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Comparison of Magnesium Sulphate Protocols by Weight-Adjusted Versus Two Grams Per Hour for Preventing Convulsion in Preeclampsia: A Randomised Controlled Trial



Introduction: Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4 ) is the most effective drug used for seizure prevention in preeclampsia; however, the dosage of MgSO4 is still in controversy. Maternal weight is an important factor for the serum MgSO4 level; however, there has not been any weight-adjusted regimen of MgSO4 reported. Aim: To compare the effectiveness of weight-adjusted versus standard two grams per hour (g/hr) protocols of intravenous MgSO4 for preventing convulsion in preeclampsia. Materials and Methods: A randomised controlled trial was conducted with 86 preeclamptic women from January 2018 to September 2018. The study group (43 cases) received MgSO4 4 g loading followed by a weight-adjusted protocol starting with 1.2-1.5 g/hr depending on maternal weight. The control group (43 cases) received MgSO4 4 g loading followed by 2 g/hr. The serum Mg level was monitored at two and four hours after MgSO4 injection. The MgSO4 dosage was adjusted and continued until 24 hours after delivery. The percentages of those who achieved a therapeutic level of MgSO4 (4.8-8.4 mg/dL) in the first four hours were compared between the two groups. Clinical signs of Mg toxicity were monitored. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were evaluated. Results: At four hours after treatment, the proportion of participants who achieved a therapeutic level were 11.6% in the study group and 41.9% in the control group (RR 0.28, 95% CI 0.11 to 0.68, p-value
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Feb, Vol-13(2): QC01-QC04 11
DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2019/39642.12596 Original Article
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Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Comparison of Magnesium Sulphate
Protocols by Weight-Adjusted Versus Two
Grams Per Hour for Preventing Convulsion in
Preeclampsia: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy is a leading cause of maternal
and perinatal mortality and morbidity worldwide with an incidence
rate of 5-10% of all pregnancies [1]. Preeclampsia is a severe form
which has multisystem involvement and fatal complication [1,2].
The main management of preeclampsia with severe features are
hospitalisation, seizure prevention, control blood pressure and
termination of pregnancy. Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) is the
most effective drug used for seizure prevention [3,4], as this drug
can reduce the risk of eclampsia by more than 50% [5,6]. The
dosage of MgSO4 is still in diverse however, two commonly used
MgSO4 infusions protocols are intravenous (Zuspan regimen) [7]
and intramuscular route (Pritchard regimen) [8]. For the intravenous
regimen, the recommended dose is 4-6 g intravenous loading
dose, followed by the maintenance dose of 1 to 3 g/hr until 24
hours after delivery [7]. For the intramuscular regimen, the dosage
is 4 g intravenous with 10 g intramuscular loading dose, then 5 g
intramuscular every four hours [8]. The therapeutic serum level of
MgSO4 for convulsion prevention is not clearly established, however
the recommended serum level, based on a retrospective study, is
4.8 to 8.4 mg/dL which has been used by many centres for safe
monitoring of this drug [1,9].
Many studies were conducted about the proper dosage of MgSO4
to achieve a therapeutic level. A 2 g/hr maintenance dose was
more likely to achieve a therapeutic level when compared to 1 g/
hr where only 18.6-45.9% of the cases reach a therapeutic level
[10-13]. However, a supra-therapeutic level of serum MgSO4 was
reported in 13.3% of the 2 g/hr protocol [10]. Another important
factor is maternal bodyweight which showed a significant effect
on the serum Mg level in many studies [12,14]. The high maternal
bodyweight subgroup had a higher proportion of subtherapeutic
level of MgSO4; however, there has not been any weight-adjusted
regimen of MgSO4 reported. A previous retrospective study at our
centre reported the optimum maintenance dose which achieved
the serum therapeutic level according to maternal bodyweight
[14]. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the
effectiveness of two protocols of MgSO4, a weight-adjusted dose
and the other used the standard 2 g/hr, for preventing convulsion in
preeclamptic women.
This study was a randomised controlled trial which was conducted
from January 2018 to September 2018 at Udonthani Hospital,
Thailand. The study was conducted after the approval by the
Udonthani Research Ethics Committee (number 1/2561). Pregnant
women with preeclampsia with severe features who met the
inclusion criteria were counselled and invited to participate in this
study. An informed consent was obtained after explanation of the
Keywords: Anticonvulsant, Eclampsia, Pregnancy induced hypertension, Serum magnesium, Therapeutic level
Introduction: Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) is the most effective
drug used for seizure prevention in preeclampsia; however, the
dosage of MgSO4 is still in controversy. Maternal weight is an
important factor for the serum MgSO4 level; however, there has
not been any weight-adjusted regimen of MgSO4 reported.
