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Methylotrophic methanogens everywhere — physiology and ecology of novel players in global methane cycling


Abstract and Figures

Research on methanogenic Archaea has experienced a revival, with many novel lineages of methanogens recently being found through cultivation and suggested via metagenomics approaches, respectively. Most of these lineages comprise Archaea (potentially) capable of methanogenesis from methylated compounds, a pathway that had previously received comparably little attention. In this review, we provide an overview of these new lineages with a focus on the Methanomassiliicoccales. These lack the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway and employ a hydrogen-dependent methylotrophic methanogenesis pathway fundamentally different from traditional methylotrophic methanogens. Several archaeal candidate lineages identified through metagenomics, such as the Ca. Verstraetearchaeota and Ca. Methanofastidiosa, encode genes for a methylotrophic methanogenesis pathway similar to the Methanomassiliicoccales. Thus, the latter are emerging as a model system for physiological, biochemical and ecological studies of hydrogen-dependent methylotrophic methanogens. Methanomassiliicoccales occur in a large variety of anoxic habitats including wetlands and animal intestinal tracts, i.e. in the major natural and anthropogenic sources of methane emissions, respectively. Especially in ruminant animals, they likely are among the major methane producers. Taken together, (hydrogen-dependent) methylotrophic methanogens are much more diverse and widespread than previously thought. Considering the role of methane as potent greenhouse gas, resolving the methanogenic nature of a broad range of putative novel methylotrophic methanogens and assessing their role in methane emitting environments are pressing issues for future research on methanogens.
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Review Article
Methylotrophic methanogens everywhere
physiology and ecology of novel players in global
methane cycling
Andrea Söllinger* and Tim Urich
Institute of Microbiology, University of Greifswald, Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 8, 17487 Greifswald, Germany
Correspondence: Tim Urich (
Research on methanogenic Archaea has experienced a revival, with many novel lineages
of methanogens recently being found through cultivation and suggested via metage-
nomics approaches, respectively. Most of these lineages comprise Archaea (potentially)
capable of methanogenesis from methylated compounds, a pathway that had previously
received comparably little attention. In this review, we provide an overview of these new
lineages with a focus on the Methanomassiliicoccales. These lack the WoodLjungdahl
pathway and employ a hydrogen-dependent methylotrophic methanogenesis pathway
fundamentally different from traditional methylotrophic methanogens. Several archaeal
candidate lineages identied through metagenomics, such as the Ca.
Verstraetearchaeota and Ca. Methanofastidiosa, encode genes for a methylotrophic
methanogenesis pathway similar to the Methanomassiliicoccales. Thus, the latter are
emerging as a model system for physiological, biochemical and ecological studies of
hydrogen-dependent methylotrophic methanogens. Methanomassiliicoccales occur in a
large variety of anoxic habitats including wetlands and animal intestinal tracts, i.e. in the
major natural and anthropogenic sources of methane emissions, respectively. Especially
in ruminant animals, they likely are among the major methane producers. Taken together,
(hydrogen-dependent) methylotrophic methanogens are much more diverse and wide-
spread than previously thought. Considering the role of methane as potent greenhouse
gas, resolving the methanogenic nature of a broad range of putative novel methylotrophic
methanogens and assessing their role in methane emitting environments are pressing
issues for future research on methanogens.
Methanogenesis, the biological formation of methane (CH
) by methanogens, is restricted to the
archaeal domain of life (e.g. [13]) although this view is currently challenged due to very recent
discoveries such as CH
production by Cyanobacteria[4] and aerobic CH
production by eukaryotes
[5,6]. Methanogens are an ecologically diverse group of microorganisms occurring in a great variety of
terrestrial and aquatic natural and anthropogenic anoxic environments, including wetlands, marine
and freshwater sediments, and gastro-intestinal tracts (GITs) of animals. Methanogens produce
as an end-product of their anaerobic respiration [1]. Methanogenesis contributes to 70% of
present-day atmospheric CH
emissions [3]. Thus, methanogens are the major producers of the
potent greenhouse gas (GHG) CH
, which is responsible for 20% of the warming since pre-industrial
times [7].
Methanogenesis is a terminal process in anaerobic biomass degradation, common in habitats where
terminal electron acceptors, such as oxygen, nitrate, iron(III), and sulfate, are missing or rapidly
depleted [1,3]. The major substrates for methanogenesis are CO
, acetate, and methylated compounds.
*Current address: Department
of Arctic and Marine Biology,
UiT, The Arctic University of
Norway, Framstredet 39, 9019
Tromsø, Norway
Version of Record published:
10 December 2019
Received: 9 September 2019
Revised: 20 November 2019
Accepted: 21 November 2019
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society 1
Biochemical Society Transactions (2019)
Hence, three main methanogenesis pathways are distinguished: (i) CO
-reducing (hydrogenotrophic), (ii) aceti-
clastic, and (iii) methylotrophic methanogenesis (Figure 1). The last step in methanogenesis, the reduction of
methyl-coenzyme M to CH
performed by the methyl-coenzyme M reductase (Mcr) and the formation of the
coenzyme Mcoenzyme B heterodisulde (CoM-S-S-CoB), is conserved in all three pathways (Figure 1). The
subsequent reduction in the heterodisulde by the heterodisulde reductase (Hdr) to regenerate coenzyme M
(CoM) and coenzyme B (CoB) (Figure 1) is exergonic and coupled to the reduction in ferredoxin (Fd) and/or
energy conservation (see e.g. the reviews by Thauer et al. [2] and Lyu et al. [3] for more details). (i) The reduc-
tion of CO
to CH
is also called hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, as hydrogen (H
) is the predominant elec-
tron donor (Figure 1). Alternatively, formate and more rarely, secondary alcohols, ethanol, and carbon
monoxide are also used as electron donors [1]. Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis is the most common meth-
anogenesis pathway, occurring within six out of eight validly described methanogenic archaeal orders
Figure 1. Methanogenesis pathways.
Overview depicting the methanogenesis pathways found in Archaea, i.e. hydrogenotrophic, aceticlastic, methylotrophic, and
-dependent methylotrophic methanogenesis with focus on the H
-dependent methylotrophic methanogenesis of
Methanomassiliicoccales and the occurrence of methylotrophic methanogenesis specic enzymes in novel (putative)
methylotrophic lineages. Physiological, biochemical or genomic evidence for specic enzymes are indicated with colored
circles. Color code highlights selected parts of specic methanogenesis pathways as well as enzyme presence (evidence)
within selected archaeal lineages. For details and a comprehensive list of enzymes and compounds, see the main text and list
of abbreviations at the end of the main text. The presence of specic methanogenesis enzymes in Methermicoccus were
obtained from IMG annotation tables (; accessed the 21st of October, 2019). The presence of specic
enzymes in all other depicted methanogens were obtained from the references cited in the main text (in the respective
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society2
Biochemical Society Transactions (2019)
(Figure 2): Methanobacteriales,Methanococcales,Methanomicrobiales,Methanosarcinales,Methanopyrales, and
Methanocellales [1,2,8]. (ii) In aceticlastic methanogenesis (Figure 1), acetate (CH
) is split and the
carboxyl-group is oxidized to CO
while the methyl-group is reduced to CH
. Aceticlastic methanogenesis is
the least common methanogenesis pathway and only present within the order Methanosarcinales. However,
aceticlastic methanogenesis accounts for approximately two-thirds of global biogenic CH
production [1].
(iii) In methylotrophic methanogenesis, the methyl-groups of methylated compounds such as methanol,
methylamines, and methylated suldes are transferred to substrate-specic corrinoid proteins and further
to CoM to nally be reduced to CH
(Figure 1). In most validly described methylotrophic methanogens
(mainly from the order Methanosarcinales), the required electrons for the reduction of the methyl-groups
are obtained via the oxidation of additional methyl-groups to CO
, with the exception of Methanomicrococcus
blatticola (Methanosarcinales) and the genus Methanosphaera (Methanobacteriales), which are methylotrophic
methanogens that employ external H
as an electron donor [1,2]. Methylotrophic methanogens are major
contributors to CH
production in marine sediments where hydrogenotrophic and aceticlastic methanogens
are outcompeted by sulfate-reducing bacteria [1,3]. Additionally, methylotrophic methanogens have also
been known from GITs, and extreme environments, e.g. hypersaline microbial mats and soda lake sediments
Figure 2. Methanogen diversity.
