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Organisms Without Mitochondria, How It May Happen?


Abstract and Figures

Decades of investigations have clearly shown that protists living in low-oxygen environments possess mitochondria despite their textbook function, oxidative phosphorylation, is usually absent. The presence of these, in some cases, very rudimental mitochondria has been ascribed to their irreplaceable role in the synthesis of FeS clusters, prosthetic groups of several essential proteins. The deep investigation of the oxymonad Monocercomonoides exilis (Preaxostyla, Metamonada) revealed that this organism very likely represents a notable exception, in which the synthesis of FeS clusters runs in the cytosol and mitochondrion is absent. Investigation of a broader spectrum of oxymonads and their relatives provided evidence that the profound reorganisation of FeS cluster synthesis was initiated by a HGT of the bacterial pathway SUF and a loss of the mitochondrial pathway ISC already before the last common ancestor of this clade. This innovation was very likely a preadaptation for (and not a consequence of) the mitochondrial loss, which happened much later and only in the oxymonad lineage. M. exilis and other oxymonads are being further studied because they represent valuable examples relevant to our understanding of the reductive evolution of organelles and to the origin of the eukaryotic cell.
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Organisms Without Mitochondria, How It
May Happen?
Vladimír Hampl
1 Mitochondria in Anaerobes Are Reduced but Typically Not Lost .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 310
2 Oxymonads: Protists Without Mitochondria ................................................ 311
3 Prerequisites and Consequences of Mitochondrial Loss .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 313
4 Why Should We Be Interested in Amitochondriate Protists? .............................. 314
References .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 316
Abstract Decades of investigations have clearly shown that protists living in
low-oxygen environments possess mitochondria despite their textbook function,
oxidative phosphorylation, is usually absent. The presence of these, in some cases,
very rudimental mitochondria has been ascribed to their irreplaceable role in the
synthesis of FeS clusters, prosthetic groups of several essential proteins. The deep
investigation of the oxymonad Monocercomonoides exilis (Preaxostyla,
Metamonada) revealed that this organism very likely represents a notable exception,
in which the synthesis of FeS clusters runs in the cytosol and mitochondrion is
absent. Investigation of a broader spectrum of oxymonads and their relatives pro-
vided evidence that the profound reorganisation of FeS cluster synthesis was initi-
ated by a HGT of the bacterial pathway SUF and a loss of the mitochondrial pathway
ISC already before the last common ancestor of this clade. This innovation was very
likely a preadaptation for (and not a consequence of) the mitochondrial loss, which
happened much later and only in the oxymonad lineage. M. exilis and other
oxymonads are being further studied because they represent valuable examples
relevant to our understanding of the reductive evolution of organelles and to the
origin of the eukaryotic cell.
V. Hampl (*)
Faculty of Science, Department of Parasitology, Charles University, BIOCEV, Vestec,
Czech Republic
©Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
J. Tachezy (ed.), Hydrogenosomes and Mitosomes: Mitochondria
of Anaerobic Eukaryotes, Microbiology Monographs 9,
1 Mitochondria in Anaerobes Are Reduced but Typically
Not Lost
Endosymbiosis greatly contributed to the formation of eukaryotic complexity,
because it is the only known mechanism how membrane-bound and genome-
containing cell compartments evolve (Sagan 1967; Lane 2011). Its most important
products, mitochondria and plastids, had changed the biosphere completely and
arguably are behind the evolutionary success of eukaryotes. At the same time,
while sampling the diverse eukaryotic lineages, it has become apparent that these
organelles are not being dispensed at occasions, when their most pronounced
functions, oxidative phosphorylation in the case of mitochondria and photosynthesis
in the case of plastids, are not needed or are disabled by environmental conditions.
So then, vast majority of secondary non-photosynthetic algae and plants still contain
colourless plastids (Hadariová et al. 2017), and eukaryotes inhabiting environments
with low-oxygen concentrations still contain mitochondria (Roger et al. 2017), the
examples of which have been in details described in this book.
