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Structural determinism as hindrance to teachers' learning: Implications for teacher education


Abstract and Figures

In this paper, I use Maturana and Varela's (e.g., 1992) theoretical construct of structural determinism as a lens to better understand and discuss specific events of teachers' learning or non-learning in various situations. Through excerpts from the literature and data from one of my projects, I illustrate teachers' personal orientations that guide their potential learning. These interpretations have implications for teacher educators, who need to become more than facilitators or guides in order to trigger learning opportunities for/in teachers.
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PME 32 and PME-NA XXX 2008 4 - 145
Jérôme Proulx
University of Ottawa
In this paper, I use Maturana and Varela’s (e.g., 1992) theoretical construct of
structural determinism as a lens to better understand and discuss specific events of
teachers’ learning or non-learning in various situations. Through excerpts from the
literature and data from one of my projects, I illustrate teachers’ personal orientations
that guide their potential learning. These interpretations have implications for teacher
educators, who need to become more than facilitators or guides in order to trigger
learning opportunities for/in teachers.
This paper is partly theoretical, offering a perspective for thinking about mathematics
teachers’ knowledge and learning, and partly practical, using data from the research
literature and my own studies to illustrate and make sense of the points highlighted.
The discussion is framed around an intention to theorize and develop greater
understandings of teachers’ learning. One central aspects of conducting research in
teacher education is to study phenomena of teachers’ teaching and knowledge of how
to teach (what, why and how teachers know and act), that is, to better understand who
they are and what they know as learners of mathematics teaching and as teachers of
mathematics. These understandings can lead to enriched conceptions of teachers’
learning/knowledge which can in turn contribute to the constant endeavour to
improve the teacher education practices that mathematics teachers are immersed in.
One of last year’s conference research forums was “Learning through teaching:
Development of teachers’ knowledge in practice,” by Roza Leikin and Rina Zazkis
(2007) and collaborators, and focused on teachers’ opportunities to learn in and from
their everyday teaching practices. One of the contributors, Martin A. Simon (2007),
offered us a different view on teachers’ learning, talking about the possible
limitations of teachers’ learning from their practices. Using the insightful but catchy
phrase “we see what we understand,” he talked about how teachers can be limited
from their own knowledge in what they can learn from their practices in schools.
Simon’s interesting contributions and explanations reminded me of some related
issues found in the literature on mathematics teacher education.
One came from the study of Grant, Hiebert and Wierne (1998) who offered videos of
reform-oriented mathematics teaching practices to teachers for them to see examples
of such practices, make sense of them, and draw out some principles for their own
practices. It was found that a number of teachers, who saw “mathematics as a series
of procedural rules and hold the teacher responsible for students acquiring these
rules” (p. 233), were not able to see significant differences between these practices
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and their own and tended to focus on technical aspects of the lesson and the material
used. For Grant et al., this showed how offering videos of innovative practices were
not a panacea for teachers’ professional development since teachers needed to be able
to appreciate what was in the video to see these differences and innovations.
A similar issue arose in Fernandez’s (2005) research report on a collaborative lesson-
study environment for elementary teachers. Playing the role of a facilitator, she
realized after a while that the mathematical tasks teachers were exploring were not as
insightful and provocative to the teachers as she thought they might have been and
noted that “often the exchanges that took place did not push the teachers’ thinking as
far as they could have or sometimes even took them in unproductive directions” (p.
278). Fernandez then wondered if the teachers’ mathematical knowledge was limiting
to some extent what they were able to draw or not draw from the tasks themselves.
As well, my own research report at last year’s conference (Proulx, 2007a) described
secondary teachers’ attempts to make sense of student solutions for a rate of change
question in which conventions came into play. On analysing a solution where a
student had inversed the roles of Δx and Δy in calculating slope, the teachers
concluded that the student “did not understand anything about variation” and that
nothing more could be drawn from such a solution by a teacher – it was just wrong. It
appeared that the teachers were conflating the (arbitrary) order of the rate of change
with its conceptual understanding. Teachers’ own understanding of rate of change
oriented their interpretation of the solution, leading them to not perceive some of the
student possible understandings of variations in a graph. The same happened for the
order in the coordinates of the Cartesian plan, where teachers did not see (x, y) as an
arbitrary convention and interpreted students’ solution in relation to it.
Here, one could point to teachers’ lack of knowledge or inabilities to make sense of
differences and worthwhile mathematics in these studies. However, what we need to
understand more deeply is the rationale for and the mechanisms that are operating in
these situations. The theory of cognition of Maturana and Varela (e.g., 1992),
especially their concept of structural determinism, can shed light on some of these
issues and help make sense of them. Below, I outline aspects of their theory and use it
to interpret the above situations. Then, I use excerpts from my own research to
illustrate additional ways of understanding the phenomenon of teachers’ learning, and
I raise some implications for the role of teacher educators in these situations.
