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Function of Cryopreserved Cat Ovarian Tissue after Autotransplantation


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to assess a slow-freezing protocol of cat ovarian tissue cryopreservation using autotransplantation. Four adult queens were ovariohysterectomized and the ovaries were fragmented and cryopreserved. After one week, the grafts were thawed and autografted to the subcutaneous tissue of the dorsal neck of each queen, then randomly removed after 7, 14, 28, 49, and 63 days after transplantation. Percentages of morphologically normal primordial and growing follicles (MNFs) were 88% and 97%, respectively, in fresh tissue samples (fresh controls), and 74% and 100%, respectively, immediately after thawing (cryo D0). No MNFs were found after 49 days of transplantation. In both fresh control and cryo D0 fragments, granulosa cells were frequently in proliferation. Two morphologically normal antral follicles were detected in one queen on Day 28 post-transplantation. Connective tissue fibers increased, suggesting replacement of active ovarian cortex by fibrous tissue. Tissue vascularization was observed at 7 days after grafting, and wide blood vessels were clearly visible on Days 49 and 63. In conclusion, although follicular survival was low after cryopreservation and grafting of cat ovarian tissue, follicles were able to develop up to the antral stage, which is an encouraging outcome.
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Animals 2019, 9, 1065; doi:10.3390/ani9121065
Function of Cryopreserved Cat Ovarian Tissue
after Autotransplantation
Janice M. V. Vilela
, Ellen C. R. Leonel
, Liudimila P. Gonçalves
, Raísa E. G. Paiva
Rodrigo S. Amaral
, Christiani A. Amorim
and Carolina M. Lucci
Departamento de Ciências Fisiológicas, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Campus Universitário Darcy
Ribeiro, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília 70910-900, Distrito Federal, Brazil; (J.M.V.V.); (L.P.G.); (R.E.G.P.)
Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, Pôle de Recherche en Gynécologie, Université Catholique
de Louvain, Avenue Mounier, 52 bte B1.52.02, 1200 Brussels, Belgium;
Departamento de Biologia, Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas (IBILCE), Universidade
Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Rua Cristóvão Colombo, 2265,
São José do Rio Preto 15054-000, São Paulo, Brazil;
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas, Campus Manaus Zona Leste—
IFAM/CMZL—Avenida Cosme Ferreira, 8045, Manaus 69083-000, Amazonas, Brazil;
* Correspondence:
Received: 15 November 2019; Accepted: 29 November 2019; Published: 2 December 2019
Simple Summary: Assisted reproduction techniques are potentially important tools for the creation
of gene banks largely focused on preserving female germ cells and tissues, cryopreservation being
one of the most important. Since there is not yet a protocol established for the preservation of cat
ovarian tissue, we decided to assess our cryopreservation protocol with autotransplantation of the
ovary. Our study showed that even though follicular survival was low, follicles were able to survive
up to 28 days of transplantation and develop up to the antral stage, which helps elucidate the path
for preservation of felid ovaries. Once this technique is improved, it may contribute to the
preservation of wild feline species.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess a slow-freezing protocol of cat ovarian tissue
cryopreservation using autotransplantation. Four adult queens were ovariohysterectomized and the
ovaries were fragmented and cryopreserved. After one week, the grafts were thawed and
autografted to the subcutaneous tissue of the dorsal neck of each queen, then randomly removed
after 7, 14, 28, 49, and 63 days after transplantation. Percentages of morphologically normal
primordial and growing follicles (MNFs) were 88% and 97%, respectively, in fresh tissue samples
(fresh controls), and 74% and 100%, respectively, immediately after thawing (cryo D0). No MNFs
were found after 49 days of transplantation. In both fresh control and cryo D0 fragments, granulosa
cells were frequently in proliferation. Two morphologically normal antral follicles were detected in
one queen on Day 28 post-transplantation. Connective tissue fibers increased, suggesting
replacement of active ovarian cortex by fibrous tissue. Tissue vascularization was observed at 7 days
after grafting, and wide blood vessels were clearly visible on Days 49 and 63. In conclusion, although
follicular survival was low after cryopreservation and grafting of cat ovarian tissue, follicles were
able to develop up to the antral stage, which is an encouraging outcome.
Keywords: ovary; cryopreservation; transplant; antral follicle; felids
1. Introduction
The leading aim of ovarian tissue cryopreservation is to maintain the viability of oocytes from
preantral follicles, a promising approach that has been studied in many species [1–3]. In addition to
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 2 of 13
showing normal morphology, cryopreserved tissue samples must be able to resume functionality,
which has been successfully assessed by auto or xenotransplantation [4,5]. To date, restoration of
ovarian function has been demonstrated in mice [6], sheep [7,8], cows [9], goats [10], and rabbits [11],
and more than 130 live births have been reported in humans [12] after transplantation of
cryopreserved tissue.
Although some attempts have been made to cryopreserve cat ovarian tissue [13–21], the
protocols have not yet been well established. Working towards this goal, we have been studying
techniques of cryopreservation and restoration of cat ovarian tissue function in our laboratory [21–23].
In a previous study, we compared slow-freezing protocols using 1.5 M ethylene glycol (EG), 1.5 M
dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), and the combination of both (0.75 M each) for cryopreserving cat
ovarian tissue. After thawing, we observed better ultrastructure preservation of ovarian follicles
cryopreserved with DMSO than with EG or their combination [21]. We also autografted fresh ovarian
tissue to the dorsal neck of queens and observed antral follicles on Days 28, 49, 63, and even at 233
days post-transplantation. Additionally, estradiol peaks and estrous behavior were associated with
the presence of those follicles [23].
Considering the promising results obtained in both procedures, in the present study, we aimed
to assess the function of cryopreserved cat ovarian tissue after heterotopic autotransplantation.
Although follicular survival was low, two antral follicles were observed 28 days post-transplantation,
which is an encouraging outcome.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Animals
This study was conducted in Brasília, Brazil, a tropical region with no significant change in day
length throughout the year (making cats continuously polyestrous [24]). Four healthy mixed-breed
adult cats between 1.5 and 3 years of age (2.5 to 4 kg) were used. They tested negative (Anigen Rapid
FIV/FeLV Test Bioeasy, Alere, Ref. 34282, São Paulo, Brazil) for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
and feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Then, they were de-wormed, acclimated to the environment, and
clinically observed for one month before starting the experiment. During the experiment, the cats
were housed in individual cages (80 × 60 × 45 cm), with water and standard commercial cat food
(Sabor & Vida, Guabi Pet Care, Campinas, Brazil) ad libitum. The cages were located in a ventilated
room with 11–13 daily hours of natural light. After the experiment was finished, all cats were
adopted. All procedures were approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of the Institute of Biological
Sciences, University of Brasilia (protocol #76940/2012).
