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Occurrence of Basalt Flow in Krishna-Godavari Basin-Offshore Region, Andhra Pradesh, India


Abstract and Figures

There are many published papers reporting the presence of various basaltic flows in the onshore region of Krishna-Godavari basin India. This paper reports the occurrence of basalt flow of Cretaceous age in the offshore region of Krishna-Godavari basin in the Bay of Bengal, Andhra Pradesh India. This basaltic flow occurrence is identified based on seismic data interpretation, wireline logs, core data analysis, thin section study, XRD analysis and scanning electron microscopy in two wells, KG-A and KG-B drilled by Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation ltd (GSPCL). GSPCL is an exploration and production oil company based at Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. This basaltic occurrence in offshore region of KG basin may append a new dimension for establishing the stratigraphy in deep water of KG Basin and may be helpful to study of mass extinction of species due to change in atmospheric conditions in geological history.
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Occurrence of Basalt Flow in Krishna-Godavari Basin-Offshore
Region, Andhra Pradesh, India
Sumangal Prasad Gupta, Email:
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382010
There are many published papers reporting the presence of various basaltic flows in the onshore
region of Krishna-Godavari basin India. This paper reports the occurrence of basalt flow of
Cretaceous age in the offshore region of Krishna-Godavari basin in the Bay of Bengal, Andhra
Pradesh India. This basaltic flow occurrence is identified based on seismic data interpretation,
wireline logs, core data analysis, thin section study, XRD analysis and scanning electron
microscopy in two wells, KG-A and KG-B drilled by Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation ltd
(GSPCL). GSPCL is an exploration and production oil company based at Gandhinagar, Gujarat,
India. This basaltic occurrence in offshore region of KG basin may append a new dimension for
establishing the stratigraphy in deep water of KG Basin and may be helpful to study of mass
extinction of species due to change in atmospheric conditions in geological history.
Keywords: Basalt Flow, Offshore, Krishna Godavari Basin, Cretaceous Age, Mass Extinction.
1. Introduction:
The Krishna-Godavari (KG) Basin is a peri-cratonic extensional basin on the rifted east margin
of the Indian continental mass. The basalt flow in this basin has attracted more attention of
several authors worldwide due to eye-opener of KT boundary mass extinction events (Keller et
al. 2008). There is two school of thought regarding origin of basalt lava flow in KG basin. First
postulates that lava has transported along through a paleo valley from western India to eastern
India in Cretaceous time (Baksi et al. 1994; Jay and Widdowson, 2008; Self et al. 2008). Second
thought says that these basalt lavas flowed through fault controlled fissures within KG basin
itself (Reddy et al. 2002; Misra, 2005).
Fig. 1.
(A) Present extent of Deccan Traps volcanic province
in India
based on outcrop data.
(B) Known extent of subsurface Deccan lava with quarry outcrops near the town of
Rajahmundry. (C) Location map of study area in Krishna Godavari Basin, offshore, Andhra
Pradesh, India (after Keller, 2008).
The wells KG-A and KG-B are drilled by GSPCL from hydrocarbon point of view in Krishna-
Godavari offshore basin. Basalt trap has been encountered while drilling of these two wells.
Depth of sea bed is 200m and 482m at well KG-A and KG-B from mean sea level in KG
offshore region.
2. Stratigraphy:
Generalized stratigraphy of Krishna-Godavari basin from onshore to deep offshore is provided in
Fig-2 (after Shanmugham et al. 2009).
3. Basalt Flow Interpretation: Seismological, petrological and wire line study has been used to
interpret its areal extension, mineralogy and environment in which basalt had flowed.
3.1. Basalt Flow Interpretation from Seismic Data: Three horizons of basalt flow have been
interpreted from seismic data between Lower Cretaceous Unconformity (LCU) and Lower
Cretaceous Unconformity-3 (LCU-3). These horizons are shown in the arbitrary seismic line
along the wells KG-A and KG-B (Fig- 3).
Godavari basi
n from onshore to deep offshore
Shanmugham et al. 2009).
