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New Genus and Two New Species of Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) Parasitizing New Guinean Peltops (Passeriformes: Artamidae)

  • Guangdong Institute of Applied Biological Resources

Abstract and Figures

The genus Sarahcultrix n. gen. (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) is described and illustrated based on 2 new species of chewing lice from New Guinean birds in the genus Peltops Wagler, 1829 (Passeriformes: Artamidae). These species are: Sarahcultrix ypsilophora n. sp. ex Peltops montanus Stresemann, 1921, and Sarahcultrix sphenura n. sp. ex Peltops blainvillii (Garnot, 1827).
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Published 14 November 2019
DOI: 10.1645/19-83
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Daniel Roland Gustafsson
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Conservation and Resource Utilization, Guangdong Public Laboratory of Wild Animal Conservation and Utilization,
Guangdong Institute of Applied Biological Resources, Xingang West Road 105, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, 510260, Guangdong, China.
Correspondence should be sent to:
New Genus
New Species
New Guinea
The genus Sarahcultrix n. gen. (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) is described and illustrated based on 2 new
species of chewing lice from New Guinean birds in the genus Peltops Wagler, 1829 (Passeriformes:
Artamidae). These species are: Sarahcultrix ypsilophora n. sp. ex Peltops montanus Stresemann, 1921,
and Sarahcultrix sphenura n. sp. ex Peltops blainvillii (Garnot, 1827).
New Guinea is home to a huge diversity of birds, with
approximately 350 species of breeding perching birds (Passer-
iformes) alone (Pratt and Beehler, 2015). However, the chewing
louse fauna of the region is poorly known. Recent investigations
of the Philopterus- and Brueelia-complexes of chewing lice, both
of which are largely limited to passeriform hosts, have revealed a
large, previously unknown, diversity on the genus and species
levels (Gustafsson and Bush, 2014, 2017; Najer et al., 2016; Mey,
2017). At least some of these new genera appear to be endemic to
the Australo-Papuan region, echoing the importance of this
region for the evolution of corvoid birds (Jønsson et al., 2011;
Aggerbeck et al., 2014) and the many groups of birds endemic to
this region (Clements et al. 2019).
The majority of the ischnoceran chewing lice known from
passeriform hosts across the world belong to either the
Philopterus-complex or the Brueelia-complex. However, there
are some exceptions. For instance, several genera of the
Degeeriella-complex (sensu Clay, 1958) are found on passeriform
hosts, including the genera Picicola Clay and Meinertzhagen,
1938, (normally considered to include Tyrannicola Carriker,
1956a, and Pittidicola Eichler, 1982) and Cotingacola Carriker,
1956b. Here, 2 new species belonging to a previously unknown
genus in the Degeeriella-complex are described from 2 New
Guinean endemic hosts.
Examined specimens were deposited in the Berenice Pauahi
Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii (BPBM). Specimens were
examined and measured with a Nikon Eclipse E600 microscope
(Nikon, Belmont, California) fitted with an Olympus DP25 camera
(Olympus, Center Valley, Pennsylvania) and digital measuring
software (ImageJ 1.48v, Wayne Rasband,
Illustrations were drawn by hand, using a drawing tube. Line
drawings were scanned, collated, and edited in GIMP (www.gimp.
org). Terminology and abbreviations for setal, structural, and
genitalic characters follow Gustafsson and Bush (2017) and include:
ads ¼anterior dorsal seta; mts ¼marginal temporal seta; os¼ocular
seta; pns¼post-nodal seta; psps¼principal post-spiracular seta; pts
¼post-temporal seta; s¼sensillus. Measurements (Table I) are given
in millimeters for the following dimensions: TL¼total length (along
midline); HL ¼head length (along midline); HW ¼head width (at
temples); PRW ¼prothoracic width; PTW ¼pterothoracic width;
AW ¼abdominal width (at segment V). Host taxonomy follows
Clements et al. (2019).
Sarahcultrix n. gen.
