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The Role of Homeschooling in the Modern Era



This study aims to determine the education of Homeschooling and how the role of Homeschooling in today’s digital era. This is a literature study. Parents today are increasingly aware that they are able to develop models of adjusted to the child’s character, and the child’s psychological state. Homeschooling as a substitute for formal education. Homeschooling is the hope of parents to provide education that is able to develop religious and moral values in children and provide a comfortable learning atmosphere for children.
International Conference on Meaningful Education
Volume 2019
Conference Paper
The Role of Homeschooling in the Modern Era
Ajeng Apriliana Nur Icmi and Yoyon Suryono
Postgraduate of Yogyakarta State University
This study aims to determine the education of Homeschooling and how the role of
Homeschooling in today’s digital era. This is a literature study.Parents today are
increasingly aware that they are able to develop models of adjusted to the child’s
character, and the child’s psychological state. Homeschooling as a substitute for
formal education. Homeschooling is the hope of parents to provide education that
is able to develop religious and moral values in children and provide a comfortable
learning atmosphere for children.
Keywords: Homeschooling, Modern Era
1. Introduction
Every parent wants quality education, education that can improve ability, inculcate moral
values and education that has a fun learning atmosphere for children. However this is
often not found in the implementation of Education in formal institutions. Often formal
schools are oriented towards the end result of lessons instead of promoting life skills
and social skills. The child will strive to get good grades in various ways even if they
have to cheat. Plus many cases of bullying in children by friends who are superior in
various things that cause children to become depressed and lost spirit to go to school.
Parents today are increasingly aware that they need learning alternatives that are
able to develop learning models adjusted to the child’s character, and the child’s
psychological state. This condition is more complete when the government does not
give serious attention to solve the problems of education, especially to provide a
meaningful subsidy for education. In fact, education has a very big role in determining
the progress of a nation. It is natural that every parent wants his children to have quality
education, embedded faith and moral values good, and fun learning atmosphere. Often
these things are not found in public schools. Given the formal school as an institution is
not perfect, then alternative education is needed that pays attention to children’s rights
to education. Complaint about school conditions are far from expectations parents
bring up issues that are relatively new to alternative formal education as we know, is
the home school (Homeschooling). The idea came from parents to ”educate” their
How to cite this article:Ajeng Apriliana Nur Icmi and Yoyon Suryono, (2019), “The Role of Homeschooling in the Modern Era” in International
Conference on Meaningful Education, KnE Social Sciences, pages 511–518. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i17.4678 Page 511
Corresponding Author:
Ajeng Apriliana Nur Icmi
Received: 2 May 2019
Accepted: 19 June 2019
Published: 3 July 2019
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Ajeng Apriliana Nur Icmi and
Yoyon Suryono. This article is
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permits unrestricted use and
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Selection and Peer-review under
the responsibility of the ICMEd
Conference Committee.
children at home in a school institution called Homeschooling or also known as the
term independent school, or home education or home based learning (Susilo, 2009).
Homeschooling (home school) is getting more and more interesting more and more
parents are practicing this model education. They feel, school model education is
actually a lot of failing than success. Their children are not growing rapidly in line with
expectations. Only a handful of schools can be said to successfully educate children
in intellectual, emotional, vocational and spiritual matters.The school approach is legal-
formal, structural. And impressed to force, make the students feel depressed , so they
can not serve a learning program with fun, passion and full of love.
2. Literature Review
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and
learning process so that learners actively develop their potential to have spiritual power
of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skill which is
needed by him, society, nation and state (article 1, paragraph 1 of the Law on National
Education System number 20 of 2003). The definition of education as stated in the
above Sisdiknas Law reflects that the educational process should prioritize the active
role of learners which means that the educational process should make learners as the
subject of the curriculum, not just the curriculum object. Every child should be given
the right and opportunity to determine what is best for him. This implies that education
should pay attention to the interests and needs of students in choosing and determining
the curriculum that will be lived as a provision of life necessary to carve the future of
himself, his community, his nation and his country.