Schematic phylogenetic tree depicting major archaeal lineages. Tree topology is based on the extensive review on archaeal diversity, ecology, and
evolution by Spang et al. [75]. Methanogenic and putative methanogenic groups are highlighted in bold fonts. Colored dots and color code indicate
the methanogenesis pathway(s) carried out within a certain group. The asterisk indicates the poorly understood methanogenesis pathway of
Methermicoccus, which are capable of reducing methylated and methoxylated compounds. The question mark indicates the uncertainty regarding
the methane metabolism of Ca. Bathyarchaeota. ANME, anaerobic methane oxidizing Archaea; DPANN, proposed archaeal superphylum
comprising Diapherotrites, Parvarchaeota, Aenigmarchaeota, Nanohaloarchaeota, Nanoarchaeota, Woesearchaeota, Pacearchaeota, and
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society 3
Biochemical Society Transactions (2019)
-dependent methylotrophs novel players in the global
Until recently little attention was paid to methylotrophic methanogenesis as it was presumed to be less
common among methanogens than hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis and globally less important than aceti-
clastic methanogenesis. However, this perception has changed in the last years since the discovery of the
Methanomassiliicoccales [1216]. In the following section, we rst introduce the Methanomassiliicoccales,
describe their novel methanogenesis pathway, and chronologically present ve other recently discovered
archaeal groups, all of which comprising putative methylotrophic methanogens.
Methanomassiliicoccales methanogens without WoodLjungdahl pathway
Since the late 1990s, Thermoplasmata-related 16S rRNA gene sequences have been found in various environ-
ments ranging from the ocean [17,18] and rice elds [19] to the GITs of various animals and humans (e.g.
[2023]). The co-occurrence of mcrA gene sequences (encoding the alpha subunit of Mcr) only distantly
related to characterized methanogens in several anaerobic environments suggested that some of these 16S
rRNA gene sequences might stem from methanogens. In 2012, Paul et al. [13] eventually described the group
as methanogens, based on a methanogenic enrichment culture and comparative 16S rRNA and mcrA gene ana-
lysis. In parallel, the rst validly described and still sole isolate of this group, Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis
was reported [12]. Subsequently, Methanomassiliicoccales was given as the ofcially accepted name to the
seventh order of methanogenic Archaea [15,16].
Like their close relatives, the Thermoplasmatales,Methanomassiliicoccales lack a rigid cell wall; instead, they
are surrounded by two membranes [12,24,25]. Remarkably, M. luminyensis comprises a unique membrane
lipid inventory, e.g. glycerol sesterpanyl-phytanyl diether core lipids (mainly found in halophilic Archaea) and
compounds bearing either heptose or methoxylated glycosidic head groups (for the rst time reported for
Archaea). Most strikingly, M. luminyensis contains fundamentally novel tetraether lipids, in which one glycerol
(C3) backbone is replaced by either butane triol (C4) or pentane triol (C5) [26].
Based on physiological, genomic, and metatranscriptomic data Methanomassiliicoccales employ a methylo-
trophic methanogenesis pathway reducing methanol, methylamines, and presumably also methylated suldes to
(Figure 1)[24,25,27,28]. Genomics furthermore revealed that Methanomassiliicoccales lack the methyl-
branch (MB) of the WoodLjungdahl (WL) pathway (Figure 1). Like M. blatticola and Methanosphaera
species, Methanomassiliicoccales employ external H
as an electron donor (Figure 1), extending thus the spec-
trum of organisms with H
-dependent methylotrophic methanogenesis (Figure 2).
-dependent methylotrophic methanogenesis Methanomassiliicoccales as
an emerging model group
The Methanomassiliicoccales have in recent years developed into a model for the H
-dependent methylotrophic
methanogens. Nevertheless, and despite many efforts, only one member of the Methanomassiliicoccales could
be obtained as pure culture and validly described so far, M. luminyensis [12]. However, several enrichments
and draft genomes have been published in the last years [1315,25,2832]. Together with cell-biological and
physiological studies on M. luminyensis [26,33,34] as well as environmental metatranscriptomics studies
[27,35], these studies provided rst remarkably insights into the cell biology, physiology, and ecology of
Methanomassiliicoccales, making them a treasure trove for the discovery of fundamentally new biology.
Besides M. luminyensis, several Methanomassiliicoccales genomes obtained from enrichment metagenomes
have been published in the last few years (Figure 3). Enrichments, all of which grown on methanol or trimethy-
lamine (TMA) and H
as methanogenesis substrates, were obtained from termite and millipede guts [13,25],
human gut [14,29], an anaerobic digester [15], and bovine [28,30] and ovine rumen [31,32]. Comparative gen-
omics revealed that all Methanomassiliicoccales genomes lack the entire MB of the WL pathway (e.g.
[24,25,28]). Thus, Methanomassiliicoccales are not able to oxidize methyl-groups to CO
and are therefore
dependent on an external electron donor, namely H
(Figure 1). Consequently, Methanomassiliicoccales differed
fundamentally from all previously described methanogens. The MB of the WL pathway, together with the Mcr-
and Mtr-complex (Mtr, methyl-tetrahydromethanopterin:CoM methyltransferase complex), was thought to be
a common trait encoded by all methanogenic Archaea independent of their type of methanogenesis (recently
reviewed by Borrel et al. [36]). The carboxyl-branch of the WL pathway, leading to biomass formation out of
and CH
via acetyl-CoA, seems to be partly present in Methanomassiliicoccaceae. However, because of
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society4
Biochemical Society Transactions (2019)
structural differences, missing, fused and truncated subunits, and several insertions within subunits, it was pro-
posed that these genes may no longer encode a functional enzyme or if functional, it may serve to generate C1
compounds from acetyl-CoA [25,36]. Acetate appears to be the carbon source of Methanomassiliicoccales, and
all genomes encode an ADP-forming acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase and a pyruvate:Fd oxidoreductase (e.g.
Furthermore, comparative genomics revealed that besides methanol and TMA, mono- and dimethylamine
(MMA and DMA), as well as methylated suldes possibly, can be utilized as an electron acceptor by
Figure 3. Phylogeny, Ecology, and Physiology of Methanomassiliicoccales.
Overview summarizing all published Methanomassiliicoccales genomes and their placement within the two broad
Methanomassiliicoccales clades. Due to the limited number of genomes representing the environmental clade and the wetland
cluster representative sequences were selected from the SILVA database to equalize the numbers of sequences for each
group. The Maximum likelihood tree was inferred using IQ tree and the GTR + F + G4 + I substitution model [76] based on an
alignment of 948 16S rDNA positions (clustalW; bioedit; [77]). Node labels represent ultrafast bootstrap values (1000 replicates)
[78]. Information on the genomes, metabolic potential and capabilities, and (isolation) source were obtained from the literature,
see accession numbers and references. The dotted line indicates the wetland cluster. The tree is considered to give a
phylogenetic overview, not claiming to reect the relationship of Methanomassiliicoccales within the broad groups.
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Methanomassiliicoccales (Figures 1 and 3). Growth experiments on M. luminyensis and Ca. Methanoplasma ter-
mitum largely conrmed these comparative genomic analyses. While M. luminyensis was able to grow on
methanol, MMA, DMA, and TMA [25,34], Ca. M. termitum only showed growth on methanol and MMA
[25]. The growth of Methanomassiliicoccales on methylated suldes, such as dimethylsulde (DMS), has not
yet been shown experimentally. However, proteome analysis of M. luminyensis cells grown on methanol and
showed the presence of MtsAB, methyltransferases specic for methylated suldes (Söllinger, Schäfer and
Urich, unpublished). Nevertheless, they were much lower in abundance as compared with the methanol-specic
Like the previously described Methanosphaera spp. and M. blatticola,Methanomassiliicoccales are dependent
on H
as an electron donor. However, it is suggested that their energy conservation is different (Figure 1).
