ArticlePDF Available the online Catalog of Italian spiders, with addenda on other Arachnid Orders occurring in Italy (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpionida, Scorpiones, Solifugae)


Abstract and Figures

In this contribution we present the Catalog of Italian spiders, produced on the base of the available scientific information regarding spider species distribution in Italy. We analysed an amount of 1124 references, resulting in a list of 1670 species and subspecies, grouped in 434 genera and 53 families. Information on spider biodiversity in Italy has increased rapidly in the last years, going from 404 species at the end of XIX century, to 1400 in the 1990s, to the current 1670. However, the knowledge on the distribution of the Italian species is far from being complete and it seems likely that there are still new species to be found or described. The Italian spider fauna is characterized by the presence of a relevant number of endemic species (342). Concerning families, Linyphiidae show the highest number of species (477) and the highest number of endemics (114). Gnaphosidae (166) and Salticidae (144) follows in terms of species richness, while Dysderidae (72) and Agelenidae (38) follows as total number of endemics. Information regarding the regional distribution revealed great unbalance between Northern and Southern Italy, with very scarce records for some regions in the South. This work is accompanied by an online version freely available online at, where all information is thoroughly detailed and regularly updated by the authors. Besides spiders, we also provide, the species lists of other Arachnid orders occurring in Italy (Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpionida, Scorpiones, Solifugae). The lists and the associated details are available in a dedicated section of the online version of the Catalog.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Fragmenta entomologica, 51 (2): 127–152 (2019)
Research article
Submitted: May 20th, 2019 - Accepted: September 8th, 2019 - Published: November 15th, 2019 the online Catalog of Italian spiders, with addenda on other
Arachnid Orders occurring in Italy
(Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpionida,
Scorpiones, Solifugae)
Paolo PANTINI 1, Marco ISAIA 2,*
1 Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali “E. Caf” - Piazza Cittadella 10, I-24129 Bergamo, Italy -
2 Laboratorio di Ecologia, Ecosistemi terrestri, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi, Università di Torino
Via Accademia Albertina 13, I-10123 Torino, Italy -
* Corresponding author
In this contribution we present the Catalog of Italian spiders, produced on the base of the available scientic information regarding spi-
der species distribution in Italy. We analysed an amount of 1124 references, resulting in a list of 1670 species and subspecies, grouped
in 434 genera and 53 families. Information on spider biodiversity in Italy has increased rapidly in the last years, going from 404 species
at the end of XIX century, to 1400 in the 1990s, to the current 1670. However, the knowledge on the distribution of the Italian species is
far from being complete and it seems likely that there are still new species to be found or described. The Italian spider fauna is character-
ized by the presence of a relevant number of endemic species (342). Concerning families, Linyphiidae show the highest number of spe-
cies (477) and the highest number of endemics (114). Gnaphosidae (166) and Salticidae (144) follows in terms of species richness, while
Dysderidae (72) and Agelenidae (38) follows as total number of endemics. Information regarding the regional distribution revealed great
unbalance between Northern and Southern Italy, with very scarce records for some regions in the South. This work is accompanied by an
online version freely available online at, where all information is thoroughly detailed and regularly updated by the au-
thors. Besides spiders, we also provide, the species lists of other Arachnid orders occurring in Italy (Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpi-
onida, Scorpiones, Solifugae). The lists and the associated details are available in a dedicated section of the online version of the Catalog.
Key words: Arthropoda, biodiversity, database, distribution, endemic species, online resources, species list.
Knowledge about the diversity and the abundance of the
taxa inhabiting a certain area represents an essential basis
for any scientic studies focusing on biodiversity. In addi-
tion, this kind of information is essential for nature conser-
vation, fruition and management.
Thanks to the publication of the “Checklist delle specie
della fauna italiana” (Minelli et al. 1993-1995), Italy was
among the rst countries in Europe to organize a national-
based faunistic census. Some years later, the CKMap Pro-
ject (Ruffo & Stoch 2005) aimed to quantify and consoli-
date the knowledge of biodiversity in Italy.
Since 2010, Italy has adopted a National Strategy for
Biodiversity (Ministero dell’Ambiente 2010), a complex
and articulated plan for the preservation of the national bi-
odiversity based on three key themes: 1) biodiversity and
ecosystem services, 2) biodiversity and climate change, 3)
biodiversity and economic policies. Each theme and the
corresponding aims are pursued with the contribution de-
riving from different sector-based policies, identied in 15
working areas. The rst of these areas focuses specical-
ly on “Species, habitat and landscape” aiming to reach 14
specic objectives by 2020, including the need “to deep-
en knowledge and ll gaps on consistency, characteristics
and state of conservation of habitats, species and the eco-
system services they offer, as well as on direct and indirect
factors threatening them”. The National Strategy also aims
to promote programs and initiatives with reference to as
required by the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) of the
Rio Convention on Biological Diversity.
Despite the will and the purposes declared in the Na-
tional Strategy for Biodiversity, knowledge concerning
many groups of terrestrial invertebrates is still highly in-
complete and scattered in scientic literature. In view of
that, and in the frame of the National Strategy of Biodi-
versity, the need to produce rigorous comprehensive sci-
entic works reviewing knowledge on poorly studied ani-
mal groups is essential, as well as the need to make this
information publicly available and regularly updated on
expert base.
Despite these important initiatives, knowledge on Ital-
eISSN: 2284-4880 (online version)
pISSN: 0429-288X (print version)
Pantini & Isaia
ian biodiversity still remains far from being complete, in
particular when considering invertebrates (Ruffo & Vigna
Taglianti 2002). Among these, spiders are highly diverse
and widespread predators, capable of colonizing all terres-
trial habitats. Moreover, given their sensibility to human-
induced environmental changes and their strategic posi-
tion in the food chain, spiders are particularly important in
ecological studies.
In this work, we aim at providing an updated frame-
work of the knowledge on Italian spiders by presenting a
synthesis of all available published scientic information
regarding spiders in Italy including data on biogeography,
bibliography and taxonomy. In addition, we include a mi-
nor section providing the list of the species of other orders
of Arachnids occurring in Italy. This work is accompanied
by a web version freely available online at www.araneae.
it, where all information here presented is thoroughly de-
tailed and regularly updated by the authors.
Historical background
The history of Italian spiders formally begins with the
publication of the comprehensive catalog “Araneidi Ital-
iani” by Canestrini and Pavesi (1868), followed by its next
re-edition (Canestrini & Pavesi 1870). The work summa-
rized all previous knowledge (1599-1870) about the re-
gional distribution of Italian spiders and added numer-
ous data provided by the authors themselves. Altogether
the authors reported a list of 404 species (corresponding
to 321 currently valid species) occurring in Italy at that
time. The picture emerging depicted a great unbalance be-
tween Northern and Southern Italy, with several regions in
the South totally lacking information about spiders living
therein (Fig. 1). It goes without saying, that such unbal-
ance was mostly related to the main areas of study of Gio-
vanni Canestrini (Revò, 1835 – Padova, 1900) and Pietro
Pavesi (Pavia, 1884 – Asso, 1907), authors of the rst Cat-
alog and major Italian arachnologists at that time. Knowl-
edge on Italian spiders increased rapidly after the publica-
tion of the rst catalog, especially thanks to the follow-up
works of Canestrini and Pavesi and to the contributions
of their contemporary Italian colleagues. A plateau was
reached at the beginning of XX century, with nearly 600
species recorded for Italy.
During the XX century, several arachnologists contrib-
Fig. 1 – Spider knowledge in Italy according to Canestrini & Pavesi (1868, 1870) (upper left), Pesarini (1995) (upper right), and the pre-
sent Catalog (lower left: regional distribution; lower right: mainland Italy, Sicilia and Sardegna).
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
uted signicantly to expand the eld of arachnology in Ita-
ly. Lodovico Di Caporiacco (Udine, 1901 – Parma, 1951)
stands among others for his brilliant academic career and
his wide scientic and humanistic culture. During the rst
years of 1900 he published a great number of publications,
39 of them focused on Italian spiders, including the de-
scription of 48 new species. He studied material from all
over Italy, especially Carnia, Puglia, Emilia-Romagna,
Umbria, Veneto and Toscana. In 1940 he published a valu-
able general overview on the Italian arachnid fauna known
at that time (Di Caporiacco 1940).
Indeed, the most important Italian arachnologist was
Paolo Marcello Brignoli (Roma, 1942 - L’Aquila, 1986).
He played a major role in scientic arachnology at the in-
ternational level, with more than 200 authored publica-
tions, more than 370 new species and 25 new genera of
spiders described from all over the world. Concerning the
Italian fauna, between 1966 and 1986 he published 53 sci-
entic works and described 40 new species, 39 of them
Italian endemic. Concerning the scientic production on
Italian spiders, Brignoli deserved particular interest to
Agelenidae, Araneidae, Theridiidae, Leptonetidae and to
cave dwelling spiders (e.g., Fig. 2), the latter reviewed in a
remarkable comprehensive catalog (Brignoli 1972, 1985).
From the late 1950s to the end of the XX century, sev-
eral authors provided important contributions to the study
of Italian spiders. In particular, Pietro Alicata (Dysderi-
dae), Teresa Cantarella (Salticidae), Francesca Di Fran-
co (Gnaphosidae), Fulvio Gasparo (Dysderidae), Harald
Hansen (Germany, 1935 - Venezia, 2017) (Salticidae),
Barbara Knoach (Theridiidae), Richard Maurer (Cybae-
us and Coelotes), Carlo Pesarini (Milano, 1946 – Ferrara,
2017) (several families) Konrad Thaler (Innsbruck, 1940 –
Innsbruck, 2006) (Linyphiidae) and Paolo Tongiorgi (Pi-
sa, 1936 – Pisa, 2018) (Lycosidae).
Since the end of the 1990s to the present days, the most
important contributions to the knowledge of Italian arach-
nology were given by Francesco Ballarin, Simone Ballini,
Marco Isaia, Stefano Mammola, Paolo Pantini, Karl-Heinz
Steinberger and Alessio Trotta. We report in Table 1 the
list of the arachnologists that focused on Italian spiders
over time, with the relative number of published works
and described taxa. The increase of knowledge on Italian
spiders over time is represented in Fig. 3.
Despite the great quantity of scientic papers published
over time, only a few works reviewed the existing knowl-
edge about Italian spiders. The rst such an attempt was
made by Carlo Pesarini (Pesarini 1994), more than one
century after Canestrini & Pavesi’s rst Catalog. In his
work, the author provided a list of 1406 species (corre-
sponding to 1277 currently valid species), with schematic
information about their distribution in Italy (North, South,
Sicilia and Sardegna) (see Fig. 1). The list is introduced by
a short presentation and ends with a brief selection of bib-
liographic references on Italian spiders. A few years later
Alessio Trotta (Trotta 2005) reported a new updated list of
1534 species, supplied with a list of general references use-
ful for the study of the Italian spider fauna. Besides the na-
tional spider fauna, an important review focusing speci-
cally on cave dwelling species was published by Brignoli
in the 1980s. His “Catalogo dei ragni cavernicoli italiani”
(Brignoli 1972, 1985) summarizes an impressive collection
Fig. 2Histopona palaeolithica (Brignoli, 1971) (Agelenidae). This species, strictly endemic to Italy, was discovered in a cave of the W
Ligurian coast (near Finale Ligure, Savona province) by the great naturalist and biospelologist Augusto Vigna Taglianti, recently passed
away (1943-2019); it was later described by the prominent arachnologist Paolo Marcello Brignoli (1942-1986). Recent researches car-
ried out by the author MI in small caves of the same area allowed the discovery and description of the thus far unknown male of this ex-
tremely rare and little-known species (Mammola et al. in press). Photo by E. Biggi.
Pantini & Isaia
references on Italian spiders. Data referring to spiders in It-
aly are scattered in hundreds of scientic papers published
over time that we progressively collected in the frame of
this work. A portable document format (pdf) version of
most articles cited in the Catalog is stored in our personal
digital archive. For the works published before 1940, we
primarily referred to Bonnet’s Bibliographia Araneorum
(Bonnet 1955-1959), to Brignoli’s “Catalogue of the Ara-
neae described between 1940 and 1981” (Brignoli 1983)
and to Platnick’s “Advances in spider taxonomy” (Plat-
nick 1989, 1993, 1998) for later works. Concerning recent
works, we referred to the online database “World Spider
Catalog” (World Spider Catalog 2019) as main source.
Moreover, we integrated our list with additional taxonomi-
cal information deriving from scientic literature and from
an array of personal communications provided by our Ital-
ian and other European arachnologists colleagues.
Our bibliography of Italian spiders includes all scien-
tic publications referring to Italian spiders: taxonomical
and faunistic works, catalogs and checklists, ecological
works, obituaries and biographies of Italian arachnologists
etc. We also included works that are not explicitly refer-
ring to Italian spiders, but report about specimen collected
in Italy. We did not include the so-called “grey literature”
(bachelor, Master and PhD thesis, technical reports, con-
gress posters and presentations) or unpublished records.
All biospeleological works published before 1985 and
reported in Brignoli’s “Catalogo dei ragni cavernicoli ital-
iani” (Brignoli 1972, 1985) are included in the list. Con-
cerning recent biospeleological papers, we included all pa-
pers published by arachnologists. Other speleological pa-
pers published in local journals reporting data on spiders
are being progressively veried and integrated in the list.
As a general rule, we only included data veried by
the authors of the publication. However, in a few cases
for example recapitulatory catalogs we reported all species
therein included. At the time this paper is being written,
the process of inclusion of the remaining available papers
is still in progress.
The current version of the Catalog encompasses 1124
references. We analysed nearly 90% of them and included
the data therein contained in the relational database system
of (Table 2).
The Catalog and its web version “”
The Catalog is freely available online at,
where the information contained in the associated relation-
al database can be explored. The “Browse Araneae” func-
tion ( allows searches by taxa
(family, genus or species level) or by regional distribution.
The taxonomic list (
reports the list of the families, the genera and the species
of spiders currently recorded in Italy. The list is presented
in alphabetical order to allow faster and easier use. No-
menclature is regularly updated according to current ver-
sion of The World Spider Catalog. We excluded nomina
of data on spiders occurring in Italian caves, supplied with
the complete list of the bibliographic sources used therein.
Over time, several publications synthetized knowledge
on spider distribution at the regional level. Starting from
Alto Adige (Noatscher 1996), a number of regional spi-
der checklists were published over time: Valle d’Aosta
(Isaia 2005; Paschetta et al. 2016), Piemonte (Isaia et al.
2007), Lombardia (Isaia et al. 2007; Pantini et al. 2016),
Veneto (Ballarin et al. 2011), Calabria (Pantini & Mazzo-
leni 2018) and Sardegna (Pantini et al. 2013).
Materials and Methods
Data sources
In lack of a fully detailed comprehensive review on the
topic, we rstly aimed at assembling all available scientic
Table 1 – List of the arachnologists who provided contributions
to the knowledge of Italian spiders over time, with the relative
number of published works referring to Italian spiders, number of
co-authors and described taxa currently recorded in this Catalog.
Author Co-authors taxa
Isaia M.
Thaler K.
Pesarini C.
Brignoli P.M.
Pantini P.
Caporiacco di L.
Gasparo F.
Hansen H.
Di Franco F.
Alicata P.
Knoach B.
Mammola S.
Steinberger K.-H.
Simon E.
Pavesi P.
Tongiorgi P.
Dresco E.
Ballini S.
Cantarella T.
van Helsdingen P.J.
Koch C.L.
Wunderlich J.
Ballarin F.
Trotta A.
Canestrini G.
Zingerle V.
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
dubia and species inquirendae. Changes and updates are
implemented regularly by the authors.
In addition to general taxonomical information, for
each species included in the list we reported:
the presence of the species in Mainland Italy (It),
Sardegna (Sa) and Sicilia (Si). The archipelagos and
the minor islands are not specied. In such cases, we
refer to the region of administrative competence (e.g.
Toscana for Isola d’Elba);
restricted distribution ranges: we labelled with “En-
demic Italian”, the species whose range is entirely
included within the national borders. “Endemic” in-
dicates species with restricted range whose distribu-
tion encompasses Italy and one or more neighbouring
countries (i.e. border areas);
information about the distribution of each species at
the level of Italian Province (we refer to 110 Italian
Provinces, grouped in 20 Regions). Such information
is available for each species by clicking on the relative
Info” link;
other information concerning the distribution are avail-
able by clicking on the “More details” link. We aim at
increasing the resolution of the data in the near future, in
particular concerning the distribution of endemic species;
whenever available, a small camera indicates the avail-
ability of photos of the species;
remarks referring to: 1) the type locality and the distri-
bution of endemic species, 2) species cited in out-of-
date works whose presence in Italy needs to be veri-
ed, 3) alien species, 4) species or group of species of
difcult identication in relation to problematic taxo-
nomical issues.
In order to avoid the inclusion of doubtful species (in-
correctly reported for Italy due to misidentications or
oversights), we omitted several taxa. The list of such data
along with the reasons for their exclusion, is reported in
the “Omitted taxa” section (
php). In particular, we excluded nomina dubia, species in-
quirendae, misidentied species according to literature or
to our direct check, and species whose occurrence in Italy
is not plausible.
Fig. 3 – Cumulative line chart representing the increase of knowledge in Italian spiders, summed over time from 1868 to present.
Table 2 – Sources of data on Italian spiders used to assemble the Catalog according to three time periods (before 1870, 1870-1940, after
1941). We report the number of papers reporting data on Italian spiders (Papers censused), the number of papers currently included in the
Catalog (Included), the number of analysed papers not containing data such as general papers, obituaries etc (No data), the number of pa-
pers to be analysed and not currently included in the Catalog (To be analysed) and the percentage ratio papers included/papers censused.
Included No data To be
Ratio Included/
Before 1870
Form 1871 to 1940
After 1941
Pantini & Isaia
To date (May 2019), an amount of 49876 records referring
to 1670 taxa of specic or sub-specic range are included
in the Catalog. Data refer to 1659 species, 435 genera and
53 families. Moreover, 22 subspecies, referring to 11 spe-
cies are also included. Omitted taxa pertain more than 500
records, corresponding to 122 species.
The families with highest number of records were Lin-
yphiidae (7908) and Salticidae (6820), followed by Ara-
neidae (4537) and Lycosidae (4035) (Fig. 4). The high-
est number of species was found in Linyphiidae (477) and
Gnaphosidae (166), followed by Salticidae (144), Theri-
diidae (114) and Lycosidae (105 species) (Tab. 3). Knowl-
edge about the distribution of each species was extremely
uneven, with most species known on a single or few re-
cords (Fig. 5).
The worldwide distribution of the Italian species is rep-
resented in Fig. 6, showing a large proportion of Palearctic
and European species, followed by a remarkable percent-
age of Endemic (21%) and Mediterranean (14%) species.
Less than 1% of the total number of species pertains alien
Linyphiidae and Dysderidae show the highest number
of endemic species (see Table 3) with 116 endemics out
of 477 species (24%) and 72 out of 83 (87%), respective-
ly. Together, these two families represent more than 50%
of the total endemic species of spiders currently recorded
in in Italy. Agelenidae, Gnaphosidae and Nemesiidae fol-
lows, with 38 out of 65 (58%), 23 out of 166 (14%) and 11
out of 21 (52%) endemic species, respectively (Tab. 3).
