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Molecular and Morphological Characterization of Two Novel Species Collected from Soil in Korea

Taylor & Francis

Abstract and Figures

Two fungal species of ascomycetes were discovered during the screening of soil microflora from the Gangwon Province in Korea: Didymella chlamydospora sp. nov. (YW23-14) and Microdochium salmonicolor sp. nov. (NC14-294). Morphologically, YW23-14 produces smaller chlamydospores (8.0–17.0 × 7.0–15.0 µm) than D. glomerata and D. musae. The strain NC14-294 was characterized by smaller conidiogenous cells (4.9–8.8 × 2.0–3.2 µm) compared with the closest strains M. fisheri and M. phragmitis. The detailed descriptions, illustrations, and discussions regarding the morphological and phylogenetical analyses of the closely related species are provided to support the novelty of each species. Thus, YW23-14 and NC14-294 are described here as newly discovered species.
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Molecular and Morphological Characterization of
Two Novel Species Collected from Soil in Korea
Kallol Das, Seung-Yeol Lee & Hee-Young Jung
To cite this article: Kallol Das, Seung-Yeol Lee & Hee-Young Jung (2019): Molecular and
Morphological Characterization of Two Novel Species Collected from Soil in Korea, Mycobiology,
DOI: 10.1080/12298093.2019.1695717
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Published online: 10 Dec 2019.
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Molecular and Morphological Characterization of Two Novel Species
Collected from Soil in Korea
Kallol Das
, Seung-Yeol Lee
and Hee-Young Jung
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea;
Institute of Plant Medicine, Kyungpook
National University, Daegu, Korea
Two fungal species of ascomycetes were discovered during the screening of soil microflora
from the Gangwon Province in Korea: Didymella chlamydospora sp. nov. (YW23-14) and
Microdochium salmonicolor sp. nov. (NC14-294). Morphologically, YW23-14 produces smaller
chlamydospores (8.017.0 7.015.0 mm) than D. glomerata and D. musae. The strain NC14-
294 was characterized by smaller conidiogenous cells (4.98.8 2.03.2 mm) compared with
the closest strains M. fisheri and M. phragmitis. The detailed descriptions, illustrations, and
discussions regarding the morphological and phylogenetical analyses of the closely related
species are provided to support the novelty of each species. Thus, YW23-14 and NC14-294
are described here as newly discovered species.
Received 21 June 2019
Revised 6 November 2019
Accepted 14 November 2019
Didymella chlamydospora;
Microdochium salmonicolor;
novel species
1. Introduction
Didymellaceae, the largest family established in
Pleosporales of Ascomycota, with more than 5400
taxon names listed in MycoBank and consisting of
three main genera, viz. Ascochyta,Didymella and
Phoma, and other allied Phoma-like genera [1,2].
The first generic level of Didymella was used by
Saccardo in 1880, with the description of Didymella
exigua [3,4]. The limits of Didymellaceae, redefined
the genera Epicoccum,Peyronellaea and
Stagonosporopsis, and established the genus
Boeremia and the taxonomic revision of Didymella
is necessary, especially because of its phytopatho-
logical importance [5]. Recently, a revision has been
published under the family of Didymellaceae,
encompassing 17 well supported monophyletic
clades which were treated as individual genera [6].
The correct species identification in this family has
always proven difficult, chiefly relying on morph-
ology and plant host association [5,6]. However, the
internal transcribed spacer regions intervening 5.8S
nrDNA (ITS), partial 28S large subunit nrDNA
(LSU) sequences, and partial regions of RNA poly-
merase II second largest subunit (RPB2) and
b-tubulin (TUB2) genes provide a relatively robust
phylogenetic backbone for taxonomic determination
[6]. Moreover, the species of Didymellaceae are
cosmopolitan and distributed throughout a broad
range of environments and most of the members in
this family are plant pathogens of a wide range of
hosts, mainly causing leaf and stem lesions; some
are of quarantine significance [58].
The genus Microdochium was introduced with
the isolation of species of M. phragmitis from living
leaves of Phragmites australis in Germany [9].
Microdochium species are recognized as Fusarium-
like fungi, nevertheless, the conidiogenous cells are
not phialidic as in true Fusarium species and
the conidia have a truncate base rather than
foot-cells. The sexual morphs of Microdochium
species are known to reside in Monographella
(Amphisphaeriaceae, Xylariales) [1013]. However,
the close affinity of Microdochium to Idriella has
been discussed and explored that the genus
Microdochium and Idriella are very similar genera
which have polyblastic conidiogenous cells and
hyaline falcate conidia, with the presence of
chlamydospores in culture [1416]. Nevertheless,
morphological and ecological delimitation of
Microdochium and Idriella is problematic as well as
remains obscure, and taxonomic affinities inferred
from molecular data have not yet been established.
Furthermore, to accommodate genera like
Microdochium,Idriella,andSelenodriella, the taxo-
nomic relationships of Microdochium Syd.,
Monographella Petr., and Idriella Nelson & Wilh
were recently defined based on morphology and
DNA sequence data, and introduced a new family
Microdochiaceae Hern.-Restr., Crous & Groenew
(Sordariomycetes, Xylariales) [17].
CONTACT Hee-Young Jung
ß2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the Korean Society of Mycology.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (,
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
During the recent surveying, two novel fungal
species of Ascomycota were collected from soil in
Korea. The purpose of this study was to identify the
newly discovered fungal species based on morpho-
logical and molecular characteristics.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Sample collection and fungal isolation
In 2017, samples were collected in Korea from the
riverside and forest soils of Yeongwol
(371625.7N, 1283137.3E) and Pyeongchang
(373706.4N, 1283303.4E), respectively. The soils
were taken randomly from a depth of 1015 cm
using pre-autoclaved sterile spatulas, immediately
transferred into sterile plastic bags, and then stored
at 4 C and then collected soils (1 g) were added to
10 mL of sterile double-distilled water and vortexed
gently until dissolved [18]. The solution was serially
diluted and then plated on potato dextrose agar
(PDA; Difco, Detroit, MI, USA) plates. After incu-
bating the PDA plates at 25 Cfor34 days, single
colonies were transferred onto new PDA plates to
obtain a pure culture, followed by incubation at
25 C. Two strains with different morphology were
selected for further molecular analyses. Metabolically
inactive and living culture of two strains (Didymella
chlamydospora: ZEVCFG0000000092 ¼KCTC 56426;
Microdochium salmonicolor: NIBRFG0000501933 ¼
KCTC 56427) were deposited to the National
Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) and Korean
Collection for Type Cultures (KCTC). The fungal
strains were maintained in 20% glycerol at 80 Cfor
further study.
2.2. Cultural and morphological observations
The cultural and morphological characteristics of
YW23-14 and NC14-294 were studied by growing
the strains on different media. The strain YW23-14
was transferred onto PDA, oatmeal agar (OA), or
malt extract agar (MEA), incubated at 25 C for
721 days, and then treated with near-ultraviolet
(UV) light (12 h light/12 h dark) [19,20]. The strain
NC14-294 was transferred on PDA or OA and incu-
bated at 25 C temperature for 721 days [17,21].
The fungal growth of each strain was measured, and
the colony characters were recorded. The myco-
logical characteristics were observed using a light
microscope (BX-50; Olympus, Tokyo, Japan).
2.3. Genomic DNA extraction, PCR amplification,
and sequencing
For molecular analyses, the fungal mycelia were
grown on PDA plates for 1 week at 25 C. Next,
total genomic DNA was extracted using the HiGene
Genomic DNA Prep Kit (BIOFACT, Daejeon,
Korea) according to the manufacturers instructions
and then stored at 20 C. The following target
genes were amplified for strain YW23-14 according
to previous studies: the internal transcribed spacer
(ITS) regions, b-tubulin (TUB2), 28S rDNA large
subunit (LSU), and the second largest subunit of
RNA polymerase II (RPB2) genes [19]. ITS and LSU
were used to amplify strain NC14-294 [21]. Next,
the amplified PCR products were purified with
ExoSAP-IT (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham,
MA, USA) and sequenced using Solgent (Daejeon,
Korea). The sequence data obtained in this study
were adjusted using the SeqMan software
(Lasergene, DNAStar Inc., Madison,
Wisconsin, USA).
