Conference PaperPDF Available

Modeling of Risks and Threats in the Management of Personnel Security of the Enterprise

  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Modeling of Risks and Threats in the Management
of Personnel Security of the Enterprise
Tetiana Zatonatska
Department of Economic Cybernetics
Taras Shevchenko National University
of Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine
Maksym Bilychenko
Student of the Faculty of Economics
Taras Shevchenko National University
of Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine
Olena Liubkina
Department of Finance
Taras Shevchenko National University
of Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine
Dmytro Zatonatskyi
PhD student
National Institute for Strategic Studies
Kyiv, Ukraine
AbstractThe article outlines the author's model of risks
and threats prediction as components of a comprehensive
system of personnel safety management at an enterprise based
on the application of the psychosocial approach. It is proved
that the psychological features and behavior of employees may
form the basis of such a model as the most significant factors in
the formation of a safe personnel situation at the enterprise.
The strengths and weaknesses of the Bayesian network, which
today is widespread and at the same time promising
methodical tool for modeling processes with uncertainties of
arbitrary nature, are determined. The possibility and
feasibility of adopting the Bayesian model in determining the
probability of personnel hazards arising from the employees of
the enterprise is justified. A step-by-step scenario for applying
the Bayesian network using the results of expert assessments
that have received verifiability has been presented. An
algorithm for introducing a psychosocial approach to
personnel risk assessment at an enterprise has been developed.
It is emphasized that the model developed by the authors can
be introduced into the practice of assessing the psychosocial
potential of employees, which will allow not only to identify
threats to human security, but also to set directions in
improving the motivation mechanisms as a precondition for
the enhancing of personnel security.
Keywordspersonnel security, economic security, modeling
of personnel hazards risks, models of diagnosing threats to
personnel security.
New challenges caused by the nature of the behavioral
economy with the dominant psychological peculiarities of
human perception of socio-economic realities of the present,
highlight the issues of personnel security of enterprises. In
such conditions, the growing need for introducing a number
of organizational and economic measures that would protect
the enterprise from the risks of loss of official and
professional secrets and harming caused not only due to lack
of competence and motivation of staff, but also because of
the psychological inclination to create threats of
disequilibrium in the personnel field of activity of
enterprises. The use of modern approaches and models of
diagnosis of personnel hazards risk based on the analysis of
behavior, which is caused by the psychological
characteristics of the individual and its place and perception
in society, can identify employees who are carriers of threats
to personnel security of the enterprise. Therefore, losses
caused by violations of the economic security system due to
the sources of confidential information can be prevented and
the behavior of workers can be corrected before the negative
factor becomes critical.
The problem of personnel security management with the
use of tools for psychosocial diagnostics was reflected in the
research of such scholars as [1] - [5]. Modeling of risk
indicators for personnel hazards using a psychological
approach is considered in the papers [6], [7].
For the scientific position of the above-mentioned
researchers, the assumption is made about the possibility of
predicting the behavior of the personnel, which may pose a
threat to the enterprise (due to the unauthorized transmission
of confidential data), on the basis of an analysis of their
mental and emotional state. There is a sufficient number of
scientific studies devoted to assessing the relationship
between the origin of the risks and motives of the insiders
and certain characteristics of the employee's behavior [1] -
A new conceptualization that is greatly based on case
studies of internal threats and psychological theory was
proposed in the work of Burse et al. (2014) [8]. This
structure points out several key elements in the problem
space, focusing not only on events and technical and
behavioral indicators which merit attention, but also on the
intruders (e.g. motivation for malicious threats and human
factors related to unintentional one) and on the range of
attacks. This can serve as a framework for a common
understanding of the threat, as well as for modeling past and
potential future attacks on the personnel security of an
enterprise. The results of this work highlight the importance
of the influence of the current psychological state of the
insider worker on the motivation and attitude to attack.
6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019)
Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 95
Furthermore, researchers emphasize the fact of personal
characteristics that merits attention when detecting intruders.
Among the various personality traits, it was found that
"machiavellianism", the desire to violation, and narcissism,
are most related to the problems of internal threat.
An online system of deep learning without a teacher,
which allows to reveal a threat to personnel security in
complex data flows is presented in a research paper by Tuor
et al (2012) [9]. This model is constantly being studied
online to adapt to changing conditions and to discover new
patterns in data flows. The model proposed in this work uses
deep neural networks and recurrent neural networks to study
and evaluate whether user behavior is normal. During data
processing, data are not cached endlessly, and decisions are
made as quickly as new data arrive in a neural network
model. The evaluation of this model and its productivity
exceeded some other existing methods of abnormality
detection. However, the possibility to skip abnormal patterns
that occur within one day is one of the limitations of this
One of the most common management practices used to
identify personality and a behavioral characteristic is a five-
factor questionnaire ("Big Five"), developed by American
psychologists R. McCrae and P. Costa [10]. This test is a set
of 75 pairs, opposite in its meaning, statements that
characterize human behavior. With the help of this test, it is
possible to determine precisely the type of human behavior,
namely indicators that are part of the OCEAN model
(emotional stability, extraversion, openness to experience,
cooperation and conscientiousness). Dissatisfaction in the
workplace and employee dissatisfaction in the scientific
work of Willison [2] received the argumentation of the main
causes of organizational crime according to the work.
