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Disparate Treatment and Adverse Impact in Applied Attrition Modeling



Disparate treatment and adverse impact in applied attrition modeling - Volume 12 Issue 3 - Christopher M. Castille, Ann-Marie R. Castille
Disparate Treatment and Adverse Impact in Applied Attrition Modeling
Christopher M. Castille and Ann-Marie R. Castille
Nicholls State University
Author Note:
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Speer and colleagues (2019) provide an excellent overview of key practices on applied
attrition modeling. With our commentary, we wish to elaborate on a decision point Speer and
colleagues left open in the development of attrition models, namely the decision to examine
protected classification information. Our contribution seems particularly relevant given popular
press discussions regarding discriminatory employment activities enacted via artificial
intelligence. For instance, Amazon developed an algorithm with the purpose of recruiting job
candidates with the highest potential. Unfortunately, the process resulted in a bias against female
candidates that could not be remedied in a timely fashion resulting in leaders terminating the
project (Dastin, 2018). Our concern is that a similar outcome might result here if biases against
protected classes are not examined thoroughly.
Unfortunately, while there is value in studying protected classes and their relation to
turnover, we have observed that legal teams might resist people analytics teams’ efforts to
examine protected classes in projects such as the development of attrition models, and so we
hope to speak to those practitioners who are facing such an obstacle. Therefore, with our
commentary, we call attention to what has in our observation been a problem in practice: gaining
permission to analyze protected class information on employees in building attrition models.
Drawing upon the adverse impact and disparate treatment literature, we highlight how both
including and failing to acknowledge the role of protected class information can introduce legal
exposure to the organization in question. Our key contribution involves clarifying how analytical
ignorance of protected class information might increase an organization’s legal exposure. We
1 Occasionally, we will use the phrase ‘protected class information’ rather than ‘protected class(es)’ or ‘protected
class factor(s)’ to speak in a general sense about both (i) protected classes (e.g., ethnicity) and (ii) correlates of
protected classes that might be studied in the analysis of attrition. For instance, commute length could be calculated
using one’s postal code, which in certain settings could correlate with socioeconomic status and potentially ethnicity
(see Guenole et al., 2017).
emphasize analytical ignorance here as meaning that the attrition modelers remain agnostic to
protected class information and enact discriminatory policy in an illegal fashion. We hope to
augment guidance provided by Speer et al. (2019) by equipping I/O psychologists who are
engaged in modeling attrition with steps to take to ensure that their actions are both in
compliance with employment law and also create business value.
The Legal Risks of Examining (or Failing to Examine) Protected Class Information in
Applied Attrition Modeling
As Speer and colleagues (2019) noted, attrition modeling involves using available
organizational data to estimate the probability of employee turnover. Such estimates in turn feed
organizational decision-making and workforce planning (e.g., hiring, retention initiatives,
changes in compensation, promotion, etc.). For the sake of discussion, we’ll assume that attrition
modelers hope to build a model that would trigger an employment decision (e.g., “high risk”
individuals would be targeted for a discussion regarding a change in compensation, benefits, or
some aspect of the employment arrangement). In other words, attrition research informs
employment decision-making as a manner of policy. One can conceive of a manager who will be
held responsible for optimizing turnover for the benefit of the organization. Armed with models
that estimate the probability of exit for an individual employee or group of employees, this
manager would then take steps (e.g., improve compensation or benefits, etc.) that are aimed at
2 While our discussion is limited to the United States (because this is where we can speak to our experience), many
countries (e.g., Australia, Belgium, France, Germany) have similar employment legislation in place and may even
require regulated reporting of data to ensure that no unfair treatment occurs, and so our thinking should be
applicable beyond the United States. In the United States protected classifications at the federal level include race,
religion, national origin, age (40 and over), sex, pregnancy, familial status, disability status, veteran status, and
genetic information. States may provide protections to additional classes (e.g., sexual orientation), and practitioners
should be mindful of these classifications.
increasing voluntary forms of functional turnover and or decreasing avoidable forms of
dysfunctional turnover.