Maturana and Varela’s (e.g., 1992) theory of cognition is grounded in biological and
evolutionary perspectives on human knowledge and processes of meaning making.
Fundamental to this theory, and rooted in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, are
notions of structural coupling and structural determinism. Darwin used the concept
of “fitting” to make sense of the process of survival of species. Hence, for species to
survive, it must continuously adapt to its environment, to fit within it. If not, it would
perish. The concept of fitting is, however, not a static one in which the environment
PME 32 and PME-NA XXX 2008 4 - 147
stayed the same and only the species evolved and continued to adapt. Darwin
explained that species and environment co-evolve, and Maturana and Varela added
that they co-adapt to each other, meaning that each influences the other in the course
of evolution. This idea of co-evolution/co-adaptation is key in regard to the origin of
changes or adaptations of the species to its environment. Maturana and Varela call
this structural coupling, as both environment and organism interact with one another
and experience a mutual history of evolutionary changes and transformations. Both
undergo changes in their structure in the process of evolution, which makes them
“adapted” and compatible with each other.
Every ontogeny occurs within an environment […] it will become clear to us that the
interactions (as long as they are recurrent) between [organism] and environment will
consist of reciprocal perturbations. […] The results will be a history of mutual congruent
structural changes as long as the [organism] and its containing environment do not
disintegrate: there will be a structural coupling (1992, p. 75, emphasis in the original).
Here, the environment does not act as a selector, but mainly as a “trigger” for the
species to evolve – as much as species act as “triggers” for the environment to evolve
in return. Maturana and Varela explain that events and changes are occasioned by the
environment, but they are determined by the species’ structure.
Therefore, we have used the expression “to trigger” an effect. In this way we refer to the
fact that the changes that result from the interaction between the living being and its
environment are brought about by the disturbing agent but determined by the structure of
the disturbed system. The same holds true for the environment: the living being is a
source of perturbations and not of instructions (1992, p. 96, emphasis in the original).
Maturana and Varela call this phenomenon structural determinism, meaning that it is
the structure of the organism that allows for changes to occur. These changes are
“triggered” by the interaction of the organism with its environment. They give this
example: A car that hits a tree will be destroyed, whereas this would not happen to an
army tank. The changes do not reside inside of the “trigger” (inside the tree), rather
they come about from the organism interacting with the “trigger.” The “triggers”
from the environment are essential but do not determine the changes. In short:
changes in the organism are dependent on, but not determined by, the environment.
If one uses structural determinism to make sense of the learning process, one
understands that the response of the learner is dependent on the environment he/she is
put in (e.g., video watching, mathematical tasks, students answers), but is determined
by the learner’s own way of making sense and interpreting. Thus, the response to a
stimulus is not in the stimulus per se but is in the person that responds to it.
In the case of Grant et al. (1998) study, one could interpret that it is not that the
teachers did not see the differences between the reform-oriented practices presented
in the videos and their own classroom practices, but that for them these were not
present as differences. In order to notice or appreciate these potential differences, the
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teachers needed to be aware of the possibility of these differences and be able to
understand what they were. The same can be said of the teachers in my study (Proulx,
2007a), who did not distinguish between the usage of mathematical conventions and
mathematical understanding. The teachers needed to be aware of issues of
conventions in these situations to make sense of them in the student solution, which
did not appear to be the case. As well, in Fernandez’s (2005) study, it is not that the
teachers did not see the mathematics in the problem, but that the mathematics that she
saw in it was simply not present for these teachers. Simon’s point that “we see what
we understand” is of relevance to these potential learning situations: teachers’
knowledge, their structure, did not allow them to “see” these distinctions (that were
apparent to the teacher educators presenting the learning opportunities).
In fact, we stating that there are differences in the videos or mathematical aspects in
the tasks offered is also representative of our own “blindness”: we simply do not
realize that it is we who sees them and that someone else could not see these
distinctions. Or, simply, we make the assumption that these properties are present in
and of themselves in the tasks and that these would determine teachers’ reactions –
leading to our conclusion that “Hum! They did not see that.” It is not that they did not
see, but simply that there was nothing for them to see.