Aim: To compare the effectiveness of weight-adjusted versus
standard two grams per hour (g/hr) protocols of intravenous
MgSO4 for preventing convulsion in preeclampsia.
Materials and Methods: A randomised controlled trial was
conducted with 86 preeclamptic women from January 2018 to
September 2018. The study group (43 cases) received MgSO4
4 g loading followed by a weight-adjusted protocol starting with
1.2-1.5 g/hr depending on maternal weight. The control group
(43 cases) received MgSO4 4 g loading followed by 2 g/hr. The
serum Mg level was monitored at two and four hours after MgSO4
injection. The MgSO4 dosage was adjusted and continued until
24 hours after delivery. The percentages of those who achieved a
therapeutic level of MgSO4 (4.8-8.4 mg/dL) in the first four hours
were compared between the two groups. Clinical signs of Mg
toxicity were monitored. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were
Results: At four hours after treatment, the proportion of
participants who achieved a therapeutic level were 11.6% in the
study group and 41.9% in the control group (RR 0.28, 95% CI 0.11
to 0.68, p-value <0.01). The 2 g/hr protocol for those participants
whose maternal weight was <80 kg had a higher proportion who
achieved a therapeutic level (p-values >0.001). However, both
protocols had similar low proportions who achieved a therapeutic
level for those whose maternal weight was 80 kg (8% in maternal
weight 80-99.9 kg, 0% in maternal weight 100 kg). No clinical
MgSO4 toxicity was observed. Maternal and neonatal outcome
were not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Maternal bodyweight is important for MgSO4
dosage adjustment. In those patients whose maternal bodyweight
is <80 kg, a 2 g/hr maintenance dose is more effective than a
lower dose; however, in patients whose maternal bodyweight is
80 kg, higher dose is required for achieving therapeutic level. A
low dose is not sufficient for any weight range. At least 2 g/hr is
minimum required for preventing convulsion in preeclampsia.
Saowanee Tangmanowuthikul et al., Weight-adjusted Protocol of Magnesium Sulfate
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Feb, Vol-13(2): QC01-QC04
Characteristics Weight-adjusted
Group (n=43)
2 grams/hour
Group (n=43) p-value
Age (year), range 29.2±7.3 (16-44) 27.8±7.3 (15-42) 0.41
Primigravida, n (%) 13 (30.2%) 22 (51.2%) <0.05*(a)
Nullipara, n (%) 18 (41.9%) 29 (67.4%) 0.02*(a)
Gestational age (weeks),
36.4±3.2 (27-41) 36.1±3.5 (26-41) 0.75
BMI (kg/m2) 31.9±5.5 30.2±5.8 0.18
<18.5, n (%) 0 0 0.32(b)
18.5 to <25, n (%) 3 (7.0%) 9 (20.9%)
25 to <30, n (%) 15 (34.9%) 13 (30.2%)
30 to <40, n (%) 23 (53.5%) 19 (44.2%)
40, n (%) 2 (4.7%) 2 (4.7%)
MAP (mmHg) 128.5±9.18 127.9±10.6 0.79
GFR (mL/min) 174.0±55.6 173.1±50.7 0.94
Serum creatinine >1.1 mg/dL 1 (2.3%) 0 1.00(a)
Platelets < 100,000/μL 2 (4.7%) 2 (4.7%) 1.00(a)
Transaminase levels 2
time of upper normal limit 4 (9.3%) 2 (4.7%) 0.68(a)
Pulmonary oedema 1 (2.3%) 1 (2.3%) 1.00(a)
Cerebral or visual symptoms 10 (23.3%) 7 (16.3%) 0.42(a)
Medical disease
Chronic hypertension 7 (16.3%) 5 (11.6%) 0.53(a)
Gestational DM 6 (14.0%) 6 (14.0%) 1.00(a)
Autoimmune disease 0 1 (2.3%) 1.00(a)
[Table/Fig-2]: Comparison of epidemiological characteristics, data was presented
in term of mean±standard deviation unless specified otherwise.
p-value was calculated by Student t-test, Pearson chi-square (a) or Fisher-exact test (b);
*statistical significance (p-value<0.05); MAP: Mean arterial pressure; GFR: Glomerular filtration rate;
DM: Diabetes mellitus
range or mean±standard deviation. The groups were compared using
an unpaired Student’s t-test for continuous variables. Chi-square and
Fisher’s-exact tests were used for categorical variables. The mean
difference and relative risk with a 95% CI was calculated for the
magnitude of effect. Statistical analysis was performed using Stata
version13. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
A total of 86 participants were included in this study with 43 in each
group. All continued until the study completed and were included
in the data analysis [Table/Fig-1]. The participants’ characteristics
in both groups are shown in [Table/Fig-2]. The mean maternal
bodyweight was 76.5 kg (range 50.3-126 kg). Both groups were
comparable in terms of age, gestational age, body mass index,
study’s method and side effects on the participants. The parent or
legal guardian provided their written informed consent for all patients
under the age of 18.
