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Growth and development of Theobroma cacao seedlings as a response to different dosages of vermicompost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi



This study aims to determine the response of cocoa ( Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings to the application of vermicompost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The research was conducted at the Teaching Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin from February to July 2018. The trial was set using a randomized block design (RBD). Three vermicompost dosages set as the first factor were 0, 25, and 50 g polybag ⁻¹ , and three dosages of AMF used as the second factor were 0, 6, and 12 g polybag ⁻¹ . The results showed that the application of 50 g polybag ⁻¹ of vermicompost and 6 g polybag ⁻¹ of AMF resulted in better seedling growth indicated by a higher number of leaves and stem diameter. The use of 25 g polybag ⁻¹ of vermicompost and 6 g polybag ⁻¹ of AMF increased the shoot and root fresh weight. Shoot:root ratio of the cocoa seedlings as the response of the plant to the application of vermicompost and AMF ranged between 0.38 and 0.53 compared to controls for both treatments ranged between 0.31 and 0.51.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Growth and development of Theobroma cacao seedlings as a response
to different dosages of vermicompost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
To cite this article: R Padjung et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 343 012017
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (2019) 012017
IOP Publishing
Growth and development of Theobroma cacao seedlings as a
response to different dosages of vermicompost and arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi
R Padjung, S H Saad, A H Bahrun and I Ridwan
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis
Kemerdekaan KM 10, Makassar, Indonesia
Abstract. This study aims to determine the response of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings
to the application of vermicompost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The research was
conducted at the Teaching Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin from
February to July 2018. The trial was set using a randomized block design (RBD). Three
vermicompost dosages set as the first factor were 0, 25, and 50 g polybag-1, and three dosages
of AMF used as the second factor were 0, 6, and 12 g polybag-1. The results showed that the
application of 50 g polybag-1 of vermicompost and 6 g polybag-1 of AMF resulted in better
seedling growth indicated by a higher number of leaves and stem diameter. The use of 25 g
polybag-1 of vermicompost and 6 g polybag-1 of AMF increased the shoot and root fresh
weight. Shoot:root ratio of the cocoa seedlings as the response of the plant to the application of
vermicompost and AMF ranged between 0.38 and 0.53 compared to controls for both
treatments ranged between 0.31 and 0.51.
1. Introduction
The development of cocoa continues to increase from year to the year indicated by the average of
cocoa growth rate in Indonesia during 2015-2017 showing an increase in productivity of 772, 778, and
779 kg/ha in the three consecutive years [1]. The efforts in improving cocoa production to meet the
demand in the future are facing problem in providing good quality seedlings. During plant growth in
the nursery, a high-quality seedling should have a straight and strong taproot. Strong rooting system at
the stage of seedlings will help the mature plants in absorbing nutrients from the deeper layer of the
Cocoa seedlings can grow well when planted in soil containing organic matter such as manure and
vermicompost. Use of vermicompost as much as 25 g per polybag to cocoa seedling as an organic
fertilizer had been shown to increase seedling height, leaf numbers, stem diameter, root volume, root
shoot ratio, and plant dry weight [2]. In addition to the use of inorganic and organic fertilizers,
utilization of biological agents also receives much attention since it can increase soil fertility. One of
the fungi that can be used and is effective in providing nutrient requirements for plants is mycorrhiza.
Mycorrhizae have an important role in increasing plant growth by increasing nutrient uptake by
expanding the surface of the absorption area.
Plants with endomycorrhiza can absorb more of the P element (10-27%) compared to the control
plant (0.4-13%) [3]. Higher P uptake is due to the ability of the fungal hyphae to release P from
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (2019) 012017
IOP Publishing
specific bound in the soil, making it available to plant through the synthesis of phosphatase enzymes
[4]. Increased absorption of P is followed by increased absorption of other elements, resulting in better
plant growth [3]. Organic matter is an important ingredient in improving soil fertility and stabilizing
soil aggregates. Musfal [5] stated that organic matter could improve soil structure, as well as the
movement of water in the soil, which is beneficial for plants and microorganisms. Given the
importance of the organic matter, soil organic matter needs to be maintained. Farida [6] stated that to
maintain soil organic matter and improve soil fertility, fertilization with organic fertilizers such as
manure that serves to increase nutrients, maintain soil structure, increase the ability of soil to hold
water and improve soil biological activities is necessary.