This said, as well as our knowledge/structure can lead us to “not see” some aspects,
our knowledge/structure can orient us to focus on other aspects; or, in a sense, to
only see” some aspects that we are oriented towards. To use Maturana and
Varela’s words, our structure leads us toward ways of understanding the world:
what we understand is a function of our knowledge and is influenced by it. I further
illustrate this idea through reporting on other data excerpts from one of my research
Recently, I set up a year-long professional development initiative for secondary
mathematics teachers (Proulx, 2007b). The six teachers that participated in the
project wanted to improve and rejuvenate their teaching practices. They felt their
mathematical knowledge was too focused on procedural knowledge and that this
impacted their teaching practices and ways of making sense of mathematics. Some of
them expressed the following: “Why is it that we are not able to solve by reasoning?
It is because we have not been educated to reason in mathematics. Me, I did copy,
paste, repeat, and let’s go. And I had 95% in mathematics!” or “I never understood
why it worked. When students ask me why, I simply say that this is how it is!” Thus,
the in-service sessions were structured around the study of school mathematics
concepts and focused on sense-making and mathematical reasoning, rather than an
application of procedures, for teachers to explore these issues. Through the work on
specific mathematical tasks during the year, interesting characteristics of teachers’
orientations arose. I underline these to illustrate how their knowledge, as structure
determined beings, oriented them to engage in these tasks in particular ways.
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Engaging in tasks at the procedural level
Through the sessions, teachers often appeared to approach mathematical problems in
a technical fashion. When a problem was offered to them, their initial approach was
often to look for the procedure to apply; almost as a reflex. It appeared as if this was
their natural orientation to engage in mathematical problems. For example, in the
following problem (Figure 1), teachers looked for and attempted to apply the area of
the square formula, even if this approach was quite inefficient here.
Figure 1. Problem on the area of a square.
It appeared as if these teachers’ structure, a structure heavily focused on
mathematical procedures, oriented them to work on problems through procedures.
But, throughout the year, because the in-service program was focusing on aspects
beyond procedures, the teachers became more and more aware of the possibility of
entering differently into problems. Hence, these first attempts, which often resulted in
a blank outcome, had an interesting effect on teachers as they themselves started to
realize that there was something else to understand and work through, and attempted
to probe from a different angle. In fact, the teachers often expressed out loud that it
was their own procedural orientation that had lead them along this way and that they
needed to work at getting away from this orientation. As sessions went on, the
possibility of working differently on problems became more present to them (i.e.,
part of their structure) and they were able to explore these avenues.
Looking for techniques in mathematics
The teachers frequently expressed that their students had difficulties in specific
mathematical domains and that they had been looking for precise mathematical
techniques to communicate them for helping avoid errors and solve problems better.
The issue was that some of these looked-for techniques appeared to not make much
sense. For example, during a session focused on the creation of algebraic equations
from word problems, the teachers continuously tried to find a specific mathematical
technique to easily create the algebraic equation. This technique, for them, would
help to avoid students’ mistakes. Many options were offered as techniques: using
other letters than x or y; underlining key words; creating an intermediary step where
students would need to write down what each unknown represents; writing down the
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relations in a table; and so on. All of these approaches had at least some value, but
the teachers’ intentions was to find “the one” and to use it as an algorithm they could
present to their students, with precise steps to follow in order to obtain the correct
answer. After a while, they realized that these techniques were insufficient since one
still had to make sense of the problem and the relation between the data in order to
write down the equation and therefore that it could not be reduced to a simple
technique to apply. Here, it appeared that the teachers’ procedural orientation towards
mathematics was leading them to look for even more procedures in mathematics.
Technical reading of the curriculum
This procedural orientation often brought the teachers to interpret the mathematical
topics of the curriculum as expectations for working on techniques, algorithms and
formulas. For example, when we worked on volume of solids, for the teachers this
topic meant giving and demonstrating the volume formulas to students; that is,
seeing volume as being only about its formulas. The same was true for analytical
geometry, understood as a number of formulas of distance, middle points, etc., or
for fractions, seen as a request to learn the addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division algorithms, and so on. As Bauersfeld (1977) explains, some teachers
develop technical “eyes” to read and interpret the notions and topics of the
curriculum. In this case, the curriculum notions are read as requests to work on
procedures. As studies have shown (e.g., Putnam, Heaton, Prawat, & Remillard,
1992; Ross, McDougall & Hogaboam-Gray, 2002), curricular changes alone seldom
affect changes in teaching practices, something that can be explained by teachers’
orientation to reading these topics: teachers read what they understand, their
structure orients their reading.
Given the examples offered above, we might reread Simon’s comment of “we see
what we understand” to also mean “we only see” aspects one is oriented toward. This
is in fact what Maturana and Varela explain: as structure determined beings, our
structure orients the sense we can make of a situation (enabling or orienting). Thus,
tasks, situations or contexts do not possess “the learning” for teachers; rather this
learning is determined by teachers’ own structure as they interact with these tasks and
situations. But, what implications does this have for the educational act or
educational initiatives? If teachers can only see what they already understand, it
could mean that nothing new can be worked on with them since it needs to be already
known by them. If this is so, this would mean that our structure not only determines
what we learn, but also restricts us and stops us from learning. This is clearly not so,
and Maturana offers some explanation of this process, which places an importance on
the outside environment to provoke reactions/learning from the learner.