(Figs. 1–10)
Description: Head circumfasciate, frons concave (Fig. 5).
Marginal carina broad and expanded at frons. Ventral carina
not interrupted or displaced anteriorly at midline. Dorsal
preantennal suture present, arched posteriorly. Dorsal anterior
plate with rounded posterior margin. Head chaetotaxy as in
Figure 5; ads situated on posterior margin of dorsal anterior plate;
s4–7 absent; pns and pts short setae or mesosetae; os and mts1
mesosetae, other temporal setae short. Antennae sexually
Version of Record, first published online with fixed content and layout,
in compliance with ICZN Arts., 8.5, and 21.8.2 as amended,
2012. ZooBank publication registration:
Journal of Parasitology 2019 105(6) 840–845
ÓAmerican Society of Parasitologists 2019
monomorphic. Thoracic and abdominal segments and chaetotaxy
as in Figures 1 and 2. At least tergopleurites IV–IXþX in male
and VI–VIII in female medianly continuous; tergopleurites IXþX
and XI fused in female. Sternal plates present on abdominal
segments II–VI in both sexes; laterally with 2–4 short, often
elongated thorn-like setae on each side. Male subgenital plate
formed from sternal plates VII–VIII, not reaching posterior
margin of abdomen. Female subgenital plate formed from sternal
plates VII–VIII, not reaching vulval margin. Male genitalia as in
Figure 7. Mesomere and parameres fused to basal apodeme.
Median section of mesosome bulging, with 2 microsetae on each
side. Endomere not fused, elongated anterio-laterally.
Taxonomic summary
Type species: Sarahcultrix ypsilophora n. sp.
Geographic range: New Guinea.
Host distribution: Only known from the genus Peltops Wagler,
1829 (Artamidae). Picicola bimaculatus (Piaget, 1885) is known
from hosts in the same family, but the redescription of this species
by Williams (1979) shows substantial differences in head shape,
tergal plates, and the structure of the male genitalia between
Sarahcultrix and P. bimaculatus. No specimens of P. bimaculatus
were examined, and it is therefore not included in Sarahcultrix
ZooBank registration:
Table I. Measurements of the 2 species of Sarahcultrix n. gen. described
herein. Measurements are given in millimeters for the following
dimensions: TL ¼total length (along midline); HL ¼head length (along
midline); HW ¼head width (at temples); PRW ¼prothoracic width; PTW
¼pterothoracic width; AW ¼abdominal width (at segment V). Mean
values (in parentheses) given for samples where n .10.
Species Sarahcultrix ypsilophora n. sp. Sarahcultrix sphenura n. sp.
Sex Male Female Male Female
Number 9* 10† 1 10‡
TL 1.35–1.40 1.58–1.69 1.25 1.60–1.73
HL 0.41–0.43 0.44–0.48 (0.46) 0.41 0.44–0.46 (0.45)
HW 0.36–0.38 0.39–0.43 (0.41) 0.35 0.40–0.42 (0.41)
PRW 0.22–0.23 0.23–0.25 (0.24) 0.23 0.25–0.27 (0.26)
PTW 0.31–0.34 0.34–0.40 0.32 0.36–0.39 (0.38)
AW 0.37–0.48 0.51–0.55 0.47 0.44–0.55
*n¼4 for TL, n ¼8 for HL and AW.
†n¼6 for TL, n ¼7 for AW, n ¼8 for PTW.
‡n¼5 for TL, n ¼9 for AW.
Figures 1, 2. Sarahcultrix ypsilophora n. sp. (1) Male habitus, dorsal
and ventral views. (2) Female habitus, dorsal and ventral views.
Figures 3, 4. Sarahcultrix sphenura n. sp. (3) Male habitus, dorsal and
ventral views. (4) Female habitus, dorsal and ventral views
Etymology: Sarahcultrix is named in honor of Dr. Sarah E.
Bush (University of Utah), in recognition of her long work with
chewing lice, and as a thanks for our long and fruitful co-
operation on the Brueelia-complex. This is combined with Latin
‘‘cultrix’’ for ‘‘someone [female] who bestows care or labor on
something.’’ Gender: feminine.
