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STructured lifestyle Education for People with SchizophrEnia (STEPWISE): Mixed methods process evaluation of a group-based lifestyle education programme to support weight loss in people with schizophrenia


Abstract and Figures

Background: STEPWISE is a theory-informed self-management education programme that was co-produced with service users, healthcare professionals and interventionists to support weight loss for people with schizophrenia. We report the process evaluation to inform understanding about the intervention and its effectiveness in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) that evaluated its efficacy. Methods: Following the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) Guidelines for developing and evaluating complex interventions, we explored implementation quality. We considered causal mechanisms, unanticipated consequences and contextual factors associated with variation in actual and intended outcomes, and integrated treatment fidelity, using the programme theory and a pipeline logic model. We followed a modified version of Linnan and Steckler's framework and single case design. Qualitative data from semi-structured telephone interviews with service-users (n = 24), healthcare professionals delivering the intervention (n = 20) and interventionists (n = 7) were triangulated with quantitative process and RCT outcome data and with observations by interventionists, to examine convergence within logic model components. Results: Training and course materials were available although lacked co-ordination in some trusts. Healthcare professionals gained knowledge and some contemplated changing their practice to reflect the (facilitative) 'style' of delivery. They were often responsible for administrative activities increasing the burden of delivery. Healthcare professionals recognised the need to address antipsychotic-induced weight gain and reported potential value from the intervention (subject to the RCT results). However, some doubted senior management commitment and sustainability post-trial. Service-users found the intervention highly acceptable, especially being in a group of people with similar experiences. Service-users perceived weight loss and lifestyle benefits; however, session attendance varied with 23% (n = 47) attending all group-sessions and 17% (n = 36) attending none. Service-users who lost weight wanted closer monitoring and many healthcare professionals wanted to monitor outcomes (e.g. weight) but it was outside the intervention design. No clinical or cost benefit was demonstrated from the intermediate outcomes (RCT) and any changes in RCT outcomes were not due to the intervention. Conclusions: This process evaluation provides a greater understanding of why STEPWISE was unsuccessful in promoting weight loss during the clinical trial. Further research is required to evaluate whether different levels of contact and objective monitoring can support people with schizophrenia to lose weight. Trial registration: ISRCTN, ISRCTN19447796. Registered 20 March 2014.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
STructured lifestyle education for people
WIth SchizophrEnia (STEPWISE): mixed
methods process evaluation of a group-
based lifestyle education programme to
support weight loss in people with
Rebecca Gossage-Worrall
, Daniel Hind
, Katharine D. Barnard-Kelly
, David Shiers
, Angela Etherington
Lizzie Swaby
, Richard I. G. Holt
and on behalf of The STEPWISE Research Group
Background: STEPWISE is a theory-informed self-management education programme that was co-produced with
service users, healthcare professionals and interventionists to support weight loss for people with schizophrenia.
We report the process evaluation to inform understanding about the intervention and its effectiveness in a randomised
controlled trial (RCT) that evaluated its efficacy.
Methods: Following the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) Guidelines for developing and evaluating complex
interventions, we explored implementation quality. We considered causal mechanisms, unanticipated consequences
and contextual factors associated with variation in actual and intended outcomes, and integrated treatment fidelity,
using the programme theory and a pipeline logic model.
We followed a modified version of Linnan and Stecklers framework and single case design. Qualitative data from
semi-structured telephone interviews with service-users (n= 24), healthcare professionals delivering the intervention
(n=20)andinterventionists (n= 7) were triangulated with quantitative process and RCT outcome data and with
observations by interventionists, to examine convergence within logic model components.
Results: Training and course materials were available although lacked co-ordination in some trusts. Healthcare
professionals gained knowledge and some contemplated changing their practice to reflect the (facilitative) style
of delivery. They were often responsible for administrative activities increasing the burden of delivery. Healthcare
professionals recognised the need to address antipsychotic-induced weight gain and reported potential value
from the intervention (subject to the RCT results). However, some doubted senior management commitment and
sustainability post-trial.
Service-users found the intervention highly acceptable, especially being in a group of people with similar
experiences. Service-users perceived weight loss and lifestyle benefits; however, session attendance varied with
23% (n= 47) attending all group-sessions and 17% (n= 36) attending none. Service-users who lost weight wanted
(Continued on next page)
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* Correspondence:
Clinical Trials Research Unit, School of Health and Related Research, The
University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 30 Regent Street, Sheffield S1 4DA, UK
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358
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(Continued from previous page)
closer monitoring and many healthcare professionals wanted to monitor outcomes (e.g. weight) but it was
outside the intervention design. No clinical or cost benefit was demonstrated from the intermediate outcomes
(RCT) and any changes in RCT outcomes were not due to the intervention.
Conclusions: This process evaluation provides a greater understanding of why STEPWISE was unsuccessful in
promoting weight loss during the clinical trial. Further research is required to evaluate whether different levels of
contact and objective monitoring can support people with schizophrenia to lose weight.
Trial registration: ISRCTN, ISRCTN19447796. Registered 20 March 2014.
Keywords: Complex intervention, Process evaluation, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Weight management, Logic model,
Obesity and excessive weight gain pose a serious health
concern for people with schizophrenia. The prevalence
of obesity and rates of cardiovascular disease and type 2
diabetes are 23 times higher than in the general popu-
lation and, weight gain is a key contributor to the excess
morbidity and mortality with accelerated rates of obesity
contributing to reduced life expectancy of between 10
and 20 years [13]. The impact of weight gain is not
confined to poor physical health, but also may further
add to the experience of distress and stigma [4]. Suscep-
tibility to weight gain for people with schizophrenia can
be explained by many factors. As well as the impact of
antipsychotic medication on weight gain [5], schizophre-
nia can affect neuro-endocrine functioning as well as
impairing cognition and motivation to modify daily rou-
tines. The disease and treatment interact with environ-
mental factors such as poor diet [68], social isolation,
physical inactivity and poverty [710]. Thus, the devel-
opment of effective weight loss treatments to support
people with schizophrenia must overcome challenges
posed by a varied set of antecedent factors.
Complex interventions are those with several interact-
ing components[11]. The theory-informed STEPWISE
programme was developed using the well-established ap-
proach to developing type 2 diabetes education - Diabetes
Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Diag-
nosed (DESMOND) [12]. It involves interactions between
healthcare professionals, service users and equipment.
The multifaceted nature of STEPWISE can create prob-
lems when determining what affected outcomes and the
extent to which the intervention could be standardised.
Complex interventions tend to be more sensitive to
features of the local context, with long and complex causal
chains linking the intervention with the outcome. As such,
they can be difficult to evaluate and it has been argued
that RCTs may not be the best method of evaluation as
they seek to remove variation between interventions,
agents and contexts and how they interact [13].
We conducted an RCT to assess the effectiveness of
STEPWISE. The trial protocol and main results have
been published previously [14,15]. In brief, between 10
March 2015 and 31 March 2016, we recruited 414
people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or
first episode psychosis from ten mental health organisa-
tions in England. Participants were randomly allocated
to the STEPWISE intervention or treatment as usual.
The STEPWISE programme was a 12-month interven-
tion which comprised a foundation course of four
weekly 2.5-h sessions delivered by two trained health-
care professionals or associated staff; one-to-one
support contact of ~ 10 min every two weeks, usually by
telephone, and additional group-based sessions of 2.5 h
scheduled at four, seven and 10 months post-
randomisation. The intervention is described in full
elsewhere [15].
We conducted a process evaluation, in line with MRC
guidance alongside the RCT, to assess fidelity and quality
of implementation, and sought to clarify causal mecha-
nisms and identify contextual factors associated with
variation in outcomes [16].
Theoretical framework
Qualitative research was undertaken alongside the RCT
to explore implementation of the intervention. We
sought to understand how service users and facilitators
responded to the intervention [1719] and potential
causal pathways to success or failure [1720]. The
evaluations rationale was principally pragmatic [21]as
we sought a basis for organising future observations and
experiences[22], and investigating plausible real-world
consequences [23] of future decisions.
We used a modified version of Linnan and Stecklers
framework [24] and a single case design with the unit of
analysis at the service user (n= 24) and the intervention
programme (n= 20 healthcare professionals; n= 7 inter-
ventionists) levels.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) Inter-
national Classification of Functioning (ICF) for schizo-
phrenia was used as a conceptual framework for
describing context[25,26]. Similar published studies
[27,28] informed a priori the topic guide for service
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 2 of 14
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user interviews. Normalisation Process Theory (NPT),
a model used to support implementation and evalu-
ation of innovations [2932], formed the basis of the
topic guide for healthcare professional interviews. To
characterise stakeholders understanding of the inter-
vention we used the Theoretical Domains Framework
(TDF), an approach to determine causes of behaviours
[33]. TDF codes were mapped post hoc to the theories
underpinning the intervention, which were Leventhals
Self-Regulation Theory [34], Banduras Self-Efficacy
Theory [35], and Marlatt & Gordons Relapse Prevention
Model [36].
We considered the programme components critical to
successful replication of the intervention theory, along
with potential causes of failure from these components
interacting together [3739], to develop a logic model
[40,41]. A summary of logical model components and
intended outcomes is shown in Fig. 1.