Maturana (e.g., 1987; Maturana & Mpodozis, 1999) makes a distinction between our
structure and our actions, which he terms “conducts.” The conducts demonstrate, and
are permitted by, one’s structure/knowledge. These conducts are determined by the
PME 32 and PME-NA XXX 2008 4 - 151
structure, but are also dependant on the environment in which they are enacted. It is
in the interaction with the environment that one’s conducts arise, in its structural
coupling with it. So, these conducts are coupled with, and embedded in, the
environment within which they are made possible. Our conduct is a product of both.
And, it is in this space that lays the potential of learning and of change, where the
environment acts as a trigger on the learner’s conduct.
By emerging from the coupling of one’s structure and environment, the triggered
conduct is “new” or created from this coupling. Thus, this conduct triggers back in
return. It triggers back one’s structure, by having emerged from a world of
possibilities in the coupling of structure and environment. This emergent possibility,
this conduct, influences (read, trigger) the structure itself and offers it new
possibilities; possibilities for change, for learning. Thus, this generated conduct in
return affects one’s own structure. [As well, in this structural coupling, the conduct
triggers changes in the environment. However, I am not addressing this here.]
This is how our structure evolves, through a continuous interplay between our
structure (that determines possible conducts) and the conduct that emerges from the
interaction/coupling with the environment. Our structure triggers conduct, and this
conduct, by carrying aspects of the environment with it and therefore being un-
thought of and possessing a new character, triggers our structure in return. It is a
circular, never-ending, loop of structural change. One can infer that a new
environment has the potential to trigger new conducts which in return can trigger
changes in one’s structure. Therefore, what is present in the environment is of
fundamental value to generate these new conducts and in return to generate the
structural transformations. The potential for education, for learning, lays here, where
the environment the learner is placed in can trigger some conduct as the learner is in
constant interaction/coupling with this environment.
From this understanding of the learning space, the environment in which the teacher
is put in is of fundamental importance to trigger learning. One needs to see, in the
teacher education environment, the presence of specific tasks as well as the presence
of the teacher educator. The teacher educator acts as a trigger for teachers and has the
opportunity to open new possibilities for teachers, new ways of making sense and of
understanding (however, not implying he or she possess the “truth”). It is by bringing
or throwing “something” into the learning environment that the teacher educator can
create something and potentially trigger teachers’ learning. This, therefore, calls for
the teacher educator to be very active in the educational process, where his or her
actions are to be seen as triggers for teachers’ learning. This view challenges the view
of an educator as mere facilitator or guide (Kieren, 1996). It calls for a teacher
educator that puts oneself and act vigorously in this learning space to trigger and
provoke something in teachers. On this, I conclude by citing one of Fernandez’s
(2005) remarks as to the importance of the role of teacher educators:
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This learning [of teachers] was no doubt possible because lesson study created a rich
learning environment for these teachers in very much the same way that rich classroom
tasks like those employed in reform classrooms set up opportunities for students to learn.
However, although students learn a lot from working on such tasks, nevertheless a
teacher who can push, solidify, and sometimes redirect their thinking is critical.
Similarly, the teachers described here could have benefited from having a “teacher of
teachers” help them make the most out of their lesson study work. (p. 284)
Bauersfeld, H. (1977). Research related to the mathematical learning process. In H. Athen & H.
Kunle (Eds.), Proceeding of the 3rd Inernaional Congresse on Mathematics Education (pp.
231-245). Karlsruhe, Germany: ICME-3.
Fernandez, C. (2005). Lesson study: A means for elementary teachers to develop the knowledge
of mathematics needed for reform-minded teaching? Mathematical Thinking and Learning,
7(4), 265-289.
Grant, T.J., Hiebert, J., & Wierne, D. (1998). Observing and teaching reform-minded lessons:
What do teachers see? Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1, 217-236.
Kieren, T.E. (1995, June). Teaching Mathematics (in-the-Middle): Enactivist view on Learning
and Teaching Mathematics. Paper presented at the Queens/Gage Canadian National
Mathematics Leadership Conference, Queens University, Kingston, Canada.
Leikin, R. & Zazkis, R. (2007). Learning through teaching: Development of teachers’
knowledge in practice. In J.H. Woo et al. (Eds.), Proceeding 31st Conference of the
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (vol. 1, p. 121-150).
