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  • Shubhdeep Ayurveda Medical college and hospital, indore, Madhya Pradesh


Ayurveda is an ancient medical science of the human civilization. It is holistic health science which deals with each individual as well as at community level in entirety. The social impact of ill health is on the rise, with some diseases affecting not only the health of individuals but also that of a nation"s economy with their increasing healthcare costs. Ayurveda system has its own advantages that it is also fulfill the social health demands. Swastavritta or the promotion of health is one of the strongest and most unique aspects of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda emphasises on the rules of conduct and its effects on social and behavioural aspects of life. It deals with preventive, curative aspects.
Dhanraj et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019.
Dr. Dhanraj Nagar*1, Dr. Ramavtar Sharma2 and Jayant Nagar3
1Asso. Prof., Department of Swasthavrita and Yoga, Shri Shiridi Sai Baba Ayurveda College
and Hospital, k.- Renwal, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
2R.O. at CCRAS, Ministry of Ayush.
3Internship at Shri Shiridi Sai Baba Ayurveda College and Hospital, k.- Renwal, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India.
Ayurveda is an ancient medical science of the human civilization. It is
holistic health science which deals with each individual as well as at
community level in entirety. The social impact of ill health is on the
rise, with some diseases affecting not only the health of individuals but
also that of a nation‟s economy with their increasing healthcare costs.
Ayurveda system has its own advantages that it is also fulfill the social
health demands. Swastavritta or the promotion of health is one of the
strongest and most unique aspects of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda
emphasises on the rules of conduct and its effects on social and
behavioural aspects of life. It deals with preventive, curative aspects.
Classical texts of Ayurveda describe many principles such as infectious
disease, immunity, nutrition etc. The present document focuses on the
suitability of Ayurveda practicener‟s for community health practice.
Serious efforts are needed by GOVT. OF INDIA, AYUSH and MCI to
follow positive approach for implements of Ayurvedic specialties for individual as well as
social health which will be based upon needs assessment.
KEYWORD: Public Health.
Health is a fundamental right for every citizen as per the constitution and Public Health is
used as an indicator for the development of a nation. Public Health is defined as “the art and
science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
SJIF Impact Factor 8.074
Volume 8, Issue 9, XXX-XXX. Review Article ISSN 2277 7105
Article Received on
14 June 2019,
Revised on 05 July 2019,
Accepted on 25 July 2019,
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20199-15569
*Corresponding Author
Dr. Dhanraj Nagar
Asso. Prof., Department of
Swasthavrita and Yoga, Shri
Shiridi Sai Baba Ayurveda
College and Hospital, k.-
Renwal, Jaipur, Rajasthan,
Dhanraj et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019.
efforts of society (Acheson, 1988; WHO). The vision of including Public Health as the
theme for Ayurveda Day 2018 is to strengthen Ayurveda in Public Health so that socially and
ecologically sustainable health care system with a vision, attitude and orientation for
achieving the holistic health and wellness. Ayurveda has two basic aims[1]; First, to
preserve the health of healthy people and to help them attain the four principle aims of life
(virtue, purpose or wealth, pleasure, and release or liberation from cycle of rebirth); second,
to treat illness and diseas. Thus, the Ayurvedic definition of health by Acharya Sushruta[2]:
One whose doshas are in balance, whose appetite is good, whose dhatus are functioning
normally, whose mala‟s are in balance, and whose physiology, mind and senses are always
full of bliss, is called a healthy person. Ayurveda itself has lots of greatness about health
science, the concept of “ayu” or age is not just only the No of an individual‟s life span, the
word ‘Ayu’ has a great and beautiful classification itself in Sukhayu (happy individuals life),
Dukhayu (unhappy individual), Hitayu (happy life considering community aspect),
Ahitayu(opposite to qualities of Hitayu).[3] The word Hitayu is mean and teach for a healthy
life regarding community, in fact actually it is a quality of an individual and a social life.[4]
There is remarkable difference exists between medicine and public health, medicine primarily
focuses on individual, personal service, ethic in the context of social responsibilities,
emphasis on disease diagnosis, treatment and care for the individual patient. Medical
paradigm places predominant emphasis on medical care, etiology and pathophysiology
(infectious disease, oncology, etc.). Whereas public health features, primarily focus on
population, emphasis on disease prevention and health promotion for the whole community.
