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Skin Rashes and Health

  • Tokyo Medical University Hospital


Skin rashes take lots of different forms. You might have patches of red skin, or you might see welts or blisters. A rash might show up on part of your body, or all over. Sometimes, a salve you buy over the counter can take care of it. But a few skin rashes come from illnesses that can endanger your life if you don’t get to the doctor or ER. Here’s a look at the main ones you should watch out for.
Skin Rashes and Health.
Prof. Hayk S. Arakelyan. Full Professor in Medicine,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Ph.D , Grand Ph.D .
Senior Expert of Interactive Clinical Pharmacology , Drug Safety,
Treatment Tactics, General Medicine and Clinical Research.
“Natural forces within us are
the true healers of disease.”
“ Hippocrates”
Skin rashes take lots of different forms. You might have patches of red skin, or you
might see welts or blisters. A rash might show up on part of your body, or all over.
Sometimes, a salve you buy over the counter can take care of it. But a few skin rashes
come from illnesses that can endanger your life if you don’t get to the doctor or ER.
Heres a look at the main ones you should watch out for.
Types of Rashes.
Skin rashes take lots of different forms. You might have patches of red skin, or you
might see welts or blisters. A rash might show up on part of your body, or all
over. Sometimes, a salve you buy over the counter can take care of it. But a few skin
rashes come from illnesses that can endanger your life if you don’t get to the
doctor or ER. Heres a look at the main ones you should watch out for.
Toxic Shock Syndrome.
Toxic shock syndrome is rare. It may bring to mind cases linked to tampons, but skin
wounds (including from surgery) can also let in the bacteria that cause it. It might give
you a rash like sunburn, mainly on your palms or the soles of your feet. It can also
cause a fever, low blood pressure, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, headaches, and
red eyes, mouth, and throat.
RockyMountain Spotted Fever.
A bite from a tick can give you Rocky Mountain spotted fever. if it isn’t treated
within 5 days of your first symptoms. You might first have a headache, fever, or
nausea, and you might see swelling around your hands or eyes. A rash would
come next. It would start with small, flat pink spots on your wrists, forearms,
and ankles, then spread.
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome makes your skin cells die and peel off. It’s usually a
reaction to medicine. It may start with fever, coughing, and aches. Then you’ll
get a red or purplish rash, and your skin will peel. That may begin on your face,
then spread. It could also go into your eyes, mouth, airways, or genitals. Your
doctor will change the medicine causing the problem, and you’ll need burn
treatment, pain medicine, and maybe more.
Meningococcal Meningitis.
Meningococcal meningitis makes the tissue around your brain and spinal cord
swell. You may catch it from someone nearby who has it, and it can make you
seriously ill within hours. without quick action about half the people who have it
get a skin rash. Breathing trouble or a sore throat might be your first symptoms.
Other signs could be a fever, headache, vomiting, or confusion.
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome are both severe allergic
reactions to medications or infections. They have the same symptoms and treatment.
If your skin is peeling from 10% or less of your body, doctors say that’s Stevens-
Johnson. If it’s 30% or more, that’s toxic epidermal necrolysis. In between, it’s an
overlap. Both conditions can lead to long-term skin problems. At the worst, they could
cause organ failure.
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome.
Anyone can get staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, but it mainly affects infants
and children less than 5 years old. If your child has kidney disease or a weak immune
system, he’s more prone to get it. At first, he may be fussy, tired, or have a fever. Then
his skin will start to peel, possibly over a lot of his body. He’ll probably have to go to
the hospital, and his skin may need salves or bandages.
Pemphigus Vulgaris.
Pemphigus vulgaris makes your immune system attack your skin or mucous
membranes. It mainly affects people who are middle-aged or older. Mouth sores may
come first. Then you may get blisters on your skin or genitals. If they break
open, they can get infected.
DRESS Syndrome.
Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) is a rare
condition in which you’re very sensitive to a medication. It can happen 2-8 weeks
after you take the drug that triggered the reaction. Along with the skin
symptoms, you may have a fever, feel sick, and have problems with your internal
organs, such as your liver, kidneys, or lungs. The key to treatment is getting you off
the medicine that caused the problem.
Necrotizing Fasciitis.
This “flesh-eating” bacterial infection can spread quickly, killing tissue in your body.
At first, you might feel like you have the flu and notice redness around the infected
area, which would hurt and may feel warm. You may get skin blisters that feel
hot, and you may get dehydrated and have a high fever.
If you have any questions concerning “Skin Rashes and Health. ”, interactive
clinical pharmacology , or any other questions, please inform me .
Prof. Hayk S. Arakelyan
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