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Data Collection Optimization Method for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Linear Regression



In the event monitoring applications of wireless sensor networks, the sensing data collected by sensor nodes near the same monitoring area has a great spatial-temporal correlation. In order to reduce the amount of data transmission in the network and the energy consumption of communication among nodes, an energy-efficient distributed data collection optimization strategy based on linear regression for wireless sensor networks is proposed. linear regression model of local sensing data is constructed to represent and predict the actual sensing data monitoring values of sensor nodes. Within the allowable range of errors, the node does not need to transmit the actual monitoring sensing data to the sink node, but only transmits the parameter information of the regression model basis function. Without losing the basic structural characteristics of data, the communication overhead caused by frequent data transmission between sensor nodes is effectively reduced, and the linear regression model of sensing data adopts the incremental update method with low computational complexity. he simulation results show that the data collection optimization strategy based on linear regression can effectively predict and estimate perceptual data with less network energy consumption, and achieve the goal of reducing network energy consumption.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Data Collection Optimization Method for Wireless Sensor Networks
Based on Linear Regression
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AMIMA 2019
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 569 (2019) 032064
IOP Publishing
Data Collection Optimization Method for Wireless Sensor
Networks Based on Linear Regression
Meng Zhang*, Xiaomei Zhang and Yinghui Huang
School of Information Science and Technology, Nantong University, Nantong,
Jiangsu, 226019, China
Abstract. In the event monitoring applications of wireless sensor networks, the sensing data
collected by sensor nodes near the same monitoring area has a great spatial-temporal
correlation. In order to reduce the amount of data transmission in the network and the energy
consumption of communication among nodes, an energy-efficient distributed data collection
optimization strategy based on linear regression for wireless sensor networks is proposed.
linear regression model of local sensing data is constructed to represent and predict the actual
sensing data monitoring values of sensor nodes. Within the allowable range of errors, the node
does not need to transmit the actual monitoring sensing data to the sink node, but only
transmits the parameter information of the regression model basis function. Without losing the
basic structural characteristics of data, the communication overhead caused by frequent data
transmission between sensor nodes is effectively reduced, and the linear regression model of
sensing data adopts the incremental update method with low computational complexity. he
simulation results show that the data collection optimization strategy based on linear regression
can effectively predict and estimate perceptual data with less network energy consumption, and
achieve the goal of reducing network energy consumption.
1. Introduction
Data collection is the basic function of wireless sensor networks and the basis of most monitoring
applications. The main research goal of data collection technology in wireless sensor networks is to
reduce the energy consumption of the network, prolong the life cycle of the network, and avoid the
huge overhead of redeploying the wireless sensor network monitoring system in the process of data
At the Moboicom 2002 meeting, Deborah Estrin pointed out in an invitation report that the energy
required for a sensor node to transmit 1 bit of information 100 m away is equivalent to the energy
consumed to execute 3,000 computational instructions. Sahingoz compared the power consumption of
Mica2dot nodes in communication and computation modes, and found that transmitting 1 bit data is
equivalent to running 2090 clock cycles of node microcontrollers. It proves that the energy
consumption of nodes is much less than that of communication. That is to say, the main factor
affecting the total energy consumption of wireless sensor networks is the communication energy
consumption in networks [1].On the basis of node clustering, Slepian-Wolf bound coding and other
distributed source coding techniques are used to compress the sensing data information and optimize
the information rate allocation in the cluster, so as to minimize the communication energy
consumption [2] [3].Zhang J, Tang J, Chen F synthesize the advantages of prediction model and
clustering technology, and propose a hierarchical data collection framework for wireless sensor
AMIMA 2019
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 569 (2019) 032064
IOP Publishing
networks based on integrated adaptive prediction model. In this framework, cluster head implements
data collection and effective prediction analysis of cluster nodes. According to the analysis results of
network state and performance, the energy consumption of communication and prediction calculation
is balanced, and the prediction model is adaptively selected to achieve energy-efficient data
aggregation processing in wireless sensor networks[4]. If considering from the aspect of node
scheduling, it is also an effective way to save energy consumption by allocating and optimizing the
active slots of nodes, using stochastic Petri net model and designing reasonable scheduling strategy to
find a more suitable sleep wake-up mechanism for nodes[5][6][7].