According to genomic and biochemical studies (e.g. [24,25,28,37]) the regeneration of CoM and CoB in
Methanomassiliicoccales seems to be coupled to a membrane-bound energy-converting Fd:heterodisulde oxi-
doreductase complex (Fpo-like complex + HdrD) and a soluble methyl viologen-dependent hydrogenase/Hdr
complex (MvhADG/HdrABC) (Figure 1; for more details see Lang et al.[25]). In contrast Methanosphaera spp.
employ a soluble methyl viologen-dependent hydrogenase/Hdr complex (MvhADG/HdrABC) (e.g. [2]), while
M. blatticola appears to employ a membrane-bound Hdr system (i.e. HdrDE), possibly coupled to a
methanophenazine-reducing hydrogenase (Vho) typical for Methanosarcinales[38](Figure 1). No methanophe-
nazines or respiratory quinones were detected among the membrane lipids of M. luminyensis [26], offering
further biochemical evidence for a methanogenesis pathway different from the cytochrome-containing methylo-
trophic Methanosarcinales (Figure 1). Additionally, proteome analysis of M. luminyensis revealed the presence
of HdrD and several Fpo subunits, besides HdrABC and Mvh subunits (Söllinger, Schäfer and Urich, unpub-
lished). High expression levels of the genes encoding HdrABC and HdrD were also shown in M. luminyensis
via quantitative RT-PCR [33].
A genomic analysis of a Methanomassiliicoccales draft genome obtained from an oil mining tailing pond
metagenome, referred to as MALP (MAssiliicoccales Lake Pavin; Figure 3), was recently reported [39]. The
MALP genome lacks methylamine- and methylsulde-specic methyltransferase genes but contains genes
which could possibly allow for aceticlastic methanogenesis, i.e. genes encoding acetyl-CoA synthetase ( forma-
tion of acetyl-CoA from acetate), acetyl-CoA synthase/CO dehydrogenase (disproportionation of acetyl-CoA
into methyl-tetrahydromethanopterin and CO), Fd dependent oxidation of CO to CO
, and the catalytic subu-
nits mtrAH of the methyl-tetrahydromethanopterin:CoM methyltransferase (Mtr). However, the authors
pointed out that this pathway is highly uncertain, since none of the membrane associated methyl-
tetrahydromethanopterin:CoM methyltransferase subunits (mtrB-G) are present, mtrA contains and unusual
C-terminal extension, mtrH is divergent from the mtrH of CO
-reducing methanogens, and tetrahydrometha-
nopterin is likely absent from MALP [39]. Obtaining further Methanomassiliicoccales isolates would be of great
value to gain deeper insights into their physiological versatility.
Methylotrophic methanogens everywhere
Metagenomics has tremendously added insights into the coding potential of microbial dark matter through
metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of many yet uncultured lineages. Although physiological and/or bio-
chemical evidence for methylotrophic methanogenesis is missing, the studies have identied several novel
lineages of putative methylotrophic methanogens.
Candidatus Bathyarchaeota non-euryarchaeal potential methane
In 2015, Evans et al. [40] reported two draft genomes (BA1 and BA2) of Candidatus (Ca.) Bathyarchaeota, a
yet uncultured archaeal candidate phylum formerly known as Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group (MCG).
The MAGs were obtained from the biomass of coal-bed CH
wells. Surprisingly, comparative genome analysis
revealed the presence of genes encoding the Mcr-complex as well as genes for methylotrophic methanogenesis
from methanol, methylamines, and methylated suldes similar to the Methanomassiliiicoccales [40], showing
for the rst time genes encoding the methanogenesis pathway outside of the Euryarchaeota (Figures 1 and 2).
Evans et al. [40] hypothesized that at least BA1 might represent a methylotrophic methanogen capable of using
a range of methylated compounds. Ca. Bathyarchaeota are found in a broad range of anoxic environments
including marine sediments, soils, freshwater environments, and hot springs [41,42]. Recently the metabolic
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society6
Biochemical Society Transactions (2019)
diversity within the Ca. Bathyarchaeota has been reviewed [4244], and it is suggested that the organisms
might rather be anaerobic methane or short-chain hydrocarbon oxidizers that employ a reverse methanogenesis
Ca. Methanofastidiosa putative fastidious methylotrophic methanogens
Similar to the Methanomassiliicoccales, the methanogenic nature of another uncultured archaeal lineage
(WSA2/Arc I, potentially a class level clade within the Euryarchaeota) was suspected for years, mainly due to
its presence in methanogenic environments [4547]. In 2016, Nobu et al. [48] reported the rst WSA2 draft
genomes, obtained from the anaerobic digester and methanogenic bioreactor metagenomes. Comparative gen-
omics suggested that Ca. Methanofastidiosa are H
-dependent methylotrophic methanogens restricted to
methylated thiol compound reduction [48]. Thus, the name Ca. Methanofastidiosa was proposed to highlight
their unique limited metabolic capacity. Like Methanomassiliicoccales,Ca. Methanofastidiosa lack the WL
pathway and the Mtr-complex (methyltetrahydromethanopterin:CoM methyltransferase complex; Figure 1),
challenging the generality of the classical association of methanogenesis and the WL pathway [36]
Ca. Verstraetearchaeota a proposed phylum comprising methylotrophic
With the discovery of putative methanogens within another Candidatus phylum, Ca. Verstraetearchaeota in
2016 the dogma of methanogenesis originating within the phylum Euryarchaeota and restricted to
Euryarchaeota was challenged again [49]. Initially, one candidate order was described, Ca. Methanomethyliales
and it was proposed that the methanogenesis pathway of its members might be similar to
Methanomassiliicoccales and Ca. Methanofastidiosa [49], which would expand methanogenic diversity and the
distribution of H
-dependent methylotrophic methanogenesis (Figures 1 and 2). Members of the Ca.
Methanomethyliales encode genes to reduce methanol, methylated suldes, and methylamines to CH
Very recently two novel orders within the Verstraetearchaeota were proposed, Ca. Methanomediales and Ca.
Methanohydrogenales [50]. While Ca. Methanomediales represent presumably H
-dependent methylotrophic
methanogens, a draft genome of the latter encodes genes for all key enzymes of hydrogenotrophic methanogen-
esis, expanding the putative methanogenesis diversity within the Ca. Verstraetearchaeota.
Methermicoccus coal-eating methoxydotrophs
Methermicoccus shengliensis, a thermophilic methylotroph is the rst and still sole isolated representative of the
Methermicoccaceae family within the order Methanosarcinales[51]. Although formally described already in
2007, it received wider attention in 2016 when it was shown that M. shengliensis is able to produce CH
over 30 types of methoxylated aromatic compounds and coal [52], expanding the substrate range of methylo-
trophic methanogens. Therefore, M. shengliensis not only represents the methanogen with the highest metabolic
exibility found to date (Figure 1), but also represents the rst organism that is able to perform the complete
anaerobic demethylation of methoxylated compounds, which was thought to be exclusively performed by syn-
trophic consortia of acetogens and methanogens [53]. This novel methoxydotrophic methanogenesis might
play an important role in deep surface environments and biogenic gas formation including coal-bed methane
Methanonatronarchaeia extremely halophilic methylotrophs
Methanogenic enrichments from hypersaline lakes led in 2017 to the discovery of a very remarkable class
level-group of methylotrophic methanogens that are extremely halo(natrono)philic and related to the class
Haloarchaea (known as Halobacteria)[54]. So far, Sorokin et al. [55] reported eleven isolates from soda lakes
and three enrichments from salt lakes, all of which grew optimally at 50°C, 4 M Na
at alkaline and neutral
pH, respectively. It was shown that the isolates reduce methylated compounds such as methanol, methylamines,
and methylated suldes to CH
, with formate or hydrogen as an electron donor (Figure 1). Unlike other salt-
tolerant and halophilic methanogens, all of which are members of the Methanosarcinales, the
Methanonatronarchaeia use the salt-inosmoprotection mechanism, similar to their relatives, the Haloarchaea.
Very recently, also within members of the phylum Korarchaeota genes encoding a methanogenesis pathway
similar to the one in Methanomassiliicoccales were discovered [44,56]. Notably, all of the above-mentioned
novel methanogens appear to reduce methylated compounds to CH
. Even more strikingly, nearly all of them
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employ hydrogen as an external electron donor and the methylated compounds only act as electron acceptors.