2.2. Ovariohysterectomy
The animals were subjected to bilateral ovariohysterectomy at a local veterinary clinic according
to our previously described procedure [23]. Before surgery, they were fasted for 12 h and then were
administered meperidine (i.m., Dolosal 50 mg/mL, Cristália, Brazil; 5 mg/kg) and acepromazine
(i.m., Acepran 1%, Vetnil, São Paulo, Brazil; 0.2 mg/kg) [25,26]. Midazolam hydrochloride
(Midazolam 1 mg/mL, Richmond VetPharma, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 0.5 mg/kg) and ketamine
chloride (Cetamin 10%, Syntec, São Paulo, Brazil; 3 mg/kg) were used for inducing general anesthesia.
Anesthesia was maintained by ventilation with isoflurane in pure oxygen [25,26].
Ovariohysterectomy was performed according to Fossum’s technique [27]. Each animal received
a prophylactic dose of an oral antibiotic (enrofloxacin, Baytril 15 mg, Bayer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
5 mg/kg) and an oral anti-inflammatory (ketoprofen, Ketofen, Merial, São Paulo, Brazil; 2 mg/kg). Fat
tissue and ligaments were removed from both ovaries and four pieces of the same size (10 × 3 × 3 mm)
were cut from each ovary, totalizing eight pieces per animal. One piece was randomly chosen and
immediately fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde as control (fresh control—Day 0). The other pieces were
taken to the laboratory in M-199 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) at 10–12 °C within
40 min.
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 3 of 13
2.3. Slow-Freezing and Thawing of Fragments
Ovarian tissue samples were cryopreserved as described by Leonel et al. [21]. Briefly, fragments
were placed in pairs into cryotubes containing 1 mL M-199 with 1.5 M DMSO, 10% FBS and 0.4%
sucrose. Cryotubes were equilibrated at 10 °C for 10 min and transferred to a programmable freezer
(Dominium K, Biocom, Uberaba, Brazil), where they were cooled at 2 °C/min down to 7 °C and
maintained at this temperature for 15 min for seeding. After seeding, they were cooled at 0.3 °C/minute
to 35 °C before being immersed into liquid nitrogen (196 °C).
After 7 days, samples were thawed. First, cryotubes were kept at room temperature for 1 min,
after which they were dipped into a water bath at 37 °C until the solution was completely thawed.
For cryoprotectant removal, each sample was washed three times, for 5 min each time, in M-199
containing 10% FBS and decreasing concentrations of sucrose (0.4%, 0.2%, and 0%) and DMSO.
(0.75 M, 0.375 M, and none).
2.4. Autografting
Immediately after thawing, one fragment was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (cryo D0). The
remaining six were washed in 1% iodine and then three times in 0.9% sterile saline solution before
grafting [23]. For both placement and removal of the fragments, the animals were sedated with
intravenous ketamine (Cetamin 10%, Syntec, São Paulo, Brazil; 5 mg/kg) and xylazine (Calmium 2%,
Agener União, São Paulo, Brazil; 0.5 mg/kg).
For placement, six 1 cm incisions were made in the skin of the dorsal neck region, creating a
small pouch (~1 cm3) in the subcutaneous tissue. One fragment was randomly placed inside each
pouch and the incision was closed. Each queen received 5 mg/kg vitamin E (i.m., Monovin E—Bravet,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) to reduce the ischemic damage that occurs after transplantation [28,29].
The grafts were randomly removed after 7, 14, 28, 49 (one graft per day), and 63 days (the
remaining two grafts), and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for analyses.
2.5. Histological, Immunohistochemical and Histochemical Analyses
Ovarian tissue fragments were dehydrated in ethanol, clarified in xylene, and embedded in
Paraplast Plus® (Merck, Ref. P3683, São Paulo, Brazil). Every fourth section (4 μm thickness) was
stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and used for follicles
counting. If there were any doubts about the classification of a particular follicle/structure seen in
these sections, adjacent sections were stained, and consulted to ensure classification. Of the remaining
sections, some were selected for Masson’s trichrome staining and immunohistochemistry.
During evaluation of HE-stained sections, typical follicles were classified as primordial (with
one layer of flattened granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte) or growing (with one or more layers of
cuboidal granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte) [30]. They were also categorized as morphologically
normal or degenerated. Morphologically normal follicles (MNFs) showed a uniform distribution of
granulosa cells and a spherical oocyte; otherwise, they were considered degenerated. To avoid
double-counting typical follicles, only those with a visible oocyte nucleus were considered.
Masson’s trichrome staining, with which collagenous connective tissue is stained in green, was
used to detect fibrotic areas in grafts. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) dUTP Nick-End
Labeling (TUNEL) assay, Ki67 and CD31 markers were used to identify apoptosis, cell proliferation
and vascularization, respectively.
TUNEL assay was performed using the In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, TMR Red (Roche, REF
12 156 792 910, Mannheim, Germany) as described by Vanacker et al. [31]. Human tonsil tissue was
used as positive control, and negative control sections were incubated with label solution but without
enzyme solution. Slides were counterstained with DAPI and examined under a fluorescence
microscope (Leica; Van Hopplynus Instruments, Brussels, Belgium). Red fluorescence was visualized
in TUNEL-positive cells by applying excitation and emission wavelengths in the range of 520–560 nm
and 570–620 nm, respectively. DAPI reached excitation and emission wavelengths at about 360 nm
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 4 of 13
and 460 nm, respectively, when bound to DNA, emitting blue fluorescence. Classification of follicles
was based on the percentage of dead cells according to Martinez-Madrid et al. [32].
Cell proliferation analysis was conducted with mouse anti-human Ki-67 IgG (4 °C, 1:50 dilution;
clone MIB-1, REF M7240, Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) and goat anti-mouse secondary antibody (Dako,
K4001, Glostrup, Denmark), as previously described by Dolmans et al. [33]. Human proliferative
endometrium was used as positive control, while the negative control consisted of the dilution
solution without primary antibody. Follicles with at least one Ki67-marked granulosa cell were
considered as proliferative.
