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Tomayto, Tomahto: A Machine Learning Approach for Tomato Ripening Stage Identification Using Pixel-Based Color Image Classification

  • FEU Institute of Tecchnology
  • FEU Institute of Technology

Abstract and Figures

The main enterprise of the Philippine agriculture sector is crop cultivation where tomato is deliberated as one of the major crops in the country. With the abundance on tomato production, ripeness classification becomes fairly laborious and challenging, not to mention the subjective visual interpretation of human graders grounded from practical experience that is easily influenced by the environment and prone to error. Thus, this study proposes an automatic tomato ripeness identification using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier and CIELab color space via a machine learning approach. Dataset used for modeling and validation experiment in a 5-fold cross-validation strategy was composed of 900 images assembled from a farm and various image search engines. Divided into six classes that represent tomato ripening stages, experimental results showed that the proposed method was successful with 83.39% accuracy in ripeness classification detection. With this machine learning approach and combination of image processing techniques, the agriculture industry could benefit by automating the ripeness estimation which then could save tomatoes from damage. FULL PAPER:
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978-1-7281-3044-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
Tomayto, Tomahto: A Machine Learning Approach
for Tomato Ripening Stage Identification Using
Pixel-Based Color Image Classification
Manuel B. Garcia, Shaneth Ambat, Rossana T. Adao
College of Computer Studies
Institute of Technology, Far Eastern University
Manila, Philippines
AbstractThe main enterprise of the Philippine agriculture
sector is crop cultivation where tomato is deliberated as one of
the major crops in the country. With the abundance on tomato
production, ripeness classification becomes fairly laborious and
challenging, not to mention the subjective visual interpretation
of human graders grounded from practical experience that is
easily influenced by the environment and prone to error. Thus,
this study proposes an automatic tomato ripeness identification
using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier and CIELab
color space via a machine learning approach. Dataset used for
modeling and validation experiment in a 5-fold cross-validation
strategy was composed of 900 images assembled from a farm
and various image search engines. Divided into six classes that
represent tomato ripening stages, experimental results showed
that the proposed method was successful with 83.39% accuracy
in ripeness classification detection. With this machine learning
approach and combination of image processing techniques, the
agriculture industry could benefit by automating the ripeness
estimation which then could save tomatoes from damage.
Keywords Image Processing, Image Classification, Support
Vector Machine, Machine Learning, CIELAB color space
Despite the transformation to an industrialized economy,
Philippines is still primarily an agricultural country [1] where
the gross value of agricultural production is amounted to PhP
429.7 billion during the first quarter of 2019 [2]. Employing
39.8% of the country’s labor force [3], the main enterprise of
the agriculture sector of the Philippines is crop cultivation [4]
such as tomatoes, rice, corn, coconut, sugarcane, pineapple,
mango, banana, and abaca, just to name a few. According to
Philippine Statistics Authority, tomatoes are one of the major
crops in the country [5]. In fact, tomato production reached
95.30 thousand metric tons from January to March 2019 [6].
The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), known as “Kamatis” in
the Philippines, has attracted the interest of food markets due
to its medicinal impact such as decreasing the risk of various
health conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and
osteoporosis, and nutritive values such as phosphorus, iron,
calcium, and vitamin C [7]. Lycopene, the major carotenoid in
the fruit, is only amassed during the final ripening stage which
accounts for 80% of the total carotenoid content [8]. Hence,
tomato ripeness estimation has been viewed as a vital process
that influences its quality evaluation. In fact, consumers use
ripeness as a strand of what defines quality fresh fruits, which
is grounded from its visual appearance such as color, size, and
shape. Fruits color skin is not only an important determinant
of fruit selling price, but also as a feature of fruit ripeness [9]
for numerous agricultural products such as apples [10, 11],
bananas [12, 13], lime [14], mangoes [15-17], tomatoes [18,
19], and watermelons [20]. The abundance of harvest made it
challenging to consistently determine tomato ripeness, which
then becomes a problem when exported to a far place. Besides,
farmers and human graders are usually subjective in ripeness
visual interpretation grounding it from practical experience
and/or ripeness classification charts, and easily influenced by
the environment and prone to mistakes [21]. Thus, tomatoes
are either unripe or overripe when they arrive at the market.
This is the primary reason why tomatoes are often harvested
during the “green” stage (See Fig. 1) to endure transportation
[22]. Nevertheless, consumers are still less likely to purchase
tomatoes when they are not on the “red” stage of ripening.
Fig. 1. Maturity and Ripening Stages of Tomatoes Based on United States
Standards for Grades of Fresh Tomatoes.
The unceasing development of digital image processing,
computer vision, and machine learning have paved a way for
agriculture industry to further improve quality inspection and
defect sorting [23] of fruits [10-20]. In case of tomatoes, the
identification of ripening stage is achievable to categorize by
computers using physical parameters like color since there is
a positive correlation between color and ripeness of tomatoes
[24]. Thus, this study proposes an automatic tomato ripeness
identification by means of Support Vector Machine (SVM)
classifier and CIELAB (L*a*b*) color space via a machine
learning approach. Castro et al. [25] acknowledged SVM
classifier as the best machine learning technique compared to
K-nearest neighbor, artificial neural network, and decision
tree algorithms, and L*a*b compared to RGB and HSV as the
best color space for ripeness level classification of Cape
gooseberry; hence, the usage of SVM and L*a*b* color space
for this study. The succeeding sections of the paper covered
the review of existing research on ripeness classification of
fruits and vegetables (Section 2), the materials and methods
describing the logistics and phases of the development of the
proposed tomato ripeness classification (Section 3), results
from the experimental evaluations and its discussion (Section
4), and the conclusion and future research works (Section 5).