Careful examinations provided raison detre of these sometimes very rudimental
mitochondria in the synthesis of FeS clusters (Williams et al. 2002). FeS clusters
serve as prosthetic groups of some proteins and are essential in every cell, and their
synthesis is initiated in the mitochondrion by the iron-sulphur cluster assembly
pathway of alpha-proteobacterial origin and continued in the cytosol by the cytosolic
iron-sulphur protein assembly (CIA) pathway (Kispal et al. 1999; Lill et al. 2015;
Braymer and Lill 2017). Interesting exception is represented by Archamoebae
(Entamoeba,Mastigamoeba), which lack ISC pathway, and their FeS clusters are
apparently synthesised by the combination of nitrogen xation (NIF) and CIA
pathway; the former was acquired by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from
Epsilonproteobacteria. In the human pathogen Entamoeba histolytica, the NIF
pathway is probably not localised in its mitochondrion, although controversies
remain (Mi-ichi et al. 2009; Maralikova et al. 2010; Nývltová et al. 2013), and so
it may be the rst known mitochondrion not involved in the iron-sulphur cluster
assembly. If true, the case of E. histolytica demonstrates that under some circum-
stances, like acquisition of new upstream biosynthetic pathway via horizontal gene
transfer, the process of FeS cluster assembly can be performed entirely in the
cytosol. Also, it seems that FeS cluster assembly is not the reason why
E. histolytica keeps its mitosomes and another essential process, sulphate activation,
was proposed to localise into this organelle (Mi-ichi et al. 2009).
The presence of some form of mitochondrion in every studied eukaryote and the
fact that even the most reduced mitosomes harbour essential pathways strengthened
the paradigm about the ubiquity of mitochondria (Roger and Silberman 2002;
Embley et al. 2003; Hackstein et al. 2006). On the other hand, the example of
E. histolytica has shown that the seeming essentiality of mitochondria is not pro-
vided by the same function in all eukaryotes, and so the question remained, whether
it is possible for a mitochondrion to dispense all functions and disappear completely.
310 V. Hampl
Investigation of additional eukaryotic lineages has been instrumental, as many times
before, and this question was answered when it came to oxymonads.
2 Oxymonads: Protists Without Mitochondria
Oxymonads are relatively small collection of ~140 described species (Hampl 2016),
which live in the intestine of some insect and mammalian hosts, and together with
the genera Trimastix and Paratrimastix, they represent the third principal lineage of
Metamonada (Hampl et al. 2009; Adl et al. 2019). In wood-eating insects, certain
termites and cockroaches, oxymonads seem to be benecial part of the intestinal
microora; however, no solid data on their metabolic involvement is available.
Majority of studies involving oxymonads focused on description of new species,
phylogeny and ultrastructure (e.g. Nie 1950; Radek 1994; Brugerolle et al. 1997;
Heiss and Keeling 2006) and rarely on their other features. Exceptions are few
studies investigating the movement of axostyle, pronounced microtubular part of
their cytoskeleton (McIntosh 1973), relationships with ectosymbiotic bacteria (Lean-
der and Keeling 2004; Noda et al. 2006; Utami et al. 2018), modications of
glycolysis (Slamovits and Keeling 2006a; Liapounova et al. 2006), introns
(Slamovits and Keeling 2006b) and noncanonical genetic codes (Keeling and
Leander 2003). Importantly for this text, ultrastructural investigations have not
brought clear evidence for the presence of neither mitochondrion nor Golgi body.
Notable is the study of Carpenter et al. (2008), in which was reported the presence of
relatively large electron dense and potentially double-membrane-bounded vesicles
more than 1 μm in diameter, putative mitochondria or peroxisomes. Similar vesicles
are visible also in earlier TEM images of (McIntosh 1973) and might be homologous
to cytoplasmic granules reported from light microscopy by Cleveland in
Saccinobaculus lata (1950). They were not investigated further.
In 2016 we have published a study (Karnkowska et al. 2016) in which the traces
of mitochondrion were carefully investigated in the genomic and transcriptomic
datasets of an oxymonad now known as Monocercomonoides exilis (Treitli et al.