The protocol described above was also applied for vascularization assessment, with rabbit anti-CD31
(PECAM-1 human clone EP3095, mAb, Epitomics, Ref 2530-1, Burlingame, CA, USA) as the primary
antibody and goat anti-rabbit as the secondary antibody (Dako, K4003, Glostrup, Denmark).
2.6. Statistical Analyses
Treatment groups were compared to each other by t-test and Mann–Whitney (for growing
degenerated follicles) analyses using SPSS software version 17.0. A p value <0.05 was considered
3. Results
3.1. Graft Retrieval
By Day 7, grafts were not yet fully adhered to the subcutaneous tissue and could be easily
removed. After 14 days, however, all samples but one were well attached, and after 28 days, all had
adhered and were enclosed in a fibrous capsule. From Day 14 onward, recovered fragments were
smaller in comparison to the day they were grafted and most were round-shaped. By Day 28, they
were palpable under the skin, but harder to visualize within the subcutaneous tissue when the pouch
was opened. By the end of the experiment, only 2 out of 24 grafts (8.3%) failed to be recovered.
Ultrasonographic examination of the transplantation site did not reveal the two missing fragments,
suggesting that they had been reabsorbed.
3.2. Microscopic Aspect of the Grafts
Numbers and percentages of MNFs and degenerated follicles were not significantly different
between fresh control and cryopreserved tissue at Day 0 (cryo D0) (Table 1), but the total number of
follicles in both groups was drastically reduced after grafting. Moreover, most follicles had
degenerated and very few growing follicles were detected after transplantation. MNF percentages at
each time-point post-grafting were lower than fresh control and cryo D0 (p < 0.05). TUNEL assays
showed that follicles found immediately after thawing (cryo D0) and on Days 7, 14, and 28 post-grafting
were not dead (Figure 1). In fresh control and cryo D0 fragments, most follicles (primordial and
growing) exhibited Ki67-positive granulosa cells (Figure 2).
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 5 of 13
Table 1. Number and percentage of primordial and growing follicles found on fresh tissue (fresh
controls), cryopreserved tissue immediately after thawing (cryo D0) and 7, 14, 28, 49, and 63 days
after grafting.
Type Treatment Normal Degenerated Total
Total % Total % follicles
Fresh controls 491 a 87.8 a 68 a 12.2
a 559
Cryo D0 471 a 73.7 a 168
a 26.3
a 639
7 days 31 b 31.3 b 68 a 68.7 b 99 b
14 days 2 b 3.3
b 59
a 96.7
b 61
28 days 11 b 26.8
b 30
a 73.2
b 41
49 days 0 b 0.0
b 10
b 100.0
b 10
63 days 0 b 0.0
b 9
b 100.0
b 9
Fresh controls 29 ab 96.7 1 3.3 30
Cryo D0 36 b 100.0 0 0.0 36
7 days 2 ac 40.0 3 60.0 5
14 days 0 c 0 0 c
28 days 2 ac 100.0 0 0.0 2
49 days 0 c 0 0 c
63 days 0 c 0 0 c
a,b,c Values with different superscripts in the same column are statistically different (p < 0.05), analyzed
separately for Primordial and Growing follicles.
Figure 1. TUNEL assay. General aspect of the tissue in a cryo D0 fragment (A) and on day 14 after
grafting (B). Dead cells are stained in red fluorescence. White arrows point to ovarian follicles.
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 6 of 13
Figure 2. Ki67 staining (in brown) in follicles in the fresh (A) and cryo D0 (B) groups. Bars: 100 µm.
A common finding in all treatment groups (Table 2) were follicle-like structures showing
juxtaposed granulosa cells without an oocyte, which were considered a type of degeneration after
confirming there was no oocyte in any adjacent section. Interestingly, besides the absence of an
oocyte, it was confirmed by Ki67 that these granulosa cells were proliferating (Figure 3). Other types
of degeneration included oocyte pyknotic nuclei, ooplasmic vacuoles, retracted or detached oocytes,
and follicles detached from the stroma.
Table 2. Percentage of FLSs with juxtaposed granulosa cells and no oocyte relative to degenerated
follicles found (% FLSs/DFs) and total follicles counted (% FLSs/TFs).
Treatment % FLS/DFs % FLS/TFs
Fresh controls 1.4 (1/69) 0.2 (1/589)
Cryo D0 8.9 (15/168) 2.2 (15/675)
7 days 63.4 (45/71) 43.3 (45/104)
14 days 100.0 (59/59) 96.7 (59/61)
28 days 100.0 (30/30) 69.8 (30/43)
49 days 100.0 (10/10) 100.0 (10/10)
63 days 100.0 (9/9) 100.0 (9/9)
No statistical analysis was performed. FLSs: Follicle-like structures; DFs: Degenerated follicles; TFs:
Total follicles.
Figure 3. FLSs with juxtaposed granulosa cells and no oocyte (white arrows) labeled with Ki67 on
days 7 (A), 14 (B) and 28 (C) post-grafting. Bars: 200 µm.
In one animal, two antral follicles were found on Day 28 after grafting (Figure 4A,B). Both were
viable, as evidenced by TUNEL assay (Figure 4C,D) and Ki67 staining (Figure 4E,F). No MNFs were
detected in any animals after 14 days.
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 7 of 13
Figure 4. Antral follicles found in one animal on day 28 after grafting. HE-staining (A,B). TUNEL
assay shows no dead granulosa cells (no red fluorescence) (C,D). Ki67 staining reveals proliferating
granulosa cells stained in brown (E,F). Bars: 200 µm.
Masson’s trichrome revealed that the deposition pattern of collagen fibers varied between
ovarian samples before (fresh control and cryo D0, Figure 5A,B) and after transplantation. From Day
7 onwards, most stromal tissue areas visibly contained an abundance of connective fibers and their
cellularity was considerably reduced, especially in central areas of the grafts (Figure 5C–G).
Nevertheless, Ki67 staining showed that stromal cells were still proliferating in all fragments (Figure
5H). TUNEL assays found no dead cells in fresh controls, while on cryo D0 samples, the periphery
tissue was stained red (Figure 1), suggesting that this region suffered some damage during slow-
freezing and/or thawing.