Sarahcultrix belongs to the Degeeriella-complex, and may be
closely related to the Picicola-group within this complex. The
systematics of this group are poorly known, and Picicola as
presently circumscribed (e.g., Price et al., 2003) comprises a large
number of morphologically different forms that are not closely
related (Johnson et al., 2002). In the key to the chewing louse
genera of passeriform hosts published by Price et al. (2003),
Sarahcultrix keys to Cotingacola, a genus otherwise restricted to
the Neotropics. The single character uniting Sarahcultrix and
Cotingacola in the key of Price et al. (2003) is the shape of the
dorsal anterior plate, which has a convex posterior margin in both
Sarahcultrix can be separated from Cotingacola by the
following combination of characters (for illustrations of Cotinga-
cola, see Clayton and Price, 1998; Valim and Weckstein, 2012):
Frons concave in Sarahcultrix (Fig. 5), but rounded or (rarely)
flattened or tapered in Cotingacola;mts1 and mt3 both macro-
setae in Cotingacola, but mts1 mesoseta in Sarahcultrix (Fig. 5);
male tergopleurites IV–VI and female tergopleurites VI–VII
medianly continuous in Sarahcultrix (Figs. 1, 2), but medianly
separated in Cotingacola; short, in some specimens elongated
thorn-like setae present on sternites II–VI in both sexes of
Sarahcultrix (Figs. 1, 2), but no such setae present in Cotingacola;
terminal segment of female abdomen with median indentation in
Cotingacola, but more or less rounded in Sarahcultrix (Figs. 1, 2);
male subgenital plate reaches or approaches distal margin of
abdomen in Cotingacola, but does not reach posterior to segment
IXþXinSarahcultrix (Fig. 1).
Comparisons with Picicola are complicated by the large
variation within this genus, and species from the host groups
Pittidae, Furnariidae, Tyrannidae, and Galbuliformes are
probably better considered different genera (see Dalgleish,
1969; Somadder and Tandan, 1977; Williams, 1979). Sarahcul-
trix can be separated from Picicola s. str. (i.e., Picicola candidus
and Picicola snodgrassi species groups sensu Dalgleish, 1969) by
the following combination of characters (for illustrations of
Picicola see Dalgleish 1969): Frons concave in Sarahcultrix (Fig.
1), but rounded or convergent to median point in Picicola
(except Picicola triphias Clay and Meinertzhagen, 1938); os and
mts1 macrosetae in Picicola, but mesosetae in Sarahcultrix (Fig.
5); male tergopleurites IV–VI and female tergopleurites VI–VII
medianly continuous in Sarahcultrix (Figs. 1, 2), but medianly
separated in Picicola; sternal plates present on abdominal
segments II–VI in both sexes in Sarahcultrix (Figs. 1, 2), but
absent on at least segments II–III in Picicola; short, in some
specimens elongated thorn-like setae present on sternites II–VI
in both sexes of Sarahcultrix (Figs. 1, 2), but no such setae
present in Picicola; terminal segment of female abdomen with
median indentation in Picicola, but more or less rounded in
Sarahcultrix (Figs. 1, 2); tergopleurites II–VII in both sexes with
Figures 5, 6. Male heads, dorsal and ventral views. (5)Sarahcultrix
ypsilophora n. sp. (6)Sarahcultrix sphenura n. sp.
Figures 7, 8. Male genitalia, ventral views. (7)Sarahcultrix ypsilophora
n. sp. (8)Sarahcultrix sphenura n. sp.
setae between the ss and the psps in Picicola, but without such
setae in Sarahcultrix (Figs. 1, 2).
Sarahcultrix ypsilophora n. sp.
(Figs. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9)
Description both sexes: Head shape, structure and chaetotaxy as
in Figure 5; frons shallowly concave. Anterior section of marginal
carina with inner decoration. Dorsal preantennal suture extended
posteriorly along midline. Preantennal nodi large, bulging, and
extending medianly. Temples rounded. Thoracic and abdominal
segments as in Figures 1, 2.
