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Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour in Pregnancy - Diagnosis and Treatment Management

  • Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Bucharest


Digestive cancers diagnosed during pregnancy are rare and are sporadically reported. The shift of pregnancy towards the age interval of 30-39 years old (and even 40-49 years old) could explain the more and more frequent superposition of pregnancy and cancer. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (PNET) originate in the insular endocrine tissue and are extremely rare; they have a slow, less aggressive neoplastic development, with the capacity of secreting and storing different peptides and neuroamines. From the large group of NET tumours, approximately 70% have a gastroenterohepatic (GET) localisation and represent less than 2% of the digestive tract tumours. PNET incidence is extremely reduced, of approximately 1/100.000. The association of pregnancy and PNET in literature is exceptional until now only 39 cases were reported. The most frequent PNET in pregnant patients is the insulinoma with the starting point in pancreatic B-cells, with 27 out of 39 PNET worldwide reported cases until 2012. Establishing a diagnosis in pregnant patients is difficult in the first period of pregnancy because physiologically, the glucose tends to be low. This may be a consequence of the increased secretion of insulin and sensibility to insulin, probably as an effect of increased oestrogen levels. Furthermore, there are other signs which could suggest the existence of a "problem", which are relatively common during the first trimester of pregnancy: unexplained fatigue, vomiting, hypotension, rare episodes of hypoglycaemia. Performing paraclinical tests on these patients is difficult; an essential indicator of the opportunity for the investigation is the pregnancy trimester. The precaution about a foetal injury when indicating an invasive exploration (imaging, endoscopy, etc.) delays the diagnosis. The insulinomas have a rather benign potential than an aggressive nature, and their prognosis is usually favourable, with therapeutic possibilities easy to administrate and control in pregnant patients. Medical treatment is used in patients when there is a positive diagnosis but the topography of the insulinoma was not identified, when the symptomatology is easy to control through conserving therapy until the foetus is mature enough or immediately after birth, in pregnant patients who refuse the surgical procedure, or in the case of metastasis of malignant insulinoma. Surgical treatment indeed remains the only therapeutic method, but most often it is scheduled usually after birth, or if the situation requires, as late as possible after the foetus has a convenient age (after 28 weeks).
Review Article
Chirurgia (2019) 114: 550-563
No. 5, September - October
Copyright© Celsius
550 Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019
Cazurile de cancere digestive diagnosticate în timpul sarcinii sunt
rare, raportarea lor fiind sporadică. Deplasarea gravidităţii spre
intervalul de vârstă ‘30-39 de ani (şi deloc excepţional 40-49 ani) ar
putea explica suprapunerea din ce în ce mai frecventă a cancerelor
şi sarcina. Tumorile pancreatice de tip NET (PNET) au origine în
ţesutul endocrin insular, fiind entităţi extrem de rare, având
caracteristic un comportament de dezvoltare neoplazică lent, puţin
agresive, cu capacitatea de a secreta şi înmagazina diferite peptide
şi neuroamine. Din grupa mare a tumorilor de tip NET, cca 70 %
sunt localizate gastro-entero-hepatic (GET) şi reprezintă mai puţin
de 2% din tumorile tubului digestiv. Incidenţa PNET este extrem
de redusă cca 1/100.000. În literatură, asocierea sarcină-PNET este
excepţională, fiind raportate până la acest moment 39 astfel de
cazuri. Cea mai frecventă PNET raportată la gravide este
insulinomul, pînă în 2012 fiind publicate 27 de cazuri la nivel
global, cu punct de dezvoltare în celulele β-pancreatice, dintr-un
total de 39 cazuri de PNET descrise. Diagnosticul la gravide este
îngreunat în prima parte a sarcinii deoarece, din punct de vedere
fiziologic, în această perioadă glucoza are tendinţa să aibă nivel
scăzut, consecinţă a secreţiei crescute de insulină şi a sensibilităţii
la insulină, probabil ca efect al creşterii nivelului de estrogeni. De
asemenea, şi alte semne care ar putea sugera prezenţa unei
”probleme”, cum ar fi astenie neexplicată, vărsături, hipotensiune,
episoade reduse de hipoglicemie, sunt relativ comune în primul
trimestru de sarcină. Dificilă este şi evaluarea paraclinică a
acestor paciente, un indicator important al oportunităţii unei
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour in Pregnancy
- Diagnosis and Treatment Management
Dragoæ Predescu
General and Esophageal Surgery Department, Center of Excellence in Esophageal Surgery, Sf. Maria Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
Corresponding author:
Dragoæ Predescu MD
General and Esophageal Surgery
Department, Center of Excellence
in Esophageal Surgery, Sf. Maria
Clinical Hospital, Bucharest
37-39 Bdul Ion Mihalache, sector 1
Bucharest, Romania
Received: 04.08.2019
Accepted: 07.09.2019
PNET - Pancreatic Neuroendocrine
GET - Gastroenterohepatic;
VIP - Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide;
EUS - Endoscopic Ultrasound;
EGD - Esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
CT - Computed Tomography;
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
MEN - Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia.
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour in Pregnancy - Diagnosis and Treatment Management
Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019 551
investigaţii sau alteia revenind trimestrului de graviditate. Precauţia legată de ”compromiterea”
fetală în indicarea unei explorări invazive (imagistice, endoscopice, etc) întârzie de asemenea
diagnosticul. Caracterul puţin agresiv, mai de curând cu potenţial benign face ca prognosticul
insulinoamelor să fie în general unul favorabil iar posibilităţile terapeutice uşor de administrat şi
controlat la gravide. Tratamentul medical se adresează pacientelor atunci când există diagnostic
pozitiv dar nu putut identifica topografia insulinomului, când simptomatologia este uşor controlată
prin terapie conservatoare până când se obţine o vârstă convenabilă a fătului fie imediat post-
partum, la gravidele care refuză intervenţia chirurgicală, fie în stadiul metastatic al insulinomului
malign. Tratamentul chirurgical rămâne cu adevărat singura modalitate de rezolvare terapeutică
dar, cel mai adesea, sub forma unei chirurgii programate, de regulă post-partum, sau dacă situaţia
”forţează” indicaţia, cât mai târziu după o vârstă fetală convenabilă (după 28 săptămâni).
Cuvinte cheie: neoplazia neuroendocrinã pancreaticã, sarcinã, managementul de diagnostic şi
Digestive cancers diagnosed during pregnancy are rare and are sporadically reported. The shift
of pregnancy towards the age interval of 30-39 years old (and even 40-49 years old) could explain
the more and more frequent superposition of pregnancy and cancer. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine
Tumours (PNET) originate in the insular endocrine tissue and are extremely rare; they have a
slow, less aggressive neoplastic development, with the capacity of secreting and storing different
peptides and neuroamines. From the large group of NET tumours, approximately 70% have a
gastroenterohepatic (GET) localisation and represent less than 2% of the digestive tract
tumours. PNET incidence is extremely reduced, of approximately 1/100.000. The association of
pregnancy and PNET in literature is exceptional until now only 39 cases were reported. The
most frequent PNET in pregnant patients is the insulinoma with the starting point in
pancreatic β-cells, with 27 out of 39 PNET worldwide reported cases until 2012. Establishing a
diagnosis in pregnant patients is difficult in the first period of pregnancy because physiologically,
the glucose tends to be low. This may be a consequence of the increased secretion of insulin and
sensibility to insulin, probably as an effect of increased oestrogen levels. Furthermore, there are
other signs which could suggest the existence of a “problem”, which are relatively common
during the first trimester of pregnancy: unexplained fatigue, vomiting, hypotension, rare
episodes of hypoglycaemia. Performing paraclinical tests on these patients is difficult; an essential
indicator of the opportunity for the investigation is the pregnancy trimester. The precaution about
a foetal injury when indicating an invasive exploration (imaging, endoscopy, etc.) delays the
diagnosis. The insulinomas have a rather benign potential than an aggressive nature, and their
prognosis is usually favourable, with therapeutic possibilities easy to administrate and control in
pregnant patients. Medical treatment is used in patients when there is a positive diagnosis but the
topography of the insulinoma was not identified, when the symptomatology is easy to control
through conserving therapy until the foetus is mature enough or immediately after birth, in
pregnant patients who refuse the surgical procedure, or in the case of metastasis of malignant
insulinoma. Surgical treatment indeed remains the only therapeutic method, but most often it is
scheduled usually after birth, or if the situation requires, as late as possible after the foetus has a
convenient age (after 28 weeks).
