Conference PaperPDF Available

Agro-Genius : Crop Prediction Using Machine Learning

Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT1880 243
Agro-Genius: Crop Prediction using Machine Learning
Thayakaran Selvanayagam1, Suganya S2, Puvipavan Palendrarajah3
Mithun Paresith Manogarathash4, Anjalie Gamage5, Dharshana Kasthurirathna6
Faculty of Computing, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT)
Malabe, Sri Lanka.
Abstract:- This paper present a way to aid farmers
focusing on profitable vegetable cultivation in Sri Lanka.
As agriculture creates an economic future for developing
countries, the demand of modern technologies in this
sector is higher. Key technologies used for this problem
are Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Visualization.
As the product, an android mobile application is
developed. In this application the users should input their
location to start the prediction process. Data
preprocessing is started when the location is received to
the system. The collected dataset divided into 3 parts. 80
percent for training, 10 percent for testing and 10 percent
for validation. After that the model is created using LSTM
RNN for vegetable prediction and ARIMA for price
prediction. Finally, for given location profitable crop and
predicted future price of vegetables are shown in the
application. Other than the prediction, optimizing for
multiple crop sowing according to the user requirements
and visualizing cultivation and production data on map
and graphs are also given in the application. This paper
elaborates the procedure of model development, model
training and model testing.
Keywords:- Machine Learning, Android Application, Data
preprocessing, LSTM, RNN, ARIMA, Linear Programming,
Visualization, Polygons.
A substantial percentage of the inhabitants of the
country depend on the agriculture. The technological
advancement in agriculture plays an important role in every
farmer’s life to earn good profit. But nowadays percentage of
total GDP has been dropping. In 2005 the agriculture GDP
share was 17.2% but in 2012 it has dropped to 11.1% and
now it is even low [1]. Approximately 80% of the farmers are
from rural areas so if crop production revenue goes down thus
affect their lifestyle because of the industry level farms.
Apparently, Farmers’ experience on the agriculture field
involves in the crop prediction. Farmers who were in the
rustic areas are cultivating according to their personal
experience and knowledge due to absence of reliable and
timely information. Since the modernization occupying the
agriculture field rapidly by the introduction of superior seeds
and different varieties and large number of crops which were
cultivated by agricultural industries, the farmers are forced to
adapt to this hasty change by cultivating more and more
crops. Also, the main issue that small farmers are currently
facing is that, they sow the crops according to their own
experiences. But when they are cultivating and bringing them
to market, they face difficulties to market their product at a
reasonable price. It is because of large farms cultivating the
same. As our country is small, products are distributed all
over the country in between Districts (Dambulla to Jaffna,
Dambulla to Petra, etc.). Because of this, small-scale rural
farmers affected economically.
Nowadays weather condition is not like previous
decades. Day by day it is changing because of the
globalization, so farmers have faced difficulties to predict
weather conditions. They may be some natural disaster which
can also affects cultivation in a sudden. Without the weather,
there are some major factors such as seasonal crop details,
crop combination and suitable crop for given location which
they must have knowledge of these things were gained from
their past experience so without experience they can’t get
expected revenue. By considering these factors Agro-Genius
system is recommended as a solution, hope that it will be very
helpful for farmers to get expected revenue from their
The main research problem is to help small medium
farmers to increase revenue from their cultivation without
getting affected by industrial level farmers and to reduce
surplus marketing. Hitherto in our country there are no
implemented techniques in usage, but agriculture department
keeps so many raw data and using few in their website for
public access, but it is not helpful to farmers. They cultivate
according to their experience. When it’s come to market,
industry level farmers sell their product in a wholesale to all
over the country at the same time rural farmers also bring
their product, but they can’t sell with a reasonable price. In
this situation industry level farmers have no huge loss, but
rural farmers loss their profits and even capital.
The principal scope of this research is; delivering a
mobile application where all type of processing is done in the
cloud-based system through the API calls. Which will be
much helpful for the farmers and industries to select most
profitable crop and its expected price during harvesting time.
Further user can view the currently cultivated crop details in
locations around the country on a map and user is able to
optimize for profitable multiple crops for a specific land. The
following data are collected from the relevant departments
and from other third-party services.
Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT1880 244
Recommended crops details (location wise)
Recommended crop harvesting duration.
Past cultivation and production of vegetables.
Currently cultivated crop which are updated biweekly.
Weather forecast data.
Combination of crops which will give more yield.
Past market prices for each crop.
For the above-mentioned problem, Agro-Genius provide
a solution using above listed past data. As it has more than 10
years of data it is not possible for human to predict from those
huge amounts of data. So, to overcome this challenge
Machine Learning would be more suitable technology now.
In the above listed data, main data like past cultivation and
production of vegetables, weather data and past market price
report are timeseries data. To handle timeseries prediction
some Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms are
selected and explained in Methodology section below.
The research reduce problems of rural farmers and it
suggest solution for more profitable cultivation. It helps
farmers to take decisions when starting vegetable farms.
In past years several systems have been proposed to
implement crop prediction using machine learning techniques
in several countries. Different Machine Learning algorithms
were used for prediction. Multiple Leaner Regression (MLR)
has been applied to predict on past data like year, area of
sowing, rainfall, and yield and Data Mining methodology
(Density based clustering technique) is used to analyze and
verify the result which was obtained from MLR [2]. On the
other hand, for future forecasting was done by analyzing past
historical price data, climate, location of market and planting
area. Prediction was done for 15 market price data and 100
different crops using different algorithms like ARIMA,
Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Response Surface
Methodology (RSM) and calculate its Mean Absolute
Percentage Error (MAPE). According to the lowest error
percentage, many have selected ANN and PLS as prediction
algorithms [3].
Arun Kumar et al… have proposed system to predict
yield of the crop by analyzing past soil dataset, rainfall
dataset, yield datasets. Prediction was done using K-Nearest
Neighbor and Support Vector Machine algorithm and Least
Squares algorithms [4]. Askunuri Manjula et al… has done
crop prediction using weather forecasting, pesticides and
fertilizers to be used and past revenue as input data.
Multilinear Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) was used
for feature reduction. Optimal Neural Network classifier
(ONN) has been used for data prediction. Other than the
prediction they consider preprocessing and feature reduction
Leisa et al… have proposed Agriculture decision support
framework for visualization and prediction of western
Australian crop production system which will output
visualizations of seasonal patterns of rainfall for individual
district and show the effect of various scenarios. This system
consists six major components which are data input, data
mining, database, statistical analysis, prediction and
visualization. Data input was done by Graphical User
Interface (GUI). Data visualization done by two methods
which are general trends and spatial interpolation. Data
mining was done by the use of association rules which uses
Apriori algorithms. [6]
There is lack of implemented systems used in other
countries like United State. One is Field Check app which
visualizes currently cultivated crop details in map, but it is
visualizing some selected crops only [7]. Another one is
Descartes Crop app which is forecasting crop yield for
selected area in United States [8]. More over DEKALB is
used to optimize multiple crop combination for small farms.
Other than this implemented application Sri Lankan [9] and
Taiwan [10] agriculture departments maintain some raw data,
which are suitable crop for each land areas, past production
for districts and historical price data. These help farmers, even
though there are no prediction technology. Farmers have to go
through the data one by one to make any decision.
In above mentioned proposed and implemented systems,
they have not considered all the factors which are affecting
farmers in the real world. If they consider main factors, then it
will be more accurate. According to our country many factors
affect farmers profit like weather, past cultivation and
production details, market price etc. but there is no
implemented system to guide Sri Lankan famers, so they
failed to select profitable crop during seasons. In this system
most of the features needed to solve the current problems are
included and help farmers to select profitable crops. The
application will provide predicted results such as most
profitable crop and it’s expected price according to the
location and harvesting time. Also, users can view the
cultivation details visualized in map as it will be more
effective than statistical data.