Recruitment, reach, intervention dose delivered/re-
ceived and fidelity were characterised, both
qualitatively and quantitatively, based on the National
Institute for Health Behaviour Change Consortiums
(NIHBCCs) approach to treatment fidelity [42]. We
described context qualitatively, and triangulated all
data sources, which included interventionist, service
user and facilitator interviews, RCT data and quanti-
tative fidelity data.
Participant selection
Written informed consent was obtained to approach all
service users as part of the RCT and re-consent (audio-re-
corded) took place for those sampled (intervention arm
only) prior to the interview. Healthcare professionals were
approached and consented via telephone (audio-re-
corded), and interventionists by email. Written and verbal
(audio-recorded) consent was documented using NHS
REC-approved written consent forms and were provided
to all participants. Service users were purposively sampled
by study site, gender and age. A summary of selected char-
acteristics of the service users sampled is shown in Table 1.
Facilitators (n= 40) were purposively sampled by site,
occupation, gender and experience of group facilitation. A
summary of education and professional categories of
facilitators is shown in Table 2. Seven interventionists (all
those involved in developing the intervention) were
Data collection
Qualitative data were collected via semi-structured tele-
phone interviews with service users (n= 24) and facilita-
tors (n= 20) by RG-W, using piloted topic guides [16].
Unstructured interviews with interventionists (n=7)
were conducted by DH to explore observations during
fidelity assessments, elements from the behaviour change
Fig. 1 Summary of logic model components for the implementation of the STEPWISE intervention.
Legend: HCP Health Care Professional, BP Blood Pressure, BMI Body Mass Index, NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 3 of 14
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wheel [43], the NIHBCC framework [42] and the
Programme logic model.
All interviews were audio-recorded using an encrypted
device and transcribed verbatim. Table 3shows median
(range) duration of interviews. Data saturation was
achieved in all datasets.
Transcripts or analyses were not returned to inter-
viewees. Field notes captured during and after interviews
were reviewed by RG-W, DH, KBK, DS, AE and LS. No
prior relationship was established between researcher
(RG-W) and service users. RG-W was known to two
facilitators (dual role as research nurse) prior to interview.
Two interventionists knew DH, from project management
meetings, prior to interview.
Data analysis
Transcripts were coded systematically (RG-W and DH)
using QSR International (Warrington, UK) NVivo version
11. Table 4summarises the systematic and opportunistic
coding by interviewee group. A sample of transcripts were
reviewed by KBK, DS, AE and emerging themes discussed.
Fidelity assessment
Fidelity assessment of the intervention was assessed via
direct observationusingtheSTEPWISECoreFacilitator
Behavioural Observation Sheet (CFBOS) which tests for the
presence or absence of 35 behaviour domains relating to 9
items assessing behavioural change, planning and goal-
setting. The DESMOND Observation Tool (DOT) also
measured facilitator versus service user talk time using
timed audio cues during a sample of sessions. There is evi-
dence to indicate a link between more effective receipt of
self-management education and less facilitator talk [44].
Fidelity strategies are summarised in Table 5. Facilitator
attrition was also recorded. A programme like STEPWISE
would require national and local infrastructure for quality
control and mentoring but was not available during our
study; therefore, facilitators did not receive formal feedback
nor could evaluation of these components take place.
A triangulation protocol [45,46] was used to compare out-
come data from the RCT [47], qualitative and quantitative
process data and observations during fidelity observations.
The presence and level of convergence was examined
within the 18 components of the logic model. We did not
prioritise any one data source over the other in assessing
the intervention. Feedback on the results of triangulation
was integrated into the findings. We did not formally assess
the coding between researchers due to time limitations.
We used the WHO ICF [25,26] to explore contextfor
people with schizophrenia and considered the challenges
Table 1 Summary of selected characteristics of service users interviewed
Age (years) n Sex n Ethnicity n Dx n Outcome (weight) n Sessions attended n
1825 5 Male 12 White British 19 F20 11 Weight loss (CI) 7 0 0
2635 7 Female 12 African 2 FEP 8 Weight loss (NCI) 6 121
3645 8 White Other 1 F25 5 Weight gain (CI) 3 344
4655 4 Bangladeshi 1 Weight gain (NCI) 6 5612
Indian 1 No data 2 7 7
FEP First Episode Psychosis, F20 Schizophrenia, F25 Schizoaffective disorder; CI Clinically important, NCI Not clinically important, Dx Diagnosis
Table 2 Summary of selected characteristics of healthcare
professionals interviewed
Sample Characteristics n
Undergraduate degree 10
Postgraduate degree 3
Postgraduate diploma 2
Other 4
No data 1
Professional Category
Mental Health Nurse 8
Occupational Therapist 3
Support Worker 2
Research staff 2
Physiotherapist 1
Pharmacy Technician 1
Dietician 1
Healthy Living Advisor 1
Community Development 1
Table 3 Median (range) duration of interviews (minutes)
Median duration (range)
in minutes
Service users 24 18:57 (13:06, 30:33)
Facilitators 20 46:13 (29:2979:32)
Interventionists 7 39:20 (43:3964:00)
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 4 of 14
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which may be experienced, either as a direct result of
symptoms and medication, or environmental factors
(e.g. stigma) that may have impacted on service users
interaction with the intervention in the broadest sense.
Whilst some people with schizophrenia are high func-
tioning but experience hallucinations and/or delusions,
others are more cognitively challenged requiring con-
sideration of how the information can be delivered and
in what ways.
There could be like mild learning disabilities running
alongside their mental illness as well and that, I have
definitely noticed that thats hindered ...someones
ability to engage. (Facilitator S09/F03)
Contextual factors considered in the implementation
of the intervention are summarised in Fig. 2.
Of those service users interviewed, three lost and three
gained a significant amount of weight. Two of those who
gained weight had first episode psychosis and reported
more symptoms, whilst almost all service users talked
about self-monitoring (e.g. support tools). When ordered
by weight loss, only the top three service uers talked
about self-belief and persuasion.
When he phoned me... It was like, how did you know
I was eating rubbish?"... But he was really good, like
really motivating. It was like, I'm going to see him in
February; I don't want [him] to see Ive put on what
Id lost.(Service user S01/Q01, -12.7kg).
“…if I wasn't in, they [the facilitator] would leave a
postcard saying, you know, you can do it. And it was
really nice, really kept me going.(Service user S08/
Q05, -9.3kg)
Those who succeeded in losing weight valued monitoring
and feedback from others, although monitoring and feed-
back of behaviour or outcomes was not explicitly part of
the intervention and they wanted more monitoring.
It needs to be longer like 10 weeks give us
updates on how we are coping, on what we are doing
to monitor us more closely it was becoming a
routine and then it just stopped …”(Service
user S04/Q02, -6.1kg)
more regular support see how youre doing,
because the next sessions quite far away
(Service user S08/Q05, -9.3kg)
We triangulated quantitative and qualitative findings with
data types contributing to 14 and 16 (of 18) logic model
components. Agreement on three components was found,
partial agreement on two, and dissonance on seven com-
ponents. Six components were found to be silent which
was anticipated due to these areas only being amenable to
one method of assessment. In some areas of dissonance,
we found data were measuring difference elements of the
constructs e.g. committed resources as opposed to how the
result was valued. Analysis of qualitative data revealed
nuances in some areas e.g. inadequate resource allocation
for co-ordination. A summary of triangulated findings is
presented within components of the Logic Model in Fig. 3.
Training resources were found to be adequate according to
healthcare professionals. Course materials were universally
popular although availability of venues was sometimes lim-
ited. Healthcare professionals seemed motivated to become
STEPWISE facilitators; and whilst many facilitators conti-
nued to support STEPWISE, over the course of 2 years, a
third stopped largely because of job moves (Fig. 4).
Healthcare professionals and interventionists inter-
viewed felt buy-in from senior managers in some trusts
was insufficient.
Anything above team leader level... there is no
expectation really... they all go yes it's lovely, but... the
Trusts and the NHS do not then provide us with the
resources to be able to do it.(Facilitator S05/F02)
Within this particular trust, one of the deputy directors
had been involved right from the start and he was very
keen for it to happen so its been sort of disseminated
downwards from there(Facilitator S03/F05)
Table 4 Summary of coding by interviewee group and source
Theory/ Constructs
TDF domains NIHBCC framework NPT Logic Model BCT Acceptability
Service users Systematic Opportunistic Opportunistic Systematic Systematic
Facilitators Opportunistic Systematic Opportunistic Opportunistic
Interventionists Systematic Systematic Systematic
SSystematic, OOpportunistic, BCT Behaviour Change Taxonomy, TDF Theoretical Domains Framework [45], NPT Normalisation Process Theory [3033], NIHBCC
National Institute for Health Behaviour Change Consortium
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 5 of 14
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Table 5 Summary of strategies intended to ensure fidelity of the STEPWISE programme
Fidelity Components
Design Training Delivery Receipt Enactment
Theory based intervention with
treatment dose (i.e. number,
frequency and duration of sessions)
specified in the protocol.
Protocol deviations recorded.