Regression analysis is a statistical analysis method to determine the quantitative relationship
between two or more variables. In the application of event monitoring sensor networks, sensing data
has temporal and spatial correlation to a certain extent, which reduces the network energy
consumption caused by a large amount of data transmission. In this paper, a linear regression model is
established based on historical data measured by regression analysis method. By solving the
parameters of the corresponding base function of the model, the nodes only transmit the relevant
parameter vectors, which reduces the amount of redundant data transmission. Moreover, the model can
receive new actual measurements by simple incremental updating method, and the parameters of the
basis function can also be solved by the linear regression model constructed at any time.
2. Distributed linear regression model for sensor networks
According to the specific application environment of the network and the performance indicators of
storage space and processing capacity of sensor nodes, the nearest sensing datas of sensor nodes in a
certain time interval are selected. Assuming that where and represent sampling time points, can be
affected by measurement errors. Using perceptual datas to construct functions. The approximation
error is very small (within the confidence interval of the data collected by the monitoring system). The
form of function depends on the specific problem. Here can be expressed in the form of equation (1):
)()( tAtp j
The number of neutral terms is
and the specific basis function
depend on the actual problem.
In general, the selected basis function can be
. Then the equation (1) can be expressed as
the t-th polynomial of
, that is:
321 ...)(
++++= n
mn =
can calculate the corresponding value exactly, but it is easy to interfere with the
data when calculating higher-order functions. When predicting the corresponding
value of
, its accuracy will be affected. It is better to choose a value far less than
, that is
mn 
.By choosing the values of coefficients, the estimated values of the functions corresponding to
the measured values are obtained. In wireless sensor network applications, a third-order polynomial
function model is constructed based on the assumption that 50 temperature measurements recently
collected by nodes are selected:
)( ttttp
; the estimated measurement value
)50,...,3,2,1( =ipi
is enough. And the nodes do not need to transmit 50 actual measurements. After
constructing the function model, only four parameter values, namely
4321 ,,,
, need to be
transmitted in the network as the compressed representation of measurement values, so the amount of
information transmission in the network is reduced. If the coefficients are obtained by linear
regression model, the polynomial representation model needs to be transformed into matrix
representation. In this way, the node does not need to solve the higher order polynomial solution, but
only needs to maintain the correlation matrix. Let the coefficient
dimension vector be
AMIMA 2019
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 569 (2019) 032064
IOP Publishing
n),...,,( 21
.The m-dimension vector of the actual measured value is
pppp ),...,,( 21
.The basis function matrix of the corresponding time sampling point
For matrix element
ij j i
m A t=
)( ijij tAm =
, the predictive function m-Dimension vector
tptptpp ))(),...,(),(( 21
of equation (1) at
sampling time point is expressed as equation (3):
Then the approximation error vector
can be expressed as an equation, i.e.
In order to minimize the approximation error
of the estimated value, the optimal objective is to
minimize the norm of the approximation error vector:
2 1/2
( ( ) )
Combining equation (4) and (5) to optimize the objective, we can get:
22 2
( ( ) )
ij j i
Min U p u p
= =
By calculating the differential of
for each
( 1,2,..., )
and making the result 0, the
minimum value of
can be obtained:
2( ) 0, [1, ]
ij j i ik
du p u k n
= = =
According to equation (4), the following matrix equation equivalent to equation (7) can be deduced,
( ) 0
U y U
( ) 0
U U y
U U U y
Because the defined base function is
() j
A t t
, the base function matrix
is column full rank
matrix. For any column full rank matrix
, we can get that
is positive definite, so
According to equation (10), we can get the D solution of coefficient vector as follows:
AMIMA 2019
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 569 (2019) 032064
IOP Publishing
U U U y
According to equation (12), (13), equation (11) can be written as:
kO 1
, that is:
Among them,
is the quantity product matrix of the base function and
is the projection of the
base function of the measured value vector. So far, the optimal regression coefficients can be obtained
by solving the typical linear system of Equal Formula (14) with known measured values and basis
3. Model parameter optimization
In the application of event monitoring in wireless sensor networks, with the extension of monitoring
time, the amount of monitoring data collected by sensor nodes is also increasing. Due to the limitation
of energy, storage and processing capacity of sensor nodes, the nodes can only store sampled data for
a certain period of time. When the linear regression model is used to calculate the data representation
coefficients, the updating operation of the model can be calculated in the following incremental
Assuming that the number product matrix
and the projection vector
of the basis function in
the sampling period from
have been calculated, the new measurements in
are as follows:
)( 2
Then the number product matrix and projection vector of the basis function in the new sampling
period are as follows:
( ); ( )
O O O t k k k t + +
AMIMA 2019
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 569 (2019) 032064
IOP Publishing
The sliding window mechanism is used for matrix
and vector
scale control[9].The system
considers the calculation, storage capacity and application requirements of nodes to set the sliding
window size.With the increasing scale of matrix
and vector
, when the data of time t exceeds the
setting of sliding window, the updated matrix
and vector
can be calculated according to formula
( ); ( )
O O O t k k k t
To sum up, the node can take the regression coefficient
kO =
by calculating the linear system,
and the matrix and vector parameters of the linear regression system model can be updated
4. Experimental test and performance analysis
In order to test the performance of the proposed distributed data collection optimization algorithm,
simulation experiments are carried out for network energy consumption analysis. The test uses NS2
network simulation tools to build wireless sensor network scenarios. The algorithm was added to the
improved LEACH protocol, and the typical LEACH [10] and LEACH-C protocols [11] were
compared in data acquisition. At the same time, the optimization effect of network energy
consumption using the two protocols was analyzed.