Male: Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Figure 1;
visible pores present between the setae of tergites IV–VI in several
examined males; in some males, setae emerge from these pores.
These pores are typically present only on 1 side, and are absent in
the majority of the examined males, and therefore not illustrated.
Tergopleurite III divided medianly. Basal apodeme long (Fig. 7).
Endomere as in Figure 7; bulging section of mesomere overlaps
proximal part of endomere. Parameres stout. Measurements as in
Table I.
Female: Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Figure 2.
Subgenital plate and vulval margin as in Figure 9; setae of
subgenital plate long. Vulval margin flattened medianly, with 6–
9 marginal setae and 0–3 submarginal setae on each side; median
marginal setae shorter than lateral marginal setae; 4–5 short,
stout oblique setae anterior to margin. Measurements as in
Table I.
Taxonomic summary
Type host: Peltops montanus Stresemann, 1921—mountain
Type locality: 10 km W of Bulolo, Morobe Province, Papua
New Guinea.
Specimens deposited: Holotype ?, 10 km W of Bulolo, elev. 780
m, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea, 11 August 1967, A.C.
Ziegler, BBM-NG-53941 (BBM) [marked with back dot on slide].
Paratypes 7?,9/, same data as holotype (BBM); 1?,1/, Wau
Creek, elev. 1,220 m, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 14
March 1963, H. Clissold, BBM-[NG-]20430 (BBM).
ZooBank registration:
Etymology: The species name is constructed from ‘‘upsilon,’’
Greek for the letter Y, and ‘‘pherein,’’ modified to ‘‘phoros,’
Greek for ‘‘to bear.’’ This refers to the Y-shaped dorsal
preantennal suture.
Sarahcultrix ypsilophora can be separated from S. sphenura n.
sp. by the following characters: head proportionately more
slender and with rounded temples in S. ypsilophora (Fig. 5), but
broader with more angular temples in S. sphenura (Fig. 6);
dorsal preantennal suture extended slightly posteriorly along
midline in S. ypsilophora (Fig. 5; however the extent of the suture
differs between specimens), but not in S. sphenura (Fig. 6); male
tergopleurite III divided medianly in S. ypsilophora (Fig. 1), but
medianly continuous in S. sphenura (Fig. 3); male mesomere
extended farther posterior with bulging section overlapping with
endomere in S. ypsilophora (Fig. 7), but not overlapping in S.
sphenura (Fig. 8); setae of female subgenital plate longer and
stouter in S. ypsilophora (Fig. 9) than in S. sphenura (Fig. 10),
and shape of both vulval margin and subgenital plates of both
sexes differ between species (Figs. 1, 3, 9, 10).
Sarahcultrix sphenura n. sp.
(Figs. 3, 4, 6, 8, 10)
Description both sexes:. Head shape, structure and chaetotaxy
as in Figure 6; frons shallowly concave. Anterior section of
marginal carina without clear inner decoration. Dorsal preanten-
nal suture not extended posteriorly along midline. Preantennal
nodi moderate, not bulging. Temples somewhat angular. Thoracic
and abdominal segments as in Figures 3 and 4.
Male: Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Figure 3.
Tergopleurite III continuous medianly. Basal apodeme shorter
(Fig. 8). Endomere as in Figure 8; bulging section of mesomere
not overlapping proximal part of endomere. Parameres smaller.
Measurements as in Table I.
Female: Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Figure 3.
Subgenital plate and vulval margin as in Figure 10; only central
Figures 9, 10. Female subgenital plates and vulval margins, ventral
views. (9)Sarahcultrix ypsilophora n. sp. (10)Sarahcultrix sphenura n. sp.
setae of subgenital plate long, lateral setae shorter. Vulval margin
rounded medianly, with 7–10 marginal setae and 0–3 submarginal
setae on each side; median marginal setae shorter than lateral
marginal setae; 3–5 short, stout oblique setae anterior to margin.
