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Evolving geographies of innovation: existing paradigms, critiques and possible alternatives



Theory development on the geographies of innovation has been very successful in incorporating the changing patterns of knowledge dynamics due to globalization, lifting the gaze beyond processes of localized learning and increasingly acknowledging the multilevel, multiscalar governance of innovation. Arguably less attention has been directed to the changing qualities and impacts of innovation as a result of globalization, notably in view of social polarization and climate change. The aim of the article is to provide suggestions for how research on the geography of innovation can be improved by engaging with a more capacious understanding of innovation and territorial development. The authors explore how socio-ecological innovation can be introduced in contemporary discussions and practices of place-based smart specialization policy. They conclude by suggesting that future research should address and interrogate (1) the rise of the foundational economy as an expression of place-based innovation, which entails new forms of co-governance, and (2) the challenge of experimentalism in the public sector, a sector that looms large in lagging regions and the places that were deemed not to matter until they took their revenge on the mainstream political system.
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Evolving geographies of innovation: existing
paradigms, critiques and possible alternatives
Lars Coenen & Kevin Morgan
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Journal of Geography, DOI: 10.1080/00291951.2019.1692065
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Published online: 26 Nov 2019.
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Evolving geographies of innovation: existing paradigms, critiques and possible
Lars Coenen & Kevin Morgan
Lars Coenen, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning, University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC 3010,
Australia and Mohn Centre for Innovation and Regional Development, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Postboks 7030, NO-5020
Bergen, Norway; Kevin Morgan, School of Geography & Planning, CardiUniversity, Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardi,
CF10 3WA, UK
Theory development on the geographies of innovation has been very successful in incorporating
the changing patterns of knowledge dynamics due to globalization, lifting the gaze beyond
processes of localized learning and increasingly acknowledging the multilevel, multiscalar
governance of innovation. Arguably less attention has been directed to the changing qualities
and impacts of innovation as a result of globalization, notably in view of social polarization and
climate change. The aim of the article is to provide suggestions for how research on the
geography of innovation can be improved by engaging with a more capacious understanding of
innovation and territorial development. The authors explore how socio-ecological innovation can
be introduced in contemporary discussions and practices of place-based smart specialization
policy. They conclude by suggesting that future research should address and interrogate (1) the
rise of the foundational economy as an expression of place-based innovation, which entails new
forms of co-governance, and (2) the challenge of experimentalism in the public sector, a sector
that looms large in lagging regions and the places that were deemed not to matter until they
took their revenge on the mainstream political system.
Received 21 February 2018
Accepted 5 November 2019
Jan Hesselberg, Catriona
foundational economy,
innovation, smart
Coenen, L. & Morgan, K. 2019. Evolving geographies of innovation: Existing paradigms, critiques and possible
alternatives. Norsk Geogrask TidsskriftNorwegian Journal of Geography Vol. 00, 0000. ISSN 0029-1951.
Innovation has become a global buzzword. It is some-
thing that many decision-makers in public and private
sectors aspire to as it is seen as a key determinant of
growth, both at the micro-level of individual rms and
at the macro-level of nations, regions and cities (Shear-
mur 2012). However, a more recent shift in policy
rationale for innovation can be observed. Increasingly,
the importance of innovation for wider societal goals
beyond economic growth, jobs and competitiveness is
being debated.
Schot & Steinmueller (2018) have recently suggested
three historical framings of innovation policy: inno-
vation policies 1.03.0. Innovation policy 1.0 wherein
innovation policy is part and parcel of science and tech-
nology policy has been primarily directed towards
research and development (R&D) based innovation,
drawing on a linear model of innovation that privileges
the technological discovery process. It emphasizes as a
rationale for policy the advancement and commercializa-
tion of scientic and technological knowledge. Inno-
vation policy 2.0, which is underpinned by the systems
of innovation approach and geared to objectives of econ-
omic competitiveness, growth and job creation, acknowl-
edges a broader knowledge base for innovation, supports
commercial use of a wider variety of knowledge and
seeks to strengthen the link between discovery and appli-
cation of knowledge. In Schot & Steinmuellers account,
the most recent phase, innovation policy 3.0, involves the
explicit mobilization of science, technology and inno-
vation for meeting societal needs and addressing the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Schot
& Steinmueller 2018). It addresses the issues of sustain-
able and inclusive societies at a more fundamental level
than previous framings or their associated ideologies
and practices.
While the debate on whether innovation policy 3.0 is
more than old wine in new bottlesis currently raging
© 2019 Norwegian Geographical Society
CONTACT Lars Coenen
Norsk Geogrask TidsskriftNorwegian Journal of Geography
(Fagerberg 2018), little attention has been paid to the
spatial and scalar dierences and varieties of this latest
incarnation of innovation policy. At the same time, it
is fair to conclude that the widespread attention to inno-
vation in policy circles has been tightly wedded to
research on the geography of innovation, debunking
one-size-ts-all models and suggesting instead a place-
based approach (Tödtling & Trippl 2005; Barca et al.
2012). A geography, as Asheim & Gertler (2005) assert,
that is deeply uneven: innovative activity is not uni-
formly or randomly distributed across the globe but
tends to be spatially concentrated. Since the early
1990s, research on the geography of innovation has
shed light on the question of how nations, cities and
regions can generate the internal conditions and
dynamics necessary for innovation. At the same time,
the idea that cities, regions and spatial proximity are
essential for innovation has been evolving under the
weight of novel theorizing and empirical evidence (Mor-
gan 2004; Boschma 2005; Shearmur 2012).
Theorizing innovation geographies has been very suc-
cessful in incorporating the changing patterns of knowl-
edge dynamics, due to globalization lifting the gaze
beyond processes of localized learning and increasingly
acknowledging the multilevel, multiscalar governance
of innovation (Binz & Truer 2017). However, in
doing so, research has been predominantly concerned
with rates and quantities of innovation (Sjøtun & Njøs
2019; Uyarra et al. 2019). Arguably less attention has
been directed to the changing qualities and impacts of
innovation as a result of globalization, notably in view
of social polarization and climate change. The aim of
this article is to provide suggestions for how research
on the geography of innovation can be improved by
engaging with a more capacious understanding of inno-
vation and territorial development. Through a critical
commentary and discussion of existing and emerging lit-
erature, we explore how socio-ecological innovation can
be introduced into contemporary discussions and prac-
tices of place-based smart specialization policy.
Evolution of regional innovation systems (RIS)
While the discourse on innovation may seem ubiquitous,
patterns of innovation remain concentrated in certain
sites and places, often emblemized by the epicentre of
technological revolution in Silicon Valley (Saxenian
1996; Miao et al. 2015; Pfotenhauer & Jasano2017).
It has become a truism that agglomeration and spatial
proximity are critical for innovation even though it is
equally accepted that these relationships are not univer-
sally positive but more nuanced and multilayered
than often assumed (Morgan 2004; Boschma 2005).