This proposed system contains four main components
such as crop prediction, price prediction, visualization and
optimization. Each component uses different Machine
Learning algorithms and techniques, they are Long-Short
Term Memory (LSTM), Auto Regressive Integrated Moving
Average (ARIMA), Linear Programming and Gastner-
Newman Cartogram techniques to predict and visualize raw
Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT1880 245
A. Long-Short Term Memory
LSTM is type of neural network which perform better
result in time series prediction. Purpose of this algorithm is
avoiding the long-term dependency and LSTM is called cell
state which contain different gate. [11]
Fig 1:- LSTM cell state diagram, Image downloaded from
The above diagram shows different notations are used,
where Xt denote input vector, Ht-1 denote Previous cell output,
Ct-1 denote previous cell memory in addition Ht is Current cell
output and Ct denote Current cell Memory. Following
formulas are used to find the values of above-mentioned
Ft = σ (Xt * Uf + Ht-1 * Wf)
C’ = tanh (Xt * Uc + Ht-1 * Wc)
It = σ (Xt * Ui + Ht-1 * Wi)
Ot = (Xt * Uo + Ht-1 * Wo)
Ct = ft * Ct-1 + It * C’t
Ht = Ot * tanh (Ct)
B. Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
ARIMA is statistical analysis model that is used for time
series data prediction. ARIMA is divided into 3 components
such as Autoregression (AR), Integrated (I) and Moving
Average (MA). ARIMA model is classified as ARIMA(p,d,q)
where p denotes the number of lag observation in the model,
d denotes the number of times that the raw observations are
differenced and q denotes the moving average window
size[12]. Following formula is used to find the price
forecasting where µ denote constant value.
Ŷt = µ + Ø1 yt-1 + .. + Øp yt-p Ɵ1 et-1 .. Ɵq et-q
C. Linear Programming
It is an optimization technique, by using this can find the
optimum points of object function.
D. Gastner-Newman Cartogram
It is a technique for representing data for locations.
Cartogram is a powerful approach to map data [13]. It
provides strong visual for numerical area also this technique
doesn’t need data to be normalized. Comparing other
technique, this is easy to visualize each polygon.
Used Datasets
This system (Agro-Genius) is fully based on statistical
data and most of the data are from Agriculture Department of
Sri Lanka. There were data collected for more than 10 years
with different seasons in Sri Lanka like Yala and Maha.
Below are the important factors that affect agricultural crop
yield. which were selected for this research.
1. Crop production and extent: crop cultivated area in
hectares and total production in metric ton for every year
in each district in Sri Lanka for two main season such as
Yala and Maha.
2. Recommended crop: each district located with different
soil type therefore each district has recommended crop
according to the soil type.
3. Crop duration: number of days that take to harvest from
seeds for search type of crop.
4. Crop combination: crop type which can be sewed together
in same land.
5. Current cultivation extent: biweekly updated data of
cultivation extent of crops in the present time.
6. Price reports: Crop market price in main markets in
selected districts were taken from Central Bank of Sri
7. Weather data: weather data for coming weeks are
received from AccuWeather.
Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT1880 246
Fig 2:- flow of the system
The following figure shows the workflow of the system.
Location of user will be inputted to the system.
Otherwise user should manually input the location where
he/she wants to get the prediction. In the prediction
component, with the given location the existing trained model
will be analyzed, and it will predict suitable crops and then
the predicted crop will be analyzed with the price prediction
model and expected price will be listed. And then if the user
wants to optimize the crops that were predicted for a better
profitable combination user can proceed to the optimization
component. For more detailed explanation of current cropping
around the country, the current cropping data are mapped in
to the map. Another view can be obtained to visualize the past
cropping pattern.
i. Crop & Price Prediction
To maximize crop profit, appropriate crop selection will
play a vital role. In this paper profitable crop selection based
on statistical data like past production data, recommended
crop details for each district, past price data and weather
forecasting data are used. To analyze these data RNN &
LSTM technique was used. After crop selection, for those
selected crops expected price in harvesting time will be
predict using ARIMA technique.
Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT1880 247
ii. Visualization
Currently cultivated crop details are displayed in Sri
Lankan map with different colors using Gatogram technique
& past cultivation details will be visualized using a bar chart.
iii. Multi Crop Optimization
Optimize for profitable crop combinations using linear
programming for the predicted crops with optimization inputs
like suitable crop combination.