Measurements as in Table I.
Taxonomic summary
Type host: Peltops blainvillii (Garnot, 1827)—lowland peltops.
Type locality: Saputa River, vicinity of Popondetta, Northern
Province, Papua New Guinea.
Specimens deposited: Holotype ?, Saputa River, elev. 200 ft.,
vicinity of Popondetta, Northern Province, Papua New Guinea,
1 October 1963, H. Clissold, BBM-NG-29972 (BBM). Paratypes
10/, Amboga River, elev. 61 m, Northern Province, Papua
New Guinea, 10 October 1963, H. Clissold, BBM-NG-29927
ZooBank registration:
Etymology: The species name is constructed from ‘‘sphenos,’’
Greek for ‘‘wedge,’’ and ‘oura,’’ Greek for ‘‘tail,’’ referring to the
wedge-shaped marginal thickenings of the terminal segments of
the female.
For a comparison with S. ypsilophora n. sp., see this species.
In recent decades, several new genera of chewing lice have been
described from Australo-Papuan endemic host groups, including
both ischnoceran (Mey, 2004, 2017; Gustafsson and Bush, 2017)
and amblyceran lice (Price and Hellenthal, 2005). This suggests
that a large diversity of chewing lice remains to be discovered in
the region.
However, the discovery of a new genus of Degeeriella-
complex lice on oscine passeriform hosts in New Guinea is
unexpected. With few exceptions, all lice in this complex known
from passeriform hosts are from suboscine hosts (e.g., Pittidae
for ‘‘Pittidicola,’’ Tyrannidae and Furnariidae for ‘‘Tyrannico-
la,’’ Cotingidae for Cotingacola), most of which are Neotropical
in distribution. On oscine passeriforms, these are typically
replaced by lice in the Brueelia-complex (Gustafsson and Bush,
2017). This may suggest that the Brueelia-complex evolved on
passeriform hosts after the split between the suboscines and
oscines. However, exceptions in both directions are known,
including the species Picicola bimaculatus, known from the
cracticid Gymnorhina tibicen (Latham, 1802). By contrast, some
suboscine hosts are known to be parasitized by lice in the
Brueelia-complex (Gustafsson and Bush, 2017). Whether these
exceptions support the argument of Clay (1958) that the
Degeeriella-complex ‘‘must have been present on birds at an
early stage of their evolution’’ and subsequently patchily
replaced by lice belonging to other complexes cannot presently
be assessed. More collections are needed, especially from areas
such as New Guinea that have been crucial for the evolution of
the hosts, and where potentially ‘‘relict’’ host–parasite associ-
ations, such as that between Peltops spp. and Sarahcultrix spp.,
may thus be expected.
Work was supported by grant 36/07 1.4 from the Swedish
Taxonomic Initiative and the Introduction of Full-Time High-
Level Talent Fund of the Guangdong Academy of Sciences grant
2018GDASCX-0809 and GIABR-GJRC201701. These agencies
had no hand in the design or execution of this study, and I declare
no conflict of interest. I also thank 2 anonymous reviewers, who
provided helpful comments on an earlier version of this
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Full-text available
During the 20th century, the taxonomy and classification of chewing lice (Psocodea, Phthiraptera) was under the influence of Fahrenholz’s rule, which states that louse and host phylogenies should mirror each other. Strict implementation of this rule lead to the description of countless taxa based on host associations, with little or no other distinguishing characteristics. Recent data from a multitude of sources indicate that the underlying assumptions of this theory are flawed and that this methodology is therefore not consistent with best practices in louse taxonomy, identification and classification. Here, we summarize the historical development of Fahrenholz’s rule and associated parasitophyletic rules, the evidence for and against these rules, and the pervasiveness of these rules throughout the 20th century. We conclude that the evidence against Fahrenholz’s rule is so overwhelming, that it cannot be recommended as a basis for future investigations, except as a null hypothesis to be tested. Cases where Fahrenholz’s rule applies may exist, but we recommend that each case is examined on its own merits, based on data derived from the lice themselves, and not from preconceived ideas of host specificity or strict adherence to co-speciation between lice and their hosts.