Xiaobo, Jiewen, and Yanxiao [10], and Cárdenas-Pérez et
al. [11] developed a computer vision system to identify the
classification of apple maturity based on its color parameters.
The first study examined three hundred and eighteen apples
by using organization feature parameter by genetic algorithm
which is expressed by the equation of feature parameter (1).
The next study, on the other hand, analyzed one hundred and
fourteen apples by calculating the apple color variances (ΔΕ)
on CIELab color space using equation (2). Both studies were
successful on classifying apple ripeness level using their own
techniques where Cárdenas-Pérez et al. received a hundred
percent apple ripeness classification accuracy while Xiaobo,
Jiewen, and Yanxiao’s method was more accurate than back-
propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN).
[26] x
p1 + p3 
L*) 2 + (Δa*) 2 + (Δb*) 2 
On the other hand, Mendoza and Aguilera [12], as well as
Paulraj et al. [13] used bananas for their image classification.
The former used RGB color space to investigate 100 ripe and
116 unripe bananas and classify the ripeness using Artificial
Neural Network while the latter used L*a*b* color space to
examine 49 banana samples and classify it according to the 7
ripening stages by instigating computer vision. Interestingly,
Mendoza and Aguilera performed more progressive analyses
such as brown spot, image texture, and chemical analysis for
a more accurate classification model. Perhaps, Mendoza and
Aguilera’s model was more accurate (98%) than the model
developed by Paulraj et al. (96%) because of these additional
analyses. Brown spot analysis was evaluated from binarized
images of banana peel where the number of brown spot was
identified from the a* color which signifies brown spots. The
texture analysis focused on segmenting the grayscale version
of the sample using the average of 4 directions that extracted
four textual features. Lastly, chemical analysis was done to
determine total soluble solids using a digital refractometer.
Furthermore, similar and more methodologies of machine
learning and image processing were performed on mangoes.
First, Vélez-Rivera et al. [17] utilized L*a*b* color space as
well but mixed with HSB. Moreover, Manila mangoes were
inspected through its physicochemical properties to estimate
its ripening index (RPI). Zheng and Lu [15] utilized CIELAB
color space to examine mangoes as well but the classification
was performed using a least-squares support vector machine
(LS-SVM) classifier. Fractal analysis was the foundation of
LS-SVM since it has been successfully used on classification
[27], appearance characterization [28], and quality prediction
[29, 30] of foods. Nandi, Tudu, and Koley [16] utilized SVM
as well but persisted on using RGB instead of converting to
other color space to avoid additional calculations. Moreover,
the classification performance was calculated and quantified
using k-fold (k=6) cross-validation technique via sensitivity,
specificity, predictivity, and accuracy measures.
Red-Green = mean(I(:,:,1)) / mean (I(:,:,2)) 
Red-Green = mean(I(:,:,1)) - mean (I(:,:,2)) 
The ripeness classification of tomatoes has also been part
of the proposed systems that utilized computer vision, digital
image processing, and machine learning algorithms. Polder,
van der Heijden, and Young [18] did compare RGB images
with hyperspectral images of tomato to classify its ripeness.
Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was used as the
classification technique which is normally implemented for
spectroscopic image classification. An imaging spectrograph
with a spectral range of 396 to 736 nm and a 13 µm slit size,
was used in the experiment to obtain spectra. Based from the
findings of the study, RGB images showed substantial errors
when classifying images with little feature variance another
reason why this study used other color space. RGB was used
by Goel and Sehgal [19] as well but they had more success
with it by using red-green color difference instead of separate
red, green, and blue values. To obtain the red-green ratio and
red-green difference, equations (3) and (4) were used. As far
as the researchers are concerned, they proposed this approach
because existing literature on tomato ripeness classification
did not take into consideration the light spots (highlights) on
tomato surface brought by natural environment illumination
[26]. To minimize such case on this study, a computer vision
system was setup as shown on Fig. 2. Nevertheless, the white
colored pixels were interpolated by the ‘tomato colors’ from
its neighboring segments during background removal. Taofik
et al. [31] claimed to have a new data acquisition approach in
this kind of classification quandary. On developing a model
for their ‘smart system’ designed to detect ripeness of tomato
and chili, the image dataset was taken periodically, at 65, 75,
83, and 90 days of planting. Yet, this kind of data acquisition
approach was not elaborated in terms of how it helped to
increase the classification accuracy. Arakeri and Lakhsmana
[21] developed an automated grading system as well with the
help of a fruit handling system that was used for moving the
tomatoes on the conveyor belt. With the integration of image
processing, tomatoes are moved to the respective bins based
from its classification: defective or non-defective, and ripe or
unripe. The capacity of the machine is 300 tomatoes per hour
which is a lot of development on task automation. However,
further works are still needed to increase the speed, even the
accuracy, especially for image with high specular reflection.