The areas of endemism showing the highest species
richness are the Alps and the Apennines (Alpine and Al-
pine-Apenninic species: 65% of the total endemics) fol-
lowed by the Tyrrhenian basin (9%), Sardegna (12%), and
Sicilia (6%) (Table 4, Fig. 7).
A small fraction of the Italian spider diversity is repre-
sented by alien species (1%, 21 species). More than oth-
ers, these species deserve particular attention, due to the
ecological implications of the introduction of alien species
in a territory. Some of them, like the North American lin-
yphiids Erigone autumnalis Emerton, 1882 and Mermes-
sus trilobatus (Emerton, 1882) were introduced in Italy re-
cently (Pesarini 1996, Zingerle 1997) and now are com-
monly found throughout the northern Italian regions. The
Nearctic linyphiid Mermessus denticulatus (Banks, 1898)
was recently found in a greenhouse in the area of Savona
(Trotta 2012) and the hahniid Cicurina japonica (Simon,
1886), originally from Japan and Korea, was recorded in
Lombardia in 2008 (Pantini & Isaia 2008). The cosmopol-
itan araneid Argiope trifasciata (Forsskål, 1775) was re-
corded in Italy and for the rst time in Europe in 2011 by
Di Pompeo et al. (2011) while the South-Iberian endemic
macrothelid Macrothele calpeiana (Walckenaer 1805) re-
Fig. 4 – Numbers of records analysed according to family.
number of species/subspecies
number of citations
800500200 700400100 6003000
Fig. 5 – Distribution of the number of records according to species.
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Table 3 – Number of genera (Gen), species or subspecies (sp/
ssp), endemic species (End) and relative percentage of endemic
species (%End) grouped by family.
Fig. 6 – Worldwide distribution of the species of spiders occur-
ring in Italy.
Fig. 7 – Distribution of the endemic spider species according
to the major Italian centres of endemism (Vigna Taglianti et
al. 1999). The category “Italian endemic” refers to the species
whose distribution falls entirely in Italy, but does not refer to a
specic centre of endemism.
Pantini & Isaia
cently entered in Italy via the trade of ornamental olive
trees (Pantini & Isaia 2008, 2010). The theridiid Steatoda
nobilis (Thorell, 1875), originally from Madeira and Ca-
nary Islands is recorded in Italy for a number of southern
Italian regions and Sardegna (Kulczycki et al. 2012). The
nesticid Nesticodes rupes (Lucas, 1846) is probably one
of the older record of alien species in Italy, recorded at the
beginning of the XX century in the greenhouses of the bo-
tanical garden of Pavia (Mariani 1900, 1901).
The regional distribution of spider species in Italy ap-
pears very uneven, attesting a strong unbalance in the lev-
el of knowledge within the 20 Italian administrative re-
gions (Fig. 1, Table 5). In general, the northern regions
are characterized by relatively high numbers of species re-
cords compared to the southern ones. Concerning endem-
ics, Piemonte, Sardegna, Lombardia, Toscana and Tren-
tino stands among the richest regions, with more than 50
endemic species recorded therein (Table 5).
Compared to other countries in Europe (data issued
from Nentwig et al. 2019), the distribution of species per
family appears very similar to France and, to a certain
extent, to the Iberian Peninsula and to Central European
countries, sharing the rst ve dominant families (Linyph-
iidae, Gnaphosidae, Salticidae, Theridiidae and Lycosi-
dae). The family distribution is remarkably different in
Greece, with Salticids, Gnaphosidae, Theridiidae and Ly-
cosidae as the four dominant families and in Turkey, with
Gnaphosidae, Linyphiidae, Salticidae and Thomisidae as
the four most representative families (Fig. 8).
TotalE El
Alpine (ALP)
Central-South-Alpine (ALPC)
East-Alpine (ALPE)
South-Alpine (ALPS)
West-Alpine (ALPW)
South-West-Alpine (ALSW)
Total Alpine
Alpine-Apenninic (ALAP)
West Alpine-North-Apenninic (AWNA)
West Alpine-Apenninic (ALWA)
Total Alpine - Apenninic
Apenninic (APPE)
North-Apenninic (APPN)
Central-Apenninic (APPC)
South-Apenninic (APPS)
Total Apenninic
Carso-Istrian-Dinaric (CADI)
Apennino-Dinaric (APDI)
Total Adriatic
Tyrrenian (TYRR)
Sardo-Corsican (SACO)
Sardinian (SARD)
Total Sardinian
Sicilian (SICI)
Sicilo-South-Calabrian (SISC)
Total Sicilian
Italian endemic (ITAL)
Table 4 – Number of endemic spider species in Italy accord-
ing to the chorotypes of the Italian fauna (Vigna Taglianti et al.
1999). E: number endemic species; EI: number of endemic spe-
cies whose distribution falls entirely within the Italian borders).
The category “Italian endemic” refers to the species whose dis-
tribution does not directly refer to one of the major centre of en-
demism here reported.
Table 5 – Regional distribution of spiders in Italy. For each of
the 20 Italian regions, we report the number of species or subspe-
cies (sp/ssp), the number of endemic species (E) and the relative
percentage (E%) therein recorded.
Region sp/ssp E E%
Friuli Venezia Giulia
Trentino-Alto Adige
Valle d’Aosta
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Here follows the checklist of the Italian spider species pre-
sented in alphabetical order (updated May 2019), with an
indication of the general distribution in Mainland Italy
(It), Sardegna (Sa) and Sicilia (Si). An “E” indicates en-
demic species, “EI” indicates those species whose distri-
bution entirely falls within the Italian territory. For details
concerning data sources, regional distribution, bibliogra-
phy, other information and future updates, refer to the on-
line free version of this work at
Family Agelenidae
Agelena agelenoides (Walckenaer, 1842) It - Si
Agelena labyrinthica (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Agelena orientalis C.L. Koch, 1837 It
Allagelena gracilens (C.L. Koch, 1841) It - Sa - Si
Aterigena aliquoi (Brignoli, 1971) (IE) It - Si
Aterigena aspromontensis Bolzern, Haenggi & Burckhardt,
2010 (IE) It
Aterigena ligurica (Simon, 1916) (E) It
Aterigena soriculata (Simon, 1873) (E) Sa
Coelotes alpinus Polenec, 1972 (E) It
Fig. 8 – Comparison between the spider fauna of Italy and other countries (data from Nentwig et al. 2019).
Pantini & Isaia
Coelotes italicus Kritscher, 1956 (IE) It
Coelotes mediocris Kulczynski, 1887 It
Coelotes osellai de Blauwe, 1973 (E) It
Coelotes pabulator Simon, 1875 (E) It
Coelotes pickardi pastor Simon, 1875 (E) It
Coelotes pickardi pickardi O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873 (E) It
Coelotes pickardi tirolensis (Kulczynski, 1906) (E) It
Coelotes poleneci Wiehle, 1964 (E) It
Coelotes poweri Simon, 1875 (E) It
Coelotes rudol (Schenkel, 1925) (E) It
Coelotes solitarius L. Koch, 1868 It
Eratigena agrestis (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Eratigena arganoi (Brignoli, 1971) (IE) It
Eratigena atrica (C.L. Koch, 1843) It
Eratigena fuesslini (Pavesi, 1873) It
Eratigena sardoa Brignoli, 1977 (IE) Sa
Eratigena sicana (Brignoli, 1976) (IE) Sa - Si
Eratigena vomeroi (Brignoli, 1977) (IE) It
Histopona oni Bolzern, Pantini & Isaia, 2013 (E) It
Histopona italica Brignoli, 1977 (IE) It
Histopona leonardoi Bolzern, Pantini & Isaia, 2013 (E) It
Histopona palaeolithica (Brignoli, 1971) (IE) It (Fig. 2)
Histopona torpida (C.L. Koch, 1837) It
Inermocoelotes anoplus (Kulczynski, 1897) It
Inermocoelotes inermis (L. Koch, 1855) It
Inermocoelotes microlepidus (de Blauwe, 1973) It
Lycosoides coarctata (Dufour, 1831) It - Sa - Si
Lycosoides avomaculata Lucas, 1846Sic
Maimuna vestita (C.L. Koch, 1841) It
Pireneitega garibaldii (Kritscher, 1969) (IE) It - Si
Tegenaria armigera Simon, 1873 (E) Sa
Tegenaria capolongoi Brignoli, 1977 (IE) It
Tegenaria circeoensis Bolzern, Burckhardt & Hänggi, 2013
(IE) It
Tegenaria dalmatica Kulczynski, 1906 It - Sa - Si
Tegenaria domestica (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Tegenaria eleonorae Brignoli, 1974 (IE) Sa
Tegenaria faniapollinis Brignoli, 1978 Sic
Tegenaria femoralis Simon, 1873 (E) It
Tegenaria ferruginea (Panzer, 1804) It
Tegenaria hasperi (Chyzer, 1897) It
Tegenaria henroti Dresco, 1956 (IE) Sa
Tegenaria mirica Thaler, 1987 (E) It
Tegenaria pagana C.L. Koch, 1840 It - Sa - Si
Tegenaria parietina (Fourcroy, 1785) It - Sa - Si
Tegenaria parmenidis Brignoli, 1971 (IE) It - Si
Tegenaria parvula Thorell, 1875 (E) It - Si
Tegenaria sbordonii Brignoli, 1971 (IE) It
Tegenaria silvestris L. Koch, 1872 It
Tegenaria tridentina L. Koch, 1872 (E) It
Tegenaria tyrrhenica de Dalmas, 1922 (IE) It
Textrix caudata L. Koch, 1872 It - Sa - Si
Textrix denticulata (Olivier, 1789) It - Sa
Textrix pinicola Simon, 1875 It - Sa
Textrix rubrofoliata Pesarini, 1990 (IE) Si
Urocoras matesianus (de Blauwe, 1973) (IE) It
Urocoras munieri (Simon, 1880) (E) It
Family Amaurobiidae
Amaurobius crassipalpis Canestrini & Pavesi, 1870 (E) It
Amaurobius erberi (Keyserling, 1863) It - Sa - Si
Amaurobius fenestralis (Ström, 1768) It - Sa - Si
Amaurobius ferox (Walckenaer, 1830) It - Sa
Amaurobius jugorum L. Koch, 1868 It
Amaurobius obustus L. Koch, 1868 It
Amaurobius pallidus L. Koch, 1868 It
Amaurobius pavesii Pesarini, 1991 (IE) It
Amaurobius pesarinii Ballarin & Pantini, 2017 (IE) It
Amaurobius ruffoi Thaler, 1990 (IE) It
Amaurobius scopolii Thorell, 1871 (E) It
Amaurobius similis (Blackwall, 1861) It - Si
Callobius claustrarius (Hahn, 1833) It
Family Anapidae
Comaroma simoni Bertkau, 1889 It
Zangherella algerica (Simon, 1895) It
Zangherella apuliae (di Caporiacco, 1949) It
Family Anyphaenidae
Anyphaena accentuata (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa
Anyphaena alboirrorata Simon, 1878 It
Anyphaena sabina L. Koch, 1866 It - Sa - Si
Family Araneidae
Aculepeira armida (Audouin, 1826) It - Sa - Si
Aculepeira carbonaria (L. Koch, 1869) It
Aculepeira ceropegia (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Agalenatea redii (Scopoli, 1763) It - Sa - Si
Araneus alsine (Walckenaer, 1802) It
Araneus angulatus Clerck, 1757 It - Si
Araneus circe (Audouin, 1826) It - Si
Araneus diadematus Clerck, 1757 It - Sa - Si
Araneus grossus (C.L. Koch, 1844) It
Araneus marmoreus Clerck, 1757 It - Sa - Si
Araneus nordmanni (Thorell, 1870) It
Araneus quadratus Clerck, 1757 It - Sa
Araneus saevus (L. Koch, 1872) It
Araneus sturmi (Hahn, 1831) It
Araneus triguttatus (Fabricius, 1775) It
Araniella alpica (L. Koch, 1869) It - Sa
Araniella cucurbitina (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Araniella displicata (Hentz, 1847) It
Araniella inconspicua (Simon, 1874) It - Si
Araniella opisthographa (Kulczynski, 1905) It
Araniella proxima (Kulczynski, 1885) It
Argiope bruennichi (Scopoli, 1772) It - Sa - Si
Argiope lobata (Pallas, 1772) It - Sa - Si
Argiope trifasciata (Forskål, 1775) It - Sa - Si
Cercidia prominens (Westring, 1851) It - Sa
Cyclosa conica (Pallas, 1772) It - Sa - Si
Cyclosa insulana (Costa, 1834) It - Sa - Si
Cyclosa oculata (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Cyclosa sierrae Simon, 1870 It - Sa
Cyrtarachne ixoides (Simon, 1870) It - Sa
Cyrtophora citricola (Forskål, 1775) It - Sa - Si
Gibbaranea bituberculata (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Gibbaranea gibbosa (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Gibbaranea omoeda (Thorell, 1870) It - Sa
Gibbaranea ullrichi (Hahn, 1835) It
Glyptogona sextuberculata (Keyserling, 1863) It
Hypsosinga albovittata (Westring, 1851) It - Sa - Si
Hypsosinga heri (Hahn, 1831) It - Si
Hypsosinga pygmaea (Sundevall, 1831) It - Sa - Si
Hypsosinga sanguinea (C.L. Koch, 1844) It - Sa - Si
Larinioides cornutus (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Larinioides patagiatus (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Larinioides sclopetarius (Clerck, 1757) It - Si
Larinioides suspicax (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876) It - Sa - Si
Leviellus kochi (Thorell, 1870) It - Sa
Leviellus stroemi (Thorell, 1870) It
Leviellus thorelli (Ausserer, 1871) It
Lipocrea epeiroides (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) Sa - Si
Mangora acalypha (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Neoscona adianta (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Neoscona subfusca (C.L. Koch, 1837) It - Sa - Si
Nuctenea silvicultrix (C.L. Koch, 1835) It
Nuctenea umbratica (Clerck, 1757) It - Si
Singa hamata (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Singa nitidula C.L. Koch, 1844 It
Singa semiatra L. Koch, 1867 It - Si
Zilla diodia (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Zygiella atrica (C.L. Koch, 1845) It - Sa
Zygiella keyserlingi (Ausserer, 1871) It
Zygiella montana (C.L. Koch, 1834) It - Sa
Zygiella x-notata (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Family Atypidae
Atypus afnis Eichwald, 1830 It
Atypus muralis Bertkau, 1890 It
Atypus piceus (Sulzer, 1776) It
Family Cheiracanthiidae
Cheiracanthium angulitarse Simon, 1878 It - Sa - Si
Cheiracanthium elegans Thorell, 1875 It
Cheiracanthium erraticum (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Si
Cheiracanthium fulvotestaceum Simon, 1878 It
Cheiracanthium macedonicum Drensky, 1921 It - Si
Cheiracanthium mildei L. Koch, 1864 It - Sa - Si
Cheiracanthium montanum L. Koch, 1877 It
Cheiracanthium occidentale L. Koch, 1882 It
Cheiracanthium oncognathum Thorell, 1871 It
Cheiracanthium pelasgicum (C.L. Koch, 1837) It - Sa - Si
Cheiracanthium pennatum Simon, 1878 It
Cheiracanthium pennyi O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873 It - Sa
Cheiracanthium punctorium (Villers, 1789) It - Sa
Cheiracanthium seidlitzi L. Koch, 1864 It - Sa - Si
Cheiracanthium striolatum Simon, 1878 It - Sa
Cheiracanthium virescens (Sundevall, 1833) It
Family Clubionidae
Clubiona aducta Simon, 1932 It
Clubiona alpicola Kulczynski, 1882 It
Clubiona andreinii di Caporiacco, 1936 (IE) It
Clubiona brevipes Blackwall, 1841 It - Si
Clubiona caerulescens L. Koch, 1867 It
Clubiona comta C.L. Koch, 1839 It - Sa
Clubiona corticalis (Walckenaer, 1802) It
Clubiona diversa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862 It
Clubiona frutetorum L. Koch, 1867 It
Clubiona germanica Thorell, 1871 It
Clubiona hilaris Simon, 1878 It
Clubiona juvenis Simon, 1878 It
Clubiona lutescens Westring, 1851 It
Clubiona marmorata L. Koch, 1866 It
Clubiona neglecta O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862 It - Sa
Clubiona pallidula (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Clubiona phragmitis C.L. Koch, 1843 It - Sa
Clubiona pseudoneglecta Wunderlich, 1994 It
Clubiona reclusa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863 It
Clubiona saxatilis L. Koch, 1867 It
Clubiona similis L. Koch, 1867 It
Clubiona stagnatilis Kulczynski, 1897 It
Clubiona subsultans Thorell, 1875 It - Sa
Clubiona subtilis L. Koch, 1867 It
Clubiona terrestris Westring, 1851 It - Sa
Clubiona trivialis C.L. Koch, 1843 It
Porrhoclubiona genevensis (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa
Porrhoclubiona leucaspis (Simon, 1932) It - Sa - Si
Porrhoclubiona vegeta (Simon, 1918) It - Sa - Si
Family Ctenizidae
Cteniza moggridgei O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874 (E) It - Sa
Cteniza sauvagesi (Rossi, 1788) (E) It - Sa - Si
Family Cybaeidae
Cryphoeca brignolii Thaler, 1980 (E) It
Cryphoeca lichenum L. Koch, 1876 (E) It
Cryphoeca nivalis Schenkel, 1919 (E) It
Cryphoeca silvicola (C.L. Koch, 1834) It
Cybaeus intermedius Maurer, 1992 (E) It
Cybaeus minor Chyzer, 1897 It
Cybaeus montanus Maurer, 1992 (E) It
Cybaeus tetricus (C.L. Koch, 1839) It
Cybaeus vignai Brignoli, 1977 (E) It
Tuberta mirabilis (Thorell, 1871) (IE) It
Family Cyrtaucheniidae
Amblyocarenum doleschalli Ausserer, 1871 It - Si
Amblyocarenum nuragicus Decae, Colombo & Manunza, 2014 (IE) Sa
Amblyocarenum obscurus Ausserer, 1871 (IE) Si
Amblyocarenum walckenaeri (Lucas, 1846) It - Si
Family Dictynidae
Altella aussereri Thaler, 1990 (IE) It
Altella biuncata (Miller, 1949) It
Altella lucida (Simon, 1874) It
Archaeodictyna consecuta (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) It
Archaeodictyna minutissima (Miller, 1958) It
Argenna patula (Simon, 1874) It - Sa
Argenna subnigra (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) It
Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck, 1757) It
Brigittea civica (Lucas, 1850) It - Sa - Si