Key words: pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour (PNET), pregnancy, diagnosis and treatment
D. Predescu
552 Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019
Digestive cancers diagnosed during pregnancy
are rare and are sporadically reported. The
shift of pregnancy towards the age interval of
30-39 years old (and even 40-49 years old)
could explain the more and more frequent
superposition of pregnancy and cancer.
Various population studies (1-5) observe an
explosive increase of some digestive neo-
plasms in the last 3-4 decades, especially
when studying the 15 - 49 years old group age,
the fertile period of women. Similar to breast
cancer, digestive cancers in pregnancy are the
cancers diagnosed during pregnancy and in
the first year postpartum. Of the many
gastrointestinal sites affected by neoplasia,
the most frequent affected seem to be the
stomach, the rectum and the colon; liver and
pancreas cancers have been exceptionally
reported. The difficulty of establishing the
diagnosis of digestive cancer during pregnancy
is caused by the existence of signs and symp-
toms which can be attributed to pregnancy,
due to the common abdominal site of the
pregnant uterus and visceral neoplasm. It is
challenging to perform paraclinical tests on
these patients, an essential indicator of the
opportunity for investigation being the
pregnancy trimester. The precaution about
foetal injury when indicating an invasive
exploration (imaging, endoscopy, etc.) delays
the diagnosis.
The diagnosis and treatment protocols for
patients who are not pregnant are different
than the ones for pregnant patients; most
often, a multidisciplinary approach will define
a correct, equilibrated and optimal treatment
plan. This approach involves the association
of a medical oncologist, a gynaecologist, a
gastroenterologist, a surgeon, a paediatrician,
a neonatologist and an oncology psychologist,
together with the patient and her family.
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours (PNET)
originate in the insular endocrine tissue and
are extremely rare; they have a slow, less
aggressive neoplastic development, with the
capacity of secreting and storing different
peptides and neuroamines (6). From the large
group of NET tumours, approximately 70%
have a gastroenterohepatic (GET) localisation
and represent less than 2% of the digestive
tract tumours. PNET incidence is hugely
reduced, of approximately 1/100.000 (7-9). The
association of pregnancy and PNET in the
literature (10) is exceptional; until now, only
39 cases were reported.
Mainly, from the operational point of view,
PNET are divided into two groups: 1) PNET
associated with the secretion of biologically
active substances with the emergence of
specific syndromes; 2) non-functional PNET
(NF-PNET). The distinction between these
two groups is vital for PNET diagnosis and
treatment (7-9,11).
From the group of functional PNET the
most frequent tumours are: insulinoma,
gastrinoma, VIPoma, somatostatinoma,
glucagonoma, GH-releasing factor secreting
(GRFomas), and less common PNET groups:
secreting ACHT (ACTHoma) with the
emergence of Cushing syndrome, PNET
associated with carcinoid syndrome or
hypercalcemia, or the rare ectopic PNET
secreting luteinizing hormone, renin or
NF-PNET forms are twice as frequent than
functional PNETs.
The emergence of PNET can sporadically
appear in the context of hereditary genetic
disorders, approximately 80-100% of PNET
appear in patients with MEN I, 10-17% in
patients with Hippel-Lindau syndrome and up
to 10% in patients with von Recklinghausen
disease (neurofibromatosis type 1 NF-1), all of
them being autosomal dominant transmission
diseases; MEN I is the most frequent cause,
being the consequence of a mutation in 11q13
chromosome (13,14). The patients with MEN I
develop hyperplasia of tumour growth with
various sites in endocrine and non-endocrine
tissues (parathyroid adenomas, pituitary
adenomas, carcinoid tumours, thyroid
adenomas, skin tumours, adrenal gland
tumours, etc.). As a consequence, genetic
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour in Pregnancy - Diagnosis and Treatment Management
Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019 553
Tumour type Hormone / Signs and symptoms Statistic incidence out
secreted peptide of functional PNET
Insulinoma Insulin Hypoglycaemia episodes 35-40%
Gastrinoma Gastrin Refractory peptic ulcer 16-30%
(Zollinger-Ellison syndrome) Diarrhoea
Glucagonoma Glucagon Diabetes <10%
Venous thromboembolism
Dermatitis & Necrolytic erythema
VIPoma Vasoactive intestinal Watery diarrhoea <10%
polypeptide (VIP) Hypokalaemia
Somatostatinoma Somatostatin Diabetes <5%
Table 1. Signs, symptoms and incidence of functional PNET
analysis could be necessary for a complete
diagnosis (15).
The most frequent PNET in pregnant
patients is the insulinoma with the starting
point in pancreatic β-cells, with 27 out of 39
PNET worldwide reported cases until 2012
(10,16). The vast majority (!) are described in
the first trimester of pregnancy, but there
were cases at the end of pregnancy (1 case) or
immediately postpartum (4 cases). Other
PNET tumours are more rarely described,
especially in pregnant patients: gastrinoma,
VIPoma, somatostatinoma, glucagonoma, etc.
(in the order of frequency). The different
degrees of tumour aggressiveness, pregnancy
in different evolution phases, the association
of multiple MEN I specific pathologies,
inabilities to establish the diagnosis make
each case a difficult to manage entity, both
from the diagnostic and therapeutic point of
view (17-20) (
Table 1
The prevalence of insulinoma in general
population is of 1/250.000, the essential
characteristic being an insulin-secreting tumour
(C-peptide), with symptomatic hypoglycaemia
(the Whipple triad: low level of blood glucose,
neuroglycopenia - confusion, conscience
alteration, the enhancement of manifestations
when administrating glycemic treatment).
In our country, the largest statistics is the
one of professor I. Juvara, 55 observations
until 1984, to which are added 16 cases
published by Tr. Pătraşcu from the same
medical clinic, from 1985 to 2002 (21,22). The
same author (22) estimates that there are
under 3000 cases published worldwide, and
there are other Romanian authors who
published such cases, like for example A.
Popovici (23-25), but neither of them was
simultaneous with pregnancy. The majority of
insulinomas have a primary pancreatic site
(98%), but there are also ectopic insulinomas
in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, lung (21).
Usually there are small tumours (5% under
0.5 cm, 34% between 0.5 - 1 cm, 53% between
1-5 cm and only 8% over 5 cm), in the head (20
– 30%) or tail (20%) of the pancreas (26). In
3,5% of cases (27), the tumours are multifocal.
Clinical Examination and Symptomatology
During a hypoglycaemic crisis, the following
symptoms may appear - memory disorders,
confusion, behavioural changes (petulance,
agitation, drowsiness), mental and physical
fatigue, sensory perception disorders (hypo-
acusis, eye accommodation disorders),
paraesthesia, amnesia. The coma is initially
superficial, but as the hypoglycaemia is
accentuated, it becomes profound, and con-
vulsions may appear (21,26,27). Attention!