A self-review could help to judge one's conduct. Ayurveda has discussed conduct under
‘Sadvritta’ (Code of good conduct). In the recent past there has been a growing interest in
Ayurvedic system of Medicine and their relevance to public health. The major challenges
faced today are economic crisis, increase in the ageing population segment, emergence of
chronic diseases, environmental and climate related changes, lack of access to quality health
care in many areas etc. AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Sidha and
Homoeopathy) have been in existence since centuries and well accepted as a part of
mainstream health provider in India. Public Health care in India functions under the National
Health Policy. In this context, there is a critical need to mainstream Ayurveda into public
health care to achieve the objective of improved access to healthcare facilities.
Dhanraj et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019.
Various Ayurvedic classic texts have been used for this study as source materials. Main
Ayurvedic books used are Charak Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Astanga Samgrah, Astanga
Hridya, Bhav Prakash, sharngdhar samhita, Yogratnakr, Swasthavritta samuchchya and
available commentaries on it. Apart this relevant modern medical science books, various
research/ review articles and websites are also been used for this.
The world is undergoing a rapid change in all spheres; the eco system, nature and living
beings are under strong survival stress due to severe pollution, climate change, population
rise and other socio-economic reasons. Maintaining the integrity of nature and human health
is a big challenge in front of the world and it cannot be ignored. Public health today is
gaining momentum all over, and is a good sign for traditional medical systems to get their
place to fulfill the need of the day. Public health as a discipline is mainly seen as a part of or a
similar stream to community medicine. The widely accepted definition of health is that given
by the World Health Organization (1948) in the preamble to its constitution, which is as
follows: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely
an absence of disease or infirmity.” This definition has three dimensions of health, physical,
mental and social. But the classical texts of Ayurveda also describe certain principles of
public health in its own parlances. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India
has framed „National Health Policy -2017‟ which encompasses various aspects related to the
AYUSH system of Medicine. The ultimate goal of which is the attainment of highest
possible level of health and wellbeing for all at all ages, through a preventive and
promotive health care orientation in all developmental policies, and universal access to
good quality health care services without anyone having to face financial hardships as a
consequence.” Ayurveda has given much emphasis to personal health and community health.
Concept of Public Health in Ayurveda CEA Winslow in 1920 defined Public Health as, “the
science and art of pre-venting diseases, prolonging life, and promoting health and efficiency
through organized community efforts…”.[5] Social psychology is defined as “an attempt to
understand and explain how the thought, feeling, and behavior of individuals are influenced
by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others”.[6] Social health often deals with how
people relate to each other, and how an individual is able to socialize with other people and
Dhanraj et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019.
form relationships. Social health is often considered of great importance in regards to
individual health, and how social interactions can assist in improving other forms of health.
The Ayurvedic system of medicine is one of the oldest medical systems of human
Strength of Ayurveda to offer public in developed countries: Total Health care, Life style
consultation, Psychological consultation, Spiritual way of life, Rejuvenation (Rasayana)
therapy, Panchakarma therapy which rejuvenates biological systems of bod, Management of
life style / NCD disorders, Management of chronic and incurable diseases, Management of
adverse and toxic effects of drugs.
Requirements of developed countries: Reducing the cost of Health care in developed
countries, Management of life style disorders, Management for chronic and incurable
diseases, Non availability of management of iatrogenic disorders, adverse and toxic effects of
drugs, Requirement of safe, cost effective and holistic medical system.
Health care program in demand: Life style management, Stress management, yoga,
Aesthetics and beauty care, Diet and cooking advices, Management of oral hygiene and care
of ear nose throat, Prenatal and postnatal care, Knowledge of sexual behavior and
Kamashastra, Child health care management and baby massage, etc.
