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Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays in Naturally Infected Tuberculous Cattle as a Quality Control Measure in the Irish Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Programme

Frontiers in Veterinary Science
  • Independent Researcher and Private Consultant

Abstract and Figures

The Irish Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) eradication programme operates under national legislation and fulfills OIE and EU trade requirements. Tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD), a preparation obtained from the heat-treated products of growth and lysis of Mycobacterium bovis or Mycobacterium avium (as appropriate), is critical to the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). Standardization of Tuberculin PPD potency, the relative activity in sensitized animals compared to a reference standard, is essential to underpin the reliability of certification for international trade and to ensure that disease eradication programmes are effective and efficient. A Bovine International Standard Tuberculin PPD (BIS) was established by the WHO in 1986 and is used to determine comparative potencies of Tuberculin PPDs. Ideally, Tuberculin PPD potency should be evaluated in the species in which the tuberculin will be used but due to practical difficulties in performing potency assays in cattle, for routine PPD production, they are usually assayed in guinea pigs. Low potency tuberculin PPD is less efficient and thus inferior for bTB diagnosis. Difficulties experienced in the Irish bTB eradication programme have included the supply of sub-standard potency, and thus inferior, bovine (M. bovis) Tuberculin PPD in the late 1970s. The purpose of this paper is to outline the critical role of Tuberculin PPD assays carried out on naturally infected tuberculous cattle, as required by the OIE and under EU legislation in the quality control for the Irish Bovine Eradication Programme. Such assays ensure that the Tuberculin PPD used meets the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity requirements to underpin a successful national eradication programme.
Content may be subject to copyright.
published: 01 October 2019
doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00328
Frontiers in Veterinary Science | 1October 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 328
Edited by:
Dirk Werling,
Royal Veterinary College (RVC),
United Kingdom
Reviewed by:
Kieran G. Meade,
Teagasc, The Irish Agriculture and
Food Development Authority, Ireland
Amanda Jane Gibson,
Royal Veterinary College (RVC),
United Kingdom
Bryce Malcolm Buddle,
AgResearch, New Zealand
Anthony Duignan
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Veterinary Infectious Diseases,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Received: 19 June 2019
Accepted: 13 September 2019
Published: 01 October 2019
Duignan A, Kenny K, Bakker D and
Good M (2019) Tuberculin PPD
Potency Assays in Naturally Infected
Tuberculous Cattle as a Quality
Control Measure in the Irish Bovine
Tuberculosis Eradication Programme.
Front. Vet. Sci. 6:328.
doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00328
Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays in
Naturally Infected Tuberculous Cattle
as a Quality Control Measure in the
Irish Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication
Anthony Duignan 1
*, Kevin Kenny 2, Douwe Bakker 3and Margaret Good 4
1Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Dublin, Ireland, 2Central Veterinary Research Laboratory, Department of
Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Celbridge, Ireland, 3Independent Researcher and Private Consultant, Lelystad,
Netherlands, 4Independent Researcher and Private Consultant (Retired From Department of Agriculture, Food and the
Marine), Dún Laoghaire, Ireland
The Irish Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) eradication programme operates under national
legislation and fulfills OIE and EU trade requirements. Tuberculin purified protein derivative
(PPD), a preparation obtained from the heat-treated products of growth and lysis
of Mycobacterium bovis or Mycobacterium avium (as appropriate), is critical to the
diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). Standardization of Tuberculin PPD potency, the relative
activity in sensitized animals compared to a reference standard, is essential to underpin
the reliability of certification for international trade and to ensure that disease eradication
programmes are effective and efficient. A Bovine International Standard Tuberculin PPD
(BIS) was established by the WHO in 1986 and is used to determine comparative
potencies of Tuberculin PPDs. Ideally, Tuberculin PPD potency should be evaluated in the
species in which the tuberculin will be used but due to practical difficulties in performing
potency assays in cattle, for routine PPD production, they are usually assayed in guinea
pigs. Low potency tuberculin PPD is less efficient and thus inferior for bTB diagnosis.
Difficulties experienced in the Irish bTB eradication programme have included the supply
of sub-standard potency, and thus inferior, bovine (M. bovis) Tuberculin PPD in the late
1970s. The purpose of this paper is to outline the critical role of Tuberculin PPD assays
carried out on naturally infected tuberculous cattle, as required by the OIE and under EU
legislation in the quality control for the Irish Bovine Eradication Programme. Such assays
ensure that the Tuberculin PPD used meets the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity
requirements to underpin a successful national eradication programme.
Keywords: quality control, tuberculin, PPD, tuberculosis, bovine, potency, Ireland
Duignan et al. Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays
Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is an important infectious disease
of cattle that constitutes a “One Health” concern as a public
health risk due to its zoonotic potential (WHO) (1), and has
significant economic and trade implications for the European
Union (EU) and the World Organization for Animal Health
[Office International des Epizooties (OIE)] (2,3). Accuracy and
reliability of a diagnostic test are critical in disease control
and eradication strategies (25). Detection of the causative
Mycobacteria, all members of the Tuberculosis complex (MTBC),
during the early stages of disease is dependent on a measurement
of a cell-mediated immune response in vivo or in vitro, as
circulating antibodies remain undetectable until later in the
disease progression (4,6). The OIE (3) and the European
Commission (2) recognize the in vivo intradermal tuberculin
test (7) as the primary official test for the diagnosis of TB-
infected animals. Annex B of the EU trade Directive (2)
defines Tuberculin as “Tuberculin purified protein derivative
(Tuberculin PPD, bovine or avian) is a preparation obtained from
the heat-treated products of growth and lysis of Mycobacterium
bovis or Mycobacterium avium (as appropriate) capable of
revealing a delayed hypersensitivity in an animal sensitized to
microorganisms of the same species.” The intradermal tuberculin
test methodology for the diagnosis of bTB is applied in
accordance with OIE guidelines in many different countries using
differing applications (3). The single intradermal tuberculin test,
cervical (SIT), or caudal fold (CFT), and the single intradermal
comparative tuberculin test (SICTT) are widely used to detect
MTBC infected animals (7) for many national programmes and
for international assurance of freedom from bTB (3). Continuous
evaluation of all elements, i.e., inputs, performance, and
outputs, of the national disease control/eradication programme
is essential to maintain effectiveness and ensure that the highest
possible standards are attained and maintained (8,9).
Evolution of Tuberculins
Dr. Robert Koch demonstrated that M. tuberculosis was the
causative organism of human tuberculosis (TB) in 1882. While
attempting to develop a cure for TB he first produced what
became known as Koch‘s old tuberculin (KOT) in 1890 from a
crude extraction of heat killed cultures of M. tuberculosis (1013).
By 1891, KOT was being used for the diagnosis of TB in cattle
and various tests applied although there were sensitivity (Se) and
specificity (Sp) issues associated with it (4,12). The first major
improvement both in tuberculin production and consequent test
Se and Sp was when synthetic medium was used for bacillary
growth (11). Seibert introduced precipitation of tuberculo-
protein in 1934 and so the term PPD was introduced (13).
Tuberculin PPD had less impurities and could be standardized
based on protein content. However, standardization using
protein content does not necessarily correlate with the biological
activity which must be routinely estimated against a reference
standard (14).
The 2018 publication of Good et al. (4) detailed that in 1939
Buxton claimed that the occurrence of non-specific response
could be overcome by the use of a synthetic culture medium and
precipitation in the production of tuberculin and that Buxton
and Glower attributed a precision of 87–97% to the tuberculin
test and recommended the use of synthetic medium tuberculin.
The first instructions on the performance of the SICTT issued in
1942 and detailed the conduct of the SICTT to compare the cell-
mediated immune responses to separate intra-dermal injections
of avian (M. avium) and initially mammalian (M. tuberculosis)
and later bovine (M. bovis) Tuberculin PPD in each animal,
to increase the specificity of the test in response to ongoing
concerns over the occurrence of non-specific response in animals
apparently not infected with TB (false positive) (4). In 1947,
Francis confirmed that the test interpretation for the SICTT and
optimal time of reading was “based on a very large number of
trials followed by postmortem examination” (4).
In 1948, Paterson described the AN5 strain of M. bovis that
grew as vigorously and with equivalent production capacity on
synthetic medium as did M. tuberculosis (12). By the 1950s,
bovine Tuberculin PPD, produced from M. bovis strain AN5, was
increasingly replacing mammalian Tuberculin PPD produced
from M. tuberculosis and was being widely used for eradication
of bTB. The main advantage of bovine Tuberculin PPD was
an increased Se and Sp in the diagnosis of TB in bovines over
mammalian Tuberculin PPD. Hence the change to bovine PPD
in the British and Irish bTB eradication programmes in the mid-
1970s (15). In 1959, Paterson described tuberculin as the most
important diagnostic agent in eradication schemes for bTB and it
remains so today (4,16).
Potency is a measure of a Tuberculin PPD’s activity in
animals sensitized with a specified organism when compared
to a reference standard Tuberculin PPD (17). Ritchie pointed
out that, for an effective test, it is vital to use a tuberculin
of potency greater than that to which the majority of infected
animals will respond (18). The use of a highly potent bovine
tuberculin increases the sensitivity of the test (19) and the balance
of evidence appears to favor the use of Tuberculin PPD of
sufficient potency to facilitate detection of the maximum possible
number of TB infected cattle for effective eradication of the
disease (3,16). Hence, the recommendations of the OIE are
that national bTB eradication campaigns use doses of Bovine
PPD of up to 50,000 IU/ml (20). Fears are often expressed
that the use of a highly potent Tuberculin PPD will reduce
the specificity of tuberculin tests and increase the false positive
rate. Experience in Ireland, however, where test Sp has been
demonstrated mathematically in an accepted non-disease-free
population, as at least 99.95% meaning that only a fraction of
1% of the positive reactors to the SICTT are false positive and
where the reliability (index of the diagnostic ability of a test)
of the SICTT was determined, both in 1992 and 2011, to be
in the region of 97%, would indicate that these fears are not
realized (20). Experimental studies carried in Britain involving
injection of tuberculous and non-tuberculous cattle with different
strengths of PPDs demonstrated that the stronger the tuberculins,
the better the differentiation between specific reactions (due to
M. bovis infection) and non-specific reactions. (21). In 1993,
Dr. Louis O’Reilly, the head of the TB Irish Central Veterinary
research Laboratory in a report (unpublished) on an evaluation
of the issue of potency and false positive results in the Irish bTB
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Duignan et al. Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays
eradication programme pointed out that when Dutch tuberculin
with a labeled potency of 40,000 IU/ml, which when assayed in
Irish tuberculous showed 40–50,000 IU/ml was used in Ireland
between May 1979 and April 1991 no problems with specificity
of the test were encountered. He also commented that it was
“very unlikely that the use of more potent bovine PPD will
result in more false positive reactors. In fact, the numbers of
false positive reactors should fall.” Use of highly potent bovine
Tuberculin PPD has evidently not been an issue for Ireland,
where, despite additional use of ancillary testing and more severe
test interpretation reactor numbers have generally been falling
since 2000 (2224). Indeed the most recent tender for the supply
of Tuberculin PPD (dated 17/05/2019) for the Irish programme
specified that “Liquid Bovine PPD Tuberculin” potency “must
not be <50,000” IU/ml “in tuberculous cattle (to ensure potency
as assayed and used in the Eradication Programme over the last
10 years)” (25). Likewise, in GB, which uses the same Tuberculin
PPD combination in the SICTT as Ireland, Goodchild et al. (26)
states that in GB SICTT Sp at animal level is 99.87% (ultra-severe
interpretation), and that 91.1–93.7% of reactors in GB are truly
TB infected thus demonstrating that the SICTT, even using high
potency bovine PPD as demonstrated by cattle assay (Table 1)
retains a very high Sp with few false positive responders.