Intertrappean rocks of basalt flows are sedimentary rock such as sandstone, siltstone and shale
(Fig-5). The seismic waves passing through the sedimentary to basaltic rocks have very high
amplitude. Seismic RMS amplitude has been extracted for all the three basalt horizons (Fig-4).
RMS Attributes shows that the areal extent of first basalt flow is more than the other two mapped
basalt flow. Seismically the maximum length and width of basalt rock in GSPC area is measured
8 km and 5 km in EW and NS direction respectively. After observing seismic data, it seems that
basalt is extending in South of this block but due to unavailability of data out of block, it could
not be delineated. This huge areal coverage may be only when lava has flown as extrusive
igneous body, not as an intrusive body.
Arbitrary seismic line passing through wells KG
A and KG
Three basalt flows have been
demarcated between LCU and LCU3 Formations.
4. (A) RMS
basalt flow-1.
4. (B) RMS attribute
basalt flow-2.
4. (C) RMS attribute
basalt flow-3.
3.2. Basalt Interpretation from Wireline Logs: Basic wireline logs i.e. gamma, resistivity,
neutron and density logs have been analized to interpret basalt flow of both wells. In basaltic
lava flow at depth interval of 4300-4370m TVDSS of well-A, Gamma ray is very low ranging
from 30 to 35gAPI (Rider, 2002), resistivity is high varying from 25 to 187ohm-m, neutron is
low varying from 0.083 to 0.086m3/m3 and density is high varying from 2.82 to 2.87g/cm3 (
Fig-5). Similar wireline tool reading is also found for drilled well KG-B. Maximum four distinct
episodes of lava eruption of basalt at depth 4488, 4290, 4198 and 4172 m TVDSS have been
identified from the basic wireline log study (Fig-3) at drilled well KG-B. Intertrappean rocks are
sandstone, siltstone and shale of different thickness which tells that there was unequal time gap
in lava flow. But in seismic data due to very high depth, it is showing only 3 flows of basaltic
rock. Only one phase of lava flow is present at drilled well KG-A (Fig-3) due to pinching out of
structure. Basalt flow at well KG-A is encountered at depth 4300 m TVDSS measured from
wireline log. Thickness of basalt rock in well KG-A is 68m and in well KG-B is 5m, 170m, 12m
and 11m for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th basalt flow respectively (Fig-5).
Correlation between Wells of KG
A and KG
B with interpreted lithology.
Log), shallow Res=shallow resistivity log, med res=medium Resistivity log, RHOB=Density Log,
NPHI=Neutron Porosity. LCU=Lower Cretaceous Unconformity, LCU3=Lower Cretaceous
Unconformity 3.
3.3. Environment of Basalt Flow from Core Data Analysis:
Core of well KG-B from depth 4232.05 to 4249 m is described from the bottom to the top to
interpret environment in which basalt had flowed. Core interval (4242.55 - 4249.00 m) is
composed of sandstone. The massive to contorted texture of these sediments and poor sorting are
consistent with mud flow deposition on a continental slope, within or adjacent to a slope channel.
This interval (4237.70 – 4243.55 m) is composed of basaltic rock. Except this interval all cored
section is of sedimentary rocks. This igneous rock is medium dark gray to dark gray groundmass
with light gray to very dark gray phenocrysts. Small pyrite framboids are scattered throughout.
The interval (4236.15-4237.70 m) is composed of argillaceous sandstone. The massive to
contorted texture of these sediments and poor sorting are consistent with mud flow deposition on
a continental slope, within or adjacent to a slope channel. The interval (4232.05 - 4236.15 m) is
composed of conglomerate. Conglomerate is interpreted to have been deposited as a debris flow
on the continental slope and may have been the result of the collapse of the up-dip shelf. The
interval (4226.00 – 4232.05 m) is composed of sandstone. Environment of deposition of all
sedimentary rocks of this cores are marine. Basalts are lying between these sedimentary
depositions. Therefore it is clear from core description that basalt lava flowed abruptly as an
extrusive igneous body over marine sedimentary depositional system.