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 8 of 13
Figure 5. Ovarian stroma at different stages post-transplantation. Masson’s trichrome staining shows
an increase in the extracellular matrix (collagen fibers stained green) of connective tissue in fresh
fragments (A) and cryopreserved fragments immediately after thawing (B), on Days 7 (C), 14 (D), 28
(E), 49 (F), and 63 (G) after grafting. Ki67 staining illustrates stromal cell proliferation on Day 28 (H).
Bars: scale in µm.
Tissue vascularization was observed 7 days post-transplantation, as demonstrated by CD31
immunoreactivity (Figure 6A), and large blood vessels were clearly visible on Days 49 and 63 post-
grafting (Figure 6B).
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 9 of 13
Figure 6. Vascularization of ovarian tissue marked with CD-31 immunostaining (brown) on Day 7
(A) and HE staining on Day 63 after transplantation (B). White arrows indicate blood vessels.
4. Discussion
In the present study, we used autotransplantation to evaluate the survival and development of
preantral follicles and tissue quality after cat ovarian tissue cryopreservation. The results showed a
drastic reduction in follicle population and increased fibrosis in ovarian tissue. Even so, remaining
follicles were able to resume their development up to antral stage, which is an encouraging outcome.
After freezing and thawing, numbers and percentages of MNFs detected were not significantly
different from those found in fresh control samples, which is consistent with our previous findings [21].
Our results are similar to the ones reported on vitrification of cat ovarian tissue using DMSO
supplemented with sucrose [18]. Using the same cryoprotectants, Tanpradit et al. [16] reported better
results in slow freezing than vitrification of cat ovarian tissue for follicular viability, histology, and
apoptosis assessment.
While normal morphology is an important criterion, it does not translate to viability, and thus it
is necessary to use a method that allows follicle activity reestablishment to actually evaluate the
cryopreservation protocol. Indeed, we can clearly see this difference when we compare our present
findings with our previous study on autografting of fresh ovarian tissue [23]. Despite the high
proportion of MNFs in cryopreserved tissue at Day 0 (cryo D0), post-transplantation follicle survival
rates were lower than those reported by Leonel et al. [23], who found more than 90% of MNFs on
Day 28 after grafting fresh ovarian tissue, and a mean of 181 follicles per fragment on all grafting
days. Since the cryopreservation protocol and the transplantation technique applied were the same
as previously described [21,23], this suggests that cryopreserved follicles have lower survivability
after transplantation than fresh follicles.
The most significant type of degeneration observed was the presence of follicle-like structures
(FLSs) containing juxtaposed granulosa cells without an oocyte. This degeneration was also
encountered by Leonel et al. [23] from Day 7 after transplantation of fresh cat ovarian tissue, which
indicates that it is probably an effect of the grafting procedure. In the present study, FLSs were the
only structures observed from Day 14 onwards, which shows that they can survive for several days
without an oocyte. Oocyte degeneration was reported as the most frequent sign of atresia in preantral
follicles [34–37], while granulosa cells continued to survive and proliferate [36,37], demonstrating
that cryopreserved oocytes are much more sensitive to adverse conditions than granulosa cells.
Although most follicles did not survive, one cat presented two antral follicles that were alive
and showed proliferating granulosa cells 28 days after transplantation (Figure 4). The time required
for antral follicles development in cats is unknown, but on in vitro culture, 50% of isolated secondary
follicles showed an antral cavity after 14 days [38]. Considering that growing follicles are more
susceptible to hypoxic conditions before tissue reperfusion [39], it is likely that the antral follicles
detected 28 days after grafting derived from primordial follicles developing after transplantation.
After transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue, a visible change in connective fibers and
cellularity patterns was observed, especially in the central areas of the grafts. Previous studies have
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 10 of 13
reported the negative impact of freezing on ovarian stromal cells [40,41], and in cats; Bosch et al. [13]
also found a reduction on stromal cellularity 67 days after xenotransplantation of ovarian tissue.
Indeed, production of TGF-β1 by fibroblasts in response to hypoxia may be an important factor for
collagen and other extracellular matrix synthesis, leading to fibrosis [42,43]. The size of the fragments
might also have affected the extension of fibrosis in the transplanted tissue [44].
Even with low follicle recovery rates, increased vascularization was observed in the grafts on all
evaluated days, and large blood vessels could be seen on Days 49 and 63 post-transplantation. It is
known that the most extensive follicle loss occurs during the period of ischemia that develops before
tissue reperfusion and revascularization. This period varies among species, from 48 h in rats [45], to
5 days in humans [46,47], and 7 days in sheep [48]. The time needed for cat ovarian tissue to become
vascularized after transplantation is not known, and studies are required to elucidate this process.
Development of ovarian follicles after transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue has been
reported in cows [9], goats [10] and human [49]; embryo development in rabbits [11] and sheep [8].
Moreover, live births were reported in rhesus monkeys [50], humans [51,52], and mice [53].
Cryopreservation of felid tissue, in turn, appears to show particularly inferior performance compared
to other species. While xenotransplantation of fresh ovarian tissue to immunodeficient mice has
shown follicle survival rates of up to 54%, antral follicle development and germinal vesicle
breakdown [54,55], xenografting of cryopreserved ovarian tissue showed a 10% survival rate. Still,
antral follicles were obtained 67 days after transplantation [13]. In wild felids, low rates of follicle
activation and development were observed after xenografting of lioness cryopreserved ovarian tissue
to immunodeficient mice [56]. Thus, the present study corroborates the literature on cryopreservation
of cat ovarian tissue, helping to elucidate the path towards developing specific protocols for cat
ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation.
5. Conclusions
Despite tissue revascularization observed from Day 7 onwards, there was a low follicle recovery
rate, probably due to the combination of injuries caused by cryopreservation with the damage caused
by ischemia-reperfusion period in the early days of the tissue transplant. Nevertheless, two antral
follicles were recovered after transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue. Alternative grafting
sites and strategies to reduce the period of ischemia after transplantation, as well as improvements
to the cryopreservation method, are being investigated in our group to improve and promote
follicular survival and development of cryopreserved cat ovarian tissue. Once these techniques are
improved, they may contribute to the preservation of wild feline species, since the domestic cat is an
excellent experimental model for developing techniques to be used in wild cats.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.M.V.V., E.C.R.L. and C.M.L.; Data curation, J.M.V.V. and C.M.L.;
Formal analysis, J.M.V.V. and R.S.A.; Funding acquisition, J.M.V.V., E.C.R.L., C.A.A. and C.M.L.; Investigation,
J.M.V.V., E.C.R.L., L.P.G. and R.E.G.P.; Methodology, J.M.V.V., E.C.R.L. and C.M.L.; Project administration,
C.M.L.; Resources, C.A.A. and C.M.L.; Supervision, C.A.A. and C.M.L.; Validation, C.A.A. and C.M.L.;
Visualization, J.M.V.V.; Writing—original draft, J.M.V.V. and E.C.R.L.; Writing—review & editing, J.M.V.V.,
E.C.R.L., C.A.A. and C.M.L.