A. Experimental Setup for Computer Vision System
The image acquisition system for collecting the dataset of
tomato images, as an addition for pictures downloaded from
image search engines, was a custom-built photography studio
designed for food photo shoot. Figure 2 shows this computer
vision system (CVS) and the setup of the lighting and studio
equipment which was arranged in such a way that the image
of tomatoes could avoid unwanted illumination [26]. Instead
of a green screen backdrop, a blue screen backdrop (Westcott
131 Wrinkle-Resistant Chroma-Key Backdrop) was used due
to the color features of tomato that includes green color. Two
45-watts light bulbs (R20 Incandescent Flood Light 2700K
E26 Base) with diffuser (24x36” Softbox Bowens Speedring
Kit) were placed at an angle of 45 degrees for both sides to
ensure uniform illumination system. Tomatoes are placed on
a 24x29 inches table wrapped with blue paper to complement
the blue screen backdrop. A digital camera (Nikon D3100)
was used to capture tomato images using both automatic and
manual settings (f = 3.6; speed = 1/60 or 1/125; no zoom; no
flash). The maximum resolution of 14.2 megapixels (4,608 x
3,072) was used to store JPEG images in a desktop computer
(Core i5-9600k, DDR3, 1600MHz, 1TB hard drive, 256GB
SSD, 8GB RAM) connected to the camera via a USB cable.
Fig. 2. Computer Vision System for Collecting Tomato Dataset.
B. Preparation of Tomato Images as a Dataset
1) Collection of Tomato Samples
Two image sources of tomato were used to assemble the
dataset: image search engines and CVS. Google images and
Adobe Stock were utilized for downloading images from the
Internet. For CVS, a sample of tomato fruits was collected
from Marulas Public Market (14.6738° N, 120.9837° E) for
four consecutive weeks (50-100 tomatoes/week) sold by a
vendor who imports from a plantation on Laguna. The fruits
were then manually classified according to its ripeness stage,
and stored inside 250C container storages [32]. Image search
engines and CVS combined, the total number of sample was
963 tomatoes with different colors and ripeness levels.
C = Fg.*mask + Bg.*(~mask) 
2) Preprocessing of Tomato Images
Following the findings of Castro et al. [25] that revealed
L*a*b color space as the recommended option to work with
fruit classification when compared to RGB and HSV, tomato
samples were converted first from RGB to L*a*b color space
(rgb2lab in Matlab). Wu and Sun [33] also argued that this
color space provides uniform color distribution which makes
it appropriate for food color measurement. The use of L*a*b
color space, where L* (black to white) is the luminance and
a* (green to red) and b* (blue to yellow) are the chromatic
components, is also considered essential because it matches
the colors as perceived by human eyes. After the color space
conversion, the digital images were pre-processed using the
techniques employed by Garcia et al. [34] before segmenting
skin color pixels. First, given the large size of images (4,608
x 3,072), each sample was scaled to 1/8th of its image size to
speed up the calculations. Next, each sample taken by CVS
was applied with a modified Chroma-key method inspired by
Sang and Vinh’s technique [35] grounded on coarse and fine
filter. Using this processing method, the Chroma-key effect
was performed on both foreground and background of image
using equation (5). On the other hand, downloaded tomato
images underwent histogram equalization, noise reduction,
lighting correction, and sharpening [34] as the preprocessing
techniques before going to image segmentation stage. These
were performed in order to have a more accurate and smooth
mask (see Figure 3 1b, and 2b) for removing the background.
3) Image Segmentation
For further analysis and understanding of digital images
[36] like fruit ripeness classification, image segmentation is
customarily a fixed image stage in order to extract a feature or
an object of interest which is performed by thresholding,
boundary detection or region dependent techniques. Among
the aforesaid methods, the simplest and most widely used in
image segmentation is thresholding [37]. The techniques in
performing thresholding is classified as global (traditional,
iterative, and multistage thresholding) and local (Niblack,
Sauvola, Bernsen, and Yanowitz and Bruckstein’s Method)
[38]. Niblack thresholding algorithm, eq. (6), was validated as
the better approach at removal of background noise [38].
Hence, tomato image dataset was binarized using Niblack
technique to produce better segmentation results. Because of
complex and sometimes undistinguishable background and
tomato color, the binary-segmented images from CVS (Fig. 3,
2b) were smoother, clearer, and more precise when compared
to downloaded images (Fig. 3, 1b). Specular reflection or glare
on the tomato surface due to natural lighting conditions was
already deciphered by Goel and Sehgal [19] by means of
interpolating the neighboring tomato color pixels. As such, the
same method was performed for downloaded images. In the
case of images from CVS, this was not an issue because the
setup of lighting condition was controlled. The resulting
binarized images were secluded from the background pixels
to eliminate unnecessary and similar colors with tomatoes as
these colors could only confuse the classification model and
lower the accuracy result. The pixels for tomato were shown
in Figure 3 1c and 2c which evidently captured not only the
shape feature of the fruit but also its color that will be used for
building the tomato ripeness classification model.
T(x, y) = m(x, y) + k*(x,y) 
(1a) Image from Search Engine
(1b) Masked Image Using Threshold
(1c) Segmentation Results
(2a) Original Image from CVS
(2b) Masked Image Using Chroma Key
(2c) Segmentation Results
Fig. 3. Background Removal of Tomatoes Captured by CVS and Downloaded from Image Search Engines.