Noble contribution of Ayurveda to modern day health scenario: In this era of life style
disorders Panchakarma and Rasayana therapy is the only hope for health care, WHO has
accepted the same from TMs, In the area of prevention of the diseases Metabolic, genetic
disorders, allergic, auto-immune diseases, Seasonal variations, Aging / Geriatric, Alternative
therapy - Allergic disorders, auto immune disorders, Rheumatoid arthritis & other collagen
disorders, Parkinson‟s disease Alzheimer‟s disease, Skin disorders, Gastro intestinal
disorders, Complementary area of cooperation Cancer, DM, IHD, CVA, Iatrogenic
disorders, bronchial Asthma, Neuro - muscular disorders, Psychosomatic diseases
Ulcerative colitis, IBS, Psychological disorders Stress syndromes, Anxiety neurosis, Sleep
disorders, MSD, Joint Disorders, Etc.
Ayurveda is the best option for achieving the goal of Personal health along with public
Dhanraj et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 8, Issue 9, 2019.
1. Shri Satya Narayan Shastri (Part 1) Charak Samhita with elaborated Vidhyotini Hindi
commentary Sutra Sthana Arthedash Mahamooliya Adhyaya; chapter 30, verse 26;
Varanasi Chukhambha Bharty academy, 2014; 587.
2. Kaviraj Ambika Dutta Shastri Susrut Samhita (Part I) edited with Ayurved Tattva
Sandeepika Hindi commentary Scientific analysis, Sutra Sthan Dosh Dhatu Mal Kshay
Vridhi Vigyaniy Adhyaya; chapter 15 verse 48; Varanasi Chukhambha Sanskrit
Sansthan, Reprint ed., 2014; 84.
3. Shri Satya Narayan Shastri (Part 1) Charak Samhita with elaborated Vidhyotini Hindi
commentary Sutra Sthana Arthedash Mahamooliya Adhyaya; chapter 30, verse 23;
Varanasi Chukhambha Bharty academy 2014. P 586.
4. Shri Satya Narayan Shastri (Part 1) Charak Samhita with elaborated Vidhyotini Hindi
commentary Sutra Sthana Arthedash Mahamooliya Adhyaya; chapter 30, verse 24;
Varanasi Chukhambha Bharty academy, 2014; 586.
5. Winslow CEA. The untitled field of pub-lic health. Mod Med; 1920; 2: 183-191. Allport
GW. The historical background of modern social psychology. Handbook of Social
Psychology, 1968; 180.
... The sources of income of today's person have also been reduced, and there is a significant expenditure on health services, but using Ayurveda, we can save it. Strength of Ayurveda to offer to the public in developed countries: Total Health care, Lifestyle consultation, Psychological consultation, Spiritual way of life, Rejuvenation (Rasayana) therapy, Panchakarma therapy which rejuvenates biological systems of the body, Management of lifestyle/NCD disorders, Management of chronic and incurable diseases, management of adverse and toxic effects of drugs 11 . ...
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The healthcare system in India and Nepal has various indigenous systems like Ayurveda, Yoga, naturopathy, Siddha, Unani, and Homeopathy, which are widely accepted and practiced parallel to allopathy. In both countries, a large section of the population belonging to different strata of society practices these traditional medicine systems to improve their health. Being an ancient holistic system of medicine, Ayurveda deals with each individual and at the community level in its entirety. The social impact of ill health is increasing, with some diseases affecting the health of individuals and that of a nation's economy with their increasing healthcare costs. The Ayurvedic system of medicine has its advantages: it also fulfills the social health demands. One of the most vital and unique aspects of Ayurvedic medicine is Swastavritta, or health promotion. Ayurveda emphasizes two points, i.e., how to keep a healthy person healthy & how to prevent the patient's illness, and public health also has similar objectives to prevent diseases, cure diseases, and longevity by improving the quality of life of the individuals. Many theories related to public health, such as infectious diseases, immunity, nutrition, etc., have been described in the classical texts of Ayurveda. Various texts associated with Ayurveda, relevant modern medical science books, research/review articles, and websites have been used as source materials for this study. The aim of Ayurveda and Public Health is mainly the same. In this growing world, most diseases are related to daily lifestyle, and these diseases can be prevented by following the principles of Ayurveda, and if anyone suffers from an illness, then Ayurveda will also help get rid of these diseases. Ayurveda has the potential to improve the worsening global health status, and it also would be one of the best options to promote public health.