In order to test the impact of clustering-based WSN data acquisition algorithm on the network life
cycle and overall energy consumption, the network simulation tool NS2 is selected as the simulation
platform[12].LEACH protocol is a typical distributed clustering routing protocol. Its hierarchical data
forwarding mechanism produces much less network energy consumption than planar routing protocol.
In the experiment, the linear regression optimization process is added to the LEACH improved
protocol. While the cluster head node receives the sensing information of the nodes in the cluster, it
also calculates the linear regression model, and replaces the original sensing data with the parameter
information of the transmission regression model. Cluster head implements the estimation, prediction
and fault-tolerant processing of sensing data. The protocol still retains the LEACH cluster head
selection method[13]. However, change the direct communication between cluster head node and Sink
node to multi-hop data transmission between cluster heads. In the experiment, 100 sensor nodes are
randomly deployed in the plane area of 100m*100m. The location coordinates of the base station are
set to (50,80). The initial energy of each node is 2J. The energy attenuation model is shown in Fig.1.
According to the principle of wireless communication, the transmission power decreases
exponentially with the increase of transmission distance. If the distance between the sending node and
the receiving node is
, when
is less than the constant threshold
, the transmission power
decreases as
, that is, the free space attenuation model. When
is greater than
, the
transmission power decreases as
, i.e. the multi-path attenuation model. The energy consumption
),( lkET
generated by transmitting
bits data is composed of two parts,
)(kE elecT
consumption of transmitting circuit and
),( lkE amT
energy consumption of power amplifier, as
shown in equation (17). The energy consumption
generated by receiving
bits of data is only
caused by the energy consumption of the circuit, as shown in equation (18).
amTelecTT lllkEk
lkEkElkE +
=+= 2
elecRR EkkEkE e lecT == )()(
AMIMA 2019
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 569 (2019) 032064
IOP Publishing
Eelec is the energy consumption of transmitting (receiving) 1 bit data.
represent the
energy required to transmit 1 bit data power amplifier under free apace attenuation model and multi-
path attenuation model, respectively.
K-bits data
Circuit Amplifier
K-bits data
Figure 1. Energy attenuation model for wireless communication.
In addition, the energy consumption of the first regression model for cluster head nodes is:
re CH com
E n E=
, where
denotes the number of cluster head nodes and
denotes the energy
consumption of the first regression model for cluster head nodes. The simulation assumes that
50 /
E nJ bit=
10 / /
spJ bit m
0.0013 / /
mpJ bit m
E nJ bit=
, bandwidth is 1Mbps,
message length is 500 bytes, sending and receiving delay is
25 s
, simulation time is 500 seconds, the
time interval for each round of cluster head election is 20 seconds, the number of linear regression
model data sampling is 20, and the update period of regression model is 60 seconds.
Figure 2. shows the total energy consumption of cluster head nodes with LEACH protocol and
linear regression strategy at simulation intervals of 20 seconds. From the experimental results, it can
be seen that the total energy consumption of each round of cluster head nodes in LEACH protocol is
between 4J and 5J, and the total energy consumption of each round of cluster head nodes in linear
regression strategy is between 1.5J and 2.5J, which is significantly lower than that of LEACH protocol.