2.4. Molecular phylogenetic analysis
The phylogenetic analyses were conducted using the
sequences retrieved from the National Center for
Biotechnology Information (NCBI) (Table 1). The
ambiguous regions were excluded from the align-
ments, and the evolutionary relationships with the
neighbor-joining algorithm were calculated using
Kimuras two-parameter model [22]. The alignments
were manually performed for each gene, and then
the sequences were merged by using MEGA7.0 soft-
ware program. The phylogenetic trees were also
inferred by following the maximum likelihood and
maximum parsimony algorithms using the software
program MEGA7.0 with the bootstrap values based
on 1,000 replications [23]. The bootstrap values
were considered as significant once equal to or
more than 70% [24].
3. Results
3.1. Taxonomical analysis of Didymella
chlamydospora YW23-14
3.1.1. Taxonomy
The strain YW23-14 showed distinct morphological
characteristics compared with other Didymella spe-
cies. Therefore, it is proposed as a new species.
Didymella chlamydospora K. Das, S.Y. Lee and
H.Y. Jung, sp. nov. (Figure 1)
MycoBank: MB 830919
Etymology: From Greek chlamydos-, cloak, and
from Latin - spora, spore.
Typus: Yeongwol, Korea (371625.7N,
1283137.3E), isolated from riverside soil. The
stock culture (ZEVCFG0000000092 ¼KCTC 56426)
was deposited in the National Institute of Biological
Resources (NIBR) and Korean Collection for Type
Cultures (KCTC), metabolically inactive culture.
Specimen examined: South Korea, Yeongwol,
from soil, deposited in NIBR Oct. 2017, H.Y. Jung,
(holotype ZEVCFG0000000092, dried and living cul-
ture, ex-holotype living culture KCTC 56426).
Ecology and distribution: Seed-, air- and soil-borne
saprophyte was reported globally by the various mem-
bers of this fungus. The strain was isolated from river-
side soil in South Korea. The soil was sandy to sandy
loam, yellowish brown, medium moisture capacity.
Cultural characteristics: The colonies vary in
color depending on the fungal growth on different
media. The strain cultured on PDA, MEA, and OA
media to study the cultural and morphological
characteristics (Figure 1(AC)). The average fungal
growth rates on PDA, MEA, and OA were
60.370.0, 52.059.0, and 58.069.0 mm, respect-
ively, at 25 C for 7 days. The upper surface of the
colonies on PDA were white to olivaceous in the
center, with wide olivaceous-colored margins;
reverse pale brown to olivaceous green. The colonies
on MEA were covered by white aerial mycelia, mar-
gin regular, fluffy; reverse became yellowish. And
the colonies on OA showed white to olivaceous
green in center; reverse olivaceous green to black.
Morphological characteristics: The strain pro-
duced a large amount of pycnidia on the surface of
the OA media after 3 to 4 weeks (Figure 1(D)). The
pycnidia were solitary to aggregate, dark brown to
Table 1. List of species used in this study and their GenBank accession numbers for phylogenetic analysis.
GenBank accession numbers
Speceis Strain numbers ITS LSU TUB RPB2
Didymella acetosellae CBS 179.97 GU237793 GU238034 GU237575 KP330415
D. aeria LC:8120 KY742052 KY742206 KY742294 KY742138
D. americana CBS 185.85 FJ426972 GU237990 FJ427088 KT389594
D. anserina CBS 360.84 GU237839 GU237993 GU237551 KT389596
D. anserina CBS 397.65 KT389500 KT389717 KT389797 KT389597
D. anserina CBS 253.80 KT389498 KT389715 KT389795 KT389595
D. anserina UTHSC:DI16-255 LT592926 LN907398 LT592995 LT593064
D. arachidicola CBS 333.75
GU237833 GU237996 GU237554 KT389598
D. boeremae CBS 109942
FJ426982 GU238048 FJ427097 KT389600
D. coffeae-arabicae CBS 123380
NR135965 MH874817 FJ427104 KT389603
D. curtisii PD 92/1460 FJ427041 GU238012 FJ427151 KT389604
D. eucalyptica CBS 377.91 GU237846 GU238007 GU237562 KT389605
D. exigua CBS 183.55
GU237794 EU754155 GU237525 EU874850
D. gardeniae CBS 626.68
NR135966 GQ387595 FJ427114 KT389606
D. glomerata CBS 528.66
NR158225 MH870525 FJ427124 GU371781
D. herbarum CBS 615.75 NR135967 EU754186 KF252703 KP330420
D. heteroderae CBS 109.92
FJ426983 GU238002 FJ427098 KT389601
D. lethalis CBS 103.25 GU237729 GU238010 GU237564 KT389607
D. macrostoma CBS 482.95 GU237869 GU238099 GU237626 KT389609
D. maydis CBS 588.69
FJ427086 EU754192 FJ427190 GU371782
D. microchlamydospora CBS 105.95
FJ427028 GU238104 FJ427138 KP330424
D. musae CBS 463.69 MH859353 GU238011 FJ427136 LT623248
D. nigricans LC:8136 KY742077 KY742231 KY742319 KY742160
D. pinodella CBS 531.66 FJ427052 MH870528 FJ427162 KT389613
D. pinodes CBS 525.77
GU237883 GU238023 GU237572 KT389614
D. pomorum CBS 285.76 MH860978 MH872748 FJ427163 KT389615
D. protuberans CBS 377.93 GU237847 GU238014 GU237565 KT389619
D. sancta CBS 281.83
NR135973 GU238030 FJ427170 KT389623
D. subglomerata CBS 110.92 FJ427080 GU238032 FJ427186 KT389626
Neoascochyta paspali CBS 560.81
NR135970 GU238124 FJ427158 KP330426
D. chlamydospora YW23-14
MK836111 MK836109 LC482279 LC480708
Microdochium albescens CBS 290.79 KP859014 KP858950 ––
M. bolleyi CBS 540.92 KP859010 KP858946 ––
M. citrinidiscum CBS 109067
KP859003 KP858939 ––
M. colombiense CBS 624.94
KP858999 KP858935 ––
M. chrysanthemoides LC5363 KU746690 KU746736 ––
M. fisheri CBS 242.91
KP859015 KP858951 ––
M. fisheri NFCCI 4083 KY777595 KY777594 ––
M. lycopodinum CBS 125585 KP859016 KP858952 ––
M. majus CBS 741.79 KP859001 KP858937 ––
M. musae CBS 143500 MH107895 MH107942 ––
M. neoqueenslandicum CBS 108926
NR145247 KP858938 ––
M. nivale CBS 116205 KP859008 KP858944 ––
M. novae-zelandiae CPC 29376 LT990655 LT990627 ––
M. phragmitis CBS 423.78 KP859012 KP858948 ––
M. rhopalostylidis CBS 145125 MK442592 MK442532 ––
M. seminicola CBS 122706 KP859007 KP858943 ––
M. sorghi CBS 691.96 KP859000 KP858936 ––
M. tainanense CBS 269.76
KP859009 KP858945 ––
M. trichocladiopsis CBS 623.77
KP858998 KP858934 ––
Humicola olivacea DTO 319-C7 KX976676 KX976770 ––
M. salmonicolor NC14-294
MK836110 MK836108 ––
The isolated strains are indicated in bold of this study.
black in color with the immersed texture on the sur-
face of medium. The numerous pycnidia were also
produced on the surface of agar and the pycnidia
were prolific on PDA after 56 weeks with the diam-
eter (n¼30) of 93273 68222 mm, and with the
average diameter 169 124 mm(Figure 1(EG)).
The pycnidial wall pseudoparenchymatous, oblong
to isodiametric cells, thick-wall, outer wall 23-lay-
ered, pigmented (Figure 1(H)). The micromorpho-
logical structures were analyzed using the culture on
OA media. The hyphae were septate, bent, smooth
with thin walls, hyaline to pale yellow, subglobose,
branched, and width of 2.403.60 mm. The chlamy-
dospores were abundant; solitary or in chains;
mostly multicellular, but sometimes unicellular;
partly short-branched, although sometimes having
unbranched chains; usually guttulate; thick-walled;
pale brown to brown; globose to subglobose; and
with diameters (n¼50) of 8.017.0 7.015.0 mm
and an average size of 12.5 11.80 mm(Figure
1(IK)); Table 2). Conidiogenous cells were phiali-
dic, hyaline, smooth, ampulliform to doliiform,
6.1411.0 3.437.4 mm(Figure 1(LN)). The coni-
dia were unicellular, aseptate, hyaline, and globose
to ellipsoidal, with diameters of 4.707.40
2.24.0 mm(n¼50) and an average size of
6.1 2.9 mm(Figure 1(O)).
