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Germany’s AfD – members, leaders and ideologies



Abstract In the year 2018, Germany’s new radical right-wing party, the AfD, completed its electoral success by entering the two remaining state parliament in which the AfD wasn’t represented – Bavaria and Hessen. Hessen is also the state where Hubert Kleinert’s (The AfD and its members [Die AfD und ihre Mitglieder], 2018) excellent investigation into AfD members takes place. His empirical work represents a unique insight into ideology and thinking of AfD members. One of the key members of the AfD is Björn Höcke. Björn Höcke is more than just a member. He is the leader of the AfD in his home state of Thuringia and his is the leader of the highly influential radical right wing, Der Flügel. The wing, as it is known, represents the most extremist section of the AfD. It is partly because of the wing that CDU hard man, Friedrich Merz, recently called the AfD, ‘openly Nazi [with] antisemitic undertones’ ( In Sebastian Hennig’s (Never twice in the same river [Nie zweimal in denselben Fluss], 2018) interview with Björn Höcke, the völkisch boss talks freely about this political ideas. Finally, the rise of the AfD marks a distinctive move to the right changing Germany’s political culture. What all this means is shown in Andreas Peglau’s (Shifting Right in the twenty-first Century [Rechtsruck im 21. Jahrhundert], 2018) exquisite book ‘Shifting Right in the 21st Century’. The review concludes by arguing that the AfD is not an outright Nazi party. The AfD is a fascistoid party – it carries elements of fascism inside.
R E V I E W Open Access
Germanys AfD members, leaders and
Thomas Klikauer
Correspondence: t.klikauer@;
School of Business Reception,
Western Sydney University,
Parramatta City Campus, Level 8,
169 Macquarie Street, Parramatta,
NSW 2150, Australia
Sydney Graduate School of
Management, Western Sydney
University, Sydney, Australia
In the year 2018, Germanys new radical right-wing party, the AfD, completed its
electoral success by entering the two remaining state parliament in which the AfD
wasnt represented Bavaria and Hessen. Hessen is also the state where Hubert
Kleinerts(The AfD and its members [Die AfD und ihre Mitglieder], 2018) excellent
investigation into AfD members takes place. His empirical work represents a unique
insight into ideology and thinking of AfD members. One of the key members of the
AfD is Björn Höcke. Björn Höcke is more than just a member. He is the leader of the
AfD in his home state of Thuringia and his is the leader of the highly influential
radical right wing, Der Flügel. The wing, as it is known, represents the most extremist
section of the AfD. It is partly because of the wing that CDU hard man, Friedrich
Merz, recently called the AfD, openly Nazi [with] antisemitic undertones(https://
In Sebastian Hennigs(Never twice in the same river [Nie zweimal in denselben
Fluss], 2018) interview with Björn Höcke, the völkisch boss talks freely about this
political ideas. Finally, the rise of the AfD marks a distinctive move to the right
changing Germanys political culture. What all this means is shown in Andreas
Peglaus(Shifting Right in the twenty-first Century [Rechtsruck im 21. Jahrhundert],
2018) exquisite book Shifting Right in the 21
Century. The review concludes by
arguing that the AfD is not an outright Nazi party. The AfD is a fascistoid party it
carries elements of fascism inside.
Keywords: Germany, Alternative for Germany, Political party, Right-wing populism
Introduction the rise of the AfD
Three recent German language books examine Germanys new political party called Al-
ternative for Germany (AfD). Hubert Kleinerts book explains attitudes and ideologies of
AfD members based on interviews and a survey taken in the regional state of Hessen
where the AfD accomplished its latest electoral success. Sebastian Hennigs interview
with Thuringias state leader Björn Höcke provides interesting insights delivered by one
of most powerful men in the AfD (Kilkauer 2019). Andreas Peglaus book uses the well-
known book by Wilhelm Reich, published in 1933, The Mass Psychology of Fascism to
examine recent shifts towards the radical right (Reich 1933). Peglau highlights the many
similarities and differences between 1933 and today. Using three different angles voters
attitudes, an interview with an AfD leader, and mass psychology the combined strength
of the three books presents a wide-ranging picture of Germanysyoungestandmostsuc-
cessful political party.