Seoul, Korea: PME.
Maturana, H.R. (1987). Everything is said by an observer. In W.I. Thompson (Ed.), Gaia: A
Way of Knowing (pp. 65-82). New York: Lindisfarne Press.
Maturana, H.R. & Mpodozis, J. (1999). De l’Origine des Espèces par Voie de la Dérive
Naturelle (transl. by L. Vasquez & P. Castella). Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon.
Maturana, H.R. & Varela, F.J. (1992). Th Tree of Knowledge (rev. Ed.). Boston: Shambhala.
Proulx, J. (2007a). Addressing the issue of the mathematical knowledge of secondary
mathematics teachers. In J.H. Woo et al. (Eds.), Proceeding 31st Conference of the
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (vol. 4, p. 89-96). Seoul,
Korea: PME.
Proulx, J. (2007b). (Enlarging) Secondary-Level Mathematics Teachers’ Mathematical
Knowledge: An Investigation of Professional Development. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, University of Alberta, Canada.
Putnam, R.T., Heaton, R.M., Prawat, R.S., & Remillard, J. (1992). Teaching mathematics for
understanding: Discussing case studies of four fifth-grade teachers. Elementary School
Journal, 93(2), 213-228.
Ross, J.A., McDougall, D., & Hogaboam-Gray, A. (2002). Research on reform in mathematics
education. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 48(2), 122-138.
Simon, M.A. (2007). Constraints on what teachers can learn from their practice: Teachers
assimilatory schemes. In J.H. Woo et al. (Eds.), Proceeding 31st Conference of the International
Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (vol. 1, p. 137-141). Seoul, Korea: PME.
... They concur with Proulx (2008b) that living organisms do not passively receive information from their environments, which they then translate into internal representations. Rather, "they participate in the generation of meaning through their bodies and action, often engaging in transformational and not merely informational interactions; they enact a world" (Di Paolo et al., 2010, p. 39). ...
... Although events and changes are occasioned by the environment, they are explicitly determined by the learners' knowledge/structure. The environment is there as a trigger, but what the learner learns is determined by who they are and what they know (Proulx, 2008b(Proulx, , 2009). Towers and Martin (2015) agree that species and the environment co-adapt to each other, which means that each influences the other in the course of co-evolutionvia the process known as structural coupling (p. ...
... The changes that result from the interaction between the living being and its environment, brought about by disturbing agents but determined by the structure of the disturbed system, are evidence of what Maturana and Varela call structural determinism (Proulx, 2008b, p. 147). Proulx (2008b) emphasises that it is the structure of the organism that allows for changes to occur. These changes are "triggered" by the interaction of the organism with its environment. ...
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This study sets out to analyse the co-emergence of visualisation and reasoning processes when selected learners engaged in solving word problems. The study argues that visualisation processes and mathematical reasoning processes are closely interlinked in the process of engaging in any mathematical activity. This qualitative research project adopted a case study methodology embedded within a broader interpretative orientation. The research participants were a cohort of 17 mixed-gender and mixed-ability Grade 11 learners from a private school in southern Namibia. Data was collected in three phases and comprised of one-on-one task-based interviews in the first phase, focus group task-based interviews in the second, and semi-structured reflective interviews in the third. The analytical framework was informed by elements of enactivism and consisted of a hybrid of observable visualisation and mathematical reasoning indicators. The study was framed by an enactivist perspective that served as a linking mediator to bring visualisation and reasoning processes together, and as a lens through which the co-emergence of these processes was observed and analysed. The key enactivist concepts of structural coupling and co-emergence were the two mediating ideas that enabled me to discuss the links between visualisation and reasoning that emerged whilst my participants solved the set word problems. The study argues that the visualisation processes enacted by the participants when solving these problems are inseparable from the reasoning processes that the participants brought to bear; that is, they co-emerged.
... This is what Varela calls problem posing. This diverges from the usual gas fitter metaphor for problem solving, where solvers look into their toolboxes of predefined strategies and choose the appropriate one for solving the problem at hand (Soto-Andrade 2007;Proulx 2008). In the enactivist perspective, mathematical strategies emerge continually in the interaction of solver and problematic situation (Proulx 2013;Thom et al. 2009). ...
... At present, an enactivist didactics of mathematics unfolds where the teacher is an enactivist practitioner acting in situation and learning appears as an emergent, situated and embodied process (Brown 2015;Brown and Coles 2012;Proulx 2008Proulx , 2013Proulx and Simmt 2013). For a recent survey of enactivist theories, see Goodchild (2014). ...
