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Deep Learning Based Techniques to Enhance the Performance of Microgrids: A Review


Abstract and Figures

In the last few years, carbon emissions and energy demand have increased dramatically around the globe due to a surge in population and energy-consuming devices. The integration of renewable energy resources (RERs) in a power supply system provides an efficient solution in terms of low energy cost with lower carbon emissions. However, renewable sources like solar panels have irregular nature of power generation because of their dependence on weather conditions, such as solar radiation, humidity, and temperature. Therefore, to tackle this intermittent nature of solar energy, power prediction is necessary for efficient energy management. Deep learning and machine learning-based methods have frequently been implemented for energy forecasting in the literature. The current work summarizes the state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods that are proposed to forecast the solar power for proper energy management. We also explain the methodologies of solar energy forecasting along with their outcomes. At the end, future challenges and opportunities are uncovered in the application of deep and machine learning in this area.
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Deep Learning based Techniques to Enhance the
Performance of Microgrids: A Review
Sheraz Aslam1,2, Herodotos Herodotou1, Nasir Ayub3, and Syed Muhammad Mohsin2
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics,
Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol 3025, Cyprus
2Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad 45550, Pakistan
3Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Abstract—In the last few years, carbon emissions and energy
demand have increased dramatically around the globe due to a
surge in population and energy-consuming devices. The integra-
tion of renewable energy resources (RERs) in a power supply
system provides an efficient solution in terms of low energy cost
with lower carbon emissions. However, renewable sources like
solar panels have irregular nature of power generation because of
their dependence on weather conditions, such as solar radiation,
humidity, and temperature. Therefore, to tackle this intermittent
nature of solar energy, power prediction is necessary for efficient
energy management. Deep learning and machine learning-based
methods have frequently been implemented for energy forecasting
in the literature. The current work summarizes the state-of-the-
art deep learning-based methods that are proposed to forecast
the solar power for proper energy management. We also explain
the methodologies of solar energy forecasting along with their
outcomes. At the end, future challenges and opportunities are
uncovered in the application of deep and machine learning in
this area.
Index Terms—Deep learning based techniques; Forecasting;
Artificial neural network; Machine learning; Weather forecast-
ing; Energy forecasting; Renewable energy resources
The world is moving towards renewable energy resources
(RERs) due to their low cost and huge contributions in alle-
viation of carbon emissions. RERs consist of various sources,
including wind energy, bioenergy, hydropower, solar energy,
etc., and usually, these sources operate in islanded or grid-
connected modes. Fossil fuels-based energy sources are used
in many countries to meet the power demand of the consumers;
however, these resources are inefficient and inadequate [1].
Solar energy is generated through installing solar panels and
it is available in most locations of the world. Moreover, solar
energy plays a significant role in green energy among all
RERs [2], [3]. Figure 1 shows yearly percentage of renewable
energy contribution in total energy generation of some leading
countries around the globe. This figure shows that Brazil is
generating the highest renewable energy around the globe for
meeting the power demand of the consumers.
Solar panel converts direct sunlight to electrical energy. One
of its key characteristics is its intermittent and unpredictable
nature as the energy generated from solar panels totally
depends on environmental conditions, like temperature, solar
radiation, etc. For instance, solar panels generate maximum
electricity when the sun has high radiations (clear sky); in
contrary, it generates minimum power (maybe zero) in night
time or durng cloudy weather. However, a huge amount of
fluctuation in energy generation from solar panels may create
problems in power systems, including voltage irregulations,
power distribution, and reserve power flow problems. Unde-
sired voltage fluctuation is considered the main problem in
power distribution due to solar panels and it may lead to
instability of a microgrid [4].
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
RE contribution (%)
European Union
United Kingdom
Fig. 1: Renewable energy contribution in total energy produc-
tion around the globe [5]
To ensure the safe operation of the power system and the
balance between energy demand and supply, accurate forecast-
ing of power generation from solar panels is an exigent need.
Such accurate forecasting enables the power utility operator
to efficiently manage supply with demand and generate excess
electricity from brown energy sources in case of less energy
generation from renewable sources. The forecasting of solar
energy generation is a complex task because it completely
depends on weather conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity,
solar irradiance, and cloud) [6], [7], [8]. Various forecasting
models are used to predict solar energy in the literature and
Storage systems
Energy Market
Smart Transportation
Mobile Applications
External Grid
Smart Home
Renewable Sources
Weather Forecast
Communication Flow Power Flow
Fig. 2: A typical microgrid architecture [16]
these models are categorized into physical, statistical, and
empirical models.