The signicance of agglomeration and proximity are
now commonly accepted in the literature on the geogra-
phy of innovation dating back to the work of Alfred Mar-
shall in the early 1920s on the agglomeration advantages
of industrial districts (Asheim 1996), which was redis-
covered by the Italian theorists of the Third Italy(Bian-
chi 1998), rebranded by the work of Michael Porter
(Porter 2000) on clusters, and translated into strategies
of place-making for the creative class by Richard Florida
(Florida 2005). Spatial environments needed to come up
with new products and services, and new ways to
organize production and distribution of goods and ser-
vices are typically characterized by dense knowledge
pools, extensive networks and linkages, and supportive
institutional environments for risk-taking and entrepre-
neurship (Asheim & Gertler 2005).
Although a plethora of concepts describe and explain
the uneven geography of innovation (Moulaert & Sekia
2003), the regional innovation system (RIS) approach
can be seen as a synthesis of decades of research on the
topic (Cooke et al. 1997; Doloreux 2002; Asheim & Coe-
nen 2005; Isaksen et al. 2018; Asheim et al. 2019). At the
heart of the approach, innovation is conceptualized as a
relational, social and networked process between key
actors rms, their supply chains, governments, and
universities wherein institutions are guiding their
behaviour. In its capacity as an ordering framework,
RIS helps to describe and map the place-based structures
that condition innovation in a certain region and to
identify the presence of proximity advantages in a region.
In the early 2000s, the original RIS perspective was
criticized for being too bounded in its conception of
space (Bunnell & Coe 2001; Bathelt et al. 2004). Under
the inuence of processes of globalization, it became
increasingly myopic and parochial in its delineation of
the analytical scope to consider only assets, resources
and processes of localized learning and innovation. In
response, regional innovation system analysis became
increasingly attuned to the inuence of non-local net-
work linkages and the role of extra-regional institutions
(Cooke 2005; Moodysson et al. 2008; Martin & Moodys-
son 2013).
An important merit of the RIS approach has been its
erce critique of one-size-ts-allmodels (Todtling &
Trippl 2005; Coenen et al. 2017). Instead, it oers a fra-
mework that captures the contextual, place-based nature
of innovation processes, often taking shape through var-
ious typologies (Cooke 2005; Asheim et al. 2015). It is
probably for this merit that the RIS approach has seen
a true proliferation in policy circles as a result of EUs
smart specialization strategy (Camagni & Capello 2013;
Coenen et al. 2017; Morgan 2017; Uyarra et al. 2017).
Om this regard, all regional authorities are supposed to
2L. Coenen and K. Morgan
have in place regional development strategies that are
attuned to the specic conditions for innovation-based
development in their respective region in order to qualify
for EU cohesion policy funding the worlds biggest and
most substantial territorial development policy. Smart
specialization is explicitly geared to do away with the
more generic, place-blind policy mobility to emulate
and transfer best-practice from successful regions such
as Silicon Valley, often resulting in the heroic but naive
eort to build high-tech cathedrals in the desert (Barca
et al. 2012). In arriving at place-sensitive smart specializ-
ation strategies, the RIS perspective has proven an indis-
pensable tool for analysing the specic conditions for
innovation in a region and designing place-sensitive
The evolution of the RIS approach illustrates how
well-adapted and responsive theorizing the geography
of innovation has been to the changing patterns of
knowledge ows as a result of globalization. This is not
to deny that there are no more disputes and controver-
sies in the geography of innovation. As showcased by
the recently published handbook on the geographies of
innovation, edited by Richard Shearmur, Christophe
Carrincazeaux and David Doloreux (Shearmur et al.
2016), various areas of dispute keep the eld far away
from turning into unied, homogenous body of knowl-
edge but one that highlight its pluralism and heterogen-
eity. The handbook identies six areas of debate:
1. What is the most suitable focus of study or unit of
analysis for research on innovation geographies? Is
it a spatial unit such as a region or cluster or is it
the innovative agent, most often the rm?
2. Why study innovation geographies? Is it to be
informed about and inform individual agents loca-
tional strategies for innovation, as increasingly prac-
tised by economic geographers working in business
schools or is it to be informed about and inform inno-
vation-based local and regional development?
3. What kind of innovation should be studied? Is it new-
to-the-world innovation that is often highly visible
and impactful or is it small-scale incremental inno-
vation that determines rm adaptation and survival?
4. Can theorizing successfulinnovative regions be gen-
eralized to non-successful regions?
5. Should we primarily focus on the creation of inno-
vation or on the diusion of innovation? What does
this tell us about the relationship between value cre-
ation and value capture from innovation?
6. To what extent are our theories on the geographies of
innovation biased by their spatial and temporal con-
text? Is there a bias towards the Global North? Why
are we primarily concerned with innovation in the
centres but at the expense of innovation in the
While addressing these questions would undoubtedly
produce highly insightful and resourceful ndings on
the geography of innovation that would be of interest
far beyond the disciplinary realms of geographers and
the academic concerns of researchers alone, a fundamen-
tal question that is left unconsidered is Why inno-
vation?The contributions edited by Shearmur et al.
(2016) rather exclusively engage with the hegemonic
economistic rationale for innovation that it generates
growth and jobs, and is crucial for competitiveness.
Despite notable exceptions, the volume as a whole largely
shies away from reecting on and scrutinizing the ques-
tion of for what, or rather for whom, is innovation good?
Taking the handbook edited by Shearmur et al. (2016)
as representative of the wider geography of innovation lit-
erature, we argue that the body of literature has been lim-
ited by a preoccupation with the conditions for
innovation, and skewed towards a particular kind of inno-
vation, namely market-based, technology-driven inno-
vation. This bias invites for some reection on how this
partial engagement may have coloured our understanding
of the geography of innovation. Moreover, broadening
our understanding of what innovation is and why it mat-
ters opens up our perspective on where innovation hap-
pens and why there rather than elsewhere?
Questioning the purpose of innovation
Despite its increased knowledge and learning intensity,
our innovation-fuelled economies are facing some
intractable problems. The key challenge that comes to
mind to many, given recent extreme weather events, is
that of global warming and climate change. Notwith-
standing increased attention paid to greening the
economy and the widespread investment in clean tech-
nologies and eco-innovation, we are still on a crash
course towards destructive levels of temperature increase
(Rockström et al. 2016). Another problematic develop-
ment is one that is often referred to as runaway techno-
logical development (Karlsson 2007), which is illustrated
by the notion of smart cities and its Promethean prom-
ises to make our cities more sustainable, resilient and
liveable. The idea to increase the use of sensors and big
data to improve our urban systems of provision is facing
increasing opposition by urban dwellers. Instead of view-
ing smart urban technology as a means to improving
urban life, fear over loss of privacy and the risks of a sur-
veillance society have become increasingly prevalent
(Hollands 2008; Kitchin 2014). It seems that also in
other domains, such as the increased automation and
Norsk Geogrask TidsskriftNorwegian Journal of Geography 3
roboticizationof health-care services, driverless vehicles
and articial intelligence, smart technologies increas-
ingly run the risk of turning the term innovativeinto
a misnomer (Karvonen et al. 2019). Common to the
aforementioned examples is that what is coined and
branded as innovativemay be perceived by some as
turning innovation into solutions looking for a problem,
rather than the other way around.
