
BURN-OUT ET ENGAGEMENT CHEZ LES ENSEIGNANTS DU SECONDAIRE: Une comparaison femmes/hommes selon le contexte d'enseignement

  • University of Teacher Education, State of Vaud (HEP-VD)
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... First, the cultural invariance between French and Swiss teachers was tested to ensure the questionnaires have the same meaning despite the cultural and contextual differences, such as work time or the number of students per class [67]. Following van de Schoot et al.'s instructions [68], we tested configural (no equality constraints), metric (equal item loadings), scalar (equal item loadings and item intercept concurrently), residual variance (equal error variance), residual covariance (equal error covariance), factor variance (equal factor variance) and factor mean invariance (equal factor mean). ...
... First, the preliminary analyses confirmed the cultural invariance between French and Swiss teachers. Thus, despite cultural teaching differences [67], the questionnaires have the same meaning for the two samples. Then, the SEM provided adequate fit indices for the hypothetical model and allowed exploration of the relationships between the selected latent variables. ...
... First, the present study was driven by a data-centred approach. However, the teachers' well-being is multifactorial, and it could be interesting to explore the role of the subject taught (e.g., physical education vs. other disciplines [67,80]). Similarly, other moderators could be integrated into the contextual part of this process. ...
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The aim of this study was to estimate the influence of perceived support from principals and teacher professional identity (TPI) on teacher’s motivation, vigour and burnout using a longitudinal design during a school year. A sample of 544 secondary teachers reported their perceived support from principals and TPI at the beginning of the year (T1) and their self-determined motivation, vigour, and burnout both at the beginning (T1) and at the end of the year (T2). Structural equation modelling (SEM) revealed that the support from principals was associated with T1 TPI. T1 TPI only partially predicted T2 self-determined motivation (controlling T1 scores), and T2 self-determined motivation was associated with T2 burnout and vigour (controlling T1 scores). The SEM revealed a positive process involving perceived support from principals, pedagogical expertise, autonomous motivation, and well-being indicators. In summary, the present study extends the knowledge about the teacher well-being process and the role of contextual and individual antecedents. In an applied perspective, to prevent burnout, teachers need efficient initial and continuing pedagogical education to be armed in front of the students and need the support of their principals during the school year.
... Les professeurs d'EPS ne sont pas préservés des difficultés professionnelles (Coutarel et al., 2015 ;Guillet-Descas et Lentillon-Kaestner, 2019). Selon ces auteurs, les conditions de travail sont significativement associées à des difficultés de santé (physique comme par exemple les troubles musculo-squelettiques ou psychiques avec les risques psychosociaux au travail). ...
... Dans l'optique où « �la valeur de l'école dépend de la qualité professionnelle de ceux qui y travaillent.� » (Dubet et Duru-Bellat, 2015, p. 39), le bien-être spécifique des enseignants semble cependant central (Guillet-Descas et Lentillon-Kaestner, 2019). Cette étude vient compléter les travaux qui établissent un lien direct entre les valeurs et le bien-être (Sortheix et Schwartz, 2017 ;Schwartz et Sortheix, 2018 ;Bojanowska et Piotrowski, 2018 ;Bojanowska et Piotrowski, 2019 ;Llena et al., 2020a�). ...
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Les valeurs des individus sont un éclairage original pouvant expliquer des niveaux différents de bien-être au travail. L’objectif de la présente recherche est d’interroger le poids de la nature des valeurs prioritaires des enseignants d’EPS sur leur bien-être au travail et d’étudier s’il est aussi important que le poids de certaines variables explicatives développées dans la littérature telles que les relations avec les collègues ou l’ambiance dans la classe. Trois cent quatre-vingt-seize enseignants d’EPS ont participé à l’étude. Le cadre théorique de Schwartz (2006) a été convoqué pour déterminer les valeurs des enseignants d’EPS. Le bien-être professionnel a été mesuré au travers d’une double acception hédonique et eudémonique. Les résultats principaux issus de deux régressions multiples révèlent que la nature des valeurs prioritaires des enseignants d'EPS est très explicative de leur bien-être au travail. Les valeurs de dépassement de soi et d’ouverture au changement ou encore d’affirmation de soi dans le contexte de l’EPS expliquent fortement le niveau de bien-être (hédonique et eudémonique) et de satisfaction au travail de l'enseignant d'EPS. L’étude des valeurs constitue donc une piste prometteuse pour développer le bien-être au travail des enseignants d’EPS ainsi qu’une perspective intéressante pour enrichir les formations des enseignants.
... Les professeurs d'EPS ne sont pas préservés des difficultés professionnelles (Coutarel et al., 2015 ;Guillet-Descas et Lentillon-Kaestner, 2019). Selon ces auteurs, les conditions de travail sont significativement associées à des difficultés de santé (physique comme par exemple les troubles musculo-squelettiques ou psychiques avec les risques psychosociaux au travail). ...
... Dans l'optique où « �la valeur de l'école dépend de la qualité professionnelle de ceux qui y travaillent.� » (Dubet et Duru-Bellat, 2015, p. 39), le bien-être spécifique des enseignants semble cependant central (Guillet-Descas et Lentillon-Kaestner, 2019). Cette étude vient compléter les travaux qui établissent un lien direct entre les valeurs et le bien-être (Sortheix et Schwartz, 2017 ;Schwartz et Sortheix, 2018 ;Bojanowska et Piotrowski, 2018 ;Bojanowska et Piotrowski, 2019 ;Llena et al., 2020a�). ...
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Présenter le titre de ce numéro dans une forme interrogative, c'est d'emblée questionner les paradigmes, théories et modèles qui sous-tendent la notion de santé au travail et plus encore de ses liens avec l'éducation et la formation, domaine à interroger aussi. Le projet est né des journées internationales et interdisciplinaires « Towards a Feasible New Economy of Innovative and Healthy Work » organisées à Bordeaux les 28-29~avril 2016 par Loïc Lerouge, Directeur de recherche au CNRS, spécialiste de droit de la santé au travail (CNRS, Bordeaux) et Robert Karasek, professeur émérite en psychosociologie de l'Université du Massachusetts Lowell et de l'Université de Copenhague. Cet événement a marqué un tournant dans la manière d'appréhender la santé au travail en mettant en discussion les développements de l'économie au regard de l'innovation et de la protection de la santé au travail. Le groupe d'experts scientifiques international et pluridisciplinaire qui a été réuni a dégagé neuf sujets et questions qui ont été ensuite confrontés aux acteurs du monde socio-économique (parties-prenantes). Le sujet de l'éducation à la santé au travail y figurait en bonne place et les conclusions finales ont notamment insisté sur la nécessité de développer l'approche éducative de la santé et de la sécurité au travail.