3.4. Petrography of Basalt: Thin section of basalt of well KG-B has made to study the
mineralogical composition of basalt which may assist in study of basalt origin. Thin section at
depth 4234.51m is andesitic basalt contains euhedral phenocrysts made up of plagioclase laths
partially replaced by calcite and amygdules composed of spherulitic, needle-like, acicular
chalcedony. The groundmass is made up of spiky plagioclase with swallow-tail microlite
morphology, pyrite and undifferentiated amorphous silica. This sample has porphyritic texture,
holo crystallinity and phaneritic granularity (Fig-6A).Thin section at depth at 4240.00m is
andesitic basalt contains euhedral phenocrysts made up of plagioclase laths, polycrystalline
quartz-filled amygdules, calcite-filled amygdules and clinopyroxene. The groundmass is made
up of spiky plagioclase with swallow-tail microlite morphology, volcanic glass (dark material)
and undifferentiated amorphous silica (Fig-6.B).
3.5. XRD Mineralogy of Basalt: XRD mineralogy has been carried out of basalt sample at
depth 4240.33m for well KG-B (Fig-7). The basalt contains plagioclase phenocrysts and
microlites that are carried in glassy groundmass.
Fig-6. (A) Thin section at depth 4234.51m of
well KG-B.
(B) Thin section at depth 4240.00 m of well
Whole rock XRD analysis indicates that the mineralogy is dominated by plagioclase (64.3%),
followed by quartz (9%), calcite (7.8%), dolomite (1.5%), siderite (0.5%), pyrite (0.6%),
magnesite (0.9%) and halite (1.1%). Halite was probably derived from drilling mud
contamination or drying of saline formation brine. Clay mineral XRD analysis reveals that clay
minerals consist mainly of chlorite (9.2%), with lesser kaolinite (3.8%) and illite (1.3%).
Fig-7. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis spectrum of basalt of depth 4240.33m of well KG-B.
3.6. Scanning Electron Microscopy: Scanning electron microscopy has been carried out of
basalt sample at depth 4240.33m for well KG-B. General view from Fig-8A illustrates basalt, in
which plagioclase (P) phenocrysts and microlites are carried in glassy groundmass (GM). Higher
magnification view illustrates plagioclase phenocrysts (Pp) and microlites (Pm), along with
shattered grains of plagioclase (Fig-8B). EDX spectrum shows the major elements of Si, Al, Ca,
and O that are consistent with plagioclase feldspar (Pp-EDX). By XRD, this sample is dominated
by plagioclase (Fig-7).
Fig-8. (A) Scanning electron microscopy of
basalt sample at depth 4240.33m.
Fig-8 (B) higher magnification view of
scanning electron microscopy at depth
4. Age Determination of Basalt Based on Biostratigraphy: Biostratigraphic analysis for well
KG-A was carried out based on Foraminifera and Nannofossils from drill cutting samples for age
determination of basalt flow. The Planktonic Foraminifera occurrence of Hebbergella delrioensis
and Ticinella roberti at 4205m MD which just above the basalt flow in well KG-A, if in situ, may
indicate an age not older than Aptian at that depth. The Calcareous Nannoplankton occurrence of
Farhania varolii at 4105m MD which is just above basalt flow may indicate Aptian sediments.
Nannoconus inorhatus in depth interval 4330-4550m MD which is below to basalt flow indicates
the age of Barremian. All theses evidences suggest that basalt flow of well KG-A was happened
in age of Early Cretaceous in offshore region of KG basin. Biostratigraphic analysis of well KG-
B was carried out based on Nannofossils (foraminifera and palynomorphs are absent) from
conventional core intervals 4227.85m to 4233.73m. The uppermost four samples core (4227.85,
4228.30, 4228.80 and 4232.75) are barren of nannofossils, but are considered to be of the same
biofacies as the two lowermost samples which yielded some nannofossils. The lowermost two
samples (4233.5m and 4233.73m MD) which are just below to 3rd flow of basalt of well KG-B
contain sparse age-diagnostic nannofloras including the long ranging Cretaceous-Jurassic taxon,
Watznaueria barnesae and long ranging Rhagodiscus splendens. The presence of Watznaueria
barnesae in particular also represents strong evidence for a broad Cretaceous to Jurassic age, but
on regional evidence this particular nannofacies can be more tentatively confined to within the
range Early Cretaceous (?mid Aptian) to Late Jurassic (?Oxfordian). All these evidences of
fossils assemblages from both wells indicate that basalt flow occurred in age of Cretaceous.
