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Lung Cancer Image- Feature Extraction and Classification using GLCM and SVM Classifier


Abstract and Figures

Lung cancer is the second most causing cancer when compared to all the other cancers. According to WHO (World Health Organization) lung cancer contributes about 14 per cent among all the cancers. Therefore, early detection and treatment is very much required. Now-a-days, image processing techniques are playing a major role in early detection of disease which is very helpful in further treatment stages. These techniques help in detecting the abnormality of the tissues-tumor in target cancer images. In this research, the proposed methodology is majorly carried out in five phases. In phase one lung cancer and non-lung cancer, images are collected from the lung cancer database. In phase two preprocessing is done by using the Median filter. Median filter is chosen as it preserves the edges i.e, sharp features are preserved. In Phase three, segmentation of the target image is done using Fuzzy C Means. Fuzzy C Means Clustering is chosen as it gives better performance than K-means Clustering. In phase four, the features are extracted using GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix). GLCM have high discrimination accuracy and less computational speed. In phase five, these extracted features are given to SVM classifier for classification of lung cancer from normal lung. The SVM classier achieved accuracy of 96.7% for detecting and classification of lung cancer.
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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-11, September 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number K20440981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K2044.0981119
Abstract: Lung cancer is the second most causing cancer when
compared to all the other cancers. According to WHO (World
Health Organization) lung cancer contributes about 14 per cent
among all the cancers. Therefore, early detection and treatment is
very much required. Now-a- days, image processing techniques
are playing a major role in early detection of disease which is very
helpful in further treatment stages. These techniques help in
detecting the abnormality of the tissues-tumor in target cancer
images. In this research, the proposed methodology is majorly
carried out in five phases. In phase one lung cancer and non-lung
cancer, images are collected from the lung cancer database. In
phase two preprocessing is done by using the Median filter.
Median filter is chosen as it preserves the edges i.e, sharp features
are preserved. In Phase three, segmentation of the target image is
done using Fuzzy C Means. Fuzzy C Means Clustering is chosen
as it gives better performance than K-means Clustering. In phase
four, the features are extracted using GLCM (Gray Level
Co-occurrence Matrix). GLCM have high discrimination
accuracy and less computational speed. In phase five, these
extracted features are given to SVM classifier for classification of
lung cancer from normal lung. The SVM classier achieved
accuracy of 96.7% for detecting and classification of lung cancer.
Keywords: Median filter, FCM (Fuzzy C Means clustering),
GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix), , SVM (Support
Vector Machine).
Now a days cancer is becoming the most common reason for
human deaths, in which lung cancer occupies the second
position. These cancer cells are produced due to the abnormal
growth of cells in the human body. These cells can originate in
any part of the body thereby leading to the cause of cancer [1].
Lung cancer can be caused in two ways. The first way is
spreading of cancer cell in the lungs itself which is known as
primary lung cancer. The second way is the spreading of
cancer cells from other parts of the body to the lungs which is
known as secondary lung cancer. According to WHO, 85 per
cent of the lung cancer caused is of type NSCLC (Non-small
cell lung cancer) and the remaining 15 per cent caused is due
to SCLC (Small cell lung cancer) [2]. Detection of cancer at
Revised Manuscript Received on September 03, 2019
* Correspondence Author
R.Ankita , M.Tech Scholar, Embedded Systems, Department of ECE,
GRIET, Hyderabad.
Ch. Usha Kumari*, Professor, Department of ECE, GRIET, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India.
Mr. Mohd. Javeed Mehdi, Assistant Professor. Department of ECE,
GRIET, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
N.Tejashwini is M.Tech Scholar , Embedded Systems, Department of
ECE, GRIET, Hyderabad
Dr T. Pavani, Professor, Department of ECE, GRIET, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India
late stages is the main reason for increasing cancer rates
leading to a greater number of death counts.
These death counts can be decreased by detecting the cancer
cells at early stages itself. Image processing techniques can be
used in early detection of this cancer cells and thus can help in
treatment at initial stages.
The proposed methodology has five phases for the
classification of lung cancer. In phase one, the required data is
collected from the database
In phase two removal of noise is done by using the Median
filter. In phase three, the taken input images are segmented
using FCM (Fuzzy C Means) clustering. After segmentation,
in phase four, features are extracted using GLCM (Gray Level
Co-occurrence Matrix). These extracted features are used in
phase five for classification purpose which is carried by SVM
(Support Vector Machine).