... Cette perception négative impacte le bien-être professionnel. Les études actuelles font d'ailleurs le constat d'une diminution du bien-être des enseignants en France (Burel, Cornus et Andrieu, 2017 ;Martin-Krumm et Tarquinio, 2019) avec un risque important de burn-out (Guillet-Descas et Lentillon-Kaestner, 2019). En effet, les analyses montrent un décrochage du métier d'enseignant (Karsenti, Collin et Dumouchel, 2013). ...
... Les professionnels s'accordent sur le fait que le métier est de plus en plus complexe, difficile et pénible (Lantheaume, 2008 ;Zavidovique, Gilbert et Vercambre-Jacquot, 2018). Les enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive (désormais EPS) ne sont pas préservés (Coutarel et al., 2015 ;Guillet-Descas et Lentillon-Kaestner, 2019) et pas forcément préparés à prévenir et à réagir de manière appropriée. Comme le précise Visioli (2019a), les dimensions liées à la relation pédagogique ne sont généralement ni enseignées en formation initiale ni évaluées lors des concours de recrutement. ...
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Une attitude insolente, des comportements agressifs voire des agressions de la part des élèves sont malheureusement des situations de plus en plus fréquentes en éducation physique et sportive. Ce constat peut notamment être accentué dans certains établissements classés en réseau d’éducation prioritaire. Les causes sont multiples et relèvent à la fois de dimensions psychologiques (manque de confiance en soi, peur de l’échec), sociales (précarité accrue, désengagement familial), psycho-sociales (manque de reconnaissance, image de soi dégradée) et contextuelles (classe surchargée, infrastructures dégradées et peu agréables, pratiques pédagogiques et éducatives inadaptées). Les comportements violents peuvent s’exprimer entre les élèves, entre les élèves et les enseignants, entre professionnels de l’éducation mais aussi avec les familles. Si l’analyse de ces comportements suppose que l’équipe pédagogique, les psychologues de l’Éducation nationale, les conseillers principaux d’éducation prennent en considération les multiples causes des difficultés rencontrées pour accompagner au mieux les élèves employant de tels comportements, l’enseignant peut également jouer un rôle in-situ dans ces interactions. Ce dernier peut alors mettre en place des stratégies préventives, mais aussi régulatrices pour influencer positivement la situation pédagogique et didactique et améliorer ainsi ses gestes professionnels. L’objectif de cet article est d’apporter une analyse théorique des gestes inadaptés au contexte de violence scolaire et notamment en éducation physique et sportive, mais aussi de proposer divers moyens d’action scientifiquement reconnus et d’autres qui pourraient le devenir dans un futur proche.
... Cette perception négative impacte le bien-être professionnel. Les études actuelles font d'ailleurs le constat d'une diminution du bien-être des enseignants en France (Burel, Cornus et Andrieu, 2017 ;Martin-Krumm et Tarquinio, 2019) avec un risque important de burn-out (Guillet-Descas et Lentillon-Kaestner, 2019). En effet, les analyses montrent un décrochage du métier d'enseignant (Karsenti, Collin et Dumouchel, 2013). ...
... Les professionnels s'accordent sur le fait que le métier est de plus en plus complexe, difficile et pénible (Lantheaume, 2008 ;Zavidovique, Gilbert et Vercambre-Jacquot, 2018). Les enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive (désormais EPS) ne sont pas préservés (Coutarel et al., 2015 ;Guillet-Descas et Lentillon-Kaestner, 2019) et pas forcément préparés à prévenir et à réagir de manière appropriée. Comme le précise Visioli (2019a), les dimensions liées à la relation pédagogique ne sont généralement ni enseignées en formation initiale ni évaluées lors des concours de recrutement. ...
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Une attitude insolente, des comportements agressifs voire des agressions de la part des élèves sont malheureusement des situations de plus en plus fréquentes en éducation physique et sportive. Ce constat peut notamment être accentué dans certains établissements classés en réseau d’éducation prioritaire. Les causes sont multiples et relèvent à la fois de dimensions psychologiques (manque de confiance en soi, peur de l’échec), sociales (précarité accrue, désengagement familial), psycho-sociales (manque de reconnaissance, image de soi dégradée) et contextuelles (classe surchargée, infrastructures dégradées et peu agréables, pratiques pédagogiques et éducatives inadaptées). Les comportements violents peuvent s’exprimer entre les élèves, entre les élèves et les enseignants, entre professionnels de l’éducation mais aussi avec les familles. Si l’analyse de ces comportements suppose que l’équipe pédagogique, les psychologues de l’Éducation nationale, les conseillers principaux d’éducation prennent en considération les multiples causes des difficultés rencontrées pour accompagner au mieux les élèves employant de tels comportements, l’enseignant peut également jouer un rôle in-situ dans ces interactions. Ce dernier peut alors mettre en place des stratégies préventives, mais aussi régulatrices pour influencer positivement la situation pédagogique et didactique et améliorer ainsi ses gestes professionnels. L’objectif de cet article est d’apporter une analyse théorique des gestes inadaptés au contexte de violence scolaire et notamment en éducation physique et sportive, mais aussi de proposer divers moyens d’action scientifiquement reconnus et d’autres qui pourraient le devenir dans un futur proche.
... Il y'a aussi la prédominance féminine (52,8 % de l'échantillon) qui pourrait surestimer les résultats obtenus au regard des chiffres élevés d'épuisement émotionnel observés dans certaines études [46][47][48][49] chez les enseignants femmes par rapport à leurs homologues hommes. La surestimation de la prévalence du burn-out pourrait également s'expliquer par la non-prise en compte de la spécificité du groupe d'enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive (EPS) où le risque d'épuisement semble moins important comparé aux autres enseignants des autres disciplines [49]. ...
... Il y'a aussi la prédominance féminine (52,8 % de l'échantillon) qui pourrait surestimer les résultats obtenus au regard des chiffres élevés d'épuisement émotionnel observés dans certaines études [46][47][48][49] chez les enseignants femmes par rapport à leurs homologues hommes. La surestimation de la prévalence du burn-out pourrait également s'expliquer par la non-prise en compte de la spécificité du groupe d'enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive (EPS) où le risque d'épuisement semble moins important comparé aux autres enseignants des autres disciplines [49]. Enfin, le contexte particulier de certains établissements qui connaissent un manque d'enseignants qualifiés dans certaines disciplines impose ainsi des disciplines différentes à dispenser par un même enseignant, ce qui pourrait davantage exposer ce dernier à une charge élevée de travail intellectuel contrairement à ceux qui dispensent une seule matière. ...