International Standards
To ensure uniformity in Tuberculin PPD production and
use throughout the world, the WHO established International
Biological Standards for potency of tuberculins. An international
standard (IS) for mammalian (human) Tuberculin PPD,
prepared using M. tuberculosis, with an assigned potency of
50,000 IU per mg, was established by the WHO in 1952 (17,28).
Similarly, an IS for avian PPD tuberculin, with an assigned
potency of 50,000 I.U. per mg, was established by WHO in
1954 (29). Investigations in 1995 found the quality of the avian
PPD tuberculin IS to be satisfactory both, in terms of potency
and specificity per weight and the same standard is still used
today (29). The Potency of a candidate Tuberculin PPD is then
determined by comparing the skin reactions (after intradermal
injection) to those elicited by the appropriate reference standard
Tuberculin PPD of known potency in animals sensitized with a
corresponding antigen. Thus, the potency of bovine Tuberculin
PPD is estimated using animals sensitized to M. bovis and
the potency of avian Tuberculin PPD is estimated in animals
sensitized to M. avium. Potency is expressed in international
units (IU) per ml; this allows comparison of tuberculins
throughout the world. An international unit is a measure of the
biological activity in a stated amount of the IS (17).
In 1964, the EEC adopted the Dutch National Bovine
Standard, prepared from cultures of M. bovis, strain AN5, as
the EEC standard for bovine Tuberculin PPD and assigned it
a potency of 50,000 units called Community Tuberculin Units
(CTU) (30,31). An EEC working group had shown that the
human Tuberculin PPD IS was not suitable for potency estimates
of bovine Tuberculin PPD due to the differing dose response
characteristics of both tuberculins (32).
In 1976, the WHO began an evaluation of candidate bovine
Tuberculin PPDs to select a new Bovine International Standard
Tuberculin PPD (BIS) (30). In 1986, a Dutch bovine Tuberculin
PPD, produced in 1979 from cultures of M. bovis, strain AN5, was
accepted as the BIS. International collaborative assays in cattle
and guinea pigs against the old Dutch bovine tuberculin standard
(1964) established that this new BIS had a potency of 32,500
CTU/ml and that CTU and IU for bovine Tuberculin PPD are
equivalent (31).
The 2018 OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for
Terrestrial Animals (20), quoting the 1968 WHO Technical
Report Series No. 384 (33) states “potency testing should be
performed in the animal species and under the conditions in
which the tuberculins will be used in practice.” It also references
the 1985 WHO Technical Report Series No. 745 (34) which
provides that calibration of laboratory (in-house) “reference
preparations shall be done by a number of tests” against the
appropriate IS in “the animal species in which the tuberculin
is to be used” and that the “control of potency of successive
batches can then be carried out by biological assays in guinea-
pigs, using the laboratory reference preparation.” The 2007
report of the WHO Expert Committee on the selection and
use of essential medicines (35) also required that all tuberculins
should comply with WHO Technical Report Series No. 745 (34).
The OIE Manual (20) goes on to say “that bovine tuberculins
should be assayed in naturally infected tuberculous cattle. As
this requirement is difficult to accomplish, routine potency
testing is conducted in guinea-pigs. However, periodic testing
in tuberculous cattle is necessary and standard preparations
always require calibration in cattle” (20). In addition, the
routine use of cattle for potency assay purpose can be both
impractical and expensive due to the lack of availability of
naturally infected cattle or the costs associated with laboratory
infection, thus guinea pigs are used as the alternative. Paterson
recommended that guinea-pigs be used for the control at
preparation/manufacture with occasional check assays in cattle
but that if the type of tuberculin is changed or if a change
in character is suspected that appeal must be to the assay in
cattle (12).
Due to the limited supply of the BIS, the EU and OIE
recommended that national and “in-house” standard Tuberculin
PPDs be calibrated against the BIS and then commonly used for
national and routine production potency assays. In 1994, an Irish
National Bovine Standard Tuberculin PPD (INBS) was produced
at CVL Lelystad and there are considerable stocks still available.
Calibration against the BIS, both in guinea pigs sensitized with
living M. bovis and naturally sensitized cattle, has shown that the
INBS has a potency of 33,700 IU/ml (26). In 2018, Frankena et al.
(36) suggested a new model to calibrate national and “in-house”
reference standards for maximum accurately using 30 naturally
TB-infected cattle (target species) and to prove the precision
and accuracy of the potency estimate using 54 guinea pigs in 6
individual potency assays. The variability in potency estimates
can be reduced by repeating the guinea pig assay 5 or more times
on each sample (36).
Manufacture and Composition of
Tuberculin PPD has been described as a poorly defined, complex
mixture containing more than 100 individual components in
various stages of denaturation (37,38). Depending on where the
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Duignan et al. Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays
TABLE 1 | Assays of bovine tuberculin PPDs in naturally TB-infected cattle: 2010–2017, PPDs used in the Irish programme; 2006, 2010, and 2018, INBS and BIS; 2004,
2008, trials involving PPDs in tuberculin testing.
Batch no. Year
Protein content
pig assay
Bovine assay IU/ml
Year 95% confidence limits Standard
Potency* Potency Lower Upper
INBS 1994 1.0 33,700 2018 30,568 19,749 46,981 BIS
BIS 1979 1.0 32,500 2013 25,821 13,792 46,561 INBS
INBS 1994 1.0 33,700 2006 46,079 31,722 68,238 BIS
170312 2017 1.0 30,350 2017 39,098 23,359 66,470 INBS
171502 2017 1.2 23,380 2017 76,927 46,043 140,170 INBS
162408 2016 0.95 24,850 2017 35,961 23,595 55,056 INBS
161102 2016 1.42 24,210 2016 50,082 30,243 86,391 INBS
153501 2015 1.25 40,950 2016 70,250 42,339 125,726 INBS
143806 2014 1.04 31,140 2015 59,058 36,584 100,423 INBS
143813 2014 1.02 30,540 2015 58,424 37,698 94,453 INBS
141310 2014 1.02 30,940 2015 52,697 34,020 84,478 INBS
141304 2014 1.01 30,640 2014 59,062 30,037 129,421 INBS
134511 2013 1.04 27,950 2014 36,822 18,300 75,367 INBS
102401 2010 1.11 26,580 2014 59,062 30,037 129,421 INBS
132203 2013 1.24 30,880 2013 52,601 35,380 80,416 INBS
132206 2013 1.08 26,900 2013 37,054 24,837 55,611 INBS
120103 2012 1.32 24,280 2012 64,795 37,264 122,280 INBS
120101 2012 1.15 21,130 2012 47,772 27,908 85,194 INBS
110404 2011 1.33 21,880 2011 50,811 30,532 88,291 INBS
110404 2011 1.33 21,880 2012 81,239 33,751 266,063 INBS
112006 2011 1.24 24,060 2012 59,999 35,112 109,705 INBS
104012 2010 1.16 23,500 2011 38,738 23,128 65,840 INBS
100308 2010 1.38 26,200 2011 57,979 34,854 102,114 INBS
102414 2010 1.11 26,220 2011 41,509 21,299 83,991 INBS
LPa2008 0.16 3,400 2008 11,920 4,950 23,540 INBS
NPa2008 1.23 26,380 2008 61,840 31,570 136,000 INBS
HPa2008 3.11 66,700 2008 125,540 62,570 323,820 INBS
JNb2004 na 10,250 2005 11,552 6,202 20,779 INBS
FMb2004 na 16,500 2005 25,900 14,866 44,784 INBS
KSb2004 na 9,250 2005 28,747 16,535 49,754 INBS
HTb2004 na 31,500 2005 33,868 19,532 58,734 INBS
GRb2004 na 27,750 2005 45,003 25,217 81,062 INBS
LPb2004 na 24,500 2005 45,003 25,217 81,062 INBS
*The Guinea Pig potency is determined against the Bovine International Standard (IS) (32,500 IU/ml).
aGood et al. (19).
bGood et al. (27).
na, not available.
Tuberculin PPD is to be used, or if for export to international
markets, its specification must meet the relevant international
standard requirements laid down by the WHO, OIE, and EU
legislative requirements (2,20,35,39). Tuberculins must be
sterile and free from abnormal toxicity. They must also be
non-antigenic, i.e., non-sensitizing when injected, so as not to
cause reactions at later injections in TB-free animals. Tests for
sterility, safety and sensitizing effect are set out in the OIE
Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals
2018 (20).
During production manufacturers are required to determine and
control the potency of tuberculin batches in guinea pigs against
a reference standard (34,35). However, guinea pigs and cattle
have different dose response relationships and further, there is
frequently only limited agreement between the guinea pig and
cattle potency assays (31,40,41) (Table 1). Potency estimate
accuracy and agreement between calculations done in guinea pig
and cattle can be improved but at the undesirable expense of
conducting repeated assays using more cattle and more guinea
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Duignan et al. Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays
pigs (5,28,36). The degree of variability in the guinea pig
bioassay have been the subject of comment previously (38,42).
In recognition of this problem, Directive 64/432/EEC (2015) (2)
requires the fiducial limits of error (P=0.95) to be not <50%
and not more than 200% of the estimated potency. The estimated
potency must not be <75% and not more than 133% of the stated
potency for avian tuberculin and not <66% and not more than
150%, of the stated potency for bovine tuberculin and to comply
with Directive 2001/82/EC (2,43). The tuberculo-protein content
of the M. bovis Tuberculin PPD is adjusted based on guinea
pig potency assay to achieve the target potency not <20,000 IU
per ml in each final product batch. OIE recommends for bovine
Tuberculin PPD that In cattle with diminished allergic sensitivity,
a higher dose of bovine tuberculin is needed, and in national
eradication campaigns, doses of up to 5,000 IU (i.e., 50,000 IU
per ml) are recommended and thus bovine Tuberculin PPD with
target potency exceeding 20,000 IU per ml may be sought and
produced by manufacturers (20).
The method of sensitization of guinea pigs to M. bovis antigens
can influence the results of potency assays. Repeatedly, studies
have shown that the closest correlation with cattle assays is
achieved by sensitization of guinea pigs with living M. bovis i.e.,
in effect infecting these guinea pigs with M. bovis (32,44,45).
Sensitization of guinea pigs with heat-killed M. bovis or with live
M. bovis BCG gives less reliable results, presumably because the
full complement of antigens excreted during the mycobacterial
multiplication stages of active infection are not produced.