Note: The shape and size of chlamydospores dif-
fered extensively. The YW23-14 strains chlamydo-
spores were multicellular or unicellular, with
abundant guttules within cells, thick-walled, subglo-
bose globose, and color pale brown to brown.
In contrast, the chlamydospores of D. glomerata
were usually multicellular-dictyosporous, sometimes
solitary, smooth then roughened, and dark brown to
black, compared with the chlamydospores of the
Figure 1. Cultural and morphological characteristics of YW23-14. The colony on potato dextrose agar (PDA) (A); malt extract
agar (MEA) (B); oatmeal agar (OA) (C) for 7 days incubation at 25 C. Pycnidia forming on OA (D); Pycnidia on PDA (EG);
Pycnidial wall (H); Chlamydospores (IK); Conidiogenous cells (LN); Conidia (O). Scale bars: DG¼100 lm; HO¼10 lm.
most closest species of D. anserina were absent; but
some strains had swollen elements [25]. On the
other hand, the chlamydospores of D. musae were
generally solitary, smooth or irregularly roughened,
tanned to dark brown, multicellular-dictyo/phrag-
mosporous, and often discovered to be terminal ele-
ments of short lateral branches, sometimes growing
as constituent cells [26]. The strain YW23-14 gener-
ated numerous smaller-diameter chlamydospores
(8.017.0 7.015.0 mm) than the closest known
species D. glomerata ((18.0)30.065.0(80.0)
(12.0)15.025.0(35.0) mm) and D. musae
(13.045.0(50.0)7.020.0(25.0) mm) (Table 2)
[25,26,28]. The conidial size of the strain YW23-14
varied (4.707.40 2.24.0 mm) but were almost
similar to that of D. glomerata ((3.5)48.5(10)
1.53.0(3.5) mm) and D. musae (4.0(3.5)7.0(8.5)
2.04.0 mm), although larger than that of D. anserina
(2.43.2(5.5)1.82.4(3.0) mm) (Table 2)[25,26,28].
3.1.2. Phylogenetic analysis of YW23-14
Through sequence analysis, 621 bp of the ITS
region, 761 bp of LSU, 826 bp of RPB2, and 333 bp
of TUB2 were obtained. The BLAST search results
of ITS sequences in the NCBI database revealed that
the strains Didymella americana R63-023, D. pino-
della CBS 110.32, and D. glomerata CBS 127059
each exhibited 99% similarity with the strain YW23-
14. The 28S rDNA large subunit (LSU) exhibited
99% similarity with that of strains Ascochyta herbi-
cola (Phoma herbicola) B-2-13, Phoma odoratissimi
CGMCC 3.17502, and Microsphaeropsis olivacea
CBS 432.71. The RPB2 gene regions revealed simi-
larities with the strains D. musae CBS 463.69 (95%),
D. glomerata UTHSC DI16-205 (94%), D. anserina
UTHSC DI16-255 (93%), and D. americana P-020
(93%). The partial b-tubulin (TUB2) gene was most
similar to the strains P. australis ICMP 7037 (96%)
and D. americana MF-010-003 (96%). The max-
imum likelihood and maximum parsimony trees
were also constructed to determine the exact taxo-
nomic position of the strain and indicated the nodes
with the filled circles in neighbor-joining phylogen-
etic tree, whereas, open circles indicate the corre-
sponding nodes with the maximum likelihood or
maximum parsimony algorithm (Figure 2). In the
phylogram, the strain YW23-14 is placed closely
together with D. anserina (CBS 253.80, CBS 360.84,
CBS 397.65, and UTHSC:DI16-255), D. musae CBS
463.69, and D. glomerata CBS 528.66. The phylogen-
etic analyses revealed, with strong bootstrap support,
that YW23-14 belongs to a distinct cluster than the
previously identified Didymella species. Thus, the
neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree supports that the
phylogenetic position of the strain YW23-14 is dis-
tinct from the other known species of Didymella
(Figure 2).
3.2. Taxonomical analysis of Microdochium
salmonicolor NC14-294
3.2.1. Taxonomy
The strain NC14-294 showed distinct morphological
characteristics compared with other allied species of
Table 2. Morphological characteristics of Didymella chlamydospora sp. nov. and comparison with the closest species
of Didymella.
Sl. No. Strains name Pycnidia (lm) Chlamydospores (lm) Conidia (lm) References
1D. chlamydosporaa
93273 68222 8.017.0 7.015.0 4.77.4 2.24.0 This study
2D. anserina (CBS 364.91) 112136 112176 Absent 2.43.2(5.5)1.82.4(3.0) [25]
3D. musae (CBS 463.69) 150200 13.045.0(50.0)
4.0(3.5)7.0(8.5)2.04.0 [26]
4D. glomerata
(CBS 528.66
100200 (18.0)30.065.0(80.0)
(3.5)4.08.5(10)1.53.0(3.5) [25]
5D. herbarum (CBS 615.75) 130265 120240 N/A 4.56.0 2.03.0 [6]
6D. subglomerata
(CBS 110.92)
125225 30.065.0 15.035.0 (5.0)7.012.0(15.0)2.03.5(4.0) [25]
7D. prosopidis
(CBS 136550)
up to 200 5.09.0 (5.0)5.56.0(7.0)(2.5)3.0(3.5) [27]
8D. americana
(CBS 185.85)
100220 15.025.0 5.08.0(8.5)2.03.0(3.5) [25]
9D. pinodella (CBS 319.90) 96320 8.020.0 8.015.0 4.06.8 (7.06.0)2.23.4 [28]
10 D. heteroderae
(CBS 875.97)
70250 5.08.0 5.08.0 3.57.5(12.0)2.03.5(4.5) [29]
11 D. herbicola (CBS 629.97) 120340 Absent 5.07.0 (8.5)2.03.0 [29]
12 D. tanaceti (TAS
85215 N/A 4.08.5 1.53.5 [30]
13 D. chenopodii
(CBS 128.93)
100250 Absent 4.06.8(9.8)1.62.6(4.0) [31]
14 D. aeria
(CGMCC 3.18353
N/A 3.05.0 2.03.0 [19]
15 D. negriana (CBS 358.71) 70220 Absent 4.58.5 (10.5)2.04.0 [29]
N/A: not available in previous references.
Microdochium. Therefore, it is described as a
new species.
Microdochium salmonicolor K. Das, S.Y. Lee
and H.Y. Jung, sp. nov. (Figure 3)
MycoBank: MB 830929
Etymology: The specific name salmonicolor
referring to the light salmon color colonies
on media.
Typus: Pyeongchang, Korea (373706.4N,
1283303.4E), isolated from forest soil. The stock
culture (NIBRFG0000501933 ¼KCTC 56427) was
deposited in the NIBR and KCTC, metabolically
inactive culture.
Specimen examined: South Korea, Pyeongchang,
from soil, deposited in NIBR Oct. 2017, H.Y. Jung,
(holotype NIBRFG0000501933, dried and living cul-
ture, ex-holotype living culture KCTC 56427).
Ecology and distribution: The different members
of this fungi recorded from grasses, cereals, living
leaves, roots, and aquatic (marine) environment.
The strain isolated from forest soil in South Korea.
The soil content plant debris, yellowish brown,
lower moisture capacity.
Cultural characteristics: The strain was cultured
on PDA and OA media to observe the cultural and
morphological characteristics (Figure 3(AD)). On
PDA and OA media, the colonies reached 54.058.0
and 51.056.0 mm, respectively, with a 7-days incu-
bation at 25 C. The colonies on PDA were flat,
tightly attached to the media, aerial mycelium aggre-
gated into slimy masses, small pellets, light salmon
to brown in the center with a regular margin, and
the reverse color light salmon to dark brown in the
center (Figure 3(A,B)). Colonies on OA were flat,
Figure 2. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of YW23-14 based on the combined sequences (ITS þLSU þRPB2 þTUB), show-
ing the relationship between Didymella chlamydospora sp. nov. with the closest Didymella spp. Neoascochyta paspali CBS
used as an outgroup. The numbers above the branches represent the bootstrap values obtained for 1,000 replicates
(values smaller than 70% were not shown). The isolated strain of this study is indicated in bold. Bar, 0.01 substitutions per
nucleotide position.
white cottony, rosy buff, margin entire, slightly
raised in the center, and tightly attached to the
media with several small pellet-like structures on the
colony; the reverse color was light salmon to dark
brown at the center (Figure 3(C,D)).