The inclusion criteria were pregnant preeclamptic women with severe
features who were admitted with gestational age 24 weeks. The
preeclampsia was diagnosed according to American College of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2013 guideline. Criteria includes systolic
blood pressure 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg
with proteinuria >300 mg in 24 hours or urine protein-creatinine ratio
>0.3 or proteinuria 1+ by urine protein dipstick. Severe features
were defined, as the patients who had one of the following; systolic
blood pressure 160 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure 110 mmHg,
serum creatinine >1.1 mg/dL or 2 time of baseline, transaminase
levels 2 time of upper normal limit, platelets <100,000/μL, pulmonary
oedema, cerebral symptoms such as persistent headache, visual
disturbances and right upper abdominal pain [15].
The exclusion criteria were participants, who had serum creatinine
>1.3, hypersensitivity to MgSO4, myocardial damage, diabetic coma,
heart block and myasthenia gravis. All participants were randomly
allocated into two groups using block randomisation by computer
generated random number which were sealed in opaque envelops.
Study and control drugs were prepared by ward nurses according
to the study protocol. All patients received 4 g intravenous loading
dose, and then the study group received a maintenance dose of
MgSO4 by weight-adjusted protocol according to our previous
report [14]. The weight-adjusted protocol was 1.2 g/hr for maternal
bodyweight <60 kg, 1.3 g/hr for maternal bodyweight 60-79.9
kg, 1.4 g/hr for maternal bodyweight 80-99.9 kg and 1.5 g/hr for
maternal bodyweight 100 kg. The control group received 2 g/hr
maintenance dose [1]. The serum Mg level was monitored at two
hours after loading dose and then every four hours and dosage of
MgSO4 was adjusted until the therapeutic level of serum Mg was
reached and then continued to 24 hours after delivery.
The blood samples were kept in a collection tube and sent to the
laboratory. The serum Mg level was measured by the Arsenazo method
and the creatinine level was measured by the enzymatic method
[16,17]. The creatinine result was then used to calculate the Glomerular
Filtration Rate (GFR) using the CKD-EPI GFR calculator program. Both
tests were done by an ARCHITECT machine modelC1600 (ABBOTT).
All participants were monitored for clinical magnesium toxicity such as
loss of patellar reflex, oliguria, apnea and drowsiness. A 10% calcium
gluconate was made available in all cases.
The characteristics of patients in both groups were recorded such as
age, gravida, parity, body weight and height. The body mass index
and mean arterial pressure in both groups were calculated and then
compared between groups. Maternal outcomes such as mortality,
eclampsia, intracranial haemorrhage, Disseminated Intravascular
Coagulopathy (DIC), cardiomyopathy, Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
admission, postpartum haemorrhage were recorded. Neonatal
outcomes such as preterm birth, intrauterine growth retardation, low
birth weight, abruption placenta, still birth, death foetus in utero and
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admission were recorded. The
serum Mg levels at two and four hours were compared between the
two groups. The primary outcome measurement was the proportion
of participants who achieved therapeutic level at four hours after the
loading dose, and secondary outcomes were the comparison of
maternal and neonatal complications between the two protocols.
The sample size was calculated using the formula for randomised
controlled trial for binary data [18]. The proportion of successful
outcome from the pilot study data in the study group was 0.20, in
the control group was 0.45. A α was 0.1 and the power was 80%.
The calculated sample size was 43 participants in each group. A
total number of 86 participants, with 43 per group, was used. The
participants’ characteristics are presented in number, percentage,
[Table/Fig-1]: Consort diagram. Saowanee Tangmanowuthikul et al., Weight-adjusted Protocol of Magnesium Sulfate
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Feb, Vol-13(2): QC01-QC04 33
mean arterial pressure, glomerular filtration rate, serum creatinine,
serum transaminase, platelet count, maternal medical disease and
maternal complications such as pulmonary oedema, cerebral or
visual symptoms except gravida and parity.