Figure: Proposed Methodology for Cancer Detection
In this paper [3], detection of cancer was carried out with
the help of ANN (Artificial Neural Network back-
propagation). From the lung cancer database, a total of 50
images were considered and these images were divided into
two groups- cancer and non-cancer images. The features were
extracted with the help of GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence
Matrix) and these were given to ANN. The cancer was
detected and 80% of accuracy was obtained.
In this paper [4][20], two segmentation methods were used
for early detection of lung cancer. The first method was
Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) and the second method was
Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) algorithm. With the help of HNN,
nuclei and cytoplasm regions were extracted successfully.
HNN was preferred as FCM failed in extracting these features
with accuracy.
This paper [5][19], proposed an automatic detection of
lung cancer by suing CT scan
images. While diagnosing lung
cancer, lung nodule detection
Lung Cancer Image- Feature Extraction and
Classification using GLCM and SVM Classifier
R. Ankita, Ch.Usha Kumari, Mohd Javeed Mehdi, N. Tejashwini, T. Pavani
Lung Cancer Image- Feature Extraction and Classification using GLCM and SVM Classifier
Retrieval Number K20440981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K2044.0981119
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
plays an important role. Therefore, FCN (Fully Convolutional
Network) was selected for gaining more accuracy. First, FCN
was used for segmentation and then lung nodules were
detected. The proposed method was able to detect the lung
nodules with 100 percent accuracy.
In this paper [6][18], CAD (Computer Aided Diagnosis)
was preferred for detection of lung nodule. Here the disease
can be detected after extracting the lung nodule region from
the taken input CT scan images. Firstly, threshold value is set
and then optimal thresholding is performed. After selection
and application of this threshold value, region growing with
connectivity analysis is applied to extract the cavity region.
In this paper [7], a novel technique was proposed for easing
the segmentation technique. During analysis of lung cancer
many images are considered and thus segmentation process
becomes difficult for these huge number of data. Therefore,
BNMB (Bayesian Network Model) was selected which is
graphical model based on probability. This graphical
approach helped the images resulting from
In this paper [8], input color images were first converted
into grey scale images as processing of grey scale image is
easier than that of the color images. histogram equalization
was then applied to the images for obtaining the sharp borders
which can help in further analysis as it highlights the borders
thereby increasing the contrast of the images. thresholding
was applied and features were extracted based on the pixel
value. By applying Baack Propagation Network, an overall
efficiency of 78 percent was achieved.
In this paper [9], proposed methodology used CT
(Computerized Tomography) scan images. The methodology
has several steps such as pre-processing where the noise of the
images is removed. The second step is image segmentation
where over segmentation is removed using Marker Controlled
Watershed Segmentation. The segmented image was then
applied to Binarization and masking technique. Watershed
achieved more accuracy when compared with Threshold
which is 85.27 percent.
In this paper [10][17], lung cancer was detected using
X-ray images. Median filter was used for removing noise. In
segmentation stage, K-mean clustering and fuzzy C-mean is
used for feature extraction. These extracted features were
given to SVM classifier for classification. MATLAB tool
with GUI where normality and abnormality of lungs can be
shown easily.
In this paper [11], detection of lung cancer was done using
CT images. The proposed system uses median filter and the
wiener filter for preprocessing stage to remove the noise in the
image. Features were extracted using GLCM technique and
these extracted features were given to classifier. Here two
classifiers were used- SVM and BPNN. The accuracy
obtained by SVM classifier is 96.32 percent which is more
when compared with that of BPNN which is 83.07 percent
The process of classifying lung cancer is shown in Figure 1.
The entire process of lung cancer detection is divided into five
phases: image collection, image Preprocessing, image
segmentation, feature extraction and classification.
A. Image Collection
The cancer effected and non-cancerous images are
collected from Al the CT
(Computed Topography) scan images are in Dicom format.
Here CT scan images are selected because CT scan images
are an advancement to X-ray images. CT scan images are a
combination of X-ray images observed from different angles.
CT scan images also have an advantage of high resolution,
less noise. In this research, a total of 100 images are collected
from the internet of which 70 are cancerous effected images
and 30 are non-cancerous images.
