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Our cultural and language peculiarities reflect our personalities and temperaments, roles and relations, social and ethnic identities. Most migrants consist of migrant students and workers, economic refugees, political refugees, immigrants , or executives and businessmen from different countries. Migrants from different parts of our world are obvious representatives of certain language, ethnicity, culture and other differences, which may lead to cultural and language difficulties faced by migrants as the members of a certain ethnic community. Published: Network edition "Science almanac of Black Sea region countries", №1. 2016.
UDC 314
J. A. Petrova
Rostov state university of economics. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Our cultural and language peculiarities reflect our personalities and temperaments, roles and relations, social and
ethnic identities. Most migrants consist of migrant students and workers, economic refugees, political refugees, immi-
grants, or executives and businessmen from different countries. Migrants from different parts of our world are obvious
representatives of certain language, ethnicity, culture and other differences, which may lead to cultural and language
difficulties faced by migrants as the members of a certain ethnic community.
Key words: migrants, language, culture, communication, ethnic groups.
According to UNESCO statistical data, more than half of the world’s population is
multilingual. The USA and the UK, Canada, Australian, and European counties became a part of
the international problem of refugees, racial and minority oppression and other disadvantages found
on other continents. Studying cultural and language problems faced by migrants we should emphas-
ize the unique nature of specific group characteristics, since this would lead to inappropriate de-
scriptions of ethnic or linguistic groups. Most migrants consist of migrant students and workers,
economic refugees, political refugees, immigrants, or executives and businessmen from different
countries [11, p. 132].
The culture is created as a result of cultural activities of individuals in the under-natural
reality, connected with the needs of human being in the process of adapting to social and natural
environment. B. Malinowski believed that the culture presents «instrumental reality, satisfying
human’s needs, being in the ways, far beyond the immediate adaptation to the environment. Culture
gives a person the means for expanding the possibility of his body, reliable armor, protective and
safety devices, methods of increasing the efficiency and speed in those situations, where this cannot
be achieved by means of direct physical abilities» [1, p. 21]. G. Triandis defined culture as
«material and non-material elements of the vital activities of the group, which in the past
contributed to its survival in the existing environmental niche and were used by the members of the
group for cooperation and maintenance of their territorial and socio-cultural integrity» [3, p. 43].
Within the framework of our research, we study different cultural and language problems faced by
migrants as the members of a certain ethnic community, almost in every country and region. Ethnic
migrants are those who reflect their own ethnic culture. Ethnic culture embodies traditions and
customs of their ancestors. This implies typical features of ethnic culture, such as: conservatism,
succession, definite cultural traditions. Cultural tradition – is a mechanism for maintaining and
preserving the stability of cultural norms, which serves for transmitting cultural forms from
generation to generation and strict support of such forms.
The culture for the society – is the same as the memory for the individual. In other words,
the culture includes traditions that «inform» the person that «it worked» in the past. Therefore,
ethnic culture is the traditional culture. According to the American cultural studies A. Suingewood
writes: «The culture, created by a person, is a dialogue between past and present; the field of the
memory that continues to exist in the present; the dialogue involving many different voices to be
heard, all exist in the present, helping to find the answers to other generations» [18, p. 179].
Culture is more than cultural projects or forms of representation; culture is used in its
broadest sense of shared practices which produce meaning; which can be simultaneously affirmed,
deconstructed and criticized [8]. In many western nations, culture often is ascribed the features of
being essentialist, inherited and fixed; yet sociological attention, at both the macro and micro levels
of analysis demonstrates cultures arising at particular moments in time and reflecting particular so-
cial and national developments [15, p. 84-90], while the hegemony of influential social groups in
structuring and maintaining cultures is frequently occluded [9; p. 99], [7, p. 284]. Migrant people
are the members of a complex system of movements, their actions and contributions are captures
fully by improvement of their mode of life, which may not lead to improved opportunities if mi-
grant people are refugees or asylum-seekers [6]. Immigrants cope with conflicting cultural and so-
cial norms and expectations while attempting to adjust to life in a new country [17]. Acculturation
usually refers to the process by which immigrants learn a second culture – that of the predominant
cultural group.