Résumé Introduction Le burn-out est le syndrome d’épuisement physique et émotionnel qui affecte principalement les travailleurs des services d’aide à la personne et des sociétés de services. Le but de notre étude était de déterminer la prévalence et de rechercher les facteurs associés à cette pathologie mal connue, chez les enseignants des lycées publics de la ville de Douala. Matériel et méthodes L’étude transversale s’est déroulée dans cinq lycées d’enseignement publics. La population d’étude était constituée par les enseignants volontaires, cumulant au moins 12 mois d’ancienneté. Nous avons étudié leurs caractéristiques sociodémographiques, les conditions de travail, le niveau d’activité physique et sportive par le questionnaire de Ricci et Gagnon, et les caractéristiques du burn-out par le Maslach Burnout Inventory Educators Survey (MBI-ES). Les associations de variables ont été déterminées avec le test de Chi², Fisher, Student au seuil d’erreur & = 5 % et au degré de significativité p < 5 %. Résultats Le taux de d’inclusion était de 73,3 %. L’échantillon est constitué de 330 enseignants, dont 174 femmes (52,8 %). La moyenne d’âge était de 38 ± 8 ans. La prévalence du burn-out était de 78,8 %, avec 53,4 % d’enseignants en épuisement émotionnel ; 16,4 % en dépersonnalisation et 37,6 % en perte d’accomplissement personnel. Le burn-out était associé au désir d’abandonner l’enseignement (p = 0,045), l’enseignement technique (p = 0,006), le nombre d’élèves par enseignant (p = 0,037), et le nombre d’heures de travail hebdomadaire (p = 0,019), la pratique des vacations dans d’autres établissements (p = 0,044), cumul avec des responsabilités administratives (p = 0,037), à la perception de l’enseignement comme contraignant (p = 0,011), aux céphalées (p = 0,02) et à l’hypersensibilité (p = 0,047). La pratique des activités sportives n’a pas montré un effet protecteur contre le burn-out (p = 0,111). Conclusion La prévalence du burn-out est élevée chez les enseignants du secondaire public dans la ville de Douala. Le burn-out est associé aux facteurs socioprofessionnels, et n’est pas prévenu par la pratique des activités physiques et sportives. Des mesures d’amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail des enseignants telles que la revalorisation des salaires, l’allocation de bonus de performance et des primes d’éloignement et la réduction des affectations d’enseignants vers d’autres ministères pourraient en diminuer la prévalence.
... ex., Guillet-Descas et Lentillon-Kaestner, 2019 ;Li et Li, 2017) et en sport de haut niveau (p. ex., Isoard-Gautheur et al., 2021 ;Madigan et al., 2021). ...
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L’enjeu de cet article est d’analyser, comme cela a déjà été réalisé avec des adultes dans leur domaine professionnel, la façon dont les jeunes à l’école perçoivent leur environnement de travail. L’objectif principal vise à étudier l’opérationnalisation du modèle théorique « exigences professionnelles-ressources » (Job Demands-Resources [JD-R]) de Demerouti et al. (2001) en contexte scolaire. L’objectif secondaire est de valider une échelle adaptée au contexte scolaire qui permette à la fois de déterminer le niveau d’exigences et le niveau de ressources perçus par les élèves au sein de l’école. Dans une première étude, une échelle a été adaptée, puis remplie par 414 collégiens et lycéens. Les résultats des analyses factorielles exploratoires, puis confirmatoires, indiquent une structure en deux dimensions (exigences/ressources) à trois facteurs chacun (physique, motivationnelle et cognitive) conformément à la version d’origine. Les propriétés psychométriques de l’échelle s’avèrent satisfaisantes. À l’aide d’analyses en pistes causales, la seconde étude réalisée avec 56 élèves a permis de mettre en avant la relation entre le modèle JD-R transposé à l’école et l’épuisement (burnout) scolaire. Les données recueillies à trois moments révèlent que les exigences et les ressources au T1 prédisent celles au T2, comme il était présumé. Toutefois, seules les ressources au T2 prédisent le burnout au T3. En définitive, l’analyse des processus révèle les effets du niveau de ressources perçu par les élèves au T1 sur le burnout scolaire au T3, et un effet des exigences qui n’est pas significatif. Pour conclure, le modèle a été partiellement validé mettant en avant des relations entre l’évolution des exigences, des ressources et leurs effets sur le burnout.
Résumé Objectif Évaluer le stress chez les enseignants du secondaire public d’Agboville en Côte d’Ivoire en 2021. Méthodes Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale à visée analytique qui s’est déroulée sur une période de 6 mois de mars à août 2021 dans les collèges et lycées publics du département d’Agboville, en Côte d’Ivoire. Les données ont été collectées à l’aide d’un auto-questionnaire renseignant sur les données socio-professionnelles. Le stress a été évalué avec l’échelle de Karasek. La TSI (Teacher Stress Inventory) a été utilisée pour étudier les sources et les manifestations du stress. Les données ont été saisies et analysées au moyen du logiciel SPSS 21. Résultats Au total, 500 enseignants sur 629 ont été inclus. Les enquêtés appartenaient en majorité aux tranches d’âge de 35–44 ans (35,8 %) et 45–54 ans (36 %). Plus de la moitié (59 %) d’entre eux était des hommes (sex-ratio = 1,45). La quasi-totalité d’entre eux (91 %) avait un niveau d’étude du supérieur. Près de la moitié des enseignants avait une ancienneté professionnelle comprise entre 6–15 ans (44 %) et avait à leur charge entre 3–5 classes (39 %). La prévalence du stress dans notre étude était de 27 %. Les sources de stress étaient essentiellement représentées par l’indiscipline et la non motivation des élèves notamment le fait de demander aux élèves qu’ils devraient faire mieux (86 %), de surveiller le comportement des élèves et d’enseigner les élèves peu motivés respectivement dans 83 % des cas, le nombre pléthorique d’élèves par classe (68 %), la charge de travail importante (68 %), le manque de temps de détente (67 %) et le manque de contrôle sur les décisions (61 %). Les manifestations liées au stress étaient l’utilisation de médicaments (83 %), la fatigue physique (63 %) et le sentiment d’insécurité (61 %). Le stress était 2, 58 fois plus élevé chez les enseignants de sexe masculin. Par contre les enseignants qui pratiquaient l’activité physique étaient moins stressés. Conclusion Le stress représente un risque majeur présent dans le domaine de l’enseignement. Sa gestion doit intégrer toutes les composantes du secteur (Enseignants, élèves, syndicats, administration).