2018; Fig. 1). The generated draft genome is ~75 MB in size and contains 16,629
predicted protein-coding loci, and according to the available measure, it is reason-
ably complete albeit divergent. Core Eukaryotic Genes Mapping Approach
(CEGMA) recovered 63.3% of core eukaryotic genes, and after manual curation of
gene models, and not considering mitochondrion-related genes in the CEGMA
dataset, the conserved gene recovery increased to 90%. The predicted proteins as
well as the six-frame translation of the genome have been searched for mitochondrial
hallmark proteins (e.g. components of TIM/TOM complexes, mitochondrial chap-
erones and ISC pathway enzymes); furthermore, the data were exhaustively searched
using homology-based and targeting signal-based approaches [summarised in Fig. 2
in Karnkowska et al. (2016)]. No approach has resulted in recovering a reliable
candidate(s) for mitochondrial proteins, and this led to the conclusion that the
mitochondrion is not present. This hypothesis still holds, while further investigation
Organisms Without Mitochondria, How It May Happen? 311
of M. exilis genome and genomic and transcriptomic data of other oxymonads is in
progress (Karnkowska et al. under review).
If we admit the absence of mitochondrion in M. exilis, we should provide an
explanation how the cell substitutes the essential functions typically provided by this
compartment. As in the mitosome-containing anaerobes, the cellular ATP require-
ments must be met by the cytosolic ATP production associated with the catabolism
of organic compounds. Indeed, M. exilis contains full set of glycolytic enzymes
including ATP saving analogues PPi-dependent phosphofructokinase (PFK) and
pyruvate-orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK), which are known to be present in other
eukaryotic anaerobes (Liapounova et al. 2006; Karnkowska et al. 2016). The
breakdown of one molecule of glucose to two molecules of pyruvate should theo-
retically provide the M. exilis cell with three ATPs, and because two of these ATP
molecules were formed from AMP and PPi, M. exilis gains ve new high-energy
phosphate bonds on ATP molecules. Enzymes of extended glycolysis, pyruvate-
ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR), [FeFe]hydrogenase and acetyl-CoA synthetase
(ADP forming) are also present, suggesting the yield of additional one ATP per
pyruvate molecule. Enzymes for the arginine dihydrolase pathway, known as sig-
nicant contributor to ATP pool in Giardia intestinalis and Trichomonas vaginalis
(Schoeld et al. 1992; Yarlett et al. 1996), have been detected in M. exilis
genome (Novák et al. 2016), and other ATP-producing pathways were and will be
Fig. 1 Monocercomonoides exilis and Paratrimastix pyriformis. DIC images of (a)
Monocercomonoides exilis and (b)Paratrimastix pyriformis from cultures. Cells are shown in the
same scale. (c) TEM micrograph of Monocercomonoides exilis (photo by Naoji Yubuki), Ax
axostyle, ER endoplasmic reticulum, Fl agellum, FV food vacuoles, Gly glycogen granules, Nu
nucleus, Pax preaxostyle
312 V. Hampl
revealed by the detailed analysis of the M. exilis genome (Karnkowska et al. under
review) and by follow-up metabolic studies.
Less usual explanation was proposed for the way how FeS clusters are
synthetized without the mitochondrial ISC system. Like in the case of
E. histolytica, HGT apparently played the key role. In the genome and transcriptome
of M. exilis, a set of genes for sulphur mobilisation system (SUF) was found. It
consists of a fusion gene SufDSU, and genes for SufB and SufC, which branch from
within eubacteria and have no close bacterial sister lineage (Karnkowska et al. 2016).
SUF pathway is frequently present in prokaryotes including E. coli, in all plastids,
which inherited the pathway from cyanobacteria, and it rarely occurs also in eukary-
otic anaerobes (Blastocystis,Pygsuia and Stygiella) (Tsaousis et al. 2012; Roche
et al. 2013; Stairs et al. 2014; Leger et al. 2016). The SUF pathway of M. exilis is
simple but theoretically functional with SufDSU extracting sulphur from cysteine
and SufB and SufC creating a scaffold for the cluster formation. Besides the SUF
pathway, M. exilis contains basic inventory of genes for the CIA pathway, namely,
Nbp35, Nar1, Cia1, Cia2a and Cia2b. As there are no functional data regarding the
SUF and CIA pathways, it is unclear whether and how this unique combination of
pathway cooperates during the FeS cluster formation.
3 Prerequisites and Consequences of Mitochondrial Loss
With such an extremeproduct of mitochondrial reduction in hand, it would be
interesting to learn more about the mitochondria of M. exilis ancestors. Luckily, the
mitochondrion-bearing relatives of oxymonads, genera Trimastix and Paratrimastix,
split from two points of the lineage leading to M. exilis, and so they represent
independent descendants of two such intermediate stages (Zhang et al. 2015). Bits
of knowledge on the function of the mitochondrion in Trimastix marina acquired
thanks to transcriptomic project on this species suggest that this organelle possesses
[FeFe]hydrogenase and a complete glycine cleavage system (GCS) (Leger et al.