The primary outcome was a comparison of the effectiveness of
achieving the therapeutic level between both groups. At two hours
after loading dose, the mean serum Mg was not significantly different
between both groups. The proportion of participants who achieved
therapeutic level was 10.8% in the study group and 28.2% in the
control group.
At four hours after the loading dose, the mean serum Mg was higher
in the control group (mean difference 0.63, 95% CI 0.27 to 0.98,
p-value<0.01). The proportion of patients who achieved therapeutic
level was 11.6% in the study group and 41.9% in the control group
(RR 0.28, 95% CI 0.11 to 0.68, p-value <0.01). Supra-therapeutic
level was not detected in either group [Table/Fig-3].
Variables Weight-adjusted 2 grams/hour p-value
Magnesium toxicity
Loss of patellar reflex 0 0 NA
Respiratory paralysis 0 0 NA
Cardiac arrest 0 0 NA
Maternal complication
Convulsion 0 0 NA
ICU admission 2 (4.7%) 2 (4.7%) 1.00
Route of delivery
Normal labour 10 (23.3%) 17 (39.5%) 0.12
Caesarean section 31 (72.1%) 26 (60.5%)
Vacuum extraction 2 (4.7%) 0
Neonatal complication
NICU admission 4 (9.52%) 5 (12.2%) 0.70
Perinatal death 0 0 NA
[Table/Fig-5]: Pregnancy outcome.
ICU: Intensive Care Unit; NICU: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; p-value was calculated by Pearson
chi-square or Fisher-exact test; statistical significance (p-value<0.05)
n (%)
2 grams/hour
n (%)
RR or
difference 95% CI p-value
Two hours after
Mean serum
Mg (g/dL) 3.97±0.61 4.20±0.88 0.23 -0.12 to
0.57 0.20
level 4 (10.8%) 11 (28.2%) 0.38 0.13 to
1.10 0.07
level 33 (89.2%) 28 (71.8%) 1.24 0.99 to
1.56 0.06
therapeutic level 0 0 NA NA NA
Four hours after
Mean serum
Mg (g/dL) 4.00±0.68 4.63±0.95 0.63 0.27 to
0.98 <0.01*
level 5 (11.6%) 18 (41.9%) 0.28 0.11 to
0.68 <0.01*
level 38 (88.4%) 25 (58.2%) 1.52 1.15 to
2.00 <0.01*
therapeutic level 0 0 NA NA NA
[Table/Fig-3]: Comparison of mean serum Mg and percentage of achieved
therapeutic level in weight-adjusted and 2 grams/hour group.
p-value was calculated by linear or logistic regression analysis; *statistical significance (p-value<0.05);
There was some missing data at 2 hours after loading
According to maternal bodyweight, 11 patients were in <60 kg
group, 42 patients were in 60-79.9 kg group, 27 patients were
in 80-99.9 kg group and 6 patients were in 100 kg group. The
proportions of subtherapeutic level of MgSO4 at two and four
hours were higher in the weight-adjusted regimen especially in the
maternal weight <80 kg. In the maternal bodyweight between 60-
79.9 kg at four hours, the relative risk was 2.16, 95% CI 1.23 to
3.79, p-value <0.01. The high maternal weight (80 kg), in both
regimens had very high proportion of subtherapeutic level of MgSO4
with 92% in 80-99.9 kg and 100% in 100 kg [Table/Fig-4].
The pregnancy outcome include maternal complications, route
of delivery, neonatal complications shown in [Table/Fig-5]. No Mg
toxicity or eclampsia was detected during study period. Maternal
complications, route of delivery and neonatal complications were
not significantly different between both groups.
Magnesium sulfate is proven to be the first line drug to prevent
seizure in preeclamptic women. However, the proper dosage of this
drug has not been clearly established. Many centres use the Zuspan
regimen by MgSO4 4-6 g intravenous loading dose, followed by an
infusion of the maintenance dose of 1-2 g/hr. The maintenance
dose was adjusted until the therapeutic level was reached then
continued until 24 hours after delivery [7]. The weight-adjusted
n (%)
2 grams/hour,
n (%) RR 95% CI p-value
BW<60 kg
level at two
2 (50.0%) 3 (42.86%) 1.17 0.32 to 4.28 0.82
level at four
3 (75.0%) 2 (28.57%) 2.63 0.72 to 9.64 0.15
BW 60-79.9 kg
level at two
18 (81.82%) 13 (65.00%) 1.26 0.86 to 1.84 0.23
level at four
19 (86.36%) 9 (42.11%) 2.16 1.23 to 3.79 <0.01*
BW 80-99.9 kg
level at two
10 (71.43%) 9 (69.23%) 1.03 0.63 to 1.69 0.90
level at four
13 (92.86%) 12 (92.31%) 1.01 0.81 to 1.25 0.96
BW100 kg
level at two
3 (100%) 3 (100%) NA NA NA
level at four
3 (100%) 3 (100%) NA NA NA
[Table/Fig-4]: Comparison of percentage of subtherapeutic level in weight-adjusted
and 2 grams/hour group in different weight groups.