Etymologically, homeschooling is English which consists of the word home and
school. In the English dictionary, homeschooling is a verb form , homeschooling is
to instruct (an pupil, for example) in an educational program outside of established
schools, especially in the home.Homeschooling means guiding (eg: a disciple) in
educational programs outside of public schools, in particular held at home. Although
it is called homeschooling does not mean the child is learning in the home continu-
ously. But children can learn anywhere and anytime from the situation and conditions
as comfortable and fun as being at home.
Many terms are used to refer to homeschooling. The terms of homeschooling
include home education and home-based learning (home-based learning) / home-
based education (home-based education). According to Alberta Education Organiza-
tion (2010: 3 ), home education is when parent has decided to retain responsibility for
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educating the child. Understanding home education also comes from Education and
Community Services, ACT: 2001 which explains that home education is defined here as
the education provided or directed by parents who use their home as a base to organize
their children’s learning, or attendance at specialist classes run by various professionals
and includes the use of community resources.Home education is education for children
held at home, unlike public schools either public / private, this type of education
is usually implemented with emphasis on the role of parents or mentors. While the
definition of home-based education can be described by a). a commitment for parents
to educate their own children, b). family-based education and usually parents as leaders
(but sometimes students as well as leaders), c). an atmosphere conducive to achieving
independence, d). generally are not in a conventional classroom setting and not in an
institution. The various terms used to denote the meaning of homeschooling is not a
matter for debate, because all that matters is the essence of the same meaning .
Today the world has entered the modern era where all the things that humans do
is facilitated by the technology. In the digital age, human life in color with various
to hopefully. Things look difficult maybe even impossible on do in the past lum it is
now real. The conveniences that exist thanks to this digital technology has influenced
human behavior . Parents’ closeness to children will decrease, so children will feel no
longer need the attention of parents. It is reasonable to say that being a parent today is
not easy, because society has undergone a change, a change that brings new values
that are sometimes very different from the values taught by parents in the past. This is
where the role of the family in helping the child’s development towards the positive.
See it now homeschooling has become one form of phenomenal alternative edu-
cation with an emphasis to accommodate the potential of intelligence possessed by
children maximally that can not be separated from the role of the family and lead the
child’s behavior toward the positive yag amid technological and social progress in this
modern era. The emergence of homeschooling as an alternative education becomes
the answer to public unrest towards child education today as in formal education. There
are many limitations in providing individualized guidance and study services to children
as learners. In addition, classical learning often causes learners to have learning barriers
that are lack of intensive attention from educators. The enactment of a set of rules
that are very binding for students, the application of discipline is too rigid, and the
atmosphere of learning is too formal without unwittingly often burdening and memasung
creativity of learners. In addition, the existence of competition among learners also
causes some learners to feel depressed so that the child is more viewed as a learning
obligation and burden not as a necessity.
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Selection of homeschooling Education is based on the number of parents who are
dissatisfied with the system and outcomes in formal education encourages parents to
educate children at home, as is the case in the study of Syafina Hanum (2013: 4) there are
several reasons why many parents in Indonesia especially in Jakarta choose schools
home, not a few parents who feel disappointed with today’s education system.from
the frequent turn of the curriculum, violence in schools, students are required to do
homework that is not small, school hours are long. Like the story in San Francisco,
an estimated 40 percent of middle school-age girls are of Pakistani and other Muslim
countries, schools on homeschooling basis. Many Muslim parents refuse to comment
when asked why they choose homeschooling for their children. Most of them say, Muslim
children who choose homeschooling are often accused of being religiously extreme-
minded children. ”There is a tendency that those who are homeschooled are anti-social
fanatics who don’t want their children to be in the system, ”said Nabila Hanson. In fact,
nowadays, parents in America regardless of their religious or cultural background, tend
to choose homeschooling for their sons and daughters, because they want to avoid
social diseases such as drug addiction, which are considered to be transmitted from
relationships in public schools. Herald Tribune site, Wednesday edition (26/3) states, the
number of American children who study on the basis of homeschooling continues to
increase. At present the number reaches one to two million children. (www.eramuslim.
com, 2008). Therefore there are two reasons parents in America choose homeschooling
for their children. That is the reason for the system at school and religious reasons. Some
of these reasons can be seen in the following figure:
DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i17.4678 Page 514
So it can be concluded that parents choose Homeschooling because of the many
cases of violence in schools, the development of technology that can affect child
behavior, and distrust of parents to the school curriculum.