Accurate energy forecasting is essential for effective energy
planning and management. A lot of forecasting methods are
presented in the literature. For instance, [9] proposed a solar
energy forecasting method using deep learning, [10] presentd
a short-term solar energy forecasting method using statistical
methods, while a recurrent neural network (RNN) model is
used in [11]. Chen et al. developed a solar energy prediction
model that is based on convolutional neural networks (CNN)
[12] and the authors of [15] have developed a deep CNN
based model that is used for solar energy forecasting. This
paper presents a comprehensive review of the deep learning-
based techniques that are used in the literature to predict solar
energy. We have explained some key deep learning techniques
in the Section II, while Section III presents deep learning
in energy management systems (EMSs) and different solar
energy forecasting models. Section IV uncovers the future
challenges to current methods and opportunities. Finally, the
last section concludes the study.
This section presents the most commonly used deep learning
based methods for energy management and power forecast-
ing, namely, artificial neural networks (ANN), deep neural
networks (DNN), convolutional neural networks (CNN), and
recurrent neural networks (RNN).
A. Artificial Neural Networks
An artificial neural network (ANN) is designed on basis of
working mechanism of the human nervous system [17]. Such
a system learns to implement a task by only considering exam-
ples, without being programmed with any specific task rules.
ANN is based on a collection of nodes or units called neurons.
Neurons are the basic components of a neural network through
which communication takes place. A simple architecture of
ANN is depicted in Figure 3. A neuron receives input and
produces output based on its internal activation function [18].
The output of some neurons is the input to other neurons
forming a directed weighted graph. The functions as well as
the weights that compute the activation are altered by a process
known as learning. The parameters controlling the learning
for ANNs are the number of hidden layers, the learning rate,
and the maximum number of iterations. In hidden layers,
the number of neurons varies. ANN training model uses the
historical data to train itself and then make a prediction based
on new input data. Various activation functions are used in
ANN for computation, such as Softmax, Sigmoid, Rectified
linear unit, etc.
B. Deep Neural Networks
Deep neural networks (DNN) belongs to the ANN family.
They consist of multiple hidden layers between the input
and output layers [19], [20]. A comparison of DNN with
simple ANN is presented in Figure 3. The DNN processes
the input with mathematical manipulation to produce the
output, irrespective of whether the data relationship is linear
or nonlinear. The neural network is trained using a training
set, which results in the calculation of the probability of
each output. A complex DNN contains more layers than other
neural networks as shown in Figure 3.
C. Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional neural networks (CNN) belong to the family
of neural networks in deep learning. They are commonly used
for visual image processing, energy management in smart
grids, pattern recognition, etc. CNN is the updated version of a
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). MLP is also known as a fully
connected layered network, which means every neuron in one
layer is fully connected to all neurons of the next layer. This
fully connected property often leads to an over-fitting problem
with MLP. However, CNN uses different approaches for data
regularization. Specifically, it exploits the hierarchical pattern
of data and assembles it to multiple simpler patterns. On the
basis of their translation invariance characteristics, CNN are
also known as shift invariant or space invariant ANNs [21].
CNNs are inspired by the biological process [22], in which
the neurons are fully attached to one another. It requires
little pre-processing compared to other image processing al-
gorithms. CNN works as a neural network, and it contains
an input layer, output layer, and hidden layers. The difference
between them is that CNN uses a series of different types of
hidden layers, i.e., convolutional layer, flatten layer, dropout
layer, pooling layer, fully connected layer, and normalization
layers. The input and output of the hidden layers are hidden
by an activation function. Rectifier linear unit (Relu) is mostly
used as an activation function in CNN. The activation function
sometimes involves the back-propagation method to produce
Fig. 3: Typical architectures of artificial neural networks (ANN) and deep neural networks (DNN)
a more accurate product or weight. The convolutional layer in
CNN is used to downscale the input data in such a way that
it becomes easy to process but the actual information remains
the same.
D. Recurrent Neural Networks
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are a special kind of
ANNs that are developed to process sequential data [23]. Usu-
ally, conventional networks provide training to each sample in-
dependently for each other; however, this type of independent
training is not sufficient, especially for data exhibiting tem-
poral relationships. RNN offers a solution to this problem by
taking inputs sequentially. Unlike other feed-forward ANNs,
they contain feedback connections in the units of the hidden
layer. Therefore, the RNN can perform temporal processing
and learn sequentially. Furthermore, unlike other ANNs, the
RNN uses a hidden layer as a memory for storing sequential
information. It is important to note that the RNN uses the
same parameters (like U, V, W shown in Figure 4) for each
layer instead of using different parameters for each layer like
traditional DNNs.
Figure 4 presents the RNN being unfolded into a full
network. For instance, if the RNN is used to make a prediction
based on the sequence of the last 6 data inputs, then the
network would be unfolded into a 6-layer neural network. In
RNN calculations, xt,ot, and stshow the input, output, and
hidden state at time t, respectively.
