
Duygu Yönetiminin İş-Aile-Yaşam Dengesi Üzerindeki Etkisi

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Çalışan bireyin yaşamında iki temel alan olan iş ve iş dışı yaşam arasındaki etkileşim, çalışanlar için önem arz etmektedir. İş yaşam dengesi, son yıllarda hem akademisyenlerin hem de işletme yöneticilerinin dikkatini çekmeye başlayan bir konu olmuştur. İş yaşam dengesizliği, bireylerin tutum ve davranışlarında önemli değişikliklere ve olumsuzluklara neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışanın iş yaşamı ve ev yaşamı arasında bir denge kurma arzuları kaçınılmaz hale gelmiştir. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, yazında iş yaşam dengesi diye geçen bu olguyu temel alan 17 si tez, 19 u makale olmak üzere, ulusal yazın kapsamında toplam 36 çalışmanın içerik analizi ile incelenmesidir. Bu araştırma ile son 20 yılda olduğu gibi bugünde önemini kaybetmeyen iş yaşam dengesi kavramı ile ilgili yazındaki çalışmalar incelenecek ve literatürün eksik kalan ve tamamlanması gereken yönleri vurgulanacaktır. ABSTRACT Interaction between individual's personal and work lives which are two basic fields of employees is significant for itself. Work-life balance has gained importance both academicians and business managers recently. Because work-life imbalance could result considerable changes and negations in both attitudes and behaviors of individuals. For this reason, it became inevitable for sustaining a balance between work life and private life for employees. The purpose of this study is to analyze of researches of which are 17 thesis and 19 are articles, 36 at total entreating work life balance in national literature by content analysis. By this research, studies in the literature about work life balance which is still important as last 20 years are analyzed and missing parts will be emphasized.
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Cet article est une revue critique des théories et résultats empiriques favorables à l’intelligence émotionelle (I.E.) et à son prétendu rôle dans l’environnement professionnel. On s’intéresse au statut supposé de l’I.E. dans la performance au travail, la satisfaction et l’évaluation de la carrière et des compétences (surtout dans la domaine de la sélection et de l’orientation). Globalement, cette revue de questions prouve que les recherches récentes ont fait de grands pas dans la comprehénsion de l’utilité de l’I.E. au travail. Les preuves strictement scientifiques sont cependant insuffisantes, la littérature accordant une confiance excessive aux avis d’experts, aux anecdotes, aux études de cas et aux enquêtes privées non publiées. On propose, à la fin de l’article, quelques directives pratiques pour favoriser le développement et l’utilisation de mesures de l’I.E. dans les situations professionnelles. This paper critically reviews conceptualisations and empirical evidence in support of emotional intelligence (EI) and its claimed role in the occupational environment. Consideration is given to the purported status of EI in occupational and career assessment (with particular emphasis on personnel selection and placement), job performance, and satisfaction. Overall, this review demonstrates that recent research has made important strides towards understanding the usefulness of EI in the workplace. However, the ratio of hyperbole to hard evidence is high, with over-reliance in the literature on expert opinion, anecdote, case studies, and unpublished proprietary surveys. The review concludes by providing a number of practical guidelines for the development and implementation of EI measures within occupational settings.
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This study reviewed methodological choices (sampling frames, constructs investigated and measures used) in 245 empirical work-life balance papers published in a range of discipline-based peer-reviewed journals between 1987 and 2006. Results show that work-life balance studies need to establish greater consistency between the conceptualization of constructs and the operationalization of measures. There is also scope for well-designed field experiments to establish clear causal relationships between variables. Sampling choice in previous literature is somewhat constrained and may be enhanced by targeting single and same-sex parent families, manual and lower-skilled service workers, and employees providing eldercare. Researchers should also be more transparent in providing rationales for their choices of organizations or group lists used to target respondents. The findings have significant implications for understanding, interpreting, and utilizing the contemporary work and family literature.
This article uses work-life interrelationships as a lens through which to identify communication concepts that span the traditional “division divide” between organizational and family communication and to identify potential substantive contributions to worklife research that might be made from integrative perspectives. We review extant worklife research within the communication discipline to identify themes and methodological approaches represented to date; we also identify lines of research in both organizational and family communication that have not yet been tied to work-life research but that have strong potential connections. We explore three theoretical perspectives for bridging workplace and private-life frames of reference: structuration, systems, and relational dialectics. Within each perspective, we identify integrative directions for future research. We conclude with me tadis cursive reflections on obstacles to and pathways for spanning division divides.
Emotional Intelligence is a set of qualities and competencies that captures a broad collection of individual skills and dispositions, usually referred to as soft skills or inter and intra-personal skills, that are outside the traditional areas of specific knowledge, general intelligence, and technical or professional skills. Emotions are an intrinsic part of our biological makeup, and every morning they march into the office with us and influence our behaviour. Work-Life Balance is a challenging issue for IT leaders, managers and has also attracted the attention of researchers. Work/life balance, in its broadest sense, is defined as a satisfactory level of involvement or ‘fit’ between the multiple roles in a person’s life. In this climate managing the boundary between home and work is becoming more challenging. Organizations need to ensure they not just encourage but mandate a practical and workable work/life balance policy, benefiting and meeting the needs of both the organization and its employees. Organizations not providing real opportunity for employees work/life balance are opening themselves up to increasing numbers of dissatisfied and unproductive employees and hence increased attrition rates. Merely creating a work/life policy framework is not enough; fostering an organizational culture that supports the use of available policies is also of great importance. Further there is a need for employers and employees alike to find flexible and innovative solutions that maximize productivity without damaging employees well-being, their family relationships and other aspects of life. This term paper is through light on impact of emotional intelligence on performance of employees and the next objective is to know how to become an EI organization. Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while other claim it is an inborn characteristic. To do the research thoroughly, review of literature is being taken with twenty articles. Through this study, it is concluded that emotional intelligence has greater impact on performance of employees. Secondly an emotionally intelligent organization is based on an organisational strategy to improve business performance.
Emotional management is an important source of social capital and synergy in our age for intra- organizational relationships containing dissatisfaction for individuals and restricted by complicated, routinized and formalized relations. The aim of this study, which is in a descriptive scanning model, is to define the process and characteristics of emotional management and to stress on the importance of emotional management for administrators and employees. Besides, in this work, these issues are taken up: the components and terminology of emotional management, the importance of emotional management in the aspects of organizational health and psychological violence in organizations and progressive suggestions toward administrators and employees for an effective emotional management process.
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