Brigittea innocens (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) It
Brigittea latens (Fabricius, 1775) It - Sa - Si
Brigittea vicina (Simon, 1873) It
Brommella falcigera (Balogh, 1935) It
Dictyna arundinacea (Linnaeus, 1758) It - Sa - Si
Dictyna pusilla Thorell, 1856 It
Dictyna uncinata Thorell, 1856 It
Emblyna brevidens (Kulczynski, 1897) It
Lathys humilis (Blackwall, 1855) It - Sa
Lathys narbonensis (Simon, 1876) It
Lathys stigmatisata (Menge, 1869) It
Marilynia bicolor (Simon, 1870) It - Sa
Mizaga racovitzai (Fage, 1909) It - Si
Nigma avescens (Walckenaer, 1830) It - Si
Nigma hortensis (Simon, 1871) It
Nigma puella (Simon, 1870) It - Sa - Si
Nigma walckenaeri (Roewer, 1951) It - Sa - Si
Family Dysderidae
Dasumia canestrinii (L. Koch, 1876) It
Dasumia diomedea di Caporiacco, 1947 (IE) It
Dasumia laevigata (Thorell, 1873) (E) It
Dasumia taeniifera Thorell, 1875 (E) It
Dysdera aberrans Gasparo, 2010 (IE) It
Dysdera adriatica Kulczynski, 1897 (E) It
Dysdera ancora Grasshoff, 1959 (IE) Sa - Si
Dysdera andreinii di Caporiacco, 1928 (IE) It
Dysdera apenninica apenninica Alicata, 1964 (IE) It
Dysdera apenninica aprutiana Alicata, 1964 (IE) It
Dysdera arganoi Gasparo, 2004 (IE) It
Dysdera baratellii Pesarini, 2001 (IE) It
Dysdera bottazziae di Caporiacco, 1953 (E) It
Dysdera brignoliana Gasparo, 2000 (IE) It
Dysdera centroitalica Gasparo, 1997 (IE) It
Dysdera cribrata Simon, 1882 (E) It
Pantini & Isaia
Dysdera crocata C.L. Koch, 1838 It - Sa - Si
Dysdera agellata Grasshoff, 1959 (IE) Si
Dysdera agellifera aeoliensis Alicata, 1973 (IE) Si
Dysdera agellifera agellifera di Caporiacco, 1947 (IE) It
Dysdera fustigans Alicata, 1966 (IE) It
Dysdera granulata Kulczynski, 1897 (E) It
Dysdera jana Gasparo & Arnedo, 2009 (IE) Sa
Dysdera kollari Doblika, 1853 It - Sa - Si
Dysdera lagrecai Alicata, 1964 (IE) Sic
Dysdera lantosquensis Simon 1882 (E) It - Si
Dysdera ligustica Gasparo, 1997 (IE) It
Dysdera microdonta Gasparo, 2014 (E) It
Dysdera monterossoi Alicata, 1964 (IE) It
Dysdera nicaeensis Thorell, 1873 (E) It
Dysdera ninnii Canestrini, 1868 (E) It
Dysdera nubila Simon, 1882 It
Dysdera osellai Alicata, 1973 (IE) It - Si
Dysdera paganettii Deeleman-Reinhold, 1988 (IE) It
Dysdera pominii di Caporiacco, 1947 (IE) It
Dysdera pristiphora Pesarini, 2001 (IE) It
Dysdera romana Gasparo & Di Franco, 2008 (IE) It
Dysdera rullii Pesarini, 2001 (IE) It
Dysdera shardana Opatova & Arnedo, 2009 (IE) Sa
Dysdera sibyllinica Kritscher, 1956 (IE) It
Dysdera silana Alicata, 1965 (IE) It
Dysdera subnubila Simon, 1907 Si
Dysdera ventricosa Grasshoff, 1959 (IE) Sa - Si
Harpactea aeoliensis Alicata, 1973 (IE) Si
Harpactea alicatai Brignoli, 1979 (IE) Sa
Harpactea arguta (Simon, 1907) (E) It
Harpactea carusoi Alicata, 1974 Si
Harpactea corticalis (Simon, 1882) It
Harpactea gennargentu Wunderlich, 1995 (IE) Sa
Harpactea gridellii (di Caporiacco, 1951) (IE) It - Si
Harpactea grisea (Canestrini, 1868) (E) It
Harpactea hombergi (Scopoli, 1763) It - Si
Harpactea lepida (C.L. Koch, 1838) It
Harpactea longobarda Pesarini, 2001 It
Harpactea nuragica Alicata, 1966 (IE) Sa
Harpactea oglasana Gasparo, 1992 (IE) It
Harpactea piligera (Thorell, 1875) (IE) It
Harpactea sanctidomini Gasparo, 1997 (IE) It
Harpactea sardoa Alicata, 1966 (IE) It - Sa
Harpactea sicula Alicata, 1966 (IE) Sic
Harpactea strandi (di Caporiacco, 1939) (IE) It
Harpactea tergestina Gasparo, 2014 (IE) It
Harpactea thaleri Alicata, 1966 (E) It
Harpactea zannonensis Alicata, 1966 (IE) It
Harpactocrates apennicola Simon, 1914 (IE) It
Harpactocrates drassoides (Simon, 1882) (E) It
Harpactocrates intermedius de Dalmas, 1915 (E) It
Kaemis carnicus Gasparo, 1995 (IE) It
Kaemis circe (Brignoli, 1975) (IE) It
Kaemis gasparoi Mazzoleni & Pantini, 2018 (IE) It
Mesostalita nocturna (Roewer, 1931) (E) It
Parachtes andreinii Alicata, 1966 (IE) It
Parachtes inaequipes (Simon, 1882) (E) Sa
Parachtes latialis Alicata, 1966 (IE) It
Parachtes limbarae (Kraus, 1955) (IE) Sa
Parachtes romandiolae (di Caporiacco, 1949) (IE) It
Parachtes siculus (di Caporiacco, 1949) (IE) It - Si
Parachtes vernae (di Caporiacco, 1936) (IE) It
Rhode aspinifera (Nikolic, 1963) (E) It
Rhode biscutata Simon, 1893 It
Rhode testudinea Pesarini, 1984 (IE) It
Sardostalita patrizii (Roewer, 1956) (IE) Sa
Stalita taenaria Schiödte, 1847 (E) It
Family Eresidae
Eresus albopictus (Simon, 1873) Si
Eresus kollari Rossi, 1846 It - Sa - Si
Eresus rucapillus C.L. Koch, 1846 It - Sa - Si
Eresus walckenaeri Brullé, 1832 It - Si
Stegodyphus lineatus (Latreille, 1817) It - Si
Family Filistatidae
Filistata insidiatrix (Forskål, 1775) It - Sa - Si
Pritha nana (Simon, 1868) It - Sa
Pritha pallida (Kulczynski, 1899) It
Pritha parva Legittimo, Simeon, Di Pompeo & Kulczycki, 2017 It
Pritha sagittata Legittimo, Simeon, Di Pompeo & Kulczycki,
2017 It
Family Gnaphosidae
Aphantaulax cincta (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa - Si
Aphantaulax trifasciata trifasciata (O. Pickard-Cambridge,
1872) It - Sa - Si
Aphantaulax trifasciata trimaculata Simon, 1878 It
Berlandina nubivaga (Simon, 1878) (E) It
Berlandina plumalis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) It - Si
Callilepis nocturna (Linnaeus, 1758) It - Si
Callilepis schuszteri (Herman, 1879) It
Camillina europaea de Dalmas, 1922 (IE) It
Civizelotes caucasius (L. Koch, 1866) It
Civizelotes civicus (Simon, 1878) It - Si
Civizelotes dentatidens (Simon, 1914) It - Sa
Civizelotes gracilis (Canestrini, 1868) It
Civizelotes pygmaeus Miller, 1943 It
Cryptodrassus hungaricus (Balogh, 1935) It
Drassodes albicans (Simon, 1878) It
Drassodes canaglensis di Caporiacco, 1927 (IE) It
Drassodes difcilis (Simon, 1878) (E) It
Drassodes fugax (Simon, 1878) It
Drassodes lapidosus (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Drassodes luteomicans (Simon, 1878) It - Sa
Drassodes lutescens (C.L. Koch, 1839) It - Sa - Si
Drassodes pubescens (Thorell, 1856) It - Si
Drassodes rubidus (Simon, 1878) Sa
Drassodes thaleri Hervé & Rollard, 2009 (E) It
Drassodes villosus (Thorell, 1856) It
Drassodex drescoi Hervé, Roberts & Murphy, 2009 (E) It
Drassodex heeri (Pavesi, 1873) (E) It
Drassodex hypocrita (Simon, 1878) It - Sa
Drassodex simoni Hervé, Roberts & Murphy, 2009 (E) It
Drassodex validior (Simon 1914) It
Drassyllus lutetianus (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa
Drassyllus praecus (L. Koch, 1866) It - Si
Drassyllus pumilus (C.L. Koch, 1839) It - Si
Drassyllus pusillus (C.L. Koch, 1833) It
Drassyllus villicus (Thorell, 1875) It
Echemus angustifrons (Westring, 1861) It - Si
Gnaphosa alacris Simon, 1878 It - Sa - Si
Gnaphosa alpica Simon, 1878 It
Gnaphosa badia (L. Koch, 1866) It
Gnaphosa basilicata Simon, 1882 (IE) It
Gnaphosa bicolor (Hahn, 1833) It - Sa
Gnaphosa corticola Simon, 1914 It
Gnaphosa dolosa Herman, 1879 It
Gnaphosa inconspecta Simon, 1878 It
Gnaphosa lapponum (L. Koch, 1866) It
Gnaphosa leporina (L. Koch, 1866) It
Gnaphosa lonai di Caporiacco, 1949 (IE) Si
Gnaphosa lucifuga (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Gnaphosa lugubris (C.L. Koch, 1839) It - Sa
Gnaphosa modestior Kulczynski, 1897 It
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Gnaphosa montana (L. Koch, 1866) It - Si
Gnaphosa muscorum (L. Koch, 1866) It
Gnaphosa nigerrima L. Koch, 1877 It
Gnaphosa occidentalis Simon, 1878 It
Gnaphosa petrobia L. Koch, 1872 It
Gnaphosa rhenana Müller & Schenkel, 1895 It
Gnaphosa rufula (L. Koch, 1866) Si
Gnaphosa tigrina Simon, 1878 It - Si
Haplodrassus aenus Thaler, 1984 (E) It
Haplodrassus cognatus (Westring, 1861) It
Haplodrassus concertor (Simon, 1878) It
Haplodrassus dalmatensis (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa - Si
Haplodrassus invalidus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) Si
Haplodrassus kulczynskii Lohmander, 1942 It - Si
Haplodrassus macellinus (Thorell, 1871) It - Sa - Si
Haplodrassus minor (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) It
Haplodrassus rhodanicus (Simon, 1914) Sa
Haplodrassus rupes (Lucas, 1846) It - Si
Haplodrassus securifer Bosmans & Abrous, 2018 It - Sa - Si
Haplodrassus severus (C.L. Koch, 1839) It - Sa - Si
Haplodrassus signifer (C.L. Koch, 1839) It - Sa - Si
Haplodrassus silvestris (Blackwall, 1833) It
Haplodrassus soerenseni (Strand, 1900) It
Haplodrassus typhon (Simon, 1878) Sa
Haplodrassus umbratilis (L. Koch, 1866) It
Heser nilicola (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) It - Sa - Si
Kishidaia conspicua (L. Koch, 1866) It
Leptodrassus albidus Simon, 1914 It - Si
Leptodrassus diomedeus di Caporiacco, 1951 (IE) It
Leptodrassus femineus (Simon, 1873) It - Sa - Si
Micaria aenea Thorell, 1871 It
Micaria albovittata (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa
Micaria alpina L. Koch, 1872 It
Micaria coarctata (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa
Micaria cyrnea Brignoli, 1983 It - Sa
Micaria dives (Lucas, 1846) It
Micaria formicaria (Sundevall, 1831) It
Micaria fulgens (Walckenaer, 1802) It
Micaria funerea Simon, 1878 It
Micaria nivosa L. Koch, 1866 It
Micaria pallipes (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa
Micaria pulicaria (Sundevall, 1831) It - Sa
Micaria rossica Thorell, 1875 It
Micaria silesiaca L. Koch, 1875 It
Micaria sociabilis Kulczynski, 1897 It
Micaria subopaca Westring, 1861 It
Nomisia aussereri (L. Koch, 1872) It - Sa - Si
Nomisia excerpta (O.P.-Cambridge, 1872) It
Nomisia exornata (C.L. Koch, 1839) It - Sa - Si
Nomisia molendinaria (L. Koch, 1866) It
Nomisia recepta (Pavesi, 1880) It - Sa - Si
Parasyrisca vinosa (Simon, 1878) It
Phaeocedus braccatus (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa - Si
Poecilochroa albomaculata (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Poecilochroa furcata Simon, 1914 It - Si
Poecilochroa senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) Si
Poecilochroa variana (C.L. Koch, 1839) It - Si
Scotophaeus blackwalli blackwalli (Thorell, 1871) It - Sa - Si
Scotophaeus blackwalli isabellinus (Simon, 1873) It
Scotophaeus fabrisae di Caporiacco, 1950 (IE) It
Scotophaeus quadripunctatus (Linnaeus, 1758) It
Scotophaeus retusus (Simon, 1878) It
Scotophaeus scutulatus (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa - Si
Scotophaeus validus (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Setaphis carmeli (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) It - Sa - Si
Setaphis parvula (Lucas, 1846) Sa - Si
Sosticus loricatus (L. Koch, 1866) It
Synaphosus sauvage Ovtsharenko, Levy & Platnick, 1994 Si
Trachyzelotes adriaticus (di Caporiacco, 1951) It
Trachyzelotes barbatus (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa - Si
Trachyzelotes bardiae (di Caporiacco, 1928) Si
Trachyzelotes fuscipes (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa - Si
Trachyzelotes holosericeus (Simon, 1878) It
Trachyzelotes huberti Platnick & Murphy, 1984 It - Sa
Trachyzelotes lyonneti (Audouin, 1826) It - Si
Trachyzelotes mutabilis (Simon, 1878) It - Si
Trachyzelotes pedestris (C.L. Koch, 1837) It - Sa - Si
Urozelotes mysticus Platnick & Murphy, 1984 (IE) Si
Urozelotes rusticus (L. Koch, 1872) It - Sa - Si
Zelotes aeneus (Simon, 1878) It
Zelotes apricorum (L. Koch, 1876) It - Si
Zelotes atrocaeruleus (Simon, 1878) It - Si
Zelotes balcanicus Deltshev, 2006 It
Zelotes calactinus Di Franco, 1989 (IE) Si
Zelotes callidus (Simon, 1878) It - Sa - Si
Zelotes caprearum (Pavesi, 1875) (IE) It
Zelotes clivicola (L. Koch, 1870) It
Zelotes criniger Denis, 1937 It - Si
Zelotes denapes Platnick, 1993 (IE) It
Zelotes devotus Grimm, 1982 (E) It
Zelotes egregius Simon, 1914 It - Sa - Si
Zelotes electus (C.L. Koch, 1839) It - Si
Zelotes erebeus (Thorell, 1871) It
Zelotes exiguus (Müller & Schenkel, 1895) It
Zelotes femellus (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa - Si
Zelotes fuscorufus (Simon, 1878) It - Sa - Si
Zelotes gallicus Simon, 1914 It
Zelotes hermani (Chyzer, 1897) It
Zelotes khostensis Kovblyuk & Ponomarev, 2008 It
Zelotes latreillei (Simon, 1878) It
Zelotes longipes (L. Koch, 1866) It
Zelotes maccaricus Di Franco, 1998 (IE) Si
Zelotes messinai Di Franco, 1995 (IE) Si
Zelotes oblongus (C.L. Koch, 1833) It
Zelotes paroculus Simon, 1914 It
Zelotes petrensis (C.L. Koch, 1839) It - Si
Zelotes rinske van Helsdingen, 2012 (IE) It
Zelotes sardus (Canestrini, 1873) (E) It - Sa
Zelotes segrex (Simon, 1878) It - Si
Zelotes siculus (Simon, 1878) (IE) Si
Zelotes similis (Kulczynski, 1887) It
Zelotes subterraneus (C.L. Koch, 1833) It
Zelotes talpinus (L. Koch, 1872) It
Zelotes tenuis (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa - Si - Si
Zelotes vespertinus (Thorell, 1875) It
Zimirina brevipes Pérez & Blasco, 1986 Sa
Family Hahniidae
Antistea elegans (Blackwall, 1841) It
Cicurina cicur (Fabricius, 1793) It
Cicurina japonica (Simon, 1886) It
Hahnia helveola Simon, 1875 It
Hahnia maginii Brignoli, 1977 (IE) It
Hahnia nava (Blackwall, 1841) It
Hahnia ononidum Simon, 1875 It
Hahnia petrobia Simon, 1875 It
Hahnia pusilla C.L. Koch, 1841 It
Hahnia rossii Brignoli, 1977 (IE) It
Hahniharmia picta (Kulczynski, 1897) It
Iberina candida Simon, 1875 It - Sa
Iberina difcilis (Harm, 1966) It
Iberina montana (Blackwall, 1841) It
Mastigusa arietina (Thorell, 1871) It
Pantini & Isaia
Family Leptonetidae
Leptoneta crypticola franciscoloi di Caporiacco, 1950 (IE) It
Leptoneta insularis Roewer, 1953 (IE) Sa
Leptoneta patrizii Roewer, 1953 (IE) Sa
Leptoneta serbariuana Roewer, 1953 (IE) Sa
Leptoneta taramellii Roewer, 1956 (IE) Sa
Paraleptoneta spinimana (Simon, 1884) It - Sa - Si
Protoleptoneta baccettii (Brignoli, 1979) (IE) It
Protoleptoneta italica (Simon, 1907) It
Family Linyphiidae
Acartauchenius minor (Millidge, 1979) (IE) It
Acartauchenius sardiniensis Wunderlich, 1995 (IE) Sa
Acartauchenius scurrilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Agnyphantes expunctus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It
Agyneta afnis (Kulczynski, 1898) It
Agyneta alpica (Tanasevitch, 2000) (E) It
Agyneta arietans (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Agyneta cauta (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1903) It
Agyneta conigera (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) It
Agyneta equestris (L. Koch, 1881) It
Agyneta fuscipalpa (C.L. Koch, 1836) It
Agyneta gulosa (L. Koch, 1869) It
Agyneta inermis Tanasevitch, 2019 It
Agyneta innotabilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge,1863) It
Agyneta mollis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It - Sa
Agyneta nigripes (Simon, 1884) It
Agyneta orites (Thorell, 1875) (E) It
Agyneta pseudorurestris Wunderlich, 1980 Sa
Agyneta ramosa Jackson, 1912 It
Agyneta ressli Wunderlich, 1973 It
Agyneta rurestris (C.L. Koch, 1836) It - Si
Agyneta saxatilis (Blackwall, 1844) It
Agyneta simplicitarsis (Simon, 1884) It
Agyneta subtilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) It
Alioranus pauper (Simon, 1881) It
Allomengea scopigera (Grube, 1859) It
Allomengea vidua (L. Koch, 1879) It
Anguliphantes monticola (Kulczynski, 1881) It
Aphileta misera (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882) It
Araeoncus altissimus Simon, 1884 It - Si
Araeoncus anguineus (L. Koch, 1869) It
Araeoncus crassiceps (Westring, 1861) It
Araeoncus discedens (Simon, 1881) It
Araeoncus humilis (Blackwall, 1841) It - Sa - Si
Araeoncus longiusculus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) (E) It - Sa
Araeoncus sicanus Brignoli, 1979 (IE) Si
Araeoncus vaporariorum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) (E) It
Asthenargus bracianus Miller, 1938 It
Asthenargus helveticus Schenkel, 1936 It
Asthenargus paganus (Simon, 1884) It
Asthenargus perforatus Schenkel, 1929 It
Baryphyma proclive (Simon, 1884) (IE) It
Baryphyma trifrons (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) It
Bathyphantes approximatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) It - Sa
Bathyphantes nigrinus (Westring, 1851) It
Bathyphantes parvulus (Westring, 1851) It
Bathyphantes setiger F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 It
Bathyphantes similis Kulczynski, 1894 It
Bolephthyphantes index (Thorell, 1856) It
Bolyphantes alticeps (Sundevall, 1833) It
Bolyphantes kolosvaryi (di Caporiacco, 1936) It