C. Classification of Tomato Ripeness Level
Features of tomatoes extracted from the previous process
were classified according to ripeness level based from United
States standards for grades of fresh tomatoes [39]. As shown
on Figure 1, the color classification that indicates the stage of
tomato maturity of a red fleshed variety of tomatoes includes
six ripeness levels: green, breakers, turning, pink, light red,
and red. At any ripeness stage, however, tomatoes normally
have a mix and color gradient (instead of single solid color)
between the neighboring levels. As such, the model accuracy
of any color-based image classification could suffer and may
produce incorrect predictions. Amirulah, Mokji, and Ibrahim
[40] experienced the same dispute for starfruit color maturity
classification and proposed a solution by overlapping the hue
of adjacent levels where Ci is the fruit ripeness level and Ci+1
is the adjacent fruit ripeness level, and quantified the area of
fruit by dividing the number of pixels of class i that has a
color value of less than or equal to H to total pixel of class i,
and multiply the quotient to 100. The same approach was
performed for the classification of tomatoes grounded from
the pixel colors on this study. Apart from the color gradient
to the overall skin of the fruit, color gradient spot of the next
or previous ripeness level is also part of the classification; for
instance, the breakers ripeness stage which is a green-colored
gradient but also has a pink or red gradient in certain spots or
the pink ripeness stage that still has a green gradient color in
certain tomato surface. This is critical to ensure that the color
for classification determinant is not focused on single mix.
To classify tomatoes based from its surface color, a non-
linear SVM classifier was trained and validated. Castro et al.
[25] acknowledged SVM classifier with L*a*b* as the best
machine learning technique and color space for ripeness
classification of a fruit. Nonetheless, SVM was designed for
two class problems only. Hence, the application of SVM to a
multi-class classification requires a reduction of classes to
produce binary problems. Two approaches could achieve the
reduction of classes namely “one against all” or “one against
one”. The first approach is training the binary classifiers to
separate each class from others, which is a fast method but
usually suffer from marginal errors [41]. The second method
is much like the first one but the “one against one” utilizes
one optimization problem to obtain the N decision functions
which is why it was selected and utilized for the multi-class
of tomato ripeness level needed for the classification model.
Fig. 4. Visualization of SVM Classification Plot.
Correctly Classified
Accuracy (%)
Light Red
Using a one-against-one multi-class SVM, a 5-fold cross-
validation strategy was performed to 900 colored-images of
tomatoes (150 samples per ripeness level) divided into 70:30
ratios for testing and training per ripeness class. Each tomato
sample was analyzed based from its L*a*b values to build the
classification model. Area Under Curve (AUC), denoting the
aggregate measure of performance across all possible tomato
ripeness classification thresholds, shows a close value to 1.0
which means that the prediction of the model is close to being
correct. In classifying a non-linear dataset, the SVM linear
classifier is still a thinkable algorithm so long that the given
dataset would be projected into a higher dimension by adding
a new dimensionality to transform the dimension into 3D in
which the data is linearly separable but dimensionality
reduction is through Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
The multi-class SVM classifier for tomato ripeness level
yielded a mean accuracy of 83.39%, which is higher than the
accuracy achieved by Taofik et al. [31] (accuracy = 80%) for
the classification of tomato ripeness stage using fuzzy logic
technique and RGB color space. The experimental results of
Goel and Sehgal [19] (accuracy = 94.29%) utilizing Fuzzy
Rule-Based Classification approach (FRBCS), on the other
hand, produced a more accurate classification. Therefore, the
classifier and color space used, SVM and L*a*b, may not be
the most precise and accurate when it comes to this particular
dataset, unlike the results of Castro et al. [25] when tested on
cape gooseberry dataset. In classifying the ripening stage of
tomatoes using this model, the most accurate is on the green
stage which could be explained through the color percentage
(almost 100%) of green shades present on the surface. On the
other hand, the least accurate ripeness classification is on the
light red stage where 60% of tomato surface shows pinkish-
red while the remaining is a mix of red and pink shades. The
confusion matrix presented a hard evidence that the tomato
ripeness classification model had a problem with adjacent
neighboring levels especially on the pinkish-red, light red and
red stages. Nevertheless, the classification model yielded an
acceptable precision, recall, and f-measure (precision =
0.8311; recall = 0.8306; f-measure: 0.8307).
With the critical role of agriculture in global economy, it
is inevitable for technologists and agriculturists to find a way
on how to mount machine learning on agricultural sector to
drive agrarian productivity and harvest quality which can be
observed on today’s modern agricultural system operations.
The automated process of ripeness estimation, for instance, is
not only beneficial for increasing sustainable crop production
but also for decreasing pre- and post-harvest waste. Machine
learning models built for ripeness classification can be surely
beneficial for different domains and applications like sorting
system based from maturity level and crop system to ensure
timely harvest, and on the digital agriculture in general. This
is the main research motivation of the proposed approach on
classifying the tomato ripeness using SVM algorithm.
As indicated earlier, Philippines is an agricultural country
where tomatoes are considered as one of the major crops of
the country. Therefore, another motivation of this study is to
develop an image classifier using machine learning process.
The tomato dataset used for experiments were 900 images
assembled by downloading images from search engines and
capturing photos of tomatoes brought from a market which is
directly supplied by a farm using CVS. Divided into 70:30
ratios for testing and training per ripeness class, each tomato
sample was analyzed based from its L*a*b values. To ensure
high accuracy result, the proposed approach consists of three
phases: (1) the experimental setup of CVS, (2) preparation of
the tomato image dataset by undergoing pre-processing and
image segmentation, and (3) classification of ripeness level
using one-against-one multiclass SVM where a 5-fold cross-
validation was performed on training and testing dataset.
