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Movement of water and salt accumulation in the soil as effected by emulsified and un emulsified crude oil


Abstract and Figures

A study was conducted to evaluate a proposed and modified method for the direct addition of oil derivatives to the soil surface as improvers after emulsion with irrigation water under conditions similar to the field conditions from moisturizing system, degrees of tillage and Pulverizing, its effect on the infiltration and Infiltration rate and the capillary movement of water upward, its relation to the moisture and salt distribution in the clay soil sector. The study factors were as follows: The first factor: soil pulverization index (represents the mean weight diameter (MWD) for soil blocks after plowing and Pulverizing) in two treatments, High pulverization index (P1) and low pulverization index (P2) with mean weight diameter amounted to (17.026, 10.511 mm), respectively. The second factor: the method of adding crude oil improvers (C) which included three treatments: The control treatment without adding (C0), non-emulsified crude oil treatment 0.5% w/w (C1), the emulsified crude oil treatment 0.5% w/w mixed with irrigation water by adding an industrial emulsifying agent (Anionic surfactant: Sodium Dodecyl sulphate coconut fatty acid) (C2). The third factor: primary moisturizing factor (W): represents the volume of used water in the added treatments (C0, C1, C2) to the soil in two treatments, the field capacity (W1) and the saturation ratio (W2). The results showed that the control treatment (C0) achieved the highest infiltration rate at the beginning of the measuring period for the first 10 min, which followed by the C1 treatment that decreases significantly from it, The lowest infiltration rate was shown at the C2 treatment, and with time progression to the end of the measuring period, the two treatment (C1, C2) showed an excelling in the infiltration rate compared to the C0 treatment and the highest values were found at the C2 treatment. The results showed that the highest values of sorptivity (S) and the lowest values of the transmissibility (A) that calculated from the (Philip, 1957b) equation at the control treatment (C0), the decrease in S values and increase in the A values were obtained in the crude oil treatment (C1). The highest decrease in S values and the highest increase in A values have appeared at the treatment of the emulsified crude oil (C2), an increase in S values has obtained by increasing the moisturizing level from W1 to W2, and an increase in S and A values with decreasing pulverization degree from P1 to P2. The results of the water movement upward showed that the progressing speed of the vertical moisturizing side for all treatments decrease significantly with time and away from the level of default groundwater. The control treatment (C0) showed the highest progressing speed and lowest time to reach the soil surface compared to the two treatments (C1, C2) and the lowest speed and the longest time to reach the soil surface was found in the C2 treatment. The decrease of the water movement speed upward has obtained with increasing the degree of pulverization from P2 to P2, while the differences were slightly between the primary moisturizing treatments W1 and W2. The results of the constants values (ϰ, λ) that calculated from (Philip, 1957c) equation showed that the highest values for these constants were found in the control treatment (C0), with higher differences compared to the two treatments (C1, C2) and the highest reduction was found in the C2 treatment. An increase has obtained in the λ values with the decrease in the pulverization index from P1 to P2, while the increase in the λ values was slight with an increase in the primary moisturizing level from W1 to W2. The results showed that the moisture content in soil columns because of the vertical water movement upward decreased significantly by moving vertically away from the surface of default groundwater. The control treatment (C0) was significantly excelled on the two treatments (C1, C2) in moisture content and the lowest values were found at the C2 treatment with significant differences between the treatments. The differences between the treatment have increased by increasing the vertical height upward and increasing the pulverization degree from P2 to P1. Soil salinity showed the highest values at the layer directly above the default groundwater and the values decrease with increasing the height of the soil surface. A significant decrease in salinity has obtained at the two treatments (C1, C2) compared to the control treatment (C0) and the lowest values showed a significant difference at the C2 treatment. The significant differences between these equations increased with the upward vertical distance, the highest salinity accumulation occurred at the C0 treatment in the surface layer and the lowest at the C2 treatment.
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Movement of water and salt accumulation in the soil as effected by emulsified and un emulsified
crude oil
Ali Hamdhi Dheyab
Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources. College of Agriculture, University of Basra. Iraq.
A study was conducted to evaluate a proposed and modified method for the direct addition of oil
derivatives to the soil surface as improvers after emulsion with irrigation water under conditions
similar to the field conditions from moisturizing system, degrees of tillage and Pulverizing, its effect
on the infiltration and Infiltration rate and the capillary movement of water upward, its relation to the
moisture and salt distribution in the clay soil sector. The study factors were as follows: The first factor:
soil pulverization index (represents the mean weight diameter (MWD) for soil blocks after plowing
and Pulverizing) in two treatments, High pulverization index (P1) and low pulverization index (P2)
with mean weight diameter amounted to (17.026, 10.511 mm), respectively. The second factor: the
method of adding crude oil improvers (C) which included three treatments: The control treatment
without adding (C0), non-emulsified crude oil treatment 0.5% w/w (C1), the emulsified crude oil
treatment 0.5% w/w mixed with irrigation water by adding an industrial emulsifying agent (Anionic
surfactant: Sodium Dodecyl sulphate coconut fatty acid) (C2). The third factor: primary moisturizing
factor (W): represents the volume of used water in the added treatments (C0, C1, C2) to the soil in
two treatments, the field capacity (W1) and the saturation ratio (W2). The results showed that the
control treatment (C0) achieved the highest infiltration rate at the beginning of the measuring period
for the first 10 min, which followed by the C1 treatment that decreases significantly from it, The
lowest infiltration rate was shown at the C2 treatment, and with time progression to the end of the
measuring period, the two treatment (C1, C2) showed an excelling in the infiltration rate compared to
the C0 treatment and the highest values were found at the C2 treatment. The results showed that
the highest values of sorptivity (S) and the lowest values of the transmissibility (A) that calculated
from the (Philip, 1957b) equation at the control treatment (C0), the decrease in S values and increase
in the A values were obtained in the crude oil treatment (C1). The highest decrease in S values and the
highest increase in A values have appeared at the treatment of the emulsified crude oil (C2), an
increase in S values has obtained by increasing the moisturizing level from W1 to W2, and an increase
in S and A values with decreasing pulverization degree from P1 to P2. The results of the water
movement upward showed that the progressing speed of the vertical moisturizing side for all
treatments decrease significantly with time and away from the level of default groundwater. The
control treatment (C0) showed the highest progressing speed and lowest time to reach the soil
surface compared to the two treatments (C1, C2) and the lowest speed and the longest time to reach
the soil surface was found in the C2 treatment. The decrease of the water movement speed upward
has obtained with increasing the degree of pulverization from P2 to P2, while the differences were
slightly between the primary moisturizing treatments W1 and W2. The results of the constants values
(ϰ, λ) that calculated from (Philip, 1957c) equation showed that the highest values for these constants
were found in the control treatment (C0), with higher differences compared to the two treatments
(C1, C2) and the highest reduction was found in the C2 treatment. An increase has obtained in the λ
values with the decrease in the pulverization index from P1 to P2, while the increase in the λ values
was slight with an increase in the primary moisturizing level from W1 to W2. The results showed that
the moisture content in soil columns because of the vertical water movement upward decreased
significantly by moving vertically away from the surface of default groundwater. The control
treatment (C0) was significantly excelled on the two treatments (C1, C2) in moisture content and the
lowest values were found at the C2 treatment with significant differences between the treatments.