Bolyphantes lamellaris Tanasevitch, 1990 It
Bolyphantes luteolus (Blackwall, 1833) It
Bolyphantes nigropictus Simon, 1884 Sa
Canariphantes zonatus (Simon, 1884) It - Sa
Caracladus avicula (L. Koch, 1869) It
Caracladus leberti (Roewer, 1942) (E) It
Caviphantes saxetorum (Hull, 1916) It
Centromerita bicolor (Blackwall, 1833) It
Centromerita concinna (Thorell, 1875) It
Centromerus arcanus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Centromerus bonaeviae Brignoli, 1979 (IE) Sa
Centromerus brevipalpus (Menge, 1866) It
Centromerus capucinus (Simon, 1884) It
Centromerus cavernarum (L. Koch, 1872) It
Centromerus cottarellii Brignoli, 1979 (IE) It
Centromerus incilium (L. Koch, 1881) It
Centromerus isaiai Bosmans, 2015 (E) Sa
Centromerus leruthi Fage, 1933 It
Centromerus levitarsis (Simon, 1884) It
Centromerus marciai Bosmans & Gasparo, 2015 (IE) Sa
Centromerus pabulator (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It
Centromerus pasquinii Brignoli, 1971 (IE) It
Centromerus puddui Brignoli, 1979 (IE) Sa
Centromerus satyrus (Simon, 1884) It
Centromerus sellarius (Simon, 1884) It
Centromerus semiater (L. Koch, 1879) It
Centromerus serratus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It - Si
Centromerus silvicola (Kulczynski, 1887) It
Centromerus subalpinus Lessert, 1907 It
Centromerus subcaecus Kulczynski, 1914 It
Centromerus succinus (Simon, 1884) Sa
Centromerus sylvaticus (Blackwall, 1841) It
Ceratinella brevipes (Westring, 1851) It
Ceratinella brevis (Wider, 1834) It
Ceratinella scabrosa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Ceratinella wideri (Thorell, 1871) It
Cinetata gradata (Simon, 1881) It
Cnephalocotes obscurus (Blackwall, 1834) It
Collinsia distincta (Simon, 1884) It
Collinsia inerrans (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1885) It
Cresmatoneta mutinensis (Canestrini, 1868) It - Sa
Crosbyarachne silvestris Georgescu, 1973 It
Dicymbium nigrum (Blackwall, 1834) It
Diplocentria bidentata (Emerton, 1882) It
Diplocentria mediocris (Simon, 1884) It
Diplocentria rectangulata (Emerton, 1915) It
Diplocephalus alpinus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Diplocephalus arnoi Isaia, 2005 (IE) It
Diplocephalus crassilobus (Simon, 1884) It
Diplocephalus cristatus (Blackwall, 1833) It
Diplocephalus dentatus Tullgren, 1955 It
Diplocephalus foraminifer (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It
Diplocephalus graecus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It - Sa
Diplocephalus guidoi Frick & Isaia, 2012 (IE) It
Diplocephalus helleri (L. Koch, 1869) It
Diplocephalus latifrons (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) It
Diplocephalus longicarpus (Simon, 1884) It
Diplocephalus pavesii Pesarini, 1996 (E) It
Diplocephalus picinus (Blackwall, 1841) It
Diplocephalus procer (Simon, 1884) It
Diplocephalus protuberans (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It
Diplocephalus rostratus Schenkel, 1934 (E) It
Diplocephalus tiberinus (di Caporiacco, 1936) (IE) It
Diplocephalus toscanaensis Wunderlich, 2011 (IE) It
Diplostyla concolor (Wider, 1834) It - Sa
Dismodicus bifrons (Blackwall, 1841) It
Dismodicus elevatus (C.L. Koch, 1838) It
Donacochara speciosa (Thorell, 1875) It
Drapetisca socialis (Sundevall, 1833) It
Drepanotylus uncatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Entelecara acuminata (Wider, 1834) It - Sa
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Entelecara aestiva Simon, 1918 It
Entelecara congenera (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) It
Entelecara erythropus (Westring, 1851) It
Entelecara italica Thaler, 1984 (IE) It
Entelecara media Kulczynski, 1887 It
Erigone aletris Crosby & Bishop, 1928 It
Erigone atra Blackwall, 1833 It
Erigone autumnalis Emerton, 1882 It
Erigone cristatopalpus Simon, 1884 It
Erigone dentigera O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874 It
Erigone dentipalpis (Wider, 1834) It - Sa - Si
Erigone jaegeri Baehr, 1984 It
Erigone longipalpis (Sundevall, 1830) It
Erigone remota L. Koch, 1869 It
Erigone tenuimana Simon, 1884 (E) It
Erigone tirolensis L. Koch, 1872 It
Erigonella ignobilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Erigonella subelevata (L. Koch, 1869) It
Erigonoplus foveatus (Dahl, 1912) It
Erigonoplus globipes (L. Koch, 1872) It
Erigonoplus nigrocaeruleus (Simon, 1881) It - Sa
Erigonoplus nobilis Thaler, 1991 (IE) It
Erigonoplus simplex Millidge, 1979 It
Evansia merens O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901 It
Floronia bucculenta (Clerck, 1757) It
Formiphantes lephthyphantiformis (Strand, 1907) It
Frontinellina frutetorum (C.L. Koch, 1834) It - Sa - Si
Glyphesis servulus (Simon, 1881) It
Gnathonarium dentatum (Wider, 1834) It - Sa - Si
Gonatium biimpressum Simon, 1884 (E) It - Sa
Gonatium ensipotens (Simon, 1881) It
Gonatium hilare (Thorell, 1875) It - Si
Gonatium nemorivagum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It - Sa
Gonatium paradoxum (L. Koch, 1869) It
Gonatium rubellum (Blackwall, 1841) It
Gonatium rubens (Blackwall, 1833) It
Gongylidiellum edentatum Miller, 1951 It
Gongylidiellum latebricola (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Gongylidiellum murcidum Simon, 1884 It
Gongylidiellum vivum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It - Si
Gongylidium rupes (Linnaeus, 1758) It
Gongylidium soror Thaler, 1993 (IE) It
Helophora insignis (Blackwall, 1841) It
Hilaira excisa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Hybocoptus corrugis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) Sa
Hylyphantes graminicola (Sundevall, 1830) It
Hylyphantes nigritus (Simon, 1881) It
Hypomma bituberculatum (Wider, 1834) It
Hypomma cornutum (Blackwall, 1833) It
Hypomma fulvum (Bösenberg, 1902) It
Hypsocephalus paulae (Simon, 1918) It
Hypsocephalus pusillus (Menge, 1869) It
Improphantes complicatus (Emerton, 1882) It
Improphantes decolor (Westring, 1861) It
Improphantes improbulus (Simon, 1929) It
Improphantes nitidus (Thorell, 1875) It
Incestophantes crucifer (Menge, 1866) Sa
Incestophantes frigidus (Simon, 1884) It
Incestophantes kotulai (Kulczynski, 1904) It
Ipa keyserlingi (Ausserer, 1867) It
Ipa terrenus (L. Koch, 1879) It
Janetschekia monodon (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Kaestneria pullata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) It
Labulla thoracica (Wider, 1834) It
Lasiargus hirsutus (Menge, 1869) It
Lepthyphantes eleonorae Wunderlich, 1995 (IE) Sa
Lepthyphantes garganicus di Caporiacco, 1951 (IE) It
Lepthyphantes leprosus (Ohlert, 1865) It
Lepthyphantes messapicus di Caporiacco, 1939 (IE) It
Lepthyphantes minutus (Blackwall, 1833) It - Sa
Lepthyphantes nodifer Simon, 1884 It
Lepthyphantes notabilis Kulczynski, 1887 It
Lepthyphantes sardous Gozo, 1908 (IE) Sa
Leptorhoptrum robustum (Westring, 1851) It
Lessertia barbara (Simon, 1884) Si
Lessertia dentichelis (Simon, 1884) It - Sa
Lessertinella kulczynskii (Lessert, 1909) It
Linyphia alpicola van Helsdingen, 1969 It
Linyphia hortensis Sundevall, 1830 It - Sa
Linyphia mimonti Simon, 1884 It
Linyphia tenuipalpis Simon, 1884 It - Si
Linyphia triangularis (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Lophomma punctatum (Blackwall, 1841) It
Macrargus carpenteri (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895) It
Macrargus rufus (Wider, 1834) It
Mansuphantes aridus (Thorell, 1875) It
Mansuphantes auruncus (Brignoli, 1979) (IE) It
Mansuphantes fragilis (Thorell, 1875) It
Mansuphantes mansuetus (Thorell, 1875) It
Mansuphantes pseudoarciger (Wunderlich, 1985) (E) It
Mansuphantes rossii (di Caporiacco, 1927) (IE) It
Maro lepidus Casemir, 1961 It
Maro minutus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1907 It
Maro sublestus Falconer, 1915 It
Maso gallicus Simon, 1894 It - Sa
Maso sundevalli (Westring, 1851) It
Mecopisthes alter Thaler, 1991 (IE) It
Mecopisthes latinus Millidge, 1978 (E) It
Mecopisthes millidgei Wunderlich, 1995 (IE) Sa
Mecopisthes nicaeensis (Simon, 1884) It
Mecopisthes peuceticus di Caporiacco, 1951 (IE) It
Mecopisthes silus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Mecynargus brocchus (L. Koch, 1872) (E) It
Mecynargus paetulus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It
Megalepthyphantes collinus (L. Koch, 1872) It
Megalepthyphantes nebulosus (Sundevall, 1830) It
Mermessus denticulatus (Banks, 1898) It
Mermessus trilobatus (Emerton, 1882) It
Metopobactrus nadigi Thaler, 1976 (E) It
Metopobactrus prominulus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Metopobactrus verticalis (Simon, 1881) It
Micrargus alpinus Relys & Weiss, 1997 (E) It
Micrargus apertus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Micrargus georgescuae Millidge, 1976 It
Micrargus herbigradus (Blackwall, 1854) It
Micrargus laudatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1881) It
Micrargus subaequalis (Westring, 1851) It - Sa
Microctenonyx subitaneus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It - Sa
Microlinyphia impigra (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Microlinyphia pusilla (Sundevall, 1830) It - Sa - Si
Microneta viaria (Blackwall, 1841) It - Sa
Midia midas (Simon, 1884) It
Minicia candida Denis, 1946 It
Minicia marginella (Wider, 1834) It
Minyriolus medusa (Simon, 1881) It
Minyriolus pusillus (Wider, 1834) It
Mioxena blanda (Simon, 1884) It
Moebelia penicillata (Westring, 1851) It
Monocephalus castaneipes (Simon, 1884) It
Monocephalus fuscipes (Blackwall, 1836) It
Mughiphantes armatus (Kulczynski, 1905) (E) It
Mughiphantes baebleri (Lessert, 1910) (E) It
Mughiphantes brunneri (Thaler, 1984) (IE) It
Mughiphantes carnicus (van Helsdingen, 1982) (IE) It
Pantini & Isaia
Mughiphantes cornutus (Schenkel, 1927) It
Mughiphantes handschini (Schenkel, 1919) It
Mughiphantes merretti (Millidge, 1975) (IE) It
Mughiphantes mughi (Fickert, 1875) It
Mughiphantes pulcher (Kulczynski, 1881) It
Mughiphantes pulcheroides (Wunderlich, 1985) (E) It
Mughiphantes triglavensis (Miller & Polenec, 1975) (E) It
Mughiphantes variabilis (Kulczynski, 1887) It
Mycula mossakowskii Schikora, 1994 It
Nematogmus sanguinolentus (Walckenaer, 1842) It - Sa
Neriene clathrata (Sundevall, 1830) It - Sa - Si
Neriene emphana (Walckenaer, 1842) It
Neriene furtiva (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It - Sa
Neriene montana (Clerck, 1757) It
Neriene peltata (Wider, 1834) It
Neriene radiata (Walckenaer, 1842) It
Notioscopus sarcinatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Nusoncus nasutus (Schenkel, 1925) It
Obscuriphantes obscurus (Blackwall, 1841) It
Oedothorax agrestis (Blackwall, 1853) It
Oedothorax apicatus (Blackwall, 1850) It
Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall, 1834) It
Oedothorax gibbifer (Kulczynski, 1882) It
Oedothorax gibbosus (Blackwall, 1841) It
Oedothorax paludigena Simon, 1926 It - Sa
Oedothorax retusus (Westring, 1851) It
Oreoneta montigena (L. Koch, 1872) It
Oreoneta tatrica (Kulczynski, 1915) It
Oreonetides glacialis (L. Koch, 1872) It
Oreonetides vaginatus (Thorell, 1872) It
Ostearius melanopygius (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) It
Ouedia ruthorax (Simon, 1881) It - Sa
Palliduphantes alutacius (Simon, 1884) It
Palliduphantes angustiformis (Simon, 1884) (E) It - Sa
Palliduphantes antroniensis (Schenkel, 1933) It
Palliduphantes byzantinus (Fage, 1931) It
Palliduphantes carusoi (Brignoli, 1979) (IE) Si
Palliduphantes conradini (Brignoli, 1971) (IE) It
Palliduphantes orentinus (di Caporiacco, 1947) (IE) It
Palliduphantes insignis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1913) It
Palliduphantes istrianus (Kulczynski, 1914) It
Palliduphantes liguricus (Simon, 1929) (E) It
Palliduphantes longiseta (Simon, 1884) (E) It
Palliduphantes montanus (Kulczynski, 1898) (E) It
Palliduphantes pallidus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Palliduphantes sali (Dresco, 1949) (IE) It
Panamomops fagei Miller & Kratochvil, 1939 It
Panamomops inconspicuus (Miller & Valesova, 1964) It
Panamomops palmgreni Thaler, 1973 (E) It
Panamomops tauricornis (Simon, 1881) It
Parapelecopsis nemoralioides (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1884) It
Parapelecopsis nemoralis (Blackwall, 1841) It
Pelecopsis alpica Thaler, 1991 (E) It
Pelecopsis bucephala (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) Sa
Pelecopsis elongata (Wider, 1834) It - Sa
Pelecopsis eminula (Simon, 1884) It
Pelecopsis inedita (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It - Sa
Pelecopsis mengei (Simon, 1884) It - Sa
Pelecopsis parallela (Wider, 1834) It
Pelecopsis radicicola (L. Koch, 1872) It
Peponocranium ludicrum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) It
Peponocranium orbiculatum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1882) It
Piniphantes agnellus (Maurer & Thaler, 1988) (E) It
Piniphantes pinicola (Simon, 1884) It
Pityohyphantes phrygianus (C.L. Koch, 1836) It - Sa
Pocadicnemis juncea Locket & Millidge, 1953 It - Sa
Pocadicnemis pumila (Blackwall, 1841) It
Poeciloneta variegata (Blackwall, 1841) It
Porrhomma cambridgei Merrett, 1994 It
Porrhomma campbelli F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 It
Porrhomma convexum (Westring, 1851) It - Sa
Porrhomma egeria Simon, 1884 It - Si
Porrhomma errans (Blackwall, 1841) It
Porrhomma microphthalmum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Porrhomma microps (Roewer, 1931) It
Porrhomma montanum Jackson, 1913 It
Porrhomma myops Simon, 1884 (E) It
Porrhomma oblitum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Porrhomma pallidum Jackson, 1913 It
Porrhomma pygmaeum (Blackwall, 1834) It
Porrhomma rosenhaueri (L. Koch, 1872) It
Prinerigone vagans (Audouin, 1826) It - Sa - Si
Pseudomaro aenigmaticus Denis, 1966 It
Saaristoa abnormis (Blackwall, 1841) It
Saaristoa rma (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1906) It
Saloca diceros (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Sauron rayi (Simon, 1881) It
Sciastes carli (Lessert, 1907) (E) It
Scotargus pilosus Simon, 1913 It
Scotinotylus alpigena (L. Koch, 1869) It
Scotinotylus antennatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It
Scotinotylus clavatus (Schenkel, 1927) (E) It
Scotinotylus evansi (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894) It
Scutpelecopsis krausi (Wunderlich, 1980) It
Semljicola faustus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901) It
Silometopus braunianus Thaler, 1978 (E) It
Silometopus elegans (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Silometopus reussi (Thorell, 1871) It
Silometopus rosemariae Wunderlich, 1969 It
Sintula corniger (Blackwall, 1856) It
Sintula retroversus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It - Sa
Sisicus apertus (Holm, 1939) It
Stemonyphantes conspersus (L. Koch, 1879) It
Stemonyphantes lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758) It
Styloctetor austerus (L. Koch, 1884) (E) It
Styloctetor compar (Westring, 1861) It
Styloctetor romanus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Syedra gracilis (Menge, 1869) It
Syedra myrmicarum (Kulczynski, 1882) It
Syedra nigrotibialis Simon, 1884 (E) It - Sa
Tallusia experta (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Tallusia vindobonensis (Kulczynski, 1898) It
Tapinocyba abetoneensis Wunderlich, 1980 (IE) It
Tapinocyba afnis Lessert, 1907 It
Tapinocyba corsica (Simon, 1884) (E) It
Tapinocyba insecta (L. Koch, 1869) It
Tapinocyba latia Millidge, 1979 (IE) It
Tapinocyba ligurica Thaler, 1976 (E) It
Tapinocyba lucana Millidge, 1979 (IE) It
Tapinocyba maureri Thaler, 1991 (E) It
Tapinocyba pallens (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Tapinocyba praecox (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It
Tapinocyboides pygmaeus (Menge, 1869) It
Tapinopa disjugata Simon, 1884 Sa
Tapinopa longidens (Wider, 1834) It
Tenuiphantes alacris (Blackwall, 1853) It
Tenuiphantes cristatus (Menge, 1866) It
Tenuiphantes avipes (Blackwall, 1854) It - Sa
Tenuiphantes herbicola (Simon, 1884) It - Sa - Si
Tenuiphantes jacksonoides (van Helsdingen, 1977) It
Tenuiphantes mengei (Kulczynski, 1887) It - Sa
Tenuiphantes tenebricola (Wider, 1834) It - Sa
Tenuiphantes tenuis (Blackwall, 1852) It - Sa - Si
Tenuiphantes zimmermanni (Bertkau, 1890) It - Sa
