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The Role of Antenatal and Postnatal Maternal Bonding in Infant Development: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis



The purpose of this study was to systematically review the empirical literature on maternal bonding and associations with infant physical, psychological, and social development. Nineteen articles met inclusion criteria and were included in a qualitative synthesis (79 effect sizes); fifteen articles were suitable for aggregation in a series of 14 meta‐analyses (51 effect sizes). All mean effects were in the expected direction, with higher maternal bonding contributing to infant developmental outcomes, including higher attachment quality (r = .35) and parent‐reported lower colic rating (r = .22), easier temperament (r = .19), and positive infant mood (r = .27). Consistent with theoretical explanatory models, the review provides support for the hypothesis that maternal bonding plays a role in fostering more optimal infant development. The review also identifies a paucity of empirical work on this topic and provides directions for future research.
Social Development. 2020;29:3–20.
© 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Received: 13 November 2018 
  Revised: 4 June 2019 
  Accepted: 21 Ju ne 2019
DOI : 10.1111 /sod e.12392
The role of antenatal and postnatal maternal
bonding in infant development: A systematic
review and meta‐analysis
Genevieve A. Le Bas1| George J. Youssef1,2| Jacqui A. Macdonald1,2,3|
Larissa Rossen4,5| Samantha J. Teague1| Emily J. Kothe1|
Jennifer E. McIntosh1,2,3| Craig A. Olsson1,2,3|
Delyse M. Hutchinson1,2,3,5
1School of Psychol ogy, Facult y of Health,
Centre for Social a nd Earl y Emotion al
Develop ment, D eakin Un iversity Geelong,
Victoria, Australia
2Murdoch Children's Research
Instit ute, Royal C hildren's Hospit al,
Melbou rne, Victoria , Austr alia
3Depar tment of P aediatrics, Universi ty
of Melbourne, Royal Children's Hospital,
Melbou rne, Victoria , Austr alia
4School of Psychiat ry, Facult y of
Medicine, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Victoria, Australia
5Nationa l Drug an d Alcoho l Research
Centre, University of New S outh Wales,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Delyse M . Hutchinson, School of
Psychology, Facult y of Health, Cent re for
Social and Early Emotional Development,
Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria 3125,
The purpose of this study was to systematically review the
empirical literature on maternal bonding and associations
with infant physical, psychological, and social development.
Nineteen articles met inclusion criteria and were included
in a qualitative synthesis (79 effect sizes); 15 articles were
suitable for aggregation in a series of 14 meta‐analyses (51
effect sizes). All mean effects were in the expected direc‐
tion, with higher maternal bonding contributing to infant de‐
velopmental outcomes, including higher attachment quality
(r = .35) and parent‐reported lower colic rating (r = .22), eas
ier temperament (r = .19), and positive infant mood (r = .27).
Consistent with theoretical explanatory models, the review
provides suppor t for the hypothesis that maternal bonding
plays a role in fostering more optimal infant development.
The review also identifies a paucity of empirical work on this
topic and provides directions for future research.
affect, early experience, longitudinal studies, mother–child
relations, mothers
   LE BAS Et AL.
The powerful affectional bond bet ween a mother and her child first develops during pregnancy, permeating ma‐
ternal behaviour, and care through the antenatal and postnatal periods (Condon, 1993; Korja et al., 2010). A
positive affectional connection between mother and infant facilitates the provision of care by the mother, and the
maintenance of an affective environment in which the infant feels safe to explore, learn, and develop age‐appro
priate autonomy. Theoretically, the connection is reciprocal and vital for optimal infant development (Ainswor th,
Blehar, & Waters, 2014; Winnicott, 1965). To date, no systematic meta‐analytic reviews of which we are aware
provide empirical data on these associations; yet such research has potential to guide prevention and targeted
intervention strategies to improve maternal bonding and in turn, infant development.
Maternal bonding refers to a mother's self‐reported emotional connection to her child. During pregnancy,
mothers typically develop internalized representations of their unborn child accompanied by an affectional tie to
the foetus, often referred to as antenatal maternal bonding (Condon, 1993). A positive bond during pregnancy is
associated with engaging in behaviours of af filiation and affection, such as talking to the unborn child, and posi‐
tive health practices, such as abstaining from drugs (Condon, 1993; Cranley, 1981; Van der Zalm, 1995). Postnatal
maternal bonding refers to a mother's emotional tie to her infant. Maternal perceptions of a positive postnatal
bond are indicated by a mother's felt pleasure in interacting with her infant, developing competence in her own
capacity to understand and meet her infant's needs, and acceptance and tolerance of the demands of the mater
nal role (Condon & Corkindale, 1998). Maternal perceptions of the postnatal affectional bond reflect pleasure in
maternal–infant interactions, which influence an infant's capacity for affective signalling (Bornstein, 1989; Grant,
McMahon, Reilly, & Austin, 2010). Higher bonding is theoretically expressed through behaviours such as maternal
sensitivity and emotional availability (Feldman, Weller, Leckman, Kuint, & Eidelman, 1999), which invite interac‐
tion and encourage healthy social‐emotional behaviours (e.g., interest, touch, smiles, play, adaptivity, approach,
and emotional regulation) and development.
Condon (1993) suggests that a mother's internalized representation of her child is increasingly elaborated
upon during pregnancy, with antenatal bonding providing structure for the subsequent development of postnatal
bonding (Condon & Corkindale, 1998). In a sample of 372 mothers, Rossen et al. (2016) found that higher antena
tal bonding prospectively predicted higher postnatal bonding at all pregnancy trimesters, after controlling for a
range of demographic and postnatal covariates. Although postnatal bonding appears to have its roots in antenatal
bonding, birth marks the introduction of additional complexities; a mother is required to integrate her perceptions
of motherhood and her child with new realities, including the characteristics of her infant (Condon, 1993; Solomon
& George, 1996). Given the complex ities unique to each period, it is important to examine how the mater nal bond
in both phases might shape development in infancy.
Maternal bonding is underpinned by the integration of oxy tocin and dopamine in striatum. Oxytocin and
dopamine systems support multiple motivational behaviours, including social orienting and seeking, and contact
maintaining. Connectivity among these systems during bond formation enables plasticity of the brain reward
system and reorganization of neural networks (Feldman, 2017). This process of the mother forming a selec tive
and enduring bond with her child is accompanied by mental, emotional, and behavioural changes that facilitate
physical and psychological proximity (Feldman et al., 1999; Insel & Young, 2001; Kendrick, 2000). During interac‐
tions, mothers and infants have been shown to demonstrate synchronized nonverbal behaviour (i.e., gaze, affect,
vocal, touch), heart rate, oxytocin response, cortisol response to stress, and brain oscillations in alpha and gamma
rhythms (Feldma n, 2017). “ The capacity to give and receive love and maintain long‐term bonds is increasin gly rec
ognized as key to human thriving, impacting well‐being, positive outlook in the face of adversity, physical health,
and bet ter ageing” (Feldman, 2017, p. 94). Individual dif ferences related to the timing and intensity of bonding re
main unclear, though an amalgam of psychological, interpersonal, and biological mechanisms is likely. For example,
perinatal depression and anxiet y are associated with bonding, which may be related to difficulties with emotion
regulation being a common feature amongst these symptom profiles (Brockington, 200 4; Rossen et al., 2016).
Stable personalit y factors may also contribute to self‐reported bonding, with research indicating links between
emotional stability and extraversion and stronger maternal–infant bonds (de Cock et al., 2016).
The constructs of bonding and attachment are often confused or conflated. This is compounded by the fact
that many bonding assessment instruments are referred to as “attachment” measures (Condon, 1993; Condon &
Corkindale, 1998; Cranley, 1981). Indeed, researchers often refer to a mother's felt bond towards her infant as
attachment, as this relationship relates to the development of feelings of love and protection towards the infant
(Walsh, 2010). Bonding and attachment are interrelated constructs, however they are motivated by different goals
and governed by different behavioural systems. Bowlby (1969, p. 377) argues “There is a strong case… for restrict‐
ing the term attachment to the behaviour typical of the child to parent and the behavioural system responsible
for it, and to avoid using it to describe the complementary behaviour and behavioural system of the parent”. More
specifically, bonding is a function of the caregiving behavioural system, serving to protect and comfort the infant
in times of distress or threat. The attachment behavioural system is activated when an individual feels threat or
distress and seeks to elicit care and protection. At tachment represents the patterning of the infant's behaviour
and expectations of the mother's caregiving responses assessed observationally (Ainswor th, 1989; Cassidy &
Shaver, 2016). In contrast, bonding specifically refers to the mother's self‐repor ted emotional connection to her
child. This confusion in the literature regarding the definition and measurement of bonding may explain why
numerous studies have established associations between infant attachment and development (Ainsworth, 1989;
Bowlby, 1969; Cassidy & Shaver, 2016; Groh, Fearon, van IJzendoorn, Bakermans‐Kranenburg, & Roisman, 2017),
yet few studies have explored the influence that bonding may have on infant social‐emotional development.
