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A new species of rock-dwelling gecko (Gekkonidae: Gehyra) from the Mt Surprise region of northern Queensland, Australia

  • Museums Victoria

Abstract and Figures

We describe a new species of rock-dwelling Gehyra Gray, 1834 (Gekkonidae) from the Einasleigh Uplands of inland north Queensland, Australia. Morphological, ecological, and molecular data clearly support the new species as distinct and place it within the 'australis group'. Gehyra electrum sp. nov. is distinguished from congeners by a combination of medium adult size (SVL 46-50 mm), an orange-brown to pinkish-orange background colouration with a pattern of distinct whitish spots and irregular black to purple-brown blotches or bars, possessing 7-8 undivided subdigital lamellae on the expanded portion of the fourth toe, and a wedge-shaped mental scale that separates the inner-postmental scales along 40% or more of their length. Gehyra electrum sp. nov. is a rock specialist currently known only from granite outcrops of the Mt Surprise region, Queensland. This is the second recently described Gehyra from the Einasleigh Uplands and adds to the growing number of endemic reptiles recognised in the region.
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ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Accepted by A. Bauer: 2 Oct. 2019; published: 24 Oct. 2019 503
Zootaxa 4688 (4): 503–518
Copyright © 2019 Magnolia Press Article
A new species of rock-dwelling gecko (Gekkonidae: Gehyra) from the Mt Surprise
region of northern Queensland, Australia
1College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia
2Research School of Biology, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
3Land & Water Programme, CSIRO, Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
We describe a new species of rock-dwelling Gehyra Gray, 1834 (Gekkonidae) from the Einasleigh Uplands of inland
north Queensland, Australia. Morphological, ecological, and molecular data clearly support the new species as distinct
and place it within the australis group’. Gehyra electrum sp. nov. is distinguished from congeners by a combination of
medium adult size (SVL 46–50 mm), an orange-brown to pinkish-orange background colouration with a pattern of distinct
whitish spots and irregular black to purple-brown blotches or bars, possessing 7–8 undivided subdigital lamellae on the
expanded portion of the fourth toe, and a wedge-shaped mental scale that separates the inner-postmental scales along 40%
or more of their length. Gehyra electrum sp. nov. is a rock specialist currently known only from granite outcrops of the
Mt Surprise region, Queensland. This is the second recently described Gehyra from the Einasleigh Uplands and adds to
the growing number of endemic reptiles recognised in the region.
Key words: Einasleigh Uplands, endemism, Gehyra catenata, Gehyra dubia, Gehyra einasleighensis, Gehyra electrum
sp. nov., sympatry
Gehyra Gray, 1834 is a species-rich genus of gekkonid lizards distributed across Australia, south-eastern Asia,
Melanesia, and islands of the western Pacific (Uetz et al. 2019; Macdonald 2019). The genus appears to have origi-
nated in Asia and subsequently colonised Australia in the mid-Cenozoic (Heinicke et al. 2011). Morphological and
genetic evidence divides Australian Gehyra into two broad groups: the ‘australis group’ (King 1983), comprised
of relatively large-bodied species, typically with undivided subdigital lamellae (although divided in G. borroloola
King, 1983); and the ‘variegata group’ (King 1979), comprised of species with divided subdigital lamellae and a
wide range of body sizes, although most members are relatively small compared to the australis group’. The ge-
nus has long been recognised as taxonomically difficult (King 1979, 1983). Recent phylogeographic studies have
revealed extraordinary levels of undescribed cryptic diversity within many nominal species of Australian Gehyra
(Sistrom et al. 2013; Moritz et al. 2018; Ashman et al. 2018; Noble et al. 2018; Oliver et al. 2019), and more than 20
new species have been described or elevated from synonymy in the last decade (Sistrom et al. 2009; Doughty et al.
2012, 2018a, 2018b; Hutchinson et al. 2014; Oliver et al. 2016; Bourke et al. 2017; Kealley et al. 2018). As a result
of these considerable efforts there are now 42 species of Gehyra recognised in Australia, making it the most speciose
genus of gekkotan lizards in Australia, with the rocky Pilbara and Kimberley regions of north-western Australia be-
ing centres of diversity and endemism (Ashman et al. 2018; Doughty et al. 2018a, 2018b; Kealley et al. 2018).
The Einasleigh Uplands bioregion is a large inland area of north-eastern Australia characterised by a rugged
landscape of hills and escarpments of granite, sandstone, and basalt set amongst expansive savannah woodland (Sat-
tler & Williams 1999). This topographic complexity is reflected by the region’s high reptile diversity (Wilson 2015);
however, only two species of Gehyra are currently recognised in the region, notably fewer than the topographically
complex areas of Australia’s other dry tropical regions further west. These two species are G. dubia (Macleay,
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1877), a relatively large (SVL 49–65 mm) habitat generalist belonging to the ‘australis group’, and G. einasleigh-
ensis Bourke, Pratt, Vanderduys & Moritz, 2017, a tiny (SVL 31–41 mm) rock-dwelling species belonging to the
variegata group’ and the only Gehyra recognised as endemic to the region.
Here we describe a new species of Gehyra found during targeted searches for geckos in the granite hills of the
Einasleigh Uplands, north and north-west of the town of Mt Surprise, Queensland. Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA
sequences recovers the new species as a distinct monophyletic lineage that is deeply divergent from other described
Gehyra species. Analysis of genome-wide SNP data further indicates that the new species is reproductively isolated
from the sympatric and closely related G. dubia. The new boulder-dwelling species is ecologically distinct from
sympatric and closely related congeners, and can be morphologically distinguished from all other Gehyra by a com-
bination of body size, colour pattern, and scalation.