One of the organic material known to improve soil fertility is vermicompost. Vermicompost is a
microbiologically active organic material formed from the interactions between earthworms and
microorganisms during the decomposition of organic material [7]. The substance is rich in nutrients
and has better quality than other types of organic fertilizers. Vermicompost of Eisenia foetida contains
nitrogen 0.63%, phosphorus 0.35%, potassium 0.20%, calcium 0.23%, magnesium 0.26%, sodium
0.07%, copper 17.58%, zinc 0.007% , manganese 0.003%, iron 0.790%, boron 0.2221% [8].
Vermicompost contains humic acid substances which, together with clay, play a role in several
complex reactions both directly and indirectly. According to Ibrahim et al. [9], vermicomposting
process produce various plant growth-regulating compounds, particularly PGRs (Plant Growth
Regulators) such as auxins, kinetins, and gibberellins that could be absorbed by humates and fulvates
in vermicomposts. The plant regulators then released gradually on a time scale synchronized closely
with plant growth. Also, humic substances can increase soil fertility by changing the physical,
chemical, and biological conditions of the soil.
Vermicompost can be given to vegetable plants such as tomatoes, eggplant and mustard greens at a
dose of 450-500 g/m2 and given before planting or at planting with an array system or around the root
area. The vermicompost has a crumbly texture that is dominated by the size of sand (grain diameter of
0.05-2 mm) and also can hold large water, which is around 14.45-1.68% [10]. Based on its physical
properties, vermicompost has high porosity, aeration, and drainage and good water-holding capacities
[11]. According to Mulat [10], vermicompost also contains growth-stimulating hormones for plants,
such as gibberellin 2.75%, cytokinin 1.05%, and auxin 3.80%. The application of vermicompost is
considered to increase some of the content of nutrients in the soil such as N, P2O5, K2O, CaO, MgO,
and Mn compared to other fertilizers.
2. Methodology
This research was conducted at the Teaching Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas of Hasanuddin
University, Makassar, South Sulawesi from February to July 2018. The trial employed a Randomized
Block Design with two factors, namely the application of vermicompost (K) as the first factor and
AMF (M) as the second factor. The dosage of vermicompost applied was 0, 25, and 50 g polybag-1
while AMF dosage applied were 0, 6, and 12 g polybag-1. Thus, there were nine combinations of
treatments, and each combination was repeated three times, which resulted in 81 experimental units.
AMF used was Acaulaspora tuberculata from the genus of Acaulasporaceae inoculated in a
mixture of corn and sorghum plants mixed in Zeolite. One-month-old cocoa seedlings of Sulawesi
clone originated from Tinco Village, Cita Subdistrict, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi province,
were transplanted into 30x40 cm sized polybags previously filled with planting media of 2:1 ratio of
soil and manure. The vermicompost and AMF were applied according to the treatment at transplanting
by mixing the vermicompost in the media. The AMF was applied by adding it in the rhizosphere of the
Parameters of observed were stem diameter, number of leaves, root volume, fresh shoot weight,
fresh root weight, and shoot and root ratio. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance and
followed by Tukey's difference test when there is a significant effect of the treatments.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (2019) 012017
IOP Publishing
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Effect of vermicompost and AMF on the growth of cocoa seedlings
Application of different dosages of vermicompost and AMF significantly affected the growth of cocoa
seedlings. Although there is no consistent effect of vermicompost on leaf numbers, the stem diameter
of cocoa seedling tends to increase with the dosage of vermicompost used. Table 1 shows that the
seedlings applied with 50 g polybag-1 of vermicompost and 6 g polybag-1 of AMF resulted in the
highest number of leaves and stem diameter with an average of 13.89 leaves and 16.87 mm,
The use of vermicompost in the planting media can have a direct and indirect effect on the growth
and development of the plant. The direct effect of vermicompost on growth component of the seedling
is due to the chemical properties of the substance, which is rich in nutrition such as macronutrients of
N, P, and K [10]. The vermicompost also contains growth stimulating hormones for plants, such as
gibberellin 2.75%, cytokinin 1.05%, and auxin 3.80% [10]. Availability of important nutrients in the
soil to be absorbed by the seedling and the presence of plant growth regulator simultaneously resulted
in better growth of the cocoa seedling, as shown in this recent study. The indirect effect of
vermicompost is more attributed to the physical properties of high porosity, aeration, and drainage and
good water-holding capacities [11]. This condition is favourable to the development of the rooting
system of the seedlings.