Approximately 40% of the patients who
D. Predescu
554 Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019
arrive at the hospital are in a coma or have
suffered a loss of consciousness. Establishing
a diagnosis in pregnant patients is difficult
in the first period of pregnancy because
physiologically, the glucose tends to be low.
This situation may be a consequence of the
increased secretion of insulin and sensibility
to insulin, probably as an effect of increased
oestrogen levels (28).
Furthermore, there are other signs which
could suggest the existence of a “problem”,
which are relatively common during the first
trimester of pregnancy: unexplained fatigue,
vomiting, hypotension, rare episodes of hypo-
glycaemia. The alarm raised by a prolonged or
exaggerated hyperemesis is due to the
synergistic action of acidosis, respectively of
persistent hypoglycaemia. The metabolic status
of each pregnant patient is essential; obesity
gives a certain protection against hypo-
In the case of advanced pregnancies, the
rarity of the diagnosis in this stage (one single
reported case) (29) is explained by the increase
of resistance to insulin, which leads to the
absence of / minor episodes of hypoglycaemia.
In the postpartum period, once the sensibility
to insulin is restored, these tumours may be
discovered due to the appearance of specific
The interesting fact in patients with insuli-
noma is that the hypoglycaemic crisis evolves
gradually, with initial sensorial and movement
disorders, then with the narrowing of conscious-
ness to coma and seizures. The clinical exami-
nation is influenced by the way glycopenia
appears and its duration: if the drop is rapid, an
adrenergic picture will emerge, if it is a slight
decrease neuropsychological signs appear. Note
that once the pregnancy period is over, the
neurological manifestations caused by
glycopenia can be considered to be psychical
postpartum disorders (!) (30).
Some patients recognise the beginning of a
glycopenic crisis, and they manage to avoid it
by ingesting carbohydrates. When evolving,
especially in case of malignancy, the crises
worsen, become more complex, subintrant.
There is no parallel between the severity of
hypoglycaemia and the severity of symptoma-
tology, the sensibility threshold being charac-
teristic to each patient (21).
Some physiological information is neces-
sary. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the
level of blood glucose is generally low due to an
increase of insulin and cellular sensibility to
insulin, as a side effect of oestrogen increase
(28). Once the pregnancy advances, a new
series of hormonal changes alter the maternal
glucose metabolism, on the one hand by
altering pancreatic β-cells function, and on the
other hand by increasing the peripheral
cellular resistance to insulin. It appears that
among the placental hormones involved, the
placental growth hormone is the most impor-
tant. It has an effect of peripheral cellular
resistance to insulin due to an overexpression
of p85α subunit, having as a consequence the
binding to IRS-1, the reduction of PI 3-kinase
activity and insulin signalling, and
the translocation of GLUT4 to the plasma
membrane (31). The same effect is due to the
presence of tumour necrosis factor (TNF -
secreted by the placenta) and circulating
leptins (32).
Another hormone involved, the placental
lactogenic hormone, stimulates the increase of
pancreatic β-cells and insulin secretion.
Paraclinical Diagnosis
The diagnosis is suggested by (117): glycaemia <
40 mg/dL concurrently with serum insulin
> 3 µU/mL, C-peptide level 200 > pmol/L,
proinsulin value > 5pmol/L, A-hydroxybutyrate
< 2.7 mmol/l, the absence of sulfonylureas in
plasma or urine and confirmed by the 72 hours
fasting plasma glucose test.
A diagnostic option would be alimentary
abstinence for 48-72 hours, under medical
surveillance, by taking regular blood samples
at 6 hours. When glucose is <60 mg/dL, blood
glucose is collected hourly. The assessment
continues until the patient begins to suffer
from hypoglycaemia (<45 mg/dL), with or
without neurological symptomatology, until
the 72 hours is accomplished. The diagnosis
becomes apparent with the sampling / the
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour in Pregnancy - Diagnosis and Treatment Management
Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019 555
result of plasma insulin R6 mU/mL (RIA) or
R3 mU/mL (ultrasensitive method), C peptide
R0.2 nmol/L, negative sulphonylurea and
negative insulin antibodies (33).
The suggestion of a malignancy, evident in
the presence of metastases, is brought by
severe symptomatology, associating an insulin
level and C-Peptides 2-3 times higher than in
the benign cases. A supplementary proof is the
fast positive result of the 72h fasting test
The standard abdominal ultrasound is not
an infallible method, having a limited
diagnostic role, especially late in pregnancy,
due to a low diagnostic sensibility; it has the
potential for identifying hepatic metastases.
Thus, the diagnosis needs to be completed with
other investigations. Generally, the insulinoma
is a small tumour < 2 cm, explaining the
difficulty of establishing a diagnosis using
imaging techniques. The endoscopic ultrasound
(EUS) is an interesting possibility, with a
redoutable diagnostic value, having a sensibility
of around 93%, a specificity of approximatively
95% and an accuracy of 93%, especially if it can
be performed in guiding histologic punctures
(the rate of unsatisfactory bioptic samples
ranges from 9 to 20%) (36-40).
The EUS diagnosis has higher rates of
success than CT or MRI but it has a series of
limitations due to pregnancy, and the risks of
this method cannot be overlooked: placental
abruption as a consequence of lumenal instil-
lation and pressure on the abdomen, diverse
foetal lesions secondary to hypotension or
maternal hypoxia during explorations which
use oversedation, teratogenesis caused by
administrated medication, etc. Here are some
mandatory rules: fasting for 6-7 hours before
the investigation, left lateral decubitus
position of the mother during endoscopy for
optimal placental perfusion, nasogastric tube,
oxygen administration to the mother and
pulse oximetry, blood pressure check, foetal
heart rate monitoring, peripheral venous line
Teratogenesis or abortion risks are low,
usually encountered in the first trimester. The
medication administered has to be limited to
the maximum (see endoscopy exploration in
colorectal cancer). Generally, the studies
(43-45) performed in pregnant patients who
underwent an esophagogastroduodenoscopy
(EGD) for diverse indications have not
confirmed any risks for the foetus, over 95%
having healthy newborn children and a foetal
status with no complications.
The ultrasound becomes redoutable in the
time of surgery when the identification of a
lesion is facilitated as to the simple palpation.
Intraoperative palpation, combined with
intraoperative ultrasound is over 95%
sensitive (39).
If the evolution is severe, with the
impossibility to establish a diagnosis through
other methods which could lead to a therapeu-
tic approach, radiological investigations are
performed. Imaging assessment (CT, MRI,
arteriography, radionuclide imaging) used for
identifying the tumour site/staging/ complica-
tions is most of the time-limited by the X-ray
irradiation of the foetus and by the inefficiency
of explorations, the tumours having small
dimensions, under 2 cm. In 12 cases (!) out of
the 27 reported worldwide, the diagnosis was
established only during laparotomy; the
imaging pre-operative assessments were not
Computed Tomography (CT)
Even if essential for topography and staging,
the CT remains the subject of numerous
debates. It would be better to use other
technique every time this method can be
avoided. If the CT is crucial for establishing a
diagnosis, in his quality of the therapeutic
guide, the physician should not hesitate to use
it, since the mother’s life prevails. What can
CT bring to the evaluation of neoplasia during
pregnancy? Firstly, the method allows the
identification of the tumour and its topography
and permits a three-dimensional assessment of
the relation between the tumour and the
adjacent structures. Secondly, it will enable
assessing the histopathological nature
(malignancy/benign) and staging. CT has a
73% specificity and a 96% sensibility for
PNET diagnosis (46), the arterial phase
D. Predescu
556 Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019
having the highest success rate in establishing
the diagnosis. The overvaluation of the T
index is the most common problem. The
dimensional limits of the method are around 1
cm. This is why tracing adenopathies/nodes
(N index) remains a problem when they are
< 1cm. Thus, the specificity in N detection is
45% (!). The essential role of CT is the assess-
ment of M index, the identification of liver
metastases have an 85% accuracy and a 97%
specificity. The data overlaps with the one
obtained through MRI (47).