Funding: This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior-
Brasil (CAPES)-Finance Code 001, which provided scholarships for JMV Vilela and ECR Leonel. JMV Vilela also
received grants from CAPES-WBI (Project #013/14) and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico) at different times. C. A. Amorim is an FRS-FNRS Research Associate.
Acknowledgments: We thank DMV Renata Melo and Silvia Luanna from the Veterinary Clinic Empório dos
Bichos for conducting all the ovariohysterectomies, Alere S.A. for donating FIV/FeLV test kits and Ana Luisa
Miranda-Vilela for the statistics consultation.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to
publish the results.
Animals 2019, 9, 1065 11 of 13
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... To allow the reproduction of endangered animals using ovarian xenotransplantation, ovum pick up (OPU) and in vitro embryo production (IVEP) techniques will be required for later fertilization, therefore, heterotopic sites are usually preferred. For example, the kidney capsule (Bosch et al. 2004;Hosoe et al. 2008;Khalili et al. 2014), the muscle tissue or fascia (Eimani et al. 2009;Soleimani et al. 2008Soleimani et al. , 2010Dath et al. 2010;Li et al. 2010a, b;Terazono et al. 2012), and the subcutaneous tissue (Weissman et al. 1999;Kim et al. 2005;Schubert et al. 2008;Wiedemann et al. 2012;Leonel et al. 2018b;Vilela et al. 2019) are reported to be good options for ovarian tissue transplantation in different species. However, when blood vessel anastomosis is not performed, the time necessary for reperfusion of the grafted tissue will probably vary from one grafting place to another (Oktay et al. 2004;Dath et al. 2010;Youm et al. 2015), as will the period of ischemia to which the tissue is subjected. ...
... A study in which cryopreserved human ovarian tissue was xenografted to mice, showed that murine angiogenesis initiates reperfusion 5 days post-transplantation, but the center of the tissue was perfused only after 10 days . Although interest in cryopreservation and transplantation of ovarian tissue of cats is growing (Wiedemann et al. 2012;Demirel et al. 2018;Leonel et al. 2018a, b;Vilela et al. 2019), no study has yet described the time needed for revascularization of transplanted ovarian tissue on these animals. The aims of the present study were to investigate the revascularization time for fresh and cryopreserved ovarian tissue transplanted to the subcutaneous tissue in domestic cats, as well as to evaluate follicle survival in transplanted tissue. ...
... Regarding the percentage of MN follicles observed in the transplanted ovarian tissue, the results of the present study are similar to those described by others with both fresh (Leonel et al. 2018b) and cryopreserved (Vilela et al. 2019) ovarian tissue autograft in domestic cats. For instance, the percentage of MN follicles in this study on D6 after transplantation (* 58%) was similar to that of Leonel et al. (2018b) on D7 after transplantation (68.7%) of fresh ovarian tissue. ...
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The present study evaluated revascularization time of fresh and cryopreserved cat ovarian tissue after transplantation to subcutaneous tissue. Ovaries of five cats were used and eight pieces of ovarian tissue were taken from each pair of ovaries. Immediately after removal, three pieces were transplanted and one fixed for fresh control. The remaining four pieces were cryopreserved and, after thawing, one was fixed for cryopreservation control and three were transplanted. Grafts were recovered on days 2 (D2), 4 (D4) and 6 (D6) post-transplantation. Blood vessels were identified by immunohistochemistry and doppler ultrasound. Immunohistochemistry showed that the percentages of total tissue area occupied by blood vessels were similar (P > 0.05) in fresh and cryopreserved tissues. In both cases, blood vessel area was significantly higher (P < 0.05) on D4 and D6 compared to D0. Ultrasound analysis showed vascularization improvement on the periphery of grafts from D2 to D4 and from D4 to D6, both in fresh and cryopreserved tissue samples. Nonetheless, there was a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in the percentage of morphologically normal follicles (MNF) after transplantation compared to non-transplanted tissue (D0), both for fresh and cryopreserved samples. Moreover, the number of follicles found in samples was considerably smaller after grafting. In conclusion, revascularization of ovarian tissue autotransplanted to subcutaneous tissue in domestic cats occurs within 4 days after transplantation, both for fresh and cryopreserved tissue. However, large follicular loss has been observed in the first days post-transplantation, especially in cryopreserved tissues.
... These sites are considered preferred sites for collecting oocytes to be used in in vitro fertilization (Costa et al. 2020). In subcutaneous sites, the neck region has been used to obtain favorable follicular survival rates and functional resumption of ovarian tissue after autotransplantation (Leonel et al. 2018;Vilela et al. 2019;Costa et al. 2020;Souza et al. 2020). However, despite the good results obtained, the type of region used can also hinder the success of subcutaneous autotransplantation due to hypoxia or ischemia/reperfusion injury, to which the tissue can be subjected (Donfack et al. 2017). ...
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Ovarian tissue transplantation makes it possible to restore fertility; however, the success of this technique depends on the transplant region used. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of two subcutaneous regions on canine ovarian transplantation, pinna (Pi) and neck (Ne), for 7 and 15 days. Ovaries collected by ovariosalpingohysterectomy were fragmented using a punch device. Fresh fragments were fixed, and the others were immediately grafted onto the animal itself in the Pi and Ne regions for 7 and 15 days. Recovered fragments were evaluated for histology (morphology, development and stromal density), picrosirius (collagen fibers), and immunohistochemistry (fibrosis and cell proliferation). The results showed that follicular normality rates were lower in Pi-7 (78%) vs. control (90%) and Pi-15 (86%), similar in Ne-7 (92%) and superior in Ne-15 (97%) compared to the control, with the effect of the region Ne (94%) superior (P < 0.05) to Pi (82%). Stromal density reduced in both regions vs. control but was similar within 15 days. Fragments from both regions showed higher fibronectin labeling and deposition of type I and lower type III collagen fibers (P < 0.05) vs. control. Proliferation rates in Ne-7 were higher (P < 0.05) than in control, and Pi-15 was higher (P < 0.05) than Ne-15. In conclusion, the pinna may be a region with greater potential than the neck after a 15-day autotransplantation of canine ovarian tissue.
