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Swimming facilities are one of the most complex building categories with their high energy use and demanding indoor environment. A survey to collect information about user health and comfort, technical installations and operational strategies was distributed to pool facilities-from conventional swimming facilities to water parks-across Norway, and this article is based on the responses from 45 facilities. Using a multiple regression analysis, approximately 75% of the delivered energy can be attributed to the bather load and number of opening days. No correlation between delivered energy and user health and thermal comfort was obtained; however, a significant correlation between bathers and workers perceived health and comfort was found. Furthermore, bathers in the water parks reported to be significantly less satisfied with the indoor environment in comparison to bathers in conventional swimming facilities. The water parks also have a lower air change rate compared to the conventional swimming facilities.
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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Energy use and perceived health in indoor swimming pool facilities
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 042051
IOP Publishing
Energy use and perceived health in indoor swimming pool
Therese B. Nitter1,2,*, Salvatore Carlucci1, Snorre N. Olsen1, Kristin v. H. Svendsen2
1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim Norway
2 Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Trondheim Norway
Abstract. Swimming facilities are one of the most complex building categories with their high energy use and
demanding indoor environment. A survey to collect information about user health and comfort, technical
installations and operational strategies was distributed to pool facilitiesfrom conventional swimming facilities to
water parksacross Norway, and this article is based on the responses from 45 facilities. Using a multiple
regression analysis, approximately 75% of the delivered energy can be attributed to the bather load and number of
opening days. No correlation between delivered energy and user health and thermal comfort was obtained;
however, a significant correlation between bathers and workers perceived health and comfort was found.
Furthermore, bathers in the water parks reported to be significantly less satisfied with the indoor environment in
comparison to bathers in conventional swimming facilities. The water parks also have a lower air change rate
compared to the conventional swimming facilities.
1. Introduction
We spend almost 90% of our time indoors (1), and in many types of buildings, such as pool facilities,
the exposure to certain contaminants is greater inside than in the outdoor environment. Norway has
approximately 900 swimming facilities and water parks (2, 3) used for swimming education, recreation
and sports. The energy consumption between different facilities differs significantly, and some of the
variability can be attributed to the type, use and location of the facilities (4, 5). Swimming facilities also
represent a building category with a challenging indoor environment with high temperatures and
humidity levels. For example, high relative humidity (RH) is uncomfortable for the workers in the
poolroom and increases the risk of mould and bacterial grows in the building constructions. On the
contrary, too low RH increases the evaporation rate from the water and thereby the need for
dehumidification of air and replenishing water to the pools, which are both energy-intensive processes.
Another challenge is that the heat transfer coefficient between the skin and water is higher than that
between the skin and air. In particular, the bathers experience one of the highest heat transfer rates of
the human body (6). For this reason, the environmental condition that is experienced as too cold for a
bather might be felt too warm for the lifeguards (7).
Another important aspect of the indoor environment is the air and water quality. When chlorine
reacts with organic and inorganic contaminants present in the water, the formation of unwanted
disinfection by-products (DBP) occurs. Long-term health effects such as asthma, adverse reproductive
outcome, cancer and stillbirth have been associated with exposure to certain DBPs (8, 9), and dermal
contact, oral ingestion and inhalation are considered important pathways of exposure (10).
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 042051
IOP Publishing
Apart from the concentration of free and combined chlorine in pool water, no other chemical
components are controlled in Norwegian pool facilities (11). No requirements concerning air quality in
pool facilities exists: however, the Norwegian research institute, SINTEF, recommends to (12):
Change the air between 4-7 times per hour,
Have a maximum air velocity of 0.15 m/s above the water surface,
Have an air temperature of 1-2 ºC greater than the water temperature.