Morphological characteristics: The micromor-
phological structures were studied using the cultures
on OA medium. The hyphae were hyaline to pale
brown, septate, and smooth, with a width of
2.303.10 mm. The conidiophores were hyaline to
pale brown, septate, branched, and born from the
hyphae (Figure 3(EF)). The conidiogenous cells
were subcylindrical to oval, bent in the center, hya-
line, tapering towards the edge, (0)1 septate, and
had a diameter (n¼10) of 4.98.8 2.03.2 mm and
an average size of 7.7 2.6 mm, with the mycelium
reduced to conidiogenous cells that had grown from
the hyphae (Figure 3(GI)). The conidia were hya-
line to brown, blunted in both apices, fusiform, cla-
vate, sometimes bent in the middle, (0)1 septate,
with dimensions (n¼20) of 8.011.30
2.403.70 mm, and an average size of 9.4 2.9 mm;
sometimes the conidia were produced directly from
hyphae (Figure 3(JM);Table 3). Chlamydospores
were not observed.
Note: The colonies on PDA were flat, tightly
attached to the media, with small pellet-like struc-
tures, light salmon to brown color in the center
with regular margin, and the reverse color was light
salmon to dark brown in center (Figure 3(A) and
Table 3). The closest species, Microdochium fisheri,
produced colonies that were flat, margin entire,
slightly raised to umbonate in the center, and pink-
ish white with a reverse grayish orange color [21].
M. lycopodinum were white cottony, lanose to flo-
cosse, buff to rosy buff, and margin effuse on OA
media, whereas M. phragmitis displayed as floccose,
white in the center, sparse aerial mycelia, buff to the
periphery, margin effuse, and reverse buff on OA
media [17]. The conidiogenous cells of the strain
NC14-294 were subcylindrical to oval, bent in the
center, tapering towards the edge, hyaline, and had
dimensions of 4.98.8 2.03.2 mm, which is smaller
than that of the previously identified M. phragmitis
(6.024.0 1.53.0 mm) but close to that of M. lyco-
podinum (4.012.0 2.53.5 mm) (Table 3)[17]. The
conidiogenous cells of M. phragmitis were terminal,
sympodial, denticulate, hyaline, smooth, cylindrical
to clavate, and sometimes navicular. M. lycopodinum
produced holoblastic conidiogenous cells with per-
current proliferations that were ampulliform to lage-
niform, and subcylindrical. Regarding M. fisheri, the
conidiogenous cells were terminal to intercalary,
cylindrical to denticulate, and tapering towards the
apex, with great variation in length [21]. The com-
parison with certain species of the genus showing
high sequence similarities did not show colonial
similarities such as tightly attached with the cultural
media, tiny pallets like structures, light salmon to
brown in the center with regular margins; reverse
Figure 3. Cultural and morphological characteristics of NC14-294. Colony on potato dextrose agar (A, B) and oatmeal agar (C,
D), respectively, at 25 C in 7 days. Conidiophores (E, F); Conidiogenous cells (GI); Conidia (JM). Black arrow indicated coni-
diogenous cells. Scale bars: EM¼10 lm.
light salmon to dark brown in the center. Thats
why, the cultural and morphological characteristics
indicate that the Korean strain NC14-294 is distinct
from previously known species of Microdochium.
3.2.2. Phylogenetic analysis of NC14-294
After the sequence analysis of NC14-294,578 bp
from the ITS regions and 901 bp from the 28S
rDNA gene were obtained. According to the BLAST
search results, the analysis of the ITS sequences in
the NCBI database indicated similarities of 98%,
97%, and 96% with Microdochium lycopodinum CBS
109398 M. phragmitis CBS 423.78, and M. fisheri
CBS 242.91
, respectively. The 28S rDNA large sub-
unit (LSU) showed similarities with those of the
strains M. fisheri CBS 242.90 (99%), Arthrobotrys
foliicola CBS 242.90 (99%), M. phragmitis CBS
423.78 (98%), and M. lycopodinum CBS 146.68
(98%). The phylogenetic analysis was conducted
based on a combination of ITS regions with the par-
tial sequences of the 28S rDNA. The exact taxo-
nomic position of the strain NC14-294 was
indicated by the node in the neighbor-joining
Table 3. Cultural and Morphological characteristics of Microdochium salmonicolor sp. nov. and comparison with the closest
species of Microdochium.
Sl. No. Strains name Cultural characteristics Conidiogenous cells (lm) Conidia (lm) References
Colonies on PDA were flat, tightly
attached with the media, small
pallets, light salmon to brown
color in center with regular
margin; reverse light salmon to
dark brown in center. Colonies on
OA were flat, white cottony, rosy
buff, margin entire, slightly raised
in the center, and tightly attached
to the media with several small
pellet-like structures on the colony;
the reverse color was light salmon
to dark brown at the center.
4.98.8 2.03.2 8.011.3 2.43.7 This study
2M. fisheri (NFCCI 4083) Colonies on PDA were flat, margin
entire, slightly raised to umbonate
center, pinkish white with reverse
grayish orange.
N/A 4.812.0 1.63.6 [21]
3M. lycopodinum
(CBS 109399)
White cottony, lanose to flocosse,
buff to rosy buff, margin effuse on
OA media. PDA:N/A.
4.012.0 2.53.5 8.015.5 2.54.0 [17]
4M. phragmitis
(CBS 285.71)
Floccose, white in the center, sparse
aerial mycelium, buff to the
periphery, margin effuse; reverse
buff on OA media. PDA:N/A.
6.024.0 1.53.0 10.014.5 2.03.0 [17]
5M. rhopalostylidis
(CPC 34449
Colonies flat, spreading, with
moderate aerial mycelium and
smooth, lobate margin, covering
dish after 2 wk at 25 C. On MEA
and PDA surface saffron to luteous,
reverse sienna; on OA surface
umber to saffron.
4.010.0 3.03.5 (13.0)16.020.0(23.0)
6M. trichocladiopsis
(CBS 623.77
Colonies on OA flat, lacking aerial
mycelium, rosy buff, black near to
the inoculum, margin diffuse,
reverse similar.
4.037.5 2.03.0 6.018.0 2.03.5 [17]
7M. citrinidiscum
(CBS 109067
Colonies on OA cottony, white,
periphery scarce aerial mycelium,
saffron, margin diffuse, reverse
saffron, no exudate or soluble
pigment produced.
11.029.0 1.52.0 7.031.0 2.03.0 [17]
8M. colombiense
(CBS 624.94
Colonies on OA flat, salmon, no
exudate or soluble pigment
produced, margin diffuse or entire;
reverse saffron.
5.011.5 2.53.5 5.08.0 1.52.5 [17]
9M. chrysanthemoides
Colonies on PDA felty, compact, erose
or dentate, white initially, then
becoming yellowish with age.
Exudate occasionally appeared on
old sporodochia. Reverse yellowish
to orange, due to the soluble
pigment secreted.
5.012.0 3.04.5 4.57.0 2.03.0 [33]
10 M. neoqueenslandicum
(CBS 108926
Colonies on OA center flat, creamy,
with concentric rings, peach to
salmon, periphery with cottony
aerial mycelium, white, margin
diffuse, entire.
4.510.0 2.03.5 4.09.0 1.53.0 [17]
N/A: not available in previous references.
phylogenetic tree along with the filled nodes in the
maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony
trees. The corresponding nodes were also recovered
using the maximum likelihood or maximum parsi-
mony algorithms, as indicated by the open circles
(Figure 4). The analysis of the combined sequences
of the phylogenetic tree revealed that the position of
NC14-294 was distinct from the other identified
species under the genus Microdochium (Figure 4).
4. Discussion
For the present study, the following two morpho-
logically different strains were isolated in 2017 from
the soil in Yeongwol and Pyeongchang, South
Korea: YW23-14 and NC14-294. The strains exhib-
ited morphological differences from each of the pre-
viously identified closely related species, as is
supported by descriptions of the latter in previous
reports (Tables 2 and 3). The phylogenetic relation-
ships between the Korean strain YW23-14 and pre-
viously published authentic strains were inferred by
using maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor-joining
(NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) analyses of the
ITS regions, LSU, RPB2, and TUB2 genes. The
boundaries within the Didymella, a combined align-
ment of ITS regions, LSU, RPB2, and TUB2
sequences was created to clarify the species, contain-
ing 30 strains (including the outgroup Neoascochyta
paspali). To determine the exact taxonomic position
of the strain, phylogenetic analysis was also con-
ducted based on a combination of the sequences
with maximum parsimony (tree length ¼985, con-
sistency index ¼0.43, retention index ¼0.57, and
composite index ¼0.30) (Figure 2). In case of
NC14-294, phylogenetic relationships between the
isolated Korean strain and previously identified
strains were inferred by using ML, NJ, and MP
analyses of the ITS regions and LSU. A combined
alignment of ITS regions and LSU sequences was
created to clarify the species which containing 21
strains including the outgroup Humicola olivacea.