In many cases, for migrants both verbal and written communications are severally limited,
which lead to feelings of social isolation, uncertainty and helplessness. In most cases, migrants use
their native language as a «group language», differentiating them clearly from their surroundings.
The social use of the native language is clearly restricted: it is used in family domains and in some
cases in semipublic places, as bars, cafes and restaurants, and rarely in public ones [11, p. 133].
Language is an important channel, which transfers the way of our thinking and feeling. Through
language people express themselves and their identity, ethnicity, occupational status, gender, and
age. We are all unique with our personal communicative style, through which reflects our personali-
ties and temperaments, roles and relations, and social identities. Language marks our social status,
forms our impressions of others and marks our group boundaries [16].
A lack of understanding of the native language may cause serious problems for migrants’
word interpretation of every part of the everyday experience. That’s why it is essential not only to
speak native language of the country, but also to get the right information for avoiding social, cul-
tural and linguistic problems. Rather than viewing words as having meaning in themselves, B. Ma-
linowsky saw them as entirely relative to their context, «words modify the human organism in order
to transform physiological drives into cultural values» [12, p. 8911]. Although language by no
means guarantees cooperation among people, language is an essential precondition of collaboration.
Without language, extended cooperative human endeavors simply could not exist [14;10]. D. Krech
wrote in his book «Individual and Society» that «a language does reflect the personality of the indi-
vidual and the culture of the society, but the language in turn helps to shape that personality and
culture» [13, p. 291]. This approach was also reflected in J. Hertzler’s thesis, that there is an inde-
pendent, reflexive relationship between a community and its language. G.A. Borden adopted a sim-
ilar approach of «independence». According to his words: «The language differences reflect cultur-
al differences, and, since language controls thought processes to some extent there are obviously
differences in patterns of thinking from one culture to another [4; p. 220]. It means that a language
is a creation of the special needs and circumstances of a community, but it also in turn sustains the
community, preserving its unique identity. At the same time «culture – is a way of life» [5, p. 163].
By H. D. Brown «culture – is deeply rooted in every cell of our being, but the language – is a means
of communication among the members of the culture, which is the most visible and available form
of the culture. And so a person's ideology, self-identity and persuasion, actions, feelings, and
communication process may be destroyed by changings from one culture to another» [5, p. 170].
The concept of communication has recently acquired a philosophical status, it can be found in
almost each dictionary of modern philosophers. The problem of the field, in which the topic of the
communication-culture is presented, is quite heterogeneous. Suffice it to say that the issues related
to the study of communication, in fact are discussed in the research works on communication,
dialogue, philosophy of language and speech, logic, rhetoric, semiotics, cybernetics, theory of
discourse analysis, psychology, etc. [2].
Communication and understanding between people marked the beginning in an age of the
culture. From the very beginning, people were involved in the social contexts of different degrees of
complexity. Communication guarantees continuity in the development of the culture. It is obvious
that the communication process is reasonably necessary for the forming of the society, in order to
achieve understanding and cooperation between its members, where migrants are one of the most
important elements of the cultural interaction process [2]. Different migrants from different parts of
our world are obvious representatives of certain cultural and language peculiarities. Getting into a
new socio-cultural system, they either refuse their cultural values and language norms, dissolving in
it (assimilated), or form their own community (in language, cultural, religious, or ethnic
differences), which may lead to different cultural and language problems faced by migrants as the
members of a certain ethnic community.
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8. Gilroy P. Postcolonial Melancholia. Colombia University Press, N-Y., 2010.
9. Gramsci A. Selections from Cultural Writings. Harvard University Press, 1985.
10. Hertzler J. O. The Sociology of Language. New York: Random House, 1965.
11. Jahr E. H., Language Contact: Theoretical and Empirical Studies. Mouton de Gruyter, Ber-
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14. Malinowski B. Dynamics of Culture Change. Yale, 1945.