DNA extraction and mtDNA sequencing. Tissue samples were collected from Talaroo Station and Springfield Sta-
tion and stored in 99% ethanol. Samples were either liver (vouchered specimens) or tail tissue. Vouchered specimens
and associated tissues are hereafter referred to by their Queensland Museum accession number (prefixed by QM),
whereas tissue samples not associated with a vouchered specimen are hereafter referred to by their field number
(prefixed by SMZ). Following the protocol presented in Sistrom et al. (2009), we PCR amplified and sequenced
~1,043 base pairs of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene (ND2) from seven individuals of G.
electrum sp. nov. (1 Talaroo Station, 6 Springfield Station) and two individuals of G. dubia (Springfield Station).
These sequences are available on GenBank (G. dubia MN399963–MN399964; G. electrum sp. nov. MN399965–
MN399971; Table 1). The sequences were aligned with a subset of sequences from recent phylogenetic studies to
include representatives of most Australian Gehyra clades (Sistrom et al. 2013; Moritz et al. 2018; Ashman et al.
2018; Noble et al. 2018; Oliver et al. 2019). Sequences were edited and aligned with the Geneious algorithm using
Geneious R9 (Kearse et al. 2012), followed by a visual inspection. We then generated a maximum-likelihood phy-
logenetic tree using RAxML version 8.2.11 (Stamatakis 2014). We applied the GTRCAT approximation of rate het-
erogeneity and performed a rapid bootstrap analysis with 100 bootstrap replicates. Uncorrected pairwise sequence
distances were estimated using Geneious R9 (Kearse et al. 2012).
SNP analysis. To test for admixture between the new taxa and sympatric G. dubia we performed genomic
analysis using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data generated by Diversity Array Technology (DArT™)
Pty. Ltd. (Sansaloni et al. 2010; Kilian et al. 2012; Lal et al. 2018). Briefly, this method is an alternative to whole
genome sequencing, using restriction-enzyme mediated genome reduction prior to library construction and paral-
lel sequencing (Jaccoud et al. 2001) to sequence the most informative representations of genomic DNA. DArT
analytical pipelines allow independent SNP calling across sample replicates to estimate repeatability of genotype
calls. The result is multiple sequences as reference for marker calling that are aggregated into clusters with the
DArT fast clustering algorithm using a Hamming distance. Identical sequences are collapsed and low-quality bases
in a singleton tag are eliminated or corrected and an index of reproducibility is calculated for each locus to ensure
the consistency of allele calls. A BLAST is then performed to look for potential contaminations by contrasting the
sequences with viral and bacterial sequences at GenBank. This results in two files: the SilicoDArT spreadsheet,
representing the presence/absence of restriction fragments in each SNP; and the SNP calling, including the presence
of nucleotide polymorphisms in restriction fragments. More details on SNP genotyping with DArT can be seen in
Wells and Dale (2018) and Georges et al. (2018).
SNP datasets were generated for five samples of G. electrum sp. nov. and four samples of G. dubia found in
sympatry at Springfield Station (SNP data available at FigShare: To
ensure the quality of our data, we first excluded all monomorphic loci (no informative regions), and then filtered
by repeatability across technical replicates (>99%) and call rate (<10% missing data). To visualize the divergence
between samples we performed a principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) based on a genetic distance matrix between
individuals using the R package ‘dartR’ (Gruber et al. 2017). We also performed a fastSTRUCTURE analysis, a
Bayesian algorithm for inferring population structure from SNP data (Raj et al. 2014). We ran clustering with a K
from 1–7 and estimated the best-fit model using the model complexity that maximized marginal likelihood. These
analyses are easy and effective ways to visualise the population structure and divergence among our SNP data.
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Morphology. We took morphometric measurements and assessed scalation on five adult specimens of the new
species now lodged at the Queensland Museum (QM) and 25 specimens of G. dubia from northern Queensland
(Appendix). Measurements are as follows: snout to vent length (SVL), tip of snout to anterior margin of cloaca
with body straightened; tail length (TL), posterior margin of cloaca to tip of tail, noting whether the tail is original
or regenerated; head length (HeadL), mid anterior margin of ear to tip of snout; head width (HeadW), widest point
across head (between eyes and ear openings); head depth (HeadD), maximum depth of head just posterior to the
orbitals; snout length (SnEye), anterior margin of eye to tip of snout; internarial distance (IntNarDist), the distance
between the inner edge of the nares; interorbital distance (IntOrbDist), the distance between the anterior-dorsal edge
of the orbitals; transverse length of eye (OrbitL); eye to ear (EyeEar) posterior margin of eye to mid anterior margin
of ear; forearm length (ArmL), palm to elbow (with wrist and elbow bent at 90°); hindlimb length (HindL), heel to
knee (with ankle and knee bent at 90°); trunk length (TrunkL), measured from the posterior insertion of the forelimb
to the anterior insertion of the hindlimb with the body held straight; post-mental divide (PostMentDiv), percentage
of the length of the inner-postmentals (chin shields) separated from each other by the posterior protrusion of the
mental scale. Measurements of preserved specimens were taken using Mitutoyo electronic callipers to the nearest
0.1 mm.
FIGURE 1. Ventral photo of the left hind foot of a Gehyra electrum sp. nov. illustrating how subdigital lamellae were counted.
Note that this differs from the counts of King (1983), who included the apical wedge, unlike recent Gehyra descriptions.
