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From Human Body Digitization to Internet of Bodies toward a New Dimension of Military Operations


Abstract and Figures

Digitization of the human body, philosophically said, - the “mating” with technology, represents the fusion of electronic technology with the human biology, which reduces the barriers of physical, digital and biological life. “The Internet of bodies”, that is the imminent development of the field of digitization of the human body on a large scale, is the inevitable future of technology at this moment. Instead of devices connected to the Internet as in Internet of Things (IoT), human bodies can be connected to a network, with the potential to be controlled and monitored remotely. The Internet of bodies is from the author’s point of view the future of technology, but this future is not so far away.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Vasile Florin POPESCU
Ministry of National Defense, Bucharest, Romania
Digitization of the human body, philosophically said, - the “mating” with
technology, represents the fusion of electronic technology with the human biology,
which reduces the barriers of physical, digital and biological life. “The Internet of
bodies”, that is the imminent development of the field of digitization of the human
body on a large scale, is the inevitable future of technology at this moment. Instead
of devices connected to the Internet as in Internet of Things (IoT), human bodies can
be connected to a network, with the potential to be controlled and monitored
remotely. The Internet of bodies is from the author’s point of view the future of
technology, but this future is not so far away.
KEYWORDS: body digitization, digital and biological world, internet of bodies,
subcutaneous devices
1. Introduction
The world of electronics is
developing very rapidly and today there are
many avant-garde ideas and projects,
already under study that will be put into
practice in a short time horizon. The
purpose of this paper is to draw attention to
a new dimension of military operations in
the coming decades using advanced
technologies integrated into the human
body. This study represents a totally new
futuristic approach that seeks to transcend
conventional boundaries. The study is the
result of a desk study that analyzed various
sources of information in the field of new
embedded technologies. This research is
intended to sensitize military leaders and
scientists to the development of a new
technology integrated into the human body
and how can be exploited. The author had
this objective because he considers the
concept of “digitization of the human
body” would most likely involve a crucial
transformation of military operations.
The research method is a qualitative
one and is based on theories, personal
approaches, case-situation description,
interpretation, formulation of some
findings; the possibility of generalization is
questioned, given the small number of
cases, small-scale research; however, there
are possibilities for generalization.
2. Subcutaneous Devices – Fusion
Between Electronics and Biology
The electronics revolution has begun
in 1947 with the manufacture of the silicon
transistors and semiconductors technology.
Nowadays, we are assaulted by different
and complex electronic devices necessary
for everyday life. For almost 5 decades,
silicone technology was the only option for
electronics devices, but the current
evolution of science has recalled the new
trends that will be the subject of research
and development in the coming decades.
The discovery of graphene opened a new
path to two-dimensional electronics device
Land Forces Academy Review
Vol. XXIV, No 3(95), 2019
DOI: 10.2478/raft-2019-0029
© 2017. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 License.
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because of the high thermal and electrical
conductivity and the mechanical flexibility
of the two-dimensional hexagonal
monoatomic lattice. Graphene represents
the most durable material that has been ever
tested. This may have marked the beginning
of a 2D revolution in electronics – the
allotropic thick of silicon, phosphorus and
tin have the same structure as the cellular
graphics, but their different properties make
them suitable for other applications.
Of course, all four have the ability to
modify electronic components as we know
them, which allows us to miniaturize them,
increase efficiency and reduce costs.
Many companies as Samsung, Huawei and
Apple are already developing graphene
applications. The development of
conductive polymers was another important
step. The 2000 Nobel Prizes, awarded by
Alan J. Heeger, Alan MacDiarmide and
Hideki Shirakawa, showed that plastics can
lead to electricity (Royal Swedish Science
Center, 2000). All these conducted to the
production of organic electronic materials
from carbon particles or polymers through
chemical synthesis. They still do not
compete with their traditional counterparts,
but give advantages such as low cost,
mechanical flexibility and biocompatibility,
making organic electronics the optimal
choice for a large number of applications.
High-tech commercially available
products that rely on organic
semiconductors, such as curved screen TVs,
smart phone screens and portable solar
cells, have already demonstrated their
industrial maturity. Surely, the organic
semiconductor market will grow
exponentially over the next period of time.