In broad lines, three sub-bodies of literature can be
identied within innovation studies that have responded
to these fears and critiques of innovation: (1) a turn
towards responsible research and innovation; (2), a
turn towards mission-oriented innovation policy; and
(3) a more capacious understanding of innovation.
Responsible research and innovation
Responsible research and innovation (RRI) is in part a
policy concept and in part a theoretical construct with
a clear lineage back to the tradition of technology assess-
ment that had its heydays in the 1980s and 1990s (Schot
& Rip 1997). RRI seeks to give greater control over the
direction of research, technology development and inno-
vation to a broader group of stakeholders, most notably
the public. Following the denition of RRI suggested by
von Schomberg (2012, 54), as a transparent, interactive
process by which societal actors and innovators become
mutually responsive to each other with a view to the
(ethical) acceptability, sustainability and societal desir-
ability of the innovation process and its marketable pro-
ducts, it is not just an approach that advocates greater
democratic control over the desirability and outcome
of innovation, but does so by directly intervening in
the innovation process. Stilgoe et al. (2013) have further
suggested four criteria that are supposed to engender
responsible research innovation and research:
1. Anticipation to prompt researchers and innovators to
ask What if?questions
2. Reexivity to hold a mirror up to ones own activities,
commitments and assumptions in the innovation
3. Inclusion of new voicesbeyond the usual suspects in
the innovation process, notably to include members
of the wider public
4. Responsiveness to changes in the shape and direction
of innovation process that aect stakeholder and
public values, as well as responsiveness to changing
While there is little to comment on the ethical and nor-
mative soundness of the four criteria, we argue that the
trope of responsible research and innovation remains
limited in two ways. First, it primarily targets the design
and framing of research and innovation processes and
programmes but overlooks its implementation. It
remains surprisingly silent about the capabilities and
institutions needed to make it happen. Second, it (i.e.
trope of responsible research and innovation) tends to
black boxthose who are supposed to constitute the
wider public and the new voices. Despite its thoughtful
guidelines, RRI remains a blanket approach, akin to a
one-size-ts-all framework that is in need of grounding
its global procedures to local circumstances.
The mission-oriented approach to innovation
The mission-oriented approach to research and inno-
vation policy has been prominently advocated by Mari-
ana Mazzucato (2018a;2018b). The main contribution
of the approach is its ambition to bring innovation
back on track as a means to an end rather than an end
in its own right. Instead of assuming that all innovation
is desirable as often seen in the systems of innovation
approach the mission-oriented approach seeks to
attract greater explicit attention to the directionality of
the problem-solving process implied in innovation by
stating ex ante the problems that require to be solved
by innovators. As such, the mission-oriented approach
relates innovation funding directly to the grand societal
challenges such as climate change, ageing societies, the
refugee crisis, and food poverty. In doing so, it recognizes
the value of innovation beyond a strictly economic value.
However, in its implementation, the mission-oriented
approach remains heavily predicated on the notion of
the entrepreneurial state (Mazzucato 2015), as it assumes
a benevolent, well-endowed government in terms of
resources and capabilities to orchestrate and coordinate
collective action. This may be a heroic assumption
when acknowledging dierences and diversity in govern-
ment capacity across countries and regions.
Both RRI and the mission-oriented approach to inno-
vation policy call for greater attention to directionality in
innovation processes and are more explicitly attuned to
the purpose of innovation. However, they are insensitive
to geographical context. We would argue that instead a
more capacious conceptualization of innovation would
be better suited, not only with a view to the desirability
of innovation but also with regard to appreciating the
spatial sensitivities of innovation.
A more capacious notion of innovation
New narratives of innovation are emerging that do not
depend on the conventional machinery of economic
4L. Coenen and K. Morgan
growth machines and many of these narratives can be
classied as socio-ecological models of innovation
(Healy & Morgan 2012; Truer & Coenen 2012; Mar-
ques et al. 2018; Todtling & Trippl 2018). Although the
RIS3 guide to smart specialization (European Commis-
sion 2012) is largely predicated on a conventional science
and technology (S&T) model of innovation, a careful
reading of the guide reveals a somewhat schizophrenic
attitude because it contains not one but two models of
innovation. Apart from the explicit S&T model, which
encompasses both STI (science, technology and inno-
vation) and DUI (doing, using and interacting) modes
of innovation (Jensen et al. 2007) and innovation orig-
inating from dierentiated knowledge bases (Asheim
et al. 2017), another model of innovation can be dis-
cerned in the RIS3 guide (European Commission 2012)
one that can be called the socio-ecological model.
This implicit model deserves to be given more promi-
nence because its ends are very dierent to the explicit
model in the sense that they are not the instrumentally
signicant ends of economic competitiveness, but rather
the intrinsically signicant ends of human needs and
ecological integrity. As stated in the guide,
In the Open Innovation era, where social innovation and
ecological innovation entail behavioural change at the
individual and societal levels if the challenges of health,
poverty and climate change are to be addressed, the
regional governance system should be opened to new sta-
keholder groups coming from the civil society that can
foster a culture of constructive challenge to the regional
status quo. (European Commission 2012,37)
The RIS3 guide further states that social innovation is
important for regional developmentbecause, as well as
creating new business opportunities, it can provide
new perspectives to citizens, and help the modernisation
of the public sector(European Commission 2012, 112).
Forey et al. state, that in the socio-ecological model,
[the] public sector is central in the delivery of many ser-
vices of social and economic value. In this regard, it has a
pivotal role in answering todays major societal chal-
lenges such as demographic ageing, increased demand
for healthcare services, risk of poverty and social exclu-
sion, the need for better and more transparent govern-
ance, and a more sustainable resource management.
(European Commission 2012, 113)
Particularly the social innovation literature, pioneered by
Moulaert and colleagues, among others, has explicitly
pitched social innovation in contrast to technological
innovation, rather than seeing it as a continuum (Mou-
laert et al. 2013). We argue that this dichotomy throws
the baby out with the bath waterand grossly understates
the enabling potential of technology and the knowledge
intensity of such otherforms of innovation, such as
grass-roots innovation (Seyfang & Smith 2007) which
is exemplied by community energy initiatives, sharing
economy schemes, and recycling workshops, as well as
social innovations such as aordable housing initiatives,
time banks and community currencies.
Still, there are various dierentials between conven-
tional innovation and more capacious, socio-ecological
understandings of innovation (Weber & Rohracher
2012; Coenen et al. 2017;2018; Schot & Steinmueller
2018; Diercks et al. 2019; Grillitsch et al. 2019). First,
socio-ecological models draw attention to other innovat-
ing agents (not just actors), including the rm but also
beyond it. Second, they emphasize that the purpose of
innovation is not limited to achieving competitive
advantage in the market-place but view the rationale
for innovation explicitly in response to social needs
and often informed by ideological norms and values.