Scale counts are as follows: subdigital lamellae (on digit IV of hindlimb (4TLam) and forelimbs (4FLam))
from tip of digit to end of enlarged lamellae row, excluding the apical wedge (Fig. 1 illustrates how lamellae were
506 · Zootaxa 4688 (4) © 2019 Magnolia Press
counted); supralabial (SupLab) and infralabial (InfLab) scale rows (starting at the posterior margins of the rostral
and mental scales, respectively), count terminates posteriorly where labials cease to be twice the size of the adjacent
head scales that do not border the mouth; interorbital scales (IntOrbSc), counting the number of dorsal scales across
the top of the head between the mid-point of the orbits; internarial scales (InterNsc), the number of scales between
the supranasal scales bordering the upper margin of the rostral; the number of pre-cloacal pores in males (PCP). All
bilateral measures and counts were performed unilaterally on the right side unless damage prevented accurate as-
sessment. Sex was determined by the presence of pre-cloacal pores, a character present only in male Gehyra.
mtDNA phylogeny. Individuals of the taxa herein described as Gehyra electrum sp. nov. form a strongly supported
monophyletic lineage that is deeply divergent (>14.5% sequence divergence) from other currently recognised Ge-
hyra species (Fig. 2). Our maximum-likelihood phylogeny indicates that G. electrum sp. nov. is situated within the
australis group’, allied to G. catenata Low, 1979 and G. dubia. The phylogeny suggests that G. electrum sp. nov.
is sister to G. catenata, a tree-dwelling species found in the woodlands of inland central Queensland; however, this
relationship received only moderate maximum likelihood bootstrap support. Mean pairwise sequence divergence
between G. electrum sp. nov. and G. catenata (14.6%) and between G. electrum sp. nov. and G. dubia (15.5%)
is similar to the divergence observed between G. catenata and G. dubia (14.7%). The six G. electrum sp. nov. se-
quences from Springfield Station are very similar to each other (<1% divergence) and are on average 5.4% divergent
to the one sequence from Talaroo Station (QM J96402). Thus, ND2 sequence data support G. electrum sp. nov. as
a genetically distinct species within the ‘australis group’.
FIGURE 2. A) Simplified maximum likelihood phylogeny of Australian Gehyra species inferred with RAxML using mitochon-
drial ND2 sequences. Bootstrap supports of 100 are shown. Select clades are collapsed and outgroups removed for graphical
purposes. B) Expanded view of the group containing Gehyra dubia, G. catenata, and G. electrum sp. nov., with bootstrap sup-
port shown for select nodes. Gehyra electrum sp. nov. is well supported as a distinct and deeply divergent mtDNA lineage allied
to G. catenata and G. dubia.
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FIGURE 3. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) plot of genetic structure based on genetic distances among samples of
sympatric Gehyra dubia and G. electrum sp nov. Percentages of genetic variation explained by each PCoA axis are shown in
parentheses. The fastSTRUCTURE plot (inset) at K=2 indicates no admixture between the two species.
SNP analysis. After filtering the DArT data, we obtained a total of 18,915 SNP markers for the nine individu-
als used in this analysis. The PCoA plot (Fig. 3) separates G. dubia and G. electrum sp. nov. along PCoA axis 1,
which accounts for 88.8% of the overall SNP variation. fastSTRUCTURE also identified G. dubia and G. electrum
sp. nov. as two separate clusters, with the best-fit model indicating K=2 (Fig. 3 inset). These results indicate that
there is strong differentiation and no admixture between sympatric G. dubia and G. electrum sp. nov. at Springfield
Morphology. Measurements and scale counts of the type series are presented in Table 1. The new species dif-
fers morphologically from all other recognised Gehyra by a combination of colour pattern, body size, and scalation
(7–8 undivided subdigital lamellae on fourth toe; enlarged wedge-shaped mental scale). A detailed morphological
description and comparisons with sympatric Gehyra are given in the species description below.
Taxonomic conclusions. The new species is genetically and morphologically distinct from all currently de-
scribed Gehyra, and genomic data indicate that it is reproductively isolated from the closely related and sympatric
G. dubia. Although our phylogenetic analysis recovers G. catenata as the sister taxon to G. electrum sp. nov., the
two species are widely allopatric (nearest G. catenata record ~330 km south of Talaroo Station), are ecologically
distinct (tree-dwelling in G. catenata versus rock-dwelling in G. electrum sp. nov.), possess distinct and divergent
colour patterns in life (a dark chain-like dorsal pattern on a light brown or grey background in G. catenata versus
a pattern of light and dark spots and blotches on an orange-brown background in G. electrum sp. nov.), and are
similarly divergent (based on mtDNA sequence data) from each other as each are from G. dubia (Fig. 2; see mtDNA
results above). The new species is also ecologically distinct from sympatric G. einasleighensis and G. dubia (see
‘Habitat and ecology’ section below). Considering this evidence we describe G. electrum sp. nov. under the criteria
of the Biological Species Concept (Mayr 1942) but note that it also meets the criteria of most other commonly used
species concepts (Coyne & Orr 2004; De Quieroz 2007).
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Gehyra Gray, 1834
Type species—Gehyra pacifica Gray, 1834 (= Gecko oceanica (Lesson, 1830)), by monotypy.
Gehyra electrum sp. nov.
Amber rock dtella
Figs. 1, 4–7, 10
Holotype (Fig. 4). QM J96403 (SMZ0970), adult male collected from Springfield Station, Queensland (17.89°S,
144.41°E, 490 m elevation) on 23 September 2017 by S.M. Zozaya, J.W. de Jong, and A.L. Fenner.
Paratypes. Talaroo Station, Queensland (18.02°S, 143.79°E): QM J96402 (male), QM J96408 (female).
Springfield Station, Queensland (17.89°S, 144.41°E): QM J96404 (female). Amber Station, Queensland (17.74°S,
144.32°E): QM J70090 (male).
Diagnosis. A medium-sized (46–50 mm SVL) species of Gehyra; no webbing of skin between toes III and IV;
no skin-fold along posterior of hindlimb; subcaudal scales transversely widened; rostral scale gabled dorsally with
a deep medial groove on the dorsal half of the scale; single internarial scale usually present; 2 postnasals of similar
size, or with lower postnasal slightly larger; mental scale wedge-shaped posteriorly; 2–3 pairs of postmental scales
(chin shields), with inner pair largest and separated from each other by the mental scale along 40% or more of their
length; 7–9 supralabials; 7–8 infralabials; snout moderately convex in lateral view; 7–8 undivided subdigital lamel-
lae on the expanded portion of the fourth toe, excluding the apical wedge; subdigital lamellae often with deep medial
notch but never fully divided; no granules separating proximal lamellae; adult males with 12–13 pre-cloacal pores
arranged in a shallow wedge that points anteriorly; background colouration orange-brown to pinkish-orange; dorsal
pattern variable but typically consists of white spots, sometimes arranged in transverse rows, with dark spots that
sometimes merge into irregular blotches or dark transverse bands.