Over the last 40 years, CT was contra-
indicated in pregnant patients because of the
teratogenetic and carcinogenetic effects on the
foetus. The introduction of spiral CT scan
diminished the irradiation drastically during
exploration, an entire segment (for example,
abdomen or pelvis) being scanned in 17-19
seconds for selected fields at 1.25 mm. For this
reason, the CT method was re-evaluated when
using it in pregnant patients.
The teratogenetic effect of CT radiations has
a non-cumulative (non-stochastic) nature. The
period the most susceptible to the impact of CT
radiation corresponds to the period of organo-
genesis, especially in the 2-15 weeks of
pregnancy. The teratogenetic complications
include (48,49): mental retardation, growth
disorders, microcephaly, microphthalmia,
behavioural disorders, and cataract. The thresh-
old dose (50) under which teratogenetic effects
do not appear is not known, but it seems to be of
5-15 cGy. During a spiral CT, the dose adminis-
trated to the foetus is variable (51-55),
depending on a series of elements (for example
the examination parameters). It can be of 2.9 -
4.4 cGy, the radiation dose being way under the
critical threshold, which causes congenital
malformation (56).
The carcinogenetic effect during a CT
investigation is a stochastic one, without any
threshold dose. Furthermore, there is a
connection between the moment of exposure to
radiation during pregnancy and the risk of
carcinogenesis. The smaller the pregnancy,
the higher the risk (57,58). It is considered
that at an average dose used for a CT (2-5 cGy)
the risk of cancer during childhood doubles.
Anyway, the value is low, and the recommen-
dations of the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists are signifi-
cant: “very low carcinogenetic risk, abortion
not recommended” (54,55,59,60).
Another problem raised is the use of
contrast agents. There were no teratogenetic /
mutation effects in in vivo studies (61,62).
Using iodinated contrast was thought to have
a potential in developing hypothyroidism to
the foetus (63,64), but these reluctances were
eliminated through newer studies (65,66),
which have not found any side effect of the
child's thyroid function after the exposure to
these substances during the foetal period.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the
option used in the case of pregnant patients
instead of CT. It provides information and
complex topographic relations (three dimen-
sional), with 93% sensibility and 88% speci-
ficity (46). Regarding distance staging
indices (N and M), the method has limita-
tions similar to CT, but with higher costs.
The references one has to observe are the
same as for CT. The major disadvantage is
the presence of artefacts, induced by secondary
enteral peristaltic contractions and respiratory
movements, producing image degradation
(scanning lasts 5-10 minutes) (67).
There are a series of discussions regarding
the safety of the method in pregnant patients,
because of possible teratogenetic effects of
magnetic fields and an eventual acoustic
trauma of the foetus. The in vivo studies on
animals of Heinrichs and collaborators (68)
and Tyndall (69) showed the presence of
malformations as a result to the exposure to
magnetic fields (for example eye malformations),
the death of embryos or anomalies when the
exposure took place during organogenesis (70).
As a consequence, even if similar effects were
not proven in humans, the National Radiological
Protection Board from Great Britain (71)
recommends: “it is prudent to avoid MRI in
pregnant patients in the first three months of
The possible acoustic effects induced to the
foetus by the high level of sound during MRI
are rather theoretical, without really being a
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour in Pregnancy - Diagnosis and Treatment Management
Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019 557
clear threat (72,73), and as to the contrast
medium, no teratogenetic effects were reported
Therefore, MRI will be performed in the
first trimester of pregnancy, especially for
maternal and less for foetal indications. This
method is preferable to any other investigation
method which uses ionising radiations (76).
Concerning other diagnostic methods like
nuclear techniques (for example PET-CT),
they are not usually used for evaluating
pregnant women, and there are no studies
which could prove their value, mainly due
to a weak metabolic activity of PNET to
18F-deoxyglucose. Newer studies which use
11C-5-hydroxy-tryptophan (11C-5-HTP) or
68Ga somatostatin analogues seem to be very
promising (77).
Extrapolating the use of the technique in
other tumours of the digestive tract, one can
use PET-CT for selected cases, with several
specific recommendations (reduction of
18F-FDG dose, using the 3D technology which
would allow the decrease of 18F-FDG dose,
proper hydration, mitigation of CT voltage,
etc.). PET-CT seems to be useful in identifying
the tumour site and assessing the degree of
invasion in distant sites (metastatic adenopathy,
distant metastases). The development of
technology allowed that cumulated irradiation
doses to the foetus during and after PET-CT
be at acceptable levels (1-2 cGy), comparable
to or even smaller than the doses adminis-
tered through spiral CT (78-80).
The versions using radionuclides (Osteoscan
scintigraphy - somatostatin receptor) or newer
techniques of ligands with affinity to specific
receptors can bring information about the
tumour site, but unfortunately, they can be used
only in the postpartum period because of the
harmful foetal effects.
Staging and Prognosis
Establishing a unitary PNET staging conduct,
including insulinomas, was not a useful task.
The relatively small number of cases could be
an explanation. The main competitors were
the ones of AJCC (7th edition) and ENETS
2006 Staging System Definition, a parallel
staging which was using the same TNM
(tumour–node–metastasis) terminology, but
referring to different types and spread of
PNET. Initially, AJCC staging was assimilating
TNM for exocrine cancer with the one for PNET,
while ENETS was proposing a version specific
for PNET (81,82). Therefore, TNM submitted
by ENETS had the advantage of offering an
increased layering of proposed prognosis
and treatment, as opposed to AJCC (83-88)
Table 2
Later, AJCC (8th edition) (89) lined up to
the ENETS version and introduced the same
criteria for T, N and M indices, including the G
index (histologic grade) which assesses
tumour aggressiveness and has evident
particularities specific to PNET - mitotic
index, respectively Ki67 index.
The prognosis is generally convenient,
both for the mother and foetus. Based on
impressive statistics of 432 cases, H.Y. Peiper
finds 85% benign lesions and only 15%
malignant lesions.
Malignant insulinomas are rare (5 – 15%),
and usually, in these cases, the tumours are
> 6 cm. Approximately 5% of patients already
have metastases at the moment of diagnosis,
especially liver metastases (47%) and in the
locoregional lymph nodes (approx. 30%). The
association with MEN (Multiple Endocrine
Neoplasia) is rare; only 4% of patients with
polyglandular syndromes had an insulinoma
associated. The adenomas are benign, and
they can be unique or multiple, with various
sizes (micro and macroadenomas). Macros-
copically they are well-encapsulated pinky-
reddish, yellowish or purplish round tumours,
with a consistency similar to normal pancreatic
parenchyma. Carcinomas do not have macro-
scopic characteristics which could ensure the
differentiation from a benign lesion. A tumour
size over 5 cm and the presence of metastases
are macroscopic criteria for a malignancy
diagnosis. They have more firm consistency
than benign lesions, a pinkish-grey section
with central necrosis and a tendency to invade
the adjacent pancreatic tissue.