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Teaching is a demanding job and the aim of the present study was to explore the emotional experiences and wellbeing levels (burnout and vigor) of Physical Education (PE) student teachers in comparison with student teachers of other subjects. In all, 167 student teachers (99 in PE and 68 in other subjects) described two significant professional negative events experienced during the school placement. They also reported the frequency of occurrence of these events, the level of unpleasant emotions related to the events, and their scores of burnout and vigor. The negative emotional events were encoded following an inductive approach and five categories emerged: Student rules violations, Collaborative issues, Physical integrity risks, Organizational issues, and Lack of student motivation. The Chi-square analyses revealed a different distribution in the negative events according to the subject taught, especially including an overrepresentation of Lack of student motivation and Physical integrity risks for PE student teachers and Collaborative issues for other-subjects student teachers. Moreover, Mann-Whitney U-tests revealed a similar frequency of negative emotional events whatever the subject taught, but a lower intensity of unpleasant emotions, lower physical fatigue and higher scores of physical strength for PE student teachers in comparison with those of other subjects. The present findings confirmed that the specificities of PE lead to singular significant negative events for PE students during initial training. Finally, the health outcomes (intensity of unpleasant emotions, burnout and vigor) suggest that PE teachers have developed specific resources to cope with school constraints, probably in relation to their sport experiences.
Pourquoi les adultes seraient-ils les seuls à être victimes de burnout dans le contexte de leur travail ? Dans le milieu scolaire, pourquoi seuls les enseignants seraient-ils à risque de vivre des moments d’épuisement ? Quelle qualité de vie l’école offre-t-elle aux élèves ? Comment la perçoivent-ils ? Après avoir réalisé une revue de littérature sur le burnout scolaire notre question de recherche a évolué vers les problématiques de bien-être être et de qualité de vie des jeunes au sein de l’école. Le projet nommé COBÉ permet de comprendre et de proposer des pistes pour générer le bien-être des élèves. Il est composé de trois phases. La première, a abouti à la validation d’une échelle de mesure du burnout scolaire et à la réalisation d’études longitudinales, visant à mesurer l’évolution du niveau d’épuisement chez les élèves au cours d’une année scolaire. La seconde a eu pour enjeu d’analyser la façon dont les jeunes à l’école perçoivent leur environnement de travail en termes de niveaux d’exigences et de ressources et de voir l’impact de cette perception sur leur épuisement puis en retour sur diverses variables (cognitives, comportementales, psychologiques). Une analyse en profils latents a permis la mise en évidence de trois profils déterminés sur la base de la perception par les élèves des exigences et des ressources en environnement scolaire. La dernière phase a permis une analyse plus fine de cette perception au moyen d’entretiens. Les résultats révèlent que l’école présente certes des contraintes mais elle propose aussi tout un lot de ressources. De cet équilibre « exigences-ressources » perçues dépend la qualité de vie de l’élève. Aussi sans réduire les exigences, il s’agira pour l’école et l’élève de renforcer leurs ressources. Le projet COBE devrait par la suite poursuivre son chemin vers des études interventionnelles et expérimentales afin de proposer et tester des outils destinés à renforcer le bien-être et la qualité de vie des élèves.
School closure and distance learning during the COVID-19 lockdown had the potential to affect teachers’ perception of their well-being and of the school climate. Within the teaching community, physical education (PE) teachers particularly redesigned their activities during school closures, posing both opportunities and threats. The study aim was to contribute to the understanding of the teachers’ well-being experiences (burnout and engagement) and school climate perceptions during the lockdown for PE teachers in comparison with those of teachers of other subjects. The results from 188 teacher questionnaire responses revealed better psychological experiences among PE teachers in 2020 compared to those in a traditional year and compared to those of teachers of other subjects. School closure was related to higher collaboration, vigor scores and lower levels of physical fatigue for PE teachers. These positive effects for the PE teachers suggest using some profits of the COVID-19 period in normal teaching conditions
Résumé De nombreuses études montrent que le stress lié à l’école, tout comme les problèmes de santé y étant associés, ont fortement augmenté chez les adolescents et qu’ils impactent les performances scolaires (ex., Martin-Krumm et al., 2011 ; Oger et al., 2007). Il s’avère même que certains jeunes soient en souffrance à l’École. Dès lors, de ces problématiques émerge celle du burnout scolaire avec ses multiples conséquences déjà largement explorées dans le champ du travail. Elle peut a priori paraître surprenante pourtant, force est de constater que du collège à l’université, le parcours de l’enfant au jeune adulte est parsemé de périodes de stress l’engageant dans ce type d’épuisement. L’objectif de ce travail est de faire un bilan permettant de cerner les causes et les conséquences du phénomène, puis de recenser des travaux dont il a fait l’objet. Il permet enfin d’envisager des pistes de prise en compte de ce problème de santé publique.
De nombreuses études montrent que le stress lié à l’école, tout comme les problèmes de santé y étant associés, ont fortement augmenté chez les adolescents et qu’ils impactent les performances scolaires (e.g., Martin-Krumm et al. , 2011 ; Oger et al. , 2007). Il s’avère même que certains jeunes soient en souffrance à l’École. Dès lors, de ces problématiques émerge celle du burnout scolaire avec ses multiples conséquences déjà largement explorées dans le champ du travail. Elle peut a priori paraître surprenante pourtant, force est de constater que du collège à l’université, le parcours de l’enfant au jeune adulte est parsemé de périodes de stress l’engageant dans ce type d’épuisement. L’enjeu de ce travail est de faire un bilan permettant de situer les prémisses du phénomène, puis de recenser des travaux dont il a fait l’objet. Il permet enfin d’envisager des pistes de prise en compte de ce problème de santé publique.