5. Environment of Basalt Flow from Biostratigraphy: Environment in which basalt flow
occurred has been predicted based on biostratigraphy from well KG-A. Basalt top and bottom is
4331 and 4395 mMD in well KG-A. Succession of depositional environments in well KG-A is
presented depth wise in Table-1 based on biostratigraphy. Interval depth of basalt flow lies
between the intervals depth of intertidal to shallow marine depositional environment. It indicates
that basalt lava have erupted as an extrusive igneous body in an intertidal or shallow marine i.e.
in hydrous environment. Huge shale thickness just above basalt flow, interpreted in well logs
also indicates that marine depositional environment was dominating above basalt flow at that
time (Fig-3).
In Pangidi-Rajahmundry area of KG onshore basin, lava erupted in a hydrous environment has
been reported. It has cylindrical/tube like paths under a water column that is indicated by radial
jointed basalts. Spatial association between rootless cones, columnar joints, and the radial jointed
basalt at the basal part of the lower flow indicates that the lava erupted in a hydrous environment
(Lakshminarayana, et al. 2010).
Table-1: Succession of depositional environments in well KG-A based on biostratigraphy.
Interval (m)
Environment Criteria
4005, 4105,
4205 and
Marine, upper
Abundant nannofossils, rare to few planktonic foraminifera. This indicates that open marine
conditions prevailed throughout the interval. Benthonic fauna characterized by
redominance occurrences of deep-water arenaceous taxa such as Ammobaculites,
Ammodiscus, Bathysiphon, Budhasevaella, Glomospira, Gaudryinopsis, Karreriella and
Verneuilina. Deep-water calcareous benthonics (Gavelinella, Gyroidinoides, Lenticulina,
Marginulina) are also sparse recorded.
4330 ?Intertidal to
shallow marine,
inner neritic
This sample yielded on few indeterminate arenaceous benthonics. If in situ, and not as
cavings, may suggest an intertidal to shallow marine, probably inner neritic condition.
4335-4705 Marine, inner
All samples are barren of foraminifera, but continued occurrences of nannofossils
(including age-diagnostic forms) suggest marine, inner neritic settings down to 4705m.
Palynomorphs are sparse and poorly preserved suggesting oxic and/or low energy
depositional settings. Note: Similar assemblages can be transported into much deeper
6. Conclusions: Occurrence of Basalt flows is established in two offshore wells of Krishna
Godavari basin in Bay of Bengal drilled by GSPCL Company. Maximum three horizons of
basalt flow are interpreted in seismic section. RMS amplitude indicates that basalt flow-1 has a
highest flow compared to other two flows. One flow of basalt in well KG-A and four in KG-B
(due to high resolution than seismic data) has been identified from the basic logs. Plagioclase is
the dominating mineralogy as studied from thin sections and XRD analysis of basalt sample.
Conventional core description of well KG-B indicates that the basaltic flow occurred in
continental slope of marine depositional system. Most of fossil assemblages recognized from
overlying and underlying sedimentary rocks indicate that basalt flow occurred in age of
Cretaceous at sea bed of shallow marine depositional environment.
7. References:
1. Baksi, A.K., Byerly, G.R., Chan, L.H., Farrar, E., 1994. Intracanyon flows in the Deccan
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2. Baksi, A.K., 2001. The RTB, Andhra Pradesh: Evaluation of their Petrogenesis relative to the
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3. Baksi, A.K., Byerly, G.R., Chan, L.H. and Ferar, E., 1994. Intracanyan flows in the Deccan
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6. Lakshminarayana, G., Manikyamba, C., et al. 2010. New Observations on Rajahmundry Traps
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7. Misra, K.S., 2005. Distribution pattern, age and duration and mode of eruption of Deccan and
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8. Rider, M. 2002. The Geological Interpretation of Well Log. 2nd edition, whittles publishing.