BW: Body weight; p-value was calculated by logistic regression analysis; *statistical significance
maintenance dose in this study was derived from a retrospective
analysis of optimum maintenance dose which achieved therapeutic
level of serum Mg in preeclamptic women [14].
The comparison of both protocols in this study showed no
eclampsia in either protocol. Also the maternal bodyweight had
a significant effect on the serum Mg level. Many studies reported
a high proportion of subtherapeutic level of MgSO4 in 4 g loading
and 1 g/hr maintenance [12,13,19]. This study also shows with
either a 2 g/hr or a weight-adjusted maintenance dose there still
had a high proportion of subtherapeutic level of MgSO4, especially
in those with high maternal bodyweight. The proportion of those
who achieved therapeutic level at four hour in the weight-adjusted
group in this study was lower than the previous studies which used
Saowanee Tangmanowuthikul et al., Weight-adjusted Protocol of Magnesium Sulfate
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Feb, Vol-13(2): QC01-QC04
1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Udonthani Hospital, Udonthani, Thailand.
2. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Udonthani Hospital, Udonthani, Thailand.
3. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Udonthani Hospital, Udonthani, Thailand.
4. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Udonthani Hospital, Udonthani, Thailand.
Dr. Metha Songthamwat,
45/5, Phorniyomrd Muang, Udonthani-41000, Thailand.
Date of Submission: Sep 17, 2018
Date of Peer Review: Oct 04, 2018
Date of Acceptance: Dec 06, 2018
Date of Publishing: Feb 01, 2019
the 1 g/hr regimen [10,20]. This might be due to the proportion of
high maternal bodyweight participants in this study, most of these
patients had their BMI 30.
The proportions of participants in the study group who achieved
therapeutic level in high maternal weight subgroups were 0-7.2%.
This is compatible with the previous study in which high body
mass index subgroup (30 kg/m2) achieved therapeutic level in
7.4% [20]. The result of the 2 g/hr protocol from this study also
had only 40.5% of participants who achieved therapeutic level.
This is lower than a previous study that reported 80% of the
participants who achieved therapeutic level, supra-therapeutic
level was reported in 13% in the previous study but none were
found in this study [10]. Other MgSO4 clinical toxicities such
as loss of patella reflex or respiratory depression were also not
detected in this study.
This study is first to report the weight-adjusted protocol of MgSO4
by prospective randomised controlled trial. The block randomisation
with opaque envelope made for a good representation of the
There are some limitations to this study. The first is the sample size
was calculated from the proportion of participants who achieved a
serum therapeutic level of MgSO4, not the incidence of eclampsia.
So the effectiveness of MgSO4 in eclampsia prevention needs a
larger sample size to be conclusive. Second, the sample size in
some maternal bodyweight groups, such as <60kg, was small, a
larger sample size is needed for the specific recommended dose
for lower weight patients with preeclampsia. Moreover, the loading
dose in this study was 4 g, the effect of higher loading dose to the
serum Mg still needs further evaluation.
The study implies that 2 g/hr regimen for maintenance dose is better
than a lower dose regimen, however further researches study, for
weight-adjusted dose in high maternal weight preeclamptic patients,
are needed.
Maternal bodyweight is important for MgSO4 dosage adjustment.
When the maternal bodyweight was <80 kg, a 2 g/hr maintenance
dose was more effective than a lower dose. However, when the
maternal bodyweight was 80 kg, a higher dose than 2 g/hr was
required for achieving therapeutic level.
We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Thammanoon Wisittanawat, director
of Udonthani Hospital for permission and grant support. Thanks to
the Udonthani Hospital staff and all participants who assisted in this
trial. None of the authors has any conflict of interest relative to this
work. This study did not receive pharmaceutical company support.