Fig. 4: An example of RNN architecture [24]
Smart microgrids nowadays integrates RERs, such as solar
panels and wind turbines, along with energy storage systems.
A typical architecture of a microgrid is depicted in Figure
2. Due to the intermittent power generation from renewable
resources, precise power forecasting has become crucial to
achieve efficient energy management. In this section, we will
uncover the deep learning based techniques used to predict
solar energy generation, summarized in Table I of this study.
A. Solar Energy Forecasting
Energy management in the residential or commercial sector
plays a vital role in enhancing grid stability and reliability.
When smart homes are integrated with RERs (e.g., wind tur-
bines, solar panels, etc.) for power generation, it is necessary to
predict the energy generation from these sources for efficient
energy management. Energy generation from these sources
may be predicted on the basis of 1 hour, 2 hours, 10 hours,
1 day etc. A lot of solar prediction studies are presented in
the literature and in this section, we have critically analyzed
In [9], the authors have developed a solar forecasting
method using deep learning. In this work, 21 solar panels
are considered for electricity generation and one-day-ahead
prediction is performed by deep learning. Multi-layer percep-
tron (MLP) [25] is used as a base architecture in their work,
which consists of multiple layers as presented in Figure 5. In
addition, they have explored the use of deep belief networks
(a type of deep neural network) and two types of recurrent
neural networks. Finally, the deep learning forecasting results
are compared with each other as well as to physical models
showing promising results for recurrent neural networks.
Xwegnon et al. have proposed a statistical method for short-
term spatio-temporal prediction of solar energy generation
[10]. This paper considers the prediction for a very short time
horizon (1 to 6 hours). Distributed power plants are used in this
work as sensors and their spatio-temporal dependencies are
exploited to enhance the forecasting accuracy. Furthermore,
the computational complexity of the proposed model is low,
TABLE I: Summary of solar energy forecasting methods
Ref. Method(s) Compared method(s) Location Horizon Outcome/observation(s)
[9] Auto-LSTM MLP, ANN, DNN,
Germany Hourly The newly proposed hybrid algorithm shows efficacy in terms
of accuracy; however, the DBN performence is close to the
proposed auto-LSTM forecasting method. [RMSE of proposed
method: 0.0713; compared method: 0.0714].
[10] Spatio-temporal
Auto-regressive, Ran-
dom Forest
France 15-minutes The proposed statistical model shows higher performance
in terms of accuracy and execution time over counterparts.
[nRMSE is improved up to 20% higher than the benchmark
[11] LSTM GRU, RNN, Naive DL France Hourly The LSTM forecasting model shows supremacy to compared
algorithms. [RMSE of proposed method: 0.2115 and compared
method: 0.2198]
[12] Gaussian process
Persistence, ridge
regression, Fully-
connected NN
Hourly The newly developed gaussian process regression based CNN
method shows efficacy in terms of minimum MAE. [MAE of
proposed method: 212642; compared method: 439952]
[14] DNN (‘SolarisNet’) ANN, SVR, Gaussian
Process Regression
India Hourly The proposed SolarisNet forecasting model presents higher ac-
curacy and it is validated through RMSE. [RMSE of proposed
method: 1.7661; compared method: 2.7930]
[15] Deep RNN FNN, SVR, LSTM Canada Hourly Results validate the performance of their proposed deep RNN
over counterparts in terms of RMSE. [Mean RMSE of pro-
posed method: 0.068; compared method: 0.18]
[32] ALHM model ANN, SVM - Hourly and
Based on GA and time-varying multiple linear model, the
proposed hybrid model is able to make precise prediction
of energy generated from solar panels [MAPE of proposed
method: 13.68; compared method: 20.39]
[33] Hybrid LSTM-RNN ANN, Bagged Regres-
sion Trees, Multiple
Linear Regression
Aswan and
Cairo, Egypt
Hourly The newly developed hybrid algorithm provides a very small
error rate compared to benchmarks. [RMSE of proposed
method: 82.15; compared method: 384.89]
[34] High-precision
Deep CNN
SVM, Random Forest,
Decision Tree, MLP,
Tainan, Tai-
Hourly The proposed high-precision deep CNN shows efficacy in
terms of minimum error rate. [Average MAE of proposed
method: 112.2640; compared method: 143.2721]
[35] DNN Ensemble SVR Oklahoma,
Hourly The developed DNN uses minibatch training, dropout regu-
larization, and weight initialization to exploit and introduce
independent randomness in natural way. Results validate that
the DNN ensemble model is robust and has higher accuracy for
a single network. [Average MAE of proposed method: 209.09;
compared method: 222.52]
[36] Hybrid Gradient
Boosting Trees w/
feature engineering
Quantile Regression
Porto, Portu-
Hourly The presented work proposes a framework to extract features
from NWP grid using domain knowledge. In addition, they
proved that this information can enhance the forecast efficiency
in existing algorithms. [The proposed method shows average
point forecast improvement 16.09% over counterparts]
[37] SVM-RBF Linear Regression,
Past-predicts Future
USA Hourly The SVM-RBF shows productiveness in terms of higher
accuracy. [The proposed method improves accuracy by 27%
over existing methods]
which makes it easy to use and appropriate for large scale
applications. Simulation results validate their proposed model
in terms of high accuracy as compared to other state-of-the-art
models. The authors of [11] have designed a prediction model
for solar irradiations, which is based on RNN. In particular,
they use two variants of RNN, namely gated recurrent unit
(GRU) and long short-term memory (LSTM) [26]. At the
end, simulations are performed to verify the performance of
RNN variants in terms of solar irradiation forecasting. Results
show that GRU and LSTM are more suitable for time series
prediction compared to simple RNN.