Thus, methylotrophic methanogenesis, especially H
-dependent, is much more common among methanogens
than previously assumed. Furthermore, these methylotrophs are found in a large diversity of natural and
anthropogenic anoxic environments including wetlands, ruminant animals, marine and freshwater sediments,
anaerobic digesters, hypersaline, thermophilic, and deep subsurface environments. However, especially physio-
logical insights are hampered due to the lack of isolated representatives, with the exception of the
Methanomassiliicoccales and the Methanonatronarchaeia [12,55].
The ecological importance of most of the above introduced (putative) methylotrophs has not yet been
addressed. First, the methanogenic nature of these groups needs to be proven by physiological studies and culti-
vation. However, attempts have been made to assess the ecological role and importance of
Methanomassiliicoccales are found in a great variety of natural and anthropogenic anoxic environments
including wetlands and GITs of ruminant animals, the major natural and a major anthropogenic CH
sources, respectively. Based on differential but non-exclusively habitat preferences Methanomassiliicoccales were
divided into two broad clades [28], a GIT clade containing most of the currently available
Methanomassiliicoccales enrichment cultures and an environmental clade, including M. luminyensis and a
wetland-specic cluster (Figure 3). Although M. luminyensis,Ca. M. intestinalis, and RumEn M1 were isolated
from human feces and bovine rumen uid, respectively, they are representatives of the environmental clade,
revealing a substantial enrichment bias [28]. A dominance of GIT clade members in human feces and bovine
rumen uid has been reported [23,35,57]. In general, GIT clade members appear to have smaller genome sizes
compared with environmental clade Methanomassiliicoccales (Figure 3). Assumingly, the dominant
Methanomassiliicoccales in anoxic environments other than animal GITs face higher variations in environmen-
tal parameters such as moisture, salinity, oxygen exposure, and substrate/nutrient availability than GIT
Methanomassiliicoccales, which is reected by a higher number of genes encoding enzymes for osmoprotection,
oxidative stress response, and the potential for diazotrophy within environmental clade genomes [24,28].
Ruminant animals
Methanomassiliicoccales constitute a major proportion of the methanogens in the rumen [5860]. In metatran-
scriptomic studies of the bovine rumen microbiome, it was shown that they were highly active and abundant
[27], especially after feed uptake [35]. Methanomassiliicoccales were also identied as transcriptionally active in
the ovine rumen [61,62]. Due to their capability of utilizing methylamines as methanogenesis substrates,
Methanomassiliicoccales occupy a previously unnoticed ecological niche in the rumen [27]. Furthermore,
ammonium is produced as an end-product of methylamine reduction and likely serves as a nitrogen source for
many other rumen microorganisms [27]. In contrast, they compete with other methanogens for the electron
donor H
and they compete for methanol with Methanosphaera species. Recently, we showed that
Methanomassiliicoccales transcripts for methylamine-specic methyltransferases increased while methanol-
specic methyltransferases decreased immediately after feed intake [35]. Bevor feeding, six times more
methylamine-specic methyltransferase transcripts were present, as compared with methanol-specic methyl-
transferase transcripts. This ratio increased to 30-fold immediately after feeding. In contrast, Methanosphaera
spp. methanol-specic methyltransferase transcripts increased after feeding [35]. Thus, Methanomassiliicoccales
may avoid the competition with Methanosphaera spp. by utilizing methylamines, when available.
In general, hydrogenotrophic methanogens, mainly Methanobrevibacter sp. (Methanobacteriales), are consid-
ered as dominant CH
producers in ruminants [1]. Furthermore, CO
is a much more abundant methanogen-
esis substrate than methylamines and methanol. Thus, it is somewhat surprising that Methanomassiliicoccales
are so abundant and active (see below, perspectives). Intensied agriculture is currently considered the main
cause of increasing atmospheric CH
concentrations [63]. As the demand for milk and meat is expected to
strongly increase by 2050 [64], CH
emissions from agriculture will likely also continuously increase. Taking
this into account, rumen Methanomassiliicoccales appear as potent targets for CH
mitigation strategies [27,35].
In fact, Poulsen et al. [27] identied rapeseed oil as an effective compound to inhibit CH
formation by
Methanomassiliicoccales. However, the mode of action is not yet understood.
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In wetlands, the major source of natural CH
emission, Methanomassiliicoccales of the wetland cluster are also
widely distributed [28]. However, not much is known about their abundance and activity. Analysis of metatran-
scriptomes from two arctic wetlands on Svalbard, Norway [65] revealed low relative abundance of
Methanomassiliicoccales 16S rRNA transcripts; up to 4.7% of all methanogens [28]. However, a recent study on
methanogenic communities in Tibetan high elevation wetland soils identied Methanomassiliicoccales as the
second most abundant and diverse methanogenic group, with relative abundances of up to 60% [66].
Therefore, the authors concluded an important, but potentially overlooked, role of Methanomassiliicoccales in
production in wetlands. Additionally, we detected Methanomassiliicoccales in three different mire types in
Eastern Germany, where they constituted up to 50% of all methanogenic Archaea in a high-methane emitting
percolation mire (Weil, Söllinger and Urich, unpublished), indicating a possibly important role of
Methanomassiliicoccales in some temperate peatlands.
The recently published near-complete MALP genome [39], closely related to wetland cluster
Methanomassiliicoccales, seems to be very reduced (Figure 3). The MALP genome encodes the genes necessary
for the reduction in methanol to CH
but none of the genes necessary for the reduction in other methylated
compounds. However, Speth and Orphan [39] raise the possibility of aceticlastic methanogenesis from the com-
parative genome analysis of MALP. Obtaining further genomes and ideally isolates is inevitable to gain insights
into the physiology and the substrate spectrum of this much-understudied group within the
Methanomassiliicoccales [1,3].
Even less is known about the abundance and activity of Methanomassiliicoccales in other terrestrial and
aquatic anoxic environments, although the presence of mcrA sequences, later identied as
Methanomassiliicoccales sequences (e.g. in [13]), was shown in a great variety of anoxic habitats including rice
elds ([19]; rice cluster III), landll soil [67], lakes [68,69], and riparian soil [70]. They have also been reported
as members of the methanogenic communities in hypersaline mats [71,72]. In conclusion, the order
Methanomassiliicoccales appear to be a rather heterogeneous and widespread group. Further isolates, especially
from the wetland cluster and the GIT clade, but also from other environments, are much-needed to better
understand the (eco-)physiological basis of their ecological success.
The numerous discoveries described above are currently putting a focus on (H
methylotrophic methanogens, showing that their phylogenetic diversity is much larger than previ-
ously assumed. Their global relevance for the carbon/CH
cycle has to date not been sufciently
addressed. However, the emerging model group Methanomassiliicoccales can be highly abun-
dant and transcriptionally active especially in ruminant animals [27,35,61,62], indicating that they
might be major contributors to global atmospheric CH
emissions. Therefore,
Methanomassiliicoccales appear as potential targets for future CH
mitigation strategies in agri-
culture [35]. Furthermore, the human-associated Methanomassiliicoccales are considered to play
a role in human health and disease, as their capability to reduce TMA to CH
could be used to
reduce TMA concentrations within the human GIT, which are associated with cardiovascular
disease and the metabolic disorder trimethylaminuria [73,74].
Future directions should include research on the sources of methyl substrates, especially
important in the rumen system. Who are the interactions partners? What sustains the high abun-
dance of Methanomassiliicoccales? What fermentative pathways have potentially been over-
looked? In fact, research on rumen methanogens did not miss anything before their discovery.
Thus, an explicit link to the process of methylotrophic methanogenesis in situ would be desirable.
Alternatively, the metabolic versatility of Methanomassiliicoccales has not been fully elucidated
and alternative metabolisms besides methylotrophic methanogenesis might be carried out.