Workman's work showed that the negative attitudes of
employees in the team are predictors of the deliberate
counterproductive and subversive behavior of the employee,
from absenteeism to various forms of revenge [11]. One of
the most common and important issues in personnel security
management associated with both internal and external risks
is the problem of data leakage or insider risk. Frank L.
Greitzer, Lars J. Kangas, Christine F. Noonan, Angela C.
Dalton, and Ryan E. Hohimer (2012) describe a model of
employee behavior evaluation based on a set of 12
behavioral indicators for identifying those employees who
have elevated insider risk (in other words, those who can
harm the organization or its employees) [6]
The Bayesian model, the nonlinear model of the neural
network with feedback (ANN) and the linear regression
model, factors in which certain psychological indicators of a
person are laid, that are conditionally available in each
company, have been tested by the above-mentioned authors.
As a result of the study, the Bayes model was chosen as the
best in terms of stability, visibility and quality of predictions.
The application of this model allows you to make forecasts
of the probability of a threat to personnel security by each
employee based on the analysis and combination of these
behavioral factors. This research also emphasizes the need to
use company data collection systems that can also record the
psychological and behavioral performance of employees, to
provide a comprehensive solution and the ability to
implement the model previously described.
Thus, the authors of this model describe the possible
architecture of the CHAMPION system, which provides a
fair and consistent approach to monitoring the psychological
characteristics and behavior of employees that benefits both
employees and employers. Among the strengths of this
model is the relative simplicity of given tasks
implementation and ease of use. In addition, the Bayesian
model is based on probabilities, so it can give predictions
even in the absence of real observational data (for example,
for new employees). Moreover, considering the
characteristics of each employee helps to assess better the
probability of a threat, so this model is more practical in
many companies. To the weaknesses can be attributed the
relative subjectivity of the assessment of behavioral factors
from other employees of the company, which cannot always
assess the presence or absence of certain characteristics from
their colleague.
Another model of psychosocial approach is presented in
the work of Sokolowski and Banks, which is based on the
methodology of agent modeling [7]. According to the canons
of this methodology, employees of the organization are
considered as agents that interact with other employees and
the organization in the environment. Each agent (employee)
can be represented by the layout of three behavioral
components: emotional, rational, and social. These three
components are united, forming the general attitude of the
agent to the situation and adopting a decision that is
considered as a binary relation. This structure has been used
to represent each employee (insider) as a person who may
adversely affect the company's security at some point, or
regular employee that poses no threat.
The aim of the article is to provide arguments for the
application of the Bayesian network in the modeling of risks
and threats as components of a comprehensive human
resources management system at the enterprise, using a
psychosocial approach.
According to the psychosocial conceptual-methodical
approach that integrates the psychological characteristics of a
person and his behavior as an employee in the internal
environment of the enterprise, the author of this article, based
on the above-mentioned five-factor model and previous
studies of the author [12], developed a model for diagnosing
threats to personnel security of the enterprise. This model is
based on the identification of specific features in the
behavior of workers, which (aspects of behavior) serve as
preconditions for the risk of personnel hazards. The scientific
hypothesis of constructing a model is that the psychological
state of employees' dissatisfaction and the manifestation of
social deviations, both in the internal environment and
beyond, becomes of paramount importance in the violation
of personnel balance and the occurrence of real threats to
human security.
To implement the proposed scientific hypothesis, an
approach based on personnel data that will be available to the
personnel department is used. The psychological indicators
used in the model are given in Table. 1
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 95
An employee shows dissatisfaction with the
current situation. Appear chronic signs of
discontent - strong negative feelings due to
the fact that the employee did not receive
promotion, results of his work was
underestimated or wages were not
An employee hardly accepts criticism; he
does not want to admit the mistakes; may
try to conceal mistakes by lie or deception.
An employee often allows anger to
accumulate inside; the worker has problems
with preserving the emotional feelings of
anger or fury. Holds strong insults.
The worker is dismissed, closed and strives
not to interact with individuals or groups,
avoiding meetings.
Disrespect to
An employee ignores rules, authority or
policies and feels above the rules.
The employee received remarks (oral
warning, written reprimand, suspension
from work) on the basis of unsatisfactory
An employee experiences a physical,
mental or emotional tension with which it
is difficult to cope with.