Etymology. From the Latin noun electrum, meaning ‘amber’, in reference to the orange-brown background
colouration typical of the species, and alluding to Amber Station, where the earliest confirmed specimen of this spe-
cies was collected (paratype QM J70090). The name is treated as a noun in apposition.
We recommend the common name ‘Amber rock dtella’ for this species. Recent taxonomic revisions of Gehyra
have moved away from recommending ‘dtella’ in common names, instead favouring ‘Gehyra’ (Doughty 2018a;
Kealley 2018) or simply ‘gecko’ (Oliver et al. 2016; Doughty 2018b). Kealley et al. (2018) provide justification for
this: “We prefer to use ‘Gehyra’ as the common name over ‘dtella’ as the generic name is already available and just
as easy or difficult to remember than an additional name fabricated for use as a common name.” The name ‘dtella’,
however, is not fabricated but appears to be the indigenous name for Gehyra from the Chillagoe region of north-
eastern Queensland (Broom 1897). This is the same general region that G. electrum sp. nov. is found, and because
of this, we prefer to use the name ‘dtella’ for this species.
Description of type series (N = 5). Data presented as range followed by mean in brackets. Measurements
(mm). SVL 46.9–49.8 (48.2); TailL 37.5–52.0 (45.13); TrunkL 21.6–25.1 (23.2); HeadL 10.5–11.2 (10.8); HeadW
9.1–10.3 (9.6); HeadD 4.1–4.9 (4.5); SnEye 4.4–4.7 (4.5); EyeEar 3.1–3.4 (3.2); OrbitL 2.4–4.7 (4.6); IntOrbDist
5.1–5.8 (5.5); IntNarDist 1.2–1.8 (1.5); HindL 5.9–6.4 (6.2); ArmL 5.1–5.5 (5.3).
Head. Moderately depressed (HeadD/HeadL = 0.4) and moderately wide (HeadW/HeadL = 0.9), snout short
(SnEye/HeadL = 0.4) and moderately convex when viewed laterally, with a shallow depression between the con-
vexly curved canthal ridges; eyes large (OrbL/HeadL = 0.2–0.3); neck wide, being only slightly narrower than head
or wider in females with enlarged endolymphatic sacs; head covered in small granular scales that are largest on the
dorsal and lateral surfaces of the snout; interorbital counts 30–33 (31.2); rostral scale approximately twice as wide
as deep, gabled dorsally, and deeply grooved medially on the dorsal half; nostrils rounded and contacted by rostral,
supranasal, two postnasals, and first supralabial; postnasals similarly sized, or lower postnasal slightly larger than
upper; supranasals usually separated medially by a single small internarial scale along the dorsal edge of rostral (4 of
5 specimens; QM J96404 without internarial); supralabials 7–9 (8.2); infralabials 7–8 (7.6); mental scale protrudes
in a wedge-shape posteriorly, separating the inner-postmentals from each other along 40–50% of their length; 2–3
A NEW GEHYRA FROM NORTH-EAST AUSTRALIA Zootaxa 4688 (4) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 509
pairs of enlarged postmentals, with inner pair largest; inner-postmentals in contact with mental and first infralabials,
sometimes narrowly contacting the second infralabials on one side; second pair of postmentals usually in contact
with first and second infralabials, or sometimes excluded from first supralabial on one side; third pair of postmen-
tals, when present, do not contact infralabials; ear opening moderately large and rounded or vertically elongate.
Scales on gular region small, flat, and slightly overlapping, gradually increasing in size and becoming more granular
near the postmentals, infralabials, and parinfralabials.
Body. Moderately robust (TrunkL/SVL = 0.5) and dorsoventrally flattened; dorsum covered in non-overlapping
granular scales; scales on ventral surfaces flat, often overlapping, and approximately 2–6 times larger than those
on dorsum; 2–3 enlarged cloacal spurs behind the lower posterior margin of the thigh in both sexes, but more well-
defined in males; 12–13 (12.3) pre-cloacal pores in males that form a shallow chevron anterior to the cloaca, with
central pores anteriormost; pre-cloacal pores absent in females.
FIGURE 4. Holotype of Gehyra electrum sp. nov. (QM J96403) from Springfield Station, Queensland. (A) Dorsal and ventral
views of preserved holotype and (B) photo in life. Photos: Stephen Zozaya.
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FIGURE 5. Condition of the mental (M) and inner-postmentals (IPM) in Gehyra electrum sp. nov. and G. dubia. Photos:
Stephen Zozaya.
FIGURE 6. Colour pattern variation in Gehyra electrum sp. nov. from Springfield Station (A, QM J96404) and Talaroo Station
(B, unsampled subadult; C, QM J96408; D, QM J96402), and comparison with sympatric G. dubia (E, Springfield Station; F,
Talaroo Station). Photos: Stephen Zozaya (A, C–F); Scott Macor (B).
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FIGURE 7. Comparison of (A) Gehyra electrum sp. nov. (SMZ0974), (B) G. einasleighensis (uncollected), and (C) G. catenata
(uncollected). Photos: Stephen Zozaya.
Limbs. Limbs of moderate length (ArmL/SVL = 0.1; HindL/SVL = 0.1); digits short, dorsoventrally com-
pressed, and expanded distally; claw protrudes dorsally from the expanded portion of all except the first digit
(anteriormost) of manus and pes; 7–8 (7.6) enlarged subdigital lamellae on the expanded portion of the fourth toe,
excluding the apical wedge; 6–7 (6.4) enlarged subdigital lamellae on the fourth finger, excluding the apical wedge;
subdigital lamellae often with deep medial notch, particularly on proximal lamellae, but never fully divided. Scales
on ventral and anterior surfaces of thigh large, flat, and slightly overlapping; scales on dorsal and posterior surfaces
of limbs small, granular, and non-overlapping.