Clinical Trials registration number: TCTR20180122001
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maharat nakhon ratchasima hospital. Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
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Background There is widespread, increasing use of magnesium sulphate in obstetric practice for pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, and preterm fetal neuroprotection; benefit for preventing preterm labour and birth (tocolysis) is unproven. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess whether antenatal magnesium sulphate is associated with unintended adverse neonatal outcomes. Methods and findings CINAHL, Cochrane Library, LILACS, MEDLINE, Embase, TOXLINE, and Web of Science, were searched (inceptions to 3 September 2019). Randomised, quasi-randomised, and non-randomised trials, cohort and case–control studies, and case reports assessing antenatal magnesium sulphate for pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, fetal neuroprotection, or tocolysis, compared with placebo/no treatment or a different magnesium sulphate regimen, were included. The primary outcome was perinatal death. Secondary outcomes included pre-specified and non-pre-specified adverse neonatal outcomes. Two reviewers screened 5,890 articles, extracted data, and assessed risk of bias following Cochrane Handbook and RTI Item Bank guidance. For randomised trials, pooled risk ratios (RRs) or mean differences, with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), were calculated using fixed- or random-effects meta-analysis. Non-randomised data were tabulated and narratively summarised. We included 197 studies (40 randomised trials, 138 non-randomised studies, and 19 case reports), of mixed quality. The 40 trials (randomising 19,265 women and their babies) were conducted from 1987 to 2018 across high- (16 trials) and low/middle-income countries (23 trials) (1 mixed). Indications included pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (24 trials), fetal neuroprotection (7 trials), and tocolysis (9 trials); 18 trials compared magnesium sulphate with placebo/no treatment, and 22 compared different regimens. For perinatal death, no clear difference in randomised trials was observed between magnesium sulphate and placebo/no treatment (RR 1.01; 95% CI 0.92 to 1.10; 8 trials, 13,654 babies), nor between regimens. Eleven of 138 non-randomised studies reported on perinatal death. Only 1 cohort (127 babies; moderate to high risk of bias) observed an increased risk of perinatal death with >48 versus ≤48 grams magnesium sulphate exposure for tocolysis. No clear secondary adverse neonatal outcomes were observed in randomised trials, and a very limited number of possible adverse outcomes warranting further consideration were identified in non-randomised studies. Where non-randomised studies observed possible harms, often no or few confounders were controlled for (moderate to high risk of bias), samples were small (200 babies or fewer), and/or results were from subgroup analyses. Limitations include missing data for important outcomes across most studies, heterogeneity of included studies, and inclusion of published data only. Conclusions Our findings do not support clear associations between antenatal magnesium sulphate for beneficial indications and adverse neonatal outcomes. Further large, high-quality studies (prospective cohorts or individual participant data meta-analyses) assessing specific outcomes, or the impact of regimen, pregnancy, or birth characteristics on these outcomes, would further inform safety recommendations. PROSPERO: CRD42013004451.
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Introduction: Magnesium sulfate is used for preventing seizures in patients with severe preeclampsia. Previous studies have demonstrated that magnesium plays a significant role in the endothelial function and might have clinically beneficial vasodilating properties. Objectives: This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of magnesium sulfate on the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) during the first 24 h after delivery and during the duration of recovery from hypertension in preeclampsia. Methods: Severe preeclamptic patients who had normal serum creatinine levels (0.4-0.8 mg/dL) were included in the study. Twenty-three women with severe preeclampsia were divided into groups of 9, 8, and 6, and given 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 g/h of magnesium sulfate, respectively. Magnesium sulfate infusion was used as seizure prophylaxis for 24 h after delivery. The cystatin C-based GFR was monitored for 24 h, and the blood pressure was recorded for 12 weeks postpartum. Results: Despite the minimal improvement of GFR 24-h after treatment initiation, survival analysis demonstrated a statistically significant relationship (log rank, p = 0.04) between magnesium dosage and recovery period from hypertension. The group receiving 2.0 g/h of magnesium experienced the shortest recovery period from hypertension (6.5 ± 1.8 days). Meanwhile, the other groups required 66.0 ± 26.9 and 48.3 ± 15.6 days to recover after 1.0 and 1.5 g/h of magnesium infusion, respectively. Conclusion: Magnesium sulfate has no impact on GFR improvement during the first 24 h after delivery. However, magnesium maintenance infusion at 2.0 g/h is capable of preventing seizure by optimizing the therapeutic magnesium level (4.8-8.4 mg/dL) and shortening the hypertensive episode in preeclampsia.