Furthermore, their relationship to H
should be a research focus, since they are in competition
for H
with other microorganisms, including e.g. hydrogenotrophic methanogens, such as
Methanobrevibacter sp. in the animal GITs. One reason for the high abundance in the rumen
might be the comparably high H
partial pressure. However, hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis
is thermodynamically more favorable than e.g. H
-dependent methylotrophic methanogenesis
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society 9
Biochemical Society Transactions (2019)
from methanol under standard conditions (135 kJ mol
vs. 113 kJ mol
, respectively
[1]). Nevertheless, the afnity towards H
might differ between the methanogens. The inuence of
partial pressure on Methanomassiliicoccales has not been addressed yet. Lang et al. [25] sug-
gested that the energy metabolism of Methanomassiliicoccales may serve to increase their afnity
for H
, however, experimental verication is lacking.
Clearly, more representatives need to be brought into the culture for physiological and bio-
chemical studies. Among the Methanomassiliicoccales, the GIT clade and the wetland cluster are
of particular interest. In a wider perspective, it would be highly desirable to have representative
isolates or enrichment cultures of the other new putative methylotrophic methanogenic Archaea.
In conclusion, the here presented example illustrates impressively the power of enrichment cul-
tivation in the meta-omics era, where one new isolate with still rather poorly characterized physi-
ology paves the way for an avalanche of metagenomic discoveries. Undoubtedly, more
biochemistry and physiology studies will reveal more exciting insights into the physiology and
environmental adaptations of hydrogen-dependent methylotrophic methanogens.
ADP, adenosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CH
-CoM, methyl-coenzyme M; CH
acetate; CH
MPT, methyl-tetrahydromethanopterin; CH
, methane; CO
, carbon dioxide; CoB-SH, coenzyme
B; CoM-SH, coenzyme M; CoM-S-S-CoB, coenzyme Mcoenzyme B heterodisulde; DMA, dimethylamine;
DMS, dimethylsulde; Ehb, energy-converting hydrogenase; Fd, ferredoxin; Fd
, reduced Fd; Fpo,
membrane-bound F
-methanophenazine oxidoreductase complex; Fpo-like/HdrD, membrane-bound
energy-converting ferredoxin:heterodisulde oxidoreductase complex; GHG, greenhouse gas; GIT,
gastro-intestinal tract; H
, proton; H
, hydrogen; Hdr, heterodisulde reductase; HdrDE, membrane-bound
heterodisulde reductase; MAGs, metagenome-assembled genomes; MALP, MAssiliicoccales Lake Pavin; MB,
methyl-branch; Mcr, methyl-coenzyme M reductase; mcrA gene, gene encoding the alpha subunit of Mcr;
MePh, methanophenazine; MMA, monomethylamine; MtaAB, methanol-specic methyltransferase; MtbA,
methylamine-specic methyltransferase; MtbB, DMA-specic methyltransferase; MtbC, DMA-specic corrinoid
protein; MtmB, MMA-specic methyltransferase; MtmC, MMA-specic corrinoid protein; Mtr,
methyl-tetrahydromethanopterin:CoM methyltransferase; MtsAB,, methyltransferases specic for methylated
suldes; MttB, TMA-specic methyltransferase; MttC, TMA-specic corrinoid protein; Mvh(ADG)/Hdr(ABC),
soluble methyl viologen-dependent hydrogenase/heterodisulde reductase complex; Na
, sodium ion; NH
ammonium; RT-PCR, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; TMA, trimethylamine; Vho,
methanophenazine-reducing hydrogenase; Wood-Ljungdahl pathway; WL pathway, WoodLjungdahl pathway.
Author Contributions
T.U. designed research. A.S. and T.U. wrote the manuscript. A.S. created the gures.
The authors acknowledge nancial support by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Ministry of Education,
Science and Culture of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania within the scope of the projects WETSCAPES (ESF/
14-BM-A55-0032/16) and KOINFEKT (ESF/14-BM-A55-0013/16). A.S. was nancially supported by a scholarship
from the University of Vienna for doctoral candidates (uni:docs) and a scholarship by the OeAD (Austrian Agency
for International Mobility and Cooperation in Education, Science and Research) for doctoral candidates
Competing Interests
The authors declare that there are no competing interests associated with the manuscript.
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Evol. 35, 518522
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society 13
Biochemical Society Transactions (2019)
... Culture-independent next-generation sequencing together with "omics" approaches, developed in recent years, have become powerful tools to understand which microorganisms are in the rumen, which role they play in methanogenesis, and what is the effect of mitigation strategies. Reports from Söllinger et al. (2018) and Söllinger and Urich (2019) have found that less abundant methanogenic lineages may have a more significant role in CH4 formation than the most represented rumen methanogens. Methanogens are less diverse than ruminal bacteria, and the type and abundance variation is due to host genetics as well as dietary, environmental, and ruminal factors (i.e., H2 concentrations, pH, and interactions with other fermenting microbes). ...
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Methane is the single largest greenhouse gas produced by ruminants, 28-times the warming effect of carbon dioxide. Methane is a by-product of the anaerobic fermentation of carbohydrates and amino acids in the rumen to a lesser extent. It is produced by archaea, and it is considered a loss of feed energy that could otherwise be used for productivity. Economic progress and the world’s growing population will increase meat and milk product demands; when ruminant livestock increase, methane production increases, accelerating global warming in the process inevitably. A massive worldwide research effort has investigated various mitigation strategies that can be grouped into three categories: animal and feed management, diet formulation, and rumen manipulation. These approaches affect directly or indirectly the rumen microbiome thereby reducing rumen methanogenesis. The strategy is to improve forage quality or change the forage type or proportion or add supplements such as probiotics, oils, and enzymes that either reduce methanogenesis or shift the metabolic pathways leading to the H2 reduction as a useful substrate. Methanogens community composition rather than its size seems correlated to methane production and the diversity is influenced by H2 availability and interactions within and between H2-producing microbes in the rumen, so research needs to study the different mechanisms of methanogenesis according to dietary and environmental conditions in different ruminants’ species.
... This methanogenesis pathway creates a hydrogen sink, thereby promoting bacterial fermentation and growth since hydrogen accumulation can inhibit bacterial metabolism and the regeneration of the coenzyme NAD+ from NADH [8,14]. Methanogenesis through the conversion of methanol (e.g., in M. stadtmanae) or acetate into methane via the methylotrophic or acetotrophic pathways is less common [17][18][19][20]. Methanol is produced in the gut through pectin degradation, demethylation of endogenous cellular proteins or vitamin B12 synthesis. ...
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Methane-producing Archaea can be found in a variety of habitats, including the gastrointestinal tract, where they are linked to various diseases. The majority of current monitoring methods can be slow and laborious. To facilitate gut methanogenic Archaea detection, we investigated flow cytometry for rapid quantification based on the autofluorescent F420 cofactor, an essential coenzyme in methanogenesis. The methanogenic population was distinguishable from the SYBR green (SG) and SYBR green/propidium iodide (SGPI) stained background microbiome based on elevated 452 nm emission in Methanobrevibacter smithii spiked controls. As a proof-of-concept, elevated F420-autofluorescence was used to detect and quantify methanogens in 10 faecal samples and 241 in vitro incubated faecal samples. The methanogenic population in faeces, determined through Archaea-specific 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, consisted of Methanobrevibacter and Methanomassiliicoccus. F420-based methanogen quantification in SG and SGPI-stained faecal samples showed an accuracy of 90 and 100% against Archaea proportions determined with universal primers. When compared to methane and Archaea presence, methanogen categorisation in in vitro incubated faeces exhibited an accuracy of 71 and 75%, with a precision of 42 and 70%, respectively. To conclude, flow cytometry is a reproducible and fast method for the detection and quantification of gut methanogenic Archaea.
... These assignments were based on monophyletic functional groups derived from taxonomic patterns in the literature, described in detail in the supplemen tal text, along with further details of amplicon sequence data processing methods. Mixotrophic methanogens are taxa that are capable of performing at least two different methanogenesis pathways and include Methanosarcinaceae (contain taxa that can perform one or more of all four pathways) and Methanobacteriaceae (contain taxa that can perform hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis or methyl-reducing methanogenesis) (44,112,113). Taxa in the Nitrospirota phylum were all considered to be nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, although some taxa (in the Nitrospira genus) have been recently discovered to perform complete ammonia oxidation (114 Soil metagenomic shotgun sequence data were obtained using a 96-well platebased DNA library preparation (detailed in the supplemental text) run on an Illumina HiSeq2500 sequencer using HiSeq TruSeq SBS (v.4) sequencing kits (2 × 150 or 2 × 250 run mode) at the Joint Genome Institute. Overall, shotgun sequencing libraries yielded ~5.3 Gbp per sample after contaminant and quality filtering. ...