2017). GCS is a complex of four enzymes with strictly mitochondrial localisation
catabolising glycine to CO
and NH
with concomitant production of cofactors
NADH and 5,10-methylene-H
folate. ATP is probably not produced in the
T. marina mitochondrion, and pyruvate is oxidatively decarboxylated in the cytosol
by PFO and ATP is produced by substrate-level phosphorylation by acetyl-CoA
synthetase (ADP forming). The mitochondrion of Paratrimastix (formerly
Trimastix)pyriformis has been scrutinised more thoroughly supporting the picture
sketched for T. marina (Hampl et al. 2008; Zubáčová et al. 2013). GCS has been
proven to be localised in the organelle by specic antibodies, and the ongoing
genomic project on this organism promises to provide more complete picture of its
metabolism. Importantly, the mitochondrial ISC pathway is absent in P. pyriformis,
and it is substituted by the closely related set of the three SUF pathway enzymes
orthologous to those in M. exilis. The localisation of these enzymes is unknown, and
Organisms Without Mitochondria, How It May Happen? 313
it is of interest for understanding the functioning of P. pyriformis mitochondrion, as
well as the loss of mitochondrion in M. exilis.
Taxon-wide investigation of the presence/absence of FeS cluster assembly path-
ways using genomic and transcriptomic datasets of seven species of oxymonads and
three species of (para)trimastigids has conrmed the observation from P. pyriformis
and M. exilis that in this whole clade, the ISC was lost and substituted by SUF
composed of the same three enzymes found in M. exilis (Vacek et al. 2018). This
indicates that the switch from ISC to SUF happened relatively early in the common
ancestor of the Preaxostyla clade, but the loss of mitochondrion, which is well-
documented for M. exilis but expected to be common for all oxymonads, happened
much later. So, ISC to SUF transition was likely a preadaptation for the mitochon-
drial loss, but it was denitely not the direct and immediate cause of it, as these
protists have undergone millions of years of evolution with mitochondrion along
with the SUF system before losing the organelle in oxymonads and (para)
trimastigids have preserved this status until present. Dating the protist evolution is
a tricky task, but in this particular case, we have a solid hint from 100-MYA-old
amber fossils of termites, which demonstrate that at this time, oxymonads in their
hindguts were already present and diversied (Poinar 2009). This leads to conclu-
sion that the loss of mitochondria is at least 100-MYA-old event and the substitution
of ISC by SUF is an event considerably older.
In the situation of having the organism that lives millions of years without such a
canonical part of the eukaryotic cell as the mitochondrion, it is fair to ask how the
other systems of such cell have been affected by this unique loss. With this question
in mind, we have performed careful analysis of the genomic and transcriptomic data
focusing on many cellular systems and the answer will hopefully be published soon
(Karnkowska et al. under review).
4 Why Should We Be Interested in Amitochondriate
The case of M. exilis, which is given all currently available data a mitochondrion-free
eukaryote, provides example relevant to several ongoing debates related to evolution
of eukaryotes. Firstly, it indicates that mitochondrion, despite being essential and
evolutionarily very stable part of the cell, can be disposed under circumstances,
when the lineage modies its FeS cluster synthetic pathway into a cytosolic one
(Karnkowska and Hampl 2016). This is apparently plausible but very improbable
process that has never been achieved with the ISC pathway, and in both known cases
(Monocercomonoides exilis and Entamoeba histolytica), it was initiated by a rare
event of HGT. From this perspective, the cellular setup of mitosome-containing
eukaryotes (Giardia, Entamoeba, microsporidia, Microcytos) is not in the global
optimum. Maintenance of mitosomes represents a non-zero cost, and it is also not
error-prone. Imagine synthesising costly lipids, setting up proteins and metabolite
314 V. Hampl
transporters, performing specic protein import, dividing vesicles in synchrony with
cell cycle, and this everything only for one or few pathways that are in principle
operable in the cytosol as the example of M. exilisdemonstrates. I expect that many if
not all mitosome-containing eukaryotes keep mitosomes not because the setup of
their cells without mitosomes is impossible but because the step-by-step evolution-
ary journey to a mitosome-free cell is so narrow and involves so improbable (but
possible) steps that the random walk of evolution has not made it through yet.