9. Shanmugam, G., Shrivastava, S. K., and Das, B., 2009. Sandy debrites and tidalites of
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Full-text available
Conventionally, volcanic margins have been considered devoid of hydrocarbon, but many discoveries and research in recent past have proved the presence of hydrocarbon prospects within them. However, hydrocarbon exploration within volcanic margin is constrained by seismic imaging. Further, identification of continent to oceanic boundary (COB) is critical to hydrocarbon search as hydrocarbon is found mostly over continental crust. Seaward dipping reflectors, associated with volcano-sedimentary sequences, located along rifted continental margins and represented by highly dipping strong amplitude seismic reflectors, play an important role to study volcanic margins. Keeping in view the problems of hydrocarbon exploration within volcanics, seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs) in Indian context have been studied in detail in this paper. It facilitates mapping of continent-oceanic boundary (COB). It has impact on hydrocarbon prospectivity in volcanic margins as it can provide formidable seal and secondary induced maturity. In India, several discoveries have been made in volcanic margins along west coast, from weathered, fractured basalt and sub-basalt sediments. In the present work, long offset regional seismic data (18 dip lines and 1 cross line), along east coast, have been interpreted. SDRs help in hydrocarbon prospectivity assessment for both discrimination of interbedded sediments and preferential accumulation of hydrocarbon. Mapping of linear features not only helped to demarcate COB but also their presence at 6–10 km depth. For the first time, such comprehensive study on SDRs has been done along Indian peninsular region with indications for hydrocarbon prospectivity at deeper levels along Indian peninsular region.
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The Deccan Volcanic Province is one of the world's largest continental flood basalt provinces, and derives additional importance because its eruptions (64–67 Ma) straddle the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary. To better assess the environmental impact of Deccan volcanism, and its possible effect upon Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary biota, it is necessary to document the stratigraphy, chronology and volume of the eruptions. New chemostratigraphical data permit mapping of the SE Deccan. These data strengthen the likelihood that the Rajahmundry Traps of eastern India were originally fed by long-distance flows, and are an extension of the Main Deccan Volcanic Province. An east–west cross-section reveals a depression or ‘moat’ around the SE periphery of the Deccan Volcanic Province. This provided a site in which shallow lakes initially formed, and along which later lava eruptions became channelled and confined. Published palaeomagnetic data indicate that the lavas of the SE Deccan were erupted during Chron 29R, coeval with the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary, and the chemostratigraphic data place the associated lake sediments (i.e. Lameta Group) beneath and within lavas of the Wai Subgroup. Finally, these new map data are combined with previous work to provide a quantitative estimate for the original Deccan Volcanic Province eruptive volume of c. 1.3 × 106 km3.
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Rajahmundry Traps has been under geo-scientific investigations for over half a century; yet sketchy information is available on morphology and internal architecture of lavas. This study bridges this gap by describing the morphology of lava pile of Duddukuru area following Hawaiian scheme that relates a lava-type with a particular emplacement style. The lowest flow (Flow 1) at Duddukuru, overlying an infra-trappean bed is a thick pahoehoe sheet lobe with intermittent basal hummocky, P-type pahoehoe lobes representing slow, sub-aerial emplacement of lava parcels. Some of them also have cherty intercalations and morphology suggestive of possible interaction of lava with water or water-laden sediments. Hummocky lobes were over-ridden by subaerial emplacement of voluminous sheet lava, which developed multi-tier columnar joints probably due to inundation of lava-surface by water. Inter-trappean sediments were deposited above Flow 1 in the ensuing period of volcanic quiescence. The eruptive history of Duddukuru ended with sub-aerial outpouring of two consecutive a’a flows (Flows 2 and 3) separated by a thin red bole horizon. As pahoehoe lavas are known to travel long distances due to emplacement through thermally efficient mechanism of endogenous inflation and insulated melt transport whereas a’a lavas, in contrast, are cooling-limited flows which rarely attain lengths covered by pahoehoe lavas; it is probable that the pahoehoe and a’a flows of Duddukuru have not traveled comparable distances. A’a flows of Rajahmundry Traps traveling from far-off vents are, therefore, more unlikely despite temporal and chemical similarity of this lava-pile with upper parts of Western Deccan Basalt Group.