In conclusion, the proposed machine learning approach
using SVM and L*a*b color space applied on classifying the
ripeness maturity of tomatoes grounded from the pixel color
generated a mean accuracy of 83.39%. Although this is more
accurate than existing ones, there are also other classification
models and techniques that exceeded this result. Evidently,
color space and machine learning algorithm influenced the
accuracy of the classification model. Therefore, future works
should consider using other algorithms and color space, and
try to mix different combination (SVM and RGB, ANN and
HSL, to name a few) to determine which one will produce a
more accurate model. Additionally, other features than color
may also be considered for parameter extraction such as the
diameter and age as these are proven indices for maturity of
tomatoes [42]. Another direction of research is to assemble a
dataset without using artificial background as captured using
CVS to preserve natural lighting and background. Lastly, the
application of nondestructive testing and non-invasive tools
such as smart sensing, colorimetric [43], and hyper spectral
imaging camera and systems [44] may be integrated in the
machine learning process from dataset preparation to image
classification. For information system and mobile application
development standpoint, the machine learning model created
from this study may be used to develop a real-time detection
of tomato ripeness by either uploading a picture on a website
application or by using the inbuilt camera of smartphones. In
the manufacturing and agriculture perspective, the model can
be installed as a core of tomato handling and sorting system.
In closing, the image classification model proposed in this
paper is a contribution to the agriculture sector, particularly on
Philippine agriculture, in terms of providing a valid and
accurate method of tomato ripening stage identification.
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... Inaccurate fruit ripening stage predictions commonly cause post-harvest loss and early or delayed harvesting. As mentioned in [2], the classification of tomato ripeness is also essential for evaluating tomato quality. ...
... The visual technique is used in the manual approach. Due to the harvest volume, it was difficult to accurately identify tomato ripeness, which posed a problem when transported to distant locations [2]. Moreover, producers and human evaluators are typically subjective in their visual perception of ripeness, relying on practical experience and/or ripeness categorization charts, and are susceptible to environmental influences and errors [3]. ...
... Nonetheless, customers are less attracted to purchase not quite "red" ripe tomatoes. [2]. ...
... However, the K-NN approach has a dependency on the feature values obtained, so if the results experience redundancies, it will affect the resulting accuracy [6]. Furthermore, research on the identification of ripeness in tomatoes was carried out by implementing the Support Vector Machine (SVM) approach, and the features used were CIELAB colors [7]. In this study, the ripeness level is divided into six levels with an accuracy of 83.39%. ...
... This is because this class has similarities with other classes when viewed through its color features. However, as a whole, the model built produces better accuracy when compared to previous studies, where the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm had an accuracy of 87.80% [5], the SVM algorithm had an accuracy of 83.39% [7], and the LVQ algorithm had an accuracy of 87.25% [9]. These results indicate that the LDA algorithm can do good detection because it searches for new projections that can maximize the differences between class averages and, at the same time, minimize variations within each class. ...
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Tomatoes have a relatively short ripening period, making it essential to identify their ripeness level before distribution. The ripeness level of tomatoes can be detected based on their color. Therefore, the color of tomatoes serves as a crucial indicator in determining whether they are ripe and of good quality. However, classifying tomato ripeness levels manually has several drawbacks, namely requiring a long process, a low level of accuracy, and being inconsistent. The research aimed at developing a detection model for the ripeness level of tomatoes using the LDA algorithm based on color feature extraction, namely CIELAB (L*a*b) and HSV. The L*a*b and HSV color spaces are applied to obtain information about the color of the object being detected. Furthermore, the information obtained from feature extraction is then grouped by class using the LDA algorithm, which separates information for each class and limits the spread between classes through linear projection searches to maximize the covariance matrix between classes so that members within the class can be identified. This research produces a model that can detect the level of ripeness of tomatoes with an accuracy of 88.194%.
... An illustrative example is provided by Sanchez and Zhang[33], who developed a deep learning-based machine vision system to estimate the velocity of a precision sprayer system, showcasing the potential of image analysis for optimizing precision in agriculture practices. In pest management, Rocha and Lagarteja[37] employed convolutional neural networks (CNN) to automate the identi cation and classi cation of mango pests, achieving a high accuracy of 88.75%.Image analysis proves valuable in tracking crop growth parameters, as demonstrated by Garcia et al.[34], who applied support vector machines on RGB images to classify tomato ripeness, contributing to informed decision-making in agriculture. For monitoring plantation health, de Ocampo and Dadios[35] utilized aerial images to detect weeds and estimate pest damage in eggplant farms, achieving a 97.73% F1 score in isolating crops from the background.Concepcion et al. [36] introduced a novel greenness index computed from common smartphone images to estimate various lettuce crop parameters, providing non-invasive assessment capabilities for crop status. ...
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This systematic review undertook an examination of agricultural innovations in the Philippines spanning from 2018 to 2023. The objective was to provide a comprehensive categorization, analyze adoption trends, and offer recommendations to optimize research priorities. A methodical approach involving literature search, screening, and quantitative analysis facilitated an organized investigation into various innovation types, contributors, applications, and geographical contexts. The ndings indicated that image analysis and sustainable farming systems held the highest shares within the innovation categories, comprising 26% and 23%, respectively. These segments showcased cutting-edge techniques along with a commitment to environmental stewardship. Notably, rice-centric innovations dominated at 33.33%, underscoring the underrepresentation of high-value crops, livestock, and remote farming sectors. However, a geographical bias was evident, with 69.23% of studies concentrating solely on Luzon regions, particularly in central and northern areas. This revealed a need to acknowledge the agricultural potential present in Visayas and Mindanao, emphasizing the necessity for increased research emphasis in these regions. Furthermore, the study unveiled a fragmented landscape in research contributions, with the majority of contributors representing less than a 5% share each. This fragmentation suggests a lack of cross-institutional partnerships, hindering a holistic and collaborative approach to agricultural innovation. Critical gaps in innovation prioritization and adoption levels were identi ed, particularly in sustainable practices, precision technologies, non-cereal commodities, and geographically disadvantaged communities. Addressing these gaps requires signi cant institutional support through modernization policies and localized capacity-building programs, ideally facilitated by industry-academia partnerships. In conclusion, the establishment of uni ed innovation transfer conduits is essential to expedite the transition of solutions from proofs-of-concept to farmer-ready tools, ensuring a targeted approach that caters to regional needs.