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To compare the percentages of pregnant women with preeclampsia who reached the therapeutic serum magnesium levels between those who received maintenance magnesium sulfate infusion of 2 g/hour versus I g/hour Sixty women diagnosed of preeclampsia and magnesium sulfate that were considered for seizure prophylaxis were randomized into two groups. A loading dose of 5 g magnesium sulfate was given intravenously over 20 minutes to both groups. Maintenance doses of magnesium sulfate of 2 g/hour and 1 g/hour were given to the study and control groups, respectively. The maintenance dose was continued until 24 hours postpartum. Blood samples for serum magnesium were collected at 0, 1/2, 2, and 4 hours after the loading dose and at 2 and 12 hours after delivery. Clinical signs of magnesium toxicity were carefully monitored. Maternal and neonatal outcome were evaluated. Significantly more women in the present study group reached the therapeutic level of serum magnesium at 2 hours (70% vs. 23%, p = 0.001) and at 4 hours (80% vs. 17%, p = 0.00) after the loading dose and at 2 hours (60% vs. 20%, p = 0.003) and at 12 hours (80% vs. 37%, p = 0.001) after delivery. No clinical magnesium toxicity was observed There were no significant differences in maternal and neonatal outcomes between the two groups. The maintenance dose of magnesium sulfate at 2 g/hour was more likely to attain the therapeutic level of serum magnesium when compared to 1 g/hour with no detectable difference in maternal and neonatal outcomes.
Objective: To determine the effect of maternal body weight (BW) to the serum level of Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) in preeclampsia and define the optimum maintenance doses in different maternal weight groups. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study of preeclampsia patients who were treated by MgSO4. The percentages of subtherapeutic level of Mg in the first four hours and the optimum maintenance dosage, which achieved the therapeutic level, were compared in different BW groups. Results: Four hundred seventy patients were included in this study. According to BW, 45.6% of the group with BW of less than 60 kg achieved therapeutic level in the first four hours, compared with 23.8% of the group with BW 60 to 79.9 kg, 14.9% of the group with BW 80 to 99.9 kg, and 0% of the group with BW of 100 kg or more (p<0.05). After adjusting the maintenance dose of MgSO4, the optimum maintenance dosages were 1.11±0.19 g/hour in BW of less than 60 kg group, 1.28±0.34 g/hour in 60 to 79.9 kg group, 1.35±0.39 g/hour in 80 to 99.9 kg group, and 1.43±0.44 g/hour in 100 kg or more group (p<0.05). Conclusion: The higher maternal BW causes the lower serum Mg level in preeclamptic patients who were treated with MgSO4. From the present study, the optimum maintenance dose was suggested for each weight group. However, the effectiveness of this protocol needs further evaluation.
Objectives: To evaluate association between the maternal body mass index (BMI) and subtherapeutic serum magnesium level in pregnant women with severe preeclampsia who received magnesium sulfate therapy at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Study design: Retrospective cross-sectional study. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study from October 1, 2012 to March 31, 2015 was performed to estimate the effect of maternal BMI on serum magnesium level. And 565(2.99 %) pregnant women had severe preeclampsia and eclampsia diagnosed and received magnesium sulfate therapy at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Inclusion criteria was pregnant women delivered at gestational age ≥ 24 weeks, not expectant management, received magnesium sulfate in regimen loading dose 4 grams, followed by maintenance dose 1 gram/hour intravenously, and monitored serum magnesium level. Serum magnesium level was monitored initially at 3-4 hours after loading dose, and then monitored every 4 hours during magnesium sulfate infusion. The first serum magnesium level after loading dose was used in the study. Association between maternal BMI and subtherapeutic serum magnesium level (magnesium level 1.1 gm/dL) and thrombocytopenia seem to have higher rate of therapeutic magnesium level significantly (P value < 0.05). Conclusion: Most cases of women with severe preeclampsia at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital had subtherapeutic serum magnesium level when magnesium sulfate was administered in regimen loading dose 4 grams, followed by 1 gram per hour intravenously. Overweight and obesity were high risk factor contributing to subtherapeutic of serum magnesium level.
Hypertensive disorders are one of a major cause of maternal mortality and morbidity especially in developing countries. This cross sectional descriptive study was carried out to determine frequency of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and its impact on maternal and perinatal outcome. Records of 150 pregnant hypertensive ladies presenting at gynaecology Unit-1 of Civil Hospital Karachi from January to December 2010 was reviewed for demographic profile, mode of delivery, maternal and perinatal outcome. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS-15. Total deliveries during study period were 2702. Out of 2702 deliveries 150 (5.5%) mothers were hypertensive. Out of 150 hypertensive cases 30% were cases of gestational hypertension, 58% were cases of toxaemia of pregnancy and 12% were cases of chronic hypertension. Maternal age, gravida, parity was lowest in toxaemia of pregnancy group. Commonest maternal complication was eclampsia (32%). There were 6 (4%) maternal deaths. Caesarean section was mode of delivery in 54% cases. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are an important cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity.