The insulinomas have a rather benign
D. Predescu
558 Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019
TNM T1 Confined to pancreas, < 2 cm Confined to pancreas, < 2 cm
T2 Confined to pancreas, 2-4 cm Confined to pancreas, > 2 cm
T3 Confined to pancreas, > 4 cm, Peripancreatic spread, but without major vascular
or invasion of duodenal or bile duct invasion (celiac trunk, SMA)
T4 Invasion of adjacent organs or major vessels Major vascular invasion
Stage I T1 N0 M0 IA T1 N0 M0
IB T2 N0 M0
IIA T2 N0 M0 IIA T3 N0 M0
IIB T3 N0 M0 IIB T1-3 N1 M0
IIIA T4 N0 M0 III T4 AnyN M0
IV AnyT AnyN M1 IV AnyT AnyN M1
ENETS, European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society; AJCC, American Joint Committee on Cancer; TNM, tumor, node, metastasis;
PNETs, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors; SMA, superior mesenteric artery
Table 2. ENETS versus AJCC7TH edition staging evaluation criteria, defining PNET tumour aggressiveness through the G index
(histologic grade) in the updated AJCC (8th edition)
G G Definition
GX Grade cannot be assessed
G1 Mitotic count (per 10 HPF)* < 2 and Ki-67 index (%)** < 3
G2 Mitotic count (per 10 HPF) = 2-20 or Ki-67 index (%)** = 3-20
G3 Mitotic count (per 10 HPF) > 20 or Ki-67 index (%)** > 20
*10 HPF = 2 mm2; at least 50 HPF (at 40x magnification must be evaluated in areas of highest mitotic density in order to adhere to WHO
2010 criteria.
**MIB1 antibody; % of 500-2,000 tumor cells in areas of highest nuclear labelling.
In cases of disparity between Ki-67 proliferative index and mitotic count, the result that indicates a higher-grade tumor should be selected
as the final grade. For example, a mitotic count of 1 per 10 HPF and a Ki-67 of 12% should be designated as a G2 NET
potential than an aggressive nature, and
their prognosis is usually favourable, with
therapeutic possibilities easy to adminis-
trate and control in pregnant patients.
Hypoglycaemia can have a possible effect
upon the vitality of the foetus, but the
increase of insulin resistance, the presence
of placental lactogenic hormone and main-
taining a reasonable glycaemia through diet
or treatment seem to minimise the impact.
The presence of malignancy leads to
remarkably different survival rates in
general population; at five years post-
operative the survival rate ranges between
16% and 56%, but in pregnant patients, only
two cancer cases were reported out of the 27
published, without information about
metastatic evolution (91).
Therapeutic Management
The treatment paradigm changes in the case
of pregnancy, because the therapeutic
management has to fulfil the interests of both
mother and foetus, without affecting one
another. The therapeutic protocols are
modified regarding both the sequence of used
methods and timing and that is why the
optimal management requires a multi-
disciplinary approach involving a medical
oncologist, a gynaecologist, a surgeon, an
anaesthesiologist, a neonatologist and some-
times surgery in mixed teams gynaecologist-
surgeon. The family should not be excluded
when decisions are made, and a series of
legal, ethical, religious, personal and emotional
factors have to be taken into account.
The therapeutic management is relatively
convenient considering the less aggressive
behaviour of the tumour: maintaining and
monitoring reasonable levels of blood glucose
through reduced meal portions frequently
administrated, glucose perfusions until the
foetus is mature enough for birth, followed by
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour in Pregnancy - Diagnosis and Treatment Management
Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019 559
resectional surgery (92,93).
But the situation can get more complicated
than that. The essential criteria for the thera-
peutic decision are imaging confirmation (or
not) (identifying topography), characterisation
of tumour behaviour (benign/malignant and
eventually the stage), the aggressiveness of
symptomatology, how advanced the pregnancy
is, the family's (mother’s) choice.
Medical treatment is used in patients when
there is a positive diagnosis but the topography
of the insulinoma was not identified, when the
symptomatology is easy to control through
conserving therapy until the foetus is mature
enough or immediately after birth, in
pregnant patients who refuse the surgical
procedure, or in the case of metastasis of
malignant insulinoma. When the tumour is
not identified, conserving therapy is justified,
and the surgical procedure is postponed as
much as possible. Hence it buys time for the
evolution of pregnancy, and on the other hand,
over time, the pancreatic tumour will increase,
allowing the performing of topographic
diagnosis followed by curative resection.
The hypoglycaemia crises are controlled
through a combination of dietary regimen and
intravenous administration of glucose.
Repeated meals at 2-3 hours, including at
night, with food allowing a slow-release of glu-
cose (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice); “aggressive”
concentrated sweets must be avoided. When
prodromes, which signal the onset of a hypo-
glycaemia crisis, appear the intake of sweets is
necessary, for example, fruit juice. In addition
to diet / perfusions we can take into account
the administration of beta-blockers (propra-
nolol), octreotide (controls hypoglycaemia in
over 50% of cases and controls the efficacy of
Octreoscan therapy), streptozotocin (toxic
effects on beta insular cells), Diazoxide (50 –
1500 mg/day) with an effect of hyperglycaemia
as a result of insulin issuing and glycogenolysis
stimulation. Diazoxide is the first line of
medical treatment. In the case of inefficiency,
the second line of therapy opens -
Somatostatin analogues. The B security
clearance level of FDA for the administration
of these medicinal treatments indicates a
reliable category, routinely used with other
medicines, which can be used in pregnancy
The presence of metastases or advanced
tumours is mostly a contraindication for resec-
tion. Chemotherapy is preferred for advanced
metastatic neoplasias; the purpose is obviously
to prolong mother’s life until a safe birth. If the
age of the foetus is convenient, chemotherapy
provides a palliative treatment option for the
pregnant patient and also in the postpartum
period. In this latter situation, the decision
for chemotherapy treatment belongs to the
mother, who has to understand the risks for
the foetus, and has to take into consideration
a series of moral, religious, ethical precepts,
The foetal exposure to chemotherapy and
its impact depends on how advanced the
pregnancy is. The consequences are more
severe at the beginning of pregnancy, due to
the alteration of rapidly dividing cells.
Congenital malformations are described in the
first trimester and development issues in the
second trimester. The immediate effects
include (96,97) spontaneous abortion, terato-
genesis, premature birth, and the late effects
may be carcinogenesis, mental retardation,
infertility, etc.
Because there is a lack of experience of
pregnant patients suffering from insulinoma,
the possible treatment plans can be decided
and equivalenced through assimilation with
data from the general population suffering
from PNET and other malignancies.
Antineoplastic drugs with molecular
weight < 500 Dalton are formally contra-
indicated, the vast majority like alkylating
agents – cyclophosphamide, antimetabolites -
methotrexate, pass through the placental
barrier. In their place, platinum salts are
recommended (Carboplatin) or antibiotics
(Doxorubicin). The usual treatment regimen
for PNET uses antimetabolites (for ex. 5-FU)
and some alkylating agents (for ex.
Streptozotocin), being the most convenient
dual formula (98), apparently with the
minimal effects on the foetus. Antibiotics or
derived Vinca alkaloids do not determine
D. Predescu
560 Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019
foetal side effects; etoposide induces pancy-
topenia and cisplatin causes hypoacusis or
growth retardation. The therapeutic role
and side effects of new agents (oxaliplatin,
irinotecan, capecitabine) are not well explored
or documented. For example, oxaliplatin is
classified by the FDA in the toxicity category
D, with the risk of foetal lesions (99).
Foetal toxicity depending on monotherapy
versus polychemotherapy ascertains a slight
increase, from 17 to 25% in the case of
multi-drug chemotherapy (100).