... have used deep learning classification to evaluate the ripeness of the tomato with an accuracy of 91.9%. Garcia et al.[28] have used SVM classifier for tomato ripeness identification with an accuracy of 83.39%. Contrary to the proposed model, the accuracy is 90.35%. ...
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This study proposes an ensemble approach to develop a tomato ripeness and shelf life prediction system based on defects and color intensity. The dataset has been created by designing an image acquisition system to capture 3450 images. The image outliers are overcome by various image processing steps. In the context of our proposed ensemble technique, we employ a variety of expert-based regressors, which encompass SVM, DT, RF, and GBM, in order to ensure distinctiveness. When assessing tomato characteristics for the purpose of quality determination, it becomes crucial to take into account attributes such as size, color, shape, texture, taste, nutritional content, defects, and ripeness, among others. A total of 13 features are manually extracted, whereas the Inception V3 model autonomously generates 2048 automated features. These 2048 features are then streamlined through the application of PCA dimensionality reduction, resulting in a final selection of 50 automated features. Altogether, the proposed work leverages a total of 63 features. The output of the ripeness regression models is divided into three classes based on their ripeness index and color magnitude to get the shelf-life of the tomatoes as Store, Sell, and Discount. The stacking technique is employed to achieve a final prediction of tomato shelf life with an impressive accuracy rate of 90.35%. These findings highlight that incorporating a variety of features, diverse pre-processing techniques, and proficient machine learning regressors can introduce substantial diversity in the ensemble approach, leading to enhanced accuracy when compared to conventional machine learning models. The proposed model has been rigorously compared with numerous state-of-the-art detection methods, yielding highly promising results.
... Zhong et al. (2019) proposed a method based on FPCA and an SVM for solving the difficult problem potato disease localization and identification, and experiments showed that their method achieved great success with a recognition rate of 98%. Garcia et al. (2020) used an SVM classifier and the CIELab color space to identify the ripeness of tomatoes via a machine learning method using a 5-fold crossvalidation strategy and achieved a recognition rate of 83.39% across 900 images. ...
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Rice leaf diseases are important causes of poor rice yields, and accurately identifying diseases and taking corresponding measures are important ways to improve yields. However, rice leaf diseases are diverse and varied; to address the low efficiency and high cost of manual identification, this study proposes a stacking-based integrated learning model for the efficient and accurate identification of rice leaf diseases. The stacking-based integrated learning model with four convolutional neural networks (namely, an improved AlexNet, an improved GoogLeNet, ResNet50 and MobileNetV3) as the base learners and a support vector machine (SVM) as the sublearner was constructed, and the recognition rate achieved on a rice dataset reached 99.69%. Different improvement methods have different effects on the learning and training processes for different classification tasks. To investigate the effects of different improvement methods on the accuracy of rice leaf disease diagnosis, experiments such as comparison experiments between single models and different stacking-based ensemble model combinations and comparison experiments with different datasets were executed. The model proposed in this study was shown to be more effective than single models and achieved good results on a plant dataset, providing a better method for plant disease identification.
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Agriculture plays a crucial role in human survival, necessitating the development of efficient methods for food production. This chapter reviews Digital Image Processing (DPI) methods that utilize various color models to segment elements like leaves, fruits, pests, and diseases, aiming to enhance agricultural crop production. Recent DPI research employs techniques such as image subtraction, binarization, color thresholding, statistics, and convolutional filtering to segment and identify crop elements with shared attributes. DPI algorithms have a broad impact on optimizing resources for increased food production through agriculture. This chapter provides an overview of DPI techniques and their applications in agricultural image segmentation, including methods for detecting fruit quality, pests, and plant nutritional status. The review’s contribution lies in the selection and analysis of highly cited articles, offering readers a current perspective on DPI’s application in agricultural processes.
This chapter explores particle swarm optimization (PSO) in the rapidly evolving landscape of biomedical technologies. The study begins by introducing the fundamental principles of PSO, emphasizing its advantages in addressing complex optimization problems common in biomedical applications. The authors delve into innovative uses of PSO in various biomedical fields, including image enhancement, data clustering, and drug development, highlighting how PSO contributes to more accurate diagnoses, efficient treatment plans, and streamlined research methodologies. Significantly, this chapter identifies emerging opportunities where PSO can be further leveraged, particularly in personalized medicine and predictive health analytics, suggesting a roadmap for future research and development. By combining theoretical insights with practical examples, this work aims to provide a comprehensive overview of PSO's role in advancing biomedical technologies, offering valuable perspectives for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in the field.