Beside the vermicompost, mycorrhizal fungi inoculated to the seedling can also improve the P
absorption by the plant, one of the macro element needed for plant growth [3]. Higher P uptake is
attributed to the synthesis of phosphatase enzymes by the fungi hyphae turning P element in the soil
into an available state for the plant [4]. Therefore, the use of vermicompost and AMF would benefit
the growth of cocoa seedlings.
Table 1. Effect of different dosages of vermicompost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on the
growth of cocoa seedlings.
Dosage of
Dosage of AMF
Tukey’s 0.05 k
6 g polybag-1
12 g polybag-1
Number of Leaves
k0 (0 g polybag-1)
k1 (25 g polybag-1)
k2 (50 g polybag-1)
Tukey’s 0.05 m
Stem Diameter (mm)
k0 (0 g polybag-1)
k1 (25 g polybag-1)
k2 (50 g polybag-1)
Tukey’s 0.05 m
Numbers followed by the same letter in a row (xyz) and column (abc) means do not significantly differ
based on Tukey’s p ≤ 0.05.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (2019) 012017
IOP Publishing
3.2. Effect of vermicompost and AMF on the development of cocoa seedlings
Application of vermicompost and AMF in various dosages on cocoa seedlings significantly interacted
in affecting the development of the seedlings. Seedlings applied with 25 g polybag-1 and 6 g polybag-1
resulted in the highest fresh shoot weight (1.35 g) while for the parameter of fresh root weight, the best
result obtained with the application of 25 g polybag-1 of vermicompost without AMF inoculation
(11.83 g). Application of vermicompost and AMF to the growing media improve the availability of
some important nutrients such as N, P and K which are the component needed for the synthesis of the
main compound to establish plant body [10].
Table 2. Effect of different dosages of vermicompost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on
the development of cocoa seedlings.
Dosage of
Dosage of AMF
Tukey’s 0.05 k
6 g polybag-1
12 g polybag-1
Shoot FW (g)
k0 (0 g polybag-1)
k1 (25 g polybag-1)
k2 (50 g polybag-1)
Tukey’s 0.05 m
Root FW (g)
k0 (0 g polybag-1)
k1 (25 g polybag-1)
k2 (50 g polybag-1)
Tukey’s 0.05 m
Numbers followed by the same letter in a row (xyz) and column (abc) means do not significantly differ
based on Tukey’s p ≤ 0.05. FW=fresh weight.
Table 3. Effect of different dosages of vermicompost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on
shoot and root ratio of cocoa seedlings.