During the analysis of a sequence combination with
the maximum parsimony (tree length ¼422, con-
sistency index ¼0.60, retention index ¼0.78, and
composite index ¼0.56) was also used to determine
the precise taxonomic position of the strain (Figure
4). So, the phylogenetic relationship determined
through the sequence analyses and indicated that
the strains YW23-14 and NC14-294 were distinct
from each of those identified species with the
strength of the internal branches of the trees as well
as the bootstrap values using 1,000 replications
(Figures 2 and 4).
Figure 4. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of NC14-294 based on the combined sequences (ITS þLSU), showing the rela-
tionship between Microdochium salmonicolor sp. nov. with the closest Microdochium spp. Humicola olivacea DTO 319-C7 used
as an outgroup. The numbers above the branches represent the bootstrap values obtained for 1,000 replicates (values smaller
than 70% were not shown). The isolated strain of this study is indicated in bold. Bar 0.02 substitutions per nucleo-
tide position.
Previous studies have reported that the genus
Didymella is widely distributed in field and orna-
mental crops, wild plants and most saprobes species
are commonly found in living or dead aerial parts
of herbaceous, wooden plants [8], and some act as
mutualistic endophytes [34]. Didymella pinodes (for-
merly known Mycosphaerella pinodes) has been
reported as the main causal agent of Ascochyta
blight, which is one of the most important fungal
diseases of the pea (Pisum sativum) worldwide
[35,36]. D. tanaceti and D. rosea have been identi-
fied as plant pathogens that cause the tan spot in
pyrethrum [30]. In addition, D. americana is the
causal agent of the foliar disease observed on baby
lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) in fields across west-
ern New York State, USA [21]. The recently estab-
lished family Didymellaceae [2,37] consist of many
taxa previously classified in the genus Phoma and
their related taxa, and includes many important
plant pathogens, some species of which are of quar-
antine concern [5,7,8].
The members of the genus Microdochium are
important plant pathogens, particularly on grasses
and cereals. Some of the species of Microdochium
are terrestrial cause economic damage to important
plants [38,39], nonpathogenic, and also sometimes
endophytes [40]. Many species of Microdochium
were also identified in the aquatic (marine) environ-
ment after evaluating diseased as well as healthy sal-
mon eggs and have been reported as M.
lycopodinum and M. phragmitis [41]. The root
necrosis and decay of grasses caused by M. bolleyi
[42] and M. paspali is responsible for the seashore
paspalum disease of Paspalum vaginatum [39]. The
study of Microdochium opens a new opportunity to
expand the area of research for bioactive com-
pounds such as cyclosporine A, an active compound
that has been isolated from an estuarine M. nivale
and that has the potential to control human and
animal diseases [43]. Another example is that of an
extract of M. phragmitis from Antarctic angio-
sperms, for which the cytotoxic activity against a
human tumoral cell line has been reported [44].
Finally, the systematic exploration of Microdochium
from natural sources is required to evaluate their
bioactive potentiality.
Considering all the aspects of these two new spe-
cies, the classification and ecology are mostly
important, and the potential activities of each of
species should be further investigated. According to
morphological and phylogenetic analyses, the strains
are especially distinct from previously identified
strains of the genera Didymella and Microdochium.
Thus, these two species are proposed as Didymella
chlamydospora sp. nov. and Microdochium salmoni-
color sp. nov.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by
the authors.
The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Environment
(MOE) of the Republic of Korea for the research on sur-
vey data and discovery of indigenous fungal species sup-
ported by a grant from the National Institute of
Biological Resources (NIBR).
Seung-Yeol Lee
Hee-Young Jung
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... Chen et al. [3] further clarified the generic delimitation in Didymellaceae using a morpho-molecular approach; Didymella was restricted to a monophyletic group and encompassed 37 species. Since then, 49 further species were added based on morphological and phylogenetic analyses [4,7,[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], but D. acutilobae, D. erhaiensis, D. gongkaensis, D. hippuris, and D. myriophyllana were considered invalid species under the ICN Art. 40.8 or Art. ...
... Crous et al. [15,16] introduced D. cari and D. finnmarkica using ITS, LSU, ACT, and TUB2 or RPB2. From 2020 onwards, except for D. nakii, D. azollae, and D. brevipilosa using ITS, LSU, and TUB2 orRPB2, the further described 27 Didymella species were introduced using ITS, LSU, RPB2, and TUB2 [4,7,[9][10][11]13,17,[19][20][21][22][24][25][26]. Recent studies indicated that the use of LSU, ITS, TUB2, and RPB2 shows good phylogenetic resolution in revealing the phylogeny of Didymella and related genera within Didymellaceae. ...
Full-text available
Didymella contains numerous plant pathogenic and saprobic species associated with a wide range of hosts. Over the course of our mycological surveys of plant pathogens from terrestrial plants in Jiangxi Province, China, eight strains isolated from diseased leaves of four host genera represented three new species of Didymella, D. bischofiae sp. nov., D. clerodendri sp. nov., and D. pittospori sp. nov. Phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS, LSU, RPB2, and TUB2 sequence data, using maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI), revealed their taxonomic placement within Didymella. Both morphological examinations and molecular phylogenetic analyses supported D. bischofiae, D. clerodendri, and D. pittospori as three new taxa within Didymella. Illustrations and descriptions of these three taxa were provided, along with comparisons with closely related taxa in the genus.
... Zhang, W.X. Sun & Z. Li were isolated from Indocalamus Nakai . In addition, some species of Microdochium were isolated from the environment, for example, M. salmonicolor K. Das, S.Y. Lee & H.Y. Jung was discovered during the screening of soil microflora (Das et al. 2020); M. lycopodinum (Jaklitsch, Siepe & Voglmayr) M. Hern.-Restr. & Crous was from the air. ...
... Importantly, chlamydospores were observed in M. chuxiongense, and yet M. indocalami was not observed. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Das et al. 2020 M. fisheri Sympodial,denticulate 19-60 × 1.5-2 Obovoid, subpyriform, to clavate, fusiform 7-12 × 3-4 0-1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0-2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Huang et al. 2020 M. paspali Single, terminal, ampulliform, lageniform to cylindrical, straight or bent, thin-walled, holoblastic, extending percurrently 6.5-15.5 × 2.5-4.0 Falcate, slightly to strongly curved, wedge-shaped, apex pointed or obtuse to subacute, lacking basal differentiation 7.0-20.5 × 2.5-4.5 0-3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Zhang et al. 2015 Discussion Hernández-Restrepo et al. (2016) classified Microdochium, Idriella, and Selenodriella as Microdochiaceae. ...
Full-text available
Microdochium includes important plant pathogens, parasitic in economically important wheat, barley, rice and corn, causing economic losses. A new species, Microdochium chuxiongense, was isolated from the host Bondarzewia sp. and reported from China. It was characterized by mycelium immersed and superficial and branched. Conidiophores were cylindrical, borne from the hyphae. Conidiogenous cells were sparse, hyaline, solitary, occasionally curved or swollen. Conidia were single or multiple, long oval, shuttle or sickle, straight or curved, and 0(–3)-septate. Chlamydospores were produced directly from mycelium, single, round or palmate. It was well-supported based on morphological characters and molecular evidence (LSU, ITS, tub2 and rpb2), and was a distinct species within the genus Microdochium. This work increases our understanding of the distribution and host diversity in this group, and provides important taxonomic data to further explore evolutionary relationships in the species of Microdochium.
... In 2021, soil samples were collected from Chungcheongbuk Province (37°01ʹ37ʹN, 127°16ʹ45ʺE), Korea, using a sterile spatula and stored in an air-dried plastic bag at 4℃. The isolation was performed using the dilution plating technique, as described previously [8]. A soil sample (1 g) was added to 10 mL of sterile distilled water, and the soil suspension was diluted serially and spread on potato dextrose agar plates (PDA; Difco, Detroit, MI, USA). ...