3. Results and Discussion
Homeschooling in the modern era can be used as a parental consideration in choosing
education for children. According to Ari Tri Winarno ( 2016: 48) The advantages of
homeschooling compared with Formal Education are: (a) Learning can be tailored
to the needs of children and family conditions. (b) Learning activities can be more
focused. (c) Promote self-learning patterns. (d) Maximizing the potential of the child and
following the time standards set by home schooling, (e) The conformity of the growth
in the value of the child with the family is relatively protected from exposure to deviant
values and association, (f) The cost of education is adjusted to the situation of the
parents. (g) Moral Learning can be taught directly by parents. (h) Prevent bullying in
formal schools. While the shortcomings of Homeschooling are: (a) Need a commitment
from parents to teach things to children. (b) The socialization of children to peers is
relatively low. (c) Children do not get heterogeneous associations. (d) Dependence on
parents. (e) The development of the child’s personality will automatically be delayed.
From the description above it can be seen the advantages of homeschooling edu-
cation include:
1. The process of teaching and learning will be able to create a more pleasant
atmosphere and will create students more creative and independent, they are
more free to express their works and make them not dependent on others, because
basically learners have the tendency and basic needs to develop their potential
as much as possible. A teacher or parent is only accompanying, guiding and
facilitating the child to learn so that the learning process is fully tailored to the
needs of the child (humanist education).
2. Children who get homeschooling education will be ready to plunge in the real
world, because the learning process based on everyday activities that exist in
the surrounding, protected from association deviate, meaning there is a confor-
mity of the child’s growth with family. Relatively protected from straying values
and associations (brawl, drugs, consumerism, pornography, cheating and so on).
3. Economically, the cost of education can adjust to the family’s financial condition.
DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i17.4678 Page 515
4. Flexible means it can be implemented anywhere, the process of determining the
curriculum yag can be selected by the parents as a teacher allows homeschoolers
to adjust their need and demand.
5. Lesson subjects studied are more applicable in real life so as to provide a more
qualified provision for the success of children in community life.
6. Make children independent. In homeschooling education, it is the child who deter-
mines what subjects will be studied. Thus, the child will be more responsible and
independent. In this case, the teacher or tutor functions only as a companion when
the child has difficulty. Teachers or tutors also position themselves not as teachers
but as friends learn.
7. Helps children grow more, understand themselves and their role in the real world
with freedom of expression, reject or agree on certain values without having to be
afraid to get a reproach from friends or less value.
8. Can maximizes the potential of children early without having to follow the usual
time standard set in public schools, for example for children who work as athletes
or artist artists;
But behind the benefits and advantages, the application of homeschooling is certainly
not separated from the various problems that accompany it, as well as formal school
education that has problems and limitations, then so is the case with homeschooling
education. Weaknesses in homeschooling Education are:
1. Limited knowledge of teachers / parents. Parent as teacher or tutor. In prac-
tice homeschooling plays an important role in the achievement of educational
goals. The determination and preparation of the education system and curriculum
is the responsibility of the parents. Indeed, there are no standard rules on the
curriculum and education systems adopted in home schools, but the use of an
established curriculum will also lead to difficulties in achieving desired educational
2. Children who study in homeschooling are less likely to interact with peers from
different social statuses that can provide a valuable experience for learning to live
in society. Because in many situations homeschooling children rarely meet and
gather with peers. . Though associating is an important requirement for school-
age children .
3. Homeschooling can isolate learners from unpleasant realities in the future so they
can affect individual development.
DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i17.4678 Page 516
4. Does not train the spirit of competing. Yet every time humans must compete to
be the best, in a manner that is polite and honorable. While School is a typical
learning place that can train children to compete.
5. Intercourse is limited . Limitations get along primarily with peer-group. Limitations
of association with various people who are socially heterogeneous, can make
children ”afraid” and giddy in the association in society in general
6. T eam-work is weak Because accustomed to self-study, it is very possible to make
children not used to work together , not quickly can work team-work. Unstructured
homeschoolers interact as in formal schools and thus have relatively little team-
work skills.