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Estuarine wetlands harbor considerable carbon stocks, but rising sea levels could affect their ability to sequester soil carbon as well as their potential to emit methane (CH 4 ). While sulfate loading from seawater intrusion may reduce CH 4 production due to the higher energy yield of microbial sulfate reduction, existing studies suggest other factors are likely at play. Our study of 11 wetland complexes spanning a natural salinity and productivity gradient across the San Francisco Bay and Delta found that while CH 4 fluxes generally declined with salinity, they were highest in oligohaline wetlands (ca. 3-ppt salinity). Methanogens and methanogenesis genes were weakly correlated with CH 4 fluxes but alone did not explain the highest rates observed. Taxonomic and functional gene data suggested that other microbial guilds that influence carbon and nitrogen cycling need to be accounted for to better predict CH 4 fluxes at landscape scales. Higher methane production occurring near the freshwater boundary with slight salinization (and sulfate incursion) might result from increased sulfate-reducing fermenter and syntrophic populations, which can produce substrates used by methanogens. Moreover, higher salinities can solubilize ionically bound ammonium abundant in the lower salinity wetland soils examined here, which could inhibit methanotrophs and potentially contribute to greater CH 4 fluxes observed in oligohaline sediments. IMPORTANCE Low-level salinity intrusion could increase CH4 flux in tidal freshwater wetlands, while higher levels of salinization might instead decrease CH4 fluxes. High CH4 emissions in oligohaline sites are concerning because seawater intrusion will cause tidal freshwater wetlands to become oligohaline. Methanogenesis genes alone did not account for landscape patterns of CH4 fluxes, suggesting mechanisms altering methanogenesis, methanotrophy, nitrogen cycling, and ammonium release, and increasing decomposition and syntrophic bacterial populations could contribute to increases in net CH4 flux at oligohaline salinities. Improved understanding of these influences on net CH4 emissions could improve restoration efforts and accounting of carbon sequestration in estuarine wetlands. More pristine reference sites may have older and more abundant organic matter with higher carbon:nitrogen compared to wetlands impacted by agricultural activity and may present different interactions between salinity and CH4. This distinction might be critical for modeling efforts to scale up biogeochemical process interactions in estuarine wetlands.
Methylotrophic methanogenesis is achieved via methyl group dismutation or H2 reduction. This study reports extracellular electron droving efficient methylotrophic methanogenesis. The 7th order methanogen Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis exclusively implements H2-dependent methylotrophic methanogenesis, but strain CZDD1 isolated from paddy soil possessed a higher methane-producing rate in coculture with Clostridium malenominatum CZB5 or the electrogenic Geobacter metallireducens. Chronoamperometry detected current production from CZB5, and current consumption accompanied CH4 production in a methanol-containing electrochemical culture of CZDD1. This demonstrated that M. luminyensis was capable of both direct species electron transfer (DIET) and extracellular electron transfer (EET) in methylotrophic methanogenesis. EET and DIET also enabled CZDD1 to produce methane from dimethyl arsenate. Differential transcriptomic analysis on H2- versus EET- and DIET-cocultures suggested that a membrane-bound Fpo-like complex and archaella of M. luminyensis CZDD1 could accept extracellular electrons. Given the ubiquitous environmental distribution of Methanomassiliicoccus strains, EET driven methylotrophic methanogenesis may contribute significantly to methane emission.
Over the past decade, environmental metagenomics and polymerase chain reaction-based marker gene surveys have revealed that several lineages beyond just a few well-established groups within the Euryarchaeota superphylum harbor the genetic potential for methanogenesis. One of these groups are the Archaeoglobi, a class of thermophilic Euryarchaeota that have long been considered to live non-methanogenic lifestyles. Here, we enriched Candidatus Methanoglobus hypatiae, a methanogen affiliated with the family Archaeoglobaceae, from a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park. The enrichment is sediment-free, grows at 64-70°C and a pH of 7.8, and produces methane from mono-, di-, and tri-methylamine. Ca. M. hypatiae is represented by a 1.62 Mb metagenome-assembled genome with an estimated completeness of 100% and accounts for up to 67% of cells in the culture according to fluorescence in situ hybridization. Via genome-resolved metatranscriptomics and stable isotope tracing, we demonstrate that Ca. M. hypatiae expresses methylotrophic methanogenesis and energy-conserving pathways for reducing monomethylamine to methane. The detection of Archaeoglobi populations related to Ca. M. hypatiae in 36 geochemically diverse geothermal sites within Yellowstone National Park, as revealed through the examination of previously published gene amplicon datasets, implies a previously underestimated contribution to anaerobic carbon cycling in extreme ecosystems.
Boreal peatlands store most of their carbon in layers deeper than 0.5 m under anaerobic conditions, where carbon dioxide and methane are produced as terminal products of organic matter degradation. Since the global warming potential of methane is much greater than that of carbon dioxide, the balance between the production rates of these gases is important for future climate predictions. Herein, we aimed to understand whether anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO) could explain the high CO2/CH4 anaerobic production ratios that are widely observed for the deeper peat layers of boreal peatlands. Furthermore, we quantified the metabolic pathways of methanogenesis to examine whether hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis is a dominant methane production pathway for the presumably recalcitrant deeper peat. To assess the CH4 cycling in deeper peat, we combined laboratory anaerobic incubations with a pathway-specific inhibitor, in situ depth patterns of stable isotopes in CH4, and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing for three representative boreal peatlands in Western Siberia. We found up to a 69 % reduction in CH4 production due to AMO, which largely explained the high CO2/CH4 anaerobic production ratios and the in situ depth-related patterns of δ13C and δD in methane. The absence of acetate accumulation after inhibiting acetotrophic methanogenesis and the presence of sulfate- and nitrate-reducing anaerobic acetate oxidizers in the deeper peat indicated that these microorganisms use SO42− and NO3− as electron acceptors. Acetotrophic methanogenesis dominated net CH4 production in the deeper peat, accounting for 81 ± 13 %. Overall, anaerobic oxidation is quantitatively important for the methane cycle in the deeper layers of boreal peatlands, affecting both methane and its main precursor concentrations.
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Background Methanomassiliicoccales are a recently identified order of methanogens that are diverse across global environments particularly the gastrointestinal tracts of animals; however, their metabolic capacities are defined via a limited number of cultured strains. Results Here, we profile and analyze 243 Methanomassiliicoccales genomes assembled from cultured representatives and uncultured metagenomes recovered from various biomes, including the gastrointestinal tracts of different animal species. Our analyses reveal the presence of numerous undefined genera and genetic variability in metabolic capabilities within Methanomassiliicoccales lineages, which is essential for adaptation to their ecological niches. In particular, gastrointestinal tract Methanomassiliicoccales demonstrate the presence of co-diversified members with their hosts over evolutionary timescales and likely originated in the natural environment. We highlight the presence of diverse clades of vitamin transporter BtuC proteins that distinguish Methanomassiliicoccales from other archaeal orders and likely provide a competitive advantage in efficiently handling B12. Furthermore, genome-centric metatranscriptomic analysis of ruminants with varying methane yields reveal elevated expression of select Methanomassiliicoccales genera in low methane animals and suggest that B12 exchanges could enable them to occupy ecological niches that possibly alter the direction of H2 utilization. Conclusions We provide a comprehensive and updated account of divergent Methanomassiliicoccales lineages, drawing from numerous uncultured genomes obtained from various habitats. We also highlight their unique metabolic capabilities involving B12, which could serve as promising targets for mitigating ruminant methane emissions by altering H2 flow.