An employee is involved in hooliganism or
intimidation or shows aggressive behavior
An employee experiences difficulty with
delineating personal problems from work
problems that impede his work.
An employee ignores the needs or wishes
of others, primarily related to their own
interests and well-being.
An employee cannot fulfill his obligations /
The employee is characterized by chronic
unjustified absenteeism.
Source: compiled by the authors
It must be emphasized: each of these indicators has
different effects on the estimated level of risk. For example,
delineation and dissatisfaction are usually considered to be
more influential factors than unreliability, to investigate the
personnel threat and the possibility of counterproductive
behavior of one or another employee.
We emphasize that judgments based on observations will
necessarily be subjective, which may be one of the
disadvantages of this model. However, personnel
management with this model will be able to understand
better the nature and indicators of potential threats to human
security. The most important thing is this approach and this
model that provides the Human Resources and Enterprise
Security Department with a tool for prior warning of possible
public office offenses committed by employees.
To implement the approach described above, the author
of the article used the Bayesian network (BN), which is a
relatively new direction, which appeared at the interface of
probability theory and the theory of graphs. BN is graphs that
have certain characteristics. The idea of introducing BN
consists in presenting cause and effect relationships,
common to the process, in the form of a graph. The
construction of the model uses the Bayesian theorem, which
associates the a priori and a posteriori probabilities of the
causes after observing the consequences.
Psychosocial indicators and personnel hazards risk are
realized in the form of binary variable nodes in the Bayesian
model, as shown in Fig. 1. In particular, each indicator for
each employee can be encoded by a binary variable, where 1
means the presence of an appropriate characteristic in the
behavior of a particular employee, and 0 is its absence.
Fig. 1. Schematic model of the Bayesian network
Source: compiled by the authors
The development of the Bayesian network takes several
steps. Firstly, a network of connected conditionally
dependent random variables is constructed, each of which
takes value from a certain set. In the model proposed by the
author, these values are 0 and 1, depending on whether there
was an indicator in the behavior of a particular employee.
Secondly, a priori probabilities are assigned to each variable.
These probabilities reflect the frequencies with which
random variables take certain values.
The third step in the development of the Bayesian
network is to determine the impact of indicators on the risk
of personnel hazards. One way to do this is to consult with
specialists of human resources department to enter numerical
values directly into the probability table for each
combination of indicators in the Bayesian network. It is clear
that the use of estimates of small number of specialists of one
organization, acting as experts, is associated with large
number of complex judgments, which combines a different
number of factors.
Since this methodological approach is not effective, the
author uses another scenario of applying the Bayesian
network. For estimation of conditional probabilities, the
results of expert evaluations based on researches conducted
in 10 organizations were used. Thus, a statistical sample of
data was created for 24 people, where each employee was
exposed from 1 to 5 previously identified indicators.
Subsequently, 10 experts from the staff of various
organizations identified risk indicators for each individual
according to existing indicators in her behavior. Therefore,
the total set was 240 observations. Moreover, each of the
experts assessed the importance of indicators from the least
significant to the most significant for determining the
destructive and threatening behavior of this employee.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 95
The statistical properties of the created database showed
a rather high degree of coherence of opinion among experts
regarding the importance of indicators. Quite interesting was
the fact that the egocentrism index has the highest standard
deviation among the estimates of all indicators, while
absenteeism is the least standard deviation. The most
dangerous indicator of personnel security was the
dissatisfaction and disrespect for leadership as a result of
expert estimates.
Minor standard deviations in estimates have been
evidence of a sufficient, though not absolute, level of
consensus on the situation of personnel security by each
employee. In addition, the calculated Pearson correlation
coefficients and Kendall's agreement for this dataset indicate
a high level of consensus among experts.
At the same time, the lowest standard deviation is 6.77,
and the highest is 27.33, which indicates that it is difficult for
individual workers to evaluate clearly. This statistics also
confirms the subjectiveness of expert assessments.
Meanwhile, using the thoughts of 10 experts helps somehow
averaging the results of assessments, which may be one way
to reduce subjectivity.
The Bayesian network was tested by the author using a
cyclic batching procedure, leaving 24 cases from one
evaluator for testing, while 24 cases from each of the
remaining nine experts were used to evaluate network
parameters. In order to estimate it, the maximum credibility
method was used to study the probability of risk. The
modelling was carried out in the R Studio environment.
The Bayesian predictions for 240 remaining tests are
shown in fig. 2. The scattering diagram indicates a clear
vertical separation between predictions. Although expert
assessments in these cases do not show this division
explicitly, the Bayesian network allows us to derive this
model from expert forecasts. In general, the determination
coefficient R2 = 0.598 for the constructed linear regression
of the dependence of model predictions and real data of
experts' estimates testifies a sufficient level of significance.
Fig. 2. Predicted possibility of risk according to the Bayes model.