Chemotherapy must not be administrated
after week 33 or 3 weeks before birth.
Molecular treatments, like targeted
therapy with mTOR pathway inhibitors (for
example Everolimus) or antiangiogenic drugs
(for instance Sunitinib or other variants), have
been used in PNETs with relatively good
results (101-104), but up to this moment, there
are not enough studies to offer information
about side effects on the foetus.
For metastatic cases, the therapeutic
possibilities are relatively modest, surgical
resection being the first treatment plan
followed by TACE (transcatheter arterial
chemoembolization), systemic chemotherapy,
intratumoral ethanol injection, radiofrequency
Surgical treatment indeed remains the
only therapeutic method, but most often it is
scheduled usually after birth, or if the
situation requires, as late as possible after the
foetus has a convenient age (after 28 weeks).
The pregnancy requires an open surgical
During surgery and the perioperative
period, the foetus is exposed to surgical “aggres-
sion” - laparotomy, anaesthetic and surgical
recovery, transplacental passage of drugs
(fluran, barbituric acids, diverse narcotics, etc.).
For anaesthesia, numerous guidelines present
principles and recommendations to be followed
in pregnancy, a high level of knowledge and
awareness is mandatory (105).
During surgery, the most critical problems
for the foetus are hypoxia and hypotension. An
example of problem during surgery is the
decrease of placental perfusion having a
mechanical cause, as a consequence of a
prolonged supine position, especially in
advanced pregnancies (105,106).
Post-operatively, a series of problems can
arise: infectious conditions associated or not
with fever, eating and transit disorders, risk of
thrombosis or pulmonary embolism; they can
secondary affect the foetus. Anyway, the
anxiety of the physician and family towards
surgery is most of the times higher than the
real risk itself (a rate of abortion of approxi-
mately 15%) (107).
If the diagnosis is obtained in the first half
of the pregnancy period (less than 28 weeks),
surgical ablation is necessary if the sympto-
matology is aggressive, hard to control with
conservative treatment, when the tumour is
identified or if there are solid arguments for
malignancy, the long-time until the foetus
becomes mature substantially increasing the
risk of tumour progression. In this case,
depending on the tumour stage, terminating
the pregnancy for speeding up the treatment
seems to be the desired option. Until 20-30
years ago, the risk of foetal death or abortion
was significant in the case of surgical
abdominal resections (approx. 25%).
Nowadays, because of the new surgical and
anaesthetic techniques and laparoscopic sur-
gery, the risk of foetal demise has decreased to
4%; even the abortion risk has met a drastic
decrease, the rate is double compared to the
general population (108-113). Neither the risk
of malformations is different from the general
population; however, there is a higher level of
low birth weight.
After 28 weeks, birth can safely take place
in a few weeks, followed by surgical resection
after 10-14 days. In this new context, surgery
can be performed using minimally-invasive
techniques. Once the pregnancy is over,
surgery is recommended in all cases. The topo-
graphic diagnosis of the lesion is mandatory
for a successful surgical treatment. The impossi-
bility of identifying the tumour site before
surgery asks for a rigorous examination of the
pancreas and peripancreatic area on the
operating table added to a US assessment
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour in Pregnancy - Diagnosis and Treatment Management
Chirurgia, 114 (5), 2019 561
The macroscopic and ultrasound nature of
the lesion decide the surgical technique. The
presence of benignity signs opens the way for
a limited surgical intervention - enucleation,
enucleoresection - the specimen being sent for
an extemporaneous HP confirmation. The
topography of the insulinoma has a vital role
in the decision. A cephalopancreatic site
recommends an enucleoresection, whereas a
corporeo-caudal position justifies a corporeo-
caudal pancreatic resection with preservation
of the spleen. The advantage of resection is the
possibility of en-bloc resection of other tumour
The malignancy confirmation during
surgery facilitates radical interventions:
cephalic duodenopancreatectomy (DPC),
respectively corporeo-caudal splenopancrea-
tectomy (117).
The lack of tumour identification, both
before and during surgery, can justify an
eventual “blind”corporeo-caudal pancreatic
resection, but it can be considered somehow
abusive, and it is avoided through the
follow-up of the patient and the management
of hypoglycaemia crisis using drugs, and
performing periodic imaging evaluations.
The author declare no conflicts of interests.
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... First-generation somatostatin ligand receptor treatment is first-line medical therapy, and the treatment is in general well tolerated (2,3). ...
... Patients with NETs typically exhibit a less aggressive disease course (1) and may survive for several years with disseminated disease. Gastrointestinal NENs in pregnancy are rare and only sporadically reported and, accordingly, information about both pregnancy outcomes and SLR treatment are scarce (3,4,5). ...
... A few (n = 39) cases of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors during pregnancy have been published (3), however, information about SLR treatment is lacking (3). Some cases in pregnancies in NEN of the lung (n = 6), appendix (n = 7), and various others (ovary (n = 3), GIT (n = 2), pelvic, trachea, and uterus (all n = 1) are reported. ...
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This rare case describes the course of a pregnancy in a patient with a disseminated small intestinal neuroendocrine tumor. The patient received treatment with first-generation somatostatin ligand receptor (SLR) every 4 weeks and had stable disease for several years before her pregnancy. First-generation SLR treatment was initially paused after detection of the pregnancy. During pregnancy, the patient experienced moderate gastro-intestinal discomfort and fatigue, which was considered predominantly pregnancy related. However, since symptoms could be linked to the patient’s cancer, treatment was resumed after the first trimester. Chromogranin-A measurements remained stable throughout pregnancy and was paralleled by the absence of diarrhea and only minor flushing. She gave birth by elective caesarean section in week 37 to a healthy baby. Subsequent follow up imaging immediately after and 10 months postpartum showed no disease progression. The safety profile of SLR treatment during pregnancy in the context of disseminated neuroendocrine tumors (NET) is discussed. Learning points Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN) are rare cancers often occurring in the gastro-intestinal tract or lungs. Many patients with NEN live for several years with disseminated disease. SLR treatment has been given to pregnant patients before; often patients with acromegaly. Pregnancies are reported uneventful. This patient completed an uneventful pregnancy while receiving SLR treatment for disseminated neuroendocrine disease and gave birth to a healthy baby. More research regarding long term effects and safety signals of SLR treatment during pregnancy are much needed.
... 1,2 As a seldom peculiarity, insulinomas may coincidentally become overt during pregnancy or in the post-partum period. 4 As nausea, fatigue, weakness, hypotension and mild hypoglycemia are common during pregnancy and in the early post-partum period, the diagnosis is difficult and the real incidence is potentially underestimated. 4,5 Currently, only 35 cases have been reported in the literature. ...
... 4 As nausea, fatigue, weakness, hypotension and mild hypoglycemia are common during pregnancy and in the early post-partum period, the diagnosis is difficult and the real incidence is potentially underestimated. 4,5 Currently, only 35 cases have been reported in the literature. Throughout the first trimester, fasting blood glucose concentrations are lower due to an increased insulin level and sensitivity as well as an estrogen and progesterone mediated β-cell hyperplasia, raising its secretion. ...
... Medical treatment can be applied until the fetus is matured for symptomatic hypoglycemia in pregnancy, when symptoms are easy to be controlled or if the patient refuses surgery. 4 However, surgery is the only curative treatment for insulinoma with a cure rate of 77-100%. 55 Laparoscopic procedures have a comparable success rate with minimal mortality and equivalent safety but should carefully be considered in patients with MEN I and NIPHS due to the risk of multiple lesions. ...
