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Abstract and Figures

Background Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the most sensitive indicator of initial renal function decline during chronic kidney disease (CKD), but conventional protocols for measuring GFR are labor‐intensive and stressful for the dog. Objectives To assess the diagnostic potential for detecting CKD with simplified GFR protocols based on iohexol plasma clearance. Animals Seventeen CKD‐positive and 23 CKD‐negative dogs of different breeds and sex. Methods Prospective nonrandomized study. Plasma iohexol was measured 5, 15, 60, 90, and 180 minutes after injection. Glomerular filtration rate was calculated using 5 samples (GFR5) or simplified protocols based on 1, 2, or 3 samples. The GFR5 and simplified GFR were compared by Bland‐Altmann and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) analysis, and diagnostic accuracy for CKD by receiver operating characteristic curves. A gray zone for each protocol was bounded by the fourth quartile of the CKD‐positive population (lower cutoff) and the first quartile of the CKD‐negative population (upper cutoff). Results All simplified protocols gave reliable GFR measurements, comparable to reference GFR5 (CCC >0.92). Simplified protocols which included the 180‐minutes sampling granted the best GFR measure (CCC: 0.98), with strong diagnostic potential for CKD (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve ± SE: 0.98 ± 0.01). A double cutoff including a zone of CKD uncertainty guaranteed reliable diagnosis outside the gray area and identified borderline dogs inside it. Conclusions The simplified GFR protocols offer an accurate, hands‐on tool for CKD diagnosis in dogs. The gray zone might help decision‐making in the management of early kidney dysfunction.
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Diagnostic potential of simplified methods for measuring
glomerular filtration rate to detect chronic kidney disease
in dogs
Paola Pocar
| Paola Scarpa
| Anna Berrini
| Petra Cagnardi
| Rita Rizzi
Vitaliano Borromeo
Department of Veterinary Medicine,
Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
Department of Health, Animal Science and
Food Safety, Università degli Studi di Milano,
Milan, Italy
Vitaliano Borromeo, Department of Veterinary
Medicine, Via Celoria 10, 20133 Milan, Italy.
Background: Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the most sensitive indicator of initial
renal function decline during chronic kidney disease (CKD), but conventional proto-
cols for measuring GFR are labor-intensive and stressful for the dog.
Objectives: To assess the diagnostic potential for detecting CKD with simplified GFR
protocols based on iohexol plasma clearance.
Animals: Seventeen CKD-positive and 23 CKD-negative dogs of different breeds
and sex.
Methods: Prospective nonrandomized study. Plasma iohexol was measured 5, 15,
60, 90, and 180 minutes after injection. Glomerular filtration rate was calculated
using 5 samples (GFR
) or simplified protocols based on 1, 2, or 3 samples. The GFR
and simplified GFR were compared by Bland-Altmann and concordance correlation
coefficient (CCC) analysis, and diagnostic accuracy for CKD by receiver operating
characteristic curves. A gray zone for each protocol was bounded by the fourth quar-
tile of the CKD-positive population (lower cutoff) and the first quartile of the CKD-
negative population (upper cutoff).
Results: All simplified protocols gave reliable GFR measurements, comparable to ref-
erence GFR
(CCC >0.92). Simplified protocols which included the 180-minutes sam-
pling granted the best GFR measure (CCC: 0.98), with strong diagnostic potential for
CKD (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve ± SE: 0.98 ± 0.01). A
double cutoff including a zone of CKD uncertainty guaranteed reliable diagnosis out-
side the gray area and identified borderline dogs inside it.
Conclusions: The simplified GFR protocols offer an accurate, hands-on tool for CKD
diagnosis in dogs. The gray zone might help decision-making in the management of
early kidney dysfunction.
Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; AURC, area under the ROC curve; BSA, body surface area; BW, body weight; CCC, concordance correlation coefficient; CKD, chronic kidney disease;
CKD, CKD negative; CKD+, CKD positive; CV, coefficient of variation; estVd, estimated Vd; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GFR
, single-sample GFR; GFR
, 2-sample GFR; GFR
, 3-sample
, 5-sample GFR; HPLC-UV, high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet; IRIS, International Renal Interest Society; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; RS-GFR, reduced-
sampling GFR; SCr, serum creatinine; SS-GFR, single-sampling GFR; Vd, volume of distribution.
Received: 16 November 2018 Accepted: 11 July 2019
DOI: 10.1111/jvim.15573
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2019 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
J Vet Intern Med. 2019;33:21052116. 2105
gray zone approach, HPLC, Iohexol, limited sampling method, single sample method
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an irreversible, progressive deteriora-
tion of renal function, with a poor prognosis.
Dogs with CKD can be
classified in stages according to the International Renal Interest Soci-
ety (IRIS) system, which is based on the concentration of serum creati-
nine (SCr), with substaging based on the urinary protein/urinary
creatinine ratio and blood pressure. However, SCr sensitivity is low
and shows alterations only after two-thirds of functional renal mass
have been lost, so it cannot detect early kidney dysfunction.
merular filtration rate (GFR) is currently considered the best indicator
of renal function and the most sensitive and specific test for early
diagnosis of CKD.
In veterinary practice, a routine method for measuring GFR is based
on monitoring plasma clearance of iohexol by high-performance liquid
chromatography-ultraviolet (HPLC-UV).
One major limitation is that
conventional iohexol clearance protocols require repeated blood sam-
pling over several hours, which is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and
stressful for the animal. Numerous studies have attempted to deter-
mine the smallest number of blood samples needed for accurate GFR
measurements in dogs and cats,
and single-point GFR methods
have been investigated.
However, most of these methods were
not considered sufficiently reliable for CKD diagnosis.
Chronic kidney disease is a progressive disease, with a gradual
decline in GFR. Currently, for CKD diagnosis, the GFR cutoff, giving
the best compromise between sensitivity and specificity, is usually
However, this approach transforms the GFR into an
artificially black or whitestatistical index and can easily lead to mis-
classification of borderline cases. To tackle this problem in humans, a
3-zone partition based on 2 cutoffs including a middle gray zoneof
uncertain diagnosis has been proposed.
The GFR gray zone
approach for CKD diagnosis has not yet been investigated in veteri-
nary clinical practice.
The primary aim of the present study was to assess the reliability
of a panel of simplified iohexol plasma clearance protocols to measure
GFR in dogs and investigate the application of a gray-zone strategy to
identify subjects at risk of CKD.
There is debate in the scientific community about the best way
to calculate the iohexol concentration in plasma by HPLC-UV and to
normalize clearance to canine body size. High-performance liquid
chromatography-UV detects 2 separate iohexol isomers: exo- and
endo-iohexol, and discrepancies have been reported by calculating GFR
based on the plasma clearance of the isomers separately
the total iohexol.
In addition, differences have been reported between
estimated levels of renal function standardized to body size (body
weight [BW] versus body surface area [BSA]).
Therefore, the
secondary aim of this study was to investigate which method to
compute iohexol plasma concentration and standardize GFR to canine
body size fitted best in our clinical settings.
2.1 |Animals
Forty privately owned dogs of different breeds and sex were included.
Body weights ranged from 3.9 to 46.0 kg (mean ± SD, 25.1 ± 9.7 kg).
The dogs were aged 6 months-16 years (mean ± SD, 5.4 ± 3.5 years).
None of them received medical treatment before the GFR assessment,
and they were fed their usual food, with water ad libitum. Each dog had
a complete physical examination shortly before GFR was measured.