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Introduction. – School-related events require ability on the part of teachers to control their emotionalintensity and maintain negative emotions at a low level without compromising their general well-being. Doudin and Curchod (2008) found that satisfaction with received support acted as a buffer againstburnout.Objectives. – The current research focused on risk and protective factors for burnout syndrome, whilealso taking into account the role of two different school systems. We hypothesized that emotional inten-sity and dissatisfaction with social support would affect teachers’ levels of burnout. On this basis, weinvestigated a range of predictive models for all measures of burnout in both Italian and Swiss teachers.Method. – Participants were 275 primary school teachers (Italian n = 140; Swiss n = 135). Teacher burnout,emotional intensity and dissatisfaction with support received were respectively assessed by means of:the Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach, Jackson, & Leiter, 1996), the Emotional Competence Question-naire (Doudin & Curchod-Ruedi, 2010) and the Social Support Questionnaire (Doudin, Curchod-Ruedi, &Moreau, 2011).Results. – In line with our hypotheses, in both Italian and Swiss samples, emotional intensity played asignificant predictive role in relation to emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment, whereasdissatisfaction with support received affected all measures of teacher burnout.Conclusions. – Our results provide fresh evidence for the protective role of social support in a professionthat is particularly at risk of burnout. More specifically, burnout was predicted by the same pattern ofvariables in Italian and Swiss teachers, with significant differences emerging between the two groups inrelation to their satisfaction with support received.
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Teacher burnout occurs when teachers undergoing stress for long periods of time experience emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of personal accomplishment (Maslach, 2003). Outcomes associated with burnout include teacher attrition, teacher health issues, and negative student outcomes. Special educators are at high risk for burnout, as their working conditions align with many factors associated with burnout. In this review, we updated the literature on special education teacher working conditions by reviewing studies (N = 23) that (a) included a quantitative measure of burnout and (b) focused on special education teachers as participants. An analysis of the studies reviewed provided a clear base of support for the association between burnout and a range of variables from the individual, classroom, school, and district levels. Bronfenbrenner's (1977) Ecological Model supplied the organization framework for the range of variables. Teacher experience, student disability, role conflict, role ambiguity, and administrative support were particularly salient factors in special education teacher burnout. Important gaps in the research are discussed, future directions for researchers are outlined, and implications for teachers and other practitioners are provided.
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The purpose of this research was to study the relationship of physical activity and it's components with burnout level in academic members of daregaz Universities. Statistical sample was 81 teachers who were selected randomly from 126 people. In this study, data was collected by using Maslach's burnout questionnaire instrument and Baeck's physical activity questionnaires. Results showed significant inverse correlation between PA level with burnout. linear and inverse correlation between physical activity and it's components with burnout, represent the positive effect of physical activity and exercise in preventing or redusing the amount of burnout.
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The present study aimed at extending prior studies on teacher burnout by exploring factors which contribute to Iranian English language teachers’ feelings of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Data were collected via a survey that employed the Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach & Jackson, 1986). Overall, findings revealed that English teachers (N = 40) were experiencing high levels of reduced personal accomplishment (M = 18.72) and emotional exhaustion (M = 17.80). Results of one-way ANOVA showed significant differences among foreign language teachers with respect to burnout subscales. From among age, gender, marital status, and level of education, only the level of education had a significant, moderate, and positive relationship with burnout. Results are discussed in relationship to findings from international studies related to English language teachers’ burnout, and the theoretical and practical implications are highlighted.
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A multivariate meta-analysis was conducted to explore the relationship between student misbehavior and the three dimensions of teacher burnout (i.e., emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment). A total of 21 independent samples were included in the analysis, which provided a total of 63 effect sizes. Our results indicated that students’ misbehavior related significantly with the three dimension of teacher burnout. The largest effect was between students’ misbehavior and teacher emotional exhaustion, followed by depersonalization, and then personal accomplishment. Moderator analyses revealed that grade level, teacher age, country, percentage of female teachers, and year of publication each explained some variability among the effects. Practical recommendations and recommendations for future research are discussed.
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Background and Objectives: Burnout is a psychological response to chronic work-related stress of an interpersonal and emotional nature. Brazilian law have already contemplated burnout syndrome as a mental and behavioural disorder related to work. The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of burnout in a sample of Brazilian teachers. Methods: The sample was composed of 714 teachers from 8 schools in Porto Alegre and its metropolitan area (Brazil). The levels of burnout were evaluated by the Spanish Burnout Inventory, educational version (SBI-Ed). In addition, Psychosomatic disorders were estimated by the UNIPSICO subscale. Results: The percentage of participants who indicated high levels of burnout was 12 % (Profile 1), and 5.6% fell into Profile 2 because they were affected by strong feelings of guilt. Moreover, participants with high scores on the SBI dimensions (low on Enthusiasm toward the job) scored significantly higher on psychosomatic disorders than participants with low scores. Conclusions: Based on psychometric considerations, participants who fit Profile 2 of burnout could be considered burnout cases according to Brazilian legislation. However, using a clinical interview to make the diagnosis is recommended.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between educational leadership and teacher's motivation. The research described here was anchored in the convergence of two fundamental theories of leadership and motivation: the full range model of leadership and self‐determination theory. The central hypotheses were that transformational leadership would predict autonomous motivation among teachers, whereas transactional leadership would predict controlled motivation. The authors further predicted that autonomous motivation would mediate the relations between transformational leadership and teachers' burnout and that controlled motivation would mediate the relations between transactional leadership and burnout. Design/methodology/approach Questionnaires assessing the variables of interest were completed by 122 Israeli teachers. Findings Results, based on structure equation modeling, supported the hypotheses, suggesting that leadership styles among school principals play a significant role in teachers' motivation and well‐being. Research limitations/implications The school's environment in Western society is characterized by many impositions and pressures that affect teachers' well‐being, as reflected in their quality and intensity of motivation, affect, and burnout. Thus, the present research findings suggest that if the power in educational systems is delegated to school principals, and if the latter are encouraged and trained to be autonomy supportive toward their educational staff, then these steps may potentially facilitate teachers' autonomous motivation, satisfaction, and well‐being. Originality/value Few studies have examined the relationship between various styles of leadership and different types of motivation among followers. The present novel study has the potential to fill this gap by empirically studying the relationship between educational leadership and teachers' motivation.
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Teachers meet increasing difficulties in their work: overwork, students dropping out of the system, the discredit of the profession among users of the educational system. These problems are stressors which have an influence on the vulnerability of teachers and lead to burnout. The transactional model of stress by Lazarus and Folkman [Lazarus, R.S., Folkman, S., 1984. Stress, appraisal and coping, New York, Springer] emphasizes the importance of the activity expended by an individual in order to confront a stressful situation. We administered several questionnaires to 410 French elementary schoolteachers during the first term (T1) in order to evaluate: their sociobiographic characteristics; the frequency of professional problems; perceived self-efficacy; social support; and their coping strategies. The burnout of 259 teachers of the same cohort was evaluated during the third term (T2). The results of this research show the interest of taking into account transactional processes in order to study the effects of professional stress on burnout.