The differences between the treatment have increased by increasing the vertical height upward and
increasing the pulverization degree from P2 to P1. Soil salinity showed the highest values at the layer
directly above the default groundwater and the values decrease with increasing the height of the soil
surface. A significant decrease in salinity has obtained at the two treatments (C1, C2) compared to the
control treatment (C0) and the lowest values showed a significant difference at the C2 treatment. The
significant differences between these equations increased with the upward vertical distance, the
highest salinity accumulation occurred at the C0 treatment in the surface layer and the lowest at the
C2 treatment.
Keyword: infiltration, crude oil, emulsified, salt accumulation.
Soil improvers have been used from various sources, mainly Petroleum Derivatives, to improve
physical and water properties such as water Infiltration, reduce surface evaporation and increase
water retention capacity. where these materials cover the surfaces of soil particles and aggregations
in whole or in part with hydrophobic complexes that increase the contact angle between water and
these surfaces, which affects the forces causing the capillary water movement that effects on the
water traits such as Water Infiltration and the electrical conductivity (Hartmann et al., 1983; Al-
Hadithi, 1995). Al-Khafaji et al., (1985) and Hur and Keren, (1997) found that adding Petroleum
Derivatives makes Soil aggregates more stable against water action, which helped to keep the water
flow sections open during the flow, which increases the infiltration rate, base infiltration, cumulative
infiltration, and the saturated hydraulic conductivity. Al-Obeid, (1997) found that adding Fuel oil at a
concentration of 1% by spraying on the surface of clay loam soil or to a depth of 5 cm led to increasing
the infiltration and infiltration rate with a ratio of 76%, compared to the control treatment. Gabriels
et al., (1975), Shuhab, (1977) and Toogood, (1977) found that the mixing of fuel oil with the soil led to
a slow water movement due to reducing the soil wettability because of the presence of hydrophobic
substances. The increase of the adding level caused a limiting in the entry of water, the water
movement and reducing the infiltration rate because of large distances in the soil filled with oil
materials. On the other hand, the addition of Petroleum Derivatives led to the reduction of capillary
water height due to the formation of hydrophobic surfaces on the soil particles and Aggregates, which
reduces its moisturizing speed (Al-Dubaki, 1983). Al-Doori, (2002) found a decrease in the height of
capillary water with a percentage of (73.64%) when adding fuel oil with a ratio of (1, 2, 4%) compared
to the control treatment. The addition of Bitumen with the ratio of (0.5%) led to reducing the height
of capillary water with a percentage of (70%) during the measuring period (Al-Hadi, 2014). Petroleum
Derivatives containing compounds with high molecular weights such as crude oil, fuel oil, and
bitumen are characterized by high viscosity, very slow permeability and very high soil absorption
(Ivshina et al., 1998). On the other hand, many studies have indicated to the negative effects for the
oil derivatives when adding or accumulating them at high concentrations in the soil surface or in
microsites in reducing the number of microorganisms, enzyme activity, and plant growth (Talyer,
1976; Voets et al.,1977; Al-Ansari et al., 1998). Abdul-kareem, (2002) suggested that the level of
permitted hydrocarbon compounds and does not cause damage to organisms and plants should not
exceed (0.5% w/w). In order to reduce the harmful effects for the oil derivatives, In the previous
studies, different methods have been used, including spraying the outer surfaces of the soil blocks
with a fine spraying without soaking them (Hillel, 1980) or using the method of mixing these materials
with soil after mixing them with water (Nedawi, 1998; Abdul-kareem, 2002; Al-Hadi and Al-Atab,
2005) or using a dilute mixture by using organic solvents (Al-Maleky, 2005; Al-Saraji, 2006). However,
the applications of these methods are still limited in small areas. Oil derivatives are characterized by
its a liquids has no ability to form a stable and homogenous mixture with water that can be directly
added to the surface of the soil to achieve the highest homogeneity in the distribution of improver in
the soil sector, which can improve the physical and water properties and reducing the adverse effects
of oil derivatives on soil microorganisms and plant. Duck, (1966) explained that water and oil are
immiscible liquids and that a stable and homogeneous emulsion is formed due to the raise the surface
tension of the water and the presence of capillary pressure for the water that generates tension
between the oil droplets to form larger droplets after fusion or coagulation, and the emulsion
becomes non-homogeneous. Martin, (1981) noted that water and oil can be mixed and have a stable
emulsion by adding emulsifying agents, reducing the surface tension between the two liquid. The
composition of its molecules consisting of hydrophobic groups and hydrophilic groups dissolves
hydrophobic groups in the surface of oil droplet and the hydrophilic groups moves out toward the
water phase to dissolve in it. An interfacial film is formed between the two liquids and the strength of
this film prevents oil droplets from the coalescence process together due to repulsion between
droplets due to the similarity in the charge depending on the type of emulsifying surfactants was
anionic or cationic or amphoteric. The stability and homogeneity of the oil/water (o / w) emulsion is
increased by the reduction of the volume of the oil droplets by about 2 m, This depends on the
appropriate concentration for the emulsifying agent to prevent the coagulation of the oil droplets and
to maintain the highest homogeneity for the emulsion (Hermann et al., 2001). In the present study,
the efficiency of adding oil After its emulsification with water will be evaluated as a proposed method
for the direct addition of the soil surface under two levels of pulverization degree for soil and Primary
moisturizing in (I) the water movement of from the top to the down (ii) the water movement from the
bottom to the top in the soil sector and its impact on the distribution of moisture content and salinity
distribution and their accumulation in the soil sector.
This study was conducted in the field of the College of Agriculture, University of Basra, on the Garmat
Ali location on newly reclaimed sedimentary clay soil (Clayey, mixed calcareous hyperthermic typic
torrifluverts class) (Al-Atab, 2008). A sample was taken from field soil to a depth of (0-30 cm) for
conducting the physical and chemical analysis as shown in Table (1).
Table 1: Some physical and chemical traits of soil for a depth of (0- 30 cm).