Although the energy consumption of cluster head nodes in LEACH protocol decreases after the
simulation time reaches 380s, it does not actually reduce the total energy consumption. However, with
the increase of simulation time, the energy consumption of nodes in the network has approached the
initial energy of nodes. Some selected cluster head nodes consume 2J energy in their work and die in
the middle. The total energy consumption of cluster head nodes in normal work is calculated
experimentally. In addition, the experimental results in Figure 2. show that the total energy
consumption of cluster heads with 60 s interval of simulation time increases, because cluster heads
need to recalculate the parameters of regression model in each update cycle of regression model and
send the updated parameters to the base station. In this way, more computing and communication
energy consumption is generated than other simulation time.
AMIMA 2019
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 569 (2019) 032064
IOP Publishing
Figure 2. The relation between cluster head energy consumption and time.
In order to simulate the effect of measured changes on the energy consumption of the algorithm in
the simulation environment, the updating cycle of the linear regression model is set to 10s, 30s and 60s
respectively, and the total energy consumption of each cluster head node is shown in Figure 3. As can
be seen from the experimental results, the shorter the regress renewal period is, the higher the mutation
frequency is. The more times cluster head nodes calculate and retransmit regression model parameters
is, the greater the total energy consumption is. In practical environmental monitoring applications, the
frequency of updating and retransmitting the regression model parameters will be very low when the
measured values are in linear change in most cases, and the total energy consumption of the network
will also be reduced.
Figure 3. Node energy consumption in
different regression periods
Figure 4. The relationship between total
network energy consumption and simulation
In the simulation time of 500 seconds, when the update period is 60 seconds, the total energy
consumption of nodes with linear regression strategy is shown in Figure 4.
As can be seen from Figure 4, compared with the typical LEACH protocol and LEACH-C protocol,
the addition of linear regression strategy reduces the overall energy consumption of the network under
the same amount of data to be transmitted. After adding the regression model, when the simulation
time reaches 500s, the energy consumption of the network is about 100J less than that of LEACH and
AMIMA 2019
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 569 (2019) 032064
IOP Publishing
LEACH-C protocols. Because the correlation of sampling data in time is considered in the regression
strategy when nodes transmit sampling data, a linear regression model is constructed based on their
own historical sampling data. Within the closed range of monitoring error, nodes can upload
regression model parameters to represent actual sensing data. Although the calculation energy
consumption of nodes is increased, the communication energy consumption between nodes is greatly
5. Conclusion
In this paper, the basic idea and principle of distributed data collection optimization algorithm for
wireless sensor networks based on linear regression are described in detail. The incremental updating
method of regression model parameters is introduced and the complexity of the algorithm is analyzed.
The distributed data acquisition process of the algorithm is illustrated by an example. In the test and
analysis of network energy consumption performance, a node is randomly deployed in the monitoring
area, and a cluster tree-based wireless sensor network model is constructed. The changes of total
energy consumption of cluster-head nodes with simulation time are tested, and the changes of total
energy consumption of cluster-head nodes with different regression cycles are set. The experimental
results show that the proposed distributed data collection optimization strategy based on linear
regression has good performance in prolonging the network life cycle and reducing the total energy
consumption of the network, which reflects the feasibility and energy efficiency of the algorithm.
Thank you very much for the help and encouragement of my colleagues in this unit, which helped me
to complete my paper.
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... It is considered to be one of the technologies that have a great influence on the 21 st century. As a new type of information acquisition and processing mode, wireless sensor network (WSN) has randomly distributed nodes integrated with sensors, data processing units, and communication modules [4]. ...
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Wireless sensor network (WSN) is usually organized in a particular area for achieving some specific tasks and functions. It has broad application prospects in military, environmental monitoring, disaster relief, and other many commercial areas. Measuring the significance of distributed nodes is the foundation of many applications of WSN. Therefore, this paper studies the distributed node measurement methods and approaches based on multiple attributes in wireless sensor networks to improve the accuracy of distributed node importance measurement. The entropy weight TOPSIS method is used to calculate the importance index of distributed nodes of degree centrality, eigenvector centrality, compactness centrality, betweenness centrality, K-kernel decomposition centrality, and aggregation coefficient; the PR value of each node is given by combining the PageRank algorithm; and then, the parameters α and β are introduced to calculate the comprehensive importance measurement results of each node, to finally obtain the importance measurement results of each node dynamically through the improved node deletion method. The experimental results of the research show that the proposed method can accurately measure the importance of distributed nodes in wireless sensor networks, and the accuracy is as high as 98%.