... Previous studies have reported similar reductions in follicular density after ovarian tissue transplantation in different species, including mice (Mahmoodi et al., 2014;Ayuandari et al., 2016) and felines (Vilela et al., 2019). The main reason for the excessive follicular loss after transplantation is related to ischaemiareperfusion lesions. ...
Research question: Is the optimal timing for administering erythropoietin to minimize ischaemic injury in ovarian tissue transplantation before ovary removal for cryopreservation and subsequent transplantation or after transplantation? Design: Thirty Swiss mice (nu/nu) were divided into three groups: treatment control group (n = 10); erythropoietin before harvesting group (EPO-BH) (n = 10) and erythropoietin after transplantation group (EPO-AT) (n = 10). Animals underwent bilateral ovariohysterectomy and their hemiovaries were cryopreserved by slow freezing. At the same time, previously cryopreserved hemiovaries were transplanted subcutaneously in the dorsal region. Erythropoietin (250 IU/kg) and sterile 0.9% saline solution were administered every 12/12 h over 5 consecutive days in the EPO-AT and EPO-BH groups, respectively. Results: Administration of erythropoietin in the EPO-AT group improved the viability of ovarian follicles, reducing degeneration and increasing the number of morphologically normal growing follicles at 14 days after transplantation compared with the EPO-BH group (P = 0.002). This group also showed higher percentages of proliferative follicles at 7 days after transplantation (P ≤ 0.03), increased blood vessel count (P ≤ 0.03) and greater tissue area occupied by blood vessels at days 7 and 14 after transplantation (P ≤ 0.03), compared with hormone administration before cryopreservation (EPO-BH group) and the treatment control group. Additionally, treatment with erythropoietin before or after transplantation reduced fibrotic areas at 7 days after transplantation (P = 0.004). Conclusion: Erythropoietin treatment after transplantation reduced ischaemic damage in transplanted ovarian tissue, increased angiogenesis, maintenance of ovarian follicle proliferation and reduced fibrosis areas in the grafted tissue.
... OTC is also being applied to various animal species to preserve genetic material until such a time that in vitro fertilization or allo-or xeno-grafting can be performed. Thus far, transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue has been reported to result in live birth in mice and sheep (4,5), and the return of fertility in cats (6). Xenografting of ovarian tissues into immunocompromised mice has allowed for the successful growth of primordial and antral follicles across a number of species, including the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) (7), common wombat (Vombatus ursinus) (8), and lion (Panthera leo) (9). ...
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Development of techniques for the preservation and use of gonadal tissues are increasingly needed for the genetic management of the endangered African painted dog (Lycaon pictus). Here we evaluated two cryopreservation techniques for ovarian tissue (2 × 2 × 1 mm³ fragments, n = 11 individuals): needle immersed vitrification (NIV), with equilibration in a 7.5% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and 7.5% ethylene glycol (EG) solution, and vitrification in a 15% DMSO, 15% EG, and 0.5 M sucrose solution, and slow freezing in cryovials with either the equilibration (SF-E) or vitrification (SF-V) solutions. Following warming, tissues were either fixed and embedded for evaluation of density of morphologically normal follicles, semi-quantitative scoring of stromal cell preservation, and apoptotic index (TUNEL stain), and/or flash-frozen for expression of proliferation (PCNA), apoptosis (CASP3, BCL2), or oxidative stress (GPX3, SOD1, SOD2) pathway genes (n = 4). Needle immersed vitrification maintained higher density of morphologically normal follicles compared to the slow freezing protocols applied (p < 0.05), with no significant changes in expression of select genes among treatment groups. A slight increase in apoptotic index was observed in all cryopreservation groups, but only reached significance in SF-E compared with fresh tissue controls (p < 0.05). Future research should be dedicated to developing improved methods for ovarian tissue culture in the species, both as a means to evaluate the efficacy of tissue cryopreservation techniques and for the production of viable oocytes from banked ovarian tissue in the endangered African painted dog.
... Some studies have used in-vitro culture of ovarian fragments, but this system is not very well established for many species, yielding low rates of follicle survival in both short-and long-term culture (Isachenko et al., 2006;Smitz et al., 2010;Vilela et al., 2016). Since ovarian tissue transplantation has already been validated for cryopreservation assessment (Nottola et al., 2008;Amorim et al., 2011;Luyckx et al., 2013;Ayuandari et al., 2016;Ruan et al., 2019;Vilela et al., 2019), it might be a valuable technique to evaluate tissue transport. Indeed, transplantation of mouse ovarian tissue was used to assess ovarian tissue storage and revealed a significant reduction in both implantation and live birth rates, even though the morphology before transplantation did not show any difference in the percentage of morphologically normal follicles (Kamoshita et al., 2016). ...
... Some studies have used in-vitro culture of ovarian fragments, but this system is not very well established for many species, yielding low rates of follicle survival in both short-and long-term culture (Isachenko et al., 2006;Smitz et al., 2010;Vilela et al., 2016). Since ovarian tissue transplantation has already been validated for cryopreservation assessment (Nottola et al., 2008;Amorim et al., 2011;Luyckx et al., 2013;Ayuandari et al., 2016;Ruan et al., 2019;Vilela et al., 2019), it might be a valuable technique to evaluate tissue transport. Indeed, transplantation of mouse ovarian tissue was used to assess ovarian tissue storage and revealed a significant reduction in both implantation and live birth rates, even though the morphology before transplantation did not show any difference in the percentage of morphologically normal follicles (Kamoshita et al., 2016). ...
In recent years, some countries and fertility preservation networks have started adopting 24-hour transportation schedules for ovarian tissue, a practice that has the potential to spread very fast due to the high costs and bureaucracy involved in establishment of ovarian tissue cryobanks. While pregnancies and live births have been reported after such long periods of transportation, this remains an empirical procedure. Our review aims to prompt reflection on ovarian tissue transport, highlighting our lack of knowledge in humans by providing a counterpoint looking into more than 40 studies published in different animal models. By discussing these studies in animals, we can decipher the findings in various models and shed light on patterns identified. Like the development of different assisted reproductive technology procedures, this is an important step in creating guidelines for future studies into human ovarian tissue transportation.