The work presented in this paper is a part of a larger project aiming to characterize whether there is a
covariance between indoor environment and technology, and whether it’s possible to establish a dose-
response relationship between exposure and disease. The project is divided into three different parts
where the status of parts one and two is presented in this paper:
Part 1: Collection of statistics on energy and perceived air quality and user health from
swimming pool facilities across Norway (n = 220),
Part 2: Collection of information about health effects and user habits among professional
swimmers above age of 18 across Norway (n = 1 109),
Part 3: In-depth analysis of the air quality in 6-8 pool facilities. Determine whether there is a
covariation between use of technology, ventilation strategy and user health and comfort, and if
possible, establish a dose-response relationship.
2. Methods
2.1 Survey and study objects
The current study follows a cross-sectional study design where information was collected using a survey.
The names of the facilities were collected from the facility register owned by the Norwegian Ministry
of Culture. Swimming pools located in schools, hotels, rehabilitation centres and hospitals were
excluded from the study since these pools are integrated in larger buildings where the primary aim is
not to operate a pool facility. The survey was sent to the pool facilities by e-mail or distributed by
ordinary mail though their municipalities owning the facilities. A total of 220 e-mail addresses received
the survey including questions about user habits and thermal comfort, questions as to whether different
energy saving measures have been installed (e.g., greywater recovery, heat recovery for air, automated
filter flushing, upgrading of winds, walls and ceilings, etc.), energy and water use from the last five
years (2013-2017), attractions, pool dimensions, disinfection technology installed in the facility. The
survey was approved by the Norwegian Center for Data research (NSD). Forty-five facilities filled out
the survey, and 17 facilities responded that they are unable to participate in the study due to lack of
energy monitoring, lack of time, building and rehabilitation of the facility or new staff.
2.2 Climate correction of energy use
To compare the energy consumption of the pool facilities across Norway, the delivered energy (in kWh)
was climate-corrected using the degree-day method, and the capital of Norway, Oslo, was used as the
reference climate. According to the Norwegian energy foundation, ENOVA, 40% of the energy
consumed in a pool facility depends on the outdoor temperature (13). The formula used for the climate
correction was developed by ENOVA and is reported in equation 1.
  ×0.6 + 0.4 × 
 =  ,   (1)
2.3 Multiple Linear regression model to predict the energy consumption
To propose a model to predict the energy consumption in a pool facility a multiple linear regression
analysis was used because it allows to identify which few variables among a large set of independent
variables have a significant relationship to the dependent variable, after adjusting for other variables
(14). The climate-corrected delivered energy resulted positively skewed and was log transformed and
tested for normality before the analysis was performed. The independence of the residuals was tested,
and the residuals scattered with a mean of zero and without a specific pattern.
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 042051
IOP Publishing
2.4 Non-parametric methods to analyze the contributions of the categorical variables
From the survey, several questions were coded on a categorical scale such as perceived indoor climate
and health among the bathers and employees. The pool facilities were also categorized based on their
size: “water parks” contain four or more swimming pools in addition to multiple aerosol generation
activities such as Jacuzzis, spring boards, wave pools and fountains, and “conventional facilities
contain up to 3 swimming pools and are typically owned by the municipalities. To analyze the difference
between the two categories “type of facility”, the non-paramedic test Kruskal-Wallis H test was used.
3. Results & Discussion
3.1 Variables effecting the delivered energy
Figure 1 compares the water use and the climate-corrected delivered energy between the facilities,
ranging from 0.04 m3/bather to 0.35 m3/bather and 6.7 kWh/bather to 35 kWh/bather.
Figure 1. Water consumption per bather (A) and climate corrected energy use per bather (B) by pool
Correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between the
log-transformed climate-corrected delivered energy and potential predictor’s variables. Table 1
summarizes the significant variables found to correlate with the climate-corrected delivered energy and
as shown in the table, the variables significantly correlating with the climate-corrected delivered energy
is number of days open, construction year, number of bathers, air changes per hour (ACH), type of
facility (binary variable), water use and pool water surface. As shown in the table, a positive correlation
between type of chlorine and delivered energy was found, meaning that the facilities using onsite-
production of chlorine by electrolysis consume more energy than those which use liquid sodium
hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite (granulated).