To determine whether the administration of prophylactic intravenous magnesium sulphate reduces the occurrence of eclampsia in women with severe pre-eclampsia. Randomised controlled trial. A tertiary referral obstetric unit. Eight hundred and twenty-two women with severe pre-eclampsia requiring termination of pregnancy by induction of labour or caesarean section. The women were randomised to receive either placebo (saline) or magnesium sulphate intravenously. The investigators were blinded to the contents of the pre-mixed solutions. The occurrence of eclampsia in the two groups. The data of 699 women were evaluated. Fourteen were withdrawn after randomisation. The overall incidence of eclampsia was 1.8%. Of 345 women who received magnesium sulphate, one developed eclampsia (0.3%); in the placebo group, 11/340 women (3.2%) developed eclampsia (relative risk 0.09; 95% confidence interval 0.01-0.69; P = 0.003). The use of intravenous magnesium sulphate in the management of women with severe pre-eclampsia significantly reduced the development of eclampsia.
This point of view encountered in the treatment of pregnancy-induced hypertension enumerates the most common problems encountered when treating the disease. These problems include: terminology, etiology and pathogenesis, known facts, failure to identify the patient, loss of life for mother and baby, complications, recognition of early disease, and treatment not uniform or individualized. The severe forms of the disease are preventable and should never occur, but once present they should yield a zero maternal mortality rate and a fetal salvage of greater than 90%. Proper therapy of severe disease is primarily the use of pharmacologic doses of magnesium sulfate given intravenously and the prevention of a cerebral vascular accident in the mother. Induction of labor and removal of the products of conception will cure the disease.
Since 1955, a standardized treatment regimen has been used to manage 245 cases of eclampsia at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Magnesium sulfate alone effectively controlled controlled convulsions in the great majority of cases. The only maternal death among the 245 cases reemphasizes the risk of respiratory arrest that is inherent in the administration of magnesium sulfate when given in large doses intravenously. Hydralazine to lower the diastolic blood pressure somewhat, when it was 110 mm Hg or higher, prevented intracranial hemorrhage. Avoidance of diuretics and hyperosmotic agents and limitation of fluid intake were not associated with severe renal failure. Pulmonary edema was rare. Vaginal delivery was achieved in the majority of cases. Oxytocin often proved effective for initiating and maintaining labor even remote from term. The results obtained with this regimen justify its continued clinical application.
Anticonvulsants are used for pre-eclampsia in the belief they prevent eclamptic convulsions, and so improve outcome. Evidence supported magnesium sulphate as the drug to evaluate. Eligible women (n=10141) had not given birth or were 24 h or less postpartum; blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg or more, and proteinuria of 1+ (30 mg/dL) or more; and there was clinical uncertainty about magnesium sulphate. Women were randomised in 33 countries to either magnesium sulphate (n=5071) or placebo (n=5070). Primary outcomes were eclampsia and, for women randomised before delivery, death of the baby. Follow up was until discharge from hospital after delivery. Analyses were by intention to treat. Follow-up data were available for 10,110 (99.7%) women, 9992 (99%) of whom received the allocated treatment. 1201 of 4999 (24%) women given magnesium sulphate reported side-effects versus 228 of 4993 (5%) given placebo. Women allocated magnesium sulphate had a 58% lower risk of eclampsia (95% CI 40-71) than those allocated placebo (40, 0.8%, vs 96, 1.9%; 11 fewer women with eclampsia per 1000 women). Maternal mortality was also lower among women allocated magnesium sulphate (relative risk 0.55, 0.26-1.14). For women randomised before delivery, there was no clear difference in the risk of the baby dying (576, 12.7%, vs 558, 12.4%; relative risk 1.02, 99% CI 0.92-1.14). The only notable difference in maternal or neonatal morbidity was for placental abruption (relative risk 0.67, 99% CI 0.45-0.89). Magnesium sulphate halves the risk of eclampsia, and probably reduces the risk of maternal death. There do not appear to be substantive harmful effects to mother or baby in the short term.
Not enough evidence to show whether antihypertensive drugs for mild to moderate hypertension during pregnancy are worthwhile During the early weeks of normal pregnancy, blood pressure falls and climbs slowly in later pregnancy to reach pre-pregnancy levels at term. Mild to moderate hypertension (high blood pressure) is common during pregnancy. In some women, it can become more serious, resulting in hospital admission, pre-eclampsia (a complication of pregnancy that includes high blood pressure) and possible premature delivery. Antihypertensive drugs are often used to lower blood pressure in the belief that it will prevent this progression. The review of trials found there was not enough evidence to show the benefit of antihypertensive drugs for mild to moderate hypertension during pregnancy. More research is needed.