Molecular hydrogen (H<sub>2</sub>) and formate (HCOO<sup>-</sup>) are metabolic end products of many primary fermenters in the rumen ecosystem. Both play a vital role in fermentation where they are electron sinks for individual microbes in an anaerobic environment that lacks external electron acceptors. If H<sub>2</sub> and/or formate accumulate within the rumen, the ability of primary fermenters to regenerate electron carriers may be inhibited and microbial metabolism and growth disrupted. Consequently, H<sub>2</sub>- and/or formate-consuming microbes such as methanogens and possibly homoacetogens play a key role in maintaining the metabolic efficiency of primary fermenters. There is increasing interest in identifying approaches to manipulate the rumen ecosystem for the benefit of the host and the environment. As H<sub>2</sub> and formate are important mediators of interspecies interactions, an understanding of their production and utilization could be a significant starting point for the development of successful interventions aimed at redirecting electron flow and reducing methane emissions. We conclude by discussing in brief ruminant methane mitigation approaches as a model to help understand the fate of H<sub>2</sub> and formate in the rumen ecosystem.
General microbial patterns of biogeography can be established based on sedimentary DNA (sedDNA) retrieved from diverse inland aquatic ecosystems, provided that certain variable environmental factors are taken into consideration in order to trace the admixture of prokaryotic sedDNA preserved in lacustrine sediments from source to sink. These include several watershed characteristics, such as climate and mineralogy in the catchment and degree of urbanization, which in turn determine the lake regime, productivity and geochemistry of the water body, redox conditions at the sediment-water interface, sedimentation rates and organic matter content over time.Records of environmental conditions through the preservation of prokaryotic sedDNA will partially be obscured by the presence of a subsurface biosphere that remains active during burial. Sediment colonization and selective growth of specific sub-populations of the resident microbiomes are inherent to the substrates available in lacustrine deposits. Microbial guilds reflective of respiration types and organic matter decomposition usually go hand-in-hand with the geochemical gradient that develops in the sedimentary column during early diagenetic processes, but may also prevail in specific stratigraphic intervals. Thus, the correct attribution of prokaryotic sedDNA sources to an environmental context is essential for resolving past and modern ecosystem functioning. Because the succession of microbial taxa pre-adapted to gradual depletion of electron donors and acceptors is relatively well known, sources of sedDNA inherent to resident microbial communities can be discriminated and provide evidence of diagenetic processes during burial. In contrast, ancient sources of sedDNA that persist in microbially active sediments are exposed to a constant turnover, leading to preferential preservation of dormant stages over free sedDNA.Bacteria and archaea are tremendously diverse, and therefore there is the need to rigorously assign their metabolic functions and assess their degree of activity along sediment archives. Beyond taxonomic surveys and geochemical profiling of the subsurface biosphere, novel procedures are being customized to sort, target, sequence and assemble sedDNA fragments of interest to unravel specific biogeochemical interactions in lacustrine ecosystems pertaining past and actual ecological changes at the local and global scale.
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Large reservoirs of natural gas in the oceanic subsurface sustain complex communities of anaerobic microbes, including archaeal lineages with potential to mediate oxidation of hydrocarbons such as methane and butane. Here we describe a previously unknown archaeal phylum, Helarchaeota, belonging to the Asgard superphylum and with the potential for hydrocarbon oxidation. We reconstruct Helarchaeota genomes from metagenomic data derived from hydrothermal deep-sea sediments in the hydrocarbon-rich Guaymas Basin. The genomes encode methyl-CoM reductase-like enzymes that are similar to those found in butane-oxidizing archaea, as well as several enzymes potentially involved in alkyl-CoA oxidation and the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway. We suggest that members of the Helarchaeota have the potential to activate and subsequently anaerobically oxidize hydrothermally generated short-chain hydrocarbons.
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Methanogenesis is an ancient metabolism of key ecological relevance, with direct impact on the evolution of Earth’s climate. Recent results suggest that the diversity of methane metabolisms and their derivations have probably been vastly underestimated. Here, by probing thousands of publicly available metagenomes for homologues of methyl-coenzyme M reductase complex (MCR), we have obtained ten metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) belonging to potential methanogenic, anaerobic methanotrophic and short-chain alkane-oxidizing archaea. Five of these MAGs represent under-sampled (Verstraetearchaeota, Methanonatronarchaeia, ANME-1 and GoM-Arc1) or previously genomically undescribed (ANME-2c) archaeal lineages. The remaining five MAGs correspond to lineages that are only distantly related to previously known methanogens and span the entire archaeal phylogeny. Comprehensive comparative annotation substantially expands the metabolic diversity and energy conservation systems of MCR-bearing archaea. It also suggests the potential existence of a yet uncharacterized type of methanogenesis linked to short-chain alkane/fatty acid oxidation in a previously undescribed class of archaea (‘Candidatus Methanoliparia’). We redefine a common core of marker genes specific to methanogenic, anaerobic methanotrophic and short-chain alkane-oxidizing archaea, and propose a possible scenario for the evolutionary and functional transitions that led to the emergence of such metabolic diversity. © 2019, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
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Phylogenetic and geological evidence supports the hypothesis that life on Earth originated in thermal environments and conserved energy through methanogenesis or sulfur reduction. Here we describe two populations of the deeply rooted archaeal phylum Korarchaeota, which were retrieved from the metagenome of a circumneutral, suboxic hot spring that contains high levels of sulfate, sulfide, methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. One population is closely related to ‘Candidatus Korarchaeum cryptofilum OPF8’, while the more abundant korarchaeote, ‘Candidatus Methanodesulfokores washburnensis’, contains genes that are necessary for anaerobic methane and dissimilatory sulfur metabolisms. Phylogenetic and ancestral reconstruction analyses suggest that methane metabolism originated in the Korarchaeota, whereas genes for dissimilatory sulfite reduction were horizontally transferred to the Korarchaeota from the Firmicutes. Interactions among enzymes involved in both metabolisms could facilitate exergonic, sulfite-dependent, anaerobic oxidation of methane to methanol; alternatively, ‘Ca. M. washburnensis’ could conduct methanogenesis and sulfur reduction independently. Metabolic reconstruction suggests that ‘Ca. M. washburnensis’ is a mixotroph, capable of amino acid uptake, assimilation of methane-derived carbon and/or CO 2 fixation by archaeal type III-b RuBisCO for scavenging ribose carbon. Our findings link anaerobic methane metabolism and dissimilatory sulfur reduction within a single deeply rooted archaeal population and have implications for the evolution of these traits throughout the Archaea. © 2019, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
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Methanogenic archaea are major contributors to the global carbon cycle and were long thought to belong exclusively to the euryarchaeal phylum. Discovery of the methanogenesis gene cluster methyl-coenzyme M reductase (Mcr) in the Bathyarchaeota, and thereafter the Verstraetearchaeota, led to a paradigm shift, pushing back the evolutionary origin of methanogenesis to predate that of the Euryarchaeota. The methylotrophic methanogenesis found in the non-Euryarchaota distinguished itself from the predominantly hydrogenotrophic methanogens found in euryarchaeal orders as the former do not couple methanogenesis to carbon fixation through the reductive acetyl-CoA [Wood–Ljungdahl pathway (WLP)], which was interpreted as evidence for independent evolution of the two methanogenesis pathways. Here, we report the discovery of a complete and divergent hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis pathway in a thermophilic order of the Verstraetearchaeota, which we have named Candidatus Methanohydrogenales, as well as the presence of the WLP in the crenarchaeal order Desulfurococcales. Our findings support the ancient origin of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, suggest that methylotrophic methanogenesis might be a later adaptation of specific orders, and provide insight into how the transition from hydrogenotrophic to methylotrophic methanogenesis might have occurred.
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Over the past years, metagenomics has revolutionized our view of microbial diversity. Moreover, extracting near-complete genomes from metagenomes has led to the discovery of known metabolic traits in unsuspected lineages. Genome-resolved metagenomics relies on assembly of the sequencing reads and subsequent binning of assembled contigs, which might be hampered by strain heterogeneity or low abundance of a target organism. Here we present a complementary approach, metagenome marker gene mining, and use it to assess the global diversity of archaeal methane metabolism through the mcrA gene. To this end, we have screened 18,465 metagenomes for the presence of reads matching a database representative of all known mcrA proteins and reconstructed gene sequences from the matching reads. We use our mcrA dataset to assess the environmental distribution of the Methanomassiliicoccales and reconstruct and analyze a draft genome belonging to the ‘Lake Pavin cluster’, an uncultivated environmental clade of the Methanomassiliicoccales. Analysis of the ‘Lake Pavin cluster’ draft genome suggests that this organism has a more restricted capacity for hydrogenotrophic methylotrophic methanogenesis than previously studied Methanomassiliicoccales, with only genes for growth on methanol present. However, the presence of the soluble subunits of methyltetrahydromethanopterin:CoM methyltransferase (mtrAH) provide hypothetical pathways for methanol fermentation, and aceticlastic methanogenesis that await experimental verification. Thus, we show that marker gene mining can enhance the discovery power of metagenomics, by identifying novel lineages and aiding selection of targets for in-depth analyses. Marker gene mining is less sensitive to strain heterogeneity and has a lower abundance threshold than genome-resolved metagenomics, as it only requires short contigs and there is no binning step. Additionally, it is computationally cheaper than genome resolved metagenomics, since only a small subset of reads needs to be assembled. It is therefore a suitable approach to extract knowledge from the many publicly available sequencing projects.