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 042051
IOP Publishing
Table 1. Variables significantly correlating with the climate corrected energy use
Spearman’s correlation coefficient
Number of open days
Year of building
Type of facility
Type of chlorine
Water use (m3)
Pool water surface
*p≤0.05, **p≤0.01
In general, the water surface in the water parks is three times greater compared to the water surface in
the conventional pool facilities and the mean age of the water parks (2006) is also lower compared to
the mean age of the conventional pool facilities (1983). This might explain the positive correlation
between the construction year and energy use. Even though not statistically significant (p = 0.21), the
climate-corrected energy use per bather is lower in the water parks (19.1 kWh/bather) compared to the
conventional swimming facilities (27.1 kWh/bather). New facilities are more frequently equipped with
apparatus such as grey-water heat recovery, on average, use 27% less energy per bather and 25% less
water per bather compared to the facilities without grey-water heat recovery. Even though the pool-area
normalized energy use seems to be decreasing, the size of the newly constructed facilities is increasing
and thereby their overall energy use. Building flexible facilities that enable different user groups to
utilize the same water surface for different purposes might result an effective strategy for reducing the
overall energy consumption of the facility.
As shown in Table 1, a negative correlation between ACH and type of facility was found.
Apart from their size, the main difference between the two types of facilities is how they are managed.
The water parks are organized in their own association where they exchange experience for better
understanding of operational concepts and to increase their expertise. Most of the water parks are owned
by the private sector and, for economic reasons, they also give more attention towards parameters such
as energy and water consumption. The conventional facilities are owned by the municipalities and the
focus on operational strategies concerning energy saving are often non-existing. In eight of the 45
facilities, delivered energy for 2017 was not reported and were therefore excluded from the regression
A high level of multi-collinearity was found between the number of bathers, water use and
pool water surface, and only one of these variables was used into the regression model. In accordance
with the standardized beta coefficient, bather load was the variable explaining most of the energy
consumption (60%) and was hence used in the regression. In Table 2, the result of the multivariate
regression analysis is shown. The two variables bather load and number of days’ open during 2017
explains approximately 75% of the delivered energy.
Table 2. Predictor variables identified using multivariate regression model explaining the climate-
corrected delivered energy in 2017
Standardized Coefficient β
5.91 ×10
R = 0.87, R2 = 0.76, Adjusted, R2 = 0.75, n = 36
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 042051
IOP Publishing
4. Reported user health and comfort
The bathers’ health and thermal comfort, in percentage, reported in the water parks and conventional
swimming facilities is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Bather health and comfort by type of facility
Using the Kruskal Wallis test for independent samples, a significant difference between reported health
effects amongst the bathers was found between the two types of facilities, where the problems was
greater in the water parks compared to the conventional swimming facilities. A significant difference in
the air change rate (ACH) was also found between the two types of facilities. The water parks reported
an average ACH of only 2.65 h-1, which is almost half of the conventional swimming facilities (4.86 h-
1) and well below the recommended values of between 4-7 h-1.
In 38 out of 45 facilities, it was reported that the employees occasionally complain about their
health and comfort due to their work environment and four out of the facilities, the employees have
resigned their job due to the work environment. In 31% of the facilities, it was reported that employees
occasionally complain about thermal comfort, and, in 49% of the facilities, the complains are more
complex including dissatisfaction with several of the following problems: air temperature, relative
humidity, respiratory and/or skin irritations. In 25 of 45 facilities, it was reported that the bathers
regularly complain about the indoor environment and in 9 facilities the complains are more complex.
In Table 3, variables significantly correlating with the reported bathers’ health and comfort is
shown. In the facilities where the bathers are less satisfied, the employees are also less satisfied (r = 0.32,
p 0.05). Perceived indoor environment also significantly correlates with the type of pool facility,
where the users of waters parks reported less satisfaction compared to the users of conventional pool
facilities (r = –0.34, p 0.05). This corresponds to the findings of previous studies where the air
concentrations have been measured to be greater in larger facilities compared to smaller poolrooms (15,
Table 3. Variables significantly correlating (p 0.05) with bathers’ health and comfort
Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient
Type of facility
Employees’ health and comfort
Aerosol generating activities
5. Conclusions
The multiple regression analysis shows that most of the delivered energy in pool facilities can be
predicted knowing the approximate number of visitors and the number of opening days during the year.