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Ovarian tissue transplantation makes it possible to restore fertility; however, the success of this technique depends on the transplant region used. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of two subcutaneous regions on canine ovarian transplantation, pinna (Pi) and neck (Ne), for 7 and 15 days. Ovaries collected by ovariosalpingohysterectomy were fragmented using a punch device. Fresh fragments were fixed, and the others were immediately grafted onto the animal itself in the Pi and Ne regions for 7 and 15 days. Recovered fragments were evaluated for histology (morphology, development and stromal density), picrosirius (collagen fibers), and immunohistochemistry (fibrosis and cell proliferation). The results showed that follicular normality rates were lower in Pi-7 (78%) vs. control (90%) and Pi-15 (86%), similar in Ne-7 (92%) and superior in Ne-15 (97%) compared to the control, with the effect of the region Ne (94%) superior (P < 0.05) to Pi (82%). Stromal density reduced in both regions vs . control but was similar within 15 days. Fragments from both regions showed higher fibronectin labeling and deposition of type I and lower type III collagen fibers (P < 0.05) vs . control. Proliferation rates in Ne-7 were higher (P < 0.05) than in control, and Pi-15 was higher (P < 0.05) than Ne-15. In conclusion, the pinna can be a potential region for canine ovarian tissue autotransplantation than the neck region in 15 days.
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Connective tissue is significant because it is one of the supporting tissues, it connects organs and keeps them in place, it contains inflammatory response components, and it provides the environment in which metabolic exchange occurs between cells. Collagen fibres are the most common type of connective tissue component. Type 3 collagen, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans make up reticular fibres. They allow the uterus and ovaries to contract and stretch since they are situated in between the muscles and collagen fibres in these organs. According to the requirements of the microenvironment in which they are found, elastic fibers have persistent changeable functionalities and are resistant to tensile forces. After regular histological tissue follow-up after washing, tissues removed from the ovaries and uterus of cats were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and blocked in the paraplast. Sections from the prepared blocks were cut at a thickness of 5–6 µm. The distribution and structure of these yarns were studied using the methods of Orsein for the structure of elastic yarns derived from connective tissue yarns, Van Gieson's for the structure of collagen yarns, and Gordon and Sweet's dyeing process for the structure of reticulum yarns. It was determined that the ovary and uterus had increased collagen fiber dispersion. Less dispersion was observed in reticulum and elastic fibres. The collagen fibres in the elastic and reticulum fibres, which were arranged in thick bundles between the follicles in the ovary, were found to have a thinner structure. It was noted that the collagen fibres were more thickly distributed in the lamina propria of the uterine endometrium, where the elastic and reticulum fibres were formed from thin filaments.
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Vitamin E was first discovered in 1922 as a substance necessary for reproduction. Following this discovery, vitamin E was extensively studied, and it has become widely known as a powerful lipid-soluble antioxidant. There has been increasing interest in the role of vitamin E as an antioxidant, as it has been discovered to lower body cholesterol levels and act as an anticancer agent. Numerous studies have reported that vitamin E exhibits anti-proliferative, anti-survival, pro-apoptotic, and anti-angiogenic effects in cancer, as well as anti-inflammatory activities. There are various reports on the benefits of vitamin E on health in general. However, despite it being initially discovered as a vitamin necessary for reproduction, to date, studies relating to its effects in this area are lacking. Hence, this paper was written with the intention of providing a review of the known roles of vitamin E as an antioxidant in female reproductive health.
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Constant progress in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer disease has increased the number and prognosis of cancer survivors. However, the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on ovarian function have resulted in premature ovarian failure. Patients are, therefore, still expecting methods to be developed to preserve their fertility successfully. Several potential options are available to preserve fertility in patients who face premature ovarian failure, including immature or mature oocyte and embryo cryopreservation. However, for children or prepubertal women needing immediate chemotherapy, cryopreservation of ovarian tissue is the only alternative. The ultimate aim of this strategy is to implant ovarian tissue into the pelvic cavity (orthotopic site) or in a heterotopic site once oncological treatment is completed and the patient is disease free. Transplantation of ovarian tissue with sufficiently large numbers of follicles could potentially restore endocrine function and allow multiple cycles for conception. However, the success of ovarian tissue transplantation still has multiple challenges, such as the low number of follicles in the graft that may affect their longevity as well as the survival of the tissue during ex vivo processing and subsequent transplantation. Therefore, this review aims to summarize the achievements of ovary grafting and the potential techniques that have been developed to improve ovarian graft survival.
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PurposeThis study aims to make an account of the children born following transplantation of frozen-thawed ovarian tissue worldwide with specific focus on the perinatal outcome of the children. Furthermore, perinatal outcome of seven deliveries (nine children) from Denmark is reported. Methods PubMed was searched for papers of deliveries resulting from ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC). Seven women underwent OTC prior to chemotherapy. Four of these women still had low ovarian function and had tried to conceive. They therefore had tissue autotransplanted to augment their fertility. The other three women had developed premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) after the end of treatment. ResultsWorldwide, approximately 95 children have been born or will be born in the near future from OTC, including these 9 new children. Information on the perinatal outcome was found on 40 children. The mean gestational age was 39 weeks and the mean birth weight was 3168 g of the singleton pregnancies, which is within internationally recognized normal standards. Furthermore, half the singletons resulted from natural conception and all twins resulted from in vitro fertilization treatment. All seven Danish women became pregnant within 1–3 years after transplantation. They gave birth to nine healthy children. Conclusion The data is reassuring and further suggests that cryopreservation of ovarian tissue is becoming an established fertility preservation method. The seven Danish women reported in this study were all in their early thirties when OTC was performed. Most other reported cases were in the women’s twenties. This suggests that the follicular pool in the thirties is large enough and sufficient to sustain fertility.