As mentioned, above this system contains four
component all component depends on each other because
output of the one component will be the input of another
component so the accuracy of each component will affect the
entire system, And this is fully based on dataset prediction, so
accuracy is very important, Since this system is fully based on
dataset all collected raw datasets are normalized according to
the model requirement within that normalized data 80% of the
data was taken as training data, 10% taken for validating and
10% taken for testing.
A. Crop Prediction
This prediction involves many datasets. All datasets are
preprocessed according to the user location and trained using
LSTM & Random Forest Regression model. For the
comparison, the districts where the user’s market is
considered. Here past data set of production for last 10 years
for each district were used. LSTM gives more accuracy for
this time series data still current data amount is not enough for
LSTM to give higher accuracy as it has only seasonal
cultivation and production. So, Random forest is working
better for this dataset.
Fig 3:- Normalized cultivation & production data
Fig 4:- Normalized price data
B. Crop Price Prediction
Price data for last 10 years were used to predict expected
price for each crop. This price differs from each district, so
the location was considered as well. Price data filtered by
location and those filtered data were processed using ARIMA
and LSTM models and Mean Absolute Percentage Error was
calculated. Since these price datasets is time series and huge
so ARIMA is the best selection for price prediction and
accuracy also higher than LSTM. Result of each algorithm are
shown below.
Fig 5:- Predicted price forecasting using ARIMA model
Fig 6:- Predicted price forecasting using LSTM model
C. Visualization
Currently cultivated data were analyzed and visualized
in the Sri Lankan map using Cartogram technique. Which
locate the cultivated geographical location as per the latitude
and longitude value. Mainly 6 districts were considered in Sri
Lanka (Matale, Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Jaffna, Kilinochchi,
Mullaitivu) Within those districts cultivated areas and it’s
details like cultivated area in hectare and harvesting time were
taken. This visualized map will be updated according to the
harvesting time.
Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT1880 248
Fig 7:- Visualized currently cultivated data
Also, past statistical results analyzed would be
visualized using bar graph that indicate previously cultivated
details in hectares according to the district for each crop.
D. Multi Crop Optimization
Linear programming model was used with input
parameters such as predicted crop list, crop suitability, area in
hectare and no of crops that user want to cultivate. Which
give 89.66% accuracy for prediction with the available data
Agriculture is the major economic force in Sri Lanka. It
has moderate climate throughout the year in most parts of the
country [14]. As the country is small, cultivated crops are
distributed all over the country, because of that a reasonable
market price is remaining as a challenging issue for farmers.
To overcome this problem, Agro-genius application advice to
predict the most profitable crops and its expected price during
harvesting time according to the location, by predicting
different historical raw datasets using different machine
learning algorithms like LSTM & RNN, ARIMA, Linear
Programming (LP), Gastner Newman Cartogram algorithm
etc. Also, currently cultivated crop details are visualized in a
map with details, which will help farmers to view the nearby
district cultivation details. This system helps farmers to take
correct decision for selecting suitable crops, which will
maximize the profit.
Fig 8:- Past production details
Fig 9:- Past cultivation details
This system considers main features which impact the
profit by taking data in six districts. In future the system can
be expanded by considering more features like soil type and
water level and so on. Also expand to provide fertilization
calendar and guidelines which will helps farmers who have no
experience about crops. Also, in the system can be modified
to receive data from IoT devices without depending on raw
data. Other than that, this system can be developed for other
platforms as well.
Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19OCT1880 249
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Full-text available
This study aims to examine the seasonal price trends of cauliflower in the Nepalese market over the past decade, considering its significance as a major vegetable in terms of production and land area. The primary goal is to predict short-term market prices using econometric time-series analysis and artificial neural networks (ANNs), providing valuable insights for stakeholders, such as farmers, policymakers, researchers and students to make informed decisions and implement effective strategies for production, marketing, and distribution. The data, derived from the annual reports of the Kalimati Fruits and Vegetable Market covering April 2013 to March 2023, serves as the foundation for the analysis. Utilising the Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA), Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM RNN) and Facebook (Fb) Prophet models, the study probes into the intricate seasonal patterns and trends in cauliflower prices. In contrast to conventional literature trends, the results of this study highlight the superior forecast accuracy of the SARIMA model, sizing the need for tailored-modeling approaches to address the complexities of the agricultural commodity market. The findings reveal an overall stable price structure in Nepal, implying the necessity for strategic planning to address potential challenges for cauliflower growers. The study recommends off-season cultivation to manage supply-demand imbalances during peak periods, enabling farmers to optimise profits and promote sustainable agricultural practices using policy interventions.