A fungal strain designated KNUF-21-66Q1 was isolated from soil in Chungcheongbuk Province, Korea. Moderate growth of colonies was observed on potato dextrose agar, oatmeal agar (OA), malt extract agar, and cornmeal agar media at 25℃, and the detailed morphology was examined on OA medium. The colonies on OA medium were flat, had entire margin, hyaline, and yellow concentric rings in 3-4 weeks. Conidiomata were pycnidial, solitary or clustered, globose to subglobose, black-brown, and 300-500 µm in diameter. Conidiogenous cells were smooth, hyaline, globose to ampulliform, and 6.0-9.0×3.0-6.0 µm in size (n=15). Conidia were hyaline to pale brown, slightly golden, obovoid to slightly ellipsoidal, smooth, guttulate, and 3.0-4.7×2.1-3.3 µm in size (n=100). The strain was confirmed based on phylogenetic analysis using internal transcribed spacer regions, the partial 28S rDNA of large subunit, and β-tubulin gene sequences. The morphological observations and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the strain KNUF-21-66Q1 was similar to the previously described Paraconiothyrium kelleni. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. kelleni in Korea.
... Microdochium species have been found in both tropical and subtropical regions, including austria, australia, brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, germany, Malaysia, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Syria, Switzerland, UK and USA (Kwaśna & Bateman 2007, Zhang et al. 2015, 2017, hernández-restrepo et al. 2016, Zhang et al. 2017, Crous et al. 2018, Ling et al. 2019, abdelhalim et al. 2020, huang et al. 2020. These species have also been recorded from various substrates, such as plant materials (including aquatic plants), soil and air of karst caves (hoog & hermanides-Nijhof 1977, Matsushima 1989, Zhang et al. 2015, Das et al. 2020, Liu et al. 2023. however, compared to other regions, fungi in this genus have poorly been reported in asia. ...
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During our investigation of ascomycetes fungi on Poaceae, a microdochium-like fungus was collected from dead grass leaves from a terrestrial habitat in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. Based on morphological characterization and phylogenetic analyses, we introduce this fungus as Microdochium sichuanense sp. nov. Maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of combined genes (LSU, ITS and rpb2) were performed to clarify the phylogenetic affinities of the new species. Microdochium sichuanense is phylogenetically closely related to M. hainanense and morphologically it fits the generic characteristics of Microdochium species in having ostiolate ascomata, peridium cells of textura angularis to textura prismatica, unitunicate, clavate to oblong, 8-spored asci and hyaline, oval to fusiform ascospores. The new species was compared with phylogenetically and morphologically closely related species, and detailed descriptions, micrographs, and phylogenetic trees of the new species are provided.
... accessed on 9 September 2022) [13]. However, Microdochium chuxiongense, M. indocalami, M. maculosum, M. ratticaudae, M. salmonicolor, and M. yunnanense were recently introduced [9,10,12,14,15] and, therefore, the total number of species in the genus should be 48. ...
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Microdochium species are frequently reported as phytopathogens on various plants and also as saprobic and soil-inhabiting organisms. As a pathogen, they mainly affect grasses and cereals, causing severe disease in economically valuable crops, resulting in reduced yield and, thus, economic loss. Numerous asexual Microdochium species have been described and reported as hyphomycetous. However, the sexual morph is not often found. The main purpose of this study was to describe and illustrate two new species and a new record of Microdochium based on morphological characterization and multi-locus phylogenetic analyses. Surveys of both asexual and sexual morph specimens were conducted from March to June 2021 in Yunnan Province, China. Here, we introduce Microdochium graminearum and M. shilinense, from dead herbaceous stems of grasses and report M. bolleyi as an endophyte of Setaria parviflora leaves. This study improves the understanding of Microdochium species on monocotyledonous flowering plants in East Asia. A summary of the morphological characteristics of the genus and detailed references are provided for use in future research.
... During isolation of Saprolegnia species from the site of infection or water, some fungal contaminants may also be present. Some of the fungal species encountered were of Didymella, Phoma, Schizophyllum and Emmia which also produced white colonies [25][26][27][28]. Hence identification of Saprolegnia species based on culture morphology may be difficult for untrained eyes. ...
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Saprolegnia parasitica is the most important pathogen under the genus, Saprolegnia which causes devastating oomycete diseases in freshwater fish. At present, the most common molecular method for identification of Saprolegnia species is sequencing of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (rDNA-ITS) region. In this study, a highly sensitive multiplex PCR targeting rDNA-ITS region and a hypothetical protein gene was developed using two sets of primer pair. In this PCR, two amplicons of different size of 750 bp and 365 bp are produced only in case of S. parasitica while other Saprolegnia species had single amplicon. This protocol could also differentiate Saprolegnia species from other fungus based on the size of rDNA-ITS region. The protocol does not require sequencing and can identify S. parasitica in a single reaction. Therefore, the multiplex PCR developed in this study may prove to be an easier, faster and cheaper molecular method for identification of S. parasitica.
... The soil sample was collected using a sterile spatula and stored in an air-dried plastic bag at 4 °C. The isolation was performed using the dilution plating technique, as described previously (Das et al. 2020). A soil sample (1 g) was mixed with 10 mL of sterile distilled water, vigorously vortexed, and the suspension was spread on potato dextrose agar (PDA; Difco, Detroit, MI, USA). ...
A fungal strain designated KNU16-007, belonging to the family Botryosphaeriaceae, was isolated from soil in Daegu, Korea. Phylogenetic analyses based on the concatenated nucleotide sequences of the ITS and TEF-1α regions, showed that the isolate resides in a clade together with Diplodia species but occupies a distinct phylogenetic position. Conidial dimensions of strain KNU16-007 (22.7-29.3 μm × 8.9-10.9 μm) or its conidial length:width ratio were significantly differed from those of the closely related D. sapinea, D. intermedia, D. scrobiculata, D. seriata, D. crataegicola, D. rosacearum, and D. citricarpa clearly indicating morphological differences from these species. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, and discussions regarding the morphological and phylogenetic analyses of the closely related species are provided to support the novelty of the isolated species. The results of phylogenetic analysis and morphological observations indicate that strain KNU16-007 represents a novel species in the genus Diplodia, for which the name Diplodia parva sp. nov. is proposed.
... Another clade was formed by M. poae and M. colombiense (first subclade), as well as by OTU3 and M. bolleyi (second subclade). The obtained topology of the phylogram perfectly matched the phylogenetic trees constructed previously for Microdochium species on the basis of more prolonged sequences of large subunit ribosomal ribonucleic acid (LSU rRNA), small subunit ribosomal ribonucleic acid (SSU rRNA), beta-tubulin, and other genes[85][86][87]. ...
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Snow mold is a severe plant disease caused by psychrophilic or psychrotolerant fungi, of which Microdochium species are the most harmful. A clear understanding of Microdochium biology has many gaps; the pathocomplex and its dynamic are poorly characterized, virulence factors are unknown, genome sequences are not available, and the criteria of plant snow mold resistance are not elucidated. Our study aimed to identify comprehensive characteristics of a local community of snow mold-causing Microdochium species colonizing a particular crop culture. By using the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technique, we characterized fungal and bacterial communities of pink snow mold-affected winter rye (Secale cereale) plants within a given geographical location shortly after snowmelt. Twenty-one strains of M. nivale were isolated, classified on the basis of internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region, and characterized by morphology, synthesis of extracellular enzymes, and virulence. Several types of extracellular enzymatic activities, the level of which had no correlations with the degree of virulence, were revealed for Microdochium species for the first time. Our study shows that genetically and phenotypically diverse M. nivale strains simultaneously colonize winter rye plants within a common area, and each strain is likely to utilize its own, unique strategy to cause the disease using “a personal” pattern of extracellular enzymes.
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Ascochyta koolunga (Didymellaceae, Pleosporales) was first described in 2009 (as Phoma koolunga ) and identified as the causal agent of Ascochyta blight of Pisum sativum (field pea) in South Australia. Since then A. koolunga has not been reported anywhere else in the world, and its origins and occurrence on other legume (Fabaceae) species remains unknown. Blight and leaf spot diseases of Australian native, pasture and naturalised legumes were studied to investigate a possible native origin of A. koolunga . Ascochyta koolunga was not detected on native, naturalised or pasture legumes that had leaf spot symptoms, in any of the studied regions in southern Australia, and only one isolate was recovered from P. sativum . However, we isolated five novel species in the Didymellaceae from leaf spots of Australian native legumes from commercial field pea regions throughout southern Australia. The novel species were classified on the basis of morphology and phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer region and part of the RNA polymerase II subunit B gene region. Three of these species, Nothophoma garlbiwalawarda sp. nov. , Nothophoma naiawu sp. nov. and Nothophoma ngayawang sp. nov. , were isolated from Senna artemisioides . The other species described here are Epicoccum djirangnandiri sp. nov. from Swainsona galegifolia and Neodidymelliopsis tinkyukuku sp. nov. from Hardenbergia violacea . In addition, we report three new host-pathogen associations in Australia, namely Didymella pinodes on S. artemisioides and Vicia cracca , and D. lethalis on Lathyrus tingitanus . This is also the first report of Didymella prosopidis in Australia.