B. Image Preprocessing
All the images collected are grayscale images. Grayscale
images are easy to process when compared to that of RGB
images. These collected images may contain noise, which can
be of any type. So, filters are applied for removal of this noise.
In this research, Median filter which is a non-linear digital
filter is utilized for removing of noise. The advantage of
median filter is, during removal of noise from the image the
edges are preserved without any disturbance but under certain
conditions only.
C. Image Segmentation
Segmentation plays an important role in classification of
diseases. In this process the images are portioned into
multiple segments. These segments combinedly cover the
entire region or image. In this research, Marker-controlled
watershed segmentation is utilized for segmentation purpose
[12]. The main advantage of this technique is it provides fast
segmentation results than the other techniques and moreover
it helps in eliminating over-segmentation formed in watershed
transformation technique [13].
D. Fuzzy C-means Clustering
Fuzzy C-means Clustering algorithm can be used for both
classification and for clustering algorithm. It is used to find
out clusters present in the provided data but this method is not
similar to K-means clustering. It groups the similar data in one
group and different types of data in different group. One of the
advantages of FCM method is it gives accurate result when
compared with that of K-means clustering [14].
E. Feature Extraction
There are many techniques available for extracting features
from the images. in this research GLCM (Gray level
co-occurrence matrix) is used for extracting texture features
from the target image. This technique is preferred because it
deals with the pixel information about position of identical
gray level values. A total of 13 different features are
extracted-Autocorrelation, Contrast, Correlation, Correlation,
Cluster Prominence, Cluster Shade, Dissimilarity, Energy,
Entropy, Homogeneity, Homogeneity, Maximum probability,
Sum of squares, and Variance
F. Classification
SVM (Support Vector Machine) [15] is a machine learning
algorithm used for
classification. It is used for
analyzing data and recognize
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-11, September 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number K20440981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K2044.0981119
the patterns and classifies by identifying different patterns
from the given data. First a set of input data is considered,
from these two classes are categorized. These classes are
given to classifier for detection[16].
In this research SVM classifies the abnormal images with
that of the normal image and the result is obtained. The result
provides the accuracy for the taken classification.
Phase 1: Here figure 2a and 2b represents the normal and
abnormal images taken from the dataset for classification
purpose. All the collected cancerous and non-cancerous
images are in Dicom format.
Figure 2a: Normal Lung iamge
Figure 2b: Abnormal Lung image
Phase 2: Noise is removed successfully with the help of
median filter while preserving all the edges carefully for
classification purpose. The filtered image is as shown in
Figure 3.
Phase 3: After filtering of image, segmentation of the image
was done using Fuzzy C-Means clustering. FCM was
successfully applied and better results were shown as in
Figure 4.
Phase 4: Table 1 represents the extracted features of the
taken input image by using GLCM. These are given to the
classifier for the further classification.
Figure 3: Filtered image
Figure 4: FCM Segmented image
Extracted value for
taken input image
Table 1: Feature values extracted for taken input image.
Phase 5: The dataset used for this research consists of total 60
CT lung images. Among these 30 are cancerous images and
30 are non-cancerous images.
Total 9 features were selected for classification purpose
which gave the below scatter plot as shown in Figure 5. This
plot was obtained by plotting the obtained autocorrelation
values against contrast values. In this plot the blue color
represents the cancerous images, red represents the
non-cancerous images and cross marks represents the
misclassified images.
Here Figure 6 represents the parallel co-ordinate plot for
the taken 9 features. In this plot the blue color curve
represents the cancerous images
curve, red represents the
non-cancerous images curve
Lung Cancer Image- Feature Extraction and Classification using GLCM and SVM Classifier
Retrieval Number K20440981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K2044.0981119
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
and red dotted curve represents the misclassified images
Figure 5: Scatter plot for Autocorrelation versus
Figure 6: Parallel Co-ordinate plot
The confusion matrix of taken 60 images is given as shown
in Figure. From the result it is clear that among these 60
images 2 of the images are misclassified.
ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve for the
taken input images is as shown in Figure. After a successful
100 iterations for the taken 60 images an accuracy of 97.6 %
was achieved. With the help of this images TP, TN, FN, FP
values are known which was used to calculate the accuracy.