Third, socio-ecological models understand the process
of innovation to move beyond the exploration and
exploitation of knowledge but explicitly recognize inno-
vation as an act of deliberative, collective problem-
solving. Moreover, they acknowledge the experimental
nature of innovation, understood as a deeply uncertain,
open-ended process of trial-and-error, also referred to
as bricolage. Fourth, while the socio-ecological models
acknowledge that innovation involves interactive learn-
ing, the relationships between actors are less transac-
tional but explicitly transformational. Particularly
social innovation actively promotes inclusive relation-
ships among individuals. Fifth, whereas orthodox inno-
vation tends to treat institutions as largely facilitative
and/or constraining but in doing so treating institutions
as largely static and inert, more capacious conceptualiz-
ations of innovation draw attention to institutional
entrepreneurship operating in tandem with technologi-
cal change and, very importantly, are mindful of the poli-
tics, conicts and contestations implied in innovation.
Especially the latter is a notorious blind spot in many tra-
ditional studies of innovation. Lastly, it is still a challenge
to identify the policy implications and policy instru-
ments to stimulate alternativeforms of innovation
that stand in contrast to the proven policy prescriptions
of xing market and/or system failure in orthodox
Given the signicance and importance of policy rel-
evance for innovation studies in general and research
on the geography of innovation more specically, as
well as the paradoxical critique that policymaking pro-
cesses and governance of innovation have remained
somewhat black boxedin innovation studies (Flana-
gan & Uyarra 2016), it is worthwhile to expand further
on the last aspect. We therefore continue this article
with an exploration of how socio-ecological innovation
Norsk Geogrask TidsskriftNorwegian Journal of Geography 5
could be introduced into contemporary discussions
and practices of place-based smart specialization pol-
icy. In the next section we explore two important
aspects of such governance by examining (1) the rise
of the foundational economy as an expression of
place-based social innovation, which entails new
forms of co-governance, and (2) the challenge of
experimentalism in the public sector, a sector that
looms large in lagging regions and the places that
were deemed by conventional wisdom not to matter
until they took their revenge on the mainstream politi-
cal system (Rodríguez-Pose 2018).
The foundational economy as a place-based
social innovation
Social innovations are social in both their ends and their
means; in other words, they are innovations that are
both good for society and enhance societys capacity to
act(European Commission 2012, 112). One of the
most progressive models of social innovation today is
the foundational economy model, which carries enor-
mous implications for a place-based approach to inno-
vation, development and territorial politics (Bentham
et al. 2013; Fairbrother 2017). In contrast to conventional
models of innovation, which are primarily focused on
the fashionable high-technology sectors of the knowl-
edge economy, the foundational economy model focuses
on the unfashionable mundane sectors that are designed
to keep us safe, sound and civilized, such as health,
education, dignied care for the elderly, social housing,
agrifood, and energy (Marques et al. 2018).
The foundational economy includes goods and ser-
vices, which are the social and material infrastructure
of civilized life because they provide the daily essentials
for all households. These include material services via
pipes and cables, networks and branches that distribute
water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, banking ser-
vices and food, and the providential services of primary
and secondary education, health and care for children
and adults, and income maintenance (Engelen et al.
2017). Foundational goods and services are purchased
from household incomes or provided free at point of
use from tax revenues. The state is often a direct provider
or as funder, with public limited companies and outsour-
cing conglomerates increasingly delivering foundational
services. The requirement for local distribution makes
foundational activity immobile and much is protected
from global competition by regulatory requirements for
infrastructure investment, planning permission or gov-
ernment contracts (Barbera et al. 2018). Foundational
thinking rests on two key ideas, which break with estab-
lished ways of thinking and challenge taken-for-granted
assumptions about economy, society and politics
(Foundational Economy Collective 2018):
1. The well-being of citizens depends less on individual
consumption and more on their social consumption
of essential goods and services, ranging from water
and retail banking to schools and care homes. Indi-
vidual consumption depends on market income,
while foundational consumption depends on social
infrastructure and delivery systems of networks and
branches that are neither created nor renewed auto-
matically, even as incomes increase.
2. It follows that the distinctive, primary role of public
policy should be to secure the supply of basic services
for all citizens, not just a quantum of economic
growth and jobs. If the aim is citizenswell-being
and ourishing, then politics at national and subna-
tional levels need to be refocused on foundational
consumption and securing universal minimum access
and quality. When government is unresponsive, the
impetus for change will have to come from engaging
citizens locally and regionally in actions that have the
virtue that they break with the top-down politics of
vote for us and we will do this for you.
From a geographical standpoint, one of the most radical
implications of the foundational economy perspective is
that it inverts and disrupts conventional thinking about
place-based development. Much of the latter thinking,
especially with respect to lagging regions under neolib-
eral modes of governance, revolves around the attraction
of inward investment to boost the local economy and this
entails locational tournaments as cities and regions seek
to outbid each other in a subsidy-fuelled race to the bot-
tom (Pike et al. 2007). In spatial terms, this race to the
bottom amounts to a zero-sum game because success
for one region spells failure for all the other regions
that were vying for the mobile investment.
In sharp contrast to the zero-sum game, the founda-
tional economy constitutes a positive-sum game because
all cities and regions have a signicant stock of employ-
ment in the mainstream foundational sectors, since they
tend to be distributed by population rather than by
wealth. Employment in the foundational economy
tends to be as much as 3040% or more of total employ-
ment, especially in lagging regions, and therefore it plays
an intrinsically signicant role in meeting human needs
(Foundational Economy Collective 2018). In other
words, the foundational economy approach is analogous
to the status of public goods, which are deemed non-riv-
alrous because the fact that region Ahas them does not
mean that region Bhas been denied them. Promoting
the growth of the foundational economy breaks with
6L. Coenen and K. Morgan
the conventions of locational tournaments and zero-sum
games and reduces the scope for territorial competition
between cities, regions and countries.
Although the foundational economy seemingly could
be juxtaposed with the technology generating sectors of
the knowledge economy, we argue that similar to the
notion of low-tech (Hansen & Winther 2011)all foun-
dational sectors are extensive technology using and
knowledge-intensive sectors, and therefore the founda-
tional economy perspective should not be dismissed as
being inherently Luddite or antithetical to technology
per se. In employment terms, one of the main tasks
facing the foundational economy is to upgrade the
terms and conditions of work, especially in sectors
such as care for the elderly, which are high in social
value but low in economic reward, and this can only
be done through social innovation at the societal level
by national governments and civil societies agreeing to
view and value such work in more rewarding ways,
given its signicance to human well-being (Bentham
et al. 2013).
Nonetheless, there is still considerable ambiguity with
regard to role of innovation in a foundational economy.