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Insulinomas are rare, benign and functional tumors that coincidentally may become overt during pregnancy or in the post-partum period. As the general symptoms of a pregnancy might cover the clinical presentation, diagnosing remains challenging. We present one additional case of a post-partum insulinoma, combined with a systematic review of the literature to sum up relevant details in diagnosis and treatment. A systematic request of Pubmed/Medline was conducted using the following terms: “insulinoma AND pregnancy” and “insulinoma” for a second request of All publications concerning pregnant or post-partum women with insulinoma were included. Thirty-six cases could be identified for analysis. Each publication was reviewed for demographic, diagnostic and therapeutic data. The most frequent clinical signs were unconsciousness and neurological symptoms. 64.9% were diagnosed during early pregnancy and 35.1% post-partum. 91.9% underwent surgery with a third resected during pregnancy without severe influence on fetal or maternal outcome. Three patients died of metastatic disease or misdiagnosing, two of them miscarried. Insulinoma in pregnancy is rare but should be considered in case of unclear hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia. Surgery can be performed during the second trimester or post-partum with promising outcome.
... Siempre las precauciones sobre el riesgo de lesión fetal al realizar exámenes invasivos, retrasa el diagnóstico. (7) Los protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento en las gestantes son diferentes de aquellos aplicados a pacientes no embarazadas. Con frecuencia, un abordaje multidisciplinario es capaz de definir un tratamiento óptimo, en conjunto con la paciente y su familia. ...
... Con frecuencia, un abordaje multidisciplinario es capaz de definir un tratamiento óptimo, en conjunto con la paciente y su familia. (7) El tamaño de los tumores pancreáticos puede causar complicaciones durante el embarazo; estas incluyen restricción del crecimiento intrauterino, compresión de las estructuras cercanas, pancreatitis aguda y ruptura de la neoplasia. (3) ...
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Introducción: Los tumores pancreáticos en el embarazo son muy raros, el diagnóstico y tratamiento en este grupo de pacientes es complejo. Objetivo: Presentar el primer caso de un leiomioma primario del páncreas en una gestante. Caso clínico: Embarazada de 26 años de edad, sin antecedentes relevantes. Primigesta, que se encontraba cursando la semana 13 de gestación. Durante una evaluación ecográfica de rutina, se le detecta una tumoración en la glándula pancreática. Se remitió a la consulta multidisciplinaria de atención a la materna y en conjunto deciden realizar la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Luego la paciente fue remitida a la consulta de la especialidadde Cirugía General. Al recibir a la misma, se quejaba de dolor en epigastrio e hipocondrio izquierdo, además de hipo ocasional. Al examen físico se encontró una tumoración palpable en epigastrio. Se realizaron exámenes analíticos básicos sin encontrarse alteraciones, en los estudios de imagen realizados, ecografía abdominal y tomografía contrastada de abdomen se demostró una tumoración en el cuerpo y cola del páncreas. Se planificó tratamiento quirúrgico electivo, se realizó pancreatectomía distal con esplenectomía, por invasión del estómago, se complementó con gastrectomía subtotal. La paciente evoluciona sin complicaciones. La biopsia informó un tumor mesenquimal benigno primario de páncreas, tipo leiomioma, bien encapsulado. Conclusiones: Se presenta el primer caso de un leiomioma primario del páncreas en una gestante. Los tumores pancreáticos en embarazadas son enfemedades raras, el manejo por un equipo multidisciplinario es la mejor forma de obtener resultados satisfactorios para la paciente.
... 35 However, surgery during pregnancy should be avoided whenever possible, as it increases risks to the mother and fetus. 36 Although there have been several previous reports of successful surgery in pregnant women with insulinoma [3][4][5]16 (Table 4), the surgery should usually be scheduled after birth, or as late as possible after the fetus has reached a suitable age (ie, after 28 weeks), 36 unless hypoglycemic symptoms are progressive or the tumor is suspected to be malignant. Insulinoma usually occurs as a solitary mass, but multiple insulinomas are seen in about 10% of cases, most often in association with MEN1. ...
... 35 However, surgery during pregnancy should be avoided whenever possible, as it increases risks to the mother and fetus. 36 Although there have been several previous reports of successful surgery in pregnant women with insulinoma [3][4][5]16 (Table 4), the surgery should usually be scheduled after birth, or as late as possible after the fetus has reached a suitable age (ie, after 28 weeks), 36 unless hypoglycemic symptoms are progressive or the tumor is suspected to be malignant. Insulinoma usually occurs as a solitary mass, but multiple insulinomas are seen in about 10% of cases, most often in association with MEN1. ...
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The diagnosis of insulinoma in perinatal women can be difficult, as hypoglycemic symptoms may be masked by pregnancy‐associated insulin resistance. In addition, when multiple insulinomas are observed, it is necessary to consider the possibility not only of MEN1, but also of insulinomatosis. The diagnosis of insulinoma in perinatal women can be difficult, as hypoglycemic symptoms may be masked by pregnancy‐associated insulin resistance. In addition, when multiple insulinomas are observed, it is necessary to consider the possibility not only of MEN1, but also of insulinomatosis.
... Although insulinoma is clinically rare, it has been reported in women during pregnancy and immediately postpartum. In these cases, approximately 65% were diagnosed early in pregnancy and the remainder immediately postpartum, few cases being found in middle or late pregnancy, likely because insulin resistance is increased after the early stage of pregnancy [12][13][14][15][16]. Importantly, in approximately 75% of the cases, loss of consciousness ranging from disorientation to syncope are the only symptoms of insulinoma [14], which suggests that the prevalence of masked hypoglycemia may be high, impeding prompt diagnosis. ...
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Background Insulinoma in women during pregnancy and postpartum is very rare; approximately 65% of cases are diagnosed early in pregnancy and ~ 35% immediately after delivery, few being found in middle or late pregnancy, likely due to increased insulin resistance seen after early-stage pregnancy. We successfully treated a case of insulinoma in which severe hypoglycemic coma immediately after delivery occasioned detailed investigation and diagnosis. Case presentation Our patient experienced hypoglycemic coma in the 3rd month of pregnancy (initially considered due to her hyperemesis gravidarum) that improved spontaneously during the gestational period. No abnormalities of plasma glucose or body weight were found in regular checkups during her pregnancy; however, recurrence of hypoglycemic coma after delivery led us to suspect insulinoma. While contrast enhanced computer tomography and endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) initially failed to detect a tumor in the pancreas, selective arterial calcium stimulation test revealed an insulin-secreting tumor localized in the pancreatic body. She then underwent spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy; a 10-mm tumor positive for chromogranin A, synaptophysin and insulin was identified. Conclusions Although pregnancy can mask insulinoma-associated symptoms and make diagnosis challenging, hypoglycemic episodes during early pregnancy, which were observed in this case, are suggestive of insulinoma. Importantly, in this case, accurate preoperative localization of the tumor enabled prompt curative surgery after delivery. Thus, clinical vigilance for the occurrence of insulinoma and its localization is appropriate for pregnant women suffering severe hypoglycemia.
... Though her final histopathology report revealed a grade 2 NET which is rare in liver as a primary site instead of a secondary deposit, her treatment was nevertheless approached in a similar fashion of NET treatment algorithm whereby ultimately a resection of the primary tumor was necessary. In fact, a quick search through PubMed reveals less than 10 reports of NETs occurring in pregnant women ie cervix and pancreas showing how rare these tumors are in pregnant patients [12][13][14] . NET can be further divided into functional and non-functional NET, in which in our case, it falls under the latter type as no features flushing or gastrointestinal related symptoms elicited. ...