One blood and 1 urine sample were collected before the iohexol injec-
tion, for CBC, serum biochemistry profile, and routine urinalysis. Exclu-
sion criteria included abnormal diagnostic screening test results or dogs
receiving medications. Healthy was defined as the absence of any clini-
cal signs or relevant abnormalities on physical examination, CBC, serum
biochemistry profile, routine urinalysis, and ultrasound examination.
Chronic kidney disease was assessed according to the IRIS guidelines.
Healthy dogs and IRIS stage 0 were considered CKD-negative (CKD,
23 dogs) and those with CKD IRIS stages 1 or higher CKDpositive
(CKD+, 17 dogs).
2.2 |Iohexol injection and blood sampling
The protocol was based on Lippi et al
with some modifications.
Briefly, food was withheld from each dog for at least 12 hours before
the procedure. Dogs were allowed free access to water throughout
the study. Dogs were weighed, and indwelling catheters were placed
in the right and left cephalic veins. A commercially available iohexol
formulation (Omnipaque; Nycomed Amersham Sorin, Milan, Italy) was
used. The nominal dose of iohexol was 64.7 mg/kg, and the exact
dose was determined from the difference between the weights of the
syringe before and after the injection. Iohexol was injected as a
60-second IV bolus into the catheter in the left cephalic vein. Two mil-
liliters of blood were directly sampled from the right cephalic vein,
transferred to a heparinized tube, and centrifuged. Samples were
immediately centrifuged at 2000gfor 15 minutes, and plasma was
stored at 30C until use. Samples were taken 5, 15, 60, 90, and
180 minutes after injection of the marker.
2.3 |Iohexol HPLC measurements
Iohexol was determined using a Waters 626 HPLC system with a
996 photodiode array detector (Waters, Milford, Massachusetts) (1spec-
trum/second; wavelength 200-320 nm, extracting the chromatogram at
254 nm). Iohexol was separated in a Simmetry100 C18 column, 3.5 μm,
2.1 x 150 mm (Waters) using a mixture of CH
CN and 0.1%
orthophosphoric acid in water (3:97, vol/vol) at a flow rate of
0.3 mL/min. During separation, the column was held at 30C. Standard
iohexol (Omnipaque 350; 755 mg/mL iohexol) was added to untreated
dog plasma to obtain the following standard solutions: 5, 20, 50, 200,
and 500 μg iohexol/mL. Plasma samples were deproteinized with 5%
perchloric acid (1:1, vol/vol), centrifuged at 11000 gfor 10 minutes at
5C, and 10 μL of supernatants were injected into the HPLC column.
Data was processed using Millennium software (Waters). The peak areas
of both iohexol isomers were used to calculate the iohexol concentra-
tions and plasma clearance. The long-term stability of iohexol in plasma
was tested by reanalysis after 36 months in a freezer at 30C, on
60 samples collected during the GFR
test of 12 dogs.
2.4 |Calculation of GFR: multisample methods
Multisample GFR was determined by calculating the rate of iohexol
clearance using Phoenix WinNonlin software (version 8.0; Certara L.P.,
St. Louis, Missouri). Plasma clearance was determined with the follow-
ing formula
Clearance =dose of iohexol injected
where AUC is the area under the curve calculated from plasma iohexol
disappearance curves after an IV bolus.
Reference GFR values (GFR
) were calculated by plotting the
iohexol concentration against the sampling time for 5 samples (5, 15,
60, 90, and 180 minutes after iohexol), and AUC was calculated by
the trapezoidal method with a non-compartmental pharmacokinetic
model (linear log trapezoidal with extrapolation to infinity).
To calculate GFR with reduced sampling (RS-GFR), AUC was cal-
culated using a 1-compartment model during the mono-exponential
time-part of the curve, defined by samples collected at 60, 90, and
180 minutes. The missing area due to the early fast drop of the
disappearance curve was corrected by a current dog formula for
1-compartment assumption, according to Heiene et al.
Reduced-sampling GFR were calculated either with 3 blood sam-
ples (GFR
: 60, 90, and 180 minutes after injection) or a combination of
2 sampling times (GFR
60-90, GFR
90-180, and GFR
60-180). Samples
taken before 60 minutes were not used for 1-compartment estimates
because the terminal mono-exponential slope was often not reached
before the 1-hour sample.
Clearance (mL/min) was normalized to BW and BSA (0.101 x [BW in
) to obtain GFR, which was expressed as mL/min/kg or
2.5 |Calculation of GFR: single-sample methods
The iohexol concentrations in blood samples collected at 60, 90, or
180 minutes were used to derive the equations to predict GFR for the
single-sampling protocol (SS-GFR: GFR
60, GFR
90, and GFR
We followed a 3-step procedure, previously described.
The proce-
dure is based on the following Jacobsson formula:
GFR =1
Vd +0:0016
×ln Dose
Vd ×Ct,
where Vd is the volume of distribution (mL) at sample collection time
t(min), Ct the iohexol concentration measured at t, and dose is the
amount of iohexol injected for each dog (mg/kg).
First, the iohexol Vd at 60, 90 and 180 minutes (Vd
, and
) for individual dogs were calculated by substituting the refer-
ence GFR
calculated as described in the previous section and the
plasma iohexol concentrations (Ct) at 60, 90, or 180 minutes into the
Jacobson formula and solving the formula with the Goal-Seekcom-
mand of Microsoft Office Excel (Microsoft 2007, Microsoft Co.).
Second, the Vd
, and Vd
and the plasma iohexol concen-
trations at 60, 90, or 180 minutes for each of the 40 dogs were plot-
ted in scatter diagrams, and 3 exponential equations fitting the data
were calculated, as follows:
where C
is the estimated plasma iohexol concentration at time 0; C
is the plasma iohexol concentration 60, 90, or 180 minutes after injec-
tion; bis the elimination rate constant, and eis the base of the natural
logarithm. These equations were used to calculate an estimated Vd
(estVd) in each dog from the iohexol concentrations found in single
samples collected at 60 minutes (estVd
), 90 minutes (estVd
), or
180 minutes (estVd
Third, the estVd
, estVd
, and estVd
and the iohexol dose
injected in individual dogs were put back into the Jacobsson formula
to obtain GFR
60, GFR
90, and GFR
2.6 |Validation data setTesting the estVd
The estVd
formula determined using the 40 dogs (training data set)
was validated in an independent group of dogs (validation data set).
Clinical examinations and GFR
protocol were the same as for the
training data set dogs. The validation data set consisted of 11 client-
owned dogs, aged 2-14 years (mean ± SD: 6.6 ± 3.2 years), with BWs
from 9.2 to 40.3 kg (mean ± SD, 25.4 ± 10.7 kg). Seven dogs were
CKDand 4 CKD+. Estimated Vd
) was calculated by
inserting the iohexol concentration at 180 minutes for each dog into
the estVd
formula, and GFR (GFR
) was calculated by
substituting estVd
into the Jacobson formula. The GFR
and the reference GFR
) were then compared.
2.7 |Data analysis
Statistical analyses were done using Graphpad Prism 5.0 (Graphpad
Software, San Diego, California) and MedCalc 18 (MedCalc Software,
Mariakerke, Belgium). Differences between iohexol isomer peak areas
in fresh and stored plasma samples were analyzed using the paired
Student's ttest. Glomerular filtration rate absolute values for all
40 dogs, measured with each of the methods, were compared by
repeated-measure analysis of variance followed by post hoc Tukey's
test. Significance was set at P.05.
Agreement between simplified GFR protocols and reference GFR
was calculated using Lin's concordance correlation coefficient (CCC)
as an indicator of the degree to which paired observations fell on the
line of identity.