Further empirical and theoretical research is needed to
address a range of fundamental questions that so far
have not been addressed in the emerging literature on
the foundational economy. Despite dierences in nor-
mative underpinnings, the RIS framework could be
potentially instructive in framing the following questions
and allowing for place-based and spatially comparative
studies: Who are the innovating agents in the founda-
tional economy? What characterizes the networks and
institutions that enable and constrain innovation in the
foundational economy? How is innovation in the foun-
dational economy dierent from innovation as we
know it in the knowledge economy? How do regional
characteristics condition the possibilities for advancing
principles of the foundational economy? In the next sec-
tion, we present a discussion in which we tease out some
of the governance aspects of the foundational economy.
For all its advantages, the foundational economy
perspective is politically challenging on three counts:
(1) it is constrained by the fact that treasuries are averse
to raising tax income to provide revenue support for
public services such as education, health and social
care; (2) it presupposes that governments are prepared
to engage in radical re-regulation to raise the social ask
of the private rms and public agencies that deliver
foundational services; and (3) it is predicated on the
concept of active citizenship inasmuch as citizens are
deemed to be willing and able to become co-producers
of the essential services that they collectively consume
(Morgan 2018).
The challenge of experimentalism in the
public sector
One of the great paradoxes of the age of austerityis
that many governments are promoting mission-driven
innovation at the same time as many of them are
shrinking the state, an ideological quest that runs coun-
ter to the fact that the state looms large in many of the
societal sectors facing challenges (e.g. energy, food,
transport, and public health) and in which such mis-
sions feature most prominently (Mazzucato 2018a).
Even so, the rapid growth of public sector innovation
(PSI) labs is one of the most tangible signs that govern-
ments at all levels of the multilevel polity are seriously
trying to grapple with the challenges of novelty and
transformation. The UK innovation foundation Nesta
is one of the most prominent pioneers of public labs
as a means of addressing societal challenges through
evidence-based local experiments (Morgan 2018).
GeoMulgan, its chief executive, has documented the
growth of the lab movement and argues that such labs
need to be both insiders and outsiders at the same
time, which means they face the classic radicals
If they stand too much inside the system they risk losing
their radical edge; if they stand too far outside they risk
having little impact. It follows that the most crucial skill
they need to learn is how to navigate the inherently
unstable role of being both insiders and outsiders;
campaigners and deliverers; visionaries and pragmatists
(Mulgan 2014)
Although there is no concise denition of a PSI lab,
Mulgan suggests that it might include experimentation
with the goal of generating useful ideas that address
social needs and demonstrating their eectiveness
(Mulgan 2014).
Working at one remove from everyday realitymight
allow PSI labs to introduce innovations at a small scale
into, for example, certain public service niches, but this
would still leave as unresolved the larger question as to
how the niche-level service innovations would be scaled
up in the mainstream public sector, a question that bede-
vils all transitions from local social innovations to sys-
temic innovation (Geels et al. 2008; Bugge et al. 2017).
Although the barriers to scaling up are many and varied,
depending among other things on national context, the
public sector in most countries is invariably beset by a
number of common problems. Three of these common
problems merit special attention because they seem
deeply entrenched in the public sector culture of
most countries, namely feedback, failure and learning
(Morgan 2018).
Norsk Geogrask TidsskriftNorwegian Journal of Geography 7
Feedback, failure and learning in
Although the signicance of reliable feedback is widely
acknowledged, especially in evolutionary theories of
change, it is also widely assumed that such feedback is
readily available. However, the truth of the matter is
that feedback is ltered and tempered by a whole series
of factors, such as power, status, hierarchy, fear, and
ambition (Picciotto, 2015). That whistleblowerlaws
have been introduced in many countries to help public
sector workers nd their voiceclearly speaks volumes
for the fact that feedback faces formidable obstacles
and on no account should it be assumed to be easily
If feedback is hard to manage, failure is even more
dicult to accommodate, especially in the public sector,
in which taxpayersmoney is at stake (Coenen 2018).
Failure in the public sector can spell disaster for man-
agers and their political masters. Advocates of new
industrial policy, such as Dani Rodrik, are undoubtedly
right to argue that we need to have a higher tolerance
of failure because it is part and parcel of experimentation
and innovation and therefore the aim should be not to
try to outlaw mistakes but to reduce the costs of mistakes
by learning from them and by learning to fail faster
(Rodrik 2004). To have a more enlightened understand-
ing of failure in the public sector, policy innovators will
need to mobilize a wider constituency so as to include
such groups as public auditors, legal advisers and of
course politicians, the very people that are responsible
for fuelling the risk-averse culture that stymies inno-
vation in the public sector.
Last but not least, the public sector will need to allo-
cate more space, time and resources to learning about
what works where and why, if policy experimentalism
is to have practical traction, because monitoring and
evaluation are still seen as low status activities (Smeds
& Acuto 2018). The barriers to organizational learning
in the civil service silo structures, staturnover,
ineective mechanisms to support the acquisition and
dissemination of good practice, and the lack of time
devoted to learning are common to the public sector
in many countries and these features are manifestly at
odds with the assumptions of smart experimentalism
(Morgan 2017).
Place-based experimentalism
One possible way to overcome the deeply entrenched
systemic barriers is to insist on a more concerted appli-
cation of the place-based approach advocated a decade
ago by Fabrizio Barca (Barca 2009). The place-based
approach, we might recall, is predicated on a number
of key propositions, two of which are highly pertinent
to the experimentalist perspective. The rst is that geo-
graphical context really matters, and context is under-
stood in the multidimensional sense to include social,
cultural, political, and institutional specicities (Bentley
& Pugalis 2014). The second proposition is that also
knowledge and power matter in the design and
implementation of territorial policies: the role of multile-
vel governance is critically important in this respect
because no single level of government has sucient
knowledge to know what works where and why, hence
the need for local knowledge to be elicited from local
actors and for extra-local knowledge (and pressure) to
be brought to bear if and when local elites are unable
or unwilling to tackle the persistent underutilization of
potential(Barca 2009,vii).
In the multilevel architecture, as the Barca Report
conceives it, the upper levels of government are supposed
to set the general goals and the performance standards to
establish and enforce the rules of the game, while the
lower levels have the freedom to advance the ends as
they see t(Barca 2009, 41). The ultimate purpose of
exogenous intervention in this scenario is to induce
local agents to commit their energy, knowledge and
resources to tackling untapped potential in their terri-
tory. However, what if they fail to do so by engaging
instead in rent-seeking and gaming the system? Accord-
ing to Barca (2009), the antidote to this risk is to utilize
the key principles of democratic experimentalism as
developed by Sabel & Zeitlin (2012), namely to make
the local decision-making process veriable, open, exper-
imental, and inclusive. In other words, the following
principles should be established (Barca 2009, 45):
.a clear identication of objectives and standards,
measured by validated indicators, which can be com-
pared with what happens elsewhere and which are
open to monitoring and public debate
.a permanent mobilization of all interested parties,
stimulated by exogenous interventions, by the injec-
tion of information on actions and results
.an experimental approach through which collective
local actors are given an opportunity to experiment
with solutions while exercising mutual monitoring,
and alternative measures are tried and compared
through a systematic learning process, in which the
results are used to design new interventions.