To bring clarity to the issue of whether or not protected classification information should
be examined, we draw upon the existing disparate treatment and adverse impact literature and
provide corresponding illustrations that might help attrition modelers explain why protected class
factors should be examined when modeling attrition. We would suggest that attrition modelers
may in certain circumstances have a legal obligation to examine the role of protected
classification information in the analysis of attrition so to avoid engaging in employment-related
decisions that would constitute illegal discrimination. Such inclusions could be direct and
include protected class factors (e.g., including gender and ethnicity into an attrition model) or
indirect via including or creating predictors that are correlated with protected class factors (e.g.,
job class, postal codes). While examining protected class information has the obvious business
value of improving variance explained in turnover, thus improving our ability to optimize
turnover, looking at protected class information may in practice be viewed in a more precarious
manner, particularly by legal teams.
When building an attrition model, disparate treatment
would be a concern if there was a
clear intention to discriminate against protected classes. As this is the more obvious form of
injustice, we believe that legal teams’ sensitivity to this issue may motivate their reason for
denying access to protected class factors such as employee sex and race. If the in-practice
attrition model were to contain protected class information because of statistically significant
associations with attrition outcomes, such inclusion would be viewed as circumstantial evidence
of disparate treatment (see Schwager v. Sun Oil Co. of Pa, p. 34). This could even be argued if
the model included a factor that was contingent upon “race,” such as in-group diversity. When
put into practice, such an attrition model would treat affected groups differently based on
protected classifications, constituting disparate treatment.
By contrast, adverse impact
would be a concern if the same standards or procedures were
applied to all individuals who interact with the organization but produce a substantial difference
in employment-related outcomes. Adverse impact would occur if the developed attrition model
though not including protected class information nevertheless produced outcomes that were
associated with protected class factors (e.g., enhancements in compensation or benefits). A
simple example involves an attrition model encouraging managers to allow African Americans to
exit at a disproportionate rate relative to other classes for reasons that are correlated in one’s
population in a unique manner with race but also unrelated to performance in the job (e.g.,
commute length). We think the risk of adverse impact is particularly salient when attrition
modeling takes advantage of big data sets and machine learning (i.e., data sets that contain large
swaths of information, such as candidates’ residential postal code) (for related discussions, see
O’Neill, 2016; Guenole, Ferrar, & Feinzig, 2017). For instance, including employees’ postal
codes in an analysis may tap into socioeconomic status, which can be a proxy for race or
ethnicity (see Guenole et al., 2017). Commute length, which could be a predictor of attrition for
the organization in question, may be computed using postal codes. Therefore, including
commute length, a variable that on its face should not cause adverse impact, may produce a
3 Importantly, while there might not be an organizational intention to discriminate against protected classes but to
improve operational efficiencies (e.g., reducing turnover costs), taking actions based on protected classifications to
mold the workforce into a more demographically homogeneous one would be in violation of employment law.
Additionally, specific organizational practices might not have unique discriminatory effects as is often observed in
employee selection literature (e.g., using cognitive ability tests), but a suite of employment decisions (e.g.,
relocating or reassigning workers to certain work units) could in tandem discriminate along protected class lines.
statistically biased outcome along protected class lines (Guenole et al., 2017). As should be
evident, these effects are more subtle in their manifestation and, therefore, deserving of greater
concern by attrition modelers using big data and the legal teams with which they work. Legal
representatives may be less sensitive to adverse impact in this context, which is where I/O
psychologists can play a valuable role.
This brings us to our key point: attrition modelers may be legally obliged to examine
whether employing attrition models would cause adverse impact
. In our observation, legal teams
may resist the examination of protected class characteristics because such examinations, if they
are to unearth discrimination in the organization, could place the organization at legal risk during
a possible discoverability process. As we hope we have made abundantly clear, such an action
may not be in accordance with employment law. Furthermore, we would venture to suggest that
a legal team’s refusal to have protected class information examined could itself be discoverable
and raise questions regarding intent to discriminate (which an organization may not possess). I/O
psychologists may, therefore, need to make their legal teams aware of these concerns during the
attrition modeling process.