Dosage of
Dosage of AMF
6 g polybag-1
12 g polybag-1
k0 (0 g polybag-1)
k1 (25 g polybag-1)
k2 (50 g polybag-1)
Tukey’s 0.05 m
Numbers followed by the same letter in a row (xyz) and column (abc) means do not significantly differ
based on Tukey’s p ≤ 0.05
Similar to results on the parameter of the shoot and root fresh weight of the cocoa seedlings, the
vermicompost and AMF dosage treatments interacted significantly in affecting the shoot and root
ratio. Treatments resulted in the highest shoot, and root ratio of 0.53 was the application of 25 g
polybag-1 vermicompost and 6 g polybag-1 AMF. Shoot:root ratio is an indicator whether growth is
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (2019) 012017
IOP Publishing
directed more to above or below ground. Although optimal shoot:root ratio depends on the variety of
the plant, the extent of changes in this ratio is also affected by the environment [12]. Normal planting
condition would result in normal shoot and root growth while abiotic stress can lead to an imbalanced
proportion of growth. In this recent study, it is shown that the use of vermicompost and AMF resulted
in higher ratios (0.53) compared to control (0. 36). This ratio indicates a normal shoot growth as a
result of favorable condition either for nutrients absorption or light condition to support the growth
and development of cocoa seedlings.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that application of 50 g polybag-1 vermicompost
with 6 g polybag-1 of AMF on cocoa seedlings resulted in better seedling growth indicated by a higher
number of leaves and stem diameter. The highest fresh weight of shoot and shoot and root ratio
obtained from the treatment of vermicompost dosage of 25 g polybag-1 and AMF dosage of 6 g
polybag-1. The treatment of 25 g polybag-1 of vermicompost on the cocoa seedling resulted in highest
root fresh weight.
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... The use of fertile planting media would yield good seedlings and promote sustainable cocoa production Anthonio et al. (2018). In this context, the use of organic fertilizers in the planting medium would influence cocoa seedling growth (Tarigan et al., 2018;Padjung et al., 2019). ...
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The crucial aspect of cocoa cultivation is ensuring the availability of seedlings with robust growth. Ultisols, a type of soil with potential for cocoa plant propagation, necessitate materials to enhance fertility when used as a growing medium. This includes the application of liquid smoke derived from coconut shells. To further study on this aspect this research aimed to determine the role of liquid coconut shell smoke on the growth of cocoa seedlings in Ultisols soil. The research was conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Panca Bhakti University, Pontianak, for 90 days from July to October 2023. The research used a complete randomized block design (CRBD) with four replications. The treatment concentrations of liquid coconut shell smoke (%) consisted of six levels: 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, and 1.25%. Each replication consisted of three cocoa plant seedling samples, resulting in a total of 72 plants for the entire research unit. The observed parameters included plant height increase (cm), the increase in the number of leaves (leaves), and the increase in stem diameter (mm). The research results found a very significant influence on all observed parameters. The treatment of liquid coconut shell smoke at a concentration of 0.75% yielded the highest results in terms of seedling height increase (29.09 cm), the number of leaves (14.08 leaves), and stem diameter (9.87 mm) compared to the control. This research finding shows that a concentration of 0.75% liquid coconut shell smoke can maximize the growth of cocoa seedlings in Ultisols soil through soil fertility improvement.
... There are a variety of responses that seem to depend on the compatibility between the plant-fungus combination and soil fertility, being in general lower the growth response to inoculation when concentration of available P in soil is higher. Within the AMF that have been evaluated individually and have shown a positive response on the growth and/or mineral nutrition of cacao can be cited: Gigaspora margarita, Scutellospora calospora, Cetraspora pellucida, Ambispora appendicula, Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus clarus, R. irregularis, Septoglomus constrictum, and Acaulospora tuberculata (Cuenca et al. 1990;Azizah-Chulan 1991;Oladele 2015;Droh et al. 2016;Padjun et al. 2019;Araujo et al. 2020;Paguntalan et al. 2020;Pongpisutta et al. 2021 (Sánchez et al. 2000;Bhattacharya and Bagyaraj 2002;Andrade et al. 2009;Cogo et al. 2017;Moreira et al. 2018;Cruz et al. 2020;Hernández-Acosta et al. 2021). It is interesting to note that in the list of AMF with positive effects on growth cited above, there are many AMF species considered as generalists which included several of the most frequently found in the inventory performed (A. ...