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We present the latest version of the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software, which contains many sophisticated methods and tools for phylogenomics and phylomedicine. In this major upgrade, MEGA has been optimized for use on 64-bit computing systems for analyzing bigger datasets. Researchers can now explore and analyze tens of thousands of sequences in MEGA. The new version also provides an advanced wizard for building timetrees and includes a new functionality to automatically predict gene duplication events in gene family trees. The 64-bit MEGA is made available in two interfaces: graphical and command line. The graphical user interface (GUI) is a native Microsoft Windows application that can also be used on Mac OSX. The command line MEGA is available as native applications for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. They are intended for use in high-throughput and scripted analysis. Both versions are available from free of charge.
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One order, seven families, 28 new genera, 72 new species, 13 new combinations, four epitypes, and interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. Pseudorobillardaceae is introduced for Pseudorobillarda (based on P. phragmitis). New genera include: Jeremyomyces (based on J. labinae) on twigs of Salix alba (Germany); Neodothidotthia (based on N. negundinicola) on Acer negundo (Ukraine); Neomedicopsis (based on N. prunicola) on fallen twigs of Prunus padus (Ukraine); Neophaeoappendicospora (based on N. leucaenae) on Leucaena leucocephala (France) (incl. Phaeoappendicosporaceae); Paradevriesia (incl. Paradevriesiaceae) (based on P. americana) from air (USA); Phaeoseptoriella (based on P. zeae) on leaves of Zea mays (South Africa); Piniphoma (based on P. wesendahlina) on wood debris of Pinus sylvestris (Germany); Pseudoconiothyrium (based on P. broussonetiae) on branch of Broussonetia papyrifera (Italy); Sodiomyces (based on S. alkalinus) from soil (Mongolia), and Turquoiseomyces (incl. Turquoiseomycetales and Turquoiseomycetaceae) (based on T. eucalypti) on leaves of Eucalyptus leptophylla (Australia); Typhicola (based on T. typharum) on leaves of Typha sp. (Germany); Xenodevriesia (incl. Xenodevriesiaceae) (based on X. strelitziicola) on leaves of Strelitzia sp. (South Africa). New species include: Bacillicladium clematidis on branch of Clematis vitalbae (Austria); Cercospora gomphrenigena on leaves of Gomphrena globosa (South Africa); Cyphellophora clematidis on Clematis vitalba (Austria); Exophiala abietophila on bark of Abies alba (Norway); Exophiala lignicola on fallen decorticated trunk of Quercus sp. (Ukraine); Fuscostagonospora banksiae on Banksia sp. (Australia); Gaeumannomycella caricicola on dead leaf of Carex remota (Germany); Hansfordia pruni on Prunus persica twig (Italy) (incl. Hansfordiaceae); Microdochium rhopalostylidis on Rhopalostylis sapida (New Zealand); Neocordana malayensis on leaves of Musa sp. (Malaysia); Neocucurbitaria prunicola on fallen twigs of Prunus padus (Ukraine); Neocucurbitaria salicis-albae on Salix alba twig (Ukraine); Neohelicomyces deschampsiae on culm base of dead leaf sheath of Deschampsia cespitosa (Germany); Pararoussoella juglandicola on twig of Juglans regia (Germany); Pezicula eucalyptigena on leaves of Eucalyptus sp. (South Africa); Phlogicylindrium dunnii on leaves of Eucalyptus dunnii (Australia); Phyllosticta hagahagaensis on leaf litter of Carissa bispinosa (South Africa); Phyllosticta austroafricana on leaf spots of unidentified deciduous tree host (South Africa); Pseudosigmoidea alnicola on Alnus glutinosa leaf litter (Germany); Pseudoteratosphaeria africana on leaf spot on unidentified host (Angola); Porodiplodia vitis on canes of Vitis vinifera (USA); Sodiomyces alkalinus from soil (Mongolia), Sodiomyces magadiensis and Sodiomyces tronii from soil (Kenya), Sympodiella quercina on fallen leaf of Quercus robur (Germany) and Zasmidium hakeicola on leaves of Hakea corymbosa (Australia). Epitypes are designated for: Cryptostictis falcata on leaves of E. alligatrix (Australia), Hendersonia phormii on leaves of Phormium tenax (New Zealand), Sympodiella acicola on needles of Pinus sylvestris (Netherlands), and Sphaeria scirpicola var. typharum on leaf of Typha sp. (Germany). Several taxa originally described from rocks are validated in this study. New taxa include: Extremaceae fam. nov., and new genera, Arthrocatena, Catenulomyces, Constantinomyces, Extremus, Hyphoconis, Incertomyces, Lapidomyces, Lithophila,Monticola, Meristemomyces, Oleoguttula, Perusta, Petrophila, Ramimonilia, Saxophila and Vermiconidia. New species include: Arthrocatena tenebrosa, Catenulomyces convolutus, Constantinomyces virgultus, C. macerans, C. minimus,C. nebulosus, C. virgultus, Exophiala bonariae, Extremus adstrictus, E. antarcticus, Hyphoconis sterilis, Incertomyces perditus, Knufia karalitana, K. marmoricola, K. mediterranea, Lapidomyces hispanicus, Lithophila guttulata, Monticola elongata, Meristemomyces frigidus, M. arctostaphyli, Neodevriesia bulbillosa, N. modesta, N. sardiniae, N. simplex, Oleoguttula mirabilis, Paradevriesia compacta, Perusta inaequalis, Petrophila incerta, Rachicladosporium alpinum, R. inconspicuum, R. mcmurdoi, R. monterosanum, R. paucitum, Ramimonilia apicalis, Saxophila tyrrhenica, Vermiconidia antarctica, V. calcicola, V. foris, and V. flagrans.
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This study introduces two new families, one new genus, 22 new species, 10 new combinations, four epitypes, and 16 interesting new host and / or geographical records. Cylindriaceae (based on Cylindrium elongatum) is introduced as new family, with three new combinations. Xyladictyochaetaceae (based on Xyladictyochaeta lusitanica) is introduced to accommodate Xyladictyochaeta. Pseudoanungitea gen. nov. (based on P. syzygii) is described on stems of Vaccinium myrtillus (Germany). New species include: Exophiala eucalypticola on Eucalyptus obliqua leaf litter, Phyllosticta hakeicola on leaves of Hakea sp., Setophaeosphaeria citricola on leaves of Citrus australasica, and Sirastachys cyperacearum on leaves of Cyperaceae (Australia); Polyscytalum chilense on leaves of Eucalyptus urophylla (Chile); Pseudoanungitea vaccinii on Vaccinium myrtillus (Germany); Teichospora quercus on branch tissue of Quercus sp. (France); Fusiconidium lycopodiellae on stems of Lycopodiella inundata, Monochaetia junipericola on twig of Juniperus communis, Myrmecridium sorbicola on branch tissues of Sorbus aucuparia, Parathyridaria philadelphi on twigs of Philadelphus coronarius, and Wettsteinina philadelphi on twigs of Philadelphus coronarius (Germany); Zygosporium pseudogibbum on leaves of Eucalyptus pellita (Malaysia); Pseudoanungitea variabilis on dead wood (Spain); Alfaria acaciae on leaves of Acacia propinqua, Dictyochaeta mimusopis on leaves of Mimusops caffra, and Pseudocercospora breonadiae on leaves of Breonadia microcephala (South Africa); Colletotrichum kniphofiae on leaves of Kniphofia uvaria, Subplenodomus iridicola on Iris sp., and Trochila viburnicola on twig cankers on Viburnum sp. (UK); Polyscytalum neofecundissimum on Quercus robur leaf litter, and Roussoella euonymi on fallen branches of Euonymus europaeus (Ukraine). New combinations include: Cylindrium algarvense on leaves of Eucalyptus sp. (Portugal), Cylindrium purgamentum on leaf litter (USA), Cylindrium syzygii on leaves of Syzygium sp. (Australia), Microdochium musae on leaves of Musa sp. (Malaysia), Polyscytalum eucalyptigenum on Eucalyptus grandis × pellita (Malaysia), P. eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus (Australia), P. grevilleae on leaves of Grevillea (Australia), P. nullicananum on leaves of Eucalyptus (Australia), Pseudoanungitea syzygii on Syzygium cordatum leaf litter (South Africa), and Setophaeosphaeria sidae on leaves of Sida sp. (Brazil). New records include: Sphaerellopsis paraphysata on leaves of Phragmites sp., Vermiculariopsiella dichapetali on leaves of Melaleuca sp. and Eucalyptus regnans, and Xyladictyochaeta lusitanica on leaf litter of Eucalyptus sp. (Australia); Camarosporidiella mackenziei on twigs of Caragana sp. (Finland); Cyclothyriella rubronotata on twigs of Ailanthus altissima, Rhinocladiella quercus on Sorbus aucuparia branches (Germany); Cytospora viticola on stems of Vitis vinifera (Hungary); Echinocatena arthrinioides on leaves of Acacia crassicarpa (Malaysia); Varicosporellopsis aquatilis from garden soil (Netherlands); Pestalotiopsis hollandica on needles of Cupressus sempervirens (Spain), Pseudocamarosporium africanum on twigs of Erica sp. (South Africa), Pseudocamarosporium brabeji on branch of Platanus sp. (Switzerland); Neocucurbitaria cava on leaves of Quercus ilex (UK); Chaetosphaeria myriocarpa on decaying wood of Carpinus betulus, Haplograhium delicatum on decaying Carpinus betulus wood (Ukraine). Epitypes are designated for: Elsinoë mimosae on leaves of Mimosa diplotricha (Brazil), Neohendersonia kickxii on Fagus sylvatica twig bark (Italy), Caliciopsis maxima on fronds of Niphidium crassifolium (Brazil), Dictyochaeta septata on leaves of Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla (Chile), and Microdochium musae on leaves of Musa sp. (Malaysia).