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and Euro
ean Studies
Asian Journal of Germa
Klikauer Asian Journal of German and European Studies (2019) 4:4
With the 2017 federal election, the AfD some say Alternative for the Dumb or A
F*** Disgraceentered politics as the third strongest party in Germanys federal parlia-
ment. Barely 1 year later, the AfD entered the final two state parliaments (Bavaria and
Hesse) (Kim 2018). Today, the AfD is represented in all regional parliaments,
Germanys federal parliament, and in the European parliament. This manifests an un-
seen success story in German politics. A recent public poll even positioned the AfD
(17%) ahead of the once mighty SPD (16%). Many see the AfD as just another right-
wing populist party (Klikauer 2018a). They argue that Germany was just catching up
with other European countries where right-wing parties had already entered parliaments.
Others prefer to call a spade a spade rather than an agricultural implement. One of those
is Germanys former foreign minister Joschka Fischer [who] sees the AfD in the tradition
of the NSDAP(p. 5). In Kleinerts book, one chapter is tasked with the question, how
right is the AfD?It closes with a warning not to use the Nazi etiquette(p. 15).
The AfD and its members
After examining the AfDs brief history, Kleinert argues that its party programme is not
a good indicator on where the party stands. The programme is largely a whitewash. His
brief section on the AfD and the new rightoutlines the links between the AfD and
Neo-Nazis but does not mention, for example, the large number of connections be-
tween the AfD and the völkisch-fascistic Identity Movement, the Reichsbürger,Neo-
Nazis, the supporters of the murderous National Socialist Underground that killed ten
people, and the fact that the AfDs semi-leader Björn Höcke attended Neo-Nazi rallies
(in Chemnitz most recently) and wrote opinion pieces for Neo-Nazi outfits under the
cover of Landolf Ladig.
Kleinert continues by describing the AfDs standard party structure leading to the
core of his work, namely AfD members. He describes his research project and the diffi-
culties to gain the AfDs trust. The AfD has a semi-paranoid friends-vs.-foe mentality.
Still, Kleinert found that 84% of AfD members are male (p. 57). 50% have completed
high school or university (p. 58). The three largest occupational groups of AfD mem-
bers are: self-employed, white collar, and retirees making up 74% of all AfD members.
Kleinerts data also show what is one of the most crucial facts: 77% of all AfD members
receive news from the Internet (p. 62). Sixty percent believe German media are untrust-
worthy (p. 62). This explains not only the AfDslying pressideology a remake of
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels of the 1930s. It also explains why AfD
members are cut off from the mainstream media (Klikauer 2018b). Many are securely
asphyxiated in what is known as echo chambers. These are Internet places (Facebook,
WhatsApp, YouTube, etc.) where already established worldviews are reinforced while
challenging and contradictory news are eliminated.
Kleinerts data makes clear that most AfD members used to vote the conservative
CDU/CSU. Simultaneously, most AfD members strongly disagree with Germanysen-
vironmental party, the Greens (p. 65). On the whole, the data supports what many
studies have shown. 64% of AfD members believe that foreigners bring drugs and
crime(p. 73). Eighty-seven percent think that more crime comes from migrants than
from Germans (p. 73). Ninety-six percent believe that they feel strange in their own
country because of Muslims(p. 76). Eighty-seven percent think that what the AfD calls
Klikauer Asian Journal of German and European Studies (2019) 4:4 Page 2 of 7
gender madnesshas to be stopped (p. 88). Roughly one third believe that homosexu-
ality is against nature and disgusting (p. 90).
AfD members support AfDs boss Alexander Gaulands glorification of Nazi soldiers
(Klimov 1985) and his demagogic deputy Björn Höcke who claims that Berlins Holo-
caust memorial is shameful. Overall, 78% agree with the statement, more than 70 years
after 1945, we should no longer apologise for our past(p. 100). Not surprisingly, Anti-
semitism remains alive and well inside the AfD (Klikauer 2018c). 38% believe that the
international Jew has too much influence(p. 101). Unsurprisingly, 73% think that
global warming is exaggerated (p. 109). Rather interesting is the fact that the socialist
Sarah Wagenknecht of The Left party is the only non-AfD politician AfD members like
a (p. 116). Kleinert concludes that the AfD is a national-conservative party with many
bridges to Germanys right-wing extremism(p. 120).