According to McBride
CCC >0.99, 0.95, 0.90, and
<0.90 were defined as almost perfect, substantial, moderate, and poor
degrees of agreement between methods, respectively. The agreement
was further checked graphically by plotting the difference between
FIGURE 2 Representative plasma profiles of iohexol
concentrations (mean ± SEM) in 3 dogs with high (white circles) and
low (black circles) glomerular filtration rate after an IV bolus. Time
0 was designated as time of injection. A, Arithmetic plot of iohexol
plasma concentration versus time. B Semilogarithmic plot of the same
plasma profiles limited to the iohexol elimination phase (60-180)
050 100 15 0
Clearance (mL/min)
BW (kg)
1. 5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
GFR5 (mL/min/kg)
BW (kg)
050 100 15 0
1. 0
1. 5
Clearance (mL/min)
BSA (m2)
20 40 60 80
1. 0
1. 5
GFR5 (mL/min/m2)
BSA (m2)
FIGURE 3 Effect of standardizing iohexol clearance to body
weight (BW) or body surface area (BSA). Clearances were calculated
using the 5-sample protocol in 23 dogs negative to chronic kidney
disease. A, Correlation between clearance and BW. B, Correlation
between glomerular filtration rate (GFR) expressed as mL/min/kg and
BW. C, Correlation between clearance and BSA. D, Correlation
between GFR expressed as mL/min/m
and BSA
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00
Exo 6.184
Endo – 5.443
FIGURE 1 HPLC-UV chromatogram of a deproteinized plasma
sample from a representative dog after intravenous iohexol
and the GFR values derived by each simplified protocol against
the average of the 2 values for each dog (Bland-Altman plots). Bias
was defined as the group mean difference between 2 GFR values, and
the absolute limits of agreement were defined as the group mean dif-
ference ± 1.96 SD. Data were analyzed on unit differences and per-
centage differences plots.
To determine the diagnostic consistency for CKD diagnosis of
the different GFR methods, we analyzed receiver operating charac-
teristic (ROC) curves. The calculated sensitivity was plotted against
100-specificity for different cutoff points, and the area under the
ROC curve (AURC) was used to compare the sampling protocols. The
overall accuracy of the different methods was compared according to
with Pvalues considered significant at P<.05.
To establish the GFR gray zone of diagnostic uncertainty for CKD,
2 cutoff points were identified for each GFR protocol. The gray-zone bor-
ders were identified as the fourth quartile of the CKD+ population (lower
cutoff) and the first quartile of the CKDpopulation (upper cutoff).
3.1 |Iohexol measured by HPLC
The HPLC conditions provided good peak shapes (Figure 1), with the
stereoisomers eluting at 5.44 and 6.18 minutes for endo-iohexol and
exo-iohexol, respectively. The total run was accomplished in 21 minutes,
including equilibration of the column. The specificity of the method was
tested by analyzing plasma samples before the iohexol injection. No
interfering peaks were observed at the elution times as iohexol isomers.
The limit of quantification was 1.80 μg/mL, and the assay was linear
over the concentration range of 5-500 μg/mL, with an average
regression coefficient of 0.99 (n = 22). For all calibration curves, the
y-intercepts were virtually zero, indicating the absence of endogenous
interferences. Precision, expressed as inter-day coefficient of variation
(CV%), ranged from 4.4% to 7.8% and the intra-day CV% from 3.2% to
5.9%. Accuracy ranged from 92% to 116%.
In the Omnipaque solution, the mean ratio of the isomer peak areas
(calculated at different iohexol concentrations) was 18.99 ± 0.98 for
endo-iohexol and 81.04 ± 0.96 for exo-iohexol. The ratio was the same
in all plasma samples after iohexol injection analyzed within 2 months
from collection (P.001). However, in plasma samples stored for lon-
ger (36 months at 30C), about 5% of the endo-iohexol peak area was
shifted to the exo-iohexol peak area, independently from the iohexol
concentration. In the same samples before and after storage, the
mean ratios were 20.23 ± 0.83 and 15.83 ± 0.79 for endo-iohexol,
and 79.77 ± 0.83 and 84.17 ± 0.80 for exo-iohexol (mean ± SD; P.001;
60). The combined isomer area did not change, independently from the
iohexol concentration (P.001). We therefore used the combined peak
area of the 2 isomers for the quantification of iohexol in plasma.
3.2 |GFR
and relation to body size
No adverse clinical signs were observed during or after the injection of
iohexol in any dog. The GFR was first assessed using the reference
method, based on the iohexol concentrations measured during
the distribution and elimination phases, using the plasma samples col-
lected 5, 15, 60, 90, and 180 minutes after injection. Figure 2A shows a
representative example of the curves for plasma iohexol concentrations
plotted against time in dogs with high and low GFR. The 60-minute
sample was considered the starting point of the elimination phase, on
the basis of the linearity of the semilogarithmic plot of plasma iohexol
concentrations against time for the last 3 samples (Figure 2B).
in the 23 CKDdogs were used to establish the best
method for standardizing the GFR to body size. The strong correlation
between unscaled clearance and BSA and BW (Pearson's r, 0.91, for
clearance against BW and also for clearance against BSA; P.001;
Figure 3A) was lost when clearance was standardized to kg (Pearson's
r, 0.13; P= .58), but not when scaled to m
(Pearson's r, 0.66;
P.001) (Figure 3B). In our setting, normalization to BW was in fact
the better method, so GFR was expressed as min/mL/kg. The descrip-
tive statistic for GFR
indexed to BW in the 40 dogs is reported in
Table 1.
3.3 |GFR
and GFR
Glomerular filtration rate in the 40 dogs was measured using
methods based on a reduced number of blood samples. In
TABLE 1 Descriptive statistics of the
GFR measured by different protocols in
40 dogs
Minimum Maximum Mean Median IQR
0.25 3.43 2.12 2.15 1.42-2.80
0.18 3.76 2.12 2.13 1.36-2.78
60-90 0.15 3.72 2.14 2.20 1.50-2.78
60-180 0.16 3.83 2.13 2.14 1.38-2.81
90-180 0.20 3.65 2.12 2.17 1.39-2.79
60 0.82 3.99 2.09 2.14 1.31-2.60
90 0.76 4.04 2.19 2.27 1.40-2.77
180 0.52 4.03 2.16 2.14 1.29-2.86
Values are expressed as mL/min/kg.
Abbreviations: GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GFR
, single-sample GFR protocol; GFR
, 2-sample GFR
protocol; GFR
, 3-sample GFR protocol; GFR
, 5-sample GFR protocol; IQR, interquartile range.
1 there were 3 samples (GFR
, 60-90-180 minutes), and
3 methods used 2 samples, in all the possible time combina-
tions during the elimination phase (GFR
, 60-90, 90-180, and
60-180 minutes). The descriptive statistics for GFR
90-180, and GFR
60-180 are shown in Table 1. None of the dif-
ferences were significant.