No correlation between delivered energy and users’ health and comfort was obtained, however, the
bathers in the water parks reported to be significantly less satisfied with the indoor environment in
No problems To hot/to cold Eye/skin irritations Combination of
Bather Health and Comfort by type of facility
Water park Conventional pool facility
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (2019) 042051
IOP Publishing
comparison to the bathers in the conventional swimming facilities. The water parks also have a
statistically significantly lower air change rate compared to the conventional swimming facilities and
peoples complains might therefore be related to the indoor air quality in the water parks.
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... However, due to the evaporation of potentially hazardous gasses from the pool water's surface, indoor swimming facilities introduce unique IAQ challenges compared to those observed in offices and residential buildings (Lebon et al., 2017). In pool facilities, there are increased risks of moisture damage, bacterial growth and corrosion (Ciuman and Lipska, 2018;Liu et al., 2018), and in many facilities, the occupants complain regularly about thermal comfort, respiratory irritations and skin problems (Nitter et al., 2019). ...
... The investigated poolroom is also small, consisting of only one swimming pool, and the chosen ventilation strategy is assumed to be effective (Nitter and Svendsen, 2019a). In larger pool facilities, however, the ventilation efficiency might not be considered equally good (Nitter and Svendsen, 2019b), and lower ACH, which is related to the accumulation of tTHM in the air and an increase in reported health issues, is common (Bessonneau et al., 2011;Nitter et al., 2019). ...
... The main predictors for energy consumption in a swimming facility are floor area, surface of the swimming pool and number of visitors (Kampel et al., 2016;Nitter et al., 2019). During the days of sampling, the bather load varied from 0 to 30 people in the pool. ...
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Volatile and hazardous compounds are formed during the chlorination of pool water. Monitoring components in the air, such as the four trihalomethanes; chloroform, dichlorobromomethane, dibromochloromethane and bromoform (tTHM), is challenging. Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors are used for controlling air quality in different buildings and can be installed in ventilation systems for continuous surveillance and monitoring purposes. However, such sensors are not used in indoor swimming facilities. In this study, samples of tTHM and CO2 were collected and analysed, along with other air and water quality parameters such as combined chlorine, to evaluate whether CO2 sensors could be used to explain the observed variability in the tTHM concentration in an indoor swimming facility and thereby reduce the exposure of individuals utilising the pool to tTHM. Random intercept models were built for the tTHM and CO2 concentrations, respectively, and the results show that the relationships between combined chlorine in the water, CO2 in the air and number of occupants explain 52% of the variability in tTHM. The correlation between occupancy and CO2 concentration (ρ = 0.65, p ≤ 0.01) suggests that CO2 sensors should be used so that the air supply corresponds to the demand of the users.
... Public indoor swimmingpool facilities use large amounts of water and, consequently, energy, because of their particular characteristics: (1) the relatively high temperature and humidity levels in the pool room; (2) the evaporation caused by pool usage; (3) the use of warm water for pools and showers; and (4) the requirement of a water treatment system [8,9]. Furthermore, users' number and behavior, the variety of services provided, the operating patterns [8,9], and the quality of indoor water and air [10,11] also influence the aforementioned characteristics. Nevertheless, to our best knowledge, research concerning the impact of these facilities on urban water demand is scarce. ...