7. Has no leadership soul. Homeschoolers find it difficult to be leaders because they
rarely have a chance to lead, especially to lead in groups of children of their age.
8. Less survive. The lack of interaction with peers from different economic and social
strata makes homeschoolers lose the opportunity to gain valuable experience to
adapt and survive in society.
9. The child has no independence and confidence. Because of the dominant inter-
action with parents, homeschooling children are accustomed to feeling complete
parental protection. It brings the side effects that can reduce the independence
of children.
10. I miss the good times of school . K ehilangan opportunity mingle and join a peer-
group school team, for example, sports teams, student council team, PMR team,
team Paskibraka, Cheerleader.Homeschoolers miss the beautiful school days
11. Expensive Cost. The inability of parents to master the subject matter, so it must
bring a tutor. Or want to join the community homeschooling, which charges the
community to participants. That means adding costs
Homeschooling is an alternative choice of education for parents in improving the
quality of education, developing the value of faith (religion), and want a more enjoyable
learning atmosphere. On theother hand , there is a public school that provides teaching
materials and curriculum centrally and uniformly, in accordance with the expectations
and needs of children. Both homeschooling and public schools (formal education) both
have advantages and disadvantages in delivering students to achieve educational
goals. About the choice of both, all submitted to parents and family according to family
conditions. Because after all every parent knows which is best for the future life of the
DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i17.4678 Page 517
4. Conclusion
Today The World has entered the modern era where all the things that humans do
is facilitated by the technology. The conveniences that exist thanks to this digital
technology has influenced human behavior.Homeschooling has become one form of
phenomenal alternative education with an emphasis to accommodate the potential of
intelligence possessed by children maximally that can not be separated from the role of
the family and direct the child’s behavior toward the positive yag amid technological and
social progress in this modern era. homeschooling is an educational or learning system
that is held in homes popularized as an alternative education that is based in a family
atmosphere and puts children as subjects with at home approach . That means adding
costs . Homeschooling is an alternative choice of education for parents in improving the
quality of education, developing the value of faith (religion), and want a more enjoyable
learning atmosphere.
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DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i17.4678 Page 518
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Publikace zaměřená na profesi školního speciálního pedagoga je dílem autorského kolektivu z katedry speciální pedagogiky Pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy. Hlavní část publikace prezentuje poznatky z výzkumu zaměřeného na role školních speciálních pedagogů v základních školách hlavního vzdělávacího proudu a na popis dílčích forem podpory, které školní speciální pedagogové zajišťují u žáků se zdravotním postižením. Výzkum byl realizován kombinovanou formou – v kvantitativní části byla data získána od 439 školních speciálních pedagogů prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření; v kvalitativní části probíhaly ohniskové skupiny a individuální rozhovory se 67 školními speciálními pedagogy. Prezentace dat z výzkumu dokládá, že v rámci přímé podpory žáků školní speciální pedagogové nejvíce pracují s žáky se specifi ckými poruchami učení, dále pak s žáky s narušenou komunikační schopností, s náročným chováním, se sociálním znevýhodněním, s odlišným mateřským jazykem, s lehkým mentálním postižením a s poruchami autistického spektra. V těchto a dalších skupinách žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami školní speciální pedagogové uplatňují různé formy podpory, včetně realizace individuální výuky v tzv. předmětu speciálně pedagogické péče a zajištění pomůcek pro žáky. V rámci inkluzivního vzdělávání je důležitou součástí práce školních speciálních pedagogů i podpora žáků bez diagnostikovaných speciálních vzdělávacích potřeb a žáků nadaných, stejně jako poradenství poskytované ostatním pedagogickým pracovníkům a rodičům žáků. Na datech z výzkumu publikace poukazuje na velký význam profese školních speciálních pedagogů v rozvoji inkluzivního vzdělávání, na potřebu dalšího rozvoje pregraduálního vzdělávání těchto pracovníků a také na potřebu dalšího navyšování úvazků školních speciálních pedagogů v základních školách hlavního vzdělávacího proudu.