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An efficient machine learning-based framework for crop price prediction is proposed in this paper to assist the farmers in estimating their profit-loss beforehand. The proposed work is composed of four functional blocks, such as crop yield prediction, determination of supply, demand prediction and crop price prediction. The input datasets consist of the various field values, such as yield, remaining crop at the end of the year, import, demand and price of a crop. Various time series-based algorithms, such as autoregression, moving average, autoregressive moving average, autoregressive integrated moving average and exponential smoothing, are used to forecast the crop yield. The supply of the crop is determined as a sum of three variables, i.e., the predicted crop yield, residue and import values. The demand for the crop is predicted from a year alone as the demand has more correlation with year over other factors. The crop price from demand, supply and year is predicted using different approaches, which include the time series method, statistical approaches and machine learning techniques. Finally, these three techniques for price prediction are compared to determine the best model having minimum root-mean-square error value. In the proposed work, the decision tree regressor is found to be the best model, for predicting crop price, over others. The superiority of the proposed work over existing approaches, in terms of various aspects, is shown by simulation results.
Conference Paper
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Sri Lanka is an agricultural country since ancient times. Today's agriculture field is in a dangerous situation because farmers are losing their yield. There are many factors to consider when planting crops like rainfall, temperature, soil conditions, future prices, diseases, etc. We decided to help them through the android application we are making. Here we identified four main problems. First, it was wrong crop cultivation. This is the main reason crops and cultivation are destroyed. To give a solution to that problem, we suggest the five most suitable crops to cultivate according to their location. The second problem is a lack of knowledge about future market prices. As a solution to that problem, we predict prices for each cop for the next 12 months. Another problem is an inability to sell their product at a reasonable price. Here, we directly connect buyers and sellers by removing intermediaries. The last problem is the difficulty to identify diseases affected by crops. Using our mobile app farmers can identify which disease affected their crops by uploading an image to the app. To give solutions to the above mentioned problems Machine Learning algorithms are used like Random Forest, k-means clustering, and Convolution Neural Network algorithms. Keywords—Machine Learning (ML), Price prediction Disease Identification, Random Forest Algorithm (RF), K-means algorithm, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) algorithm, Android application
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In this age of automation, Machine learning (ML) plays the main role in agriculture sector to suggest suitable advice, crop advice, which includes decisions of growing crops, and advice related to growing season for precision farming. This systematic literature review performs a review of 103 documents of different ML approaches to analyze the performance of algorithms and used features in the work of prediction of crop yield and decision support systems to solve agriculture problems. These 103 documents are retrieved from different electronic databases, for analysis. The paperwork presents methods, accuracy measures, and used agriculture parameters, to understand the existing work done by authors. According to analysis, most of the authors used N, P, and K values and type of soil, and most of the authors used classification techniques such as Support Vector Machine, Decision Trees, Regression techniques, Random Forest, and Naive Bayes algorithm; the most applied clustering algorithm in the existing work is K-means. As per the additional survey, the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) algorithm is used by most of the authors for image processing in their work. Also, survey shows that very few authors used associative classifiers and association rule mining techniques to solve the agriculture problems.
This article has been withdrawn: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal ( This article has been withdrawn as part of the withdrawal of the Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials Science, Technology and Engineering (ICMSTE2K21). Subsequent to acceptance of these Proceedings papers by the responsible Guest Editors, Dr S. Sakthivel, Dr S. Karthikeyan and Dr I. A. Palani, several serious concerns arose regarding the integrity and veracity of the conference organisation and peer-review process. After a thorough investigation, the peer-review process was confirmed to fall beneath the high standards expected by Materials Today: Proceedings. The veracity of the conference also remains subject to serious doubt and therefore the entire Proceedings has been withdrawn in order to correct the scholarly record.