The German language separates right wing from right-wing extremism. Extremism is
often used as a code word for Neo-Nazis. Extremism also indicates violence. This is the
sort of violence recently depicted by AfD supporters and Neo-Nazis in Chemnitz (Au-
gust and September 2018) where AfD and Neo-Nazis marched in unison. The com-
bined AfD and Neo-Nazi march featured AfD regional boss Björn Höcke marching in
the front line with Neo-Nazis. Rally participants sung old Nazi songs. They marched
while raising the flag!Their ranks were tightly closed. During the rally, non-German
looking people were hunted down and a Jewish restaurant was attacked. The AfD-Nazi
march with Björn Höcke leading the way featured core Nazi trimmings.
Björn Höcke leader of the AfDs völkische wing
Without a doubt, Björn Höcke is the most controversial and one of the most influential
figures in the AfD. In Sebastian Hennigs book Never twice in the same river, an inter-
view with Björn Höcke is presented. Höcke is portrayed as a right-wing extremist, a
völkisch-nationalistic bio-racist and apocalyptic AfD leader(p. 9). Key to understand
Höcke is his ideology-shaping heritage of East Prussia where Höckes forbearers origi-
nated. This shapes his reactionary longing for a lost homeland(p. 23). A second
ideology-shaping element is the idea that battles create identities(p. 30). Höcke says,
to be Prussian is a lifestyle(p. 36). This means Prussian authoritarian militarism. It
does not mean democracy.
Höckes illusionary lifestyle of Prussian militarism ended when the Red Army in-
vadedHöckes homeland (p. 63). Höcke doesntusethetermliberated. He believes
the liberation from Nazism (not Nazism itself) was a terrible catastrophe(p. 63).
In Höckes selective mind-set, it all started with the forced removal of Germans
from Eastern Europe. That Nazi-Germany invaded Poland starting World War II,
that Nazism killed millions of Jews and many others, that it created the Holocaust
and Auschwitz, simply does not feature in Höckes perception. Instead, Björn
Höcke fancies the military and the battle.
Continuing his battle ideology, Höcke believes that conscription into the army helps
developing [a mans] personal character(p. 52). It creates the virtue of a soldier(p.
53) while strengthening Germanysnational substance(p. 65). To achieve this, Höcke
advocates that the officially enforced remembrance [of the Holocaust has to be re-
moved because it] negates the Volkshafte(p. 71). The semi-fascistic world of the Volk-
shafte means the völkische forces of the German people. The final goal of the
Klikauer Asian Journal of German and European Studies (2019) 4:4 Page 3 of 7
Volkshafte is the Aryan Volksgemeinschaft. Anything in the way towards the Volksge-
meinschaft is to be removed. What Höcke wants to remove are gender madness, a hys-
terical energy policy, the failed integration of migrants, and Germanys disastrous EU
policy(p. 108). Instead, a natural manliness(p. 118) should be reintroduced as a male
guided Volk remains the central point of orientationfor Höcke (p. 133). His friend-
vs.-foe idea also defines his enemies.
Höcke rejects todaysanti-fascism because anti-fascism makes you ugly, bad, and stu-
pid(p. 140). Höcke thinks that fascism was only a limited phenomenon(p. 141). On
the whole, fascism created good streetstrains running on time [and] level headed
clarity(p. 142). Höckes fascism would also end the hated Soros foundation [that is]
the enemy of the people völkerfeindlich(p. 178). Volksfeindlich (being an enemy of
the people) is virtually anything and anyone deemed to be outside of Höckes Aryan
and racially cleansed Volksgemeinschaft.
The same goes for the opening of our borders [to refugees] in autumn 2015(p. 185).