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Our work focuses on logic and language at a university in Cameroon. The mathematical discourse, carried by the language, generates ambiguities. At the university level, symbolism is introduced to clarify it. Because it is not taught in secondary school, it becomes a source of difficulties for students. Our thesis is as follows: “The determination of the logical structure of mathematical statements is necessary in order to properly use them in mathematics.” We conducted our study in the predicate calculus theory. In the first part of the paper, a summary of the theory is presented, followed by a logical analysis of two complex mathematical statements. The second part is a report of two sequences of an experiment that was conducted with first-year students that shows that knowledge of the logical structure of a statement enables students to clarify the ambiguities raised by language.
... This is what Varela calls problem posing. This diverges from the usual gas fitter metaphor for problem solving, where solvers look into their toolboxes of predefined strategies and choose the appropriate one for solving the problem at hand (Soto-Andrade 2007;Proulx 2008). In the enactivist perspective, mathematical strategies emerge continually in the interaction of solver and problematic situation (Proulx 2013;Thom et al. 2009). ...
... At present, an enactivist didactics of mathematics unfolds where the teacher is an enactivist practitioner acting in situation and learning appears as an emergent, situated and embodied process (Brown 2015;Brown and Coles 2012;Proulx 2008Proulx , 2013Proulx and Simmt 2013). For a recent survey of enactivist theories, see Goodchild (2014). ...
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This study examined how two middle school mathematics teachers changed from being reluctant to modify tasks in mathematics textbooks to having positive attitudes about textbook task modification. In order to successfully coordinate a curriculum revision with the textbooks they use, mathematics teachers need to be able to use their in-depth understanding of the intentions of both the revision and textbooks to modify and implement tasks appropriately. The two middle school teachers’ cases in this study showed that it is possible to change teachers’ negative attitudes about modifying tasks in mathematics textbooks if they explicitly understand the complexity in mathematics teaching and go through a sequence of activities that help them understand the revised curriculum in detail, interpret and modify textbook tasks, and implement the modified tasks and reflect on their implementation.
... This is what Varela calls problem posing. This diverges from the usual gas fitter metaphor for problem solving, where solvers look into their toolboxes of predefined strategies and choose the appropriate one for solving the problem at hand (Soto-Andrade 2007;Proulx 2008). In the enactivist perspective, mathematical strategies emerge continually in the interaction of solver and problematic situation (Proulx 2013;Thom et al. 2009). ...
... At present, an enactivist didactics of mathematics unfolds where the teacher is an enactivist practitioner acting in situation and learning appears as an emergent, situated and embodied process (Brown 2015;Brown and Coles 2012;Proulx 2008Proulx , 2013Proulx and Simmt 2013). For a recent survey of enactivist theories, see Goodchild (2014). ...
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The aim of this chapter is to give an overview of the research that we have been conducting in our research group in Mexico about the linear transformation concept, focusing on difficulties associated with its learning, intuitive mental models that students may develop in relation with it, an outline of a genetic decomposition that describes a possible way in which this concept can be constructed, problems that students may experience with regard to registers of representation, and the role that dynamic geometry environments might play in interpreting its effects. Preliminary results from an ongoing study about what it means to visualize the process of a linear transformation are reported. A literature review that directly relates to the content of this chapter as well as directions for future research and didactical suggestions are provided. KeywordsLinear transformationVisualizationRepresentationDynamic geometryLinear algebra
... This is what Varela calls problem posing. This diverges from the usual gas fitter metaphor for problem solving, where solvers look into their toolboxes of predefined strategies and choose the appropriate one for solving the problem at hand (Soto-Andrade 2007;Proulx 2008). In the enactivist perspective, mathematical strategies emerge continually in the interaction of solver and problematic situation (Proulx 2013;Thom et al. 2009). ...
... At present, an enactivist didactics of mathematics unfolds where the teacher is an enactivist practitioner acting in situation and learning appears as an emergent, situated and embodied process (Brown 2015;Brown and Coles 2012;Proulx 2008Proulx , 2013Proulx and Simmt 2013). For a recent survey of enactivist theories, see Goodchild (2014). ...
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Algebra can be viewed as a language of mathematics; playing a major role for students’ opportunities to pursue many different types of education in a modern society. It may therefore seem obvious that algebra should play a major role in school mathematics. However, analyses based on data from several international large-scale studies have shown that there are great differences between countries when it comes to algebra; in some countries algebra plays a major role, while this is not the case in other countries. These differences have been shown consistent over time and at different levels in school. This paper points out and discusses how these differences may interfere with individual students’ rights and opportunities to pursue the education they want, and how this may interfere with the societies’ need to recruit people to a number of professions.