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Neuroendocrine tumor (NET) commonly occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, however primary NET of the liver is rare, especially during pregnancy. We present a 34-year-old pregnant woman gravida 3 para 2 at 16 weeks period of gestation with primary liver NET discovered incidentally during the antenatal check-up. She has no risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma. Her serum alpha-fetoprotein was elevated. A plain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver delineating a large well-defined exophytic liver mass at segment V/VI measuring 7.1 × 7.4 × 7.8 cm. Given inconclusive MRI findings coupled with low-risk factors of HCC, we had decided to follow up her liver mass with imaging 6 weekly. She then underwent a right hepatectomy with a caesarean delivery at 32 weeks of gestation in the same setting. The histopathological formal report revealed a neuroendocrine tumor, grade 2 with a Ki-67 index of 3% with negative lymphovascular and perineural invasion, but positive for porta hepatis lymph nodes metastasis. A follow up after 1 year shows both patient and her infant are healthy. Antenatal discovery of liver masses poses a diagnostic and management dilemma to clinicians. A multidisciplinary approach and collective decision making are crucial to determine the best approach tailored to the maternal and fetal benefit. In cases of inconclusive non-contrast MRI in pregnancy with low-risk factors and lack of clinical evidence of HCC, follow-up with imaging modalities aiming to intervene at the third trimester can offer safer, and promising outcomes.
A 39-year-old woman in her 15th week of pregnancy presented with consciousness disturbance. She was diagnosed with hypoglycemia due to hyperemesis and recovered after glucose administration. She did not develop hypoglycemic symptoms during the remainder of the pregnancy. She gave birth at 38 weeks. Two days after delivery, she lost consciousness again with severe hypoglycemia. Insulinoma was suspected because a fasting test was positive. However, the tumor could not be identified using dynamic CT, MRI, and endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS). Based on the findings of a selective arterial secretagogue injection test, insulinoma of the proximal pancreatic tail was diagnosed using EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration. Spleen-preserving pancreatic tail resection was performed at laparotomy. Insulinoma in pregnancy often develops in the first trimester. Hypoglycemic symptoms become latent due to increased insulin resistance at an advanced gestational age, but they recur as insulin resistance improves after delivery. Insulinoma is rare during pregnancy and is difficult to diagnose, but it should be considered in pregnant women with severe hypoglycemia.
This case report addresses the management of a pregnant woman in the peripartum period with a VIPoma. This rare and highly malignant neuroendocrine tumour secretes vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), a substance that may cause potentially life-threatening disruption to physiology. A 36-year-old woman presented for induction of labour with a three-year history of chronic diarrhoea, hypophosphataemia, palpitations and skin flushing. Raised VIP levels indicated presence of a VIPoma, however despite extensive investigation prior to pregnancy by neuroendocrine specialists, the tumour location remained unidentified. The patient delivered a healthy boy with the aid of forceps in theatre following an epidural top-up. Key features of management were a multidisciplinary approach, avoidance of triggers for VIP secretion, strict management of electrolytes and avoidance of severe changes in sympathetic tone during labour with epidural analgesia.
A 35‐year‐old woman presented with abdominal discomfort at 26 weeks gestation. The magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a huge unilocular cystic mass with mural nodules originated from body and tail of pancreas. There was also a cystic mass in the left ovary with suppressed intensity on fat saturated image. One week later, she complained of worsening left lower abdominal pain and dyspnea as a new symptom. Hence, distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy and left ovarian cystectomy were performed. The huge cystic mass of pancreas was compressing the diaphragm, and left tubo‐ovarian torsion was observed. This is the second case wherein an MCN of the pancreas with mature cystic teratoma of the ovary caused different symptoms. The management of MCNs in pregnant women should consider multiple aspects such as the malignancy potential of imaging findings, severity of symptoms, and fetal well‐being.
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Background: Portal venous thromboembolism caused by malignant pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor metastasis, as the initial presentation of portal hypertension and upper gastrointestinal bleeding, is a rare entity. To our knowledge, there are no reports of this entity in pregnant women. We describe a case of pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma during pregnancy with hematemesis and hematochezia as the initial presentation and review the literature to analyze the demographic, clinical, and pathological features to provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Case summary: A 40-year-old woman presented with hematemesis and hematochezia at 26-wk gestation; she had no other remarkable medical history. The physical examination revealed normal vital signs, an anemic appearance, and lower abdominal distension. Abdominal color Doppler ultrasonography showed portal vein thrombosis, splenomegaly, intrauterine pregnancy, and intrauterine fetal death. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed esophageal and gastric varicose veins and portal hypertensive gastropathy. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography demonstrated multiple emboli formation in the portal and splenic veins, multiple round shadows in the liver with a slightly lower density, portal vein broadening, varicose veins in the lower esophagus and gastric fundus, splenomegaly, bilateral pleural effusion, ascites and pelvic effusion, broadening of the common bile duct, and increased uterine volume. According to the results of Positron emission tomography-computed tomography and immunohistochemical staining, the final diagnoses were that the primary lesion was a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor and that there were secondary intrahepatic metastases and venous cancer thrombogenesis. Conclusion: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in a pregnant woman may be caused by portal hypertension due to a malignant pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.
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Insulinoma is the most common functioning islet cell tumor of the pancreas, with an annual incidence of 4 cases/1 million individuals. It is treated by surgical methods. Open surgery was once considered the standard approach for the treatment of insulinoma. However, the procedure is traumatic and requires a large incision, which does not satisfy the growing expectations of minimally invasive management of small-sized tumors. Insulinomas are usually benign solitary tumors and mostly occur sporadically, which makes them suitable candidates for laparoscopic management. The potential advantages of laparoscopic management of insulinoma over open surgery include shorter duration of hospitalization, quicker recovery, and better cosmetic effect. However, because of the small tumor size as well as the depth and uncertainty of the location of the tumor, laparoscopic localization of the lesion without tactile sensation is difficult. Laparoscopic ultrasonography can detect about 90% of insulinomas, and its sensitivity is comparable to that of manual palpation along with intraoperative ultrasonography during open surgery; thus, it ensures the feasibility of laparoscopic management of insulinoma and reinforces its advantage as a minimally invasive procedure. Laparoscopic ultrasonography is vital for the localization of insulinomas and characterization of the surrounding pancreatic structure and should, therefore, be considered an integral part of the laparoscopic management of insulinoma.
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The need for standards in the management of patients with endocrine tumors of the digestive system prompted the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS) to organize a first Consensus Conference, which was held in Frascati (Rome) and was based on the recently published ENETS guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of digestive neuroendocrine tumors (NET). Here, we report the tumor-node-metastasis proposal for foregut NETs of the stomach, duodenum, and pancreas that was designed, discussed, and consensually approved at this conference. In addition, we report the proposal for a working formulation for the grading of digestive NETs based on mitotic count and Ki-67 index. This proposal, which needs to be validated, is meant to help clinicians in the stratification, treatment, and follow-up of patients.
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors are rare tumors that present many imaging challenges, from detecting small functional tumors to fully staging large nonfunctioning tumors, including identifying all sites of metastatic disease, particularly nodal and hepatic, and depicting vascular involvement. The correct choice of imaging modality requires knowledge of the tumor type (eg, gastrinoma versus insulinoma), and also the histology (well vs poorly differentiated). Evolving techniques in computed tomography (CT), MRI, endoscopic ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine, such as dual-energy CT, diffusion-weighted MRI, liver-specific magnetic resonance contrast agents, and new nuclear medicine agents, offer new ways to visualize, and ultimately manage, these tumors.