15. McGuigan, J. Cultural analysis. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2009.
16. Petrova Y. A., Podporina A. A. The main theories in the field of communication and the se-
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17. Rhodes S. D., Hergenrather, K.C. Zometa, C. Lindstrom, K., Montaño, J. Characteristics of
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18. Suingewood A. Cultural theory and the problem of modernity. N.-Y., 1998.
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1. Малиновский Б. Культура // Культурология XX век. Дайджест. IV. М.,1998.
2. Петрова Ю.А. Язык в субкультурах молодежи как набор коммуникативных и семио-
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3. Триандис Г. К. Культура и социальное поведение. М., 2007.
4. Borden G. A. Speech Behavior and Human Interaction. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall,
5. Brown H. D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall Regents, 1994.
6. Brownless L., Finch N. Leveling the playing field, 2010. ULR:
7. Dobson D., Dobson K. S. Evidence-Based Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Debo-
rah Dobson and Keith S. Dobson London: Guilford Press, 2009.
8. Gilroy P. Postcolonial Melancholia. Colombia University Press, N-Y., 2010.
9. Gramsci A. Selections from Cultural Writings. Harvard University Press, 1985.
10. Hertzler J. O. The Sociology of Language. New York: Random House, 1965.
11. Jahr E. H., Language Contact: Theoretical and Empirical Studies. Mouton de Gruyter, Ber-
lin- New York, 1992.
12. Jones L. Encyclopedia of religion, Vol. 13, Macmillan Reference USA, 2005.
13. Krech D., et al. Individual and Society. Publisher: Kogakusha Company, 1962.
14. Malinowski B. Dynamics of Culture Change. Yale, 1945.
15. McGuigan, J. Cultural analysis. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2009.
16. Petrova Y. A., Podporina A. A. The main theories in the field of communication and the se-
lection of words in our language, according to our cultural background // News of Science &
Education, England, 2016.
17. Rhodes S. D., Hergenrather, K.C. Zometa, C. Lindstrom, K., Montaño, J. Characteristics of
immigrant Latino men who utilize formal healthcare services in rural North Carolina: Base-
line findings from the Hombres Study. Journal of the American Medical association, 100
(10), 2008.
18. Suingewood A. Cultural theory and the problem of modernity. N.-Y., 1998.
19. Ten Y.P., Gudakov V.V. Symbols of the regional culture of the North Caucasus // Научный
альманах стран Причерноморья. 2015. № 2.
March, 3, 2016
... The Armenian Apostolic Church annually celebrates the Presentation of Christ or Tjarnendarach (meeting with the Creator) on the 40th day after the Epiphany, on the 14th of February. The Armenian Church celebrates the Epiphany as a single holiday of Christmas and the Epiphany on the 6th of January [7]. ...
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The article reveals the concepts of "religiosity" and "Armenian religious identity" in modern Armenia, some examples of the Armenian national religion. In particular, the traditions of Armenian apostolic Christianity and its folk versions, expressed in religious holidays and rites, are considered. Armenians are one of the oldest peoples of the world, the documentary history of which dates back about three millennia and Armenia was the first country where Christianity was proclaimed as a state religion. For such a long time, the people have repeatedly experienced tragic periods of their history, and periods of unprecedented heyday, and creative work. The national features of the character of Armenians usually include hard work, determination, energy, resilience, entrepreneurship. They have a special addiction to teaching and crafts, respect for written culture, devotion to their language, home and family. This people is characterized by irascibility and self-love, combined with good-natured peacefulness, hospitality, love of music and subtle humor; they are easily appeased. At the same time, Armenians are characterized by developed individualism, unwillingness to submit to anyone, this allowed them to preserve their culture and religion, which have been vividly embodied in the customs and traditions of religious and secular character of this ethnic group and which are significant to this day.