Branjerdporn, Meredith, Strong, and Garcia (2017) recently synthesized the available research on a mother's
felt emotional connection to her infant during pregnancy and infant developmental outcomes. Whereas the au‐
thors termed this construct maternal–infant attachment, the conceptual content within this review closely ap‐
proximates our definition of antenatal bonding. Data were qualitatively synthesized according to developmental
domain: infant temperament (n = 5), ad ap tive be ha vi our (n = 2), and mil est on e at tainm en t (n = 1) . Their study fo un d
evidence that higher antenatal bonding was associated with more optimal infant development in infants aged
0–26 months, with outcomes including: normal levels of activity (i.e., not overactive; Davoudi, 2012); regular phys‐
iologic functions, such as sleep and hunger (Priel & Besser, 2000); approach to new stimuli (Davoudi, 2012; Priel
& Besser, 2000); adaptable temperament (Davoudi, 2012; Priel & Besser, 2000); less intense temperament (i.e.,
less high energy responses; Davoudi, 2012; Priel & Besser, 2000); positive overall mood (Davoudi, 2012; White,
Wilson, Elander, & Persson, 1999); attentive temperament (Davoudi, 2012); higher sensory threshold (i.e., more
stimulation required to evoke a response; Davoudi, 2012); lower colic rating (Escallier, 1995); and increased devel‐
opmental milestone attainment (Alhusen, Hayat, & Gross, 2013). Only one association was identified that linked
higher maternal bonding with a less optimal outcome—lower (total) sleep time in infancy (Speltzer, O’Beirne, &
Bishop, 2008). Taken together, the authors found evidence to suggest that higher maternal bonding was generally
associated with more optimal infant development, but concluded that results should be interpreted with caution
due to the limited number and low quality of many of the available studies.
The Branjerdporn et al. (2017) review provided a much needed synthesis of the extant research linking ante
natal bonding and infant development; however, three specific limitations are noted here. Firstly, the review was
confined to associations between antenatal bonding and infant development. Examination of both the antenatal
and postnatal periods remains important, given: (a) the complexities unique to each period (Condon, 1993; Rossen
et al., 2017; Solomon & George, 1996), and (b) the paucity of available research on bonding and infant develop‐
ment. Secondly, the review reported only on statistical significance and direction of effects rather than reporting
specific correlation values (i.e., no information provided on the magnitude of associations) nor any meta‐analytic
es tim ate of th e pop u la tio n eff e ct. Thir dly, th e re vie w res tri c te d the sea rch to a nar row arr ay of de vel opm ent al ou t
come domains, and within these, did not have a sufficient number of studies for meta‐analysis. Addressing these
limitations would allow more studies to be retrieved and for the results to be examined through meta‐analysis.
   LE BAS Et AL.
1.1 | The current review
The aims of this systematic review and meta‐analysis were to: (a) identify studies that prospectively examined the
impact of antenatal or postnatal maternal bonding on infant developmental outcomes; (b) extract effect sizes for
these associations; (c) group similar infant developmental outcomes together and assess the design and qualit y of
the studies included; and, (d) conduct a meta‐analysis for each infant outcome domain (depending on study avail‐
ability), including information on the strength and direction of observed ef fects. Outcomes of maternal bonding
were restricted to the period of infancy (the first 24 months of postnatal life) given: (a) it is proximal to the meas‐
ure ment of ante natal and pos tnatal bo nding ; (b) it is a crit ic al time of development chara ct erized by ma rked physi
ological, physical, and psychological change; and, (c) early life events influence the child's capacity to cope with
its environment in later life (Bornstein, 2014; Fraser et al., 2012; Gluckman, Hanson, & Mitchell, 2010). Finally,
we note that although paternal bonding is also likely to play a role in infant social‐emotional development both
directly, and indirectly via the partner relationship (e.g., fathers play an import ant role in supporting the mother's
well‐being; Barker, Iles, & Ramchandani, 2017), we chose to focus on maternal bonding given the limited research
available on paternal bonding and child development.
2.1 | Data sources
The method adhered to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses (PRISMA) guide
lines (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, & Altman, 2009). The systematic search procedure included an electronic and
grey literature search, as well as forward and backward citation analysis. The following electronic databases were
searched for peer‐reviewed articles (including theses): PsycINFO (EBSCOhost platform); MEDLINE Complete
(EBSCOhost plat form); Informit; CINAHL Complete (EBSCOhost platform); and, Embase. Search terms were de‐
veloped for four concepts: maternal, bonding, infant, and longitudinal. Search terms for the four concepts in‐
cluded both free text terms and subject headings. Including subject headings allowed for increased specification
of search terms; including key free text terms allowed for records without subject headings to be captured (e.g.,
records recently added to the database). Due to discrepancies in terminology, we included a wide range of search
terms to describe bonding, including terms such as “attachment”. See Supporting Information Table S1 for search
terms and Table S2 for search syntax (for all databases). Search terms on infant developmental outcomes were
not included so as to retrieve records on all possible outcomes. No limits were applied to searches so that records
without categorization were captured. The grey literature search involved the examination of the first 100 cita‐
tions (10 pages) in a Google search. It also involved contacting authors of studies where the relevant variables
were included in an article but the associations were not reported. Finally, Web of Science was used to review
citation and reference lists of: (a) included studies; and, (b) relevant reviews on maternal bonding.
2.1.1 | Eligibility criteria
Eligible studies were identified by first screening titles and abstract s, and then reviewing full text. For both stages
of screening, G.L. screened 100% of articles and L.R. screened 10% of articles for reliabilit y analysis; some articles
also required discussion [G.L., G.Y., L.R ., J.A.M., and D.H.] to determine whether they met eligibility criteria. Studies
were included in the review if they met the following criteria: (a) available in English; (b) human sample; (c) empirical
and peer‐reviewed (i.e., conference abstracts, commentaries, editorials, literature reviews, and case studies were
excluded; theses were included); (d) included a measure of maternal bonding (self‐reported or inferred through
interview) during the antenatal or postnatal period (gestation‐24 months postpar tum); (e) included a measure of
developmental outcome during infancy (0–24 months); (f) longitudinal design, where maternal bonding was tested
as the predic tor and infant development as the outcome, with a minimum of 1 month between assessment time
points; (g) not a parenting intervention study, unless findings of a control group were reported (because parent‐
ing intervention may impact bonding; Feldman, Eidelman, Sirota, & Weller, 2002; Willinger, Diendorfer‐Radner,
Willnauer, Jörgl, & Hager, 20 05); and, (h) reported (or provided on request) an unadjusted correlation bet ween
maternal bonding and later infant outcome.
2.1.2| Measurement of maternal bonding
We [G.L., J.A.M, L.R ., D.H.] assessed (with consensus agreement) whether purported bonding measures were a
measure of the mother's felt bond to her child, or a measure of another related yet different construct (e.g., infant
or adult attachment). Consistent with Condon and Corkindale (1998) and Lamb (1974), we argue that measures of
antenata l and pos tnata l ma te rnal bo nd in g requi re a foc us on the mot he r's sel f‐r ep ort ed af fe cti ve bon d to her chil d
(self‐report measure or inferred through interview) rather than factors likely to mediate or indicate the presence
of bonding, such as maternal attitudes, beliefs, or behaviours. We reviewed 77 potential measures of maternal
bonding. Of these 77 measures, 47 were excluded because they were assessed as measuring a different construct;
the remaining 30 measures progressed to item‐level analysis. These 30 measures were compared at the item‐level
with prototypical measures of bonding to determine the suitability of the article being included (17 further meas
ures were excluded). At this stage, we identified 13 measures of maternal bonding. Only eight measures were
included in the current review, as some studies were excluded for reasons unrelated to the bonding measure. The
bonding measures are described in Supporting Information Table S3, including information on the psychometrics
from the original measure development studies.
2.2 | Data extraction
Using a standardized, pilot‐tested extraction sheet, data were extracted and collated from studies that met inclu
sion criteria (N = 19). Data were ext racte d by G.L . and indepe ndently cr oss‐referenced by G.Y. for all stu dies. Data
extracted includes: study characteristics; maternal bonding measure and time of assessment; infant outcome
measure and time of assessment; and ef fect size, p value, and sample size for the association between maternal
bonding and infant outcome. Standard effect sizes (Pearson's r) were extracted from 14 studies. For the remain‐
ing five studies, effect sizes were converted from Cohen's d or chi‐square to Pearson's r using standard formulas
(Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2011). Where multiple publications reported on the same sample and
finding, preference was given to studies that reported on total bonding (as opposed to only including bonding
subscales), and then studies with the larger sample size.