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This study aimed to determine the water demand of a municipal swimming pool complex to propose water use efficiency measures. Concomitantly, the possibility of recycling and reusing the water from filter backwashing was evaluated. The pools consumed 25.6% of water, the filter backwashing 24.5%, and the showers 34.7%. Despite the current impossibility of reducing water consumption in pools and filter backwashing, it is feasible to promote more efficient use of water through reducing water consumption by adopting simple water-saving initiatives for showers, taps, and flushing cisterns. These were organized into three distinct scenarios: (a) flushing cistern volume adjustment and the replacement of washbasin and kitchen taps; (b) flushing cistern volume adjustment and shower replacement and (c) flushing cistern volume adjustment, shower, washbasin, and kitchen taps replacement. Under scenarios 1, 2, and 3, the water consumption reduction was 8.0, 13.2, and 20.4%, respectively. The initial investment for scenario 1 was €2290.5, €859.0 for scenario 2 and €3149.5 for scenario 3; the annual water bill reduction was €7115.4, €11,518.1, and €17,655.9, respectively. Therefore, the turnover of the investment was four (scenario 1), one (scenario 2), and three months (scenario 3). The filter washings attained the required standard for irrigation after being subjected to 15 h of sedimentation.
The increasing cost of energy, the limited source of fossil fuels, and their excessive emissions that cause significant industrial damage are the most important reasons for replacing them with renewable energy resources, aside from trying to use existing energy sources efficiently. Phase change materials are considered a promising approach for saving thermal energy with specific thermophysical properties. Operational temperature, cost, and thermal energy saving capacity are the most important factors when applying them to different energy saving applications. In this article, two kinds of phase change materials with different characteristics were modeled on the roof of a swimming pool. The optimum area for Phase Change Material installation on the outer part of the roof was found in the first part of the research, and then a weighted index was introduced to indicate the energy, emission, and cost of each modeled state. Afterward, four types of roofs containing two layers of phase change materials are modeled in a colder and hotter city in addition to Tehran, Iran. The best results were obtained from modeling two-layer Phase Change Material for the studied locations, leading to energy savings of 22 %, 21.4 %, and 23 % in the heating application and, 13 %, 3.9 %, and, 12.8 % in the cooling sector, for Tehran, Tabriz, and Yazd, respectively that are three cities with different weather conditions. On the other hand, when the weighted index with a priority for energy consumption was calculated, the different results were obtained.
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During the last few decades, focus on measures for energy conservation in buildings has increased considerably. The European Commission implemented the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, which gave instructions to the member states about how to reduce energy consumption in residential and non-residential buildings. In the process of making the building sector more energy efficient, the building codes generally have become stricter with some simplifications applied in the requirements. For swimming facilities in Norway, these simplifications are undermining the purpose of the code by excluding the energy use related to the operation of swimming pools, which is the main part of the energy use in this building category. In other words, the energy use related to operation of the facility is not regulated. Furthermore, guidelines for the planning and operation of these types of facilities are outdated and research for this building category is sparse. These three aspects mean that there is a considerable potential for improvement. This paper presents a comprehensive literature review with bibliometric and thematic analyses of the contextualized research in swimming facilities from a heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning perspective. It maps the major trends during the past few decades, where areas like solar heating for outdoor pools, energy consumption, and air quality stand out. Except for air quality and disinfection by-products, research on these facilities is highly fragmented without any strong contributors to the various fields. Graphical abstract
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Public indoor swimming pools are a very popular type of sports facility. They need to ensure good indoor air quality and thermal comfort of the occupants (TCO) while reducing their energy consumption. The objectives of this study are to develop a numerical code, based on the zonal method; to investigate the indoor airflow patterns; and to determine the TCO in the indoor swimming pool. The numerical simulation, performed using the TRNSYS software (version 17), is validated against intensive field measurements, carried out in the public indoor swimming pool located at Bishop’s University (Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada), of the temperature, velocity, and relative humidity of the air as well as the surface temperature of the walls, ceiling, and floor. The developed code is then used to study the indoor flow patterns and to evaluate the TCO using three indexes: the humidex chart, the predicted mean vote (PMV), and the predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD). The results show a hot-humid rather uncomfortable atmosphere is prevailing in the occupied parts of the studied indoor swimming pool. The calculated airflow rates show that, due to the position of the ventilation inlets and outlets, most of the ventilation air circulates in the upper part of the building causing an insufficient air renewal in the occupied parts of the studied indoor swimming pool.