Agreement between GFR
and RS-GFR was investigated using
Bland-Altman plots (Figure 4; Table 2). Biases were close to 0 with
the line of equality lying within the confidence interval of the bias,
with narrow limits of agreement. Bias values for all 4 methods were
constant throughout the range of GFR, both as absolute numbers
and percentages. Lin's CCC between GFR
and RS-GFR indicated
substantial agreement for all methods except GFR
60-90, for which
agreement was moderate (Table 2). Based on the CCC, agree-
ment with GFR
followed the order GFR
60-180 > GFR
90-180 > GFR
3.4 |The single-sample GFR
Using the GFR
measured in the 40 dogs, the following formulae for
the estVd at a desired time (eg, 60, 90, and 180 minutes) were derived
from scatter plots (Figure 5).
estVD60 = 514:9e0:014CestVD90 = 499:4e0:013CestVD180 = 309:1e0:01C
From these equations, SS-GFR was back-calculated for each dog
at 3 time points (GFR
60, GFR
90, and GFR
180). The descriptive
statistic for these 3 GFR
The SS-GFRs were compared to the reference GFR
. Bland-
Altman plots showed narrow limits of agreement, biases very
close to 0 and consistent across the range of values (Table 3;
Figure 6). The line of equality lay within the confidence interval of
the bias for GFR
60 and GFR
180 but not for GFR
90. Lin's CCC
between GFR
and SS-GFR indicated substantial agreement for
180 and moderate agreement for GFR
60, GFR
90. On the
basis of the CCC, agreement within protocols followed the order
3.5 |Testing the estVd
In the 11 dogs of the validation data set, the GFR
from 0.60 to 3.01 mL/min/kg (mean ± SD: 1.90 ± 0.88) and the
from 0.57-3.01 mL/min/kg (mean ± SD: 1.92 ± 0.86). Agree-
ment between GFR
and reference GFR
was evaluated by
CCC and Bland-Altman plots (Figure 7; Table 4). Lin's CCC indicated
substantial agreement (CCC: 0.98). Bland-Altmann analysis indicated
biases close to 0 with the line of equality lying within the confidence
interval of the bias, with narrow limits of agreement. Bias values
were constant throughout the range of GFR, both as absolute num-
bers and percentages.
3.6 |The diagnostic potential of the different GFR
methods for CKD
We tested the diagnostic performances for CKD of GFR
60-180, GFR
90-180, and GFR
180 based on evidence of the
0 1 2 3 4
Mean of GFR5 and GFR3
0 1 2 3 4
Mean of GFR5 and GFR2 60-90
0 1 2 3 4
Mean of GFR5 and GFR2 90-180
0 1 2 3 4
Mean of GFR5 and GFR2 60-180
GFR2 60-180 - GFR5GFR2 90-180 - GFR5GFR2 60-90 - GFR5GFR3 - GFR5
FIGURE 4 Bland-Altman plots illustrating agreement between
reduced sampling methods (GFR
and GFR
) and the multisampling
reference protocol (GFR
). Differences are expressed as absolute
values. The bold line indicates the bias and the dashed lines indicate
95% upper and lower limits of agreement (mean difference ± 1.96
SD). The gray area illustrates the confidence interval of the mean
difference. GFR, glomerular filtration rate
best agreement of these methods with the reference GFR
as shown by CCC 0.95.
Descriptive statistics for GFR in CKD+ and CKDdogs with the
selected protocols are reported in Table 5. The AURC for each of
these protocols was 0.98 (Table 6), indicating strong diagnostic
potential for CKD. The AURC did not differ significantly for the differ-
ent methods.
Table 7 shows the GFR cutoffs employed to define gray zones
of diagnostic uncertainty for CKD in different GFR protocols.
Figure 8 shows the distribution of the GFR measured by the vari-
ous protocols in the 17 CKD+ and 23 CKDdogs in relation to
the respective gray zones. Classification of the 40 dogs was con-
sistent between protocols, despite some differences in the gray-
zone limits and width. For each protocol, 13 dogs were correctly
classified as CKD+ and 18 dogs were correctly classified as CKD
. Nine lay within the gray zone, of which 5 were CKDand
We found that CKD in dogs can be diagnosed with satisfactory accu-
racy using GFR calculated from a limited number of blood samples
from 1 to 3with flexible sampling schedules.
TABLE 2 Agreement between reduced
sampling GFR methods (GFR
and GFR
for measuring GFR and the multisampling
GFR reference protocol (GFR
60-90 GFR
90-180 GFR
Concordance correlation coefficient 0.98 0.94 0.98 0.98
Bias ± SD (mL/min/kg) 0.002 ± 0.16 0.02 ± 0.20 0.006 ± 0.17 0.01 ± 0.17
95% lower/upper LoA (mL/min/kg) 0.30/0.31 0.37/0.41 0.33/0.35 0.32/0.34
Bias ± SD (%) 1.88 ± 9.84 0.52 ± 12.92 1.64 ± 20.25 1.99 ± 11.68
95% lower and upper LoA (%) 21.17/17.41 25.84/24.80 21.72/18.45 24.89/20.90
Abbreviations: GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GFR
, 2-sample GFR protocol; GFR
, 3-sample GFR
protocol; GFR
, 5-sample GFR protocol; LoA, Limits of agreement.
FIGURE 5 Scatter plots of estimated volumes of distribution
(estVd) and plasma iohexol concentrations (Ct) 60 minutes (A),
90 minutes (B), and 180 minutes (C) after bolus iohexol injection in
40 dogs. Solid lines indicate exponential trend
TABLE 3 Agreement between single-sampling GFR methods
) for measuring GFR and the multisampling GFR reference
protocol (GFR
60 GFR
90 GFR
Concordance correlation
0.92 0.94 0.95
Bias ± SD (mL/min/kg) 0.08 ± 0.31 0.10 ± 0.25 0.08 ± 0.27
95% lower and upper
LoA (mL/min/kg)
0.70/0.53 0.40/0.60 0.45/0.61
Bias ± SD (%) 3.40 ± 27.35 5.87 ± 20.65 2.94 ± 15.45
95% lower and
upper LoA (%)
57.00/50.20 34.60/46.34 27.34/33.22
Abbreviations: GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GFR
, single-sample GFR
protocol; GFR5, 5-sample protocol; LoA, Limits of agreement.
The GFR measured by the RS- and SS-protocols proved reliable
for many clinical situations regardless of the level of renal function.
This is in agreement with previous reports that GFR assessed by sim-
plified sampling approaches in companion animals correlates with
GFR based on multi-sample investigations.
There might be several reasons for the overall agreement we
found between the GFR
and the various RS- and SS-GFR. First, to
compute the simplified GFR, we used only samples collected during
the terminal mono-exponential phase. This is essential when using
simplified protocols for GFR so as to avoid loss of accuracy.
timing we consideredas the end of the iohexol distribution phase (ie,
60 minutes after the injection)agrees with previous reports and with
the average half-life of iohexol.
Second, the RS-GFR was calculated employing a dog-specific
1-compartment correction formula according to Heiene et al.
to calculate the SS-GFR, we derived the reference regression curves
for Vd estimation using data from dogs with a wide range of GFR. This
might be essential to ensure reliable estimates of GFR from single
blood samples.
The GFR given by the simplified protocols did not significantly dif-
fer from GFR
, but concordance was best when the calculation
included the sample collected 180 minutes after iohexol injection, as
indicated by higher CCC and lower biases. This implies that for the
best performance, we can reduce the number of blood samples but
not the time needed for the clearance test (3 hours). This too is in
agreement with previous studies,
and the rationale is that the
timing of the last sample determines the percentage of AUC extrapo-
lated to infinity by the pharmacokinetic model compared to total
AUC. The larger this proportion, the less accurate the clearance esti-
Furthermore, for SS-GFR methods based on Jacobsson's for-
mula, if the sampling does not extend to late enough times after
injection, the GFR can be overestimated, especially for lower rates.