2.3 | Screening for meta‐analysis eligibility
With consensu s ag re em en t, we [G .L ., G.Y., J.A.M., D.H.] groupe d st ud ie s fo r me ta ‐analyses accor di ng to infant de
velopmental outcomes. For each infant outcome able to be grouped (association with bonding reported on in two
or more studies), a meta‐analysis was conduc ted. Some outcomes clearly measured the same construct, and were
easily grouped; these include: attachment secure/insecure classifications only, colic, and the domains of tem‐
perament (activity, adaptability, approach, distractibility, intensity, mood, persistence, rhythmicity, and sensory
threshold). We also included three additional aggregate “superordinate” meta‐analyses examining bonding and:
(a) attachment quality (secure/insecure and disorganized/not‐disorganized classifications); (b) social‐emotional
outcomes (explorator y activity, negative affect, positive affect, solicitation of attention, social‐emotional compe
tence, externalizing behaviours, and internalizing behaviours); and, (3) temperamental difficulty (where available,
all effects for each temperamental domain were included; otherwise, we included the effect for total tempera‐
mental difficulty). These superordinate meta‐analyses looked at the broadest categories possible and likely had
   LE BAS Et AL.
TABLE 1 Summary of meta‐analytic findings for effect sizes and heterogeneity (N = 15 studies)
Predictor Outcome N effects Included studies
N of
participants r (95% CI)
for r I2 (95% CI)
Higher bonding as
sociated with more
optimal outcome
Antenat al and
Attachmentb4 Benoit , Parker, and Zeanah (1997);
Crawford and Benoit (2009); Hall
et al. (2015); Huth‐Bocks, Theran,
Levendosky, and Bogat (2011)
477 .35 (0.16, 0.52) .001** 78 (21, 99) More secure
bonding only
Attachment: Secure/
insecure classifica
tions only
2Benoit et al. (1997); Huth‐B ocks et
al. (2011)
232 .30 (−0.0 4,
.080 85 (24,
More secure
bonding only
Colic/non‐colic 2Escallier (1995); Pinkus (1979) 141 .22 (0.03, 0.39) .025* 15 (0,
Lower colic rating
Antenat al and
Social‐emotional out
comesb: Exploratory
activity, negative
affect, positive
affect, solicita‐
tion of attention,
competence, exter
nalizing behaviours,
and internalizing
9Huth‐Bocks et al. (2011); Mason et
al. (2011); Sierau et al. (2016)
706 .13 (−0.13,
.163 71cMore optimal
Antenat al and
difficultyb,d: Activity,
adaptability, ap‐
proach, distract‐
ibility, intensity,
mood, persistence,
rhythmicity, sensory
36 Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova
(2014); Hammarberg (20 06); Jones
(1996); Parfitt, Ayers, Pike, Jessop,
and Ford (2014); Priel and Besser
(2000); White et al. (1999)
749 .19 (0.03, 0.34) .029*74 cEasier overall
Predictor Outcome N effects Included studies
N of
participants r (95% CI)
for r I2 (95% CI)
Higher bonding as
sociated with more
optimal outcome
bonding only
Activity only
3Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova (2014);
Hammarberg (2006)
298 .18 (−0.43,
0.67 )
.583 96 (86,
Normal levels
of activity (not
bonding only
Adaptability only
4 Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova (2014);
Hammarberg (20 06); Priel and
Besser (2000)
416 .23 (−0.0 4,
0.47 )
.092 86 (50, 99) More adaptable
(easier to modify
reactions to stimuli
in a desired way)
Predictor Outcome N effects Included studies
N of
participants r (95% CI)
p value
for r
I2 (95%
Higher bonding
associated with
more optimal
Approach only
4 Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova
(2014); Hammarberg (20 06); Priel
and Besser (200 0)
418 .22 (−0.04,
.102 85 (48,
More approach to
new stimuli
Distractibility only
3Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova
(2014); Hammarberg (20 06)
303 .17 (−0.05,
.135 69 (0, 99) More able to
distract from
Intensit y only
4 Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova
(2014); Hammarberg (20 06); Priel
and Besser (200 0)
418 .09 (−0.19,
.524 87 (57,
Less intense (less
high ener gy
Temperament: Mood
5Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova
(2014); Hammarberg (20 06); Priel
and Besser (200 0); White et al.
480 .27 (0.07,
.009** 79 (36,
More positive
overall mood
Persistence only
3Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova
(2014); Hammarberg (20 06)
303 .19 (−0.02,
.074 66 (0, 99) More per sis‐
TABLE 1 (Continued)
   LE BAS Et AL.
Predictor Outcome N effects Included studies
N of
participants r (95% CI)
p value
for r
I2 (95%
Higher bonding
associated with
more optimal
Rhythmicity only
4 Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova
(2014); Hammarberg (20 06); Priel
and Besser (200 0)
418 .14 (−0.02,
.095 63 (0, 97) More regular
functions, such
as sleep and
Sensory threshold
3Davoudi (2012); Della Vedova
(2014); Hammarberg (20 06)
303 .14 (−0.49,
.683 97 (88,
High threshold
(more stimula
tion required
to evoke a
Note: N = total number; r = mean effect size; CI = confidence interval; I2 = indicator of heterogeneity in percent ages.
aOnly one postnatal effect was available and included in this meta‐analysis.
bThis meta‐analysis was a superordinate meta‐analysis. See Suppor ting Information Table S4 for further information on included infant outcomes.
cCIs not available for I2 when using the Robumeta package in R.
dThis superordinate meta‐analysis included all effects relating to temperament. Where available, all effects for each temperamental domain were included; otherwise, we included
the effect for tot al temperamental difficult y.
*p < .05; **p < .01.
TABLE 1 (Continued)
more heterogeneity; however, they allowed us to obtain meta‐analytic associations using a larger number of ef‐
fects. We considered including superordinate analyses for cognitive/language and physical/motor outcomes,
however, decided through consensus agreement, that the available infant outcomes were too heterogeneous.
A total of 15 studies reporting 51 suitable effect sizes were eligible for aggregation in the series of 14 meta‐
analyses, described in Table 1. Findings of outcomes unable to be grouped (association with bonding reported in
only one study for a specific domain) were included in qualitative synthesis but excluded from the meta‐analysis.
Suppor ting Information Table S4 provides detail on all studies included in quantitative and qualitative synthesis.
2.4 | Data analysis
2.4.1 | Meta‐analysis
The raw data file and code used to conduct the meta‐analysis can be found here: https :// . For meta‐
analyses that invo lved only one effe ct size per study, we used th e Met afor package v1.9.8 (Vie chtbauer, 2010) in R
software v3.3.1 (R Core Team, 2015) and included random effec ts to account for study heterogeneit y. For meta‐
analyses that involved more than one effect per study (i.e., the social‐emotional and temperamental difficulty
superordinate meta‐analyses), we used a robust variance meta‐analysis approach using the Robumeta package in
R (v3.3.2; Fisher & Tipton , 2015). This techni que accounts for mult iple de pendent effects via ro bust esti matio ns of
effect size weight s and standard er rors (Hedges, Tipton, & Johnson, 2010; Tanner‐Smith, Tipton, & Polanin, 2016).
Between‐study heterogeneity was tested using the I2 statistic, providing a percentage estimate of the amount of
to t al va ria b ili ty in ef fec t siz e esti m ate s tha t can be at tri but e d to he t ero g ene ity am o ng the tr u e effe c t s (V i ech tba u e r,
2010). We ca ution over‐interpretation, howe ver, due to the sm all number of effec t sizes identif ied per met a‐anal y
sis (Sterne et al. , 2011). Further, although we intended to test for bias through visu al inspection of funne l plots and
using Egge r's te st of as ymm etr y (Eg ger, Smith, Schneider, & Minde r, 1997), the small numb er of ef fec ts meant that
test power was too low to distinguish chance from real asymmetry (Sterne et al., 2011). Published guidelines were
used to interpret meta‐analytic effect sizes, where r = .1 is small, .3 moderate, and .5 large (Cohen, 1992).
2.4.2 | Risk of bias assessment
A components approach was adopted to assess risk of bias in this review, whereby the research in each article
was rated on individual criteria that reflect the methodological risk of bias (Higgins, Thompson, Deeks, & Altman,
2003). These criteria included: maternal bonding measure, type (self‐report or interview), and time of assessment;
and infant outcome measure, type (maternal‐report or administered), and time of assessment. These criteria were
recorded during the dat a extraction process and sensitivity and moderation analyses were conducted to examine
whether findings were robust to the quality of the methodological approaches of the articles included (Higgins et
al., 200 3). Moderation an alysis was onl y conduc ted when ther e were at least t wo ef fec ts per level of the mo der a
tor variable (i.e., two effec ts for one maternal bonding measure, and two effects for another). When a moderation
was not possible, we used sensitivit y analyses to examine whether removal of the effects from studies that em‐
ployed different methodological approaches influenced the magnitude of the meta‐analytic effect (when at least
two effects were remaining to be analysed).