... This is what Varela calls problem posing. This diverges from the usual gas fitter metaphor for problem solving, where solvers look into their toolboxes of predefined strategies and choose the appropriate one for solving the problem at hand (Soto-Andrade 2007;Proulx 2008). In the enactivist perspective, mathematical strategies emerge continually in the interaction of solver and problematic situation (Proulx 2013;Thom et al. 2009). ...
... At present, an enactivist didactics of mathematics unfolds where the teacher is an enactivist practitioner acting in situation and learning appears as an emergent, situated and embodied process (Brown 2015;Brown and Coles 2012;Proulx 2008Proulx , 2013Proulx and Simmt 2013). For a recent survey of enactivist theories, see Goodchild (2014). ...
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This paper poses methodological questions concerning the evaluation of emotion in the process of mathematical learning where the interaction between emotion and cognition occurs. These methodological aspects are considered not only from the perspective of educational psychology but from that of mathematics education. Some epistemological and ontological aspects, which are considered central to the cognition-affect interplay, are noted. Special attention is given to the notion of cognitive-affective structure as a dynamic system. The interplay between cognition and affect in mathematics is viewed through the concepts of local and global affect and using a mathematical working space model. A model of this interplay is illustrated with research examples, enabling us to move from descriptions of cognition-affect at an individual level to the explanation of the tendency of a group. The non-linear modelling of emotion is reflected in the affect-cognition local structure.
... Further, it is the programs' responsibility to create an environment that will foster the preservice teachers' (PSTs) skills, knowledge, and disposition needed to become effective reflective practitioners and teachers. Teacher educators, on the other hand, need to be very active in the educational process which will put them in a learning space that initiates learning (Proulx, 2008). Thus, teachers should design instructions to prompt and challenge students to engage in reflective thinking by giving well-planned activities, tasks, or questions which will allow them to reflect. ...
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Teacher education institutions need to provide reflection opportunities for preservice teachers to develop their reflection level. This study investigated the impact of online reflection journals on the reflection level of preservice math teachers (PMTs) and their experiences. A mixed-method action research was utilised in the study. The twenty-four PMTs in a state university in the Philippines were the participants in the study. A rubric was used to evaluate their reflection level, while semi-structured interview and their reflection outputs were used to triangulate the results. Quantitative results revealed a significant increase in the reflection level of the PMTs, while the qualitative findings support the results. Hence, this study suggests the use of an online reflection journal to provide a venue for PMTs to reflect on their learning experiences in their mathematics courses.
... In fact, environment and subject interact and while modifying themselves, they transform through such interaction the whole system, which evolves also following its own dynamics [27]. The environment does not mechanically produce the change, therefore the learning of the subject, but this must actively be involved in the process: the environment produces some trigger [28], that is occasions, invitations to learning that must be grasped and elaborated by the different subjects involved. ...
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I use this closing space in order to offer paths and possibilities for enactivism in mathematics education research. In that sense it is an opening space. (This said, it has to be seen as portraying my interpretation, stemming from a young scholar’s understanding of these future and possible paths.) Four themes were addressed by the different expert groups. These are important issues that have been written about in mathematics education research, and the ongoing projects described in those pages that build on this history of research demonstrates how vivid the perspectives and possibilities are for future research. I will not, thus, go down the route of trying to summarize those discussions in this closing note. The route I undertake concerns two significant aspects that enactivism can continue contributing significantly to in mathematics education research: issues of learning, and of teaching. Addressing these issues is also a way of pointing to differences between enactivism and constructivism – one of the Research Forum’s initial intentions.
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A number of intentions triggered this research forum on enactivism and mathematics education research, and those are significant to highlight as they have in return structured the content and form that this forum takes. First, there has been and continues to be a substantial amount of research and writing on issues of enactivism undertaken by mathematics education researchers; thus we wanted to highlight and synthesize this body of research. At the same time, although much research has been conducted within the enactivist perspective, many of those contributions, and their authors, are not always well known and have often been seen merely as “interesting” orientations or “alternative” perspectives – but clearly not mainstream. Because we believe enactivism offers an insightful orientation which shows promise for enhancing our understanding of mathematics teaching and learning, we wanted to bring forth the nature and wide spectrum of enactivist contributions in order to share and create dialogue with the PME community about significant issues raised through this orientation. A third intention is in reaction to what might be thought of as a hegemony of constructivism in the mathematics education literature. We believe that enactivism, as a theory of cognition, offers a more encompassing and enlightening perspective on learning, teaching, and epistemology. Therefore, the following concerns will orient and be continuously present in the research forum unfoldings: retrospectives (as well as perspectives and prospectives) on research studies and writing done on enactivism in mathematics education will be shared; contributors will focus on insightful features that enactivism offers us; particularities of enactivism as a theory of cognition will permeate all discussions and presentations; and finally, but not least, interactions and discussions will take place about the ideas put forward.