... One of the main factors is the weak social protection of migrant workers or its absence. Getting into a new socio-cultural system, they either refuse their cultural values and language norms, dissolving in it (assimilated), or form their own community (in language, cultural, religious, or ethnic differences), which may lead to different cultural and language problems faced by migrants as the members of a certain ethnic community [7], these factors may easily be the cause of great problem in finding a well-paid job for them. The decisive motivation for employment is not work according to profession, but an opportunity to earn, so the migrant workers agree to non-prestigious, harmful and hard work. ...
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The article deals with the main flows, directions of international migration of labor, shows the statistics , the scale of migration in the world. This phenomenon is inevitable for the modern world, with immigration and emigration facing almost every country, so this topic is very relevant. The article also presents the countries that are the leaders of international migration. Migration, like any other phenomenon, has both positive and negative consequences for many countries. The negative side of migration cannot be excluded, but its negative manifestations can be smoothed out.
The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of culture and communication in the social life of Iran and Turkey. In the study, the prominent aspects, which Iranian migrants experience the culture and communication in social life, were examined. Also, the most prominent issues in Turkish and Iranian culture for Iranian immigrants were tried to be determined. In this context, Iranian immigrants living in Turkey were reached by using snowball sampling, and Zaltman’s ZMET Technique is used in the study. According to this technique, in-depth interviews were made with 10 Iranian immigrants living in Turkey. The contents of the interviews were transferred to the virtual environment as a text and specific codes were determined via content analysis. As a result of this analysis, a consensus map was created. Consequently, it is seen that Iranian immigrants explain Iranian culture through the Nowruz festival, family, Iranian dishes and desserts, historical symbols, religious symbols, and they describe Turkish culture through Atatürk, Turkish flag, family, city, and social life. The participants mention that Iran is in a global war and therefore, they explain the country mostly in red color. The cultural codes and red, blue, green, and beige colors are emphasized for Turkey.
Bu çalışmada mülteci ve sığınmacıların girişim kapasitelerinin artırılmasında eğitimin rolü ve önemini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Türkiye, Norveç, Yunanistan, İtalya ve Avusturya ülkelerinde toplam 286 mülteci ve sığınmacı ile anket yapılmıştır. Mülteci ve sığınmacıların %21.0’inin bir iş kurma, iş bulma çabası veya girişimleri başarı ile sonuçlanmıştır. Katılımcıların eğitim seviyeleri arttıkça iş deneyimleri de artmaktadır. Lisans ve lisansüstü düzeyde eğitim alanların %85.0’inin iş deneyimi bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Mülteci ve sığınmacıların girişimcilik kapasitelerinin artırılması için; iş kurarken ihtiyaç duyulan finansman kaynakları, bu kaynaklara ulaşım yolları, girişimcilikte yasal düzenlemeler, girişimcilikte destek sağlayan kuruluşlar ve işletmenin sürdürülebilirliği konularında yüz yüze ve online eğitimler düzenlenebilir.
При общении людей коммуникационный процесс помогает найти психологическое сближение посредством вербального или невербального общения, отражая ценностно-смысловое пространство разных культур. Коммуникация рассматривается не только как условие человеческого суще-ствования, но и как средство формирования и развития социального опыта и принадлежности к той или иной культуре. Аксиологический подход к культуре является методологическим стержнем, позволяющим исследовать проблему ценности людей в культуре в контексте других (лингвокультуро-логического, семиотического, когнитивного) подходов. Язык, как вербаль-ный, так и не вербальный, всегда вырабатывает некоторые материальные и духовные ценности, которые по определению понятия отражают суть его культуры. Монография адресуется научным работникам, аспирантам, препода-вателям высшей школы и студентам.