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The authors studied certain aspects of the construct validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), the most popular measure of burnout, and that of the Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM). These burnout measures were compared with respect to their psychometric characteristics and factorial validity in two groups of professionals, human service and other professionals (N=196 and 226, respectively), who completed questionnaires at work. As hypothesized, the confirmatory factor analyses supported a two-factor and a three-factor structure invariance across the two groups considered for the SMBM and the MBI-GS, respectively, with superior fit found for the SMBM. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The literature on male–female differences in burnout has produced inconsistent results regarding the strength and direction of this relationship. Lack of clarity on gender differences in organizationally relevant phenomena, such as work burnout, frequently generates ungrounded speculations that may (mis)inform organizational decisions. To address this issue, we conducted a meta-analysis of the relationship between gender and burnout using 409 effect sizes from 183 studies. Results challenge the commonly help belief that female employees are more likely to experience burnout than male employees, revealing instead that women are slightly more emotionally exhausted than men (δ = .10), while men are somewhat more depersonalized than women (δ = −.19). Although these effects are small, they are practically noteworthy when translated into a percent overlap statistic. Moderator analyses further revealed some intriguing nuances to the general trends, such as larger gender differences in the USA compared to the EU. In contrast, gender differences did not vary significantly in male-typed vs. female-typed occupations. Our analyses also suggest discontinuation of the use of overall burnout measures because they are highly consistent with the emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout only.
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Cognitive evaluation theory, which explains the effects of extrinsic motivators on intrinsic motivation, received some initial attention in the organizational literature. However, the simple dichotomy between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation made the theory difficult to apply to work settings. Differentiating extrinsic motivation into types that differ in their degree of autonomy led to self-determination theory, which has received widespread attention in the education, health care, and sport domains. This article describes self-determination theory as a theory of work motivation and shows its relevance to theories of organizational behavior. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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In this research we examined whether emotional vulnerability leads women and men to confirm gender stereotypes. Emotional vulnerability is a state where one is open to having one's feelings hurt or to experiencing rejection. Drawing on the tenets of social role theory and research related to normative expectations, we propose that emotional vulnerability leads to stereotype confirmation, as normative expectations are less risky and easier to enact than nonnormative behavior. Fifty-nine dating couples were randomly assigned to a high emotional vulnerability or low emotional vulnerability discussion with their partners. When the degree of emotional vulnerability was high men confirmed gender-stereotypes. Women's behavior, on the other hand, was not significantly affected by condition. We discuss these findings in terms of the domain in which gender-typed behaviors occur and the social pressures to act in accordance with gender norms.
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Job burnout and depression have been generally found to be correlated with one another. However, evidence regarding the job burnout-depression association is limited in that most studies are cross-sectional in nature. Moreover, little is known about factors that may influence the job burnout-depression association, other than individual or organizational factors (e.g., gender, supervisor support). The current study seeks to address these gaps by (a) unraveling the temporal relationship between job burnout and depression and (b) examining whether the job burnout-depression association may be contingent upon the degree to which employees engage in physical activity. On the basis of a full-panel 3-wave longitudinal design with a large sample of employees (N = 1,632), latent difference score modeling indicated that an increase in depression from Time 1 to Time 2 predicts an increase in job burnout from Time 2 to Time 3, and vice versa. In addition, physical activity attenuated these effects in a dose-response manner, so that the increase in job burnout and depression was strongest among employees who did not engage in physical activity and weakest to the point of nonsignificance among those engaging in high physical activity.
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In this study, relationships between organizational and personal characteristics, burnout symptoms and strain were investigated among 191 secondary school teachers. Different standardized self-report measures with satisfactory psychometric properties were used to evaluate these factors and the role of work and/or individual characteristics on health. Results suggested that psychological job demands and emotion-oriented coping style are good predictors of exhaustion, tiredness and emotional reactions. On the other hand, task-oriented coping style and decision latitude are more important to explain personal accomplishment. Personal determinants such as age and trait anxiety, are associated with burnout, but did not show any relation to strain. Contrary to personal and organizational determinants, coping styles are the best predictors of burnout or tension. Limits of the results and perspectives for future research are discussed.
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410 French primary school teachers were administered a French version of the Dewe questionnaire (1985) during the first term of the school year (T1) to assess their coping responses. We also used other tools to measure situational (frequency of professional difficulties) and personal (overall self-efficacy, socio-demographic data) antecedents. Burnout and somatic symptoms of 259 teachers in the same cohort were assessed during the third term (T2). A factorial analysis of coping responses (T1) yielded four factors: problem-focused coping, avoidance, need to communicate and adoption of a conservative teaching style. These factors are similar to those described in other studies of teacher coping. Each strategy was associated with some of the antecedents measured at T1. Problem-focused coping proved to be functional by attenuating burnout at T2, whereas avoidance and adoption of a conservative pedagogical style had a deleterious effect by worsening subsequent burnout. These results are in agreement with previous data. They suggest how to manage stress and burnout in teachers.
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In this study we examined the effects of job-related stressful events and social support on burnout among teachers. We conducted a mail survey of a random sample of public school teachers in Iowa. Consistent with findings in previous research, teacher characteristics such as age, sex, and grade level taught were predictive of burnout. We also found that the number of stressful events experienced and social support were predictive of teacher burnout. Some evidence of the stress-moderating role of social support was also found. Teachers who reported that they had supportive supervisors and indicated that they received positive feedback concerning their skills and abilities from others were less vulnerable to burnout. We discuss the implications of these findings for programs aimed at preventing teacher burnout. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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This study uses S. E. Hobfoll's (1989) conservation of resources theory as a means of examining why emotional labor may or may not result in burnout. A model is developed that proposes that workers attempt to cope with role demands by performing surface or deep acting and that the effect of this expenditure of resources on worker burnout depends on the more immediate rewards of the service encounter and the application of internal and external resources specific to the needs at hand. This model is tested and confirmed using cross-sectional survey responses from 236 working adults. Research and practical implications are discussed.
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This field study examined the effect of supervisory regulation of display rules--the rules about what kind of emotion to express on the job (R. Ekman, 1992; A. Rafaeli & R. I. Sutton, 1987)--on the emotional exhaustion of subordinates. On the basis of a sample of 940 call center employees, the authors found that worker emotional exhaustion varied across supervisors within jobs, suggesting that emotion work is influenced at the supervisory, rather than job, level. Moreover, the authors found that the importance supervisors place on interpersonal job demands of their workers was positively related to worker emotional exhaustion. Worker career identity moderated the interpersonal-job-demands--emotional-exhaustion relationship, but self-efficacy did not. Study conclusions and suggestions for future research are provided.