In the 70’s, apart from the capacitor,
resistor and inductor, the electronics
engineers came up with a new circuit
element, called the memristor (memory +
resistance). Hewlett Packard’s engineers
saw in 2007 its fantastic potential, and since
then, many other scientists considered that
electronics world entered in a new
technology era, called the “ionic era”.
Figure no. 1: Memristor
(Source: Schematic model of the HP memristor, 2019)
Traditional transistors work with
electron flux, while memristors combine
electrons with ions or charged atoms. At the
transistor level, all information is lost when
the electron flow is interrupted (for example,
by shutting down the system). Instead, the
memristor “remembers” and stores
information about the task it performs even if
it is not already running. As a result, they
promise to pave the path for better and safer
storage of information. At the same time,
memristors could provide safer and more
efficient storage devices. In this way, there
will not be lost information and the
computers can be turn on and off
Spintronic” – the use of the basic
property of particles known as “electron spin”
to process information is part of the same
innovation field. By transferring information
through charge and electron rotation, the
device can acquire more diverse functions.
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Figure no. 2: Spintronic
(Source: Spintronic, 2019)
Spintronic technology is currently
being tested on storage devices such as hard
drives, but is generally promising for digital
electronics: higher computing power, higher
data rates and increased storage capacity of
information. Spintronic devices can be
broken down, more flexible and stronger than
their “parents” based on silicon.
Miniaturization of the electronics
elements represents the crucial goal of
electronic circuits. The nanotechnology
industry, known as “mono-molecular
electronics”, uses single molecules or
groups of single molecules as electronic
“raw materials”. This type of approach
involves replacing bulky equipment, even
existing hard equipment, with individual
molecules. The smaller the amount of
electronic components, the less the power
consumption and sensitivity (and even
performance) of the device.
It may also result in mono-molecular
electronics of self-assembly, a phenomenon
in which system components connect
spontaneously to each other due to
interactions or environmental factors to
create a larger functional unit. Different
solutions for molecular electronics are
tested, including single-molecule wires and
transistors. All of these attempts to find
solutions are still in the lab phase, but they
will soon pass this phase and will lead to a
radical change in the world we live in.
Today, progress and invention are at
an incredible speed. This is because we are
no longer happy with today’s progress, but
we still want to be more attractive. But
everyone is worried. What happens next?
Fitbit has designed New Design, and is
currently working on a new project called
Skin. A smart digital tattoo that could be
implanted under the skin of our hand which
interacts with people’s electronic devices.
When working with the body’s
electrochemical energy, the device is
always running and only works in the hands
of the owner.
Figure no. 3: Subcutaneous devices
(Source: Adam, 2014)
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Moreover, these devices can provide
information to the carrier in two ways: it
can present the image in a discreet manner,
or can take into account the gestures made
by the owner, accepting the communication
between himself and the other person.
“When I started working on this project,
everyone was a little grossed out by the
idea of implanting something. There are
lots of cultural boundaries” explains Jaeha
Yoo, director of design company New Deal
Design. “Of course, there are tattoos,
piercings, people implanted birth control
devices. These things are happening now.
There is not a huge step to implant a
subcutaneous” (Adam, 2014).
New Deal Design Company is
confident that it could build the device
subcutaneously in the next five years, given
the current state of electronic research.
The most difficult work will require
flexible screen rather than the sensor,
communication, implant or using body
energy. Gadi Amit says even that we will
soon see devices bearing subcutaneous:
“Honestly, I can tell you that last year we
discussed with business people, probably
3-4 times about physical invasive devices
bearer ... it is a reflection on how the
design will be over almost 10 years – not
necessarily in the subject – but the weave
biology, medicine, electronics, lots of
interaction and cultural wisdom” (Fitbit,
2.1. Computers that Dissolve in the
Human Body
Another avant-garde idea for
scientists was represented by the dissolution
of ultra-thin electronic devices in the human
body, after they have completed their
mission. This type of electronic solvents
consists of silicon oxide and magnesium
oxide in a protective silk layer. The silicone
dissolves in water, but in a very long time.
As a result, the researchers used very thin
silicone sheets, called nano-membranes, to
dissolve within a few days or weeks.