Tail. Original tail long (TL/SVL = 1.0–1.1; N = 2, includes QM J96404 with regrown tail-tip), slender, slightly
dorsoventrally compressed, and tapering to a pointed tip; fully regenerated tail shorter (TL/SVL = 0.8–0.9; N = 2)
and more strongly tapered. Medial scales on ventral surfaces of tail much wider than long and slightly overlapping,
bordered laterally by a row of moderately enlarged overlapping scales, with scales on dorsal and lateral surfaces of
tail smaller, granular, and arranged in regular rows; in regenerated tails lateral and dorsal scales are flatter and in
irregular rows.
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TABLE 1. Morphometric and meristic data, and GenBank ND2 sequence references for the type series of Gehyra elec-
trum sp. nov.
Accession no. QM J96403 QM J96408 QM J96404 QM J96402 QM J70090
Type status holotype paratype paratype paratype paratype
Field ID SMZ0970 SMZ1332 SMZ0975 SMZ0869
GenBank MN399965 MN399970 MN399971
Sex Male female Female male male
SVL 46.9 48.5 48.5 47.5 49.8
Tail regrown original tip regrown regrown lost
HeadL 10.5 10.8 10.5 10.9 11.2
HeadD 4.3 4.1 4.4 4.7 4.9
HeadW 9.1 9.9 9.1 10.3 9.8
ArmL 5.3 5.5 5.4 5.1 5.5
HindL 6.0 6.4 5.9 6.3 6.1
TrunkL 21.9 23.0 24.2 21.6 25.1
Tail regrown original tip regrown regrown lost
TailL 42.5 52.0 48.5 37.5 -
SnEye 4.5 4.7 4.4 4.5 4.7
EyeEar 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.1
IntNarDist 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.8
IntOrbDist 5.5 5.8 5.1 5.8 5.5
OrbitL 2.8 2.9 2.4 2.9 3.0
SupLab 7 8 8 9 9
InfLab 7 7 8 8 8
InterNsc 1 1 0 1 1
IntOrbSc 30 30 33 32 31
4TLam 7 8 8 8 7
4FLam 6 7 7 6 6
PCP 12 - - 12 13
PostMentDiv 50% 40% 40% 40% 40%
Colouration in life (Figs. 4B, 6AD, 7A, 10). Background colouration varies from a pale pinkish-orange to a darker
orange-brown. Patterning consists of scattered whitish spots and darker (black to purple-brown) blotches or bars;
whitish spots and darker blotches are often arranged in alternating transverse rows along the dorsum—in such cases,
the darker blotches are often fused to become irregular transverse bars or blotches (Fig. 6A & 6D). In other individu-
als the whitish and darker blotches are more distinct and scattered in a seemingly haphazard fashion (Figs. 4 & 7A).
Ventral surfaces whitish and largely unpatterned, often with fine dark stippling laterally and on the ventral surfaces
of the limbs. Pattern on dorsum of original tails consist of alternating pale blotches and dark blotches or narrow
transverse bars; regenerated tails with short, irregular, black to purple-brown longitudinal lines.
Colouration in spirit. Colour pattern in preservative is largely similar to the description in life except that the
orange and/or pinkish background colouration is faded to shades of cream and brown (except paratype QM J70090,
which is a rich rusty orange), making the whitish spots and darker blotches indistinct and appear almost entirely
absent in paler individuals.
Comparison with sympatric congeners. Gehyra electrum sp. nov. is sympatric with G. dubia (Fig. 6E–F) and
G. einasleighensis (Fig. 7B). Gehyra electrum sp. nov. can be distinguished from G. dubia by the former’s smaller
adult size (SVL 46–50 mm versus 49–64 mm in G. dubia), orange-brown to pinkish-orange background coloura-
tion (versus ranging from whitish-grey to dark grey), and most reliably by the mental scale that forms a deep wedge
between the inner-postmentals (versus a very shallow wedge; Fig 5). Gehyra electrum sp. nov. can be distinguished
from G. einasleighensis by the former’s undivided subdigital lamellae (versus divided), a higher number of subdig-
ital lamellae on the fourth toe (7–8 versus 6 or fewer), its larger adult size (SVL 46–50 mm versus 31–41 mm), and
the presence of irregular large dark blotches or bars (versus relatively small, discrete dark spots). Gehyra electrum
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sp. nov. does not co-occur with the closely related G. catenata (nearest records ~330 km south) but can be distin-
guished from this species by its orange-brown to pinkish-orange background colouration with a pattern of whitish
spots and black or purple-brown blotches or bars (versus light brown or grey background colouration with a darker
chain-like dorsal pattern in G. catenata; Fig. 7C).
Distribution. Currently known from four sites in the Einasleigh Uplands of north-eastern Queensland: Talaroo
Station, Springfield Station, Amber Station, and a photographic record from Hanging Rock ~30 km south-southeast
of Almaden (17.59°S, 144.59°E; M. Anthony pers. comm.; Fig. 8). Targeted searches failed to find G. electrum sp.
nov. in granite habitats closer to Almaden (17.400°S, 144.646°E) and Georgetown (18.504°S, 143.523°E). Never-
theless, suitable boulder habitat between known localities and the surrounding region is extensive and further survey
effort will likely find this species elsewhere in the region.
FIGURE 8. Map of inland north-eastern Queensland showing the known localities of Gehyra electrum sp. nov. and sites at
which it has not been found despite targeted searches. Also shown are nearby towns (white squares) and major roads. Back-
ground colour shows elevation.