Another work proposes a solar forecasting model with nu-
merical weather prediction (NWP) and CNNs [12]. Moreover,
to train the CNN, a Gaussian process (sci-kit learn library
v0.19.0 [13]) is used to transform the incoming solar energy
values to the main grid. The proposed CNN is further able to
map the 6×6inputs to 31×31 output on the basis of the trans-
posed convolution operation. At the end, the proposed CNN
is validated through simulations and satisfactory accuracy is
presented as compared to three benchmark models: persistent
method, fully connected NN, and ridge regression methods.
Subhadip et al. have developed a deep NN, namely SolarisNet,
for global solar prediction [14]. They have used minimum
meteorological parameters, i.e., minimum temperature, maxi-
mum temperature, and hourly data of sunshine. Experiments
have been performed to check the adequacy of the proposed
SolarisNet model while data is taken from the meteorological
department of India. Experimental results validate that the
proposed model is more efficient as compared to existing
models, i.e., support vector regression (SVR) [27], Gaussian
process regression [28] and ANN [29], [30].
In [15], another solar energy forecasting method is devel-
oped using deep RNN (DRNN). The developed network is
trained, tested, and validated on real-time data obtained from
the National Resources of Canada [31]. Experimental results
are compared with other existing forecasting methods, which
|2 H3
Fig. 5: An example of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
show the effectiveness of their proposed scheme. The paper
[32] proposed a new adaptive learning hybrid model for short
and long term solar intensity prediction. To tackle the dynamic
and linear properties of the data, a time-varying multiple
linear model is developed. After that, a genetic algorithm
back-propagation neural network (GABPNN) is applied to
learn non-linear relationships in the data. Their proposed
novel adaptive learning hybrid model is able to capture the
temporal, linear, and non-linear relationships present in the
data. Simulation results validate that the proposed prediction
model outperforms multiple benchmark models in both long-
term and short-term forecasting of solar intensity.
A new solar power forecasting model is developed by
Abdel-Nasser et al. in [33], where the proposed model is based
on deep long short-term memory RNN (LSTM-RNN) and
considers the temporal changes during constructing prediction
models. They have analyzed the effectiveness of five different
LSTM models with different architectures. At the end, they
performed a comparative study to confirm the productiveness
of their proposed model. For comparison purposes, they con-
sidered some widely used forecasting models such as bagged
regression trees, NNs, and multiple linear regression. The work
[34] proposes a high precision deep CNN model, named So-
larNet, for solar irradiation forecasting. Real-time experiments
are performed to check the validity of the proposed model. It
is assured from results that the proposed SolarNet shows high
performance over counterparts in terms of higher accuracy.
Another work presented in [35] has developed two pre-
diction models for daily solar radiation and wind energy
predictions, which are based on DNNs. Input for these models
is taken from numerical weather systems. Kaggle data set is
used for model training and testing. This work also intro-
duces DNN ensembles to improve single DNN predictions
by lowering variance, while experiments validate that the
randomness in DNN training elements result in effective
and robust DNN ensembles. Another solar and wind energy
forecasting framework is presented in [36], where the authors
explore the information from a grid of numerical weather
predictions (NWP). Proposed methodology has considered
gradient boosting algorithm along with feature engineering
techniques, which extract the information from the NWP grid.
Furthermore, the authors have provided a comparison with
the methodology having only one NWP point for a specific
location. The results show that the forecasting accuracy is
improved, using MAPE, by 12.85% and 16.09% for wind
and solar energy, respectively. Another machine learning-based
solar energy prediction model is developed in [37], where the
authors have predicted weather information. They have also
performed a comparison with multiple regression methods to
show the effectiveness of their technique. Simulation results
show that their proposed machine learning-based method
achieves 27% higher accuracy than existing techniques.