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b>Wprowadzenie . Edukacja domowa stanowi alternatywę dla kształcenia szkolnego. Jej fundamentalnym założeniem jest nieuczęszczanie dzieci na lekcje w szkole i nauczanie ich przez rodziców w domu. Obecnie można wskazać na szeroki wachlarz możliwości realizowania edukacji domowej. Cel . Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na różnorodne formy, jakie dzisiaj może przybierać edukacja domowa dzieci, i opisanie działalności edukacyjnej jednej z poznańskich fundacji, która w ramach tworzonych „mikroklas” prowadzi zajęcia dla dzieci realizujących obowiązek szkolny poza szkołą. Materiał i metody . W pracy wykorzystano metodę analizy oraz syntezy źródeł literaturowych. Wyniki . Idea edukacji poza szkołą zyskuje wśród rodziców na popularności, a postęp technologiczny oraz zmiany społeczne pozwalają na różnorodne formy jej realizowania. Doskonałym przykładem jest działalność Fundacji ParoKrok, która prowadzi zajęcia dla dzieci w edukacji domowej na poziomie szkoły podstawowej zgodnie z podstawą programową Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki. Organizacja ta realizuje edukację przygotowującą dzieci do rocznych egzaminów klasyfikacyjnych, wykorzystując metodę projektową, polegającą na łączeniu elementów różnych przedmiotów. Stawia także na relacje i rozwój zainteresowań uczniów. Wnioski . Edukacja domowa, na którą coraz częściej decydują się rodzice, może przynieść wiele korzyści, szczególnie dla dzieci i ich osiągnięć. Dlatego też warto poszerzać społeczny i polityczny dyskurs o edukacji domowej. Organizacje pozarządowe i ich odpowiednie działania mogą być wsparciem dla rodzin w edukacji domowej. Projekt edukacyjny Fundacji ParoKrok, skierowany do uczniów w edukacji domowej, stanowi tego ciekawy i wartościowy przykład.
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Straipsnyje analizuojamas ugdymo(si) šeimoje proceso organizavimas Lietuvoje. Pasirinkta aprašomoji reiškinio tyrinėjimo prieiga, taikant iš dalies struktūrizuotos turinio (angl. content) analizės metodiką. Straipsnio tikslas – išryškinti ugdymosi šeimoje sampratos ir proceso teisinio reglamentavimo diskusinius klausimus. Išanalizavus teisės aktus, darytina išvada, kad dokumentuose stokojama aiškaus ugdymo(si) šeimoje proceso dedamųjų reglamentavimo.
... Doctorate study [12] has conducted on the educational dropout and negligence of Orang Asli concluded the reason of educational reform policies failure and Orang Asli lack of interested and dropout from the mainstream schooling. Homeschooling is informal, unstructured education which is completely coordinated and supervised by parents during the mainstream school schedules [13][14][15]. This form of education is temporary or an alternative to the formal education provided by the government or even private educational institutions. ...
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In realizing the vision “education for all”, the educational development of the Orang Asli children remains a great challenge. Although various initiatives have been implemented by the government of Malaysia, there are still high attrition rates among Orang Asli children in school. Instructional programmes and educational initiatives in schools have been designed for mainstream education and tend to disregard the traditional assimilation of the Orang Asli culture. This may be the reason for the rejection of the mainstream school system among the Orang Asli communities. This study purpose is to determine future allocation of resources compare with presently available to develop home based education program as an alternative education system for Orang Asli to meet their basic needs.
The origins of homeschooling can be traced back to the ideas of John Holt, an educational theorist and advocate of school reform in the 1970s, who argued that schools created an oppressive emotional environment and that education at schools aimed to make children’s achievements meet the standards required of compliant employees. Homeschooling is understood as an independent way of organising a form of individual learning, when the child is educated in a family and community environment using a variety of learning tools and environments. The number of homeschooled children is growing, and more and more parents are becoming interested in this form of education and in the legal aspects of its regulation. This article analyses the case of Lithuania. The aim of the article is to answer the questions of how homeschooling of children is organised and what functions parents perform in homeschooling. The qualitative research approach was chosen to analyse the experiences of parents homeschooling their children and to identify the functions of parents as educators.