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This systematic review analyzed agricultural innovations in the Philippines over 2018-2023 to provide comprehensive categorization, adoption trend analysis, and recommendations for optimizing research priorities. Methodical literature search, screening, and quantitative analysis facilitated organized investigation across innovation types, contributors, applications, and geographical contexts. Results revealed image analysis followed by the sustainable farming system had the highest segment (26% and 23%, respectively) of the innovation categories displaying cutting-edge techniques as well as environmental stewardship. Rice-centric innovations dominate (33.33%) showcasing the underrepresentation of high-value crops, livestock, and remote farming sectors. However, innovations have skewed geographical representation with 69.23% of studies concentrating only on Luzon regions, chie y central and northern areas. Agricultural potential also exists across Visayas and Mindanao warranting increased emphasis. Additionally, most research contributors represent less than 5% share each, indicating a fragmentation in efforts lacking cross-institutional partnerships. Findings exposed critical gaps in innovation prioritization and adoption levels directed at sustainable practices, precision technologies, non-cereal commodities, and geographically disadvantaged communities. Signi cant institutional support is imperative to address disparities through modernization policies and localized capacity-building programs aided by industry-academia partnerships. Uni ed innovation transfer conduits can accelerate the transition of solutions from proofs-of-concept to farmer-ready tools catering to regional needs.
Conference Paper
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The combination of multimedia technology and Internet provides an amiss channel for pornographic contents accessible by certain sensitive groups of people. Furthermore, the same channel provides the easiest medium to distribute illicit images and videos without an autonomous content supervision process. In this study, an application was developed grounded from a pixel-based approach and a skin tone detection filter to identify images and videos with a large skin color count and considered as pornographic in nature. With nudity detection algorithm as the foundation of the system, all multimedia files were preprocessed, segmented, and filtered to analyze skin-colored pixels by processing in YCbCr space and then classifying it as skin or non-skin pixels. Afterwards, the percentage of skin pixels relative to the size of the frames is calculated to be part of the mean baseline for nudity and non-nudity materials. Lastly, the application classifies the files as nude or not, and then filter it. The application was evaluated by supplying a dataset of 1,239 multimedia files (Images = 986; Videos = 253) collected from the Web. On the final testing set, the application obtained a precision of 90.33% and accuracy of 80.23% using the supplied dataset.
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The classification of fresh fruits according to their visual ripeness is typically a subjective and tedious task; consequently, there is growing interest in the use of non-contact techniques to automate this process. Machine learning techniques such as artificial neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, and K-nearest neighbor algorithms have been successfully applied for classification problems in the literature, particularly for images of fruit. However, the particularities of each classification problem make it difficult, if not impossible, to select a general technique that is applicable to all types of fruit. In this paper, combinations of four machine learning techniques and three color spaces (RGB, HSV, and L*a*b*) were evaluated with regard to their ability to classify Cape gooseberry fruits. To this end, 925 Cape gooseberry fruit samples were collected, and each fruit was manually classified into one of seven different classes according to its level of ripeness. The color values of each fruit image in the three color spaces and their corresponding ripening stages were organized for training and validation following a 5-fold cross-validation strategy in an iterative process repeated 100 times. According to the results, the classification of Cape gooseberry fruits by their ripeness level was sensitive to both the color space and the classification technique used. The models based on the L*a*b* color space and the SVM classifier showed the highest f-measure regardless of the color space, and the principal component analysis combination of color spaces improved the performance of the models at the expense of an increased complexity.
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In agriculture science, automation increases the quality, economic growth and productivity of the country. The export market and quality evaluation are affected by assorting of fruits and vegetables. The crucial sensory characteristic of fruits and vegetables is appearance that impacts their market value, the consumer's preference and choice. Although, the sorting and grading can be done by human but it is inconsistent, time consuming, variable, subjective, onerous, expensive and easily influenced by surrounding. Hence, an astute fruit grading system is needed. In recent years, various algorithms for sorting and grading are done by various researchers using computer vision. This paper presents a detailed overview of various methods i.e. preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction, classification which addressed fruits and vegetables quality based on color, texture, size, shape and defects. In this paper, a critical comparison of different algorithm proposed by researchers for quality inspection of fruits and vegetables has been carried out.
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Manual laxity of fruit ripeness classification is highly influenced by operator subjectivity, thus there is inconsistency for some periods in the classification process. Information Technology development allows fruit identification based on color characteristic by computer aids. A developed system was designed to work on a mobile device with the ability to detect four levels of ripeness of tomato and chili fruits. The acquisition of training data is done with a new approach. Training data came from objective observation of the same fruit of tomato and chili, captured since one month before harvesting until harvesting period. Image segmentation uses K-Means Clustering Method while ripeness detection uses fuzzy logic. The system output consists of types and level of ripeness grouped into four categories: unripe 1, unripe 2, medium, and ripe. This article explains preliminary results of the testing system in static and partial condition using a personal computer before being applied into a mobile-based integrated system. The results showed the level of success for fruit segmentation was 80% for tomato and 100% for chili. The fault is due to the similarity of fruit sample size. The level of success for detecting fruit ripeness is 80% for tomato and 90% for chili. By 10 training data of each, it is shown that the good result with an overall accuracy level of average ripeness detection is 85%.