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The problems of intercultural competence are considered, which allow a person to respect other people, effectively and properly interact and collaborate with people in situations where cultural “otherness” and differences are significant. It analyzes issues that allow individuals to act as “intermediaries” among people of different cultural affiliations, interpret and explain different points of view without giving up their own identifications. Interculturalism contributes to the prosperity of cultural diversity, as it allows people to appreciate and respect the different cultural perspectives of others without sacrificing their own. It is necessary to improve interculturalism that respects existing cultural ties and does not pose a threat to humanity.
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Ecology of culture is the youngest of the cultural sciences, which meaning until recently was regarded as intuitively clear and not requiring special analysis. In the situation of understanding of the harmful effects of industrial civilization, ecological culture that manifests itself as a result of human understanding of unity of man and nature, as "a body of knowledge, skills, moral norms and values transmitted from generation to generation in education and training may be considered especially significant. Ecology of culture of the North Caucasus is a profound spiritual formation, based on the solid socio-historical foundation. cultural-environmental, cultural-creative activities of the North Caucasus creates human ability for transformation not only of nature, society and himself in correlation with basic anthropological values, which form the basis of cultural consciousness. Ecological culture requires constant study of the dynamics and transformation of this phenomenon due to new processes in the modern world, even more raising the significance and value of this phenomenon. In this connection there was a need for a multi-ethnic concept of modern development of ecological culture of the peoples of the North Caucasus to save for descendants the main factors of life support. At the present time the nations of the North Caucasus return to the historical past and want to experience a continuity of the ethnic past. This urge has arisen as a result of violations at some stage of the historical development of the peoples of the North Caucasus of balance between continuity and discontinuity which resulted the need for a modern collective identity. Among the main problems of the North Caucasus region, this can be described as eco-cultural issues there are several significant problems which solutions in the short term are very important for the development among the people of the North Caucasus. One of the main threats to cultural heritage-thriving in the North Caucasus "black archeology", which means illegal excavations at archaeological sites in order to extract artifacts for economic gain. Equally important, but considered a traditional problem for the North Caucasus region is the destruction of monuments of archeology and history in new construction. Along with these cultural problems of ecology, it is also essential to mention that the Caucasian peoples are no exception and problems that are specific for the whole of Russia also relevant and important for them. In a situation of ecocentrism humanity faced a problem of a choice of "construc-tion" of a new model of society based on a culture of ecology as the idea of an equal status of all forms of theoretical experience of mankind. Ecology of Culture acts as the dominant factor of providing balance in the relationship between man and nature, man and society, man and civilization, regulating socio-natural relations linking nature and culture, ensuring the preservation of the cultural heritage, spiritual and moral life of man. As a result, cultural-environmental, cultural-creative activities of the North Caucasus creates human ability for transformation not only of nature, society and himself in correlation with basic anthropological values, which form the basis of cultural consciousness. The culture for the society-is the same as the memory for the individual. In other
Despite the burgeoning immigrant Hispanic/Latino community in the southeastern United States, little is known about the utilization of healthcare services by this population. We sought to identify demographic, behavioral and psychosocial characteristics of immigrant Hispanic/Latino men who report utilizing formal healthcare services. Using an interviewer-administered assessment, data were collected from a random sample of members of a multicounty adult Latino men's soccer league in North Carolina. Of the 222 participants, the mean (+/-SD) age was 29.8 +/-8.3, with a range of 18-71 years. More than half of the sample reported Mexico as their country of origin and grade < or =8 as their highest level of education. The mean length of time living in the United States was 8.8 (+/- 7.6) years. An increased likelihood of reporting having ever utilized formal healthcare services associated with decreased perceived barriers to utilization, increased acculturation, increased adherence to traditional notions of masculinity and increased coping. Effective strategies to increase the utilization of formal healthcare services among Hispanic/Latino men may include diffusing information about the availability of services and how to access services and linking healthcare utilization with positive aspects of what it means to be a man.
Culture // Culture study. XX century
  • B Malinovsky
Malinovsky B. Culture // Culture study. XX century. Didgest. IV. M., 1998.