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High rates of teachers' premature retirement initiated a research investigating their occupational burden. The aim of this study was to elaborate on and extend previous investigations exploring (1) teacher burnout and (2) the relationship between teachers' efforts and their rewards. A sample of 949 German teachers in 10 Gymnasien (grammar schools) and 79 Hauptschulen (secondary modern schools) was investigated applying the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-D) and the Effort Reward Imbalance Inventory (ERI). Compared with other studies investigating burnout in employees, we found high rates of burnout symptoms such as emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, and low personal accomplishment. Male teachers showed significantly lower personal accomplishment and more depersonalization than female teachers. With respect to school types, teachers in Hauptschulen were more often affected by emotional exhaustion and showed more depersonalization. Part-time teachers felt less personal accomplishment than full-time teachers. The ERI cut off was exceeded by 21.6% of all teachers indicating that this subgroup is affected by an imbalance between too much effort and too little reward. With respect to the ERI, significant differences were found for school types, with a higher proportion of Hauptschulen teachers being above this cut off. At present, the working situation of teachers appears to be characterized by a perceived imbalance of effort and reward and is associated with a high risk of developing burnout symptoms.
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Many school teachers suffer from stress and burnout, and perfectionism is a personality characteristic that has been associated with increased stress, maladaptive coping, and burnout. Recent findings, however, show that perfectionism has both positive and negative facets. To investigate how these facets are related to stress, coping, and burnout in teachers, a sample of 118 secondary school teachers completed multidimensional measures of perfectionism, stress appraisals, coping styles, and burnout. Multiple regression analyses showed that striving for perfection was positively related to challenge appraisals and active coping and inversely to threat/loss appraisals, avoidant coping, and burnout whereas negative reactions to imperfection were positively related to threat/loss appraisals, avoidant coping, and burnout and inversely to challenge appraisals and active coping. Perceived pressure to be perfect showed differential relationships depending on the source of pressure: Whereas pressure from students was positively related to loss appraisals and pressure from students' parents was positively related to burnout, pressure from colleagues was inversely related to threat appraisals and burnout. The findings suggest that striving for perfection and perceived pressure from colleagues do not contribute to stress and burnout in teachers, whereas negative reactions to imperfection and perceived pressure from students and students' parents may be contributing factors.
This study aims to investigate the relationship between teachers' demographic variables and burnout in Hong Kong using the Maslach Burnout Inventory. It is found that when compared with the North American normative data, Hong Kong teachers scored in the average range of burnout in emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment while they scored in the low range of burnout in depersonalization. Gender differences were found in all three burnout syndromes, and teachers who were younger, unmarried, without religious beliefs, less experienced, without finishing professional training and of junior rank were more consistently burned out. Whereas age was the strongest predictor for emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, teachers' rank is the best predictor for personal accomplishment. However, the effect of demographic characteristics of teachers on burnout is not that salient.
Self-determination theory proposes a multidimensional conceptualization of motivation comprising autonomous and controlled forms. Whereas autonomous motivation relates positively to individuals’ optimal functioning (e.g., well-being, performance), controlled motivation is less beneficial. To be able to use self-determination theory in the field of organizational behaviour, the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale was developed and tested using data from 3435 workers in seven languages and nine countries. Factorial analyses indicated that the 19-item scale has the same factor structure across the seven languages. Convergent and discriminant validity tests across the countries also indicate that the psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness as well as the theoretically derived antecedents to work motivation (e.g., leadership and job design) are predictably related to the different forms of motivation, which in turn are predictably related to important work outcomes (e.g., well-being, commitment, performance, and turnover intentions). Implications for the development of organizational research based on self-determination theory are discussed.
This study investigated the mediating effect of workplace social support on the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and teacher burnout among 307 Chinese middle school teachers. Structural equation modelling revealed a satisfactory fit between the data and our theoretical model. Workplace social support partially mediated the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and teacher burnout. Neither gender nor age moderated the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and teacher burnout. Emotional intelligence and workplace social support can protect teachers from teacher burnout. Thus, providing effective emotional intelligence training and creating supportive workplace conditions requires increased attention from education administrators.
This study utilized stepwise multiple regression analysis to examine the relationship between motivational factors and teacher perceived burnout when controlling for the background variables of age, sex, level of teaching, and years of teaching experience. Motivational factors consisted of teacher perceived security, social, esteem, autonomy, and self-actualization need deficiencies. Teacher perceived burnout was examined in terms of the frequency and intensity of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Generally, the higher level self-actualization and esteem need deficiencies explained a significant amount of the variance in burnout among teachers.
This research aims to empirically validate into the French language and for the first time the Shirom Melamed Burnout Measure (Shirom & Melamed, 2006). First proposed by its designers as an alternative to the Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach & Jackson, 1981, 1986; Maslach, Jackson, & Leiter, 1996), this new measure of professional burnout is presented as an extension of the conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989). Based on 2 samples of 203 and 214 individuals, respectively, the present study not only validates the French wording of English items but also confirms satisfactory psychometric properties of the original scale. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
There is an increasing concern about teacher factors, such as burnout or low efficacy, which have been hypothesized to influence student outcomes like achievement or discipline problems. The current study examined how burnout and efficacy relate to student disciplinary actions (e.g., referrals to the principal and suspensions) and referrals for school-based support services (e.g., student support and special education), while adjusting for school-, teacher-, and student-level variables. Data were collected during the fall and spring of a single school year from 491 teachers regarding 9,795 students at 31 elementary schools. Contrary to expectations, having low teacher efficacy in the fall was associated with a reduction in student referrals to the student support team. Also unexpectedly, teachers with high burnout in the fall were less likely to have students who received an out-of-school suspension by the spring. These findings enhance our understanding of the teacher factors that influence student outcomes and may inform the development of screenings and teacher-targeted interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
While often used in everyday exchanges, feeling vigorous at work, that is individuals’ feelings that they have physical strength, emotional energy, and cognitive liveliness, has hardly been subjected to any conceptual inquiry or empirical research. In this chapter, I pursue the following objectives: (a) to review the range of behavioral science literature in which vigor has been considered as a distinct affect; (b) based on this review, to present a conceptual framework of vigor at work; (c) to explore the antecedents of vigor and its consequences, including vigor’s possible effects on individuals’ mental and physical health, and job performance; and (d) to describe a proposed measure of vigor at work and the results of an effort to construct validate the new measure. I conclude by pointing out a few open research questions that concern the study of vigor at work.