Agriculture is one of the strengths of India, from the last few years, gradually the agriculture growth is going downwards in other side the population growth is upwards. Reason for agricultural downward growth depends on so many parameters. The rainfall is one of the main parameters which affects the crop yield. Because of this, the farmers are also facing the loss. If they know this information in prior, the farmers can plan accordingly the type of crop suited for the particular season and it helps the farmer to get good profit out of it. Machine learning scientific and statistical methods are used for predicting the rain fall and crop yield. Kharif and Rabi are two seasons taken for analysis. The regressor predicting models are constructed to predict the seasonal rainfall and crop yield. This study primarily focuses on seasonal crop production prediction, which is dependent on rainfall. The different types of machine learning regression method are used to achieve better results. The performance of comparison models is evaluated using different metrics. Finally, the linear regression and Bayesian linear regression models comparatively produce the best result in terms of accuracy for rainfall prediction. The boosted decision tree regression model is achieving the better result for crop prediction.KeywordsCrop predictionRegression modelLinear modelMachine learningRain fall
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The agricultural community/farmers are struggling to obtain higher rate of yield due to lack of poor knowledge about the soil and water nutrients and suitability of the organic crop for the soil. Most of the farmers use excessive chemical fertilizers in-order to increase productivity of their yield, without aware of side effects. The excess usage of chemical fertilizers by the farmers will have impact on the quality, fertility, and salinity of the soil. To overcome these issues and to promote Digital Agriculture concept we propose an IoT enabled sensor system for monitoring soil nutrient [NPK] and pH of irrigation water to reduce the manual laboratory method of testing and get the results via mobile application and to promote organic farming in the agricultural field. Smart organic farming based mobile application will further process these nutrients value to predict and suggests the suitable crop to grow and the usage of appropriate amount of fertilizer to maintain the soil fertility there by achieving optimum usage of chemical fertilizer because continuous and wrong usage of these chemical fertilizer have a harmful effect not only on soil but also on crops, we consume leading to unhealthy human life. The proposed mobile application also helps in establishing the connection between farmers and Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) in order to avoid fragmentation of profit shares and attain Pricing uncertainty and marketing of the yields by avoiding the middle man. APMC is a state government body which ensures safeguard to the farmers from exploitation by large retailers and suggest the kind of crop to be grown with organic farming. India is well known to produce organic fertilizer which is produced by the waste of slaughterhouses, plant and animal residues, biological products and other natural resources. Thus, the proposed work helps the farmers in adopting stress-free organic farming practice by self-testing their field soil parameters for generating quick soil analysis reports and also helps in connecting with APMC to know the suitable crop for their agriculture land based on the soil and water analysis (SWA) report, dispensing the required amount of organic fertilizer to the soil based on soil and water nutrients analysis using IoT enabled sensor, funding/insurance to the crops in case of occurrence of unpredictable natural disaster in future and direct marketing facility without middle man and maintain sustainable agriculture. In the present era, the industry is at 5.0 levels but agricultural production is still at 2.0 levels. In this chapter a methodology for sustainable agriculture and increase the organic yield of the organic farming using the mobile and IoT technological approaches is presented. A former can obtain the advice and other information for growing the organic crop, organic certification, pricing for the organic yield, selling and other activities by using mobile application in his/her local language. By the proposed work with the ease of mobile application the farmers can perform self-test of their field parameters for generating quick soil and water analysis report, predicts and suggest the suitable organic crop, obtaining the suitable pricing by the APMC and organic certification and agreement to meet the sustainable agriculture. Further the soil fertility of the organic farm can be monitored using IoT enabled sensors which are remotely connected with the mobile application. The experimentation is performed at different agriculture fields with organic farming at six geographical separated villages at Bagalkot district of Karnataka state, India. The different agricultural lands with variety of soil samples is tested to measure the soil parameter such as moisture, temperature, humidity and NPK nutrient values. The pH value of the irrigation water is also determined including borewell, pond, rain, river water etc. available in the reservoirs and promising sustainability in the organic yield is obtained.