Likewise, potency assays performed in cattle sensitized with
heat-killed M. bovis are not reliable (46). Cattle experimentally
infected with living M. bovis are suitable for potency assays as
are naturally infected cattle. The advantage of using naturally
infected cattle from field bTB breakdowns is that this represents a
more complete spectrum of exposure and stages of infection that
will occur in naturally acquired infection than using a group of
homogenously infected cattle.
The specificity of each production batch of bovine Tuberculin
PPD is estimated in guinea pigs sensitized with heat inactivated
M. avium according to Fishers’ method (46). The skin responses
elicited by the bovine PPDs are compared to those of the
IS for avian PPD. The specificity of avian Tuberculin PPD is
estimated in guinea pigs sensitized with living M. bovis using the
same methodology.
Paterson, Haagsma et al., WHO, and OIE, recommended as
good practice to periodically check the results of the guinea
pig potency assays by estimating the potency of a proportion
of production batches in naturally or artificial infected cattle
(12,20,2933). However, whilst this may be good practice and
was provided for in the original Directive 64/432/EEC (1964) (47)
and, in 1979, noted as essential by the experts in the EC sub-group
of the Scientific Veterinary Commission on tuberculins (32), it
was omitted when Directive 64/432/EEC was modified in 2002
(Commission Regulation 2002)1. The OIE Manual of Diagnostic
Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals (Chapter 2.4.6—
Bovine Tuberculosis) (20), still includes the recommendation to
1Commission Regulation (EC) No 1226/2002 of 8 July 2002 amending Annex B to
Council Directive 64/432/EEC OJ L 179, 9.7.2002, p. 13–18.
perform potency assays in tuberculous cattle, while reference is
made to WHO Technical Report Series No. 745 (34).
Notwithstanding attempts by the WHO, OIE and the EU to
standardize Tuberculin PPD production, quality and potency
estimation, qualitative and quantitative differences between
Tuberculin PPDs from different manufacturers exist. These
differences occur due to various factors such as differences
in manufacturing facility location, possible differences in
growth media and production seed-stock strain. Differences
in manufacturer’s potency calibration methods, including staff
experience and attention to detail, and, the quality of the
reference standard used, can affect assessed potency in guinea
pigs and consequential potency in cattle. In addition, the means
of sensitization of guinea pigs and the number of guinea pigs
used for assay by the manufacturer will affect the accuracy of the
potency estimate and further result in inter-laboratory differences
in potency estimates. These differences result in a wide variance
both in protein content and antigenic profile and thus, differences
in potency and specificity between various Tuberculin PPD
products are to be expected and these, plus the relative potency
of the avian and bovine Tuberculin PPDs used for SICTT and the
Interferon-γ(IFN-γ) assay, will have an impact on test efficacy,
Se, Sp, and Predictive Value (44,4852).
The Irish bTB Eradication Programme
In Ireland, bTB is caused predominantly by infection with M.
bovis. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
(DAFM) manages the Irish bTB eradication programme which
includes annual screening of all cattle herds, prompt removal
of test positive animals (reactors) and animals removed for
epidemiological reasons by a Veterinary Inspector or animals
removed following the results of ancillary blood test(s) such as
the interferon gamma (IFN-γ) assay, post-mortem surveillance
by veterinary practitioners of all bovine carcases at slaughter
for human consumption, movement restrictions and further
consequential testing of infected herds (2224). Good et al. in
2011 state that some 7% of cattle were positive to the single
intradermal test but not to the SICTT and that various pathogenic
mycobacteria e.g., Mycobacterium paratuberculosis subsp. avium,
and non-pathogenic environmental Mycobacteria such as M.
hiberniae, are abundant in the Irish environment, and cause
non-specific sensitization to bovine Tuberculin PPD (20,53).
Accordingly, the SICTT is the primary screening test employed
in the programme and entails 8.5 million animal tests each
year (7,2224). Intradermal injections of 0.1 ml of avian (25,000
IU/ml) and bovine (30,000 IU/ml) Tuberculin PPD, as assessed in
guinea pigs (supplied by Prionics, Lelystad B.V.) are administered
in the mid-third of the neck; the skin thickness at the site
of the test is recorded at the time of injection and at test
reading 72 h [±4 h] later. The nature of any reaction and the
relative increase (measured in millimeters) in skin fold thickness
at each injection site is evaluated at test reading. Any animal
that displays clinical signs at the bovine injection site, such as
oedema, exudative necrosis, heat and/or pain, in response to
the injection of bovine tuberculin, at test reading is deemed test
positive and therefore a “reactor” regardless of relative increase in
accordance with the Directive 64/432/EEC (2015) (2). During the
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Duignan et al. Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays
late 1970s, Ireland experienced problems with the low potency
of tuberculin supplied for the programme. Subsequently, Ireland
changed Tuberculin PPD supplier in 1980 and developed strict
criteria for its requirements and incorporated potency assays on
naturally infected cattle as a quality control measure (23,24).
Tuberculin PPD Requirements for Irish bTB
Eradication Programme
Under Irish legislation, the only tuberculin that may be used
in the Irish bTB eradication programme, is that supplied by
DAFM. It must have marketing authorization (MA) from the
Health Protection Regulatory Authority (HPRA) in Ireland
in compliance with EU legislation (39,54). Prionics Lelystad
BV (previously Lelystad Biologicals BV or ID-Lelystad BV), in
Lelystad, The Netherlands, has supplied the avian and bovine
Tuberculin PPD used in the Irish programme since 1980
under tender.
The preparation, potency and labeling of Tuberculin PPD must
conform to Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC and as specified
in Directive 91/412/EEC (54). Storage must be at 4C but,
in accordance with the marketing authorization (MA), must
be stable at ambient temperatures for 14 days between +2C
and +37C.
Under the MA the total protein concentration of the Avian
Tuberculin PPD 2500 must be between 0.5 and 0.8 mg/ml and
that of the Bovine Tuberculin PPD 3000 between 1.0 and 1.4
mg/ml while at the same time:
- Bovine Tuberculin PPD supplied under MA should have a
potency of 3,000 IU/dose for a 0.1 ml dose [66–150% i.e.,
between 1,980 IU and 4,500 IU] when tested in guinea
pigs sensitized by living M. bovis, strain AN5 and, for the
most recent tender for the supply of tuberculin PPD (dated
17/05/2019), “not be less than 50,000” IU/ml “in tuberculous
cattle” and that “Potency will be determined by or on behalf
of the Contracting Authority representative and prior to
acceptance of any batch of tuberculin under the contract”
(25) and
- Avian Tuberculin PPD should have a potency of 2,500 IU/dose
for a 0.1 ml dose [75–133% i.e., between 1,875 IU and 3,325
IU] per dose when assayed in guinea pigs sensitized with heat
inactivated M. avium and
- the pairs of Tuberculin PPDs, for the SICTT, must not exceed
a maximum potency difference of 500 IU per dose (using the
potency as assessed in guinea pigs) between both (Avian and
Bovine Tuberculin) in the Tuberculin PPD Kit.
This stated Bovine PPD potency requirement exceeds the
minimum of 20,000 IU/ml specified in Directive 64/432/EEC
(2). The assays are carried out in guinea pigs as set out in
EU Directive 64/432/EEC (2) using “a reference preparation of
tuberculin (bovine or avian, as appropriate)” PPD “calibrated in
International Units” by or on behalf of Prionics Lelystad BV.
The potency of Bovine Tuberculin PPD 3000 supplied for use
in Ireland is estimated in Lelystad in guinea pigs sensitized
with living M. bovis relative to the BIS PPD on behalf of the
manufacturer. The potency of one or more supplied batches of
Tuberculin PPD is checked in Ireland in naturally infected cattle
each year against the INBS, which was calibrated in 1994 in cattle
and guinea pigs (28). The potency of Tuberculin PPDs used in
various trials involving tuberculin testing in Ireland has also been
assayed (19,27). The INBS tuberculin is also periodically assayed
against the BIS in naturally infected Irish cattle in Ireland and
in guinea pigs by Prionics Lelystad BV in accordance with EU
Directive 64/432 (2). A recent assay included the INBS against the
BIS in 2018 in naturally infected Irish cattle indicated a potency
of 32,265, an earlier assay in 2006 had shown a potency of 46,079
and an assay of the BIS against the INBS in 2013 had shown a
potency of 25,821 (Table 1). The results of these latter two assays
caused some concern. Subsequently, at the M. bovis conference
in Cardiff in 2014 (55) problems were reported where evident
visual differences and even non-visual deterioration of the BIS in
some ampoules supplied by the NIBSC was resulting in highly
variable potency assay results being obtained in guinea pigs,
when injecting identical amounts from different vials. Dr. Bakker
reported that in the deteriorating vials the BIS was no longer
completely water soluble and contained varying amounts of large
particles which affected the potency assay and while these could
be centrifuged (3,000×g) and removed there was then a loss
of antigen (55). Consequently, the NIBSC removed the visibly
deteriorated ampoules from their stocks and, the OIE established
in 2015 an ad hoc working group with the task of finding, a
new source of a bovine PPD and work is currently underway to
develop a new BIS.
In Ireland cattle for assays are chosen in accordance with the
Standard Operating Procedures for Tuberculin Potency Assays
on TB cattle in the isolation unit at the DAFM Research Farm
the purpose of which are to ensure the welfare of the cattle and
the integrity of the assays carried out. Cattle assays are subject to
strict individual project licensing conditions which are issued and
audited by the HPRA.
Cattle, from TB-infected farms of origin, which have given
a positive result to a SICTT, which have a skin-fold thickness
measurement increase at the bovine injection site, which is more
than 4 mm greater than the increase at the avian injection site
and are positive to IFN -γBOVIGAM R
(Prionics, Lelystad B.V.)
assay (56), are selected for assays at the isolation unit. For ease
of handling and husbandry, young steers from 6-months to 2-
years of age are usually selected. The interval between the SICTT
on the farm of origin and the potency assay must be at least 60
days (57). The animals are normally kept for a maximum of two
assays or for up to a year and replaced as necessary by further
field test positives as above.
Potency assays on batches of routine issue bovine Tuberculin
PPD are carried out under license 2–3 times each year depending
on availability of sufficient numbers of suitable field reactor cattle.
At each assay, the potencies of three selected test batches are
estimated against the IBNS bovine Tuberculin PPD with an
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Duignan et al. Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays
assayed potency of 33,700 IU/ml. Each ampoule of the freeze-
dried IBNS contains 1.8 mg PPD in a glucose phosphate buffer
containing phenol (28). Dilution to 1 mg/ml is prepared, by
adding 1.8 ml of distilled water. Isotonic phosphate-buffered
saline, pH 7.3 is used to prepare the 20% dilutions of all the
Tuberculin PPDs for the assay representing 0.2 mg/ml protein
concentration (30). Each of the 3 Tuberculin PPDs for assay
and the comparator INBS and/or BIS, as relevant, is used at
two dilutions corresponding to protein concentrations of 1.0 and
0.2 mg/ml.