Figure 7: Confusion matrix
TP=True Positive
TN=True Negative
FN=False Negative
FP=False Positive
Figure 8: ROC Curve
Therefore, from above plots we can say that performance of
the proposed research for classification of lung cancer had
obtained better results by achieving an accuracy of 96.7
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-11, September 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number K20440981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K2044.0981119
The proposed methodology was followed by five phases
image collection, image pre-processing, image segmentation,
features extraction and classification. Median filter was used
for image filtering in which the edges were preserved for
classification. After completion of filtering, Fuzzy C-Means
clustering is used for segmentation for fast and better results.
Features for the taken images were extracted using Gray
Level Co-occurrence Matrix. A total of 9 features were
considered for classification and these were given to the
classifier for classification purpose. Final result was obtained
by applying SVM classifier. Plots for the classifier were
successfully obtained and accuracy of 96.7 percent was
achieved with the help of derived values from the respective
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R.Ankita is currently pursuing M.Tech in the field of
Embedded Systems in Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of
Engineering and Technology. She has pursued her
B.Tech in the field of Electronics and Communication
Engineering. Her research interests include Image
processing and Signal processing.
Dr Ch Usha Kumari is a professor in Department of
ECE, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and
Technology (GRIET), Hyderabad. She completed her
Ph.D from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,
Hyderabad. She completed her M.Tech from Andhra
University Visakhapatnam. She had 14years of teaching
experience. She published many journals and research
papers in national and international conferences. She is
life associate member of IETE and fellow member of IEEE.
Mr. Mohd. Javeed Mehdi is an Assistant Professor
in the Dept. of E.C.E., Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India. He
completed M.Tech.(Embedded Systems) from VIF
College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad .
He has 13 years of teaching experience, and published
and presented papers in national and international
conferences and journals. His areas of research interests are Embedded
Systems, IOT, Data Science, and Image Processing.
N.Tejashwini is currently pursuing M.Tech in the
field of Embedded Systems in Gokaraju Rangaraju
Institute of Engineering and Technology. She has
pursued her B.Tech in the field of Electronics and
Communication Engineering. Her research interests
include Image processing and Signal processing.
Dr T. Pavani received her AMIE with first class from
The Institution of Engineers (India), M.Tech and PhD
from Andhra University College of Engineering, Andhra
University. She is having 12 years of teaching and
research experience. Her areas of interest are Antennas,
Electromagnetics, EMI/EMC. and Applications of Soft
computing. She is a life member of the Institution of
Engineers and SEMCE. Presently working for a project sanctioned under
collaborative Research Scheme, with the Grant No:
... The GCPSO method obtained best performance compared to other methods [11].For filtered image the author applied Fuzzy C-Means clustering to get the segmented image. Different features are extracted which are used for lung image classification using SVM method which classifies the lung CT images as normal and cancerous images [12].From the related work it is observed that different researcher applied different segmentation algorithms. Hence it is very much necessary to standardize the segmentation algorithms for accurate lung cancer detection. ...
Conference Paper
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One of the most serious diseases is in today’s world is lung cancer, accounting for the majority of deaths each year. Image processing in the medical field has a considerable influence on the identification of lung cancers using the computer tomography (CT) images. Image segmentation is a technique for selecting the region of interest which helps to get the exact lung region. Despite the use of many image processing and machine learning methods for lung cancer recognition, the best way for accurate detection that improves accuracy and boosts a patient's endurance rate remains to be developed. To detect tumor accurately the exact lung region, need to be extracted. This paper attempts to compare various segmentation algorithms and analyze them to prove the best segmentation method. The proposed method consists of filtering an image, segmentation of filtered image, comparison of segmented image and ground truth image. To denoise and improve the image quality, an efficient median filter is applied. The filtered image is then segmented using various segmentations algorithms such as the Fuzzy C Means Clustering, Thresholding, K means Clustering and OTSU’s segmentation Algorithm. Considering the experimental results, it is concluded that thresholding segmentation method obtained improved segmentation performance for images which was 80.9604% for accuracy, 84.3595% for precision, 79.7482% for recall and 57.3742% for F1-score compared to other segmentation methods. Hence it is concluded that thresholding segmentation method segments the lung CT images accurately compared to other segmentation methods.