The value
Soil properties
Bulk density (mg.m-3)
Particle density (mg.m-3)
Porosity (%)
MWD (mm)
Sand (
Clay (
Silt (
Texture class
Field capacity (
Saturation percent (
Organic matter (
Total carbonate (
Ece (dS.m-1)
mole L-1
Soluble ions
Ecw (dS.m-1)
Irrigation water
Ecw (dS.m-1)
Derange water
Using the analysis methods described in (Black et al., 1965; Page et al., 1982),The study included three
factors in factorial experiment with three replicates: The first factor: soil pulverization index (P),which
included two treatments, high Soil Pulverization Index (P1) treatment, which was reached by
conducting two perpendicular plowings using the Moldboard Plow and then smoothed once using
disc harrows, low soil Pulverization Index (P2) treatment which conducted by doing two perpendicular
plowings and twice smoothing process. The Pulverizing index amounted as a mean weight diameter
for the soil block (17.062, 10.511 mm), respectively for the two treatments (P1, P2) according to the
method mentioned by (Hillel, 1980), using sieves with different diameters through which the soil is
passed, the weights of the assembled models above each sieve are calculated as shown in Table (2).
The second factor: the method of adding crude oil improvers (C) which included three treatments:
The control treatment without adding (C0), non-emulsified crude oil treatment 0.5% w/w (C1), the
emulsified crude oil treatment 0.5% w/w mixed with irrigation water by adding an industrial
emulsifying agent (Anionic surfactant: Sodium Dodecyl sulphate coconut fatty acid) (C2), with the
concentration of the emulsifying agent in the mixture amounted to (7 µmole) according to (Hermann
et al., 2001), the characteristics of the used crude oil are shown in Table (3). The third factor: Initial
moisturizing factor (W): in two treatments, the field capacity (W1) and the saturation ratio (W2) t hat
represents the volume of water directly added to the control treatment (C0) or the prepared mixture
in the C2 treatment and the emulsion in the C3 treatment that calculated from the results of Table
(1), the moisture content at field capacity (PW = 0.33) and saturation ratio (PW = 0.50), and the water
added only in the C0 treatment. In the two treatments (C1, C2), an electrical mixer was used to
distribute crude oil into small droplets before adding it to the soil surface. In the treatment of C2, The
mixing was conducted in two stages, the first one before and after adding the emulsifying agent to
obtain a homogeneous and stable emulsion of oil-in-water (o / w) emulsion, where Crude oil droplets
are scattered in the continuous water phase.
Table 2: Rating method of MWD soil clods as indexes for soil pulverization factor.
Mi: the average of
sieves range (mm)
Xi: the average of percentage
120 -90
(120+90)/2 =105
90 -70
70 50
50 -30
30 10
10 -2
˂ 2
17.02 mm
10.51 mm
*p1 high pulverization index treatment
** p2 low pulverization index treatment
Table 3: Some characteristics of crude oil from southern Rumiala field/Basra Iraq.
The characteristics
The value
Specific weight at 21.1C0
Water content (v/v %)
Sulphric content (w/w %)
Carbon content (w/w %)
Wax content (w/w %)
The pouring point (C0)
Viscosity (cSt)
At 21.1 C0
At 37.8 C0
Initial boiling point (C0)
Total distillation ratio (v/v %)
The first experiment included estimating the water movement from the bottom to top by the capillary
action and it conducted in experimental units represented by soil columns placed in the transparent
plastic cylinders, open from both sides with a diameter of 15 cm and length of 60 cm. After placing a
glass wool barrier at the lower end to prevent soil erosion, The soil was gradually added to the
cylinders with the strike on the sides of the cylinder to reach a soil column with a 50 cm long and
density of (1.20 mg.m-3). An 18 soil columns were filled from the surface layer for the field soil with
high pulverization index (P1) and 18 other soil columns from field soil with low pulverization index
(P2). The improved oil treatments (C0, C1, C2) were then applied using water volumes according to
the treatments (W1, W2). All columns were then air-dried to complete the Coalescence process,
namely the loss of water surrounding the crude oil droplets to form a continuous membrane of crude
oil on the surface of soil clusters and particles (Martin, 1981). All the columns were then placed in the
groundwater basin with the electrical conductivity (ECw = 10 dS.m-1) to a depth of 10 cm. The water
movement from bottom to top was measured by the capillary action (cm) during different time
periods Until the arrival of water to the Surface of soil columns at a height of 40 cm from the level of
the default groundwater. The equation of (Philip, 1957c) was used to describe the vertical water
movement upward as following:
Z = λ 1/2 - 
Z: cumulative vertical height upward (cm)
t: cumulative time (min.)
λ: capillary conductivity constant (cm min1/2)، ϰ
For the purpose of estimating the moisture distribution due to the movement of water from the
bottom to up and the movement of salts and accumulating it in the soil columns, all soil columns kept
for an equal period until the arrival of the moisturizing pattern to the soil surface for all soil columns
after 9284 min from the beginning of the measuring period. The soil columns were then cut into 4
sections starting from the surface of the default groundwater of (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm), in
which the moisture content (Pw) and soil salinity were estimated by measuring the electrical
conductivity in the saturated soil paste extract (ECe). The Mean Weight Diameter (MWD) was
estimated by wet sieving method and bulk density by pycnometer (Back et al., 1965). The second
experiment included estimating the accumulative infiltration and the infiltration rate in a field
experiment, in which the same factors and treatments were used as in the previous experiment of
estimating the water movement upward. The field in the study area was divided into two parts, the
first with a high Pulverizing index (P1) and the second with a low Pulverizing index (P2), each divided
into plots with an area of (2 × 2 m2), The treatments of the method of adding crude oil factor were
applied to them, depending on the amount of water used in the W1 treatment (field capacity) and the
W2 treatment (degree of saturation). The soil was then air-dried to complete the coalescence
process, the accumulative infiltration and the infiltration rate were then estimated with time by using
the method of infiltration device with double range according to the method described by (Boersma,
1965). The relationship between the accumulative infiltration water and time was expressed
according to the equation of (Philip, 1957b).
I = St1/2 + At
I: Cumulative infiltration (cm)
S: Sorptivity constant (cm min½)
A: transmissibility constant (cm min½)
t: times (min.)
The infiltration rate was estimated through calculating the details for the infiltration equation; and
after drying the soil of the treatments in air, the MWD of the soil aggregates and soil bulk density
were estimated by the methods described in (Black et al., 1965).
