztürk & Aydın, 2019;Üstünlüoğlu, 2008). ...
... It should be noted at this point that teaching English to a 5-year-old child is completely different from teaching English to a 10-year-old child since they are at different stages in terms of their physical, cognitive and social development (Gungor, 2020) and while the latter has basic literacy skills in his/her L1 (native language), the former lacks them. Therefore, contrary to common misconception, teaching English to (very) young learners is a challenging undertaking which demands expertise and age-appropriate methodology (Bland, 2019;Linse, 2005). ...
... Prior to designing the items of the survey form, the researcher scanned the relevant literature in line with the focus of the study; however, though the problem was mentioned in several previous studies (Bland, 2019;Enever, 2014;Kic-Drgas & Comoglu, 2017;Öztürk & Aydın, 2019;Üstünlüoğlu, 2008) and reconstruction of ELT programs was offered as a solution for the problems experienced (Kızılçaoğlu, 2006;Öztürk & Aydın, 2019;Rich, 2019;Üstünlüoğlu, 2008), the researcher did not encounter any studies that directly addressed the problem. As a result, the researcher decided to design a survey form that involves 5-point Likert-type items and open-ended questions to encourage the participants to respond wholeheartedly so that an in-depth and detailed understanding and views of the participants could be obtained. ...
Full-text available
English language teachers in Turkey are officially entitled to teach at any level (from kindergarten to university) and any age group; however, it has been repeatedly argued that teaching English to young learners is different from teaching English to teenagers and/or adults as they require diverse skills, competences, qualifications and expertise (Bland, 2019; Enever, 2014; Gungor, 2020; Linse, 2005; Öztürk Aydın, 2019; Rich, 2019). Moving from this line of reasoning, this study, first of all, aims to investigate whether ELT undergraduate programs in Turkey need to be restructured from the perspectives of pre-service English language teachers. Closely related to this aim, this study also intends to identify the degree to which their undergraduate training prepares pre-service English language teachers (PSTs) for the different school levels they are to work at. With these two complementary aims in mind, this study has employed a qualitative research paradigm. 192 senior pre-service English language teachers who take practicum courses and study at the English Language Teaching (ELT) programs of 14 different state and private universities in Turkey have participated in this study. The data for the study has been collected via an online survey form and a focus group interview. The findings show that ELT undergraduate programs prepare PSTs satisfactorily to work at primary and secondary level schools from the perspectives of PSTs. However, PSTs believe that their undergraduate program cannot prepare them as satisfactorily to work at pre-primary school, high school and university levels. Furthermore, almost half of the PSTs agree that ELT undergraduate programs within Education Faculties should be restructured as ‘ELT for young learners’ and ‘ELT for teenagers/adults’.
... Enseñanza del Inglés a niños Pang (2021) consideró que la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera está enfocada al logro de objetivos, los cuales consisten en ayudar a los estudiantes de inglés a mejorar y comprender características relevantes; además, es relevante que los educadores sean agentes participantes en el aprendizaje profesional continuo, pues esto les dará la capacidad de mejorar sus conocimientos, estrategias y habilidades en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua (Belsito, 2016). Bland (2019) indicó que el maestro de escuela desempeña un papel crucial en el trabajo con estudiantes jóvenes al servir como modelo para el lenguaje y la conciencia intercultural. En consecuencia, la profesión de enseñar a escolares es una habilidad que se desarrolla tanto a través de la educación formal como de la experiencia práctica (Tatto et al., 2016). ...
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El presente estudio de investigación analiza la importancia de la motivación intrínseca y extrínseca en la enseñanza del inglés en el nivel básico elemental. Se enfoca en una muestra de 151 estudiantes del nivel básico elemental de una institución educativa privada de la ciudad de Chone. Se utilizó un enfoque descriptivo mismo que, está centrado en tareas científicas y el método de muestreo por conveniencia. Para la recopilación de datos se aplicaron cinco entrevistas a docentes del nivel básico elemental, cinco entrevistas a docentes de inglés, y veinte fichas de observación en las clases de inglés. Los resultados indican que tanto la motivación intrínseca y extrínseca en pequeños aprendices desempeñan un rol fundamental en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés, no obstante, es necesario que los docentes encuentren un equilibro entre ambas para aprovechar al máximo las técnicas, metodologías y recursos que brindan. Por consiguiente, los hallazgos destacaron factores que inciden en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, siendo los internos, voluntad propia, entusiasmo, disfrute, satisfacción, y autonomía; y los externos recompensas y reconocimiento. El estudio favorece a la investigación y al área educativa, proporcionando información clave de la importancia de los estímulos intrínsecos y extrínsecos en las planificaciones curriculares.