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Tomatoes are one of the most nutritionally and economically important crops in New Zealand and around the world. Tomatoes require large amounts of water to grow well and are adversely affected by drought stress. However, few studies have evaluated the physicochemical characteristics of commercial tomatoes grown under water stress conditions. Four tomato cultivars (Incas, Marmande, Scoresby Dwarf, and Window Box Red) were grown in a greenhouse under well-watered and drought stress conditions and the tomatoes were harvested when ripe. The physicochemical properties and antioxidant contents of the fruits were compared. There were significant differences between cultivars in quality characteristics-such as dry matter, total soluble solids, and pH parameters-but there were no differences in the quality characteristics between the two treatments of the fruits (p > 0.05); however, there were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the antioxidant compositions (lycopene, total phenolics, and flavonoids) and antioxidant activities (DPPH and ABTS) of the fruits of both cultivars and treatments. Overall, these results indicated that tomatoes increased their bioactive compounds without changing any quality characteristics when exposed to water stress conditions.
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Apple maturity Physicochemical parameters Colour image Multivariate analysis Mexican apple production suffers high losses due to poor handling in processing. Implementation of a straightforward, low cost method to sort apples by their ripening stage is required. A set of Golden Delicious apples was used to monitor their physicochemical properties and external colour, a second set of apples was used to validate the method. To classify the stages, a ripening index (RPI) was proposed, in which three stages were identified ; unripe, ripe and senescent. Weibull model was applied to the physicochemical parameters in order to describe their kinetic behaviour. The three RPI stages were compared with colour variability using the CIELab colour space, chroma (C *) and hue angle (h *), allowing the identification of the three ripening stages. Principal component analysis was used to evaluate the correlation between variables. A first correlation was performed between physicochemical and colour parameters and variables correlated correctly between each other except for L * , but both described the samples variability with 91.05% reliability. Using only colour parameters, the samples were described accurately with 95.06% reliability. Multivariate discriminant analysis (MDA) was done in order to validate the method. A cross-validation was performed with an initial set of apples used as trial samples and a second set of apples for validation. MDA was capable of classifying apples in their correct ripening stage with 100% accuracy. A second analysis was carried out using four colour parameters (a * , b * , C and h *), and results indicated that the ripening stages can be classified with 100% accuracy.
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Application of maturity indices and optimal harvest time improves handling and marketing operations and minimizes pre and postharvest losses for tomato products. Growth patterns of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), cv. Ghalia 281, were therefore analyzed to determine nondestructive maturity indices for optimal harvest regimes. Propagation experiments were run in central Uganda in 2015. A total of 216 tomato fruits were tagged and their diameter, height and color recorded daily prior to physico-chemical and nutritional analyses at Makerere University Food Science and Technology laboratory. The longest fruit (5.55 cm) was from breaker, while the shortest (4.95 cm) was in light red samples. Total soluble solids were highest at breaker (5.40 °Brix) and red (6.00 °Brix) and was lowest at turning stage (4.00 °Brix). Green tomatoes had the highest carbohydrate content of 5.99 g/100 g, followed by breaker tomatoes with 5.71 g/100 g, while the lowest CHO (4.17 g/100 g) was observed from tomatoes at turning stage. The pH decreased from 4.98 (green) to 4.60 (light red). Protein content was highest (13.05%) from red tomatoes and lowest in pink samples (10.22%). Fruit diameter was negatively correlated with fruit color (r = -0.748, P≤0.05) and °Brix (r = -0.787, P≤0.05). A highly negative correlation occurred between fruit age and pH (r = -0.949, P≤0.05). There was a high positive correlation between fruit diameter and total titrable acidity (r = 0.959, P≤0.05). Optimal harvesting should occur at breaker for distant markets and fruit with red outer colour be proposed for local consumers. Maturity indices for determining harvest time of tomato is a combination of fruit age, diameter and color, because these correlate significantly with physico-chemical and nutritional characteristics including total soluble solids (TSS), total titrable acidity (TTA) and protein content.
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New, non-destructive sensing techniques for fast and more effective quality assessment of fruits and vegetables are needed to meet the ever-increasing consumer demand for better, more consistent and safer food products. Over the past 15 years, hyperspectral imaging has emerged as a new generation of sensing technology for non-destructive food quality and safety evaluation, because it integrates the major features of imaging and spectroscopy, thus enabling the acquisition of both spectral and spatial information from an object simultaneously. This paper first provides a brief overview of hyperspectral imaging configurations and common sensing modes used for food quality and safety evaluation. The paper is, however, focused on the three innovative hyperspectral imaging-based techniques or sensing platforms, i.e., spectral scattering, integrated reflectance and transmittance, and spatially-resolved spectroscopy, which have been developed in our laboratory for property and quality evaluation of fruits, vegetables and other food products. The basic principle and instrumentation of each technique are described, followed by the mathematical methods for processing and extracting critical information from the acquired data. Applications of these techniques for property and quality evaluation of fruits and vegetables are then presented. Finally, concluding remarks are given on future research needs to move forward these hyperspectral imaging techniques.
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Agriculture sector plays a key role in the economic development of India. The task of fruit grading is vital in the agricultural industry because there is a great demand for high quality fruits in the market. However, fruit grading by human is inefficient, labor intensive and prone to error. The automated grading system not only speeds up the time of processing, but also minimizes error. There is a great demand for tomatoes in both local and foreign markets. The tomato fruit is very delicate and hence careful handling of this fruit is required during grading. Thus, this paper proposes an automatic and effective tomato fruit grading system based on computer vision techniques. The proposed quality evaluation method consists of two phases: development of hardware and software. The hardware is developed to capture the image of the tomato and move the fruit to the appropriate bins without manual intervention. The software is developed using image processing techniques to analyze the fruit for defects and ripeness. Experiments were carried out on several images of the tomato fruit. It was observed that the proposed method was successful with 96.47% accuracy in evaluating the quality of the tomato.