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Theonina cornix (Simon, 1881) It - Sa
Thyreosthenius biovatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It
Thyreosthenius parasiticus (Westring, 1851) It
Tiso aestivus (L. Koch, 1872) It
Tiso vagans (Blackwall, 1834) It - Sa
Trematocephalus cristatus (Wider, 1834) It
Trichoncoides piscator (Simon, 1884) It
Trichoncus afnis Kulczynski, 1894 It
Trichoncus ambrosii Wunderlich, 2011 (E) It
Trichoncus auritus (L. Koch, 1869) It
Trichoncus hackmani Millidge, 1956 It
Trichoncus helveticus Denis, 1965 (E) It
Trichoncus saxicola (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) It
Trichoncus scrofa Simon, 1884 It
Trichoncus sordidus Simon, 1884 It
Trichoncyboides simoni (Lessert, 1904) It
Trichopterna cito (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) It
Trichopternoides thorelli (Westring, 1861) It
Troglohyphantes albopictus Pesarini, 1989 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes apenninicus Isaia, Mammola & Pantini, 2017
(IE) It
Troglohyphantes bolognai Brignoli, 1975 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes bornensis Isaia & Pantini, 2008 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes caligatus Pesarini, 1989 (E) It
Troglohyphantes caporiaccoi Brignoli, 1971 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes cavadinii Pesarini, 1989 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes comottii Pesarini, 1989 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes dominici Pesarini, 1988 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes excavatus Fage, 1919 (E) It
Troglohyphantes exul Thaler, 1987 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes fagei Roewer, 1931 (E) It
Troglohyphantes fatalis Pesarini, 1988 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes gestroi Fage, 1933 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes giachinoi Isaia & Mammola, 2018 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes iulianae Brignoli, 1971 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes juris Thaler, 1982 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes konradi Brignoli, 1975 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes lanai Isaia & Pantini, 2010 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes lessinensis di Caporiacco, 1936 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes lucifer Isaia, Mammola & Pantini, 2017 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes lucifuga (Simon, 1884) (E) It
Troglohyphantes microcymbium Pesarini, 2001 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes nigraerosae Brignoli, 1971 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes pavesii Pesarini, 1988 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes pedemontanus (Gozo, 1908) (IE) It
Troglohyphantes pluto di Caporiacco, 1938 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes poleneci Wiehle, 1964 (E) It
Troglohyphantes regalini Pesarini, 1989 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes ruffoi di Caporiacco, 1936 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes sbordonii Brignoli, 1975 (E) It
Troglohyphantes sciakyi Pesarini, 1989 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes scienticus Deeleman-Reinhold, 1978 (E) It
Troglohyphantes sordellii (Pavesi, 1875) (E) It
Troglohyphantes spatulifer Pesarini, 2001 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes vignai Brignoli, 1971 (IE) It
Troglohyphantes zanoni Pesarini, 1988 (IE) It
Troxochrus scabriculus (Westring, 1851) It
Turinyphia clairi (Simon, 1884) (E) It
Typhochrestus digitatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) It
Typhochrestus inatus Thaler, 1980 It
Typhochrestus sardus Bosmans, 2008 (IE) Sa
Typhochrestus simoni Lessert, 1907 It
Walckenaeria acuminata Blackwall, 1833 It
Walckenaeria alticeps (Denis, 1952) It
Walckenaeria angelica Millidge, 1979 (IE) It
Walckenaeria antica (Wider, 1834) It - Sa
Walckenaeria atrotibialis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1878) It
Walckenaeria capito (Westring, 1861) It
Walckenaeria clavicornis (Emerton, 1882) It
Walckenaeria corniculans (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875)
It - Sa
Walckenaeria cucullata (C.L. Koch, 1836) It
Walckenaeria cuspidata Blackwall, 1833 It
Walckenaeria dysderoides (Wider, 1834) It
Walckenaeria furcillata (Menge, 1869) It
Walckenaeria incisa (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Walckenaeria insperata Millidge, 1979 (IE) It
Walckenaeria languida (Simon, 1915) It
Walckenaeria mitrata (Menge, 1868) It
Walckenaeria monoceros (Wider, 1834) It
Walckenaeria nodosa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873 It
Walckenaeria nudipalpis (Westring, 1851) It
Walckenaeria obtusa Blackwall, 1836 It
Walckenaeria plumata Millidge, 1979 (IE) It
Walckenaeria stylifrons (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) It - Sa
Walckenaeria unicornis O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861 It
Walckenaeria vigilax (Blackwall, 1853) It
Wiehlenarius tirolensis (Schenkel, 1939) It
Family Liocranidae
Agraecina lineata (Simon, 1878) It - Sa
Agroeca annulipes Simon, 1878 Sa
Agroeca brunnea (Blackwall, 1833) It
Agroeca cuprea Menge, 1873 It
Agroeca dentigera Kulczynski, 1913 It
Agroeca inopina O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1886 Sa
Agroeca lusatica (L. Koch, 1875) It
Agroeca proxima (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Apostenus fuscus Westring, 1851 It
Cybaeodes avolensis Platnick & Di Franco, 1992 (IE) Si
Cybaeodes marinae Di Franco, 1989 (IE) It - Si
Cybaeodes molara (Roewer, 1960) (IE) Sic
Cybaeodes sardus Platnick & Di Franco, 1992 (IE) Sa
Liocranoeca striata (Kulczynski, 1882) It
Liocranum giersbergi Kraus, 1955 (IE) Sa
Liocranum rupicola (Walckenaer, 1830) It - Sa
Liocranum segmentatum Simon, 1878 It
Mesiotelus mauritanicus Simon, 1909Sic
Mesiotelus tenellus (Thorell, 1875) (IE) It
Mesiotelus tenuissimus (L. Koch, 1866) It - Sa - Si
Sagana rutilans (Thorell, 1875) It
Scotina celans (Blackwall, 1841) It - Sa
Scotina palliardii (L. Koch, 1881) It
Family Lycosidae
Acantholycosa lignaria (Clerck, 1757) It
Acantholycosa norvegica (Thorell, 1872) It
Acantholycosa pedestris (Simon, 1876) (E) It
Alopecosa aculeata (Clerck, 1757) It
Alopecosa albofasciata (Brullé, 1832) It - Sa - Si
Alopecosa alpicola (Simon, 1876) It
Alopecosa cuneata (Clerck, 1757) It
Alopecosa cursor (Hahn, 1831) It - Si
Alopecosa etrusca Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1969 It
Alopecosa fabrilis fabrilis (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si - Si
Alopecosa fabrilis trinacriae Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1969 Si
Alopecosa farinosa (Herman, 1879) It - Sa - Si
Alopecosa inquilina (Clerck, 1757) It
Alopecosa kuntzi Denis, 1953 Si
Alopecosa mariae (Dahl, 1908) It
Alopecosa pentheri (Nosek, 1905) It
Alopecosa pinetorum (Thorell, 1856) It
Alopecosa pulverulenta (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Alopecosa simoni (Thorell, 1872) It
Pantini & Isaia
Alopecosa solitaria (Herman, 1879) It
Alopecosa sulzeri (Pavesi, 1873) It
Alopecosa taeniata (C.L. Koch, 1835) It
Alopecosa trabalis (Clerck, 1757) It
Arctosa alpigena (Doleschall, 1852) It
Arctosa cinerea (Fabricius, 1777) It - Sa - Si
Arctosa gurata (Simon, 1876) It
Arctosa fulvolineata (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Arctosa lacustris (Simon, 1876) It - Sa - Si
Arctosa leopardus (Sundevall, 1833) It - Sa - Si
Arctosa lutetiana (Simon, 1876) It
Arctosa maculata (Hahn, 1822) It
Arctosa perita (Latreille, 1799) It - Sa - Si
Arctosa personata (L. Koch, 1872) It - Sa
Arctosa renidescens Buchar & Thaler, 1995 (E) It
Arctosa similis Schenkel, 1938 It - Sa - Si
Arctosa stigmosa (Thorell, 1875) It
Arctosa variana C.L. Koch, 1847 It - Sa - Si
Aulonia albimana (Walckenaer, 1805) It - Sa - Si
Hogna radiata (Latreille, 1817) It - Sa - Si
Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata (Ohlert, 1865) It
Lycosa bedeli Simon, 1876 Si
Lycosa munieri (Simon, 1876) Sa
Lycosa oculata (Simon, 1876) Sa
Lycosa tarantula (Linnaeus, 1758) It - Sa - Si
Pardosa aenigmatica Tongiorgi, 1966 It
Pardosa agrestis (Westring, 1861) It
Pardosa alacris (C.L. Koch, 1833) It
Pardosa albatula (Roewer, 1951) It
Pardosa amentata (Clerck, 1757) It
Pardosa atomaria (C.L. Koch, 1847) It
Pardosa bifasciata (C.L. Koch, 1834) It
Pardosa blanda (C.L. Koch, 1833) It
Pardosa cavannae Simon, 1881 (IE) It
Pardosa cincta (Kulczynski, 1887) It
Pardosa cribrata Simon, 1876 It - Sa
Pardosa femoralis Simon, 1876 It
Pardosa ferruginea (L. Koch, 1870) It
Pardosa fulvipes (Collett, 1876) It
Pardosa gefsana Roewer, 1959 Sa - Si
Pardosa giebeli (Pavesi, 1873) It
Pardosa hortensis (Thorell, 1872) It - Sa
Pardosa italica Tongiorgi, 1966 It
Pardosa luctinosa Simon, 1876 It
Pardosa lugubris (Walckenaer, 1802) It
Pardosa mixta (Kulczynski, 1887) It
Pardosa monticola (Clerck, 1757) It
Pardosa morosa (L. Koch, 1870) It
Pardosa nebulosa (Thorell, 1872) It
Pardosa nigra (C.L. Koch, 1834) It - Sa
Pardosa nigriceps (Thorell, 1856) It
Pardosa occidentalis Simon, 1881 Sa
Pardosa oreophila Simon, 1937 It
Pardosa paludicola (Clerck, 1757) It
Pardosa palustris (Linnaeus, 1758) It
Pardosa prativaga (L. Koch, 1870) It - Sa
Pardosa proxima (C.L. Koch, 1847) It - Sa - Si
Pardosa pseudostrigillata Tongiorgi, 1966 (E) It
Pardosa pullata (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Pardosa riparia (C.L. Koch, 1833) It
Pardosa saltans Töpfer-Hofmann, 2000 It
Pardosa saturatior Simon, 1937 It
Pardosa schenkeli (Lessert, 1904) It
Pardosa sordidata (Thorell, 1875) It
Pardosa tatarica (Thorell, 1875) It - Sa - Si
Pardosa tenuipes L. Koch, 1882 It
Pardosa torrentum Simon, 1876 It
Pardosa vittata (Keyserling, 1863) It
Pardosa wagleri (Hahn, 1822) It
Pirata piraticus (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Pirata piscatorius (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Pirata tenuitarsis Simon, 1876 It - Sa
Piratula hygrophila (Thorell, 1872) It
Piratula knorri (Scopoli, 1763) It - Sa
Piratula latitans (Blackwall, 1841) It - Sa
Piratula uliginosa (Thorell, 1856) It
Pyrenecosa rupicola (Dufour, 1821) It
Trabea paradoxa Simon, 1876 It - Si
Trochosa hispanica Simon, 1870 It - Sa
Trochosa robusta (Simon, 1876) It
Trochosa ruricola (De Geer, 1778) It - Sa - Si
Trochosa spinipalpis (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895) It
Trochosa terricola Thorell, 1856 It - Sa - Si
Vesubia jugorum (Simon, 1881) (E) It
Xerolycosa miniata (C.L. Koch, 1834) It
Xerolycosa nemoralis (Westring, 1861) It - Sa
Family Macrothelidae
Macrothele calpeiana (Walckenaer, 1805) It - Sa
Family Mimetidae
Ero aphana (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Ero cambridgei Kulczynski, 1911 It - Sa
Ero ammeola Simon, 1881 It - Sa
Ero furcata (Villers, 1789) It
Ero tuberculata (De Geer, 1778) It - Sa - Si
Mimetus laevigatus (Keyserling, 1863) It - Sa - Si
Family Miturgidae
Prochora lycosiformis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) It - Si
Zora alpina Kulczynski, 1915 (E) It
Zora armillata Simon, 1878 It
Zora manicata Simon, 1878 It - Sa - Si
Zora nemoralis (Blackwall, 1861) It
Zora parallela Simon, 1878 It
Zora pardalis Simon, 1878 It
Zora silvestris Kulczynski, 1897 It
Zora spinimana (Sundevall, 1833) It - Sa
Family Mysmenidae
Microdipoena jobi (Kraus, 1967) It - Sa
Mysmena leucoplagiata (Simon, 1880) It - Si
Trogloneta granulum Simon, 1922 It
Family Nemesiidae
Brachythele icterica (C.L. Koch, 1838) It
Nemesia apenninica Decae, Pantini & Isaia, 2015 (IE) It
Nemesia asterix Decae & Huber, 2017 (IE) Sa
Nemesia carminans (Latreille, 1818) It
Nemesia cecconii Kulczynski, 1907 (IE) It
Nemesia cellicola Audouin, 1826 It - Si
Nemesia dubia O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874 It
Nemesia eleanora O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873 It
Nemesia fertoni Simon, 1914 (E) Sa
Nemesia hastensis Decae, Pantini & Isaia, 2015 (IE) It
Nemesia ilvae di Caporiacco, 1950 (IE) It
Nemesia kahmanni Kraus, 1955 (IE) Sa
Nemesia macrocephala Ausserer, 1871 Si
Nemesia maculatipes Ausserer, 1871 It - Sa
Nemesia manderstjernae L. Koch, 1871 It
Nemesia meridionalis (Costa, 1835) It - Sa - Si
Nemesia pannonica Herman, 1879 It
Nemesia pavani Dresco, 1978 (IE) It
Nemesia pedemontana Decae, Pantini & Isaia, 2015 (IE) It
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Nemesia sanzoi Fage, 1917 (IE) Si
Nemesia transalpina (Doleschall, 1871) (IE) It
Family Nesticidae
Domitius menozzii (di Caporiacco, 1934) (IE) It
Domitius sbordonii (Brignoli, 1979) (IE) It
Domitius speluncarum (Pavesi, 1873) (E) It
Kryptonesticus eremita (Simon, 1880) It - Sa - Si
Nesticus cellulanus (Clerck, 1757) It
Typhlonesticus idriacus (Roewer, 1931) (E) It
Typhlonesticus morisii (Brignoli, 1975) (IE) It
Family Oecobiidae
Oecobius cellariorum (Dugès, 1836) It
Oecobius maculatus Simon, 1870 It - Sa - Si
Oecobius navus Blackwall, 1859 It - Sa - Si
Uroctea durandi (Latreille, 1809) It - Sa - Si
Family Oonopidae
Cortestina thaleri Knoach, 2009 (E) It
Oonops domesticus de Dalmas, 1916 It
Oonops placidus de Dalmas, 1916 (E) It - Sa
Oonops tubulatus de Dalmas, 1916 It
Orchestina longipes de Dalmas, 1922 It
Orchestina pavesii (Simon, 1873) It - Sa
Orchestina setosa de Dalmas, 1916 Sa
Orchestina simoni de Dalmas, 1916 It - Sa
Silhouettella loricatula (Roewer, 1942) It - Sa - Si
Tapinesthis inermis (Simon, 1882) It
Family Oxyopidae
Oxyopes heterophthalmus (Latreille, 1804) It - Sa - Si
Oxyopes lineatus lineatus Latreille, 1806 It - Sa - Si
Oxyopes lineatus occidentalis Kulczynski, 1907 It
Oxyopes nigripalpis Kulczynski, 1891 It - Sa - Si
Oxyopes ramosus (Martini & Goeze, 1778) It - Si
Family Palpimanidae
Palpimanus gibbulus Dufour, 1820 It - Sa - Si
Family Philodromidae
Philodromus albidus Kulczynski, 1911 It
Philodromus aureolus (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Philodromus blanckei (Wunderlich, 1995) (E) It - Sa
Philodromus buchari Kubcova, 2004 It - Sa
Philodromus buxi Simon, 1884 It - Sa
Philodromus cespitum (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Si
Philodromus collinus C.L. Koch, 1835 It
Philodromus dispar Walckenaer, 1826 It - Sa
Philodromus emarginatus (Schrank, 1803) It - Sa - Si
Philodromus fuscolimbatus Lucas, 1846 It - Sa
Philodromus fuscomarginatus (De Geer, 1778) It
Philodromus laricium Simon, 1875 It
Philodromus lividus Simon, 1875 It - Sa
Philodromus longipalpis Simon, 1870 It
Philodromus margaritatus (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Philodromus poecilus (Thorell, 1872) It
Philodromus praedatus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871 It - Sa - Si
Philodromus rufus Walckenaer, 1826 It - Sa - Si
Philodromus vagulus Simon, 1875 It
Pulchellodromus bistigma Simon, 1870 It - Sa - Si
Pulchellodromus glaucinus Simon, 1870 It - Sa - Si
Pulchellodromus medius O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872 It
Pulchellodromus pulchellus Lucas, 1846 It - Sa
Pulchellodromus rucapillus Simon, 1885 It
Rhysodromus fallax (Sundevall, 1833) It
Rhysodromus histrio (Latreille, 1819) It - Sa - Si
Rhysodromus lepidus (Blackwall, 1870) Si
Thanatus arenarius L. Koch, 1872 It
Thanatus atratus Simon, 1875 It
Thanatus coloradensis Keyserling, 1880 It
Thanatus rmetorum Muster & Thaler, 2003 (E) It
Thanatus formicinus (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Thanatus oblongiusculus (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa
Thanatus rayi Simon, 1875 It
Thanatus sabulosus (Menge, 1875) It
Thanatus striatus C.L. Koch, 1845 It
Thanatus vulgaris Simon, 1870 It - Sa - Si
Tibellus macellus Simon, 1875 It
Tibellus maritimus (Menge, 1875) It
Tibellus oblongus (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa
Family Pholcidae
Holocnemus pluchei (Scopoli, 1763) It - Sa - Si
Pholcus opilionoides (Schrank, 1781) It - Sa
Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775) It - Sa - Si
Psilochorus simoni (Berland, 1911) It - Sa
Spermophora senoculata (Dugès, 1836) It - Sa
Spermophorides baunei Wunderlich, 1995 (IE) Sa
Spermophorides elevata (Simon, 1873) It - Sa - Si
Family Phrurolithidae