In reality, the EUs Schengen agreement had removed many inner-European borders
long before 2015. Perhaps Björn Höcke works with the motto, never let reality get in
the way of a good demagogy. Now, they [the refugees] enjoy a luxurious life paid for by
German taxes(p. 198). In the year 2015 when many refugees arrived, Höckes so-called
luxuries had to be financed by between 287 and 359 per month. A luxurious life fi-
nanced by roughly eleven Euros per day! Still, Höcke thinks that migrants will cause
the brutal removal of the Germans(p. 205) resulting in an Islamisation of Germany
(p. 219). Against that, he wants to rejuvenate his hallucination of a unified will of the
German Volk(p. 235). This negates pluralism and democracy while again conjuring up
images of a Volksgemeinschaft.According to Höcke, only this can re-establish the
framework of order for the German Volk(p. 269). This new order will allow Germany
to fight against globalisation(p. 270).
In Sebastian Hennigs book, Björn Höcke presents himself as a conservative national-
ist. In this case, the most interesting thing about the book is what is not mentioned.
For example, Höcke used to write for Neo-Nazis under the false name Landolf Ladig.
He lives in a rural town. His neighbour who Björn Höcke, depending on the inter-
view, knows either very well or not at all is a known Neo-Nazi with a criminal and
violent past. Höcke calls the holocaust memorial in Berlin shameful. He marched in an
AfD-Neo-Nazi rally in Chemnitz (2018) next to Pegida boss Lutz Bachmann who likes
to dress up as Adolf Hitler. After the rally, non-Germans where hunted down. The list
of Höckes unmentioned secrets goes on. In the end, Sebastian Hennigs book is not
much more than the proverbial wolf in sheepskin camouflaging Björn Höckesfascistoid
ideology. The German language offers a nuanced difference between outright fascism
and fascistoid. The latter indicates that elements of fascism are prevalent but have not
yet matured into full fascism. It is fascism in the becoming. Whether a new fascistoid
movement is on the rise in Europe is examined in the final book.
The AfDs move to the extreme right
Andreas PeglausShifting Right in the twenty-first Century relies on the Wilhelm Reichs
seminal work about the Mass Psychology of Fascism published in the year 1933 (p. 7)
(Reich 1933). Dedicated to psychoanalysis, Wilhelm Reich was a contemporary of
Sigmund Freud, also working in Vienna. Reichs book has entered the 100 classics of
Klikauer Asian Journal of German and European Studies (2019) 4:4 Page 4 of 7
social science(p. 8). The police shooting of one hundred rebellious workers on 16th
and 17th July 1927 in Vienna (p. 15) deeply impacted on the young doctor of medicine.
Soon Reich moved to Berlin witnessing the rise of Nazism. Hitlers Nazi party became
Germanys second strongest party in 1930 (p. 22). Seeking to understand the imminent
Nazi threat, Reich studied HitlersMein Kampf and Alfred RosenbergsThe Myth of the
twentieth Century (Rosenberg 1930). He delved into the ideas of Joseph Goebbels (p.
24). Once in power, the Nazis burned the books of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich and
many others (p. 30).
Soon both men parted ways as Freud favoured the individual while Reich analysed
the mass in order to understand fascism (p. 39). For Reich, the success of Nazism can-
not be explained without looking at authoritarianism. Helplessly exposed to a strong
and, above all, authoritarian father figure for years, the individual will cling to a strong
Führer (Miller 2002). Such individuals are often driven by wanting to be a little Führer
(p. 39), writes Reich (Klikauer 2018e). Authoritarianism is worsened by repressive
sexuality(p. 40) (Block 2018).
In 1939 Wilhelm Reich escaped to the USA (p. 46). Ten years later, his Mass Psych-
ology became one of the most accessed books in US public libraries (p. 48). People read
the book to understand fascism. Seventy years later, many elements creating fascism as
still with us. In the twenty-first century, fascisms new European face appeared first in
the Ukraine. Ukraines Oleh Tjajnybok spoke of Jewish pigs, a Russian-Jewish mafia
and that the Ukraine belongs to Ukrainians(p. 55). Fascism always comes with aggres-
sion. This is most truthfully shown in the aforementioned Come and See movie (p. 63)
it is almost unbearable to watch (Klimov 1985). On a milder scale, such aggression is
shown in facts like the three children dying every week in Germany because of abuse
(p. 71), mass poverty impacting on thirteen million Germans (p. 77), etc.