Vertical water movement downward
Figure (1) shows that the effect of the experimental treatments on accumulative infiltration values
(cm), with a different time period. where it is clear there are differences in the calculated
accumulative infiltration values during the measuring period which amounted to (240 min). The
treatments (C1, C2) showed an excelling compared to the control treatment (Co), The highest values
found in the treatment of emulsified crude oil (C2), which their values ranged between (40.30-34.75
cm), with an average amounted to (37.15 cm ), followed by crude oil treatment (C1) with range
(33.89-28.86 cm), with an average of (29.69 cm), While the control treatment recorded a range of
(26.51-23.30 cm), with an average of (24.82 cm), the effect of crude oil in increasing the infiltration is
due to the formation of hydrophobic surfaces around soil aggregates, which increases the stability of
aggregates and conserving them from deteriorating by the effect of rapid water immersion, which
maintains the regularity of large and medium pore channels (Al-Doori, 2002; Shabib, 2016). The high
superiority of the accumulative infiltration in the treatment of emulsified crude oil (C2) is due to the
emulsifying properties from small oil droplets less than (2 m) which have the ability to penetrate and
spread in the pores of the soil and their voids in different diameters and depths compared to non-
emulsified crude oil in the soil sector, which improved soil structure, reduced bulk density, and
increased the stability of soil aggregates (Dheyab, 2017), making porous channels in all their
diameters more stable and regular in the C2 treatment compared to the C1 treatment. The decrease
in the accumulative infiltration in the control treatment (C0) is due to the poor soil structure, which
led to the destruction of the soil aggregates and increasing bulk density as a result of the movement
of the fine particle inside the pores, which led to reduce its diameters that transmitting water (Meek
et al., 1992). The results showed that the values of the accumulative infiltration values in the
treatment of high Pulverizing degree (P1) ranged between (35.04 to 23.33), with an average of (29.43
cm). The values at the treatment of low pulverization index (P2) increased between (40.30-25.26 cm),
with an average of (32.55 cm). which it is due to the presence of large soil block in the P1 treatment is
more breakable to particle and small blocks at rapid immersion (Kuht and Reintam, 2004; Games et
al., 2004), which leads to blockages in some porous channels. The primary moisturizing treatment for
the limits of field capacity W1 showed an accumulative infiltration ranged between (40 - 30.16), with
an average of (31.77 cm). The increase of The primary moisturizing level to the limits of saturation
degree (W2) led to a reduction of accumulative infiltration ranged between (35.26-23.33), with an
average of 30.25 cm. This decrease is due to the increase in the water level to the saturation limits,
which led to the rapid progress of the moisturizing pattern in the soil columns, which increased the
percentage of soil aggregates that are destroyed by rapid immersion. Figure (1) shows that the
differences in the accumulative infiltration values for the improvers differentiated with change the
Pulverizing degree, where the differences between the treatments (C1, C2) compared to the control
treatment (C0) at the P1 treatment which amounted to (6.24, 11.13 cm), respectively. This is due to
that the droplets of emulsified crude oil (C2) have the ability to spread and penetrating more
homogenous in soil depths and its pores at the Pulverizing treatment (P2), making their pores more
regularly and stability compared to the high Pulverizing treatment (P1). The interaction between the
degree of Pulverizing and the primary moisturizing level (W) has affected on the accumulative
infiltration values. The differences between the accumulative infiltration values of the treatments
(W1, W2) at the treatment of high Pulverizing degree (P1) which gave 0.99 cm and increases at the
P2 treatment which gave 2.99 cm. This is due to soil aggregates and porous channels that are stable at
low Pulverizing degree using the moisturizing level (P2) for the limits of field capacity W1. The triple-
interaction treatment between the three experimental factors (the Pulverizing index factor, the
method adding of oil improvers factor, and the level of primary moisturizing factor) showed that the
accumulative infiltration values for factorial treatment between these factors recorded the following
values: The P2W1C2 at average 40.00 cm <P2W2C2 at average of 38.52 cm <P1W1C2 at average
35.05 cm <P1W2C2 at average 43.75 cm <P2W1C1 at average 33.89 cm <P2W2C1 at average 30.83
cm <P1W1C1 at average 30.71 cm <P1W2C1 at average 28.86 cm P2W1C0 at average 26.51 cm
P2W2C0 at average 25.26 cm <P1W1C0 at average of 24.16 cm <P1W2C0 at average 23.33 cm.Figure
(1) shows the relationship between the infiltration rate and the calculated time from the differential
equation of (Philip, 1957b) for the interaction treatment between the factors of experiment (the
degree of soil Pulverizing (P), the method of adding oil improvers (C), and the primary moisturizing
factor (W). There is an increase in the infiltration rate at the beginning of the measuring period and
for all equations due to the matric potential and the gravity of earth which are dominant at the
beginning of the measurement. The values gradually decrease with time accessing to the nearest
value for constant where the soil is almost saturated, The structural hydraulic force decreases when
the hydraulic pressure difference is equal in all points and the gravity forces dominate on the
infiltration process, This stage is called the base Infiltration (Hassan, 2007; Hassan, 2018). The results
showed that there were significant differences in the infiltration rate between oil improvers
treatment. At the beginning of the first 20-minute measuring period, the control treatment (C0)
showed the highest values compared to the treatment (C1, C2). The C2 treatment recorded the
highest values, This is due to the effect of hydrophobic petroleum materials as a result of the
formation of a hydrophobic surface on the surfaces of soil particles and aggregates that increase the
contact angle between the water and these surfaces, thus reducing the soil's water absorption and a
decrease in the total quantity at the beginning of the measurement (Gabriels, 1974; Shabib, 2016).
The effect of hydrophobic petroleum material, Its effect has increased further in reducing the
infiltration rate in the treatment of emulsified crude oil (C2) due to the properties of crude oil
emulsion in the Spread and penetrating for the largest depths and in the different pores and Cavities
of soil , which increased the hydrophobic surfaces compared to the C1 treatment (Dheyab, 2017).
Figure 1: Effect of the experimental treatments on Cumulative infiltration and infiltration rate.
The oil improvers treatment showed a change in the infiltration rate after 20 min from the beginning
of the measuring period., where the infiltration rate in the control treatment (C0) decreased. A
significant excelling was obtained in the treatments (C1, C2) compared to the control treatment (Co).