In specifying the above principles of the place-based para-
digm, the Barca Report (Barca 2009) acknowledges the
early work on experimentalist governance thinking by
Sabel & Zeitlin, the most recent and most elaborate
8L. Coenen and K. Morgan
treatment of which was published in 2012 (Sabel & Zeitlin
2012). Sabel & Zeitlins early work appealed to Barca pri-
marily because it combined bottom-up localism and
agent empowerment with the top-down pressure for stan-
dards, testing and the dissemination of the results of loca-
lized learning beyond the connes of the locality. The fact
that this place-based approach has not yet delivered the
anticipated dividends reects the deeply entrenched nature
of the above-mentioned public sector barriers. The impli-
cation is that we should redouble our efforts to address
these barriers through more concerted multilevel action
rather than jettison the multiscalar place-based approach.
The foundational economy is one example of a more
capacious conception of innovation and its fortunes
depend heavily on a combination of social innovation
in civil society and smart experimentalism in the public
sector, particularly from state sponsorship at all levels of
the multilevel polity. Although this vision might seem
remote from conventional models of innovation, we
would argue that it is already present in smart specializ-
ation policy thinking and practice (European Commis-
sion 2012), in which it appears as part of a socio-
ecological model of innovation. We need to distinguish
these two models of innovation, the conventional and
the capacious, because they carry radically dierent pol-
icy implications. The conventional smart specialization
policy repertoire enjoins regional policymakers to parti-
cularize their regional economies by dierentiating their
activities for the sake of competitive advantage. However,
the logic of the foundational economy enjoins policy-
makers to universalize their regional economies for the
sake of sustainability and human well-being. Because
the foundational economy furnishes the infrastructure
of everyday life the material goods and providential
services that are essential to human well-being in every
city and region it signals what people and places
have in common and not what casts them as rivals.
Conclusions: implications and rethinking the
geography of a broader understanding of
By way of recap, the aim of this article has been to provide
suggestions for how research on the geography of inno-
vation can be improved by engaging with a more
capacious understanding of innovation and territorial
development. In this article we have explored how
socio-ecological innovation can be introduced in contem-
porary discussions and practices of place-based smart
specialization policy by suggesting a future research that
addresses and interrogates (1) the rise of the foundational
economy as an expression of place-based social inno-
vation, which entails new forms of co-governance and
(2) the challenge of experimentalism in the public sector,
a sector that looms large in lagging regions and the places
that were deemed not to matter until they took their
revenge on the mainstream political system.
This brings us to the spatial implications of a more
capacious conceptualization of innovation. First, in rais-
ing the question of where does innovation happen, it lifts
the gaze beyond an identication and mapping of clus-
ters and networks of knowledge-intensive organizations
and individuals. In addition to this supply-based focus,
it also draws attention to mapping, in which collective
articulations of unmet needs in relation to social and
environmental challenges meet innovative, problem-
solving capabilities and how these processes of interme-
diation are organized, governed and funded across space.
Second, with regard to the question of how to govern
place-based innovation there is a need to transcend the
common preoccupation with agglomeration economies
in the places that matter, to reach a greater appreciation
of how spatial context enables and constrains the messy
process of experimentation.
As a deliberative mode of governing innovation,
experimentation allows for a more direct engagement
with the challenge-driven ambitions targeting wicked
problems as laid out in contemporary innovation policy
thinking. Rather than emphasizing the entrepreneurial
discovery process underpinning the identication of
strategic avenues for place-based innovation, which
runs the risk of becoming captured by rent-seeking inter-
ests of incumbent and elites, it suggests that prioritiza-
tion for development and innovation is based on
principles of empowered deliberative democracy. This
means focusing on specic, tangible local problems high-
lighted by the foundational economy, such as drought,
ageing societies or economic hardship due to the disap-
pearance of local industries and involvement of ordinary
peopleaected by these problems as well as problem-
solvers, and an emphasis on deliberative development
of solutions to these problems. Experimentation would
then emphasize selection and investment in innovation
opportunity as an outcome of brokering and aligning
demand and supply for innovation, rather than an exclu-
sive focus on the supply side of the innovation system.
Thus, the incentive for problem-solving and innovation
would not be based on entrepreneurial opportunity
alone but would also extend towards an articulated
demand for reallocal problems.
Thus, implementation of innovation projects approxi-
mates the notion of living labs understood as sites
devised to design, test and learn from innovation in
real time in order to respond to particular societal, econ-
omic and environmental issues. It emphasizes exper-
imentation understood as collective search and
Norsk Geogrask TidsskriftNorwegian Journal of Geography 9
exploration processes in which a broad suite of stake-
holders such as rms, universities and actors from gov-
ernment and civil society are navigating, negotiating
and ideally reducing uncertainty about innovations
through real-world experiments, and gaining knowledge
and experience along the way in an iterative learning-by-
doing and doing-by-learning process.
Finally, experimentation would acknowledge insights
from experimentalist governance that argues that exper-
imentation is only meaningful in a multilevel policy archi-
tecture, as this allows for monitoring, evaluating and
translating lessons learned from local experiments beyond
its own local, territorial context. This implies that smart
experimentation only makes sense in relation to supra-
regional or networked governance structures, as they
allow for the learningsfrom experiments to institutiona-
lize, scale or diuse, regardless of whether the learnings
are derived from successful or failed innovation.
We are not suggesting that experimentation should be
seen as a governance panacea to the economic, social,
political, and environmental challenges surrounding
innovation in and across dierent spatial contexts.
There are many unresolved debates and looming ques-
tions, particularly with regard to the dark sidesof
experimentalist governance in terms of potentially fuel-
ling greater spatial and social inequality, insecurity, and
the rise of a precarious economy.
1. Related to this discussion, the traditional geography of
innovation literature, until fairly recently and not with-
standing an early warning by Lundvall (1996) has been
more or less quiet on the uneven distribution of costs
and benets of innovation (e.g. Dahl 2011; Breau et al.
2014; Florida & Mellander 2016).
The authors are grateful for comments from two reviewers,
Guest Editor Jan Hesselberg, Editor-in-Chief Kerstin Pottho,
Bjørn Asheim, Robert Hassink, Brendan Gleeson, and Teis
Hansen. Lars Coenen gratefully acknowledges nancial sup-
port from the City of Melbourne and the Department of
Jobs, Precincts and Regions, State of Victoria, Australia.
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12 L. Coenen and K. Morgan
... Lastly, in light of persistent environmental and social challenges (such as climate change and problems of regional economic restructuring), socio-ecological innovation approaches, such as foundational economy and CE, are increasingly representing examples of place-based innovation that allows to capture the directionality of innovation, opens up to new innovation actors and encourages place-based experimentation (Coenen & Morgan, 2020;Lazarevic et al., 2022). This also extends to include the normative turn in regional innovation policy (Uyarra et al., 2019) in seeking to address societal challenges emphasising that regional policy can, together with other stakeholders, steer innovation systems into specific directions (Isaksen et al., 2022). ...