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Identification, characterization and documentation of an interesting isolate exhibiting unique morphological characters on artificial nutrient media was isolated from rhizospheric soil of paddy. This isolate was characterized and identified based on morphological, and cultural characteristics. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, and large subunit (LSU) - rDNA sequence data. The isolate was determined as Microdochium fisheri Hern.-Restr. & Crous, reported as an endophyte of stem of greenhouse-grown Oryza sativa plants in UK. This is the first report of Microdochium fisheri isolated as saprophyte from rhizospheric soil of paddy in India.
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In an ongoing survey of Korean indigenous fungi, three fungal strains belonging to the Sordariomycetes were isolated from soil samples. These strains were designated KNU16-001, KNU16-002, and KNU16-009, and identified as Ambrosiella grosmanniae, Acremonium sclerotigenum, and Trichocladium asperum, respectively, based on morphological characterization and phylogenetic analysis using internal transcribed spacer region sequences of ribosomal DNA. This is the first report of these species in Korea.
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The Didymellaceae is one of the most species-rich families in the fungal kingdom, and includes species that inhabit a wide range of ecosystems. The taxonomy of Didymellaceae has recently been revised on the basis of multi-locus DNA sequence data. In the present study, we investigated 108 Didymellaceae isolates newly obtained from 40 host plant species in 27 plant families, and various substrates from caves, including air, water and carbonatite, originating from Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Africa, the Netherlands, the USA and former Yugoslavia. Among these, 68 isolates representing 32 new taxa are recognised based on the multi-locus phylogeny using sequences of LSU, ITS, rpb2 and tub2, and morphological differences. Within the Didymellaceae, five genera appeared to be limited to specific host families, with other genera having broader host ranges. In total 19 genera are recognised in the family, with Heracleicola being reduced to synonymy under Ascochyta. This study has significantly improved our understanding on the distribution and biodiversity of Didymellaceae, although the placement of several genera still need to be clarified.
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Karst caves are distinctly characterised by darkness, low to moderate temperatures, high humidity, and scarcity of organic matter. During the years of 2014-2015, we explored the mycobiota in two unnamed Karst caves in Guizhou province, China, and obtained 563 fungal strains via the dilution plate method. Preliminary ITS analyses of these strains suggested that they belonged to 246 species in 116 genera, while 23.5 % were not identified to species level. Among these species, 85.8 % (211 species) belonged to Ascomycota; 7.3 % (18 species) belonged to Basidiomycota; 6.9 % (17 species) belonged to Mucoromycotina. The majority of these species have been previously known from other environments, mostly from plants or animals as pathogens, endophytes or via a mycorrhizal association. We also found that 59 % of these species were discovered for the first time from Karst caves, including 20 new species that are described in this paper. The phylogenetic tree based on LSU sequences revealed 20 new species were distributed in six different orders. In addition, ITS or multi-locus sequences were employed to infer the phylogenetic relationships of new taxa with closely related allies. We conclude that Karst caves encompass a high fungal diversity, including a number of previously unknown species. Novel species described include: Amphichorda guana, Auxarthronopsis guizhouensis, Biscogniauxia petrensis, Cladorrhinum globisporum, Collariella quadrum, Gymnoascus exasperatus, Humicola limonisporum, Metapochonia variabilis, Microascus anfractus, Microascus globulosus, Microdochium chrysanthemoides, Paracremonium variiforme, Pectinotrichum chinense, Phaeosphaeria fusispora, Ramophialophora globispora, Ramophialophora petraea, Scopulariopsis crassa, Simplicillium calcicola, Volutella aeria, and Wardomycopsis longicatenata. © 2017 Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute.
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Didymella pinodes is the principal causal agent of ascochyta blight, one of the most important fungal diseases of pea (Pisum sativum) worldwide. Understanding its host specificity has crucial implications in epidemiology and management; however, this has not been clearly delineated yet. In this study we attempt to clarify the host range of D. pinodes and to compare it with that of other close Didymella spp. D. pinodes was very virulent on pea accessions, although differences in virulence were identified among isolates. On the contrary, studied isolates of D. fabae, D. rabiei, and D. lentil showed a reduced ability to infect pea not causing macroscopically visible symptoms on any of the pea accessions tested. D. pinodes isolates were also infective to some extend on almost all species tested including species such as Hedysarum coronarium, Lathyrus sativus, Lupinus albus, Medicago spp., Trifolium spp., Trigonella foenum-graecum, and Vicia articulata which were not mentioned before as hosts of D. pinodes. On the contrary, D. lentil and D. rabiei were more specific, infecting only lentil and chickpea, respectively. D. fabae was intermediate, infecting mainly faba bean, but also slightly other species such as Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, Trifolium spp., Vicia sativa, and V. articulata. DNA sequence analysis of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) was performed to confirm identity of the isolates studies and to determine phylogenetic relationship among the Didymella species, revealing the presence of two clearly distinct clades. Clade one was represented by two supported subclusters including D. fabae isolates as well as D. rabiei with D. lentil isolates. Clade two was the largest and included all the D. pinodes isolates as well as Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella. Genetic distance between D. pinodes and the other Didymella spp. isolates was not correlated with overall differences in pathogenicity. Based on evidences presented here, D. pinodes is not specialized on pea and its host range is larger than that of D. fabae, D. lentil, and D. rabiei. This has relevant implications in epidemiology and control as these species might act as alternative hosts for D. pinodes.
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Animals and plants are increasingly threatened by emerging fungal and oomycete diseases. Amongst oomycetes, Saprolegnia species cause population declines in aquatic animals, especially fish and amphibians, resulting in significant perturbation in biodiversity, ecological balance and food security. Due to the prohibition of several chemical control agents, novel sustainable measures are required to control Saprolegnia infections in aquaculture. Previously, fungal community analysis by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) revealed that the Ascomycota, specifically the genus Microdochium, was an abundant fungal phylum associated with salmon eggs from a commercial fish farm. Here, phylogenetic analyses showed that most fungal isolates obtained from salmon eggs were closely related to Microdochium lycopodinum/Microdochium phragmitis and Trichoderma viride species. Phylogenetic and quantitative PCR analyses showed both a quantitative and qualitative difference in Trichoderma population between diseased and healthy salmon eggs, which was not the case for the Microdochium population. In vitro antagonistic activity of the fungi against Saprolegnia diclina was isolate-dependent; for most Trichoderma isolates, the typical mycoparasitic coiling around and/or formation of papilla-like structures on S. diclina hyphae were observed. These results suggest that among the fungal community associated with salmon eggs, Trichoderma species may play a role in Saprolegnia suppression in aquaculture.