... Another interesting phenomenon is the use of interjections. Although some researchers argue that interjection should be taught at the early stages of language learning, due to its unique linguistic nature, interjection has been poorly researched and are therefore rarely taught in a systematic way [18,19]. Notably, our feature importance analysis revealed that interjections were not only used by children with elementary English proficiency, but were also related to children's L2 narrative comprehension. ...
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An increasingly popular practice in education across the globe is teaching young students a second language, primarily English. This study investigates the various constraints and challenges encountered by parents as they endeavor to introduce English to their young children. The research aims to shed light on the multifaceted factors that influence language learning in early childhood. This research was conducted qualitatively by using research instruments in the form of interviews with 8 parents as of data collection. This study categorizes several constrains faced by parents in the context of teaching their children English. The results draw attention to a number of important limitations, parents faced some constrains, such as lack of English skill, limited exposure to English, time constrains, cultural barriers, and financial constrain. In addition, parental time limits, restricted access to good language resources, socioeconomic variables, and varying parental language skill levels. The study also explores psychological barriers such as parents' fears of bilingualism, worries about confusing their kids, and misunderstandings regarding early language acquisition.
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The United Nation's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognise that quality education requires the integration of global citizenship education (GCE) into school curricula. A powerful way to integrate a global citizenship perspective in primary education is by harnessing the motivational power of stories in English-language learning (ELL) as a way of developing young learners' global consciousness and global competencies. This article explores how story-based instruction can develop intercultural and ecological awareness, alongside reading and writing skills, by incorporating the vision and values of global citizenship education through a careful selection and use of picture books and storytelling practices in the primary English-language classroom.
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New methodologies are becoming especially important in the training of future teachers. Traditional lectures at the University are being left behind, for teachers to acquire a more theoretical-practical orientated method that allows them to implement and apply new learning strategies and active methodologies in the classroom. It is time to transform conventional methodologies in university classrooms, with very theoretical nuance, towards a new reality with more practical content for the benefit of future teachers. This study analyses the learning context of students in the second year of the Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education in terms of motivation, interest and learning in the subject “Early Learning of the Foreign Language: English”, applying Project Based Learning (PBL) to the university classroom. The research is based on a qualitative questionnaire and is completed with personal interviews with a sample of several groups of undergraduate students in the last two academic years. The results reflect excellent levels of motivation and learning, as well as the acquisition of strategies and teaching skills for teaching foreign language in Early Childhood Education. According to the results obtained, there is evidence that Project Based Learning implemented with ICT facilitates active participation, competences ́ development, social skills and improvement in the acquisition of content by student teachers.
This volume focuses on the teaching of English as a foreign language to young learners at primary school. The volume features an introduction that covers essentials of teaching English to young learners from a theoretical, empirical, and neuroscientific perspective while also discussing the notion of a principled mindset, competence development, transcultural learning, the use of materials and literature, and lesson planning. The subsequent contributions cover reading and writing, bilingual programs, the transition from primary to secondary school, storybooks, the importance of self-selected fiction, anti-bias education, ways of encouraging young learners to speak, and professional advice for primary English language educators based on a qualitative analysis of interviews. Based on an international TEFL lecture series, researchers, teacher educators, and practising teachers from Germany, Switzerland, and the United States share their insights into these central issues and offer theoretical concepts for the professional development of (pre-service) primary school English teachers. Practical ideas and examples included in this volume aim to make theoretical constructs accessible and relatable for future teachers of English. The afterword features a look ahead by critically examining future challenges of primary school educators and highlighting (1) the great importance of an early start with English as a foreign language and (2) the need for developing national educational standards. This volume provides a research-based and practice-oriented foundation for (pre-service) English teachers wishing to expand their knowledge and gain an insight into recent developments in foreign language learning theories and concepts. Although mostly aimed at primary school educators, particularly the introductory chapter will be equally relevant for university students or teachers focusing on vocational and secondary school teaching, so that they develop an understanding of specific features of primary English language education and, as concerns secondary school teachers, can contribute to a smooth transition in the fifth grade.