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Coffee and cacao are among the most widespread and economically important agroforestry crops worldwide. Their traditional cultivation under a canopy of shade trees represents a model of sustainable agriculture that allows the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services of forests. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play an important role in plant nutrition and nutrient cycling, and their presence is crucial to the maintenance of these agroecosystems. In addition, the mycorrhizal association increases plant survival under biotic and abiotic stress conditions and constitutes a determining factor in the productivity of these crops. This chapter provides an inventory of AMF species associated with coffee and cacao cultivation in South America and compiles information about the effect of agroforestry management practices on mycorrhizal fungal communities. In traditional agroforestry systems, coffee and cacao plantations are able to maintain functionally diverse AMF communities that allow the expression of the multiple benefits of mycorrhizal association. However, when the intensity of agriculture practices is increased, the AMF diversity is significantly reduced, in turn reducing their functionality. The influence of AMF diversity on the productivity of these crops is discussed highlighting the importance of conservation and maintenance of native AMF in these agroecosystems. Keywords
... Several studies have reported that inoculation of AMF-type endomycorrhiza with HS increased plant growth and yield [154,155]. In non-inoculated plants, P is directly absorbed by nutrient transporters located in the root epidermis and cortex. When plants are inoculated with AMF, P is absorbed by hyphae/mycelia via nutrient transporters and subsequently translocated to fungal structures located inside the cortical cells of the roots [152,156]. ...
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Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a major constraint in highly weathered tropical soils. Although phosphorous rock reserves may last for several hundred years, there exists an urgent need to research efficient P management for sustainable agriculture. Plant hormones play an important role in regulating plant growth, development, and reproduction. Humic substances (HS) are not only considered an essential component of soil organic carbon (SOC), but also well known as a biostimulant which can perform phytohormone-like activities to induce nutrient uptake. This review paper presents an overview of the scientific outputs in the relationship between HS and plant hormones. Special attention will be paid to the interaction between HS and plant hormones for nutrient uptake under P-deficient conditions.
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Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) play an essential role in various agroecosystems since they build symbiosis mutualism with plants. Understanding the differences in the distribution and diversity of AMF in cocoa plants with different elevations is important to explore the bio-ecological aspects of AMF. This study examined the differences in the number and types of AMF spores in cocoa plantations at three different elevations: <500, >500-1000, and >1000 masl. Environmental factors such as the physical and chemical properties of the soil were also investigated. This study found that the number of AMF spores was higher in the lowlands (<500 masl) than in the highlands. Rarefaction curves show that all soil samples taken are adequate for diversity analysis. Multivariate analysis with NMDS followed by the goodness of fit statistical test using the Bray Curtis method showed that a clear distribution pattern in the AMF community structure was significantly influenced by chemical and physical factors of the soil in the form of phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, total nitrogen, clay, and soil texture.
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em>Pemberian VAM dan dosis pupuk kandang ayam telah diteliti terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung menggunakan rancangan split plot dengan rancangan lingkungan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak. Faktor pertama sebagai petak utama adalah VAM (tanpa VAM dan dengan VAM) dan faktor kedua sebagai anak petak adalah dosis pupuk kandang ayam (0, 5, 10, 15, dan 20 ton ha<sup>-1</sup>). Dosis pupuk kandang ayam 0 ton ha<sup>-1</sup> digunakan untuk menentukan 100% pupuk anorganik dan dosis lain dari pupuk kandang ayam digunakan untuk menentukan 50% dari pupuk anorganik. Secara statistik, penerapan VAM tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung. Penggunaan VAM memberikan tinggi tanaman lebih tinggi dari tinggi tanaman tanpa menggunakan VAM pada 9 minggu setelah tanam. Beberapa perlakuan dengan VAM menunjukkan pertumbuhan dan produksi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanpa VAM. Pemberian dosis pupuk kandang ayam menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung. Dosis pupuk kandang ayam memberikan respon linear pada tinggi tanaman saat 9 minggu setelah tanam dan jagung berbiji.</em