Thus, there are eight tuberculin preparations (4 undiluted and
4 diluted) which are inoculated into each animal at four sites on
each side of the neck as shown in Figure 1. The distance between
the injection sites is 10–12 cm.
A group of eight cattle is required to rotate all 8 injections (i.e.,
the reference standard and 3 test PPDs each at two dilutions)
sequentially through each of the eight possible neck sites using
the Latin square design. This is necessary to take account of
the different sensitivity at different sites on the bovine neck
(12,17). The Tuberculin PPDs are allocated to sites based on a
randomized schedule laid out in advance in the assay worksheets.
For routine assays, three groups of eight cattle are used to increase
the reliability of the assay to acceptable levels of accuracy i.e.,
for the same reasons as recommended by Frankena et al. for the
guinea pig assay (36). A separate worksheet, each with a unique
pattern of allocation of Tuberculin PPDs to neck sites is used for
each group.
The injection sites are clipped and the skin-fold thickness
at each injection site is measured using a caliper with 1 mm
graduations at 0 h. Using McLintock syringes, 0.1 ml of each
Tuberculin PPD are injected intradermally. All aspects of each
test (tuberculin administration, initial and subsequent skin
measurement) on each assay animal are conducted by the same
veterinarian. Each injection site skin thickness measurement is
taken and recorded at 0 and 72 h. Table 2 shows an example of
the skin measurement data recorded for one of the 3 groups of 8
cattle on a recent assay.
FIGURE 1 | Injection sites with reactions, showing injection/measurement
sequence,1–4 (on each side of the neck), for bovine tuberculin PPD assay.
Measurements, recording increases at the various injection
sites for each dilution of PPD being assayed and the reference
standard, are analyzed using standard statistical methods for
parallel-line assays (58), using the GLM procedure in SAS v9.1
(59). Site of injection and side of the neck are included in the final
model if significant (P<0.05). The 95% confidence limits for
the relative potency are calculated according to Fishers’ method
(46). This analysis estimates the potency of the three routine issue
Tuberculin PPDs as compared to the IBNS Tuberculin PPD (46).
Potency is expressed in IU/ml, based on the potency of the INBS
at 1.0 mg/ml of 33,700 IU/ml as calibrated previously against the
BIS (28). Table 3 shows the results of the analysis for the assay
referred to on Table 2.
Guinea pigs and cattle have different dose response
relationships and unless multiple groups of cattle and guinea pigs
are used both accuracy of the potency estimate and the potency
correlation between the species is poor (11,28,29,32,36,54,60).
Notwithstanding multiple assays in each species, the potency
estimated in the guinea pig (five assays each with 9 guinea pigs),
differ from those obtained in cattle assays (three assays each
with 8 cattle) as evidenced by the results shown in Table 1. At
least some of the difference is likely to be due to the BIS being
used as the reference standard for the guinea pig assay. The
BIS, as stated previously has been deteriorating from prior to
2005 when it was first publicly reported (36), and has since
been giving highly variable potency assay results in guinea pigs,
when injecting identical amounts from different vials (55).
However, successive assays have shown (Table 1) that batches
that meet the required potency of 30,000 [66–150%] IU/ml in
guinea pig assays also attained or exceeded this potency when
assayed in cattle and indeed in recent years frequently attains or
exceeds the potency recommended by the OIE for use in bTB
Eradication programmes. From the results presented in Table 1,
it would appear likely that the assay results in guinea pigs are
underestimating the potency of the assayed PPDs by varying
amounts most likely depending on the degree of deterioration of
the BIS in the vial used for the assay.
As early as 1908, it was lamented that “some of the tuberculin
on the market is impotent and worthless” and Buxton also
commented on tuberculin quality in 1934 (6063). In 2011, Good
(19) compared “the impact of different potencies of a single
bovine PPD tuberculin on the field performance of the” SICTT
and SIT and found “a significant difference in the number of
reactors detected using the high and low potency tuberculins.”
This study also found that the low potency tuberculin, although
not the lowest detected commercially available, missed detecting
animals which, having negative responses at the bovine injection
site, would individually have qualified for OIE certification as
bTB-free for export purposes, despite subsequently being found
to have multiple tuberculous lesions visible at routine slaughter
When the United Kingdom (UK) switched from using
Weybridge Tuberculin PPD to Dutch Tuberculin PPD, it was
found that the tuberculin manufacturing source influenced both
the Se and Sp of the SICTT (63). Data from international
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TABLE 2 | Example of injection site measurement data for a group of 8 bovines in a potency assay on bovine tuberculin PPDs.
Group 2 Irish standard Test PPD L Test PPD M Test PPD N
1.0 mg 0.2 mg 1.0 mg 0.2 mg 1.0 mg 0.2 mg 1.0 mg 0.2 mg
Animal ID Hour *Inc Hour *Inc Hour *Inc Hour *Inc Hour *Inc Hour *Inc Hour *Inc Hour *Inc
0 72 0 72 0 72 0 72 0 72 0 72 0 72 0 72
1038 12.5 19 6.5 13 18 5 13.5 18 45 11 17 6 10 16.5 6.5 12 24 12 11 18 7 13 16 3
2190 11 16 5 9 12 3 10.5 14 3.5 9 12.5 3.5 10 15 5 10 14 4 9 12 3 11 16 5
1629 7 13 6 10 15 5 8 14 6 10 14 4 10.5 16 5.5 8 14 6 10 14.5 4.5 6 10 4
1664 8 16 8 8.5 16.5 8 7 13 6 7.5 15.5 8 9 19 10 7 13 6 9 19 10 8 15 7
1636 8 12.5 4.5 6 11 5 8 12 4 7.5 12 4.5 7 14 7 8 10.5 2.5 6.5 12 5.5 9 11 2
1658 9 16 7 9 15.5 6.5 8 16 8 11 18.5 7.5 9 20 11 8 13 5 12 19 7 9 13 4
2256 9 18 9 11 18.5 7.5 10 20 10 10 16 6 9 19 10 11 17 6 10 17.5 7.5 10 14.5 4.5
2175 7 12.5 5.5 9 12 3 9 16 7 9 15 6 8 14 6 9 13.5 4.5 9 18 9 7.5 12 4.5
*Increase in skin fold measurement millimeters at 72 h (72 h.mms0 h.mms =Inc.mms).
TABLE 3 | Example of relative potency and calculated international units of the 3
test bovine tuberculin PPDs in Table 2.
Relative potency (%) International units (IU/ml)
95% confidence
95% confidence
Test PPD Mean Lower Upper Mean Lower Upper
L 109.3 543 223.6 36,822 18,300 75,367
M 175.3 89.1 384 59,062 30,037 129,421
N 118.2 59.1 244.2 39,839 19,921 82,288
studies indicate a sensitivity range, at individual animal level,
of 68–96.8% and 96–98.8% specificity for the CFT (80–91%
sensitivity and 75.5–96.8% specificity), for SIT and, for the
SICTT (55.1–93.5% sensitivity and 88.8–100% specificity) (7,
60,64). The caudal fold has been repeatedly determined to
be the least sensitive site available for intradermal test and
hence, the CFT requires higher potency tuberculin to achieve an
acceptable Se for use in bTB control/eradication programmes;
the mid third of the neck proved to be the most sensitive
site for the intradermal test (4). Differences in test sensitivity
and specificity are largely due to bTB prevalence, variation in
testing techniques, differences in tuberculin doses, Tuberculin
PPDs with differing antigenic profiles, Tuberculin PPD potency,
relative potency of avian, and bovine PPDs in the comparative
test, the interpretation of skin reactions, and the prevalence
of non-specific or cross-reactive antigens in the environment
(19,23,38,50). Different findings of various studies are attributed
to multiple factors including differences in study design, the
selection of animals in various stages of infection, frequency
of testing and most significantly, how the infection status of
the animals was determined. The specificity of the test will be
affected by sensitization to environmental mycobacteria or other
organisms that have shared antigens with M. bovis (65). The level
of cross-sensitization will vary from region to region. In Ireland,
exposure of cattle to multiple environmental mycobacteria may
result in cross-reactions to bovine PPD (53), nevertheless, as
previously stated, the reliability of the SICTT, being a relatively
crude index of the diagnostic ability of a test based on the Se and
Sp of the test in the environment in which it is used, has been
assessed as being in the region of 97% (20,66).
Few, if any, studies discussing the sensitivity range, and
comparing ante-mortem test outcomes in various countries or
regions or over time consider differences in the manufacturer
or potency of the tuberculin as critical to test Se and much of
the more recent literature in particular, seems to assume that all
tuberculins will perform equally whether in skin test or IFN-γ
assay (48,6771). For example, the 2012 EFSA scientific opinion
states that the selection of the cattle populations, the bovine TB
testing history of the cattle and the prevalence of environmental
mycobacteria, may have influenced performance estimates in the
surveillance population samples used in their latent class analysis,
specifically mentioning the low sensitivity of the skin test in one
dataset (68). However, they fail to mention as pertinent that the
tests they compared in the datasets used tuberculin, avian and
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Duignan et al. Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays
bovine PPDs, from 3 different manufacturers and with, at least
the bovine Tuberculin PPD, at 2 different stated potencies, with,
at the time the data was generated, a different manufacturer’s
Tuberculin PPDs used in each jurisdiction. In the context of
tuberculin used in the IFN-γassay for example, Tameni et al. (51)
commented that wide fluctuations of the results of the IFN-γ
assay had been traced back to the use of different PPD batches
and that tuberculins were not prone to easy standardization
of their antigenic content. Casal et al. (69) compared the
performance of the SIT, ID-Vet IFN γ, and the Bovigam R
noting that “Over the 113 cattle with confirmed bTB (group
2), 32 (28.3%) were classified as positive reactors by Bovigam R
but negative to the SIT test;” and in the same group “36 cattle
(31.9%) were positive with Bovigam R
(0.05 cut-off point) but
negative to IDvet IFN-γassay (35% s/p cut-off point).” However,
similar results were achieved between the IFN-γassays applying
the 0.1 cut-off point in the Bovigam and the S/P ratio of 16 in the
IDvet test. These results were comparable to the results obtained
by de la Cruz et al. (70) who also found the IDvet IFN-γassay
less sensitive than the Bovigam R
but that the Se of the IDvet
IFN-γassay might be improved by adjusting the cut off points.
The Bovigam TB kit flier states that BOVIGAM Tuberculin
PPD produced by Prionics Lelystad B.V. uses bovine Tuberculin
PPD at a potency of 30,000 IU/mL and avian Tuberculin PPD
at a potency of 25,000 IU/mL (https://assets.thermofisher.
CO121138.pdf). The IDvet brochure states that their IDvet
test for detecting the cellular response to Mycobacterium bovis
uses bovine PPD as the specific antigen source and avian PPD
as the non-specific antigens source with matched potencies
of bovine and avian tuberculins but the potency/ml is not
stated (
brochure_IFNG_BovineTB_doc250.pdf). When discussing the
Se, Sp and efficacy for the detection of TB infected animals of
the various tests, neither set of authors considered the source of
the Tuberculin PPDs, avian, and bovine, the individual potency
or the relative potencies of these PPDs, in the possible reasons
for the differences in observed results of the test performances.