... Circular procurement was discussed in terms that would primarily contribute to the Wellbeing of Future Generation Goal of 'A Prosperous Wales', using the public purse to stimulate innovation. Moreover, a CE approach could also contribute to the 'foundational economy', which WG describes as 'the part of our economy that creates and distributes goods and service that we rely on for everyday life'. 2 Increasingly, the foundational economy, as argued by Coenen and Morgan (2020), has become an example of place-based social innovation where the state, and PSOs, can be seen as the direct provider or funder to deliver foundational services and infrastructure. In addition, as suggested by Wahlund and Hansen (2022) and Calafati et al. (2021) a foundational economy could deliver social improvements in environmentally sustainable ways, particularly when it comes to regulating and controlling foundational sectors dependent on long-distance supply chains. ...
... In this vein, researchers have begun to explore more localised approaches to missions and their potential for smaller-scale, self-organised actions to coalesce at the regional level, with attendant opportunities for small wins (Bours et al., 2021). In contrast to the traditional focus on technology-based firms and national governments in grand missions, micro-missions highlight the potential for actors in the public sector, firms, and civil society to come together to address place-based needs and harness more capacious forms of innovation aimed at social and ecological outcomes (Coenen and Morgan, 2020;Morgan and Martinelli, 2019). ...
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Micro-missions represent small-scale, place-based strategies for societal innovation, distinct from grand missions that target national-level transformations. They offer potential for collaborative engagement among local stakeholders in the public sector, businesses, and civil society that aims to address local needs and promote wider innovation, particularly for social and ecological progress. Despite the potential for place-based micro-missions to provide a more focused approach to tackling societal challenges, the practicalities of delivering such a strategy remain uncertain. Through an exploration of a Welsh (UK) public food micro-mission, we identify the evolving tensions and conflicts and their impact on such micro-missions and their outcomes. Our findings underscore the potential significance of tensions throughout the micro-mission process. They highlight the crucial role of regional actors in generating creative responses to tensions through proactive governance, distributed leadership, and place-based experimentation.
... In fact, many key features of new industrial policy have found a partial or limited application in the smart specialisation approach. Overall, the place for experimentalism and 'errors' in S3s has turned out to be rather limited (Coenen and Morgan, 2020) due to a number of reasons, chief amongst them the notorious rigidity of cohesion policy rules and procedures (Rauhut and Humer, 2020), its complex governance as well as lack of capacity, powers or even interest within several regional authorities. Second of all, the involvement of civil society, notably in the entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP), has been at best poor (Aranguren et al., 2019). ...
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The research note explores the role of cohesion policy in the emerging EU industrial agenda with the view to anchor it in the new industrial policy paradigm. The first part discusses the historical evolution of EU industrial policy and presents the main features of the conceptual perspective loosely referred to as ‘new industrial policy’. Then, the note investigates the main tensions between cohesion policy's rationales and instruments and the new industrial policy perspective, for instance in relation to the use of experimentation and directionality, and outlines pathways to address them through different lines of research. In conclusion, the note discusses positive avenues to tackle the identity crisis facing cohesion policy thanks to the new industrial policy perspective.
... That is, researchers can bring into play ideas on how inclusive innovation works in other contexts to inform initiatives local to them. Second, there is an important role for monitoring and evaluation, and testing what works and does not work (in the spirit of experimental governance (Coenen and Morgan 2020)). Beyond the more practically engaged roles aforementioned, opportunities for wider research, such as international case comparisons and analysing how different local governance arrangements shape inclusive innovation approaches, exist. ...
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The UK exhibits stark regional economic divides which have been a long running concern for policymakers. With the levelling up agenda taking shape, city-regions in the UK are developing innovation and business support policies in seeking to deliver on a range of goals from traditional productivity concerns to wider social and environmental imperatives. Drawing on interviews with key actors in the city-regions of Cardiff, Manchester and Glasgow, this paper points to an emerging directional change in innovation policy, yet we show that capacities to articulate and implement an inclusive innovation approach vary widely. The uneven landscape for innovation policy within each of the city-regions, in terms of the location of innovation assets but also the varied institutional and social legacies shaping innovation policy, is also brought into view. Central to the reshaping of innovation policy in all cases, however, are agents working in networks, fashioning narratives and marshalling data in efforts to mobilise new ways of practicing innovation policy within what remains a centralised approach to sub-national economic development.
... Examples include carbon storage and capture in heavy industry, artificial meat or plant-based milk in the agro-food sector, and wind and solar technologies in the energy sector (Geels, 2020). Other solutions involve a higher degree of social and grassroots innovation, thereby creating significantly more opportunities for previously underrepresented innovation actors to participate (Coenen & Morgan, 2020;Henderson et al., 2023). Examples of such solutions are alternative food networks and urban farming in the agro-food sector, or decentralised energy production by prosumers in the energy sector (see, e.g., Geels, 2020). ...
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In this letter, we reflect on recent modifications of the regional innovation system (RIS) approach that have been prompted by persistent environmental, social, and economic problems. Scholars have begun to advocate a reorientation of the RIS framework towards addressing territorial sustainability challenges and have introduced the notion of challenge-oriented regional innovation systems (CORIS). While the CORIS approach holds promise given the challenges of our time, several unresolved issues remain. We elaborate on and discuss three themes that demand further research. Firstly, there is a need for in-depth studies of the geographies of problems. Systematic analyses of the origins and interrelations of territorial challenges are high in demand. Secondly, the geographies of challenge-oriented innovation-exnovation dynamics warrant more attention. We argue that future research should delve into questions around the development, testing and upscaling of innovative solutions, as well as the unlocking and destabilisation of unsustainable practices in various spatial contexts. Lastly, we contend that a better understanding of the geographies of RIS reconfiguration is necessary. is entails shedding light on various forms of system-level agency involved in reorienting or transforming historically-grown real-world RIS in different types of regions.
This study aims to analyze the relationships between policymaking and strategies for socio-ecological, environmental, and green socio-technological innovation. The analysis departs from the assumption that the environment of a socio-ecological and socio-technological innovation can be fostered by policymaking and strategies aimed to provide the transformation of pure research on scientific knowledge into innovative commercial products and services. The method employed is analytic-reflective based on the theoretical and empirical literature review. It is concluded that policymaking and strategies accelerate the creation and development processes of socio-ecological, environmental, and green socio-technological innovation.
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This study focuses on citizen participation as a co-productive and knowledge-intensive process in innovation policies concerned with regionally anchoring grand challenges. We apply a process-tracing approach and analyse citizen participation in two regional challenge-based innovation policies in the Ruhr, Germany. Local sensemaking, problem ownership, iterations and knowledge co-production are discussed as key mechanisms in the anchoring process. The results reveal the importance of a collective dimension in interpreting the local problem setting of a challenge achieved by reaching out to numerous citizens and how local, corrective and actionable knowledge facilitate the regional challenge anchoring. The policy formulation phase required the highest level of knowledge co-produced with citizens, followed by the implementation phase.