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Root:shoot (R:S) biomass partitioning is one of the keys to the plants' ability to compensate for limiting resources in the environment and thus to survive and succeed in competition. In adult plants, it can vary in response to many factors, such as nutrient availability in the soil or reserves in the roots from the previous season. The question remains whether, at the interspecific level, reserves in seeds can affect seedlings' R:S ratio in a similar way. Proper allocation to resource‐acquiring organs is enormously important for seedlings and is likely to determine their survival and further success. Therefore, we investigated the effect of seed mass on seedling R:S biomass partitioning and its interaction with nutrient supply in the substrate. We measured seedling biomass partitioning under two different nutrient treatments after 2, 4, 6, and 12 weeks for seventeen species differing in seed mass and covering. We used phylogenetically informed analysis to determine the independent influence of seed mass on seedling biomass partitioning. We found consistently lower R:S ratios in seedlings with higher seed mass. Expectedly, R:S was also lower with higher substrate nutrient supply, but substrate nutrient supply had a bigger effect on R:S ratio for species with higher seed mass. These findings point to the importance of seed reserves for the usage of soil resources. Generally, R:S ratio decreased over time and, similarly to the effect of substrate nutrients, R:S ratio decreased faster for large‐seeded species. We show that the seed mass determines the allocation patterns into new resource‐acquiring organs during seedling development. Large‐seeded species are more flexible in soil nutrient use. It is likely that faster development of shoots provides large‐seeded species with the key advantage in asymmetric above‐ground competition, and that this could constitute one of the selective factors for optimum seed mass.
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During the last three years, the Soil Ecology Laboratory at the Ohio State University has been studying the effects of vermicomposts on the incidence of plant diseases and pests such as plant parasitic nematodes, insects and mites in both greenhouse and field experiments. In all of the experiments, the plants were supplied with all nutrients they needed. Usually, a traditional thermophilic compost, produced from the same organic waste, was included as a comparison standard treatment. The resultant data were analyzed in detail.
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The main aim of this book is to bridge the gap between aerobic and anaerobic waste treatments by concentrating on studies of earthworms. In particular, vermicomposting is being discussed as well as its properties and applications. Other subjects touch on the treatment of palm oil mill effluents, the various importance of earthworms, its scope and future aspects of earthworm research, and the impact of waste management practices on human health
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In order to maintain crop yields, modern agricultural systems are highly dependent on continual inputs of Phosphate-based fertilizers. These fertilizers are processed from phosphate rock, which is a non-renewable natural resource. Therefore, the world could soon face a resource scarcity crisis that might affect global food security. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which form a symbiosis with the roots of nearly all vascular plants, could play a key role in solving the phosphate shortage problem. Mycorrhizal symbioses are recognized for their importance in plant nutrition, particularly in phosphorus uptake. Also, by improving the efficiency of nutrients uptake, and by increasing plant resistance to pathogens and abiotic stresses, mycorrhizal symbiosis can enhance plant growth and therefore reduce the need for Phosphate-based fertilizers. In this review, we provide an update of recent findings and reports on inorganic phosphorus and on mycorrhizae as the cornerstone of a "second green revolution".
Pengaruh Pupuk Kascing Dan Pupuk Npk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L
  • F Triastuti
  • W Wardati
  • A Yulia
Triastuti F, Wardati W and Yulia A E Pengaruh Pupuk Kascing Dan Pupuk Npk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) J. Online Mhs. Fak. Pertan. Univ. Riau 3 1-13
  • N I K S Dewi
  • I G P Wirawan
  • M Sritamin
Dewi N I K S, Wirawan I G P and Sritamin M 2014 Identifikasi Mikoriza Abuskula Secara Mikroskopis pada Rhizosfer Beberapa Jenis Rumput-rumputan dan Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) E-Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Trop. (Journal Trop. Agroecotechnology)
Potensi Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil
  • M Musfal
Musfal M 2017 Potensi Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Tanaman Jagung J. Penelit. dan Pengemb. Pertan. 29 154-8
Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Kascing dan Inokulan CMA terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Buncis Tipe Tegak
  • A Hidayat
Hidayat A A 2002 Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Kascing dan Inokulan CMA terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Buncis Tipe Tegak (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). (Universitas Padjajaran)