The highest values were recorded in the treatment of emulsified crude oil (C2) at the end of the
measuring period (240 min). Base-infiltration values in the C0 treatment ranged between (0.059-
0.052), with an average (0.055 cm.min-1), in the C1 treatment amounted to (0.107-0.082), with an
average of (0.098), and in the C2 treatment (0.148-0.127), with an average of (0.137 cm.min-1). The
decrease in the Base-infiltration of the C0 treatment is due to a decrease in the stability of the soil
aggregates and the increase in the bulk density of the soil due to the deteriorate of these aggregate
during the progress of the moisturizing pattern and rapid immersion and converting it into fine
particles that reducing the diameter and regularity of pore channels in the soil sector (Dikinya et al.,
2006). The increase in the accumulative infiltration rate in the treatments (C1, C2) is due to the effect
of adding oil materials in the covering the oil materials compounds to soil aggregates and pores
channels, which made it more stable against the deteriorate during the progress of the moisturizing
pattern and rapid immersion, This effect is more effective when using the treatment of emulsified
crude oil (C2) compared to the crude oil treatment (C1) in the spread and penetrating for the depths
and the larger area from the soil aggregates and pores channels, which maintained the regularity of
the water flow in the soil sector (Hassan, 2016). Figure (2) shows that there is a highly significant
positive correlation r = 0.85 ** between the base-infiltration and MWD for soil treatments, there is a
significant high negative correlation between the base-infiltration and soil bulk density (Pb) (r = - 0.97
**) as shown in Figure (3). These results confirm the effect of soil aggregates, their stability and soil
bulk density in the infiltration values for the study treatments. The results of Figure (1) show that the
Pulverizing degree treatment (P2) showed an increase in the infiltration rate compared to the high
Pulverizing treatment (P1) in the early measuring period or the advanced measuring periods. The
base-infiltration values at the end of the measurement (240 min) ranged between (0.148-0.059), with
an average of (0.148 cm.min-1) for the P2 treatment and between (0.127-0.051), with an average of
(0.091 cm.min-1) for the P1 treatment. This is due to the dominance of small soil blocks in the P2
treatment with higher surface capacity, more water absorption, and more stability against the
deteriorate compared to large soil blocks. Kuht and Rantam, (2004) and Games et al., (2004) indicated
that the large soil blocks are more Capability to deteriorate and crash into small blocks and particles
when immersion rapid. The results of Figure (1) showed that the primary moisturizing treatment (W1)
an increase in the infiltration rate in the early or late time period, compared to the moisturizing
treatment (W2). The base-infiltration values have at the time 240 minutes ranged between (0.148-
0.053), with an average of (0.092 cm.min-1) for the W2 treatment and between (0.144-0.051), with an
average of (0.092 cm.min-1). This is due to the effect of increasing the level of primary moisturizing
level in the progress speed of the moisturizing pattern and immersion, and their effect on the
destruction of soil aggregates and soil blocks. When comparing the base-infiltration values for the
factorial treatments of interaction between the study factors, which took the following order: P2W1C3
(0.148 cm min-1) P2W2C2 (0.144) P1W1C2(0.127) P1W2C2 (0.126) P2W1C2 (0.110) P1W1C1
(0.106) P2W2C1 (0.091) P1W2C1 (0.082) P2W1C0 (0.059) P1W2C0 (0.056) P1W1C0 (0.053)
P1W2C0 (0.051).
Figure 2: correlation between basic infiltration and MWD for the studying treatments.
Figure3: correlation between basic infiltration and bulk density for the studying treatments.
Table (4) shows the values of the constants for ( Philip 1957b) equation, Which expresses on soil
Sorptivity and which depends on the matric potential for the soil, and (A) constants, which expresses
on the Transmissibility, which was calculated from the equations of the field data (experimental) with
(Philip,1957b) equation: I = St1/2 + At. The values of the S constant were high in the control treatment
C0, which ranged from 1.540 to 1.460, with an average of (1.493 cm.min1/2). This is due to the high
matric potential of clay soil, which increases the speed of its moisturizing and absorption of water,
especially in the early periods of the measuring time. The values of the S constant in the treatment of
crude oil (C1) decreased which ranged between (1.000-0.640), with an average of (0.890 cm.min½),
This is due to the effects of hydrophobic surfaces because of its covering with oil materials, which
affected the contact angle between these surfaces and water, thus reducing their absorption of water
(Toogood, 1977; Al-Doori, 2002; Shabib, 2016). The treatment of emulsified Crude oil (C2) recorded
the highest decrease in the values of the S constant, compared to the treatments (C0, C1), which their
values ranged between (0.570-0.450), with an average of (0.520 c cm min½). This is due to the ability
of the emulsified crude oil to spreading and penetrating in high homogeneity in the soil depths and
for all particles, soil aggregates, and pores, which Increased the percentage of hydrophobic surfaces
(Dheyab, 2017). The results show that the low Pulverizing treatment (P2) was an increase in the
values of constant (S), compared to the P1 treatment, where their values ranged between (1.530-
0.450), with an average of (0.945 cm min½), and between (1.480-0.520), with an average of (0.940 cm
min½), which is due to the increase in total surface area in the P2 treatment compared to the P1
treatment because of the difference in the Pulverizing degree. The primary moisturizing treatment
W2 showed an increase in the values of constant S, compared to the W1 treatment and the average
values for it amounted to (0.990, 0.945 cm min½), respectively. This may be due to the effect of
increasing the primary moisturizing level in the W2 treatment to saturation limits in increasing the
breakdown of soil blocks and aggregates to particles and small aggregates, which increased the
surface area of the effective water absorption.
Table 4: constant of Philip’s equation 1957b 
Figure (4) shows that there is a significant negative correlation between the MWD values for the soil
aggregates of the study treatment with the values of the S constant (r = - 0.95 **). These results
confirm that the values of the S constant increased in the treatments that leading to the reduction of
MWD for the soil aggregates. The P2 treatment showed an increase in the values of A constant
compared to the P1 treatment, where their values ranged between (0.013-0.008), with an average of
(0.690 cm.min½), and between (0.011-0.004), with an average of (0.061cm min½), respectively. This is
due to the increase in the percentage of large soil block in the P1 treatment, Which are more prone
to collapse and crash into fine particles and blocks fill pore channels and reduce the area sections of
transmitting water (Kuht and Reintam, 2004; Games et al., 2004). The primary moisturizing W2
treatment showed a little increase in the values of the S constant compared to the W1 treatment and
the values of their average amounted to (0.990, 0.945 cm.min½), respectively. This may be due to the
effect of increasing the moisturizing level in the W2 treatment for the saturation limits in increasing
the breaking soil blocks and aggregates into small particles, which increased the surface area of the
effective soil particles for water absorption. The two treatments (W1, W2) did not show differences in
the values of the A constant, where both recorded an average amounted to (0.060 cm min½).
Figure 4: correlation between S constant and MWD for the studying treatments.
The results of Table (4) shows that the lowest values of the A constant were found in the control
treatment (C0) with a range between (0.010-0.004), with an average of (0.007 cm min½). The A values
in the C1 treatment increased, where their values ranged between (0.086-0.050), with an average of
(0.069 cm.min½). The highest values for the A constant obtained at the C2 treatment ranged from
0.130 to 0.110, with an average of (0.120 cm.min½), This is due to that the transmissibility constant is
dependent on saturated hydraulic conductivity, which is affected by the stability of the soil aggregates
and total pores, which was improved by the addition of the petroleum improvers, which increases the
total area of the pore channels sector that transmitting water. The positive effect increased when
adding the emulsified crude oil (C2) for the high penetrating and spreading in the depth of soil and
pores, which increased the stability of soil aggregates, pore channels and the regularity of their
diameters. Figure (5) illustrates the relationship between the values of the A constant and the MWD
values for the estimated soil aggregates is that there is a highly significant positive correlation r = 0.87
** between the values of the A constant and the values of the mean weight diameter. From the
results of Figure (6), there is a significant negative correlation between the values of the A constant
and the values of bulk density for the estimated study treatments r = - 0.97 **.