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The genus Brueelia Kéler, 1936a forms the core of the so-called “Brueelia-complex”, one of the largest and most heterogeneous groups of lice (Phthiraptera). Here we introduce the taxonomic history and present a revision of this group. The limits of the Brueelia-complex are discussed. We resurrect the genera Acronirmus Eichler, 1953, Corvonirmus Eichler, 1944, Guimaraesiella Eichler, 1949, Maculinirmus Złotorzycka, 1964a, Meropsiella Conci, 1941a, Olivinirmus Złotorzycka, 1964a, Osculonirmus Mey, 1982a, Rostrinirmus Złotorzycka, 1964a, Traihoriella Ansari, 1947, and Turdinirmus Eichler, 1951. We describe the following new genera: Anarchonirmus n. gen., Aporisticeras n. gen., Aratricerca n. gen., Buphagoecus n. gen., Ceratocista n. gen., Sychraella n. gen., Couala n. gen., Harpactrox n. gen., Hecatrishula n. gen., Indoceoplanetes n. gen., Manucodicola n. gen., Mirandofures n. gen., Nemuus n. gen., Priceiella n. gen., Psammonirmus n. gen., Resartor n. gen., Saepocephalum n. gen., Schizosairhynchus n. gen., Teinomordeus n. gen., Titanomessor n. gen., and Turdinirmoides n. gen.; and the following new subgenera: Camurnirmus n. subgen., Thescelovora n. subgen., Torosinirmus n. subgen., and Capnodella n. subgen. The following 37 new species are described: Anarchonirmus albovittatus n. sp. ex Pomatostomus temporalis strepitans (Mayr & Rand, 1935); Brueelia aguilarae n. sp. ex Euplectes franciscanus pusillus (Hartert, 1901); Brueelia phasmasoma n. sp. ex Coereba flaveola luteola (Cabanis, 1850); Brueelia pseudognatha n. sp. ex Pycnonotus nigricans superior Clancey, 1959; Sychraella sinsutura n. sp. ex Pomatostomus isidorei isidorei Lesson, 1827; Couala dodekopter n. sp. ex Coua cristata pyropyga Grandidier, 1867; Guimaraesiella pandolura n. sp. ex Pericrocotus flammeus semiruber Whistler & Kinnear, 1933; Harpactrox geminodus n. sp. ex Harpactes erythorcephalus erythrocephalus (Gould, 1834); Harpactrox loeiensis n. sp. ex Harpactes erythrorhynchus annamensis (Robinson & Kloss, 1919); Harpactrox pontifrons n. sp. ex Harpactes ardens ardens (Temminck, 1824); Indoceoplanetes (Capnodella) loboccupatrix n. sp. ex Lobotos oriolinus Bates, 1909; Indoceoplanetes (Capnodella) laurocorythes n. sp. ex Edolisoma holopolium holopolium (Sharpe, 1888); Maculinirmus ljosalfar n. sp. ex Oriolus chinensis diffusus Sharpe, 1877; Manucodicola acantharx n. sp. ex Manucodia ater ater (Lesson, 1830); Manucodicola semiramisae n. sp. ex Phonygammus keraudrenii purpureoviolaceus (Meyer, 1885); Meropoecus balisong n. sp. ex Merops americanus Muller, 1776; Meropoecus bartlowi n. sp. ex Merops ornatus Latham, 1802; Mirandofures altoguineae n. sp. ex Oreostruthus fuliginosus De Vis, 1898; Mirandofures kamena n. sp. ex Erythrura trichroa sigillifer (De Vis, 1897); Nemuus hoedhri n. sp. ex Artamus fuscus Vieillot, 1817; Nemuus imperator n. sp. ex Artamus maximus Meyer, 1874; Priceiella (Camurnirmus) hwameicola n. sp. ex Garrulax taewanus Swinhoe, 1859; Priceiella (Camurnirmus) paulbrowni n. sp. ex Garrulax leucolophus diardi (Lesson, 1831); Priceiella (Thescelovora) alliocephala n. sp. ex Platylophus galericulatus ardesiacus (Bonaparte, 1850); Priceiella (Torosinirmus) koka n. sp. ex Turdoides tenebrosa (Hartlaub, 1883); Psammonirmus lunatipectus n. sp. ex Serilophus lunatus lunatus (Gould, 1834); Aratricerca cirithra n. sp. ex Ptiloprora guisei