Source: compiled by the authors.
After evaluating conditional risk probabilities, the
Bayesian model can be used to predict the possibility of risk
with regard to the impact of various employees on the
personnel security of the enterprise. Yes, for the forecast, 12
test cases were used (see Table 2). As a result, a posteriori
probabilities for each employee were obtained. Afterward,
employees of the enterprise can be classified into 2 types -
those who may cause threat to personnel security and those
who cannot. The first type included those workers for whom
the risk probability was estimated at more than 0.5.
Source: compiled by the authors.
Aposterior probabilities are clearly shown in Fig. 3, have
revealed that employees under numbers 4, 11, 12 can be
sources of data leakage or other counterproductive behavior
that endangers the company. Instead, workers 1, 2, 6, who
are characterized by somewhat different indicators of
psychology and behavior, do not pose a significant threat, as
their characteristics do not form a sufficient level of risk.
Fig. 3. Graphical representation of personnel risk assessment based on
psychosocial model.
Source: compiled by the authors.
The Bayesian network, used in the development of this
model, has two considerable advantages. Firstly, regression
models and artificial neural networks usually require a
complete set of data for each indicator, while the Bayesian
network can be built on incomplete data and complemented
by a priori probabilities. Secondly, in comparison with an
artificial neural network, the Bayesian network is more
acceptable and comprehensible to end-users as it provides a
simpler explanation of the choice of parameters and
modeling of personnel hazards risks. Furthermore, the
"average" risk predictions generated by the model, represent
the consolidated experience of experts which is better than
predictions that may be provided by an individual expert due
to possible data processing constraints, individual deviations,
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 95
or different experiences. This model also allows to diagnose
employees automatically, regardless the experience and the
state of the experts.
The following algorithm can be used to implement the
above-mentioned approach to the assessment of personnel
hazards risk at an enterprise:
1. To form a complex of psychosocial indicators for
monitoring. This step should be implemented together with
representatives of the human resources department with the
involvement of psychologists.
2. Create an information system for continuous
monitoring of changes in these indicators among employees.
At this step, it is advisable to involve external psychologists
and human resources specialists who will carry out the
relevant tests as well as program engineers to create an
aggregation application and analyze the data obtained.
3. Creating a software product to convert the values of
certain indicators into the level of risk of a possible threat
and counterproductive behavior of an employee. To do this,
you can use open source algorithms and implement them on
their own or through personnel outsourcing. However, this
method takes a lot of time on implementation and the need to
attract additional resources for continuous maintenance of
the system's functional capabilities.
Another way to implement steps 2-3 is to purchase
specialized software packages that already have the above-
mentioned features combined (such as Midot and Exabeam).
4. Decision making based on the received risk data,
carrying out preventive work, as well as a more detailed
analysis of the peculiarities of the psychology and behavior
of workers who have high risk of personnel hazards.
The given algorithm has a cyclic character, because
psychosocial indicators used to identify the probability of
threats to personnel security are being affected by a number
of factors that determine their variation.
The results of the authors research suggest that a
comprehensive tool for identifying risks and threats in the
company's personnel safety management system is a
symbiosis of such key components as the objective diagnosis
of psychological qualities and employees' motivation, which
determines their behavior in the internal environment and
In the course of scientific research the following
conclusions were made:
To predict the probability of personnel hazards, it is
advisable to use the Bayesian network, which contains
indicators that characterize the psychology and behavior of
employees in the internal environment. The arguments for
the success of applying such a methodical approach in the
management of personnel security of an enterprise provide
the possibility of using incomplete data supplemented by a
priori probabilities, as well as its clearness for users
regarding the choice of parameters and modeling results
The model, developed by the authors and presented in the
article, allows carrying out psychosocial diagnostics of the
employees regardless the level of qualification and sphere of
experts competence. It can be introduced into the practice of
assessing the psychosocial potential of employees, which
will allow not only to identify threats to human security, but
also to identify directions for improving the motivation
mechanisms as a precondition for enhancing of personnel
The following steps should be taken in the formation of
an enterprise personnel security system, in particular:
creation of a complex psychological and technological
system of information protection and reduction of insider
threats risk; the transition to the world`s best samples of
encryption information; creation of a system for monitoring
employee activity based on computer network data and
weekly reports with detailed analysis; development and
implementation of a system for monitoring the psychological
state of employees of the enterprise.
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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 95
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Motivations for Employee Computer Crime: Understanding and Addressing Workplace Disgruntlement through the Application of Organisational Justice
  • R Willison
  • M Warkentin
R. Willison, and M. Warkentin, "Motivations for Employee Computer Crime: Understanding and Addressing Workplace Disgruntlement through the Application of Organisational Justice", in IFIP TC 8 International Workshop on Information Systems Security Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009, pp. 127-144.