2.2. Smart Tattoo Authentication
The use of smart tattoos to
authenticate tablets and phones remains
another challenge to the technological
evolution of the times we live in. In this
regard, Regina E. Dugan, Special Project
Manager for Motorola Mobility and former
head of the Department of Defense’s
Advanced Research Project, said:
“We believe there are many authentication
options or trinkets, but I strongly take in
consideration the authentication method
that you can wear on your skin. We are
talking about an electronic tattoo. Teens
may not want to wear a watch, but you can
be sure they wear a tattoo just to defy
parents” (Dugan, 2013a).
Daily Mail Online (2014) states in
article that: “MC10 tattoo, known as bio-
stamps, helps medical staff to evaluate
patients or works remotely, without the
need for expensive large equipment.
Motorola states that circuits with embedded
antennae and sensors can be adapted to
operate with mobile phones and tablets.
Mobile devices could then be used to verify
the identity of the owner and to enter the
account automatically. This may prevent
thieves and others from accessing the
phone application, etc…if it is lost or
stolen”. Another Motorola authentication
idea is Motorola Pill, also called vitamin
identification, which is a pill that emits a
signal authentication on 18 bits that can
connect the person to devices. “Vitamin”
containing a chip, it is swallowed and once
arrived in the stomach, gastric acid serves
the electrolyte position and activates the
chip. Regina Dugan presents this
technology as a real magic: “That means it
will be my first superpower. I really want
this superpower, which means my hands
are like threads, and when I reach the
phone, computer, door, car, they are
directly recognized” (Dugan, 2013b).
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3. Internet of Bodies
The term Internet of Things (called
IoT) entered the lexicon in 1999. Since
then, there has been a proliferation of
related terms, such as Web of Things
(WoT) and Internet of Medical Things
(IoMT) and so on. Lately, with the
publication of the paper “Human digital
immortality. Where Human Old
Dreams”(Popescu & Scarlat, 2017), a new
concept associated with the concept of
human body digitalization has attracted my
attention. This is the concept of Internet of
Bodies (IoB).
Figure no. 4: IoB – connected people
(Source: Sailesh, 2019)
The “Internet of bodies”, that is the
imminent development of the field of
digitalization of the human body on a large
scale, is the inevitable future of technology at
this moment. Instead of devices connected to
the Internet as in IoT, human bodies can be
connected to a network, with the potential to
be controlled and monitored remotely.
The Internet of bodies is from the author’s
point of view the future of technology, but
this future is not so far away.
The “Internet of bodies” begins to
transform into a concept that describes the
next generation of Internet of Things – the
transition from a collection of everyday
objects connected to the Internet to those
devices attached to or embedded in the
human body in order to collect and provide
a constant flow of information. These
devices could be part of a process of
medical treatment, research or why not in
the military domain.
The IoB could be broadly classified
into two generations:
First Generation – is the external
type of the human body that includes
devices such as Apple watches and Fitbit
smart bands and others.
The next generation is the internal
type of the body, which has the
aforementioned advances, such as the
implants that come under it, the sensors
embedded inside your skin.
Smart skin circuits that are capable of
transforming the peripheral nervous system
into an interface, cyber-contact lenses,
millirobots, digital tattoos, or pay-per-view
implants are some of the ways that are
being developed to improve the human
body. These innovations, which merge the
human body and technology, make the
barrier between man and machine
somewhat more diffuse, leaving some
ethical and moral questions. How can you
ensure ethical use of this data? Who
controls the use of personal data of our
body? How is it possible to generate a
situation where we can all benefit? In any
case, it is not a trivial problem, because
these changes could affect us as a society
and could affect even the following
generations, those of our children and
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The basic pillar of this theory is that
the body becomes the center of digital
Thus, the physical space is mixed
with the virtual one and both worlds are
enriched. These immersive domes, which
integrate different multimedia and
interactive systems, are gradually
expanding and it is expected that in the
coming years it will become a reality.
The “Internet of bodies” will be
something different from what we have
now. The Internet of bodies is a new
paradigm in which there will be values and
benefits such as pleasure, intimacy, joy,
compassion, hope, empathy, etc.