Figure 5: correlation between A constant and MWD for the studying treatments.
Figure 6: correlation between A constant and bulk density for the studying treatments.
Vertical water movement upward
Figure (7) shows the relationship between the progressing distance of the moisturizing pattern
upward by the effect of the capillary ascent for the water to the soil surface over time for the study
treatments, Which was placed according to (Philip, 1975c) equation, with a non-linear relationship,
where the results showed that the speed of progress for the moisturizing pattern upward differs
according to the measuring time and depth of the moisturizing pattern. All the treatment showed a
state of convergence in the height and the average of the progressing speed for the moisturizing
pattern within the height of (0-10 mm) directly above the surface of the default groundwater and
during the first 10 min of the measuring period, This is due to the near the source of supplying water
to this section and its moisture content is high, reach to the wetting degree and close to the field
capacity. Most soil pores are filled with water, and the water covers around the particles are thick,
increasing the speed of filling the soil pores, which increases the values of unsaturated hydraulic
conductivity upward (Miyazaki et al., 1984; Nedawi, 2008; Al-Hadi, 2014). After the early period (10
min) and after the moisturizing pattern exceeded the vertical distance of (10 cm), A decrease
occurred in the average of the progressing speed for the moisturizing pattern upward for all
treatments with increasing time and The decline continued until the access of the moisturizing
pattern to the soil surface at a height of 40 cm. The treatments of the experiment varied in the
average of progressing speed upward and in the time required to reach the soil surface, The control
treatment (C0) showed the highest progressing speed upward and the lowest time of access to soil
surface between (4896-2016), with an average of (2988 min). While a decrease in the progressing
speed upwards in the C1 treatment and an increase in the accessing time of the moisturizing pattern
to the soil surface ranged between (8064-4896), with an average of (6912 min), This is due to that oil
material reduce the speed of moisturizing of the soil aggregates, which reduces capillary height in the
soil (Hillel, 1980). Al-Doori (2002), Unger, (2001) and Rao et al., (1998) indicated that the soil is high
wettability, and the addition of oil materials transforms the surfaces of soil particles, their aggregates,
and pores to hydrophobic, which increases the contact angle with the water, Thus reducing the
capillary water movement upward. The C2 treatment of emulsified oil showed a decrease in the
progressing speed of the moisturizing pattern compared to the treatments (C0, C1) with a significant
increase in the time required to reach the soil surface ranged between (9284-8064), with an average
of (8729 min), This is due to the properties of emulsified crude oil made of oil droplets (less than 2
m) to penetrate and spread to high depth into the soil, which increases the total area of soil
aggregates, their particles, and hydrophobic pores compared to the C1 treatment (Dheyab, 2017;
Shabib, 2016). Figure (7) shows that the treatment of high Pulverizing index (P1) showed a decrease in
the progressing speed of the moisturizing pattern and the increase in the time required to reach the
soil surface ranged between (8784-2160), with an average of (5616 min) compared to the treatment
of the low Pulverizing index (P2) and time period ranging between (9284-2448), With an average of
(6470 min), This difference in the Pulverizing degree between these two treatments to the
dominance of large soil blocks in the P1 treatment, which reduces the capillary water movement
upward because the water traveled a long distance in the case of large soil blocks and aggregates
(Hamid, 1966). The results in Figure (8) showing the relationship between the average of progressing
speed for the calculated moisturizing pattern upward as shown in Figure (7). There is a highly
significant negative correlation between the progressing speed of the moisturizing pattern upward
and MWD for the study treatments r = - 88**. The results in Figure (7) show that the treatment of
primary moisturizing (W1) showed an increase in the progressing speed of the moisturizing pattern
and the time required to reach the soil surface ranged between (8784-2160), with an average of
(6024 min) compared to the treatment of moisturizing degree to the degree of saturation (W2), which
the progressing speed upward decreased with a time ranged between (9284-2448), with an average
of (6395 min), This is due to increasing the level of moisturizing from field capac ity (W1) to saturation
degree (W2) has increased the progressing speed of the moisturizing pattern and rapid immersion in
breaking soil aggregates into smaller aggregates (Dheyab, 2017). This effect has increased the
homogeneity of the soil pores formed the porous channels for the capillary rising, which increased the
speed of vertical water movement upward (Al-Hadi, 2014; Kheorenrumine et al., 1998).
Figure 7: the relationship between water movement upward with the time for study treatment.
Figure 8: Correlation between the rate of capillary rise with the MWD for the studying treatments.
The results in Table (5) show the value of the experimental constants for (Philip, 1957c) equation,
where it is clear that the values of the λ constant that express on the unsaturated hydraulic
conductivity showed the highest values at the control treatment (C0) ranged between (1.36-1.32),
with an average of (1.34 cm.min½). This constant reduces in the treatment of crude oil (C1) between
(1.07 - 0.96), with an average of (1.03 cm.min½), This constant reduces in the treatment of emulsified
crude oil (C2) between (0.87-0.80), with an average of (0.84 cm.min½). The treatment of low
Pulverizing index (P2) showed an increase in the λ values compared to the P1 treatment, where their
values ranged between (1.36 -0.84), with an average of (1.09 cm.min½), between (1.34-0.80), with an
average of (0.854 cm.min½), respectively. While the primary moisturizing treatment W1 showed an
increase in the λ values compared to the moisturizing treatment (W2), which their values ranged
between (1.36 - 0.86), with an average of (1.088), between (1.32-0.80), with an average (1.05),
respectively. it is due to the effect of interaction between these treatments in the MWD values of soil
aggregates and the values of bulk density (Pb).
Table 5: constant of Philip’s equation 1957b 
Constant( )
Constant( λ)
Figure (9) shows that there is a highly significant negative correlation between the MWD values in the
treatment with the values of the λ constant r = -0.59 **, there is a highly significant correlation
between the value of soil bulk density (Pb.) for the treatments with the λ values r = 0.62** as shown
in Figure (10). These results confirm that the values of the λ constant expressing the unsaturated
hydraulic conductivity are influenced by the MWD of the soil aggregates that determine the diameter
of soil pores channels, their regularity degree and It is affected by soil bulk density for the soil that
determines the continuity of the soil pores channels. The results in Table (5) show that the values of
constant κ, which expresses the matric potential of soil particles and their aggregates. The oil
improvers treatments showed high differences among them. The highest average for the κ values was
observed in the control treatment. The values in the treatments (C1, C2) were then significantly
reduced, their averages amounted to (0.010, 0.007, 0.005 cm.min½), respectively, This is due to that
the values of κ depended on the structural potential for the particles and soil aggregates, which is
high in the control treatment (C0 )and that the addition of the oil improvers reduces the structural
potential for the particles and soil aggregates and their pores that cause the formation of
hydrophobic surfaces (Al-Doori, 2002; Unger, 2001) Which reduced the structural potential, the
results showed no significant effect of the Pulverizing factor or the primary moisturizing factor κ.