Similarly, Keck et al. (71) observed very low SIT positive rates
during two screening campaigns where the use of the Bovigam R
assay was found to increase the sensitivity of TB detection
by more than 30% over and above the SIT using the official
bovine Tuberculin PPD and the effect of the different PPDs
used was not discussed as a possible factor in the different Se
observed (71).
Largely, due to the ill-defined nature of the antigens in
Tuberculin PPD as well as the complexity of Tuberculin PPD
production, to date, there has been little progress in improving
Tuberculin PPDs to enhance test specificity and sensitivity (37,
52). Successful eradication of bTB has been achieved in many
countries by the rigorous application of tuberculin testing and
the culling of reactor cattle. While the quality of the Tuberculin
PPD used is undoubtedly critical for test efficacy for bTB control
and eradication programmes and to underpin certification of
disease freedom at animal and herd level, comparisons of
commercially available tuberculins, has shown the potency of
bovine tuberculins and, to a lesser extent, avian tuberculins
varied widely such that the majority would not have met the
required minimum dose of 2,000 IU if applied as the standard
0.1 ml dose (5,42). The use of tuberculins with inferior potency
has direct implications for the diagnosis of bTB and for the
surety of consequent certification of herd and animal disease
freedom (5,19). While the European Pharmacopeia, WHO,
OIE, and EU have established the standard for tuberculins
(2,20,3335,39,43,54), there is no independent body
evaluating commercially available preparations or establishing
and maintaining standards of Tuberculin PPD potency akin
to The International Organization for Standardization (https:// ISO which is designated to independently assess
and attest the standards claimed by the manufacturers. There
may be a potential role for the European and/or OIE Tuberculosis
Reference Laboratories in the verification of tuberculin potency.
It would reasonably be expected that when standards are not
complied with that the authorities should take steps to ensure
that such products are precluded from use. It would also
undoubtedly be desirable to have an alternative methodology
for PPD potency assay less dependent on infecting Guinea
Pigs and the availability of TB infected cattle. Due to potency
issues with tuberculin supply in the past and considering
the above publications demonstrating that potency is critically
important in test efficacy, Ireland has, using naturally infected
tuberculous cattle, maintained an independent check of the
potency of the bovine Tuberculin PPD supplied under the
Irish programme.
All datasets generated for this study are included in the
manuscript/supplementary files.
The Tuberculin PPD assays and use of animals therein was
reviewed by Department of Agriculture and Marine/University
College Dublin ethics committee as part of the Health Products
Regulatory Authority (HPRA) project authorization application
process. The HPRA is the competent authority in Ireland
responsible for the implementation of EU legislation (Directive
2010/63/EU) for the protection of animals used for scientific
purposes. HPRA are committed to ensuring that the care
and use of animals for scientific purposes is in line with
the 3R principles—Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement.
Accordingly, projects and individuals require authorization to
carry out research using animals including authorization of
the establishment where the animals are kept. The use of
animals for Tuberculin PPD potency assay, the persons who
perform the assays and the premises where the animals are kept,
are authorized (licensed) by the HPRA and subject to strict
individual project licensing conditions which include reporting
and annual audit.
AD conceived the study. AD, DB, and MG analyzed the data.
AD and MG carried out a literature search and wrote the initial
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Duignan et al. Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays
manuscript. All the authors participated in reviewing, editing,
read and approved the final draft, and collaborated in producing
the final version.
This work was funded entirely by the Department of
Agriculture, Food and the Marine as part of the bovine TB
Eradication Programme.
The authors wish to thank staff at DAFM for sourcing infected
cattle for tuberculin assays, staff at DAFMs Research Facility and
particularly Eamon Costello (retired) and Colm Brady of the
DAFM for their assistance. The assistance of staff at of Prionics
Lelystad BV with the technical aspects of tuberculin production
and guinea pig assays is also much appreciated. The authors
also wish to thank Daniel M. Collins for his assistance with the
preparation of the manuscript and the figure.
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Frontiers in Veterinary Science | 11 October 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 328
Duignan et al. Tuberculin PPD Potency Assays
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Frontiers in Veterinary Science | 12 October 2019 | Volume 6 | Article 328
... Several countries have implemented bTB eradication programs using a test and slaughter policy. Nevertheless, bTB is still reported in several countries, although the disease prevalence is quite low in some countries including Thailand (10,(26)(27)(28)(29). This may be due to the imperfect performance of bTB screening tests such as the CFT test and the slow progression (and long subclinical phase) of the disease (4,29). ...
... Nevertheless, bTB is still reported in several countries, although the disease prevalence is quite low in some countries including Thailand (10,(26)(27)(28)(29). This may be due to the imperfect performance of bTB screening tests such as the CFT test and the slow progression (and long subclinical phase) of the disease (4,29). The current study reports the high sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA test using Pks5 as a biomarker for bTB diagnostic testing. ...
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This study aimed to determine the sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of a circulating pathogen-specific biomarker (polyketide synthetase 5, Pks5)-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) independently or in conjunction with a caudal fold tuberculin (CFT) test for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) screening in dairy cattle. We enrolled 987 dairy cows from 34 herds in Chiang Mai province, Thailand. A conditionally independent Bayesian model with a single population was inferred from the test results. The percentage of positive results for the Pks5-ELISA using 0.4 OD cutoff test and CFT test were 9.0% (89/987) and 10.5% (104/987), respectively. The median of posterior estimates of Se for the Pks5-ELISA test was 90.2% (95% posterior probability interval [PPI] = 76.6–97.4%), while the estimated Sp was slightly higher (median = 92.9, 95% PPI = 91.0–94.5%). The median estimated Se of the CFT test was 85.9% (95% PPI = 72.4–94.6%), while the estimated Sp was higher, with a median of 90.7% (95% PPI = 88.7–92.5%). The posterior estimate for true disease prevalence was 2.4% (95% PPI = 1.2–3.9%). The Pks5-ELISA test yielded characteristics at or above the acceptable standards for bTB detection. Therefore, the pathogen-specific biomarker, Pks5, is a potential detection system for bTB screening and may be applied as an ancillary test together with the currently applied standard method (CFT test) to reinforce the bTB control and eradication programs.
... The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) designates the CITT and the SITT together with the Caudal Fold Test as the prescribed tests for international trade. To ensure that these tests can perform to their maximum potential, both the OIE and the EU have set standards for how the tests need to be conducted, the interpretation of the tests, and also the tuberculins used, including the setting of minimum tuberculin potency attributes [1,7]. ...
This document critically reviews the range of diagnostic methods currently employed in Ireland to detect animals infected with Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (bTB), that are not currently detected by the existing eradication programme. The review was carried out by the Scientific Working Group of the TB Forum following a request from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Particular emphasis is placed on the Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test (CITT) and the Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) assay, noting that different tests are used strategically, maximising the advantages and minimising the limitations of each test. The CITT is routinely used as a screening test, with its reliability closely linked to the tester's skill and experience. The IFN-γ assay is used as an ancillary test, noting that its specificity remains a concern. Antibody-based tests, such as ELISA, show promise in identifying BTB during its more advanced stages of infection. There is little evidence of ‘a silver bullet’ in the area of bTB diagnostics. For the foreseeable future, it is likely that the CITT, using tuberculin PPD, will remain the screening test of choice for cattle. It will be supplemented by the other currently approved tests and newly developed tests as ancillary tests. Experience from a number of countries has shown that eradication can be achieved in the absence of perfect diagnostic tests. For this to happen, the testing programme must be supplemented by a range of risk-based approaches to herd management and animal movement. Where relevant, eradication is only possible if cattle-based efforts are complemented by an effective programme to manage transmission from wildlife to cattle.
... Intertest's concentration is 50,000 IU/ml [32], and Prionics is 30,000 IU/ml [33], both above the OIE Terrestrial Manual's recommendation of 2,000 IU/dose [28]. However, the difference in concentration between the two PPD's is noticeable in the field 72 h after testing using the single intradermal tuberculin test (SITT) [34]. Many more small, hard, circumscribed and loose lesions are felt on palpation when the higher concentration of bovine PPD is used. ...
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Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) was first diagnosed in cattle in South Africa in 1880 and proclaimed a controlled disease in 1911. Testing of cattle for bTB is voluntary and only outbreaks of disease are reported to the National Department of Agriculture so the prevalence of the disease in cattle is largely unknown. There is a Bovine Tuberculosis Scheme which is aimed at the control of bTB in cattle but the same measures of test and slaughter, and the quarantining of the property apply to wildlife as well. bTB was first diagnosed in wildlife in a greater kudu in the Eastern Cape in 1928 and has to date been found in 24 mammalian wildlife species. The African buffalo has become a maintenance host of the disease, which is considered endemic in the Kruger National Park, the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park and the Madikwe Game Park. Control of bTB at the wildlife-livestock interface is difficult because of spill-over and spill-back between species. Only buffalo are required by law to be tested before translocation, but bTB has been introduced to the Madikwe Game Park probably by the translocation of other infected wildlife species. There is no national control strategy for the control of bTB in wildlife. Indirect tests have been developed to test for bTB in eight species, 6 of which can be considered endangered. More research needs to be done to develop an effective and efficient vaccine to combat the transmission of bTB within and between species. New policies need to be developed that are effective, affordable and encompassing to control the spread of bTB in South Africa.
... 3, 4) and previous results from infected herds [12], both tests behaved similarly. Overall, this suggests that both tests are subjected to a similar effect of external variables, and that part of the differences in their performance observed here are derived from the application non-equivalent cut-off points rather than from factors such as the use of twice fold more plasma for Bovigam than IDvet, considering that both tests were performed using same PPDs, so the disparities in terms of diagnostic accuracy might not be as high as proposed between kits [47]. ...
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The diagnostic methods for granting and maintenance of the official tuberculosis-free (OTF) status and for intra-Community movement of cattle are the tuberculin skin tests (single or comparative) and the interferon-γ (IFN-γ) release assay (IGRA). However, until now, IGRAs have been primarily applied in infected farms in parallel to the skin test to maximize the number of infected animals detected. Therefore, an evaluation of the performance of IGRAs in OTF herds to assess whether if their specificity is equal to or higher than that of the skin tests is needed. For this, a panel of 4365 plasma samples coming from 84 OTF herds in six European regions (five countries) was assembled and analysed using two IGRA kits, the ID Screen ® Ruminant IFN-g (IDvet) and the Bovigam™ TB Kit (Bovigam). Results were evaluated using different cut-offs, and the impact of herd and animal-level factors on the probability of positivity was assessed using hierarchical Bayesian multivariable logistic regression models. The percentage of reactors ranged from 1.7 to 21.0% (IDvet: S/P ≥ 35%), and 2.1–26.3% (Bovigam: OD bovis –OD PBS ≥ 0.1 and OD bovis –OD avium ≥ 0.1) depending on the region, with Bovigam disclosing more reactors in all regions. The results suggest that specificity of IGRAs can be influenced by the production type, age and region of origin of the animals. Changes in the cut-offs could lead to specificity values above 98–99% in certain OTF populations, but no single cut-off yielding a sufficiently high specificity (equal or higher than that of skin tests) in all populations was identified. Therefore, an exploratory analysis of the baseline IFN-γ reactivity in OTF populations could help to assess the usefulness of this technique when applied for the purpose of maintaining OTF status.