In full fever of selfies and likes, there
will certainly be total connectivity of the
human race.
4. Toward a New Dimension of
Military Operations
Historically speaking, military
research has held the monopoly of
innovation and generated much of the
cutting-edge technologies. But gradually,
innovative products, such as the Internet or
GPS, have been taken over and adapted for
civilian use.
The modern capabilities of detecting
the enemy and high precision weapons
force the military to have high mobility and
quick decision making. To do this, we need
to have information from different sources
in real time to be able to be disseminated
promptly with all units involved in the
operation, and one of the ways to solve this
problem is to use Internet of Bodies (IoB)
solutions. .
The use of the concept of Internet of
Bodies (IoB) in the armies of many
countries of the world will become a
technological trend, a kind of indicator of
the modernity and innovation of their
armed forces.
However, most of the military
infrastructure continues to be represented
by “traditional” equipment such as tanks,
ship destroyers, cruise missiles and
intercontinental ballistic missiles, an
impressive arsenal of nuclear bombs
globally, nuclear-powered submarines or
fighter jets. It can be appreciated that a
maximum threshold has been reached in
terms of the destructive force that the
current military technique can generate, and
research and production in the military
industry are oriented towards the
development of other offensive means that
would neutralize the defense capabilities of
an enemy state. The integration of new
technologies into the military component
leads, implicitly, to changing the essence
and nature of conflicts. There has been talk
of conventional, nuclear, asymmetrical
wars, and more recently hybrid and
informational warfare. Why not think about
“intelligent wars” in which the concepts of
digitization of the human body and,
implicitly, the internet of human bodies are
This new scene of the IoB is an
interesting one for the military sphere.
An arms race in the technological world
could begin, the army with the most
advanced IOB technology being the
“spearhead” of mankind. As the armies
become more and more advanced due to
technological advances, so too does the
potential of an enemy to inflict damage by
infiltrating the system and damaging it from
within. It is possible to see wars fought on a
digital level, as both sides will try to get
into each other’s IoB defense to deactivate
their equipment.
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Figure no. 4: IoB on the battlefield
(Source: Author)
Future military operations will be
based on interconnected soldiers, in order to
gain superior defense capabilities. The IoB
will connect soldiers with intelligent
technology in weapons, radios, weapons
and other objects, to provide troops with the
"extra sensory" perception, provide
situational understanding, equip combatants
with predictive powers, provide better risk
assessment and will develop shared
Bringing the IoB to the military
reality requires a broad partnership effort
between authorities, industry and the
scientific community. Progress in the
technical disciplines, IT, software
engineering must continue. But there are
some philosophical questions around the
resistance, continuity of operations and
disaggregation of the capabilities to
implement a military IOB.
5. Conclusions
The ability of 21st century armies to
understand, predict, adapt and exploit
Internet of Bodies (IoB) on the future
battlefield is essential to maintaining and
increasing their competitive advantage.
Most probably, future military operations
will rely on interconnected soldiers to gain
superior defense capabilities. The IoB will
connect soldiers with smart technologies to
give troops an “extra sensory” perception,
provide superior situational understanding,
equipped combatants with predictive
powers, provide better risk assessment and
develop common insights. However, as
opposed to “civilians”, IoB is subject to
more serious risks due to participation in
confrontations between different parties in
the war.
Adam, C. (2014). Is this interactive tattoo the future of ‘wearable’ technology? Fitbit
designers plan interactive inking implanted in the skin. Daily Mail Online, available at:, accessed on
03 July 2019.
Dugan, R. (2013a). Wall Street Journal, available at:
accessed on 21 July 2019.
Dugan, R. (2013b). Apple, Motorola Look to New Authentication Methods, available at:
fingerprint-authentication-with-electrical-vitamins-and-tattoo-superpowers.html, accessed on
21 July 2019.
Unauthentifiziert | Heruntergeladen 25.10.19 01:37 UTC
Fitbit (2016). Fitbit Tops the List as the Most Worn Wearable Globally, available at:,
accessed on 17 July 2019.
Popescu, F., & Scarlat, Cz. (2017). Human Digital Immortality: Where Human Old
Dreams and New Technologies Meet. IGI Global, Pennsylvania (USA), available at:,
accessed on 04 August 2019.