Liophrurillus avitarsis (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa
Phrurolithus corsicus (Simon, 1878) Sa
Phrurolithus festivus (C.L. Koch, 1835) It - Si
Phrurolithus orentinus di Caporiacco, 1924 (IE) It
Phrurolithus minimus C.L. Koch, 1839 It
Phrurolithus nigrinus (Simon, 1878) It
Family Pimoidae
Pimoa delphinica Mammola, Hormiga & Isaia, 2016 (IE) It
Pimoa graphitica Mammola, Hormiga & Isaia, 2016 (E) It
Pimoa rupicola (Simon, 1884) (E) It
Family Pisauridae
Dolomedes mbriatus (Clerck, 1757) It
Dolomedes plantarius (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Pisaura novicia (L. Koch, 1878) It
Pisaura orientalis Kulczynski, 1913 It
Pisaura quadrilineata (Lucas, 1838) Sa - Si
Family Salticidae
Aelurillus aeruginosus (Simon, 1871) Si
Aelurillus lopadusae Cantarella, 1983 Si
Aelurillus luctuosus (Lucas, 1846) Si
Aelurillus monardi (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Aelurillus schembrii Cantarella, 1982 Si
Aelurillus v-insignitus (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Afraacilla epiblemoides (Chyzer, 1891) It
Asianellus festivus (C.L. Koch, 1834) It - Sa
Attulus distinguendus (Simon, 1868) It
Attulus penicillatus (Simon, 1875) It
Attulus saltator (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1868) It
Ballus armadillo (Simon, 1871) It - Sa - Si
Ballus chalybeius (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Ballus rupes (Simon, 1868) It - Si
Ballus variegatus Simon, 1876 It
Bianor albobimaculatus (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Calositticus atricapillus (Simon, 1882) It - Si
Calositticus caricis (Westring, 1861) It
Calositticus oricola (C.L. Koch, 1837) It
Calositticus inexpectus (Logunov & Kronestedt, 1997) It
Calositticus rupicola (C.L. Koch, 1837) It
Pantini & Isaia
Calositticus zimmermanni (Simon, 1877) It - Si
Carrhotus xanthogramma (Latreille, 1819) It - Sa
Chalcoscirtus alpicola (L. Koch, 1876) It
Chalcoscirtus atratus (Thorell, 1875) It
Chalcoscirtus brevicymbialis Wunderlich, 1980 It
Chalcoscirtus inmus (Simon, 1868) It - Sa - Si
Cyrba algerina (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Dendryphantes rudis (Sundevall, 1833) It
Euophrys difcilis (Simon, 1868) It - Si
Euophrys frontalis (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa
Euophrys gambosa (Simon, 1868) It - Sa - Si
Euophrys herbigrada (Simon, 1871) It - Sa
Euophrys innotata (Simon, 1868) It - Si
Euophrys manicata (Simon, 1871) Sic
Euophrys petrensis C.L. Koch, 1837 It
Euophrys rubarbis (Simon, 1868) It - Sa - Si
Euophrys sulphurea (L. Koch, 1867) It - Sa - Si
Euophrys terrestris (Simon, 1871) It - Sa
Evarcha arcuata (Clerck, 1757) It - Si
Evarcha falcata (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Evarcha jucunda (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Evarcha laetabunda (C.L. Koch, 1846) It
Evarcha michailovi Logunov, 1992 It
Habrocestum latifasciatum (Simon, 1868) It
Habrocestum pullatum Simon, 1876 It
Hasarius adansoni (Audouin, 1826) Si
Heliophanus aeneus (Hahn, 1832) It - Si
Heliophanus apiatus Simon, 1868 It - Sa - Si
Heliophanus auratus C.L. Koch, 1835 It - Sa
Heliophanus cupreus (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Heliophanus damp Schenkel, 1923 It
Heliophanus decoratus L. Koch, 1875 Si
Heliophanus dubius C.L. Koch, 1835 It - Si
Heliophanus encifer Simon, 1871 It
Heliophanus equester L. Koch, 1867 It - Si
Heliophanus avipes (Hahn, 1832) It - Sa - Si
Heliophanus kochii Simon, 1868 It - Sa - Si
Heliophanus lineiventris Simon, 1868 It - Si
Heliophanus melinus L. Koch, 1867 It - Sa - Si
Heliophanus patagiatus Thorell, 1875 It
Heliophanus ruthorax Simon, 1868 It - Sa - Si
Heliophanus simplex Simon, 1868 It
Heliophanus tribulosus Simon, 1868 It - Sa - Si
Hypositticus pubescens (Fabricius, 1775) It - Sa - Si
Icius congener (Simon, 1871) It - Sa - Si
Icius hamatus (C.L. Koch, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Icius lamellatus Wunderlich, 2011 It
Icius subinermis Simon, 1937 It - Sa - Si
Leptorchestes berolinensis (C.L. Koch, 1846) It
Leptorchestes mutilloides (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Leptorchestes peresi (Simon, 1868) It
Logunyllus salsicola (Simon, 1937) Si
Logunyllus univittatus (Simon, 1871) Sa
Macaroeris avicomis (Simon, 1884) Sa
Macaroeris nidicolens (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Marpissa muscosa (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Marpissa nivoyi (Lucas, 1846) It - Si
Marpissa pomatia (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa
Marpissa radiata (Grube, 1859) It
Mendoza canestrinii (Ninni, 1868) It - Sa - Si
Menemerus semilimbatus (Hahn, 1829) It - Sa - Si
Menemerus taeniatus (L. Koch, 1867) It - Si
Mogrus canescens (C.L. Koch, 1846) It
Mogrus frontosus (Simon, 1871) (E) Sa
Myrmarachne formicaria (De Geer, 1778) It - Sa - Si
Neaetha membrosa (Simon, 1868) It - Sa - Si
Neon levis (Simon, 1871) It - Si
Neon rayi (Simon, 1875) It
Neon reticulatus (Blackwall, 1853) It
Neon valentulus Falconer, 1912 It
Pellenes arciger (Walckenaer, 1837) It - Sa
Pellenes brevis (Simon, 1868) It - Si
Pellenes geniculatus (Simon, 1868) It - Sa - Si
Pellenes lagrecai Cantarella & Alicata, 2002 (IE) It
Pellenes lapponicus (Sundevall, 1833) It
Pellenes nigrociliatus (Simon, 1875) It - Sa - Si
Pellenes seriatus (Thorell, 1875) It - Si
Pellenes siculus Alicata & Cantarella, 2000 (IE) Si
Pellenes tripunctatus (Walckenaer, 1802) It
Philaeus chrysops (Poda, 1761) It - Sa - Si
Phintella castriesiana (Grube, 1861) It - Si
Phlegra bresnieri (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Phlegra cinereofasciata (Simon, 1868) It
Phlegra fasciata (Hahn, 1826) It - Si
Phlegra fulvastra (Simon, 1868) Si
Phlegra lineata (C.L. Koch, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Plexippus paykulli (Audouin, 1826) It - Sa - Si
Pseudeuophrys erratica (Walckenaer, 1826) It - Sa
Pseudeuophrys lanigera (Simon, 1871) It - Si
Pseudeuophrys nebrodensis Alicata & Cantarella, 2000 (IE) It -
Sa - Si
Pseudeuophrys obsoleta (Simon, 1868) It
Pseudeuophrys perdifumo van Helsdingen, 2015 (IE) It
Pseudeuophrys vafra (Blackwall, 1867) It - Sa - Si
Pseudicius badius (Simon, 1868) It - Si
Pseudicius encarpatus (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Pseudicius picaceus (Simon, 1868) It - Si
Pseudomogrus gavdos (Logunov & Marusik, 2003) Sa
Saitis barbipes (Simon, 1868) It - Sa
Saitis tauricus Kulczyński, 1905 It
Salticus cingulatus (Panzer, 1797) It
Salticus conjonctus (Simon, 1868) It - Sa
Salticus mandibularis (Simon, 1868) It
Salticus mutabilis (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Salticus propinquus Lucas, 1846 It - Sa - Si
Salticus scenicus (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Salticus unciger (Simon, 1868) It - Si
Salticus zebraneus (C.L. Koch, 1837) It - Sa - Si
Sibianor aurocinctus (Ohlert, 1865) It
Sibianor tantulus (Simon, 1868) It
Sitticus terebratus (Clerck, 1757) It
Sittilong longipes (Canestrini, 1873) (E) It
Sittisax dzieduszyckii (L. Koch, 1870) It
Sittisax saxicola (C.L. Koch, 1846) It
Synageles albotrimaculatus (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Synageles dalmaticus (Keyserling, 1863) It - Si
Synageles hilarulus (C.L. Koch, 1846) It
Synageles subcingulatus (Simon, 1878) It
Synageles venator (Lucas, 1836) It - Sa
Talavera aequipes (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It - Sa - Si
Talavera aperta (Miller, 1971) It
Talavera inopinata Wunderlich, 1993 It
Talavera monticola (Kulczynski, 1884) It
Thyene imperialis (Rossi, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Family Scytodidae
Scytodes thoracica (Latreille, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Scytodes univittata Simon, 1882 It
Scytodes velutina Heineken & Lowe, 1832 It - Sa - Si
Family Segestriidae
Ariadna brignolii Wunderlich, 2011 (IE) It - Sa - Si
Ariadna europaensis Wunderlich, 2011 It
Segestria bavarica C.L. Koch, 1843 It - Sa - Si
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Segestria orentina (Rossi, 1790) It - Sa - Si
Segestria senoculata (Linnaeus, 1758) It - Sa - Si
Family Selenopidae
Selenops radiatus Latreille, 1819 Si
Family Sicariidae
Loxosceles rufescens (Dufour, 1820) It - Sa - Si
Family Sparassidae
Eusparassus walckenaeri (Audouin, 1826) It - Si
Micrommata formosa Pavesi, 1878Sic
Micrommata ligurina (C.L. Koch, 1845) It - Sa - Si
Micrommata virescens ornata (Walckenaer, 1802) It
Micrommata virescens virescens (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Olios argelasius (Walckenaer, 1806) It - Sa - Si
Family Synaphridae
Cepheia longiseta (Simon, 1881) It
Family Tetragnathidae
Meta bourneti Simon, 1922 It - Sa - Si
Meta menardi (Latreille, 1804) It
Metellina mengei (Blackwall, 1870) It - Sa
Metellina merianae (Scopoli, 1763) It - Sa - Si
Metellina segmentata (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Pachygnatha clercki Sundevall, 1823 It - Sa
Pachygnatha degeeri Sundevall, 1830 It - Sa - Si
Pachygnatha listeri Sundevall, 1830 It
Pachygnatha terilis Thaler, 1991 It
Tetragnatha dearmata Thorell, 1873 It
Tetragnatha extensa (Linnaeus, 1758) It - Sa - Si
Tetragnatha intermedia Kulczynski, 1891 It - Sa
Tetragnatha montana Simon, 1874 It - Sa
Tetragnatha nigrita Lendl, 1886 It
Tetragnatha nitens (Audouin, 1826) It - Sa - Si
Tetragnatha obtusa C.L. Koch, 1837 It - Si
Tetragnatha pinicola L. Koch, 1870 It
Tetragnatha reimoseri (Rosca, 1939) It
Tetragnatha striata L. Koch, 1862 It
Family Theraphosidae
Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour, 1820) Si
Family Theridiidae
Anatolidion gentile (Simon, 1881) It
Anelosimus pulchellus (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Anelosimus vittatus (C.L. Koch, 1836) It - Sa - Si
Argyrodes argyrodes (Walckenaer, 1842) It - Sa - Si
Asagena italica (Knoach, 1996) It
Asagena phalerata (Panzer, 1801) It - Sa - Si
Crustulina guttata (Wider, 1834) It
Crustulina scabripes Simon, 1881 It - Sa - Si
Crustulina sticta (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) It
Cryptachaea riparia (Blackwall, 1834) It - Sa
Dipoena braccata (C.L. Koch, 1841) It - Si
Dipoena erythropus (Simon, 1881) It
Dipoena melanogaster (C.L. Koch, 1837) It - Sa - Si
Dipoena torva (Thorell, 1875) It - Sa
Dipoena umbratilis (Simon, 1873) It
Enoplognatha afrodite Hippa & Oksala, 1983 It - Sa
Enoplognatha caricis (Fickert, 1876) It
Enoplognatha gemina Bosmans & Van Keer, 1999 Sa
Enoplognatha latimana Hippa & Oksala, 1982 It - Sa - Si
Enoplognatha mandibularis (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Enoplognatha nigromarginata (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa
Enoplognatha ovata (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Enoplognatha testacea Simon, 1884 It - Sa
Enoplognatha thoracica (Hahn, 1833) It - Sa - Si
Enoplognatha verae Bosmans & Van Keer, 1999 Sa
Episinus algiricus Lucas, 1846 It - Sa - Si
Episinus angulatus (Blackwall, 1836) It - Si
Episinus maculipes Cavanna, 1876 It - Sa - Si
Episinus theridioides Simon, 1873 Sa
Episinus truncatus Latreille, 1809 It - Sa - Si
Euryopis dentigera Simon, 1880 It
Euryopis duodecimguttata di Caporiacco, 1950 (IE) It - Si
Euryopis episinoides (Walckenaer, 1847) It - Sa - Si
Euryopis avomaculata (C.L. Koch, 1836) It
Euryopis giordanii di Caporiacco, 1950 (IE) It
Euryopis laeta (Westring, 1861) It
Euryopis margaritata (L. Koch, 1867) It
Euryopis quinqueguttata Thorell, 1875 It - Si
Euryopis sexalbomaculata (Lucas, 1846) It
Heterotheridion nigrovariegatum (Simon, 1873) It - Si
Kochiura aulica (C.L. Koch, 1838) It - Sa - Si
Lasaeola convexa (Blackwall, 1870) It
Lasaeola coracina (C.L. Koch, 1837) It - Sa
Lasaeola prona (Menge, 1868) It
Lasaeola testaceomarginata Simon, 1881 Si
Lasaeola tristis (Hahn, 1833) It
Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (Rossi, 1790) It - Sa - Si
Neottiura bimaculata bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) It - Sa - Si
Neottiura bimaculata pellucida (Simon, 1873) It
Neottiura herbigrada (Simon, 1873) It - Sa
Neottiura suaveolens (Simon, 1880) It
Neottiura uncinata (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa
Nesticodes rupes (Lucas, 1846) It
Ohlertidion ohlerti (Thorell, 1870) It
Paidiscura dromedaria (Simon, 1880) It
Paidiscura pallens (Blackwall, 1834) It - Sa - Si
Parasteatoda lunata (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Parasteatoda simulans (Thorell, 1875) It
Parasteatoda tepidariorum (C.L. Koch, 1841) It - Sa
Pholcomma gibbum (Westring, 1851) It - Sa - Si
Phoroncidia paradoxa (Lucas, 1846) It
Phycosoma inornatum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) It
Phylloneta impressa (L. Koch, 1881) It - Sa - Si
Phylloneta sisyphia (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Platnickina nigropunctata (Lucas, 1846) It - Si
Platnickina tincta (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Rhomphaea nasica (Simon, 1873) It - Sa
Rhomphaea rostrata (Simon, 1873) It - Si
Robertus alpinus Dresco, 1959 (IE) It
Robertus arundineti (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It - Sa - Si
Robertus heydemanni Wiehle, 1965 It
Robertus insignis O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1908 It
Robertus lividus (Blackwall, 1836) It
Robertus mediterraneus Eskov, 1987 It
Robertus neglectus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Robertus scoticus Jackson, 1914 It
Robertus truncorum (L. Koch, 1872) It
Robertus ungulatus Vogelsanger, 1944 It
Ruborridion musivum (Simon, 1873) It - Sa
Rugathodes bellicosus (Simon, 1873) It
Rugathodes instabilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It
Sardinidion blackwalli (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It - Sa - Si
Simitidion simile (C.L. Koch, 1836) It - Sa - Si
Steatoda albomaculata (De Geer, 1778) It - Sa - Si
Steatoda bipunctata (Linnaeus, 1758) It - Si
Steatoda castanea (Clerck, 1757) It
Steatoda grossa (C.L. Koch, 1838) It - Sa - Si
Steatoda latifasciata (Simon, 1873) Si
Steatoda nobilis (Thorell, 1875) It - Sa
Pantini & Isaia
Steatoda paykulliana (Walckenaer, 1805) It - Sa - Si
Steatoda triangulosa (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Sa - Si
Theonoe minutissima (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) It
Theridion asopi Vanuytven, 2014 It
Theridion betteni Wiehle, 1960 It
Theridion boesenbergi Strand, 1904 It
Theridion cinereum Thorell, 1875 It
Theridion familiare O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871 It - Sa
Theridion furfuraceum Simon, 1914 It
Theridion genistae Simon, 1873 It - Sa
Theridion hannoniae Denis, 1945 It - Sa
Theridion hemerobium Simon, 1914 It
Theridion italiense Wunderlich, 1995 It
Theridion malagaense Wunderlich, 2011 Sa
Theridion melanurum Hahn, 1831 It - Sa - Si
Theridion mystaceum L. Koch, 1870 It - Sa - Si
Theridion nasutum Wunderlich, 1995 (IE) Sa
Theridion petraeum L. Koch, 1872 It
Theridion pictum (Walckenaer, 1802) It - Si
Theridion pinastri L. Koch, 1872 It - Sa - Si
Theridion semitinctum Simon, 1914 It
Theridion varians rusticum Simon, 1873 It
Theridion varians varians Hahn, 1833 It - Sa - Si
Theridula gonygaster (Simon, 1873) It
Theridula opulenta (Walckenaer, 1842) It
Family Theridiosomatidae
Theridiosoma gemmosum (L. Koch, 1877) It
Family Thomisidae
Coriarachne depressa (C.L. Koch, 1837) It
Cozyptila blackwalli (Simon, 1875) It - Sa - Si
Diaea dorsata (Fabricius, 1777) It - Sa
Diaea livens Simon, 1876 It
Ebrechtella tricuspidata (Fabricius, 1775) It
Heriaeus hirtus (Latreille, 1819) It - Sa - Si
Heriaeus oblongus Simon, 1918 It
Heriaeus orientalis Simon, 1918 It - Si
Misumena vatia (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa - Si
Monaeses paradoxus (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa - Si
Ozyptila atomaria (Panzer, 1801) It - Sa - Si
Ozyptila brevipes (Hahn, 1826) It - Sa
Ozyptila claveata (Walckenaer, 1837) It
Ozyptila conuens (C.L. Koch, 1845) It - Sa - Si
Ozyptila furcula L. Koch, 1882 Sa
Ozyptila ladina Thaler & Zingerle, 1998 (IE) It
Ozyptila nigristerna de Dalmas, 1922 (IE) It
Ozyptila pauxilla (Simon, 1870) Sa
Ozyptila praticola (C.L. Koch, 1837) It - Sa
Ozyptila pullata (Thorell, 1875) It
Ozyptila rauda Simon, 1875 It
Ozyptila salustri Wunderlich, 2011 (IE) It
Ozyptila sanctuaria (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) It - Sa - Si