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In large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs), nodes close to sink nodes consume energy more quickly than other nodes due to packet forwarding. A mobile sink is a good solution to this issue, although it causes two new problems to nodes: (i) overhead of updating routing information; and (ii) increased operating time due to aperiodic query. To solve these problems, this paper proposes an energy-efficient data collection method, Sink-based Centralized transmission Scheduling (SC-Sched), by integrating asymmetric communication and wake-up radio. Specifically, each node is equipped with a low-power wake-up receiver. The sink node determines transmission scheduling, and transmits a wake-up message using a large transmission power, directly activating a pair of nodes simultaneously which will communicate with a normal transmission power. This paper further investigates how to deal with frame loss caused by fading and how to mitigate the impact of the wake-up latency of communication modules. Simulation evaluations confirm that using multiple channels effectively reduces data collection time and SC-Sched works well with a mobile sink. Compared with the conventional duty-cycling method, SC-Sched greatly reduces total energy consumption and improves the network lifetime by 7.47 times in a WSN with 4 data collection points and 300 sensor nodes.
Conference Paper
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Large networks are being generated by applications that keep track of relationships between different data entities. Examples include online social networks recording interactions between individuals, sensor networks logging information exchanges between sensors, and more. There is a large body of literature on computing exact or approximate properties on large networks, although most methods assume static networks. On the other hand, in most modern real-world applications, networks are highly dynamic and continuous interactions along existing connections are generated. Furthermore, it is desirable to consider that old edges become less important, and their contribution to the current view of the network diminishes over time. We study the problem of maintaining the neighborhood profile of each node in an interaction network. Maintaining such a profile has applications in modeling network evolution and monitoring the importance of the nodes of the network over time. We present an online streaming algorithm to maintain neighborhood profiles in the sliding-window model. The algorithm is highly scalable as it permits parallel processing and the computation is node centric, hence it scales easily to very large networks on a distributed system, like Apache Giraph. We present results from both serial and parallel implementations of the algorithm for different social networks. The summary of the graph is maintained such that query of any window length can be performed.
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A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of a huge number of sensor nodes that are inadequate in energy, storage and processing power. One of the major tasks of the sensor nodes is the collection of data and forwarding the gathered data to the base station (BS). Hence, the network lifetime becomes the major criteria for effective design of the data gathering schemes in WSN. In this paper, an energy-efficient LEACH (EE-LEACH) Protocol for data gathering is introduced. It offers an energy-efficient routing in WSN based on the effective data ensemble and optimal clustering. In this system, a cluster head is elected for each clusters to minimize the energy dissipation of the sensor nodes and to optimize the resource utilization. The energy-efficient routing can be obtained by nodes which have the maximum residual energy. Hence, the highest residual energy nodes are selected to forward the data to BS. It helps to provide better packet delivery ratio with lesser energy utilization. The experimental results shows that the proposed EE-LEACH yields better performance than the existing energy-balanced routing protocol (EBRP) and LEACH Protocol in terms of better packet delivery ratio, lesser end-to-end delay and energy consumption. It is obviously proves that the proposed EE-LEACH can improve the network lifetime.
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In this study, the authors form a wireless channel model for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with stochastic high-level Petri net (SHLPN) formalism in order to simplify the cross-layer performance analysis of modern wireless systems. Compared with existing finite state Markov channel model whose state space grows exponentially with the number of OFDM subchannels, the author's proposed SHLPN model uses state aggregation technique to deal with this problem. Closed-form expressions to calculate the transition probabilities among the compound markings of the SHLPN model are provided. When applied to derive the performance measures for OFDM system in terms of the average throughput, average delay and packet dropping probability, the SHLPN model can accurately capture the correlated time-varying nature of wireless channels. Simulation is performed to show that the numerical results offered by the proposed model are more accurate compared with other simplified channel models for avoiding state space complexity.