Deep learning-based techniques have been considered a ben-
eficial means to enhance the performance of smart microgrids.
These are efficient methods that provide possible strategic
solutions for accurate forecasting of power generation from
solar panels. This section outlines some promising research
opportunities / directions of deep learning-based methods
implemented in solar energy prediction.
Big energy data analytics is an emerging, promising re-
search area, which needs special attention from the research
community. With the advent of sensor technology, wireless
communication, cloud computing, and advanced metering in-
frastructure, an enormous amount of data will become avail-
able, including energy consumption data, energy generation
data, temperature data, humidity data, etc. It is important to
make this data accessible to researchers and industry in order
to open new opportunities for improving the performance of
smart microgrids. The work [38] presents a comprehensive
vision for big data energy management, including energy
generation, transmission, distribution and transformation, and
demand-side management. They discuss in detail smart data
sources along with their characteristics. Furthermore, this
study has also proposed a process model for big data energy
Machine learning and deep learning-based techniques de-
pend on historical data and perform future predictions on
the basis of old data. However, a heavy reliance on big data
requires a huge amount of storage devices. Furthermore, the
need for large-scale processing is another big challenge when
using deep learning-based methods. Unnecessary features and
data redundancy are the main causes of data complexity
and high computation. The computation time of redundant
training data is often much higher than training of clean data.
Machine learning techniques and other classifiers can be used
to remove the redundancy from data and make the training
data faster, while at the same time, help improve the accuracy
of classification and regression. So, a forecasting system is
needed that requires low processing along with low storage.
In this paper, we have presented a review on solar energy
prediction and its impact on smart microgrids. Energy gener-
ation from solar panels is intermittent in nature because of its
dependency on weather conditions, i.e., temperature, irradia-
tion, humidity, etc. For the efficient utilization of the generated
energy from solar panels, an accurate energy forecasting is
required. Machine learning and deep learning-based tools are
considered effective ways for energy forecasting on the basis
of historical data. So, we have presented a detailed review on
the current deep learning-based methods as well as reviewed
the efforts of researchers in enhancing the performance of
deep learning-based techniques in microgrids. Finally, we have
also unfolded the current challenges and future trends in
deep learning methods to enhance the forecast accuracy in
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... There are multiple types of ANNs architectures [31]. To obtain the results of this paper, we have decided to select 3 of them. ...
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Forecasting is of great importance in the field of renewable energies because it allows us to know the quantity of energy that can be produced, and thus, to have an efficient management of energy sources. However, determining which prediction system is more adequate is very complex, as each energy infrastructure is different. This work studies the influence of some variables when making predictions using ensemble methods for different locations. In particular, the proposal analyzes the influence of the aspects: the variation of the sampling frequency of solar panel systems, the influence of the type of neural network architecture and the number of ensemble method blocks for each model. Following comprehensive experimentation across multiple locations, our study has identified the most effective solar energy prediction model tailored to the specific conditions of each energy infrastructure. The results offer a decisive framework for selecting the optimal system for accurate and efficient energy forecasting. The key point is the use of short time intervals, which is independent of type of prediction model and of their ensemble method.
... The comparison analysis highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each approach [12]. The application of deep learning and machine learning approaches for solar power forecasting to manage energy effectively in the face of intermittent power generation from renewable sources, and it identifies future difficulties and potential for research [13]. In [14], a microgrid model based on wind, batteries, and solar energy, along with vector control schemes and a maximum power point tracking system based on deep learning is proposed. ...
... ANN emulates the form and function of the natural neural network found in the human body. ANNs possess the capability to automatically identify data patterns from previously included data in the network [39]. ANNs are widely acclaimed for their ability to model complex and non-linear processes between input and output variables, making them superior to other forecasting techniques. ...
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To maintain grid stability, the energy levels produced by sources within the network must be equal to the energy consumed by customers. In current times, achieving energy balance mainly involves regulating the electrical energy sources, as consumption is typically beyond the control of grid operators. For improving the stability of the grid, accurate forecasting of photovoltaic power output from largely integrated solar photovoltaic plant connected to grid is required. In the present study, to improve the forecasting accuracy of the forecasting models, onsite measurements of the weather parameters and the photovoltaic power output from the 20 kW on‐grid were collected for a typical year which covers all four seasons and evaluated the random forest techniques and other techniques like deep neural networks, artificial neural networks and support vector regression (reference in this study). The simulation results show that the proposed random forest technique for the forecasting horizon of 15 and 30 min is performing well with 49% and 50% improvements in the accuracy respectively over reference model for the study location 22.78°N, 73.65°E, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Anand Agricultural University, Godhra, India.