Risks to implementation were
mitigated by: 1) piloting the
programme in one Trust prior to
the RCT; 2) setting a minimum for
the number (n= 4) of facilitators
per Trust; and, 3) the tracking of
trained staff availability and
Written materials and facilitator
training were standardised across
providers; and, intended delivery
style was modelled by expert
Facilitators used role play to test
skills and, reflected on their own
performance and skill acquisition
and made changes (as required).
Optimum skillset for the role
(including one of two having
clinical skills) defined for providers.
Level of education and experience
of physical and/or mental health
and group work captured.
Peer support available during
Service user feedback after sessions,
semi-structured interview (after
foundation course) and facilitator
observations informed on the
credibility of facilitators, non-specific
treatment effects and differences
across providers.
Training materials, including
resource lists, supported
standardisation across providers.
Adherence was monitored via
recording attendance, facilitator
self-reflection and direct
observation of content and
delivery; local coordination and
monitoring by providers; and,
facilitator and service user
Contamination (of trial arms) was
minimised by standardised study
design training and on the ground
instructions, regular supervision and
on-site and remote monitoring.
Service users invited to participate in
sessions (e.g. discuss answers to
questions with others); and, facilitators
used scripted summaries to aid
understanding and check
To ensure ability to use cognitive skills
(e.g. goal setting and monitoring
progress) and perform behaviour skills
(e.g. identify and manage triggers),
sessions encouraged identification of
(and ways to overcome) obstacles;
and, per-session (and overall) feedback
was invited. Self-monitoring was encour-
aged and 1:1 support was provided by
Interviews invited feedback on the
purpose of the intervention and
experiences (skills, behaviours,
goals); and explored learning and
use (or not) of skills by service
users and facilitators (self-report).
Adherence (frequency and
duration) of sessions delivered was
Booster and telephone support
maintained for 12 months.
Fidelity goals not monitored (or applicable)
Equivalent dose is not applicable as
there was no active control.
No strategies were employed to
minimise driftin facilitator skills as
no benchmark had been
Components and fidelity goals derived by the Behaviour Change Consortium recommendations for enhancing treatment fidelity (BCCr) [49]
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 6 of 14
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In some trusts, healthcare professionals delivering
the intervention felt coordination of resources were
not adequate. Service users were motivated to par-
ticipate (82.6% attended at least 2 of 7 group ses-
sions), liked the course materials and how the
sessions were run; however, some healthcare profes-
sionals doubted the sustainability of delivery outside
the RCT.
I think the resources were excellent... I think that
would be a concern going forward... there
everyone and some of the other resources weve
been given... Where would that money come
without the taxis.(Facilitator S06/F04)
Facilitator training was delivered as scheduled with
additional training provided to NHS trusts where
required. Healthcare professionals highlighted that
planning and delivery of sessions took significant re-
sources, greater than advertised, and often felt stress
as a result of under-resourced programme and case
management. Healthcare professionals and interven-
tionists highlighted the importance of co-ordination
activities to programme delivery. Clinical gatekeeping,
restricting access to eligible services users, was not
thought to be widespread.
It took almost the entire day by the time wed been
out to buy the stuff that we needed for the lunches
and set the room up and do the preparation...and then
following the group sort of just writing the notes and
Fig. 2 Summary of context for people with schizophrenia informed by the ICF conceptual framework.
Legend: ICF International Classification of Functioning. Reprinted from Towards a common language for functioning, disability and health
ICF, World Health Organization, Diagram (model of disability), Page 9, WHO Reference Number: WHO/EIP/GPE/CAS/01.3, Copyright 2002.
APM = Antipsychotic medication
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 7 of 14
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things up, so it was a day out effectively a week.
(Facilitator S08/F05)
Had it not been for [the co-ordinator] it
would have took me a full day. It's only because
she had everything organised, and ... she knew
what we needed for each week...(Facilitator S01/
there were sites where you had a very proactive
coordinator in some other places that wasnt
quite the case it was very much left to them
[facilitator](Interventionist, D03)
Some of the feedback that I was getting during
telephone conversations was people with mental
health problems might need something additional
Fig. 3 Summary of triangulated findings within logic model components.
Legend: Areas are highlighted to indicate where findings from the data triangulation supported (green), diverged (red) or varied (amber) when
analysed against the theory of change
Fig. 4 Time (weeks) to facilitator attrition from foundation training
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 8 of 14
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theyve got mental health problems...other
stuff...difficult social stuff...adapting it straight from
a study for people with diabetes whether or not
they have like co-morbidity... it might not be as
transferable.(Facilitator S01/F04)
Immediate outcomes
Fidelity of intervention delivery
We examined immediate outcomes associated with de-
livery of the intervention using the Behaviour Change
Consortium recommendations for enhancing treatment
fidelity (BCCr) [48]. Fidelity assessment showed mean
(SD) facilitator talk time was 47.6% (12.2%) and facilita-
tor behaviours deemed positive was 54.1% (17.6) with a
range between centres of 31.8% (13.2%) to 64.6%
(17.67%). Lapses in fidelity were observed by assessors
e.g. giving answers, rather than eliciting, solutions from
service users to discussion topics.
All foundation and all but one booster sessions were de-
livered as scheduled. A total of 171 (82.6%) service users
attended at least 2 (of 7) group sessions. Approximately
23% (n= 47) of service users attended all sessions; how-
ever, 17.4% (n= 36) did not attend any sessions.
Whilst the trial included 414 people with schizophre-
nia, schizoaffective disorder or first episode psychosis
and less than 20% dropped out (reach), this number
represents only a small proportion of those potentially
eligible at study sites.
Service user acceptability
Using Sekhons acceptability framework [31], we found
service users were extremely positive about the interven-
tion. Most respondents found the provision of taxis, lunch
and support tools for each session highly acceptable. They
understood the purpose of the intervention and found it
realistic, flexible, accessible and not burdensome. Service
users perceived benefits to include lifestyle change and/or
weight loss although this was not always the case.
Oh yes definitely, I've lost quite a bit of weight
and I'm in much better shape …”(Service User
S06/Q06; -12.3 Kg at 3 months, lost to follow-up
at 12 months)
“…it helped me lose weight and it helped me write
down what I was eating, what I was drinking, and
helped me do more exercise.(Service User S04/Q08;
29.7 Kg 0-12 months)
There was an overwhelming sense that service users
found the peer group interaction and social support to
be beneficial. Some service users had never met others
with schizophrenia and had attempted weight loss at
commercial programmes but did not want to talk about
the impact of their medication because of stigma at-
tached to severe mental illness.
I find it fantastic meeting other groups of people
on a similar medication with similar problems...
(Service User S01/Q01)
Through triangulation of service user perspectives, RCT
outcomes and analyses of intervention components we
found that most service users talk about self-monitoring
(support tools); more successful service users seem to
value monitoring and feedback by others; however,
objective monitoring and feedback of behaviour and out-
comes by others was not part of the intervention design.
Healthcare professionals (facilitators)
A summary of qualitative findings understood through
the Normalisation Process Theory [32]isshownin
Fig. 5. Most healthcare professionals distinguished
STEPWISE from other interventions, reported under-
standing what was required of them, shared its aims
with other healthcare professionals,believed it was
value from the intervention.
I think that its definitely something that we haven't
been doing. And I think it's something that we should
be doing.(Facilitator S02/F06)
Healthcare professionals reported that service users
understanding of the intentions of the programme was
not immediately or always understood. Some felt this
was due to cognitive difficulties or services users being
more familiar with a didactic, rather than, facilitative
And their functioning is quite different, you know,
there's really quite a high level functioning lady
there who sort of understood the thing straight
away, and another guy it's very difficult to find
out what his understanding actually is. Because he
tends to talk in slightly psychotic terms.
(Facilitator S05/F02)
We do repeat, you know it's a lifestyle choice...
we're not saying that you've got to ban all bad
food... they think they're going to go there, get
weighed, and they'll go on a diet, we're going to
give them a diet sheet. And for some people that
would work, and for other people empowering
them works... sometimes the like peer pressure and
going to Weight Watchers and knowing that you
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 9 of 14
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know there's some expectation you've lost some
weight, because it's been marked down, that works
(Facilitator S01/F02)
Healthcare professionals could perform the tasks re-
quired by the intervention and universally complemen-
tary about the training and printed materials they
received, although one noted:
It was a lot to take in just those three days initially
quite intense.(Facilitator S08/03)
Staff highlighted organisational challenges in some
trusts including: key individuals not driving implementa-
tion, lack of commitment from senior leadership, under-
resourced delivery and doubt regarding sustainability of
the programme post-RCT.
If it works it's going to become part of like the
working practice for everybody. We won't be giving
out free gifts It will just be part of people's care
plan.(Facilitator S01/F02)
The extent to which healthcare professionals could
access information about the intervention effects (e.g.
weight) was limited. STEPWISE has no mechanisms by
which healthcare professionals could access objective
information about the effects of STEPWISE.
No one seems to be taking weight! I'm not gathering
data on individual clients we don't even have an
ongoing way of monitoring weight now [in the trust]
…”(Facilitator S05/F02)
Similarly, healthcare professionals reported finding it
difficult to ensure services uses comprehended the
course content and had sufficient cognitive skills to
perform the necessary behaviour change. This was
echoed by some service users who wanted more moni-
toring by others. Interventionists reported that (subject-
ive) information about the extent to which service users
Fig. 5 Summary of the facilitator qualitative findings understood through the Normalisation Process Theory.