The second topic for which I propose M. exilis relevancy is the hotly debated
origin of eukaryotes; see Zachar and Szathmáry (2017) for the recent summary. In a
nutshell, two major schools of thought have formed in this debate, which disagree on
the role of mitochondria in the whole process. While some (Yutin et al. 2009;
Martijn and Ettema 2013; Cavalier-Smith 2014) consider mitochondrion as an
important innovation that was acquired during the formation of the eukaryotic cell
but not at the very beginning of this evolutionary transformation, others (Lane and
Martin 2010) argue that acquisition of mitochondrial symbiont was the starter of
eukaryogenesis. The latter claim that without mitochondrial ATP, evolution of many
other eukaryotic novelties would be energetically just implausible. Here comes the
example case of M. exilis but also other eukaryotic anaerobes that thrive without
mitochondrial ATP but maintain their eukaryotic features. Existence of these organ-
isms suggests, as we have recently argued in detail (Hampl et al. 2018), that life
forms of phagotrophic, nucleus-containing eukaryotes existing prior to the mito-
chondrial endosymbiosis are plausible. Hypotheses, which include amitochondriate
(Archezoa) stages, are therefore not logically incorrect or energetically unbearable,
which at the same time does not mean that evolution must have proceeded through
this path.
There are several reasons why Monocercomonoides exilis and other representa-
tives of Preaxostyla should be deeply explored. The main is to conrm or reject our
hypothesis that mitochondrion is absent, which still needs to be treated with caution
and critically scrutinised. Further studies of cell biology and biochemistry, currently
hindered by the absence of laboratory tools including axenic cultivation, should
follow to depict in more details how the amitochondriate cells function. The highest
priority remains to elucidate the process of the FeS cluster synthesis in such cells.
Finally, other oxymonads and Preaxostyla should be investigated for the presence of
mitochondria and, if present, the functions of these organelles should be understood
as much as possible, because their evolution has gone in such an interesting direction
within this group of protists.
Acknowledgement The salary of VH was funded from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement
No 771592), from the Centre for research of pathogenicity and virulence of parasites reg. nr.:
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000759, from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of CR
within the National Sustainability Program II (Project BIOCEV-FAR) LQ1604 and from the project
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We investigated the phylogenetic diversity, localisation and metabolism of an uncultured bacterial clade, Termite Group 2 (TG2), or ZB3, in the termite gut, which belongs to the candidate phylum ‘Margulisbacteria’. We performed 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing analysis and detected TG2/ZB3 sequences in 40 out of 72 termite and cockroach species, which exclusively constituted a monophyletic cluster in the TG2/ZB3 clade. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation analysis in lower termites revealed that these bacteria are specifically attached to ectosymbiotic spirochetes of oxymonad gut protists. Draft genomes of four TG2/ZB3 phylotypes from a small number of bacterial cells were reconstructed, and functional genome analysis suggested that these bacteria hydrolyse and ferment cellulose/cellobiose to H2, CO2, acetate and ethanol. We also assembled a draft genome for a partner Treponema spirochete and found that it encoded genes for reductive acetogenesis from H2 and CO2. We hypothesise that the TG2/ZB3 bacteria we report here are commensal or mutualistic symbionts of the spirochetes, exploiting the spirochetes as H2 sinks. For these bacteria, we propose a novel genus, ‘Candidatus Termititenax’, which represents a hitherto uncharacterised class-level clade in ‘Margulisbacteria’. Our findings add another layer, i.e., cellular association between bacteria, to the multi-layered symbiotic system in the termite gut.