The simplified GFR protocols that proved most reliable (GFR
90-180, GFR
60-180 and GFR
180) were then examined for
their diagnostic power. The four methods showed strong potential to
0 1 2 3 4
1. 0
Mean of GFR5 and GFR1180
Mean of GFR5 and GFR190
Mean of GFR5 and GFR160
GFR1180 - GFR5
GFR190 - GFR5
GFR160 - GFR5
0 1 2 3 4
1. 0
0 1 2 3 4
1. 0
FIGURE 6 Bland-Altman plots illustrating agreement between
single-sample methods (GFR
) and the multi-sampling reference
protocol (GFR
). Differences are expressed as absolute values. The
bold line indicates the bias and the dashed lines indicate 95% upper
and lower limits of agreement (mean difference ± 1.96 SD). The gray
area illustrates the confidence interval of the mean difference. GFR,
glomerular filtration rate
FIGURE 7 Bland-Altman plot of single-sample method
) and the multi-sampling reference protocol (GFR
the validation data set. Differences are expressed as absolute values.
The bold line indicates the bias and the dashed lines indicate the 95%
upper and lower limits of agreement (mean difference ± 1.96 SD). The
gray area illustrates the confidence interval of the mean difference.
GFR, glomerular filtration rate
TABLE 4 Agreement between the GFR
and the
multisampling GFR reference protocol in the validation data set
versus GFR
Concordance correlation coefficient 0.98
Bias ± SD (mL/min/kg) 0.01 ± 0.16
95% lower and upper LoA (mL/min/kg) 0.33/0.31
Bias ± SD (%) 0.80 ± 8.42
95% lower and upper LoA (%) 15.71/17.30
Abbreviations: GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GFR
, single-sample GFR
protocol; GFR5, 5-sample protocol; LoA, Limits of agreement.
classify CKD+ and CKDdogs (AURC >0.98).
The use of a single
cutoff can easily lead to misclassification of borderline cases, espe-
cially in the diagnosis of progressive diseases like CKD. Therefore, we
tested the concept of a gray zone, identifying an interval where the
GFR gave uncertainty about the CKD diagnosis.
Different approaches can be used to establish the cutoffs for a
Glomerular filtration rate in dogs is variable, with intra-
individual and interindividual CV up to 20%.
According to Hazra and
when there are wide differences, it is appropriate to use a
quartile range to establish reference ranges for a defined population.
We therefore defined a fairly wide GFR gray zone, spanning from the
fourth quartile of the diseased dogs (ie, CDK+ dogs with the highest
GFRs) to the first quartile of the healthy dogs (ie, CDKdogs with the
lowest GFRs). This achieved not only 100% specificity and sensitivity
for CKD diagnosis outside the gray zone but also permitted consistent
classification of the dogs, independent of which protocol was used for
GFR measurement.
Several studies have found that moving away from the dichoto-
mous division of quantitative test scales and identifying intermediate
range(s) of test results gave a better understanding of the diagnostic
accuracy potential of a test.
We therefore suggest that in veterinary
clinical practice, this approachwhich clearly establishes the lower
and upper thresholdsshould facilitate clinical decisions. A GFR falling
in the gray zone would not be totally uninformative as it could lead
TABLE 5 Descriptive statistics of GFR measured with different protocols in CKD+ and CKDdogs
Minimum Maximum Mean Median IQR
CKD1.98 3.43 2.65 2.69 2.18-2.99
CKD+ 0.25 2.02 1.34 1.38 1.12-1.69
CKD2.06 3.76 2.68 2.73 2.46-2.94
CKD+ 0.18 2.08 1.30 1.33 0.99-1.77
CKD2.06 3.83 2.70 2.68 2.47-3.00
CKD+ 0.16 2.07 1.30 1.35 0.99-1.80
CKD2.07 3.65 2.69 2.66 2.41-2.93
CKD+ 0.20 2.12 1.30 1.32 0.99-1.76
CKD1.90 4.03 2.81 2.79 2.33-3.09
CKD+ 0.52 2.05 1.25 1.25 0.99-1.44
Values are expressed as mL/min/kg.
Abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease; CKD, CKD-negative dogs; CKD+, CKD-positive dogs; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GFR
, single-sample
GFR protocol; GFR
, 2-sample GFR protocol; GFR
, 3-sample GFR protocol; GFR
, 5-sample GFR protocol.
TABLE 6 ROC curve analysis for
chronic kidney disease identification with
different GFR measurement protocols
60-180 GFR
90-180 GFR
AURC ± SE 0.99 ± 0.007 0.99 ± 0.004 0.99 ± 0.003 0.99 ± 0.007 0.98 ± 0.01
(95% CI) (0.90 to 1.00) (0.91 to 1.00) (0.91 to 1.00) (0.90 to 1.00) (0.87 to 1.00)
Abbreviations: AURC, area under the ROC curve; CI, confidence intervals; GFR, glomerular filtration rate;
, single-sample GFR protocol; GFR
, 2-sample GFR protocol; GFR
, 3-sample GFR protocol; GFR
5-sample GFR protocol; ROC, receiver operating characteristic.
TABLE 7 GFR cutoffs defining the
gray zone of diagnostic uncertainty for
chronic kidney disease in different GFR
measurement protocols
60-180 GFR
90-180 GFR
Lower cutoff 1.69 1.77 1.80 1.76 1.44
95% CI 1.40-1.99 1.34-1.97 1.36-2.02 1.38-1.93 1.29-1.94
Upper cutoff 2.18 2.46 2.47 2.41 2.33
95% CI 2.12-2.50 2.12-2.52 2.13-2.51 2.15-2.54 2.17-2.67
Gray zone width 0.49 0.69 0.67 0.65 0.89
Values are expressed as mL/min/kg.
Abbreviations: CI, confidence intervals; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GFR
, single-sample GFR
protocol; GFR
, 2-sample GFR protocol; GFR
, 3-sample GFR protocol; GFR
, 5-sample GFR protocol.
the veterinarian to seek further evidence of kidney failure and, if nec-
essary, to adopt measures to slow its progression.
We are aware that simplifying sampling method increases the
chance of errors in the estimation of GFR, especially single-sample
methods because of their empirical character. Indeed, among the GFR
protocols based on a limited number of blood samples, GFR
those with the lowest agreement with GFR
, with only GFR
180 giv-
ing a clinically acceptable margin of error. Furthermore, when collect-
ing only 1 sample any analytical error will influence the accuracy of
the clearance measurement. However, the advantage of reducing
physical discomfort and stress for the dog, as well as costs and time,
substantially balances the risk of errors in GFR measures. In addition,
a gray-zone approach with an interval of uncertainty for overlapping
values can reduce the potential for error and thus limit wrong clinical
decisions. Indeed, this could lead to a decision to use further diagnos-
tic tools in a smaller group with inconclusive results and, at the same
time, offer diagnostic certainty outside the gray zone.
The assessment of GFR from iohexol plasma clearance in dogs
still suffers a lack in standardization. Differences in the marker
used, the marker concentration assays, sampling times, pharmaco-
kinetic models, and mathematical modeling of the data used for
calculating GFR can all lead to wide variability in the GFR reported
for healthy and diseased dogs.
We investigated 2 controver-
sial issues hindering the harmonization of GFR measurement in
dogs between laboratories: which of the 2 iohexol isomers
detected by HPLC-UV has to be used for plasma clearance calcula-
tion and which measure of body size has to be used for GFR
Discrepancies have been reported by calculating GFR based on
the plasma clearance of endo- and exo-iohexol separately
and the use of the total iohexol.