Legend: May CR. BMC Health Serv Res. 2011;11(1):245
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 10 of 14
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understood the material could have been elicited by fa-
cilitators during sessions.
Sometimes it wasnt explored to check understanding...
I would want to say with somebody like summarise
what key message youve taken away from that session...
Idont think we ... cover it in [facilitator] training... its
something that could be emphasised more to check
peoples understanding.(Interventionist, D07)
Intermediate outcomes
Most service users found the intervention to be highly
acceptable and many of those interviewed reported mak-
ing important changes in levels of physical activity, im-
proved nutrition and reduction in weight; however, RCT
outcome data showed that this was only true for a small
number of service users. Any differences between inter-
vention and control groups could not be explained by
receipt of the intervention.
This process evaluation explored how context affected
programme implementation and may help understand
why the STEPWISE intervention was unsuccessful in
supporting weight loss in people with schizophrenia,
schizoaffective disorder and first episode psychosis. The
process evaluation found that the programme design re-
quired closer (objective) monitoring of service users
progress towards their lifestyle goals, greater integration
of the programme within the organisation, i.e. coordin-
ation of resources, supporting staff appropriately to run
the programme, and consideration of the context and
variation in symptoms for people living with schizophre-
nia to achieve the desired lifestyle change.
The evaluation identified poverty, under-resourced
services and stigma associated with severe mental illness
as important issues for providers of tailored weight man-
agement programmes, as have others [49]. Service users
valued the provision of (funded) transport and found
patient-focused educational approach acceptable; how-
ever, healthcare professionals felt the level of resource
employed would be unsustainable outside of the trial. If
born out, ensuring adequate resources would be essen-
tial for successful implementation. Recent research con-
ducted by McGinty and colleagues identified ways to
adapt and scale up a severe mental illness weight loss
intervention (ACHIEVE); including, building staff cap-
acity, engaging leaders and organisational change and
financial policy strategies [50] which may overcome
some of the perceived and actual resourcing and leader-
ship challenges we found in our study.
We investigated intervention fidelity via direct obser-
vation of STEPWISE courses, which is considered the
gold standard approach [48]. Observations were under-
taken by interventionists; however, qualitative and quan-
titative process and implementation data were collected
and analysed by evaluators (DH and RGW) with suffi-
cient independence to critically observe stakeholders, as
recommended in guidance [20].
We coded participant transcripts to the Behaviour
Change Wheel [43] during analysis after the event, ra-
ther than integrating constructs within the interview
schedule. Therefore, the subsequent analysis did not
draw methodologically from these constructs rather it
reflected service userspatterns of attention. Programme
infrastructure that would, if rolled out, be required to
Fig. 6 Potential modifications to improve the STEPWISE intervention
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 11 of 14
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support training, provision of materials and ongoing
quality assurance, was not in place and therefore could
not be evaluated. In addition, in at least one trust facili-
tators were managed by the Research and Development
department which meant greater control over resource
management for intervention delivery.
As the theory underpinning the intervention is sound,
we have explored the intervention design and considered
how it has been packaged (session content/timings),
along with organisation issues (resources, lack of moni-
toring/tailoring for individuals) and the context of living
with a severe mental illness to assist in understanding
why the required behaviour change mechanisms have
not been triggered. The process evaluation points to po-
tential modifications which are highly likely to improve
the design and organisation of this or similar interven-
tions for this population (Fig. 6).
The triangulation of qualitative and quantitative findings
of the STEPWISE intervention reveal barriers and facili-
tators that influenced programme delivery. System level
infrastructure, local leadership and providing sufficient
time and resources for adequate coordination and deliv-
ery are essential. There is demand from people with
schizophrenia for this type of programme; and, the need
for interventions to support weight loss is unlikely to re-
duce because few tailored programmes exist, and obesity
rates generally are rising. Findings from our study sug-
gest certain strategies may improve and support delivery
in any future adaptions and in subsequent real-world
implementation. Although further research is required
to identify what type and format of interventions will
best support people with schizophrenia to lose weight,
and associated costs, our study found that close objective
monitoring of desired outcomes to assess progress to-
wards individual lifestyle goals (e.g. weight) and an
adequately resourced programme at local (i.e. personnel,
support tools, venues) and national (manual, training,
quality assurance) levels are essential. Furthermore, con-
sideration of the range of contextual factors, which vary
in their applicability to, and impact on, people living
with schizophrenia, will help ensure interventions are
tailored and flexible; and therefore, more likely to
achieve lifestyle changes which can reduce the health in-
equalities experienced by services users when compared
to the general population.
BCCr: Behaviour Change Consortium recommendations; BCT: Behaviour
Change Taxonomy; CTRU: Clinical Trials Research Unit; CFBOS: Core Facilitator
Behavioural Observation Sheet; DOT: DESMOND Observation Tool;
DESMOND: Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and
Diagnosed; ICF: International Classification of Functioning; MA: Master of Arts;
MRC: Medical Research Council; NIHBCC: National Institute for Health
Behaviour Change Consortium; NPT: Normalisation Process Theory;
PI: Principal Investigator; PhD: Philosophiae doctor; RCT: Randomised
Controlled Trial; SMI: Severe Mental Illness; SD: Standard Deviation;
STEPWISE: STructured lifestyle Education for People WIth SchizophrEnia;
TDF: Theoretical Domains Framework; WHO: World Health Organisation
We acknowledge and thank the contributions of: 414 RCT participants of which
24 service users also took part in a qualitative interview, the facilitators and
interventionists who contributed their time and data to the process evaluation
and, the STEPWISE Research Group for making this research possible.
The STEPWISE Research Group
University of Southampton: Richard I. G. Holt (chief investigator), Katharine
Barnard-Kelly. University of Sheffield: Rebecca Gossage-Worrall (research
associate, trial manager), Mike Bradburn (senior statistician), Daniel Hind
(CTRU assistant director), David Saxon (statistician), Lizzie Swaby (research
assistant). Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust: Paul
French (principal investigator), John Pendlebury (community psychiatric
nurse retired). Leeds and York Partnership Trust: Stephen Wright (principal
investigator). Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust: Glenn
Waller (principal investigator). Kings College London: Paul McCrone (health
economist), Tiyi Morris (research assistant). University of Leicester: Charlotte
Edwardson (associate professor in physical activity, sedentary behaviour and
health), Kamlesh Khunti (professor of primary care diabetes and vascular
medicine), Melanie Davies (professor of diabetes medicine). University
Hospitals of Leicester: Marian Carey (director: structured education research
portfolio), Yvonne Doherty (consultant clinical psychologist), Alison Northern
(project manager), Janette Barnett (diabetes specialist nurse). Cornwall NHS
Trust: Richard Laugharne (principal investigator). Devon Partnership Trust:
Chris Dickens (principal investigator). Somerset Partnership Trust: Chris
Dickens (principal investigator). Sussex Partnership: Kathryn Greenwood
(principal investigator). South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust:
Fiona Gaughran (co-principal investigator), Sridevi Kalidindi (co-principal
investigator). Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust: Shanaya Rathod
(principal investigator). Bradford District Care Trust: Najma Siddiqi (principal
investigator). Angela Etherington (independent service user consultant),
David Shiers (carer collaborator).
We also acknowledge and thank: research, managerial and clinical staff in
the ten participating NHS Trusts; the trial team at Sheffield Clinical Trials
Research Unit, Nicholas Bell, Director of Research and Development (Sheffield
Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust), as Research Sponsor. We
acknowledge advice and oversight from the independent members of the Trial
Steering Committee especially service user representatives; and members of
the independent Data Monitoring Committee. We acknowledge Jonathan
Mitchell (Consultant Psychiatrist, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS
Foundation Trust) as the PI of the intervention development study; and the
NIHR Clinical Research Network for supporting recruitment to the RCT, and
Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust, which supported the study
from 1 October 2015.
This article contains text reproduced from a study funded by the National
Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) Holt
RIG, Hind D, Gossage-Worrall R, Bradburn M, Saxon D, McCrone P, et al.
Structured lifestyle education to support weight loss for people with
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and first episode psychosis: the
STEPWISE RCT. Health Technol Assess 2018;22 (65).