Ozyptila scabricula (Westring, 1851) It
Ozyptila secreta Thaler, 1987 (E) It
Ozyptila simplex (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862) It
Ozyptila trux (Blackwall, 1846) It
Pistius truncatus (Pallas, 1772) It - Sa - Si
Pistius undulatus Karsch, 1879 It
Psammitis bonneti Denis, 1938 It
Psammitis ninnii (Thorell, 1872) It - Si
Psammitis sabulosus (Hahn, 1832) It
Psammitis secedens (L. Koch, 1876) It
Runcinia grammica (C.L. Koch, 1837) It - Sa - Si
Synema globosum (Fabricius, 1775) It - Sa - Si
Synema plorator (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) Sa
Thomisus onustus Walckenaer, 1805 It - Sa - Si
Tmarus piger (Walckenaer, 1802) It
Tmarus piochardi (Simon, 1866) It - Sa
Tmarus staintoni (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) It - Sa
Tmarus stellio Simon, 1875 It
Xysticus acerbus Thorell, 1872 It - Sa - Si
Xysticus alpinus Kulczynski, 1887 (E) It
Xysticus apricus L. Koch, 1876 (IE) It
Xysticus audax (Schrank, 1803) It - Sa - Si
Xysticus bifasciatus C.L. Koch, 1837 It - Sa
Xysticus bliteus (Simon, 1875) It - Sa
Xysticus brevidentatus Wunderlich, 1995 (E) It
Xysticus bufo (Dufour, 1820) It - Sa - Si
Xysticus caperatus Simon, 1875 It - Sa
Xysticus cor Canestrini, 1873 It - Sa
Xysticus cribratus Simon, 1885 It
Xysticus cristatus (Clerck, 1757) It - Sa
Xysticus desidiosus Simon, 1875 It
Xysticus erraticus (Blackwall, 1834) It - Sa
Xysticus ferrugineus Menge, 1876 It
Xysticus gallicus Simon, 1875 It
Xysticus graecus C.L. Koch, 1837 It - Sa
Xysticus grallator Simon, 1932 Sa
Xysticus ibex Simon, 1875 It - Sa
Xysticus kempeleni Thorell, 1872 It
Xysticus kochi Thorell, 1872 It - Sa - Si
Xysticus laetus Thorell, 1875 It
Xysticus lalandei (Audouin, 1826) Si
Xysticus lanio C.L. Koch, 1835 It - Sa
Xysticus lineatus (Westring, 1851) It
Xysticus luctator L. Koch, 1870 It
Xysticus luctuosus (Blackwall, 1836) It - Sa
Xysticus macedonicus Šilhavý, 1944 It
Xysticus nubilus Simon, 1875 It - Sa
Xysticus obscurus Collett, 1877 It
Xysticus parallelus Simon, 1873 It - Sa
Xysticus robustus (Hahn, 1832) It
Xysticus sardiniensis (Wunderlich, 1995) (IE) Sa
Xysticus siciliensis Wunderlich, 1995 (IE) It - Si
Xysticus striatipes L. Koch, 1870 It
Xysticus tortuosus Simon, 1932 Si
Xysticus ulmi (Hahn, 1831) It
Family Titanoecidae
Nurscia albomaculata (Lucas, 1846) It - Sa
Titanoeca avicoma L. Koch, 1872 It
Titanoeca monticola (Simon, 1870) It
Titanoeca nivalis Simon, 1874 It
Titanoeca quadriguttata (Hahn, 1833) It
Titanoeca tristis L. Koch, 1872 It - Si
Titanoeca veteranica Herman, 1879 It
Family Trachelidae
Cetonana laticeps (Canestrini, 1868) It - Sa
Metatrachelas rayi (Simon, 1878) It
Paratrachelas maculatus (Thorell, 1875) It
Paratrachelas validus (Simon, 1884) It
Trachelas minor O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872 It - Sa
Family Uloboridae
Hyptiotes avidus (Blackwall, 1862) It
Hyptiotes paradoxus (C.L. Koch, 1834) It - Sa - Si
Polenecia producta (Simon, 1873) Sa
Uloborus plumipes Lucas, 1846 It - Sa - Si
Uloborus walckenaerius Latreille, 1806 It - Sa - Si
Family Zodariidae
Selamia reticulata (Simon, 1870) Sa - Si
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Zodarion algiricum (Lucas, 1846) It - Si
Zodarion caporiaccoi Roewer, 1942 (IE) It
Zodarion confusum Denis, 1935 (IE) It
Zodarion elegans (Simon, 1873) It - Sa - Si
Zodarion emarginatum (Simon, 1873) Sa
Zodarion frenatum Simon, 1884 It
Zodarion gallicum (Simon, 1873) It - Sa
Zodarion germanicum (C.L. Koch, 1837) It
Zodarion gracilitibiale Denis, 1934 It
Zodarion hamatum Wiehle, 1964 (E) It
Zodarion italicum (Canestrini, 1868) It - Sa
Zodarion ludibundum Simon, 1914 It - Si
Zodarion maculatum (Simon, 1870) Sic
Zodarion montesacrense Bosmans, 2019 (IE) It
Zodarion nigriceps (Simon, 1873) (E) Sa
Zodarion pantaleonii Bosmans & Pantini, 2019 (IE) Sa
Zodarion pseudonigriceps Bosmans & Pantini, 2019 (IE) Sa
Zodarion pusio Simon, 1914 It - Sa
Zodarion remotum Denis, 1935 (E) It
Zodarion rubidum Simon, 1914 It
Zodarion ruffoi di Caporiacco, 1951 (E) It - Sa
Zodarion sardum Bosmans, 1997 (IE) Sa
Zodarion valentii Bosmans, Loverre & Addante, 2019 (IE) It -
Si - Si
Zodarion vicinum Denis, 1935 (IE) It - Sa
Family Zoropsidae
Zoropsis media Simon, 1878 It - Sa
Zoropsis oertzeni Dahl, 1901 It
Zoropsis spinimana (Dufour, 1820) It - Sa - Si
Acknowledgements – We are warmly thankful to all colleagues
who participated in this work, providing references and opinions
on the occurrence of many species in Italy. A special thank goes
to Arthur Decae, who helped us in resolving many issues about
Italian mygalomorphs. We are grateful to Fulvio Gasparo, for
stimulating us in thinking our work out and for making available
his great knowledge on cave dwelling spiders and Italian Dys-
derids. Fulvio also proofread the list with patience, commented
precisely on our considerations and choices and suggested many
improvements. Thank you to Harald Hansen, for his courtesy
and for helping us without hesitations with his precious knowl-
edge about Italian spiders. Thanks to Alessio Trotta for the valu-
able help in providing lost references and for the fruitful infor-
mation given throughout the years. The lists of other Arachnids
were compiled thanks to the supervision and the updates of Lu-
ca Cavi gioli, Emmanuel Delfosse, Christoph Muster and Axel
Schönhofer (Opiliones), Erhard Christian (Palpigradi), and Gi-
oele Tropea (Scorpiones). A special thank goes to Dr. Monica
Leonardi of the Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano, for loans
and consultation of the collections of the Museum. Thanks to
Dr. Luca Bartolozzi of the Museo di Storia Naturale di Firen ze
and to Dr. Leonardo Latella of the Museo di Storia Naturale di
Verona. We are warmly thankful to Wolfgang Nentwig and col-
laborators for making available to us and to all arachnologists
their websites “Araneae spiders of Europe” and “The World Spi-
der Catalog”. During our research, we always keep in mind that
the public availability of such amazing resources is an exception,
which is rarely found in other groups. We acknowledge the jour-
nal Fragmenta entomologica and the Editor-in-chief Prof. Paolo
Audisio for his openness towards publishing our work and for
making available in the list of Pseudoscorpionida by
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(Arachnida Araneae) of Sardinia. Biodiversity Journal, 4(1):
Paschetta M., Christille C., Marguerettaz F., Isaia M. 2016. Re-
gional catalogue of the spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Aos-
ta Valley (NW Italy). Zoosystema, 38(1): 49–125.
Pesarini C. 1996. Note su alcuni Erigonidae italiani, con de-
scrizione di una nuova specie (Araneae). Atti della Società
italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo civico di Storia nat-
urale di Milano, 135(1994)(2): 413–429.
Pesarini C. 1994. Arachnida Araneae. In Minelli A., Ruffo S. &
La Posta S. (eds), 23: 1–42, Checklist delle specie della fauna
italiana. Calderini, Bologna .
Platnick N. I. 1989. Advances in Spider Taxonomy 1981-1987:
A Supplement to Brignoli’s “A Catalogue of the Araneae
described between 1940 and 1981”. Manchester University
Press, 673 pp.
Platnick N. I. 1993. Advances in spider taxonomy 1988-1991,
with synonymies and transfers 1940-1980. The New York
Entomological Society, New York, 846 pp.
Platnick N. I. 1998. Advances in spider taxonomy 1992-1995
with redescriptions 1940-1980. New York Entomological
Society, New York, 976 pp.
Ruffo S., Stoch F. (eds.) 2005. Checklist e distribuzione della
fauna italiana. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
di Verona, 2a serie, Sezione Scienze della Vita, 16: 1–307.
Ruffo S., Vigna Taglianti A. 2002. Generalità sulla fauna itali-
ana, pp. 24–28 In: Minelli A., Chemini C., Argano R., Ruffo
S. (eds), La fauna in Italia. Touring Editore, Milano e Minis-
tero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio, Roma.
Trotta A. 2012. Nota su alcuni ragni raccolti in una azienda agri-
cola ligure e prima segnalazione italiana di Mermessus den-
ticulatus (Araneae). Bollettino della Società Entomologica
Italiana, Genova, 144(1): 3–6.
Trotta A. 2005. Introduzione ai ragni italiani (Arachnida Arane-
ae). Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova,
83: 3–178.
Vigna Taglianti A., Audisio P.A., Biondi M., Bologna M.A., Car-
paneto G.M., De Biase A., Fattorini S., Piattella E., Sindaco
R., Venchi A., Zapparoli M., 1999. A proposal for a choro-
type classication of the Near East fauna in the framework
of the Western Palearctic region. Biogeographia, 20: 31–59.
World Spider Catalog 2019. World Spider Catalog. Version 20.0.
Natural History Museum Bern, online at http://World Spider, accessed on 10.05.2019. doi: 10.24436/2
Zingerle V. 1997. Epigäische Spinnen und Weberknechte im
Naturpark Puez-Geisler (Dolomiten, Südtirol) (Araneae,
Opiliones). Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinis-
chen Vereins in Innsbruck, 84: 171–226.
We here provide the lists of the species of Opiliones, Pal-
pigradi, Scorpiones and Solifugae occurring in Italy (up-
date May 2019), including general information about their
distribution in Mainland Italy, Sardegna and Sicily. An
“E” indicates endemic species, “EI” indicates those spe-
cies whose distribution entirely falls within the Italian
territory. The lists are accompanied by an online version
available at, which is
regularly updated by the authors. Unlike spiders, no fur-
ther detailed information about biogeography, bibliogra-
phy and taxonomy is given in the online version.
The list of Pseudoscorpionida presented in the online
version is issued from Gardini (2000), courtesy of the jour-
nal Fragmenta entomologica.
The list was compiled thanks to the supervision and the
updates of Luca Cavigioli, Emmanuel Delfosse, Christoph
Muster and Axel Schonhofer. We list the occurrence of
134 species of Opiliones in Italy, grouped in 44 genera
and 10 families. Endemic species (48) represent 35% of
the total species.
Family Dicranolasmatidae
Dicranolasma apuanum Marcellino, 1971 (EI) It
Dicranolasma cristatum Thorell, 1876 (EI) It
Dicranolasma hirtum Loman, 1894 (EI) It
Dicranolasma opilionoides (L. Koch, 1867) It
Dicranolasma pauper Dahl, 1903 (EI) It
Dicranolasma soerenseni Thorell, 1876 It - Sa - Si
Family Ischyropsalididae
Ischyropsalis adamii Canestrini, 1873 It - Sa
Ischyropsalis alpinula Martens, 1978 (EI) It
Ischyropsalis carli Lessert, 1905 It
Ischyropsalis dentipalpis Canestrini, 1872 It
Ischyropsalis hellwigii hellwigii (Panzer, 1794) It
Ischyropsalis kollari C. L. Koch, 1839 It
Ischyropsalis lithoclasica Schönhofer & Martens, 2010 (EI) It
Ischyropsalis muellneri Hamann, 1898 It
Ischyropsalis ravasinii Hadži, 1942 (EI) It
Ischyropsalis strandi Kratochvil, 1936 (EI) It
Family Nemastomatidae
Carinostoma carinatum (Roewer, 1914) It
Centetostoma centetes (Simon, 1881) It
Histricostoma argenteolunulatum (Canestrini, 1875) It - Sa - Si
Histricostoma dentipalpe (Ausserer, 1867) It
Mitostoma alpinum (Hadži, 1931) It
Mitostoma anophthalmum (Fage, 1946) (EI) It
Mitostoma chrysomelas (Hermann, 1804) It
Mitostoma daccordii Tedeschi & Sciaky 1997 (EI) It
Mitostoma fabianae Tedeschi & Sciaky 1997 (EI) It
Mitostoma orobicum (di Caporiacco, 1949) (EI) It
Mitostoma patrizii Roewer, 1953 (EI) Sa
Mitostoma sabbadinii Tedeschi & Sciaky 1997 (EI) Sa
Mitostoma valdemonense Marcellino, 1974 (EI) It - Si
Nemastoma bidentatum bidentatum Roewer, 1914 It
Nemastoma dentigerum Canestrini, 1873 It
Nemastoma triste (C.L. Koch, 1835) It
Paranemastoma quadripunctatum (Perty, 1833) It
Saccarella schilleri Schönhofer & Martens, 2012 (EI) It
The Catalog of Italian spiders –
Family Phalangiidae
Amilenus aurantiacus (Simon, 1881) It
Dasylobus argentatus argentatus (Canestrini, 1872) Sa
Dasylobus argentatus cavipalpis Gruber, 1965 (EI) It - Si
Dasylobus cavannae Simon, 1882 (EI) It
Dasylobus gestroi (Thorell, 1876) Sa
Dasylobus graniferus (Canestrini, 1872) It - Si
Dicranopalpus brevipes Marcellino, 1970 (EI) Si
Dicranopalpus gasteinensis Doleschall, 1852 It
Dicranopalpus larvatus (Canestrini, 1874) (EI) It - Sa - Si
Gyas annulatus (Olivier, 1791) It
Gyas titanus Simon, 1879 It
Lacinius dentiger (C. L. Koch, 1847) It
Lacinius ephippiatus (C. L. Koch, 1835) It
Lacinius horridus (Panzer, 1794) It - Sa - Si
Lophopilio palpinalis (Herbst, 1799) It
Megabunus armatus (Kulczynski, 1887) It
Megabunus bergomas Chemini, 1985 (EI) It
Megabunus cryptobergomas Muster & Wachter, 2015 (EI) It
Megabunus lentipes Muster & Komposch, 2015 (EI) It
Megabunus rhinoceros (Canestrini, 1872) It
Megabunus vignai Martens, 1978 It
Metaphalangium cirtanum (C. L. Koch, 1839) It - Sa - Si
Metaphalangium mirabilis (di Caporiacco, 1949) (EI) Si
Metaplatybunus denticulatus Marcellino, 1972 (EI) Si
Mitopus glacialis (Heer, 1845) It
Mitopus morio (Fabricius, 1779) It
Odiellus granulatus (Canestrini, 1872) It
Odiellus spinosus (Bosc, 1792) It - Si
Odiellus troguloides (Lucas, 1846) It
Oligolophus tridens (C. L. Koch, 1836) It
Opilio canestrinii (Thorell, 1876) It - Si
Opilio dinaricus Šilhavý, 1938 It
Opilio parietinus (De Geer, 1778) It
Opilio saxatilis C. L. Koch, 1839 It
Opilio transversalis Roewer, 1956 It
Phalangium ligusticum (Roewer, 1923) It
Phalangium opilio Linnaeus, 1758 It - Sa
Phalangium targionii (Canestrini, 1872) Sa - Si
Platybunus alpinorelictus Martens, 1978 (EI) It
Platybunus bucephalus (C. L. Koch, 1835) It
Platybunus pinetorum (C. L. Koch, 1839) It
Rilaena augusti Chemini, 1986 (EI) It
Rilaena triangularis (Herbst, 1799) It
Zachaeus crista (Brullé, 1832) It
Family Phalangodidae
Ptychosoma vitellinum (Soerensen, 1873) It - Sa - Si
Scotolemon doriae Pavesi, 1878 It - Sa - Si
Scotolemon terricola Simon, 1872 Sard
Family Sabaconidae
Sabacon simoni Dresco, 1952 It
Family Sclerosomatidae
Astrobunus bernardinus Simon, 1879 It
Astrobunus helleri (Ausserer, 1867) It
Astrobunus kochi Thorell, 1876 (EI) It
Astrobunus laevipes (Canestrini, 1872) It
Homalenotus buchneri (Schenkel, 1936) It
Leiobunum apenninicum (Martens, 1969) It
Leiobunum limbatum L. Koch, 1861 It
Leiobunum nigripalpe Simon, 1879 It
Leiobunum religiosum Simon, 1879 It
Leiobunum roseum C. L. Koch, 1839 It
Leiobunum rotundum (Latreille, 1798) It
Leiobunum rupestre (Herbst, 1799) It
Mastobunus tuberculifer (Lucas, 1846) Si
Metasclerosoma depressum (Canestrini, 1872) It
Metasclerosoma sardum (Thorell, 1876) (EI) Sa
Metasclerosoma siculum Marcellino, 1970 (EI) Si
Nelima doriae (Canestrini, 1872) It - Sa - Si
Nelima meridionalis Marcellino, 1972 (EI) It - Si
Nelima narcisi Novak & Slana, 2003 It
Nelima recurvipenis Martens, 1969 It
Nelima sempronii Szalay, 1951 It
Family Sironidae
Cyphophthalmus duricorius (Joseph, 1868) It
Parasiro minor Juberthie, 1958 Sa
Siro valleorum Chemini, 1992 (EI) It
Family Travuniidae
Buemarinoa patrizii Roewer, 1956 (EI) - Sa -
Holoscotolemon franzinii Tedeschi & Sciaky, 1994 (EI) It
Holoscotolemon lessiniense Martens, 1978 (EI) It
Holoscotolemon monzinii Tedeschi & Sciaky, 1994 (EI) It
Holoscotolemon naturae Tedeschi & Sciaky, 1994 (EI) It
Holoscotolemon oreophilum Martens, 1978 It
Holoscotolemon unicolor Roewer, 1915 It
Peltonychia leprieuri (Lucas, 1861) It
Family Trogulidae
Anelasmocephalus brignolii Martens & Chemini, 1988 (EI) Sa
Anelasmocephalus calcaneatus Martens & Chemini, 1988 (EI)
Anelasmocephalus cambridgei (Westwood, 1874) It
Anelasmocephalus hadzii Martens, 1978 It
Anelasmocephalus lycosinus (Soerensen, 1873) (EI) It
Anelasmocephalus osellai Martens & Chemini, 1988 (EI) It
Anelasmocephalus rutarsis Simon, 1879 It
Anelasmocephalus tenuiglandis Martens & Chemini, 1988 It
Anelasmocephalus tuscus Martens & Chemini, 1988 (EI) It
Calathocratus africanus (Lucas, 1847) Si
Calathocratus sinuosus (Soerensen, 1873) (EI) It
Trogulus cisalpinus Chemini & Martens, 1988 It
Trogulus coriziformis C. L. Koch, 1839 (EI) It
Trogulus cristatus Simon, 1879 It
Trogulus falcipenis Komposch, 2000 It
Trogulus graecus Dahl, 1903 It
Trogulus martensi Chemini, 1983 It
Trogulus nepaeformis (Scopoli, 1763) It
Trogulus tingiformis C. L. Koch, 1848 It
Trogulus tricarinatus (Linnaeus, 1767) It
The list was compiled thanks to the supervision and the
updates of Erhard Christian.