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Durante la primera mitad de 2021, en pleno confinamiento debido a la pandemia por COVID-19, se impartió la cátedra “Desarrollo de Educación Artística”. Esta asignatura forma parte del programa de estudio de la licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación con especialidad en Educación Básica de la Universidad Católica de El Salvador. Curricularmente la asignatura está diseñada originalmente para ser impartida de forma presencial, y tuvo que ser transformada metodológicamente para ser impartida por completo en un formato virtual utilizando la plataforma Moodle. Utilizando esta oportunidad, se llevó a cabo una investigación acción para registrar la experiencia educativa desde el punto de vista del docente, y para corroborar la efectividad de las técnicas didácticas que se utilizaron para desarrollar este programa educativo. La experiencia docente se comenzó a registrar desde la elaboración del plan de trabajo (syllabus), hasta la implementación y evaluación de las actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
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ملخص: هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن درجة إسهام مصادر التعلم بالنهوض الأكاديمي، والرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية، والفروق فيها تبعًا لمتغيرات الجنس، والمرحلة العمرية، ومكان السكن لدى عينة تكونت من (2659) طالبًا وطالبة تم اختيارهم بالطريقة المتيسرة من المرحلة الأساسية في المدارس الحكومية الأردنية، خلال الفصل الأول من العام الدراسي 2020/2019. ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة، تم تطبيق ثلاثة مقاييس: مصادر التعلم، والنهوض الأكاديمي، والرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية. أظهرت النتائج أن المتوسطات الحسابية للإناث أعلى منها للذكور على مصادر (التعلم الذاتي، ومنصة درسك المتلفزة، والتواصل مع المعلم) والنهوض الأكاديمي، والرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية، وأن المتوسطات الحسابية لدى الأطفال على مصادر(التعلم الأسري، والتواصل مع المعلم) كانت أعلى منها لدى المراهقين، في حين كانت المتوسطات الحسابية على مصادر(التعلم الذاتي، والدروس الخصوصية) ومستوى النهوض الأكاديمي لدى المراهقين أعلى منها للأطفال، وبينت النتائج أن المتوسطات الحسابية على مصادر التعلم، والنهوض الأكاديمي، والرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية كانت لدى الأطفال والمراهقين من سكان المخيم هي الأعلى. وأخيرًا، أظهرت النتائج أن مصادر التعلم، والمرحلة العمرية فسرت ما نسبته (55.9%) من التباين في مستوى النهوض الأكاديمي، و(59.1%) في الرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية. ومن أبرز توصيات الدراسة ضرورة تقديم الرعاية الأكاديمية والنفسية المناسبة لطلبة التعلم عن بعد.
The article examines the issue of alternative education in the United States as one of the innovative forms of education, which emerged due to a number of factors, including political, economic, social and cultural transformations constantly occurring in the world. These transformations have an effect on the educational environment by contributing to the emergence of non-traditional approaches, new educational forms, and alter parents` views on the education of their children. Changes in the organization of the society, global pandemics, and wars urge parents to seek solutions to the educational problems of their children, because they face new challenges which require immediate response and a new vision to solve them. Acquiring quality education requires an individual approach to each student. However, due to certain students’ characteristics (low level of productivity and mental activity, emotional and behavioral disorders etc.), there is a need in additional teachers and parents’ support. The search for the effective means to promote the development of a student’s personality and expand their knowledge, skills, abilities remains relevant today. Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic scientific and pedagogical literature, the essence of the alternative education is determined, the periodization of its formation and the differences between traditional and alternative education in the United States are substantiated. It is argued that the main stages of the alternative education development are: fragmentary, unified, progressive and universal, exploratory, innovational-reformist and reformist. The content of the concept “alternative school” as a form of alternative education implementation in pedagogical practice is presented in historical and contemporary contexts along with the typology of American alternative schools described by M. A. Raywid. Keywords: alternative education, periodization of alternative education development, alternative form of education, alternative schools, USA, educational transformations.
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