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A depositional model is proposed for deep-water petroleum reservoir sands (Pliocene) in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Bay of Bengal, India. Based on examination of 313 in of conventional cores from three wells, five depositional facies have been interpreted: (1) sandy debrite, sandy slump, sandy slide, and sandy cascading flow, (2) muddy slump and debrite, (3) sandy tidalite, (4) muddy tidalite, and (5) hemipelagite. Debrites and slumps constitute up to 99% in one well. Sand injectites are common. Pliocene environments are interpreted to be comparable to the modern upper continental slope with widespread mass-transport deposits and submarine canyons in the Krishna-Godavari Basin. Frequent tropical cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes, shelf-edge canyons with steep-gradient walls of more than 30 degrees, and seafloor fault scarps are considered to be favorable factors for triggering mass movements. Pliocene canyons are sinuous, exhibit 90 degrees deflections, at least 22 km long, relatively narrow (500-1000 in wide), deeply incised (250 in), and asymmetrically walled. Sandy debrites occur as sinuous canyon-fill massive sands, intercanyon sheet sands (1750 in long or wide and 32 in thick), and canyon-mouth slope-confined lobate sands (3 km long, 2.5 km wide, and up to 28 in thick). Canyon-fill facies are characterized by the close association of sandy debrites and tidalites. Reservoir sands, composed mostly of amalgamated units of sandy debrites, are thick (up to 32 in), low in mud matrix (less than 1% by volume), and high in measured porosity (35-40%) and permeability (850-18,700 mD). Because upper-slope sandy debrites mimic base-of-slope turbidite channels and lobes in planform geometries, use of conventional submarine fan models as a template to predict the distribution of deep-water sand is tenuous.
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Geochemical and geochronological data for rocks from the Rajahmundry Traps, are evaluated for possible correlation with the main Deccan province. Lava flows are found on both banks of the Godavari River and contain an intertrappean sedimentary layer. Based on40Ar/39 Ar age data, rocks on the east bank are post K-T boundary, show normal magnetic polarity, and belong to chron 29N. Their chemistry is identical to lavas in the Mahabaleshwar Formation in the Western Ghats, ∼1000km away. It was suggested earlier that the genetic link between these geographically widely separated rocks resulted from lava flowing down freshly incised river canyons at ∼ 64 Ma. For the west bank rocks, recent paleomagnetic work indicates lava flows below and above the intertrappean (sedimentary) layer show reversed and normal magnetic polarity, respectively. The chemical composition of the west bank flow above the intertrappean layer is identical to rocks on the east bank. The west bank lava lying below the sedimentary layer, shows chemistry similar to Ambenali Formation lava flows in the western Deccan.40Ar/39 Ar dating and complete chemical characterization of this flow is required to elucidate its petrogenesis with respect to the main Deccan Province.
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The Rajahmundry Traps of the Krishna Godavari Basin (K-G Basin) consist of three distinct basalt flows interbedded with two intertrappean sedimentary horizons, which in turn are underlain by the late Cretaceous fossiliferous limestone bed (infratrappean) and overlain by the Cenozoic Rajahmundry Formation (conglomerate/sandstone). Among the three, the lower flow is characterized by the presence of the physical volcanological features such as rootless cones, tumuli and dyke like forms along with single to multitier columnar and radial jointing. The middle and upper flows are simple, massive and vesicular and exhibit spheroidal weathering. Physical volcanological features and lithological attributes indicate that the lower flow was formed by an explosive volcanic activity in hydrous environment, followed by sub aerial eruption to form the middle and upper flows. The fossiliferous limestone bed is a representative horizon for the K-T boundary mass extinction caused due to intense volcanism. Intertrappean sediments exhibit weathered soil profiles (palaeosols) with limestone beds denoting a distinct time gap during various phases of lava eruption. Evaluation of the palaeogeographic scenario of the Krishna and Godavari Rivers does not provide any evidence for the existence of Cretaceous palaeovalley which would have provided pathway for lava transportation from the Deccan volcanic province of western India to the K-G Basin situated along the east coast. The present study opens up an alternative approach to explain the origin of basalt flows at Rajahmundry. In all probability the lavas could be intrabasinal. NW-SE and NESW faults or their intersection zones are probable pathways for lava eruption in the K-G Basin. KeywordsRajahmundry Traps-Intertrappeans-Infratrappeans-K/T boundary-Krishna-Godavari Basin
Seismic refraction modeling integrating the litholog data now available from the deep wells recently drilled by the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) indicates large subcrop extensions of the Rajahmundry Traps correlated with the Deccan volcanism along the coastal belt of Krishna-Godavari basin, India. It is suggested that the Rajahmundry Traps were erupted through a volcanic vent or a zone of basement faults along the present East Coast, possibly in and around Razole. The extensive development of the Rajahmundry Traps also implies that the mantle plume responsible for the Deccan volcanism had such large dimensions that matched or transcended the dimensions of the Indian Peninsular Shield.