This study focuses on burnout and its positive antipode—engagement. A model is tested in which burnout and engagement have different predictors and different possible consequences. Structural equation modeling was used to simultaneously analyze data from four independent occupational samples (total N = 1698). Results confirm the hypothesized model indicating that: (1) burnout and engagement are negatively related, sharing between 10 per cent and 25 per cent of their variances; (2) burnout is mainly predicted by job demands but also by lack of job resources, whereas engagement is exclusively predicted by available job resources; (3) burnout is related to health problems as well as to turnover intention, whereas engagement is related only to the latter; (4) burnout mediates the relationship between job demands and health problems, whereas engagement mediates the relationship between job resources and turnover intention. The fact that burnout and engagement exhibit different patterns of possible causes and consequences implies that different intervention strategies should be used when burnout is to be reduced or engagement is to be enhanced. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The primary intent of the study was to investigate the impact of particular background variables on three dimensions of burnout (Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, Personal Accomplishment) for elementary (n = 98), intermediate (n = 163), secondary (n = 162), and university (n = 219) educators. Using setwise multiple regression procedures, these variables (gender, age, marital/family status, type of student taught) were effects-coded and interpreted within an analysis of variance framework. A secondary purpose of the study was to delineate factors which educators perceive as contributing most to feelings of work-related stress. While findings revealed gender, age, and type of student taught to be the most salient, their influence varied with teaching level and specific burnout facet under study. Organizational factors related to the administration of educational institutions ranked high as a substantial contributor to feelings of stress by educators at all levels of the academic system.
The present study investigated components of school climate (i.e. parent/community relations, administration, student behavioral values) and assessed their influence on the core burnout dimensions of Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and feelings of low Personal Accomplishment. The study weighed the relative contributions of demographic factors (i.e. gender, age, years of teaching experience), teacher satisfaction, and teacher-rated school climate that predict resultant levels of teacher stress and burnout from 17 rural schools in southeastern Ohio. Results revealed that different aspects of school climate related to each of the three primary burnout dimensions. Further, the inverse relationship between school climate and burnout was mediated by teacher satisfaction levels for both Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization dimensions. Results from the present study may be used in the development of future intervention targets for reducing teacher stress and burnout.
Self-determination theory (SDT) maintains that an understanding of human motivation requires a consideration of innate psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness. We discuss the SDT concept of needs as it relates to previous need theories, emphasizing that needs specify the necessary conditions for psychological growth, integrity, and well-being. This concept of needs leads to the hypotheses that different regulatory processes underlying goal pursuits are differentially associated with effective functioning and well-being and also that different goal contents have different relations to the quality of behavior and mental health, specifically because different regulatory processes and different goal contents are associated with differing degrees of need satisfaction. Social contexts and individual differences that support satisfaction of the basic needs facilitate natural growth processes including intrinsically motivated behavior and integration of extrinsic motivations, whereas those that forestall autonomy, competence, or relatedness are associated with poorer motivation, performance, and well-being. We also discuss the relation of the psychological needs to cultural values, evolutionary processes, and other contemporary motivation theories.
Over the past 50 years, education has become more complex. The demand for quality and accountability in education had also increased. These demands have increased pressure on teachers, with the result that teaching is now regarded by teachers as highly stressful. The purpose of the study was to examine burnout among teachers in a region of Italy including the risk factors of burnout and the strategies used by teachers to prevent and deal with stress. The research was carried out on a sample of 508 teachers. The questionnaire incorporated the Maslach Burnout Inventory modified for Italian teachers--a 22 item questionnaire designed to assess the three aspects of burnout syndrome: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal achievement. The results highlight the presence of substantial levels of emotional exhaustion in a significant number of teachers. The rate of burnout among teachers is 19.7%. The data are lower than for a sample of Italy as a whole and than for European countries where rates of burnout range between 25% and 35%.
Burnout is an experience relevant not only to psychosocial professions, but also to technical work. It is predicted that in a technical profession work stressors are related to burnout and that this relationship is moderated by control at work, task requirements, and the quality of team interaction. In a sample of 180 software professionals from 29 software development projects, stressors were found to be positively related to burnout measures. Control at work, complexity at work, and openness to criticism within the team were all found to be significantly negatively related to lack of identification. Moderated regression analyses revealed that high cognitive requirements, high learning requirements, and low competition within the team enhanced the relationship between stressors and burnout.
Using a model based on Lazarus (1999) and previous research, specific relationships were predicted between the antecedent conditions of chronic stress, personal moderation factors of optimism/pessimism, and coping on the one hand, and the affective outcome of burnout on the other. Participants were 82 information service workers whose jobs required them to evaluate and remediate computer programming problems in anticipation of the Y2K deadline. Multiple regression analysis indicated that Optimism, Pessimism, Control Coping, and Escape Coping all moderated chronic stress for Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization, but not for Personal Accomplishment. Lower Optimism, higher Pessimism, lower Control Coping, and higher Escape Coping all related to increased workers' Depersonalization under conditions of higher chronic stress due to the approaching Y2K deadline. Lower Optimism and higher Pessimism were also related to higher Emotional Exhaustion under conditions of higher chronic stress due to the Y2K deadline. Beyond moderation effects, all moderator variables showed main effects with Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Personal Accomplishment in the predicted directions. Suggestions are given for incorporating results into stress relief efforts in organizations.
Burn-out Levels of Physical Education Teachers According to Personal Factors
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La qualité de vie au travail dans les lycées et collèges : le burn-out des enseignants
  • G Fotinos
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Conservation of resources: A new attempt at conceptualizing stress
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Classroom risks and resources: Teacher burn-out, classroom quality and children's adjustment in high needs elementary schools
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Burn-out bei Grundund-Hauptschullehrern-ein gesundheitliches Risiko
  • R Barth
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The Truth About Burn-out: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It
  • C Maslach
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Les déterminants et les conséquences de l'épuisement professionnel des enseignants débutants. Quels effets sur leur santé ? Quels effets sur les élèves ? Une recherche longitudinale de mars
  • N Bergugnat
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Burn-out in work organizations
  • A Shirom
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Understanding and preventing teacher burn-out: A sourcebook of international research and practice
  • R Huberman
vandenBerghe R., huBerMan A., 1999, Understanding and preventing teacher burn-out: A sourcebook of international research and practice, New York, NY, US Cambridge University Press.