... The WOAH and the European Commission established the tuberculin test as the official proof for BTB diagnosis [9] . However, tuberculin shows constraints regarding specificity and sensitivity (from 68 to 95%) affecting the effectiveness of the surveillance system [ 10 , 11 ]. ...
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Bovine tuberculosis is a prevalent zoonotic disease that causes high risks for production animals, dairy producers and consumers, together with significant economic losses. Thus, methods for easy, fast and specific detection of Mycobacterium bovis in small and medium-sized livestock under field conditions are very required. In this work, a Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification LAMP-PCR targeting the Region of Difference 12 (RD12) of M. bovis genome was designed for the purpose of identification. A set of six primers designed for the isothermal amplification of five different genomic fragments led to the specific identification of M. bovis from other mycobacterial species. A basic colorimetric reaction was clearly observed at first sight under natural light, indicating positive identification of M. bovis in a maximum of 30 min of isothermal amplification at 65 °C. The limit of detection was near 50 fg of M. bovis genomic DNA, corresponding approximately to 10 copies of the genome. •The proposed LAMP-PCR amplification of M. bovis genomic DNA might be performed by untrained laboratory personnel. •Specific identification of M. bovis LAMP is possible in 30 min at 65.. C using a simple water bath. •The basic colorimetric reaction for M. bovis identification could be observed with the naked eye under natural light.
... TST is widely used due to it's cost effectiveness, easy availability, long history of use, and lack of alternative methods to detect BTB (Bezos et al. 2018). TST has many limitations including difficulties in administration and interpretation of results, need for second visit to the farm, low degree of standardization, and imperfect test accuracy (Duignan et al. 2019). Use of crude PPD results in low sensitivity and specificity of the test (Domenech et al. 2006, Casal et al. 2017. ...
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The present study was carried out in and around Anand district of Gujarat with the aim to assess the sensitivity and specificity of IFN-γ assay as compared to intradermal tuberculin test for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis during the period 2011-12. The prevalence of bovine TB in the cattle was 26.19% by TST and 38.49% by IFN- γ assay. Breed wise, highest prevalence of bovine TB was found in Gir (38.96%), followed by Triple cross (23.95%) and Kankrej (16.45%) by TST; while by IFN- γ assay, highest prevalence was observed in Triple cross (42.70%). Age wise, highest prevalence of bovine TB was found in adults (37.90%) followed by calves (26.66%) and heifers (11.22%) by TST; while by IFN-γ assay, highest prevalence was observed in calves (66.66%) followed by adults (44.35%) and heifers (22.44%). Sex wise, more prevalence of bovine TB was found in males (56.25%) than in females (21.81%) by TST; while by IFN-γ assay, more prevalence was observed in females (39.25%) than in males (31.25%). Sensitivity and specificity of TST in detecting bovine TB were 27.27% and 57.52% respectively, compared to IFN-γ assay. ELISPOT assay showed 34.78% animals were found positive for bovine TB. IFN-γ assay showed better sensitivity in detecting bovine TB at younger age compared to TST, and hence can be useful in timely removal of the infected animals from the herd.
... The MBP70 a homolog of MPB83 also caused expansion of these cell phenotypes [58][59][60][61]. A systematic application of tuberculin screening and the culling of reactor cattle has been accomplished in many countries and resulted in the successful eradication of bovine tuberculosis [62]. There is a noticeable positive correlation between the M. bovis isolation, real-time PCR using atpE primer/probe on the genus level in cooperation with conventional PCR targeting different (RDs) on the species level, and flow Cytometry. ...
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Background: Mycobacterium bovis notoriously causes detrimental infections in bovines and humans. In this study, 1500 buffaloes and 2200 cattle were tested by single intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin test and compared with the detection rates of M. bovis isolation, real-time and simplex PCR, and flow Cytometry. Results: The tuberculin test is the reference test in Egypt, the positive rate was 54/3700 (1.5%) composed of 18/1500 (1.2%) buffaloes and 36/2200 (1.6%) cattle which were mandatorily slaughtered under the Egyptian legislation, after postmortem examination the non-visible-lesion proportion was 39/54 (72.2%) which surpassed the visible-lesion rate 15/54 (27.8%) with (p < 0.0001). The samples from each case were pooled into one sample representing the case, and the isolation rate of M. bovis was 25/54 (46.3%). Real-time PCR using atpE was positive for mycobacteria on the genus level in 18/18 (100%) and 5/5 (100%) of tissue samples and isolates, respectively; simplex PCR detected M. bovis in 44/54 (81.5%) and 25/25 (100%) of tissue samples and isolates, respectively. Flow Cytometry evaluation of the CD4+, CD8+, WC1+ δγ, and CD2+ cell phenotypes showed increased counts in the tuberculin-positive cases compared with negative cases (p < 0.0001), and these phenotypes in the tuberculin-positive cases increased after antigen stimulation than in the negative cases (p < 0.0001). Detection rates of PCR techniques and flow Cytometry exceeded that of bacterial isolation (p < 0.0001) and exhibited a strong correlation. Conclusions: The skin test suffers from interference from non-tuberculous mycobacteria able to cause false-positive reactions in cattle and other species. Real-time PCR using atpE, conventional PCR targeting RDs, and flow Cytometry are rapid and accurate methods that correlate with the isolation and can be promising for detection and confirmation of infected live and slaughtered cases. Keywords: Cattle and buffalo, Conventional PCR, Flow cytometry, Mycobacterium bovis, Real-time PCR atpE
... The MBP70 a homolog of MPB83 also caused expansion of these cell phenotypes [58][59][60][61]. A systematic application of tuberculin screening and the culling of reactor cattle has been accomplished in many countries and resulted in the successful eradication of bovine tuberculosis [62]. There is a noticeable positive correlation between the M. bovis isolation, real-time PCR using atpE primer/probe on the genus level in cooperation with conventional PCR targeting different (RDs) on the species level, and flow Cytometry. ...
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Background Mycobacterium bovis notoriously causes detrimental infections in bovines and humans. In this study, 1500 buffaloes and 2200 cattle were tested by single intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin test and compared with the detection rates of M. bovis isolation, real-time and simplex PCR, and flow Cytometry. Results The tuberculin test is the reference test in Egypt, the positive rate was 54/3700 (1.5%) composed of 18/1500 (1.2%) buffaloes and 36/2200 (1.6%) cattle which were mandatorily slaughtered under the Egyptian legislation, after postmortem examination the non-visible-lesion proportion was 39/54 (72.2%) which surpassed the visible-lesion rate 15/54 (27.8%) with (p < 0.0001). The samples from each case were pooled into one sample representing the case, and the isolation rate of M. bovis was 25/54 (46.3%). Real-time PCR using atpE was positive for mycobacteria on the genus level in 18/18 (100%) and 5/5 (100%) of tissue samples and isolates, respectively; simplex PCR detected M. bovis in 44/54 (81.5%) and 25/25 (100%) of tissue samples and isolates, respectively. Flow Cytometry evaluation of the CD4⁺, CD8⁺, WC1⁺δγ, and CD2⁺ cell phenotypes showed increased counts in the tuberculin-positive cases compared with negative cases (p < 0.0001), and these phenotypes in the tuberculin-positive cases increased after antigen stimulation than in the negative cases (p < 0.0001). Detection rates of PCR techniques and flow Cytometry exceeded that of bacterial isolation (p < 0.0001) and exhibited a strong correlation. Conclusions The skin test suffers from interference from non-tuberculous mycobacteria able to cause false-positive reactions in cattle and other species. Real-time PCR using atpE, conventional PCR targeting RDs, and flow Cytometry are rapid and accurate methods that correlate with the isolation and can be promising for detection and confirmation of infected live and slaughtered cases.
... However, the method has limited sensitivity and specificity and is influenced by many factors related to immunological response [15]. Tuberculin potency varies between batches and significantly affects the number of revealed reactors [16]. Here, we report a higher prevalence of TB, perhaps due to limited implementation of biosecurity control and poor hygiene at the examined farms, where there was no clear plan to dispose of wastes and carcasses. ...
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Background and Aim: Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonotic disease that causes huge economic losses. This study aimed to compare the result obtained from the single intradermal test, conventional methods (culture and microscopy), gamma-interferon (IFN-γ) assay, and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to diagnose bovine TB. Materials and Methods: This study evaluated 2913 animals from milk farms in Cairo, El-Sharkia, and El-Qalyubia Governorates by single intradermal cervical tuberculin technique (SICTT), ELISA, and IFN-γ assay. Results: Of the 2913 dairy cows surveyed, 3.7% yielded positive results. Culture prepared samples on Lowenstein-Jensen and Middlebrook 7H10 agar media yielded 52 (1.85%) isolates of Mycobacterium spp. from 2805 milk samples that yielded negative tuberculin reactions and 56 (51.85%) isolates of Mycobacterium spp. were recovered from 108 lymph node samples from positive cases. ELISA analysis of the sera of 108 positive SICTT reactors revealed that 94 (87.03%) and 97 (89.81%) animals were positive for bovine purified protein derivative (PPD-B) antigen and commercial polypeptide antigen, respectively. IFN-γ assays were performed on whole blood samples collected from positive SICTT reactors and showed that 103 (95.37%) animals were positive. Conclusion: M. tuberculosis complex may be isolated from raw milk and not all infected animals shed mycobacterial bacilli in their milk. The use of polypeptide antigen in ELISA provides better diagnostic efficacy than PPD-B antigen. The IFN-γ assay is more sensitive than both SICTT and ELISA. It should be used in parallel with SICTT to allow the detection of more positive animals before they become a source of infection to other animals and humans.