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This revision of the classification of eukaryotes follows that of Adl et al., 2012 [J. Euk. Microbiol. 59(5)] and retains an emphasis on protists. Changes since have improved the resolution of many nodes in phylogenetic analyses. For some clades even families are being clearly resolved. As we had predicted, environmental sampling in the intervening years has massively increased the genetic information at hand. Consequently, we have discovered novel clades, exciting new genera, and uncovered a massive species level diversity beyond the morphological species descriptions. Several clades known from environmental samples only have found their home. Sampling soils, deeper marine waters, and the deep sea will continue to fill us with surprises. The main changes in this revision are the confirmation that eukaryotes form at least two domains, the loss of monophyly in the Exavata, robust support for the Haptista and Cryptista. We provide suggested primer sets for DNA sequences from environmental samples that are effective for each clade. We have provided a guide to trophic functional guilds in an appendix, to facilitate the interpretation of environmental samples. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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The oxymonad Monocercomonoides exilis was recently reported to be the first eukaryote that has completely lost the mitochondrial compartment. It was proposed that an important prerequisite for such a radical evolutionary step was the acquisition of the SUF Fe-S cluster assembly pathway from prokaryotes, making the mitochondrial ISC pathway dispensable. We have investigated genomic and transcriptomic data from six oxymonad species and their relatives, composing the group Preaxostyla (Metamonada, Excavata), for the presence and absence of enzymes involved in Fe-S cluster biosynthesis. None possesses enzymes of mitochondrial ISC pathway and all apparently possess the SUF pathway, composed of SufB, C, D, S and U proteins, altogether suggesting that the transition from ISC to SUF preceded their last common ancestor. Interestingly, we observed that SufDSU were fused in all three oxymonad genomes, and in the genome of Paratrimastix pyriformis. The donor of the SUF genes is not clear from phylogenetic analyses, but the enzyme composition of the pathway and the presence of SufDSU fusion suggests Firmicutes, Thermotogae, Spirochaetes, Proteobacteria or Chloroflexi as donors. The inventory of the downstream CIA pathway enzymes is consistent with that of closely related species that retain ISC, indicating that the switch from ISC to SUF did not markedly affect the downstream process of maturation of cytosolic and nuclear Fe-S proteins.
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Chloroplasts are generally known as eukaryotic organelles whose main function is photosynthesis. They perform other functions, however, such as synthesizing isoprenoids, fatty acids, heme, iron sulphur clusters and other essential compounds. In non-photosynthetic lineages that possess plastids, the chloroplast genomes have been reduced and most (or all) photosynthetic genes have been lost. Consequently, non-photosynthetic plastids have also been reduced structurally. Some of these non-photosynthetic or “cryptic” plastids were overlooked or unrecognized for decades. The number of complete plastid genome sequences and/or transcriptomes from non-photosynthetic taxa possessing plastids is rapidly increasing, thus allowing prediction of the functions of non-photosynthetic plastids in various eukaryotic lineages. In some non-photosynthetic eukaryotes with photosynthetic ancestors, no traces of plastid genomes or of plastids have been found, suggesting that they have lost the genomes or plastids completely. This review summarizes current knowledge of non-photosynthetic plastids, their genomes, structures and potential functions in free-living and parasitic plants, algae and protists. We introduce a model for the order of plastid gene losses which combines models proposed earlier for land plants with the patterns of gene retention and loss observed in protists. The rare cases of plastid genome loss and complete plastid loss are also discussed.
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The origin of mitochondria is a unique and hard evolutionary problem, embedded within the origin of eukaryotes. The puzzle is challenging due to the egalitarian nature of the transition where lower-level units took over energy metabolism. Contending theories widely disagree on ancestral partners, initial conditions and unfolding of events. There are many open questions but there is no comparative examination of hypotheses. We have specified twelve questions about the observable facts and hidden processes leading to the establishment of the endosymbiont that a valid hypothesis must address. We have objectively compared contending hypotheses under these questions to find the most plausible course of events and to draw insight on missing pieces of the puzzle. Since endosymbiosis borders evolution and ecology, and since a realistic theory has to comply with both domains’ constraints, the conclusion is that the most important aspect to clarify is the initial ecological relationship of partners. Metabolic benefits are largely irrelevant at this initial phase, where ecological costs could be more disruptive. There is no single theory capable of answering all questions indicating a severe lack of ecological considerations. A new theory, compliant with recent phylogenomic results, should adhere to these criteria. Reviewers: This article was reviewed by Michael W. Gray, William F. Martin and Purificación López-García. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13062-017-0190-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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The biogenesis of iron-sulfur (Fe/S) proteins in eukaryotes is a multi-stage, multi-compartment process that is essential for a broad range of cellular functions including genome maintenance, protein translation, energy conversion, and the antiviral response. Genetic and cell biological studies over almost two decades have revealed some thirty proteins involved in the synthesis of cellular [2Fe 2S] and [4Fe-4S] clusters and their incorporation into numerous apoproteins. Mechanistic aspects of Fe/S protein biogenesis continue to be elucidated by biochemical and ultrastructural investigations. Here, we review recent developments in the pursuit of constructing a comprehensive model of Fe/S protein assembly in the mitochondrion.