A Simple Three-Step Process for Examining Adverse Impact in Attrition Models
Seeking to augment the guidance provided by Speer and colleagues (2019), as well as the
guidance provided by other commentators, we have provided a process that attrition modelers
can use to ensure their models comply with employment law. Additionally, HR professionals,
particularly those with minimal analytics comprehension, might adapt this process (see the
corresponding footnotes) to leverage the benefits of attrition modeling in creating business value
4 Furthermore, these effects could go unnoticed during the model development phase if too small a sample is
utilized. However, when a model is applied to thousands of cases, these small effects could very well add up to clear
forms of discrimination.
while also ensuring compliance with employment law. Such individuals would not likely
develop the models but need to have those models audited.
In the first step, modelers should include protected class factors in their
attrition-model-building phase. In other words, all protected class factors should be present in the
initial model development data set. Here, it is important to flag common correlates of protected
class factors and attrition. Such correlations can be helpful in diagnosing the cause (or causes) of
any protected class information–attrition associations that appear later in the analysis. If
modelers do not include protected class information, an explanation should be furnished as to
why this is the case and how adverse impact is avoided. Lastly, an attrition model that does not
contain the protected class factors should be built, estimates of the probability of exit estimated,
and decision rules crafted regarding whether a policy will be triggered (e.g., flagged individuals
require job redesign). Ensuring that the model does not contain protected class factors essentially
protects the organization in question from engaging in disparate treatment and is a necessary but
not sufficient step.
In the second step, these decision rules are tested for possible adverse impact. Here, the
decision rules (e.g., “1” means the individual is targeted for intervention) are examined via
statistical test (e.g., chi-square tests of association, Fisher’s exact test) with protected class
factors. This test will be used to identify whether the associated employment decision is
statistically associated with protected classifications. Here, a statistically significant association
would suggest that adverse impact could be occurring.
5 For HR professionals, the first step to auditing attrition models is to ask attrition modelers whether or not protected
class information is in the model that is to be used. If it is, then they should ask whether protected class factors
correlate with any factors included in the model within the dataset. They should then ask to have these protected
class factors removed from the attrition model.
6 For HR professionals, this second step involves requesting that attrition modelers simply test for adverse impact.
In the third step, business leaders should act on the results of the adverse impact
assessment. If there is no statistical evidence of adverse impact, then the attrition model would
probably be fine for practical use. If there is statistical evidence of adverse impact, then the
cause or causes of such impact should be further studied using accepted frameworks for
examining bias to determine if unintended and illegal discrimination is occurring (see Guenole,
2018 for a discussion of this issue). Indeed, the appearance of adverse impact may not reflect
bias against protected classes, but unearth true differences (even psychological ones) in the
populations that are being studied. For instance, there is evidence of sex differences in vocational
interests (e.g., men prefer more realistic occupations; see Su, Rounds, & Armstrong, 2009).
There is also evidence that when individuals’ interests align with their choice of occupation, they
tend to hold lower turnover intentions and so are less likely to leave (Van Iddekinge, Roth,
Putka, & Lanivich, 2011). Therefore, it is plausible that any correlation between sex and attrition
within a given job or occupational context may be better explained by theories of person-job fit
(e.g., attraction-selection-attrition; see Schneider, 1987) rather than unintentional or illicit
discrimination. Such circumstantial covariation could give rise to the appearance of adverse
impact where there is none. Unfortunately, attrition modelers would not realize this without
conducting the appropriate tests and research. Lastly, as the organization would like to capitalize
on the benefits of attrition modeling while the cause(s) of adverse impact is being investigated
further (or even if they are not being investigated further), they can simply remove all factors
from the attrition model that give rise to a statistically significant assessment of adverse impact
7 We say ‘probably’ because, depending on the particular application in question, it is possible for an attrition
modeler to fail to detect adverse impact when it is occurring at one’s organization and use a model on that basis. If
the model is applied to thousands of employees, the decisions could cause adverse impact in practice. This suggests
that adverse impact assessments should be part of the process of checking in to see if the attrition models employed
are producing desired outcomes.
just to be safe. While this will reduce the utility of the model that is used, this step should allow
the organization to reap the benefits of attrition modeling without violating employment law.