RG-W, DH, KBK, DS, AE and RIGH conceived of and participated in the design
of the study. Participant and facilitator interviews were conducted by RGW;
and, DH conducted the interventionist interviews. RG-W and DH coded inter-
view transcripts and conducted qualitative data analysis and triangulation with
fidelity observations (data collected and analysed by researchers at Leicester
Diabetes Centre); and, RCT data (collected by 10 NHS mental health trusts and
analysed by the Trial Statistician). LS contributed to coding of interview tran-
scripts and together with RG-W, DH, KBK, DS, AE participated in discussions of
field notes and emerging themes. RG-W coordinated the study and drafted the
Gossage-Worrall et al. BMC Psychiatry (2019) 19:358 Page 12 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
initial manuscript. All authors contributed to revisions of, and approved, the final
This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
Health Technology Assessment programme (project number 12/28/05). The
funder took no part in the design collection, analysis, and interpretation of
data or writing the manuscript. The views expressed are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the NHS, MRC, CCF, NIHR or the Department of
Health and Social Care. The views and opinions expressed by the interviewees
in this publication are those of the interviewees and do not necessarily
reflect those of the authors, those of the NHS, MRC, CCF, NIHR, NETSCC,
the Health Technology Assessment Programme or the Department of
Health and Social Care.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are not
publicly available due to ensuring the confidentiality and anonymity of the
participants but are available from on reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The STEPWISE project received ethics approval from Yorkshire and Humber -
South Yorkshire NHS Research Ethics Committee (reference 14/YH/0019) on
4 February 2014. Written informed consent for study participation was obtained
from all service users as part of the consent process for the RCT. Service users
and facilitators provided verbal consent which was audio-recorded prior to
(and separately) from the telephone interviews and documented in writing
on NHS REC-approved consent forms. A copy of the consent form was
provided to all participants. Written informed consent for study participation for
interventionists was obtained. A copy of the consent forms for
service users, interventionists and facilitators are available for review by the
Editor of this journal.
Consent for publication
Written informed consent for study participation, and publication of direct
quotes, was obtained from all participants. A copy of the consent forms for
service users, interventionists and facilitators are available for review by the
Editor of this journal.
Competing interests
DS is expert advisor to the NICE centre for guidelines and a member of the
current NICE guideline development group for Rehabilitation in adults with
complex psychosis and related severe mental health conditions; Board member
of the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH); Clinical
Advisor (paid consultancy basis) to National Clinical Audit of Psychosis (NCAP);
views are personal and not those of NICE, NCCMH or NCAP.
RIGH received fees for lecturing, consultancy work and attendance at
conferences from the following: Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Janssen,
Lundbeck, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Otsuka, Sanofi, Sunovion, Takeda, MSD.
All remaining named authors did not disclose any declarations of interest.
Author details
Clinical Trials Research Unit, School of Health and Related Research, The
University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 30 Regent Street, Sheffield S1 4DA, UK.
Faculty of Health & Social Science, Bournemouth University, Poole, Dorset,
Honorary Research Consultant, Psychosis Research Unit, Greater
Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and Honorary Reader in
Early Psychosis, School of Health Sciences, Division of Psychology and Mental
Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Patient Representative,
Independent Service User Consultant, Manchester, UK.
Human Development
and Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton,
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton,
Received: 7 January 2019 Accepted: 10 September 2019
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... To address this, Sekhon et al. (2017) developed the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability (TFA) which defines acceptability as the extent to which a healthcare intervention is considered appropriate for individuals who receive and deliver it. Most studies using the TFA have focused on physical health problems and health behaviour change (Brookfield, 2019;Gossage-Worrall et al., 2019;Griffin et al., 2019;Kurniawati et al., 2019;Murphy & Gardner, 2019;Nadarzynski et al., 2019;Palsola et al., 2020;Rockliffe et al., 2018). The TFA is yet to be applied to psychological interventions targeting suicidal thoughts and behaviours in the context of psychosis. ...
... These were then coded line by line in NVivo using a coding manual based on the TFA (Sekhon et al., 2017). In addition, through inductive coding of initial transcripts, a scoping review of the existing literature on the acceptability of mental health interventions, and previous studies that have used the TFA (Brookfield, 2019;Gossage-Worrall et al., 2019;Kurniawati et al., 2019;Murphy & Gardner, 2019;Palsola et al., 2020;Rockliffe et al., 2018), the coding manual was updated to fit with the experiences of people receiving CBSPp. Analysis was driven by the domains of the TFA and the recognition that researchers are subjective and knowledge is context-dependent (Braun & Clarke, 2021). ...
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Objectives Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide. People experiencing psychosis are at increased risk of death by suicide. Talking therapies can alleviate suicidal thoughts, plans, and attempts. Therapies need to also be acceptable to recipients. The aim of this study was to investigate the views on psychological therapy for people experiencing psychosis and suicidality using the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability. Design Qualitative interview study. Methods Participants were recruited from a randomised controlled trial comparing suicide prevention psychological therapy with treatment as usual. Individuals had a diagnosis of non‐affective psychosis and experience of suicidal thoughts, plans and/or attempts. To assess the acceptability of the therapy, semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 20 participants randomised to receive therapy. Data were deductively analysed using an adaptation of the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability. Results Interviews ( Mean = 45 min) were conducted and audio recorded with 21 participants. Data were organised into six themes: 1. Affective attitude, 2. Burden, 3. Alliance, 4. Intervention coherence, 5. Perceived effectiveness, and 6. Self‐efficacy. There was no evidence of issues relating to domains of ethicality and opportunity costs associated with receiving therapy. Conclusions Talking about suicide was difficult and, at times, distressing, but it was perceived to be useful for understanding experiences. To be acceptable, it is important for therapists to ensure that clients' understanding of therapy aligns with expectations of effectiveness and to invest in building strong therapeutic alliances. Future research will benefit from examining therapists' experiences of delivering therapy through different modes (e.g. online, telephone).
... Replicated and meta-analytic evidence supports the feasibility and acceptability of lifestyle and behavioral modification in the prevention and treatment of obesity and PDWG in persons with psychiatric disorders (130)(131)(132)(133)(134)(135)(136)(137)(138)(139)(140)(141). In addition, contingency management combined with lifestyle and behavioral modification is established as effective at improving health outcomes in persons with substance use disorders. ...
Psychotropic drug-related weight gain (PDWG) is a common occurrence and is highly associated with non-initiation, discontinuation, and dissatisfaction with psychiatric drugs. Moreover, PDWG intersects with the elevated risk for obesity and associated morbidity that has been amply reported in the psychiatric population. Evidence indicates that differential liability for PDWG exists for antipsychotics, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants. During the past two decades, agents within these classes have become available with significantly lower or no liability for PDWG and as such should be prioritized. Although lithium is associated with weight gain, the overall extent of weight gain is significantly lower than previously estimated. The benefit of lifestyle and behavioral modification for obesity and/or PDWG in psychiatric populations is established, with effectiveness similar to that in the general population. Metformin is the most studied pharmacological treatment in the prevention and treatment of PDWG, and promising data are emerging for glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists (e.g., liraglutide, exenatide, semaglutide). Most pharmacologic antidotes for PDWG are supported with low-confidence data (e.g., topiramate, histamine-2 receptor antagonists). Future vistas for pharmacologic treatment for PDWG include large, adequately controlled studies with GLP-1 receptor agonists and possibly GLP-1/glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide co-agonists (e.g., tirzepatide) as well as specific dietary modifications.
... The frameworks were as follows: the RE-AIM framework aiming to increase attention on essential programme elements for validity and implementation, focusing on Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance; 15 PIPE framework assesses the public health impact of interventions, focusing on Penetration, Implementation, Participation and Effectiveness; 16 DESMOND Observation Tool measures facilitator versus participant talk time 17 and STEPWISE Core Facilitator Behavioural Observation Sheet assessing behaviour change, planning and goal setting against behaviour domains. 18 Measures completed by participants used Likert-type scales to gain participants opinion on implementation of the intervention. In three studies, how these were developed was unclear. ...
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Background/Aims Self-management interventions are increasingly being developed and researched to improve long-term condition outcomes. To understand and interpret findings, it is essential that fidelity of intervention delivery and participant engagement are measured and reported. Before developing fidelity checklists to assess treatment fidelity of interventions, current recommendations suggest that a synthesis of fidelity measures reported in the literature is completed. Therefore, here we aim to identify what the current measures of fidelity of intervention delivery and engagement for self-management interventions for long-term conditions are and whether there is treatment fidelity. Methods Four databases (MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL Plus and ScienceDirect) and the journal implementation science were systematically searched to identify published reports from inception to December 2020 for experimental studies measuring fidelity of intervention delivery and/or participant engagement in self-management interventions for long-term conditions. Data on fidelity of delivery and engagement measures and the findings were extracted and synthesised. Results Thirty-nine articles were identified as eligible, with 25 studies measuring fidelity of delivery, 19 reporting engagement and 5 measuring both. For fidelity of delivery, measures included structured checklists, participant completed measures and researcher observations/notes. These were completed by researchers, participants and intervention leaders. Often there was little information around the development of these measures, particularly when the measure had been developed by the researchers, rather than building on others work. Eighteen of 25 studies reported there was fidelity of intervention delivery. For engagement, measures included data analytics, participant completed measures and researcher observations. Ten out of 19 studies reported participants were engaged with the intervention. Conclusion In complex self-management interventions, it is essential to assess whether treatment fidelity of each core component of interventions is delivered, as outlined in the protocol, to understand which components are having an effect. Treatment fidelity checklists comparing what was planned to be delivered, with what was delivered should be developed with pre-defined cut-offs for when fidelity has been achieved. Similarly, when measuring engagement, while data analytics continue to rise with the increase in digital interventions, clear cut-offs for participant use and content engaged with to be considered an engagement participant need to be pre-determined.