... The study region has recently been subject to considerable studies to implement renewable geothermal, wind, and solar energy technologies because of the ongoing challenges of urban development and climate change [86], [87]. The developed methodology can be applied to regions with the same meteorological behaviors as in the case study region [88]. Similarly, the research flow is possible to expand for worldwide microgrid development. ...
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The world has embarked on a road to sustainable energy production. As a result, countries have turned to microgrid developments. This article aims to study the feasibility of renewable sources such as solar PV and wind power for integrating a microgrid campus, taking the example of a case in East Africa, precisely the case of the University of Djibouti. We applied the weather parameters to evaluate the solar and wind potential with the Decision Tree method for analyzing and classifying the degrees of solar radiation and the consistency of wind speed. These data are spread over eight years to establish and capture seasonal changes and prove the accessibility of renewable sources in a specific site. The results were compared to Random Forest, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, and Naïve Bayes classifiers, which showed that the performance of classifying the Decision tree outperformed all other methods with an accuracy of 0.99321. The second work of this article explored the forecasting of the possible powers predicted with the LSTM deep learning method by the generation of the Solar PV array and wind turbines which were simulated on PVLib and Windpowerlib. The results are favorable, and the LSTM has performed well on the different hyperparameters. With the combination of machine learning and deep learning, it was possible to theoretically conclude the integration of renewable energies since we investigated all the potential possibilities in evaluating meteorological parameters and power predictions. Finally, decision scores from the Decision Tree architecture and the LSTM features were integrated to form a hybrid Tree-LSTM fusion method. It introduces a novel architectural concept that can effectively address sequential data and harness the non-linear capabilities of decision trees. The proposed model was validated by tuning the hyperparameters. Enhancing the maximum depth of the model increases the performance at a certain point, and conversely, reducing the minimum sample split improves the model performance. These contributions will help to create sustainable energy systems and increase the transition to a clean CO2 environment.
... • Social and behavioural aspects: Managing the energy in community microgrids might be difficult due to social and behavioural variables. For instance, consumer choices and behaviour can affect energy consumption, and participation and community involvement might be crucial for the effective deployment of microgrid systems [56]. ...
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The main objective of this paper is to review the energy management of a community microgrid using adaptable renewable energy sources. Community microgrids have grown up as a viable strategy to successfully integrate renewable energy sources (RES) into local energy distribution networks in response to the growing worldwide need for sustainable and dependable energy solutions. This study presents an in-depth examination of the energy management tactics employed in community microgrids using adaptive RES, covering power generation, storage, and consumption.
... [123]. Studies showed that nature-inspired algorithms, such as genetic algorithms and PSO, present 587 high accuracy in optimization [124]. ...
... Besides, comparisons and discussions of existing literature on the topic are also covered in detail. Aslam et al. [49] present and discusses state-of-theart intelligent learning methods for solar energy forecasting for EMS. A review of wind energy forecasting techniques for microgrids is covered in [50], categorizing the various methods into statistical and intelligent algorithms. ...
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Several issues have been reported with the expansion of the electric power grid and the increasing use of intermittent power sources, such as the need for expensive transmission lines and the issue of cascading blackouts, which can adversely affect critical infrastructures. Microgrids (MG) has been widely accepted as a viable solution to improve grid reliability and resiliency, ensuring continuous power supply to loads. However, to ensure the effective operation of the Distributed Energy Resources (DER), Microgrids need to have Energy Management and Control Systems (EMCS). Therefore, considerable research has been conducted to achieve smooth profiles in grid parameters during operation at optimum running cost. This paper aims to provide a review of EMCS techniques that have evolved in recent years. Firstly, the fundamentals of microgrids are discussed for a general overview of the field. Then, a critical literature review is undertaken for the various methods applied for EM optimization in microgrid applications. Multiple factors have been explored in the objective functions throughout this review, including MG daily operational costs, energy storage degradation, revenue through trading with the grid or other parties, and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. A review of control systems has been conducted next by categorizing them based on the different applications in MGs for stable operation. This paper also focuses on IEEE standards related to MG operation and control to facilitate other researchers to build upon a standardized set of rules and to enhance the interoperability of the diverse EMCS techniques.
DC microgrids are a promising solution for integrating distributed generation into the main grid. These microgrids comprise distributed generation units, energy storage systems, loads, and control units. They can operate in grid-connected and off-grid modes (islanded mode). Compared to the traditional centralized power systems, they offer a more reliable, efficient, and decentralized organization of the power system. Additionally, they provide various other benefits and are considered an environmentally friendly solution. In this chapter, the concept and components of DC microgrids and architecture of microgrids are discussed in detail. In addition, since the control strategies of the DC microgrid has cruical role in the achievent those advantages and system stability, different control strategies used in microgrids are discussed. Furthermore, it highlights the emerging machine learning and communication technologies that make these microgrids even more efficient and reliable. Overall, this chapter provides valuable insights into the advancements in DC microgrids for a decentralized future.