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This paper reports on a professional development intervention focused on offering secondary mathematics teachers learning opportunities to experience and explore school mathematics at a conceptual level. One typical illustration of how teachers engaged in a task involving mathematical conventions is presented and analysed. The analysis provides insights into how teachers developed enriched comprehensions of the mathematical concepts they teach. In addition the data hinted to how the teachers’ knowledge of school mathematics and their ways of working these concepts in their teaching were intertwined, showing therefore the relevance of paying attention to and addressing teachers’ mathematical knowledge in teacher education.
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Proponents and opponents of reform of mathematics education all cite the research base in support of their positions. This article reports the results of a review of studies that contained empirical evidence of the effects of reform or the difficulty of implementing reform that were published between 1993 and 2000. The studies reviewed indicate that implementation of math reform contributes to student achievement, but evidence abounds of superficial implementation and barriers to enactment. There are well-documented strategies for reducing these barriers, the most promising strategies being inservice that simultaneously focuses on teachers' practice and their cognition about mathematics teaching.
We describe the way in which 12 primary-grade teachers responded to reform-minded teaching of multidigit addition and subtraction. Three teachers were hired to deliver 6–12 weeks of specially designed instruction; the other 9 teachers observed this instruction in their classrooms. Results of follow-up interviews showed that teachers who believed mathematics was more than a collection of skills and that students must construct their own understandings were inclined to interpret and appreciate the special instruction as the developers had intended. Teachers who believed mathematics was primarily a set of skills they must teach focused on a few individual features of the instruction, usually the use of physical materials, and, if they transferred any of the special instruction into their own teaching, often distorted the developers' intent. The more intensive involvement of the hired teachers led to more positive assessments of the instruction, but even here antithetical beliefs constrained later practice. Observations are provided on the nature of effective teacher development programs.
In recent years, a growing interest has developed in lesson study, a Japanese form of professional development that centers on teachers coming together to examine their practice by planning and trying out lessons. This article examines the lesson study work of a group of elementary mathematics teachers to speculate about the educative value of lesson study. Specifically, this article explores whether lesson study can afford teachers opportunities to learn about mathematics in a way that is useful for the enactment of reform-minded teaching. What hinders teachers in taking advantage of such opportunities and how such obstacles can be overcome are also addressed. Implications for future research on lesson study and for our broader understanding of what teachers learn from examinations of practice are discussed.
In this article, we discuss teachers' knowledge and beliefs about mathematics and how it is best taught and learned. We consider the complex interrelationships between these beliefs and teachers' classroom practice in the context of four case studies of fifth-grade teachers in California, a state that is trying to effect major changes in mathematics instruction. We argue that instruction is heavily shaped by a teacher's knowledge and beliefs and that meaningful change in instruction will entail fundamental changes in what teachers know and believe. We organize our discussion around three categories of knowledge and beliefs: (a) teachers' knowledge and beliefs about learners, learning, and teaching-what they know and believe about how mathematics and other knowledge is learned and taught and what characteristics of students influence the learning process; (b) teachers' knowledge of mathematics-their knowledge of the mathematics content they teach; and (c) teachers' knowledge and beliefs about mathematics-how they view the nature of mathematics, where it comes from, and how it is useful.
Research related to the mathematical learning process
  • H Bauersfeld
Bauersfeld, H. (1977). Research related to the mathematical learning process. In H. Athen & H. Kunle (Eds.), Proceeding of the 3 rd Inernaional Congresse on Mathematics Education (pp. 231-245). Karlsruhe, Germany: ICME-3.
Learning through teaching: Development of teachers' knowledge in practice
  • R Leikin
  • R Zazkis
Leikin, R. & Zazkis, R. (2007). Learning through teaching: Development of teachers' knowledge in practice. In J.H. Woo et al. (Eds.), Proceeding 31 st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (vol. 1, p. 121-150). Seoul, Korea: PME.
Everything is said by an observer
  • H R Maturana
Maturana, H.R. (1987). Everything is said by an observer. In W.I. Thompson (Ed.), Gaia: A Way of Knowing (pp. 65-82). New York: Lindisfarne Press.
De l'Origine des Espèces par Voie de la Dérive Naturelle (transl
  • H R Maturana
  • J Mpodozis
Maturana, H.R. & Mpodozis, J. (1999). De l'Origine des Espèces par Voie de la Dérive Naturelle (transl. by L. Vasquez & P. Castella). Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon.
Th Tree of Knowledge (rev
  • H R Maturana
  • F J Varela
Maturana, H.R. & Varela, F.J. (1992). Th Tree of Knowledge (rev. Ed.). Boston: Shambhala.