... The association between tobacco smoking and schizophrenia was stronger in studies with the last year of inclusion in 2009 or after vs. those before 2009, suggesting that women with schizophrenia may not have benefitted from public health interventions or other interventions for tobacco smoking than other women without schizophrenia. Optimising healthy lifestyle interventions is needed, as the Swedish MINT and the UK INTERaCT and STEPWISE interventions delivered to patients with schizophrenia from both sexes reported disappointing results [59,60]. In addition to reduced care fragmentation, including fathers [61] and family caregivers [62], may improve the effectiveness of these programmes. ...
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Women with schizophrenia and their newborns are at risk of adverse pregnancy, delivery, neonatal and child outcomes. However, robust and informative epidemiological estimates are lacking to guide health policies to prioritise and organise perinatal services. For the first time, we carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis to synthesise the accumulating evidence on pregnancy, delivery, neonatal complications, and infant mortality among women with schizophrenia and their newborns (N = 43,611) vs. controls (N = 40,948,272) between 1999 and 2021 (26 population-based studies from 11 high-income countries) using random effects. Women with schizophrenia had higher odds (OR) of gestational diabetes (2.35, 95% CI: [1.57–3.52]), gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (OR 1.55, 95% CI: [1.02–2.36]; 1.85, 95% CI: [1.52–2.25]), antepartum and postpartum haemorrhage (OR 2.28, 95% CI: [1.58–3.29]; 1.14, 95% CI: [1.04–1.24]), placenta abruption, threatened preterm labour, and premature rupture of membrane (OR 2.20, 95% CI: [2.02–2.39]; 2.91, 95% CI: [1.57–5.40]; 1.29, 95% CI: [1.06–1.58]), c-section (OR 1.33, 95% CI: [1.22–1.45]), foetal distress (OR 1.80, 95% CI: [1.43–2.26]), preterm and very preterm delivery (OR 1.79, 95% CI: [1.62–1.98]; 2.31, 95% CI: [1.78–2.98]), small for gestational age and low birth weight (OR 1.63, 95% CI: [1.48–1.80]; 1.75, 95% CI: [1.46–2.11]), congenital malformations (OR 1.86, 95% CI: [1.71–2.03]), and stillbirths (OR 2.06, 95% CI: [1.83–2.31]). Their newborns had higher odds of neonatal death (OR 1.41, 95% CI: [1.03–1.94]), post-neonatal death (OR 2.87, 95% CI: [2.11–3.89]) and infant mortality (OR 2.33, 95% CI: [1.81–3.01]). This large‐scale meta‐analysis confirms that schizophrenia is associated with a substantially increased risk of very preterm delivery, stillbirth, and infant mortality, and metabolic risk in mothers. No population-based study has been carried out in low- and middle-income countries in which health problems of women with schizophrenia are probably more pronounced. More research is needed to better understand the complex needs of women with schizophrenia and their newborns, determine how care delivery could be optimised, and define best practices. Study registration: PROSPERO CRD42020197446.
... Many different interventions have been tried to limit antipsychotic-induced weight gain, but there is not a clear picture of what works, for whom and in what circumstances. For example, the recent STEPWISE trial of structured lifestyle changes was unable to establish either clinical or cost-effectiveness due the complexity of the area and the need for an individualised approach [10,11]. The benefits (or not) to patients are likely to depend on contextual influences and as an approach to evaluation, randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are not well suited to developing an in-depth understanding of these. ...
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Background People with severe mental illnesses (SMI) such as schizophrenia die on average 15 to 20 years earlier than everyone else. Two thirds of these deaths are from preventable physical illnesses such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, which are worsened by weight gain. Antipsychotics are associated with significant weight gain. In REalist Synthesis Of non-pharmacologicaL interVEntions (RESOLVE), a realist synthesis, combining primary and secondary data, will be used to understand and explain how, why, for whom, and in what contexts non-pharmacological interventions can help service users to manage antipsychotic-induced weight gain. Methods A five-step approach will be used to develop guidance: 1. Developing the initial programme theory An initial (candidate) programme theory, which sets out how and why outcomes occur within an intervention, will be developed. 2. Developing the search The initial programme theory will be refined using academic and grey literature. The proposed initial sampling frame are as follows: Context: people living with SMI, taking antipsychotics, different types of SMI. Intervention: non-pharmacological interventions. Mechanisms: triggered by the intervention. Outcomes e.g. weight, metabolic adverse events, quality of life, adherence, burden, economic. Searching for relevant documents will continue until sufficient data is found to conclude that the refined programme theory is coherent and plausible. Lived experience (service users) and stakeholder (practitioners) groups will provide feedback. 3. Selection, appraisal and data extraction Documents will be screened against inclusion and exclusion criteria. The text extracted from these documents will be coded as contexts, mechanisms and their relationships to outcomes. 4. Primary data collection Realist interviews with up to 30 service users and informal carers, and 20 practitioners will gather data to support, refute or refine the programme theory. 5. Data analysis A realist logic of analysis will be used to develop and refine the programme theory from secondary and primary data. The analysis will aim to identify practical intervention strategies to change contexts so that key mechanisms are triggered to produce desired outcomes. Guidance will be produced based on these strategies. Discussion This realist synthesis aims to develop guidance for service users and practitioners on the most appropriate interventional strategies to manage and limit antipsychotic weight gain. Systematic review registration PROSPERO: CRD42021268697
Schizophrenia is a mental illness with intense effects on a person's life. In addition to the psychiatric symptoms, patients with schizophrenia generally have multiple somatic comorbidities, such as cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. High prevalence of an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking habits, poor diets, sedentarism) contributes to the increased risk in these patients. Even though schizophrenia treatment focuses on medication in conjunction with talking therapies, it is essential to address lifestyle choices. Nowadays there is a large body of evidence that suggests that physical activity and exercise can help improve not only schizophrenia patients' physical health but also their mental and psychological wellbeing. This chapter addresses the guidelines for physical activity and exercise interventions for schizophrenia, presenting some programs which combine exercise and therapies to treat schizophrenia, including some novel digital approaches. This chapter also gives some recommendations for an active lifestyle clinical integration providing a literature review on the subject.
The aim of this study is to explore the views and understanding of youth mental health clinicians with regard to the physical health of young people with early psychosis and their perspectives on lifestyle interventions improving the health and well-being of young people with early psychosis. Physical health disparities leading to premature mortality among people with mental illness are well evident in the literature. Mental health and physical health are directly correlated. The risk of poor physical health often begins before the onset of mental ill health. Young people with early psychosis are highly susceptible to poor physical health. A co-designed integrated approach focusing on early prevention and intervention in overall well-being and health is imminent for this targeted population to prevent poor physical health trajectory across the lifespan. Ten clinicians were recruited and participated in this study through semi-structured interviews. Five themes were identified: (i) Impact of early psychosis, (ii) Focus of care, (iii) Conversations around physical health, (iv) Co-location of specialist roles and (v) Health literacy. The findings of this study confirm the dimensional impact of early psychosis on the well-being and health of young people through the vicious cycle of early psychosis. Promotion of health literacy along with social connectedness and elements of self-determination, as well as having a prime focus on the individuals' experience in the journey of health promotion through participation in lifestyle interventions, has been identified as critically prominent.
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Background People with severe mental illness die 15–20 years earlier than the general population. Reasons why include that people with severe mental illness are more likely to smoke and be physically inactive as a result of social inequalities. Objectives (1) Evaluate the clinical effectiveness of multiple risk behaviour interventions on behaviour change (e.g. smoking abstinence), and outcomes affected by behaviours (e.g. weight loss). (2) Compare the clinical effectiveness of interventions targeting multiple and single risk behaviours. (3) Examine the factors affecting outcomes (e.g. intervention content). (4) Assess the factors affecting experiences of interventions (e.g. barriers and facilitators). Data sources The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), EMBASE™ (Elsevier, Amsterdam, the Netherlands), MEDLINE, PsycInfo ® (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA) and Science Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, PA, USA) were searched from inception to October 2018, and an updated search was conducted in March 2020. An Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA) search and an updated Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials search were undertaken in September 2020. Study selection Randomised controlled trials targeting single or multiple health risk behaviours among people with severe mental illness were included. Qualitative evidence on factors affecting the effectiveness of risk behaviour interventions was included. Study appraisal Network meta-analyses were conducted to compare the effectiveness of multiple and single risk behaviour interventions. The mean differences were estimated for continuous outcomes; if this was not possible, standardised mean differences were calculated. Thematic syntheses of qualitative studies were conducted. Results A total of 101 studies (67 randomised controlled trials and 34 qualitative studies) were included. Most outcomes were smoking abstinence, weight and body mass index. Just over half of studies were rated as having a high overall risk of bias. Trials focusing on smoking alone led to greater abstinence than targeting smoking and other behaviours. However, heterogeneity means that other explanations cannot be ruled out. For weight loss and body mass index, single risk behaviour (e.g. physical activity alone) and multiple risk behaviour (e.g. diet and physical activity) interventions had positive but modest benefits. For example, any risk behaviour intervention led to a 2 kg greater weight loss (–2.10 kg, 95% credible interval –3.14 to –1.06 kg) and approximately half a point (i.e. 0.5 kg/m ² ) greater body mass index reduction (–0.49 kg/m ² , 95% credible interval –0.97 to –0.01 kg/m ² ) than treatment as usual. There were potential synergies for targeting multiple health behaviours for reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. No evidence was found of a deterioration in mental health for people with severe mental illness engaging in interventions to reduce health risk behaviours. Qualitative studies found that people with severe mental illness favoured interventions promoting physical and mental health together, and that took their condition into account. However, trials focused mainly on promoting physical health. Limitations Most quantitative studies focused on weight and body mass index; few assessed behavioural outcomes. Qualitative studies often addressed different aims. Conclusions Multiple and single risk behaviour interventions were associated with positive but modest benefits on most outcomes. Interventions seeking to promote physical health were not associated with deterioration in mental health. There was a lack of overlap between quantitative and qualitative studies. Future work Further research is needed to investigate whether or not health behaviour changes are maintained long term; tailoring weight-loss interventions for people with severe mental illness; and in terms of methods, co-production and mixed-methods approaches in future trials. Study registration This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42018104724. Funding This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health and Social Care Delivery Research programme and will be published in full in Health and Social Care Delivery Research ; Vol. 10, No. 6. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information.