3.1 | Study Selection
The PRISMA diagram is shown in Figure 1. Of the 19,813 studies identified in the electronic and grey literature
search, 19 were included in qualitative synthesis, and 15 were included in the meta‐analyses. Notably, using the
   LE BAS Et AL.
Prevalence‐Adjusted and Bias‐Adjusted Kappa statistic (PABAK; Byr t, Bishop, & Carlin, 1993), inter‐rater reliabil
ity was high for both title and abstract screening (PABAK = 0.94) and full text screening (PABAK = 0.91).
3.2 | Qualitative synthesis
In cl u de d stud ie s wer e pub li she d bet wee n 1979 and 2017, with the ma jor it y pub li she d fro m 200 8 onwar ds (n = 12).
Most samples were recruited from either the United States (n = 7) or Canada (n = 4). Remaining samples were
recruited from The Netherlands (n = 2), and the U.K., Israel, Sweden, Italy, Germany, and Australia (each n = 1).
Avera ge maternal age at Time 1 ranged from 21 to 34 years (M = 28.03, SD = 3.9). Sample sizes that were use d for
correlations within ea ch stu dy ranged fro m 34 to 499 (M = 145.16, SD = 115.89; sum of samples across all included
studies = 2,758). Study characteristics are further described in Supporting Information Table S4, along with study
predictors and outcomes, and findings specific to their association (for all 19 included studies).
Fourteen studies investigated the impact of antenatal bonding only on infant outcomes, three studies inves‐
tigated postnatal bonding only; and two included both antenatal and postnatal bonding. Antenatal bonding was
assessed using a range of measures, including the Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale (MAAS; n = 5), Maternal‐
Fetal Attachment Scale (MFAS; n = 4), Prenatal Attachment Inventory (PAI; n = 3), Working Model of the Child
Interview (WMCI; n = 2), Working Model of the Child Interview—Disrupted (WMCI‐D; n = 1), and Social Distance
Scale (n = 1). These measures were all administered in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, which could be
because bonding quality is likely stronger towards the end of pregnancy (Rossen et al., 2016). Measures of postnatal
FIGURE 1 PRISMA diagram. Note . aThe 121 records here refer to those identified through later citation
analysis or Google search. bThe exclusion criteria are listed in hierarchical order—the first exclusion criterion that
a record met was considered its “reason for exclusion”
Records identified through
database searching
N= 29,125
Records identified through
citation analysis or Google search
N= 121
Records screened
N= 19,813
Full text articles assessed for
N= 1,355
Records excluded
N= 18,458
Full text articles excludedb
N= 1,336
Duplicate (N= 7)
Non-English (N= 88)
Full text not available (N= 82)
Not peer-reviewed or empirical (N= 86)
No maternal bonding <24 months (N= 988)
No infant outcome <=24 months (N= 27)
Maternal bonding not the predictor (N= 38)
Intervention – no control finding (N= 3)
Did not report or unable to provide unadjusted
correlation between relevant variables (N= 12)
Same sample and same finding reported on in
>1 paper (N= 5) (selected paper that reported
on total bonding score, rather than bonding
Studies included in qualitative
Studies included in quantitative
Records after duplicates
N= 19,692 + 121a
bonding included the Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (MPAS; n = 3), Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire
(PBQ; n = 1), and WMCI‐D (n = 1). These measures were administered from 2–12 months postpartum.
A range of infant outcomes were identified, and these were assessed from birth to 24 months postpartum.
Multiple studies investigated attachment, colic, social‐emotional outcomes, overall temperamental difficulty, and
the temperamental domains of activity, adaptability, approach, distractibility, intensity, mood, persistence, rhyth
micity, and sensory threshold. These findings comprised a total of 51 independent ef fect sizes that were able to
be included in meta‐analyses.
Infant outcomes with only one reported effect size (28 of 79 available effects) were not included in meta‐anal
ysis. These were: adverse neonatal outcomes; overall developmental milestone attainment; executive function;
behaviour during assessment; cognitive development; motor development; language development; and sleep.
Further, one total temperamental difficulty effect size was excluded due to the study Della Vedova (2014) also
reporting individual effect sizes for each temperamental domain. Of these studies, there was evidence to support
associations between higher maternal bonding and more optimal infant development across outcomes including:
neo natal develo pment (Alhusen , Gross , Hayat , Ros e, & Shar ps , 2012); chil d development (Alhu sen et al ., 2013); ex
ecutive func tion (de Cock et al., 2017); motor developme nt (Si era u et al., 2016); and langu age development (Sierau
et al., 2016). These effects sizes ranged from small to large, with the larger effects sizes belonging to neonatal
development (r = .52) and child development (r = .59). However, we note some studies found evidence for links
bet ween higher mate rnal bonding an d less optimal inf ant deve lopment, with outcome s including: less engaged be
haviour during assessment (Sierau et al., 2016), lower cognitive and language development (Sierau et al., 2016), and
le ss tota l sle ep time at on e wee k pos tpa r tu m (Sp elt ze r et al ., 20 0 8) . The se ef fe c t si ze s wer e all sma ll (r = −.1 to −.28).
There was no evidence in support of relations between maternal bonding and other variables in these independent
studies. Nevertheless, it is dif ficult to make any firm inferences on these qualitative findings, given that the major
ity of statistic ally significant effects belong to the one stud y (Sierau et al. , 2016). As such, meta‐analytic estimates,
which account for all available data provide a more appropriate summary measure of effects and we await future
research to provide insights into the relations between bonding and these additional independent variables.
3.3 | Meta‐analysis
Results from the series of 14 meta‐analyses are provided in Table 1. All mean effects were in the expected di‐
rection, where higher maternal bonding predicted more optimal infant developmental outcomes. The evidence
did not support the null hypothesis for four meta‐analyses: bonding (antenatal and postnatal) and attachment
(superordinate); antenatal bonding and colic; bonding (antenatal and postnatal) and temperamental difficulty (su‐
perordinate); and antenatal bonding and infant mood. Namely, higher bonding was associated with higher quality
infant attachment (superordinate), with a moderate effect size (N ef fects = 4 from four studies; combined N of
participants = 477; r = .35, 95%, CI: 0.160.52). Secondly, higher antenatal bonding predicted lower colic rat
ing, with a small effect size (N effec ts = 2 from two studies; combined N of participants = 141; r = .22, 95% CI:
0.03–0.39). Third, higher bonding was associated with easier infant temperament (superordinate), with a small
effect size (N effects = 36 from seven studies; combined N of participants = 749; r = .19, 95% CI: 0.03–0. 34). L ast,
within the specific temperament domains, higher antenatal bonding predicted more positive overall infant mood,
with a small‐moderate effect size (N effect s = 5 from 5 studies; combined N of par ticipants = 480; r = .27, 95% CI:
0.07–0.45). There was little evidence for non‐zero effect s for the remaining 10 meta‐analyses, with ef fect sizes
ranging from small‐moderate (r = .09–.30). These investigated attachment security (secure/insecure classifica
tions only); social‐emotional outcomes (superordinate); and the temperamental domains of activity, adaptability,
approach, distractibility, intensity, persistence, rhythmicity, and sensory threshold. Of note, confidence intervals
for heterogeneity statistics are not available for robust variance meta‐analyses, and for the standard meta‐analy‐
ses these CIs were large. As such interpret ation of heterogeneity is cautioned given the small number of effect
sizes in each meta‐analysis.
   LE BAS Et AL.
3.4 | Sensitivity and moderation analyses
Few moderation or sensitivit y analyses were possible due to the low number of effects available per meta‐analy‐
sis. With respect to moderation analyses, where possible we examined the bonding measure employed, time of
exposure assessment (antenatal vs. postnatal), and time of outcome assessment (infant age). Of the analyses that
could be conducted, the meta‐analytic associations between bonding and attachment (superordinate), tempera
mental difficulty (superordinate), and the temperamental domains of approach, intensity, and rhythmicity, were
not moderated by ma terna l bonding measur e. However, ther e was a dif fe rence in the ass ociat ions be tw een bond
ing and inf an t mo od (p = .019); the magnitude was we aker in studies that incl ud ed the MA AS (k = 2, r = .07, 95% CI:
−0.05, 0.19), relative to the PAI (k = 2, r = .44, 95% CI: 0.11, 0.69). We conducted a moderation analysis examining
the timing of the maternal bonding assessment and infant social‐emotional outcomes (superordinate). There was a
difference (p = .027) in the mag nitud e of rela tion betwee n bonding and social‐emotional outcom es, with the ante
natal period (k = 2, r = .03, 95% CI: 0.03, 0.03) found to be lower than the postnatal period (k = 2, r = .21, 95% CI:
−0.11, 0.49). However, when examining the meta‐analytic correlation within these two periods separately, there
was only weak evidence for a non‐zero correlation between postnatal bonding and social‐emotional outcomes
(p = .076). We examined infant outcome time of assessment for all three superordinate analyses, but found no
significant relationships. No other moderation analyses were able to be performed.