Much of this is not unconnected to neoliberalism in which human beings are de-
graded to mere appendixes to markets (p. 78) (Kim 2018). The neoliberal free market
ideology also means that neoliberalisms competition is eventually transported into
every human being. It sets worker against worker and every small business owner
against every other small business owner (p. 81). Instead of natural human solidarity,
human life becomes governed by competition (de Waal 1996). Simultaneously, the mid-
dle class is constantly threatened with a fear towards a downward move into the pre-
cariat with high levels of insecurity, declining wages and working conditions (p. 82)
(Standing 2011). These are the times when fascism rises and when it creates scapegoats
like refugees and migrants (p. 85). By 2015, the AfD began to master this. It encouraged
hate and aggression. But this hate and aggression didnt come out of nowhere.
Alone in the city of Berlin there were 3000 violent acts in its public transport
system in the year 2013 (p. 86). Statistics like these are merely indicators of a
widespread destructive frenzy(p. 87). Right-wing politicians exploit this sort of
aggression rather skilfully. Their ideologies fall of fruitful grounds when 4.2% of
Germans in the west and 6.8% in the East prefer a right-wing authoritarian dicta-
torship (p. 92). The authoritarian personality, as Adorno once called it, remains
prevalent in Germany and elsewhere (Adorno et al. 1964). 67.5% of Germans show
authoritarian tendencies (p. 94). Unsurprisingly, such right wing and fascistoid atti-
tudes are most common among AfD voters (p. 102). Just as in the AfD itself
(stronger in East-Germany), there is also a difference between brightand dark
Klikauer Asian Journal of German and European Studies (2019) 4:4 Page 5 of 7
Germany’–West vs. East Germany (p. 104). Crucially, Andreas Peglau argues
(p. 109),
Three hundred years of capitalist exploitation, of imperialism, of global plundering,
of tormenting the working class, of racial hatred, etc. would have never been possible
without an accompanying structure based on authoritarianism converting millions
into willing supporters of such regimes. It is this structure that creates fascist parties
not the other way around
This is certainly true for the creation of fascist parties. On the other hand, even
German Nazism needed years of intensive propaganda roughly between 1933 and
1936to securely establish its regime, readying Germans for racial cleansing, the Holo-
caust, aggressive wars, etc. Of course, the Nazis installed a social and educational sys-
tem for the authoritarian socialisation of Germans. What fascism does not need is a
psychologically healthy baby(p. 109) but a mechanism that converts children into
what the German novelist Heinrich Mann once called the Untertan the sub-ordinate,
the underling (Mann 1918).
Eventually, these underlings became GoldhagensWilling Executors willing to exe-
cute the wishes of their authoritarian Führer even when this meant Einsatzgruppen,
mass murder and Auschwitz (Goldhagen 1996). In the words of Peglau, these are ele-
ments of racists fanatics [readying people for mass murder and] destruction(p. 109).
Peglau writes that psychologically healthy individuals reject subordination and oppres-
sion especially when enforced with fascist brutality(p. 110). But Germans lining the
streets, raising their arm to salute the passing Führer were anything but psychologically
healthy individuals.
In East Germany, the hard core willing to enforce a fascistic regime numbers about
15,000 people (p. 114) mostly men. This is a far cry from the 400,000 the SA could
muster in 1933. Still, what Peglau argues is not quantity but quality. The rise of fascism
may well lie in numbers. Fascism is a mass movement from Germanys SA to Italys
back shirts, Hungarys Arrow Cross, Romanias Iron Guard, etc. However, what remains
significant for the understanding of fascism is psychology and mass psychology in par-
ticular. For that, Wilhelm Reichs book, as laid out by Andreas Peglau, still delivers
valuable insights.
Conclusion three perspectives on the AfD
The overall conclusion is that, given the three books, one might say that Reichs
elements of fascistoid attitudes can be found in many right-wing fascistoid
political parties, including the AfD. The same can be found in AfD members as
Hubert Kleinerts book shows as well as in the thinking of Björn Höcke as
Sebastian Hennigsbook,thatlets Björn Höcke talk relatively freely, shows.