Habitat and ecology. Gehyra electrum sp. nov. is associated with large granite boulders in savannah woodland
(Fig. 9). Most individuals have been found at night on vertical rock faces and overhangs, and occasionally on adja-
cent vegetation where they have been observed feeding on tree sap (J.M. Wright pers. obs.; Fig. 10). This species
appears to prefer larger granite outcrops, where it can be found alongside G. dubia; although the latter is much more
common on trees at sites where G. electrum sp. nov. occurs. The sympatric G. einasleighensis is more commonly
found on smaller rocks and rubble—similar to other small, spotted members of the genus—and is rarely found on
large vertical rock faces (Bourke et al. 2017; S.M. Zozaya pers. obs.).
Conservation status. With an extent of occurrence (the minimum convex polygon that encompasses all known
occurrence points) of 976 km2 and an area of occupancy (the total area of 4-km2 grid cells the species is known
from) of 20 km2, Gehyra electrum sp. nov. appears to have the smallest known distribution of any eastern Australian
Gehyra; however, the species is extremely abundant where it occurs and suitable habitat at and between the known
localities is extensive. While the species is not currently known from any national parks, the site at Talaroo Station
is within the Talaroo Nature Refuge, which is managed for conservation by the Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation.
514 · Zootaxa 4688 (4) © 2019 Magnolia Press
While having a small geographic range or small population size is grounds for listing under IUCN Red List Crite-
ria B–D (IUCN 2012), there is no evidence of plausible threat or decline. Populations of G. electrum sp. nov. are
therefore likely to be secure and we recommend that the species be classified as Least Concern. Nevertheless, more
searches at new localities will be valuable to better understand the distribution, ecology, and conservation status of
this species.
FIGURE 9. Granite boulder habitats of Gehyra electrum sp. nov. at (A) Talaroo Station and (B) Amber Station. Photos: Stephen
Zozaya (A); Justin Wright (B).
Gehyra electrum sp. nov. is the second Gehyra known to be endemic to the Einasleigh Uplands. Recent surveys and
subsequent taxonomic work have revealed a number of new lizard species endemic to the region (Amey & Couper
2009; Couper at al. 2010; Couper et al. 2016; Vanderduys 2016; Bourke et al. 2017; Hoskin et al. 2018; Amey et al.
2019), and new populations of species more typical of arid and semi-arid areas further south and west (Vanderduys
et al. 2011, 2012a, 2012b; Schembri & Jolly 2017). The Einasleigh Uplands is emerging as a hotspot of reptile
diversity and endemism (10 endemic or nearly endemic lizard species), and future taxonomic revisions and further
exploration will likely result in the description of many more new reptile species in the region.
Gehyra electrum sp. nov. is the smallest member of the ‘australis group’ (average SVL 48.2 mm) and provides
a fourth apparent instance of shifting between generalist and rock specialist ecologies in this group (Oliver et al.
A NEW GEHYRA FROM NORTH-EAST AUSTRALIA Zootaxa 4688 (4) © 2019 Magnolia Press · 515
2019). This further highlights both the ecological and body size plasticity recently shown in Australian Gehyra
(Moritz et al. 2018; Ashman et al. 2018; Oliver et al. 2019). Recent studies have demonstrated that sympatric Ge-
hyra species have typically diverged in body size (Doughty et al. 2018a; Moritz et al. 2018). Gehyra electrum sp.
nov. is intermediate in size between its two sympatric congeners, G. dubia (larger generalist) and G. einasleighensis
(smaller rubble specialist). This is similar to the size and habitat divergence seen between other sympatric Gehyra,
such as G. kimberleyi Börner & Schüttler, 1983 (larger generalist), G. girloorloo Oliver, Bourke, Pratt, Doughty &
Moritz, 2016 (smaller rock specialist), and G. nana Storr, 1978 (tiny rubble specialists) in the south-western Kim-
berley region (Oliver et al. 2016; Moritz et al. 2018). This offers further observational evidence that sympatric Ge-
hyra typically differ in body size; however, it is still unclear whether sympatry drives body size divergence, whether
those species that have already diverged are more likely to coexist upon secondary contact, or if a combination of
these two factors contribute to patterns of body size divergence among Gehyra.
FIGURE 10. An adult male Gehyra electrum sp. nov. from Amber Station consuming sap from an unidentified Acacia. This
individual has a fully regenerated tail. Photo: Justin Wright.
We thank the Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation for access and assistance on Talaroo Station, Anders Zimny, Michael
Anthony, Jordan de Jong, Aaron Fenner, and Scott Macor for assistance in the field, Justin Wright for details of his
field observations and accompanying photos from Amber Station, Craig Moritz and Rebecca Laver for provision of
and assistance with genetic data, and Lorenzo Bertola for feedback that improved the manuscript.
