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Vision weltrepublik: demokratie im zeitalter der globalisierung



A teoria da justiça política, segundo Hóffe, fundamentada na justiça comutativa, sustenta que a fundamentação das reivindicações normativas da sociedade na comunidade discursiva, como o fazem Apel e Habermas em sua ética do discurso, é apenas uma fundamentação derivada, pois a comunidade discursiva necessariamente pressupõe direitos humanos. Por sua vez, a ética do discurso argumenta que os direitos humanos só podem ser legitimados através do discurso. Este artigo mostra que o pressuposto normativo tanto para a comunidade discursiva quanto para o princípio da justiça comutativa é que todos os seres humanos são autorizados a uma partilha do mundo. Somente através desta premissa de uma justiça distributiva pode haver parceiros capazes de exercer reciprocidade e participantes do discurso que também tenham algo sobre o que tenham de decidir juntos.
... Das Modell des minimalen Weltstaats des kosmopolitischen Föderalismus(Höffe, 1999) beruht auf der Annahme, dass auf der Weltebene einige wenige Staatsfunktionen gebündelt werden. Die Aufgaben des Minimalstaats mit einem Zweikammersystem (Staatenkammer, Weltbürgerparlament) bestehen insbesondere in der Sicherung von Frieden und Menschenrechten. ...
Die GG-Theorie beschäftigt sich mit der Herausbildung einer überstaatlichen politischen Handlungsebene zur Bearbeitung gemeinsamer, vor allem globaler Problemlagen. Dieser Prozess kann distanziert beschrieben, analysiert und erklärt werden, ohne dass Beobachtende ihren Wertmaßstab explizit machen. Tatsächlich ist eine solche neutrale Haltung nicht einfach durchzuhalten, da über die Möglichkeiten und Ergebnisse von globaler Governance öffentlich und auch wissenschaftlich gestritten wird. Außerdem verbinden sich mit den verschiedenen Theorieansätzen, die Prozesse der Etablierung globaler Governance zu erklären versuchen, normative Aussagen und Implikationen. In dem nachfolgenden Kapitel wird ein Überblick über wichtige normative Hintergrundannahmen, die den Bezugsrahmen der GG-Diskussion bilden, gegeben. Dabei wird auch beleuchtet, wie im jeweiligen theoretisch-normativen Rahmen unter Governanceversagen unterschiedliche Sachverhalte thematisiert werden.
The question of a regulatory model’s normative alignment of the social market economy has been posed at regular intervals for a good 70 years. It has always reflected the effort to find a compromise, to reconcile the constant opposition between a free market and rigorous state counteraction. At the core is to weigh the exact degree to which an individual’s negative freedoms must recede in relation to a guarantee of social standards. The extent of response has varied with the structural challenges and social issues of its time. And the answer is usually based on a certain normative concept, a set of values or ethical catalogues for the sake of which and according to which the market economy is to be contained – a necessity, as will become apparent. In this chapter, the idea of human rights and its manifestations will be examined to see to what extent they are suitable as such a normative concept to guide the model of a social market economy. As a result, three main arguments will be put forward that can support such an approach. First, the supranational consensus character that underlies human rights, then the unique integration of law and morality that I call the dialectic of human rights and, finally, the idea of a third way between liberalism and social participation that is as integral to human rights as it is to the concept of the social market economy.
It is relatively easy and this experiment has also been undertaken many times to construct a direct connection between continued globalization and the worldwide advancement or decline of democracy or the preservation of democratic conditions. Internationally networked corporations, international agreements and external impairments caused by globalization (climate change, migration, etc.) have a strong and often negative impact on the life chances of many citizens in central areas of their well-being, without them or their national governments being adequately involved in the corresponding decisions, or being able to prevent them.
En el presente artículo se defiende la tesis de que existe un concepto globalizable de justicia a pesar de las diferencias culturales. Este concepto se basa en la igualdad con miras al establecimiento de un orden jurídico global democrático que garantice la administración de la justicia al interior de y entre los Estados. El artículo ofrece un marco conceptual de la posibilidad de dicho orden jurídico global democrático y de los retos y tareas a los cuales se enfrenta en su pretensión de suministrar criterios sociales y de protección del medio ambiente para la puesta en marcha de una política de desarrollo global.
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