Continual tailoring of control programmes of endemic pathogens during long-term eradication campaigns requires detailed analysis of surveillance data to inform evidence-based policy. Bovine tuberculosis is a disease where long-term control and eradication programs are in train in several countries. The primary diagnostic tool, the intradermal tuberculin test, used to identify infected animals can be interpreted using different criteria and cut-offs, facilitating flexibility in its use as a basis to inform interventions. We investigated the comparative risk of animals failing a single intradermal comparative tuberculin test (SICTT) based on their previous tuberculin test result following a higher risk test-type (reactor retest of an infected herd). The study was a retrospective cohort design, and the primary exposure was the test status following a reactor retest classified as mutually exclusive categories based on bovine and avian tuberculin reactions: standard interpretation inconclusive (Sdi), severe interpretation inconclusive (Svi), single intradermal test (SIT) reactors (SITr), SIT inconclusive (SITi), avian tuberculin reactors (Ar), and test negative animals. Random effects multivariable logistic regression was used to investigate future risk. Cross-validation and downscaling was used to explore model performance. Alternate models with differing outcome test types were also explored. The models were trained on 844,207 observations from June 2018 to June 2021. Sdi, Svi, SITr, SITi and Ar were associated with the following odds ratios 12.242 (95%CIs: 5.236-28.625; p<0.001), 4.101 (95%CIs: 3.423- 4.913; p<0.001), 2.503 (95%CIs: 1.878-3.338; p<0.001), 1.741 (95%CIs: 1.195-2.538; p=0.004) and 1.065 (95%CIs: 0.833-1.361; p=0.616) for failing the next test, respectively. High model performance was achieved with inclusion of random effects for both training and test evaluation datasets (AUC: 0.94; Balanced accuracy: 0.84), but fixed-effects only predictions exhibited moderate performance (AUC: 0.70; Balanced accuracy: 0.69). This reflects that 55% of the risk of test failure relates to between herd heterogeneity based on intra-class correlation, while controlling for fixed effects. Other factors that were associated within increasing risk included age (older cohorts were at greater risk than the youngest cohort), breakdown history of the herd (greater number of breakdowns prior to the study period), and the time between exposure test and outcome test. These results provide further evidence to inform risk-based management policies for TB, including the removal of Sdi animals in higher risk situations, supplementary testing of cattle based on tuberculin responses and the provision of risk management advice to herdowners. The results characterise the future animal-level risk posed by Svis and suggest this risk may require policy led interventions.
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The single intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin (SICCT) test and post-mortem examination are the main diagnostic tools for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle in the British Isles. Latent class modelling is often used to estimate the bTB test characteristics due to the absence of a gold standard. However, the reported sensitivity of especially the SICCT test has shown a lot of variation. We applied both the Hui–Walter latent class model under the Bayesian framework and the Bayesian model specified at the animal level, including various risk factors as predictors, to estimate the SICCT test and post-mortem test characteristics. Data were collected from all cattle slaughtered in abattoirs in Northern Ireland in 2015. Both models showed comparable posterior median estimation for the sensitivity of the SICCT test (88.61% and 90.56%, respectively) using standard interpretation and for post-mortem examination (53.65% and 53.79%, respectively). Both models showed almost identical posterior median estimates for the specificity (99.99% vs. 99.80% for SICCT test at standard interpretation and 99.66% vs. 99.86% for post-mortem examination). The animal-level model showed slightly narrower posterior 95% credible intervals. Notably, this study was carried out in slaughtered cattle which may not be representative for the general cattle population.
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Objective(s): Many national bovine tuberculosis (bTB) control programmes rely on surveillance using diagnostic tests with tuberculin PPD (Purified Protein Derivative) as the fundamental reagent. Differences in responses have been frequently reported when different PPDs are being used in both routine skin-testing and Interferon-γ assays and little is known about the actual quality of the different PPDs used. This study set out to obtain information on relative potency and specificity of a range of commercially available PPDs. This study also compared the impact of different potencies of a single bovine PPD on the field performance of the SICTT and SIT to determine if potency variation would have an impact on the efficacy of bovine TB eradication programmes. Materials and methods: Potency Assay: The potency and specificity of bovine and avian PPDs were estimated using guinea pig assays as prescribed by the European Pharmacopeia. Excepting the three specially formulated bovine PPDs below, all PPDs were from commercially available batches purchased on the market. Briefly, for the bovine PPDs guinea pigs were infected with 0.0001mg wet weight of M. bovis AN5 the strain routinely used for bovine PPD production. For avian PPDs guinea pigs were sensitized by intramuscular injection in the right hind leg, using 0.5 ml of a 2,0 mg/ml suspension of heat inactivated M. avium D4ER. Three dilutions of a reference preparation, and three dilutions of two samples were administered intradermally into sensitized albino guinea pigs (0.2 ml/dose). The various dilutions were randomly allocated to the injection sites. Since there were 9 dilutions and only 8 injection sites per guinea pig, an incomplete Latin square design was used. Each guinea pig received 8 intradermal injections and all but one of the 9 different PPD dilutions with the missing one different for each guinea pig. The diluted preparations administered to the guinea pigs had approximate final concentrations of 0.005, 0.001, and 0.0002 mg/ml of protein. Three bovine PPDs, prepared from a single pooled concentrated harvest of bovine PPD formulated based on protein content to attain varying potencies (high, normal, low), were additionally assayed in 24 naturally TB-infected cattle where each PPD was used at two dilutions namely full concentration and 20% concentration. The study design was a randomized Latin square design, with each of 24 TB-infected cattle receiving all PPDs and dilutions by injection rotated through 4 sites on each side of the neck. The results were analysed statistically using standard methods for parallel-line assays. Skin test Performance: A single avian PPD (potency in guinea pig 2347I.U./dose) and three specially formulated bovine PPDs were supplied in sterile vials of uniform size and shape and coded using the numbers (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) where (i) was the avian PPD and (ii), (iii) and (iv) the bovine PPDs with low (guinea pig 340 I.U./dose; cattle 1192 I.U./dose), high (guinea pig 6670 I.U./dose; cattle 12554 I.U./dose, and normal potency (guinea pig 2638 I.U./dose; cattle 6184 I.U./dose) respectively. Cattle of mixed age, breed and sex were gathered for commercial feeding to slaughter and based on convenience, were selected for testing in batches shortly before slaughter. In addition, 48 reactors identified under the routine Irish bTB eradication programme were retained and retested for this trial after an interval of 60-days from their previous test. In total 2,102 cattle were enrolled into the trial. Each study animal was tested using one avian tuberculin PPD and 3 bovine tuberculin PPDs to in effect have three Single Intradermal Comparative Tuberculin Tests (SICTTs) i.e. a control and two trial tests, which were administered and read concurrently on each animal. Each animal was tested using the tuberculin potency combination in routine use in Ireland (the control test). In addition, each animal was injected intradermally using 2 trial bovine tuberculin PPDs namely one of high and one of low potency. The administering veterinarians were blinded to the identity of the trial tuberculin potency when conducting the test. Each test was commenced and completed by the same individual veterinarian. Animals were assigned a trial and a control reactor-status, based on the results of the SICTT: • A standard reactor, if the bovine reaction was both positive and exceeded the avian reaction by more than 4 mm; • A standard inconclusive, if the bovine reaction was either positive or inconclusive, 1 to 4 mm greater than the avian reaction, and the criteria for a standard reactor were not met; • A severe inconclusive if the bovine reaction was either positive or inconclusive, the avian reaction exceeded the bovine reaction by 2 mm or less, and the criteria for a standard reactor or standard inconclusive were each not met; or • Negative, in all other cases. The reactor-status was also applied according to the SIT (Single Intradermal test – cervical) solely having regard to the response to bovine PPD: • A standard reactor, if the bovine reaction was 4 mm or more; • An inconclusive, if the bovine reaction was >2mm and <4mm; or • Negative, in all other cases. A logistic generalized estimating equation (GEE) model was developed, using the reactor status (either of the SICTT or the SIT) as the outcome measure, and animal as the unit of interest. The potency of the bovine PPD and the site of injection were both considered in the model as independent variables. Results: The results of the bioassays show a significant disparity in the uniformity of the potency of the avian and bovine PPDs. In the guinea pig assays performed on both the bovine PPDs and avian PPDs, a difference of more than a 100-fold was observed between the PPDs in each group. In particular, the potency of the bovine PPDs was highly variable. If applied as a 0.1ml dose of 1mg/ml the vast majority of the tuberculins assayed would not meet the required minimum dose of 2000 I.U. Even though the potency of the avian PPDs was somewhat more constant, less than 50% achieved the minimum requirement of 2,000 I.U. per dose. With either the SICTT or the SIT in cattle there were discrepancies in the classification of reactor-status based on results from using PPDs with different levels of potency. For the SICTT and the SIT results were similar with the proportion of ‘all-positive’ animals significantly different for the 3 potencies of tuberculin (p<0.001), with high potency yielding the highest proportion of positive animals and low potency the lowest proportion. When slaughtered 35 of the 48 reactor animals retained and retested were visibly tuberculous, with lesions detected in the retropharyngeal, bronchial and/or mediastinal lymph nodes. The SICTT (Cervical) reactor-status of these 35 visibly tuberculous animals varied according to the potency of the bovine tuberculin. Using low potency tuberculin there were 13 standard reactors, 15 standard inconclusive reactors, three severe inconclusive reactors and four negative animals (these four each had multiple visible TB lesions and were also negative to the SIT). Using normal potency tuberculin there were 23 standard reactors, 10 standard inconclusive reactors and two severe inconclusive reactors i.e. all 35 remained reactor. Using high potency tuberculin 32 were standard reactors, two standard inconclusive reactors and there was one severe inconclusive reactor i.e. all 35 remained reactor. Conclusions: These findings have great potential importance to the standardization and comparisons of tuberculosis control/eradication programmes between countries and for import regulations, particularly live animal bTB-free certification which are all based on the use tuberculin tests. Obviously, the variability in potency of PPDs from different sources also has implications for use in the bovine in vitro Interferon-γ assay where PPD is used for blood stimulation. Optimal results require PPD of sufficiently high potency and optimal specificity to detect most infected bovines. Manufacturers can only assess tuberculin potency in the GP assay, as is required by the European Pharmacopeia and the OIE manual. Unfortunately, confirmation of the GP assessed potency, using a cattle bioassay, the species in which the PPDs are routinely used, is rarely performed. Costs as well as the lack of availability of tuberculous cattle for testing are the major reasons for this. Acknowledging that the variability of PPD tuberculin, caused by differences in manufacturing, contributes to the variability in the observed potency between PPDs, concerns about these bioassays have been expressed previously. GP bioassay reflects potency differences in PPDs from different producers, and considerable inherent variability in immune responses within the GP model. Notwithstanding, GP bioassay inadequacies and differences that have always existed between PPDs from different producers, the intradermal skin-test, using PPDs approved using the GP bioassay, has resulted in successful bTB control and eradication in many countries. However, as to be expected given the increasing variety of different GP models currently in use, an increasing variability has been shown between different laboratories and manufacturers. The within laboratory variability can be reduced significantly by repeating the assay 5 times on each sample. However, this increases the costs of the bio-assays considerably and this approach is therefore prohibitive for most manufacturers. Furthermore, a dwindling number of independent national (as well as international) reference laboratories able to routinely and adequately perform the GP potency assay, has undoubtedly resulted in a reduced independent quality control of PPDs on the market: buyers are no longer able to assay the potency but have to accept the potency as stated by the manufacturer. Hardly surprising therefore, that limited independent GP bioassays performed in accordance with the method as required by the OIE and EU legislation on commercially available PPDs suggest a worrying disparity in quality uniformity with some commercially available PPDs showing sub-optimal potency. In this trial low potency PPD failed to detect 20% of 35 animals with visible lesions; in addition, 11% of animals with visible lesions did not show a positive bovine response (> 4mm) and would have passed the SIT based on this PPD and, if tested singly in an undetected TB infected herd, been eligible for export certification as TB free. Potency of a PPD reflects the ability of the PPD to evoke a skin test response in tuberculous cattle and thus contributes to test sensitivity and specificity, and therefore extrapolation of these operating characteristics needs to be undertaken with care when considering different PPDs, PPDs of different potency, different relative potencies between avian and bovine PPDs in the case of the SICTT or when PPDs are used in different environments. Sub-optimal potency PPD of questionable sensitivity is of no practical use for the operation of bTB control programmes nor TB-freedom certification for cattle, products and/or herds. These findings unequivocally demonstrate that PPD purchasers need independent quality checks of manufacturers potency claims. Key words: Tuberculosis; Bovine Tuberculosis; Tuberculin; PPD; Potency
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Since 1986, use of a Bovine International Standard (BIS) for bovine tuberculin has been required to ensure national and international uniformity regarding the potency designation of bovine tuberculin Purified Protein Derivative (PPDb) preparations produced by multiple manufacturers. The BIS is the unique golden standard in the guinea pig potency assay, representing 100% potency, where potencies of production batches are calculated as relative potencies in comparison with the potency of the BIS which was set at 32,500 international Unit (IU) per mg. The stock supply and lifetime of the BIS is limited.The aim of this study was to develop a model to determine the potency of a newly produced in-house Reference Standard (RS) for PPDb with great accuracy in the target species (cattle) and to prove its precision and accuracy in the guinea pig potency test. First simulations were done to estimate the required number of cattle needed. Then, 30 naturally bTB infected cattle were subjected to a tuberculin skin test using multiple injections of both the RS and the BIS. Both were applied randomly in the same volume and concentration (1 dose). The potency of the RS against the BIS was directly derived from the least square means (LSMEANS) and was estimated as 1.067 (95% CI: 1.025–1.109), equal to a potency of 34,700 ± 1,400 IU/mg. In six guinea pig potency assays the RS was used to assign potencies to production batches of PPDb. Here, precision and accuracy of the RS was determined according to the parallel-line assay. Relative potencies were estimated by exponentiation of the common slope. The corresponding 95% confidence intervals were obtained according to Fieller's theorem. In sensitized guinea pigs, the relative potency of the RS against the BIS was 1.115 (95% CI: 0.871–1.432), corresponding to an absolute potency of 36,238 IU/mg (95% CI: 28,308–46,540).In conclusion: the method used to determine the potency of the RS against the BIS in naturally bTB infected cattle, resulted in a highly accurate potency estimate of the RS. The RS can be used in the guinea pig test to assign potencies to PPDb production batches with high precision and accuracy.