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Introduction: Chlorination is a method commonly used to keep indoor swimming pool water free from pathogens. However, chlorination of swimming pools produces several potentially hazardous by-products as the chlorine reacts with nitrogen containing organic matter. Up till now, exposure assessments in indoor swimming pools have relied on stationary measurements at the poolside, used as a proxy for personal exposure. However, measurements at fixed locations are known to differ from personal exposure. Methods: Eight public swimming pool facilities in four Swedish cities were included in this survey. Personal and stationary sampling was performed during day or evening shift. Samplers were placed at different fixed positions around the pool facilities, at ~1.5 m above the floor level and 0-1 m from the poolside. In total, 52 personal and 110 stationary samples of trichloramine and 51 personal and 109 stationary samples of trihalomethanes, were collected. Results: The average concentration of trichloramine for personal sampling was 71 µg m(-3), ranging from 1 to 240 µg m(-3) and for stationary samples 179 µg m(-3), ranging from 1 to 640 µg m(-3). The air concentrations of chloroform were well below the occupational exposure limit (OEL). For the linear regression analysis and prediction of personal exposure to trichloramine from stationary sampling, only data from personal that spent >50% of their workday in the pool area were included. The linear regression analysis showed a correlation coefficient (r (2)) of 0.693 and a significant regression coefficient β of 0.621; (95% CI = 0.329-0.912, P = 0.001). Conclusion: The trichloramine exposure levels determined in this study were well below the recommended air concentration level of 500 µg m(-3); a WHO reference value based on stationary sampling. Our regression data suggest a relation between personal exposure and area sampling of 1:2, implying an OEL of 250 µg m(-3) based on personal sampling.
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This paper summarizes the results from a number of energy audits and the analysis performed in order to improve indoor conditions and optimize energy use, in Hellenic indoor swimming pools, performed for the European Commission, in the framework of the SAVE program. The aim of this work was to investigate the technical, functional and administrative obstacles for energy conservation in sports centers (including sports halls) and to propose practical and cost-effective solutions for improving their energy efficiency, indoor thermal and visual comfort throughout the year. The work concentrated on retrofitting of existing buildings, although the proposed design and management principles could also be followed in new projects in the area of sports and recreation facilities.
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Because human activities impact the timing, location, and degree of pollutant exposure, they play a key role in explaining exposure variation. This fact has motivated the collection of activity pattern data for their specific use in exposure assessments. The largest of these recent efforts is the National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS), a 2-year probability-based telephone survey ( n=9386) of exposure-related human activities in the United States (U.S.) sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The primary purpose of NHAPS was to provide comprehensive and current exposure information over broad geographical and temporal scales, particularly for use in probabilistic population exposure models. NHAPS was conducted on a virtually daily basis from late September 1992 through September 1994 by the University of Maryland's Survey Research Center using a computer-assisted telephone interview instrument (CATI) to collect 24-h retrospective diaries and answers to a number of personal and exposure-related questions from each respondent. The resulting diary records contain beginning and ending times for each distinct combination of location and activity occurring on the diary day (i.e., each microenvironment). Between 340 and 1713 respondents of all ages were interviewed in each of the 10 EPA regions across the 48 contiguous states. Interviews were completed in 63% of the households contacted. NHAPS respondents reported spending an average of 87% of their time in enclosed buildings and about 6% of their time in enclosed vehicles. These proportions are fairly constant across the various regions of the U.S. and Canada and for the California population between the late 1980s, when the California Air Resources Board (CARB) sponsored a state-wide activity pattern study, and the mid-1990s, when NHAPS was conducted. However, the number of people exposed to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in California seems to have decreased over the same time period, where exposure is determined by the reported time spent with a smoker. In both California and the entire nation, the most time spent exposed to ETS was reported to take place in residential locations.