Here, we found that in plasma
samples frozen for a long time, a significant proportion of the endo-
iohexol was shifted to the exo-iohexol. This is in agreement with
early reports that the isomers are interconvertible and that rota-
tional conversion is temperature-
and storage-dependent.
isomer shift modified single peak areas but did not influence their
sum, in agreement with reports that total iohexol is very stable in
For GFR measurement in veterinary practice, injec-
tion of the tracer and sample analysis are often separate in space
and time, so stability is of primary importance. Our results suggest
the routine use of the sum of the absorbance peaks of the 2 isomers
for calculating iohexol clearance in order to avoid preanalytical
errors, especially if the samples need to be frozen or sent by mail to
the reference laboratory.
indexation to BW, but some authors prefer to normalize the mea-
surements to BSA,
and differences have been reported
between the levels of renal function standardized to BW or BSA.
the present study, we observed that the correlation between iohexol
plasma clearance and dog body size was lost only when GFR was
scaled to BW. This supports the recommendation that indexation to
BSA should be abandoned and that the formulae used to estimate
BSA in dogs is of questionable accuracy.
Our analyses were
done on dogs with a wide range and normal BW distribution, but the
group was only small, the majority weighing 25-27 kg. This might be
a bias when drawing any conclusion that BW is a better method for
clearance indexation in dogs. Whether our findings are valid for a
general population of dogs with and without CKD needs further
In conclusion, we propose a panel of accurate, hands-on, flexible,
simplified procedures for estimating GFR in dogs as a practical tool for
CKD diagnosis in daily clinical practice. We also recommend the gray
zone concept of uncertainty in CKD diagnosis, as it can be especially
useful when it is more important to suspect reduced renal function as
early as possible than to know the exact GFR.
The authors acknowledge Mr. Valerio Lorenzo Muci for valuable assis-
tance in this work.
GFR (mL/min/kg)
GFR (mL/min/kg)
GFR (mL/min/kg)
GFR (mL/min/kg)
GFR (mL/min/kg)
FIGURE 8 Scatter plot of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in
CKD+ (white dots) and CKD(black dots) using different GFR
measurement protocols. Median and interquartile ranges are shown
as horizontal lines. The gray zone illustrates the range of CKD
diagnostic uncertainty. CKD, chronic kidney disease
Authors declare no conflict of interest.
Authors declare no off-label use of antimicrobials.
Approval from Animal Care Committee of the University of Milan,
Authors declare human ethics approval was not needed for this study.
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How to cite this article: Pocar P, Scarpa P, Berrini A,
Cagnardi P, Rizzi R, Borromeo V. Diagnostic potential of
simplified methods for measuring glomerular filtration rate to
detect chronic kidney disease in dogs. J Vet Intern Med. 2019;
... When used for clearance studies, iohexol has nearly no toxicity and is commercially available at a very low cost. Thus, it has become a key tool to measure GFR (Nilsson-Ehle 2001;Benz-de Bretagne et al., 2012;Gaspari et al., 2018) or even a gold standard (Åsberg et al., 2020) both in human and in veterinary medicine (Gleadhill and Michell 1996;Heiene and Moe 1998;Finco et al., 2001;Goy-Thollot et al., 2006;Bexfield et al., 2008;Lippi et al., 2019a;Lippi et al., 2019b;Pocar et al., 2019). ...
... Thus, strategies to reduce the number of sampling have been exploited as first reported by Bröchner-Mortensen (1972) in humans. All of these foresaw the addition of correction formulas to achieve more accurate GFR estimation (Gleadhill and Michell 1996;Bexfield et al., 2008;Von Hendy-Willson and Pressler 2011;Sasaki et al., 2015;Pocar et al., 2019). Nevertheless, from veterinary practitioners there is still a demand for reliable and easily applicable GFR estimations methods in a clinical setting. ...
... Starting from recently published data from the same group of authors (Pocar et al., 2019), the first aim of this work was to build a Pop PK model to estimate iohexol plasma clearance for GFR assessment in a population of dogs. Based on this model, the second aim was to indicate the best sampling times that enable a precise clearance estimation using a limited number of samples. ...
Full-text available
Monitoring iohexol plasma clearance is considered a useful, reliable, and sensitive tool to establish glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and early stages of kidney disease in both humans and veterinary medicine. The assessment of GFR based on iohexol plasma clearance needs repeated blood sampling over hours, which is not easily attainable in a clinical setting. The study aimed to build a population pharmacokinetic (Pop PK) model to estimate iohexol plasma clearance in a population of dogs and based on this model, to indicate the best sampling times that enable a precise clearance estimation using a low number of samples. A Pop PK model was developed based on 5 iohexol plasma samples taken from 5 to 180 minutes (min) after an intravenous iohexol nominal dose of 64.7 mg/kg from 49 client-owned dogs of different breeds, sexes, ages, body weights, and clinical conditions (healthy or presenting chronic kidney disease CKD). The design of the best sampling times could contain either 1 or 2 or 3 sampling times. These were discretized with a step of 30 min between 30 and 180 min. A two-compartment Pop PK model best fitted the data; creatinine and kidney status were the covariates included in the model to explain a part of clearance variability. When 1 sample was available, 90 or 120 min were the best sampling times to assess clearance for healthy dogs with a low creatinine value. Whereas for dogs with CKD and medium creatinine value, the best sampling time was 150 or 180 min, for CKD dogs with a high creatinine value, it was 180 min. If 2 or 3 samples were available, several sampling times were possible. The method to define the best sampling times could be used with other Pop PK models as long as it is representative of the patient population and once the model is built, the use of individualized sampling times for each patient allows to precisely estimate the GFR.
... The markers that are currently used to measure GFR in animals include inulin, exogenous creatinine, radionucleotides and iohexol. Due to its ease of use, low cost and wider availability, plasma clearance of iohexol is the most commonly used marker of GFR in veterinary and human medicine [17,18]. The principle underlying plasma clearance methods is the repeated measurement of the elected marker in several blood samples taken over time, following the initial administration. ...
... The longer the period of collection, the more accurate the GFR measurement. However, given that repeated blood sampling is not always feasible in clinical practice, correction formulae derived from human medicine (e.g., the Brøchner-Mortensen formula) have been proposed and applied in dogs and cats to estimate GFR from the clearance, determined with a limited sampling strategy [17,18,[20][21][22]. ...
Full-text available
Chronic kidney disease is a common kidney disorder in adult and aged dogs and cats; the management of associated complications and comorbidities generally requires a life-long medical treatment to ensure a good quality of life of affected patients. However, indications and the literature on drug dosing in dogs and cats with chronic kidney disease are often lacking. The aim of this review is to revise the current literature on drug dosing in canine and feline patients with renal impairment, with a special focus on the most commonly used medications to manage chronic kidney disease and possible comorbidities.
... A TDI of ≤ 10% for a CP of 90%, based on observed relative differences between iohexol clearance values given a restricted number of samples up to 300 min post injection and iohexol clearance reference values based on all available samples, was considered optimal. A CCC value of > 0.99, 0.95 to 0.99, 0.90 to 0.95 or < 0.9 was considered to reflect almost perfect, substantial, moderate or poor concordance 20,21 . An at least substantial concordance was considered optimal. ...
Full-text available
Plasma clearance of iohexol is a pivotal metric to quantify glomerular filtration rate (GFR), but the optimal timing and frequency of plasma sampling remain to be assessed. In this study, we evaluated the impact of a Bayesian estimation procedure on iohexol clearance estimates, and we identified an optimal sampling strategy based on data in individuals aged 70+. Assuming a varying number of random effects, we re-estimated previously developed population pharmacokinetic two- and three-compartment models in a model development group comprising 546 patients with iohexol concentration data up to 300 min post injection. Model performance and optimal sampling times were assessed in an evaluation group comprising 104 patients with reduced GFR and concentration data up to 1440 min post injection. Two- and three-compartment models with random effects for all parameters overestimated clearance values (bias 5.07 and 4.40 mL/min, respectively) and underpredicted 24-h concentrations (bias − 14.5 and − 12.0 µg/ml, respectively). Clearance estimates improved distinctly when limiting random effects of the three-compartment model to clearance and central volume of distribution. Two blood samples, one early and one 300 min post injection, were sufficient to estimate iohexol clearance. A simplified three-compartment model is optimal to estimate iohexol clearance in elderly patients with reduced GFR.