Sailesh, A. (2019). Internet of Bodies – An Overview. Medium Corporation, IEEE
LINK, available at:
9302579af62c, accessed on 03 July 2019.
Schematic model of the HP memristor. (2019), available at: https://www.researchgate.
net/figure/Schematic-model-of-the-HP-memristor_fig1_265474785, accessed on 03 July
Spintronic. (2019), available at:,
accessed on 06 July 2019.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. (2000). The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2000:
Conductive polymers, available at:
release/, accessed on 06 July 2019.
Unauthentifiziert | Heruntergeladen 25.10.19 01:37 UTC
... In military applications, a target of interest could have a device allowing tracking on a level with livestock as with RFIDs, QR codes, and or similar IoT technologies, but in a more, undetectable manner that has fused with your biology [29][30]. In this respect, resources allocated to track could be severely reduced, without sacrificing quality. ...
Full-text available
Biodefense is the discipline of ensuring biosecurity with respect to select groups of organisms and limiting their spread. This field has increasingly been challenged by novel threats from nature that have been weaponized such as SARS, Anthrax, and similar pathogens, but has emerged victorious through collaboration of national and world health groups. However, it may come under additional stress in the 21st century as the field intersects with the cyberworld -- a world where governments have already been struggling to keep up with cyber attacks from small to state-level actors as cyberthreats have been relied on to level the playing field in international disputes. Disruptions to military logistics and economies through cyberattacks have been able to be done at a mere fraction of economic and moral costs through conventional military means, making it an increasingly tempting means of disruption. In the field of biocybersecurity (BCS), the strengths within biotechnology and cybersecurity merge, along with many of their vulnerabilities, and this could spell increased trouble for biodefense, as novel threats can be synthesized and disseminated in ways that fuse the routes of attacks seen in biosecurity and cybersecurity. Herein, we offer an exploration of how threats in the domain of biocybersecurity may emerge through less foreseen routes as it might be an attractive auxiliary to conventional war. This is done through an analysis of potential payload and delivery methods to develop notional threat vectorizations. We conclude with several paradigms through which to view BCS-based threats.
Is this interactive tattoo the future of ‘wearable’ technology? Fitbit designers plan interactive inking implanted in the skin. Daily Mail Online, available at:
  • C Adam
Adam, C. (2014). Is this interactive tattoo the future of 'wearable' technology? Fitbit designers plan interactive inking implanted in the skin. Daily Mail Online, available at:, accessed on 03 July 2019.
  • R Dugan
Dugan, R. (2013a). Wall Street Journal, available at: video/regina-dugan-at-d11-badass/60D5FF10-B73E-48A7-92B4-49D23A18A78A.html, accessed on 21 July 2019.
Apple, Motorola Look to New Authentication Methods
  • R Dugan
Dugan, R. (2013b). Apple, Motorola Look to New Authentication Methods, available at:, accessed on 21 July 2019.
Fitbit Tops the List as the Most Worn Wearable Globally, available at:
  • Fitbit
Fitbit (2016). Fitbit Tops the List as the Most Worn Wearable Globally, available at:, accessed on 17 July 2019.
Internet of Bodies -An Overview. Medium Corporation
  • F Popescu
  • Cz Scarlat
  • A Sailesh
Popescu, F., & Scarlat, Cz. (2017). Human Digital Immortality: Where Human Old Dreams and New Technologies Meet. IGI Global, Pennsylvania (USA), available at:, accessed on 04 August 2019. Sailesh, A. (2019). Internet of Bodies -An Overview. Medium Corporation, IEEE LINK, available at:, accessed on 03 July 2019. Schematic model of the HP memristor. (2019), available at: https://www.researchgate. net/figure/Schematic-model-of-the-HP-memristor_fig1_265474785, accessed on 03 July 2019. Spintronic. (2019), available at:, accessed on 06 July 2019. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. (2000). The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2000: Conductive polymers, available at:, accessed on 06 July 2019.
Human Digital Immortality: Where Human Old Dreams and New Technologies Meet
  • F Popescu
  • Cz Scarlat
Internet of Bodies - An Overview. Medium Corporation
  • A Sailesh