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Background People with severe mental illnesses (SMI) have a mortality rate two times higher compared to the general population, with a decade of years of life lost. In this randomized controlled trial (RCT), we assessed in a sample of people with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia spectrum disorder, the efficacy of an innovative psychosocial group intervention compared to a brief psychoeducational group intervention on patients’ body mass index (BMI), body weight, waist circumference, Framingham and HOMA-IR indexes. Methods This is a multicentric RCT with blinded outcome assessments carried out in six Italian university centers. After recruitment patients were randomized to receive a 6-month psychosocial intervention to improve patients’ physical health or a brief psychoeducational intervention. All recruited patients were assessed with standardized assessment instruments at baseline and after 6 months. Anthropometric parameters and blood samples have also been collected. Results Four-hundred and two patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (43.3%), schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder (29.9%), or major depression (26.9%) were randomly allocated to the experimental ( N = 206) or the control group ( N = 195). After 6 months, patients from the experimental group reported a significant reduction in BMI (odds ratio [OR]: 1.93, 95% confidence intervals [CI]: 1.31–2.84; p < 0.001), body weight (OR = 4.78, 95% CI: 0.80–28.27, p < 0.05), and waist circumference (OR = 5.43, 95% CI: 1.45–20.30, p < 0.05). Participants with impaired cognitive and psychosocial functioning had a worse response to the intervention. Conclusions The experimental group intervention was effective in improving the physical health in SMI patients. Further studies are needed to evaluate the feasibility of this intervention in real-world settings.
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Joint displays provide a visual means to represent the integration of qualitative and quantitative research in addition to a framework for thinking about integration and organizing data, methods, or results. Despite increases in the use of joint displays, opportunities exist for more creative joint displays that use additional visuals to more easily communicate complex information. These additional visual features include charts, graphs, maps, and images. However, little has been written about their usage within joint displays. The purpose of this methodological article is to advocate the use of joint displays that incorporate graphs, charts, maps images, and other visuals, as appropriate and to discuss the decisions in including these features. To assist in identifying joint displays that include visuals, we conducted a systematic literature search of Google Scholar, PubMed, ERIC, and Academic Search Premier using terms for mixed methods research. After screening articles to identify joint displays that include graphs, charts, maps, images, and other visuals, we analyzed articles (n = 33) for mixed methods features and joint display features. Regarding the quantitative strand in a joint display, charts, and graphs can communicate more information than statistical numbers, such as showing distributions of data, plotting relationships among variables, and using bars of varying lengths to facilitate comparison. Maps and GIS data can similarly relate additional information for the reader, particularly when geographical or spatial area is important to the research. Furthermore, images can be a useful type of qualitative data and is especially relevant in photo-elicitation research. These visuals can be depicted in joint displays to represent integration. Visuals used in joint displays included: column or bar charts, histograms, boxplots, scatter plots, quantitative path models, maps, pictures, and qualitative visual models. We also include four exemplars of joint displays that use visuals. Researchers can use these types of joint displays for integration in psychological intervention research, for theory development in psychology, and for instrument development in educational psychology. We conclude with recommendations for including visuals and suggestions to optimize integration from a mixed methods perspective.
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People with serious mental illnesses (SMIs) die 10–20 years earlier than the general population, mainly due to cardiovascular disease. Obesity is a key driver of cardiovascular risk in this group. Because behavioral weight loss interventions tailored to the needs of people with SMI have been shown to lead to clinically significant weight loss, achieving widespread implementation of these interventions is a public health priority. In this Perspective, we consider strategies for scaling the ACHIEVE behavioral weight loss intervention for people with SMI, shown to be effective in a randomized clinical trial (RCT), to mental health programs in the U.S. and internationally. Given the barriers to high-fidelity implementation of the complex, multi-component ACHIEVE intervention in often under-resourced mental health programs, we posit that substantial additional work is needed to realize the full public health potential of this intervention for people with SMI. We discuss considerations for successful “scale-up,” or efforts to expand ACHIEVE to similar settings and populations as those included in the RCT, and “scale-out,” or efforts to expand the intervention to different mental health program settings/sub-populations with SMI. For both, we focus on considerations related (1) intervention adaptation and (2) implementation strategy development, highlighting four key domains of implementation strategies that we believe need to be developed and tested: staff capacity building, leadership engagement, organizational change, and policy strategies. We conclude with discussion of the types of future research needed to support ACHIEVE scale-up/out, including hybrid trial designs testing the effectiveness of intervention adaptations and/or implementations strategies.
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Background Obesity is a major challenge for people with schizophrenia. Aims We assessed whether STEPWISE, a theory-based, group structured lifestyle education programme could support weight reduction in people with schizophrenia. Method In this randomised controlled trial (study registration: ISRCTN19447796), we recruited adults with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or first-episode psychosis from ten mental health organisations in England. Participants were randomly allocated to the STEPWISE intervention or treatment as usual. The 12-month intervention comprised four 2.5 h weekly group sessions, followed by 2-weekly maintenance contact and group sessions at 4, 7 and 10 months. The primary outcome was weight change after 12 months. Key secondary outcomes included diet, physical activity, biomedical measures and patient-related outcome measures. Cost-effectiveness was assessed and a mixed-methods process evaluation was included. Results Between 10 March 2015 and 31 March 2016, we recruited 414 people (intervention 208, usual care 206) with 341 (84.4%) participants completing the trial. At 12 months, weight reduction did not differ between groups (mean difference 0.0 kg, 95% CI −1.6 to 1.7, P = 0.963); physical activity, dietary intake and biochemical measures were unchanged. STEPWISE was well-received by participants and facilitators. The healthcare perspective incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was £246 921 per quality-adjusted life-year gained. Conclusions Participants were successfully recruited and retained, indicating a strong interest in weight interventions; however, the STEPWISE intervention was neither clinically nor cost-effective. Further research is needed to determine how to manage overweight and obesity in people with schizophrenia. Declaration of interest R.I.G.H. received fees for lecturing, consultancy work and attendance at conferences from the following: Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Lundbeck, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Otsuka, Sanofi, Sunovion, Takeda, MSD. M.J.D. reports personal fees from Novo Nordisk, Sanofi-Aventis, Lilly, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Boehringer Ingelheim, AstraZeneca, Janssen, Servier, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Inc.; and, grants from Novo Nordisk, Sanofi-Aventis, Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim, Janssen. K.K. has received fees for consultancy and speaker for Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi-Aventis, Lilly, Servier and Merck Sharp & Dohme. He has received grants in support of investigator and investigator-initiated trials from Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi-Aventis, Lilly, Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim and Merck Sharp & Dohme. K.K. has received funds for research, honoraria for speaking at meetings and has served on advisory boards for Lilly, Sanofi-Aventis, Merck Sharp & Dohme and Novo Nordisk. D.Sh. is expert advisor to the NICE Centre for guidelines; board member of the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH); clinical advisor (paid consultancy basis) to National Clinical Audit of Psychosis (NCAP); views are personal and not those of NICE, NCCMH or NCAP. J.P. received personal fees for involvement in the study from a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) grant. M.E.C. and Y.D. report grants from NIHR Health Technology Assessment, during the conduct of the study; and The Leicester Diabetes Centre, an organisation (employer) jointly hosted by an NHS Hospital Trust and the University of Leicester and who is holder (through the University of Leicester) of the copyright of the STEPWISE programme and of the DESMOND suite of programmes, training and intervention fidelity framework that were used in this study. S.R. has received honorarium from Lundbeck for lecturing. F.G. reports personal fees from Otsuka and Lundbeck, personal fees and non-financial support from Sunovion, outside the submitted work; and has a family member with professional links to Lilly and GSK, including shares. F.G. is in part funded by the National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care Funding scheme, by the Maudsley Charity and by the Stanley Medical Research Institute and is supported by the by the Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London.