We list the occurrence of 14 species and ve subspe-
cies of Palpigradi in Italy, all belonging to the genus Eu-
koenenia and the family Eukoeneniidae. Endemic species
or subspecies (10) represent 71% of the total species.
Family Eukoeneniidae
Eukoenenia austriaca austriaca (Hansen 1926) It
Eukoenenia austriaca peregrina Condè 1990 (EI) It
Eukoenenia austriaca stinyi (Strouhal 1936) (EI) It
Eukoenenia berlesei berlesei (Silvestri 1903) It - Sa
Eukoenenia bonadonai Condé 1979 (E) It
Eukoenenia brignolii Condé 1979 (EI) It
Pantini & Isaia
Eukoenenia gallii Christian 2009 (EI) It
Eukoenenia gasparoi Condé 1988 It
Eukoenenia graftii Condé & Heurtault 1994 (EI) Sa
Eukoenenia lanai Christian 2014 (EI) It
Eukoenenia mirabilis (Grassi & Calandruccio 1885) It - Sa - Si
Eukoenenia patrizii (Condé 1956) (EI) Sa
Eukoenenia roscia Christian 2014 (EI) It
Eukoenenia spelaea hauseri Condé 1974 It
Eukoenenia strinatii Condé 1977 (EI) It
Eukoenenia subangusta (Silvestri 1903) It
The list only includes one species recorded in the island
of Lampedusa.
Family Daesiidae
Biton velox Simon, 1885 Si
The list was compiled thanks to the supervision and the
updates of Gioele Tropea. We list the occurrence of 20
species and ve subspecies of Scorpiones in Italy. Italian
endemic species or subspecies (7) represent 35% of the to-
tal species.
Family Buthidae
Buthus trinacrius Lourenco et Rossi, 2013 (EI) Si
Family Euscorpiidae
Euscorpius (Alpiscorpius) alpha Di Caporiacco, 1950 It
Euscorpius (Alpiscorpius) gamma Di Caporiacco, 1950 It
Euscorpius (Alpiscorpius) germanus germanus (C.L. Koch,
1837) It
Euscorpius (Alpiscorpius) marcuzzii Valle, Berizzi, Bonino,
Gorio, Gimmillaro-Negri et Percassi, 1971 It
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) calabriae di Caporiacco, 1950 (EI) It
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) canestrini (Fanzago, 1872) (EI) Sa
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) celanus Tropea, 2012 (EI) It
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) concinnus (C.L. Koch, 1837) It
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) garganicus garganicus di Caporiacco,
1950 (E) It
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) garganicus molisanus Tropea, 2017 (EI) It
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) oglasae Di Caporiacco, 1950 (EI) It
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) salentinus Tropea, 2017 (EI) It
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) sicanus (C.L. Koch, 1837) (EI) It - Sa - Si
Euscorpius (Euscorpius) tergestinus (C.L. Koch, 1837) It
Euscorpius (Polytrichobothrius) italicus (Herbst, 1800) It
Euscorpius (Tetratrichobothrius) avicaudis avicaudis (De
Geer, 1778) It - Sa
Euscorpius (Tetratrichobothrius) avicaudis cereris Bonacina &
Rivellini, 1986 (EI) It
Euscorpius altadonnai Tropea, 2017 (EI) It - Si
Euscorpius aquilejensis (C.L. Koch, 1837) It
Euscorpius hyblaeus Tropea, 2016 (EI) Si
Euscorpius parthenopeius Tropea, Parmakelis, Sziszkosz, Bal-
anika & Bouderka, 2014 (EI) It
... New family record for the Maltese Islands. A typically Mediterranean species, also found in nearby Sicily (Pantini & Isaia 2019). Like most of its congeners, A. sabina inhabits dense vegetation, though there is no preference for a particular vegetation type, and gravid females may leave foliage and reside under stones instead (Urones et al. 1995). ...
... Remarks. Although a new record for the Maltese Islands, its presence here is unsurprising as this species is extremely widespread throughout the Mediterranean and also found in nearby Sicily (World Spider Catalog 2024, Pantini & Isaia 2019). Hypsosinga albovittata constructs its circular webs in low vegetation relatively close to the ground in insolated habitats (Roberts 1995). ...
... Remarks. A spider found in most circum-Mediterranean countries in both South Europe and North Africa, the presence of A. trifasciata in Malta is unsurprising, and it is also found in nearby Sicily (Pantini & Isaia 2019). It appears to be relatively widespread and euryecious in Malta, and becomes the second species of its genus known from here, after A. cinc ta (L. ...
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The arachnid fauna of the Maltese Islands has not yet been adequately investigated. In the present work, from a total of 117 species sampled, 36 taxa represent newly recorded spider species (Araneae) for Malta, with an additional new record of a harvestman (Opiliones). These new records include three new spider families and one new harvestman family for the Maltese archipelago: Anyphaenidae Bertkau, 1878, Mimetidae Simon, 1881, Oxyopidae Thorell, 1869 and Sclerosomatidae Simon, 1879; as well as two species which are recorded from Europe for the first time: Acartauchenius insigniceps (Simon, 1894) and Zelotes poecilochroaeformis Denis, 1937. Ecological, distributional, biogeographical and taxonomic notes are provided for the newly recorded species.
... The spiders of the genus Zoropsis Simon, 1878 (family Zoropsidae) generally show a circum-Mediterranean distribution, although a number of species can also be found in the Canary Islands, China, the Middle East and Eurasia (Natural History Museum Bern, 2023). Zoropsis spinimanawhich is now called 'Nosferatu-Spinne' in Germany due to its prominent carapace markings that resemble the face of the main character of the German movie Nosferatu (Breitling et al., 2020) is known from Italy (Pantini and Isaia, 2019), Croatia (Thaler and Knoflach, 1998), France (Simon, 1914), and the Iberian Peninsula (Branco et al., 2019). The first record of Z. spinimana north of the Alps dates back to a sighting in Basel in 1994 (Hänggi, 2003). ...
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In Germany, Zoropsis spinimana (Dufour, 1820) is an introduced, likely synanthropic spider species. Here, we report the results of a nationwide mapping appeal conducted by the citizen science platform, used to assemble live distributional data for the species in Germany. With the help of media interest in this species, we gathered a valuable dataset and a large image gallery of the species. In just five weeks, we received more than 15,000 records, representing a 2.3-fold increase in occupied territory compared to previous knowledge. By analyzing the data in detail, we obtained novel insights into the ecology and eco-geography of Z. spinimana in Germany, including information on prey, coloration, potential predators, altitudinal distribution and temporal appearance, along with two cases of accidental human translocation.
... Depuis sa découverte, l'espèce Pardosa wagleri est quasi-exclusivement signalée, autant par les citations anciennes (WaLckenaer, 1837 ;Simon, 1876 ;Simon, 1884 ;Chyzer & KulCzyńsKi,1891 ;BösenBerg, 1903 ;Dahl, 1908) que par les inventaires plus récents (tonGiorGi, 1966 ;DrösChmeister, 1994 ;roth, 1999 ;manDerBaCh & Framenau, 2001 ;Ledoux & émerit, 2006 ;Ledoux, 2007 ;CorniC & Bounias-DelaCour, 2014 ;gaymarD & leCigne, 2018 ;Pantini & isaia, 2019) au niveau des lits des cours d'eau présentant des grèves dynamiques, comme les rivières et les torrents de moyenne altitude, qui constituent donc son habitat préférentiel. Elle se cantonne généralement au plus près de la ligne d'eau. ...
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Pardosa wagleri a été observée au sein d'une carrière de granulats sans présence de zone humide à proximité. Pour cette espèce rare et inféodée aux grèves de cours d'eau, cet habitat de substitution pourrait constituer une piste d'aménagement dans un but conservatoire. Note on a particular habitat of Pardosa wagleri (Hahn, 1822) and its conservation interest Abstract.-Pardosa wagleri was observed in a gravel quarry with no wetlands nearby. For this rare species, which is dependent on watercourse strikes, this alternative habitat could constitute a development trail for conservation purposes.
... La répartition très méditerranéenne de O. longipes est représentée par la figure 4. L'espèce est décrite de Toscane, sur certaines îles italiennes sur la côte ouest, telles que les Iles Giglio (Dalmas, 1922), la localité-type, et celle de Giannutri (Brignoli, 1975), toute proche. Elle est aussi connue des Iles Pontines (ou Ponziane) dans le Golfe de Gaète, dans la région du Latium (Brignoli, 1967 ;Pantini & isaia, 2019). Plus dans les terres, elle est connue de Vérone dans le nord de l'Italie (Ballarin et al., 2011). ...
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A l'occasion de la mission naturaliste « La Planète Revisitée » qui a été réalisée en Corse, des prospections et piégeages ont permis d'ajouter de nombreuses espèces d'araignées à la faune de Corse (Déjean et al., 2023). Parmi celles-ci, une espèce est aussi nouvelle pour la France, Orchestina longipes Dalmas, 1922. Sa détermination par rapport à des espèces proches et sa répartition sont évoquées et imagées. Asbract.-On the occasion of the naturalist mission, «La Planète Revisitée», which was carried out in Corsica, numerous surveys and trapping made it possible to add many spider species to the Corsican fauna (Déjean et al., 2023). One of these species is also new to France, Orchestina longipes Dalmas, 1922. Its determination in relation to closely related species and its distribution are discussed and illustrated.
... Distribution data outside this area was listed in the text. The classification, taxonomic order and nomenclatural arrangement for spiders follow Roberts (1995), Trotta (2004), Pantini & Isaia (2019), World Spider Catalog (2022 and Netwig et al. (2022). Other references have also been used and cited in the text. ...
... Linyphia mimonti Simon, 1885 is a spider belonging to the family Linyphiidae, known from Italy, Albania, Greece (Eubea, Lesbos, Chios and Creta included), Cyprus, Lebanon, and Israel (Chatzaki et al., 2015;Bosmans et al., 2019;Nentwig et al., 2023;World Spider Catalog, 2023) In Italy, occurrence data of L. mimonti are scarce and scattered (cf. Pantini & Isaia, 2019). This spider was known so far only from Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Brignoli, 1975), Campania and Apulia (van Helsdingen, 1969), Basilicata and Calabria (Ijland & van Helsdingen, 2016). ...
Linyphia mimonti Simon, 1885 is a spider with few occurrence data in Italy. The first records for the regions Tuscany, Marche, Lazio, Abruzzo, and Sicily are provided. They allow to better define the Italian distribution of this species and to extend its range westward.
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*Parva Naturalia* ENG The current paper aims to provide the first and preliminary checklist of harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones) from the province of Piacenza. Through 13 sight samplings, mainly conducted at night, 45 specimens belonging to 5 species were collected: Nelima sempronii (Szalay, 1951), Odiellus spinosus (Bosc, 1792), Opilio canestrinii (Thorell, 1876), Opilio saxatilis (C.L. Koch, 1839) and Phalangium opilio (Linnaeus, 1761). The collected species are widely distributed in Europe and synanthropic, in line with the sampling environments, often located near human artefacts or inhabited centres. In addition, two cases of harvestmen found in spider webs (Arachnida, Araneae) are highlighted, specifically Holocnemus pluchei and the alien species Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Finally, dichotomous keys useful for recognizing the collected species, to date, in the province of Piacenza are reported. ITA Il presente lavoro si prefigge di stilare la prima e preliminare checklist degli opilioni (Arachnida, Opiliones) della provincia di Piacenza. Attraverso 13 raccolte a vista, principalmente condotte di notte, sono stati raccolti 45 opilioni appartenenti a 5 specie: Nelima sempronii (Szalay, 1951), Odiellus spinosus (Bosc, 1792), Opilio canestrinii (Thorell, 1876), Opilio saxatilis (C.L. Koch, 1839) e Phalangium opilio (Linnaeus, 1761). Le specie trovate sono ampiamente diffuse in Europa e sinantropiche, in linea con gli ambienti di campionamento, spesso nei pressi di manufatti umani o centri abitati. Si evidenziano in aggiunta due casi di opilioni trovati in tele di ragni (Arachnida, Araneae), nello specifico Holocnemus pluchei e la specie aliena Parasteatoda tepidariorum. Infine, vengono riportate delle chiavi dicotomiche utili a riconoscere le specie trovate sino ad ora in provincia di Piacenza.
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Three species of spiders (Araneae), Altella aussereri Thaler, 1990, Mimetus laevigatus (Keyserling, 1863), and Trichoncyboides simoni (Lessert, 1904), are reported from Slovakia for the first time. These new records originate from southern Slovakia. The record of A. aussereri provides new data on the distribution and natural history of this range-restricted species of very high conservation value. The records of M. laevigatus and T. simoni in Slovakia extend their known distribution in Central Europe. Characteristic features, pictures of the habitus, copulatory organs, and habitats are presented.
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Background Urbanisation is a rapidly growing global phenomenon leading to habitat destruction, fragmentation and degradation. However, urban areas can offer opportunities for conservation, particularly through the presence of green spaces which can even provide important habitats for imperilled species. Spiders, which play crucial roles in ecosystem functioning, include many species that can successfully exploit urban environments. Placed in the middle of the Mediterranean global biodiversity hotspot, Italy possesses an exceptionally rich spider fauna, yet comprehensive data on urban spider communities are still limited. More information on urban spiders in Italy would be extremely beneficial to support conservation efforts, especially in central and southern Italy, where knowledge on the spider fauna is largely incomplete. New information The current study focused on the spider diversity of a large protected area (Appia Antica Regional Park) in urban Rome, Italy. A total of 120 spider species belonging to 83 genera and 28 families were identified, with 70 species being new records to the Province of Rome, 39 to the Latium Region and two (Pelecopsis digitulus Bosmans & Abrous, 1992 and Palliduphantes arenicola (Denis, 1964)) to Italy. Forty-one species were recorded during autumn/winter sampling and 107 in spring/summer. The spider fauna recorded from the study area included about 37% of the total spider fauna known from the Province of Rome, 28% of that of the Latium Region and 7% of the entire Italian territory. The most represented families in terms of species richness were Gnaphosidae and Linyphiidae, which accounted for more than 40% of the sampled fauna. Lycosidae were the most abundant family (29% of captured individuals), followed by Zodariidae (16% of captured individuals), Linyphiidae (13% of captured individuals) and Gnaphosidae (7.5% of captured individuals). From a biogeographical point of view, most of the collected species belonged to chorotypes that extend for large areas across Europe and the Mediterranean. The research highlights the role of urban green spaces as refuges for spiders and the importance of arachnological research in urban areas as sources of information on spider biodiversity at larger scales.
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New distribution data are provided for spiders that have not been reported or are poorly documented in Sardinia. For the first time, the genus Siwa (Araneidae) is reported in Italy and the genus Metatrachelas (Trachelidae) in Sardinia, with S. dufouri and M. rayi respectively. Furthermore, other species are recorded for the first time in Sardinia: Altella biuncata (Dictynidae), Hyptiotes flavidus (Uloboridae), Lasaeola convexa, L. testaceomarginata, L. tristis (Theridiidae), Scytodes univittata (Scytodidae) and Tibellus macellus (Philodromidae). Pictures of the habitus and genitalia of the female of Theridion malagaense (Theridiidae) are also provided.
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Spiders of Calabria (Arachnida, Araneae). A summary is provided of the knowledge of the Araneofauna of Calabria based on scientific publications to date and unpublished material. 456 species are reported for the region referring to 213 genera and 41 families. Zelotes balcanicus, Z. khostensis, Porrhomma montanum, Walckenaeria incisa, Rhomphaea rostrata and Paratrachelas validus are reported for the first time in Italy while for 48 other species the data given constitute the only reports for Calabria. A new species of Dysderidae, Kaemis gasparoi n. sp. is described.
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ABSTRACT – New data concerning spiders in Lombardy (Arachnida, Araneae). Ten years on from the publication of the catalogue of Lombard spiders, our knowledge of the araneofauna of the region has been expanded thanks to previously unpublished books and other material. New data has emerged regarding 66 species belonging to 20 families not included in the previous catalogue. Overall, 735 species of spiders belonging to 44 families have been identified as present in Lombardy. Trichoncus auritus (L. Koch, 1869) has been reported for the first time in Italy, whilst 36 species have been reported for the first time in the region thanks to unpublished material.
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We provide the regional catalogue of the spider species of Aosta Valley (NW Italy, Graian and Pennine Alps) based on literature records and original material collected from 2011 to 2013 in the frame of a collaboration project between the University of Torino and the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Aosta Valley. The revision of 1162 literature records scattered in 37 papers published between 1878 and 2015 provided a list of 382 species potentially occurring in this region. On the base of taxonomical and faunistic arguments discussed in the text, we here revise the literature and exclude 74 species from the list, of which seven of unlikely occurrence and 67 in need of verification. The original data here presented raise the total number of species occurring in this region to 384, grouped in 182 genera and 36 families. For each species reported in the catalogue, we provide new collection data, previous literature records, the known distribution and the habitat in which they occurred. Compared with other northern Italian regions and considering its extent, Aosta Valley presents a moderately high number of species, hosting 26% of the species recorded in Italy. In terms of species richness, linyphiids dominate with 99 species (26%), followed by gnaphosids (50 species, 13%), lycosids (45 species, 11%) and salticids (30 species, 7%). Wetlands host cumulatively the highest number of species, followed by shrublands, broadleaved forests and riparian habitats. Regarding chorotypes, most of the species have Palearctic distribution, followed by European and Holarctic species. Alpine endemic species represents 5% of the total. © Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.
The spider genus Histopona Thorell, 1869 (Araneae: Agelenidae) includes several species that exhibit a preference for subterranean conditions, being occasionally or exclusively found in caves, crevices and similar habitats. Within the genus, the species displaying the highest level of subterranean adaptation is possibly H. palaeolithica (Brignoli, 1971). This species was described based on a female collected in 1967 in a cave on the Western Ligurian shore (Italy), but had never been recorded thereafter. Our recent biospeleological surveys at the type locality failed to recover the species, possibly because the cave has been impacted by the expansion works of a large quarry. However, we found a new population in a cave opening a few hundred meters away from the type locality. As a result of this finding, we provide the first description of the male, as well as a re-description of the female. We also describe a new species of Histopona based on a female specimen that was collected in a cave in Montenegro, and was previously attributed to H. palaeolithica. In light of the rarity of these specialized stenoendemic species, we provide general information on their ecology and conservation status, as well as information useful for assessing their extinction risk based on International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) guidelines.