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APPENDIX. Comparative material of Gehyra dubia (n=25) from northern Queensland examined for morphological
registration number
Sex Locality Latitude Longitude
J40877 male Lion’s Den Hotel, Helenvale -15.6985 145.2178
J40878 male Lion’s Den Hotel, Helenvale -15.6985 145.2178
J40886 female 7 km E. Croydon -18.1985 142.1845
J40887 male 38 km E. Georgetown -18.2818 143.9011
J74570 male Donkey Springs, Bulleringa NP -17.6039 143.8106
J77224 male Irvinbank-Petford Rd -17.3967 145.1681
J80632 male Blackbraes NP -19.3992 144.1508
J90850 male Lake Moondarra -20.5806 139.5767
J91173 female Mount Carbine township -16.53 145.1394
J91174 male Mount Carbine township -16.53 145.1394
J91179 female Walsh’s Pyramid -17.115 145.7953
J91357 male Porcupine Gorge -20.3542 144.4661
J91357 male Porcupine Gorge -20.3542 144.4661
J92082 male Magnetic Island -19.125 146.87
J92088 male Magnetic Island -19.1292 146.8683
J92091 male Magnetic Island -19.1311 146.8694
J92091 male Magnetic Island -19.1311 146.8694
J93381 male Toolka Nature Reserve -13.5586 143.1858
J93641 male Mount Cooper Station -20.5167 146.8667
J94058 female Killarney Station -15.2744 143.3817
J94215 male Killarney Station -15.4578 143.6675
J94324 male Springfield Station -17.9481 144.4081
J95585 female West Quinkan -15.7803 144.3575
J95791 male Savanna Way, S. Almaden -17.4606 144.6178
J95793 male Savanna Way, S. Almaden -17.5083 144.615
... This, in combination with taxa that are of relatively low mobility, has resulted in many significant radiations, especially among reptiles (e.g., Doughty et al. 2018;Oliver et al. 2019;Potter et al. 2019;Oliver et al. 2020). In recent years there has been a steady stream of reptile descriptions from all three northern Australian states and territories, concentrated on rocky ranges and residual ranges (Western Australia- Doughty et al. 2012Doughty et al. , 2016Doughty et al. , 2018Oliver et al. 2014b; the Northern Territory- Oliver & Parkin 2014;Queensland-Hoskin & Couper 2015;Vanderduys 2016Vanderduys , 2017Bourke et al. 2017;Hoskin et al. 2018;Hoskin 2019;Zozaya et al. 2019). ...
... Its location on the Great Dividing Range and connection to surrounding bioregions creates an environment unlike the surrounding landscapes, containing many refuges and refugia (sensu Reside et al. 2019;Reside et al. 2014). The new species described here, and the recent description of other new reptile species from the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion, underscores the region's recognition as a location of biogeographical significance (Bourke et al. 2017;Couper et al. 2016;Vanderduys 2016;Zozaya et al. 2019). These discoveries also suggest that further species await description in this area. ...
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The Einasleigh Uplands bioregion of central north Queensland, Australia, harbours a unique suite of reptiles that have begun to receive significant attention in the last 20 years. This has resulted in a number of new reptile species being described, and recognition that others await description. We describe a new species of Lucasium Wermuth, 1965 from the western Einasleigh Uplands. Lucasium iris sp. nov. is genetically distinct and morphologically diagnosable from all congeners by its large size, long and narrow tail, nares in contact with rostral scale, homogeneous body scales, distinct vertebral stripe, and paired, enlarged, apical subdigital lamellae. It is known from low rocky hills in a localised area of the Gregory Range, has the most restricted known distribution of any Lucasium, and is the only Lucasium endemic to Queensland. The new species appears most closely related to L. steindachneri (Boulenger, 1885), based on mitochondrial DNA sequences, but has a colour-pattern more similar to L. immaculatum Storr, 1988. All three of these species occur in the Einasleigh Uplands, but only L. steindachneri is known to occur in sympatry with L. iris sp. nov. In addition to the description of the new species, we present records of Lucasium immaculatum from the Einasleigh Uplands, which represent a significant known range extension.
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See for details
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Ongoing surveys for skinks of the genus Lerista in north Queensland have resulted in the collection of voucher specimens from two populations formerly assigned to Lerista storri Greer, McDonald & Lawrie, 1983 that are geographically isolated from the type population and show a degree of morphological variation differing from the type population. Analysis of recently collected material has confirmed both populations are specifically distinct to the type population, with one being more closely related to Lerista ameles Greer, 1979, another little known, north Queensland species. Consequently, these populations are described as Lerista alia sp. nov. and Lerista parameles sp. nov. The morphological diversity of L. storri is thereby restricted, necessitating a redescription. The conservation status of all these taxa is discussed.
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Background: Congruent patterns in the distribution of biodiversity between regions or habitats suggest that key factors such as climatic and topographic variation may predictably shape evolutionary processes. In a number of tropical and arid biomes, genetic analyses are revealing deeper and more localised lineage diversity in rocky ranges than surrounding habitats. Two potential drivers of localised endemism in rocky areas are refugial persistence through climatic change, or ecological diversification and specialisation. Here we examine how patterns of lineage and phenotypic diversity differ across two broad habitat types (rocky ranges and open woodlands) in a small radiation of gecko lizards in the genus Gehyra (the australis group) from the Australian Monsoonal Tropics biome. Results: Using a suite of approaches for delineating evolutionarily independent lineages, we find between 26 and 41 putative evolutionary units in the australis group (versus eight species currently recognised). Rocky ranges are home to a greater number of lineages that are also relatively more restricted in distribution, while lineages in open woodland habitats are fewer, more widely distributed, and, in one case, show evidence of range expansion. We infer at least two shifts out of rocky ranges and into surrounding woodlands. Phenotypic divergence between rocky ranges specialist and more generalist taxa is detected, but no convergent evolutionary regimes linked to ecology are inferred. Conclusions: In climatically unstable biomes such as savannahs, rocky ranges have functioned as zones of persistence, generators of diversity and a source of colonists for surrounding areas. Phenotypic divergence can also be linked to the use of differing habitat types, however, the extent to which ecological specialisation is a primary driver or secondary outcome of localised diversification remains uncertain.
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We describe a new species of velvet gecko (Diplodactylidae: Oedura) from the sandstone ranges of central-north Queensland, Australia. Oedura argentea sp. nov. is a medium-sized (SVL 61–80 mm) gecko that is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of its relatively small size, a pattern of 5–6 dark-edged pale transverse bands from neck to pelvis, a silvery iris, a slender tail, a single cloacal spur, and in possessing 14–22 pre-cloacal pores in males. Oedura argentea sp. nov. is a sandstone specialist currently known only from the Gregory Range and nearby sandstone outcropping at Bulleringa National Park. Further surveys are required to determine the limits of distribution through this region. Oedura argentea sp. nov. is the fifth described species of Oedura in north-eastern Queensland. We also assess the name O. fracticolor De Vis, 1884 because it is an unresolved name pertaining to this general region. Based on colour-pattern and locality in the original description, we conclude that O. fracticolor is a senior synonym of O. castelnaui (Thominot, 1889); however, we propose that priority be overturned under Articles and of the ICZN (1999) and that the name O. fracticolor be regarded as nomen oblitum and O. castelnaui a nomen protectum.