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Microgrids are new concepts in power systems that can upgrade current power systems due to their technical, economic, and environmental advantages. In addition, the increasing penetration of renewable energies and their use in microgrids have increased the complexity of these new grids in terms of planning and operation. Along with numerous research and practical projects built in different countries with multiple applications, countless types of research have also been performed relying on different aspects of MGs. In this paper, based on a review of studies and review articles related to MGs, an attempt has been made to evaluate and report the optimal energy management of MGs, based on what is addressed in the literature. In addition, the most critical surveys on various topics of MGs are introduced as a guide for researchers to draw a road map for future works.
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This study investigates the energy cost and carbon emission reduction problem in geographically distributed cloud data centers (DCs), where each DC is connected with its own renewable energy resources (RERs) for green energy generation. We consider four cloud DCs that are operated by a single cloud service provider. They consume energy from both RERs and from the commercial grid to meet the demand of cloud users. For energy pricing, we consider four different energy markets that offer varying energy prices per hour. Additionally, our proposed strategy enables DCs to sell excess electricity to the commercial grid in peak-price hours and purchase in low-cost hours according to power trading. This work also exploits energy storage devices (ESDs) to store energy for future use. We utilize real-time data requests, weather data, and pricing data for performing simulations and results affirm the effectiveness and productiveness of our proposed method to mitigate the energy cost and carbon emission of cloud DCs.
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The Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) are advantageous in decreasing the carbon emission and energy bill of the users by empowering them to produce their own green energy. However, energy users are not able to sufficiently take paybacks from the RERs without advanced technologies. With the advent of Smart Grids, the potential benefits of RERs and dynamic pricing schemes can be fully exploited. Nonetheless, the big issue is the precise prediction of produced energy by RERs. In current work, we propose an efficient framework which is based on the integration of RERs in a smart community. This framework will be helpful and can be applied for energy management at a community level. We applied the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for precise and accurate prediction of produced energy by RERs. Moreover, the considered smart community consists of eighty smart homes and it is also assumed that every consumer has installed RERs including solar panels and wind turbine. Our obtained results show that our proposed framework is suitable for decreasing the energy bill of the smart community. Numerical results indicate that the energy cost of the end customer is reduced by 35 % by installing RERs in smart homes.
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An unprecedented opportunity is presented by smart grid technologies to shift the energy industry into the new era of availability, reliability and efficiency that will contribute to our economic and environmental health. Renewable energy sources play a significant role in making environments greener and generating electricity at a cheaper cost. The cloud/fog computing also contributes to tackling the computationally intensive tasks in a smart grid. This work proposes an energy efficient approach to solve the energy management problem in the fog based environment. We consider a small community that consists of multiple smart homes. A microgrid is installed at each residence for electricity generation. Moreover, it is connected with the fog server to share and store information. Smart energy consumers are able to share the details of excess energy with each other through the fog server. The proposed approach is validated through simulations in terms of cost and imported electricity alleviation.
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Demand response (DR) strategy provides an opportunity to electricity consumers to participate in making power system reliable by managing their electricity consumption. Due to increasing population, a lot of energy is consumed in the residential sector. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose an optimal scheme to systematically manage the energy consumption in residential area. Electricity cost and peak to average ratio reduction are the main goals of this study. Furthermore, reduction in imported electricity from the external grid is also the objective of this study. The proposed scheme schedules smart appliances and electrical vehicle (EV) charging/discharging optimally according to the consumers’ preferences. Each consumer has its own grid-connected microgrid for electricity generation; which consists of wind turbine, solar panel, micro gas turbine and energy storage system (ESS). On the other hand, a real time forecasting of wind speed and temperature has been performed using an artificial neural network for efficient energy management. Furthermore, the scheduling problem is mathematically formulated and solved by mixed integer linear programming (MILP). We also provide the comparison of the optimal solutions, while considering EV with and without discharging capabilities. Findings from simulations affirm our proposed scheme in terms of above-mentioned objectives. After solving home energy management and EV charging/discharging problem using MILP, power trading problem is considered in this thesis to earn maximum profit and proper utilization of renewable energy sources (RES). This problem is solved using two well-known heuristic approaches: the cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) and strawberry algorithm (SA). In our proposed scheme, a smart home decides to buy or sell electricity from/to the commercial grid for minimizing electricity costs and PAR with earning maximization. It makes a decision on the basis of electricity prices, demand and generation from its own microgrid. In this case, the microgrid also consists of a wind turbine and solar panel. Electricity generation from the solar panel and wind turbine is intermittent in nature. Therefore, ESS is also considered for stable and reliable power system operation. We test our proposed scheme on a set of different case studies. The simulation results affirm our proposed scheme in terms of electricity cost and PAR reduction with profit maximization. Furthermore, a comparative analysis is also performed to show the ixlegitimacy and productiveness of CSA and SA
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Renewable energy resources are currently being deployed on a large scale to meet the requirements of increased energy demand, mitigate the environmental pollutants, and achieve socio-economic benefits for sustainable development. The integration of such distributed energy sources into utility grid paves the way for microgrids. The microgrid concept is introduced to have a self-sustained system consisting of distributed energy resources that can operate in an islanded mode during grid failures. In microgrid, an energy management system is essential for optimal use of these distributed energy resources in intelligent, secure, reliable, and coordinated ways. Therefore, this review paper presents a comparative and critical analysis on decision making strategies and their solution methods for microgrid energy management systems. To manage the volatility and intermittency of renewable energy resources and load demand, various uncertainty quantification methods are summarized. A comparative analysis on communication technologies is also discussed for cost-effective implementation of microgrid energy management systems. Finally, insights into future directions and real world applications are provided.