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation is a promising technique for fertility maintenance. The aim of this study was to compare the morphology of domestic cat ovarian follicles after tissue cryopreservation with ethylene glycol (EG) and dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO). Ovaries from healthy adult cats undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy were used. Eight fragments were obtained from each pair of ovaries: two were used as fresh controls; three were submitted to fresh perfusion toxicity test and perfused with M199, 10% fetal calf serum and 0.4% sucrose containing Me2SO 1.5 M, EG 1.5 M or Me2SO 0.75 M + EG 0.75 M; and the remaining three fragments were perfused as described and submitted to slow freezing. After 45 days of cryopreservation, the samples were thawed, fixed and processed for light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The percentages of morphologically normal follicles identified by light microscopy were higher in the control group (94.45%) in comparison to the frozen groups (80.56% with EG, 78.7% with Me2SO and 75.87% with EG + Me2SO). The fresh perfused tissue showed no statistical difference compared to control or frozen samples. The TEM analysis showed less damage in the ultrastructure of follicles from the Me2SO group in comparison with the EG and Me2SO + EG groups. According to the morphological analysis, 1.5 M Me2SO is the best cryoprotectant for cryopreservation of domestic cat ovarian tissue regarding the morphology of preantral follicles after thawing. Further studies regarding the viability of these follicles should be performed.
There has been a sharp increase in the demand for fertility preservation. This review summarizes the indications and current options and describes new techniques and strategies, including those for women with newly diagnosed malignant disease.
Ovarian tissue transplantation could be a valuable technique for the preservation of endangered animals. The domestic cat affords an adequate experimental model for studies aimed at wild felids due to its phylogenetic similarity. Thus, this pilot study evaluated the efficacy of cat ovarian tissue autotransplantation to a peripheral site. Three adult queens were submitted to ovariohysterectomy. The ovaries were fragmented into eight pieces; two were fixed as a control and six were transplanted to subcutaneous tissue of the dorsal neck. Grafts were monitored weekly by ultrasound and fecal samples collected daily in order to monitor estradiol levels. Grafts were recovered on Days: 7, 14, 28, 49 and 63 post-transplantation for histological analyses. One graft was maintained in one animal for 8 months. A total of 2466 ovarian follicles were analyzed: 1406 primordial and 1060 growing follicles. All animals presented antral follicles in one or more of the grafts. The percentage of morphologically normal primordial follicles was always higher than 80%, except for Day 7 transplants. Although the proportion of growing follicles increased after transplantation, there was a general decrease in the percentage of morphologically normal growing follicles from Day 7 onwards. All animals demonstrated at least three estradiol peaks during the 63-day period, and one animal exhibited estrous behaviour on three occasions. Hormonal peaks directly correlated with the visualization of antral follicles (by ultrasound and/or histology) and the observation of estrous behaviour. Long-term results on one female showed the concentration of 37.8 pg/mL of serum estradiol on Day 233 post-grafting and the female exhibited estrous behaviour on several occasions. This graft showed one antral follicle, one luteinized follicle and two preantral follicles. In conclusion, cat ovary autotransplantation to the subcutaneous tissue restored ovarian function, with hormone production and antral follicle development, over both short and long term periods. This could be a valuable technique in the evaluation of ovarian cryopreservation methods in felids. Once the technique is shown successful, it may be applied in allografts or xenografts between different feline species.
Context: Ovarian cryopreservation followed by autotransplantation is still considered an experimental strategy for fertility preservation (FP) mainly because the success rates are unknown. Objective: To determine cohort epidemiologic characteristics and success rates of autologous ovarian tissue transplantation (OTT) with previously cryopreserved tissue. Materials and methods: Literature review from 1999 to October 1, 2016. Additional cases were retrieved from meeting abstracts and own database. We selected studies that reported autologous OTT with previously banked tissue in humans. We did not include any cases involving fresh ovarian tissue transplantation or those performed to treat idiopathic premature ovarian failure/insufficiency. Both authors reviewed and selected studies for eligibility, which resulted in 59 full-text studies assessed for eligibility. Cases were extracted from original reports and reviews by the junior author, and the senior author reviewed and verified the extracted data. Results: Nineteen reports were included for qualitative synthesis. In 10 studies, detailed data were available to determine clinical and live birth + ongoing (LB + OG) pregnancy as well as endocrine restoration rates. Three hundred nine OTTs were performed with cryopreserved tissue, resulting in the birth of 84 children and 8 OG pregnancies. The cumulative clinical and LB + OG rates were 57.5% and 37.7%, respectively, and the endocrine restoration rate was 63.9%. Conclusion: Success rates with cryopreserved OTT have reached promising levels. Given these recent data, ovarian tissue cryopreservation should be considered as a viable option for FP.
When the ovaries of 23-day-old juvenile rats are transplanted to an ectopic site, they recover within 1 week the ability to control gonadotropin secretion via steroid negative feedback. Vascular corrosion casting followed by scanning electron microscopy revealed that the transplanted ovary becomes profusely revascularized within 48 h after transplantation. Vascular ingrowth was accompanied by a 40– to 60–fold increase in expression of the genes encoding two angiogenic factors, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming growth factor-²1 (TGF ² 1), as assessed by RNA blot hybridization of the corresponding mRNAs. Although TGF ² 3 mRNA levels also increased, no changes in the levels of mRNAs encoding other putative angiogenic factors, such as TGF ±, basic fibroblast growth factor, and TGF ² 2, were observed. Hybridization histochemistry demonstrated that in intact ovaries, VEGF mRNA is mainly expressed in granulosa cells of the cumulus oophorus and thecal cells of large antral follicles. Transplantation is followed by an increase in mRNA abundance and a dramatic shift in cellular localization, so that the mRNA becomes predominantly expressed in cells of the outer ovarian cortex. In intact ovaries, low levels of TGF ² 1 mRNA were detected in thecal-interstitial cells; after transplantation, its expression also became more predominant in the ovarian outer cortex, but this change was not as marked as in the case of VEGF. Because ovarian autotransplantation is followed by a rapid increase in serum gonadotropin levels, experiments were conducted to determine the importance of this rise in the activation of VEGF and TGF ² 1 gene expression. After transplantation, some animals were treated with the LHRH antagonist Nal-Glu LHRH (50 micrograms/rat, once a day for 2 days) to prevent the posttransplantation rise in serum gonadotropins. Quantitation of VEGF and TGF ²1 mRNA by RNase protection assay 48 h later showed that suppression of gonadotropin secretion diminished the increase in both VEGF and TGF ²1 gene expression. Concomitant treatment with PMSG (8 IU/rat, single injection), which mainly bypasses the suppression of endogenous FSH levels, restored the TGF ²1 mRNA response, but had no effect on VEGF mRNA. The results suggest that the increase in gonadotropin secretion following ovarian transplantation contributes to revascularization of the graft by up-regulating the gene expression of two major angiogenic factors.