This revision of the classification of eukaryotes follows that of Adl et al., 2012[J. Euk. Microbiol.59(5)] and retains an emphasis on protists. Changes since have improved the resolution of many nodes in phylogenetic analyses. For some clades even families are being clearly resolved. As we had predicted,environmental sampling in the intervening years has massively increased the genetic information at hand. Consequently, we have discovered novel clades,exciting new genera and uncovered a massive species level diversity beyond the morphological species descriptions. Several clades known from environmental samples only have now found their home. Sampling soils, deeper marine waters and the deep sea will continue to fill us with surprises. The main changes in this revision are the confirmation that eukaryotes form at least two domains, the loss of monophyly in the Excavata, robust support for the Haptista and Cryptista. We provide suggested primer sets for DNA sequences from environmental samples that are effective for each clade. We have pro-vided a guide to trophic functional guilds in an appendix, to facilitate the interpretation of environmental samples, and a standardized taxonomic guide for East Asian users
Arguments based on cell energetics favour the view that a mitochondrion capable of oxidative phosphorylation was a prerequisite for the evolution of other features of the eukaryotic cell, including increased volume, genome size and, eventually, phagotrophy. Contrary to this we argue that: (i) extant amitochondriate eukaryotes possess voluminous phagotrophic cells with large genomes; (ii) picoeukaryotes demonstrate that phagotrophy is feasible at prokaryotic cell sizes; and (iii) the assumption that evolution of complex features requires extra ATP, often mentioned in this context, is unfounded and should not be used in such considerations. We claim that the diversity of cell organisations and functions observed today in eukaryotes gives no reason to postulate that a mitochondrion must have preceded phagocytosis in eukaryogenesis.
Oxymonads are a group of flagellates living as gut symbionts of insects or vertebrates. They have several unique features, one of them being the absence of mitochondria. Diversity of this group is seriously understudied, which is particularly true for small species from the family Polymastigidae. We isolated 34 strains of oxymonads with Polymastigidae-like morphology from 24 host species and unused cesspits and sequenced the SSU rRNA gene. Our strains formed two clades in the phylogenetic tree with Streblomastix strix branching between them. This topology was also supported by a three-gene phylogenetic analysis. Despite considerable genetic differences between the clades, light and electron microscopy revealed only subtle differences. The larger clade is considered genus Monocercomonoides and the isolates belonging here were classified into three new species (including the first potentially free-living species), two previously described species, and three unclassified lineages. The smaller clade, here described as Blattamonas gen. nov., consists of three newly described species. Concomitantly with the description of Blattamonas, we elevate the Monocercomonoides subgenus Brachymonas to the genus level. Our study shows that, despite their conserved morphology, the molecular diversity of Polymastigidae-like oxymonads is broad and represents a substantial part of the diversity of oxymonads.
Mitochondria are best known for their role in the generation of ATP by aerobic respiration. Yet, research in the past half century has shown that they perform a much larger suite of functions and that these functions can vary substantially among diverse eukaryotic lineages. Despite this diversity, all mitochondria derive from a common ancestral organelle that originated from the integration of an endosymbiotic alphaproteobacterium into a host cell related to Asgard Archaea. The transition from endosymbiotic bacterium to permanent organelle entailed a massive number of evolutionary changes including the origins of hundreds of new genes and a protein import system, insertion of membrane transporters, integration of metabolism and reproduction, genome reduction, endosymbiotic gene transfer, lateral gene transfer and the retargeting of proteins. These changes occurred incrementally as the endosymbiont and the host became integrated. Although many insights into this transition have been gained, controversy persists regarding the nature of the original endosymbiont, its initial interactions with the host and the timing of its integration relative to the origin of other features of eukaryote cells. Since the establishment of the organelle, proteins have been gained, lost, transferred and retargeted as mitochondria have specialized into the spectrum of functional types seen across the eukaryotic tree of life. Moving beyond the simplistic view of mitochondria as the power house of the cell, Roger et al. present the immense diversity of mitochondria and mitochondrial functions across eukaryotes, and bring the reader up to date on the current view of how these organelles evolved from an ancient ancestral alphaproteobacterium.