With respect to sensitivit y analyses, when including only studies that used the MPAS (k = 2, r = .21, 95% CI:
−0 .11, 0. 49 ), th e met a‐a nal ytic co rre lat ion be t wee n bon d ing an d soc i al‐ e mot i ona l o utc o mes (sup ero r din a te) was no t
dif fe re nt to the magnit ud e of the or iginal me ta‐an al yt ic correlat ion (se e Tabl e 1). When inc lu ding on ly those studie s
that used the PAI, there was an increase in the meta‐analytic correlation between bonding and the temperamental
dom ains of activity (k = 2, r = .3825, 95% CI: −0.4, 0. 84), distrac ti bilit y (k = 2, r = .26, 95% CI: 0.04, 0.46), per siste nce
(k = 2, r = .31, 95% CI 0.15, 0.45), and sensory threshold (k = 2, r = .27, 95% CI −0.69, 0.88). However, we note that
the confidence intervals for these were large and overlapping with the original estimated ef fect size. Moreover, we
believe any differences were largely attributable to the sensitivity analyses comprising the study by Davoudi (2012),
which was found to have quite strong effect sizes. No other sensitivity analyses could be per formed.
4.1 | Summary of evidence
This systematic review and meta‐analysis informs a significant gap in knowledge on the association of maternal
bonding with developmental outcomes in infancy. Our review identified a paucity of empirical work on this topic,
with the available studies being not only small (by sample size), but also highly heterogeneous in measurement,
making it difficult to draw firm conclusions about aetiological relations. Within this context, all mean meta‐ana
lysed effects linking bonding to infant development were in a positive direction, albeit effect sizes varied, ranging
from negligible to moderate in magnitude. Four meta‐analysed ef fect s were statistically significant. Specifically,
higher maternal bonding was correlated with: (a) higher quality attachment (superordinate meta‐analysis; N ef
fects = 4; r = .35) an d pa rent‐repor te d lower colic rating (N effect s = 2; r = .22), easier temperament (superordinate
meta‐analysis; N effects = 36; r = .19), and positive infant mood (N effects = 5; r = .27).
4.2 | Interpretation of findings
The cur rent re view re ported on unadj usted correlations, p rov iding suppor t for an asso ciation betwee n higher
maternal bonding and more optimal infant developmental outcomes. Results suggest that while infant devel
opment is multiply informed, a mother's perception of her felt emotional connection to her child is an impor
tant factor related to higher infant attachment quality and mood, and lower infant temperament dif ficult y
and colic ra ti ng . Findings align wi th theoretica l perspec ti ve s, which sugges t that devel opmental ou tcomes are
influenced by shared affective states with the caregiver (Greenspan & Shanker, 2009). Infants have limited
capacity to regulate negative emotions, and as such, learn strategies for controlling and managing emotions
through interactions with caregivers (Bornstein, 1989; Grant et al., 2010). Maternal bonding may be reflected
in p le as ur e in maternal–infant int er ac tions , wh ic h may lea d to higher inf an t at tach ment qualit y and mood, an d
low er inf ant te mp er am ent diff ic ul ty and co lic ra ting. It is im po rta nt to ac kn ow le dge that t he se developmental
outcomes likely overlap; for example, maternal reports of colic may be accompanied by reports of difficult
temperament. Further, given all maternal and infant variables included in the meta‐analyses were assessed
via maternal self‐repor t (excluding attachment), result s may be influenced by maternal self‐reporting bias or
social desirability.
It is notable that effect sizes were generally small. A mother's subjective experience may not impact de‐
velopmental outcomes as strongly as the infant's real and observable experience of her caregiving behaviours,
par ticul ar ly under stress . Im po rtantl y, most includ ed stu dies exam in ed ante natal bonding ; it is possi ble that stro n
ger associations exist between postnatal bonding and infant development, given its direct ties to maternal–in‐
fant interactions. Findings may reflect developmental consolidation of experience dependent neural networks
(Bornstein, 2014; Schore & McIntosh, 2011), with early bonding experiences having a cascading influence on later
bonding, and later stages of development.
Despite all meta‐analytic effects being in the expected direction, there was little evidence to suggest
that antenatal bonding predicted the remaining domains of temperament (i.e., activity, adaptability, approach,
distractibility, intensity, persistence, rhythmicity, and sensory threshold). It is likely that the small number of
effects available for each meta‐analysis resulted in low statistical power (N ef fe ct s = 3–4). Nonet he less, bond
ing may have more of an influence on infant outcomes that are dependent on maternal–infant interactions and
affective signalling (e.g., mood and colic), compared with non‐social‐affective domains (e.g., temperamental
activity and intensity). It is possible that factors other than the mother's perceived bond may be more impor t
ant in influencing these outcomes.
There was limited evidence to suggest that bonding predicted the superordinate social‐emotional outcome
variable (r = .13) . Thi s res u lt may be ex pla i ne d by th e sma ll nu m ber of ava ila ble ef fec ts an d hete rog ene ity in infa nt
outcomes. Notably, one study focused on infant behaviour in free‐play with the mother (exploratory activity,
negative affec t, positive affect, and solicitation of attention; Huth‐Bocks, Theran, Levendosky, & Bogat, 2011),
another focused on externalizing and internalizing behaviours (Sierau et al., 2016), and the final study investi
gated social‐emotional competence (Mason, Briggs, & Silver, 2011). Further research including key measures
of social‐emotional development (such as the social‐emotional scales of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire or
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development) is recommended to enable firmer conclusions to be made
regarding it s as so ci at io n wi th bonding. Given the evi de nc e pr ov id ed for ass ocia ti on s be tween bon di ng and other
social‐affective outcomes (e.g., mood and colic), it is possible that bonding exerts a similar impact on overall
infant social‐emotional development. In particular, postnatal bonding may implicate infant social‐emotional de
velopment th rough its expre ssion in mater na l–in fant interaction s. On th e contr ar y, positive so cial an d em otion al
attributes may lead the mother to feel more emotionally connected to her child. In sum, further research is re
quired to disentangle the complex and interrelated pathways that are likely to exist between maternal bonding,
infant behaviour, and subsequent development in infancy and beyond.
4.3 | Limitations in the literature
Although the majority of findings demonstrated positive associations between maternal bonding and infant social
and emotional development, our results confirm the need for further evidence to strengthen the inferences that can
be made about the relationship between these t wo constructs. Consistent with the findings of Branjerdporn et al.
(2017), results highlighted the paucity of research on antenatal bonding and infant development (n studies = 16). It
   LE BAS Et AL.
was pe rh aps more surp ri sing, however, that only fiv e st udies wer e id en tifie d in rel at io n to the post na tal bon d. To min
imize the risk tha t ar ticl es were not found in th e se arch, a ran ge of se ar ch ter ms were use d to des cr ibe mater na l bon d
ing. While this resulted in a large number of re cords (N records = 19,813), screening reduced this number markedly. It
is notable that the large majorit y of articles investigated attachment, or maternal factors likely to mediate or indicate
the presence of bonding (such as maternal attitudes or behaviours) rather than the mother–infant affectional bond.
Of those studies that did investigate maternal bonding, the majority focused on either the trajector y of bonding
acr oss the antenata l and pos tnatal pe ri ods, or links to other mater na l cha ra cter istics (r ather than to infant outco mes).
Of the studies that did investigate maternal bonding and infant outcomes (N studies = 77): 38 studies did not
include maternal bonding as a prospectively assessed predictor variable (i.e., the studies were cross‐sectional, or
treated maternal bonding as an outcome variable); three studies were parenting intervention studies that did not
report control group findings; 12 studies did not report on (or were unable to provide on request) the association be
tween mat er na l bonding and infant out comes, as it was not the focus of the st udy; and , fi ve studies re po rted the sam e
findings as other studies already included on our review (leaving 19 studies that met inclusion criteria). Taken together,
this highlight s a sig nific an t ga p in the ext ant li te rature. Indee d, it woul d appe ar tha t fu rth er res ea rch is nee ded on all of
the infant outcomes examined in the current review, as each outcome was investigated in no more than five studies.