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In this paper, we propose a home energy management (HEM) scheme in the residential area for electricity cost and peak to average ratio (PAR) reduction. Furthermore, reduction in imported electricity from the external grid is also the objective of this study. Our proposed scheme schedules smart appliances as well as electrical vehicles (EVs) charging/discharging optimally according to the consumer preferences. Each consumer has its own grid-connected microgrid for electricity generation; which consists of wind turbine, solar panel, micro gas turbine (MGT) and energy storage system (ESS). Furthermore, the scheduling problem is mathematically formulated and solved by mixed integer linear programming (MILP). We also provide the comparison of the optimal solutions, while considering EVs with and without discharging capabilities. Findings from simulations affirm our proposed scheme in terms of above-mentioned objectives. Index Terms-Demand side management; home energy management ; mixed integer linear programming
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The photovoltaic (PV) systems generate green energy from the sunlight without any pollution or noise. The PV systems are simple, convenient to install, and seldom malfunction. Unfortunately, the energy generated by PV systems depends on climatic conditions, location, and system design. The solar radiation forecasting is important to the smooth operation of PV systems. However, solar radiation detected by a pyranometer sensor is strongly nonlinear and highly unstable. The PV energy generation makes a considerable contribution to the smart grids via a large number of relatively small PV systems. In this paper, a high-precision deep convolutional neural network model (SolarNet) is proposed to facilitate the solar radiation forecasting. The proposed model is verified by experiments. The experimental results demonstrate that SolarNet outperforms other benchmark models in forecasting accuracy as well as in predicting complex time series with a high degree of volatility and irregularity.
Conference Paper
Time series forecasting is currently used in various areas. Energy management is also one of the most prevalent application areas. As a matter of fact, energy suppliers and managers have to face with the energy mix problem. Electricity can be produced from fossil fuels, from nuclear energy, from bio-fuels or from renewable energy resources. Concerning electricity generation system based on solar irradiation, it is very important to know precisely the amount of electricity available for the different sources and at different horizons: minutes, hours, and days. Depending on the horizon, two main classes of methods can be used to forecast the solar irradiation: statistical time series forecasting methods for short to midterm horizons and numerical weather prediction methods for medium to long-term horizons. On this paper, we focus only on statistical time series forecasting methods. The aim of this study is to assess if deep learning can be suitable and competitive on the solar irradiation data time series forecasting. In this context, studies using deep learning and other machine learning methods for time series forecasting were investigated. A special Recurrent Neural Network variations Long Short-Term Memories and Gated Recurrent Unit models are introduced.
Energy management is indispensable in the smart grid, which integrates more renewable energy resources, such as solar and wind. Because of the intermittent power generation from these resources, precise power forecasting has become very crucial to achieve efficient energy management. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive learning hybrid model (ALHM) for precise solar intensity forecasting based on meteorological data. We first present a time-varying multiple linear model (TMLM) to capture the linear and dynamic property of the data, We then construct simultaneous confidence bands (SCB) for variable selection. Next we apply the genetic algorithm back propagation neural network (GABP) to learn the nonlinear relationships in the data. We further propose ALHM by integrating TMLM, GABP and the adaptive learning online hybrid algorithm (ALOHA). The proposed ALHM captures the linear, temporal and nonlinear relationships in the data, and keeps improving the predicting performance adaptively online as more data collected. Simulation results show that ALHM outperforms several benchmarks in both short-term and long-term solar intensity forecasting.