We think it would be legally unwise for attrition modelers to ignore protected class
information in their work. As attrition modeling is, indeed, a relatively quick win for an analytics
team, there could be a pressure to play fast and loose with an organization’s data. I/O
psychologists, perhaps unlike the data scientists with whom they may work, should be proactive
in ensuring that employment laws are not violated in delivering a quick win. If an organization
has expressed a commitment to diversity and inclusion, then leveraging this prior commitment
may help convince business leaders that protected class information should be considered at the
outset of one’s work. Indeed, three field studies and an experiment by Mayer, Ong, Sonenshein,
and Ashford (2019) suggests that when organizations have expressed a commitment to diversity
and inclusion, obliging moral action (i.e., asking what an organization with a commitment to
diversity and inclusion should do) could help sell these issues to business leaders.
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Guenole, N. (2018, July). Better the devil you know? Opportunities and risks with 21st century
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Guenole, N., Ferrar, J., & Feinzig, S. (2017). The power of people: Learn how successful
organizations use workforce analytics to improve business performance
. Indianapolis, IN:
Cisco Press.
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O’Neil, C. (2016). Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data increases Inequality and
Threatens Democracy
. New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group.
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Schneider, B. (1987). The people make the place. Personnel Psychology
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Schwager v. Sun Oil Co. of Pa., 591 F.2d 58 (10th Cir. 1979)
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... The current paper expands upon recent commentaries on attrition modelling (e.g. Castille & Castille, 2019;Speer et al., 2019) by providing deeper discussion and an applied demonstration of the complexities involved when dealing with group differences in attrition scores, including the need to test for alternative models with less adverse impact but similar validity. This paper is applicable to both researchers and practitioners, as it examines the conditions and strategies for discrimination testing and for establishing validity evidence for attrition models. ...
... high potential identification). Although Castille and Castille (2019) broadly discuss group differences with attrition models, the current paper provides a much more detailed look at these issues at a level of specificity that is necessary for practitioners to responsibly perform attrition modelling. Such a focus is important both in terms of maintaining legal protection when using attrition models and other data-driven HR models, but also to ensuring that companies are achieving their diversity goals. ...
... As noted by Castille and Castille (2019), attrition algorithms, if used to determine employment decisions, may be subject to civil rights laws. Within the United States (US), employment decisions, as originally outlined in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and since codified via case law and other legislation, cover a swath of employment practices and conditions of employment such as hiring, promoting, compensating, terminating and other general conditions or privileges of employment. ...
Full-text available
Attrition models combine variables into statistical algorithms to understand and predict employee turnover. People analytics teams and external vendors use attrition models to offer insights and to develop organisational interventions. However, if attrition models or other data‐driven models inform employment decisions, model scores may then be subjected to civil rights laws and diversity concerns resulting from group differences in scores. This paper discusses adverse impact when building attrition models, outlining how researchers test for adverse impact in this context, strategies to reduce group differences and how attrition modelling and other human resources ‘big data’ predictions fit within larger validity frameworks. Procedures were applied to field data in an applied demonstration of an attrition model with disparate impact. Model revisions resulted in adverse impact reductions while simultaneously maintaining model validity. Collectively, this paper provides timely attention to important aspects of the people analytics, turnover and legal domains.
Full-text available
Attrition modeling is a direct application of extant turnover research that can favorably impact workforce planning and action planning. However, while academic research enables practitioners insights into understanding turnover phenomena, there is no single document that comprehensively translates this work to give guidance as to the many practical decisions that must be made when modeling turnover, as well as how to apply psychological research to messier operational data. This focal article introduces and provides guidance on attrition modeling by outlining early considerations when planning a study, describing how to mesh theory with operational considerations when identifying turnover predictors within organizational settings, highlighting analytical strategies to model turnover, and considering how to appropriately share results. Collectively, this article serves as a guide to conducting attrition modeling within organizations and offers suggestions for future research to inform best practices.
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We examine the effectiveness of economic and moral language used by employees when selling social issues to management. In contrast to prior work finding that employees believe it is best to use economic language to influence management to address social issues, we draw on the issue selling, persuasion, and behavioral ethics literatures to demonstrate that moral language is actually most influential-especially when the language is framed to align with the organization's values and/or mission. The results from a combination of 3 field survey studies and 1 experimental vignette study provide support for this hypothesis. In addition, we find support for obligation (i.e., manager's anticipated guilt), rather than inspiration (i.e., manager's prosocial motivation), as a mediator of this interactive effect. We discuss implications for literatures on issue selling, persuasion, and behavioral ethics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).