The paucity of research on maternal bonding and infant development represents a significant gap in knowl‐
edge and affects the strength of inferences that can be drawn from the current meta‐analyses. Future research
should include prospective assessments with multiple waves across the antenatal and postnatal periods to en‐
hance knowledge of the relationship bet ween antenatal and postnatal bonding, and to explore whether these
constructs differentially predict infant developmental outcomes. It would also be valuable to explore the indepen
dent contribution of bonding to infant social‐emotional development, by including other predic tors, such as infant
attachment and maternal sensitivity. Replicating and extending the available research would allow for findings to
be pooled, and more meaningful conclusions to be drawn on the relations bet ween antenatal bonding, postnatal
bonding, and infant development.
This review further highlights confusion in the available literature on the measurement of maternal bond‐
ing. Indeed, we [G.L., J.A.M., L.R., D.H.] determined through a process of extensive review whether purpor ted
bonding measures were measures of the mother's felt bond to her developing foetus or infant, or measures of
another related yet different construct (e.g., maternal competence, attitudes, and adult attachment experiences).
In numerous cases (30 measures), we made comparisons at the item‐level with prototypical measures of bonding
to determine the suitability of an article being included. In other cases, measures were excluded because whilst
bonding (or an aspect of bonding) was measured, so too were other maternal characteristics, yet only total cor‐
related scores were provided by the authors. Several articles were also excluded because they assessed the moth‐
er's feelings about pregnancy or being a mother rather than the mother's affective bond to her child.
4.4 | Strengths and limitations of the current review
We extended the findings of Branjerdporn et al. (2017) by including studies on both the antenat al and the post‐
natal mother‐to‐infant bond, which is important given the complexities unique to each period. Further, including
post natal stu dies meant that we identifie d a notable gap in research, with only five studies identified on the post
natal bond. We also employed a systematic and extensive search strategy (outlined in the Method), which meant
that we included 19 relevant studies, compared to the eight studies included in the Branjerdporn et al. (2017)
review. For example, we contacted authors where relevant variables were included but not repor ted on. We also
extended the findings of Branjerdporn et al. (2017) by reporting on the magnitude of associations, and by includ‐
ing a series of meta‐analyses to quantitatively evaluate and statistic ally combine results of comparable studies.
We outline three limitations of the current review. The main limitation is that majority of the meta‐analyses
included only 2–5 effects, with confidence intervals for heterogeneity estimates being large. Related to this, it
was also difficult to make inferences about how methodological differences between studies may have influenced
results bec aus e few meaningful mode rat ion and sensit ivity analyses could be conducte d due to the li mited number
of available effects. As such, we recommend a cautious approach to interpretation of findings given that the reliabil
ity of th e es ti mated met a‐ana ly tic ef fe ct sizes ma y be affec ted by un known study dif fe re nces (S ch roll, Mou st ga ar d,
& Gøtzsche, 2011). Finally, for both stages of screening (titles/abstracts and full text), only one author screened
100 % of ar ticle s, with a seco nd auth or screeni ng 10% of ar ticle s for reli ability analysis. This decision was a practica l
one given the large number of ar ticles retrieved due to our extensive search strategy. Although this approach is
considered standard and valid, full double screening may have increased reliability (Haddaway & Westgate, 2018).
4.5 | Conclusions and recommendations
The current review offers two key contributions to the literature on maternal bondin g and infant development. Firstly,
results highlight limitations in the extant literature and directions for future research. These include inconsistency in
the definition and measurement of bonding which has created some confusion in the literature. Further, there is a
marked paucity of research on bonding and infant social‐emotional development (particularly postnatal bonding), and
a lack of high‐quality longitudinal research. Within this context, and consistent with theoretical explanatory models,
the review provides some support for the hypothesis that antenatal and postnatal bonding are important in determin
ing more optimal development in a number of infant outcomes. Nota bly, this include s higher infant at tachme nt qualit y
and mood, and lower infant temperament difficulty and colic rating. There is a clear need for longitudinal studies that
include multiple antenatal and postnatal waves assessing bonding and a range of infant developmental outcomes.
Including multiple waves would enable isolation of effects (i.e., timing and dose) informing preventative intervention
and treatment approaches to bonding related difficulties and associated infant developmental sequelae, across the
antenatal and the postnatal periods.
Gen evi eve A. Le Bas, Geo rge J. Youssef, Jacqui A. Macdonald, Larissa Rossen, Samant ha J. Teague, Emily J. Koth e,
Jennifer E. McIntosh, Craig A. Olsson, and Delyse M. Hutchinson declare that they have no conflict of interest.
All authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
G. L . co nc ep tu alized and de si gn ed the st ud y, compl et ed dat a acquisiti on , co nt rib ut ed to da ta anal ys is and int er pre
tation, and wrote and submitted the manuscript.
G.Y. conceptualized and designed the study, supervised data acquisition, completed data analysis, contributed to
the interpretation of data, supervised the write‐up of results, and revised the manuscript.
J.A.M. supervised data acquisition, contributed to data analysis and interpretation, and revised the manuscript.
L.R. completed data acquisition, contributed to data interpretation, and revised the manuscript.
S.T. completed data acquisition, contributed to data interpretation, and revised the manuscript.
E.K. supervised data acquisition, contributed to data interpretation, and revised the methods and results sections
of the manuscript.
J.E.M. critically reviewed and revised the manuscript for important intellectual content.
C.O. critically reviewed and revised the manuscript for impor tant intellectual content.
D.H. conceptualized and designed the study, coordinated and supervised data acquisition, data analysis, and data
interpretation, and revised the manuscript.
The raw data file and code used to conduct the meta‐analysis can be found here: https :// .
   LE BAS Et AL.
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Additional supporting information may be found online in the Supporting Information sec tion at the end of the
How to cite this article: Le Bas GA , Youssef GJ, Macdonald JA, et al. The role of antenatal and postnatal
maternal bonding in infant development: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Social Development.
2020;29:3–20. ht tp s :// /10.1111/so de.123 92
... Maternal bonding represents one of the earliest processes of mothering, referring to the subjective emotional tie that a mother feels towards her infant, as expressed in warm and positive emotions, thoughts, and responses (Brockington et al. 2001;Le Bas et al. 2020). Individual differences exist in the emergence of bonding, and for some mothers, bonding is impaired. ...
... Individual differences exist in the emergence of bonding, and for some mothers, bonding is impaired. Impaired bonding may be reflected by increased maternal feelings of distance from the baby, regret of having the baby, becoming irritated by the baby, and not enjoying playing or cuddling with the baby (Brockington et al. 2001;Le Bas et al. 2020). A recent meta-analysis by O'Dea and colleagues (2023) reported that 3-22% of parents experience mild to moderate bonding impairments, according to self-report. ...
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Purpose This study is the first to directly investigate the mechanistic role of maternal bonding toward her infant in the early intergenerational pathway of risk from maternal anxiety to infant fearfulness. Methods Mothers (N = 216; Mage=32.78) reported on their anxiety and bonding at four time-points between pregnancy and ten-months postpartum. At four and ten-months postpartum, infant temperamental precursors of anxiety were assessed through maternal report and observation. Results Cross-lagged longitudinal path modeling indicated a significant link between prenatal maternal anxiety and infant temperamental fearful withdrawal at 10-months postpartum (R² = 0.117), which was fully explained by decreased maternal bonding at one-month postpartum and increased infant temperamental negative reactivity at 4-months postpartum. Conclusion Results support the need to foster maternal bonding in preventive perinatal care, particularly in the context of maternal anxiety.
... Maternal mental health is an established factor influencing child development [4]. Another example is a mother's ability to have positive representations of or bond with her child with implications for the child's health and wellbeing during infancy, for example attachment quality [5,6]. However, Le Bas et al. [6] identified in their systematic review a significant knowledge gap and a paucity of studies investigating the link between bonding and infant outcomes. ...
... Another example is a mother's ability to have positive representations of or bond with her child with implications for the child's health and wellbeing during infancy, for example attachment quality [5,6]. However, Le Bas et al. [6] identified in their systematic review a significant knowledge gap and a paucity of studies investigating the link between bonding and infant outcomes. Furthermore, there is evidence suggesting that maternal bonding disorders are more common for older children, studied in different age groups up to eight years possibly indicating that early difficulties in the parent-infant relationship may worsen over time [7], but this idea has not been investigated in prospective longitudinal studies. ...