... Total Health care, Lifestyle consultation, Psychological consultation, Spiritual way of life, Rejuvenation (Rasayana) therapy, Panchakarma therapy which rejuvenates biological systems of the body, Management of lifestyle / NCD disorders, Management of chronic and incurable diseases, Management of adverse and toxic effects of drugs. [10] Requirements of developed countries: Reducing the cost of Health care in developed countries, Management of lifestyle disorders, Management of chronic and incurable diseases, Non-availability of management of iatrogenic disorders, adverse and toxic effects of drugs, Requirement of the safe, cost-effective, and holistic medical system. ...
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Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of medicine, which mainly considers these two points on how to keep a healthy person healthy and how to eradicate the illness of the patient and the same objective of public health are also to prevent diseases, cure diseases, and provide long life by improving the quality of life of the person. The present composition tries to dichotomize the conception of public health and health detail in the environment of Ayurveda. The classical texts of Ayurveda describe many principles related to public health such as infectious diseases, immunity, nutrition, etc. But the current documents have been concentrated densely on the conception of public health in Ayurveda. Various Ayurvedic texts, relevant modern medical science books, various research/review articles, and websites have been used for this study as source materials. The aim of Public Health and Ayurveda is mainly the same. In today's era, the disease is mainly related to lifestyle disorders, and we can avoid these diseases by following the principles of Ayurveda and if we suffer from a disease then we can get rid of these diseases through Ayurveda treatments. With the recent development of the National Rural Health Mission and Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram, some principles and measures are being used very effectively for the prevention of public health problems. The simple regiments described in ancient classical texts are in extreme use in dealing with the public health problems facing the present-day world. So, Ayurveda has an important role in public health.
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Flavonoid is an active phytoconstituent that was identified from ethanol extract of Abrus precatorius (ApEe) and Neolmarckia cadamba (NcEe) leaves. In the present study, flavonoid-rich ethanol extract of both plants was studied for its antidepressant activity in stress induces depression. The phytochemical study reveals the presence of flavonoids, as flavonoids shows significant effects to improve the mood. It plays an important function in stress- induced depression; hence in this study includes pharmacological evaluation for the antidepressant effect of ethanol extract of both plants which was examined separately. The antidepressant activity of the prepared extract was estimated by despair animal models. In the present experiment, we selected forced swim test in the rat (rFST), mice tail suspension test (mTST) and locomotor activity was also examined in the open field test. A Comparative profile of the test formulation of ethanol extracts of Abrus Precatorius (ApEe) and Neolmarckia Cadamba (NcEe) was assessed for effect on immobility time in rFST and mTST at dosages 100 mg/kg and 200mg/kg. ApEe shows significant (p<0.001, 77.17±1.537) reduction of immobility duration time in rFST at 200 mg/kg dose, however in mTST it was significant (p<0.003, 98.67±16.77) with 100 mg/kg and more significant (p<0.0138, 78±2.716) at 200mg/kg.
Part 1) Charak Samhita with elaborated Vidhyotini Hindi commentary Sutra Sthana Arthedash Mahamooliya Adhyaya; chapter 30, verse 26; Varanasi Chukhambha Bharty academy
  • Shri Satya Narayan
  • Shastri
Shri Satya Narayan Shastri (Part 1) Charak Samhita with elaborated Vidhyotini Hindi commentary Sutra Sthana Arthedash Mahamooliya Adhyaya; chapter 30, verse 26; Varanasi Chukhambha Bharty academy, 2014; 587.
Allport GW. The historical background of modern social psychology
  • Cea Winslow
Winslow CEA. The untitled field of pub-lic health. Mod Med; 1920; 2: 183-191. Allport GW. The historical background of modern social psychology. Handbook of Social Psychology, 1968; 1-80.