Finally, what might aid the rise of fascism in the twenty-first century is a
symbiosis of authoritarianism found in AfD members (Kleinert) and its leader
(Hennig). This is not to say that the AfD is a new Nazi party. But, given what
Andreas Peglau has outlined, fascistoid elements are found inside the party from
ordinary members to the very top (Klikauer 2018d).
Klikauer Asian Journal of German and European Studies (2019) 4:4 Page 6 of 7
AfD: Alternative for Deutschland or alternative for Germany; CDU: The Christian Democratic Union of Germany is a
Christian democratic and liberal-conservative political party in Germany; EU: European Union; NSDAP: The National
Socialist German WorkersParty or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or Nazi Party was a political party that
created and supported the ideology of Nazism; SPD: The Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische
Partei Deutschlands or SPD) is Germanys main centre-left political party
Authors contributions
The author read and approved the final manuscript.
No funding it is just a book review.
Availability of data and materials
Competing interests
The author declares that he has no competing interests.
Received: 12 March 2019 Accepted: 24 May 2019
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Klikauer Asian Journal of German and European Studies (2019) 4:4 Page 7 of 7
... However, since 2013, AfD has embraced nationalism, anti-immigrant bigotry, and ethno-religious prejudice. Political commentators and analysts have described the party as a union of two factions, that is, a moderate national-conservative branch, represented by politicians such as J ö rg Meuthen; and the identitarian Der Fl ü gel subgroup ( Klikauer 2019 ). At the European level, the AfD left the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy group (EFDD) in the EP to join the newly created Identity and Democracy, a family of populist inspiration. ...
Full-text available
The field of this artice is the far-right populist AfD party in the context of anti-immigrant rhetoric. I intend to establish to what extent the anti-immigrant agenda and activity can pose a threat to democracy in Germany. The field of research is the ideological background of the AfD. I intend to show what the anti-immigrant arguments stem from and what their boundaries are. In conducting research I adopted the main hypothesis according to which: far-right and populist AfD displaying anti-immigrant rhetoric are increasingly going beyond the boundaries of free speech to extremisms that undermine the constitutional order in Germany. The AfD aims to destabilise the democratic landscape by, among other things, building support for anti-immi- grant attitudes.
This article analyses how right-wing populist actors claim to represent the “voice of the people” and express “popular sovereignty” as a mode of challenging the traditional constitutional foundation of liberal democracy. This hypothesis is illustrated by an investigation into the political discourse of the Alternative for Germany considering how this populist actor has developed a political strategy claiming to speak for the “people” in an authentic and immediate fashion. The analysis of this actor's political mobilization shows how the championed direct democratic representation is couched in a sovereigntist discourse that relies on divisive identity markers rather than genuine democratic participation. Drawing on Carl Schmitt's concept of the political, the article interprets right-wing populism as invoking a permanent “state of exception” that employs an emotionally charged friend– enemy distinction whose logic of representing the people has the potential of triggering radical political change as well as undermining the integrity of rule-based democracy.
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This paper examines the strong support for Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) from lower socio-economic groups like blue collar workers and the unemployed in Germany, who would be most economically weakened by the radical market-oriented policies of this party. The AfD has achieved remarkable electoral successes within a short period of time, with the main basis of the support it receives coming from the above-mentioned demographic groups. These are not the dominant segment or the majority of all the supporters of the AfD, but they provide a considerable proportion of the party’s votes and are the groups which display the highest approval ratings for the AfD. Their support is quite surprising, given the fact that the economic, labor, welfare and tax policies of the party are very market-oriented. In this light, this paper focuses on the major factions (the economic liberal and the national conservative) and main agenda items (opposition to the euro and antipathy to immigration and refugees) of the AfD, and demonstrates the discrepancies between the party’s policy goals and the circumstances and needs of the core groups which support the party. The two internal party factions prioritize different agendas, though they are both fundamentally opposed to the existing euro system and the influx of immigrants and refugees to Germany. The party’s radical market-oriented policies were devised under the influence of the eurosceptic economic liberalism which played a leading role in the party’s foundation and in its initial phase. However, even in the early period when it drew most attention as an anti-euro party, the AfD owed its electoral successes to its anti-immigration and anti-refugee stance rather than to its anti-euro position. The former issues were more emphasized by the national conservatives within the party after they won the ideological struggle with the economic liberals. The anti-immigrant and anti-refugee policies first appealed to blue collar workers and the unemployed. In addition, their support was mobilized effectively by the election strategy of the AfD, which campaigned mainly on an anti-immigration and anti-refugee platform, and obscured or de-emphasized the radical market-oriented policies of the party.