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Valid measurement instruments are needed to investigate the impact of parental bonding on child health development. The aim was to develop and validate a self-report questionnaire, the Parent-to-Infant Bonding Scale (PIBS) to measure bonding in both mothers and fathers. Internal consistency and construct validity were analysed using data from Swedish parents from both clinical (N = 182), and community (N = 122) population samples. Overall, good or acceptable internal consistency of the PIBS appeared. Convergent validity (against the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire, analysed in the clinical sample) and discriminant validity (against the mental health constructs of depressive symptoms and anxiety) were demonstrated. The results support the PIBS as a measure of maternal and paternal bonding in community and clinical populations. Assessments of criterion validity in these populations are desirable. The similarities in PIBS measurement properties between the parent groups suggest its usefulness for comparisons between mothers and fathers, and for future investigations of unique and interactive impacts of maternal and paternal bonding on child outcomes using community and clinical cohorts.
... A meta-analysis by O'Dea et al. (2023) of 133 studies indicated that 19% of mothers reported perinatal depression, and 13% reported anxiety (O'Dea et al. 2023). Importantly, psychological distress during the perinatal period has been associated with both mother-infant bonding problems, and poorer offspring social-emotional development (Le Bas et al. 2020Bas et al. , 2021Bas et al. , 2022O'Dea et al. 2023;Rogers et al. 2020Rogers et al. , 2023. Social support has been postulated to be an important modifiable factor that can buffer these risks (Taylor 2011), and could be strengthened through interventions within existing systems, such as hospital antenatal clinics, and during the postpartum period, via Maternal, Family, and Child Health services. ...
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Purpose Maternal perinatal social support is theorised to promote offspring social-emotional development, yet few studies have prospectively examined this relationship. Findings may inform preventative intervention efforts, to support a healthy start to emotional life. Methods This study examined whether maternal social support perinatally predicts infant social-emotional development at 12 months of age in two longitudinal cohort studies: The Australian Temperament Project (ATP) (n = 1,052 mother-infant dyads [653 mothers, Mage_at_birth = 32.03, 88% Australian-born; 1,052 infants, 52% girls]) and The Triple B Pregnancy Cohort Study (Triple B) (n = 1,537 dyads [1,498 mothers, Mage_at_birth = 32.53, 56% Australian-born; 1,537 infants, 49% girls]). Social support was assessed at pregnancy (third trimester) and eight-weeks post-birth. Infant social-emotional competencies (ATP: Brief Infant and Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (BITSEA), Competencies Scale; Triple B: Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-Social Emotional Scale) and problems (ATP: BITSEA, Problems Scale; Triple B: Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional Scale), were assessed at 12-months of age. Results In ATP, social support was associated with lower offspring problems (pregnancy: β = -0.15; post-birth: β = -0.12) and greater competencies (pregnancy: β = 0.12; post-birth: β = 0.16) at 12 months. In Triple B, social support also predicted lower offspring problems (pregnancy: β = -0.11; post-birth: β = -0.07) and greater competencies (pregnancy: β = 0.07) at 12 months. Findings did not indicate an association between support at eight-weeks post-birth and subsequent competencies (β = 0.06). Conclusions Evidence suggests that perinatal social support promotes healthy infant social and emotional development. These results underscore the critical importance of social support for mothers transitioning into parenthood.
... Mother-infant bonding is defined as maternal feelings about her child and may indirectly influence offspring outcomes, including social-emotional problems (Fuchs et al., 2016;Le Bas et al., 2020;Rusanen et al., 2022), neurodevelopment (Faisal-Cury et al., 2021), and social-cognitive skills (Joas & Möhler, 2021). At the neural level, bonding enhances the attraction to infant stimuli and stimulates maternal caregiving practices, while reducing rejecting behaviors (Numan & Young, 2016). ...
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Mode of birth has been linked to offspring health. Changes in DNA methylation (DNAm) may represent a potential mechanism; however, findings are heterogeneous and limited to early infancy. This preregistered study examined whether mode of birth (vaginal birth compared with elective or emergency cesarean section) affects DNAm at birth, in childhood, and adolescence and whether these effects are modified by the postnatal care environment, specifically by breastfeeding and mother–infant bonding. Using data from 876 mother–infant dyads from the U.K. Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, we examined differentially methylated cytosine-phosphate-guanine dinucleotides and regions associated with mode of birth. DNAm was quantified using Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450 K BeadChip in cord blood (at birth) and in peripheral blood (at 7 and 15–17 years). Analyses controlled for maternal age, education, smoking during pregnancy, child sex, gestational week at birth, and batch effects. We also examined interactions of mode of birth with breastfeeding practices and mother–infant bonding. In cord blood, two cytosine-phosphate-guanine dinucleotides (cg05230316; cg13230077) were linked to mode of birth (pFDR < .050). DNAm in childhood or adolescence was not statistically associated with mode of birth (pFDR > .050), and breastfeeding and mother–infant bonding were not moderators (p > .050). Overall, findings suggest mode of birth may have a small effect on cord blood DNAm, but these effects may not persist into later developmental stages. Other postnatal influences should be considered, and further investigation is needed to address study limitations.
... A parent feels various emotions that motivate adaptive behaviours in the interaction of the parent-child dyad. For example, a higher quality of maternal bonding was correlated with a higher level of the child's attachment to the parent, lower parent-reported colic rating, easier temperament, and positive infant mood [2]. The emotions a parent feels one's commitment to the ethics of autonomy, community, and divinity [6]. ...
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Abstract: Background: Emotions are the fundamental origin of parent-child bonding, which is measurable by the Scale for Parent-to-Child Emotions (SPCE) based on the theories of basic and self-conscious emotions. Methods: This study is based on the data from a cross-sectional study that we previously reported. The data consist of fathers and mothers who had a child/children, whose eldest child's age was at the foetal stage up to 12 years old, and were recruited via the Internet (N = 4600). A series of cluster analyses using factor scores (theta[Ө]s) of all domains of the SPCE were conducted. After the clusters emerged, the fathers and mothers allocated to each cluster were compared by the child's age stage. The validation of the classifications was also conducted using ANOVAs and chi-squared tests. A discriminant function analysis was conducted. Results: The participant mothers and fathers were classified into Cluster 1 (Lack of Bonding Emotions, n = 509), Cluster 2 (Bonding Disorder, n = 1471), Cluster 3 (Ambivalent Bonding Emotions, n = 1211), and Cluster 4 (Positive Bonding, n = 1409). Across the four clusters, there were no differences in the age of the parents or the gender of the child. During the second trimester, mothers made up the majority of Cluster 4 (Positive Bonding), totalling 81 cases (37.5%), whereas fathers made up the majority of Cluster 2 (Bonding Disorder), totalling 126 cases (60.0%). The three linear discriminants (LDs) well predicted the four clusters, and their functions showed cross validation. Conclusions: The typology of the SPCE is helpful to understand individual differences in terms of parental emotional bonding.
... R. Putri, 2023). Peran ibu dalam bounding attachment adalah memenuhi kebutuhan dan menciptakan rasa "aman", keberanian melakukan interaksi social dan melakukan eksplorasi pada masa bayi, sampai dengan mencegah terbentuk sikap antisosial serta menciptakan emosi yang tenang pada masa remaja dan dewasa (Balbernie, 2013;Daglar & Nur, 2018;Karakaş & Dağlı, 2019;Le Bas et al., 2020;Yuliastanti, 2013). ...
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Abstrak: Bounding attachment merupakan suatu hubungan kasih sayang dan keterikatan batin, saling mencintai dan saling membutuhkan antara orangtua dan bayi. Peran ibu dalam bounding attachment adalah memenuhi kebutuhan dan menciptakan rasa “aman” bagi bayi. Pengetahuan ibu merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi bounding and attachment karena pengetahuan dan pendidikan yang baik akan menjadi dasar orang tua khususnya ibu untuk mengimplementasikan perilaku kesehatan demi optimalisasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu agar ibu bayi (0-1 tahun) dan kader kesehatan dapat memahami pentingnya bounding and attachment terutama untuk perkembangan bayi dan kesehatan ibu. Metode dari kegiatan ini berupa penyuluhan dengan menggunakan poster. Jumlah mitra yang menjadi sasaran adalah ibu bayi (0-1 tahun) sebanyak 5 orang dan 5 orang kader kesehatan. Hasil yang dicapai adalah peningkatan pengetahuan mahasiswi mengenai mitra dengan rerata hasil pretest adalah 7,4 dan hasil posttest adalah 9,3. Informasi kesehatan melalui edukasi kesehatan yang didapatkan apabila direspon dengan baik akan menjadi suatu sikap positif sehingga mampu membentuk karakter dan perilaku kesehatan.Abstract: Bounding attachment is a relationship of affection and inner attachment, mutual love and mutual need between parents and babies. The mother's role in bounding attachment is to fulfill needs and create a sense of "security" for the baby. Maternal knowledge is one of the factors that influences bonding and attachment because good knowledge and education will be the basis for parents, especially mothers, to implement health behavior to optimize the baby's growth and development. The aim of this activity is so that mothers of babies (0-1 years) and health cadres can understand the importance of bonding and attachment, especially for baby development and maternal health. The method of this activity is in the form of outreach using posters. The number of partners targeted is 5 mothers of babies (0-1 years) and 5 health cadres. The results achieved were an increase in student knowledge regarding partners with the average pretest result being 7.4 and posttest result being 9.3. Health information through health education that is obtained if responded well will become a positive attitude so that it can shape character and health behavior.