Figure 9: correlation between λ constant with the MWD for the studying treatments.
Figure 10: correlation between λ constant with bulk density for the studying treatments.
Moisture content distribution and salt accumulation in soil columns
Moisture content distribution
Figure (11) shows the effect of the study factors in the values of moisture content (Pw) for the soil
column sections from the height of (0 cm), which located directly above the level of the default
groundwater (the source of the supplied water) up to the top of the soil surface at height of (40 cm)
which is (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm), after reaching the vertical moisturizing pattern for the soil
surface for all treatments at the time of (9284 min) from the beginning of the experiment. The results
showed that there were significant differences (p <0.05) in moisture content between soil column
sections as shown in Table (6). The highest values of moisture content found at the height of (0-10
cm) were very close to field capacity, with the rate of (Pw = 0.323). The average values of moisture
content (Pw) which amounted to (0.268, 0.233, 0.192) for heights (10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm),
respectively. This is due to obtaining a decrease in the rate of Capillary Water movement upward due
to reduce the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity upward by increasing the vertical distance for
dominance the water movement through the macro capillary pores (Hillel, 2003). Figure (11) shows
that there are no significant differences between the study treatments in the Pw values at the height
of (0-10 cm). This is due to the near groundwater level. Most of the medium and fine soil pores are
filled with water and form a thick water covers. Jorenush and Sephakhah (2003) indicated that
moisture content in soil columns is high enough to reach the limits of wetness at the layer above the
groundwater level and the moisture content decreases by increasing the height at the groundwater
level. There was a significant decrease in the Pw values at 10-20 cm compared to the height of 0-10
cm. The treatment of the emulsified oil improvers (C2) showed the lowest values with an average of
(Pw = 0.242), with a significant decrease compared to the control treatment (C0) at an average of
(0.295 Pw). The C1 treatment (Pw = 0.266) did not show a significant difference with the treatments
(C0, C2), This is due to the difference in the ability of the oil emulsion improvers to spread and
penetrate into soil depths in the formation of the hydrophobic surfaces, thus reducing the raise sped
rate of capillary water movement, where this effect extends to this depth at the treatment of the
emulsified crude oil (C2). A significant differences between the treatments (C0, C1, C2) increased at
both heights (20-30, 30-40 cm) for the soil columns, although the high reduction in the moisture
content for all treatments, which their averages of Pw amounted to (0.282, 0.277, 0.197),
respectively, at height of (20-30 cm), and (0.252, 0.187, 0.137), respectively, at height of (30-40 cm).
This is due to the effect of the oil improvers added to the treatments (C1, C2) which increases their
effect in reducing the capillary raise for water in the soil columns at the soil surface depths, due to the
increase in the concentrations of oil material at these depths (Dheyab, 2017), This impact reduced the
speed of the capillary water movement upward. The low pulverization index (P2) treatment showed
an increase in Pw values compared to the high pulverization index (P1) treatment. The differences
between them increased with increase the vertical height at the level of the default groundwater and
their average Pw values amounted to (0.269 and 0.266 at 10-20 cm), respectively; at the height (10-20
cm), respectively; and (0.239, 0.226) at height (20-30 cm), respectively. This is due to differences in
the progressing speed of the moisturizing pattern, which increased with a lowing Pulverizing degree
from P1 to P2, which was caused by the lower diameter of the capillary tubes and the regularity of
their diameter. The primary moisturizing factors (W1, W2) did not show significant differences
between them as shown in Table (6).
Figure 11: Effect of the studying treatment on moisture content (pw) at soil columns
Table 6: variance analysis (F-value) of moisture content and salinity Through soil columns
870.63 **
26.97 **
2.65 ns
36.88 **
2034.83 **
0.43 ns
0.056 ns
2.26 ns
3.895 *
0.41 ns
2.642 ns
2.57 *
2.939 ns
0.003 ns
5.207 **
24.110 **
4.108 **
0.001 ns
0.417 ns
1.315 ns
29.61 **
4.050 *
2.335 *
0.0006 ns
2.461 *
16.02 **
2.569 *
C: crude oil
P: Pulver index
W: initial moist.
D: soil depth
Salt accumulation in soil columns
Figure (12) shows the effect of the study factors on the values of soil salinity ECe (dS.m -1) in the soil
columns by the effect of the vertical water movement upward which their source of the default
groundwater (ECw = 10 dS.m-1). It is clear that there are significant effects (p <0.05) for the main study
factors and some interaction between them, with a significant effect for the vertical distance at the
surface of the default groundwater in salinity values as shown in Table (6), where Figure (12) showed
that the ECe values are significantly reduced by increasing the vertical distance at the surface of the
default groundwater, where the average values for ECe amounted to (8.43, 7.40, 6.50 dS.m-1) for the
heights (0-10, 10-20, 20-30 cm) at the surface of the groundwater. This is because of the
concentration of salts at these heights vary depending on the heterogeneity of moisture content as
shown in Figure (9), which their source the capillary movement upward from groundwater (ECw = 10
dS.m-1). The results did not show significant differences in the EC values between the study
treatments at the height of 0-10 cm, where their values amounted to (8.42-8.42), with an average
(8.43 dS.m-1), this is due to the similarity in the moisture content values for the study treatments for
the proximity of this height from the level of groundwater as shown in Figure (9). The treatment
showed significant differences in the ECe values at the height of (10-20 cm). The highest values were
found in the control treatment (C0), with an average of (7.93 dS.m-1) followed by the C1 treatment
with an average of (6.87 dS.m-1). The lowest average amounted to (6.46 dS.m-1) at the C2 treatment,
with significant difference compared to the C0 treatment, This is due to differences in moisture
content between the C2 treatment compared to the treatments (C0, C1). The significant differences in
ECe values between the three treatment (C0, C1, C2) increased at the height of (20-30 cm) from the
soil columns. Despite the overall reduces in the average of ECe for all treatments, where their average
values amounted to (7.47, 6.46, 5.50 dS.m-1), respectively. These results agree with the Pw values for
these treatments, which their averages amounted to (0.282, 0.277, 0.197), respectively. The surface
height from the soil columns (30-40 cm) showed an increase in average ECe values amounted to (8.41
dS.m-1) compared to the heights (20-30, 20-10 cm), This is due to the evaporation of the soil
movement solutions upward from the soil surface, which led to the accumulation of salts, and the
concentration of the accumulated salts depends on the amount of water flowing to the surface of the
soil, the concentration of dissolved salts and the period of influence (Jorenush and Sephakhah, 2003).