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The perceived ineffectiveness of traditional innovation policies in solving societal challenges such as poverty, ageing, climate change as well as problems of regional economic restructuring has motivated a recent ‘normative turn’ in innovation policy. This has shifted the debate on the rationales for intervention from market and system failures to accommodate more transformative views but also other approaches rooted in the notion of public value and has led innovation scholars to question not just the how and how much of innovation but also key issues of directionality, legitimacy and responsibility. By engaging the processes through which actors ‘know, investigate and perform innovation’, we argue that the concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) offers a potentially useful lens for re-casting our understanding of innovation-related decision making. We apply RRI to assessing the opportunities and challenges of public procurement as an instrument of challenge-oriented and transformative innovation policy. More specifically, we look at how local authorities in the UK are using the Social Value Act to define priorities and articulate demand around social, environmental and community needs as well as coordinate different processes and actors, policy levers and processes.
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This paper is a record of the 2018 MSSI Oration delivered by Professor Lars Coenen for the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute on Tuesday 20 November 2018, at the University of Melbourne.
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This article focuses on the broader lessons from mission-oriented programs for innovation policy- and indeed policies aimed at investment-led growth. While much has been written about case studies on missions, this has not resulted in an alternative policy making toolkit. Missions-in the least- require those tools to be just as much about market cocreating and market shaping, as they are about market fixing. The article reviews the characteristics of mission-oriented programs, ooks at key features of those programs that can provide lessons, and discusses how to choose and implement mission-oriented policies, with an example. © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Associazione ICC. All rights reserved.
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Over the past few decades, cities have repeatedly demonstrated high levels of ambition with regard to climate action. Global environmental governance has been marked by a proliferation of policy actions taken by local governments around the world to demonstrate their potential to advance climate change mitigation and adaptation. Leading ‘by example’ and demonstrating the extent of action that it is possible to deliver, cities have aspired to raise the ambition of national and international climate governance and put action into practice via a growing number of ‘climate change experiments’ delivered on the ground. Yet accounts of the potential of cities in global environmental governance have often stopped short of a systematic valuation of the nature and impact of the networked dimension of this action. This article addresses this by assessing the nature, and challenges faced by, urban climate governance in the post‐Paris era, focusing on the ‘experimentation’ undertaken in cities and the city networks shaping this type of governance. First, we unpack the concept of ‘urban climate change experimentation’, the ways in which it is networked, and the forces driving it. In the second and third parts of the article, we discuss two main pitfalls of networked urban experimentation in its current form, focusing on issues of scaling experiments and the nature of experimentation. We call for increased attention to ‘scaling up’ experiments beyond urban levels of governance, and to transformative experimentation with governance and politics by and in cities. Finally, we consider how these pitfalls allow us to weigh the potential of urban climate ambition, and consider the pathways available for supporting urban climate change experimentation.
Technical Report
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Research and innovation strategies are the pillars of Europe’s 2030 strategy: achieving growth that is smart, inclusive and sustainable. Key to this process is providing a direction for change, while also enabling bottom up experimentation and exploration. Directions for innovation can be guided towards the grand challenges facing societies, whether decarbonising the economy, develop sustainable agriculture or tackling modern care problems. Missions are ways to frame the challenges into concrete problems that will require multiple actors to work together in new ways. Focussing on problems, rather than sectors can help rebalance economies that are over-reliant on few sectors and achieve transformational change by identifying and articulating missions that not just can galvanise but also transform production, distribution, and consumption patterns across various sectors in new directions. Addressing such challenges depends crucially on investments by both private and public actors, and much more. In this document ESIR presents the current challenges being faced by the European area, and then discusses how a mission oriented R&I agenda can help to both tackle the economic problems as well as focus on societal challenges.
The geography of innovation is changing. First, it is increasingly understood that innovative firms and organizations exhibit a wide variety of strategies, each being differently attuned to diverse geographic contexts. Second, and concomitantly, the idea that cities, clusters and physical proximity are essential for innovation is evolving under the weight of new theorizing and empirical evidence. In this Handbook we gather 28 chapters by scholars with widely differing views on what constitutes the geography of innovation. The aim of the Handbook is to break with the many ideas and concepts that emerged during the course of the 1980s and 1990s, and to fully take into account the new reality of the internet, mobile communication technologies, personal mobility and globalization. This does not entail the rejection of well-established and supported ideas, but instead allows for a series of new ideas and authors to enter the arena and provoke debate.
Cluster theory and cluster policy have lacked a focus on how to achieve 'directionality' in cluster evolution, and the literature lacks discussions regarding how to achieve green reorientation of clusters and how policy can support this. In contributing towards this gap, we argue for a more thorough integration of Evolutionary Economic Geography (EEG) and Transition Studies (TS), two frameworks that separately have been applied extensively in studies of technological and industrial change. We draw on a discussion of Technology-Organization-Discourse (TOD) dynamics in exemplifying how EEG and TS can inform cluster theory and policy. Empirically, we investigate how cluster strategies are linked to differentiated TOD dynamics by examining Norwegian cluster policy and the strategic responses of facilitators of a petroleum, a marine, and a maritime cluster in Western Norway. We identify two 'routes' to reorientation of clusters-a 'neutral' and a 'normative' route-and argue that the investigated cluster projects have, as a matter of differentiated TOD dynamics, taken different stances towards green reorientation. Furthermore, we argue that cluster theory and policy should take into consideration that several policy domains influence these dynamics, not just cluster policy. ARTICLE HISTORY
Regional change and development is contested. The established approaches to social and economic change rely on either state intervention or a celebration of competition and markets, although often a messy combination. An alternative approach addresses political relations (who decides what and how) with socio-economic developmental proposals. This latter approach distinguishes between the foundational dimensions of a regional economy and the competitive aspects and initiatives. It also draws a contrast between patterns of change, focusing on the immediate (transitional) and the more long-term (transformational). The challenge is to exercise inclusive regional governance in relation to the opportunities and barriers to social and economic change. These themes are addressed in relation to the shift from a carbon-based economy to a less carbon reliant regional community, in Gippsland, the State of Victoria, Australia. © 2018 the Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International Inc. (ANZRSAI). All rights reserved.
This paper presents an analytical framework for assessing the emergence of a new policy paradigm labelled “transformative innovation policy”, which can be seen as layered upon, but not fully replacing, earlier policy paradigms of science and technology policy and innovation systems policy. The paper establishes conceptual diversity in this emerging policy paradigm. Despite a common agenda for transformative change, there are notable differences concerning the understanding of the innovation process. Two global initiatives to promote such new innovation policies, Mission Innovation and the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, are used to illustrate how different articulations of transformative innovation policy are expressed in practice. These may be seen as a positive expression of the breadth of the emerging policy paradigm. While there are grounds for such a positive reading, this paper ends with a caution by stressing the political nature of paradigm change and the strong legacy of an economic, firm-centred and technology-oriented tradition in innovation policy. It makes a plea for more emphasis on a broader conceptualization of transformative innovation, and suggests that a socio-technical understanding of innovation provides several appropriate analytical concepts that can help to shape our thinking and understanding of transformative innovation policy.