... Early diagnosis of CKD may hinder the disease progression and improve patient quality of life. International Renal Interest not provide information on CKD aetiology and the available methods for its estimation are difficult to be applied in the routine clinical practice [5,6]. Renal biopsy is considered the gold standard for determining the type of renal damage, but it is an invasive procedure and not always feasible [7]. ...
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive and irreversible disease. Although urine is an ideal biological sample for proteomics and metabolomics studies, sensitive and specific biomarkers are currently lacking in dogs. This study characterised dog urine proteome and metabolome aiming to identify and possibly quantify putative biomarkers of CKD in dogs. Twenty-two healthy dogs and 28 dogs with spontaneous CKD were selected and urine samples were collected. Urinary proteome was separated by SDS-PAGE and analysed by mass spectrometry, while urinary metabolome was analysed in protein-depleted samples by 1D ¹H NMR spectra. The most abundant proteins in urine samples from healthy dogs were uromodulin, albumin and, in entire male dogs, arginine esterase. In urine samples from CKD dogs, the concentrations of uromodulin and albumin were significantly lower and higher, respectively, than in healthy dogs. In addition, these samples were characterised by a more complex protein pattern indicating mixed glomerular (protein bands ≥65 kDa) and tubular (protein bands<65 kDa) proteinuria. Urine spectra acquired by NMR allowed the identification of 86 metabolites in healthy dogs, belonging to 49 different pathways mainly involved in amino acid metabolism, purine and aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis or tricarboxylic acid cycle. Seventeen metabolites showed significantly different concentrations when comparing healthy and CKD dogs. In particular, carnosine, trigonelline, and cis-aconitate, might be suggested as putative biomarkers of CKD in dogs. Significance Urine is an ideal biological sample, however few proteomics and metabolomics studies investigated this fluid in dogs and in the context of CKD (chronic kidney disease). In this research, applying a multi-omics approach, new insights were gained regarding the molecular changes triggered by this disease in canine urinary proteome and metabolome. In particular, the involvement of the tubular component was highlighted, suggesting uromodulin, trigonelline and carnosine as possible biomarkers of CKD in dogs.
Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) is a valuable surrogate marker for decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and is incorporated into the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) guidelines for diagnosing, staging, and treating chronic kidney disease (CKD). SDMA increases above the reference interval with smaller reductions in GFR rate than does creatinine and persistent mild increases in SDMA can be used to diagnose early-stage CKD. Evaluation of both SDMA and creatinine is recommended for diagnosis and monitoring of animals with CKD.
Full-text available
Background: although the existence of inconclusive medical test results or bio-markers is widely recognized, there are indications that this inherent diagnostic uncertainty is sometimes ignored. This paper discusses three methods for defining and determining inconclusive medical test results, which use different definitions and differ in clinical relevance. Methods: the TG-ROC (two graphs receiver operating characteristics) method is the easiest to use, while the grey zone method and the uncertain interval method require more extensive calculations. Results: this paper discusses the technical details of the methods, as well as advantages and disadvantages for their clinical use. TG-ROC and the grey zone method can help in the acquisition of high rates of diagnostic certainty, but can exclude large groups. The uncertain interval method can prevent decisions that are the most uncertain, invalid and unreliable, while excluding smaller groups. Conclusions: the identification of uncertain test scores is relevant, because these scores indicate the need to obtain better information or to await further developments. The methods presented help to determine inconclusive test scores and can help to reduce erroneous decisions. However, further research and development is desirable.
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Crucial therapeutic decisions are based on diagnostic tests. Therefore, it is important to evaluate such tests before adopting them for routine use. Although things such as blood tests, cultures, biopsies, and radiological imaging are obvious diagnostic tests, it is not to be forgotten that specific clinical examination procedures, scoring systems based on physiological or psychological evaluation, and ratings based on questionnaires are also diagnostic tests and therefore merit similar evaluation. In the simplest scenario, a diagnostic test will give either a positive (disease likely) or negative (disease unlikely) result. Ideally, all those with the disease should be classified by a test as positive and all those without the disease as negative. Unfortunately, practically no test gives 100% accurate results. Therefore, leaving aside the economic question, the performance of diagnostic tests is evaluated on the basis of certain indices such as sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value. Likelihood ratios combine information on specificity and sensitivity to expresses the likelihood that a given test result would occur in a subject with a disorder compared to the probability that the same result would occur in a subject without the disorder. Not all test can be categorized simply as “positive” or “negative.” Physicians are frequently exposed to test results on a numerical scale, and in such cases, judgment is required in choosing a cutoff point to distinguish normal from abnormal. Naturally, a cutoff value should provide the greatest predictive accuracy, but there is a trade-off between sensitivity and specificity here - if the cutoff is too low, it will identify most patients who have the disease (high sensitivity) but will also incorrectly identify many who do not (low specificity). A receiver operating characteristic curve plots pairs of sensitivity versus (1 − specificity) values and helps in selecting an optimum cutoff – the one lying on the “elbow” of the curve. Cohen's kappa (κ) statistic is a measure of inter-rater agreement for categorical variables. It can also be applied to assess how far two tests agree with respect to diagnostic categorization. It is generally thought to be a more robust measure than simple percent agreement calculation since kappa takes into account the agreement occurring by chance.
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A reliable assessment of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is of paramount importance in clinical practice as well as epidemiological and clinical research settings. It is recommended by Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes guidelines in specific populations (anorectic, cirrhotic, obese, renal and non-renal transplant patients) where estimation equations are unreliable. Measured GFR is the only valuable test to confirm or confute the status of chronic kidney disease (CKD), to evaluate the slope of renal function decay over time, to assess the suitability of living kidney donors and for dosing of potentially toxic medication with a narrow therapeutic index. Abnormally elevated GFR or hyperfiltration in patients with diabetes or obesity can be correctly diagnosed only by measuring GFR. GFR measurement contributes to assessing the true CKD prevalence rate, avoiding discrepancies due to GFR estimation with different equations. Using measured GFR, successfully accomplished in large epidemiological studies, is the only way to study the potential link between decreased renal function and cardiovascular or total mortality, being sure that this association is not due to confounders, i.e. non-GFR determinants of biomarkers. In clinical research, it has been shown that measured GFR (or measured GFR slope) as a secondary endpoint as compared with estimated GFR detected subtle treatment effects and obtained these results with a comparatively smaller sample size than trials choosing estimated GFR. Measuring GFR by iohexol has several advantages: simplicity, low cost, stability and low interlaboratory variation. Iohexol plasma clearance represents the best chance for implementing a standardized GFR measurement protocol applicable worldwide both in clinical practice and in research.