The results showed that the highest significant increase in ECe values from the surface height from
the soil columns (30-40 cm) appeared at the control treatment (C0), with an average of (11.80 dS.m-1),
with a significant difference compared to the treatments (C1, C2) at an average of (9.09 dS.m-1). The
lowest values were shown at the C2 treatment, with an average of (5.35 dS.m-1). This is due to the
above-mentioned reasons related to the difference in the speed of Capillary water movement upward
and the volume of water flowing to the soil surface. The treatment of low Pulverizing (P2) showed an
increase in ECe values compared to the high Pulverizing treatment (P1). The differences between the
two treatments increased with an increase in the height from the level of groundwater. The averages
of their ECe amounted to (7.48, 7.42 dS.m-1), respectively at the height (10-20 cm), (6.53, 6.45 dS.m-1)
at the height (20-30 m) and (9.06, 7.77 dS.m-1) at the surface height (30-40 cm), respectively. This is
due to the difference in moisture content because of the difference in the speed of the capillary water
movement and water pore channels, which reduce with the increase in the pulverization index from
P2 to P1 to the relationship of this with diameters of capillary channels with their regularity and
continuity. The primary moisturizing treatment (W1 and W2) did not show significant differences in
the values of electrical conductivity between them.
Figure 12: Effect of the studying treatment on ECe dS.m-1 at soil columns
The emulsification of crude oil or its derivatives with irrigation water makes them improvers with high
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the improvement of the physical properties affecting the increase of the Infiltration in the soil and
reduce the of the capillary water movement upward, which reduces the water lost by surface
evaporation and increase the ability of soils to conservation moisture, The salinization process of soils
was reduced by the accumulation of salts associated with the capillary water movement which their
source from critical groundwater.
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Conference Paper
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Afield experiment was Conducted at Soffia district – Ramadi city during Fall Season of 2005 – 2006 in a Sandy Loam Soil Classified as Typic Torrifluvents . the aim of this experiment is to Study the effect of fuel - oil on some physical Properties of Soil and some growth Parameters and yield of Corn (Zea mays L.) . Results Showed a Significant increase in Mean weight diameter , incrase in available Water , and decrease in buik density , Saturled hydraulic Conductivity and infiltration rate respectively. Result also Showed a Significant increase in all Studied growth Parameters and yield of Corn.
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This study aimed to test the effect of fuel oil and urea fertilizer on some physical properties for a gypsiferous soil and to find the optimum quantities of fuel oil and urea fertilizer that cause improvement in soil physical properties and plant growth. Fuel oil was added in three levels (1, 2 and 3% by dry mass of soil). Urea was added depending on the quantity of carbon in fuel oil and added at three different levels of C: N ratio( 0:1 , 25:1 and 50:1 ) Soil samples were taken from Haswah, Abu- Graib west Baghdad, its content of gypsum was 20.47%. Soil samples were mixed thoroughly and stored for two months in greenhouse. Soil water content was measured daily. Physical and chemical properties (bulk density, total porosity, mean weight diameter, organic carbon, total nitrogen, C: N ratio) were measured after two months of storage. Spring Ipa cultivar 5012 was cultivated in stored soil. The result showed that the addition of fuel oil at 1% concentration with urea fertilizer at 25:1 C:N level and stored for two months, caused a significant increase in mean weight diameter (MWD), total porosity, total nitrogen, height plant and dry weight. It was found that there was a decrease in bulk density of soil. It was also found a decrease in C: N ratio in soil compared with the fuel oil treatment.
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The long-term use of heavy-weight agricultural machinery has caused extensive and lasting phenomena of degradation, especially in the basic layer of soil. The influence of soil compaction by heavy tractor on spring wheat and barley has been investigated. The field trials were completed on a Stagnic Luvisol (WRB), quite characteristic of Estonia but sensitive to compaction. The results of soil measurements demonstrated a strongly negative effect of wet soil compaction on soil physical characteristics and were in good connection with the number of compactions carried out. In order to find out the nutrient assimilation ability of plants on these soils, the amount of elements (N; P; K; Ca; Mg) in the dry matter of spring wheat and spring barley was determined. It appeared that the nitrogen uptake ability of spring wheat plants decreased almost by 30% and that of barley by 40% in the case of heavy soil compaction (4 and 6 times). As a result of compaction, the content of potassium and calcium in barley and spring wheat was decreased as compared with the non-compacted area.
An abridged, student-oriented edition of Hillel's earlier published Environmental Soil Physics, this is a more succinct elucidation of the physical principles and processes governing the behavior of soil and the vital role it plays in both natural and managed ecosystems. The textbook is self-contained and self-explanatory, with numerous illustrations and sample problems. Based on sound fundamental theory, the textbook leads to a practical consideration of soil as a living system in nature and illustrates the influences of human activity upon soil structure and function. Students, as well as other readers, will better understand the importance of soils and the pivotal possition they occupy with respect to careful and knowledgeable conservation.
This book is not, in any case, in total defiance of the Wise Old Mans admonition, for it is not an entirely new book. Rather, it is an outgrowth of a previous treatise, written a decade ago, entitled "Soil and Water: Physical Principles and Processes." Though that book was well enough received at the time, the passage of the years has inevitably made it necessary to either revise and update the same book, or to supplant it with a fresh approach in the form of a new book which might incorporate still-pertient aspects of its predecessor without necessarily being limited to the older books format or point of view.
Settling and trafficking of a soil after tillage causes rapid changes in the soil physical condition until a new equilibrium is reached. In the soil studied, a Wasco (coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, thermic Typic Torriorthent) sandy loam, soil compaction reduces infiltration rates, which under grower conditions could result in inadequate infiltration of irrigation water to supply crop requirements. Our objective was to evaluate important management practices as they relate to changes in the infiltration rate of a sandy loam soil. Factors evaluated were traffic, tillage between crops, and the formation of channels by roots of per- ennial crops. Tillage between crops increased the infiltration rate dur- ing the first part of the season in trafficked soils but decreased or had no effect on nontrafficked soil. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) increased the infiltration rate fourfold during a 2-yr period in a heavily com- pacted soil. An increase in bulk density from 1.6 to 1.8 Mg m- 3 decreased infiltration rate 54% in the field. Hydraulic conductivity of undisturbed cores was at least seven times larger than that measured in columns of disturbed soil (same bulk density). This difference is believed to be the result of natural channels in the undisturbed soil that are destroyed when the soil is disturbed. Under controlled traffic, when surface seal is not a problem, tillage will not be necessary to obtain adequate infiltration rates except in the wheel paths. HE MAJOR EFFECT of soil compaction in an irri- gated sandy loam soil may be the reduction in