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Bacterial and archaeal community structure of five microbial communities, developing at different salinities in Baja California Sur, Mexico, were characterized by 16S rRNA sequencing. The response of the microbial community to artificial changes in salinity–sulfate concentrations and to addition of trimethylamine was also evaluated in microcosm experiments. Ordination analyses of the microbial community structure showed that microbial composition was distinctive for each hypersaline site. Members of bacteria were dominated by Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria phyla, while Halobacteria of the Euryarchaeota phylum was the most represented class of archaea for all the environmental samples. At a higher phylogenetic resolution, methanogenic communities were dominated by members of the Methanosarcinales, Methanobacteriales and Methanococcales orders. Incubation experiments showed that putative hydrogenotrophic methanogens of the Methanomicrobiales increased in abundance only under lowest salinity and sulfate concentrations. Trimethylamine addition effectively increased the abundance of methylotrophic members from the Methanosarcinales, but also increased the relative abundance of the Thermoplasmata class, suggesting the potential capability of these microorganisms to use trimethylamine in hypersaline environments. These results contribute to the knowledge of microbial diversity in hypersaline environments from Baja California Sur, Mexico, and expand upon the available information for uncultured methanogenic archaea in these ecosystems.
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Ruminant livestock is a major source of the potent greenhouse gas methane. The complex rumen microbiome, consisting of bacteria, archaea, and microbial eukaryotes, facilitates anaerobic plant biomass degradation in the cow rumen, leading to methane emissions. Using an integrated approach combining multidomain quantitative metatranscriptomics with gas and volatile fatty acid (VFA) profiling, we aimed at obtaining the most comprehensive picture of the active rumen microbiome during feed degradation to date. Bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic biomass, but also methane emissions and VFA concentrations, increased drastically within an hour after feed intake. mRNA profiling revealed a dynamic response of carbohydrate-active enzyme transcripts, transcripts involved in VFA production and methanogenesis. While the relative abundances of functional transcripts did not mirror observed processes, such as methane emissions, transformation to mRNA abundance per gram of rumen fluid echoed ruminant processes. The microbiome composition was highly individual, with, e.g., ciliate, Neocallimastigaceae, Prevotellaceae, Succinivibrionaceae, and Fibrobacteraceae abundances differing between cows. Microbiome individuality was accompanied by inter- and intradomain multifunctional redundancy among microbiome members during feed degradation. This likely enabled the robust performance of the anaerobic degradation process in each rumen. Neocallimastigaceae and ciliates contributed an unexpectedly large share of transcripts for cellulose- and hemicellulose-degrading enzymes, respectively. Methyl-reducing but not CO2-reducing methanogens were positively correlated with methane emissions. While Methanomassiliicoccales switched from methanol to methylamines as electron acceptors, Methanosphaera became the dominating methanol-reducing methanogen. This study for the first time linked rumen meta-omics with processes and enabled holistic insights into the contribution of all microbiome members to feed degradation. IMPORTANCE Ruminant animals, such as cows, live in a tight symbiotic association with microorganisms, allowing them to feed on otherwise indigestible plant biomass as food sources. Methane is produced as an end product of the anaerobic feed degradation in ruminants and is emitted to the atmosphere, making ruminant animals among the major anthropogenic sources of the potent greenhouse gas methane. Using newly developed quantitative metatranscriptomics for holistic microbiome analysis, we here identified bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic key players and the short-term dynamics of the rumen microbiome during anaerobic plant biomass degradation and subsequent methane emissions. These novel insights might pave the way for novel ecologically and economically sustainable methane mitigation strategies, much needed in times of global climate change. Author Video: An author video summary of this article is available.
Methanomassiliicoccus (M.) luminyensis was originally isolated from human feces and belongs to the seventh order of methanogens, the Methanomassiliicoccales, which are only distantly related to other methanogenic archaea. The organism forms methane from the reduction of methylamines or methanol using molecular hydrogen as reductant. The energy‐conserving system in M. luminyensis is unique and the enzymes involved in this process are not found in this combination in members of the other methanogenic orders. In this context our central question was how the organism is able to generate ATP. Energy transduction was dependent on a membrane‐bound ferredoxin: heterodisulfide oxidoreductase composed of reduced ferredoxin as electron donor, at least one protein in the membrane fraction and the heterodisulfide reductase HdrD, which reduced the electron acceptor CoM‐S‐S‐CoB. Electron transfer of this respiratory chain proceeded with a rate of 145 nmol reduced heterodisulfide min−1 mg membrane protein−1. M. luminyensis is the first example of a methanogenic archaeon that does not require Na+ ions for energy conservation. Only protons were used as coupling ions for the generation of the electrochemical ion gradient. The membrane‐bound F420H2:phenazine oxidoreductase complex (without the electron input module FpoF) probably catalyzed the oxidation of reduced ferredoxin and potentially acted as primary proton pump in this electron transport system. In summary, the energy conserving system of M. luminyensis possesses features found in the pathways of hydrogenotrophic and methylotrophic/ aceticlastic methanogenesis. Consequently, the composition of the enzymes involved in ion translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane is different from all other methanogenic archaea. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Methanogenesis is an anaerobic respiration that generates methane as the final product of metabolism. In aerobic respiration, organic matter such as glucose is oxidized to CO2, and O2 is reduced to H2O. In contrast, during hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, H2 is oxidized to H+, and CO2 is reduced to CH4. Although similar in principle to other types of respiration, methanogenesis has some distinctive features: the energy yield is very low, ≤1 ATP per methane generated, and only methanogens — organisms capable of this specialized metabolism — carry out biological methane production. Methanogens, like the process they catalyze, are similarly distinctive. Methanogens are comprised exclusively of archaea. They are obligate methane producers, that is, they do not grow using fermentation or alternative electron acceptors for respiration. Finally, methanogens are strict anaerobes and do not grow in the presence of O2. Historically, methanogenesis has been viewed as a highly specialized metabolism restricted to a narrow group of prokaryotes. However, recent developments have revealed enormous diversity within the methanogens and suggest that this metabolism is one of the most ancient on earth.
Bathyarchaeota, formerly known as the Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group, is a phylum of global generalists that are widespread in anoxic sediments, which host relatively high abundant archaeal communities. Until now, 25 subgroups have been identified in the Bathyarchaeota. The distinct bathyarchaeotal subgroups diverged to adapt to the marine and freshwater environments. Based on the physiological and genomic evidence, acetyl-CoA centralized heterotrophic pathways of energy conservation have been proposed to function in Bathyarchaeota; these microbes are able to anaerobically utilize (i) detrital proteins, (ii) polymeric carbohydrates, (iii) fatty acids/aromatic compounds, (iv) methane (or short chain alkane) and methylated compounds, (v) and/or potentially other organic matter. Furthermore, bathyarchaeotal members have wide metabolic capabilities, including acetogenesis, methane metabolism, and dissimilatory nitrogen and sulfur reduction, and they also have potential interactions with anaerobic methane oxidizing archaea (ANME), acetoclastic methanogens and heterotrophic bacteria. These results have not only demonstrated multiple and important ecological functions of this archaeal phylum, but also paved the way for a detailed understanding of the evolution and metabolism of Archaea as such. This review summarizes the recent findings pertaining to the ecological, physiological and genomic aspects of Bathyarchaeota, highlighting the vital role of this phylum in global carbon cycling.