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Background Mother-to-infant bonding (MIB) is foundational for nurturing behaviors and an infant’s development. Identifying risk factors for difficulties or problems in MIB is vital. However, traditional research often dichotomizes MIB using cutoff thresholds, overlooking its underlying complexities. This research utilizes latent profile analysis (LPA) to discern MIB subtypes in a nationwide Japanese dataset. Methods We conducted LPA on data from the Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale (MIBS), collected from 3,877 postpartum women within one year of childbirth. To empirically validate the derived profiles, we examined their associated risk factors, focusing on sociodemographic, health, and perinatal variables. Results Four distinct MIB profiles emerged. Profile 1 indicated minimal difficulties, while Profile 4 exhibited severe multifaceted difficulties. Profiles 2 and 3 showed moderate difficulties distinguished by lack of positive affection and presence of negative affection (especially indifference), respectively. Compared to Profile 1, women in Profiles 2–4 had a higher likelihood of postpartum depression and low family support. Each profile also presented unique risk factors: medium family support in Profile 2, maternal working status in Profile 3, and pre-pregnancy underweight status in Profile 4. Notably, both Profiles 3 and 4 were also linked to increased feelings of loneliness since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion This study represents the first application of LPA to MIB, revealing distinct subtypes and their respective risk profiles. These insights promise to enhance and personalize early interventions for difficulties in MIB, affirming the necessity of acknowledging MIB’s heterogeneity.
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Food insecurity during pregnancy is associated with various adverse pregnancy outcomes for the mother and infant, but less is known about the role of periconception food insecurity and its links to maternal and child wellbeing in the postpartum period. In a sample of 115 diverse (41% white) and predominately low-income mothers, results of hierarchical regression analyses showed that periconception food insecurity was positively associated with parenting stress at 2 months postpartum. A negative association between food insecurity and maternal–infant bonding at 6 months postpartum was mediated after controlling for prenatal depression, social support, and demographic factors. Findings highlight the need for maternal linkage to effective food security programs, such as United States-based Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), for women during their childbearing years due to the critical importance of food security for maternal and infant well-being.
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Systematic reviews aim to maximise transparency and comprehensiveness, whilst also minimising subjectivity and sources of bias. Because of these time-consuming and complex tasks, systematic reviews are perceived as being resource-intensive. To date, published estimates of systematic review resource requirements have been largely anecdotal, being imprecise and not based on evidence. However, it is valuable to provide reliable means of estimating the resource and time requirements of systematic reviews and maps. We analysed all CEE systematic reviews (n=66) and maps (n=20) published or registered between 2012 and 2017 to estimate the average time needed to complete a systematic review and map. We then surveyed 33 experienced systematic reviewers to collate information on time needed for each stage of the review process. Our results show that the average CEE systematic review takes 157 days (SD; ±22), whilst the average CEE systematic map takes 209 days (SD; ±53). While screening of titles and abstracts is widely accepted to be time-consuming, in practice meta-data extraction and critical appraisal can take as long (or even longer) to complete, especially when producing systematic maps. Finally, we present a tool that allows the user to predict the time requirements of a review or map given information known about the planned methods and evidence base likely to be identified. Our tool uses evidence-based defaults as a useful starting point for those wishing to predict the time requirements for a particular review. Our analyses shed light on the most time-consuming stages of the systematic review and map process, and highlight key bottlenecks from the perspective of time requirements, helping future reviewers to plan their time accordingly. Future predictions of effort required to complete systematic reviews and maps could be improved if CEE and CEE review authors provided more detailed reporting of the methods and results of their reviewing processes.
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Systematic reviews (SRs) and systematic mapping aim to maximize transparency and comprehensiveness while minimizing subjectivity and bias. These are time‐consuming and complex tasks, so SRs are considered resource intensive, but published estimates of systematic‐review resource requirements are largely anecdotal. We analyzed all Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) SRs (n = 66) and maps (n = 20) published from 2012 to 2017 to estimate the average number of articles retained at each review stage. We also surveyed 33 experienced systematic reviewers to collate information on the rate at which those stages could be completed. In combination, these data showed that the average CEE SR takes an estimated 164 d (full‐time equivalent) (SD 23), and the average CEE systematic map (SM) (excluding critical appraisal) takes 211 d (SD 53). While screening titles and abstracts is widely considered time‐consuming, metadata extraction and critical appraisal took as long or longer to complete, especially for SMs. Given information about the planned methods and evidence base, we created a software tool that predicts time requirements of a SR or map with evidence‐based defaults as a starting point. Our results shed light on the most time‐consuming stages of the SR and mapping processes, will inform review planning, and can direct innovation to streamline processes. Future predictions of effort required to complete SRs and maps could be improved if authors provide more details on methods and results.
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Early executive functioning is an important predictor for future development of children’s cognitive skills and behavioral outcomes. Parenting behavior has proven to be a key environmental determinant of child executive functioning. However, the association of parental affect and cognitions directed to the child with child executive functioning has been understudied. Therefore, in the present study we examine the associations between parental bonding (i.e., the affective tie from parent to child), parenting stress, and child executive functioning. At 26 weeks of pregnancy, and at 6 months and 24 months postpartum the quality of the maternal (N = 335) and paternal (N = 261) bond with the infant was assessed. At 24 months, postnatal parenting stress and child executive functioning were measured by means of parent-report questionnaires. Results indicated that for both mothers and fathers feelings of bonding negatively predicted experienced parenting stress over time. In addition, for both parents a negative indirect effect of bonding on child executive functioning problems was found via experienced parenting stress. These findings indicate the importance of monitoring parents who experience a low level and quality of early parent-child bonding, as this makes them vulnerable to parenting stress, consequently putting their children at risk for developing executive functioning problems.
The last few years have seen a steady increase in research addressing the potential influence of fathers on their children’s development. There has also been a clearer acknowledgement of the need to study families as a complex system, rather than just focussing on individual aspects of functioning in one or other parent. Increased father involvement and more engaged styles of father-infant interactions are associated with more positive outcomes for children. Studies of paternal depression and other psychopathology have begun to elucidate some of the key mechanisms by which fathers can influence their children’s development. These lessons are now being incorporated into thinking about engaging both mothers and fathers in effective interventions to optimise their children’s health and development.
Background Mother-infant bonding provides the foundation for secure attachment through the lifespan and organizes many facets of infant social-emotional development, including later parenting. Aims To describe maternal bonding to offspring across the pregnancy and postnatal periods, and to examine a broad range of sociodemographic and psychosocial predictors of the maternal-offspring bond. Methods Data were drawn from a sample of 372 pregnant women participating in an Australian population-based longitudinal study of postnatal health and development. Participants completed maternal bonding questionnaires at each trimester and 8 weeks postnatal. Data were collected on a range of sociodemographic and psychosocial factors. Results Bonding increased significantly through pregnancy, in quality and intensity. Regression analyses indicated that stronger antenatal bonding at all time points (trimesters 1 through 3) predicted stronger postnatal bonding. Older maternal age, birth mother being born in a non-English speaking country, mother not working full time, being a first-time mother, breast-feeding problems, and baby's crying behavior all predicted poorer bonding at 8 weeks postpartum. Conclusion These novel findings have important implications for pregnant women and their infant offspring, and for health care professionals working in perinatal services. Importantly, interventions to strengthen maternal-fetal bonding would be beneficial during pregnancy to enhance postnatal bonding and infant health outcomes.
Attachment bonds are a defining feature of mammals. A conceptual framework on human attachments is presented, integrating insights from animal research with neuroimaging studies. Four mammalian bonds are described, including parent-infant, pair-bonds, peers, and conspecifics, all built upon systems shaped by maternal provisions during sensitive periods, and evolution from rodents to humans is detailed. Bonding is underpinned by crosstalk of oxytocin and dopamine in striatum, combining motivation and vigor with social focus, and their time sensitivity/pulsatility enables reorganization of neural networks. Humans' representation-based attachments are characterized by biobehavioral synchrony and integrate subcortical with cortical networks implicated in reward/motivation, embodied simulation, and mentalization. The neurobiology of love may open perspectives on the 'situated' brain and initiate dialog between science and humanities, arts, and clinical wisdom.