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In Spain, the national bovine tuberculosis (bTB) eradication program is based on yearly skin testing of every ≥6 weeks old animal using the single or comparative tuberculin test and parallel use of the interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) assay as an ancillary diagnostic test in infected herds. There are several versions of the latter. Recently, a new commercial IDvet IFN-γ assay has been authorized for use in the program, but there is limited scientific evidence about its performance in different epidemiological settings. Therefore, two studies to evaluate the performance of the IDvet assay were conducted. In study 1, a concordance analysis between the new IDvet and the Bovigam IFN-γ assay in use in Spain for over 10 years was conducted. In study 2, results from the IDvet assay when applied in tandem with a single intradermal tuberculin (SIT) test were used to evaluate the concordance between both tests and to estimate their sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) using a Bayesian latent-class model. Field data from cattle herds located in Madrid and Castilla y Leon (Spain) were collected. For study 1, herd selection was based on a high expected prevalence of reactors to the IFN-γ assay, while herds were selected at random to estimate Se and Sp of the new IDvet assay in study 2. Agreement between the results obtained with both kits for IFN-γ assay was poor (Kappa = 0.20), and a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis indicated a low Se of the new IDvet relative to the Bovigam in a heavily bTB infected population. The Bayesian latent-class analysis estimated the Se of the IDvet assay to be 36.7% [95% probability posterior interval (PPI) 14.7–78.8%] with estimated Sp close to 100% when the cut-off recommended by the manufacturer (35) was applied. At the alternative cut-off values of 16 and 4, the estimated Se of the IDvet assay increased to 49.0% (PPI: 24.8–94.1%) and 56.0% (PPI: 30.8–96.3%), respectively, while maintaining a high specificity. The results suggest that the new IDvet assay may have lower sensitivity than the Bovigam for diagnosis of bTB in cattle herds in Spain, and that adjusting its cut-off might be considered.
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Tuberculosis (TB) is more than 3 million years old thriving in multiple species. Ancestral Mycobacterium tuberculosis gave rise to multiple strains including Mycobacterium bovis now distributed worldwide with zoonotic transmission happening in both directions between animals and humans. M. bovis in milk caused problems with a significant number of deaths in children under 5 years of age due largely to extrapulmonary TB. This risk was effectively mitigated with widespread milk pasteurization during the twentieth century, and fewer young children were lost to TB. Koch developed tuberculin in 1890 and recognizing the possibility of using tuberculin to detect infected animals the first tests were quickly developed. Bovine TB (bTB) control/eradication programmes followed in the late nineteenth century/early twentieth century. Many scientists collaborated and contributed to the development of tuberculin tests, to refining and optimizing the production and standardization of tuberculin and to determining test sensitivity and specificity using various methodologies and injection sites. The WHO, OIE, and EU have set legal standards for tuberculin production, potency assay performance, and intradermal tests for bovines. Now, those using tuberculin tests for bTB control/eradication programmes rarely, see TB as a disease. Notwithstanding the launch of the first-ever roadmap to combat zoonotic TB, many wonder if bTB is actually a problem? Is there a better way of dealing with bTB? Might alternative skin test sites make the test “better” and easier to perform? Are all tuberculins used for testing equally good? Why have alternative “better” tests not been developed? This review was prompted by these types of questions. This article attempts to succinctly summarize the data in the literature from the late nineteenth century to date to show why TB, and zoonotic TB specifically, was and still is important as a “One Health” concern, and that the necessity to reduce the burden of zoonotic TB, to save lives and secure livelihoods is far too important to await the possible future development of novel diagnostic assays for livestock before renewing efforts to eliminate it. Consequently, it is highly probable that the tuberculin skin test will remain the screening test of choice for farmed livestock for the considerable future.
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In the French Camargue region, where bovine tuberculosis had been enzootic for several years in bullfighting cattle herds, the gamma-interferon (IFN) assay was used since 2003 in parallel with the intradermal test in order to increase overall disease detection sensitivity in infected herds. This study presents the results of a field-evaluation of the assay during a 10-year period (2004–2014) of disease control and surveillance program and explores the particular pattern of IFN assay results in bullfight herds in comparison to cattle from other regions of France. The low sensitivity [59.2% (50.6; 67.3)] of IFN assay using the tuberculin stimulation could be related to the poor gamma-IFN production from bullfight cattle blood cells which is significantly lower than in animals of conventional breeds. The characteristics of the assay were progressively adapted to the epidemiological situation and the desired strategic applications. Data analysis with a receiver operating characteristic curve based on a simple S/P value algorithm allowed for the determination of a new cutoff adapted for a global screening, giving a high specificity of 99.9% results and a high accuracy of the assay. Having regularly risen to above 5% since 2005, with a peak around 10% in 2010, the annual incidence dropped to under 1% in 2014. The positive predictive value relative to the bacteriological confirmation evolved during the years, from 33% in 2009 to 12% during the last screening period, a normal trend in a context of decreasing prevalence. The estimated rate of false-positive reactions during screening campaigns was 0.67%, confirming the high specificity of the test, measured in bTB negative herds, in this epidemiological context. The proportion of false-positive reactions decreased with the age and was higher in males than in females. Although these results indicate that the IFN assay is accurate in the field, it also emphasizes great differences between interferon quantities produced by bullfight cattle blood samples compared to those of classical bovine breeds, which underlines the necessity to adapt the algorithms and combinations of the assay according to local epidemiological contexts.
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Background Bovine purified protein derivative (bPPD) and avian purified protein derivative (aPPD) are widely used for bovine tuberculosis diagnosis. However, little is known about their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, which makes their standardisation difficult. In addition, bPPD can give false-positive tuberculosis results because of sequence homology between Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) and M. avium proteins. Thus, the objective of this study was to carry out a proteomic characterisation of bPPD, aPPD and an immunopurified subcomplex from bPPD called P22 in order to identify proteins contributing to cross-reactivity among these three products in tuberculosis diagnosis. Methods Trypsin digests of bPPD, aPPD and P22 were analysed by nanoscale liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Mice were immunised with bPPD or aPPD, and their serum was tested by indirect ELISA for reactivity against these preparations as well as against P22. Results A total of 456 proteins were identified in bPPD, 1019 in aPPD and 118 in P22; 146 of these proteins were shared by bPPD and aPPD, and 43 were present in all three preparations. Candidate proteins that may cause cross-reactivity between bPPD and aPPD were identified based on protein abundance and antigenic propensity. Serum reactivity experiments indicated that P22 may provide greater specificity than bPPD with similar sensitivity for ELISA-type detection of antibodies against M. tuberculosis complex. Conclusion The subpreparation from bPPD called P22 may be an alternative to bPPD for serodiagnosis of bovine tuberculosis, since it shares fewer proteins with aPPD than bPPD does, reducing risk of cross-reactivity with anti-M. avium antibodies. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s12014-017-9171-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
A systematic review was conducted to identify studies with data for statistical meta-analyses of sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of ante-mortem and post-mortem diagnostic tests for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle. Members of a working group (WG) developed and tested search criteria and developed a standardised two-stage review process, to identify primary studies with numerator and denominator data for test performance and an agreed range of covariate data. No limits were applied to year, language, region or type of test in initial searches of electronic databases. In stage 1, titles and available abstracts were reviewed. References that complied with stage 1 selection criteria were reviewed in entirety and agreed data were extracted from references that complied with stage 2 selection criteria. At stage 1, 9,782 references were reviewed and 261 (2.6%) passed through to stage 2 where 215 English language references were each randomly allocated to two of 18 WG reviewers and 46 references in other languages were allocated to native speakers. Agreement regarding eligibility between reviewers of the same reference at stage 2 was moderate (Kappa statistic = 0.51) and a resolution procedure was conducted. Only 119 references (published 1934-2009) were identified with eligible performance estimates for one or more of 14 different diagnostic test types; despite a comprehensive search strategy and the global impact of bTB. Searches of electronic databases for diagnostic test performance data were found to be nonspecific with regard to identifying references with diagnostic test Se or Sp data. Guidelines for the content of abstracts to research papers reporting diagnostic test performance are presented. The results of meta-analyses of the sensitivity and specificity of the tests, and of an evaluation of the methodological quality of the source references, are presented in accompanying papers (Nuñez-Garcia et al., 2017; Downs et al., 2017).
We evaluated the sensitivity (Se) of the single cervical intradermal tuberculin (SIT) test, two interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) assays and three different antibody detection techniques for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) diagnosis in 131 mixed beef breed cattle. The results of the diagnostic techniques performed over the whole herd, and over the animals confirmed as infected based on the presence of lesions compatible with the disease and/or M. bovis isolation were compared to determine apparent prevalence (AP) and Se.