guisei (De Vis, 1894); Saepocephalum stephenfryi n. sp. ex Corcorax melanoramphos (Vieillot, 1817); Schizosairhynchus erysichthoni n. sp. ex Aplonis metallica metallica (Temminck, 1824) and Aplonis metallica nitida (Grey, 1858); Schizosairhynchus minovenator n. sp. ex Mino dumontii Lesson, 1827; Sturnidoecus australafricanus n. sp. ex Corvinella melanoleuca expressa Clancey, 1961; Sturnidoecus mon n. sp. ex Euplectes hordeaceus (Linnaeus, 1758); Sturnidoecus porphyrogenitus n. sp. ex Cinnyricinclus leucogaster verreauxi (Bocage, 1870); Sturnidoecus somnodraco n. sp. ex Quelea quelea quelea (Linnaeus, 1758) and Qualea quelea lathami (Smith, 1836); Teinomordeus entelosetus n. sp. ex Eurocephalus rueppelli Bonaparte, 1853; Titanomessor sexloba n. sp. ex Laniarius erythrogaster (Cretzschmar, 1829); and Turdinirmus australissimus n. sp. ex Zoothera lunulata lunulata (Latham, 1802). The name Olivinirmus paraffinis nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement for the preoccupied Brueelia affinis Carriker, 1963. We place 23 names in synonymy, and we consider 6 species as incertae sedis, 2 names as nomina nuda, and transfer 14 species names to genera not belonging to the Brueelia-complex. We redescribe and illustrate most of the type species of the genera or subgenera included in this revision. Keys to genera, subgenera, and species groups are given, together with updated louse-host and host-louse checklists for 426 species of lice currently placed in the Brueelia-complex, including 183 new host-louse records.
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Two new species of the louse genus Philopteroides Mey, 2004 are described and illustrated from two host species of painted berrypeckers, endemic to New Guinea: Philopteroides sinancorellus n. sp. ex Oreocharis arfaki (Meyer, 1875) (tit ber-rypecker), and Philopteroides gigas n. sp. ex Paramythia montium De Vis, 1892 (crested berrypecker). Both louse species belong to the beckeri species-group based on their short, broad preantennal areas, and shallow median indentations of the hyaline margin. The description of these two new species brings the total number of Philopteroides species to 15. An amended key to the beckeri species-group is included.
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Two new species of Paraphilopterus Mey, 2004 are described and named. Paraphilopterus knutieae n. sp. is described from two subspecies of Macgregor's bowerbirds: Amblyornis macgregoriae nubicola Schodde & McKean, 1973 and A. m. kombok Schodde & McKean, 1973, and Sanford's bowerbird: Archboldia sanfordi (Mayr & Gilliard, 1950) (Ptilono-rhynchidae). Paraphilopterus meyi n. sp. is described from two subspecies of crested satinbirds: Cnemophilus macgrego-rii macgregorii De Vis, 1890 and C. m. sanguineus Iredale, 1948 (Cnemophilidae). These new louse species represent the first records of the genus Paraphilopterus outside Australia, as well as from host families other than the Corcoracidae. The description of Paraphilopterus is revised and expanded based on the additional new species, including the first de-scription of the male of this genus. Also, we provide a key to the species of Paraphilopterus.
The new genus Oculomenopon is described to include the single new species, O. melampittae, with the type host being the Lesser Melampitta, Melampitta lugubris (Passeriformes: Genera Incertae Sedis), from New Guinea.