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Understanding how genetic diversity is maintained within populations is central to evolutionary biology. Research on colour polymorphism (CP), which typically has a genetic basis, can shed light on this issue. However, because gene flow can homogenise genetic variation, understanding population connectivity is critical in examining the maintenance of polymorphisms. In this study we assess the utility of genotyping-by-sequencing to resolve gene flow, and provide a preliminary investigation into the genetic basis of CP in Isocladus armatus, an endemic New Zealand marine isopod. Analysis of the genetic variation in 4,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within and among populations and colour morphs revealed large differences in gene flow across two spatial scales. Marine isopods, which lack a pelagic larval phase, are typically assumed to exhibit greater population structuring than marine invertebrates possessing a biphasic life cycle. However, we found high gene flow rates and no genetic subdivision between two North Island populations situated 8 km apart. This suggests that I. armatus is capable of substantial dispersal along coastlines. In contrast, we identified a strong genetic disjunction between North and South Island populations. This result is similar to those reported in other New Zealand marine species, and is congruent with the presence of a geophysical barrier to dispersal down the east coast of New Zealand. We also found some support for a genetic basis to colouration evidenced by positive F ST outlier tests, with two SNPs in particular showing strong association to the expression of a striped morph. Our study provides one of the first population genomic studies of a marine organism in New Zealand, and suggests that genotyping-by-sequencing can be a good alternative to more traditional investigations based on traditional markers such as microsatellites. Our study provides a foundation for further development of a highly tractable system for research on the evolutionary maintenance of CP.
We provide the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Australian species of the gekkonid genus Gehyra, based on 1044bp of the mitochondrial ND2 gene. Species representing the Asian, Melanesian and Australian radiations are resolved as separate clades, indicating relative isolation and independence of each of these evolutionary lines. Within the Australian radiation, the arid zone species form a monophyletic subgroup distinct from the remaining species found in tropical and warm mesic habitats. Extensive chromosome variation and highly variable external morphology have made species recognition difficult within Gehyra, exacerbated by the likely presence of numerous undescribed cryptic species. Three species of Gehyra are currently recognized in the southeastern inland of Australia, G. variegata, G. montium and G. purpurascens. We re-describe a fourth species, G. lazelli, to include those populations long referred to informally as the 2n=44 chromosome ‘race’ of Gehyra variegata. Gehyra lazelli widely overlaps the distribution of G. variegata in South Australia and the southern inland of New South Wales, with no suggestion of intergradation in morphology, mitochondrial DNA, allozyme variation or karyotype.
A new limb-reduced skink from the dry rainforest of north Queensland is described as Lerista rochfordensis sp. nov. It is distinguished from its congeners by forelimb absent with no groove or other indication, hindlimb 5–8% SVL with a single clawed digit, and five supraciliary scales. Its narrow distribution coupled with its apparent reliance on dry rainforest, an endangered habitat, meets the criteria outlined for a Vulnerable listing under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Qld).
Proablepharus barrylyoni sp. nov. is described from a single locality near Mt Surprise, north-eastern Queensland. It is distinguished from its congeners by the following character states: body longitudinally striped, four supraoculars, five supraciliaries, frontoparietals fused to interparietal, upper preocular well-developed, two postsupralabials, lamellae beneath digits of pes smoothly rounded. The species was last collected in 1981 and, using criteria prescribed in the Queensland Nature Conservation Act, Wildlife Regulation 1994, qualifies as Vulnerable.
Understanding the evolutionary history of diversifying lineages and the delineation of evolutionarily significant units and species remain major challenges for evolutionary biology. Low cost representational sampling of the genome for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) shows great potential at the temporal scales that are typically the focus of species delimitation and phylogeography. We apply these markers to a case study of a freshwater turtle, Emydura macquarii, whose systematics has so far defied resolution, to bring to light a dynamic system of substantive allopatric lineages diverging on independent evolutionary trajectories, but held back in the process of speciation by low level and episodic exchange of alleles across drainage divides on various timescales. In the context of low‐level episodic gene flow, speciation is often reticulate, rather than a bifurcating process. We argue that species delimitation needs to take into account the pattern of ancestry and descent of diverging lineages in allopatry together with the recent and contemporary processes of dispersal and gene flow that retard and obscure that divergence. Underpinned by a strong focus on lineage diagnosabilty, this combined approach provides a means for addressing the challenges of incompletely isolated populations with uncommon, but recurrent gene flow in studies of species delimitation, a situation likely to be frequently encountered. Taxonomic decisions in cases of allopatry often require subjective judgements. Our strategy, which adds an additional level of objectivity before that subjectivity is applied, reduces the risk of taxonomic inflation that can accompany lineage approaches to species delimitation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Locating and protecting climate change refugia is important to conserving biodiversity with accelerating climate change. Comparative phylogeographic analysis provides an effective tool for locating such refugia, as long-term retention of one or more populations within a refugial landscape will generate unique genetic lineages. The ranges of the western Gulf region of northern Australia are thought to represent a significant arid-zone refugium, in which case low-dispersal organisms should have strong phylogeographic structure across the region. To test for this, we conducted extensive sampling of three species of Gehyra geckos and analysed diversity for mitochondrial DNA and eight nuclear loci. These analyses revealed congruent and high phylogeographic diversity, especially, but not exclusively, in rock-restricted species. This finding, and other recent phylogeographic evidence, demonstrates that these topographically variable landforms have enabled persistence of ecologically diverse vertebrate species through the climate changes of the late Pleistocene. Identification of this relatively under-protected region as a significant climate change refugium points to the need to expand protected areas in this region and to invest in ecological management across existing National Parks and Indigenous Protected Areas.