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A framework for understanding the etiology of organizational behavior is presented. The framework is based on theory and research from interactional psychology, vocational psychology, I/O psychology, and organizational theory. The framework proposes that organizations are functions of the kinds of people they contain and, further, that the people there are functions of an attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) cycle. The ASA cycle is proposed as an alternative model for understanding organizations and the causes of the structures, processes, and technology of organizations. First, the ASA framework is developed through a series of propositions. Then some implications of the model are outlined, including (1) the difficulty of bringing about change in organizations, (2) the utility of personality and interest measures for understanding organizational behavior, (3) the genesis of organizational climate and culture, (4) the importance of recruitment, and (5) the need for person-based theories of leadership and job attitudes. It is concluded that contemporary I/O psychology is overly dominated by situationist theories of the behavior of organizations and the people in them.
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A common belief among researchers is that vocational interests have limited value for personnel selection. However, no comprehensive quantitative summaries of interests validity research have been conducted to substantiate claims for or against the use of interests. To help address this gap, we conducted a meta-analysis of relations between interests and employee performance and turnover using data from 74 studies and 141 independent samples. Overall validity estimates (corrected for measurement error in the criterion but not for range restriction) for single interest scales were .14 for job performance, .26 for training performance, -.19 for turnover intentions, and -.15 for actual turnover. Several factors appeared to moderate interest-criterion relations. For example, validity estimates were larger when interests were theoretically relevant to the work performed in the target job. The type of interest scale also moderated validity, such that corrected validities were larger for scales designed to assess interests relevant to a particular job or vocation (e.g., .23 for job performance) than for scales designed to assess a single, job-relevant realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional (i.e., RIASEC) interest (.10) or a basic interest (.11). Finally, validity estimates were largest when studies used multiple interests for prediction, either by using a single job or vocation focused scale (which tend to tap multiple interests) or by using a regression-weighted composite of several RIASEC or basic interest scales. Overall, the results suggest that vocational interests may hold more promise for predicting employee performance and turnover than researchers may have thought.
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The magnitude and variability of sex differences in vocational interests were examined in the present meta-analysis for Holland's (1959, 1997) categories (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional), Prediger's (1982) Things-People and Data-Ideas dimensions, and the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) interest areas. Technical manuals for 47 interest inventories were used, yielding 503,188 respondents. Results showed that men prefer working with things and women prefer working with people, producing a large effect size (d = 0.93) on the Things-People dimension. Men showed stronger Realistic (d = 0.84) and Investigative (d = 0.26) interests, and women showed stronger Artistic (d = -0.35), Social (d = -0.68), and Conventional (d = -0.33) interests. Sex differences favoring men were also found for more specific measures of engineering (d = 1.11), science (d = 0.36), and mathematics (d = 0.34) interests. Average effect sizes varied across interest inventories, ranging from 0.08 to 0.79. The quality of interest inventories, based on professional reputation, was not differentially related to the magnitude of sex differences. Moderators of the effect sizes included interest inventory item development strategy, scoring method, theoretical framework, and sample variables of age and cohort. Application of some item development strategies can substantially reduce sex differences. The present study suggests that interests may play a critical role in gendered occupational choices and gender disparity in the STEM fields.
Better the devil you know? Opportunities and risks with 21st century assessment. Presented at the CognitionX, Goldsmiths
  • N Guenole
Guenole, N. (2018, July). Better the devil you know? Opportunities and risks with 21st century assessment. Presented at the CognitionX, Goldsmiths, University of London.
The power of people: Learn how successful organizations use workforce analytics to improve business performance
  • N Guenole
  • J Ferrar
  • S Feinzig
Guenole, N., Ferrar, J., & Feinzig, S. (2017). The power of people: Learn how successful organizations use workforce analytics to improve business performance. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press.
Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
  • C O'neil
O'Neil, C. (2016). Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy. New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group.