In September 2017, a new political party entered Germany's parliament harvesting anti‐establishment feelings while converting frustrations over neoliberalism into xenophobia and racism. The new party calls itself “Alternative for Germany” (AfD). Corporate media label the party “populist” and “right wing.” This commentary argues that the party has clear Nazi tendencies. Originally founded as a pro‐capitalism, pro‐neoliberalism, anti‐Europe, and nationalistic party, the AfD shows very serious tendencies toward Nazism. Its recent party convention moved the party even more toward Nazism. The party's Nazism is signified in the use of AfD terminologies such as the so‐far taboo‐word “völkisch”—a Nazi‐word not used in post‐war Germany. It means an anti‐Semitic Aryan Volk that is ethnically cleansed to establish the mythical Germanic and deeply antidemocratic Volksgemeinschaft led by an authoritarian leader, the Führer. Under the camouflage of being “right wing,” a slow mainstreaming of fascism occurs. This commentary has four parts: the introduction explains the AfD's historic origins and predecessors; the second part elucidates media support; the third part discusses populism; and the fourth part shows the party's support network. The commentary ends with a short conclusion. Using secondary and German‐language sources, the commentary documents the AfD‐Nazi link based on statements made by AfD members and leaders. This article concludes that the AfD might indeed be called Germany's new Nazis.
In the year 2017, a new political party entered Germany’s parliament called ‘Alternative for Germany’ or AfD. Mainstream media labels the party far right, radical-right, right wing, national-conservative, populist, etc. Despite this, the AfD has tendencies towards Nazism. Nine books published between 2016 and 2018 examine the stratospheric rise of the AfD, founded in 2013. The review starts with a conservative view that examines ‘what the AfD wants.’ The next book discusses the ‘AfD-Pegida’ link. Pegida is the AfD’s East-German and mostly Dresden-based street-fighting movement. The third book presents arguments on the AfD from across Germany’s political spectrum. This leads to a book written as a ‘letter to AfD voters’. The book outlines many inconstancies found in the AfD’s party programme and its public announcements. Since the AfD claims to protect the occident, Europe and Germany in particular against hordes of Muslims and the Islamic religion, these issues are discussed in the next book. A quick look at the ideological background of the AfD points to an analysis of the party’s relationship with the media. The final two books show how the AfD seeks to conquer Germany’s political centre, based on a wealth of empirical data. Overall, the nine books provide one of the first comprehensive examinations of Germany’s new radical-right party drawn from recent German language books.
Subjects with some religious affiliation are more prejudiced than those without affiliation, but no significant difference between Protestants and Catholics. There is a low but significant negative relation of intelligence and education to ethnocentrism. Interviews threw light on parental relations, childhood, conception of self, and dynamics and organization of personality. Projective techniques are described and results analyzed. 63 interviews are analyzed qualitatively for prejudice, political and economic ideas, religious ideology and syndromes among high and low scorers. The development of two contrasting cases is given. Criminality and antidemocratic trends in prison inmates and a study of clinic patients complete the investigation of the authoritarian personality pattern. 121 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
New York: Knopf & Random House Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland
  • Daniel J Goldhagen
  • DJ Goldhagen
Goldhagen, Daniel J. 1996. Hitler's willing executioners: ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. New York: Knopf & Random House Christopher Browning, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (New York: HarperCollins, 1992.
Incel therapy, bonobo-style
  • Susan Block
Block, Susan. 2018. "Incel therapy, bonobo-style.", Accessed 5 Nov 2018.