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Objective: To establish a simplified single-blood-sample method (SBSM) involving iodixanol to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in dogs and compare data provided by that procedure with data provided by a conventional multiple-blood-sample method (MBSM) involving inulin. Animals: 26 healthy dogs and 36 dogs with naturally occurring renal disease. Procedures: Dogs were used in various preliminary experiments to establish protocols for the SBSM and the MBSM of GFR estimation. To evaluate the relationship between GFRs obtained by the SBSM and the MBSM each involving iodixanol, iodixanol (40 mg of I/kg) was administered IV to 26 healthy dogs and 36 dogs with renal disease; blood sample collection was performed before and at 60, 90, and 120 minutes after the injection. To evaluate the relationship between GFRs obtained by the SBSM involving iodixanol and the MBSM involving inulin, iodixanol (40 mg of I/kg) and inulin (50 mg/kg) were coadministered IV to 22 healthy dogs and 3 dogs with renal disease, followed by blood sample collection 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes later. Serum iodixanol and inulin concentrations were separately determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Results: Findings revealed a correlation (r = 0.99) between GFR estimated by the SBSM and MBSM each involving iodixanol. Likewise, GFR estimated by the SBSM involving iodixanol was correlated (r = 0.89) with that estimated by the MBSM involving inulin. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Results indicated that the SBSM involving iodixanol can be applied to estimate GFR in dogs, instead of use of an MBSM.
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Background Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) is an accurate and precise biomarker for estimating glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in humans and cats. Serum creatinine (sCr) also correlates with GFR, but has limitations as a biomarker of renal function because nonrenal factors can influence its concentration.HypothesisDifferences in lean body mass (LBM) influence sCr, but not serum SDMA concentrations.AnimalsForty-one healthy Beagles, mean age 9.9 years (range: 3.1–14.8 years), were studied over a 6 month period.Methods Serum biomarkers of renal function were measured prospectively at baseline, and 1, 3, and 6 months. SDMA concentrations were measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy and sCr concentrations by enzymatic colorimetry. Body composition was determined by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry.ResultsLBM (P < .001) and age (P = .006) were significant explanatory variables for sCr concentration (R2 = 0.38), but not SDMA concentration. Time on food was the only significant explanatory variable for SDMA concentration (R2 = 0.49). SDMA concentrations decreased across time (P < .001). LBM was affected by sex (males > females; P = .02). Mature adult dogs (<8 years) had greater LBM compared with geriatric dogs (≥8 years; P < .001).Conclusion and Clinical ImportancesCr concentrations, but not SDMA concentrations, are influenced by LBM, which limits sCr utility as a biomarker for monitoring renal function in dogs with decreased LBM. Reductions in LBM can lower sCr concentration and overestimate GFR. SDMA concentrations, but not sCr concentrations were influenced by time on food. SDMA could have clinical advantages over sCr in monitoring response to nutritional interventions.
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Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is still a highly underutilized tool in cats because available methods are not easy to be performed in clinical practice. Iohexol (IOX) has been shown to be a useful and reliable marker of GFR both in animals and in humans. The aim of the present study was to develop a rapid and reliable method for measuring IOX in feline plasma and to evaluate the accuracy of limited sampling models to establish a low-cost and clinically suitable GFR test. IOX concentrations were determined by using a new HPLC-UV method. GFR was assessed as plasma clearance of IOX, which was calculated by dividing dose administered by area under the curve of plasmatic concentration versus time (AUC), and indexed to body weight (BW). Correlation and agreement analysis between the GFR values obtained by a seven-point clearance method and the GFR values determined by the application of simplified sample combinations indicated that the 3-blood sample clearance model (5, 30, and 60 min) was the best simplified method because it provided an accurate GFR value in only one hour. The reported method is a simple and accurate way of GFR determination, which may be easily used in a clinical setting.
Foster SJ, Sovak M. Isomerism in iohexhol and ioxilan: Analysis and implications. Invest Radiol 1988;23(Suppl 1):S106-S109. Pharmacologically useful contrast media (CM) must be highly water-soluble to form stable supersaturated solutions. Iohexol and ioxilan both contain centers of potential isomerism stemming from the D,L hydroxyalkyls, the carbamoyl substituents, the alkylated anilide nitrogen and the acetylated anilide. The D,L isomers are individual compounds, both highly water-soluble and equally highly hydrophilic. The carbamoyl rotamers result from steric restriction by the adjacent iodines, and are interconvertible at physiologic temperature ranges; only at low temperatures can high field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) identify them. The isomers resulting from the alkylated anilide are fixed, but since they can exist only by reference to fixed carbamoyls, they are not relevant at physiologic temperatures. The N-acetyl endo-/exoisomers are crystallizable from alcoholic solvents and identifiable by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and hydrogen-1 (1H) and 13C NMR. They interconvert rapidly in water, forming stable and highly soluble mixtures. All isomers of iohexol or ioxilan, based on HPLC, are similarly highly hydrophilic, and are expected to show low binding to biomacromolecules with a concomitantly high biological tolerance. Since these mixtures are unavoidable, they must be considered a pharmacologic entity. (C) Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
GFR (glomerular filtration rate - GFR) shows the rate of glomerular filtration through renal glomeruli and, despite of the most used paramethers for the evaluation of renal disfunction (plasmatic creatinine, urea and urinary specific gravity), allows an early diagnosis of renal failure. Iohexol, a non-ionic low osmolarity contrast medium, has renal clearance only and can be used as a reliable GFR marker in humans and animals. The pourpose of the present study was to establish simplified methods of GFR determination in dogs through the plasmatic clearance of iohexol and to evaluate the accuracy of Cockroft-Gault equations GFR prediction. In the 35 dogs of our study the plasmatic concentration of iohexol was directly evaluated by using an HPLC method. A linear regression analysis among the reference 11-point method (5, 15', 30', 45" 60', 90" 180', 240', 300', 420'e 24 hours) and the four simplified five-sample models was performed. The best time for sampling in the 5-sample method was 5, 15, 60, 90 and 180 minutes. The linear regression analysis among the reference 11-point method and the equations for the prediction of GFR in the dog showed no significant correlation. GFR determination can be considered the only reliable method to assess renal function in dogs. Plasma clearance of iohexol can be estimated in dogs from 5 blood samples with a reasonable margin of error and used as a good routine method of GFR evaluation in early diagnosis of nephropaties.
Diagnosis of early feline chronic kidney disease (CKD) is challenging. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best overall indicator of kidney function, but multisample plasma clearance methods to determine GFR are labour intensive, time consuming and stressful for feline patients. This study aimed to develop simplified methods to detect decreased GFR in cats. Data from a nine-sample combined plasma exogenous creatinine-iohexol clearance test of 73 cats were used. Limited sampling strategies were developed by comparing all sampling time combinations to complete all nine sampling times set and selecting the best sampling time combinations based on maximum relative error. By regression analysis, the ability of routine blood (serum creatinine, serum urea) and urine (urine specific gravity, urinary protein:creatinine ratio) variables to predict GFR or identify cats with low or borderline GFRs was examined. Cut-off clearance marker concentrations to predict low or borderline GFR was determined at three time points after marker injection. All procedures were analysed for three clearance markers (exo-iohexol, creatinine, endo-iohexol). For reliable estimation of GFR, at least three blood samples for clinical purposes and five blood samples for research purposes are required. Regression formulae based on routine variables did not reliably predict GFR, but accurately identified cats with low (sensitivity 96.5-98.2%; specificity 60-91.3%) or borderline (sensitivity 91.1-96%; specificity 76.5-81.8%) GFR. Clearance marker concentrations exceeding given marker cut-off concentrations also identified cats with low or borderline GFR with high sensitivities and specificities. These simplified methods will facilitate the detection of early kidney dysfunction in cats. Early diagnosis allows timely therapeutic intervention, and future studies must reveal whether this improves the long-term outcome of cats with CKD. © ISFM and AAFP 2014.