The Rajahmundry Traps form small exposures of basaltic flows on either side of the Godavari River near the east coast of India, and they are thought to be late Cretaceous-early Paleocene in age. Because they lie ˜400 km from the nearest surface exposures of the Deccan Traps, their mode of formation remains unknown. Furthermore, the Rajahmundry Traps show normal magnetic polarity, indicating that they cannot be exact time equivalents of the large volumes of the Deccan Traps which show reversed magnetic polarity. Geochemical analyses reveal that the Rajahmundry Traps are of very uniform composition. Geochronological studies suggest an age of ˜64 Ma, marginally younger than the main sections (Western Ghats) of the Deccan Traps. The only section of the main Deccan province that may be stratigraphically equivalent, on the basis of age, geochemical signatures, and magnetic polarity, is the Kolhapur Formation at the southern end of the Deccan province near the west coast, ˜800 km from the Rajahmundry Traps. We suggest that the Rajahmundry Traps and other basaltic material found near the mouth of the Godavari River represent remnants of intracanyon flows that flowed eastward down the ancestral river systems of peninsular India, away from the domed structure caused by the plume that led to the formation of the Deccan Traps. Similar intracanyon flows that have traveled ˜600 km from their source to the Pacific coastline are well documented in association with the Columbia River Basalt province (United States). In the case of the Rajahmundry Traps the distance traveled would appear to be ˜1000 km.
Recent studies indicate that the bulk (80%) of the Deccan trap eruptions occurred over less than 0.8 m.y. in magnetic polarity C29r spanning the Cretaceous–Tertiary (K–T) boundary. Determining where within this major eruptive phase the K–T mass extinction occurred has remained problematic. For this reason, models estimating the biotic and environmental consequences have generally underestimated the rate and quantity of Deccan gas emissions by orders of magnitude leading to conclusions that volcanism could not have been one of the major causes for the K–T mass extinction. In this study we report that the most massive Deccan trap eruption occurred near the K–T mass extinction.These results are based on sedimentologic, microfacies and biostratigraphic data of 4–9 m thick intertrappean sediments in four quarry outcrops in the Rajahmundry area of the Krishna–Godavari Basin of southeastern India. In this area two Deccan basalt flows, known as the Rajahmundry traps, mark the longest lava flows extending 1500 km across the Indian continent and into the Bay of Bengal. The sediments directly overlying the lower Rajahmundry trap contain early Danian planktic foraminiferal assemblages of zone P1a, which mark the evolution in the aftermath of the K–T mass extinction. The upper Rajahmundry trap was deposited in magnetic polarity C29n, preceding full biotic recovery. These results suggest that volcanism may have played critical roles in both the K–T mass extinction and the delayed biotic recovery.
Distribution pattern, age and duration and mode of eruption of Deccan and associated volcanics
  • K S Misra
Misra, K.S., 2005. Distribution pattern, age and duration and mode of eruption of Deccan and associated volcanics. Gondwana Geol. Spec. Mag., v.8, pp.53-60.
The Geological Interpretation of Well Log. 2 nd edition, whittles publishing
  • M Rider
Rider, M. 2002. The Geological Interpretation of Well Log. 2 nd edition, whittles publishing. pp.82-83.