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Energy consumption has always been a challenging issue in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, we consider the collaboration optimization problem for load balancing with mobility-assisted features. In particular, we present a cluster-based network structure, in which sensor nodes are partitioned into layers according to transmission radius. Based on a distributed scheme for clustering and cluster heads, rendezvous points (RPs) are introduced and searched through greedy algorithm with geometrical relationship between a specific cluster head and its members. After that, mobile sinks are then introduced to replace the cluster heads in the place where RP has been found. Furthermore, mean squared error of energy in a cluster is used to reduce transmitted packets. Considering another factor, i.e. the data packet, of energy consumption model, we propose an energy optimal algorithm through the quantization approach to balance network load and allocate node’s transmitted traffic. Finally, we analyze the cluster lifetimes in different scenarios and achieve balance to save significant energy.
Conference Paper
To prolong the overall lifetime of the network, development of energy efficient routing protocol is a major issue in Wireless Sensor Network. Clustering Protocols are one of the approaches to serve this purpose. LEACH-C is a cluster based protocol in which cluster heads are selected by the base station randomly. All the nodes having the energy above average are eligible to be cluster heads. Base station runs a simulated annealing algorithm to find the optimal solution with better positions to reduce the energy consumption of cluster heads. This paper presents an Energy Efficient LEACH-C (EELEACH-C) protocol, in which base station runs a sorting algorithm to obtain a list of candidate cluster head nodes sorted in descending value their residual energy. After examining the candidate cluster head nodes it selects those with maximum residual energy and than calculate the quadratic sum of the distances from each cluster heads to its member nodes to find the optimal solution. Experimental result attests that the proposed protocol improves network longevity.
The energy consumption of each wireless sensor node is one of critical issues that require careful management in order to maximize the lifetime of the sensor network since the node is battery powered. The main energy consumer in each node is the communication module that requires energy to transmit and receive data over the air. Data compression is one of possible techniques that can reduce the amount of data exchanged between wireless sensor nodes. In this paper, we proposed a simple lossless data compression algorithm that uses multiple Huffman coding tables to compress WSNs data adaptively. We demonstrate the merits of our proposed algorithm in comparison with recently proposed LEC algorithm using various real-world sensor datasets.
Due date of data delivery is a key factor in timeliness-crucial wireless sensor networks (e.g. battlefield sensor networks, cyber-physical systems, and wireless multimedia sensor networks). Data aggregation is a well-known methodology to reduce transmission time. However, the decrease of transmission time does not definitely mean increasing the ratio of data delivery on time from the view of the whole network. In this paper, we studied how to minimize tardiness in data aggregation scheduling in consideration of due date for single-hop wireless sensor networks. Each data sensor has its own due date and data size. Tardiness penalty is induced if the finish time of data transmission is later than its due date for a data sensor. The scheduling problem is firstly formulated. A dynamic programming algorithm (DPS) is proposed for the problem which the data sizes of all data sensors are the same. A forward shift heuristic algorithm (FSH) and a variable neighborhood search heuristic algorithm (VSNH) are proposed to minimize the total transmission tardiness. Simulation experiments show that FSH outperforms the earliest deadline first and delay minimization aggregation algorithms. VSNH starting from the output of DPS is the best scheduling algorithm to solve the data aggregation scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing total transmission tardiness.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) have emerged as a promising approach to facilitate the integration of the cyber and physical worlds in highly interconnected and complex ways. CPSs consist of several components, such as sensors, actuators, controllers, etc., and their structures are being complicated, and their scales are increasing day by day. Therefore, the data reliability and security have emerged as critical challenges between physical and virtual components of these systems. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are accepted as one of the most crucial technologies for building future CPSs. Because of their wireless and dynamic nature, WSNs are more vulnerable to security attacks than wired networks. The main solution for this problem is the usage of signed messages with symmetric or asymmetric key cryptography. Although, asymmetric key cryptography increases network security, it also causes severe computational, memory, and energy overhead for sensor nodes. On the other hand, symmetric key cryptography has the difficulty of providing high-level security and efficient key management scheme; however, it is better in terms of speed and low energy cost. In this paper, it is aimed to build a multi-level dynamic key management system for WSNs with the aid of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), which is a key distribution and coordination center for asymmetric keys. After that, each sensor node constructs different symmetric keys with its neighbors, and communication security is achieved by data encryption and mutual authentication with these keys. Evaluation results show the proposed system is scalable, and its performance is significantly better than asymmetric key management systems.