Objectives We examined stillbirths in relation to disinfection by-product (DBP) exposures including chloroform, bromodichloromethane (BDCM), dibromochloromethane, bromoform, trichloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid (DCAA), monobromoacetic acid and summary DBP measures (trihalomethanes (THM4), haloacetic acids (HAA5), THMBr (brominated trihalomethanes) and DBP9 (sum of THM4 and HAA5)). Methods We randomly selected 10 controls for each of the 2460 stillbirth cases with complete quarterly 1997–2004 THM4 and HAA5 town-level drinking water data. Adjusted (aORs) were calculated based on weight-averaged second-trimester DBP exposures. Results We detected statistically significant associations for stillbirths and the upper DCAA quartiles (aOR range: 1.50–1.71). We also found positive associations for the upper four HAA5 quintiles and different stillbirth cause of death categories that were examined including unexplained stillbirth (aOR range: 1.24–1.72), compression of umbilical cord (aOR range: 1.08–1.94), prematurity (aOR range: 1.37–2.88), placental separation and haemorrhage (aOR range: 1.44–2.01) and asphyxia/hypoxia (aOR range: 1.52–1.97). Additionally, we found positive associations between stillbirths and chloroform exposure (aOR range: 1.29 – 1.36) and unexplained stillbirths and BDCM exposure (aOR range: 1.51 – 1.78). We saw no evidence of exposure–response relationships for any categorical DBP metrics. Conclusions Consistent with some previous studies, we found associations between stillbirths and chloroform and unexplained stillbirth and BDCM exposures. These findings strengthen existing evidence of prenatal THM exposures increasing the risk of stillbirth. Additionally, we saw statistically significant associations between DCAA and stillbirth. Future research should examine cause-specific stillbirths in relation to narrower critical windows and additional DBP exposure metrics beyond trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids.
Certain aspects of the distribution of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in the air of indoor swimming pools, the exposure of the users, and possible health effects, have not been well documented. To determine the distribution of trihalomethanes (THMs), measurements were performed at 0.05 m, 0.60 m and 1.50 m above the water surface. These heights were chosen to measure the exposure in the breathing zone of the users. Air samples were collected from two indoor swimming pool facilities in Norway. Facility 1 uses calcium hypochlorite and facility 2 uses sodium hypochlorite for water treatment. In facility 2, one of the swimming pools is filled with 33% seawater, while the other pools in this study were filled with freshwater. Higher values were measured at 0.05 m compared to 1.50 m. Negligible differences between the measurements at 0.60 m and 1.50 m above floor levels were obtained. On average, 282% higher concentrations of total THM (tTHM) were measured in facility 2. Different disinfection products and ventilation concepts are possible explanations. Swimmers are exposed to higher concentrations compared to users by the poolside. For future studies, it is crucial to measure as close to the water surface as possible.
This study develops a model to predict the thermophysiological response of the human body during shower bathing. Despite the needs for the quantitative evaluation of human body response during bathing for thermal comfort and safety, the complicated mechanisms of heat transfer at the skin surface, especially during shower bathing, have disturbed the development of adequate models. In this study, an initial modeling approach is proposed by developing a simple heat transfer model at the skin surface during shower bathing applied to Stolwijk's human thermal model. The main feature of the model is the division of the skin surface into three parts: a dry part, a wet part without water flow, and a wet part with water flow. The area ratio of each part is decided by a simple formula developed from a geometrical approach based on the shape of the Stolwijk's human thermal model. At the same time, the convective heat transfer coefficient between the skin and the flowing water is determined experimentally. The proposed model is validated by a comparison with the results of human subject experiments under controlled and free shower conditions. The model predicts the mean skin temperature during shower fairly well both for controlled and free shower bathing styles.
Regulations for swimming facilities
  • Norwegian Ministry
  • Health
Norwegian Ministry of Health. Regulations for swimming facilities, swimming pools and sauna (1996)