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Presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of personal efficacy determine whether coping behavior will be initiated, how much effort will be expended, and how long it will be sustained in the face of obstacles and aversive experiences. Persistence in activities that are subjectively threatening but in fact relatively safe produces, through experiences of mastery, further enhancement of self-efficacy and corresponding reductions in defensive behavior. In the proposed model, expectations of personal efficacy are derived from 4 principal sources of information: performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. Factors influencing the cognitive processing of efficacy information arise from enactive, vicarious, exhortative, and emotive sources. The differential power of diverse therapeutic procedures is analyzed in terms of the postulated cognitive mechanism of operation. Findings are reported from microanalyses of enactive, vicarious, and emotive modes of treatment that support the hypothesized relationship between perceived self-efficacy and behavioral changes. (21/2 p ref)
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Background: People diagnosed with mental illness have shorter lives and poorer physical health, compared to the general population. These health inequities are usually viewed at an individual and clinical level, yet there is little research on the views of mental health consumers on clinical factors in broader contexts. Objective: To elicit the views of consumers of mental health services regarding their physical health and experiences of accessing physical health-care services. Design: Qualitative exploratory design involving focus groups. Setting and participants: The research was conducted in the Australian Capital Territory. Participants were consumers of mental health services. Main outcome measures: The Commission on Social Determinants of Health Framework was drawn on to lead deductive analysis of focus group interview transcripts. Results: Issues impacting consumers included poverty, the neglect of public services and being treated as second-class citizens because of diagnosis of mental illness and/or experiencing a psychosocial disability. These factors were connected with significant barriers in accessing physical health care, including the quality and relevance of health provider communication, especially when the broader contexts of mental health consumer's lives are not well understood. Discussion and conclusions: These findings suggest the Commission on Social Determinants of Health Framework could be utilized in research and policy, and may provide an effective platform for exploring better health communication with mental health consumers regarding this neglected health inequity.
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Background It is increasingly acknowledged that ‘acceptability’ should be considered when designing, evaluating and implementing healthcare interventions. However, the published literature offers little guidance on how to define or assess acceptability. The purpose of this study was to develop a multi-construct theoretical framework of acceptability of healthcare interventions that can be applied to assess prospective (i.e. anticipated) and retrospective (i.e. experienced) acceptability from the perspective of intervention delivers and recipients. Methods Two methods were used to select the component constructs of acceptability. 1) An overview of reviews was conducted to identify systematic reviews that claim to define, theorise or measure acceptability of healthcare interventions. 2) Principles of inductive and deductive reasoning were applied to theorise the concept of acceptability and develop a theoretical framework. Steps included (1) defining acceptability; (2) describing its properties and scope and (3) identifying component constructs and empirical indicators. ResultsFrom the 43 reviews included in the overview, none explicitly theorised or defined acceptability. Measures used to assess acceptability focused on behaviour (e.g. dropout rates) (23 reviews), affect (i.e. feelings) (5 reviews), cognition (i.e. perceptions) (7 reviews) or a combination of these (8 reviews).From the methods described above we propose a definition: Acceptability is a multi-faceted construct that reflects the extent to which people delivering or receiving a healthcare intervention consider it to be appropriate, based on anticipated or experienced cognitive and emotional responses to the intervention. The theoretical framework of acceptability (TFA) consists of seven component constructs: affective attitude, burden, perceived effectiveness, ethicality, intervention coherence, opportunity costs, and self-efficacy. Conclusion Despite frequent claims that healthcare interventions have assessed acceptability, it is evident that acceptability research could be more robust. The proposed definition of acceptability and the TFA can inform assessment tools and evaluations of the acceptability of new or existing interventions.
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Background People with schizophrenia are two to three times more likely to be overweight than the general population. The UK National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends an annual physical health review with signposting to, or provision of, a lifestyle programme to address weight concerns and obesity. The purpose of this randomised controlled trial is to assess whether a group-based structured education programme can help people with schizophrenia to lose weight. Methods Design: a randomised controlled trial of a group-based structured education programme.Setting: 10 UK community mental health trusts.Participants: 396 adults with schizophrenia, schizoaffective, or first-episode psychosis who are prescribed antipsychotic medication will be recruited. Participants will be overweight, obese or be concerned about their weight.Intervention: participants will be randomised to either the intervention or treatment as usual (TAU). The intervention arm will receive TAU plus four 2.5-h weekly sessions of theory-based lifestyle structured group education, with maintenance contact every 2 weeks and ‘booster’ sessions every 3 months. All participants will receive standardised written information about healthy eating, physical activity, alcohol and smoking.Outcomes: the primary outcome is weight (kg) change at 1 year post randomisation. Secondary outcomes, which will be assessed at 3 and 12 months, include: the proportion of participants who maintained or reduced their weight; waist circumference; body mass index; objectively measured physical activity (wrist accelerometer); self-reported diet; blood pressure; fasting plasma glucose, lipid profile and HbA1c (baseline and 1 year only); health-related quality of life (EQ-5D-5L and RAND SF-36); (adapted) brief illness perception questionnaire; the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; the Client Service Receipt Inventory; medication use; smoking status; adverse events; depression symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire-9); use of weight-loss programmes; and session feedback (intervention only). Outcome assessors will be blind to trial group allocation.Qualitative interviews with a subsample of facilitators and invention-arm participants will provide data on intervention feasibility and acceptability. Assessment of intervention fidelity will also be performed. DiscussionThe STEPWISE trial will provide evidence for the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a tailored intervention, which, if successful, could be implemented rapidly in the NHS. Trial registrationISRCTN19447796, registered on 20 March 2014.
Background Obesity is twice as common in people with schizophrenia as in the general population. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance recommends that people with psychosis or schizophrenia, especially those taking antipsychotics, be offered a healthy eating and physical activity programme by their mental health care provider. There is insufficient evidence to inform how these lifestyle services should be commissioned. Objectives To develop a lifestyle intervention for people with first episode psychosis or schizophrenia and to evaluate its clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, delivery and acceptability. Design A two-arm, analyst-blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial, with a 1 : 1 allocation ratio, using web-based randomisation; a mixed-methods process evaluation, including qualitative case study methods and logic modelling; and a cost–utility analysis. Setting Ten community mental health trusts in England. Participants People with first episode psychosis, schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Interventions Intervention group: (1) four 2.5-hour group-based structured lifestyle self-management education sessions, 1 week apart; (2) multimodal fortnightly support contacts; (3) three 2.5-hour group booster sessions at 3-monthly intervals, post core sessions. Control group: usual care assessed through a longitudinal survey. All participants received standard written lifestyle information. Main outcome measures The primary outcome was change in weight (kg) at 12 months post randomisation. The key secondary outcomes measured at 3 and 12 months included self-reported nutrition (measured with the Dietary Instrument for Nutrition Education questionnaire), objectively measured physical activity measured by accelerometry [GENEActiv (Activinsights, Kimbolton, UK)], biomedical measures, adverse events, patient-reported outcome measures and a health economic assessment. Results The trial recruited 414 participants (intervention arm: 208 participants; usual care: 206 participants) between 10 March 2015 and 31 March 2016. A total of 341 participants (81.6%) completed the trial. A total of 412 participants were analysed. After 12 months, weight change did not differ between the groups (mean difference 0.0 kg, 95% confidence interval –1.59 to 1.67 kg; p = 0.964); physical activity, dietary intake and biochemical measures were unchanged. Glycated haemoglobin, fasting glucose and lipid profile were unchanged by the intervention. Quality of life, psychiatric symptoms and illness perception did not change during the trial. There were three deaths, but none was related to the intervention. Most adverse events were expected and related to the psychiatric illness. The process evaluation showed that the intervention was acceptable, with participants valuing the opportunity to interact with others facing similar challenges. Session feedback indicated that 87.2% of participants agreed that the sessions had met their needs. Some indicated the desire for more ongoing support. Professionals felt that the intervention was under-resourced and questioned the long-term sustainability within current NHS settings. Professionals would have preferred greater access to participants’ behaviour data to tailor the intervention better. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio from the health-care perspective is £246,921 per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio from the societal perspective is £367,543 per QALY gained. Conclusions Despite the challenges of undertaking clinical research in this population, the trial successfully recruited and retained participants, indicating a high level of interest in weight management interventions; however, the STEPWISE intervention was neither clinically effective nor cost-effective. Further research will be required to define how overweight and obesity in people with schizophrenia should be managed. The trial results suggest that lifestyle programmes for people with schizophrenia may need greater resourcing than for other populations, and interventions that have been shown to be effective in other populations, such as people with diabetes mellitus, are not necessarily effective in people with schizophrenia. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN19447796. Funding This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment ; Vol. 22, No. 65. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information.
Conventional approaches to evidence that prioritise randomised controlled trials appear increasingly inadequate for the evaluation of complex mental health interventions. By focusing on causal mechanisms and understanding the complex interactions between interventions, patients and contexts, realist approaches offer a productive alternative. Although the approaches might be combined, substantial barriers remain. Declaration of interest All authors had financial support from the National Institute for Health Research Health Services and Delivery Research Programme while completing this work. The views and opinions expressed therein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Health Service, the National Institute for Health Research, the Medical Research Council, Central Commissioning Facility, National Institute for Health Research Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, the Health Services and Delivery Research Programme or the Department of Health. S.P.S. is part funded by Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands. K.B. is editor of the British Journal of Psychiatry.