This volume focuses on the teaching of English as a foreign language to young learners at primary school. The volume features an introduction that covers essentials of teaching English to young learners from a theoretical, empirical, and neuroscientific perspective while also discussing the notion of a principled mindset, competence development, transcultural learning, the use of materials and literature, and lesson planning. The subsequent contributions cover reading and writing, bilingual programs, the transition from primary to secondary school, storybooks, the importance of self-selected fiction, anti-bias education, ways of encouraging young learners to speak, and professional advice for primary English language educators based on a qualitative analysis of interviews. Based on an international TEFL lecture series, researchers, teacher educators, and practising teachers from Germany, Switzerland, and the United States share their insights into these central issues and offer theoretical concepts for the professional development of (pre-service) primary school English teachers. Practical ideas and examples included in this volume aim to make theoretical constructs accessible and relatable for future teachers of English. The afterword features a look ahead by critically examining future challenges of primary school educators and highlighting (1) the great importance of an early start with English as a foreign language and (2) the need for developing national educational standards. This volume provides a research-based and practice-oriented foundation for (pre-service) English teachers wishing to expand their knowledge and gain an insight into recent developments in foreign language learning theories and concepts. Although mostly aimed at primary school educators, particularly the introductory chapter will be equally relevant for university students or teachers focusing on vocational and secondary school teaching, so that they develop an understanding of specific features of primary English language education and, as concerns secondary school teachers, can contribute to a smooth transition in the fifth grade.
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This study investigates Korean-Canadian children’s bilingual learning in the context of a community-based heritage language classroom. Due to a request made by the focus teacher, the author’s positionality shifted from an observer to a participant observer, resulting in collaborative activity planning and implementation. Using classroom observations, interviews with the focus teacher, and children’s artefacts as data sources, this study examines how pedagogical changes alter heritage language learners’ engagement and interactions in classroom activities. This study showcases how translanguaging can be utilized to create new pedagogical possibilities in a heritage language classroom. Based on the findings, the author conceptualizes the continuum of classroom interactions with regards to linguistic, cultural, pedagogical, and socio-affective areas.
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This article provides a microscopic view of learners’ first encounters with multimodal texts in their primary EFL classrooms. It is argued that multimodal texts create opportunities for language development in the primary EFL classroom: they offer different access points for comprehension, invite participation, and motivate repeated practice so that samples of natural language are memorized and can become part of the learners’ own language repertoire. Audio-recordings of three sessions in different primary classes were analysed to gain a better understanding of young learners’ engagement with different types of multimodal texts, such as an action story and video clips of one song and one chant. The eight- to ten-year-old learners responded to the different modes of the input, i.e. movement, sound, image, and speech, by repeatedly joining in with accompanying actions and sound effects, and by imitating language unprompted. With every encounter with the multimodal text, their verbal contributions grew.
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This chapter begins with the pervasive role of stories in human culture. Subsequently oral storytelling with young learners is distinguished from the sharing of picturebooks, and the concept of a story template is introduced. Orality and oracy are differentiated; and the oral nature of tales and storytelling is examined with regard to patterned, formulaic and additive language as well as stock characters, repeated themes and audience participation. Following the language acquisition opportunities of oral storytelling, the educational advantages of storytelling and narrative are examined. This includes how stories support the development of empathy, and suggests the success of stories is connected to our evolved human nature. In the next section, the central role of teacher-storytellers and creative teacher talk in the young-learner classroom is discussed. Finally the chapter offers a nine-step illustration of storytelling in the L2 primary classroom with Three Billy Goats Gruff.