New avenues of technological opportunities in agriculture are opening as we are further delving deeper into the 21st century, but at the same time, new challenges are emerging. One of these challenges is the growing quantity of food demand, which is highly vital for regional trade, food security, and meeting the nutritious requirements of the population. A timely prediction with accuracy about crop yield could be valuable for greater food production and maintainability of sustainable agricultural growth. This paper presents a predictive model of wheat production using machine learning. The northern areas of Pakistan which grow wheat are selected as a case study due to their importance in the country's agricultural sector. We collected data of five years and selected the best attribute subset related to crop production. We applied twelve (12) algorithms by dividing data samples into three sets. Experimental results helped to shortlist three algorithms for the final analysis i.e. Sequential Minimal Optimization Regression (SMOreg), Multilayer Processing (MLP) and Gaussian Process (GP). The Root Mean Square (RMSE) and Percentage Absolute Difference (PAD) metrics were used to validate the results. The SMOreg obtained the lowest PAD (0.0093) and RMSE (0.5552) values. MLP was a little closer with second-lowest PAD (0.0116) and RMSE (0.737) value. The performance of GP was found lowest due to higher PAD (0.2203) and RMSE (17.7423) values. Our findings confirm the predictive ability of machine learning algorithms on a crop dataset recorded in a localized environment, which could be replicated on other crops and regions.
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Agriculture is India’s prime occupation. In Indian economy agriculture plays a major role by means of providing more employment opportunities for the people. In order to provide food to the huge population of India, agriculture sector needs to maximize its crop productivity. This research work presents an approach which uses different Machine learning (ML) techniques by considering the various parameters of cultivated crop to predict the best yield. Further in this Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) technique and artificial neural networks (ANN) are used to make a brief analysis for the prediction crop yield. With the above idea a new model was created, and from this numerical results were obtained. The accuracy and efficiency of the method has been explored and results from the artificial neural network and regression methods were obtained and compared.
Conference Paper
From the perspective of agricultural business, the market price of certain crop reflects the demand of that crop in current stage. Therefore, to track and to forecast the market prices are both important tasks in agri-management, by which the production schedule can be adjusted to increase the profit. For tracking the crop prices, the Council of Agriculture (COA) establishes an official website that provides open data of daily market prices from over 15 local markets with more than 100 different crops in Taiwan. Recently, the smart agri-management platform (S.A.M.P.) is developed by the Institute for Information Industry (III) as an integrated cloud service for agri-business. Inspired by the open data of crop prices, in this paper we develop a crop price forecasting service on S.A.M.P., which automatically retrieves the historical prices on the official website as training dataset, and provides the price forecasting service with some well-known algorithms for time series analysis. The algorithms implemented in this paper are the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), the partial least square (PLS), and the artificial neural network (ANN). In addition, for PLS we further integrate the response surface methodology (RSM), deriving a new algorithm RSMPLS, by which the non-linear relationship between historical prices can be investigated. We compare the performance of these four algorithms with the price data obtained from the First Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market in Taipei. The experimented crops are cabbage, bok choy, watermelon, and cauliflower. According to the experimental results, PLS and ANN are of lower error in percentages. In addition, PLS and ANN are recommended for short term and long term forecasting, respectively.
Agrarian sector in India is facing rigorous problem to maximize the crop productivity. More than 60 percent of the crop still depends on monsoon rainfall. Recent developments in Information Technology for agriculture field has become an interesting research area to predict the crop yield. The problem of yield prediction is a major problem that remains to be solved based on available data. Data Mining techniques are the better choices for this purpose. Different Data Mining techniques are used and evaluated in agriculture for estimating the future year's crop production. This paper presents a brief analysis of crop yield prediction using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) technique and Density based clustering technique for the selected region i.e. East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh in India.
Sri Lanka heading for an agricultural issue in 2017?
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Crop Yield Prediction with Aid of Optimal Neural Network in Spatial Data Mining: New Approaches
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Agricultural Decision Support framework for visualization and prediction of western Australian crop production
  • Leisa J Armstrong
  • A Sreedhar
  • Nallan
Leisa J. Armstrong and Sreedhar A. Nallan, "Agricultural Decision Support framework for visualization and prediction of western Australian crop production", -IEEE 978-9-3805-4421-2/16 -2016.
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Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
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Ministry of Agriculture -Sri Lanka -Overview
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