The treatment of lung cancer and related diseases is a major concern of medical science. Death due to lung cancer is seen as a leading cause and therefore early detection and treatment becomes a critical necessity. A commonly used technique of imaging to diagnose lung cancer is computed tomography (CT). In disease diagnosis, envisaging techniques play an important role. These methods help detect abnormal tissue-tumor patterns in targeted cancer cells. According to the World Health Organization, among all cancers, lung cancer accounts for around 14 percent. Paper contributes the different five stages as a proposed methodology. Firstly, database like normal lung and disease lung cancers images are collected. Median filter is used for pre-processing. Edges are preserves correctly by the median filter, so it is preferring, i.e., preservation of sharp features. In the third stage, segmentation on the target image is performed to ascertain and isolate the desired cancerous entity from the background. In stage four, features such as area, contraction, energy, entropy and homogeneity are mined using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). High demarcation precision and lower processing speed can be achieved by using GLCM. The fifth stage, these mined features are assigned to 5 different classifiers to classify lung cancer from normal lung. A decision tree (DT) classifier achieved highest accuracy for detection and lung cancer classification.
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Rice is one of the components of staple ingredients included in the issue of world food security in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program. A large number of varieties of rice types allows deviations in the field by mixing good rice varieties with other varieties to increase profits. This problem causes consumers to experience economic losses; on the other hand, distinguishing rice varieties is difficult to do directly only through eyesight. This study tries to make an initial approach to get the similarity value of each rice-type texture. This study discusses the extraction of texture features in 3 rice varieties, including organic rice, Mentik Wangi, Rojo Lele, and Basmati India. The feature extraction method used is the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) for assessing the texture of an image variety of rice and evaluated with PSNR and MAE.
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Cancer is a common disease with an increasing mortality rate in recent years. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in men and women alike. It is caused by uncontrolled cell development in the lungs. These cells are divided into two types: benign and malignant. Benign tumours are usually harmless, do not spread to other cells, and have a smooth and regular shape, whereas malignant tumours can be dangerous and spread to other body cells to form a new cancerous nodule with an uneven shape. If lung cancer is detected early, it can be treated. Lung cancer symptoms typically appear in the human body when it is in its final stage, but advanced technology and computer-aided systems can detect it at an early stage. Currently, numerous conventional and machine learning techniques are used for such automated detection systems to detect lung cancer in its early stages, but such automated detection systems do not provide accurate detection and the processing of lung cancer detection takes a long time. As a result, a novel method for detecting lung cancer that employs deep learning techniques for accurate detection while requiring less computation time is proposed. CT images are used in this study because they have less noise disturbance than MRI and X-ray images. Median filtering and patch processing are used to improve image quality on such CT scans. These pre-processed images are then subjected to a clustering segmentation process, which segments the image and feeds it to a CNN classifier. For feature extraction and classification, CNN architecture is used. In the future extraction section, various low-level and high-level features are extracted. The classification layer is in charge of determining whether the provided image contains a malignant, benign, or normal tumour. Finally, statistical parameters like MSE, PSNR, Accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, and others were computed and combined with the existing system in this work.
The automated system is now created with excellent accuracy to detect abnormalities in X-ray images. To enhance the appearance of medical photographs, image pre-processing methods are applied, so that high accuracy can be achieved with constrained means. Images are often classified based on their textural properties, which are measured using the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). The grey level correlation matrix provides statistical information of the second order on the grey levels of neighboring pixels in a picture (GLCM). In this proposed paper, medical X-ray images are classified and their features are extracted using an ensemble learning model. By extracting image features using the GLCM feature extraction method, this proposed model is able to distinguish between healthy and sick images (Gray level co-occurrence matrix).to improve the efficiency of the Ensemble learning classification method, it is compared against various algorithms using performance indicators, including Logistic regression, Gaussian Naive Bayes, as well as Random Forest. When this approach is compared to existing methods, the proposed ensemble model has an accuracy rate of 97% in classifying normal and diseased images.KeywordsGLCMMachine Learningrandom forestSMOTE
Abstract Currently, the advancement of computational intelligence (CI) and machine learning (ML) leading to the integration of methods. Cancer, one of the major challenges in organisms, is considered a heterogeneous disease that has been classified into various subtypes. Therefore, the classification of cancer subtypes led the researchers from the bioinformatics and biomedical field, to focus on the major applications of ML methods. From the last decades, various research has been done for the prediction, treatment, and prognosis of cancer, yet there is a challenge of morbidity and mortality of cancer patients. In order to limit these challenges, effective prediction and diagnosis methods are essential. Many researchers in this field have implemented ML-based models with high-performance such as Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks, and Bayesian Networks, and their ensembling for the prediction and early diagnosis, prognosis, and effective cancer therapeutics. This chapter presents recent advancements in ML-based models in the prediction, prognosis, and effective cancer therapeutic research. We also focus on ML-based models in various types of cancers like lung, breast, head, brain, liver, neck, gynecological, esophagus, and prostate cancers. Keywords Cancer diagnosis Machine learning in cancer AI in cancer Cancer prognosis
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Image textures are a set of image characteristics used for identifying regions of interests (ROIs) in images. These numerical features can thus be used to classify images in various classifiers. This paper introduces the task of classifying Chest X-ray images with Machine Learning Classifiers and to see the impact of variations on the result of classification. For this purpose, second-order statistical features (GLCM texture features) are extracted from all the images with preprocessing and classification is performed using these features. Various variants are applied for image processing. First-order features are included, the image is divided into multiple regions, different values of distance for GLCM are used. Several evaluation metrics are used to judge the performance of the classifiers. Results on Chest X-ray (Pneumonia) dataset shows remarkable improvements in the accuracy, F1-Score, and the AUC of the classifier.