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Both language and content are involved in all holistic, content-based approaches to language education with young learners. This chapter argues that waiting until children are old enough to study adult literature creates a delay in their affective, cognitive and literacy development that may be difficult to reverse. The formats and characteristics of children’s literature are presented, including multimodal texts such as picture books, graphic novels and story apps that support multisensory learning of integrated language and content. Children’s literature can support learners in tolerance of ambiguity, in the development of rich lexical representations of language, in implicit learning of formulaic sequences and in recognizing language patterning, for example, through poetry and oral storytelling. Learning through literature can also stimulate and promote creative writing in English. Thus literature in English language education offers a valuable study in multiple ways – for the acquisition of intercultural understanding, literary literacy and critical literacy, aesthetic pleasure, visual literacy, windows on other worlds and, an important skill in an increasingly rapid world, deep reading.
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Language teacher education is widely identified as one of the most important areas that needs addressing in order to improve early language instruction, yet research into teacher education for early language teachers remains relatively sparse. This volume responds to this gap by compiling studies with diverse methodological tenets from a wide range of geographical and educational contexts around the world. The volume aims to enhance understanding of early language teacher education as well as to address the need to prepare early language teachers and assist them in their professional development. The chapters focus on the complexity of teacher learning, innovations in mentoring and teacher supervision, strategies in programme development and perceptions, and knowledge and assessment in early language learning teacher education. The volume offers comprehensive coverage of the field by addressing various aspects of teacher education in different languages. The contributions highlight examples of research into current practice in the professional enhancement of early language learning teachers, but with an emphasis on the implications for practitioners.
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EYL (English for Young Learners) is a global phenomenon, and yet research is laden with reports suggesting teachers’ difficulty in developing appropriate EYL pedagogy (e.g. Butler, 2015; Copland, Garton & Burns 2014; Emery, 2012; Garton, Copland & Burns, 2011; Le & Do, 2012; Zein, 2015, 2016a, 2016b). This paper reports on a study that investigated the perspectives of twenty-six (26) teachers on the appropriate pedagogy needed to teach in the EYL classroom. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The findings demonstrate that in the EYL classroom larger emphasis needs to be given to the young learners rather than the language. The findings show that developing a child-friendly pedagogy in the EYL classroom is of vital importance; it is at the core of EYL pedagogy. This brings implications for TESOL teacher education at pre-service and in-service levels in the sense that TESOL teacher educators need to design courses aimed to foster child-friendly pedagogy. The paper specifically argues for TESOL teacher education to make stronger emphasis on child individual differences (IDs). This is necessary in order to equip teachers with appropriate working knowledge in second language acquisition (SLA) that is prerequisite to the development of EYL teaching expertise.
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Teaching children how to learn offers Primary language teachers a practical methodology based on the importance, now universally recognized in curricula around the world, of teaching children how to learn. It contains three distinctive parts which take teachers through a step-by-step approach to understanding, implementing and reflecting on learning to learn. It shows how learning to learn can be achieved through a “Plan, Do, Do More, Review and Share” routine.
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This article begins by discussing the term 'picturebook', followed by a definition which centres on the picture-word dynamic, the social and cultural implications of using picturebooks and an explanation of picturebook peritext. This is followed by a section that discusses response and its relevance to teachers who want to (re)consider picturebooks in an EFL classroom. A category of responses is then suggested as a way to support EFL teachers to understand their learners' responses to picturebooks and help them recognize the relevance of response to the storytelling experience. The final section describes two picturebooks with concrete examples of the different ways picturebooks enable and promote authentic responses through both the pictures and the words.
This chapter proposes an interdisciplinary, transformation-oriented perspective of theory for language education. This perspective departs from traditional definitions of theory as a corpus of technical knowledge about teaching and learning; rather, language education theory is conceptualized as a heuristic process of meaning-making, and as the emergent understandings of teachers’ professional existence that result from it. Explicitly articulating such understandings is necessary for professional growth, and for challenging invisible processes that sustain structural inequalities in language education. The first part of the chapter describes a conceptual framework for scaffolding language education theory by relating it to the informing disciplines of applied linguistics, language education psychology, and pedagogy. The understandings that emerge from this synthesis are defined as being conservatively- or transformationally-oriented, and the argument is advanced that atomistic perspectives tend to be conservative in outlook. In the second part of the chapter, this argument is extended by suggesting that the emergent understandings are dynamic, and they may be “nudged” towards conservative or transformational directions by new input from the informing disciplines. This is exemplified with reference to examples from linguistics, psychology, and pedagogy. The chapter concludes by problematizing the implications of this perspective for language education.