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Lung cancer is a type of lung disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in lung tissue, whereas nodules (benign cancer) are small, round or egg-shaped lesions in the lungs. The current method used to diagnose lung cancer from CT scan images is by observing a data set of 2-D CT Scan images using the naked eye, then interpreting data one by one. This procedure is certainly not sufficient. Research conducted aims to extract texture features to improve the accuracy of malignant and benign cancers detection in CT scans. This research covers 5 (five) main points. The first is pre-processing CT-Scan images. The second is the automatic segmentation of lung area using the Active Appearance Model (AAM) method. The third is the segmentation of candidates who are considered cancer using morphological mathematics. Fourth, the process of detecting benign and malignant lung cancer is using Support Vector Machine (SVM). The fifth is the visualization of malignant and benign lung cancer using Volume Rendering. Accuracy of malignant and benign cancers detection is 79.7%.
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Lung cancer is one of the dangerous and life taking disease in the world. However, early diagnosis and treatment can save life. Although, CT scan imaging is best imaging technique in medical field, it is difficult for doctors to interpret and identify the cancer from CT scan images. Therefore computer aided diagnosis can be helpful for doctors to identify the cancerous cells accurately. Many computer aided techniques using image processing and machine learning has been researched and implemented. The main aim of this research is to evaluate the various computer-aided techniques, analyzing the current best technique and finding out their limitation and drawbacks and finally proposing the new model with improvements in the current best model. The method used was that lung cancer detection techniques were sorted and listed on the basis of their detection accuracy. The techniques were analyzed on each step and overall limitation, drawbacks were pointed out. It is found that some has low accuracy and some has higher accuracy but not nearer to 100%. Therefore, our research targets to increase the accuracy towards 100%.
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Wireless sensor networks take wide range of practical and useful applications. But there are many critical problems for efficient operations of sensor networks in real time applications. Sensor networks contain of number of nodes but with limited battery power and also wireless communications are deployed to collect useful information from the sensor node. It is very difficult for the sensor network to operate for a long period in an energy efficient manner for gathering sensed information. Energy saving is one critical issue for sensor networks since most sensors are equipped with non-rechargeable batteries that have limited lifetime. The power resource of each sensor node is limited. In this paper, we propose minimizing energy dissipation and maximizing network lifetime which is very important issue in the design of routing protocols for sensor networks. This paper we propose a new improved cluster algorithm of LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) protocol which is intended to balance the energy consumption of the entire network and extend the lifetime of the network.
Conference Paper
Image enhancement and classification is a big task, especially while performing in medical field. Enhancing and image classification is used for analysis of texture computed tomography (CT). In this paper images of lungs were taken for find various parameters of the texture. Mainly CT images of lungs can be categorised into normal and abnormal. Classification is based on the features extracted from the taken image. Implementation of the system focuses on texture based features e.g. GLCM (gray level co-occurrence matrix) feature plays an vital role in medical field. Selection is based on the twelve various statistical features and seven shape for extraction by applying sequential forward selection algorithm. After application of sequential forward selection algorithm Bayesian classifier was applied among classified data to get best classification